Maximized Prayer: How to Handle the Pressures of Life

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all right this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it y'all come on in the room don't peep in the window come in the room we're going to have a great time tonight amen this is our maximized prayer moment and they're working on me an introductory slate i guess after all these years i'll have one hello and that and cheryl and coheel can heal that's it right oppa did ladiesha hey girl all right danielle ledesha so i heard precious was very good preach for them on sunday so i heard she did a good job all right she's in her news in in her new season so it's all good glad that you you all allowed her gave her an opportunity hey tracy how are you all right all my good people there amen miranda hey let's share this with everybody tonight's going to be good the night is going to be one of those lessons that you'll take your your take it for you now but you'll also take it for your next and i'm really excited about talking to you about it and sharing you with you what god shared with me on it i am i'm always uh looking forward to these times my my monday night headphone passes man that's it's almost like having church with you on monday night i said no not not not not necessarily but you know i'm going to teach the word and we're going to pray the word and uh it's going to be good people going to grow that's what it's all about i'm working on something real uh yeah i don't know i don't know but i'll have it done by the uh conference but i'm working on something for you uh as a growth mechanism hey tyrone how are you amen i don't know if y'all were at church yesterday but i'm telling you doctor i preached the paint off the walls again at both locations hi i'm here hey barbara uh it was i mean she preached the pain off the wall and you know then she told me i'm gonna be preaching next next week yeah i'll be teaching next sunday she's going on her uh sabbatical as uh and we always like her to go on sabbatical she works so hard and so she's going to rest and so i'm on the second string so i'm um uh she's i'm she's bringing me off the bench so tracy said i'm excited to hear you sunday too thank y'all all right thank you make me feel good make me feel good all right so sunday i'm going to be teaching i'll be teaching the same line that she's teaching and it ought to be good so i see somebody here from detroit if you're watching for the first time and join us for the first time please let us know and let us know what you're watching from it is amazing i think earlier on the promo we had somebody who said they were watching from kenya uh and they had been a part of a church family that we know of and so that's good somebody's watching from illinois all right let me know where y'all come on in the room hey apostle there hello apostle that's ladybc she's watching she's tuning in and uh apostle ham how are you dad uh see you in october that's right october october's gonna be great october's gonna be great earlier i was telling everybody about how um awesome the visit lady b and i made to the uh east campus on last friday night we had last friday we had several uh young ministers uh who are over uh in the 5fo who registered last year for our strategist and we had promised them a day with the apostle we were able to keep our word with them and we we came we toured the campus the north campus then we toured the uh uh the aircraft hangar and then we came to the retreat center and we had lunch together we were going to go to the east campus but the bus had a problem and so we had to show up we had to revise and pivot and we went to the north and i had spent an hour or so with them just answering questions oh i'm looking at people from pennsylvania philadelphia louisiana tyler oh that's so good that's so good and i need you all to share this with others this is so this is this information this teaching setting that i have here is uh it's dynamic it changed your life so you ought to you ought to definitely feel free sharing it with other arkansas we want you know my grandson is in arkansas going to school at uh southern uh university yeah southern arkansas university and we worked that with him for his game on last week on last saturday and then we flew back in for sunday so uh yeah uh arkansas yeah praise the lord and then today lady b and i we went back we went out to the south i mean the east campus which is being revitalized and uh the work we've put in there is amazing it's amazing and we have uh showers for the men showers for the ladies uh ladies this is 98 complete i think we got to get a sign off from the uh inspector and it's ready to go and by the men's dormitory it's several weeks away but it's it'll be done very quickly so we're really happy about it happy about it uh auditorium my peggy i see peggy i got it peggy peggy sales heard my first sermon y'all peggy sales heard my first sermon she was a teenager back then heard my first sermon i was 10 years old praise the lord and she's still with me all these years i love my packet amen all right yes indeed um still part of the light still faithfully following my daughter as pastor and supporting everything we do peggy you know i love you peg is like family to us um and so um we had a chance to see that today and pretty soon we know that you'll be seeing things coming from that location and it's it's amazing tonight uh uh i want to talk to you about making um making uh making plans to be with me in october you see it october the 18th and the 21st you just saw one of the pastors there i want the apostles there one of my sons who said he's going to be there well it's for everybody thank you retooling for revival i should have just called it retooling because when you put the revival on that many people think it's just for church no no no no this retooling is to get myself ready for my now and my next in other words what adjustments do i need to make now in my life and in my faith uh that will take me to the new next level and then what do i have to do at the next level so that's what the retooling is also all about i had a brainstorming session with several of my sons and the proteges and they were saying you know dad you really need to define that retooling because in the minds of many people they don't really it doesn't snap and what i want you to understand is uh hey brandy i see you girl well uh what what really retooling is is what adjustments do i need to make because making those adjustments many times will cause the acceleration that you want the manifestation that you've been looking for and that's what it's about and so i want you to make plans to be with us there is a registration for the fivefold ministry uh and i think that's 150 early registration come on get it early and i think there's registration for the uh for regular registration for the staff and for partners and i think it's only forty dollars now what i'm going to be teaching in my apostles uh in my apostles uh institute is really a part two of the believing that i mean revolutionized everybody a month ago just about a month ago when i taught it in the revolutionary faith summit summit i'm going to be teaching that i'm going to be taking you fur further yes right i'm going to be taking you further on that and if you couldn't be in the house back then you ought to want to be in the house with this right now and so uh we all need this