2017 SLS World Championship: Los Angeles, CA | MEN'S SUPER CROWN FINAL | Full Broadcast

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hello and welcome to Los Angeles California it's the birthplace of skateboarding and there is a skate spot on every corner and with the perfect weather that's why it's the home to so many legends and pros and tonight you'll be seeing eight of the world's best here at the 2017 SLS Nike SB super crown World Championship live from the Galen Center thank you so much for joining us everyone I'm Paul zitzer alongside this skate legend right here Geoff Rowley in the 2013 Super Crown champ Chris Cole tonight is the super crown finals the top eight skaters in the world going for the title and the big story its Nyjah Huston he's been in six super crowns he's won two of them but a week ago he was in the hospital suffered a massive slam with the concussion and the question is Chris coming into this event so much pressure how does an injury affect him and how is he going to deal with it I mean we're talking about Nyjah Huston here he's been in this level for so long like you said countless super crowns countless 3-week wins I feel like as long as his body holds up and does what he wants it to do he's gonna be a top contender either way because it is nice to do something it is gonna be interesting to see how he does on this course though he has an injury and usually has those tricks that go one step further than the next guy bigger rail bigger gap outs there's not really anything like that that I can see here for him and he's injured so how's that gonna play out we will find out but Nyjah is not the only skateboarder here tonight there's seven other of the best skaters in the world who are you looking at who's one of your picks I'm looking at Louie Lopez I mean he started the year with the Tampa Pro win which got him in qualified him into this super crown right now he's at a fantastic you can rip it on the streets he's put up great video parts quietly progressing traditionally trained a great course for Louie to shine on so I've got my own him I always like the underdog - Louie's got the skills I'm looking at Louie Lopez yeah back there interesting pick though Louis Lopez how about you Chris I mean if you look at any force you have to think about Shane O'Neill but this course in particular really wins to a technical ability like the skater somebody who's very technical and that's Shane's forte he's probably the most technical skater that the world has ever seen and I feel like it's gonna be a shame show plus he's the defending Super Crown champ from last year so we're gonna see how it all plays out but first for more on the Nyjah Huston story let's send it down to Andrew cannon I'm down here on the course with Nyjah Huston Najee you've had a crazy couple weeks a little bit of injuries going on how are you feeling going into this comp I'm pretty beat up right now I'm not gonna lie I don't even know if my head's all there if I actually feel okay though for getting a concussion and having a seizure and all that hectic stuff I feel like all right but kind of tweaked my ankle and then yesterday was practicing board hit my heel bruised heel so I'm just I'm all messed up right now does it make you nervous or does that not really bother you're just more focused um I mean it sucks I would say the main thing it affects is not being able to like practice as much you know because I mean I'm not gonna be out here practicing for hours risking getting hurt more I mean he's kind of got to get through it you know I'm the type of person that's always down to get through a little pain to compete well best of luck to you and we're excited to see what you bring to the course today thanks so much Andrew cannon let's take a look at our previous champions in the super crown 2012 those Nyjah Huston 2013 Chris Cole yeah Chris 2014 nyjah in 2015 it was kelvin author and last year's champ Shane O'Neill and let's take a look at this year's winners and Louie Lopez came in hot at Tampa Pro he won it Barcelona Pro Open was handled by Nyjah Huston followed up again in Munich and then last month in Chicago who was - Sean Jordan and now it's time for our skater intros the top eight skateboarders here in the world - Sean Jordan a year ago he was an amateur skateboarder trying to differentiate himself at Tampa AM he won it he qualified for the Pro Open he did great there and he is here in the super crown it is an incredible journey and next up we have Louie Lopez from Hawthorne California but that win earlier in the year Tampa that got him into this super crown today great skateboarder see loo next in Carlos Riviera I mean this guy has always has a smile on his face he's out there he's ripping he's killing practice he has a specific method to all of his tricks talked with him about it and I really feel like he's catching his stride this year and then we have Tiago Lemos a man with the most insane hop in the world right now from Brazil putting up some insane street pots just blown everybody's mind let's see what he's got today yet Tiago and Torey Pudwill aka teapots the most veteran sls grow without a win he's got plenty of seconds his last super crown appearance was 2014 he's flair flash can't wait to see what teapot Springs and then we got Kelvin Hoffler 2015 Super Crown champ he got broke off last year missed most of 2016 but he's back with a vengeance this year and he is in the super crowd trying to get another Super Crown win Shane O'Neill comes up next the most technical skater in the world most technical scare the world has ever seen in fact I think that he could win every single stop he seems to flow he's the most precise you're right he does seem to flow might his feet in the business and Nyjah Huston none other than I mean the most fierce competitor that we've seen thus far I mean wins all the time and you know what he's good for the slam - he takes the slam and I think even through this injury he's just one to watch absolutely let's talk about how this contest works with the basics presented by Nike SB there are two sections to Streatley the run section and best-trick so two 45-second runs followed by five best-trick attempts the top four scores count anywhere on the course that's it easy take a look at tonight's start Lucinda Shawn Jordan will be coming at first followed by Louie Lopez Carlos Ribeiro Tiago Lemos T puds Kelvin Hoefler Shane O'Neill and Nyjah Huston making the cut presented by Monster Energy DeSean Jordan he's a guy qualifying here into the Super crown he won Tampa AM to make it to the Barcelona Pro Open and then from there he just went wild I feel like once he landed that laser heel flip in Chicago that was the moment right there that was just it blew my mind and it really put him as like this guy's here to stay agreed so he is in the super crown as a rookie a year ago he was an amateur just trying to find his way now he's the