Living Beyond The Intimidation of Shame Part 1

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all right uh romans what'd i tell y'all romans 1 all right look romans chapter 9 and look at verse 33 it says but as it is written behold i lay in zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed everybody say be ashamed be ashamed now go to romans chapter 10 and verse 11. it says for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him whosoever believeth on him whosoever believeth on him watch this shall not well shall not be well ashamed all right we're going to we're going to kind of get underneath the skin uh for these next few uh lessons as we talk about living beyond the intimidation of shame living beyond the intimidation of shame we're in a series of lessons that i'm calling the secrets to confident living the secret with of living confident in your trust in god and one of the things that shatters your confidence uh in life uh is shame all of us have done some things we are ashamed of okay i think i get a whole lot of amens on that but that's quite all right because we got to dig on this one amen i remember i talked this to our pastors conference and um uh pastors are still talking about it pastors broke down and started crying that was a night of deliverance and so these next few weeks are going to be deliverance because all of us have to deal with the aftermath of shame and the cloud of shame that follows us amen amen now you've been in church and you've heard mentioned shane but really it hadn't registered with you as some of the other things have uh but when we talk about shame it's it's a it's a real it's a real it's a real um uh traumatic thing think about this anything that jesus brought on the cross or died for must be something that is very devastating and dramatic to the human experience so if he had to pay a price for it on the cross that means it must be something that is very devastating to the life i'm supposed to live all right sickness can be devastating amen but he died for it amen um uh suffering is uh is devastating but he died for it sin devastating but he died for it amen but watch this in that same list is also shame he died for my shame amen so we're going to see what that what that uh what that how what that really means because you will be amazed at how things that have happened to you that cause you shame embarrassment and guilt that you're still carrying around that's affecting how you make decisions that are affecting how you view yourself amen and so we believe for deliverance to take place all right go on in your bibles now to psalms 31 psalms 31 because when you look at the bible you see the word shame used many times and uh in its context uh it always means uh dishonor or disrespect or or the like so anytime i see that in the bible uh but but they're different when i look in the scripture of course you know i'm a fundamental teacher so i gotta teach you i gotta you know bring the whole thing in uh we see shame used in a lot of contexts there is um um uh my first point uh is going to be uh the dynamic definition of shame the dynamic definition of shame and then i'm gonna deal with the uh divine deliverance from shame now uh i understand shame i live a confident life because i understand shame because god showed me how to live beyond shame can i put my little ugly picture back up there everybody says there you go again there it is again but now back there in the 80s when that was my church my life was filled with shame now you got to understand i had just i've been pastor of a nice big brick church filled with a lot of people and now that's my little regular church and it's on the main place man it's not like it's on the back street it's on the front street and people are passing by they're laughing at me i thought they were my friends but people that i thought were my friends were getting pleasure out of my pain they were looking at that let's go to the inside of it because you can see it ain't much better now that's my church on a sunday some shame i have been uh basically put out of a big church you know and so uh uh car had gotten repossessed everybody say shame yeah and so uh that was this rejection you know yeah you know i wasn't thinking i think it's a sin nobody wants you when you yeah nobody wants you when you're down and out so people avoid you because they think you only ask them for something okay y'all try to act like y'all don't understand that i'm trying to that's that's that's my state that i'm shame i'm i'm shame it's you know i've been rolling at one time i you know i had a good job uh working for uh living industries as a system analyst and so i had been rolling but now you know everything's tight everything's tight and uh it was it was during those time i couldn't buy things for my wife and uh she's wearing clothes people gave her shame shame you got it didn't really see any way out haven't been like that way i couldn't i couldn't see i couldn't hardly see a way out i was devastated i i you know i i was depressed and in those days i said i don't i don't i don't throw rocks at people who contemplated suicide i did just get out of it you know uh and so uh i know something about i know something about shane i know what it's like to thank everybody know your business and when people are whispering you think they talking about you amen amen they understand and it's a hard way to live because it's like a cloud that follows you around amen amen but then i read in the scripture that you can be delivered from shame that's when we'll talk about how to get beyond the painful moments in life now there's a diversity used of uh the word shame in the bible that we won't look at all all of them and then we're gonna focus on really one number one there is sovereign shame everybody says sovereign shame that is when shame is used as a judgment from god against your enemies