Fully Persuaded | Guest Speaker: Apostle I.V. Hilliard | Word of Truth Family Church

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let's stand together in the name of jesus he is great and he is greatly to be praised [Music] what is that's calling out with heaven's breath yeah who's reaching wide to save our souls only you what is this grace that makes no sense that we can never only you only you only [Music] there is no other god already [Music] shine [Applause] oh oh [Music] is can stand between us no power on earth or all creation no life or death can separate us from your life foreign there is oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is [Music] no power on earth or all creation no life nor death can separate us [Music] on earth is [Music] there's no one there's no one like him let us worship jesus we worship you jesus there's no one no power on earth i can say there is no one like you [Music] church i can stand here resolved because hebrews 10 23 says that he is faithful that promised we serve a god that changes not and so we can take comfort in that yeah and so i want to encourage you today that whatever mountain you may be facing how great it may be there is a god that is greater there is a god that will never fail there is a god that has already seen ahead to this need and already provided he is great let's worship thank you jesus [Music] [Music] there's no one thing you're not great you are greater so much greater greater than the power of the enemy [Music] you are greater so much greater [Music] [Music] my hope is you are oh my god [Music] is [Music] is is [Applause] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh is know [Music] i am with us you are so worthy god hallelujah [Music] i'm praying god comes and turned this thing around god turned it around god turned it around god [Applause] [Music] that changes everything [Music] so god turned it around [Music] the name of jesus breakthrough will come come in the name of the name of jesus [Music] and turn this thing around turn around in the name of jesus [Music] there's he is up to something god is doing something you say right now he is up to something he is up to something god is doing something hey right now is is oh cheese [Music] [Music] [Applause] the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of my hope is in the name the name of jesus breakthrough will come come in the name of the name of jesus jesus [Music] he is up to something he is up to something god is doing something and it's right now you don't have to wait you don't have to wait you don't have to wait cause he's doing it now [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] and it's right now is me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] my hope yes all of my hope is in the name which is above every name [Music] the lyricist said for my hope is built on nothing less than jesus christ his righteousness listen we don't put our hope on sinking sand we don't put our hope in people we don't put our hope in money we don't put our hope in dreams we don't put our hope in our gifts and our talents we don't put our hope in songs or we put our hope in one person and one person alone his name is jesus can somebody say jesus [Music] only he can turn it around only he can work all things together for good only he can make the bad things good only he can take the darkness and turn to light only he can take confusion and brighten our day only he can make the cooking wave straight only he can exhaust valleys and humble mountains and cause springs to come in the desert i'm telling you there is only one person i want to put my hope in and his name is jesus hallelujah god we put our hope in you we put our hope in you we put our hope in you lord god nothing else is a hundred percent dependable but you nothing else can turn it around but you hallelujah our hope our hope is in jesus i don't know what you're facing this morning but i'm here to tell you that what i'm going through i put my hope in jesus listen what what we ask you to do every week we have to do ourselves we don't just talk to talk we have to walk what we talk are you with me and we have to put our hope and our trust and our faith in jesus there's no one what magic wand there's jesus there's no abracadabra there's jesus there's no hey come up with some secret recipe there's jesus because life is full of giants and mountains and fire and floods but he says when you walk through the fire i'll be with you oh my god it shall not burn you when you walk through the flood it shall not overcome you because i am with you i don't know what fire you're going through what flood but i'm here to tell you put your hope [Music] in jesus though the mountains tremble though the seas roar i shall not fear for my trust is in the lord god almighty the lord over israel who never sleeps and never slumbers whose arm is not too short to save nor his earth too heavy to hear i put my trust i put my hope in jesus hallelujah come on lift your hands with me right now we're going to pray father thank you so much that you are trustworthy you're dependable you are faithful you are true when everything around us seems to be going wrong we can still put our hope and our trust in you we love you so much lord thank you for being our god faithful and true the one who comes on that white horse faithful and true the one who comes to deliver faithful and true the one who comes to set free faithful and true we love you we bless you in jesus name and everyone say come on give it up for jesus in this place put your hands together just praise the one who you can put your trust in amen amen amen amen hey listen grab your seats welcome to word of truth family church we love you so much hey if you're here for the first time whether you're online we want you to just text right in the chat there just let us know i'm here for the first time i'm here if you're here in the house and you're here for the first time would you just wave at me real quick i just want oh yeah i see your hand anybody i see your hand anybody else oh man it's so good for you to join us today man we're excited that you're here man we've got a special guest we got some a good word today we got everything i mean uh worship has been awesome amen amen amen amen so here's what we're gonna do uh we're about to give you some announcements so pay attention to the screen and then i'll be back to receive the offering word of truth welcome to our service i'm pastor jonathan and i'm heaven hey real quick if you're on facebook or on youtube let's share this link let's get out there let's invite everybody that you know to be a part of our service today word of truth remember if you need prayer whether in service or online we have prayer just for you text pray for me to 54244 and someone will be in contact with you after the service well 2019 we go through um amazing time we have a great time we're staying in our townhouse we're together as a family we're a family of five and we just went through so much because in 2019 it was a rough year for both of us i lost a sister and we just had to help out a lot but we knew 2020 was going to be great 2020 happens and we do our giving sunday and we have to end up making a decision of hey we want to get into a house so let's make some of this a decision of let's get out of here where we are and save up so we move into a hotel not the best idea for some people but it's okay for us we used to you know making changes like that we're in the hotel room of four walls and we have two beds we have three kids and a dog so it's tight people are upset people mad it's okay throughout the whole time while we were there though we never stopped giving i was not a working mother it