Maximizing Opportunities To Glorify God

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I have been waiting to give you all this message this is my bike I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am a believer not a doubt I'm a doer not just a hero in my life is the better after having heard word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the Word of God alright we're continuing in our lesson series on maximizing opportunities to glorify God John chapter 15 verse 7 if you abide in me my words abide in you you should ask what you will it shall be done unto you here it is my father glorified that you bear much fruit last several weeks you've heard two powerful lessons on faithfulness because we're talking about glorifying God through our faithfulness faithfulness fruit bearing all of that pretty much is the same thing but in those two lessons that our pastor ed Reynolds has talked I went they were very dynamic lessons I had a chance to listen to them I'm telling you God has really blessed and anointed him to preach the word email alright today we want to deal want to continue in the same thought on faithfulness but I want to add I want to look at it from a different perspective that is one of Laura for God through our faithfulness watch this in choking point moments if I say choking points yeah going to Bibles to Luke chapter 22 choking points we all experience these moments in time when we choke or we have the opportunity to choke and that's what we want to talk about to get you prepared for two points the commonality of choking points moments and then content conditioning for the choking point we want you to be able to maximize these modes in life when you will consider doing some other than what God said yeah point in time when you you don't sin but you think about it point in time when you don't lie but you think about it amen point in time when you entertain quittin but you don't quit if you handle it properly point in time when you think about compromise you think about disobeying God it's common to the human experience Luke chapter 22 it got quiet in here alright verse 39 and he came out and went as he was walked the Mount of Olives and his disciples also followed him talking about Jesus and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that ye enter not into temptation and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed saying look numbers verse 42 saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven strengthening him so here we see Jesus at a choking point in his life he said here to die and here to go to the cross has lived you know 33 years has had three powerful years of ministry and now the moment when he has to go to the cross make the decision to go to the cross he entertains another option now a lot of folk don't like to look at it like this they don't like to think about Jesus entertain but Jesus had to experience everything you and I would have to experience that's what the Bible says so we talked about Jesus getting to this point where he's choking and obeying God we're not putting him down in any way in fact we're really elevating him and it will be seen in Scripture but the reality of it is is you and I go through moments in life when even though we know what is right to do we entertain for moment doing something other than what we know it's right to do okay a man a man it's that moment in time huh when the weakness of our flesh seems to dominate the moment that moment in time when the old man we thought was subdued now has center stage it's the reality of how we live guru Gordon your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13 so Jesus is at a moment in life where he's choking he's saying I know I'm supposed to go to the cross but God can we work this out another way because as he looks at the difficulties as he looks at the pain of dying and the pain of the Cross and the embarrassment and shame at that moment he entertains maybe we can do this thing another way amen if I say he was at a choking point now I didn't say he choked but it did say he had this choking point moment all right first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 lets us know how common this is it's a common thing and that's why we're going to study today so we'll know how to maximize it that is verse 10 what I said I mean 10 so 1st Corinthians 10:13 ok there there is no temptation taken you but such as common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer allow you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it the whole point is about how common this is as we're going to see as we go to the scripture so you'll understand how normal you are you'll understand how normal you are that just because I thought about leaving my wife I'm not told my being bridge as a young overlord no no just because I thought about quitting the ministry just because I thought about walking off from my family just because I thought about an affair just because I thought about drinking again doesn't make me a sinner doesn't mean that I have sinned it was just a moment in time where the devil offered me a compromise and I got to deal with it can I get a witness in this out all right choking point moments it's a moment when I seriously consider it because of the present moment because the present deficit because of my present dysfunction my personal difficulties the paralyzing dis would be least that I have it's a moment in time where the devil try will take advantage of my weakness and we're going to see some in this and understand why these moments are so important to recognize so that we can maximize if I say recognize so we maximize all right these moments number one are traumatic moments normally laced with emotions of fear possibly anger or even frustration it's a moment that's a temptation moments in a moment where I've been enticed to do something that I know is against what God wants me to do it's a moment of truth because it really reveals to me where I really am I thought I was all of that but he I am sitting down contemplating doing something look at me right it's a testing moment because I am being put to a test that which I said I believe that what I said I'm gonna live by it is put to the test it is a transitional moment if I say