Tucker: Classic literature out. Sexual propaganda in.

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good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight loudoun county virginia right outside washington dc was for a very long time for generations a reasonable place it was orderly and calm it was well maintained louden county famously worked certainly in contrast to the city nearby and then two things happened to loudoun county first lots of federal money flowed in all those government contracts in washington made laden county rich in fact loudoun county is now the single richest county in the entire united states and that's been a problem because any place you find easy money you will also inevitably find large numbers of unhappy white liberals those brittle neurotics with the masks on screaming at everyone else to get in line louden county has a whole bunch of those people now it also has a huge number of immigrants one out of every four people in loudoun county was born in another country now in general most immigrants are not very liberal at all actually in fact many of them have what would now be described as extreme right-wing positions on social issues if you ever have a chance ask a salvadoran what he thinks of transgenderism it'll make you laugh probably nervously you'll look around and see if anyone heard it but as a practical matter it doesn't matter at all what immigrants what salvadorans or pakistanis think of social issues or how they organize their own families immigrants vote overwhelmingly for the democratic party and those votes give more power not to them but to those unhappy white liberals who want to blow everything up and that's why mystery solved a lot of places with high levels of recent immigrants tend to be far more liberal than those immigrants themselves it's interesting and that's definitely true in loudoun county virginia take a look at the schools if you don't believe it loudoun county used to have famously good schools people wanted to send their kids to those schools now those schools are run by lunatics who hate the country it happened fast it always does here's video from a county school board meeting just two days ago the first person you're going to see in this video is a middle school teacher called andrea weiskopf now as you watch this keep in mind that andrea weiskopf is actually a middle school teacher she's not a paid actor we didn't make her up to prove a point she is entirely real down to the ostentatiously displayed pronouns in her twitter bio here's miss weiskopf explaining how the book to kill a mockingbird a book the rest of us assumed was all about why racism is bad is in fact itself racist because it causes something called racial trauma due to the fact there are white people in it it's funny how they are so afraid of their children seeing another view of sexuality gender or religion if you want to talk about books that are assigned let's read to kill a mockingbird together if you aren't willing to consider the racial trauma this assigned book causes black children with its white saver saviorism then you have no business discussing any books oh so if you don't consider to kill a mockingbird racist says andrea weiskopf then quote you have no business discussing any books can you even imagine what this lady's personal life must be like miserable does not even begin to describe it desperate hellish but if she somehow looks familiar there's a reason for that you've heard a lot of lectures like this recently from people like andrea weiskopf stupid people telling you what you're allowed to say and read that's essentially 2021 summed up in a single sentence the scariest part is they're telling your kids the exact same thing all day every day in school so what effect is that having on your kids on all of our kids on the country itself well over time the effect is unimaginable for the last year most parents have put up with this either they didn't know it was happening or they felt powerless to stop it from happening they were afraid to object to speak up as lunatics like andrea weiskopf hurt their children but that's changing finally some parents have had enough of this watch this mother at this week's loudoun county school board meeting crt is not an honest dialogue is a tactic that was used by hitler and the klu klux klan on slavery's very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves crt is racist it is abusive it discriminates against one's color let me educate you an honest dialogue does not impress oh press an honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice it's to communicate with deceiving without deceiving people today we don't need your agreement we want action in the backbone for what we asked for today to ban crt i had to come down here today to tell you to your face that we are coming together and we are strong this will not be the last greet and meet respectfully oh yeah the woman you just saw is called chantel cooper and she deserves an award someone please give her an award critical race theory is racist said chantal cooper and she's absolutely right it certainly is racist it is obviously aggressively flamboyantly racist hurting people because of their skin color is the entire point of critical race theory there is no other point of it and yet it is now federal policy last month the department of education proposed a regulation that directs tax dollars to the race hustlers who traffic in this poison the administration specifically cited the work of ibrahim kendi real name henry rogers as well as the entirely fraudulent 1619 project headed by nicole hannah jones so what are these people like what we're going to show you this show has just obtained a clip an event held a few days ago by the oregon department of education nicole hannah jones spoke at that event along with a portland state professor called ethan johnson who supposedly chairs the school's black studies department according to this ethan johnson and you may be surprised to learn this slavery is still going one of the things that is really important i think is to not frame um slavery as a legacy but as it's still here um it's legacy suggests that its own rule there's some remnants of it moving forward and i would suggest that no slavery is right here the idea of what a slave is is still here and we're living that okay so the civil war never happened turns out that your ancestors weren't killed or maimed trying to end slavery abraham lincoln never signed the emancipation proclamation slavery is still underway that's the view of some guy who's literally claiming to be a college professor but he's not alone people like that are in charge of the schools now low iq vandals wrecking what they did not build from the very bottom to the very top they are everywhere we can give you endless examples here's just one because it happened just hours ago the state of california has announced its new mathematics framework for students across the state our biggest state one of the authors of this framework is a stanford professor called joe bowler here's how she explained the plan these are her words quote i'm very pleased to announce the new mathematics framework for california some highlights a strong social justice orientation all students should take the same courses kindergarten through 10th grade viva la math revolution right numbers are racist kill them it's lunacy it's the french revolution the stuff is everywhere have you ever taken a look at the books that your kids are being assigned in school have you actually read them parents in loudoun county actually did read them and one mother had the temerity to read portions of those books allowed at the loudoun county school board meeting watch jasper wasn't even my boyfriend just this dude i did some hacking with once in a while he was pretty basic library systems low security not in my league at all but he had a big and sometimes a girl just needs a big her top lip curled up wait a minute is that what's really going on she did your homework and you ate her is that why you're crying it's okay it's cool this is what girls do at parties i told myself and kept dancing with the boy i couldn't see the alcohol making my waist wind faster if this is inappropriate for me to read to you this is inappropriate for our children how much did the billion dollar porn industry contributed to lcps my question is now are you going to use the whole language approach to coincide with this vial reading and teach pole dancing in pe no that was not to kill a mockingbird with scout and boo radley that's racist what you just heard were excerpts from anti-racist books that have been officially approved by loudoun county teachers here's a man called brandon michonne trying to read more from those books daring to read aloud from the books that louden county children are told to read watch how they try and shut him up as he does i'm going to read an excerpt from a freshman honors english class in stonebridge she's a hoe just like her sister every dude on the courts it's time for lcps to get their ax and their house and order the curtain has been pulled back and people can now see the deficient leadership that's been in this county my five-year-old is being peddled transgender books in her library teenagers are being served pornography under the guise of young adult literature do something be a leader because if you know what the citizens of this county deserve better and if you're not willing to do it can you please cover your nose with your mouth you're all vaccinated what the f what the freak give me 10 seconds back give me 10 seconds back there you know the rules thank you wear your mask when you criticize us it's a pandemic in the end they just cut off his mic hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,080,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1619 project, critical race theory, crt, crt training, education, fox news critical race throy, tucker carlson critical race theory, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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