was only my husband working and we still gave when he was over the road he gave when i was there we gave and through the giving process we still were able to save more than we were ever able to save then we get the call saying hey you guys can't move the house moving to the house something happened house is gone keep on praying august goes by september goes by on and on and on thanksgiving goes by we're still there unfortunately in the first week of december my husband gets in a car in a truck accident which resulted in a fatality accident in that process i had to end up getting a part-time job during that proc that part-time job luckily the amount of money that i was making by that part-time job i was able to make just enough to still put food on the table and still pay for our weekly amount then january comes around we both are doing our fasting and our praying and we didn't bring that one time we did good and we get blessed because his boss comes through and wants to bless us to get us into an apartment at that time i did get my unemployment so yeah we just had to make do you know saying pretty much balance our bills and then we get blessed by a total stranger who have no idea who he is blessed us and paid up two months on our apartment we're in an apartment on our own we all have our own bedroom dog got us on spot and i got a i got an oven that works and i don't have to deal with a lot of crazy people no more so we're doing good so i can't wait forgiven sunday because our blessing is to bless someone else as someone blessed us the only thing i can say i mean just don't give up i mean it was time when when we did want to give up and i also cannot wait to give this giving sunday to help someone else march 28th is our 16th anniversary and our giving sunday that's right 16 years so march 28th is our 16th anniversary and giving sunday y'all get ready be ready for that get ready to give you're ready to celebrate for 16 years of being part of this ministry easter is on april 4th this year start inviting your friends your family to join us whether in person or online we are so excited to celebrate resurrection sunday and if you have any needs please let us know during our office hours we're here monday through thursday nine to five just for you so please give us a call you can reach us at 817-453-8222 also you can reach us at info at wtfc.com so if you have any needs please email it to us at infowotfc.com thank you so much for joining us here at word of truth now let's get ready to give amen whoa you ready to give amen amen hey next week sunday is giving sunday and we are so excited we get to celebrate our 16th anniversary and giving sunday be in prayer be in prayer about what the lord would have you to give and you know what given faith amen give in faith everything we do do it in faith amen amen god is probably not going to ask you to give something that doesn't require some faith oh i just said something i don't think you heard what i said god is probably not going to ask you to give something that doesn't require some faith amen and so given faith you hear the lord speak to you man be in faith and give amen hey um i was reading uh numbers yesterday and uh i found the scriptures was so awesome it's numbers chapter 31 verse 54. and um i'm reading it in the new living translation because it sounds different and i like it it says this so moses and eliza the priest accepted the gifts from the generals and captains and brought the gold to the tabernacle here's the part that really messed me up as a reminder to the lord that the people of israel belong to him man that was interesting as i was reading that because i thought to myself why does god need a reminder that israel belongs to him that doesn't make any sense right they collected this the offering from the people and brought it to the lord as a reminder to the lord that the people belong to him um my wife's birthday is coming up in the next couple of weeks hey babe i got you you know and every year for the last couple of years uh we've been doing uh making memories together on her birthday like doing something where we spend the whole day just doing something special and stuff like that and i realized with it that that my wife she knows i love her she knows i'm committed to her but she always refers to those days that i did those special things as a reminder come on now somebody that hey this guy is really looking out for me so what she does is she goes she has reference points it's not that she doesn't know it but she has reference points to support what she already knows can somebody say hello so in her mind she says hey remember the time when we did this boy that was good remember when we did this boy that was good remember and i realized that i'm doing something for her that gives her a reminder of something she already knows oh my gosh god says when we bring the tithe and the offering to him it's a reference point for him that you really belong to me oh he already knows but you are giving him reference points you're saying hey god i belong to you every time you tithe you say i belong to you every time you give an offer i belong to you god says i know because a sight a sight a sight a sight your tithe and offering is a memorial for god to refer to when he thinks about how you belong to him so i want us today as we give remember what we're doing now is we're setting a reference point for god to know hey i really belong to you jesus that's what we do with our tithe that's what we do with our offering can you put your hands together and bless him for that amen stand to your feet because we're getting ready to give amen for those of you online you can give on our website push pay you can go to our website and just click the give button and that's where you can give today we're going to say our confession together let's say it out loud father i thank you i live in daily expectation of an exceptional life i always support the kingdom of god with 10 of all my increase therefore the windows of heavens are open to me i believe i receive so much creative wisdom insights and opportunities that i cannot take advantage of them all because i give offerings i thank you father for raising up unsuspecting people to go out of their way to use their power their ability their influence and their resources to help me thank you for blessing me so that i can be a blessing i expect exceptional and extraordinary increase for me my family and my church in jesus name amen amen come on put your hands together and bless pastor evan as he comes up [Applause] good morning word of truth family church i say good morning we're the truth family church good morning to those of you who are watching online you may be seated let me first off say good morning to the most amazing and supporting church i've ever pastored can you give yourselves a big hand this morning before i share i just want to acknowledge some people uh mother connor my best and first intercessor is in the house can you give my mom a big hand clap this morning [Applause] and then of course my spiritual mother pastor bridget hilliard is in the house would you still please stand mom and just have everybody and then of course my spiritual father and my pastor is in the house apostle ivy hilliard can you all give him a big hand clap this morning let me say to you all thank you for the overwhelming love and the support uh during the most difficult season uh in my life uh if you're a member of word of truth family church and you did not get the email on this past friday i want to encourage you to go and check your email and if you did not get the email then that means your email address is either wrong or we don't have it so i want to encourage you to call