Live By Faith

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this is my bible i am what it says i am i can do what it says i can do i am a believer not a doubter i am a doer not just a healer and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of god amen so in hebrews 11 and 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtain a good report uh verse 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of them that what diligently seek him now go to first john chapter 5 first john chapter 5 and verse 4 because we want to um talk about how important it is for us to live by faith and to approach the situations that we have in life by faith verse 4 says for whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world and this is the victory overcometh the world even our faith so we lay the foundation uh in the weeks past on living by faith that it's the will of god for us to live by faith and that's how we please god by living by faith and so when we uh when we have challenges and situations that we that we face in life we know that the way out or the way to handle them is with our faith this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so we said it's not enough just to know the mechanics of faith the mechanics of faith are good i need to know the process and all of that but also need to know that i'm in partnership with god and he is the one who made the promise and who will back up the promise my faith comes by hearing but my faith is released by the words of my mouth the most powerful component of the faith process is what you're saying out of your mouth death and life is in the power of your tongue now we hear that but many times it's not rooted in us enough that when the pressure comes in life we can hold fast to our confession now while we're there in hebrews let's back up to chapter 10 and let's look there in verse 35. hebrews chapter 10 and verse 35 it says cast not away therefore your confidence with that great recompense of reward for you have needed patience that after you've done the will of god you might receive the promise what i do and what i'm experiencing now as i'm counseling pastors and people who are going through faith challenges going through you know situations in life they'd rather not face but you've got to face them i'm seeing that along the process of faith even those who have been veterans in the faith movement or veterans and understanding the faith process along the way when the pressure comes it appears that they lose confidence in their faith confidence in their faith working and confidence in the word of god working like god says it'll work i'm i'm watching this i'm i'm amazed but at the same time i understand that you know i understand how the enemy works that you can lose your confidence and that's the worst thing that can ever happen when you lose your confidence because now you have decided to go back to the natural to go back to what you can do and if you could have fixed it you would have fixed it by now so we can't afford to cast away our confidence in the supernatural we can't afford to cast away uh our living by the principles in god's word but when the pressure's on everybody say when the pressure's on yeah yeah when the pressure is on that's really when you are able to define who you really are it's easy to talk about the goodness of god the wonderful things of god when everything's going well but when the pressure is on and that's what this lesson is about because i i know because of the economic situations and because of uh bad reports from the doctors and because emotional stress and that sort of thing there's some people under pressure right now and if you're not under any pressure we thank god for you praise the lord and you let's pray we pray for everybody else but there are people who are under attack and experiencing pressure everybody say pressure all right and so uh you know so if that's not you that's okay now then you just get this lesson you file it away so that when your time comes and the bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous now we don't we don't we say pressure yes stress no everybody say pressure yes yeah so you will have you will be prone to experience some pressure and there's nothing wrong with it uh it doesn't necessarily mean you've done anything wrong as we're going to see in the lesson but but but but i have to understand i've got to deal with it got to deal with it got to deal with it and so uh uh our lesson today is about helping you hold on to your confidence amen now go with me in your bibles there while we're there uh to back uh to verse 23 verse 23 in uh chapter 10 it says let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he's faithful and promised so one of the things i've got to hold i've got to do is got to stay with my confession calling things that be not as though they were declaring what god's word says now my confession is a statement that i make in agreement with god's word regardless of what my circumstances look like now that is the key one of the key factors of faith last time we talked about uh having confidence in your confession from your seat of spiritual authority y'all remember the seat right yeah from the place of spiritual authority i have a right to make mine to to to make diff uh a commands and to make confession so i've got to say even when things don't look right what i believe and i believe every need is met i got to say i believe by the stripes of jesus i'm healed i got to believe that i have the peace of god i got to say it if i say you have to say it see that's yeah and that's an intimidation factor that comes that uh when you're under pressure you follow me and uh and that's what we have to deal with because you can't let anything intimidate you to the point where you close your mouth amen amen amen praise the lord now i want you to go with your bibles