Taking A Stand With Perseverance

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holy spirit have your way you know its name by name situation by situation and so father it is with great confidence we believe that you'll tailor this message for those who here today those who watch by internet those who will hear it in days to come by technology and father in jesus name be glorified that is our prayer and in the name of jesus we give you alone the praise the glory the honor all the adoration for all that shall be accomplished for all that shall be revealed in jesus name and the believer said amen you may be seated please go with your bibles to philippians the third chapter for our foundational texts for tonight's lesson we have been teaching in a series of lessons on taking a stand and so we want to just continue in that same thought on taking a stand amen praise the lord let's have our smile and exercise look at the person next to you smile real big show them your pearly whites your 32s your 22s your tens whatever you have left or purchased amen let's raise our bibles repeat after me this is my bible i am what it says i am i can do what it says i can do i am a believer not a doubter i am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of god amen philippians chapter 3 and we'll just look there in verse 13 and 14 brethren i count not myself that apprehended but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth under those things which are before i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in high calling of god in christ jesus we're going to talk about taking a stand with my perseverance perkins taking a stand with my perseverance paul talks about oppressing and the bible teaches us not to give up yet there are many people who are on the brink of giving up never before i never uh like i have heard in times past last several months have i heard preachers wanting to give up i've had people wanting to give up and we have to understand that it's only when you choose to press only when you choose to persevere that you will lay hold on the promise of god we are talking about the church in general the people of god in general we are in a faith fight like never before and so if our god can help us in tough times he's not worth he's not much of a god amen so we cannot back off just because we don't know how god's going to bring things to pass we have to hold fast to our confession of faith we have to hold fast to our dreams and hold fast to those things that god promised us when in the time when times were good and i'm here to tell you that if you will do that and settle once and for all that you will not give up no matter what it looks like see those who saw the miracles were willing to hold out until the end amen and so you are in miracle territory when you feel like giving up yeah you look person say i'm in miracle territory when the devil's trying to get me to quit amen amen and so we just want to talk to you for just a few minutes on this persevering thing because um you know people always ask me do you did you ever feel like giving up yes yes um did you ever threaten i threatened to give that's when preachers come to me i don't judge them i understand i've been there i've been there when the pressure was so hard on me and i couldn't see how i was gonna make it and i was concerned about my reputation and what folk was gonna say if i failed so rather than hold on and fail just quit then i can go out with you know with my ego intact even though i knew i couldn't quit but i wanted to and y'all know what i'm talking about yeah you know you've been standing in faith for something and it just doesn't look like it's gonna happen don't know how it's gonna happen but you know you got the word on it you're following me you've been doing all the confessions you've been doing everything you're supposed to do but it just doesn't look like it's gonna come to pass and you're almost uh you know you're almost to the point where you're just someone that's all right i don't even want it but you really do want it to understand you want to give it up but then you still don't want to give it up you understand but you feel like if you give it up at least the pressure's off for you and you don't have to continue the fight do i have the right address for the mail today amen but the scripture teaches us about perseverance and that's what the lesson is about the lesson tonight is about persevering because you are in miracle territory when you feel like giving up god told me one time uh when uh you were tired the devil is tired too because the bible says well you mean are you can a spirit get tired yes the bible says when the devil you know when the demon is cast out he walking through dry places seeking rest so if he's seeking rest that must mean he must be tired so if you are tired in your fight you must understand you have now arrived in miracle territory [Applause] amen amen and if you just don't quit you'll see him come through hallelujah amen amen put your ribbon here because we'll probably come back this way but we have some teaching points and we have some preaching points our teaching points will deal with the concept of perseverance being made clear in scripture the concept of persevering has been made clear in scripture second teaching point will be the cultivation of perseverance is critical it is critical to your success and then the final point which we may maybe a preaching point would be the celebration of perseverance is contagious if i say contagious yes all right now so then go in your bibles now to ecclesiastes chapter five because if we're gonna take a stand we found out what taking a stand is all about it's me representing god in the earth it's me doing something significant it's me taking a stand for righteousness me state taking a stand with my faith it's me taking a stand with my faithfulness it's me taking a stand representing god in my generation in order to do that i cannot afford to quit too much is at stake amen years ago with one of my mentors uh i uh i called i came to him and i told him you know uh you know it was tough on me i had a little bit of church didn't look like it was gonna ever grow and um don't judge me all right a little bit of churches like one go ever grow and uh money wasn't coming in and uh i was under a divine mandate to be full-time