Warfare Prayer & Blessing | PRAYERS TO OVERTHROW EVERY EVIL SPIRIT (Play This Over & Over Again!)

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[Music] lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful [Music] i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god [Music] and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation [Music] and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank you jesus thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above you are god almighty [Music] in jesus name i pray amen lord i don't know what the future holds i don't know the battles that i will face i don't know where my opposition will come from or where my trials will take me but i do know that your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 says that you are good you are a stronghold in the day of trouble i do know that you are my protector you are my shield and my fortress and even though i don't know what every obstacle ahead of me will look like i know that your word in isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 says i will go before you and make the crooked places straight i will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron [Music] i bless your name lord and i thank you for your word your word that offers me assurance i praise and i worship you because i know that only you know what's best for me i pray that i may be guided and protected by you king jesus [Music] i pray that in every single one of my decisions in all of my journeys may you always be ahead of me may you always fight my battles i declare that the enemy will not triumph over me or my family he will not have any power or any hold over us because we stand on the solid rock that is jesus christ the son of the living god the one who makes the crooked places straight so that by the time we get there the path has already been cleared and jesus christ will have the last word lord jesus i place my trust in you i put my faith in you a god who is undefeated you have never lost a battle nor can you ever lose victory begins and ends with you lord triumph is found in you [Music] and no matter what path i choose to walk on you are a god who is always many steps ahead of me you are faithful to always go before me your word in deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 says and the lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed thank you lord because i know that no matter what mountain i come up against you have already made a way for me to overcome you've already made a way for me to climb or go around that mountain i trust in you and i am confident that no matter what journey of uncertainty i may encounter you lord jesus are a waymaker you will make a way where there seems to be no way you lord are faithful and good because you will lay out a path before me you will clear a path for me in situations where the enemy will look to have me surrounded but because of you because of your power because of your grace and love you will not let me fall nor will you let me fail so be with me lord you are gracious and merciful i pray that you will uncover breakthroughs and blessings and laid them out in my path for me and my family may your hand be forever upon us [Music] all good things come from you all blessings come from you lord jesus and you alone may your hand forever be upon my life to guide me to lead me in the right direction in the path that is most pleasing to you [Music] your mighty hand offers me protection [Music] and i declare your word just as it says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me i stand on your word in isaiah 41 13 which says for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you i ask that you help me in this life king jesus so that i may never wander outside of your will because of sin and so i pray today uphold me lord with your righteous right hand your hand binds up the brokenhearted it strengthens and gives rest to all those who are weary and weak your hand lord is mighty to take all of my burdens away to comfort all those who mourn to grant freedom to all who are captive lord i pray that you help me to be a good believer a good christian in your eyes because i understand that without you without your touch i do not have what it takes to live righteously or to live as i ought to i need your help and your divine strength [Music] continue to protect me so that the devil cannot snatch me out of your hand be blessed and glorified today i praise your name thank you father for listening in jesus name i pray amen when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god [Music] we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists [Music] this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time [Music] but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me [Music] when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the sun sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 verse 24 and 25 says and the lord commanded us to do all these statutes to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as we are this day and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the lord our god as he has commanded us saints it will be righteous for us if we follow all his statutes his commandments and to fear him now let us pray dear lord jesus you alone are holy you alone are righteous father if i try to live a righteous life through my own strength or will then i'll fail but as the bible says i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me as you live within me lord you can displace all evil from within me remove everything that is corrupt remove everything that is unclean lord in the morning may i seek your face each and every morning lord give me a hunger to hear your voice may i desperately seek to hear your voice for instruction for counsel for wisdom and direction lord jesus give me a passion for prayer so that in those moments when i am on my knees in those moments when i am reading your word may that be the highlight of my day may prayer today king jesus be based on psalms chapter 143 verse 8 which says let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love for in you i trust make me know the way i should go for to you i lift up my soul i pray that my mornings would be filled with intimate fellowship with you lord i pray that my day will be blessed because i will begin the day on my knees and in your presence and so i ask that you look upon me