star of the motivation 3 Chris you were the star motivation to here's this guy he's kept coming to take it away from you motivation 3 so here we go this at the super crown broad want us to DeSean turn is he may have just broken his board on the first trick did you see that tail flex how's that for a first trick though that frontside 360 Liv I mean wait us come out swinging this is I mean pretty rough but by that trait foot fifty tells me he may have actually broken his tail didn't quite get the puppy was looking for on that one maybe right yeah right cracked tail it's possible let's let's check out through this front side foot giving them trouble all through practice I was thinking it's harder when you miss your second trick right Chris is you're like just getting moving that really messes up the flow I think that's that's what happened here for DeSean they got that first trick take definitely either broke it or cracked array as you said I mean that thing flexed pretty far now he's checking it up on the deck right now checking his tail I'm pretty sure that that thing's works you should probably have a pig throw down on the ground switching out the next week Tushar Jordy gets a 5.5 Louie Lopez for his first ride winner around the screen and for Louie starts it up with a nice kickflip it's a back nose one combo from rocket three tricks already kickflip crook portraits putting together this guy's cardio's this is a good course for those it was really good at combos and also really good at just pulling tricks out of nowhere that he wasn't you weren't expecting to do I need to do I did not see that in practice at all that it seems like he was just winging her farts I quit because he knows he is coming out swinging on this run lots of tricks right playing that bass pointage and [Applause] two seconds that's the last trick right there what an incredible first run for Louie Lopez in the crowd down the crowd is screaming what's him yep good call Louie Lopez coming out putting it down just smashing tricks in there all over the course is that final fakie kickflip just hangs in lands it perfectly but start to run out of steam on that last one you get so many dang tricks lands a little bit forward but still pulls it off that is hard nine point one for Louie Lopez that's how you come out and handle business in the super crown Wow way to start it up that might be the highest score we've ever had for a first run now let me tell you about how this scoring pylon works below the skaters name are the run section and best-trick tabs the top four scores will be shown in white and the drop scores will show up in gray below that is the leaderboard the current skaters name is highlighted in white the leaderboard will update after every single score finally on the bottom tab you'll see the score the skater needs for the lead and if they can't take the lead you'll see the highest placing they can get with a score that's the pylon next up Carlos Ribeiro this is Carlos abate oh I'm from another lugar Brazil shout-out to all my family and homies back in Brazil it's gonna be fun let's get it skating in his first ever super crown first rung up to look at how we balance that v override against the co side-wheel just tweaking it just enough to just keep it perfectly balanced now this is a signature move from him and he still pulls it off although he didn't get the truck on and he told me before and practice that he thinks about it like he's just doing an a backside 180 nosegrind but he's just now he's in and then he can drop it into Smith we can do whatever out of that nollie back 180 it's pretty impressive it's a sweet method he also came to practice super late yesterday showed up four hours late to practice and just started handling business Wow that is risky you know but you know what like I always say you got a risk getting last in order to get first but look at that nollie kickflip noseslide I mean what most of this crowd would do to have that trick and that's just perfect scores in 7.2 a solid start not a perfect run so he can do better 20 time next in Tiago Lemos he's getting in his first Super Crown second-years an SLS bro never been on the podium back at change tonight he's gonna skate stuff that no one else is touching comes out with that switch backside lipslide in practice he was hitting all these obstacles going up them going the opposite way want to see that Wow look at that fly side fakie nosegrind didn't look that crazy that's a really difficult trick it's a really awkward trick you can't see anything starting off clean big long switchback tails like the whole way probably 20 feet he's the best in the world at those tricks he is good so much it's him unreal I love watching this guy's gaze one of my favorites absolute just powerhouse big old switch pop shove it [Music] for Thiago Motta number one so a couple of serious bangers but not it not a perfect run he knows when you drop bangers like that it doesn't have to be a perfect run to get a good score yeah he had some all good tricks in the Hansen tricks that we won't see other people and the spots we won't see other people really hitting that down thing so the judges will probably give him a high school eight point zero on a run with a couple of Falls that's incredible so we know that the judges are scoring on trick basis not not just rolling around doing a bunch of like easy tricks they want to see you push it they're doing a good job the judges number one here on the run section of the super crown still the skate last year's super crown champion O'Neill and Nyjah Huston we do not know what to expect we'll find out right after the hitting Nike SB super crown World Championship is presented by Nike SB [Music] let's check out this course this beautiful California skate park design course in the streetscape presented by Nike SB this super crown course at 125 and a half feet long by 52 feet wide has something for every type of skater less symmetrical than most SLS setups from the past it brings back the big rails with a nine stair set that has a slightly shorter Center gap or for the more technique line there's the bump over bar and Bank to square rail options moving to the middle section skaters can go for the standard ledge or for those who are really good at holding tricks they can try their luck by going up and over the top there's also this drawn out mellow a-frame ledge and a very long very tall flat bar finally moving to the far side of the course skaters can hit the user-friendly five stair hubbas or the ledge Bureau gap combo every single skater here tonight will be able to bring their best tricks to this course so no excuses and let the best skater win so Chris the pros cons about this course who's it gonna work for who's gonna work against I think it's gonna really work for Shane when he's playing on those little hub of ledges right there but also DeSean with the big gap we'll see I'm back t-pod's Torey