Faith That Transforms Your Thinking #3

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well hello this is apostle i trust all is well my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area uh it's happening in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church we must not be left behind and therefore we must retrieve for revival and to flourish in the coming days for the past 25 years i've hosted 25 years i'm hosting the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in uh for ministry to be excellent and to be effective this year the strategist conference october the 18th through the 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience pastors evangelists and other firefold ministry leaders will be here and i want you to come let me show you how to improve your staff to help you accomplish more i'll be covering topics like retooling your staff and your workers retooling evangelism strategies for expansion retooling financial strategies for increase retooling church for revival retooling social media for greater impact and much more i've made the registration most affordable uh for you and your staff now you have a choice you can either be here and experience it in person and that's going to be that's going to be epic or you can be in the virtual audience there will be both day and night events which will be on demand online as well all registered so you can view them at your convenience but you've got to be registered go to for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to it's time to retool ministry for revival meet me and lady b in this hybrid 2021 strategist conference it will be an experience like none other [Music] through faith we build our lives [Music] [Applause] well this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it thank you for joining our program today listen we have a powerful message of faith that i know is going to bless your life and to all of you listen who say yes i need more and i want more well we have more prepared for you i want you to subscribe to my my youtube channel i'm working on building it it's going to be great we'll be launching it soon but and we have information and we have sermons out there already but i have a launch date plan that's going to really be exceptional now those of you men who want to be a part of my course that i'm teaching on men at work man-to-man that course is started now and you'll be able to go out to uh our website and you'll be able to go there and get the book of course i've got the book men at work and i'm teaching it every second and fourth uh sunday evening follow us along there's a certificate that you're going to get at the end of it it's going to be great i'm showing men how to be men how to be men of god amen and amen of course the announcer will come and give you some information on other products that we have and that's how you need to invest in those products it'll bless you now those of you who say listen i want that i want to be a part of your partner base so i can receive those faith-building letters well they'll put that on the screen as well and when you have a faith you have a faith fight you're in i'd like to know you have a prayer request i'd like to know and so when you uh follow through and you you make the call you'll get my voice i'll tell you how to leave your faith uh a request there i'll pray for you i'll send you my faith building letters and many people say they arrive right on time all right let's get into the lesson for today and then we'll be right back after this life is a journey and in life there is no easier way to get to your destination than with a road map call 1-800-926-6526 to request your road map to victory by bishop hilder this road map has detailed instructions on moving from where you are to where god wants you to be call now 1-800-926-6526 with your most urgent prayer request or fate situation and request your roadmap to victory and be on your way today so what is it that i really want they turned about to why me to death is that what you want well that's what you're saying so that's what must be in your heart so that's what must be your thinking yeah so don't be intimidated you want some money declare out of your mouth money is finding this way to me or take up leroy saying money comes and i don't mean that by nobody but i call them leave well he's my friend you understand i said i would rather say something coming to me that i said you know money it's just always going it's always going don't worry it's going i don't ever have enough i don't i just don't ever have enough well that's your thinking but i'd rather this i'd rather since i know the principle my mouth is how i'm making it i'm gonna make it with my mouth so i don't care what other folks say because i'm not looking for sympathy for you know you know sympathy again folk you know step inside where they get a couple of dollars well i want a couple of dollars that won't satisfy my dream you understand i need something supernatural so i began to declare abundance is mine yeah abundance is mine and that's why they were saying i hear you lying hey like hey you ain't got no abundance i've been over there look at what he's driving but i got a principle y'all understand this see if you ain't persuaded on the principle then you know you you get sheepish and you back off yeah well you know huh my life is going to be increased by the fruit of my lips what i'm saying out of my mouth is going to eventually find its way into my life into my health into my pocket i'm gonna go over here maybe they'd be a little more exciting amen this bible now i can't help everybody else didn't read that part but this bible this is bible nobody run me off of it this is bible amen so you know you got to get you got to check your mouth you got to check your mouth quit all that victim speaking well i i couldn't i could i could make it if he if he hadn't left me with all these children why maybe a fact he left you always shooting but god didn't leave you [Applause] amen amen amen amen amen amen amen everybody say under pressure maintain your confession amen hallelujah okay let me move on because i think i kind of parked there so i think last night we talked about