conference for the ship as the apostle ham said that but that's what this virtual this year it's hybrid we're going to have a virtual setting and then we're going to also have those who are will physically be in the house and i want you in the house that's it i know we're going to have i'm expecting thousands on the screen but i mean i'm expecting you now listen here's the thing when you register you will get what others don't get you say well i'm gonna just wait for the night services oh yeah okay you all know we air tonight certain night service has always been open to everybody but it is those day sessions where i ain't where really i go into it those will not be available for the night people for free no that is why you know you got to treat this almost like your master class where i'm going to be getting something others will not get and that is why i need to register that is why you need to register and uh i only have so many registration slots that's right and i need you to i need you to take your slot and i think it's only forty dollars i think and i i could be wrong but i think it's only forty dollars up till the end of this month so let's do it what is the day the day is the 20th so you got 10 days to believe five to forty dollars ten days to be y'all got that y'all got 40 dollars right now so when it's over i want you to go to uh that's for the retooling uh um uh for revival conference and i want you to register register yourself register and then i want you you got a whole month or so just to get down here whether you gotta drive whether you're going to you know fly or whatever you want to do you got time to get here for amen tonight y'all ready for tonight who's ready for tonight i see jonathan watson says retool rethink amen that's what it's about jonathan now you just captured it it's about learning how to think on another level amen now what the lord i spread lord what do you want me to talk about tonight and uh what the lord began to share with me about tonight is to minister to you uh on how to deal with the life pressures yeah precious how to handle the pressures of life that's it how to handle the pressures of life and uh i'm going to be sending you i'm going to make available to you don't put it up there now because they'll go get it right now uh i'll be making available to you the uh a series a lesson on how to handle life practice pressures with passion and it'll it's going to detail a lot of things that i'll be teaching tonight that you can go back and listen to them over and over kevin says i'm ready apostle you know many times people schedule appointments with me and they want to sit down and talk to me and of course in my days of pastoring i was available to do that and then of course you know pastors most of my calls and my talks with pastors is about them handling their presser pressure situations their present pressure situations and what i want to talk to you about tonight has to do with uh uh how to handle those pressure uh those uh pressure situations i want you to listen to me real carefully because you know if you and i could sit down right now and you you would begin to tell me the pressures that you are on the pressures that you are faced with then i would begin to talk so i want you to see this tonight even though we have hundreds who are live viewers who are in the room and really thousands who are who are viewing this listen i want you to uh just to take it as though this is just me and you tonight just me and you talking and i'm sharing with you wisdom that god has given me on how to handle the pressures of life years ago i'm in a little raggedy rundown building y'all know i got to put it up there because i am who i am today because i listened to god when i was in this little raggedy rundown building now you said what pressure did you have you would not hardly believe the pressures that i had i had money pressures i had a relationship pressures i had marriage pressures i had ministry pressures you know you name it i had a lot to worry about and that's when god began to teach me god began to teach me by principle that's found in romans chapter 1 and verse 20. where he talks about the natural things we can learn spiritual principles by looking at natural things the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even is internal so it says look i can look at some of the visible things and understand the invisible looking that's at natural understanding spiritual and uh listen my team y'all know i didn't highlight them with y'all put that up there thank you dez thank you uh can you all right watch this now life precious i want you to see this would be defined as experiences and various perceived difficulties harassments and oppressions that create negative emotional states that can potentially watch this now corrupt the quality of life and derail destiny in other words pressure comes from difficulties and pressures come from harassment and pressures comes from oppression how i am actually managing and filtering what's happening in my life in a very physical sense all pressure is not get this now call all pressure is not always destructive no no no no all pressure is not always destructive when it is properly controlled constrained and converted it can be beneficial what yes i think about it the water pressure that you have in your house that you're able to turn on a faucet and water comes out you know electricity is the product of converted pressure so it is when in life in life when we learn uh to successfully manage the various life pressure situations that the total experience can be beneficial episodes so when structural pressure uh structural structural pressure pressing exceeds a design limitation then that's where it's dangerous and can cause stress fractures now here is the thing vana people have to understand you're never going to be able to go away to some la la land where you never have any pressure no that's not going to happen and that is not the teaching of scripture of course it will happen when you go to heaven but until you get to heaven you're gonna have to deal with the pressures of life and so uh this whole lesson series i'm teaching you now is to get us to redefine and and and be reinforced as we perceive breaking points because you know stress fractures happen in the natural when a thing reaches its limit and what the devil tries to do is to push you beyond your pressure limit i'm gonna talk about that in a minute so then stress leads to worry and anxiety and that is what god told us not to do it's not the will of god for us and therefore it must be the will of god for us to develop the stamina to be victorious in the situations we are in now and where we're going later now all right now so when we rise listen to this when we rise to the level of pressure situations that we face we can glorify god we can be victorious so it's time to rise now what i mean by time to rise carla i mean it's time for us to know who we are in the kingdom of god uh and i'm going to talk about the kingdom of god just a minute but it's time for us to know who we are in the kingdom of god and what we are capable of doing and being and then having confidence in the orchestration of god what god allows to happen and his presence with us as kingdom people i need somebody to record we are kingdom people we are kingdom people unless we're kingdom of god people we are kingdom of god people because that has i have to really stress that