i didn't want to be full-time i liked working because i like making money you know working making money you know didn't have to you know you had to depend on folk church folk you understand and at that time i was in a traditional setting they had no revelation on prosperity and i really thought i was supposed to be you know without even though i want it okay i had a good job everybody said good job i had a good job paying me well and then god calls me into full-time ministry so now i'm making only three hundred dollars but before i'm making my good salary and the three hundred dollars the church was paying me a week now i'm just making the 300 that don't sound like that's fair but but i know the voice of god and i was obeying god well i got tired in that and uh went through a church fight they put me out god let me go back to work no you know i'm telling you you you know you meet full time and uh and so uh i went to my mentor that i've been crying on his shoulder and uh um and uh and this particular day he just got tired of me crying so i told him i think i'm gonna quit and go back to work i think i'm gonna just go back to work and i'm gonna quit the minister and go back to work give me a job and he said well here you go what you ought to do until you decide you're gonna trust god cause you got tired of me whining i didn't want him to tell me that i wanna i needed i would need the shoulder to crown i i need some sympathy all right okay i'm gonna go over here preach i'll judge me over here you know sometimes you say something to folk and you don't you want them to just kind of chime in with you and join the pity party well this day he was just fed up with me and he said he done what you ought to do till you decide i just get straight he was just straight with me he said until you decide you're gonna trust god take your little tail back to work then he made me mad so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go back to work you got it because i had a need that was uh and uh the need was pressing i didn't see how god was gonna meet the need so i need to help him out so i go to work and i work on go back to a computer company go to work i'm the guy asked me to come in after work and that's not unusual in the computer field because many times their days are very texting and taxing and trying so i go in and this guy pulls his bible out the guy who's interviewing me he pulls his bible out and begins to minister to me on trusting god because he said i told him i was because he asked me well why are you looking for a job we coming on the phone he said why are you looking for a job and why are you out of the industry and i told him i was a pastor and uh oh your pastor passed and he said somewhere come in after church come in after after after work after hour so he pulled his bible out now i didn't come here for no bible lesson and he goes through the scripture that showed me i should be trusting god for my livelihood and also for my wife not to work and be right there with me by my side he was a baptist deacon in a church and then he said young man i'm going to hire you and every day i see you i'm going to tell you out of god's will all i want you to do is give me 40 hours a week you can go to any funeral you need to do go to he said i'll give you your project that you need to uh to promise i was applied for a job for as a computer program as a program and so he said i'll give you the work you need he said all i'm gonna trust young man that you give me a 40-hour week but if you need to go and do some with your church business you take care but i'm going to tell you every time i see you i will remind you you are out of god's will and he did and his his uh his office was right there by the coffee bar so i kind of see if he was in the office and if i didn't think then i'd go and man he'd somehow somehow know he was in there and he'd holler how does it feel to be out of god's will god my computer skills were coming back and i was you know all excited because my skills were coming back and and i was writing and i'd take it to him and he'd look at it and check it and he said you're still out of god's will so that went on for about uh oh just about three months and until i just got so miserable and uh i went to him to give my notice and he said to me he said young man you don't have to give any notice he says go and do a good job for god and y'all hear me saying that all the time don't you i got it from that deacon do a good job for god made up my mind that day when i left that i would never turn back all right now tonight i'm believing that you will settle once and for all and you will never turn back from what god told you to do whether it's building a building whether it's some sort of mission project or whatever it is but you're not going to quit that you're going to persevere you're going to press you're going to do whatever it takes but one thing you're not going to ever do is you're not going to quit look at the person they say we're not going to quit come on tell them you're going you're going to sell it once and for all that you're not going to give up no matter how much pressure no matter what it looks like you're not going to quit are you there in ecclesiastes and please ask is that ecclesiastes chapter five and let's look at verse three because we're going to look at this concept in the scripture on persevering that it's all through the bible so god didn't fool us uh he he's laid it out in the scripture and it's crystal clear that you've got to press if you're going to be successful now have i had some difficult days since that day of course i had amen and really the thing that i i needed the money that i needed when i got started to work you know it was at a pay period and they held two weeks in the hole i still hadn't trust god [Laughter] all right now look at verse verse three it says for a dream coming through a multitude of business amplified says this apart aim a dream cometh with much business and painful effort painful effort painstaking effort so the bible is clear and it doesn't fool us to make us think that things are going to be easy all right but wait a minute preacher that the bible says his yoke is easy yes but that word that phrase as it's translated has nothing to do with effort it says the yoke fits so whatever god has for you to do it fits you