and that's what we are looking at in psalms 31. now if you don't have a bible they will always try to put the passage on the screen please write it down and get the cd later and of course listen to it it says verse one in the o lord do i put my trust let me never be ashamed deliver me in thy righteousness amen so i understand that it's the will of god for us not to be ashamed look at 35 psalms 35 psalm 35 but it's talking here now about shame as a judgment from the lord amen look at verse verse 26 it says let them everybody say them let them be ashamed that brought and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt let them be clothed with shame and dishonor that magnified themselves against me so here the psalmist is praying for the in his enemies those who coming against him be put to shame all right so there's sovereign shame then there's social shame social shame is where it's a product of the violation of some social standard you know uh and then you'll possibly stigmatized if i said social shame yeah you know you're supposed to uh uh uh arrive at a place in uh in in a tuxedo and you were there casually dressed you understand and you have this sense of shame then there's sin shame everybody says shame yeah this is the product of my misbehavior knowing what god says but i miss the mark and i have this sense of guilt and shame number four is going to be satanic shame everybody say satanic shame now satanic shame is the product of demonic accusation everybody say accusation yeah and and his this is the main one we're going to be dealing with because this is when you've done something and the devil will come and he will accuse you he will talk about you he will shall hide he does it with thoughts you can't shake it you got it and his whole aim watch this is to define you by the episode define you by what happened hmm amen amen all right uh then there's scrutinizing shame everybody says scrutinizing shame yeah i'm scrutinizing shame ii thessalonians chapter three ii thessalonians chapter three in the bible wonderful that it covers everything oh my god yeah see you can have therapy or ministry therapy gives you relief but ministry gives you deliverance amen amen because when i say hey praise the lord thank you but i tell you just get help if you won't do it god's way get you some help everybody say just get you some help that's all we want we want you to be better amen but god didn't wait for people to come up with some therapy for your deliverance he already got that in the word amen now in second thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 14 it says and if any man obey not the word by this epistle know that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed so what is paul talking about he's talking about a shame a type of shame that causes a person to make corrections in their lives you follow me so i'm looking looking at this word it's kind of like the word fox a fox can have different meanings and in the scripture the word shame has several meanings based on this context but in this context it's saying not for condemnation but for correction so paul says now when a person is out there okay don't have any of a relationship with let them know that their behavior is unacceptable and through this they will make the correction amen now let's focus in on this uh the shame uh second corinthians chapter two ii corinthians chapter two because what we want to focus in on is on the demoralizing shame of satan how the devil wants to accuse you and redefine you by something that happened in your past that you are carrying around many times nobody knows it but you but it haunts you it hinders you it's bothering you and the devil uses that to make you disqualify yourself for certain things in life amen amen amen preach brother helia second corinthians chapter two i know it's gonna be quiet it's gonna quiet but it's gonna be better all right verse 11 says lest satan should get an advantage of us for we're not ignorant of his devices so we're going to expose the secret weapon of the devil which is shame everybody said we got them getting ready to expose secret weapon of the devil which is shame all right ephesians chapter 6 and verse 16 talks about the fiery darts of the devil and the fiery dart is thoughts that's how the devil encroaches upon you he doesn't come in a red suit with a pick forth pick forge a fork and horns but he comes in your thought life that's how he showed up in the life of jesus that's how he'll show up in your life to talk you into misbehavior to talk you out of the promises of god amen and so uh his strategy is real simple number one when he comes with he see he wants you to own shame shame is this uh intensifying demoralizing emotion it's caused by a consciousness of some guilt a consciousness of some disrespect a consciousness of some dishonor a consciousness of some failure or shortcoming it just won't leave me it won't shake me i'm wondering why it happened maybe i'm not as good as others are it's that's how the devil comes in and he comes in with condemnation so his strategy is a matter of condemnation got it and the bible talks about how if we're in christ there is no condemnation so if i've got condemnation in my consciousness it's not from god all right number two it is a matter of concentration concentration what the devil wants to get you to do is to concentrate on that event concentrate and embellish it relive it over and over and over feel the pain over and over because his aim says he can't get keep you out of heaven as a believer his aim is to steal the joy of your life right now number three it's a matter of conversation his strategy he wants to get you to talk about it all over see some folks they're talking about stuff that happened 25 30 years ago amen all right and then they'd say matter watch this off watch this compilation everybody say compilation that's when the