was building this building pressure was on god had given me a mandate mandated date and i tell people if god don't give you a date you don't have to you know you don't you don't you don't declare it god gave me a date i want you dedicated on this date and uh it was a serious test because a week from a week out it did not look possible i got to tell you a week out it did not look possible i don't think no did we have chairs in here a week out i doubt it i don't think we had chests because they hadn't been laying and finished laying all the carpet i keep talking about the ceiling no we had no chairs in here because we still had to have the lifts to get up to the ceiling so we're talking about the sunday before we're supposed to come in here there are no chairs there's no carpet jesus there's no sound system but i wasn't going to change my mouth so i told them lock the doors don't let the members in because if they see it i mean i know what they're going to do cause they're going oh we ain't going to be in here we're going to so i said lock the doors on sunday don't let them come in and see because it was a stretch for me to believe it but because i knew god had said it he needed a partner somebody in the earth who would believe it and speak it are y'all listening to me amen amen and amen so we held on and of course the rest is history we were able to do and it was supernatural the jet crisis when the jets falling out the air we held on our confession we didn't change didn't change that ain't the time to change when you're jet falling out the sky amen all right that time to change everybody under pressure under pressure on depression and then of course you know when we had the situation with the hospital man and the hospital that uh the health challenge well i thought you was a preacher and uh you know you mean the preaching can be attacked of course many of the afflictions psalms 34 19. many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all i had no doubt i'm going to come out where i was praying for my cousin and i was confessing the word of god over my cousin and my cause and died now what you got to say about that your cousin is dead i says watch this because in a situation like that you don't hold the trump card they do amen and amen so your conviction on establishing the use of your tongue my conviction is based on watch this the ability of god to work i understand when i'm speaking god goes to work number two it's just it's my conviction i'm convicted about this i hold on to it i got confidence because of the accuracy of god's word this word works he confirms it with signs following i have a conviction and confidence to live like this to talk like this because of the account of god's witnesses the testimony of the saints both contemporary and those uh who are who are in scripture and then my conviction is based on the angels doing god's will because the bible says they hearken to the voice of his word and i have a revelation when i start talking angels start moving whoa hallelujah shout all by myself i know someone said i'm gonna let you shout by yourself pastor all right all right now uh whoo-hoo-hoo let me just i can't say a wonder okay when i'm a providential thinker oh yes i got to i got to cover this uh go to um go back to our primary text in uh proverbs chapter 16. go back to that yeah yes yes yes proverbs 6 3 y'all got it all right wrote and amplified wrote your works on the lord commit and trust him holy to him now he's going to do something he will cause your thoughts to become what agreeable to his will so shall your plans be established and succeed all right now go to psalms 37 psalms 37. this is this providential partner one whose life thinking has been transformed and they are committed to the world of god and in agreement bringing forth the providential will of god to pass the origin of their thoughts from god hallelujah amen amen psalms what psalms 37. watch this verse 4 delight thyself also what in the lord and he shall give thee what the desires of thine heart wait a minute wait a minute if i delight in him see now this is one way everybody look at it then whatever i want he's going to give it to me that you go with that i ain't going to argue with you but here's another perspective on this if i delight myself in the lord then he'll start dropping desires in my heart his desires his desire will become my desire so that i can use my faith to bring forth that desire yes sir ah oh did you get that did you get that see that's that's the kind of partnership god is looking for for somebody who he can give his desire and once he gives you that desire watch this that becomes your desire oh come on light up all right if i give you a hundred dollars then you're gonna say this is my hundred dollars that's right cause why you came to me so if god gives you a a desire then now that desire becomes your desire right yeah right and whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them you use faith on your desire but that desire was from god everybody say outside the box outside the box so since god knows what i don't know and sees what i don't see he will give me a desire because he's got a future plan for me and that desire hits me i really don't know i understand i wasn't thinking like that before but i understand i'm a partner with god jesus amen amen since i'm a partner with him watch this he causes my thoughts to become agreeable with his will okay okay y'all get y'all y'all slow is that right now okay okay so uh so uh god drops a desire in my heart for a jet [Music] i ain't thinking about no gym he drops the dead i don't know i don't at that time i ain't really nobody nobody would know no preachers with a jet black preachers especially oh that's a little just first legitimate ball like that yeah yeah and uh so i i'm i'm arguing with god because he said you you need to you need to believe for a jet well i don't have appointments you buy a jet when you've got appointments you got somewhere to go hong go okay see you look at him i gotta go but he says son you're gonna need a jet to keep up with the schedule he called things that uh so i'm i'm i'm still i'm i'm going away have you seen my schedule i got a couple of