but it has nothing to do with effort because we can see a whole lot of effort painstaking effort in the lives of the saints so if that scripture is true a whole lot of folk missed it amen but when jesus says his yoke is easy my yoke is easy he's saying my son that for you fits you it may not fit anybody else but it'll fit you it's easy it fits you amen amen amen go in the bibles now to hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10. it is scripturally established that i got to get my mind set that i've got to press i got to press so people talk about you being an overnight success it's a long night amen everybody want a quick work but what if it die quick as you think it's going to be amen amen so the bible is clear verse 35 says cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of war or great recompense of reward for you have needed patience now that word patience is endurance same as perseverance that after you've done the will of god you might receive the promise it is a fact that you can be in god's will and the manifestation has not yet come just because the manifestation has not yet come does not necessarily mean you're outside of the will of god because the scripture you see here says after you've done the will of god so it's talking about somebody who has done the will of god dotted all eyes crossed all the t's but there is a time of waiting there's a time of endurance there's a time of pressing there is perseverance that is required to receive god look at the person they can say you have missed come on tell me i've missed it you just need to persevere come on tell them you need the prayer help me preach to them tonight i'm going to show you in a minute why you need to do that why you need to help me preach to him yeah yeah you you haven't missed it you just need to persevere you need to hang in there amen amen amen now um um you know by this christ well body of christ has gone through a a season of training and and we're and um that season of training is like spring training uh for for an app for the athlete in spring training you get to understand fundamentals but it's game time now so there's a different attitude we gotta have in game time i got any athletes in the house those who played organized ball and i told those who were pretty bald on the street that kind of stuff i'm talking about some organized ball where you had to go to spring training and that sort of thing and in spring training they take you back through all the fundamentals and that sort of thing y'all understand that yes then but when on game day the coach got a different attitude because you've been given an assignment if it's football and you're supposed to hit the man he's wondering why you didn't hit the man he ain't talking to you real nice about the fundamentals you know the fundamentals you've been through the training now hit your man are you listening to me if it's basketball and you're supposed to set your pick so that the shooter on the team can be open and you're not setting your pit he wants to know what's wrong with you you need to set the pick the game depends on you setting the pick the shot depends on you he ain't up here in the federal fund it's not about fundamental i'm telling you now game is on you got your bibles all colored up you been all kind of bible schools four and five translations of the bible game is on it's not time to quit but it's time to perform it's time to persevere it's time for us to put all we have learned i'm getting too excited into action amen amen amen hallelujah okay let's just go from your bibles to uh uh hebrews while we're there let's go to chapter six and let's see if we can't see in scripture with crystal clarity that god's telling us that perseverance endurance is a part of this amen so there in verse uh verse 12 says um that should be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises everybody say faith and endurance faith and perseverance i'm just showing you it's all through the bible so we got to get rid of that nursery rhyme stuff that we learned god got to get rid of all of that all that you know you know happily ever after everything is settled in 30 and 30 minutes said come and that ain't life real life is you've got to put forth effort real life is you've got to want it you've got to want it enough to start a devil down and every hindrance down and declare no matter what happens you're not going to quit and the one who promised must come through can i get a better witness than that [Applause] amen all right watch this it says verse 13 for when god made promise to abraham because he could not swear by no greater he swear by himself saying surely blessing i will bless thee and multiply and i will multiply thee uh so after after he had patiently endured he obtained the problem everybody say after so i got to get this in my head you know uh that that this this may not be as quick as i want it to be abraham stood in faith for almost 25 years for the promise can't get you to stand 25 days all right help us help us amen amen so tough times don't bother you because it's a part of the game it's a part of what we go through are y'all listening to me all right now watch this watch this listen let me move on all right now so then i look at examples in the bible of people who had the press their way the four men who brought their uh uh friend to jesus they got to the door and there was a crowd at the door they could have easily said can't go any further and we tried to get you here but we couldn't get to it so uh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna take you on back home and you better not start cut up cause we'll leave you right here but they decided to put forth extra effort climbed up on the roof tore the roof off lowered him down in front of you and the bible says and when he jesus saw their faith when he saw that effort when he saw they wasn't going to quit when he saw that they had what it took when he saw their perseverance i'm telling you you are on trial now god's looking at you do you really want it bad enough [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you know my kids you know my kids they they they they have this thing you know because i tell them i tell them sometimes say you know what you know i don't i need to i need to get into the word i need to study give me some you know anyways