Doctors Share Rare Survival Stories (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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doctors of Reddit what is your best how the hell did the patient survive stalling when my dad was in residency he was helping deliver babies one came out stillborn it was a rough time for everyone dad had to carry the baby away and the entire time he carried the body away he did chest compressions the baby started to breathe again dad had to bring the baby back by all accounts the likelihood of that working was extremely low as they had already done everything they were supposed to for longer than they were supposed to do it the parents had to go through some trauma therapy after that that's all I know about that story edit my first-ever gold thanks stranger man I was almost like that at the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck a bunch of times and basically came out dead thanks to the wonders of medical necromancy I'm alive and more or less well-adjusted today I was a resident at the time it was the end of my shift and I walked past a guy walking to the front desk with a goddamn harpoon in his head it came in from below the chin and got out through the top of the skull dude wanted to go harpoon fishing there was an accident in the boat and he shot himself so he turned the boat around sailed to shore got into his car and drove to the nearest hospital where he parked and walked into the reception he was completely conscious and couldn't speak for obvious reasons but he wrote down eloquently I heard he was sent home the very next day with no complications the story of Mary Vincent is insane she was a teenager and hitchhiking on the west coast of the US got picked up by madman who grapes her repeatedly over the course of a couple hours eventually she fought back and grabbed onto his arms when she wouldn't let go he chopped her arms off with the hatchet and threw her body into a ravine for hours she climbed 30 feet up the side of the ravine saan arms and eventually made it to the side of the highway naked muddy bloody with still bleeding stumps where her arms would be apparently she scared the first car off when they pulled over for her but the second car brought her to the hospital after her to calm a day long nightmare she's still alive like 20 years later and has two kids she's a dunking badest I had a dog brought in that had eaten a bunch of anticoagulant rat poison about a week prior they didn't think anything of it at the time because the dog was fine immediately after if a dog gets into anticoagulant poison and you catch it right away you can decontaminate them and give it a man Kay and they'll usually be fine by the time they decided their dog should see the vet it was dripping blood from every orifice in shock and had a packed cell count of 6 percent for some reason they let me hospitalized and start vitamin K but they would not let me transfuse that dog it was bleeding from it's freaking tear ducts too weak to lift its head and I was so convinced it was going to bleed out in front of me if I couldn't buy it some time with some donor blood that stubborn little pup pulled through and was going strong when I saw her a year later for her regular checkup had a patient who was out having drinks and fishing at night well a wave hit and he stumbled right onto his Pole somehow impaling it through his eye and touching the back of his skull amazing that he survived did give him the fishing pole size crater through his brain on the MRI this guy lives in a final destination movie I know a gentleman who has both of his carotid arteries completely blocked off he obviously gets enough blood flow from other vessels to keep going and I'm sure these other routes have developed over the years but still I remember reading the scan results and having to go over them more than once like 100 percent blockage okay that's bad weight on the left and the right down I remember in high school health fitness the textbook mentioned the case of one of the astronauts from the tragic Apollo one fire during the autopsy it was revealed that he had over 90% blockage in several major arteries but never showed any symptoms of it the reason being a lifetime of hard physical training had developed his other vessels enough to work around them so the point is if you exercise enough you can get away with eating poorly to a degree I guess our friend blacked out driving home the last thing he remembers is pulling into the other lane to pass someone the car flipped twice and they had to cut him out from the table he was unresponsive and the MS were ready to call him DOA he broke a vertebrae in his neck and shattered his hand they were floored when they realized he was still alive if it had been one vertebra higher he would have been paralyzed as it was he walked out of the hospital less than a week later he had been wearing his seatbelt which is literally the only reason he is alive today not a medical professional but I used to hang around with one they had a young woman brought in one night who had been stabbed 77 times and laid in a ditch for hours before someone saw her and called 911 she made a full recovery my buddy was so shocked that she was alive and conscious that he called me from work to tell me about it and then there was a guy who fell off the third rung of a ladder it is head just right and I'd instantly life is weird or in this case death is weird not my story but my sister's she had an infamous drug addict in her 50s admitted for endocarditis heart infection who had multiple previous admissions in the same hospital during her stay the patient went through withdrawal and had not one not two but three cases of torsades de pointes that needed defibrillation where most people don't survive not even one of these are with me as this patient quickly recovered and was asking not a week later to be dier charged cause she was ready to party again my story would have to be a drum 20 something that came after being stabbed on the forayed we worked him up in casualty and found a large amount of air that had been sucked in his skull from the open wound patient clearly needed neurosurgical intervention but gotten petit and decided to abscond we searched for patient and tried contacting him but