places to go but you know delta take care of that because this is outside the box now you know got a lot preached with plain now but you know back then it's outside the box you know back then my father in the faith didn't even have a jed a jet what how you go from buying news cars to flying jets it ain't like i lived in the neighborhood where you know or bob down the street gotcha watch this but he's giving me a desire y'all get this it's outside the box but i got to use my faith to bring it to pass because this is a kingdom project that's when folk told my daughter listen i want to listen to them god told me to have a jet god told me to have a jet i've been flying just since ever since 1996. it's about 20 years didn't he you have 20 years i've had yet like i've had seven all together in the course of time a second praise the lord all right now so i'm still arguing with him and he says now he says out to me he says now i said well you know my thing wait till i got some appointments i'll get a jet he said now if noah had waited until he saw rain it would have been too late [Applause] so then i i got to put my faith on the line for a jet he gives me the desire of my heart he gave me the desire but i got to use my faith to bring it to pass are y'all getting it i said watch this watch this so god will drop a desire in your heart a blessing that he wants you to have but at this moment is outside of the reasoning that you got come on ain't nobody in my family ever lived like that come on bishop are you listening to me but god dropped the desire in your heart watch this cause he's gonna raise you up as a testimony [Applause] but just because he gives you the desire doesn't mean now you twirl your thumbs i understand the process because now i'm a providential thinker he has given me the desire but it's my faith that's going to bring it to pass so now he's going to raise me up as a testament all right all right and then of course uh uh then that was the uh life change institute you all remember life change that was that was revolutionary i think in the process of that we had about ten thousand when about ten thousand men and women men and women who've been through that wasn't it well it's between 10 15 000. we can't we you know we didn't power in a whole bunch absolutely free men and women came from all over america well why did that come from god dropped the desire y'all listen to me all right all right now this is commonplace now but multi-campus churches now you can't go to a city hardly where there's not a person saying one church multiple locations but when i started there was no there were no multiple campuses in houston there were no multiple campuses all over the country in fact they're saying what are you trying to do we're in the whole city yeah i thought that was what we're supposed to do but where'd i get it from i'm a providential thinker he gives me the desire of my heart he gave me y'all get this see see a lot of folk won't say well i'm gonna give him my desire that's one way to go and i know it's okay i'm not arguing with that that that with with that translation uh i'm not allowed with that interpretation i'm not arguing with that but i am saying there's another side of this where you are a providential partner with god to bring forth his providential will in earth he want to bring something to earth and he's looking for somebody that he can give the desire to who will use their faith to produce it hey man look personally tell them the person that said god don't have to look any further all right i'm the one right here i'm i'm the one right here i am the one i'm the one i'm the one he can do something special do something you know that's my time oh my god y'all must be slow tonight yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm the one say that's that's god god gave me the desires you see a lot of times you could get desired that you said i ain't got no money for that that's okay you don't need the money right now right now you got to incubate it with your face and take a step everybody say take a step he gives you more on your way than he does before you start everybody say take a step take a step yeah he gives you more on your way see when you understand how you flowing see you don't need the down payment you ain't found the house my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church must not be left behind and must retool for revival and to flourish in the coming days now for the past 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in ministry to be excellent and effective now this year the strategist conference october 18th 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience now the three powerful days of retooling for revival with workshops and times of intense ministry and dialogue interaction music spiritual motivation that would be like nova now i sincerely believe that god has a retooling faith strategy for your ministry that will enhance your staff and your church calls it to have greater productivity now i've made the registration costs most affordable and you and your staff have a choice to either be here in houston and experience it in person or be in the virtual audience now go to strategy on the screen for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to and i want you to be with us it's time to retool for about what we want to break in do you have a good time to break in and listen you'll be able to go out of course and hear the whole lesson but i wanna i wanna really encourage you to connect with me i want you to pick up the phone and make the call and when you make the calls up i want those faith-building letters i mean it's like me talking with you i take i take time to write those letters out and they arrive right on time there's a faith exercise there that stimulates your faith listen i don't want you to miss out amen now so when you see them asking for prayer requests or your faith fight that's how you become a part of it i want you to pick up the phone and make the call now if you want a lot of our books and other things that we have you can there it is on the stream ask the screen yeah b-k-i-h-b-h and you'll be able to see the teachings that i have as well as those uh that