oh dad just so you you're going to do it i mean that's how they treat you you got it got it now see i i'm i'm i'm careful on that because see i don't want them to think that what you see me of doing in here is easy [Applause] this don't come by me reading one scripture right before i come in here there are hours of study that goes in there hours of prayer to go in so i can hear his voice up here when i'm talking so that i deliver the right mail at the right time to the right person because so much is riding on what's going on here major league baseball players can have a 300 baton average and be considered a champion that means they can be at the bat and miss the ball what set them outta seven seven out of ten times they can miss it we can't afford that as preachers we can't afford we can't afford a 300 batting average every time we stand here somebody's life is on the line somebody's eternity on the line we cannot afford that kind of bad marriage we got to bat up in the thought we got to hit the ball every time and that comes with effort that's right oh you listen to me it comes with effort and see you've got to get into you that hey if you are going to develop the gifting that's in you so that you maximize your potential it comes with effort don't try to take the cheap waiter out the cheap way out oh you listen to me my friend now he uh coaches the nets and uh uh he was telling me years ago i was talking about a particular ball player and he was saying that this ball player you know he couldn't really find a team had a famous daddy who played ball but he couldn't really find a team and so i asked him the question what's wrong with this guy why he says well helio he's got he's got good skills but he's not good at any one thing [Music] and because he's not good at any one thing he's not really a good utility player but see he says and i'm telling his avery johnson you know avery's not that tall but he was i mean he led him a cyst and all that kind of so he says he says i specialize in getting the ball to the man who's gonna make the basket he said that's why i always had a place because when they wanted a player to get the ball to their key man i was the one they wanted i'm telling you you've got to decide you're going to be great at one thing quit trying to be a jack of all and decide you're gonna master one thing so that when somebody needs that one thing you're the one that's gonna come up everybody say one thing one thing we have great admiration for uh the woman with the issue of blood she may be our preaching point and that is because she had to press our way through the crowd great admiration for joseph because after all of the years of being tried and all of the years of setbacks he persevered end up in the palace we have great admiration for joshua and caleb because they were the only ones who had the positive confession and the me and the confession that the promised land can be ours and with two million other voices against them their voices prevailed in the end everybody said that's the power of confession yeah they had they had two million other folk convention negatively and against them but because of the power of confession their confession prevail your confession has power don't ever back off of what god told you don't ever back off your confession no matter how it looks you got to stay with your confession amen amen well there are some satanic elements that poison my perseverance number one my perseverance is poisoned by painful persecution when i lend my ear to what people say my person my perseverance is poison by many times my personal perversions stuff i've been wrestling with i haven't been able to get free from come on if i get quiet on now yeah yeah you have to get quiet on that you can't say any man too loud on that everybody but look look down your room like whoa now your perversion ought to bother you the weakness that you're wrestling with ought to bother you the day you come comfortable with it is the day that you open your door your life to be controlled by the devil now you know where people i came to jesus as i was we have all kind of came as we were as well but we shouldn't stay that way you got to stay with living holy the blood of jesus and all of that until you get free and many times folk quit in the process because they're struggling with their own private personal perversion many people quit their perversion their perseverance is poison because of plaguing problems if it's not one thing come on knife it's not one thing you know i mean yeah i mean i know what it is to go from problem to problem look like once you get this something something else come over here get this done something else coming up anybody know what i'm talking about and that almost makes you just want to quit right everybody say but it's not going to always be like that oh yes yes yes another thing that poison my perseverance caused me to quit is passive people that i got to deal with you're all excited about your vision and you're going to leave here and you're going to go home you're all excited and then this thing then they're going to sing one of the more dry songs and the us is going to walk around they think i don't believe it you all ready to take the world take the city bless god bless god and you're going to preach your best sermon and they sit there and god you will let passive people poison your perseverance amen amen amen and then plummeting provisions can also pause in your perseverance the extreme lack of sufficiency where uh you're struggling day by day i've been there know what it's like it can weigh heavily on you but it's not going to always be like that right yes sir amen and i know some of you in a faith fight i know some of you you're going from sunday to sunday yes sir but he's faithful hallelujah so then pastor what do i do to cultivate perseverance so i can be strong so i won't quit so i'm glad you asked that first of all that must be the resolve to persevere that must be the result resolve has to do with the deliberate discipline effort that i put to achieve what god wants me to achieve having the fortitude even in difficult times to do it everybody say discipline discipline is enforced obedience i got to desire the will of god for my life desire what he promised beyond my convenience i must desire beyond compromising excuses the devil is