now to ii chronicles chapter seven second chronicles chapter seven because satan is a master at twisting the word of god to accomplish his end of getting you to uh dismantle your faith she's tricking me he's tricked the believer into uh dismantling their faith trick you the believer into compromising their faith confession and he'll use the word of god to do it your misunderstanding of the word of god everybody said my misunderstanding and that's how he tricked eve he start questioning did god really say it that way does god really mean this and so because of the misunderstanding of humility if i say humility then it becomes difficult for many people to confess the word of god now what you mean by that because when you start talking about i'm the righteousness of god i'm the head not to tell you people say that sounds arrogant to me that sounds pretty arrogant i remember years ago when i first started confessing the word then everybody say well he just just too arrogant because i began to say i'm the head not to tell because religion teaches you that humility is you talking yourself down so if you have been ingrained in that for years to talk yourself down and now here i'm teaching you that you ought to talk yourself up there's a clash and now you've got to make a choice everybody says time for a choice now this is not political please don't think that political but you know our president you know framed uh the the political uh climate we have and he said this year's election is about choice well that's that's what life is about you know of course he's saying the philosophy of the republicans is one thing philosophy of the democrats is another thing and you've got to make a choice of what philosophy you want your government to to flow by well life is about choice as a believer once i get born again it's about choice it is what am i going to let govern my life well i'm going to let the word of god govern my life or whether i'm going to let the religious training that i have come up under govern my life and so it's a breaking away because i cannot keep my confession if i thank my confession my confession is a statement of arrogance and neither can i hold on to my confession and take it to the next step where god says put your case before me if i think it's arrogant to do so amen amen so and i've seen people back off of that because nobody wants to be appeared to be proud and arrogant so we need to really understand what this whole thing about scriptural humility everybody says scripture humility yeah scripture humility because if i got that right then the devil won't be able to attack me with the intimidation of saying why are you saying that why you how how dare you say that because you know when we talking about making confessions and making commands we're talking about being bold and my faith cannot work effectively unless i'm opening my mouth [Music] hospital you better get this better get this my faith can't work effectively unless i'm opening my mouth it's not enough to fake it you got to say it everybody say you got to say it yeah you got to say it it's not enough to think it you got to open your mouth and you got to speak to things amen amen amen you got to you got to everybody say you got to talk to stuff no you have to you have to amen now uh you know i mean you're going to go through six days a week where uh where you're being pulled down to function like the world and you know i got i get this shot for on one day and some of y'all on bible study to talk to you talk so you you can act like the winner god made you and we got to speak we got to make some confessions we got to command things jesus says whoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed what mountain are you facing amen what are you saying to that mountain are you talking to it every day are you letting it do all the talk to you because my faith will only be effective to the degree that i'm speaking to my situation now it's not it's it's a choice because it's not the norm the way people live not the norm for average believers but we who walk by faith that is what we do i gotta talk to my emotions i gotta talk to situations amen amen how to talk to my body amen amen that's how faith becomes effective now second corinthians the second chronicles chapter 12 7. i'm going to look at this we've got to got a good ways to go today but ii chronicles chapter seven look there in verse fourteen all right it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and what pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and hear their land so he says now if people will humble themselves and then he gives a list of things that fall under this whole idea of humility and this whole idea of scriptural humility is not self-debasement it's not talking about how bad i am it's not talking about how poor i am it's not i'm talking about how wretched i am but he says it is about surrendering everybody say surrendering it's about surrendering and yielding yourself to the plan of god that is what scriptural humility is about it's about submitting to god okay god what do you want me to do and once i understand that and submit myself to that or call in the scripture that is what humility is humility is not me talking it down talking down my state not me talking down my potential not me talking myself down but scriptural humility has to do with me submitting myself to what god says and when i humble myself to what god says it means okay god i'm giving the stirring wheel of my life to you okay god i'm letting you direct my steps that is what the bible calls humility okay i got to work on a little bit more gotta work on a bit more go with the bibles now and let's look at uh uh james chapter four james chapter four no no let's go to first peter first peter chapter five first peter chapter five it is submission it is a contriteness it is compliance