on you because that's what god stressed on me uh years ago that i was in the kingdom and as a kingdom person i had the right to function in a different way and the right to function in a different way so let's talk about things that bring us to a place of worry the precious number one of personal pressure and that is being happy with yourself a lot of people are their word because they're that mean they they uh they their word because of uh uh you know their own self-identity is threatening emotional pressures not being able to process situations are not only that relationship pressures causes them to worry because of the need that they have for acceptance of others married or precious if you're married praise the lord uh you understand how that can be a worrisome oppression situation physical pressure dealing with sickness disease or the threat of sickness and disease and the fear of cobalt and all of that financial pressures we all know about the financial pressure and then of course ministry and career pressure so i understand now that pressure is a part of life what pressure is a part of life the scripture says many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers us out of them all now get this child of god our ability to manage the pressure depends on how well we are prepared our ability to manage the pressure because you're not going to listen to me you're not going to be able to fly away to some la la land watch this here on the earth and be a free of pressure that's not going to happen you may take your vacation but you got to come back to real life y'all know that so number one the believer must understand the scriptural dynamics of the kingdom of god come on let me take you on a ride to the right through the kingdom right here the bible says that we are in the kingdom of god colossians 1. it says that's it who has delivered us from the power of darkness translated us into the kingdom of his dear son so when you got born again he put you in the kingdom now you hear the term in christ well what does that mean i'm in christ well what does it mean when you say i'm in college you can say i'm in college and you not physically be on the campus but means you've been enrolled you are now a citizen you have now privileged because you are a student there so it is in the kingdom of god i have rights i have privileges he says scripture says i am a new creature i remember god i mean i mean i remember how he drilled this into me that i am a new creature and he said you are not just a human what i'm not the old things that passed away all things have become new you are not simply just a human that i am a new creature and watch this and i had to understand i have access to the spirit world i have abilities others don't have watch this and watch this i have authority that others don't have you are a kingdom person dr eyes teaching a series now on i make the difference sounds arrogant but it's not it's really a person realizing that they are a kingdom being and because you have been taken out of the kingdom of darkness and placed in the kingdom of his dear son now watch this you are equipped you are really prepared to manage the pressures of life what yes you are you are real i got to wake it up in you but yes esther and cheryl and shelby and kevin and you are you are in the kingdom of god you are not that old person and that's what i've got to get you to see you don't you are in the kingdom you're a kingdom person not a religious person now that religious person just goes to church and waits to die amen for things to get better but not you you are a kingdom believer and that's why the bible teaches us but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things now what is the kingdom of god i'm glad you asked that because in the bible we see there's the kingdom of the world which we're not going to really deal with bible says we got to renew our minds from that then as we see the kingdom of heaven used and we see the kingdom of god now the kingdom of god is this universal system of god that's what it is of principles and concepts and strategies that we access through our reborn human spirit stay with me now when you talk about the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven is the system that god but it is the literal presence of jesus hearing on the earth the kingdom of heaven is of and and it's been postponed so when you see the bible talking about the kingdom of heaven it's talking about the literal reign of jesus on the earth now the kingdom of god now are the principles that will be used during that reign which are accessible to us here and now so all the vowels all through the bible you see him referencing the kingdom of god and when you think when you see your kingdom of god i want you to think special i want you to think yes i'm in the kingdom i'm that kingdom citizen therefore this pertaineth to me i'm a kingdom citizen watch this down and so the bible says in john 3 as jesus was teaching he says very very i say unto you except a man be what born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god we're not talking about entered necessarily into heaven after i die but he's talking about this functioning on these kingdom principles and so jesus was asked once by the disciples concerning the kingdom let's look at luke chapter 17. i'm going to get to the weary part but i got to get to this now and when he was demanding of the pharisees when the kingdom of god should come he answered and he answered them and said the kingdom of god cometh not with observation wow neither shall they say lo here look here or look there for behold the kingdom of god is within you oh my god he says you have the capacity to function as a kingdom citizen here and now amen you have the capacity to function as a kingdom citizen here and now and that kingdom watch this functions by faith amen so when god is talking to joshua he's teaching him a kingdom principle this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observed to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success that's joshua one and eight and it is a kingdom principle that if you watch this we'll put the word in your mouth meditate in the word day and night you're going to be able to up to do according to what's written watch this and you'll make your way prosperous now why does god want us to be kingdom citizens because it is both the creative intent of god and the covenant intent of god that we partner with god all right to advance his agenda in the earth that's what it's about it's about you and i understanding that god cannot move in the earth without a partner and he wants you to partner with him he wants me to partner with him and he's given us these kingdom privileges so that we can advance his cause in the earth now when i talk on the revolutionary faith and believe in believing i taught about the priorities that we should have number one is the partnership appropriation of of uh you know the partnership assigned projects when god gives us a signed project like he's given me hey charlotte i see you uh like he gave me um you know to build the buildings to do the things i've done over the past 37 years and now my project with what i'm doing right now this is a kingdom project um uh uh teaching the word doing love city i say i have to use my faith to do that and i use kingdom principles to do that and then the promises of god are received by faith so i appropriate the asp what i