always ready to hand you that i must desire it beyond camaraderie exhortation first one was convenient effort second one was uh compromising excuses the third one is camaraderie exhortation would you believe it i'll tell you this not one preacher in my city when i got ready to start this church and do with what i'm doing now not one preacher not one of my friends not one of them encouraged me in fact all of them told me it would not work they begged me not to do it i had not one preacher that supported me if i had to have that support i never would have taken a step so i've got to tell you there may be something god call you to do and nobody is around to push you if your resolve is based on them pushing you you will not make it you got to know that you know that you know god told you to do it so your resolve is beyond camaraderie exhortation and your resolve must be above circumstantial or contradictory evidence oh my god oh my god because see we like to judge things by how they look whether or not god's blessing it oh my god it doesn't matter how it looks if that's what god says then that's what i got to do because there's always a season of contradiction when i'm on my way to what god promised me jesus the bible says endured contradiction contradiction is when my circumstances don't line up with this word i'm preaching i'm preaching prosperity but i'm making it week to week i'm preaching health and healing and i'm dealing with a sickness in my own body i'm preaching deliverance and i'm preaching peace and i'm all distressed and almost depressed myself everybody say contradiction you've got to hold on and have a resolve through contradiction we all face times of contradictions amen see it's amazing sometimes you hear the testimonies of the guys who made it and almost like you missing god because when they finish their testimony they make it so flowery because they don't tell the real truth then you know you're almost what's wrong with me when the real truth if you take them to the side and talk to them and start asking the probing questions they'll tell you there were times when they felt like giving up everybody i'm a hold on through contradictions i'm a hold on if no friend tells me i can make it i'm a hold on even if it's inconvenient hallelujah so now let's deal with the regiment for perseverance what do i have to do preacher so that i can develop the and cultivate this this no quit attitude number one i must establish i must be established and settled in the word of god i must be the word of god must become the final authority for my life the word of god must be the final authority for my life number two i must be excited about his sovereign will for my life even if nobody else is excited amen amen no no serious you know we we preached the sermon david encouraged himself you have to learn how to do that i know you have to get excited well how can i do that you got to learn to visit your future on the campus of your imagination gotta understand when i'm building this church now when i'm building this this ministry and nobody in the city is saying it's possible when i first started talking about multiple campuses they threw rocks at me they said that boy's out of his mind have you ever heard anything like that a church with multiple locations i heard god later they heard the echo and what i'm learning to do with those who persecute me and throw rocks at me i refuse to waste my time to pick up a rock and throw it back you throw rock at me i'll take the rock and build a bridge and a road because eventually you will be following [Applause] me you got to get excited all by yourself about what god promised he's going to do for you oh you're listening to me i mean you got to get excited i mean i got so excited i had me a little tv like with them on tv lights they were uh those guards those garden spotlights that's all i could afford i put them like garden spotlights up in my church because i'm going on tv i'm as happy as i could be you know that's all i got i don't think we even had a camera i think one brother had a camera we'd borrowed every night and then but other than that you come to church you see the lights but ain't no camera there ain't no camera in here but i'm up here i'm enjoying because look i'm going on television god told me i'm gonna take the gospel around the world by way of television if ain't nobody happy i'm happy myself and i wouldn't let anybody steal my joy a preacher came one time at three and i went we have three o'clock program this preacher came he saw my lights and going what are the only life doing up here and my my church i had him trained we all confessed we're going on television we're taking the gospel around the world by way of television and he stopped and he just bust out there they think they're going on tv he had his choir there all the choir all laughed at me i remember this lady on the auction being laid on she almost fell out the organ left i got up right behind me and confessed god's called me to take the gospel around the world by television and looked at him and said you keep going to bed and getting up and watching the tv and you go see me on that he's not laughing at me now [Applause] number three i must eliminate satanic worries choose not to believe the evil report only choose to believe the good report i must embrace speaking the word of god i must release my faith with the words of my mouth no matter what it looks like number one i must be established and settled in the word number two i must be excited about his sovereign will for my life number three i must eliminate satanic worries number four i must embrace speaking the word number five i must be engaged in spiritual work in other words i got to be engaged in spiritual work either helping somebody else and because there's a reciprocal blessing that i'm going to get i call it spiritual work or strategic work see i'm going to get a rebound blessing because i helped you out so you got to find somebody else to help out because what you make happen for come on god it may happen now we preached that but are you involved are you in are you partnering with somebody else remember david killed somebody else's giant and got promoted that's the principle all right yes sir amen so i'm not just gonna be concerned about my giant i'm concerned about your giant too because i know if i kill