with mercy i will encounter days where i am weak but i pray that you would give me the grace to prevail and that you would be my source of strength lord i desire for consistency in my prayer life let me not be the type of believer who prays today but forgets tomorrow let me not be the type of believer who is hot for you today but too busy and too tired to even read your word tomorrow give me a diligent heart lord jesus i want to be consistent i want to be disciplined in my prayer life but i can only achieve this not by my own might nor by my own power but by your precious holy spirit so father i pray that you would meet me at my point of need meet me at the place that my own ability fails so that you can demonstrate your might and power and regardless of how my day-to-day looks regardless of my responsibilities regardless of my schedule i pray that the holy spirit would convict me to pray first before i do anything else after i wake up your word in lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness your mercy is new every morning and so father i pray that your grace would be found readily available to see and guide me through the day may your steadfast love be my pillar of hope comfort and assurance i pray that you touch my life king jesus may i have an experience with you that will rejuvenate my zeal for the things of your kingdom may you create a fire within my being a fire that burns away everything that is not of you and may that fire only burn for you lord continue to be my strength when i am weary lord continue to be my hope and comfort when i am distressed your word says come unto me all who are heavy laden and i will give you rest empty out all of the negativity in my life and instead fill me with more of you with more of the holy spirit fill me with good fruits and faith that will please you refresh my spirit lord and release your presence over my life your word in psalms 90 verse 14 says satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days lord may i experience complete satisfaction in your presence each and every morning may your love fill my life and may your presence be with me all of my days i give you all the glory and honor lord thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways [Music] i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me [Music] at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank you jesus [Music] thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above you are god almighty [Music] in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord i don't know what the future holds i don't know the battles that i will face i don't know where my opposition will come from or where my trials will take me but i do know that your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 says that you are good you are a stronghold in the day of trouble i do know that you are my protector you are my shield and my fortress and even though i don't know what every obstacle ahead of me will look like i know that your word in isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 says i will go before you and make the crooked places straight i will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron i bless your name lord and i thank you for your word your word that offers me assurance i praise and i worship you because i know that only you know what's best for me i pray that i may be guided and protected by you king jesus [Music] i pray that in every single one of my decisions in all of my journeys may you always be ahead of me may you always fight my battles i declare that the enemy will not triumph over me or my family he will not have any power or any hold over us because we stand on the solid rock that is jesus christ the son of the living god the one who makes the crooked places straight so that by the time we get there the path has already been cleared and jesus christ will have the last word lord jesus i place my trust in you i put my faith in you a god who is undefeated you have never lost a battle nor can you ever lose victory begins and ends with you lord triumph is found in you [Music] and no matter what path i choose to walk on you are a god who is always many steps ahead of me you are faithful to always go before me your word in deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 says and the lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed thank you lord because i know that no matter what mountain i come up against you have already made a way for me to overcome you've already made a way for me to climb or go around that mountain i trust in you and i am confident that no matter what journey of uncertainty i may encounter you lord jesus are a waymaker you will make a way where there seems to be no way you lord are faithful and good because you will lay out a path before me you will clear a path for me in situations where the enemy will look to have me surrounded but because of you because of your power because of your grace and love you will not let me fall nor will you let me fail so be with me lord you are gracious and merciful i pray that you will uncover breakthroughs and blessings and lay them out in my path for me and my family may your hand be forever upon us all good things come from you all blessings come from you lord jesus and you alone may your hand forever be upon my life to guide me to lead me in the right direction in the path that is most pleasing to you your mighty hand offers me protection and i declare your word just as it says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me i stand on your word in isaiah 41 13 which says for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you i ask that you help me in this life king jesus so that i may never wander outside of your will because of sin and so i pray today uphold me lord with your righteous right hand your hand binds up the brokenhearted it strengthens and gives rest to all those who are weary and weak your hand lord is mighty to take all of my burdens away to comfort all those who mourn to grant freedom to all who are captive lord i pray that you help me to be a good believer a good christian in your eyes because i understand that without you without your touch i do not have what it takes to live righteously or to live as i ought to i need your help and your divine strength continue to protect me so that the devil cannot snatch me out of your hand be blessed and glorified today i praise your name thank