"Never Tell Me The Odds" Crazy Coincidences (Reddit 1 Hour Compilation)

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what's the most insane coincidence you've experienced I was once mugged by four guys on one of the main shopping streets of Nairobi Kenya one of the guys had me in a chokehold and just before I was about to pass out they dropped me and ran at the time I didn't know why 12 months later sitting on a beach on an island in Thailand I meet a British couple who did business in Kenya and we start to talk about how dangerous it was getting for foreigners they described an incidence the year before of turning a corner and seeing a white guy being mugged and a shopkeeper rescued him by hitting one of them over the head with a bat they were in the same street on the same day at the exact same time I was there it was me who they witness being mugged what are the odds of randomly beating up on a beach in Thailand a year later I sold my L SAT study books to a half-price bookstore two years later I found them on the bookshelf of the man I would later marry I live in Australia and I have for almost my whole life but I was born in Dubai every weekend in Dubai my mum would take me to the Hilton Beach Club and sit me in front of the pastry chef and eat we moved away from Dubai really early on so I don't even remember much fast forward to 17 years of age a new kid at school had just moved from a nearby town we became friends and we both loved cricket and we practiced a lot together my dad and I were giving him a lift home after we were practicing and dad asks where were you born and B says Dubai and the conversation continues and I say I was too etc then he says my parents used to be the pastry chefs at the Hilton Beach Club and this blew me away here we were 16 years later halfway across the world and I every weekend I sat in front of his parents and ate what they made for me to this day I still get goose bumps thinking about it I mean what are the chances a few years ago I into a cab heading out for the evening in downtown Toronto shortly after being dropped off I realized I left my phone in the cab I tried calling it with no luck I called the cab company but because I had flagged the cabin paid cash they had no real way of knowing which cab I was in I figured the phone was as good as gone went about my night many hours later and having moved around the city quite a bit I am ready to call it a night so flag another cab sitting in the back seat I start to think the driver looks familiar and realized that I'm in the same cab I took earlier he hasn't found a phone but I start looking anyways and sure enough there it is jammed in the seat me and my flip phone will happily reunited only for me to put it in a washing machine two days later an American friend of mine by the name of Tom took his family on vacation to check out an article he met an Australian guy named Paul on Christmas Day in Antarctica they didn't exchange contact info a year later Christmas Day they take their vacation to Machu Picchu he is looking down at a map when he hears hey Tom how the heck are you it was Paul taking his family on their annual trip as well that's just next-level stalking never could explain this pay phone incident Saturday night out with friends we decide to call my friend al to see if he wants to join us this was in England long before mobile phones so we had to use one of the iconic red phone booths but someone was already using it so we had to wait a few minutes guy leaves and we crammed in the booth now in those days in order to make a call you would first get a dial tone then call the number when the person answered you would hear a bunch of beats at which point you insert a coins so I pick up the phone but hear no dial tone I hang the phone up and try again still no dial tone seems to be still connected to the previous call I say hello to see if anyone is still on the line person answers hello it was my friend al he had just picked up his phone to make a call and somehow miraculously without even dialing his number we were connected we all went to the pub after and tried to figure out how the heck this happened but it remains a mystery if I did not have my friends with me at the time as witnesses I would have believed it was my mind playing tricks on me this is when you start believing The Truman Show is about you in 2004 I was 18 and on a three-week tour of Europe I was at the louver and had just experienced the cluster freak that was the Mona Lisa exhibit after looking at it for two minutes I started to wind her around aimlessly as I was walking an older couple asked if I knew how to get to the Mona Lisa exhibit I told them yes and because I'm horrible with directions I'd be happy to walk them there myself they were really nice and very appreciative that I was taking time to help them they asked me where I was from us in Nashville but I mentioned my parents were immigrants from Italy they told me they were from Portugal on anniversary we talked a bit more told them my name and they were really excited about since I shared the same name as their grandchild anyways we get to the exhibit and I go to part ways and shake their hands but get called in for two massive hugs and a kiss on the cheek they give me their address and say any time I'm in Portugal to stop by and I'll have a place to stay and eat we take a group photo and leave seven years later I'm in Munich for Oktoberfest I'm standing outside my hotel waiting for my friends when an older couple asketh I know how to get to the fairgrounds again I'm crap with directions so since I'm headed there I tell them they can just follow me and my friends again we start talking about where we are all from now I have a memory like an elephant and once they mentioned they're from Portugal I start to think maybe these are the same people I ask them if they have grandkids and they say they have six I ask if one of their names is historia Furman they look at each other sort of surprised and say yes they ask how do I know that and tell them that I had met them seven years prior in Paris at the Louvre the old lady gets really happy and starts crying and starts to hug me they say they remembered me now and asked why I never came to visit that they had our picture in a frame on their wall and always wondered what happened to the nice American boy we spent the next three hours drinking beers and catching up luckily we got there early so we were able to get an empty table and they bought all the beers the entire time this time they demanded I give them my email so we could keep in contact I even added their son on Facebook two year later I go and visit for the summer and sure there on the wall amongst the rest of their family pictures is 18 years old me standing between them in high school my friend sent me up with her boyfriend's cousin let's call him jack Jack and I were walking around an amusement park and started talking about recent families Spring Break vacations turns out both Jack and I had been in Las Vegas during the same week we stayed at the same hotel the conversation changed subjects when Jack stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and said I saw you in Las Vegas I thought he was full of crap there's no way he would remember some random girl among the thousands of people there he told me the exact place he saw me and that my sister and I were posing for a photo we got back to my house and found the picture there were Jack and his brother in the background when I was in grade 2 our family moved from Manitoba to Arizona for a year due to a contract my dad was working we rented out the house fully furnished for the year while in Arizona we flew to Alberta one weekend on the flight from Arizona to Alberta I sat beside a boy my age and we started talking it went something like this me what city are you from him Winnipeg me me too me what school do you go to him school name me cool I used to go there to me what street do you live on him street name me I lived on that street it turns out his family was renting our house while we were gone so I was sitting beside the boy who was sleeping in my bed while we were in Arizona about 10 years ago I tried to get in to Six Flags with a tiny keychain Swiss Army knife it literally had a dull one inches blade they told me I could either throw it away take it to my car a mile away or rent a locker for like ten bucks so I decided to hide it in the planter I looked down and saw a big piece of bark laying in the