my wife have done i have something that i want you to take advantage of and it's called heliot faith university and we have a summer summer launch that we're going to do those lessons i have taught before and those i mean those sessions that we've had had tremendous enrollment we want you to enroll for this summer there is the leadership course that's powerful pastors are raving about it and then there is the sermon preparation and presentation course it's amazing i'll help you be a better communicator and then i'm working on the third course conflict resolution all right go to our website and you'll get more information on it and uh i've got to tell you it's going to be hey let's get back to the lesson i'll come with closing comments uh at the close i think he must be transformed about sacrifice in other words uh bible says be not conformed this world he says present your body is a living sacrifice holy except unto god which is reasonable service be not conformed to this world context of that is sacrifice so a lot of people think sacrifice is a dirty word sacrifice is not a dirty word for the transformed thinker means i go above and beyond my initial expectation right and if you have anything of value anything of worth it took a little bit more than you thought in the beginning kind of get amen i think it must be transformed about the spirit of god he's not something making holland scream in church but he's a comforter your god a partner he empowers you you think it must be transformed about the devil that he ain't the big bad wolf hollywood makes him out to be he's under your feet amen he's afraid of you amen you think it must be transformed about the supernatural that god's able to do is exceeding the abundantly above all i ask to think amen i expect god to show up amen i live with that expectation all by myself look like i'm all by myself transform my thinking must be transformed by the scripture this is more than just a good book this is the living word of god medicine to my flesh my thinking must be transformed about success it is the will of god for everybody no matter where you got to start from amen no matter how many times you've been a loser it's the will of god for you to be a winner amen hallelujah my thinking must be transformed about suffering that though the devil brings suffering god brings deliverance what's this all the time all the time all the time okay how many other folks suffered it ain't the will of god for me to suffer always afflictions are the righteous but god delivers him out of them oh thinking must be transformed about serving because the bible says the greatest among you is your servant amen so i don't feel bad serving because in the kingdom of god that makes me great amen amen think it must be transformed about situations because there is no situation that i'm in that is not common to man in other words that's first corinthians 10 13. if i'm in a situation somebody has already been there i don't need to panic be alarmed why god's faithful he wouldn't let me be in it if he didn't know i could handle it see we need to get a little radical about that sick come on help me preach to your person next to you say god wouldn't let you be in it if he didn't know you could handle it now you tell the person i can handle this i can handle it i can handle this i can handle it i can i'm just talking about scripture now so whatever situation i'm in i i'm always confident i can handle it why because the bible says it then it says and god is faithful will not suffer allow you to be tempted try to test it above that you're able and with the temptation with the trial with the test with the problem also jesus everybody say also also also mean he's not going to let a problem exist i'm getting a little excited he will never let a problem exist for which there is not already a solution yes sir hallelujah god's got my answer yes he will not let a problem exist or unless an answer already exists see i believe that i believe that amen i believe that i think it's been transformed see things have been transformed and then i think it must be transformed by about sowing everybody say sowin yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna get stretched out with time to give lord jesus man that's how that's my pathway to favor that's my pathway to increase i mean they're getting me raised another offer yes all right hey how i think i gave my first ten thousand dollars in the little raggedy bill i gave my first ten thousand dollars in that little raggedy building ten thousand dollar giveaway you follow me because my thinking on giving changed now people sing it you can't be god-given no matter how you try the more you yeah the more he folks don't believe that that's right that's right because when it comes time to give out man i don't know well if the more i hear the more he gonna give to me then i ain't got no problem with getting right give and it shall be what given back to you how could measure press down shaken together and running over shall men given to your bosom yes so i went from a 6.50 giver where now on an average in a year my wife and i give a million away did he say that did he say that because if my thinking has changed don't give it i ain't gonna lose they got quiet on me good now on man i'm gonna lose i don't know how some people think went on you over there you got to give an offering that's the bible that's something i made out yeah amen we don't put a gun to your head make you do it yeah but that's a conviction of the holy ghost that comes on your life when you're in this church no he does that he does that no he does that he puts a desire in your heart to have and the principle is that you must be a giver let me hurry up oh y'all just took all my time tonight that's that just ain't fair hebrews chapter 6 verse 12. amen i you know i uh um um faith comes by what and hearing by the word of god i'm gonna just have to talk you through these i think i can but i was gonna use the scripture and just kind of walk through it because i didn't think i had enough uh food for the night so i was going you know all right verse 12. that should be not slothful followers of them who through and patience inherit the promises so