Building Unshakeable Self-Esteem in Your Family

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the word of god administer through this vessel of claim now in advance we give you alone father all the praise and all the glory all the honor and all the adoration for all that shall be accomplished today and for all that shall be revealed in jesus mighty name and the people of god said greet a few people around you find out their names and then you may be seated hallelujah amen this is the day the lord has made and i will rejoice and be glad in it amen well i think bridgette already told y'all the good news the devil is alive amen amen amen so uh if if y'all don't have anything to be thankful for i do he redeemeth our life from destruction no god like our god amen hallelujah amen so uh we're so excited amen and uh uh um well dr b told me she covered everything i just want to just uh reiterate about the uh teens we want to see a thousand teens here uh next sunday night amen so when we have to work to make that happen amen how many excited about your goal offering on the 29th oh wave at me wave at my way man oh it's not enough not enough come on bring me my goal here here i'm gonna go ahead and show you what it looks like i'll show you what it looks like so i already started working on mine see i got to start working on mine see and um but i got one little bracelet in here bridgette said they ain't they ain't gold and that i think about i remember i bought that one at the flea market and that that baby a little tarnished so but see you you bring your and then uh they're separated all but that's that's what that's my i got my herringbone necklace in here you don't have it wrong that's got that baby in here you don't want your twist give it up give it up all right i don't want you to i don't want you to be playful about this offering this is a serious heart if i say serious serious offering and we do that it's going to uh not only bless the kingdom of god and help help us get back on course where we need to be but it's going to be an example for the other churches many pastors several pastors say they want to come and see it they're going to leave that church on a sunday just to come to watch us give a consecrated offer of gold in 2009. amen so uh we take our times in in doing it you know we then we are this is not uh cash for gold everybody said not cash for gold okay uh um so uh it's a uh because of the connection that we have with the gold refinery and we're getting top dollar for our amen amen that's it so um we are we're going to uh we're going to consecrate it as unto the lord we're going to follow the biblical example bob says every person who's of a willing heart that's why we didn't rush into it so it's not like a service we get you here get you worked up all emotional then says bring us to go come bring your braces down no no you don't do it like that the bible says everyone whose heart the spirit made willing someone do it out of a willing heart we understand our goals you understand we always handle everything here with utmost integrity amen so we have an auditing we'll have an auditing committee who that follows the whole track of it so none of the goal is lost along the way amen and it's a precious seed everybody say precious seed amen so uh uh i'm excited about it it's new it's revolutionary and it'd be just like god to have us pave the way to do something like this amen praise the lord now the spirit of god spoke to me about uh of course you know uh back on the uh uh the miracle that we got in the air i was i was uh i think when i came out of the west service my guy said man that had been an awful awesome experience i said you don't want it you don't you don't want to be 35 a thousand feet and everything go black all the oxygen mass fall and uh power the engines both engines go quiet you better know him if you don't know him you will probably meet him that day hallelujah yeah you better know him to be a deliverance yes now lord told me to ask seven i need that they need 70 people who just commit to pray for us as we travel not afraid at all i ain't i'm not in fear but i need 70 intercessors who will just be praying for as far as as we travel because all that was devil's trying to kill us we must we have must we have made him angry but he's a lie he can't touch us so amen so i'm believing i'm not i don't have any cards to pass out for you anything like that but uh 70 folk will just pray intensely for past the safety as we continue to travel because uh i'm traveling the air because god told me to amen so we're not in any fear anything like that so you don't have to in fact there was no fear in the cabin period that's why you have to be careful who fly with you because the devil will get you in a situation where human error can kill you because i began to pray for the pilots holy spirit go help the pilots because uh you know they have a process that they have to go through and uh they needed to stay calm and do what they needed to do and we understand that's only happened one at a time in all the years of gulf streams flying one other time and they never got that electrical electric back on praise the lord i just came back and amen so uh uh is my is my mechanic lee here lee here i don't know what service leads in anyway lee hadn't done anything wrong so nobody be talking about lee you know because at least elito was a pastor my major's concern is what what the members say about me i said no leonard you're all right uh but no uh because i i believe it had to be a satanic attack because everything came back on perfect i mean everything when it came back on was perfect i mean it wasn't like you know it's owned but everything was on perfect and the pilot's going we don't know what happened and i'm going that the devil is alive trying to kill a brother i'm gonna kill her brother but he redeemeth our lives destruction now why is it important for you for you to know that if you ever in a situation you all you have to do is call on him he'll answer you too amen amen all