devil piles shame issue see he's got a rolodex with your shame episodes on it now i say rolodex that's my generation this new generation on about a roller derby they got all them yeah but but he's got a five with all of your shame episodes and when one shame hits you you start thinking about one thing then he boom comes in with another and boom with another and boom with another and then all this stuff that's gonna happen to you who are you getting a little quiet that's all right his his strategy is uh condemnation if i say condemnation constant concentration concentration conversation because we're going to find out what he's really after is your tongue yeah he's really after your time he wants to pull you into the pit of despair where you talking about how bad things are with you and how you must not be as good as others all right all right compilation if i say compilation that is all your shame issues start coming back on you and then consideration if i say consideration that is when you start making decisions based on shame issues whoo if i got quiet on that no no no you start making decisions today watch this cause you want to avoid the pain of shame from something else okay we got a few weeks to work on it first corinthians chapter 10 first corinthians chapter 10. let me open myself up and we talk about me a little bit and then maybe you can uh you can identify we're going to look at the distinguishing uh distinguishing shame situations because everybody says it's common demand y'all negotiate yes common to man shame stuff is common to man so you know i'm gonna throw myself on the alt in just a minute but uh nobody he can laugh because you know you're gonna you're gonna say yeah i know it out there i know about that one verse 13 said verse 13 says there is no temptation now where temptation is better uh translated trial a test everybody say trial a test all right there's no temptation trial a test taken you are happening to you but such as is common to man so in other words whatever you have gone you're going through somebody else has gone through it it's coming to man but god is faithful who will not suffer or will not who will not suffer or who will not allow you to be tempted try to test it above that you're able but with the temptation also everybody also make a way of escape that you'll be able to bear it so i understand if i've gone through something i'm not the only one now why is that important because the devil likes to make you think you're the only one got it you're the only one can't pay your bill you're the only one you follow me yeah yeah that's right you you're only one all right now uh let's get a perspective on some shame episodes same episode um number one would be the predator malicious abuse now that's the shame that comes when you have been victimized by maybe a rape you follow me and it wasn't your fault but it happened and now you're carrying the shame of it folks know i've been raped now you know that's both ways that's good male and female we didn't we tried something we're not throwing women under the boat on under the under the bus shame a a malicious abuse you know i was trying to do all i could in my marriage and and they walked off i'm divorced now you wanted how folk looking at me shame somebody exposed something that i would that was a secret and they did it maliciously to hurt me brought shane bro shame number two it's gonna get better y'all but i got to connect with y'all see i got to connect i got to connect the personal mistaken action that when you just messed up you did something that was crazy and wrong amen or you're perceiving something you it's a lot of shame issues of perception because you know you perceive folk no they don't even know your business and then number three is what i call the position manipulate associations i like that all right watch this now i think they got it don't put it up there so we can get it that is you take on shame because you have an association with somebody that folk you won't accept us from don't like okay you remember the light and uh they start talking about the helicopter preacher amen amen got it and instead of saying oh that's my church you keep quiet you say amen you know years ago i didn't know i didn't know in houston years ago i didn't use so many people didn't like dr price so when i start associating with dr price i was telling about that predator you know i but you know so so you can be ashamed okay let me let me let's see if we can make it relevant uh oh this would be good this would be real good one of your children do something crazy and they're on television handcuffed and all that kind of stuff and you go oh my god and then somebody said didn't want that your style i saw it when that's your boy i saw on the news and because of that association you feel ashamed you understand what i'm saying now all right so in those three categories we've all experienced some measure of shame uh go to philippians chapter three and just wait there and let me talk about some personal shame episodes in my life just be transparent right now number one i dropped out of college now this ain't the first shame because i got some stuff i ain't gonna tell you hey man and you got some stuff you ain't gonna tell me so don't be looking at me like dropped out of college i let a lot of people down let my mama down and my dad down they work real hard only reason i didn't get a college degree was my fault they worked hard there my trip my sister got a college degree uh i could have gotten one but i let her down i left the folk who gave me scholarships down i felt the shame of that they got it i had a work study program with shell or i let them down shame the church fight i told you about uh that was the ultimate embarrassment in my peer group to be kicked out of a church shame incarceration i went to jail yeah i've been to jail the rest of you go oh my god yeah