the office this week and give them your updated email address so that you can read the email that i sent and then for some of my seniors those who may not have email maybe like my mom then you can just call the office and we will mail you what i sent out via email so this past friday i understand and i want you to know that what i provided you as a church was a statement and not an explanation okay a statement is designed to provide you with the state of where things are right now but an explanation provides you with details on how we got there and details come from the experience or uh from the people that are directly connected to it and that statement or that that explanation could be a mixture of truth and perspective either way details typically force people to pick a side which produces division and how many know god is not a god a division he's a god of unity [Applause] so if you want details ask yourself why let me smile on that one i've never cried so much in the last two days than i have in my whole life but this morning i woke up with a new level of strength you know the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning so if you don't have joy just go back to sleep and keep waking up and one day you'll wake up with it so let me say of a few things that i feel are important at this moment before i introduce the most important voice in my life other than the lord jesus christ himself first of all god is still good and he will always be good i refuse to judge the goodness of god due to a negative situation and experience if god is for us and for me who can be against me who can be against us greater is he that is what in me than he that is in the world i still believe god's word to be true i still believe that the devil is defeated amen [Applause] i still believe that that god's word is true and without error i still believe in and strive to live by what i teach faith is still alive and still works i still believe in god's purpose for marriage and i will always believe that and those of you who are buried get some help if you need it and i've been married 26 years i can still help you now year 27 i might have to send you to a therapist but i can do it for 26 i got you i got you for 26. so if you under 26 come see me it may look like the devil won but god still causes all things to work together for our good because we love him and we are those who will call according to his purpose and as a church we have a journey ahead of us but i believe and i promise you we'll get to the other side as we trust god god didn't bring us this far to drop us off because this is still the year of great reward and greater things the key right now is to keep our hearts right with god which will empower us to keep our hearts right with other people and i want to ask you to continue to keep my family in your prayers keep pastor sorry in your prayers keep my children in your prayers keep our church family in your prayers because we need it amen and i love you and i thank you all as my church family for loving and supporting me so if you all would thank you thank you thank you all thank you for those who are watching online i appreciate you all i love you so much thank you can i say this while you're standing and i want you to remain standing those of you who are at home if you would stand before apostle as he's on his way to come up i think the biggest thing that i've learned through this trial is i learned at another level that my church loves me for more than what i do they love me for who i am and that's the biggest takeaway that i have so i love you all i thank you for allowing me to pastor you and i promise you that if you'll keep following me i'll lead you to the promised land so if you all would uh come and put your hands together and honor my spiritual father and my pastor apostle iv hilliard [Applause] [Music] hallelujah god bless you you may be seated this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it amen and amen why don't you give your pastor another big hand clap come on bigger than that bigger than that amen i am deeply honored to be here today to be with you uh uh you know in this season of my life did i leave my phone there oh i got my phone here yeah i s you know i we have people who are watching you know so uh i'd like to include everybody but yes uh i'm deeply honored to be here today in this season of my life uh my my my uh daughter is now pastor church doing an incredible job and so uh you know they don't let me preach much so when i go out i cut up no no no no no i'm just uh i'm really really happy to be here my wife is with me lady b he's already recognized him but i almost have to i will always always do it as well and so uh i love this church i love this family and i love my son and uh as he has so i i mean he has uh amazingly stated uh the things that are happening and requesting prayer and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get through amen and so uh i'm here today to minister the word and uh so i was excited when he asked me to come if i would come on sunday and i said yeah i would come and so what we're going to do today we're going to see what god has to say for us in this season amen all right i'm going to pray and then we're going to get into the word father in jesus name thank you for this word that it your word is is never lord of power you always confirm it with signs following thank you for the holy spirit our teacher our guide and father we ask that you tailor this word for every situation that's our prayer and we believe the holy spirit will manifest himself as the teacher causing the complex to be made simple in jesus name so in advance we give you alone the praise the glory the honor and adoration for all that shall be accomplished all that shall be revealed in jesus name amen and amen romans chapter 4 is where we want to go today romans chapter 4 and uh we're going to walk through this today romans chapter 4 amen all right now where is my clock i need to know where the clock is all righty okay they don't have any time up there yeah okay yeah you already started my clock all right praise the lord all right let's raise our bibles this is my bible i am what it says i am i can do what it says i can do i am a believer not a doubter i'm a doer not just a hearer and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing hearing by the word of god amen all right romans chapter 4 and verse 17. as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations be uh father many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickened the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were who against hope believed in hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be and being not weak in faith i want you to focus on this he considered not his own body now dead when he's about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god and verse 21 being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform and that's what we want to talk about fully persuaded being fully persuaded amen now the position of being fully persuaded is the position that god wants all of us in that's a position where nothing shakes us that nothing throws us off course because we are fully persuaded that whatever he promised he's able to perform it now of course here in romans chapter 4 is the revised resume of abraham you say revised resume yes because abraham was not always at this place of being fully persuaded if you go back over to genesis chapter 15 you see his original resume and then he was endowed and unbelief in fact he was even challenging god saying god where is the promised god you know you know i still don't have a seed and how do you get from genesis chapter 15 to rev to romans