right matthew chapter 7 matthew chapter 7. thank you so much thank you so much amen matthew chapter seven and it had to be god for them to get a text that high and air that that's our phones don't normally work that high that our phones normally don't work at that at that and i didn't even know i didn't know she even texts tina i didn't know she's texting of course i was busy i was serious i was busy amen all righty did you think you were gonna die no did the devil tell you you were yes what did you do i just told him i will live and not die and declare the works of the lord amen all right let's have a smiling exercise look at the person next to you smile real big show me your pearl of whites your 32s your 22s your tens or whatever you have left let's raise our bibles give our confession of faith repeat after me this is my bible i am what it says i am i can do what it says i can do i am a believer not a doubter i am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of god i'll teach about 35 minutes or so and then following that i'll say heads bowed eyes are closed that does not mean that we're dismissing at that time i'll make several appeals for a christian commitment and then following that uh uh will be dismissed shortly thereafter in matthew chapter 7 and verse 24 it says therefore whosoever hears thee sayings of mine and do with them i would liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hears these sayings of mine and do it them not should be like unto a foolish man which uh built his house upon the sand and the rains descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat up on that house and it fell and great was the fall of it we're teaching uh from the subject of the christian family boot camp and if you're sub-topic in the lesson you may sub-topic this lesson uh embracing the standard last week we talked we talked talk about establishing the standard this scripture says uh in this parable jesus says if a man will build his house on uh the the rock of the word of god by doing the word of god not just hearing it but doing the word of god when the storms of life come and they will come because we see they came to both houses being a believer does not mean that you are exempt from the problems and troubles of life being a believer means that god will equip and empower you so that you can overcome the challenges and troubles that will face that you'll face from time to time last week in the in the introductory lesson we found out that uh of course that god has a standard by which we ought to live and so uh he made us he organized the family so he knows best how families should function and we have to come to a point in our lives where we will accept his standard as the truth that we will live by you will live by some standard you will govern your thinking by some standard and that standard since we have made jesus the lord of our lives ought to be the word of god you follow me it ought to be the word of god you must understand that when you find some in god's word even if you may not like it you've got to understand god put it there because he had your best interest at heart and that gives you the ability to do the things that are kind of difficult to do because i understand god put it there he knows what's best for me and he has my best interests at heart so now we saw we found out last week that there are some challenges or some specific type of storms or relationship situations that we will face in our family we will face uh turbulent times everybody say turbulent turbulent turbulent times are those times when we're dealing with the immaturity of others within the family unit remember we defined family as the nurturing community of intimate relationship uh bound by common elements purposes that provide instruction and direction and protection celebration support and fulfillment now i'm not gonna do a lot of review because if i do i will not get into today's lesson so get the cd from last week and you'll have all that information and you can have that definition i'll give it to you one more time because i love you a nurturing community of intimate relationship bound by common elements and purposes which provide instruction and direction and protection celebration support and fulfillment so in this crucible of uh of life in this family unit no matter what kind of family unit it is but in this family unit this nurturing community there will come a time that could become a time where uh uh there are turbulent relationships in other words when you're dealing with a person's immaturity they're not necessarily trying to hurt you but you see them hurting themselves and you and they cause discomfort for everybody else and uh it's it's normally born out of a sense of uh they're just immaturity and not having made the decision to grow up you know becoming mature uh is more of a decision than it is a a matter of chronological chronology it's a matter of a decision the bible says when i became a man i put away childish things as it's a decision a lot of people don't make that decision as quickly as we would love them to and so i remember your mate if you of course a person asked me about a family what makes up a family you know i look at the older twitters and and all of the email and the text i'm reading all of that as i'm formulating the lesson and one situation was if we are uh husband and wife and don't have a child are we a family yes you're a family yes you you're not only you know i don't have a family but you're also a part of a family so this lesson is for you lesson for everybody if you're living and you breathing this lesson is for you amen because you're part of some type of family some type of dynamic relationship so then in those turbulent times especially husbands and wives you got to look at each other as you're waiting for her to mature or him to mature and understand when you look at them they are the product of your intelligence at that time amen praise the lord you may have grown up a little bit more amen but at that time that was the best you could