your giant promotion is on the radar for me hallelujah so number one i must be established and settle in the world number two i must be excited about the sovereign will of god for my life number three i must eliminate satanic worries number four i must embrace speaking the word number five i must be engaged in strategic work number six i must enjoy spiritual worship worship is the catalyst that moves the hand of god and i'm not talking about coming to church worship i'm talking about being able to worship by yourself amen amen then number five i must expect supernatural wonders to take place i'm expecting the supernatural my god why we how has the church going so far away why we we can't we don't expect the supernatural expect god to move supernaturally expect some out of the ordinary what they say can't happen when you get a no no it's only known for the day my yes has got to be out there somewhere are you listening to me all right and finally let's deal with the resource of my of my perseverance we dealt number one with the resolve i found out that i have to desire it above convenient effort i must desire it above compromise and excuses i must desire it above camaraderie exhortation i must desire it above circumstantial or contradictory evidence the regiment for perseverance we said i must be settled in the word of god number two i must be excited about the sovereign will of god number three i must eliminate satanic worries i'm not going to let the devil throw me off track i'm not going to believe the evil report i must embrace speaking the word of god i call those things which be not as though they were i must engage in strategic work what i make happen for others activates the reciprocal principle reciprocal principle and it rebounds back into my life amen i must enjoy spiritual worship because worship is the catalyst that moves the hand of god into my life therefore i'm expecting the supernatural wonders to take place when i give my testimony everybody'll know it had to be the lord amen but now where do i draw the strength so that i persevere where do i draw the strength so that i persevere number one my strength of perseverance is in the degree of reverence i have toward god how big is god really to me how much respect do i really have for god do you know that jesus thought about he said lord you'll be quitting about my lord save jesus christ your lord and savior jesus christ felt like quit offered his proposition to god he said let this cup pass because in the garden the flesh rose up and his fist did not want to go through the suffering and his flesh said he said lord is there another way can this cup pass then he goes and says nevertheless not my will but thy will be done he got past the moment but the point is he had to face the movement that doesn't mean he committed sin but the bible says he was in all points tempted like we are so anything you're going through jesus went through it so if we look and find out how did he make it through now i get a template for how i'm going to make it through amen and he goes nevertheless not my will but thine be done now what he's saying here is god your will trumps my will you've got to settle that god's will trumps your will you've been bought with y'all notice y'all preachers y'all know this you've been bought with a price you no longer have the option to do what you want to do you have forfeited the right to do what you want to do because you have made him your lord you've just got to settle that thing it's i am not my own perseverance strength of what comes in the continuous flow of information if i get a continuous flow of information well that's practical principle you know the reasons people stay with diets is because they go to the support classes the reason the folks stay off of drugs is because they go to the support classes so you got to have a support class welcome to your support class you got to have a continuous flow so that means you got to take some information from a support class home so you can listen to it all the time because it's the continuous flow of information that strengthens your resolve number three i must have a regimen a regiment of righteousness in my life in other words i gotta establish some some dues and some don't some not some not to do's some never against and some from now on anything that pulls you away from the straight and narrow the the focus of your vision you've got to understand you got to leave that alone see there's some things i don't do why i know i don't handle them well i cannot get engaged in playing chess because i am very competitive and that's bad for me i'll be playing chess ought to be praying and stuff my i i i i can't deal with that i know how to possess my vessel oh y'all listening to me now don't judge me if you want to but that's something that's why i don't get involved with golf because i'm i'm a very hot competitor i get involved involved in golf i probably need to be a praying somewhere preparing to preach somewhere and i'm out there trying to work on my score there's some things i know i can't do so i stay away from those things you got to know how to possess your vessel so you stay focused amen so things that will distract you then you've got to make sure that you put a regiment in your life to protect you from them amen amen don't trust your flesh give it to preachers right now don't trust your flesh you can't handle it you got to put safeguards in your life so that you can limit the temptation yeah i mean i mean you got to make you got to make it difficult for women to get to you man [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah i'm just about ready to get to my preaching point go over the bibles to march mark chapter 5 and rest down the strength of my perseverance is in the quality of my spiritual relationships are y'all getting these down the degree of reference i have toward god how big is god in my life the continuous flow of information the regiment of righteousness in my life and the quality of my spiritual relationships i got to have righteous focused folk around me you got to survey those people who around you those preacher friends you have what are they all about when you're around them what are they talking about are they talking about women in them chur in their church men in their church what are they talking about are they focused