dirt and figured it would be a good hiding place I picked it up and found another freaking mini Swiss Army knife I placed mines next to the first and went into the park when I returned the other knife was gone and a smiley face was etched into the dirt in its place my family used to take little summer vacations one summer I was about seven eight we stayed at a campground about four hours from home there were a bunch of kids there and one day we all started playing tag I was IT and was chasing another young boy and when I tagged him I pushed him too hard and he fell and broke his arm I remember the scene vividly fast-forward to college I became good friends with my neighbor in the dorm and we ended up getting a place together our sophomore year the following year we went out for a few beers and the topic of broken bones came up I've only broken one bone and it was my arm when I was 7 some kid at a campground pushed me over while playing tag it was me still can't believe it my first semester of college I moved out of state I was first to move into the apartment and had a few days to myself after orientation I found my new roommate sitting on his bed when I introduced myself he asked where I was from when I told him he said I used to have a friend named Simon I said I used to have a friend named Will we were best friends in first and second grade until his family moved when I was in high school I was aimlessly playing around our library one day like any large public high school our library had literally thousands of books quietly tucked away in shelves and rarely if ever touched that day I pulled your book at random from a shelf in the back and sat down to read it after opening it a slip of paper fell out and I quickly recognized the - ten digits written on it as a phone number I hastily read the number and it was my older sister's number who had graduated my high school years earlier someone wrote a number and tucked it away into a random book in the back until I found it years later as a college sophomore I went on a trip to France by myself I was sitting in not freedom Cathedral listening to music when a girl I dated in high school sat down near me totally at random we were both speechless when we saw one another there out of the blue in a foreign country within a vast Cathedral all while Quasimodo looked down sadly knowing his only love forever out of reach this coincidences straight up sorcery was kayaking with my family along a river when I thought I would pull a fast one of my brother so I yell hey look a bald eagle to my brother so I can do the whole madeyewlook game but to my suprise he goes cool at this point I think he is just messing with me so I can't say the whole madeyewlook thing so then I look up into bald eagle swoops down catches a fish and flies to the other side of the river one of the most magical coincidences ever go out to dinner to celebrate my wife's birthday sat next to a couple we start talking the wife is also celebrating her birthday and it's on the same day haha crazy we hit it off and exchange information to hang out again two months later I invite them to my birthday party and turns out their husband has the same birthday as me my aunt died young on the 3rd of October of 2007 on the 2nd of October 2008 I was a senior in high school I was in my art class one morning sitting at a table of four when the teacher tells one person from each table to go and grab a stack of newspapers for us to sculpt on so that the tables don't get all messed up with clay another guy spreads out the newspapers and then I begin to work I noticed that the paper at my seat is the obituary pages I casually begin to reel it and realize that the paper is a year old and the obituary listing exactly under my right hand was that of my aunt who had died a full 365 days before I'd like to think it was her way of saying hello and what's up and to make sure I wasn't sculpting anything grossly inappropriate I once burped one second before a power blackout on my neighborhood it's felt almighty this reminds me of something that happened in high school I was joking around with one of my friends and I told her I could blow stuff up with my head she said prove it right then there was a loud boom and the power went out turned out one of the school's power transformers had blown up this happened to me a few months ago and it was pretty dang improbable I'm walking through BART Bay Area Rapid Transit where an average of three hundred and seventy five thousand people passed through daily I walk up the escalator to my train and pass by an envelope lying on the ground at first I didn't think much of it but I took a couple steps back to pick it up anyways the next part freaked me out I looked at the address and it was addressed to any I instantly look around to see if it was a practical joke or if I'm about to get assassinated or something but neither of those were the case the sender was a family friend we all call them the Johnston's I knew that mr. Johnson took the bots daily but I had never personally ran into him after work I call him up and ask him about the letter turns out he had about 300 letters with him on the BART and was going to send them out for his daughter's graduation party what in the world are the chances of him dropping the one letter addressed to me out of the 300 combined with the chances of me being the one out of three hundred and seventy-five thousand people to pick it up pretty wild when I was a little kid my parents would take my sister and I to visit my great-grandmother in the nursing home she was mid-nineties blind and too young me basically terrifying I hated going to see her to be honest every time we went she would touch our faces you know because blind and talked to us a little meanwhile her run mate somehow knew my name and would always try and grab me even though my parents never said more to her than pleasantries always freaked me out fast forward to my mid-20s my dad mentions just casually as anything that the roommate was his grandmother and my other great-grandmother she didn't know my name I am a Juniper and look like my dad so she thought I was my father she was senile after all apparently there was a falling out when my dad was a kid and he had no relationship with much of his extended family she didn't recognize my dad because she never seen him as an adult the Frick type thing is they lived in a city nursing home pretty big city too and just by sheer freakin coincidence my parents grandparents were run mates I met my now husband at work turns out there are enough coincidences that my mom is seriously wondering whether we are distantly related we were born in the same hospital two weeks apart we then both moved about 500 miles away and ended up in the same University together we moved from there another 100 miles away and worked in the same company we both have relatives in the same area in Dublin we both have a relative that worked in the same hotel in Dublin at about the same time back in the 1930s my mom and his grandmother have the exact same combination of unusual first and middle names when I was about 12 it was the late 90s and I was really big into pokemon cards my mom took me to a card shop and I really wanted a Dragonite but it was like 12 bucks or whatever my mom said why don't you just get two card packs for that money you get way more cards obviously she didn't understand what the frickin Dragonite was but she only ended up buying me a pack first card fricking Dragonite it was crazy when I was 11 I was in the park like half a mile from my house and I was flying a Winnie the Pooh kite I was the only kid around with a kite at a time and I was pretty zoned into it and didn't notice when the string came loose 100 feet of twine zoomed away and out of reach and Pooh Bear was gone later that night my family and I went out to eat and when we came home there was a string dangling from the gutter above our front door my dad grabbed it and started pulling the string seemed to go all the way up into the night sky we couldn't see the end of it a hundred feet of pulling later there was my poohbear kite it came back to me are you ever that one in 1 million if so what's your story I was struck by lightning while talking on a landline this was in the early 90s lightning struck the telephone line and traveled through the handset to my ear my parents drove me to the air I couldn't talk very well my brain knew what I wanted to say but my mouth didn't want to say it I had a