do that would say that was your intelligent choice so uh we want to we want to buckle up and ride it out everybody say buckle up write it out that's what you have to do you just buckle up and ride it out everybody say buckle up write it out amen and so that's the same thing we're dealing with our teenagers you understand when they go through their dumb days and they think they know more than we know you understand and they say you just don't know you just don't understand just kind of remember you said that too remember yeah you said that too but uh you know certain things are may not be exactly the same but in principle they are the same you run with the wrong crowd the wrong crowd corruption and character that's just the bible was in 1941 was in 1952 was in 1960s was in the 70s whether in the 80s running with the wrong crowd corrupt your character well well you you shouldn't be picking my friends but you're doing a bad job so somebody need to help you so uh amen amen but during those times you buckle up write it out so there there are turbulent times and there are taxing times everybody say taxing times now the taxing times are the times when uh the relationship requires more than you intended to give that you thought you were going to have to give and that can come for many reasons and become because of sickness and disease because possibly you know you have a sports special needs child we're going to get into all of that but the relationship makes more of a demand than you really thought that you were going to have to give during those taxing times you got to believe that his grace is sufficient that he'll strengthen you to handle the things that you did not expect amen and then the toxic situations everybody say toxic situations those are situations that threaten your well-being even your existence and unfortunately that can happen within the family you read in the paper and you read on the news how so this guy somebody kills the whole family or the girl and her boyfriend go and kill all of her family crazy stuff toxic folk do exist believe them the first time somebody tell you they're going to kill you believe them the first time you only have to tell me that once and i'm going to put as many molecules as i can between me and you and anytime i'm around you i'm going to be looking at you suspect i'm going to keep my eyes on you you ain't got to tell me no i'm serious and then you know as a there are some toxic people for whatever reason for get off sometimes it's the flesh some sign is just it's the devil you know whatever it is but if a person is toxic threaten your your well-being threaten your life even you have to make uh uh tough love decisions not a lot of believers get all confused with the whole love issue but i can't i can't put my child up amen amen no you have to we're going to get in we're going to get into that because how to make some tough love choices and that comes a time when they become toxic if they do then you have to you have to make a decision um you know one guy uh preacher was telling me his lady came to him and uh said my husband said if i come home you're gonna be my brains out what should i do so the pastor just asked him do you want your brain do you want your brain now he told you if you come home you're going to beat your brains out now the question is do you want your brain if you want your brains there's system going on not today anyway you know i was out of town one time and man i looked on the news and that was my member had a member who killed his wife yeah right here in the spirit field church was inside wasn't in church that sunday but he told him he was gonna kill him had been telling me he was going to kill him and i've i taught you what death and life's in the power of the tongue you have what you say it could hand she didn't she didn't take he and he i was i'm sitting there outside i said that isn't my member because it was only you know ap news and he came up and i'm going oh my god i got on the phone i said y'all they said yeah pastor that's that's them toxic you don't play with it now folks don't understand they may call you mean and all that kind of stuff call me me and i'm still alive call me mean if you want to you don't understand i ain't doing this for you i understand praise the lord all right now go open your bibles now to hallelujah romans chapter 10 and verse 9 when i make jesus the lord of my life then i am saying i'm surrendering the uh order of my life to him romans 10 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thine heart god raising from the dead thou shalt be saved that is the one statement of commitment that says that you're choosing now to order your life by this word you made him lord everybody say lord now i start the transformation process verse 2 says romans chapter 12 and verse 2 says um be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you may prove what is that good except for the perfect will of god by the time that you decide that you're going to live according to god's order your thinking has been conditioned to live according to the world's order by the time you make up your mind that you're going to live according to god's order your thinking has been totally corrupted by this world's order and you have to go through a transformation process if i say transformation process yes and we said that the root of that transformation process is the transformation of your self-esteem because self-esteem is the root of how you make all of your decisions it is the root to how you make all of your decisions so a lot of people say well why don't you start teaching about self-esteem i was going to teach about family no you are in the family and your behavior will be governed by your self-esteem your responses to situations will be governed by your self-esteem that is why that is where we have to start because if we can get you built up properly and you see yourself properly then you'll be able to execute the principles of righteousness governing your situation self-esteem is how a person values