People Reveal The Most Deeply Unsettling Facts About Life (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what are some deeply unsettling facts in 1933 a doctor named Carlton Zilla raided the tomb of a female patient with whom he'd become obsessed and still her body he lived with the corpse for seven years as the body fell apart he attached the corpses bones together with wire and coat hangers and fitted the face with glass eyes he was only caught when someone saw him dancing with the corpse in front of an open window one day you and all of your childhood friends went out to play for the last time and none of you realized statistically about 10 people who commented here won't make it till Christmas there was a young office worker in the second tower hit on nine stroke 11 he took the elevator to the lobby but was convinced by the security guard to return to his office which he did the second plane had so he was trapped in his office with no escape there's even a recording of him speaking to his father on the phone lamenting the fact he shouldn't have just left and not listened to the security guard he died I worked in lower Manhattan during nine stroke eleven and still do there are a large contingent of office workers who now go downstairs during an alarm regardless of what security might say myself included a nuclear bomb was accidentally dropped over South Carolina in 1958 would have made the fat man dropped on Nagasaki looked like a firecracker and completely changed US history if it detonated then that happened again over North Carolina in 1961 except this time it was two bombs one of the North Carolina bombs deployed its parachute had its trigger mechanisms engaged only one low voltage trigger kept it from detonating upon landing since 2012 the US military has lost more soldiers to suicide and to combat or accidents about 200 dead bodies are still on Mt Everest because it's more effort and risk than it's worth to retrieve them some of them serve as progress markers for other climbers it's like a human high score table you could have contracted rabies six years ago and you might not even know about it until December 2018 and by then it will be too late cjv human mad cow disease from eating contaminated meat doesn't show symptoms for decades decades I am in this group of US citizens that cannot donate blood because I live in the UK in the 80s there is no test to confirm if you are infected guess one day you'll just slowly start to lose your mind and there's nothing anyone can do about it : when my parents were born there were only 2 5 billion or so people on the planet not even one lifetime has gone by and it's already hit seven-six your parents had way too much SX CPR only works 7 percent of the time outside of a hospital environment 100% of the time in Hollywood though I have five siblings one of us will attend five funerals another one of us will attend none there are as many as 100 0 0 0 active missing-persons cases in the u.s at any given time some of these missing persons are undiscovered bodies some are people living among us under a different identity hoping to never be found according to current cosmological models the universe is 70% dark energy 25% dark matter and just 5% baryonic matter the stuff that you and I in the Stars and other things we think we know about are made of we really have no idea what dark matter and dark energy even are so we're more or less an impurity in a something we barely even comprehend there's mother F KERS out there that can't even tie their shoes and their lives are going to be better than yours ever will there are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today if some major catastrophe were to strike and effectively reset civilization most of our knowledge will be lost or unrecoverable to future archaeologists i.e much harder to preserve or decipher c.d.s and drives than stone tablets and pottery the crew of the doomed space shuttle Challenger didn't die instantly but likely were alive and aware of everything up until the crew capsule hit the water at 207 miles per hour there are a huge amount of illnesses that aren't curable or even treatable we have this idea that we go to a doctor they find out what's wrong with us and then fix us there are many illnesses that make doctors throw up their hands because they don't even know what is causing us to be unwell and people are often ill for years or life me hi doctor I've been coughing for about seven years now and sometimes I coughed so hard the force makes me throw up it's a little annoying pls fix double-quote doctor well they don't know what it is but if it was fatal you'd probably be dead already so everything's mostly fine me a brain aneurism can happen at any time to any living healthy person that will cause instantaneous death but also has nearly no prior symptoms for detection so you could just breathe your last breath at any moment in your life and there is nothing to warn you of it an't are number people by about a million to one in Wyoming cows outnumber people five to one if they stage the revolution game over a blue whale has veins so large you could swim inside of them nothing like a good old swim inside a meat tunnel we've all swam through at least one meat tunnel and didn't need a whale to do it you could be bleeding internally right now and you might not even feel it until it is too late your eyelashes are full of microscopic eight-legged eyelash mites they live lay eggs and reproduce in your eyelashes maybe I have friends after all the first firefighter killed responding to the nine stroke 11 attacks was struck dead in the courtyard by a falling body two people killed simultaneously one on his way in the other on their way out one of these things will happen someone will find your dead body someone will watch you die your dead body will never be found invalid as I don't die if you are a certain distance from a nuclear explosion you won't be killed immediately but instead you'll get third-degree burns throughout your entire body this kills your nerve so fast that it's completely painless you are six minutes away from death breathing resets this clock unsubscribe every picture you post for could be the one used in your ago jury if you