terrible stutter my doctor told me that I had had a dis of good old-fashioned electroshock therapy my speech was normal the next day but I get a terrible headache whenever a thunderstorm comes through I get a terrible headache whenever a thunderstorm comes through that's just your brain shouting stay away from the frickin phone you Orion over 89 I slept wrong one night and pinched a nerve in my neck so severely I lost the right side of my body it just went silent like it wasn't there for months I woke up in the worst pain I've ever experienced and couldn't talk move or do anything via doctor thought I was having a stroke my doctor had never seen a case as severe as mine and it was purely a freak accident recovery took months but I have use of my leg and hand again with some numbness other than pain and spasms I'm mostly back to normal for my seventh birthday we went to Disneyland they just happened to be having a car a day giveaway when we were there for my seventh birthday Mickey Mouse gave me a Pontiac Firebird if I have a very reskinned disease that only one in a million people get I've been told that I'll probably never meet another person in my lifetime with it Hayley Hayley disease for those interested so rare they named it twice edit according to approximately 624 other editors Manhattan is the other name I once guessed a six-digit random combination on the first try it was the only try I planned to give as a kind of scratch pad whatever moment literally one-in-a-million I was in two separate car crashes and two separate cars in less than 45 minutes apart edit I wasn't the driver for either crash first car was hit from the side friend came and picked us up car lost traction and we slid off the road and hit a pole was that bad just poor timing I was - if you count the ambulance someone pulled out in front of me and I hit them because I had no time to break had some bad back pain so an ambulance took me to the hospital on the way there someone pulled out in front of them diagnosed with an extremely rare liver disease primary hyperox Illyria some 300 people in the United States currently have it basically pass a lot of kidney stones and need a double transplant to fix I'm on the donor registry I hope you find your match soon 3 not sure if this is a blessing or a curse but I'm an extremely tall human 743 yes really not sure how rare that is one in 1.6 million of being over 7 feet tall one in two of being asked how's the weather up there I've got the middle toes on both feet webbed so did Stalin quack this feels like a fun fact but at the same time a threat my ex was struck by lightning several times and lived died in a car accident go so not as lucky as he claimed to be being struck by lightning once isn't lucky being struck by lightning multiple times is lucky I was on tinder and was talking to this guy he was supposed to meet me for dinner I texted him and no answer then I texted him on tinder said that he couldn't make it however I got a text back from the number it wasn't the guy that I thought I texted it was the actor Gerard Butler I thought he was lying until he FaceTime me nice guy edit first I didn't go on a date with him instead he lives on the west coast and I live on the East Coast I didn't keep his number because I respect his privacy when he facetimed me he was super casual and asked me why I was using tinder and he wished me luck on it I'm allergic to potatoes never met someone else who is so I guess it's one in a million never eating chips or fries not me but my mom is allergic to potatoes never met someone else with a potato allergy except my mom Wow how I met my wife I'm from the Netherlands she is from the US we met in Israel it was my first weekend in Israel decided to go on a pub crawl to meet some people and have fun as I'm buying the ticket my now wife walks up to the counter to also buy our ticket the girl working there introduces us we hit it off the first night but I'm leaving in two days to stay with friends of friends in the middle of the desert for three months two days after I leave I lose my phone don't have any way to get back in touch with her I had little money and could stay work with the people in the desert but I kept thinking about her so after a week I say I'm leaving take the next bus goes three times a week at 5:00 a.m. and then a train to Tel Aviv I had no idea how to find her where to stay and very little money I mail a couple hostels to find a work stay agreement those jobs are very popular and usually planned months in advance I get an email back when I arrive in Tel Aviv I can come in for an interview because they have a spot this is already ridiculously lucky but right after the interview and dropping off my belongings I went back to the first hostel to see if they would give me information they wouldn't give me anything now I'm at a loss Tel Aviv is a city of more than half a million people I don't know anyone and have little more than the clothes on my back kind of defeated I starts wandering around exploring the city after a couple hours I get hungry and decide to treat myself to a restaurant I'm well out of the tourist area and find a place that's almost empty and rather cheap I sit down order a drink and something to eat as I get my food I see my now wife walking past the restaurant she sees me I see her I'm literally dumbstruck and just kind of grin and wave remember how I lost my phone she didn't know that and just thought I ignored her she waves and keeps walking I throw like 200 shekels way too much in the table and sprint after her explained in the rest is history this is a great story glad you found each other I was diagnosis with leukemia I got a bacterial growth which killed the leukemia a real one in 1 million chance I almost died thanks to that bacteria go the enemy of my enemy is my friend got a rare but potentially deadly rash from a medication I laughed when I first saw the bottle with the warning and said knowing my luck I'd get it I did ended up in a burn unit with my skin sloughing off not a fun week no sure about the odds on this one but I survived a non survivable plane crash I was on an old po2 famous for being very safe and uncrushable on a tour of the desert in western China when I was like 7 my father's friend who hosted me and piloted the plane didn't survive but somehow I got out with a concussion and apparently passed out for almost a day in the middle of the desert in the wreckage of the crash 50 kilometers from the town airport on the edge of the desert the people who found me were some tree planters they plant greens and the desert to protect towns from sandstorm a lot of people live in these desert towns in China do this found me on their way picking up a shipment and the only reason they looked was b/c they were making a bet on how fast the egg would cook in the sand and went off the road to test I have the rarest iPods anaesthesia lexical gustatory it means I taste words I am allergic to the cold like literally I get intense hives swelling I pass out and throw up doesn't even have to be freezing below 45 degrees without a jacket and I can't do it I have to carry an EP pen with me in the event that I drink something too cold or have a severe reaction but please tell me you moved somewhere warm this is my mum's story she once called her friend back in the day on the landline and another lady answered my mum asks if a friend was there and the lady says sure I'll get her my mum's friend hops on the phone and asks how she now she was here turns out my mum got a number wrong when dialling called the Random House where someone was hosting a Tupperware party and my mum's friend just happened to be attending it what are the odds of that crap took me way too long to realize you meant how did she know she was here I thought I was having a stroke loll my brain kept trying to read it normally I own a lego minifigure Cole mr. gold this particular minifig was to celebrate the 10th series of the lego figurine line they are sort of like grab bags you can feel for them but you don't know what minifigure you're really going to get so because they were celebrating they thought it was a good idea to only make $5,000 of these anyways when I was younger and even now I was really good knowing which figures they are simply by looking at at the figures pieces and feeling out those pieces I really like the minifigures cuz I thought they were really cool and unique so I really wanted mr. gold and me and my mom hunted for it for a long time but