you father for listening [Music] in jesus name i pray amen when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare [Music] the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god [Music] the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word [Music] three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me [Music] when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god [Music] lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing [Music] and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the son sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you [Music] and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian [Music] grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 verse 24 and 25 says and the lord commanded us to do all these statues to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as we are this day and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the lord our god as he has commanded us saints it will be righteous for us if we follow all his statutes his commandments and to fear him now let us pray dear lord jesus you alone are holy you alone are righteous father if i try to live a righteous life through my own strength or will then i'll fail but as the bible says i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me as you live within me lord you can displace all evil from within me remove everything that is corrupt removed everything that is unclean lord in the morning may i seek your face each and every morning lord give me a hunger to hear your voice [Music] may i desperately seek to hear your voice for instruction for counsel for wisdom and direction lord jesus give me a passion for prayer so that in those moments when i am on my knees in those moments when i am reading your word may that be the highlight of my day may prayer today king jesus be based on psalms chapter 143 verse 8 which says let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love for in you i trust make me know the way i should go for to you i lift up my soul i pray that my mornings would be filled with intimate fellowship with you lord i pray that my day will be blessed because i will begin the day on my knees and in your presence and so i ask that you look upon me with mercy i will encounter days where i am weak but i pray that you would give me the grace to prevail and that you would be my source of strength lord i desire for consistency in my prayer life let me not be the type of believer who prays today but forgets tomorrow let me not be the type of believer who is hot for you today but too busy and too tired to even read your word tomorrow give me a diligent heart lord jesus i want to be consistent i want to be disciplined in my prayer life but i can only achieve this not by my own might nor by my own power but by your precious holy spirit so father i pray that you would meet me at my point of need meet me at the place that my own ability fails so that you can demonstrate your might and power [Music] and regardless of how my day-to-day looks regardless of my responsibilities regardless of my schedule i pray that the holy spirit would convict me to pray first before i do anything else after i wake up your word in lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness your mercy is new every morning and so father i pray that your grace would be found readily available to see and guide me through the day may your steadfast love be my pillar of hope comfort and assurance i pray that you touch my life king jesus may i have an experience with you that will rejuvenate my zeal for the things of your kingdom [Music] may you create a fire within my being a fire that burns away everything that is not of you and may that fire only burn for you lord continue to be my strength when i am weary lord continue to be my hope and comfort when i am distressed your word says come unto me all who are heavy laden and i will give you rest empty out all of the negativity in my life and instead fill me with more of you with more of the holy spirit fill me with good fruits and faith that will please you refresh my spirit lord and release your presence over my life [Music] your word in psalms 90 verse 14 says satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days lord may i experience complete satisfaction in your presence each and every morning may your love fill my life and may your presence be with me all of my days i give you all the glory and honor lord thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful [Music] i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone [Music] i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank you jesus thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above [Music] you are god almighty in jesus name i pray amen lord i don't know what the future holds i don't know the battles that i will face i don't know where my opposition will come from or where my trials will take me but i do know that your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 says that you are good you are a stronghold in the day of trouble i do know that you are my protector you are my shield and my fortress and even though i don't know what every obstacle ahead of me will look like i know that your word in isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 says i will go before you and make the crooked places straight [Music] i will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron i bless your name lord and i thank you for your word your word that offers me assurance i praise and i worship you because i know that only you know what's best for me i pray that i may be guided and protected by you king jesus [Music] i pray that in every single one of my decisions in all of my journeys may you always be ahead of me may you always fight my battles i declare that the enemy will not triumph over me or my family he will not have any power or any hold over us because we stand on the solid rock that is jesus christ the son of the living god the one who makes the crooked places straight so that by the time we get there the path has already been cleared and jesus christ will have the last word lord jesus i place my trust in you i put my faith in you a god who is undefeated you have never lost a battle nor can you ever lose victory begins and ends with you lord triumph is found in you and no matter what path i choose to walk on you are a god who is always many steps ahead of me you are faithful to