i've been to now they stay in jail that long i stayed in jail maybe a couple of hours but still wasn't in jail and that was when i was going through the church fight uh i got arrested one sunday morning for trespassing in my own church you know it was bogus i won in court but i still went to jail i got put in the squad car with my family standing outside watching the church folks there and i started watching put me behind bars shame and the shame of uh of uh having a storefront church so y'all understand back you know back in the day you don't have no store for not in texas storefront churches were good in california like the east coast but not in texas it's better to be in a funeral home out of having church serious you better be in the funeral home having church at a library we're having church down the street from no form of just ultimate embarrassment shame past divorce i've been divorced i've been divorced i know what it's like to when people are looking at you wondering what happened they got it been divorced oh y'all are quiet here today you're almost like oh you're almost like a presbyterian church up here today man where is the charismata yeah been divorced failed marriage the devil said god can't use you anymore and there are certain religious sex uh denominations that will not let you pastor if you've been divorced caught repossessed and everybody asked why are you where you going oh god what you call couldn't pay your bill and they come and got it bad credit shame of having somebody pull your credit report and then it's out out in the open that you could not take care of your responsibilities am i connecting with anybody who understands yeah everybody say shame shame yeah shame shame and then uh um you can be ashamed of your prosperity no you can be ashamed of your prosperity because folks are trying to oh oh that's what you oh y'all over there y'all just want god to give you something right because i'm not ashamed but see i have people people you know they get blessed and somebody give a compliment and they talk it down oh this whole shirt of this whole thing why because you're really ashamed that it is new oh quiet in the house we're gonna get that we're gonna get there maybe my clothes they help me bring me out amen shame because of persecution unfair criticism and rejection from others without due process shame shame will torment you amen amen shame shame getting away from it but in philippians chapter 3 look what the word of god says because paul says i know how to deal with past stuff because all of us got to deal with some past stuff amen and it's like i said a lot of stuff you can't talk about but it's still you got to deal with it privately amen all right verse 14. brethren i count myself to have apprehended but this one thing i do watch this forgetting those things which are behind that seems easy but we're going to show you how to do it reaching forth on those things which are before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of god and christ jesus if i don't know how to press forward and i don't know how to deal with my past it will handicap me for my future and could rob me of my destiny amen amen so now shame will keep you from repentance amen amen yeah shame to keep you from repentance um you know uh if they'll put my other picture back there uh picture up uh um when you know i was i told you i was in this little raggedy building and then i started prospering but then a lot of people go well you know what why you don't prosper yeah you you go go to the next photo next photo next photo next photo uh ah that's the one photo well that's that's the storefront go to the next photo the next photo next where i am my next vote yeah that's the building one yeah that's the bill we were planning to build when we were in the uh when we were in the little raggedy building so that's just to let you know that i wasn't using my prosperity i mean my faith just fought so i could get stuff we were the church had bought land we're paying for an architect because that old first building you couldn't fix that up you had to move out of that thing you understand okay but i'm building that bill i'm trying to build that building that's tough hard man i can't hardly get anything done look like the grass was cursed you cut it in the morning grew back up in the evening so i go to the lord and the lord says to me i never told you to build that bill because that's why it's so hard well see i really wasn't building that building for the lord i was building it to cover my shame no it was in the sea it looked better than the building where the folk put me out it y'all quit acting like y'all don't understand how you can make some shame some decisions based on shame yeah i got to prove to them so listen i got that building was going to be built in the center of the neighborhood you got to pass it and so i could show them look that's right that's right i was trying to overcome some are y'all goodness god wasn't that god wasn't nowhere in it that's why i was so hard and man so i go to god he says i never told you to do that well i said i told the people you did got hurry up and so uh uh so um he said uh you you he said what's a woman won't do he said you need to tell the people you missed it oh my god no you got to be kidding me for me to just stand up and tell the folk i missed it that's going to bring some what shame see and if you don't know how to deal with that then you'll disobey god but i did i slept that one one sunday morning told them we missed it what we're going to do was going to sell the property and uh get some equity out of the property because they did appreciate it in value to cover the money we had we had spent on the old building on trying to build a building i walked out with my integrity because i didn't let shame cause me to lie and say the lord released me lord ain't released me never told me to do