on scripture is there any spiritual revelation coming forward when you're talking is there any spiritual refreshing that you get i need i need somebody around me that when we talk about the word my spirit leaps on the inside of me [Applause] are you listening to me you know i got sons and i call and we talk and we're talking we're talking about the word you understand my spirit leaps on the inside of me i give them revelation that i have and it's a wonderful exchange it ain't just how is it where are they over there what y'all doing over there no no no no no my time is too valuable for that you got to surround yourself with people who will push you towards your destiny and help keep you focused are you listening to me so you got to look at your friends now look at the people who are around you there's some things that some friends you're going to have to redefine those relationships because if all they're doing is whining and crying by how bad it is and they're not helping you in faith and speaking faith into your life they are they will be a detriment to you and not an asset need somebody to remind me that he's my healer i need somebody to remind me that he supplies all my needs i need somebody to remind me he's a supernatural god i need somebody to remind me he makes a way out of nowhere i need somebody to remind me that if i trust him he will provide i need somebody to remind are you listening to me i don't need nobody to tell me about the game if i want to know the game i look at the game myself i need some people around me who are spiritually focused somebody around me who's praying for me somebody around me who's lifting me up somebody around me who's keeping me focused on the call on my life strength from my perseverance comes and the confidence that i have in the process everybody say confidence in the process now i told you to go to mark chapter five but back up to about chapter four and uh i want to show you this we're in a good time i'll be able to use just using my time watch this now everybody say the process oh my god watch this watch this verse 26 says and so he said so is the kingdom of god as if a man casts seating under the ground and should rise and sleep night and day and shall sleep and rise night and day the seed should spring and grow up he north down how for the earth bring it forth fruit of herself first the blade then the ear after that the full corn in the ear now what does everybody say it's a process see the process of the kingdom of god is when i first started i don't know how i don't know how i'm not supposed to know how come on he gives me information on a need to know basis when i need to know that's when i'm gonna know i got to rest in that and go through the open door that i have everybody say it's the process i i'll tell you i'm gonna say because you cannot see the door of your house right now not physically but if you keep going through open doors you will eventually see the door of your house i'm telling you the bible says in romans chapter 1 there that from natural things we can get insight into spiritual things when i go through the open spiritual door that god has given me i'm going to be able to see the next door and when i go through that door i'll see the next door and when i go through that door i'll see the next door but i gotta understand when i start back here i really don't know how god's gonna pull it off and it's okay you don't have to stress yourself out it is how the process works and so i'm comfortable with the process that in the beginning i don't know how all right that's good all right hallelujah himself there now in the beginning i don't know how i'm not gonna stress myself out you ask me all the questions i'm gonna tell you i don't know all i know is what he told me to end gonna look like [Applause] first the blade everybody say progress is incremental first to blame then the ear after that the full coin in the ear so listen you're believing for your church to grow and you get one member son and my god it's time to shout oh you listening to me no no now we got was one member of the day come on let's just over the blade so the strength for my perseverance comes through me understanding and having a degree of reference for god continuous flow of information regiment of righteousness in my life quality relationships with others other men and women of god and the confidence that i have in the process now my preaching point the celebration of perseverance is contagious or you go to mark chapter five everybody say the celebration is contagious and what i mean by that is when you hold out and you get your victory god uses your testimony to help the next person who needs to hold out can i just talk y'all through this story inside me you all know the story of the woman with the issue of blood y'all remember a girl who had the blood condition pressed away to the crown got healed and then jesus said somebody touched me then she came forward and he said come on give me your testimony it wonder jesus needed the testimony jairus needed it no no jailers was about to face a situation where he needed to know god could do something supernatural he his he was going to have to persevere because right after she finished her testimony then somebody comes up and says they are jairus don't trouble the teacher anymore your daughter is dead right jesus turns to him right away he says oh no no don't you give up your faith don't you panic don't you give up keep on believing y'all ready for my preaching points preaching point number one she had a hemorrhaging situation she had a situation that was getting worse and wasn't getting better some of you got hemorrhaging situations in other words it's something that will not correct itself number two she had a history of suffering some of y'all have never seen a good day every day in your church has been a struggle oh come on now some of y'all have had a history of failing you failed this you failed that you've never completed anything in your life you have failed gone from one failure to the next and the devil is sitting on your shoulder saying you couldn't do this and you didn't finish this and you didn't finish that and you didn't finish this he's tormenting you by your past suffering but she heard of the savior [Music] watch this in that she heard meant that she was a candidate for breakthrough