after a while I gave up then one day I was at the Lego store and felt the distinct diamond piece and freaked out finding this figure was a downright fantasy I'm 18 now and still want to relive 12 year old knees pure joy she opened the packaging oMG I've always wanted mr. gold I love those little mystery packs the first one I don't know about the exact odds but I was born on the 7th of July 1977 and weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces sadly though I clocked in at 6:50 a.m. the other is that around the age of 14 I started to notice the outsides of both of my feet starting to get much wider after a couple of years of buying expensive custom-made shoes they decided to perform surgery on my feet it turned out I had extra muscle growth along with something else I don't recall at the moment my podiatrist told me he submitted a scholarly article on it may also have been genetic as when my dad was 3 he developed an extra toe growing out of each one of his big toes so close to 777 AM when I was a teenager I had just started working at the local Sears Auto Center Express lube shop and on day one did a quick orientation and my first oil change the manager walked away when he felt I was good to go and the oil change went well fast forward a few days later my manager asked me to come into his office and he explained that the oil filter I had used had one huge flaw I didn't know what that was and it turned out the filter was pressed on backwards into the filter can indeed wouldn't allow oil to flow in and it damaged the motor they had to purchase a new motor for the person and I still kept my job he said it was a one-in-a-million chance that would have happened and it did on my first oil change they have insurance for a reason all sorts of weird stuff happened at our Walmart defective tires filters oil you name it they don't hold the employees accountable for their weird stuff I was diagnosed with a rare cancer that happens in males more often than females usually happens to patients between 45 and 60 and happens in the abdomen or legs I was a 34 year old female and it happened in my right arm for the record I am in remission but I couldn't believe I defied everything about the stupid sucker as a driver in a Seattle I use my turn signal I had a FM acute flex at my lightest when I was really young it's like weak polio if that makes sense my legs struggle to keep me up and I was consistently collapsing however the disease wasn't discovered at the time so I wasn't diagnosed I was in and out of hospital several times of week being tested for all sorts of bone cancers when the disease was discovered I matched every description of it perfectly but now I am running cross-country and doing all right I have TMJ disorder an uncommon chronic issue where my jaw clicks and hurts sometimes I was temporarily put on some medication baclofen to ease the pain the medication has a rare withdrawal effect that leads to schizophrenic paranoid psychosis when I ended the medication I heard voices and chanting sore hallucinations thought my roommates were trying to poison me experience grandiose delusions the whole nine yards why one in a million the withdrawal effect has a 2-4 percent occurrence rates in patients who received the meds via spinal injection regularly for several years and normal dosages 300mg day I was taking the medication orally pills at five mg day and hadn't been on it for more than two weeks making my case so rare that they've only been 16 known instances of similar occurrences worldwide oh man that's nuts hope you're doing okay psychosis is scary f uterus ruptured into my bladder after birth of my youngest it was one stroke for in away from a major artery nearly died though the human body sucks at giving birth : hope you're better now aggressive fallopian tube cancer two years later I had a malignant pleural tumor also have late diagnosis of stage two and three euro gential reflux which is usually discovered before a kid is out of diapers I was too old for the surgeons to fix it properly also I'm a redhead with blue eyes hitchhiker thumb double-jointed and half double row of eyelashes and my kid is a pretty close copy despite her bio dad having dominant genes half Japanese when I graduated high school I was offered a full ride scholarship entirely based on academic merit to study the program I loved more than anything at the school I'd dreamed of going to figures the school in question was notorious for giving very few scholarships in the particular scholarship I won is awarded to very few students each year I'm still pinching myself sometimes hey man you didn't win it you earned it I lived in Florida for the first 18 years of my life and spent most of my free time outdoors fishing camping what-have-you the summer before my junior year of high school I found myself out hiking nearby by my home with a buddy we were stomping around in some clay deposits inside of a little ravine even minimal geographic relief is dramatic in a place as flat as the Gulf Coast when it started to Florida rain for those of you who can't relate imagine a torrential downpour our minds immediately jumped to the exciting possibility of a flash flood raging through the crevices we were exploring in an effort to make our day more exciting and not take any chances we began to climb vertically out of the canyons versus take the lengthy path out of it horizontally we got to the top put our feet on the ground and did pull up as I stood up I felt the ground underneath me squirm I had stepped on a snake I screamed and kicked the snake that was latched onto my foot off me by reflex as an Eagle Scout I immediately recognized the red on yellow pattern as a snake slithered away and knew it was a coral snake we rushed home drove to the hospital and was seen the doctors informed my parents the nearest and to vennen was a three-hour helicopter ride away the first symptom lung failure would occur after two hours my parents called my friends and family and we all spent time together without me knowing my fate my friends and family arrived and subsequently left together my parents turned off the lights and we prayed together around two hours after being bitten a nurse came into our dark room with gurney to collect my dead body I asked the nurse has there been any developments to her surprise the doctors came in short I was alive told me it was a dry bite and that I should remain whatever religion I practiced edit the one in 1 million is mainly getting bitten by the snake in the first place but also subsequently surviving I'm shocked that they wouldn't even try to get you the meds even if it was a long shot serious doctors overed it what is the rarest condition you have diagnosed and how did you come to that conclusion bit of an off-the-wall one elderly lady came into my practice asking if there was anything she could be given to help her sleep as the Irish terrorists in the flat below were keeping her awake at night she was reassured that terrorists were not planning to blow her up or Kanak a small inconsequential town in the West Midlands for that matter on the second visit she insisted that they were going to blow something up soon and expressed paranoid thoughts a full mental health review was conducted by the GP in the community psychiatrist she came up clean that's when we contacted the police a couple of days later the flat below our patient was raided and found to be full of bomb-making equipment and Real IRA members how often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth while Hmong disease a genetic disease that affects about one stroke 200 zero zero zero kids terrible outcome it leads to calcification of the adrenal glands which is how I picked it up on a chest x-ray on call I'm a radiologist the kid had failure to thrive and a big spleen so I brought it up he got further testing which confirmed the diagnosis bottom-line don't forget to look at the adrenals or ribs on peds raised don't miss that neuroblastoma or child abuse case or well Hmong disease I'll make sure I always remember that I'm a carpenter so it probably won't help much but I won't forget who I've got a few good ones but I'll show one in particular I can't remember all the details though so bear with me I'm at a big tertiary hospital and had an elderly veteran brought to us one day after being found unconscious in a park he had alcohol in his system and a quick look at his records showed that this was an ongoing problem with him he was a sweet old man