uh in mark chapter 11. let's look at the story of jesus and the tree story of jesus and the tree and y'all help me to serve jesus in the tree mark chapter 11. looking at how words were used amen and this is the kind of attitude that we have to have if we're going to live by faith everybody says i'm living by faith come on come on what a little attitude i'm living by faith yeah i'm living by faith all right watch this all right now verse 12 and on the mara when they were come from bethany he was hungry and seeing the fig tree far off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything they're wrong and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the times of figs was not yet and jesus answered and said unto it everybody say he said unto it he said he said unto it no man eat fruit of thee here after forever and the disciples heard it he said it and they heard it everybody say he said it and they heard it now drop down to verse 19. when even was come he went out of the city now he was on his way into the city spoke it they heard it in the evening they coming back obviously nothing had happened to the tree there was no visible sign anything had happened to the tree though he said it and they heard it jesus teach bishop all right now watch this verse 20. in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and peter calling to remember saying unto your master the whole effect tree which thou curses is withered away though nothing happened by evening time by morning time what he said had come to pass jesus got it so jesus didn't come by the tree that evening and wonder what's going on he said it he walked away from it he knew what he said would come to pass so when peter start oh master you know we heard you talking to tweeters today and look what has happened he didn't go really yeah he used it as a teaching moment whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed are you listening to me what i'm trying to get you to see throughout the ministry of jesus he's talking the stuff and stuff is obeying everybody say he said it went on by this business and what he said came to pass all right go to go back to mark chapter five mark chapter five yeah he said it yes he did he opened his mouth he said it and then what he said came to pass all right mark chapter five now here is uh jairus jairus we'll pick it up uh at verse 22 mark chapter five and let's pick it up in verse uh verse 21. and behold that cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue the iris by name and when he saw it saw him he fell at his feet everybody said we got a worshiper here yeah he falls he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lies at the point of death i pray thee come and lay your hands on her that she may live watch this and she shall live you said it he said if you lay your hands on her she'll live he said it he lived now watch this and then jesus turned and followed him and said that jesus went with him so his faith now is guiding the ministry of jesus oh his faith jesus is going one way but when he releases his faith and start talking now jesus must attend to the word that is oh y'all getting this all right now so they're on their way and uh uh uh all right and this is in a certain way and then jesus went with him and most people uh followed him and thrown him and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she heard jesus heard of jesus came in the press behind and touch this garment for she she said for she said your father may touch but to him but but his clothes i shall be holy if i touch him but she said it everybody says she said it she said all right watch this and straightway the fountain of her blood uh was dried up and she felt in her body that uh she was healed of that plague and jesus immediately knowing in himself virtue power had gone out of him turned him about in depression said who touched my clothes and disciples said unto him thou seek the multitudes wrong indeed and saith thou who touched me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing and the woman fearing trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth everybody all the truth ah look he on his way to jairus's house but she stopped telling him all the truth she going all the way back telling him what doctor she went to and how this doctor messed over her and how much money she paid him and i i mean and john i was there going my dog is stick come on now come on now come on all right watch this watch this watch this watch this all right and uh and he said unto her daughter thy faith made the whole go in peace be whole of that plague and when he yet spake that came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said that daughter is dead while trouble is thou the master any further and as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe in other words don't you dare change what you say you said she shall live don't you dare change what she said cause you got a bad report oh you listen to me you you got a bad report but don't you change what you said you steal the head and knock the tail the person said don't you change your faith confession because you've got a bad report amen now the end result of that of course jesus goes to the house and he put all the negatives and they say us out ministered to the girl and she left because he said it right everybody said cause he said it yeah he said if you touch her she'll live if you touch her she'll live if you touch her she'll live if you touch her she'll live and jesus spoke over her and raised her up he touched her and she cause he said it okay that's about that's about that's all enough ain't that enough and they can't like let me just hear your bridget stoke one bridget like that shooting my woman you know shooting my woman built a little house for the prophet a little room for the prophet prophet asked what you need prophet blessed and spoke a word over her she had a boy had a baby because that was a secret desire of a heart then one day the boy falls sick they sent him home he dies in his mama's lap he dies in his momma's lap and she takes him now shooting my woman was a great woman i mean she's rich so if she could afford to build a room for the prophet you know this