Relatives Of Murderers, What Red Flags Were Shown?...(r/AskReddit)

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relatives of murderers what memories stand out as red flags not a relative but I was an acquaintance of the victim and met their murderer several times this girl I went to high school with always seemed nice and was super talented with the violin this was in a performing arts school we were never really friends but I was close to a good friend of hers her mother was extremely psychotic and had just divorced her husband she would frequently talk about the apocalypse and various ways to kill herself which definitely freaked me out the mother didn't seem to be super controlling or strict but she was buying and holding pain medication the one memory that really stands out to me is how she told my friend's mother that she was planning on killing herself and her children to spite her husband when Christmas break was over I heard about how she took a rifle and shot the girl her brother and herself I was not surprised but upset that none of us ever spoke up about the warning signs I talked about this yesterday but my uncle shot a man and had his children helped drag the body to the mud so the pigs could eat it I wouldn't say there were huge red flags but he would have my cousins and aunts steal from us whenever they would visit that would probably be a sign that his wife and children were too afraid to say no to him with that said he was super nice to us and it was pretty shocking to find out what he did edit to answer questions why did he do it the man kept hitting on my aunt and telling her I'm going to kill your husband you'll be mine is he in jail no he's on the run the man he killed was an illegal immigrant which I think made it difficult for police to pursue the case or if people even reported the man missing I'm not sure if the pigs ate him or not I would assume so since I don't think a body was ever found the he didn't work in a pig farm it was a chicken farm in the remote parts of Georgia he just happened to have pigs and a cow my uncle is not Canadian my cousin always had problems his mother abandoned him for several years when he was young and his father was old school spare the rod spoil the child in a borderline abusive way he got into drugs very early and showed signs of psychosis as early as his late teens after he began using PCP he began to talk about scenarios like he was the reincarnation of our dead grandfather's soul and he was going to come collect our still living mother when he began doing meth he stole from his mother and stepfather when I was 14 he gave me acid and told me it was just like weed I was a sheltered kid he was never violent but super inappropriate with boundaries like breaking into family members houses without asking while they weren't home and just chilling there and other strange things like that he rarely held down a job for more than a few months he cleaned up had a baby and got some health care a year or two back we thought he was doing better but he relapsed on meth and shot into a car with six people in it he killed one woman and injured three I went to high school and played football with a guy who randomly killed a guy with a machete he was honestly one of the nicest people I've met and really funny and genuine he did have an odd home life he lived with adopted parents but still had a relationship with his mom who lived nearby all of a sudden one day she takes him back into custody and he doesn't go to school with us anymore this dude was insanely good at football like NFL good he played at Texas on for two seasons before freaking out and running away from campus and dropping out of school that was when things started getting weird he then was in and out of jail for various charges relating to drugs grand theft auto domestic disturbance I remember one day I read an article in which his mum was saying how he was trying to play football again then about a year later the next article I read said he randomly murdered a guy with a machete on a jogging trail and called the police on himself he was just recently found unable to stand trial and is undergoing psychiatric treatment edit yes there is a lot more to this story there is an article apologies for not linking that talks about how when he was at Texas and he would only talk to coaches with biblical names would only wear white and even came out to her teammates that he believed he was the Messiah my dad's maternal grandmother shot her husband in the forage with 0.22 long before I was born warning signs were having bruises and the occasional broken bone apparently one day she was just waiting with the gun for him to get home all shit-faced cinta Beatty be fun facts the round didn't fully penetrate for whatever reason so he ended up being in the hospital for a couple of days before he finally died if he ended up spending some time in the farm and ended up babysitting me when I was 3 or 4 years old upon asking my dad if that didn't seem a little weird to him he replied nap she loved you to death she wasn't gonna hurt you and nobody else was going to either with a weird little cackle afterwards guy I went to high school with he was a year or so older ended up shooting his adoptive father in a moment of rage he immediately turned himself in after realizing what he'd done in school I remember he dated three girls I know and all of them broke up with him because he was aggressive and clingy he was also the bad boy definitely was doing drugs dressed very poorly that sort of thing everyone kind of distanced themselves from him but never thought he'd kill somebody I never met the guy we are very distantly related my great aunt is one of his aunts bids from what my great aunt has