who was very grateful for our help up until day three of his hospitalization he developed pneumonia like symptoms and became somnolent for a few days then out of nowhere he became very inappropriate he begins grabbing the nurses and propositioning them sexually masturbating or at least attempting to and constantly licking his lips in a sexual manner when anyone even looked at him he went from a sweet old man to a sexual deviant almost overnight we even had to wrap his hands up in bandages to stop him from touching himself and others oddly though he hit on anyone and everyone women and men except for me I guess I wasn't his type lol we ended up diagnosing him with kluver-bucy syndrome caused by HSV and cathal itis herpes symptoms include hyper sexuality and hyper reality it's pretty rare and I haven't seen it since it's as you might imagine it left a lasting impression on me he improved with treatment though and was incredibly embarrassed after finding out what he had done when I was on peds ad we had a young girl coming with a rash on the bottom of her feet she was also having headaches and joint pains we spent close to an hour interviewing the girl and the mother her history was essentially negative finally as a last ditch effort I pulled out the weird questions you ask in med school I asked if they had any unusual pets as we had already ruled out normal pets they said actually they did just return a pet rattle biting her they thought that this wasn't really relevant BAM rat bite fever we had a case a couple of years ago that still gives me chills whenever I think about it younger girl goes to her PCP in a small town outside of a bigger city where I live care of persistent headaches which just started a few days ago no past medical history of anything similar or really at all about her that stood out as relevant unable to diagnose or treat her headaches which were rapidly growing more severe she was sent to her hospital X state's Children's Hospital for evaluation we ran her through the typical gauntlet of testing for common causes CBC CMB CT MRI et Cie still with no clue nothing came up on blood cultures either at this point she was in the PICU rapidly deteriorating with high fevers periodic losses of consciousness after eliminating all their horses we had to start looking for zebras and quick we collected a CSF sample for culture thinking it might be one of the rarer forms of bacterial meningitis while this was cooking cultures usually take at least a few days we tried again to get any other possible info from her parents for the first time they mentioned that they had visited a local water park a week or two before the girl's symptoms started and this was in the middle of summer for any Pez doc or especially a doc in the room those words made their heart sink sure enough the cultures came back positive for niggly Riya fowleri the pathogen responsible for primary amebic meningoencephalitis Pam which up until that point I don't think there was a documented case of a patient being diagnosed with Pam who survived it's the incurable brain eating amoeba that lives in warmth and water and can enter through the cribriform plate at the top of the nose if the patient gets water up there which happens all the time at water parks anyways long story short we basically cook up a very non fda-approved drug cocktail as a sort of Hail Mary attempt at fighting this infection as nothing else in any other case had ever worked in addition to this we basically stick her in a mr. freeze chamber lowering her body temp to below what end salary can usually survive unfortunately most people can't survive it either but for some reason though in an induced coma the whole time she steadily improved when we took her out of the deep freeze and allowed her to wake up it was incredible she was alive with no apparent neurocognitive deficits and the new cultures showed no growth of n fowleri it's not too hard to figure out where this occurred as it may still be the only successfully treated case in the u.s. late to the game but I think of this situation often not rare but an interesting presentation I am internal medicine mid-forties female patient of mine has an appointment to discuss vaginal bleeding after intercourse she has had a hysterectomy and so had no periods she was of course concerned about some sort of a cancerous process especially since there was no pain or discomfort when she noticed the bleeding full workup she's perfectly healthy we have a mystery once she is cleared I asked about her husband I tell her to have him masturbate and report back to me lo and behold he had blood in his ejaculate now I've seen ridet posts about Hemisphere mia blood in the ejaculate so don't freak out if you've had it before it's actually not that unusual but in rare cases it can be a sign of underlying prostate cancer in this case we did eventually diagnose prostate cancer in this upper-40s male he had his surgery and is doing well today my father was in medicine and he used to talk about the elation when he would diagnose something that other doctors missed that feeling was short-lived replaced by that feeling of oh crap when you realize your patient has a life-threatening illness it's an odd profession holy crap that's like Sherlock level detective work there I can't imagine what her reaction was when you told her to have the husband masturbate though they'd be born without a nose and with non functioning eyes diagnosed with Bosma syndrome kinda crazy saw the baby a few months later and it was doing fine children with Bosma syndrome grow up without any cognitive disabilities it's very interesting firemen anesthesiologists now but was the doctor in charge off a small rural hospital in India about 20 years ago here are a couple of interesting ones from those days an elderly lady was brought to the hospital by an irate husband who felt she was faking an illness she would lie in a room all day with doors and windows shut and complained of a headache she refused to do housework all look after the kids other doctors who had seen her before me had treated her for pain with no improvement I examined the patient who complained of severe headache and just wanted to lie down and refused to open her eyes I admitted her to the hospital and performed CSF tap a needle into the lumbar spine to get a sample of fluid surrounding the spinal cord as expected it was tinged yellow cerebrospinal fluid should be clear these days we have CT scans to diagnose subarachnoid hemorrhage bleeding around the brain but it was a difficult diagnosis once upon a time on another occasion I was visiting a friend's house when I was introduced to his dad who had no medical issues he was a hard-working farmer but looked a bit too thin something told me there was something not quite right and so I asked him if I could examine him I promptly discovered hard lymph nodes in several areas further investigations revealed he had disseminated cancer he died less than a year later morning report was a good one today we had a 59 year old male common with lower leg swelling within three days he becomes confused febrile and stiff we put him in the IQ thinking meningitis and got some CSF cultures and started Nanta biotics two days later the cultures were still negative and he wasn't improving his wife then says this whole event seemed similar to his husband's the patient's mom she had crystal Jakob disease and past from it it's a one-in-a-million literally diagnosis and our tests are still coming back for it really rare case most doctors will never see my uncle died of CJD absolutely horrific my mother cared for him closely and can no longer give blood when I was an intern we had a 22 year old man with persistent abdominal pain all Studies negative his symptoms were unexplained his mother was constantly at his bedside and his medical history which was extensive according to his mom included multiple hospital stays with no definitive diagnosis I noticed that he would frequently take ill after meals which his mother brought from outside the hospital it eventually became clear that he was a victim of Munchausen by proxy his mother was making him ill I'd had a patient with Munchausen's when I was in medical school she was injecting her own fesses into her IV so I was particularly tuned in both cases were very sad I've diagnosed anti-nmda receptor encephalitis in a patient that was thought to be withdrawing from an unknown drug then not two months later I had another patient with the same