couldn't find him patients returned a week later being brought in by his mother because he kept complaining of headaches a year ago I was involved with treating a 65 year old lady walking across the street to get lunch one day she got hit by a semi truck doing 45 broke all the bones on the left side of her body some of them in multiple places she also had a morel lavallee skin separates off the underlying tissue that involved about 70% of her left leg from hip to ankle had a pelvic fracture that was open into her rectum with a large perineal wound took multiple surgeries over several weeks but at her most recent follow-up accident happened a year ago she was walking and basically back to normal at 20 something boy got shot in the head straight on mind you dude came to the hospital awakened talking I personally saw the CT scan with the bullet still in his skull my favorite part was he claimed it was a drive-by shooting I have never seen anything more centered on someone's for eat dead center no joke seems highly unlikely that it was random my grandfather got shot seven times caught a shrapnel which they took out from between his intestines only with some jugs of liquor as anesthesia and survived five years sleeping on a concrete floor in a Siberian gulag [ __ ] lived until 83 toughest person I knew not a doctor but my father is in his first rotation of residency he had to assist in operating on an 8 year old boy poor kids dad was chopping wood and he got in the way of the swing ax was lodged deep in his skull when he came into the ER according to my dad the boy survived but the way he describes the father's devastation at having brutally injured his own son really makes me understand why my dad was always so uptight about things like fire knives and of course axes when I was a kid when I was at work someone pointed out this lady walking down the hall they told me she was shot seven times in one go and survived edit some context I was told the lady was in a stolen car and they opened fire on the police the police returned fire my dad's old friend B was shot six times three in the head three in the gut and came out fine it was a drug deal gone bad and the guy was never convicted because the only proof the attacker was there was in B's books and he wasn't going to admit to selling drew Gus so it never went anywhere the guy is still going strong 15 or so years later just has a metal plate in his head in nursing school I had an elderly patient who had a Whipple surgery very extensive abdominal surgery to resect pancreatic cancer and must have perforated it took three days of worsening redness before the order came to remove the staples I was helping out as the stench of blood pus and poop filled the room the next month of clinicals included seven times per day dressing changes pulling yards and yards of blood and fesses soaked packing out of the wound somehow this guy actually made it through I have no idea how he didn't get septic it was my first day rounding with the surgery team and as we approached a patient's room one of the surgeons turned to me and said check this out this man has had more than 70 abdominal surgeries we walked into the room and the first thing I noticed was that it was really homey which is unusual for a hospital he had some aromatherapy going on and pictures taped to the wall a guest cot was set up with several pillows from home and a nice knit blanket in the corner it was clear that he had been there awhile the patient was a somewhat overweight probably obese man who had indeed had more than 70 abdominal surgeries unfortunately at some point the skin and fatty tissue on his abdomen had become infected and been removed the result was a square cut out on his belly from the nipple line to his belly button extending across his entire stomach it was perfectly square with perfectly normal skin and fat around the cutout and when he breathes his abdominal muscles and intestines would just sort of come in and out of the abdominal cavity which each breath he looked like something out of a zombie movie but was apparently doing all right and living with it he was attached to a machine called a wound vac that kept the wound clean and provided suction to remove any fluid or in his case fesses that developed in the wound we were waiting for the day when he stopped leaking still into the square to get him a skin graft we were still waiting when I left the surgery service a month later on the trauma service just before Christmas several years ago get paged for incoming 911 trauma at some time near midnight walk out of the work room on the top floor of the hospital and I can see several blocks away the road lit up with cop cars and ambulances knew it was going to be bad 20s year old comes in after being shot seven times in the chest awake talking every single bullet missed every vital organ and he survived his 16 year old buddy gets shot just once in the chest and eyes on the scene immediately cops show me their body cam of the scene with them doing everything they can to save this kid but he was too far gone police later caught the two suspects who had been doing home invasions including another murder shooting another robbery victim in the street and knocking over several pharmacist wrong place wrong time 16 year old waiting for Christmas and the rest of his life gone in an instant life just isn't fair had a patient who was shot in the chest and abdomen several times at very close range with a shotgun not only survived but was quite a pleasant person to treat I'm a nurse bTW how this patient survived wasn't a mystery though just ironic the patient was morbidly obese and the thick layer of fat acted almost like ballistic gel obesity saved someone's life nurse a man in his 50s has brain tumor has surgery to remove the tumor and him a craniotomy to relieve intracranial pressure bone taken from the skull and left out man walks out of this and has normal life man is walking around minding his own business building explodes shrapnel flies shrapnel hits ma'am exactly where the burr hole was travels through his brain and gets lodged behind his eye man still alive it baffles me that of all the people who could have been hit by shrapnel it happened to a guy with a missing skull part and it hit him exactly where it was