chapter four that's the subject today how to reach the place where you are fully persuaded and so abraham in his state in the statement that paul makes about him gives us uh how to get to this place because that's what we want to do we want to get to a place in god where we have such confidence in him that no matter what we have to face no matter what we go through that it never shakes us we can stay on point because we are fully yeah yeah you're fully persuaded that's why we want to go with the lesson today so being fully persuaded is is where god wants us and we want to be fully persuaded and and this is what god taught me years ago years ago when i'm in this little raggedy rundown building god began to talk to me about being fully persuaded because i'm in this little i can put the building up everywhere i go god told me to show my show where i have come from and so i'm in this little raggedy rundown building and that's my church y'all that's where i was and uh it was bad this is 1980 it is really really bad i uh and i'm a full-time pastor because god told me not to go back to work told me that he was going to teach me how to live by faith i told him i don't want to learn he said i'm going to teach you how to trust me i said i don't want to learn amen i was a reluctant student but i obeyed god and god began to teach me how to live by faith many of the revelations that i teach now god taught me those uh revelations in this little book i'm a full-time in this little house uh this church i'm a full-time pastor now i don't have any members i have 50 chairs and um i don't have 50 people on sunday morning but god is teaching me how to live by faith and one of the lessons that he taught me was this lesson on being fully persuaded he said now son i'm going to take you to some places i want to take you but in order to get there you got to be fully persuaded right now that i'm able to do it that's what i'm saying to you today wherever you are in your life situation you have to reach a place where you're fully persuaded on the promises of god and that as abraham said as abraham says he is well able to perform it amen now so we have uh three simple points and if we're a good class we'll get to all of them point number one is the historic order historic established order of god involvement in other words god wants to get involved but we want to look at this historic established order of god getting involved all right he wants to get involved if we're going we're going to show that then we're going to look at the second point it's going to be the human encounters that obligate god to get involved what can i do to obligate god getting involved in my situations and then we'll close it out with the honest expectation of the omnipotent god getting involved what is my expectation for god getting involved so let's go to work here and so we can leave here today with a confidence that no matter what we face no matter what we go through no matter uh what comes our way we are fully persuaded everything's gonna be all right amen so uh let's let's you know god god has promised some things he's he's promised that he's gonna help me in problem situations and he's promised that he will honor and promote me he and he he promised that he would do these things so you know the promising the promotion that's all good that's we love that part but it's when we have to walk through difficult times that the devil wants to get us to question god amen but now let's talk about why problems come problems come number one because of human error amen we'll face problems because like the prodigal son he made a bad choice number two problems come because of satanic attacks a bible talks about how job was going through a season of problems simply because the devil was attacking him number three problems will come in our lives because of the challenge of the times that is what happened uh elijah is at the brook cherith and the bible says the brook dried up not because he was in the wrong place not because he had done anything wrong but the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land as problems come also because of watch this now the call of god david is fighting goliath why because of the call of god that's on his life paul and silas they're in jail why because of the call of god on their lives and then there's a fifth reason mean people just the mean people in the world cause you problems amen that is why paul writes concerning the copper smith alexander he said now y'all watch out for him he's a mean dude amen so i understand why problems come i must also understand that god is not the author of my problem how can i expect god to bring me out of my problem if he's the one that's causing it now there is a thing called the judgment of god that's for the theologians i understand that but even the judgment of god only comes because of a human error amen now but here's the good thing that no matter what situation i'm in problem situation i'm in god has promised that he will get involved to get me out he will get involved to get me out listen the protection of god is amazing and a lot of people they get confused when it comes to the protection of god because see we we have this one-dimensional thinking of protection that protection means nothing ever happens but that's not how the bible talks about protection and that's really not the protection you have with your insurance company see the insurance company doesn't say nothing will ever happen they just say if something happens we're going to be there amen so when you look at the dynamics of the protection of god i see it in several ways number one i can see the protection of god where god actually um protects me from the events of danger everybody say events yeah in other words that there is some protection where god stops stuff before it happens we love that but then that is the protection okay all right thank you all so much all right then there's the protection not only from the events of danger but from the effects of danger if i say effects of danger now this is like when shadrach meshach and abednego go through the fiery furnace the bible says that there was not even a hint of smoke on them they went through the danger but it didn't affect them and many times we go through things but when we come out nobody ever knows that we have gone through anything so the protection of god is not only protecting us from events of danger protecting us from the effects of danger but then he empowers us for danger as i said you put on the whole armor of god what that's so you can be protected from the wiles of the devil and then the fourth dimension of the protection of god comes in when god watch this he extricates us from danger all right what do you mean i mean when you're going through god's get in there and get you out he extricated uh paul and silas he he he got him out amen so i'm talking to you when we talk about god's protection god says listen i'm with you and i'm going to protect you but now you cannot have this one dimension thing on protection that you're only protected if nothing happens because that's not the bible the bible says many of the afflictions of the righteous but god delivers us out of them all so if my thinking on protection is only that god will never let anything happen it's not in line with the word of god but my i understand god is my protector because no matter what happens i'm going to come out on top can i get a witness in this place amen amen amen and so the history the historical established order of god is that god wants to get involved can i get you to say that god wants to get involved god yeah god somebody on somebody out there yeah god wants to get involved he he really wants to get involved