call appropriate the promises of god and then uh through kingdom partnership i have uh uh aspiration pleasures in other words the desires of my heart god gives me the desires of heart now because the devil couldn't keep you out of heaven he wants to do everything he can to make your life miserable right now and he does that by bringing pressure situations situations of difficulties and darkness and that sort of thing and cause you to think that you are not going to make it through rob you of your peace and rob you of your joy and causes life to be miserable now the pressure situations are a part of life but watch this you don't have to let it get you down i don't know what you're facing but i know you're facing something why because it's a part of life you say well you look like you never face anything and i can boy i'm i'm oh you don't get to this level without facing difficulties you don't get to this level what i face in some situation situation you don't but i learned how to understand how to convert pressure so that pressure pushes me hey glory to god i better watch that one watch this so the reality is of pressure many of the affliction of the righteous but god delivers them out of them all so god's going to deliver you out of all precious will somebody put that down god delivers me out of all precious situations now you got to believe that and that's one thing i'm going to be teaching you you can say a lot of stuff but you got to believe it you got to believe it all right watch this now so in the bible you can see even some of the champions of faith that we admire had precious situation elijah was running from jezebel pressure elijah's servant panic when he saw them surrounded pressure hey god sent out into the desert i mean and listen every i like this one because this one's for every um uh single parent who's been abandoned by the daddy's mom that is uh the children's daddy like this precious situation like hagar was yet god came through for her pressure men the david's men when they tried to when they lost their families and all and they wanted to destroy him precious situations disciples that all of them face net pressure situations so what happens now when i surrender to this pressure attack my pressure was to bring me to a point where now i'm stressed out so pressure causes me to be stressed out stress means i'm at my breaking point i'm at my breaking point so what happens i get to the breaking point when i allow situations to dictate my action and i lose control have you lost control pressure i mean stress becomes and this is when i when i'm at my breaking point now when i become a victim of um i become a victim of very toxic biochemical reactions because the bible tested to me stress even bothers me physically stress at my breaking point i forfeit the peace and the power of god uh that with that's available in the situation you are never in a situation where the peace and power of god is not available to help you whoo or if you could just get there i'm never in a place where the peace and power of god is not available to help me amen amen come somebody ought to document that all right when i'm in this stressful situation i risk contaminating others because stress and anxiety are contagious yes when i'm in this situation i become an instrument of satanic expression in the earth and it will spoil my witness praise the lord now you and i cannot escape to some far away place i've been saying it but i want you to see it of of life demands where we wherever we are there are always demands and resistance and opposition it's a part of kingdom living so that's it it's a part of kingdom living now um that multitude of scriptures i think what um job said a man born over one was a few days full of trouble all kinds of you know jesus says uh you know in this world you'll have tribulations all of this so it's a part of it so i don't want you to think that it's only you yes and that's what the devil you're the only one going through you're the only one having this you don't one can't pay your bill you're the only one that's not true that's just not true and i had to face that facing difficulties facing distasteful things is a part of life but i have his peace and his power to overcome can i get you to believe that tonight you can i get you to believe that tonight that that you it's just a part of life but you are a kingdom citizen equipped and empowered to overcome to go through situations to come out victorious so that god is glorified now the scripture instructs us you can choose not to worry boy i remember when i talked this years ago you can't tell me that well i didn't say it the bible says jesus says let not your heart be troubled y'all got to put that on the screen come on now y'all got to put that on the screen uh let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me my my mind i remember the first time i read that i mean i heard it in funerals i heard it all the time my fiance people say in funerals and they say things they don't believe them no they don't believe it he said let nacho he couldn't tell me to let not my heart be troubled if i couldn't do it it would be unfair to him all right look at another one in john same same chapter verse 27 he says peace i leave you my peace i give unto you now there's the world given unto you let not your heart let not your heart be troubled who neither let it be afraid so you have a choice in the matter i know i'm not gonna get through tonight so i think i know i'm gonna have to probably carry this over to the next week but you have a choice in the matter if i can get you to see that so the bible says we can choose not to worry jesus taught this in in matthew chapter six let me read this from the scripture to you it says wherefore if you so close the grass of the field what your day is and tomorrow is cast into uh i guess in the oven shall he not much more clothe you oh year little fate so when he says i'm wearing i have a little faith therefore take no thoughts saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or god what i'm going to do uh what should we clothe for after all these things the gentile state for your heavenly father knowing what you have need of all of these things but seek ye first kingdom of god his righteousness don't little things be all these things be added to you all of this was teaching us that worrying and stress it's under our control whoo we're in the stress now you said but that's that's easy for you to say no i can teach this because see years ago i worried so much i was about to have nerve breakdown i have heard so much i had had had wrinkles in my forehead all the time because i was under this pressure oh my god i'm living this god taught me this he taught me this so i could teach you tonight amen so jesus illustrates to the disciples that they didn't have to worry either amen he taught them and uh doctor i closed with the story yesterday and i you know when she's closing i'm saying she's walking all into my lesson for the day but listen the disciples wanted to see jesus said let's go to the other side and the bible says that uh says straightway jesus constrained the science against his ship and go before them unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away come on let's scream he went into the mountain apart to pray and when even was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves and went listen to this about contrary and then the fourth watch the night