transitional moment now it's a transitional moment because if I handle this right promotion takes place if I say if I Haley right promotion takes place it's a triumphant moment it's a moment of victory where I will now I will now log a mile strong testimony ever I said long testimony no no when I have Allah staying right and get beyond this the old folks that you sit like this when we accept your yield not to temptation for yielding is sin God like y'all don't remember that my man we always been doing all that jumping up there we have some other song then yield not to temptation for yielding the same each victory will help you some other to win know how massive y'all remember that how many member that member right here okay okay cuz someone run home oh forgot some of y'all did you say right that's where okay no bro the problem problem problem the problem Isis Buster's so here's the point the point is every time I get a victory I'm prepared for the next devil right it's a teaching moment it's a moment in time when I learn to trust him it's a moment in time when I really understand you know his grace and His mercy if I say His grace of his mercy all right now but when your Bibles now to Romans chapter chapter seven Romans chapter seven real quickly I think I can I can touch down there Romans chapter 7 it's a comma it's a common thing that's the first thing I want to make sure you understand that it's comma so don't think I'm weird and different because I sit there and entertained doing something I handle business doing alright verse 18 says for I know then my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find that for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do this is Paul talking about this the struggle that he has it's common to the human experience it's coming to the believers experience but we can't handle it properly about so we can't handle it properly alright now is it real common Romans 4:15 and for says we studied the scripture so that with through them we might learn some somewhere as we go through the Bible you can go to the Bible and we can see this documentation choking fun fact the whole most whole look like the whole Bible is made up of points at times where people had to make a decision other than the weakness of their other than they were wanted to do being pulled by the weakness of their flesh all right let's look at it this Academy I believe in choke important moment Mary and my Martha at the tomb of Lazarus they did all this talk about Jesus if you hadn't been here my brother wouldn't have died and Jesus we know you all listen Jesus we know this okay where you live so they come to the tomb he says Moo too strong if I say hey kill ya he said mother stone and it is a ho ho ho ho Jesus don't get fanatical but to stay the lab has been there for days so that mean by he's rotting and stinking if I said it sure because what does that have to do with the power of God and the gods about power and ability to raise it up another situation that by me not to go far and about me if we see people choking you know rich young ruler he comes to Jesus I say Jesus I need to know how can be fulfilling like this is okay you came to the right person go say what you have get some to deploy he choked he said wait a minute I can't do that I got too much the woman in fresh kings chapter 17 the widow everybody talks about how the widow you know when she had to feed the prophet well God told us in saying the prophet he's coming he got them her her money was a little show you know her resources were a little low and the Prophet asked for water gave him water then he asked for a cake she said I got that everybody say say she she had enough to do what he asked her to do but she choked got it she had a moment entertaining doing something other than what she knew she was supposed to do Moses at the burning bush he hears God saying I'm gonna go to Egypt on these are my to go to Egypt I'm on that that the people go I heard that cry and then God says Moses I'm sending you and then Moses chokes at all and all you won't send me ain't you boy I mean I look I can't talk you're talking to God other times a ministry where one show we see Jesus they're going Bibles now to Hebrews chapter 4 so I can help you out we see Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane he knows he has to die but he is told my left is the kid can this cup pass come on Jesus cupcake pass cut pass I can't get born again capacitor I have nobody to be the perpetuation for my sin if the cup passion you don't die on the cross like you're supposed to then my whole salvation is from fire I can't ever get to heaven let me tell my let this cup pass you'll be told my Jesus like that we talk about Jesus like that watch it watch it something here here's why it's okay look at verse 14 says seeing that we have a high priest that is passed into heaven Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession for we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of my infirmities of our weaknesses but was an Allpoint but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so that means anything that you will go through Jesus in principle went through it too so once this if entertaining sin or entertaining disobedience were sin then that meant Jesus would have sin in Luke 22 but in his obvious that it was not sin because the Bible says that even though he was tempted like we are yet he was without sin so the choking point moment is not a moment when you sin you just think we're serious about it choking points can can can documented this documented where choking point can prevent miracles all right name on the leper he's full of sores he comes down to the profit process go dip yourself in the muddy ward of Jordan because are you crazy Joe if I wanted that I could turn bad at all so at the prophetic word that's going to cause him to get his miracle he sits there and he hesitates doing something other than he's been instructed to do another keishon you can see it there in Peter Peter is walking on the water sees Jesus on the stormy sea he's in the boat the disciples in the boat first they thought he was a ghost then they recognize that Jesus then Peter Christ hey Jesus if that's you can I come out there Jesus says come on he gets