to god's word and his will for my life so i'm not going to let what i was taught about humility i'm not going to let that bother me and intimidate me from scriptural humility which is a boldness to submit myself to god now god if you god you said i'm supposed to speak the mountains i'm saying you said i'm the righteousness of god i'll say it whatever god says i'll say because i've submitted myself to y'all getting this because i can't afford to let anything in the middle of my faith fight i can't afford to let anything shut me down because once i shut my mouth up once i once i decide that i'm not going to speak words of faith it is then that i have resigned from the fight i'm out of the fight then it's a slaughter and i don't win that one y'all know i learned this the hard way can i give you one of my old testimonies years ago years ago uh we had a church bus ministry it wasn't before we started a new life but i was you know still understanding the word of god when in a lot of days when i was in the baptist church and we had this just bus ministry and we bought the bus no god gave us the bus gave it to me supernatural i mean gave it to me supernatural i can't go into the supernatural he gave me the bus but it was a god-given bus supernatural i gave us the bus and of course you know over the course of time you know because i don't have a contract with people that's why it takes faith to run a church because i don't have a contract with none of y'all y'all can stand here wave your hand holla love jesus love jesus and then i'll see you for three months amen and then when you come back you come back on everything be like it was for you left and you haven't given a dollar and some of that's just the way it is okay so um uh we had gone through one of those seasons back there and man finances was down and everything and boy i'll tell you man and uh i had been getting supernatural favor from the bank bank had been given a supernatural favor when we were behind i'd call them and they'd say okay you follow me and everything was good but this one day i got frustrated frustrated with folk frustrated to live like this because really i was still trying to go i still want to go back to work where i could have me some dependable money so i'm frustrated and so i remember saying it just like i remember saying it and i hadn't had a bus no no payment for the bus and um i remember saying i don't care what happened to the bus i remember saying that out of my mouth all this all the time i've been i'm confessing believing but i remember opening my mouth saying i don't care what happened to the bus you know folks ain't giving and dangerous i don't care whatever now we went only we were only i think maybe a month behind we had been as much as two three months behind before and i had favor but just one month behind and i'm i said with my mouth i don't care what the next couple of days i rolled up to the church the bus was gone so so well i figured we had guys who were volunteering to uh had a volunteer mechanic another guy who drove the bus you know he'd wash the bus so it wasn't unusual necessarily for the bus to be gone but this day was gone and nobody had told me they were washing the bus or repairing it so i called the guy who watched the bus hey doc i think it was rehearsal right right you got the bus you know pastor hey i had a bus maybe kellogg got the bus so i called kendall i can't argue you got the bus you're working up no no oh how to bus so my phone rang and it was uh it was uh a guy preacher dad is that your boss over there on the freeway after repo lot huh so i called the bank and they come got the bus and put it on the on i-59 i'm on the u.s 59 was y'all know 59 and instead of turning it this way where the front is facing the freeway they turned it long ways because that's what the church name was and then they had a big boom repo sign on top and i knew i gave it away with my mouth in a moment of frustration i gave it away all other times they couldn't touch it because i kept my mouth straight but in this moment of frustration i gave it away with my mouth i'm talking to some of y'all here today i don't care what it looks like don't you change your confession don't you give it up don't you open the door for the devil to take your stuff by getting off your confession you hold i'm not talking to anybody you hold fast to your confession as long as you do that you've got god on the scene amen amen amen everybody say and that's being humble now there is uh i told you to go to first peter chapter five right cause i gotta hurry now i gotta hurry i got a story i gotta show y'all where we illustrate this whole thing we're not looking at if you're going to take notes the revelation of humility is confidence the revelation of humility is confidence and so it says in verse 6 it says first peter 5 6 humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of god that he may what exalt you in due time casting all your care on him for he careth for you so what um humility is about in the bible is humbling yourself to god humility is about yielding yourself to god submitting yourself to god's way to god's plan you've got to be thoroughly convinced that it is god's plan for you to make confessions with your mouth it is god's plan that's how god wants you to live everybody say that's how god wants me to live that's how he intends for you to live with your mouth that's how adam was instructed to live that's how abraham was instructed to live that's how you're instructed to live with your mouth your business person you'd speak over your bills so you speak over your customer list amen amen amen you're a salesperson you confess the word of god over your situation when you have a spiritual advantage that others don't have don't you be intimidated by using it so the humble live and the consciousness of their dependence on god the humble