jesus went to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the scene they were trouble saying it is a spirit watch this and they cried out for fear but straightway jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid now this is powerful this is their second time in this experience the first time jesus was with them on the boat when they were on the sea they dropped their oars panicked and said we're about to die this time they kept on wrong way and they kept on roaring through the fourth to the fourth watch of the night and here jesus comes doctor i closed with this way she said i don't know what watch of the night that your your fight is in but just keep on rolling just keep on roaring in other words let's just keep on trusting i'm going to show you how to do that in just a minute in just a minute but you have to keep trusting now the scripture atomizes our choice uh in the word that i can choose to respond um with wherever or i can choose uh you know i can choose to trust his promises he promises he promises that he is going to respond to my prayers he's going to respond to our past night he promises he's going to respond with his peace he's going to give you peace tonight he promises that we can rely on his presence and because he is present he's gonna make it good he's gonna make it good you gotta trust him you gotta trust it this is what faith is all about so now let's look at this whole regiment where am i let's look at this regimen uh for precious now when i'm under pressure situation and i think i'm gonna break i gotta check several things number one i gotta check my perspective am i looking at this the proper way and if i think i can't make it i know i'm not looking at the proper way number two i got to check the promise am i relying on the promises of god or have i allowed the situation somebody need to write this i might allow the situation to dictate to me god promised he's going to bring you out are you going to believe it that's all to it are you going to believe it all right watch this i've got to also check now i'm going to check the promise of god and i'm going to talk about this again but but the scripture says all things work together for my good do i really believe that god's orchestrating this is gonna come out for my good i gotta believe that not just say it not just be religious and wave my hand and shout it oh thank y'all so much and we know and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god do you love god to them who are called according to his purpose that's it i've been in some tight situations and i remind myself of that all right i've got to understand i got to check my prayers have i taken this to god in prayer i got to check my peers do i have enough people around me pushing me in faith i got to check my proclamation what am i saying in my casual conversation have i co-signed this difficulty that this have i co-signed it with my mouth i've gotta check my patience because many times i gotta wait things out i'm talking to somebody who's waiting it out right now and then i gotta check my praise have i understood that he creates the fruit of my lips i'm gonna continue to praise him and finally let's see if we can get to the regiment of trust here's the regiment of sovereign trust and he here it is what do you mean the regiment of sovereign trust trust you hear a lot a lot of talk about trust in church trust is this discipline rational deliberation involving the god factors arriving at a faith-based word-based love-based decision with restful uh confidence in the outcome that's my error i said we'll respect it should be with rest but it's my error don't don't don't charge it to my production sketch now put it back up there even though it's error here yeah oh thank you boy i got a great production of staff they corrected that thing right there right quick a discipline rational deliberation involving god factors or words trying to trust him i got the god fact if i ignore the god fact i'm gonna get in fear but god is on my side god is with you all right and i'm gonna arrive at a faith-based word-based love base now faith-based is i'm putting my faith in god look word-based i got the word of god he said he's going to deliver me and i believe it love-based i know he loves me too much to let me fail watch this now i have a restful confidence in the outcome that ain't hard y'all know that ain't hard i broke that thing down where it's simple i i broke that thing down where it's simple all right watch this watch this watch this so it's a watch this somebody may all write this trusting is a deliberate act i trust god deliberately i don't know how it's gonna come out but i trust him number two i trust him with discipline it's a disciplined act what i mean discipline i don't have to feel it well i don't know if i trust god because i'm disciplined i don't care how i feel all right one thing i'm really concerned that the church is so built on feelings everybody got to feel good no i had to feel good amen i'm trusting i mean whenever those people are exercising and they're lifting their weights they don't feel good but they're trusting the process all right and then it is a determined act i gotta stick with it you don't just trust in the day and then not trust them tomorrow i'm gonna trust him in my now i'm gonna trust him in my necks so how do i trust him come on get this i got about eight more minutes and then we're gonna get into praying when i get ready to go through this am i gonna trust god on this situation i say number one i gotta accept the word of god as my standard of truth my truth for me and what other folks say truth for me is what the word of god says number two i have to attend to the word daily with all diligence because the my truth my trusted is anchored in the uh the word of god and so i gotta saturate myself in what god says and magnify the word over the problem number three i gotta ask for divine intervention based on have you prayed about it have you rolled that care on him that's we're gonna do tonight then i have to apply the blood of jesus to calm my emotions people don't understand that rosetta but uh god taught me that years ago the blood of jesus it says it purges our conscience for death from dead works there's so much power in his blood it has purifying power all right all right watch this it has pardoning power we already know that but it has this power all right just to calm me emotionally all right watch this then i have to allow the holy spirit access to my mind because what god's going to do he's going to in my middle of my pressure my worry situation he's going to turn the light on what do you mean i'm going to see how to get through this yes i'm going to see how to get through this proverbs 16 and 3. and the amplified says commit thy words to the lord and that thought shall be established but an amplified says roe you works upon him trust him he will cause your thoughts to become agreeable with his will and so shall your plans be established and succeed right number six alienate yourself from unbelievers whoa but that's hard for some of y'all and associate with believers i don't need to be on the phone getting sympathy from unbelievers i don't need that no i don't no i don't no i don't and then arrest every contrary thought of unbelief with the word of god i'm going to believe the word when the thought come i'm not going to say it thought may come but i'm not going to say it and then i'm