Pudwill most veteran SLS Pro without a win he's had a second-place finish of the super crown in 2014 and he's put in a very little practice on this course he's another one he didn't show up yesterday he was Street skating a few days ago on hurt and hurt his heel so his heels a little bit funky but he's gained really good right now coming off the second place in Chicago we absolutely just hammered this skateboarding down and ripped but having a little bit of a hard time here in this first run and having a little bit of fun too and having a hard time half the fun too loosey-goosey you know that usually works for him though you know what I mean like he seems to have a good time and just when you think you can I'll always do something sick a crowd favorite too right absolutely big kids they love him I mean and he's such a personality he will almost forget how ripping he is when you when you meet him and you talk to him he's just he's so magnetic he's the most stoked guy all the time absolutely to point there it is and he's still smiling good enough for fifth place on that Kelvin Hoefler he's the only rookie who have ever won a super crown he did in 2015 that was a that was a crazy time we definitely work ready for that I'm down swinging Holly knows one that's heavy you know what's funny is yesterday in practice he had a run plant in the first 15 minutes and he was bright falling through it which actually people they figure out a run he's already just a lot of good tricks could have been doing that homework looking at the course we call the contest what I got here he is another guy with runs where he always puts together some really bang and run so you can never count him out this is a good forum too it's got all the kind of obstacles where he can kind of switch up the combos do a really gnarly big rail tricking and a really technical Hobart trick [Applause] beautiful that's video part tricks in Iran that was insane that was my favorite trick of the entire err what fake me yea though I walk fake you is sweet as that slow-mo into that nollie nose bluntslide if you're going for wheel graphics you got them and there's that final trick to close out the run the kickflip brung blum fakie that is unbeliev keeping everybody on their toes with that one tie you impress judges eight point four so his score suffering a little bit because of the fall but he's right up there in the mix second place and moving on down the line last year's super crown champion oatmeal he's got the tricks to win anywhere he goes like you said Chris it's all about what he does out here he's got a bake up it's absolutely true he just doesn't believe that he's as good as he actually is he wants to do tricks that he thinks are worthy and his throwaway tricks are worthy of nine quarters so let's see what he does I mean he is just so gifted he can jump he can float and he's just like a surgeon with that foot and for how technically technically is he's actually pretty dang gnarly too right like some of those rail tricks that he does no way that rails as big as it actually is I mean he just did a switch head front board in his run like he's probably the only dude out there that would do that trick at all more a technical run hi goodness keep going we all want to watch more yes we'll watch all day that's the guy that nollie back heel down wallenberg yo he did do that he did do that look at that that's a perfect nollie front board but there we go that's the meat potatoes of the run right there so I quit from bored perfect landing a score of 8.4 interesting score little bit low that was exceptional we're gonna see right here tonight - houston we talked about this trials and tribulations over the last couple weeks this is it this is the super crown flip it all on the line Nyjah Huston I mean after his gnarly slam he was he was talking about how his ankle hurt more than his head while he stayed in practice but he seems to work it out it's his front ankle which is hard to flick on but he seems to have figured it out he'll just push through the pain and he's skating really good as usual here he goes ripping through I mean when Naja doesn't skate well it's so and imagine that bats here wagon see where it's like oh yeah I'm just like I'm so good he's you know he's he's steering away from as many flip tricks as he normally does so that he can protect that ankle but he's got the chops he's got more moves he doesn't always have to put this board he's got all these spins all of like all the handrail tricks and he understands oldish strategy that is an awkward one he answered our question which is is he gonna come out make it happen yes he is so he needs a 9.2 for first place let's see nine point zero judges feel it Luiz run more so that nyjah's Louie with a nine point one look at that luff in backside Smith and he also had the backside three backside 270 lip and a full cap front board and that's when he knows we're in the hubba I mean look at that that was sweet so many tricks and there's that final trick the cab it's a front board yourself a key it's doing incredible big rail tricks in the run along with a big long flat rail trick lots of good combos well we have had a lot of amazing champions here at the super crown the last few years who is it going to be this year 2011 it was Sean Malto it's just a kid look 2012 guess who Nyjah Huston no problem Chris Cole talked us through this one - I remember it how did that feel excellent I go yesterday look now I do got a second super crowd waited 2014 has not won super crown since 2015 it was all Hoffler he just hammered it and then last year Shane oatmeal and the question is this year who is it gonna be we'll find out tonight welcome back to the 2017 SLS Nike SB super crown World Championship take a look at the current standings Louise Lopez in first place with a nine point one Nyjah Huston in second killing it though Shane O'Neill out there what do you think about these results are so far guys I think these are these are really solid they're gonna stand through these are the type of scores that you want when you have your for later you need these I think we're gonna see it keeping going up and up and up these guys are already setting such a high standard right with their first runs the best guys in the world this is super crown there's no holding back you don't hold back you need Knights to win super crown the Shawn Jordan is in seventh place this is his second run Wow comes out swinging front 270 whip he did break his board he changed it in the meantime and now it seems to be working great for him a lot of times you're brand new grip tape on your brand new board it kind of messes with you you won't kind of want to break that in but he seems to be doing quite good with it I mean maybe I just jinxed him that happens he is ripping through it put together great run so far than that that fall and then there's that frontside kick if he keeps getting caught mom go