see themselves in stark contrast to the awesomeness of god in other words why would i want to depend on myself when i can depend on him they choose to accept god's order without debate or dissension in other words that's what god says that's what i'm going to do when i understand humility it's not me talking myself down well whatever the lord wants already know what he wants he put it in the bible so i'll know what he wants see everybody say see i just think that's a so you can't handle that but see he told me to talk this way he put in here that that that he took my sin and gave me his righteousness he made me righteous so when i say i'm the righteousness of god so who you think you are i'm who he says i am and he says i got to say it for it to be activated in my life i am the head not the tail my god supplies all my needs you say that when you're broke and that's being humble everybody saying that's being humble all right now false humility is what we have been trained to respect and this folks humility is when people put on these ads and i just can't stand it it just stenches i know it causes a stench in the nostrils of god you've seen people try to be act humble what they would think what they think humble humility is oh i don't know this is just uh you know yeah you got a new car that said oh no i did that that old thing there oh you you you give people a compliment on their clothes they go oh this whole thing is uh that ain't humility if it was all at all you went to put it on you put it on because you like how it looked gonna received a couple of men and said praise the lord thank you so much see some of y'all can't handle that love y'all can't help it i'm just trying to tell you see it's it's understanding that that ain't got nothing to do with biblical humility you follow me but that is a false pride well i do something like that because i'm masquerading come on i'm putting on the front go on and accept the compliment you wash the car you got the you got everything coordinated in the car and somebody walks oh man that's nice oh this old thing come on now god gave it to you glorify him for it watch this and there's nothing wrong with it at all you've got to divorce yourself from all of the foolishness you've heard i i remember reading in the bible when uh david goes and gets a mcfibble chef which is jonathan's son and he goes and load the ball gets the boy boys crippling both feet and he restores back to this kid everything that was taken from him he gives him jonathan's land he gives him servants he does all of this and you know what to get the guy's head so messed up he said why would you do that for such a dead dog as if what we've got to understand is humility is simply saying i'm surrendering myself the way to the way god wants me to live that's what it's about and when you do that he exalts you okay i didn't get enough hand claps on that one going by the james go to james now go to james now because the the fraud of satan is to get you not to understand humility because if he can do that then he will he will uh really cause you to think confession is arrogance and you'll be duped into surrendering your confession by a self-debased debasement and that's not what god wants you to do there's supernatural success in scriptural humility all through the bible we'll see it of course we just read it in chronicles if you humble yourself the bible says that he'll heal the lamb uh we look there if you humble yourself he'll exalt you and now in james chapter 4 are you there now watch this again i want you to see the supernatural power now in me going god's way doing things god's way in james chapter what i tell you four look verse six it says he giveth grace wherefore saith god resists the proud but giveth grace to the who to the humble and we know humility is the person who says god not my will but your will be done humility is saying okay god i yield to your way of doing it this is what you want me to do humility is like this this is what humility humility says once i choose to be a humble person then everything else is settled whatever god says that's what i'm gonna do god says tithe i'm gonna die god says bless you i'm gonna bless you god says forgive you i'm gonna forgive you whatever god says humility is submitting myself to god look at verse 10 it says humble yourselves in the sight of the lord and he will what hear what come on you got to see this that that's the way to be lifted up that is the way to get the most high god on your situation it's when i humble myself to god's ways and god's plan and it's not arrogant to do so it's not arrogant to do something i mean i missed my i remember when i used to tell her for everybody oh my god oh and you know why i wouldn't i'm i'm just saying what god says god said the blessed lord make it rich add no sorrow and i declare jesus name i believe i'm rich have abundance overflowing and people look at me like dad we know that boy bro we know he broke you follow me but i understood the word are y'all listening to me i'm not going to back off because you don't understand now watch this go any bibles to a story that um we get a snapshot of humility in first samuel chapter 30 first samuel chapter 30. humility is encouraging because it's this submission reminds me of god's commitment to me humility is enlightening because the bible tells me that if i will yield myself to him lean not to my own understanding that he will direct my path humility is elevating because by faith uh when i humble myself then uh i know that i'm coming out and i'm coming up everybody i'm coming out and i'm coming up the bible says jesus humbled himself to the death of the cross wherefore god has highly exalted him that's the key the key is me in submitting myself every time i confess god's word even when things don't look like they're coming to pass what i understand is i am now