always go before me your word in deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 says and the lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed thank you lord because i know that no matter what mountain i come up against you have already made a way for me to overcome you've already made a way for me to climb or go around that mountain i trust in you and i am confident that no matter what journey of uncertainty i may encounter you lord jesus are a waymaker you will make a way where there seems to be no way you lord are faithful and good because you will lay out a path before me you will clear a path for me in situations where the enemy will look to have me surrounded but because of you because of your power because of your grace and love you will not let me fall nor will you let me fail so be with me lord you are gracious and merciful i pray that you will uncover breakthroughs and blessings and lay them out in my path for me and my family may your hand be forever upon us all good things come from you all blessings come from you lord jesus and you alone may your hand forever be upon my life to guide me to lead me in the right direction in the path that is most pleasing to you [Music] your mighty hand offers me protection and i declare your word just as it says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me i stand on your word in isaiah 41 which says for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you i ask that you help me in this life king jesus so that i may never wander outside of your will because of sin and so i pray today uphold me lord with your righteous right hand your hand binds up the broken-hearted it strengthens and gives rest to all those who are weary and weak your hand lord is mighty to take all of my burdens away to comfort all those who mourn to grant freedom to all who are captive lord i pray that you help me to be a good believer a good christian in your eyes because i understand that without you without your touch i do not have what it takes to live righteously or to live as i ought to i need your help and your divine strength [Music] continue to protect me so that the devil cannot snatch me out of your hand be blessed and glorified today i praise your name thank you father for listening in jesus name i pray amen when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's [Music] the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days [Music] and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me [Music] when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the son sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 verse 24 and 25 says and the lord commanded us to do all these statutes to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as we are this day and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the lord our god as he has commanded us saints it will be righteous for us if we follow all his statutes his commandments and to fear him now let us pray dear lord jesus you alone are holy you alone are righteous father if i try to live a righteous life through my own strength or will then i'll fail but as the bible says i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me as you live within me lord you can displace all evil from within me remove everything that is corrupt removed everything that is unclean lord in the morning may i seek your face each and every morning lord give me a hunger to hear your voice may i desperately seek to hear your voice for instruction for counsel for wisdom and direction lord jesus give me a passion for prayer so that in those moments when i am on my knees in those moments when i am reading your word may that be the highlight of my day may prayer today king jesus be based on psalms chapter 143 verse 8 which says let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love for in you i trust make me know the way i should go for to you i lift up my soul i pray that my mornings would be filled with intimate fellowship with you lord i pray that my day will be blessed because i will begin the day on my knees and in your presence and so i ask that you look upon me with mercy i will encounter days where i am weak but i pray that you would give me the grace to prevail and that you would be my source of strength lord i desire for consistency in my prayer life let me not be the type of believer who prays today but forgets tomorrow let me not be the type of believer who is hot for you today but too busy and too tired to even read your word tomorrow give me a diligent heart lord jesus i want to be consistent i want to be disciplined in my prayer life but i can only achieve this not by my own might nor by my own power but by your precious holy spirit so father i pray that you would meet me at my point of me meet me at the place that my own ability fails so that you can demonstrate your might and power and regardless of how my day-to-day looks regardless of my responsibilities regardless of my schedule i pray that the holy spirit would convict me to pray first before i do anything else after i wake up [Music] your word in lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness your mercy is new every morning and so father i pray that your grace would be found readily available to see and guide me through the day may your steadfast love be my pillar of hope comfort and assurance i pray that you touch my life king jesus may i have an experience with you that will rejuvenate my zeal for the things of your kingdom may you create a fire within my being a fire that burns away everything that is not of you and may that fire only burn for you lord continue to be my strength when i am weary lord continue to be my hope and comfort when i am distressed your word says come unto me all who are heavy laden and i will give you rest empty out all of the negativity in my life and instead fill me with more of you with more of the holy spirit fill me with good fruits and faith that will please you refresh my spirit lord and release your presence over my life your word in psalms 90 verse 14 says satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days lord may i experience complete satisfaction in your presence each and every morning may your love fill my life and may your presence be with me all of my days i give you all the glory and honor lord thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19 i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me [Music] i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories [Music] your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank you jesus thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above [Music] you are god almighty in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord i don't know what the future holds i don't know the battles that i will face i don't know where my opposition will come from or where my trials will take me but i do know that your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 says that you are good you are a stronghold in the day of trouble i do know that you are my protector you are my shield and my fortress and even though i don't know what every obstacle ahead of me will look like i know that your word in isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 says i will go before you and make the crooked places straight i will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron i bless your name lord and i thank you for your word your word that offers me assurance i praise and i worship you because i know that only you know what's best for me i pray that i may be guided and protected by you king jesus i pray that in every single one of my decisions in all of my journeys may you always be ahead of me may you always fight my battles i declare that the enemy will not triumph over me or my family he will not have any power or any hold over us because we stand on the solid rock that is jesus christ the son of the living god the one who makes the crooked places straight so that by the time we get there the path has already been cleared and jesus christ will have the last word lord jesus i place my trust in you i put my faith in you a god who is undefeated you have never lost a battle nor can you ever lose victory begins and ends with you lord triumph is found in you and no matter what path i choose to walk on you are a god who is always many steps ahead of me you are faithful to always go before me your word in deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 says and the lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed thank you lord because i know that no matter what mountain i come up against you have already made a way for me to overcome you've already made a way for me to climb or go around that mountain i trust in you and i am confident that no matter what journey of uncertainty i may encounter you lord jesus are a waymaker you will make a way where there seems to be no way you lord are faithful and good because you will lay out a path before me you will clear a path for me in situations where the enemy will look to have me surrounded but because of you because of your power because of your grace and love you will not let me fall nor will you let me fail so be with me lord you are gracious and merciful i pray that you will uncover breakthroughs and blessings and lay them out in my path for me and my family may your hand be forever upon us all good things come from you [Music] all blessings come from you lord jesus and you alone may your hand forever be upon my life to guide me to lead me in the right direction in the path that is most pleasing to you your mighty hand offers me protection and i declare your word just as it says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me i stand on your word in isaiah 41 13 which says for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you i ask that you help me in this life king jesus so that i may never wonder outside of your will because of sin and so i pray today uphold me lord with your righteous right hand your hand binds up the brokenhearted it strengthens and gives rest to all those who are weary and weak your hand lord is mighty to take all of my burdens away to comfort all those who mourn to grant freedom to all who are captive lord i pray that you help me to be a good believer a good christian in your eyes because i understand that without you without your touch i do not have what it takes to live righteously or to live as i ought to i need your help and your divine strength continue to protect me so that the devil cannot snatch me out of your hand be blessed and glorified today i praise your name thank you father for listening in jesus name i pray amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help [Music] we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god [Music] the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord [Music] i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the son sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly [Music] father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom [Music] i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 verse 24 and 25 says and the lord commanded us to do all these statutes to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as we are this day and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the lord our god as he has commanded us saints it will be righteous for us if we follow all his statutes his commandments and to fear him now let us pray dear lord jesus you alone are holy you alone are righteous father if i try to live a righteous life through my own strength or will then i'll fail but as the bible says i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me as you live within me lord you can displace all evil from within me remove everything that is corrupt removed everything that is unclean lord in the morning may i seek your face each and every morning lord give me a hunger to hear your voice may i desperately seek to hear your voice for instruction for counsel for wisdom and direction jesus give me a passion for prayer so that in those moments when i am on my knees in those moments when i am reading your word may that be the highlight of my day may prayer today king jesus be based on psalms chapter 143 verse 8 which says let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love for in you i trust [Music] make me know the way i should go for to you i lift up my soul i pray that my mornings would be filled with intimate fellowship with you lord i pray that my day will be blessed because i will begin the day on my knees and in your presence and so i ask that you look upon me with mercy i will encounter days where i am weak but i pray that you would give me the grace to prevail and that you would be my source of strength lord i desire for consistency in my prayer life let me not be the type of believer who prays today but forgets