up on that frontside kickflip man maybe like somebody should have told him oh wow going for Showtime going for the laser heel in the run trying to recapture some of that right I'll go magic well I think that he realized that god I've had a couple false you know what I need a big trick in order to get that big score in that front 270 whip looked like the bore was this food to his feet that was snowboarding tre foot 50 both trucks were on excellent yeah I mean those tricks are good first point five not a great score he's gonna have to go to best trick and put it down that's true it's hard that it's hard to climb out Louie Lopez 9.1 high score the day so far coming in for his second run just trying to keep it going first guy in the contest it comes right out with a nine to get the same run again at one who's gonna switch it up look out driven is great to see yes nice take kickflip Louie a local boy from holes on just down the road from the event a lot of people would rather start on that look at the way he's games and slide 270 seems to just know his board so well there's so many tricks his go-to he's just doing tricks Valerie Lopez he can switch here barely talking so at the end without second to go the judges should be easy on that I would I would tend to agree yeah also he was running directly into a Hubble edge so [Applause] because he is stoked right now what do you think about that score coming out with two nines think about it first guy in the contest just bashing out to nine skating ripping thanks dialing it to that nine point four is tied for the highest score of the year Wow I mean that's where you want to be that dude's head right now he's feeling great he is feeling really good about that and hey moving it on the best trick for him he is the highest best trick consistency of anyone out here tonight so it's about to get serious for Louie all right let's move it along Carlos Ribeiro it for his second run hitting us with that frontside 5o grind again just balancing it that one doesn't make sense to a lot of people you know what's crazy about that trick is that is his trick he does that that moves so well he did it in practice repeatedly but man it's just hard to throw it down when you've got this many eyes on units goes quiet but apparently he's he's still good for us I mean he's always skating with a smile and I mean he's put out great video parts but as far as contests go this is his year skated really good in Munich absolutely really really good really good on hope is like the one he's hitting now gots a lot of really sick tricks on gloves like that that's true and although like although he's down the seventh the seven is nothing to scoff at by any means and once he goes into the best trick part he's good for the tricks as that nollie kickflip noseslide I mean that was dialed you know what's surprising about that now a front crook is it's not as far tweaked out as I'd expect it to be he seems to balance it like pinched a kind of shallow Carlos with a 6.6 he moves up in the second place he's only one of three skaters with two scores on the board so far Tiago Lemos in next this guy some of the hardest tricks out of the course it's got to stay on got to make long interesting to see his approach and this it looks like he's hitting the same same line I think that if he lands all the tricks from that same line that score will be really good you know and I mean we've seen him do it in practice and I mean he's just one of my favorites you get to watch him and it's reminiscent of a Brazilian technical Mike Maldonado [Applause] yeah definitely a very unique way of skating and approach to skating skates all of the big stuff all the awkward stuff to hit this course is almost too small for him and that's right it could probably call way up everything in this place stands that was after time again Iago putting in a few amazing tricks with falling a few times you don't want to give the judges anything to score you owe a pal you know you don't want to give an excuse for a low score because they can only say well it did fall right you know scores in 7.0 he's laughing at that one it's good score Nike SB wants you to upload your best trick clips to Instagram for a chance to be featured on their website show yourself an action to tag them with at Nike SB or hashtag check me SB Louie Lopes with two nines on the board already but still to skate Nyjah Huston and Shane O'Neill your reigning Super Crown champ welcome back to the SLS Nike SB super crown so four attempts in the run section I'd like to go t-pod's currently down at eighth place the two point three like we said he's injured he didn't get a lot of practice struggled on his first run but anything can happen with t-pod's on the course it's absolutely true I mean he tries every single trick with 100% conviction as though he had no clue that it wasn't going to work out beany never stays on that's the style keep it loose keep it real would keep it lean to me he's running that back grizzly griptape marble collab right now really into the spider-man stuff man after you get a couple Falls but you don't notice is every time you fall you start hyperventilating you start panicking your muscles panic and you start jumping up you have to get off the ground multiple times and run to get faster and it just drains you man t-pod's 4.3 so it's an improvement from his first run but both of those scores are gonna have to go and best trick next up Kelvin Hoffler my name is Kevin hofland I'm from Sao Paulo Brazil and we are here at super crown 2017 here in Los Angeles shutout all my friends back home in Brazil yeah Kelvin he's at an amazing 2017 placed 3rd 3rd 5th and 9th 2015 super crown champ see if he can one-up that last run together whoa and he does he's going though I feel like when Kelvin learned the trick it's like downloaded for life yeah and then he can take it into a run yes a hard drive right that's it and then it's just like oh that would that would be perfect right there you know what my favorite move out of his though it oh that's a bummer over-rotated trade foot but my favorite move out of his is that full cab backside tailslide on handrails I mean what a cool-looking move it's so hard downloaded yeah you know training skills too and the Brazilian Flags come out in the audience always loved the pride of the Brazilians their passion bubbles close to the surface nice background show kina be both a shout out to Jim Depot deluxe crew legend Calvin Hoffler eight point seven judges are feeling it even with the 360 flip fall struggling a little bit in a couple areas of course eight point seven is a huge score Calvin hofler moves into second place and Shane O'Neill just needs no introduction let's just sit back see what he's got come on oh oh that's exactly let's just see what he's got right now we all get to watch it's our tree because I was first to tricks such an unusual move here he comes he just wants to make