it everybody say shame no i see people leave the church because they shame and now and lie on god god ain't told you to leave here okay i got to move on got to move on because you all were slow but i figured i had you know now um what god wants us to be is uh agents everybody agents yeah god wants us to be agents of deliverance in romans chapter 15 and verse 4 if you'll go that quickly um we can see the model of uh the model of deliverance in scripture that jesus this woman is called in adultery and uh in the very act and they brought under jesus and said jesus all right you you know what we said what the law said lord said stone her she shamed i mean they got this girl out to bed i don't know why they didn't bring the dude but they got her at the bed you understand so there she is half clothed and and and she's crying and all that sort of thing and they say jesus you've been around here preaching all this love stuff but the law says she ought to be stoned so jesus says okay yeah she should be stoned so he who's without sin then you cast the first stone and then jesus started writing on the ground nobody ever knows what he started writing and then they start leaving from the from the oldest to the last to the from the from the oldest to the youngest maybe that's because they had most sin the older you well on so then jesus says to her why are your accusers and so then jesus says well if no no i'm not going to accuse you go your way and sin no more see shame comes when you listen to the accuser amen amen amen so jesus demonstrates that we ought to be people who don't compound shame but we ought to be people who help rescue others from shame there's a boy who returned home one day stinking like a hulk why because he had been in the hog pin and he comes there and he says to his dad dad i don't want to be a son anymore just make me a servant but look what his father does his father watch this covers his shame jesus he didn't say all right you know what you know where the servant's quarters are right so you just might as well go on over there no no no no his father said bring me a rope put it on his back bring him some new shoes put it on his feet he covered his shame see we have to learn as parents when our children make mistakes we don't exploit them we got to learn how to cover them because we can't be an agent of the devil to compound shame on them amen could have won the game and he's ashamed and then you know you need to practice more than what you need you need to practice more you compound in a shame life ain't one game that's right you did your best kid now you got experience you know how to handle the pressure thank you baby well thank you man you know pastors go through this you know i went to him one of my daughters got pregnant and uh so pastors called me all the time well she got prayed and i'm gonna make her stand up and apologize to the church i said why you gonna do that you're making nobody else that daughter getting apologized to the church so why are you going to do that no you shame but you didn't do anything now what you need to do is cover your daughter amen i told my daughter to let nobody talk to you if anybody got any questions to you then you asked you tell them to come to me don't let anybody prophesy over you don't mind to tell you anything i'm your cover amen amen so uh that's what jesus did for us didn't it he covered us with his righteousness amen so so so my female chef uh uh who's the uh son of jonathan grandson of david uh he he was in loader bar now and he was in a place of shame and so david says hey bring him out because i want to bless him and so he blesses him gives him the property of his father the prophecy of his grandfather but mesh phibosheth got a shame mentality and he said why would you do all of this for such a dead dog as i and so david understood this boy is draped in shame i got to help him so he said now even though watch this you got a place to eat because i gave you your daddy's palace back and you got a place to to to dine because you know you got all your servants you're not going to do that i want you to come and eat with me every day i know you're crippled i know it's going to take time for you to get to the table but we willing to wait for you to get to the table why was david doing this because he was rescuing that boy from his shame well she's like yeah yeah he said listen i don't want you to feel shame anymore i'm not going to leave you out there by yourself but i'm putting you under my wing see that's what c.l jackson did for me years ago when i was going through all of that you understand preachers wouldn't have nothing to do with me but c.l jackson my father in the faith he said here's what i want you to do here yet every morning you get up you come over here and you ride with me so i'm riding in here i ain't got no car you know i got a ragged car but i'm riding his mercedes during the daytime well i'm riding with one of the most leading guys in the city and then you know i ain't have a fort less than 50 folk to preach to he said you preached in my bible study he had hundreds coming to his bible study what was he doing he's covering my sh see when you see somebody who has wandered away don't you let them stay out there you got to take the initiative pick up the phone and call them and let them know they're still am i helping anybody got to wrap it up now jesus okay go who go to psalms 119. yeah i think we're wrapping up wrapping up wrap it up hey man i said what the devil do he'll can to cap you with with with uh with shane you're handicapped he will yeah the aftermath of shame now like i showed you the building when i got ready to build my next building like y'all understand god had all this in me but shane tried to keep me from building a game because the next time i got ready to build then the devil said is this really god you missed it before when i got rebuilt