but he cannot unless you allow him to amen now so uh the misunderstanding of the protection of god comes when people have this one dimension and then the misunderstanding of god's protection is when i call i what i call when people are defiant what do you mean defiant they do stuff and thank god going to bring them out that's what the devil tried to do with with jesus he said okay you know what the bible says the bible says uh the angel's gonna help you so come on jump off of this mountain jesus said i ain't falling for that that's the define and you see people do things intentionally against the word of god and thank god going to bring them out see that's not dependent on the protection of god if i'm dependent on his protection watch this i'm going to walk in line with his word now so number one uh on this historic is that uh the scripture attests to god's involvement how does the scripture attest to god's involvement because the scripture tells me that he will supply my needs the scripture tells me that many of the afflictions of the righteous but he'll deliver me then the bear examples of god's involvement god guided the children of israel he got involved in that journey from israel i mean from egypt to the promised land he got involved with daniel with daniel and um and calls the lions not to eat him up he got involved with jehoshaphat calls his enemies not to triumph over him and so we can see throughout the word of god the bible talks about how god gets involved so the scripture attests to it there are examples of it but now let's do an analysis of god's involvement because with our confidence in that we are not shaken fully persuaded is that we understand and they sung it in the praise we understand that god's going to walk with me through whatever situation i go through and that i'm going to come out on top can i get you to say that i'm coming out on top now so then he will get involved the spiritual analysis he'll get involved number one because he is preeminent okay now what you mean by that he'll get involved because ain't nobody like him and when he wants to do something can't nobody stop him he's god amen amen yeah he is preeminent he's god and when the preeminent god who has the last word whenever you see in the bible most high that means he's got the last word he's preeminent he's got the last word and when god wants to do something for you nobody can stop him he's god he's he's a god who spoke to darkness and light came forth he's god he's god yeah who called order out of chaos he's god who scooped out the uh the seas and pushed up the mountains he's god who sits lightning through his fingers he's god who spanked the babylon brooks and they ran into streams and then streams ran into rivers and rivers ran into oceans and oceans ran into seas he's god he skips through the elements and clouds form at his feet step yeah he puts one foot on the land the other on the sea and swears by his self because ain't nobody greater than him he's god so when god wants to do something can't nobody stop him he's going to get involved and he will get involved because he's preeminent he'll get involved because he promised yeah he promised and when god promises he puts his word on the line and nothing is stronger than his word amen and there's enough power in his word to make whatever he promised come to pass and that's what we have to understand that nothing can change this word amen he's bound by his character to to uh to uh to keep his word heaven and earth scripture says will pass away but his word will never pass away god's not a man that he couldn't lie so if he promised it he'll make it good that's what the scripture tells me in numbers 23 and 19. if he promised it he'll make it good everybody say if he promised it he'll make it good whether he promised it in the word or whether he promised it to you personally with a rhema word if he promised it he will make it good amen and amen amen so jesus is teaching one day to the the uh the apostles and they he says uh who do you who the men say that i am one said elias jeremiah won the prophet he said but who do you say that i am thou art the christ the son of the living god and then he says blessed art thou simon but jonathan flesh and blood did not reveal this unto you he said and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it isn't that awesome now see when you think of church you think of building i'm not talking about building you be the church you're talking about your own life of course we're the church collectively and all of the revelations okay can apply to every one of them but he said this rock what is this rock here's the rock of revelation knowledge he says because he says now peter you know who i am by revelation knowledge and i know who you are by revelation knowledge and therefore by revelation knowledge i will build my church that's the rock and the very council of god the strategies of the devil whatever the devil plans will never prevail against it i wish i had somebody amen amen that's a confidence that no matter what you go through individually you be the church or no matter what a church goes through individual jesus says i will build it i will maintain it and not the council of darkness will not prevail against it fully persuaded if i say fully persuaded fully fully persuaded i'm fully persuaded not only will god get involved because he's preeminent not only will he get involved because he promised but he will get involved because he's my partner what do you mean my partner no no we a partnership with our partnership with god is established in our covenant and he says i will never leave you amen so he's saying listen don't worry about my part i'm gonna do i'm gonna do my part you just do your part amen amen he's our partner and he's a faithful partner everybody say he's faithful so the bible teaches us in hebrews chapter 10 he says hold fast that's how fast the confession of our faith without rape wavering for he is faithful that promised and that's what abraham says there in roman and romans chapter 4 it says he stacked up not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god understanding that he's faithful yeah he's able but he's faithful he's faithful everybody say he's faithful he's faithful yeah he's faithful even when i can't see him working he's faithful amen amen several years ago we were coming from bang i met i was in vanguard maine yeah and um we were getting ready to uh we had flown in there to get some fuel and they were saying how the weather was turning bad and if we didn't hurry up and and leave that we will be snowed in and you know that's the last place you want to be snowed in i'm you know i'm you know we had cold weather this week for me last couple last month for a couple of days but you know we're not used to cold weather y'all are kind of used to it here in dallas but we don't play that in houston so so so so listen we got a few and they it was telling me about a white out that's when you can see the snow and every time then the snow is building up and it just swipes everything out it's just close and close to you so i'm looking out at the wind of the plane and there it is it's coming so i'm saying okay let's go let's get let's get out of here they already fueled us up let's get out of here and so they they're on the runway and they're just sitting there and i'm in my seat going let's go let's get right here and so i go up to the cabin and uh i i look and uh because you know i'm trying to and i look and i say how can we not and then i stop and they say pastor he said they're plowing the runway so that we'll have a smooth takeoff see they were working but i didn't see it and i want you to know that even when you can't see it