boy had his own room right now but she takes his dead body and takes it to the place to the room that she built for the prophet and she lays him on that bed why she's making a demand on her investment and then she says she says go go get me somebody uh to take me to the prophet why because i said everybody says she said it shall be well yeah the boy is now called dead but she's saying it shall be well she gets to the prophet and the prophet asked hey how you doing how your husband how's the boy she said it is well yeah [Music] i'm just hollering and screaming like y'all can't hear me and stuff like that you know excuse me for being excited it is well some of y'all need to say it right now as you look at your problem it is well i don't know how god's gonna do it i don't know how he gonna bring me out i don't know how he gonna turn this thing around but i'm not changing my confession my thinking has changed if i keep my mouth on it [Applause] prophet goes to the house yeah ministers to the boy raises him from the dead so what she said came to pass because she said it everybody said cause she said amen amen see see you got to understand cause you said it whosoever you the whosoever cause you said it he got a miracle with your name on it [Music] [Applause] cause you said it watch this and you expected it i'm laying there in the bed i'm declaring my health springs forth speedily i plan to be laying here all this time my health springs for speedily i got to have supernatural healing three days later the lady looks at my incision and the doctor and goes oh my god i have never seen anything like this i was two days after that they'd taken staplers out they said this ain't supposed to happen until you at the doctor's office two weeks from now cause i've been saying my health springs forth speedily for example you don't even look like that never happened to you i'm not supposed to look like something has happened because when shadrach meshach and abednego when they came out the fire they had no smell on them i'm stronger than oh yeah oh yeah cause eyes [Music] my church can tell you i was in that bed confessing the word of god quoting a word of god speaking over my body cause i believe this i have seen it work in the past must work for me right now amen amen look at the person they're saying what are you saying what a what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying about yourself let's let's close it out let's close that everybody say it can happen for you yeah it can happen for you it can happen a miracle can happen for you something supernatural can happen for you if your thinking changes something supernatural happened at the red sea when he stretched forth his rod everybody said it happened something stupid happened citroen supernaturally happened for david when he uh took out the rock everybody say it happen something supernatural happened at the fiery furnace jesus got in the middle of the fire everybody say it happened something happened in the lion's den when daniel was thrown in there and the angels lock the laws jaws of the lines everybody say it happen something happened when the boat was being tossed to and fro in the waves and then the disciples thought they were going to die and jesus stood up and start speaking something supernatural happened everybody say it it happened amen amen something supernatural happened one day and a barbarity don't do it everybody say it happened it happened see i got to understand i serve a supernatural god [Applause] and if it happened back then and he's the same god tell them i say it's happening in my life i didn't say it's gonna happen you gotta believe the supernatural hand of god is working in your life right now i can't see it i can't feel it but i understand it's happening it's it's happening doors are being open for me it's happening my cells that are out of order god's bringing them and i'm about to have a report that's going to astound the doctors it's happening it's it's happening it's it's happening it's happening well we're out of time never out of message never out of content but we're out of time listen i've asked you to do several things i want you to connect and stay connected with me all right first of all i want you to join me every monday night oh my god every monday night at uh at 7 00 p.m central time 7 p.m central time for my maximized prayer moment i teach a lesson and we pray in agreement it's powerful thousands join me i want you to be a part of that secondly i want you to be a part of the hilliard faith university if you're a christian leader i have a leadership course if you're a minister of the gospel preaching the word and you want to know how to be a better a communicator or a teacher then i have a course on sermon preparation and presentation that is amazing and so listen for the summer we have a special for the summer that i want you to participate in and it's going to be amazing and then the upcoming course that i have on conflict resolution i've talked to you already about the uh men's course that i have i want your opinion why you have so many things because i'm a teacher and i want you to grow in the things of god and so if you want to uh participate in that go to bk i h b h and that's where you can get your paper back men at work i had a special edition printed just for you ladies i want you to invest an announcer giving information but i want you to invest in the man in your life and give them that book oh my god it's going to really bless them now if you have a prayer request let me pray with you let me agree with you let me have apostolic agreement with you and you'll watch god change things in your life all right hey listen then now to give you more information about more things but until next time you stay safe you stay in faith and watch god [Applause] life is a journey and in life there is no easier way to get to your destination than with a road map call 1-800-926-6526 to request your road map to victory by bishop hilder this road map has detailed instructions on moving from where you are to where god wants you to be call now 1-800-926-6526 with your most urgent prayer request or fate situation and request your road map to victory and be on your