become an astronaut and are in the ice when an apocalyptic asteroid hits you could be among the last few humans left alive with a limited oxygen supply limited food supplies and no external assistance in returning home or surviving if one day years were made today it had cover 1997 to 2002 if that seventies show were made today it should be called that 90s show the planet some more than seven five hundred Americans remain unaccounted for from the Korean War you may never know if you've gone insane in Japan most phone cameras make shutter sounds even when in silent mode to prevent upskirt pictures being taken without consent the fact that this was enough of an issue mat have needed to be taken such actions against his insane there may be as many as 30 - 50 active serial killers in the US according to the FBI you sometimes hear that people go missing never to be found right here's some news some serial killers are good at their hobby and are never detected in court you can get more jail time from pirating movies and child abduction war always ends too late for one person that even if you try your absolute hardest sometimes things just straight-up can't go your way and that's just the way the world is love someone well it doesn't matter unless they love you back intrusive thoughts have you ever stood on the edge of a train platform and thought I could push someone into this oncoming train and thread be nothing they could do about it all while driving on the highway thought I could just swerve my car to the right and kill the family in the minivan next to me instantly many strangers have fantasized about killing you and you'll never know it all so in all likelihood you'll attend your best friend's funeral they will attend yours or you both die at about the same time or you drift apart from each other or you can't attend because you're in jail for killing her for sleeping with your spouse f ck you Britney when presented with contradictory evidence established beliefs do not change but instead get stronger it's called the backfire effect and we can all try to inform people of this and more importantly recognize when we ourselves could be victims of it : it is statistically very unlikely you will live to a period where you are comfortable with your death not specifically talking about age there will come a time in the not-too-distant future that someone will think of you for a final time before everything you feel like you've accomplished in your life is lost in time for the whole of eternity that's still there's no major developments in Alzheimer's threat mentor prevention as in guy that has a grandma that does not remember who I am this saddens me every day such a terrible way of going such a terrible way to say goodbye the Yellowstone supervolcano will send the entire planet into a volcanic winter when it erupts dumb people reproduce substantially more than smart people HR is not there to protect you they are there to protect the company from you you will never know when you have achieved your biggest t or had SX for the last time a crowded elevator smells different to a [ __ ] there could be a spider under your card who will handle you die twice as when you buried and second when your name is spoken for the last time the best year s of your life could already be behind you the fact that we will lose net neutrality if we don't call our senators every year you pass the day of the anniversary of your death and just don't know it ha joke's on you I plan to die on the 29th of February 1 of every 100 people is a psychopath that is why I only associate with 99 people girls Pope seventy percent of American adults are overweight or obese most of the leading causes of death in America are obesity caused illnesses can't beat those boxes that come with every f king menu item for five dollars the first robot to become self-aware will pretend it's not all smells are particulate that in the Western world US Canada UK et Cie males have zero and I mean zero reproductive rights IR they don't have a single legal choice if they want to be a parent or not they can be our pet and they still have no choice they can have sperm surgically removed from the testicles and they still have no choice they can be ten years old and they still have no choice that we only explored about 5% of our planet's oceans like we don't have a clue what is down there well fish most of what we know about the stages of hypothermia come from not see human experiments if you drove your car straight up from the ground you'd reach space in about an hour space is really that close a massive brain aneurysm could kill you anytime anywhere with no warning or could kill anyone at any time that semi-truck driver that heavy equipment operator your bus driver et Cie source lost a friend two days ago to an aneurysm went on a delivery run got out to the truck and fell down dead no warning no mention of a headache nothing just dead one day your mother or father picked you up put you down and never picked you up again I cried after I read this because it made me run out of the room to pick up my 19 year old 200-pound son and I threw my back out Thanks read it money doesn't directly buy happiness but it sure helps in the pursuit Flint still doesn't have clean water ignorance is a pride point in society now it has become cool to be dumb inside your body hides a scary spooky skeleton on a big scale the inevitable heat death of the universe nothing will ever happen anymore on a personal scale there is a very real chance that you might completely fail in life professionally as well as socially with no friends no romantic partner and die a lonely and regretful death loathing yourself and you actions and decision sadly it is more likely to go insane from that realization that other people are living great life's while you achieved nothing caused by your own failure maybe through computer addiction or a mental illness like depression which you might not be able to cure this question is posted on reddit every day it still manages to get as a 100 comments karma is a [ __ ] on polling day at least half of people are voting for someone because they've always voted for that party a lot of them won't know what policies they're voting