everything this time he knew that now a crook worked before he even always the surgeon the surgeons in oh and if you can get one more banger in right here this is an exceptional rockin that be every go Louie 9.4 on his last run what do you think shade should score with that run that run I'm saying 95 94 I think maybe the Icarus on that absolutely that was just ballistic actually it might even be more that was ridiculous if there's any problem with it he made it look too easy he just made it look too easy that it's a problem of his to good his skateboarding is like a girl who's so beautiful the other girls don't like her you know like is skating is so good that it all the time say is just incredible Louie Lopez still up on top with an 8-point 18.5 shader deal in second with the 1786 warming up now Nyjah Huston in for his second run he had a 9.0 on his first run you know what I find about him though is he definitely pulls punches in his front is his first run and then always ups it in the second run he knows what he has to do and he knows surprising the judges is a great way to up the score so if he gets a base of a nine and a couple tricks and then he knows what he's getting Wow look at him just dialing it in right now just been in that backside 360 live yeah none of this has been hard for him yet lots of tricks though lots of tricks absolutely that roll in right there is actually really difficult it's really difficult to get your right speed drop your board it's quick and you don't know whether you should push again or not and that woke it that was right on the buzzer Pole it's debatable debatable so a week ago that dude right there Nyjah Huston was in the hospital head spin around eyes growing in the back of his head and look at him tonight 9.2 runs up or two exciting nightclubs four days out here already in the run sections to you hammer them down the run sections right Jeff I mean dude run nines are rough man they are rough and you're watching them happen right now I mean this doesn't normally go down like this this is a great ko so for that though is very well well-balanced 9.2 for Nyjah second place 3/10 behind Louie speaking of Louie he kicked off the 2017 SLS season when a huge win at the Tampa Pro beating a field that included legends like Nyjah and Shane O'Neill hey Geoff Rowley you're not the only one who thinks the super crown world champion might be a Louie's future there's this story everybody knows Louie's super good I mean he's insane you never know with a real young kid what they're gonna develop into dad I know what I want to be when I grow up gonna be a professional skater I was really uh I was like five years old I figure out my first board I remember like nice and go to sleep with a board next to me like there's two crazy stuff I will pull them out of school to take your skateboarding what are you doing at school today ah we're just reading dad all right at lunchtime we'll go get you price seven that's price seven when I met Louie I would just go out and skate with him and just get frustrated he just show up at a spot and then I like have like four tricks and you just like rattle off a thousand things sometimes you have to nurture Italian health and girl into the person they can be be like you know this kid is gonna do it he's gonna be one of the greatest and it's really rad to see him actually start to live up to those premonitions [Music] whatever Louie's gonna do on a skateboard it's gonna be epic welcome back to Los Angeles California and there he is founder of Street League skateboarding Rob Dyrdek's a legend in the house great to see them out here thank you rob take a look at our current standings Louie Lopez up on top with an 18 point 5 going at the best-trick followed by Nyjah Huston and Shane O'Neill and before we kick off best trick going down to Andrews can and who's down with the skaters he's got the scoop Andrew yeah we're down here on the course and one of the most awesome things we've seen the two highest scores combined ever Louis Lopez leading the pack right now but it's all about strategy as we move into these next five attempts Louis said he knows what he's gonna do is he's a little nervous about it but he's excited to get into it Nyjah Huston looking seemingly unaffected even though he's been dealing with a little bit of injury over this last week but he's skating really well I talked to Shane O'Neill earlier Shane said his goal was to get two solid scores on the board make him feel a little better moving into the best-trick attempts so we'll see if he's feeling good or not obviously you've got multiple nines on the board ahead of him so I'm really excited to see what Shane brings to the course right now back to you guys what do you think what do you guys think is gonna happen out here I think we're about to see some ripping skateboarding a lot of dudes on the big section right now and a lot of really interesting trick combinations like whoooo PES just pull down right now alright so once again so we understand how this works let's take a look at the basics presented by Nike SB there's two sections to Street League we already saw the run section now we got five best-trick attempts and out of the overall seven scores the top four scores of the day count [Applause] so the order of skaters has been updated to reflect the current standings t-pod at eight eighth place is going to be coming in first he's way down in a and he's gotta put down at least four hammers he can certainly do it we know that this is his forte the single trick seat tends to do a lot better like that nollie kickflip boardslide did anyone see that coming Wow man he tried that in practice repeatedly and missed it repeatedly but if if Torey Pudwill is good at anything it's surprising and pulling it when he needs to sometimes pressure can be a good thing lean is a whistle to 8.5 that's a great start to climb back up into the lead T puds alright moving right along the shark Jordan coming in in seventh place oh ho go for the bigger flip to frontside boardslide Carlos Ribeiro Zinn he's a four point eight to take the lead oh man it's like with those technical tricks like a switchback noseblunt it's just it's so hard to make that work out when you need it to juggle a mouse trying to get onto the podium for the first time ever in his two-year SLS career that's how you do it that's how you get those nines right there yep the only way to get nines is to try tricks that are worth nine so it seems like at this point invest trick strategies out the window it's all about you got a hammer it's all laid down right everybody needs knowledge the obvious super crown best skaters in the world want to see the best tricks in the world right now Calvin that full catback sale we were talking about man it's just that's my favorite Kelvin move so look 8.4 8.7 in the run section already in this I mean what's this that's what he wants he wants that that's another high