positioning myself to be exalted and raised up by god because he is faithful that promise everybody say he's faithful at promise all right now look for the rest of the way we want to study real quickly oh god y'all working hard today y'all work my heart and i just got out the introduction i want to talk to you about recovering all right everybody say recovering all yeah i want to talk to you about recovering all because the pitch of humility i see in the bible i want to study today is this picture of david uh who uh is in a very precarious situation in his life he goes back to his base camp and it has been raided by the enemy and he loses his children his families and all of the families of his men and it's a bad situation and we won't identify with david because if we can identify with him we'll understand that in principle what god did for him he has to do for us all right if we can't identify with him we can be edified through the principles that he used in other words built up say okay this is what god did for him now god has do it for me and then we can glorify god by being victorious in our situations because i got to tell you i believe by the will of god that many of you who are going through are coming out now and listen i'm going to tell you i ain't just saying that to get a response you understand i really believe that you know god wouldn't have me teach this like i'm teaching it and stay on it like i'm staying on it if he was not going to confirm his word in it and so some of y'all been some of y'all been going through and i want you to know pastor know you've been going through in my prayer time god's letting me know you've been going through and that is why i've been teaching like i've been teaching because god's letting me know where you are and this is a word in season for you so focus with me for just a few moments now verse one says and it came to pass that when david and his men would come to ziglag on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the south and ziglag and smitten ziglag and burned it with fire and had taken the women captives and that were therein and slew not any either great or small but carried them away and went on their way so dave and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives their sons and their daughters were taken captives then david and the people that were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to wheat that's pretty bad isn't it all right all right and david as two wives were taken uh boy their names uh the jezreelite and abigail uh the wife of nabal the the carmelite now um uh and david was greatly distressed for the people spake of stone in him because the soul of the people was grieved everyone for his son and for his daughter but david encouraged himself in the lord his god and david said to abbath the priests and himalak's son i pray thee bring me hither the effort and about abathar uh brought hither the effort to david and david inquired at the lord saying shall i pursue after this truth shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all so david went he and 600 of men 600 men that were with him and came to the brook of bishop who where those that were left uh behind stayed but david pursued he and 400 men for 200 are bold behind which was so faint that they could not go over the brook be sure pick it up at verse 16 and when he had brought him down behold they were spread abroad upon all the earth eating and drinking and dancing just talking about the amalekites the enemies because of all the great spoil that they had taken out of the land of land of the philistines and out of the land of judah and david smote them from the twilight even until the evening the next day and they escaped not a man of them save 400 young men which had rolled upon camels and fled and david recovered all that the amalekites had carried away and he rescued his two wives and there was nothing lacking to them neither small nor great neither son nor daughters neither spoiled nor anything that they had taken to them david recovered all and david took all the flocks and the herds which uh they drayed before those other cattle uh those other cattle and said this is david's spawn what an incredible story let's see if we can walk through it real quick number one uh david's in pursuit of destiny if i say in pursuit of destiny now in pursuit of destiny means that david had said yes to god he had said yes to god samuel comes to his house and says to david's daddy somebody in your house one of your sons is going to be the next king one of your sons god's going to use mighty they go out to the field bring david in after not after discounting him pour all over his his head anoints him he says yes to god anybody in the house have said yes to god yeah yeah i say yes to god when i say okay god i heal you in my heart i get born again i'm saying yes to god it is that time that i step on the path of destiny all right so that's the first thing we see is that he's in pursuit of his destiny he says yes to god but in this pursuit of destiny he has some profound difficulties everybody say profound difficulties here because you would think he says yes to god he's going to be king that now the way would be paid but that's not the case he finds himself fighting his with the fight in his life because he's got to fight go life if goliath wins he's out of here he's not a trained warrior but now he's standing there defending the armies of israel everybody say profound difficulties he wins the battle and they sing his praises and you would think now that he would be on a road to ease but not so because the king becomes jealous of him and instead of the king celebrating him the king tries to assassinate him so he is i said yes to god but instead of my life getting better it is complex and difficult because now he's on the run he's a fugitive he saved the nation