disease I was talking to a neurologist recently and he thought it was a condition that is far more common than we thought it was but still a pretty good catch for an internist I've caught a few conditions that were error but it's nice to talk about one that's treatable my first rotation as a medical student was psychiatry I was really nervous and made a flashcard for each site condition and a list of diagnoses to consider one of the patients being discussed on rounds of a psychotic think KGB is after me but was otherwise put together he was really into doing arts and was very very religious I looked at my flash card for psychosis and casually mentioned that we should consider temporal lobe epilepsy which presents with religiosity and exaggerated artistic ability then he showed that he had it I've caught a few zebras since but that was my favorite six month baby not getting bigger and dropping off the growth charts baby won't move and cry all day long I couldn't figure it out I was making preparations to transfer baby to the University Hospital for admission one of the clinic nurses commented that the baby's cry sounded like a cat ding a bell went off in my head credo chat syndrome or cat's cry syndrome very rare I looked it up on up toilet and the baby had high probability of having it I referred her to genetics and they confirmed it the attending called me and marveled at my clinical skills I chuckled and told him the nurse diagnosed it good news baby had a small deletion of the 5p chromosome and managed to stay somewhat healthy and functional my cousin has credo chat he's 27 and it's amazing you survived this long he's got a laundry list of severe physical and developmental disabilities and complications but he's one of the most gentle and happy people you'll ever meet we had good case a few years ago and otherwise healthy for tyo migrant worker from Central America started coughing up blood intermittently everything suggested tuberculosis history from area with lots of TB chest x-ray looked like tuberculosis illness [ __ ] looked like tuberculosis but his tests for it sputum quand gold were all negative I decided to test his urine on a whim to rule out pulmonary renal pathologies ding-ding-ding blood lots of blood the patient never noticed it and his kidney function was superb so this was a tricky diagnosis turns out he had granulomatosis with polyangiitis Wigner's kinda a sad story because TB is largely curable but with what nurse he'll be on chemo for a looong time with this disease I'm glad we caught it before irrevocable damage to his organs though I'm a pharmacist in a smallish town 35,000 people in the UK and have five patients with Wegner's GPA given it's got an incidence rate of around one in 125 thousand in the UK I find it a bit odd and can't help but wonder if there's some form of environmental trigger going on as a third-year medical student I had a patient come in with four years of worsening balance and slurred speech she had gotten a crazy workup at an outside hospital system with every sort of imaging possible biopsies of random sites and a number of very expensive tests she was at our University Hospital for our first time when I first entered the room I reached to shake her hand and from her wheelchair she had to raise her head at me because she couldn't look up with her eyes this was the first red flag I also asked her if she had the sensation where one of her limbs would move without her controlling it and she said yes suggesting something called alien limb phenomenon I diagnosed her with progressive supranuclear palsy with features of Corti Kaabah Silla degeneration a very rare disease on the spectrum of Parkinson plus syndromes and my supervisors agreed unfortunately it was a bad prognosis but the family was consoled by the fact that at least they had a name for what was happening a couple stick out in my mind the first one was not rare in the traditional sense more like a misdiagnosis a woman came in with severe opiate withdrawal and some shortness of breath because she was so insistent about how miserable she was everyone sort of wrote her off to drug-seeking the morning I rounded on her I'd decided to do a thorough physical exam lo and behold she has a hard non-mobile clavicular lymph node it was so big that it was impossible to miss a few just did a exam immediately we got to chest x-ray and then a CT there was a pair of high low mass after abaya see we learned it was small cell carcinoma lung cancer ii was during a delivery a baby had intrauterine growth restriction IUGR and was born premature whenever there is IUGR there is a concern for congenital anomalies sure enough as soon as the baby was born I could tell there was as genetic defect it was Treacher Collins syndrome although it is pretty rare it is very easy to diagnose because the facial dysmorphia is quite distinct patient came in with an itchy rash that would not go away for weeks and new swelling of the mouth and tongue she had hives all over her body and the only thing that had helped was repeated steroids PT was a forty's female who worked with dogs so we assumed that she had a new attitude to pet dandruff fragrance in a shampoo flea medicine something discharged her home with an appointment for the dermatologist to do Abbasi of the lesions later that day she turns back up in the emergency department with swollen lips increased rash and trouble breathing she started having these problems 15 minutes after eating a roast beef sandwich someone on the team remembered that she works with dogs and asked if she'd had any recent tick bites sure enough she had been bitten by a tick a few weeks ago and identified her picture of a lone Star tick turns out she had developed an allergy to red meat after a bite from that tick this allergy is called alpha galactosidase allergy and is a reaction to a carbohydrate carried on the outside of cells think like the carbohydrates on red blood cells for a bow blood type by all other mammals except humans and monkeys the tick had bitten one of these and kept some of the protein in its digestive system and then after biting her her body developed antibodies to the carbohydrate causing her to have a new allergy to meat for did an abdominal ultrasound on a refugee from Iraq via Syria expecting to find gall stones because she felt full easily after eating and was having pain in her right upper quadrant instead of gall stones there were two seven centimeters cysts in her liver hide it insists from a tapeworm as a fourth year during my rotations I noticed my patient had a vertical subluxation of her crystalline lens during a dilated eye examination the part of I that develops a cataract later on in life was shifted significantly up she had severe myopia and astigmatism minus 14 point zero zero to five point zero zero X 180 owe you and a six feet one inch his body along with disfigured teeth led me to believe she had Marfan syndrome she had never heard of it never seen a cardiologist etc a few lab tests confirmed she can live a normal life just need some meds and education edie referred a guide to me who had a platelet count off - the guy looks bloody sick Abdo pain petechial rash feverish diaphoretic a bit confused in drowsy to talk to my boss who said to give him prednisolone and he'd see him tomorrow but I was convinced this guy had a really rare condition called TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and so I called the major Hospital in my area and sent into there iku for a procedure called plasma exchange i ordered a test called adamts13 to prove the condition still have a paper copy of the result he had none of this chemical because it's the best diagnosis I've ever made helps save his life I don't know how many platelets a person should normally have but - sounds like the kind of result where you call the people who did the tests to make sure they didn't make a typo what has been the biggest coincidence you've experienced in your life so far in 1983 at the age of 12 I got a concussion horsing around with my brother we were poor and homeless so it was a couple of days before my mom took me to one of several local hospitals so I wound up there for a few more days which were very foggy anyway there was this one nurse who would stop by and be so sweet and brought me cookies and whatnot I was smitten but never saw her my last day there fast forward about seven years and I am delivering auto parts for a local napa i get to be good buddies with the parts coordinator at