From Lame to Leaping • Pastor Preashea Hilliard

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I want to tell you a story a story that we find in the book of Acts the third chapter book of Acts the third chapter we see Peter and John and they are on their way to the temple they're on their way to the temple during the time of prayer and during this time of Prayer they are encountered a man at the gate of beautiful and the Bible declares that daily they would carry him and lay him at the gate the Bible says this certain man was lame from his birth from his mother's womb he was lame and he had a ritual of asking the people for arms as they entered the temple and so Peter and John encountered this lame man at the gate and the man begins to beg as his normal mundane ritual and as he continues to beg Peter says look at me and the Bible says he looked and the man began to expect something from him [Music] but the problem is his expectation at this point was for silver and gold he was stuck in the mundane ritual because the Bible says that daily daily daily he begged at the gate my assignment tonight is to get you in a place of expectation but not the expectation of the man before Peter starts talking to him because he's in the mundane ritual of begging he thinks this is a normal situation a normal night a normal day so he's going about his ritual of begging but Peter says to him silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto thee and so he says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk so initially this man is looking in expectation of alms for the poor and then his expectation then shifts to looking for activated power and the Bible says that Peter reached out his arm and they held him up and his ankles the Bible says that immediately his ankles and his feet got strength but they still had to hold him up because remember the word of the Lord was to rise up and walk so at this point his level of expectation is he's looking he's expecting activated power rise up and walk was the word of the Lord but it's interesting to me because the Bible says this in every translation that I read at this point immediately he has shrimp in his ankles and in his feet but they're still holding him up and the word of the Lord is for him to rise up and walk because he was in a lame situation he was lacking he had to beg at the gate because he had no supply and he had no strength he was lame he was in need of something the Bible says that he was lacking the other thing that we see is that he needed he had made some mistakes in his life he was a mistake cuz from his mother's womb it was already wrong and then the Bible says and we see that not only was he lame but he was also empty somebody say empty because the Bible doesn't even think enough of this man to record his name they say a certain man laid at the gate so tonight I came to prophesy to you that you're gonna go from to leave it but the thing that you got to understand is you've got to shift your expectation how do I shift my expectation pastor pushia where your expectation shifts when you understand and you have a monumental revelation when you have an understanding of the moment that you stand in you understand I got to expect something else from the presence of God so he's standing there and they're holding him up and his feet have strength and his ankles have strength but it's interesting to me because if you gonna walk what's the first thing you need to do you need to take a step but the Bible says that at this point he had gone from looking to expect alms from the poor to looking to expect the activation of power but the peak that I'd need the people at the women who win Conference of 2008 to understand that if you want a momentum shift in your life you've got to look in expectation and debate your expectation by your praise I said expect I said activate and I said crazy so instead of we expected [Music] [Music] to leap that you're about to take take a quantitive leap that means cars about to dramatically increase you did you gonna leave you got to activate that water with blaze [Music] God is about to supernaturally qualify you sleep you're gonna take is a quintessentially per your opportunity say this to me tonight that you're about to open up opportunities that are unique to your anointing you will no longer be frustrated where you are but God has created a name on it that he's been saving just for you [Music] here [Music] [Music] you gotta get your expectation up because the next week look at somebody and tell him I'm taking a cartoon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch will experience revival somebody say revival I wish you could understand what's happening in the realm of the Spirit tonight if you're watching us online if you're in the building you being in this atmosphere if you leap right if you expect right if you activate your praise just right God's curse in revival [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I had 15 minutes to get you in a level of expectation I got a minute and 30 seconds on the clock a minute and 20 seconds on the clock now I want you to take the rest of this minute and 15 seconds now and I want you to out of your mouth declare what you gonna see tonight I declare if you say [Music] tasting uphill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these profits leap you over to your destiny because there's an acceleration grace in this room when a profit comes a profit comes to announcer and the profit comes to accelerate I want you to find the leaflet partner thank you a Leafman step onto and Leachman partner touching anything [Music] [Music]
Channel: Preashea Hilliard Ministries
Views: 14,394
Rating: 4.9274611 out of 5
Keywords: Prayer Revival Prophecy Faith
Id: uNVSQoMxarI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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