Medical Conditions You Thought Were Normal (r/AskReddit)

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what medical condition do you have that you thought was absolutely normal I thought that everyone saw the lines coming from bright lights at night basically halos or a glare around headlights nope it's caused by astigmatism and I've known now I have it but never knew about that it's caused by your eyes not focusing the light correctly resulting in halos or glare around the light up until junior high I didn't understand why people would freak out over how things melt oh well these flowers smell amazing oh my god that fish is rotting or does anyone smell that my smelling was this weird feeling of kinda like a temperature or pressure in my nose it's hard to explain there just was a difference in the air that I wasn't smelling but could feel wasn't until I got nasal polyps removed that I understood and boy was it overwhelming and that sounds like what smelling is for me I thought every woman had searing stabbing pains in their pelvis all the time due to women problems and I was just being a little punk no I have endometriosis my organs were fused together yeah it took me forever to figure this one out the correlated intestinal problems and random stabs in the knot lady parts didn't help making this clearer endo is annoying dyspraxia thought I was just less coordinated than most people [ __ ] my nephew was diagnosed with it at which point my mother told me oh you were diagnosed with that when you were a kid too would have been nice if someone had told me that there was a reason I was so clumsy ai ai have fellow dyspraxia everyone always thinks I mean to say dyslexia when it comes up I thought it was normal to feel like your entire respiratory system was full of liquid capsaicin after an intense workout during 6th grade gym class I have asthma I have a shot ski ring a narrowing of the lower esophagus which means I have to drink a lot of water with anything I eat to get it down especially dry foods like bread otherwise food gets stuck in my esophagus and I end up in a lot of pain once when I was maybe 11 or 12 I watched a man eat an entire bagel without drinking in a and I was shocked you can get that dilated I ended up in the ER thanks to some state getting lodged in mine they popped the steak into my stomach and dilated the ring so food doesn't get stuck anymore I still won't eat without having a drink to wash it down though force of habit scoliosis awkward curvature of the spine while I was growing up I would get yelled at a lot by my parents because I kept slouching over and tilting my head they thought it was just teenager stuff and would always pull my shoulders back and tell me to walk like a man hey another scoliosis bro my ears hardly have any cartilage they're very soft I never noticed that until a friend pinched them trying to get my attention when we were about 16 it was a revelation seeing that everyone else has hard ears this is nothing compared to other comments in here but I didn't know what heartburn was until after I graduated college I described what I was feeling and my friend said are you serious that heartburn he gave me a Thompson my life was changed I thought the dryness of my eyes was really normal until I found out that part of the reason they get dry so easily is that they don't close all the way but for some time now I would sometimes like once every several months or so your large enough that my jaw sort of gets stuck open it always corrects itself within a few minutes with a distinct feeling that the jaw was slipping back into place didn't think anything of it just thought it was something that happens when you open your mouth that wide then it happened a few days ago while I was in the same room as my mother a doctor turns out that no this is not normal behavior for someone's jaw it's something called temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ still doesn't seem like an incredibly pressing thing but I'll certainly bring it up the next time I see my dentist I had something like this growing up my jaw would pop and sometimes lock dentist gave me some exercises that cleared it up push your lower jaw forward so your bottom teeth are in front of your upper teeth then open your mouth as tall as you can manage comfortably slowly close it again making sure your jaw stays pushed forward my sense of smell is rated one out of five five being normal I always thought everyone was exaggerating smells of flowers or stinky messes I've not been tested but its certainty seems like my sense of smell is significantly worse than those around me deviated septum 95% of my right nostril was blocked I never thought anything of it sure it whistled sometimes and colds really sucks it doesn't everyone's nose whistles sometimes and don't cold suck like this for everyone turns out the answer was no best part the gov't paid for the nose job due to the severe blockage when I had the stints removed it was a freaking life-changing moment I could breath out of my face it was like colorblind people seeing the full spectrum for the first time life-changing and you don't know how you survived before without it now I take it for granted as I do everything I have hyper hydrosis I didn't realize how much I sweat was abnormal enough to be a medical condition it was miserable growing up and having sweat literally dripped from your hands while you tried to write and not understanding why I scrolled down so far to find this because I have that too and thought the same thing I have always had ringing in my ears for as long as I remember and I thought too everybody experienced it I'd heard of tinnitus plenty of times but for some reason it was a while until the penny dropped I've never heard complete silence because of the noise Jesus this thread is a hypochondriacs nightmare I have OCD and did not get diagnosed until I was well into adulthood my understanding of OCD was based on pop culture so I had no idea that that's what my intrusive thoughts and compulsions were I am learning that things are abnormal all the time now I relate to this OCD is like having an abusive brain I thought everyone's legs felt weird when they were tired at night finally had a roommate who said they stretched at night because they have jumpy leg aka restless leg syndrome it's not as bad as it was when I was younger but I spent many nights back then wishing I could stop moving my legs so I could go to sleep diabetes insipidus basically I drink more fluids in a day than most of you do in three or four at one point it was so bad I was drinking 6-7 litres of water a day I know because I would fill up my two liter water bottle every 45 minutes drink it all and repeat oh and I would also not exagerating pee every 10 minutes kalo blindness to hear people's reactions I should totally know just by instinct how things are supposed to look and therefore how my vision is different protip a whole lot of Cobble blind folks don't know they're coral blind until somebody tests them and those tests may not happen until a relevant job application in adulthood you want to be a pilot or a police officer or joined the military sorry you can't fulfill