score and just really cushion that 8.9 that's a great that's a great deal right there that's heavy so Kelvin moves into the lead for now but the leaderboard is gonna switch up a lot until everybody has four scores on the board Shane O'Neill he's in needs an 8.5 for first oh wow what a hard trick that is switch big foot front board he might be the only dude that can even do it I've agree on that wholeheartedly usually the only guy in the world who does it totally and it's like I need a nine let me try this Oh yikes so Nyjah Huston got a nine and a nine point two he needs to make to at least two of his remaining four attempts Louie Lopez needs a 7.6 take the lead back think he was going for that half cap 50/50 so what kind of strategy should Louie put into place going forward does he need to does he just need to make tricks or does he need to turn it way up I mean I think that he I think you always need to turn it way up you know what I mean like you can't just phone at home all right t-pod's back on deck checking out the gap number best trick attempt to five is in fifth place what do you think back three nollie backside kick no kickflip you're right go of it because that's what I would have done I mean if you have a back three whack Torey Pudwill throw it back three not only is that what you would have died saw you do that same trick yesterday and practice like it was nothing well look because they work out nice execution of that yeah burly stays on the hats like I'm staying here you were making this let's do this can't believe the hat stayed on during it back three to his hair that's how good he is at back 3's though the head to head doesn't move yeah DeSean Jordan needs a six point six for third things are really starting to go south for DeSean Jordan right now I think that you'd start figuring out what you should do right do I try this again am I gonna make it or do I just go with a different strategy what was my second pick what was my next trick get that a go because you don't want to waste too much time on that same move right Carlos Ribeiro in seventh place he's an 8.8 to move in a second no it's just not locking in oh what a bummer but again change up that trick he's got the switch heel 5o switch he'll sniff through those go get those Chaka needs a 7.62 move in a second currently in sixth place Wow I mean that would have done it he was almost too high over the rail I know that rail is just that rail can't handle him he made that chick right in practice right before the final start yeah pretty pretty quickly sometimes those things you can do it though that's actually gay rods method save the male till he saves a make for the current leader Kelvin so 2015 Super Crown champ missed almost all last year and this has been his year of redemption is killing it Shane O'Neill reigning champ he needs an 8.5 for first he can get that like making oh I mean that's put the pressure right hey to tell you a little bit of backstory on Shane though he always if he's lucky he makes two of his five best-trick attempts he always uses his two of his run scores and he might make two best-trick attempts and if he makes it he's probably gonna win if he doesn't that's not gonna work tricks are too hard Oh hide you having a tough time in that rail Wow I feel like there it's only been three makes so far in two best-trick attempts and we're at the bottom of the second attempt when Louie Lopez he's in third place he needs two more scores he's in a great position but he needs a seven point six right here [Music] unique trick absolutely unique takes us skating at handrail nobody else would have done that and he did it I think the judges don't like it too they love them so far right it's not boring it's something new it's something different I think they're gonna score them accordingly look at that you have to pop so far away from the handrail to make sure that that tail doesn't scoop underneath the rail but then you still have to be laying on the same side you took off so you don't just transfer straight over 8.14 Louie Lopez moves him back into the lead and that's all for attempt number two of best trick three more attempts left this super crowd course is getting worked and you want to skate SLS course on your phone well true skate is the official mobile game of Street League skateboarding download the SLS courses today three more attempts to go when we come back after this will we have a new super crowd champ we'll find out super crown is I mean it's the main one it's where everybody really goes in and they soar like things really heat up at the super condo that's the final stop of the season Los Angeles crowds are hype you know they're always coming in hot just super kind is just where the most intensity is yeah it's crazy to think like I have a secured spot with like everyone that's basically like you know I guess the part of it that makes the super crown special is kind of getting there in the first place skating is not one of those things where you can go to a contest and be so confident in winning all the time you know like it's too technical like any little thing can happen out there and all those guys are way too good to go into a contest me like I'm gonna win this one I'm gonna win that one one one last year and that was like a super intense contest it wasn't one of those ones where like I've know occasionally you can kind of run away with it it wasn't like that abilities to get down to the wire a super cool show I thought I got lucky without I'm looking forward to it I'm really stoked on it I'm hyped in LA again all my friends here to come out Lance Mouse talk about your LA legends Lance mountain got this ENSO back there we got mad furniture we got jeremy Fox talking to the last mountain you heard of flip skateboards that's Jeremy fun Hey look at that little Wayne platinum-selling recording harvest easy and baby right that's a less fan you see him out here he's everywhere let's take a look at our current standings here after best-trick attempt to Louie Lopez up on top Jeff's pick 26.6 followed by Kelvin Hoffler 2015 Super Crown champion T puds up a third Nyjah with an 18 point two right now down a fourth ball by Shane O'Neill Thiago Carlos at the Shawn Jordan guys what do you think about the current standings Jeff that's interesting I mean living some tough of the leader for but it's anybody's game still man there's still a few more goes what do you think Chris I mean until people put down four scores you don't you never know I mean Louie's got who's got some good ones but I mean what if he doesn't get what if it doesn't get the fourth that's a true story and it's been kind of a bail fest the best-trick there's only been four makes out of 16 tries t puds is in [Applause] the ledge popping out early that was sweet man I was sweet look at him he just puts it down when he has to and the crowd loves him that should get a pretty good score I would say going oh that