out of the boat stay with me now he actually walks on the water I mean a miracle is taking place then he Chuck we start looking at the winds looking at the waves and start saying I can't do this that's what happens with many believers see we've got where we are walking and in a supernatural way supernatural principles got to your job supernatural principles got to your house supernatural principles got to your prosperity but I'm telling you what happens is and on and I see it I mean lost so intimate so clear it what happens is for a while we were coasting and didn't have to use our faith to sustain us then when oh seven came and the bottom fell out sawed falling out of the economy because we were not conditioned in faith because we've been coasting now the believers are trying to act like the world Act when you didn't get where you are by natural means you will not be sustained by natural means are you listening to me this morning choking points and relationships Eli knew his children was bad with doing the wrong thing the boys were numb boys was wrong I mean you know what I mean okay Eli was the high priest we used the bureau head priest and his sons probably helping him in the temple but then you know they take a little girls around the corner doing stuff taking bribes there was real crop guy he knew it and went correct I said a lot of folk that's when they choked they cannot make tough love choices you know what God did got to Eli because you won't correct him and you won't help them right you lose it I'm gonna raise up another prophet in your place if I say don't choke don't choke all right now let's see now if we can make this thing a little real more real to you the dynamics of the choking point moment is that so much is at stake and what really is at stake is the supernatural Oh when Jesus almost I say almost choked yeah at that choking point moment then we find him said nevertheless not my will but thine be done so that means he says I'm going with God I looked at going a different way but I'm going with God I looked at doing something other than what I knew I was supposed to do but I'm going with God and when he did it the next verse in verse 43 says and an angel appeared and strengthened him now what that simply is saying I get help from another world what is at stake is the supernatural health God has already provided for me that is waiting on me provided I will do the right thing y'all better hit me so now I'm gonna use myself as my own testimony my more testimonies now hear about how if I had choked in choking point moments of my past I would have I would have forfeited the supernatural power to get me where I am today if I say years ago is it yeah years ago I stood up before 300 people and told them this is what the Lord told me to do then I'm going to have a church where we lay hands on the six begin tongue cast out devils have multiple locations take the gospel around the world by way of television and the next week only 23 people showed up that is a choking point moment if ever I've had one because I watch this the church had been structured based on the fort on the 309 structure we were paying bills based on 300 okay some of y'all still in your debt we needed the 300 folk to show up to pay the bills okay now only 23 show up and we told my 23 count on everything that has breath love babies and all now that's a good time to find that scripture with it it says that if they that will not receive you shake the dust off your feet and move on because I can always get me another job ain't never had no problem making money and you got to believe it it came to my mind these folk don't want this but it wasn't these folk that told me to do it so instead of choking with 23 members I'll do it fast oh my god and look what the Lord has done I would have missed the supernatural power of God that would take the church of 23 multiplied magnified set it on Front Street in the body of Christ and bless folk all over the world looking person si don't choke don't joke don't you another choking point I remember when we first went on television my god I know how much money we had we had no money that's easy I know how much money we had no money and God speaks to me one night and says in the morning a television station will call you except the time I'm kind of laughter look tell ain't called Hotel des Digital we had we don't have any money but that law on that next morning 9 o'clock I get a call from matin reef channel 20 and he says pass he had been trying to get catch up with you about wait a minute man how you getting my number he says you called this station years ago when we first came on the air I was just a trainee I answered the call you were inquiring about commercial time I've kept your number all these years I am now a station manager and I want to know if you want the time I got some time if you want the time my next question how much is the time that he told me and I it was a COPI appointment because we were we were hardly raising that on Sundays and I was going to be what I had to pay him every week but what did God say come on talk to me Church he said take the time so I didn't show I said okay I'll take the time got up to the day the day we were supposed to add the week because I went to tell everybody going on TV never the man you lying you ain't going TV ain't got no money you ain't got on members how you get on TV so the week we're supposed to go on television matterif calls me and says hashed I got some bad news Fraser was that he says I didn't know my National Sales Manager has sold your time for that for the first month and so you're going to be a month delayed in getting on tough soon we know we have caused you embarrassment therefore we want to we want to make it up to you so if they cut the price of the time and then he says I want to show you how you become your own sales manager your own sales agent and so we got another 15 percent on top of that we've been our home sales agents from day one if I had a choice when they look when he told me how much the time was I never would have got a chance to see God y'all listen to me I will preach my son happy in just a moment blue processor don't choke don't show I remember when I went to the church fight my god oh my god went to the