tomorrow let me not be the type of believer who is hot for you today but too busy and too tired to even read your word tomorrow give me a diligent heart lord jesus i want to be consistent i want to be disciplined in my prayer life but i can only achieve this not by my own might nor by my own power but by your precious holy spirit so father i pray that you would meet me at my point of need meet me at the place that my own ability fails so that you can demonstrate your might and power and regardless of how my day-to-day looks regardless of my responsibilities regardless of my schedule i pray that the holy spirit would convict me to pray first before i do anything else after i wake up [Music] your word in lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness your mercy is new every morning and so father i pray that your grace would be found readily available to see and guide me through the day may your steadfast love be my pillar of hope comfort and assurance i pray that you touch my life king jesus may i have an experience with you that will rejuvenate my zeal for the things of your kingdom may you create a fire within my being a fire that burns away everything that is not of you and may that fire only burn for you lord continue to be my strength when i am weary lord continue to be my hope and comfort when i am distressed your word says come unto me all who are heavy laden and i will give you rest empty out all of the negativity in my life and instead fill me with more of you with more of the holy spirit fill me with good fruits and faith that will please you refresh my spirit lord and release your presence over my life [Music] your word in psalms 90 verse 14 says satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days lord may i experience complete satisfaction in your presence each and every morning may your love fill my life and may your presence be with me all of my days i give you all the glory and honor lord thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen lord jesus i thank you for your grace and mercy i thank you for making me victorious in your name i pray and declare deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 the lord will cause my enemies those who rise against me to be defeated before my face they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways i pray and declare luke 10 verse 19. i have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy and nothing will harm me in jesus name i pray i bless you lord for the power that is in your word i take confidence from the word because it tells me that you are a god who will fight for me at your command are a host of angels that can come and defend me in the middle of my battle i know that i am not alone and because i know that you are with me i will neither be shaken nor fearful i will neither be afraid because god emmanuel is with me i am never alone in the battle because god goes with me my god goes ahead of me preparing the way for me to walk in safety to walk in peace and victory i confess that the lord is the one who will deliver and rescue me from the enemy what may be too strong for me is not too strong for my lord and savior jesus christ what may be too difficult for me is no match for my god what might trouble me will be no trouble for my god and i thank you lord jesus for you are greater than anything i could face you are greater bigger mightier than goliath than any red sea you king jesus are bigger than any problem any storm or situation and i am so truly grateful that you are on my side you are my pillar of support my chief cornerstone i declare that the eternal god jehovah is my refuge he is my shield and his everlasting arms will not only hold me but they will support me and uplift me to new heights father i ask that you would fill me with boldness boldness so that in the middle of a spiritual battle i can stand and believe on your word so that i can stand on your promise that tells me in second timothy chapter 1 verse 7 that the spirit god gave me does not make me fearful no the holy spirit gives me power love and a sound mind i invite the spirit of the lord to always be with me may the holy spirit fill me with bold fire and conviction so that i would not be intimidated by the enemy and his forces but instead i will rejoice that god's strength is made perfect in my weakness i thank you lord and i confess that i have a sound mind i confess that i live with and i am accustomed to the power of god operating in my life and above all i thank you for the richness of your love a perfect love that drives out all fear may you take all the glory and all the praise for each and every single one of my victories your word in revelation 5 verse 12 says in a loud voice they were saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise my heart cries out today in praise and adoration thank you jesus thank you in advance lord for that breakthrough for opening that door of opportunity thank you for pouring out your most wonderful and divine blessings i praise you in advance that my cup runeth over filling with favor and blessings from above [Music] you are god almighty in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord i don't know what the future holds i don't know the battles that i will face i don't know where my opposition will come from or where my trials will take me but i do know that your word in nahum chapter 1 verse 7 says that you are good you are a stronghold in the day of trouble i do know that you are my protector you are my shield and my fortress and even though i don't know what every obstacle ahead of me will look like i know that your word in isaiah chapter 45 verse 2 says i will go before you and make the crooked places straight i will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron i bless your name lord and i thank you for your word your word that offers me assurance i praise and i worship you because i know that only you know what's best for me i pray that i may be guided and protected by you king jesus i pray that in every single one of my decisions in all of my journeys may you always be ahead of me may you always fight my battles i declare that the enemy will not triumph over me or my family [Music] he will not have any power or any hold over us because we stand on the solid rock that is jesus christ the son of the living god the one who makes the crooked places straight so that by the time we get there the path has already