going to affirm what i believe with my praise until my manifestation takes place now remember i told you uh when we gave the definition that uh that uh this is a decision with a restful confidence and outcome restful confidence so rest in the scripture has to do with this restful confidence spiritual place of confident contentment marked by a peaceful trusting intimate relationship with god because of a steadfast reliance on the love of god now people should talk about the love of god but if you really realize how much he loved you he ain't gonna let you fail i know that's not good english hang on he ain't gonna let you fail but listen i'm telling you what i realized and i try to stay centered here because i know i'm on the instagram and i get to the car edge what i realized back there in the little regular building put it back up there because i didn't need to see that that i realized how much god loved me yeah yeah what he loved you why why are you in that little raggedy place that had nothing to do with it that's that was a season i was going through i realized the extent of this love and that god was waiting on me as a kingdom citizen to practice kingdom principles to get me through that season he waiting on you that's it i know you may have lived all your life on valiums i know you may have lived all your life you know being depressed and i know i understand that but god's waiting on you yes he is he's waiting on you to say wait a minute i don't have to live like this let not my heart be troubled therefore i'm not going to be trouble i'm going to choose choose to trust god and i'm not going to let the pressure cause me to be stressed and worried i'm coming out on top now think about it you've been doing it your way all this time it hadn't worked still stress still pressure still under the gun come on now let's do it god's way come on let's do it god's way and so i choose to have confidence in god put restful confidence back up put rest back up that definition so spiritual place of confident contentment marked by peaceful trusting intimate relationship with god because of a steadfast reliance on the love of god i'm not relying on myself he promised me he would keep me he promised me and boy i didn't understand back there in 1980 when i'm in lorac nobody else was trying to help me and those who i thought would help me didn't but god he would always raise up somebody to use their power their ability and their influence to help me he kept me encouraged but that was a season i had to encourage myself and that encouraging myself caused me to rest to rest number one anchored in the ability of god to work there was no problem that i had that i believe god could not solve somebody ought to get that there is no problem that you have hey glory to god that the ability of god can't work it out number two my rest was anchored in the accuracy of god's word jesus thank god for the baptist church that taught me that god's word was truth without error [Laughter] amen amen amen my rest was the bible says we labor to enter into that rest in other words this rest that i have this confidence i have i had to work myself into a place of believing work myself in a place of trusting this is you know based on the angels of god working remember when my plane was at 43 000 feet i'm coming from serving the lord and my plane is falling out the sky oh jesus someone said did that really happen you know i'm gonna come in live yes yes but if you had been on the plane with me and we had some sons we had some spiritual daughters one of my spiritual daughters uh from killeen texas her and her daughter was on the plane with me and of course my son terry and daughter terror and daughter tina they want to play with us they can tell you how i acted under pressure with the plane falling they will tell you that boy really believed this stuff because i shifted into my kingdom right i commanded angels come forth you must really believe in that stuff i'm telling that ain't no time to panic that ain't no time to panic that's how you end up on the front page of the newspaper plane is falling i'm calling on my angels why because i have determined oh jesus that in whatever situation i'm in i'm going to rest and i'm resting in god's got angels god knew this was going to happen but as a kingdom citizen i got a tough oh i couldn't be this loud i can't be this loud as a kingdom citizen i gotta call for and see that's what it is you waiting for somebody else to do it i love what dr eyes teaching you make the difference call for those angels to come forth i said one thing i ain't dying tonight i know i ain't dying huh you can't say that yes you can you better i ain't dying tonight the bible says he satisfied me with a long life i ain't satisfied yet says here he give his angels charge over thee amen you ain't gonna dash your foot against the stone that's what the bible says so i'm gonna hold on to that truth i don't know how they're gonna land this plane but i know it ain't gonna crash when are you saying that in uh planes when planes crash i people i don't know what they did i went on the plane with them i am responsible for that i can give you the answer on that all i can give you an answer on what's happening with me plane is falling 43 000 feet it fell from 43 to 13 before they got the engine zone and i heard god telling me what to do because i didn't panic got it i've called for you call for your angels pray for the pilots i'm telling you and at 13 feet 13 000 feet they got to they got the engines back on and the plane and they asked me a question what do you want to do do you want to land or do you want to do do you want to land or do you want to try to make it i'm going to try to make it home we're going to make it home that was an attack of the devil and we just beat the devil let's go home huh and listen i'm resting my no they can tell everybody on a plane can tell you i i pushed a button on my seat ready to lay right that thing back and went to sleep why because the bible says he neither slumbers nor sleeps ain't no sense in both of us staying awake that's what i'm telling you tonight you might as well sleep he's awake amen so my rest y'all got me off on that my rest is based on oh lord jesus ah my rest is based and anchored in the accounts of god's witnesses witnesses of god let me know that god will use of everything the devil tried to use to harm you he'll use that to bless you took david's they would use the sword of a goliath to behead him and the fiery furnace meant to destroy the hebrew boy as god used it for their testimony and destroy their enemies the red sea was used uh to destroy pharaoh and his army and the waves that were sent to sink the boat was used to give peter a testimony and the cross that was used to crucify jesus was used as a stage to complete our redemption hallelujah when you understand pressure and understand i can convert this thing into something that's going to glorify god and promote me years ago when we start flying i noticed something that uh many people don't notice i know this that instead of the plane flying in a way where the wind would push it planes would face the wind and fly into the wind on takeoff and i wondered why and then i i i remember physics that when an aerodynamically shaped object goes toward the wind it creates or activates the law of lift what that's it that resistance is used to activate the law of lift and that is what causes flight and listen that