is a look back Smith sourly which is even crazier Hey [Applause] t-pod's with a 9.0 even so teapots getting the drop a two point three out of his four score line up the good start Deshawn Jordy he's in eighth he's got a lot of work to do [Applause] let's warm up just for staying on yeah just easy prey Jack toad okay yeah I mean to score it well the board didn't hold up he held up 360 flip front boy look at that the fakie that is wild this dudes just going through boards today yeah good thing he doesn't have to buy them right 8.9 right so that's worth it be that tricks ridiculous nobody else is doing it absolutely it's a lot to go wrong so deshawne bumps up into fourth for now next in Carlos Ribeiro he's in eighth place hopefully he's changed up his his style and he does this switch heelflip move oh just nothing's working for him switch heel back Smith went down and practice like like nothing real easy like nothing good like all these dudes they all got it yeah it's just a man the pressures tiago he's an average of seven point one for first getting hung up on that trigger he was not happy maybe I'll just smash the board and then everything will be okay to crack the course in half yeah this is best trick attempt three super crown World Championship Kelvin Hoffler coming in next he has three huge scores on the board he's in third place it's a three point three to take the lead back Oh guys is struggling right now coming out so hot I think the pressure was so heavy early on maybe maybe this is where some people should go back to a strategy put some tricks down instead of trying to win with the next move I don't know I think so sometimes you know you win second place and sometimes you fall into first place I like that Wow Jade O'Neal yeah and then and then you do that right if you can if you can switch foot back lip you do that man what what a doctor of skateboarding that man is so Shane O'Neill just handling things I can't believe that that happens in a room with air in it eight point nine he's okay with that he does absolutely that's what I deserve Shane O'Neill moves into third place Nyjah needs an average five point six [Applause] talk about score what score should that get dude I mean nine point six it's I'm he has a nine point nine in his background for nine point three that's great score nine club I mean look at that I mean that that's a poster people will put that sequence as a poster on their wall that's his third nine see you know Louie came up with the two ninth straight I have the gate but nice is right there man right injury and all we're gonna means checking the stats he's checking the board he knows what he needs to do Nyjah Huston in second place three scores on the board Louie needs a 2.7 to take the lead right here that was so cool would never predicted that trick not just a manual throwing a kickflip manual throw and that's a high crook man out of a manual if they have a big steep tail and they're bored to even get a point five a point yeah that's some real Street right there judges you know guys should know better he may have touchdown popping out of that many I'm not sure I don't see a pole I don't know I'm gonna call the good the judges out okay Luise for get in the first place way up in the first place with four scores on the board look at that nine point one nine point four eight point five eight point one those are huge scores Tory bringing out the big guns right now big guns fourth best trick attempt of five this is coming once again we're coming down to the wire this is exciting it's exciting we need to see one of those torie nollie backside kickflip soar something like that oh-ho Wow grabs the beanie like that's reaction time right that dude's brain works quick and he looks super cool and that uh that spider-man number one MacFarlane comic-book graphic on his back right there it's pretty rad so t-pod with that zero cannot win tonight he's in second right now but that is most likely not gonna hold for long DeSean Jordan in sixth place needs an average nine point nine on his next two tries to move into the lead that is uh I mean in anything's possible and he has to just skate somebody else's board again it just keeps an eye awaiting board he needs did not break a board keep your boards away from this John he will break your board if you're in this contest keep record away oh my god yeah if you're in this contest do not let him go on your board he almost broke that board - I mean that's not his board so to even come that close to a trick that is spectacular so deshawne Jordan in six keeping it rolling Carlos Ribeiro he's averaged seven point eight for second place I think we all just want to see him make this we got our way what do you think that's worth that's a that is an insanely tech difficult impossible Trek even it's nine Club for sure yeah right on I would say he did it so easily though I wonder though guy playing down yes judges appreciate the switch he'll switch back Smith 9.1 high club look how cool that was dipped it nicely - yeah that's a video game laughing so clean man it's really cool look at them all smiles it is a nine fest here every Super Crown is a nine fest it's a previous super crown winning scores 36.4 in 2016 big scores I mean he's too powerful for that handrail I mean the dude has muscles on his face there we go next in Calvin Hoffler needs a 9.2 for first place can he do it can he do that what what do you think he should try cap backside nose blown that kind of thing he needs to speak because we're used to seeing them do the cap back tail you know the cap from cords those kinds too he needs to step it up from there that's how you'll get there what about this big spin folk down [Applause] gnarly way to pull it out when you need to all right what's that does that get Kelvin the 9.2 that he needs to move into first place above Louie I don't think so 8.8 you are right I mean it feels good to be scored well but when you need a 9.2 and that's just a really hard task yes it is Kelvin Hoefler second place currently with a 34.8 heat he only needs it well only 8.8 for first of his next go Shane O'Neill leads at 8.7 for first [Applause] outrageous [Applause] stance 360 flip double double flip again only do that can do it yeah I would have taken 99 that's his highest score of the year and couldn't have picked a better time that ties for the highest score of the year also 9.4 move Shane O'Neill in the first place that's how you do it man that's how you win super crowns it is heating up out here the super crowd nyjah huston two tries left right now he needs an 8.5 for first place well we know he can do that he does those in his sleep right yes sir we need one more absolute hammer from Nyjah Annie you know that trick yeah if there is too many moving parts to make that happen like what we just witness should not happen good did he catch that kickflip - so right on the money night so that was an absolute destructive