you got to be fully persuaded that he's working yes he is he's working amen amen he's my partner now let's look at point number two human encounters that obligate god to get involved what can i do so i obligate i know a lot of people don't like the word obligate no you can't obligate god yes you can uh when i'm saying obligated i'm not saying that i can come up with some whim and god's gonna do it like he's a genie that's not what i'm talking about but i'm saying god is obligated to keep his word i can get god involved simply by what god's word says do if i do it god is obligated to get involved do you understand that all right so with that being said number one he's obligated to help me he's obligated to get involved for my surrender when i surrender my life to him romans 10 9 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thine heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so i obligate god to get involved in my life when i give him my heart when i give him my heart he taught he calls this the transformation on the inside of me amen i looked at my hands and now your hands may not look new feet may not look new but your spirit becomes alive to god he does that that's what being born again is all about and before the service is over today give you an opportunity to do that secondly god gets involved i obligate god to get involved through my supplication my supplication now what do you mean my supplication is my prayer prayer gets god involved he says call on me and i will answer so if i want to get god involved in my life i want to i want i really have to be fully persuaded that my prayer life means something now that's why the devil fights you so much at prayer because god waits to be invited call on me and i will answer jeremiah 33 and 3. see he waits to get involved and since the devil knows this what he wants to attack first is your prayer life so that you won't petition him to get involved amen amen but the scripture plainly says that if you will call on him he will answer and then philippians chapter 4 he says let your supplications be known unto god so when i'm talking about my supplication that's that heartfelt earnest prayer to god amen be careful for nothing but but with everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be known to god amen and the peace of god that surpasses all understanding so if i pray god will move in my situation amen and amen all right so now i understand i can obligate god to get involved obligate god to help me when i surrender my will to him obligate god to help me when i pray amen i can obligate god to help me when i sow amen but now let's back up i want to go to psalms 91 psalms 91 i want you to see this in psalms 91 because i just love this passage psalms 91 i guess is probably one of the most beautiful psalms uh where it talks about uh god getting involved in our lives of course i want to pick it up there at verse verse 14. it says because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him he's involved i will set him on high because he has known my name now what do you mean by knowing his name his name is about his character who he is what i can expect of him all right he will call upon me all right that's the supplication that's the prayer and i will answer see if i call he will if i call he will watch this i will be with him in trouble oh my god i will deliver him amen as a result of prayer i will honor him now and i love this in another translation it says for the honor he says i'm gonna throw him a party y'all didn't get excited about that god says out of your trouble i'm going to be with you i'm going to deliver you and at the end i'm going to celebrate you amen amen all right now let's get to this next part so i'm going to go to the next part and that is i will obligate god uh to have her to help me by sowing by sowing to him amen that's that's that's about giving i knew he was going to talk about giving you know who i am no that's my assignment that's my assignment i didn't ask for this assignment that's what god gave me and god taught me about the power of giving and god never asked you to give without him letting you know it's an invitation for him to get involved in your life amen amen now it's amazing watch this because god spoke to me last year and said that this would be the year of unprecedented prosperity unprecedented means never happened like this before we can already see it when before have you seen the government just hand you money just that's unprecedented yes it is and then giving you money for your children too [Applause] you about to have more money in your hands than you had in a long long time amen you know my stimulus case don't come from the government because you know i don't qualify but i'm just happy for the pope folk who getting it i'm happy for the folk who get it amen amen but now watch this now that doesn't mean i don't have to pay tithe on that no i pay tithe on all of my increase and that's unprecedented increase so you need to give an unprecedented offering amen now now i need to put my little regular building up there because god taught me about giving years ago he told me now i'm in this little raggedy building put it up there because you have to see the context of this and he asked me for a seed of 10 000. i don't have 50 members and he asked me for a seat of ten thousand dollars i tell this everywhere i go uh ten thousand dollars now why would god do that because he had an unprecedented harvest but he wasn't gonna change the rules for me i had to give an unprecedented seed amen i told god i don't have ten thousand dollars he said you can get it i said well if i if i go if it's somewhere please tell me where it is and he told me i'm not telling anybody else i sold my house i sold my house took every lady and i got an agreement sold my house took the equity now we're talking 1980. i don't know nobody giving money like this in 1980 and uh we sold ten thousand dollars in the kingdom of god now today's money is like 35 000. and my life turned around right there i stopped prospering right there now i know you said well you should have fixed that building you can't fix that you have to you have to move come on you have to move now last sunday was our giving sunday at new light lady b and i started off with 125 000. amen and then she gave a given against seed of ten thousand dollars amen but see god taught me that we give number one systematically every time we get increased that's the tithe we give spontaneously when god moves on our hearts like zacchaeus we give watch this uh we give strategically when i find a promise in the word of god i can sow a seed based on the promise of that giving and then i give watch this sacrificially above and beyond my initial expectation and it is that sacrificial giving that gets god's attention that causes god to go to work so we're going to give sacrificially and watch god work everybody saying watch him work and watch him work so i gave back then ten thousand dollars and i began to watch god work he began to raise up others to use their power their ability and their influence to help me amen and amen amen so the bible is clear in second corinthians chapter nine and verse eight it says and god is able that means god going to work once i give once i sow and i cannot get us an unprecedented harvest unless i'm willing to obey god and sow an unprecedented seed did you get that did you get that because no you're not buying a blessing why are you going to say that you're not buying the blessing but i'm demonstrating god you're the source and sustainer of my life and this is a kingdom principle that i trust and every time i trust it see i'm fully persuaded on it now because i've come from a ten thousand