principle was available in the garden that principle was available all the years until somebody activated it and i'm telling you it's time for you to activate what the devil has meant to hurt you you're going to use your kingdom authority we're going to pray and i don't need to pray long on this because we're going to roll the work we're going to roll that care on the lord and that's what the bible says y'all have that scripture yeah we're going to roll that care on the lord yes and when we roll let's care on the lord and that's in uh i did that's uh in first peter five except they may not have it it says casting the holy camp casting the whole of your care all your anxieties all your worries all the concerns once and for all on him for he cares uh for you affectionately and cares about you washfully father in the name of jesus we thank you and we receive this word tonight and on receiving this word we choose not to worry we choose not to let our hearts be troubled and we choose to stand in our kingdom position right now holy is your name and you told us that when we would pray come on to your children y'all know we praying this is not spectator time father holy is your name you said ha pray our father in this manner hallowed be your name you are shepherd you're our peace amen you're our healer your name describes your character and everything we need is in you so father in the name of jesus we come now to cast once and for all all i care on you and all the worried that the care would bring and that the stress would bring we'll cast it on you and deliberately tonight we choose to trust you not depending on feelings and but it is a act of faith of deliberate faith and discipline faith that we are going to choose to trust you tonight to bring us through every situation we believe in your orchestration father that you are orchestrating everything that happens to us for our good so in the name of jesus father we cast we cast personal pressures on you in jesus name we cast not only pers emotional pressures on you in jesus name we will not fear we will not be depressed we will not be we do not accept oppression in the name of jesus father and we thank you for the blood of jesus covering our emotions and we accept the joy and peace that you have for us father in the name of jesus we cast away a relationship pressure the need to have others accept us relationship pressures of those who will talk against us challenging our identity challenging our character we cast the whole of that care on you you promised that you would deliver us out of all persecution in the name of jesus and so father we receive it now in the name of y'all receiving this father we cast a hold of our care of every marital situation in jesus name we cast it on you and believe father that you are working it out i'm relation i'm our marriage partner gets the overflow of our relationship with you and you do for us for we cannot do for ourselves father we cast a hold of our care amen or of our physical pressures amen health and healing it belongs to you and it belongs to us so we claim health healing and wholeness are y'all casting your care come on what are you casting on the lord are you you casting it tell me what you can i'm agreeing with you cast that thing on the lord that thing that's worrying you lord we cast financial pressures on you in jesus name we will have more than enough in fact we declare ah yes ah we declare in next year we declare father in the next 52 days we'll have more money in our hands than we've had in a long long time we declare abundance you already know what we're going to do but in our right now situation that thing that is pressuring us the thing that is burning us down financially in the name of jesus breakthrough in jesus name hallelujah amen amen financial breakthrough for our homes our cause financial breakthrough for college tuition financial breakthrough in jesus name so that we lose nothing in jesus name and then thank thank you father for career and ministry breakthrough you are the god who orders our steps and we declare our steps are being ordered by you amen amen and amen and our lord we call forth business clients hi jesus amen somebody come out yeah put it on there i'm casting the whole of my care on the lord break through his mind breakthrough first it's meant to let that is what happened you need to have a hannah moment that's what we have in us we have that's a hell of a mohammed moment had to roll that thing upon the lord amen sow the seed and watch us walked out believing oh word of god so father we declare hi jesus lord just like you taught me how to live this way i thank you just like you taught me and bridgette how to live this way i thank your father that everybody who's under the sound of my voice will be able to grasp this revelation grasp this truth and choose to be bold enough to walk in it in jesus name and tonight will be the most peaceful and restful life night that they've had in a long long time we cast it upon you and we remind ourselves that you have it for thine is the kingdom ah glory i love this and the power see that's when you trust in god and the glory forever amen amen and god will be careful as i am doing now so shall we do it with others and others will do i'm careful to give you the praise in jesus name amen are you casting that care on the lawn are you doing it i don't know when you're going to see that some may see it later but i sense the power of god there is an anointing on this amen ronnie i see what you're casting on the lord i'm gonna agree with you more money in your hands and you had a long time favor comes before money ronnie lord told me to tell you this favor comes before money watch for god to raise up somebody to help you watch for god to raise up it's not just for ronnie this is somebody else you go it's everybody got watch for god to help you in jesus name hallelujah amen amen i trust you were blessed tonight but uh let's let's let's do i said let's have us a hannah moment and uh you know hannah had this burden because she needed a barrenness reversed in her life she goes to play goes to the place of prayer and prophet gets an agreement with her she goes in the place of prayer with the promise of what a seed can do and that's where she says god you give me back you give me a son i'll give you a prophet amen and on the basis of that she walked out of there confident she had cast the road she had rolled that tail on the lord the bible said listen nothing to change she wasn't even pregnant but she walked out of there with a confidence and that's what i want you all to do tonight deborah diane and brenda and joanna oh yeah i want y'all to walk have a confidence and joanne and i saw my yeah chris i'm wrong i know i want your confidence i've cast it on the lord and you have to remind yourself god i've given that to you i'm not taking it and you tell the devil i'm not taking it back they'll try to get you back no no no no no i've cast it and go back and listen to this go back and listen to it especially what i gave those eight points that you do when you're deliberately trusting god and you're going to watch god work y'all ready to sow we're going to sow our seed tonight and we're going to watch god work amen amen of course you know he's so it's a little new like that new light to church or you can sow directly into my life if you desire to do so it's totally up to you you can use the other areas of now we do this every