missing it baffles me even more that he survived all of this I had a friend who got point two three back drum can stole his friends car around 2:00 a.m. he went for a drive way out in the country and lost control while speeding hit a tree basically broke the car in half and rolled five times he got ejected and ended up pinned under the car when it came to rest he laid under the car for several hours until someone going to work early in the morning spotted him and phoned EMTs after a week in a coma he woke up ended months of physical therapy to get back to walking and eventually made a full recovery to the point that he was squatting almost 400 pounds then he died of a fentanyl overdose one of my parents worked at an ER in a very large city most people who come into the ER in an ambulance are not walking him until one night shift this guy's walking in escorted by one of the EMTs who had his hand on this guy's elbow the EMT looked totally freaked out dude is strolling with a slightly dazed look on his face my parent wondered what was up why is this guy walking and how is this experienced EMT looking so freaked then the guy turned his head and just the hilt of a knife was sticking out apparently it was a gang fight this knife managed to miss every part of his brain that would have held him not a doctor but the patient less than a year old started seizing this led to a severe case of the not breathing quickly followed by everyone sheathing themselves trying to get me to breathe too frantic writes to the hospitals later first one couldn't take me because they didn't have machines for someone so small and now they've got machines keeping me alive several surgeries solely reacting to more sheet going wrong a month half of which spent in a coma and I woke up on my own didn't even need the machines anymore only lasting effect is a small scar from a machine they left on for too long and asthma for about five years they never figured out what the hell happened so there's a chance that it could happen again someday he is hoping for the same look that got me through it the first time not a doctor but my dad survived diabetic ketoacidosis massive heart attack and kidney failure doctors told us to prepare for his death we called in the priest brought all the family in he was on life support for a week and kept on improving they gradually brought him out of it when he came to he ripped out his tubes the doctor who prepared us for his passing came back from vacation and so my dad alive and recovering and said you are the last person I thought to see again my tad blinked and I asked who is that he's still alive not a doctor my grandpa though stepped on a landmine which resulted in lost fingers and stitches in his lower arm that were done with toothpicks was made to run for miles in the nude as a prisoner of war with these injuries all while hiding a journal in which he recounted all of these stories also was shot in the head and survived with no brain damage there are other things that I can't remember anymore but he was tough as nails when I was seven or eight he was in his 80s he used to outrun me in a race with no issues a year later ducking cancer he went from gardening and carrying backs of soil to his deathbed in two weeks remember no one is dead until they are woman dead a woman once fell off a pier in Seattle during the winter and was underwater for over an hour paramedics took her to Seattle Grace Hospital where she survived thanks to the cold water keeping her vital organs alive while she was in cardiac arrest patient was cutting down a dead tree and burning the / while drunk pulls away Lee coil T by chainsawing off the branch he's standing on between himself in the trunk falls out of the tree with the chainsaw into the fire barely African scratch guy was running from the cops in his car went off road and crashed the car ran on foot police were closing in so he sliced his neck on both sides with a razor blade to avoid arrest he didn't hit any major arteries and lift then I got to set his net wound shut I don't think he got in trouble either just wound up at an inpatient psych ward for awhile don't do meth kids not a doctor but this story spread like wildfire in my small town my neighbor informed a high school classmate was the reason my state got super strict on fraternity hazing Xand patas he almost died of alcohol poisoning but doctors said the coke in his body was the only thing that kept his heart beating obligatory not a doctor but I heard this story on the radio and it's lovely woman had open-heart surgery and everything went great after a connecting all the veins and arteries they massaged her heart to get it pumping again which usually works after a few tries the surgeon leaned into her ear mrs capita legs this is your surgeon the procedure was a success everything is fine but I need you to tell your heart to beat it did I'm not a doctor or nurse but my sister's child her best friend was thrown from a horse and hit a tree horse got spooked by something in the pool girl went flying her helmet cracked she was in a coma for a week but survived and made a full recovery she is now a riding instructor herself and kept her helmet anyone who doesn't want to wear a helmet has shown hers that saved her life in these class you wear your effing helmet edited to what she was about ten years old when this happened not a doctor but my mom is she says while she was doing her internship her teacher gave her a guy to stitch up who had come in after a machete fight he wasn't expected to survive and had gashes all over his body including torso and bleeding everywhere mom stitched him up as best as she could and saw that he had a giant hole near his ear with white stuff sticking out so she grabs it with tweezers and almost pulls it out when she realizes it's his brain so she stuffed it with something she said was like clay that hardens guy got discharged but wasn't expected to live she saw him two years later walking around in a mall she calls him her zombie [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
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Id: NT4Xs0nFlQo
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Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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