your dreams even if you didn't know you were coral blind until this very moment one testicle I had no clue it wasn't normal growing up undescended as a child then it herniated and died my body absorbed it apparently didn't find out it wasn't normal until I was getting a physical just make sure you always mention it in your past medical history when visiting doctors b/c there is an increased risk of testicular cancer later in life with his condition cryptorchidism I'm not sure if it's a medical condition percent but my second and third toes are fused together on both feet my brother has this as well and my mom - just a little bit I grew up thinking everyone had connected toes until one spring in middle school when everyone was wearing sandals I literally shouted out in class you guys don't have connected toes and everyone looked at me like I was insane my second and third are fused a bit higher that the others build it's only noticeable if it's pointed out all like I did staring too long it gives them a funny look mo I have always felt cold not normal oh it's cold out cold but holy crap I am freezing cold I thought some people just handled the cold better than others turns out it is one of the symptoms for severe anemia thanks to our own infusions every three months I still feel cold but naughty I think I maybe are freezing to death cold Oh foo will it work I should probably have a chat with my doctor a minor case of hypospadias I have two holes in my dong instead of one the 2d one is very close and there's a thin wall of skin in between it looks so natural I never questioned its existence and I just figured one was for pee and one for semen then last year I read about it on Reddit and had my WTF moment I am also 34 lupus my doctor always told me that the constant pain and fatigue was just part of growing up then they said the pain in my chest and shortness of breath was anxiety and I was just fishing for attention surprise I was short of breath because lupus made the lining of my lung swell and made my heart enlarge when I was having an outbreak ten years later it's finally under control thanks to one doctor who told me being tired and in pain every minute of every day was not normal I thought your throat mouth and lips were supposed to hurt after eating fruits like apples and pears nope just allergic this is how I felt about cookies with tree nuts and then I just thought the nuts would scratch your throat to crap and make it a Qi didn't understand why people love tree nuts so much cataplexy it's the hallmark symptom of narcolepsy but most people don't know it actually has a large range of presentation I remember talking about a YouTube video to my friend and described it as one of those super funny ones that makes your face stop working apparently I didn't realize it wasn't normal to have your face droop of your head become too heavy to hold up if you laughed too hard after being diagnosed with narcolepsy I began to notice a few other things constantly dropping things wasn't just me being clumsy going completely limp on amusement park rides and slurring my words whenever I laughed wasn't normal either I am so sorry for laughing but the way where did this was humorous and made the situation much more light-hearted I'm really happy you've got answers and I hope things have gotten better walked around with a broken back for four years being convinced crippling pain was the norm before finding out that wasn't normal at 12 to 16 years old I spent nine months thinking I was getting older and now have back pain found out I had a fracture in my back took nearly two years to become nearly pain-free after that feeling like a stranger in my body like I was pushed War II III back within my own head and perceiving the world as if I was looking through a cinema screen with the deep conviction that the world around me was fictional happened quite a lot but I figured it was normal it wasn't T was is a free Nia I get that occasionally thankfully not a lot I have lupus and with outcomes Raynaud's syndrome my hands and feet turn completely white when cold or stressed and then blow purple I thought it was normal precordial catch syndrome random stabbing chest pains and an inability to breathe for about 20 seconds then just disappears I thought to happen to everyone apparently the membrane around your heart gets caught on your lung then it has to detach itself totally harmless I think I'm dying every time I hate this it's just like a little bubble that needs to pop I think if I breathe deep enough it will pop but I can't breathe that hard because it hurts so bad I haven't rickielee tachycardia basically my heart has an extra spark plug and without medication it beats about twice as fast as it should I first notice it in high school and thought HM I'm not sure if my heart should be beating this fast but I was an idiot and did nothing about it I didn't feel any symptoms so I thought I was fine then one day I felt really short of breath going up a flight of stairs and almost pass out so my dad rushed me to the air when we arrived and the EKG results came in the staff absolutely flipped out and sprinted a crash cart into my room that was the most terrified I've ever been I should probably be dead if you think something is going on with your heart get it looked at immediately before a disorder I figured everybody thought about killing themselves from time to time and anytime anything went wrong this impression was strengthened when going on an antidepressant helps but didn't make it go away entirely things are different now that I'm on a mood stabiliser voluntary nystagmus which basically means I can shake my eyes back and forth super quickly found out it wasn't common in grade school but my daughter can do it too I also found out it has a whole subreddit our eye shockers thoughts of bloating and urge to crap your pants was a normal trade-off for eating dairy like house and peppers can be painfully spicy until the next off mine pointed out I was probably lactose intolerant doctor confirmed it told me to stay the heck away from cheese I was 18 to be fair I had mentioned it several times to my mom growing up who is also lactose intolerant but still eats dairy and suffers through it and she just assumed I knew what lactose intolerance was and brushed it off as something else I was home-schooled though so not sure where else she'll assume I'd learn bat pipes I thought everybody had diarrhea every day same imagine how shocked I was when I found out other people don't constantly switch back and forth between constipation and diarrhea wild you have been visited by the distinguished dog our delicious delicacies comment tasty supper utter and be blessed with delectable dishes for the next decade if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video product either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 300,896
Rating: 4.939652 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tapmedical stories, reddit medicat, reddit doctor stories, reddit doctors, hospital, emergency room, reddit ER, reddit er stories
Id: -0JvZ7N80FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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