themselves how they view themselves how they validate themselves in the arena of life it affects their behavior it affects their beliefs and it affects how they bond with others it's going to affect your actions it's going to affect how you feel accepted and affirmed and it's going to accept accept how you function in uh in relationships and associates so self-esteem is vitally important but by before we come to the lord jesus christ we have totally accepted the world standard and that is why our minds have to be renewed we only we have been taught to measure our self-esteem our self-worth our self-value by a flawed standard of my possessions my position how i perform my my presentation how i look and my pedigree my background got it now this is this is all flawed because that is not what gives you worth and value luke chapter 12 and verse 15. luke chapter 12 verse 15 is one of the most liberating passages in the word of god for those who are who have been bound by this world system who've been who've been you know captivated by this world system that we judge ourselves by the world system and in light when we do that we're chasing a decoy we can never catch now when i think my stuff makes me something that gives me worth and value then i will i will i will i will try to find happiness and stuff i'll try to find worth and value and stuff so i must have the latest name brand even though i can't afford it so a lot of trouble is going on in the home because if a parent is has this sort of thinking and that's not the money for it then they make unwise financial decisions you got a thousand dollar purse because all your friends got thousand dollar persons you understand but you ain't got two dollars in your purse see that don't make sense and then the the cardinals have been paid and all the other bills have been paid that was not wise but in order to feel good about yourself you got to have what everybody else had amen and so i got to get i got to correct that and once that's corrected i can make wise choices because i don't feel any less of myself if my purse didn't cost a thousand dollars my purse cost 20 but i got 2 000 in the purse amen amen amen all right luke chapter 12 and verse 15. this is liberating i'm telling you because a lot of people have that have had their heads all messed up and their decisions are messed up so they bring up the children that way so the children got to have 200 tennis my god verse 15 says and he said unto them take heed and be way of covetousness for a man's life consistent not in the abundance of things which he possesses please underline that check that so you get back to that the man's life your worth and value does not consist in stuff your worth and value does not is not to be measured by the stuff that you have if i say my worth my value is not to be measured by stuff all right go over your bibles to first corinthians chapter six first corinthians chapter six my worth and value is based on the price that he paid for me that he was my he became my substitute he put me in his family i have incredible potential and i see life from his perspective everybody say get the cd get the cd yeah get the cd that's going to be important but now listen i've got to understand that i have been bought with a price hallelujah so my worth and value can be traced back to the price that was paid for me amen hallelujah are you there what did i tell you first corinthians chapter 6 and let's look there in verse 2 verse 19 what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and you are not your own watch this now for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit with your gods you belong to god everybody say that i belong to god now that's important because the person who owns the thing can give value to the thing okay for instance michael jackson go and take a glove put this glove on you follow me wear this glove on stage and follow me now folks want to pay a whole lot of money for the glove now they could go to the same place where he bought the glove and brought get a lot cheaper but since he wore the glove and the glove was his now the glove has value y'all with me now y'all know i'm not talking about gloves i'm talking about god you belong to him and because you belong to him now you have value [Music] did y'all get the connection amen been bought with a price so see so so i'm never intimidated because the same price paid for me was the same price paid for others the guy on wall street making a whole bunch of money same price paid for him he's no better than me amen so my worth and value is is established by the price paid and then god let me in his family i'm his child oh see y'all no see you got to believe this see you got to believe this i'm his child i belong to him i am his child now james chapter 1 and verse 22 says don't just be hear of the word be a doer of the word and we're talking about embracing this truth get this truth down in you i'm going to give you a system of seven steps to getting this truth down in you but you gotta get this down in you it's got to be real to you amen see when you you at 35 000 feet and all the lights go out in the jet and the power goes out and it gets quiet you better know you belong to him so i didn't have to scream i just said now lord i mean i belong to him i'm i'm his ch his child is in trouble amen how many do i know screaming and hollering yeah yeah and dr be a tape i ain't raised my voice said now lord in the name of jesus amen i take a thought i'm gonna attack and then i take authority over this in jesus name the holy spirit go help the pilot angels take charge of this flight in the name of jesus so i got to believe that see i'm believing i believe i'm his child i believe everything he's redeeming my life from destruction i believe it's more than just reading this stuff see y'all come here and you hear it but you got to get this down on the inside of you when you believe this is who i am this is who i am and you want to do it before you get in trouble because see 35 000 square foot 35 000 feet and uh