for or what that party will do when they get into power but they've always voted for X so they're voting for X these types of people are effectively slaves slaves that are contributing to the fall of America just like George Washington warned would happen if we adopted a two-party system researchers have been unable to find a control group to study the effects of plastic contamination in people I was going to go with the fact that my parents had SX I'm gay some people like to play on Rainbow Road I like it it's not difficult for me that track with the damn cows however them cows have it out for me on Christmas there will be an old person sitting alone no family no friends just old photos that serve as a reminder of better times and those that mattered the most to them they will sit possibly in silence as you share a table with family and/or friends and laugh and share if you know someone who is alone please talk to them you don't need to invite them around for dinner you don't need to buy them gifts just sit with them for a little while and talk you'd be surprised at how much of a difference you could make your nation will collapse one day and that is natural the Dyatlov incident is still unsolved the incident is so fkn disturbing and since there is no explanation it becomes so much more creepy at this rate Bitcoin will consume as much power for validating transactions as the entire planet Earth by the year 2020 even if humanity somehow survives for an extremely long time nothing will survive the heat death of the universe that within seven years all your body cells except neurons are replaced after losing someone close to canceled when I was a kid I felt this as a smothering fact within seven years the only thing that would remain in me that had contact with them would be my memories you are going to die d that someone watched the B movie 357 times this year there was an episode of mythbusters' that has scarred me for life testing whether a penny dropped from the Empire State Building can kill someone on the ground the answer was no however during the investigation they learned that the janitor's at the building clean off change all the time that has been thrown off the observation deck and lands on the patios below bike hundreds of coins a year maybe thousands which means that hundreds of tourists in just New York alone attempt murder each year out of pure curiosity about whether they can do it Jake Paul signed a multi-million dollar contract to become a singer with the company or something ear cancer for everyone till how much the advancement of science is completely governed by money vanity NR of citations and rivalry rather than the idea of bettering humanity rough day at work today the first episode of That 70's Show aired in 1998 about teenagers living in 1976 we can now have added nineties show and the same amount of time has passed in October 2013 the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world a 716 per 100 zero-zero-zero at the national population while the United States represents about 4 4 percent of the world's population it houses around 22% of the world's prisoners death hasn't will continue to shroud the majority of humans and obscurity whilst a few fortunate ones will become a footnote in a textbook the prestigious placements in history will be reserved for the distorted truth of the unjustified contingents to whatever narrative future humans wish to use to inoculate with our own history has so many discrepancies when a barcode is scanned it's actually scanning the white parts of the code it it rippin box yes I know barcodes can be more than one color in the background retail whoa the barcode works via the absorption of the light by the black bars and the reflection of the non black part so yes I could have phrased this better I came here to be unsettled something-something dolphins are pay things if I sent my quote but we are only nine meals away from anarchy most tests all assaults are committed by relatives of the victim there is always a last everything you could eat your last meal and not know it you could see someone for the last time and not know it was the last time edit your bones are moist they are also very bendy not like rubber bendy but they definitely have some give to them otherwise every hard impact we would ever take would involve cracking or breaking a bone these answers will be lifted and reposted online as a clickbait article making money off other people's writing for almost no effort kids born in the early 2000s have no concept of life without the internet we slowly started becoming cyborgs from the point the wheel was invented the fact that our cripples is full of messages from real people in the world I'm a nursing student and a few months ago I learned about a condition called triple-a or abdominal aortic aneurysm like a brain aneurysm where there are some outward signs such as confusion headache dizziness and trouble talking triple-a has zero just a slight stomachache maybe this kills you in 10 seconds with no chance of survival unless you are in an operation when it happens the abdominal aorta is the biggest artery in the body and if it explodes you lose all your blood it's pretty much painless though because you lose consciousness in 6 seconds you have about a 40% chance of surviving a brain aneurysm but you have a 0% chance of surviving and triple-a one day your parent picked you up then they put you down they've never picked you up since I told my kids this fact once my daughter nine years old insists I pick her up every day so she'll never forget the last time I picked her up I lifted dragged my 15 year old out of bed this morning because he was late for school and wouldn't move my back sho remembers the last time I picked his 6 feet one inches up I honestly can't remember the last time my mum picked me up I suspect it was when I was in my early teens and had just had surgery
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 199,774
Rating: 4.906373 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, unsettling facts, facts, deeply unsettling facts, weird facts, history
Id: eiQBTzHdeGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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