dollar uh giver uh to uh and twice a year we give over a hundred thousand dollars on our giving day amen now i don't know why y'all want to say amen you trying to act like a hundred thousand dollars ain't no offense not nothing come on now don't don't play me like that amen now watch this watch this watch this now i want to give you my testimony why because i want to inspire you i want you to inspire you because when i give i wait and i watch god work everybody say watch him work watch him work amen and amen now okay we got to wrap it up we got to wrap it up so now so um i get got involved number one i get him involved when i uh surrender i get him involved through my supplication i get god involved through my sowing i get god involved through my serving now how do i serve i serve him by serving others jesus said what you've done for the least of these you've done it unto me so my giving does not exempt me from hands-on service amen and job says in job the scripture says in job 36-11 if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure now so how can i be sure what's my honest expectation of god working this omnipotent god working number one god will keep his word if he has to work sovereignly to do it everybody say sovereign action yeah that's that supernatural miraculous thing you go to the doctor they take an x-ray a spot is there on your lungs amen amen he tells you it's serious you come to church the man of god lays hands on you pray over you you walk out glorifying god you go back to the doctor they take another x-ray and it's gone sovereignty how many know we serve a supernatural god something supernatural happened the other day in church a doctor i was praying at the close of the service and boy i sensed the power of god in there and there was a girl who was going through a lot and she had all kind of negative reports they about to send her to special and that sort of thing and she said she reached out and grabbed that and she she took another test she just got a bad test but she took another test and it was all great sovereign number two number two i expect god to work at through watch this um surrogate agents if i say surrogate agents and what do you mean i expect god to raise up somebody to help me somebody need the doctor i'm expecting god to raise up somebody to help me nobody makes it without help and what we have to under understand is i have to release my faith intentionally for god to raise up somebody to help me and god told me one time he said now you pray everybody free to obey me that i'm talking to about helping you you got to pray them free but i'm expecting help everybody say i'm expecting god to help watch this and then god will help me he'll get involved to help me through uh um spiritual angels say angels now i believe in angels the angels the bible says they have ministry spirits and they've they've been assigned to minister to us who are after salvation i believe in angels i've seen angels uh i've seen you know i don't see angels every day come on i don't do that but i have seen angels i have experienced the power of angels where you can't explain what happened other than god did it amen and then finally as i began to wrap up and you're going to buckle your seat belts on this one god will keep his word watch this through sovereign action he'll keep his word through working through surrogate actions or agents he'll keep his word through working through spiritual angels and then he'll keep his word walking through satanic attacks hmm i know that i mean it's kind of subtle on that what yes the very thing the devil attempts to use to hurt you god will use it to promote you [Applause] all right preacher you got to prove that by the bible oh i'm glad you asked me to do that because when i look in the word of god i see it was the devil that caused joseph brothers to sell him into slavery amen but god used it to position him to be the prime minister of egypt it was the devil that caused paul and silas to be thrown in jail in philippi but god used it and worked through it to start the church at philippi that was the only church that supported paul throughout his ministry amen it was the devil that caused the death of jesus christ and the bible says if they had known if the devil had only known what he was doing he never would have crucified him i'm telling you today i understand now when the bible says count it all joy when you fall in the diver's temptation that's why you shout when you see the devil trying to disrupt your life because god has made a commitment i'll take what the devil meant for evil and i'm gonna use it for your good. [Applause] yes he will yes he will he did it for he did it for shadrach meshach and abednego it was the devil that caused them to be thrown into the fire but god stepped in in a sovereign act took the heat out the fire yes he did amen amen amen and caused them to be promoted god has a way of taking what the devil tries to do and using it to promote you it was the devil who was taunting the children of israel there in the valley with goliath walking to and fro and cussing god out it was the devil but god raised up the surrogate he raised up david and david took him out what the devil means for evil well you got to get this you got to get this because this is what causes many believers to throw in the towel this is what caused many believers to say oh god why did you let this happen you got to understand god is always at work everybody say god is always at work storage still everybody says clothes and he's glow star is told of a rat the rat is peeping through the hole and he sees the owner come from the store with a mousetrap a red trap he gets all nervous so he runs to the chicken and says chicken would you pray for me he said the owner bought a rat trap she was saying my problem you're in the house we're out here in the barn he goes to the pig pig the owner got a rat trap would you pray for me i ain't praying for you i got other things to concern myself with he goes to the cow cow i just need somebody to get an agreement with me because they bought a rat trap he'll say listen that's not my problem that's your problem i'm not praying for you so the kid just also the rat rejected to go back into the house he's very careful now because he's got to be careful when he finds food because he doesn't know whether or not he's connected to the trap but then at night crap you hear the trap catch its prey the owner gets up to go and examine the trap and the tail of a poisonous snake is in the trap and as the owner got closer they didn't see it and the snake bit her on the leg so they had to rush her husband rushes her to the hospital and they work on her center back home her recovery period is uh pretty extensive and it goes on much longer than they thought so well why she's ill you gotta you know you gotta minister to her and so the owner says i tell you what i'm gonna make my wife some soup so he goes and he kills the chicken it goes much longer than he thought and people were coming in and out and he needed food to feed them so he uh kills the pig unfortunately his wife dies passes away and they now need food for the repass and he kills the cow and now the rat is looking through the people and he said if they had only known the impact of what was happening to me they would have prayed for me i want you to know that just because something is not happening to you doesn't give you the liberty the exemption not to pray for who's going through because you never know the impact it's an amazing thing how in the moment we miss it because we don't know the impact andrew had no idea of the full impact of him witnessing to his brother peter but he watched god work rahab had no idea of the full