because in that she heard faith came which qualified her as a candidate for breakthrough watch this so in that you are sitting in this place [Music] hearing me teach this word tonight means that you are a candidate for breakthrough look at the person that says i'm a candidate i'm a candidate yeah yeah i'm a candidate i'm in the right place at the right time i'm a candidate god's getting this word to me that's why i can't quit i came in here thinking i was gonna quit i came in contemplating quit but i can't quit now because god taylor made a message for me had me in the right place at the right time struggled to get here but i needed to get here i needed to qualify as a breakthrough candidate because i have heard the word she knew that there was help for her sickness she knew that was help for her sickness she had heard of what jesus had done oh isn't that wonderful can you hear testimonies of what he done oh my god come on now that's one good thing about coming here you understand you get to hear what god's doing in the lives of others because it stirs hope that if he did it for them he's going to do it for me you understand so because of what she heard she understood that maybe nobody else could help her but jesus could everybody say there's help from my situation amen amen amen amen so she had hope for her success her hope for her success we see in her testimony she said if i but touch the hymn of his gun i'll be made whole isn't that amazing that she had she said about she said say she said it no no she said it so she's releasing faith that if i can touch the hem of his garments i'm not gonna go into all the history of all of that because i gotta stay within my time but i'm gonna tell you she understood that if i can touch it if i can just touch him if i can touch him something's going to happen she said it she said it she said it she said it she said it she said it she said she said it she said it she said what are you saying she said it she what are you saying she said it she said it she said it she said it what are you saying she said it what you say matters what are you saying about your church what are you saying about your finances what are you saying about your situation she said it she said it she said it she did not let hindrances stop her she pressed her way come on gotta understand where she's going now she's trying to get to jesus she is trying to make her way through the crowd and the crowd won't let her through but she pressed away come on look at the look somebody tell me you got to press sometime yeah yeah sometimes to get what you want may not be happening to you on a silver platter but the prize is worth pressing for amen amen when i look around when i fly in my helicopter over my campuses i'm glad i did not quit i'm glad i pressed my way amen amen amen when i fly to my home and i see it i just spread out and i look at all that god has blessed me with and i think i thought about walking off i'm glad i pressed my way amen amen when i look in the seat of the thousands of thousands of people who are being blessed i'm glad i oh my god and then did y'all make me happy tonight oh i'm so glad [Applause] come on look at the person's neck and say press your weight press away come atta god's got something good on the other side of your struggle yeah god's got something good on the other side of your struggle god's got some good on the other side of the hitterance you've got to learn that if you're going gonna lay hold of what god has you gotta [Applause] she got healed supernaturally which meant that she tapped into the power and it paid off and then she had to tell her story so as i close today i'm gonna just talk about a story that i always tell about why you cannot quit y'all remember my pump story that was an old pump in the graveyard and uh we kids used to go and play with the pump you had to take the water at the base of the pump and pour it in and you had to start the process and we have found out by experience that as you're working the process it gets harder and when it gets hard you don't stop you bear down and i'm telling you tonight some of y'all are in the bed down state we found out from experience that if you stop you got to start all over again so watched out that's what happened to the disciples when others walked off and jesus turned to them and said are you going to leave they say master to whom shall we go they understood that master we have put a whole lot in this already how dare we walk off from our investment how dare we walk off from all that we put in i say that to you today you put too much into this too much prayer has gone into this oh my god my god too much time has gone into this too much sacrifice has gone into this look at the person next to you and say you can't quit now if you quit now you got to start all over but if you just keep on pressing if you just keep on working the process soon and very soon oh my god cool refreshing walk will flow and then it's not much effort that's needed to keep the flow going as i close tonight i'm telling you you can't quit why because jesus didn't quit on us when i needed him to die for my sins thank god he didn't quit on his way to calvary he didn't quit on me when i needed him to die for the grace that i have he didn't quit on me when i needed him to die for the mercy i experienced he didn't quit on me so i'm telling you tonight you have all of us have to decide that we're not gonna quit on him i've learned yes i have [Applause] hardly and depend on jesus [Applause] i understand sometimes it may get a little rough i'm not naive i understand sometimes it does get a little tough but i'm here tonight to tell you that i've learned how to lean and depend on jesus i found out if i trust him he will provide won't he do it yes he will he will make a way out of no way he will pick you up turn you around won't he do it he will i'm out of time [Music] [Applause] don't you give up don't give up come on look at the person that said don't give up don't give up father in the name of jesus we thank you for tonight
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 5,474
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: GziRbodNBjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 48sec (3768 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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