way today i got mine i got mine i got mine i've got mine now what these men are bragging about that they have is my newly reprinted men and workbook and paperback form thousands of men have committed to read this book to get insight on male excellence that god revealed to me years ago i've spoken at men's conferences and retreats and i've taken the essence of those powerful times in ministry and capsulized them into this literary work now it's a manual for christian manhood with simple truths that i've learned and have mentored men in for years well what's in it well it talks about a man and his maker a man in his mountain a man and his mouth a man and his morals a man and his maintenance a man and his mistakes a man and his mentor a man and his ministry a man and his money a man and his mind a man and his marriage a man and his mantle ladies make this investment in yourself to get an understanding of the male perspective and make this investment in the males in your life uh get it for your husband your son your grandson your nephews or other meaningful men in your life men you make this investment in your own life it's simple reading and then you live according to god's direction faithfully lovingly and spiritually you'll be amazed at what's going to happen in your life now these are time-tested truths and they are the real god for spiritual and biblical masculinity that it's just a mentoring that this new generation of men desire order yours today by simply texting b k i h b h 2 7 1 4 4 1 b k there it is on the screen b k i h b h 7 1 4 4 1 and it'll be rushed to you today [Music] something exciting is happening at hilliard faith university that i want you to be a part of now you probably heard you know when we had the initial launch of hillywood faith university and we had the leadership course and then we also had the course for uh the sermon preparation and presentation well listen this summer i want you to mark the date june the 21st june the 21st is the summer session what that's right it's the summer session and i want you to be a part of it perhaps you could make the initial launch when we talk leadership how to be strong leaders and how to support the vision of the pastor the man of god the woman of god that you are seated up under well the leadership course is six powerful lessons and pastors have been raving about how it has helped uh them in their though those that are around them let me teach you how to be a better person uh to serve your man or woman of god and it rebounds back into your life and so there it is that's the registration there for that remember we're going to launch it afresh on june the 21st and then listen that session that i did oh the whole course on sermon preparation and presentation it was like none other and of course it's an investment i want you to make that investment let me help you become a more capable communicator of the gospel of jesus christ i walk through every point of showing you how to study the word of god how to prepare a lesson how to write the lesson and how to present the lesson and how to be more effective in your communication perhaps that's somebody you want to sow this into june the 21st that is the launch date he said well i want to take both of them you can if you desire you can take both of them because it is all virtual that's right it is virtual and you'll be able to go there and at the end you will be able to receive your certificate and display it with great joy and godly pridefulness that you completed it let me help you now you know i'm a teacher and this setting is taught far different than me preaching to you it is a session where you get your workbook what that's right you get your workbook you get the notes and you follow along with me it's amazing nothing like the specialty university here i'm telling you i can hardly wait to have you as one of my students on that's it june 21st this is the summer session got special stuff for the summer session this is the summer session special discount and listen i'm telling you if you missed it the first time get it this time because in the fall it goes back up that's right in the fall it goes back up but we have something special for you now i'm working on a course right now oh i'm working on this course it's called conflict resolution oh my god all of us have to deal whether you're a housewife or a business person or administrator oh my god parent you know what happened you know what i mean married folk we all have conflict that has to be resolved let me give you god's wisdom on that you'll be hearing more about this class on conflict resolution oh it's going to be awesome all right for the summer session get the summer discount june the 21st i'm looking for your registration it's going to be amazing [Music] my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church must not be left behind and must retool for revival and to flourish in the coming days now for the past 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in ministry to be excellent and effective now this year the strategist conference october 18th 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience now the three powerful days of retooling for revival with workshops and times of intense ministry and dialogue interaction music spiritual motivation that would be like other now i sincerely believe that god has a retooling faith strategy for your ministry that will enhance your staff and your church cause it to have greater productivity now i've made the registration costs most affordable and you and your staff have a choice to either be here in houston and experience it in person or be in the virtual audience now go to strategy on the screen for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to and i want you to be with us it's time to retool for revive partners thank you for your support all contributions will be used to support the ministries and outreaches of new life church as needed this has been maximized living today
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 245
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Id: oM3jk_iHncg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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