monday night so if you're watching us for the first time we trust that you will participate you know if you were in a meeting with me a physical meeting with me i'd give you an envelope so you could support the work of god your giving supports the work of god and of course uh you understand we don't we don't buy blessings from the lord but we give because uh really it's expected secondly yet the way we expected the lord we express our love to god and then it eradicates our lack amen so lack yeah we believe for favor when we give and i want you to give liberally tonight showing that you have this dependence on god and when i give i am demonstrating that i trust god he's the source and sustainer of my life and i do it the bible says you honor god with your with your giving we honor him without giving and so you can use those menu put the others up there again online slash give new light to 71441 giblify new light church there you'll see dr ice pitcher in fellowship for our members who give paypal all right new life church or zell give or you can mail it or you can drop it by the office but tonight i believe your offering is significant you know when i was when i was writing this down uh my lessons got prepared all my lessons when y'all see me looking down i'm looking at my lesson uh he said uh tell them to have them a a a hannah moment now i i had a moment what do you mean by that that is a moment where they sow and they believe glory where they sow and that and they believe and that's what hannah did she sold she believed and she walked in confidence and god not only handled that situation by giving her one child but she ended up having five more so it handled her now but it handled her next you'll see tonight is gonna deal with your now but it's also going to deal with your necks because next time you're going to know how to handle it all right come on get back on and let people know that you're giving hey how you going to name your seed how are you going to name your seat i'm going to say seed song pressure seed song y'all know what we do come on now we have we have somebody say hannah morgan yes ha how are you gonna yeah yeah so you sow and believe anthony's best anthony bass yeah i see that i'm looking at i'm looking at my big screen now as i'm looking at i need to see how your name in y'all seat y'all know we name our seed handling your handling seed all right man uh yes you're handling your now in your necks that's what we're gonna call let's see my now and my next seed hey that's what we need to do i want y'all to do it i want you to do it in faith i want you to do believing and never ever worry again are you serious yeah serious i can be i can choose to work or i can choose to trust god i choose trust god but but what if not oh i believe god working it all out to my good every delay is in my favor my now and next seat my full favorite seed my testimony seed my favorite seed i see i i love that i love that i watch out i love how y'all yes yeah amen all my pastors now y'all be sure to join me tomorrow for our special power talk god told me to pray for you in a very special way all the power talk i couldn't wait until next month he said do it now casting all the care on the lord's seat thank you stephanie all right no no no no no let's do it hey amen mm-hmm more money than i have had seed amen that's a good one molly uh uh yeah mom cheryl amen all right no no no you name your seed they're special to you amen so they can't be there's no no there's no wrong wrong way to name you see amen i do i choose to agree with you amen i agree with you amen amen amen now you know of course you know when you sow into me directly of course that's that's a direct seed into my life and i do appreciate it and i do when i when i see you pop up i set myself an agreement with you i do uh um when you want of course a uh you know a contribution to uh you know credit for it you have to show that directly to the church so i think we already knew that i said from time to time just to give people clarity praise the lord but i tell you you saw it on good ground you sowing on good ground all right we will have a conversation this week uh i'm trying to get a conversation with other pastors who uh young pastors who was with us who went around with us on the uh on the tour um now again i told you earlier i want you to go and register so you can be a part of the upcoming retooling conference uh retooling for revival i'm going to call it retooling retooling for a revival i want you to do that you are yeah yeah but but but i thought that passes only no no no there some as a registration for fivefold ministry those who i'll be teaching teaching them how to handle ministry but i'll be teaching you how to handle life i'll be teaching you how to handle life i'm doing very special things that will be available for you to understand how to handle life how to put yourself in a mindset of faith to go to the next level this is not going to be available for the stunt at night now we believe about 10 000 people will be watching that night you know in the night sessions on the 19th the 20th and the 21st uh those night sessions are going to be absolutely free yeah well yeah but i'm i want you if you got blessed last time on the uh last time when you watched the uh revolutionary faith when you when you if if that blessed you that part one on believing you know that the believing i call that believing [Laughter] 1.0 listen 2.0 is going to take you to another level believing 2.0 is going to take you to another level amen i have people saying we love you apostle y'all know i love you all uh and uh i need you all to register i want my registration to exceed last year exceed last year now last year my god i had hundreds of pastors registered and that was great but i'm looking for all of my faith children that join me here every week um and who who's watch it later all of you i think by for the end until now to the end of the month it's only fifty dollars forty dollars i think it's forty dollars uh go go out there there it is uh register us uh and um that's the early registration take care of it and uh and and and of course i'm we're sending you literature that others won't get that's why you got to say this is my master class what that's right this is my master class and it's like a three-day master class for you that is going to be filled with information for your now and your next god bless you i gotta go i went by ten minutes over tonight but it's all been good see it say it shout it and seal it i hear you darren all right we're gonna take it to another level god bless you tonight and thank you for being the part choose not to worry amen and we're going to watch god work get somebody to put up there i am not going to worry and i'm going to watch god work come on i'm not going to wear it i'm watching but i'm going i'm not going to wear it i cast my care on the lord i'm watching god work amen come on thank you so much i agree with you for your seed on your seed it's been sown in the good ground and i i am agreeing with you for favor and a supernatural accelerated manifestation amen [Laughter] i'm out i'll see y'all next
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 496
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: w3qXahWIoAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 45sec (4245 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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