been cleared and jesus christ will have the last word lord jesus i place my trust in you i put my faith in you a god who is undefeated you have never lost a battle nor can you ever lose victory begins and ends with you lord triumph is found in you and no matter what path i choose to walk on you are a god who is always many steps ahead of me you are faithful to always go before me your word in deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 8 says and the lord he is the one who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you do not fear nor be dismayed thank you lord because i know that no matter what mountain i come up against you have already made a way for me to overcome you've already made a way for me to climb or go around that mountain i trust in you and i am confident that no matter what journey of uncertainty i may encounter you lord jesus are a waymaker you will make a way where there seems to be no way you lord are faithful and good because you will lay out a path before me you will clear a path for me in situations where the enemy will look to have me surrounded but because of you because of your power because of your grace and love you will not let me fall nor will you let me fail so be with me lord [Music] you are gracious and merciful i pray that you will uncover breakthroughs and blessings and lay them out in my path for me and my family may your hand be forever upon us all good things come from you all blessings come from you lord jesus and you alone may your hand forever be upon my life to guide me to lead me in the right direction in the path that is most pleasing to you your mighty hand offers me protection and i declare your word just as it says in hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me i stand on your word in isaiah 41 13 which says for i the lord your god will hold your right hand saying to you fear not i will help you i ask that you help me in this life king jesus so that i may never wonder outside of your will because of sin and so i pray today uphold me lord with your righteous right hand your hand binds up the brokenhearted strengthens and gives rest to all those who are weary and weak your hand lord is mighty to take all of my burdens away to comfort all those who mourn to grant freedom to all who are captive lord i pray that you help me to be a good believer a good christian in your eyes because i understand that without you without your touch i do not have what it takes to live righteously or to live as i ought to i need your help and your divine strength continue to protect me so that the devil cannot snatch me out of your hand be blessed and glorified today i praise your name thank you father for listening in jesus name i pray amen [Music] when problems arise when battles are before us when we experience spiritual warfare the word of god has to be a source of constant reassurance to us [Music] it must be that which ignites the fire in our faith it must kick-start your hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives [Music] we have a divine and heavenly insurance policy which is the word of god we're backed by angelic forces that come to our aid when we shout the name of jesus in desperate need of help we have security in our father's faithfulness he has never lost a battle he has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so lift your head up high woman of god keep your head high man of god the battle is not yours but it's the lord's the fight before you is one that you should fight on your knees and not with your fists [Music] this fight before you is not one that you should fight with your own strength but it's one that you should be fighting with god's word i urge you to look at luke chapter 4 closely when jesus was in the wilderness he was tempted by the devil for 40 days and in verse 3 the bible says and the devil said to him if you are the son of god command the stone to become bread now pay attention to verse 4 and the response of jesus the bible says but jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god the devil tried again to tempt jesus and his response yet again in verse 8 was get behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve now the devil was audacious he thought to try a third time but jesus responded in verse 12 saying it has been said you shall not tempt the lord your god [Music] three times the devil attacked and three times jesus referred to god's word three times he responded it is written it is written it has been said so i want to speak to you today that mountain you're facing tell it it is written i am more than a conqueror through him who loves me when the devil attacks you with feelings of shame when he accuses you or tries to condemn respond and say it is written i am persuaded in fact i am convinced and i declare that neither death nor life nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height or depth nor anything else in all creation can separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus my lord i encourage you to not entertain the devil's attacks don't tolerate them we have victory in the name of jesus we have victory and should declare that we are winners when we open the word of god lord you know my struggles and you know what i'm fighting against lord you know what i'm facing and so i call for your help i know that i cannot do this alone i cannot fight these battles alone as i pray lord even for the person who is listening whatever it is that they're wrestling with be it in their spirit in their minds in their bodies whatever area of their life that's coming up against opposition i call on the name that is above every name i call on you king jesus to set us free because whom the son sets free is free indeed lord set us free in our minds set us free in our bodies from the clutches of the enemy set us free from unrest in our hearts lord break the strongholds that your people face break the chains that are pulling your children down no more fear no more anxiety no more unrest in our hearts you have the final say lord jesus and your word says that you have come to give us life and life more abundantly father your word says in matthew 11 verse 28 come to me all who are weary and heavily burdened and i will give you rest and so we seek your face lord jesus we come to you father we come and bow down before your throne asking for help we are asking for a supernatural breakthrough move in us holy spirit be our comfort