told me about him even at a young age he enjoyed causing pain and destruction he do things like put smell during ashes in the garbage so that a fire would start and then claim he didn't know any better or tormund beat up the younger neighborhood kids I have two experiences one my freshman year we were held on lockdown for three hours due to a boy bringing a gun to school he had murdered his parents the night before and another student at two different locations and intended to take out all of his friends and ex-girlfriend before killing himself he told the police that he was only going to kill his friends so they didn't have to hurt after he died it was all over the ex-girlfriend she told him she was pregnant to get money from him and told her boyfriend the boy he killed that it was his she moved several states away after it happened it's still an open case because they're apparently may have been other people involved you too evidence that the boy was drugged out of his house there were scratch marks on the doorframe and spent shelves through his yard leading into the woods where he was found the school still tries to say it was a suicide despite the police saying otherwise - the boy did not commit a murder but I need to share because my school handled it so poorly I was in a long-term relationship in high school I broke up with the boy my senior year and began talking to someone else being an ROTC meant I had many male friends who were rather close one of them being a fellow who asked me to prom I declined saying that I was with the other guy and he kind of got huffy but seemed fine the next day he showed me a picture of the pig he killed with a sledgehammer and said it was nothing personal and that he had to get it out of his system so he wouldn't make a mistake school administration said I was overreacting in that he's a good boy they wouldn't even let me switch class hours despite being terrified a high school acquaintances dad came home one day and killed his wife then shot himself on the front lawn I heard the gunshots I had met the dad maybe once or twice prior and you could tell he just wasn't all there he was idk twitchy like when he was contemplating something his eyes would plug out of his head and dart all over the room instead of just staring off into space like the majority of people do when you asked him a question it would be like you were startling him he acted a lot like a Tweaker but we knew he didn't do drugs thinking back on it now the warning signs were all there the mom wife was always quiet never made eye contact with anyone the kids like constantly about stupid stuff at school just to get someone to pay attention to them for a little bit from what I've heard they're doing better now edit by doing better I mean coping with the tragic loss of their parents not about their lying but came pen pals with a bunkmate from camp she stopped writing after a while turns out she butchered grandma in her sleep and had to go to John V Hall what I remember vividly is hardly she was during camp always needed you to smile or wave back at her guess her grandma didn't feel like it one day edit yes that was a typo I am completely mortified this is redic after all not a relative but a guy at school he was a couple of years older than me and our social circles would cross now and again even as a 14-year old before I worked in mental health I knew there was something off with him one summer holidays someone blew up the science labs our school no one was charged but we knew it was him fast forward a few years and a new tenant in a house he used to rent complained to the landlord about a stain in the ceiling and wall on investigation they found this guy's ex-girlfriend cut up in pieces wrapped in plastic bags in the Attic that [ __ ] is now serving life I remember swimming pool races with my two young and sweet distant cousins years ago at a family reunion we hung out all night and even though my memory is horrible at best I still remember what they looked like so vividly two weeks later they were murdered by their mother a woman who was close with my mother I didn't find out until years later when I found newspaper clippings in my parents closet but I somehow knew instantly who they were describing there were no red flags there was no hint that she was ever mentally I'll it seems to me that the absolutely worst murders are committed by the ones you never suspected from my cousin killed one of his classmates sim years ago for some reason I'm super terrified anyone will know who I'm talking about even though this happened in a small town in not America so here is the short version he always struggled socially he did have some mental problems and was for a year or so taken away from normal school and put into a special program which he hated but about a full year prior to the murder he changed a lot he was in his adolescent years and his eyes were open to all the terrors out in the world wars and such it bothered him a lot he would often talk about these kind of things about recent mass murders and such tragedies he hated it and he really wanted to do something that's why he killed he needed to know what it was like he wanted to go and fight terrorists as soon as he finished school he knew a classmate who walk through the woods on his way home so he hid and waited for him and jumped out and stabbed him as he walked past he said he panicked when the victim started screaming so he stabbed him over and over and over again edit the reason I was feeling uncomfortable sharing too much information was because I wasn't sure I was the best to present his case even though I followed the court case and read all his statements and if this strictly was my information to post on the internet