a very large construction company and he keeps going on and on about his best friend's wife she's so wonderful sweet and all and he wishes his wife were cool like this guy's wife I mean I listened to this dude gush about her nearly every day for six months about two years later I met and soon after married my wife who incidentally is 14 years older than me through talking which is the great denominator our relationship I come to realize that my wife is not only the nurse 12y um he was a mod with but also though then wife odd the guy's best friend in just one more unsubstantiated instance I swear I saw her standing near the lake front during the fireworks on the fourth of July in 1976 she has confirmed that she there that David had been drinking didn't remember which part of the lake she was standing on there were thousands of people there that day we have been married for 26 years now I am still very much in love with her and I truly believe she is my soul mate dude everyone believes she's your soul mate now the only time in my life I've ever seen the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile was when I was telling someone about it but they refused to believe it existed and I was describing it to them and then it drove by I think I must have summoned it I've been trying again arranging various frankfurters in a pentagram surrounded by mustard scented candles but haven't had any luck went on a vacation to London while there I met a man from Scotland he found out I was from California and was like oh I used to work with a guy in California maybe you know him internally I was rolling my eyes but I didn't want to be the ugly American so I humored him and asked for more information the dude in California that the Scot had worked with turned out to be my father when I was in high school my best friend had just moved to town with her family including her older sister who had a baby when she was 17 I spent a lot of time at her place and babysat the baby occasionally she moved away a couple years later and we eventually fell out of touch cup to 2015 I meet a guy online we hit it off and became f/w bees and hang out quite a bit in 2017 he gets a Facebook message from a young man claiming to beat his son the time frames and people involved all add up and yes it is indeed his son he is telling me the story mentioned the mother's name and holy Frick it's the same name of my best friend's older sister turns out I was babysitting his kid he didn't know he had back in 1995 I had pictures of me with the baby and everything I lived in an apartment in San Francisco for several years I moved out a couple of years later I met a girl and we started dating she lived in the exact same unit that I had lived I moved back into that unit we have been married for 25 years played an MMO EverQuest for years after about five years in I got to talking to someone else who was in my guild that entire time it turned out we lived in the same city than the same neighborhood we talk a bit more and come to realize we were next-door neighbors and had been that entire time drove 300 miles to a beach and go into the bathroom as soon as we get there to take a pee only open urinal is next to my grandfather who lives right next door to me neither of us knew we were going there I will to jump scared him to make him pee everywhere as a joke Lal I met a guy on a foreign who had the same name as me lived in the same town as me and engaged in the same hobby at me I told him we should meet to make sure were not the same person ended up marrying the daughter of my high school resting coach about 12 years after I graduated had I known that my high school wrestling coach when visiting his grandkids would be walking around my living room in his underwear I probably would have been less of a teenage dong head around him stumbled into a bar 4000 miles from home in another continent and literally bumped into one of my closest childhood friends whom I haven't seen since I was 12 a totally implant I live in Missouri but was in London about 15 years ago because our College marching band was marching in their New Year's Day parade I was marching on the left flank dutifully playing my instruments and decided to stop looking straight ahead like you're supposed to because I figured I'd never get a chance to enjoy this particular scenery again if I hadn't been on the left hand side and glanced to my left in that exact moment I never would have seen my cousin also from Missouri and who I hadn't seen since I was a little kid standing within an arm's reach with a shocked and confused look on her face a lot of things had to coincidental II aligned for me to stroll past her on that particular Street on the other side of the planet I was shopping with my mom and my grandpa and I saw a cool Lego truck for 20 euros that I totally wanted I asked my mom if I can have it she says only if I buy it myself fully knowing that I didn't have money on me because I was 11 or so and of course normally my mom pays for everything and not some little kid so instead my grandpa gave me 1 euro to buy a lottery ticket or rather he bought it because gambling laws and so and I just picked it and I won exactly 20 euros highest winning any one of our family ever won in a lottery to this day nobody really plays much you can better to I bought at Lego truck that's how you turn a kid into a gambler I worked in a video store I was picking up the returns to put them back in the system when I found a business card in the returns bin it's the only time in 3 years that I ever found anything other than movies we were three employees on that shift so any of us could have found it it was one of my brother's business card he lives in another city and had no idea where I worked and when I asked him about it and he has no idea how it got there what are the chances that someone dropped it in my store on my shift and I would be the one to pick it up it could have been someone who knew both of this playing a trick on me but I moved in that city just two years prior and none of the people I knew that could possibly know my brother as well I have another one while signing the lease of our new apartment the landlord realized that my souls name was familiar it was a pretty big apartment building and they had a Lost & Found box the landlord went and searched into the box and got my souls handbag that at her name written inside she lost that handbag a year earlier during her vacation in British Columbia 2,300 miles from here we have no idea how it got there I think the handbag might have been stolen and then sold to another tourists that ultimately took it back to your city it's crazy how all that stuff aligned once I got a call from a school friend's number I was 15 then and wasn't particularly close to this person and her little cousin spoke to me as though we were close friends using my name etc I was surprised but played along because she was little then when I spoke to this friend later she said sorry and that she must have called by mistake I got the call again the next day and played along again and this time when I bumped into the friend she sounded a little worried and said that she had to say something she started crying she said that the little girl was her cousin who used to live in the US and there she had a friend with the same name as mine and similar age at mine and that they both were the closest of friends and once she moved back to India they discovered that she had a terminal illness for which she is being treated currently meanwhile that guy with the same name died and they kept it from the little girl because it wouldn't have gone down well with her and that she thought my number was actually his and spoke to me like it was him I spoke to her two more times that week thus time very willingly and for a longer time the last time I spoke to her she was going for her surgery and I said that it'll all be fine the next day my friend breaks the news she was hardly holding it together but she was nice enough to bring me a few photos of her cousin I was really glad I had the chance to keep her happy in her last few days my chest went on a River float trip to the Frio River right after graduating high school sometime during the trip I lost my class ring next year a guy that worked with my dad found it in the river recognized the last name and brought it back with him I have since lost it again evacuating from a hurricane damn it a few weeks ago I mentioned and that if wasn't for some random