church if I went to jail I went to jail on a Sunday morning grew up in 5th Ward never been in trouble never seen the inside of you know detention place or trouble or jail anything but on a Sunday morning I get arrested church folk put me in jail for trespassing in my own church my name on the sign outside my name only loves my name on the program to preach that morning but the call there was some devious people I went to court we won in court I cannot angry so that next Sunday I told them all off and then God fired me I didn't do nothin but aggravatin my angers I just intensified my anger so now I'm in a little hole-in-the-wall Church the wunderbar preacher of Houston I'm in a hole in a wall Church where everybody in the community rides past and laughs at me and God comes to me when they say son I got a great things planned for you but I can't use you with your heart like that if I said choking point because I went off on him so how you let these people do me like that I mean I came you know I came to you I mean I had good credit I came to you had little money now I'm broke you know they've embarrassed me publicly just about to lose my house how you let them do this to me you talk about you've injured you got something you talk to God I like that I tell you went off on it come again this is yours when you go get them you ain't gonna get up I'm just talking about how real it was you understand then he just talked him and say son you gotta forgive him and you got to get your heart right it was a moment in time where I could have told him I ain't your boy get you somebody else but at that time I said okay God if I had not done it that day I would not have the experience the super my God my God the supernatural power of the somebody know what I'm talking about somebody has had a moment in their lives like that but you had to give up it's okay god I'm going your way finishes listen boy thank God I repented I'm gonna forfeit the supernatural power of God to transform my life like he has and that's another point another point another choking point situation I went through when Brigitte left me if I say years ago yeah that girl left me how you leave wonderboy Bridget how you leave me understand so she left me her with having it bad that's sort and she got fed up so she left so now she loved and I got you know ok I don't need you to wait I'll need you you can't sing can't play a piano Brittany somebody can happen you can't help me in it I give me somebody else good-looking young ha ha ha hit hard to replace God said go get your wife because the go-getter I got to break all the man laws my generation was the generation that does not beg I was training old school you don't big no woman for nothing come on can I get it with this girl I got some old school boys in the rhythmic you know big ok if you're wrong you still going bad but I went to her I beg the back and the supernatural power of God showed up that's my marriage our marriage is blessed by their Christ y'all give them a point here give them a point I want you to get my point now what's at stake if you don't handle it right is you falling for the supernatural power that God has already assigned to help you go to the next level Jesus I'm gonna be God told me about tithing I you know I don't need a tie then I'm already broke alright make him a $65 a week I am making my $65 a week I can't pay my bills not and you telling me to give God 10% but I got in the Word of God and I saw it and I know that woman right homemade God and supernatural he brought me out of poverty the cross I say don't choke don't you okay okay okay now let me see if I can have good Luke chapter 20 so I can't help you these last few moments so we can condition ourselves for the children point moment satyam manipulates the choking point menthe because he wants to defame you shame yet derail you get your destiny discourage you magnify the difficulties of righteousness disqualify you through your sin you forked the benefits of righteousness destroy you destroy your witness destroy your happiness and then ultimately disarm you of the supernatural did y'all get all of him please get to CD I need to move on but I'm saying this whole thing is a satanic manipulated situation it was him who brought the thought you don't have to take the thought and act on it but he brought the thought it's an attack if he could attack Jesus at a vulnerable moment he can attack you but I don't have to yield if I said I don't have to yield I don't have to choke but I got to understand what's going on and behind the scenes the devil is trying to get me to fall for the supernatural power that God has arranged to elevate me and to promote me to the next level once I understand this I look at the moment totally different from I said each victory to help you some other to win oh my god because I already know the supernatural is ready to come on the scene so in life situations like of course that's a few other defeated two days ago of course you know I've been talking about taking our ways for a year just go back and talk before anything about the impact Network before TV in before internet I tell you God said take their ways so now here God says take the airwaves I mean we're sailing I mean the network comes upon on board watch this TV n we've been trying to get on them and finally I mean the door opens there not only do we get on but then they give me extra time they give me extra time in fact I got we got a call from South Africa the other day guy who's watching the pastors watching us from South Africa told me says one of my board one of my guys in my churches is a one of the most influential guys and here in South Africa and he wants he wants you to network all over South Africa I in the midst of all of this we sailing along and then we hit June twenty percent drop and the devil says you can put that whole all this network stuff on hold I'll be never for I've been that before you never know just why don't you just put all of this TV airwaves put that all whole oops I've been there before and for a moment I thought about it if I said choking point don't look at me like that you judging me you didn't just Jesus you enjoyed Jesus in the garden I had to convince you Jesus choked in the guard now I'm telling you