skate trick and that was school of the year right there tonight - you said he was in the hospital a week ago look at this look at how it gets away from him for a second it goes a little bit further and his right foot barely gets back on the board see it right there but he pulls it off man he always pulls it off I swear to God he sees in slow motion did you see that little pat he gave to Louie after he'd made that it was almost like hey I know you were you were there you were in there for a minute but he okay Nyjah has 4/9 of tonight freak show Louie Lopez it's gonna come down to the last trick isn't it now it really is the average nine point three for first so you always want to see somebody make their last trick you want to see them make their you want to see them like well you feel the anticipation today yeah you just want to see them make the highlight reel you know what I mean whether they can win whether they can't win it doesn't matter you just want to see them real what's this like right now Chris you've been right here right on that last trick it's about to happen I mean it's the fifth and final attempts at best trick here at the super crown Shane O'Neill versus Nyjah Huston for the title when we come back Street League skateboarding Nike SB super crown World Championship has been presented by Nike SB and brought to you in part by Monster Energy guys this is the fifth and final trick this is the super crown World Championship here are your current standings Nyjah Huston just taking the lead back with a 37 overall that's insane Shane O'Neill the reigning Super crown champ at second followed by Louie Lopez in third place what I don't know what to say I'm speechless right now I mean what can Shane be thinking right now what am I going to do to regain this first place that's a great question there is only one skater who could take the take the win from Nyjah at this point and it is Shane O'Neill once again it comes down to Shane and Nigel everybody else is fighting for second third fourth bit t-pod's escape to 4th right now man that commitment he just landed grip tape on them on the railing nollie half-lift that fourth bet boards going out guys get that board crowd teapots he to the fans stoked no matter what fifth place is as good as tour it can do tonight DeSean Jordan needs an eight point four to take it away from him oh my goodness glad he's okay on that one so dis Shaun's insane 2017 has come to an end here tonight with a seventh place finish in the super crown what an amazing year he's had absolutely man it's been a pleasure watching him rip this year really come into his own he was going to the barracks you just doing runs at the barracks really taking it seriously out here it's awesome Carlos needs a six point four to move into fifth go nope what no we're staying in sixth place yet Tech will go home on that no anticipation no build up just like my turn droppin trick yeah I mean that was a cool trick right there that's how he picks up his board what a hero Joel Emma's coming in in eighth place needs an 8.0 to move up into sixth oh man thinking I just can't get over how many times he's just tried that and I watched him in practice just hammer out that and a hammer out another couple of rail tricks that were just as gnarly absent pressure right yeah it's just the pressure I mean he did it first try in practice actually the first Fleur coming into this attempt at fourth place needs at 9.6 to move in the second place regardless slammer land maker Bale he has had an amazing comeback this year 100% I mean to come back from an injury like this to trust your body like this and if he does the trick that I think he's gonna try and scores are gonna go he's stoked yeah take a shower rip it up throwing the crowd familiar run wild Kelvin that was a beautiful finish teapot is high point zero Kelvin ha or finishing with a bang some fast beat right the that's rat making the highlight reel that's what you want man and look at this Kelvin just moved on to the podium and Louie Lopez listen oh this is the last Gator here tonight who could potentially take the lead back from Nyjah Huston Shane O'Neill beats at nine point six the first place can he do that guy this is too much pressure man this is really hard he was your 2017 Super Crown champion nyjah huston his third Super Crown championship in his life get it back since 2014 that's gotta feel good he deserved that he absolutely smashed it Chris Wright Heat ridiculous went out there like I mean with the ankle with the head injury bike he went for this thing and I mean dude after all those bills on the nollie 180 nosegrind yeah we thought he might slip upon there for a second right like those are some of his like basics get points on it absolutely I thought that it just wasn't gonna work out no for no for tricks Nyjah Huston not even needing his last attempt and the end Louie Lopez still to go he needs a nine point zero to move back to the podium second place hey Luigi get a 9 all day long he wants second place I wanna form it's going to do it for Louie Lopez who's gonna finish in fourth place and John does prevail dinner is hyped such an exceptional progressive level that he just took it to right there with our champion all right I'm down here right now with Nyjah Huston Nyjah what does this victory mean to you after the week you've been having do it it means everything to me honestly I mean it's been a rough past week or two getting concussions and thanks to all the fans coming out LA you guys kill it hell yeah we just watched Nyjah Huston I smile ate this course look at Nyjah Huston 37.0 he's your winner followed by last year's super crown champion O'Neill with a 35.9 and Kelvin Hoffler on the podium of the super crown to the 35.4 [Music] and congratulations not only for the win Nyjah gets the monster highest score trick of the night highest score trick of the year not just the night nine point five Chris Cole doesn't think of that I mean that is just insane there's so much going on the the torque on your front foot on that he must have been in pain booking that thing out it almost got away but he pulled it because I swear he sees him so motion so once again congratulations goes out to all the skaters of the super crown it's been an incredible year but especially congrats go to Nyjah Huston for not only doing the highest score tricks on the night and the year but taking the super crown World Championships Chrissa for all of us Jeff Rowley Chris Cole Andrew cannon [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SLS
Views: 457,767
Rating: 4.8871331 out of 5
Keywords: SLS, Street League, Street League Skateboarding, skateboarding, World Championship, Super Crown, Nyjah Huston, Shane O'Neill, Kelvin Hoefler, Louie Lopez, Torey Pudwill, Carlos Ribeiro, Dashawn Jordan, Tiago Lemos
Id: mJzUgxXmB7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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