stranger on the internet I wouldn't have been able to do that seamless cloud texture and fell out I was in a pub at the time a guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder you just been talking about fallout three mate I was a bit confused but said yeah a mod I made for it a few years ago the guy laughed I did that cloud texture for you pattex right yep bloody heck on my first solo trip to Europe during college I attended a concert at the Cathedral of Notre Dame Paris there I was in this packed Cathedral feeling a bit alone because of traveling by myself when I looked to the right I was amazed to see the person sitting next to me was my high school crush she too was alone from that point on we shared everything together for the remainder of our stay that's adorable my full name is very unique I've only been able to find one other person on Facebook with my particular name and although it sounds exactly the same the surname is a different spelling before I went to university a few years ago I had to go to a couple of meetings regarding the course in some equipment I needed at a local business building I was entitled to a grunts that would cover a laptop and some relevant software so I arrived and go to sign in then I pause I thought I'd had some sort of fugue or that somebody was playing a trick on me my name was in the sign-in book apparently I'd signed in an hour previously and had left about 10 minutes ago it was spelled exactly like mine the first time I'd ever seen that in 30 years and the handwriting even looked like mine I unfroze myself and signed my name underneath with a furrowed brow then I worried quietly that I was having some sort of mental break until I walked into my meeting the guy I was scheduled to see was brimming with excitement that my name was exactly the same as the woman who'd come in before me he was shocked because it was clearly such a different name and the whole thing was an astronomical coincidence we discussed the odds on it happening and how strange life can be sometimes during this conversation he filled me in on a few details turns out we were on the same course same meeting same building same specific grant being available to us perfect time of day for me to see her name in the book - had it been a few spaces higher I would have completely missed it she was even my age I spent the next year seeing her name pop up numerous times in silent books related to our course and having people commenting on it in baffled surprised I never met her because she was attending the course though a different provider and our schedules never matched it also never became whenever I saw her name I'd get a little jolt of recognition and then would have to force my brain that had been trained to think it was truly individual to conclude that yes it was my name but it wasn't me then I'd carry on with my day feeling decidedly fluttery weird year my dad passed away when I was 2 years old 20 plus years later I was making a delivery of paint to a small little plant these deliveries were just routine boring things I would go in drop them off and have management there or someone high up sign off on the delivery I do my delivery and old a man comes up signs for it and I head back to my truck no small talk besides a low-end sign there Thanks get in my truck and head back to the shop I get in and go to process my paperwork when I noticed the man who signed for it has the same name as my dad including my last name he even wrote the first letter off his last name like I do I haven't told anyone about it because I don't want to believe that my dad didn't die but ran off there's a headstone and proof of death but this older man would have been the same age as my dad the fact that it was the same first name and last name along with how it was signed always kept me thinking when I was a little kid my folks used to make me and my younger sister visit our great-grandmother in the nursing home she was blind and like 98 years old she was sort of scary as a kid as her eyes were all frosted over and she had papery skin and would touch our faces to see how big we'd gotten she had a tiny singsong G voice but what freaked me out more was her roommate who didn't talk at all except for reaching at me and saying my name my folks never spoke to her other than to say hello and goodbye or like Merry Christmas or whatever anyway 20 years later I asked my dad what the frick Fat Lady's deal was he casually mentions it was my other great grandmother who was senile and bedridden his family had a big falling out when he was a kid so they never really knew each other I looked just like my dad and share his name so she thought I was him is the theory they were run mates purely by coincidence it was a pretty big nursing home in a pretty big city to be honest I am more flawed by my dad's complete indifference to the situation than I am by the coincidence that actually is a really crappy thing to do he should have told you when I I sooner a good friend died suddenly and tragically from pancreatic cancer I was helping him fix his car after a hailstorm and he was encouraging me to do something fun on my day off get out of town became her saying got to get out of town shortly after he died a bunch of us went to a concert of his favorite band as a tribute to him on our way there we passed a brand new billboard all it said was get out of town it was probably for an airline or something but it seemed too perfect too much of a coincidence it's something I won't forget I've had someone who knows me personally send this accounter p.m. only they didn't know it was me my brother sent a meme to our family I made that meme oh crap what up growing up I had two imaginary friends George and Lucy they happen to be alligators but that doesn't make any difference to this story fast forward about 20 years and my sister introduces me to her fiance and his sister who has the same name as me and two children George and Lucy but sadly they're not alligators it's like Jumanji all day I was trying to find how to get in touch with a guy who I wanted to network with for a job and couldn't find out what company he had moved to that afternoon I was shopping for couches on Craigslist and replied to an ad it was the dudes couch he invited me to his company for a meet-and-greet and I ended up getting a job there weirdest coincidence of my life my family friends own a ranch in Texas growing up I always visited on holidays one trip their grandfather gave me my first pocketknife as I had just joined the Boy Scouts I was out in the woods freaking around with my new knife when I heard a bunch of coyotes screaming nearby if you haven't heard them scream before it's pretty haunting so as I'm running back to the house I trip and faceplant when I get back to the house I realize I had lost the knife in my tongue I felt absolutely terrible and with it being fall and the handle of the knife made of wood I pretty much lost all hope of finding it I told their grandfather the next day he proceeds to grab two rakes and we head off into the woods I found a random spot and demonstrated my faceplant when I looked down the knife was right there he recently passed this year that man meant a lot to me as does that knife which I still have to this day just a day I called my mum on the phone to ask if I could come over and she asked if I'll be there for dinner when she said this I could smell spaghetti bolognese when I got to her house guess what was for dinner spaghetti bolognese there was nothing around that could have possibly made me snow any sort of pasta dish and she didn't say what we were having for dinner that's because of your smell phone I didn't want to be friends with a kid aged seven because their mom looked mean age 15 same kids moved away after we dated for like a month have a note saying I wasn't going to wait around for anyone I probably wouldn't ever see again age 20 they are my blind date we have three kids you have been visited by the ingenious Joe comment brain so you always see the glass half-full if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 85,347
Rating: 4.8465471 out of 5
Keywords: coincidence, 1 hour, reddit 1 hour, compilation, 1 in a million, 1 in a million coincidences, 1 in a million chances, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: kEqAxxEGuR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 8sec (4208 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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