no lights you can't find the scripture if you let me find the scripture you got to know it it's got to be ain't the time to be saying why why is that scripture no you got to know it amen amen amen i don't know what you got to believe it see so when i'm saying all this i'm not saying this just because it's it's good uh religious rhetoric and scriptural rhetoric no i believe it and you got to get to the point where you believe it you belong to god you are important to him he gave his son for you that's how important you are that god gave his son for you and nobody else existed he loved you enough to get his son for you amen amen amen now go to matthew chapter 16. matthew chapter 16 we're going to see how this truth jesus uh uh emphasized this truth in his ministry on a particular day jesus arises and he asked the disciples this question he was not asking this question because he was tripping over his popularity or anything like that but he was about to teach them a life-changing truth all right there it is in verse 16. well i'll start there in verse 13. and when jesus came to the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that are the son of man am so what are the folks saying about me and he wasn't tripping about you know trying to trying to see how his press was and that sort of thing but he was he was getting ready to teach him a powerful truth and uh um and they said some say that thou were john the baptist some elias others jeremiah one of the prophets he says unto them but whom say ye that i am he's getting personal now i said now what do you who do you think i am all right and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered said unto him blessed art thou simon by jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and i say also underneath our peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them won't you look real closely here real closely here he's saying who do you men say i am peter says thou art the christ the son of the living god now if peter had responded you're the son of joseph and mary that was a natural truth he would have been correct but he says you are the christ the son of the living god and jesus says now flesh and blood didn't reveal that unto you you got that by revelation now if i was going to have two points today the first point is understand the power of the revelation of self-esteem understand the power of the revelation of self-esteem and the second point is understanding the process of repairing self-esteem but jesus says flesh and blood didn't reveal this unto you but my fault now why is jesus going through this process we see in the next scripture he says and i say also unto thee in other words he's saying just like you know who i am by revelation i know who you are by revelation every person has to know who they are in christ by revelation amen amen so who are you who who are you you are who god's word says you are that is the liberating truth the scripture says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free the truth i need to know is what does god say about me because what god says about me and what i accept that he says about me is what transforms my thinking and the value that i have on myself so it doesn't matter what other folk called me i know who i am see what you want once you get that down on the inside of you what folks say don't bother you now you know we quit saying the n word so i can't say it i ain't going to say it y'all all know what the n word is see so somebody call me the n word that ain't me i'm not answering they're talking to somebody else because then where they in here for me you got it somebody call you the b-word that word of god don't call you that they ain't talking to you so unless once again all afternoon you just ignore that ignorant fool [Music] amen hallelujah all right watch this so he says flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you on you but my father was in heaven then he says upon this rock upon this principle upon this principle i'm going to build my family and so it's on on this principle you knowing who you are from god's word amen and so who is this lesson for this lesson is for a teen who may have lost their virginity through disobedience and know you have played the fool been played the fool this lesson is for someone who's been abused and left this uh both uh embarrassed and exposed this lesson is for possibly a divorcee whose heart is still filled with distrust and disappointment and and uh you are penalizing your new mate for something the old person did this message is for those who have experienced betrayal from someone they helped and trusted and now they live their lives waiting for their downfall so they can feel good about themselves god told me this years ago that my vindication never comes in the harm that comes to people who try to hurt me my vindication comes in the continuous manifested blessing that he pours on my life a lot of folks can't get all can't get rid of the past they're holding on to the past waiting and looking for the person who hurt them to hurt or waiting looking for that person's downfall and so you can't see your own vision because you're looking to you're looking in the past and you got to get you got to move beyond that and understand the bible says he will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies amen amen and god told me they said i'm gonna let your enemies live long enough for them to see me bless you amen all right go to james chapter two james chapter two because self-esteem is established in the scripture god tells me that i'm just i'm supposed to love myself i love me some me no and you better be glad because the bible teaches me that i'm supposed to love you as i love me verse 8 says if you fulfill if you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ye do well so i got to love my neighbor as i love my self so self love is promoted in the scripture all right go to first corinthians first peter chapter two i've got to see myself as royalty as royalty i i see myself as a part of the royal