and they and the king's trying to kill it so he's in a cave and then these guys come to him those who were distressed and depressed and in debt they come to him and he forms an army with them and he's now has to be a mercenary in order to uh supply his own needs the king is after him so what mercenary what he's doing now he's he's a army for hire he got he got to take himself some sort of way now so he's an army for his life is really difficult because at a point when he could kill the king his te his character is tested and he says i can't kill him even though he had it because all his men said you got him now he's been trying to kill you you got him there he is in the cave let's kill him and he said can't touch god's anointed complex man's trying to kill me but i can't kill him on top of that now the only work he can find is with the enemies of israel so he hires out to fight for the philistine wait wait that's the one whose champion he killed everybody say profound difficulties have you ever found your yourself in a state of profound difficulty that the way you thought stuff was gonna work out didn't work out that way [Applause] and from this place a profound difficulty now whoo he goes back home now the reason he goes back to ziglag is because the philistines is getting ready to fight israel well that puts him in a quandary because i can't go and fight the folk i'm gonna want to be king for king of so then they don't believe he'll be true in battle anyway so they say hey listen david you need to go on back home because we don't want you in this fight we've hired you to fight this one that and the other one but we don't want you this you might turn on us so david and his men they're going home now and when they get home thinking that they're going to find rest and relaxation and refreshing the city is destroyed they go to a place of devastation everybody say place of devastation ah place where you thought things were gonna work out some of y'all gonna go to the place with the devastation today place that you thought home should be peaceful but it's hell i'm not just trying to get you to identify the place of devastation you know things that you thought were going to work out not working out that way and that's what happened when he went back to ziggler watch this everything has been annihilated everything he worked for is gone his family is gone his substance is gone all of the men's we're talking about decimation devastation destruction and on top of that they burned everything up to the point that grown warriors were crying whoo i i don't get into your business but there are some situations that will bring you to tears can i get some witnesses in the house so here he is in this place of devastation so in this place of devastation there is a puzzling dilemma now what's the puzzling dilemma the puzzling dilemma is he's in pain the soldier's in pain but nobody cares about his pain the same soldiers that he picked up who were in distress who were depressed who was in debt who came to him in the cave in a disorganized disoriented state now they talking about killing him everybody say puzzling puzzling how you can birth somebody in the world and the person you birthed in the world when you on your sick bed won't even come by to see you puzzling everybody say puzzling puzzling yeah puzzling how i won't stay on that too much there's some things in life that will puzzle you it's some things in life that will puzzle you how you will pay for somebody else's mortgage pay for somebody else's stuff and that's the same person that turns around and talks about you puzzling puzzling how you work and you'll send that dude to school so he can get a degree and then he flips on you and puts you on the side and has an affair with miss floozy puzzling puzzling after you wiped his tail when he was sick [Music] everybody say puzzling puzzling as a pastor i go through some puzzling things it puzzles me i have no folk who came here and didn't even know genesis and you got the right to raise your mouth on me so out of this puzzling dilemma he has to process discouragement everybody say process discouragement yes indeed because puzzling stuff can discourage you but he looks and he understands watch this discouragement is a choice y'all i got to hurry up everybody said this girl is a choice just discouragement is not about circumstances one person can go through the same thing two people can go through the same thing one person becomes depressed discouraged and the other person is determined to win it's a choice david chooses not to focus on the circumstances but on his covenant [Applause] he says to the priest go get me go get me the fr in other words this was the thing the vest the sacred vest that symbolizes the presence of god he says what i need to focus on is the presence of god nobody here to discover if my wife was here she could encourage me if somebody else was here they could encourage me ain't nobody here to encourage me i'll encourage myself amen amen amen somebody knows that sometimes you just got to encourage you better hear me now i can't i can't afford to wait on somebody to pat me on the back if you pat me on about good but i can't afford to wait you may not be there to pat me on the back i got to understand i got a covenant with god though others may leave me he will never ever leave me and there are some things that the devil just can't take but i can preach that right there oh my god there's some things he can't take there's some things he can't take there are some things that he will never take from me they take my money he may take this one he may take that one he may take a relationship but there's some things he can never take from me nothing can separate me from his love neither height nor death nor principalities nor powers nor anything can separate me come on look at the person that say encourage