for the family life sent over the north is this really god you tried it before and you failed so and you don't have all the money so you may not finish so don't even try yeah amen oh y'all listen to me who glory amen when you're trying the second time everybody say that second time ah glory when you're trying that second time the devil comes back because you know the second try is the one talking about somebody's marriage now hey glory i've been there i've been there i've been there well when lady bridget had left me i mean we were we were we were we were going down divorce alley and the lord told me he said go get your wife sit back wait a minute y'all clap all your water now i think of all that stuff cause the devil brought up all the shame issues we have been through and now if i do that i thought i'm talked about how bad she is to my relatives come on i'm ashamed to try to try to keep it i'm glad i made the step amen i'm glad i didn't let the devil talk me out of building the family life center at the south amen amen but i'm trying to tell you what shame will do now you've got to stay with me through this whole series because i got to i can't do it in one lesson where i show you how to live beyond it amen i can't do it in one lesson so you got to stay with me psalms 119 is the key as we wrap it up anybody get blessed today at least you know you ain't supposed to let shame mess with you like it did like it has been and that uh he died for my shame but i said he died for my shame yes indeed so if he did he died for my shame watch this verse 46 psalm 11 verse 6 46 i will speak of thy testimonies also before kings and will not be well and will not be and we and will not be it's up to me and and will not be and i will not i can choose to be ashamed or i can choose not to it's up to me we were in the bahamas and uh on vacation and uh um you know we hadn't let the folk know uh at the credit card place we was out of the country this was years ago and so uh they brought me the bill and i gave him a credit card then the lady come back real loud and say denied and so my kids were oh damn it and i said ain't no problem he said you're not shamed myself no i got plenty of money all right i got plenty of money and plenty of cards so i was a teaching moment i said no no it's a choice these folks that don't know me and i probably never see them again so why am i gonna carry shame away from here cause the credit card company you know is protecting me they don't know i'm not the country i will not be ashamed we were in dubai and we had slipped into this restaurant that they didn't want us in and now they want us there because the food was high food was crazy caesar salad was three hundred dollars caesar salad three hundred dollars and uh i think a lobster was like eighteen hundred dollars well no they they wanted only to really really really folk up in there you understand so i was in there with another preacher and so i said we need to go he said you don't you gonna walk out of here i said now i've got the money to pay for this but but this is crazy i said he said well you ain't gonna be ashamed to get up i'll say look around here you think these folks know who you are man you you're in a whole nother country these folk don't know who you are i said now you can stay here and pay all these high prices if you want to but as a men bridge we getting meant to go look i saw i saw a place down the street close that menu up put that baby back on the table we believe in that now next week we're going to learn jesus took my shame to the cross and that's what we're going to talk about uh when we talk about our nail it to the cross why because if he took it to the cross i don't have to bear it years ago everybody say years ago hallelujah boy i'm gonna close this thing now years ago my uh my dad bought my first car you know helped me buy my first car took me to a used car lot and uh set me up and i had my own little note and i was paying and i got behind now when you go to these little torture notes places they kind of mean when you get behind they call it i'm gonna come get that car i'm gonna take and uh so i'm dealing with all of this and uh they called my daddy my daddy said okay no problem he came down paid it off paid it off paid off the fees the late fees and everything but that was during the time before they had all this modernization and so it was all mad like done by hand and uh their collector didn't know it was paid so what the collector did they called me well my daddy when he paid he called me and said son come by here i already paid your car off and i paid off all the fees and so um i want you to have the receipt so if anybody would come mess with you know you'd have it so the lady called me mean on the phone oh come get your car don't pay your note how does that i said ma'am now no my man you can't come get my car my daddy paid it i said i hold him receive my hand he paid it he paid all the late fees they say i will call it's my car now what am i saying i'm saying jesus oh look at my baptist folk up in here jesus paid it oh and all to him oh the writer said sin had left a crimson stain but he washed it why are there snow amen on a hill far away stood in old rugged cross watch this the emblem of suffering and shame oh i love that old cross where the dearest and best for world of lost sinners was slain at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by my faith i received my sight and now i'm happy all the day i don't have to listen to the devil i don't have to let him bring up my shame resume i can tell him the price for my shame has been paid for you barking up the wrong tree give the lord a shout
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 801
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: 90dgsEVjq1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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