family of god okay i ain't tripping now i just got the scripture all right even though i'm from the ghetto i saw myself based on what the word of god says that i'm a part of this royal priesthood i'm chosen i'm special oh yes come on now no i really believe i am i believe i'm special i know i'm special now no i know i'm special now you know you know and i had another situation years ago uh when my car sped out of control and uh it was all i mean i was i was going to louisiana to preach uh and uh up up north in louisiana and uh i was coming out of dallas going to shreveport and uh the highway was iced and i didn't know anything about driving on ice because they called it black ice when i went to pavement and uh i hit a hit a situation and i was driving look to see the mercedes and i think spin all around on the highway i spent all and the median came up on the other side the big old truck was coming this way i spent all the way back all the way back on the right side now all of this time i'm calling on his name i'm called jesus i'm jesus i was a little more louder than that day jesus i'm telling you and so uh and and uh it i mean serious the car came right back on the right highway after doing all this spinning on the medium on the other side came all the way back straightened up and i was driving straight on just like it's like this and that was 18 will never forget looked at him he's gone like that so i've seen him deliver me so i know i'm special i know i'm real special now glory be to god now watch this watch this now i know i'm special about revelation but i also know i'm special by experience you got to know you're special you see you got to get this revelation on yourself right now that you are special to god don't let the devil tell you nobody likes you everybody's gonna mistreat you don't you gotta understand i am spec and you gotta tell yourself that you gotta tell yourself how special you are to god amen ain't nobody happy about me that's all right watch it all right watch this watch this watch this verse in verse 9 says but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who call you out of darkness uh into his marvelous light so the bible says i'm chosen i'm a chosen generation i'm chosen i'm special and the bible says i'm a royal priesthood royalty is mine i'm regal and royal yes i am amen i believe it i believe i deserve the best i believe i deserve the best because i'm his child see that's not religious rhetoric to me that's reality to me i'm his child look at the person they say me too me too me too come and have a little attitude get a little after me too come on me too i'm gonna get you convinced of this all right now let's look at another passage there in second corinthians chapter five ii corinthians chapter five when moses uh goes to god when god comes god comes to moses moses doesn't see himself properly and god says go tell pharaoh let my people go and listen what happens i rephrase moses says i can't talk and so you know god tells him you know and then he says okay i'll let everyone go with you but moses got a revelation mostly who who will i say sent me and god says you tell them i am sent you moses got that revelation now watch this when you trace out the story even though aaron goes with him aaron no but never opens his mouth moses got enough boldness after realizing his relationship with god he said i don't need abraham amen never opened his mouth moses did all the talking amen amen same thing with gideon gideon god comes to gideon and getting started you know identifying the list of his his deficits i can't do this my family is poor we'd have broke his tribe around we're the least in it and i'm the least in the tribe i did all of this until he gets this revelation and then he goes up against insurmountable odds trusting god for his victory i'm telling you you get a revelation of who you are i'm telling you get a revelation of who you are it changes you amen and now whatever things you get you get them because you want them and not thinking it's going to make you better amen do i have to get real huh do you want to get real yeah no i don't want to get real because i get too real then y'all be be looking at me strange see i'm going to look this way i'm going to look this way see that way he's here i'm going to take a look at that see then you're able you know you go you're able to get your weave because you want your weave not because you got your weave to look like her weed because you want to be respected like she's respected you understand you you're able to go get the kind of call you want cause you like the car not because you think the car gonna make you car gonna attract folk to you see now you can't say you have to look at me when you're talking about weave you have to look at me amen see i i buy what i want because i want it and my kids say that's how to stop i don't care i ain't buying it for style i bought it because that's what i wanted i'm free i don't know look because the whole thing is is to keep you needy like that so they can keep you buying because you're buying not to satisfy a dead you know uh you know a desire you're buying it because you're trying to keep up you're trying to make yourself feel good amen what'd i tell you oh i got to hurry i got to heard second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21. all right i'm an ambassador by simon ambassador i represent god hallelujah all right all right secretary chapter all right i'll look first let's look at verse 17 says therefore find a man be in christ he is a new creature what happened all things are all things become wow so that means yeah and some some of us need this scripture right because that's some stuff we did we don't want nobody know about come on now i ain't the only one that's some stuff we've done we don't want nobody ever to know about and we think oh thank you jesus all things become new i am a new creature that old person who did all that freaky stuff [Music] he had passed away and behold all things become new look now in verse verse 20 says now