impact of her helping the spies escape capture what she did as she watched god work miriam had no idea of the full impact of her taking care of her baby brother moses but she did and she watched god work abram had no idea of the full impact of his commitment to god and leaving her of child needs but he did and he watched god work isaac had no idea of the full impact of him sowing in the midst of a famine but he did and he watched god work jacob had no idea of the full impact of his meditation yeah the spot of respectful cows but he did and he watched god gideon had no idea of the full impact of his commitment to fight the 135 000 midianites with 300 men but he did and he watched god well joshua had no idea of the full impact of him serving moses and being faithful to moses but he did and he watched god work deborah had no idea of the full impact of her serving as a woman a judge but she did and she watched amen amen amen mary and martha had no idea of the full impact of their friendship with jesus until their brother died and they amen nicodemus had no idea of the full impact of that secret meeting with jesus but he did and he amen peter had no idea of the full impact of him helping jesus get out of debt but he did and he paul had no idea of his commitment on the damascus road but he did and he amen i had no idea in 1980 of the full impact of my yes to god that day but i did and i've been watching god's word i grew up as a boy preacher i started preaching when i was 10 years old and as as i was growing up older pastors would get up and they would close with i have lived long enough i couldn't do that i'm 10 years old i can't close but i live long enough to be looking to be funny yes there i'm 68 now i got 58 years of service in the kingdom amen that's over half a century i have seen things happen i'll be 69 this year i think i've earned the right to close big time [Applause] so i'm gonna close big time like the old preachers used to close amen i have lived long enough that now i know behind every dark cloud that is a silver lining i have lived long enough to tell you today weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning i have lived long enough to let you know only god has the last word i'm out of time god bless you [Applause] come on church we may be going through but we didn't go through the stop we're going through to go forward come on give apostle a big hand right there [Music] [Applause] be seated for just a minute just a minute thank you for watching online i don't know how people go through life without a pastor i don't know how they do it i don't know how a pastor goes through life without a pastor that's why i've always believed from day one here at word of truth family church pastor ebbin will always be a pastor who has a pastor and i'm not talking about a pastor that's so far out there that they're not involved in your life i'm not talking about like that i'm talking about where when you go through some trouble you can pick up the phone you can call the office and say i need to meet with my pastor and so i want to encourage you as a church family take advantage of your relationship with me as your pastor take advantage of your watching online if you don't have a pastor get one because i believe [Music] in the most darkest times of your life your man of god can walk walk with you through the valley of the shadow of death and what you thought would kill you actually caused you to live long enough for god to prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies let me tell you something god's shot he's not trying to kill your enemies he just want him to live long enough to see him watch you get blessed so if you're watching every head about every head about maybe you're here today my question if you die today are you 100 sure you go to heaven because if you're not 100 sure you need jesus christ today maybe you're here and you need to rededicate your life to the lord let me tell you how you know if you need to do that if your heart is not 100 yielded to do what god's word wants you to do you need to recommit your life today i'm going to say that again many times as church people we know we're saved and we think that exempts us from recommitting our life but this is how you can know if you need to recommit your life today here's my question are you 100 surrendered in your heart to do what god's word says because if you're not you need to surrender and recommit your life and then there's somebody watching me right now who's not planted in the church to even be pastored you see well pastor edmund i watch all pastors online i watch them no they're not your pastor they're your preacher because there's a difference between a pastor and a preacher [Music] and you may be watching me and you need a church home you say well pastor what's the purpose the bible says those who are planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god so i'm talking to three different people somebody who needs salvation either in the room in the house or online or if you need to rededicate your life recommit your life if your heart is not 100 surrendered to what god's word wants you to do or if you need a church home i'm going to pray and those of you who are in the house i want you to pray this prayer of salvation with me because there may be somebody in the house who's doing it for the very first time if you're watching me right now and you need salvation i want you to pray this prayer along with us let's pray together say lord jesus i believe you're the son of god i believe you died for my sins i believe god raised you from the dead and today i make you my lord and savior holy spirit come on the inside change me on the outside take me out of darkness put me in the light today i surrender my heart and i surrender my life to the lord jesus christ in jesus mighty name amen now father thank you for those who are recommitting their lives today re-surrendering the hearts and places on the inside that father have not been yielded to you and those father who've decided to plant themselves at word of truth family church i pray in jesus mighty name that father their spiritual lies [Music] will begin to experience a spiritual journey that they've never had and i thank you for spiritual momentum taking place in jesus mighty name everybody say amen come on if you're in the house give the lord a hand clap those of you who are watching online thank you so much for watching i want to encourage you as a church to keep praying don't give up trust god how many know here's here's the beautiful thing about being a leader it takes courage to be a leader it takes strength to be a leader and the bible says you only faint in the time adversity because your strength is small but i believe if you and i will stay in the word and we stay in prayer and you do what i've taught over the years guess what [Music] i believe you walk through valleys and i stay in them can we give the lord a hand clap in the house thank you so much for watching us online we will be here next week at 10 a.m through the lens god bless you come on house give the hey thank you so much for joining our service hey don't forget right now shoot over to the instagram page because we have our pastoral live going on right now so you want to switch over to our instagram check that out also share like our pages get the word out if you enjoyed today's service again thank you so much for being with us today and see you next
Channel: Word of Truth
Views: 2,248
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Id: 3PDiwSIhJCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 31sec (5911 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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