I had a choking point moment and either whoa but not because I have long in the past I'm saying oh no can sit like this I'll be dog doing if I'm gonna quit 9 Wow cuz I know the supernatural power of God is just waiting to kick in to take us to another level I'll say this I say this I say this if I said don't choke don't chill okay you know doing the Women's Conference see my broken my house stolen some of the jewelry broke my safe filmer jewelry I'm old school so has cash around stole my cash yeah we devil come and say here you are Tom buy more money in your hands and you had in a long long time you got less money than you ever had now I'm by lomez bro got stocks and all that kind of stuff but tell my Diskin I do have less not because they took some of my stuff you understand you know I start doing I start laughs go see whenever the devil tell you something it's just the opposite because he's a liar now in the midst of that see I could have choked and then went into the bottomless pit of this burger old girl why me you know what I did I say then I continue to praise and glorify God at all times because I'm doing that I can expect real real soon move of God in my life more money in my hands and I had a long long time oh my god when the insurance company wrote me my check hahaha looked 3:22 I got to close the up before Luke 22 all right looked and verse 31 and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee that I faithful not and when thou art converted do what strengthen your brother so Jesus says okay it's going to come but you need me condition to Hamlet how can I successfully handle this took important moments number one I can handle them with a resistance regiment what do you mean the Bible says resist the devil he'll flee from you how do I resist the devil number one with relentless praying relentless pray get your prayer life and all as well go to a tell about it Christ tell your church tell the members get your prayer life in order number two with right positioning you are positioned in the right place don't you let the spirit of dissatisfaction cause you to leave your family caused you to leave your mate caused you to leave your church caused you to leave your job you're in the right place ms I'm in the right place number three there must be a relevant proclamation in other words you got to be a place where you get a revelant word from God not just some Hussam some height I got to be able to hear from God I need to know what God says cuz faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God number four I need a regimented profession I need to be able to say God's word out of my mouth on a regular basis sacred God says in spite of what I see I say what God says and then number five I need the right partnership but then I need to be around other folk who believe like I believe I need to be around other folk who believe that with all but God all things are possible I need to be around folk who believe that even though you know ten thousand may fall on one side powers on the other side it shall not I heard you I heard you so hey pastor that's good that's good that's good but this lesson got to me a little late already choked which I heard had this lesson last week oh here before last but but already choked already made mistakes now what about me I'm glad you brought that up cuz this lesson is for you just because you choked in the past doesn't mean that your future is messed up he is faithful and just to forgive the first thing you need to do is you need to ask for forgiveness watch this if you have robbed God and have not tired during tough times you just ask for forgiveness a god I need your forgiveness on this number two you need an advocate of faith you got one Here I am I'm the one that's gonna keep you in faith I'm the one gonna tell you what the Word of God says I'm not gonna be in a bubble because of what's going on around I'm gonna tell you by its stripes you a heal I'm gonna tell you that my God supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus I'm gonna tell you the head not to tell why everybody else telling you that you're going down you're going under I'm gonna tell you what God's Word says you need a place that's going to tell you what God's Word says so if you choke that you got into fear it's time to get out of fear if you've Chokin you've been lackadaisical in your relationship it's time to get back on point and then that's the final point front final thing is you need to have actions of faithfulness the Bible says we're full scene we're comfortable so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight in the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is said yet back in the race come on let the person I said get back in the race because it's not over yet some of you may have said here week after week and heard about being filled with the Holy Spirit and at the time the call was made you choke don't choke this morning some of you been sitting here and you've heard about being born again and the devil chained you to stay in your seat don't you get don't you don't joke today a man some of you who've been visiting here but remember your relatives in your friends I don't you go join their trips don't you go join that church when that call is made today you get a pop you don't you choke today there's a super natural appointment God has arranged for you if you just don't show how many glad that when you chill when you have choked God's not through with you because anybody in the house ever choked all right I only did that so you can see you're not by yourself but the thing about it is when you come when you choke when you make mistakes you're still in his hands and the power continues to work to make it another vessel that pleases him when you're looking at us you're always looking at God's plan B or Plan C or plan D or plan E because he doesn't stop working on us he continues to work on us to make us what he wants us to be you've got a big shout on email
Channel: New Light Church Video
Views: 40,785
Rating: 4.7727275 out of 5
Keywords: New Light Church, New Light Christian Center, Bishop IV Hilliard, Bishop Hilliard
Id: h8lvAQbyzGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2013
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