like this not because I'm the killer in this story it was never caught as a few have suggested anyways please refrain from making assumptions based on what little info you know he didn't just make up the terrorist things as an excuse to kill he really did want to fight terrorists following the arrest the police announced they had been monitoring him as he had contacted the police requesting they ship him out to a country can't remember which where he could fight terrorists he contacted the police rather than the military as he knew for sure there was no chance with his mental problems plus he knew he would be to go through training he was also gay and seeing the way gays were treated in different countries really angered him as well he knew of several terrorist groups who specifically targeted gay people not a relative but someone I knew well I never in a million years believed he would be capable at what he did one night he fought a man in front of two children both under five and stabbed the guy in the chest and neck before gauging out his eyes he then ran out of the house and broke into a neighbor's covered in blood screaming about how he had killed someone for me in hindsight I would say he was troubled he was drunk most of the time had a vicious temper when it came to his family only but other than that nothing he was just a teenage boy barely 18 when it happened myth cousin cut a guy's head off with a saw blade while high on meth a girl I was really good friends with in high school with recently murdered her newborn she was pregnant with her second child and never went to the doctor while pregnant gave birth in her house and then smothered the girl immediately after she was born took the baby in a trash bag to the hospital and said she was stillborn but after questioning she admitted to the smothering the worst part is that there weren't red flags in high school she was always putting herself down saying she had an ugly face and she was too skinny and that no one would ever love her but to a certain extent that's just normal high school girl [ __ ] her mom always put away higher priority on finding a new husband than on taking care of her kids though so maybe she got it from her I didn't know the person directly it's my dad's boss who was the mom of a boy I dated was killed by her ex-husband from what I heard there were a lot of signs she left him because he was violent and it wasn't there for the family and had mental problems the wife only let him keep contact because she wanted her kids to have a father figure in their lives he actually ended up killing his wife after couples therapy because she would not take him back he then killed himself after leaving their three kids orphaned and scarred the sad thing is this was right after he regained some contact with his kids my grandfather died and my grandmother remarried a pretty great guy wrong wrong had a brother Robert Ron and my grandmother lived in Louisiana and we'd frequently drive down there to visit them for Thiang giving my father run and Robert would go duck hunting and we dig up some crayfish we played hide and seek with Robert for a while while dinner was being cooked I sat and talked with him about my life view as an 11 year old we ate dinner drove back home no issues during the same time period he picked up a drifter killed her and threw her body off a bridge he eventually was caught and the family was devastated they tried him for two murders but he confessed as many as 48 reading through his confessions and the case is terrifying there were times he came to visit while we all lived in Colorado Springs and he killed people he even sent letters to the police the truth is nobody could tell there was no telling sign as a kid nothing seemed off about him even his own brother was shocked edit his name is Robert Charles Brown if you want to look him up double at it I actually know another murder as well when I got to my first base of the Air Force eight years ago I was paired up with a senior a man named Charles Wilson he trained me a lot on my job and once I was competent I worked a lot with him on the same shift he had some issues and was wrapped up in a biker gang down here that was pretty shady at one point he was suspected of insurance fraud when his house burned down while he was deployed and one of his gangs members was found dead in the house one day he went and shot his pregnant girlfriend to death he tried to run but was caught in Florida he's now up for the death sentence and maybe the first military member to get it in a long long time he was more obviously wrapped up in bad things though you never would suspect murder I'll give a serious response this person failed at murder but certainly attempted murder it was a rage attack with the kitchen knife she was a narcissist self-centered and entitled it made reasoning with her completely impossible because I said so well because I don't want to is a completely acceptable excuse for herself but of course with was no acceptable from anyone else she was also angry had regular nightmares freshed in her sleep honestly it's hard to say that any of these things will definitely led to murder but they did in this case I am pretty certain my mother killed my grandmother the question I have was it on purpose or an accident grin had dementia and my narcissistic mother took her in for the glory and sympathy a caregiver gets and of course access to her bank account within 12 hours of my grandma's death my mother had her dogs put down within 24 had paid off her house books a 10-day cruise and within 36 hours had bought a gigantic new SUV I was the first person there I saw everything could I prove any of it nope just know that my mother loved to beat the crap out of people