at this time and lord i ask that you forgive me if i have taken your grace and your goodness for granted your word has given me the promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i declare that no weapon formed against my family will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my mental health will prosper i declare that no weapon formed against my finances will prosper in jesus name and lord even while the enemy roams back and forth looking for whom he may devour i stand by the power that's in the blood of jesus christ i stand by the power that's in the name of jesus christ father i give you the throne of my heart and i bless your holy name you stand above all above any principalities above any ruler of wickedness and lord there is none there is none and there is nothing that can stand against you and so i call upon your name i believe that you will give me a breakthrough even though my eyes may not be able to see it now i believe by faith and i believe that you are working on my behalf and you are working for my good lord jesus i pray for wisdom and discernment in this season help me to walk by faith and not by sight lord your word says in exodus 14 verse 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace lord i pray that you will fight my battles god keep me from falling for the tricks of the enemy be a lamp into my feet so that i may be saved from the path that is filled with sin and with evil mighty god i want to be a powerful witness for you move within me so that i will not be able to keep silent but i will be driven to share the gospel far and wide fill me with your holy spirit so that i will go forth and carry out the great commission in matthew 28 19 which says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit i pray that you would empower me holy ghost work within me where i am lacking and please equip me to spread the gospel strengthen me where i am weak and give me boldness as a christian grant me opportunities to witness and then give me the courage to share without fearing mockery or persecution i pray that the holy spirit will do a mighty work in me as you prepare me and enable me to go forward as a powerful witness for your kingdom i glorify your precious name god be glorified and be honored lord i thank you for hearing my prayer [Music] in jesus name i pray amen deuteronomy 6 verse 24 and 25 says and the lord commanded us to do all these statutes to fear the lord our god for our good always that he might preserve us alive as we are this day and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to do all this commandment before the lord our god as he has commanded us saints it will be righteous for us if we follow all his statutes his commandments and to fear him now let us pray dear lord jesus you alone are holy you alone are righteous father if i try to live a righteous life through my own strength or will then i'll fail but as the bible says i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ who lives in me as you live within me lord you can displace all evil from within me remove everything that is corrupt removed everything that is unclean lord in the morning may i seek your face each and every morning lord give me a hunger to hear your voice may i desperately seek to hear your voice for instruction for counsel for wisdom and direction lord jesus give me a passion for prayer so that in those moments when i am on my knees in those moments when i am reading your word may that be the highlight of my day [Music] may prayer today king jesus be based on psalms chapter 143 verse 8 which says let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love for in you i trust make me know the way i should go for to you i lift up my soul i pray that my mornings would be filled with intimate fellowship with you lord i pray that my day will be blessed because i will begin the day on my knees and in your presence and so i ask that you look upon me with mercy i will encounter days where i am weak but i pray that you would give me the grace to prevail and that you would be my source of strength lord i desire for consistency in my prayer life let me not be the type of believer who prays today but forgets tomorrow let me not be the type of believer who is hot for you today but too busy and too tired to even read your word tomorrow give me a diligent heart lord jesus i want to be consistent i want to be disciplined in my prayer life but i can only achieve this not by my own might nor by my own power but by your precious holy spirit so father i pray that you would meet me at my point of need meet me at the place that my own ability fails so that you can demonstrate your might and power and regardless of how my day-to-day looks regardless of my responsibilities regardless of my schedule i pray that the holy spirit would convict me to pray first before i do anything else after i wake up your word in lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness your mercy is new every morning and so father i pray that your grace would be found readily available to see and guide me through the day may your steadfast love be my pillar of hope comfort and assurance i pray that you touch my life king jesus may i have an experience with you that will rejuvenate my zeal for the things of your kingdom may you create a fire within my being a fire that burns away everything that is not of you and may that fire only burn for you lord continue to be my strength when i am weary lord continue to be my hope and comfort when i am distressed your word says come unto me all who are heavy laden and i will give you rest empty out all of the negativity in my life and instead fill me with more of you with more of the holy spirit fill me with good fruits and faith that will please you refresh my spirit lord and release your presence over my life your word in psalms 90 verse 14 says satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days lord may i experience complete satisfaction in your presence each and every morning may your love fill my life and may your presence be with me all of my days i give you all the glory and honor lord thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus name i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 208,590
Rating: 4.8949752 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 19sec (8599 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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