yourself come on tell me yeah there comes a time when you've got to decide to encourage yourself you can't wait for somebody to pat you on the back you can't wait till you get to church [Applause] here's a humble man why do you say he's humble because he understands i gotta submit myself to god's plan i can't get this back by myself i can't make it by myself i got to go to god and he prays for direction everybody say praise for direction don't you ever discount the power prayer every morning at seven o'clock i get strength from listening to the saints praying yes prayer let's god know he's in control in my prayer time that's the time i am most humble because i'm saying god i can't make it without you in my prayer time that's the time i'm taking what's in my hands and i'm giving it to him because i can't handle this by myself don't you ever discount the moments that you spend in prayer because it's the moment of invitation opening the door for god to get involved in your situation and out of the time of prayer out of praying for direction he gets a promise of deliverance if i say a promise yeah that's all he gets for the from god is you will recover all you will re but that's enough if he gives me a promise really that's all we got church that's all we also all we really got is a promise but what makes our promise so important is we got a promise from one who cannot lie and who cannot fail oh my god look at the person that said i got a promise i got a prayer i got a promise that if i die i'm going to heaven i got a promise that if i'm sick he'll be my healer i've got to promise that if the devil attacks me he will be my deliverer i got a promise he'll give me peace that surpasses all understanding i got a promise he'll never let me be brought to shame i got a promise [Applause] and he is faithful got a promise brew drug got a promise from that promise he has a power and a potential discovery it didn't look like they could do anything because one moment they're decimated one moment they're distressed one moment don't look like anything will ever happen for but after he gets his promise he gets his men together and says it's time to go fight wait a minute because they're not fighting by themselves they got a problem i can face anything if i got the right promise [Applause] and the bible says they rolled up on their enemies and the enemy was shouting and parting and drinking and carrying on and now we see the predator's defeat everybody see the president's feet yeah yeah because see your enemy may be laughing but it ain't over yet everybody say they're over yet come on tell that person it's not it ain't over yet may look dark but still any over yet and then what they were able to do was they were under they were able to experience promotion dynamics everybody say promotions in them now here's promotion dynamics i got to wrap it up it's the way it is with god as i trace it through the bible that whenever you're in a place of extreme devastation that's the time you get excited that is always extreme promotion oh no you're gonna get it you get it you can get it you can get it you're gonna get it you didn't get it you didn't get it you didn't get it get it no i'm talking this is consistent through the scripture that whenever there is extreme devastation the fight of your life that you're in you need to understand it's only because the devil has seen what god's getting ready to do and he's brought pressure to get you to back down now david goes from extreme desperation and devastation and decimation that in three days three days saul is killed and david's on his way to the throne see if i was a preacher now i'd work with them three days [Applause] i could work with three days i i could work with three days because that was another one who had extreme devastation who hung on the cross with nails in his hands and nails in his feet they buried him but in look at the person i said i'm coming out and it's not gonna take long i'm about to walk in the greatest blessing that i've experienced in my life and it's not going to take long [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you want me to close this today and he gave me a story a little boy had a had a had a paper route in a bad neighborhood dogs would chase him he needed the paper route couldn't give up the paper out but he couldn't hardly throw his papers for the dogs so he went through the neighborhood and asked folk is this your dog is this your dog and they said no we don't know where those stray dogs come from so he goes to his dad and said dad i got a paper route but on the route the dogs chase me and they keep me from throwing my papers where i need to throw them so the daddy asked him what had he done he said well okay son i'm ready to go let's go let's go walk your route so he walks the route with the boy and sure enough here come the dog but the daddy had a stick and when the dog came out the daddy said step back son and he struck the dog with the stick another dog came out and he struck him with the stick another dog he struck him with the stick and they all ran away and he took the ball at home and the boy said oh daddy that was great he said daddy are you gonna go with me on my route in the morning he said no son i'm not going but i'm gonna give you my stick [Applause] you're not gonna have to fight the dog cause when they see the stick they're gonna remember what i did to him i wish i could go home with you i wish i could be there with you but i can't go home with you but i got a called stick name of jesus you take that stick and the devil will remember what happened on calvary he'll back off he'll leave you alone i got to go y'all i'm out of time [Music] amen amen amen you
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 2,906
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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