mostly me if she would admit it was an accident she might be functioning better than she is Oh in the hospital she kept saying that her dog couldn't testify not a relative but my ex is in prison for murder and attempted murder he held them captive and brutally tortured them never gave a reason and it wasn't sexually motivated the weird thing is that there were no red flags I've had some odd boyfriends but on the scale of zero 10 with 0 being least likely and 10 most likely to be a killer he was a strong zero when we were together was gentle charming and normal so terrifying how wrong you can be I knew Tyler Hadley the kid who killed his parents with a hammer he was always very quite and never had tried in school he hung out with all the pill heads so I never spent personal time with him my aunt killed three people two were strangers that tried to raped her with one being successful and the other was her brother she was always super aggressive and had strong views when it came to violence against people for example she used to always say she didn't understand why people fight or are surprised when one dies because it's an automatic life-or-death scenario and one has to win she also had tics like whenever you woke her up or surprised her she would have her fists balled and be in a fight stance one time she sucker-punched me with the force of the gods and that was the last time I woke her up within six feet I used to think her views on death were a bit funny because she was so nonchalant and even got kinda pissy when people asked her why she wasn't emotional after some funerals of close friends and relatives also knew a kid in middle school who tried to rob the house of an elder couple and ended up killing them that kid had some anger issues though not a relative but neighbor first time I met him he was coked out of his mind and wanted to show us this new ex he bought in a closed-off garage freaked me the freak out he ending up killing someone in a drunk driving incident and went to prison for years it was just one of those scenarios where you meet someone and instantly get bad vibes from them not me or even a relative but let's say a colleague directed an air strike rather haphazardly in 2004 there was no cause for it the entire mission was observation yet the opportunity was there utterly flattened a village no ideas on casualties edit stop the Karma please convert it into a buck and donate to a good cause thanks edit - enough I am a little late to the game and this will probably be buried however not a relative but the valedictorian of my graduating high school class ended up murdering his wife i sat next to him in a few classes to talk to him often he was universally liked in school not an athlete but incredibly smart rarely studied and got straight A's he would do his homework in the library at lunch so he wouldn't have to do much of anything at home he could have gone to post-secondary for literally anything found God and became a pastor that's what put it on a whole new level long story short he was having an emotional affair with a member of his congregation former member of his congregation he did not want to sing so decided best course of action was to kill his pregnant wife he experimented at least once with a smoothie laced with lorazepam I believe it was it didn't kill her so he did it again and put her had her take a bath while she was loopy then went for a run and when he came back she had drowned we are from a small town so it was big news extremely shocking when it happened literally no warning signs that I saw growing up they could not prove beyond a doubt he did it so he got manslaughter I believe eight years that he is appealing currently really messed up considering there were searches on his computer for how much lorazepam is needed to kill someone I am paraphrasing that search I'll try and find a link to the article cry me young man murdered then raped five yo he was babysitting red flags as a child had fits off rageful no apparent reason killed and dismembered small animals punched a tree till he broke his arm an flatout creepy as heck look in his eyes major drug and alcohol problems as a young adult sad part is he was physically and sexually abused as an infant before he was adopted at the age of three the damage had been done Adam Lanza Sandy Hook killer was my friend's neighbor she said he was creepy as a kid she refused to let her kids stand alone with him at the bus stop my friend would always complain about his mother-in-law she'd be extremely overbearing jealous of his relationship with her daughter and insisted on having a key to their home in case of emergency she wasn't totally sane she had been in a car accident which had disrupted her nervous system somehow so sometimes she seemed a bit nipply but I'm not a psychologist so I won't be the one to diagnose it her antics put a lot of stress on my friend one time she took my wife with her on a vacation without giving him notice for example and he was enraged for probably around a week or so the time it took for them to get back I never expected him to kill her but it turns out he was the one that had something mentally wrong with him I think it was some sort of early onset dementia but I try not to think about it since it's so weird to me [Music] [Music]
Channel: AskSheep
Views: 6,670
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Keywords: reddit addiction, askreddit, reddit funny stories, reddit stories, reddit viral, top reddit posts, askreddit top posts, r/askreddit, reddit relatives, reddit murderers, reddit red flags
Id: HVZhdfmsOqA
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Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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