we are ambassadors for christ so i am his ambassador now you got to take these things and uh you've got to do something with them because how you see yourself is how you think others see you amen and so here's a symptom of people who really need to correct and repair their self-esteem people who are willing to make unnecessary and undesired adjustments to make others like them people who think that others are always thinking about them what they know about themselves people who will laugh at people mocking them making negative comments to keep from confronting them people who resort to artificial stimuli to ease the pain of that distressed situation y'all know what i mean by artificial stimuli that is drugs and wine and all that kind of stuff you got to do that to ease the pain you understand you understand i'm gonna get into that too you know because that that's one lady said you know what years ago years ago she told me she said uh um well you know i got to get high to have sex in my hood because i can't have sex with him no other way it is just that distasteful that's too heavy there but that's not today's lesson now when i get into that lesson i'm going to let everybody know so if you want to cheer and come you're cheering to come they probably know more about it than you know but i'll i'll i'll i'll i'll i'll have that all set but whole thing uh instead of talking it out and and and uh you know coming to an agreement on what she didn't like and did like and she just rather anesthetized herself for the process okay you can't say amen too loud on that i know all right so here's what we must do here's what we must do here's seven things we must do everybody say seven things seven things all right in mark chapter four make him know mark chapter four verse 26 it says so is the kingdom of god so in other words it says it's as if as if a man cast seed into the ground and to sleep and rise night and day the seed to spring and grow up he knows not how for the earth bringing forth fruit of himself first the blade then the aft at the four corner in here which suggests that things happen in the kingdom of god by process everybody say process now if i know this process and i can master this process i can bring transformation into my life it's not enough for me to just give you the things uh to talk about the things i got to show you how to systematically get them into your life and that's what the next few lessons are going to be about i'm going to give you the skeleton of it today and then we'll just we'll keep working on it but i got to do something i got to on purpose do something i did not just start thinking like this because i read the scripture one time i didn't start seeing myself like i see myself because i said in one service i heard one tape it's a process i said process and you can start the process now of building your self-esteem so that you can accurately apply god's word in the situations in your life with discipline first recall the first phase is the investigation phase if i say investigation investigation is when i take an honest look at myself and say my self-esteem needs some work yeah uh some of the stuff he's saying i'm victimized by that i need some work i don't feel good about myself based on what god's word says i got these other things i have to do in order to feel good about myself following that investigation would be information now let me get some information from god's word so that i can start the transformation process next week i'll give you some more information you follow me i've given you some today but there we call 15 true 15 uh truths that uh that we want to give you uh these 15 life-changing true freedom truths will break you free and we're going to give them to you i want to give them to you in a printed form so you can begin to confess them you can begin every day saying these 15 truths over your life so number one was what class investigation number two is information all right number three uh is revelation revelation is the point where i take this information and i understand it i need an understanding at the level of my comprehension i need to clearly understand this and understand how to make application in my life everybody's a revelation our number one class is investigation number two is information number three is all right number four is saturation saturation in other words i got to saturate myself with these truths day and night day and night i got to listen to the word i got to read the word i know that this is going to pay off so i've got to satur my mind got to be changed as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and my thinking is not going to change just like that i have to saturate myself with the word of god i got to listen to it i got to see part of your saturation process is what's happening today because you're sitting here in god's house saturation all right everybody says saturation now following saturation will be consecration consecration is this is now how i'm going to live this is the new me the old person has passed away i got a new attitude i got a new disposition i have a new discipline in my life that's a consecration because i'm gonna live my life this way following consecration is eradication now i can cut some stuff out of my life that interferes with me living this life that i have chosen to live so there are some friends i might need to cut away there's some places i used to go i don't need to go there anymore because now i made a decision to live my life a certain way number one class was come on number two is information number three is revelation number four is saturation number five consecration number six eradication and then number seven is preservation if i say preservation now preservation has to do with the discipline to hold the course until the transformation is complete i'm going to do this and do this and do this until i think like my pastor thing i am just as convinced that i'm special as he is i'm just as convinced and transformed that i have worth and value right like i am as he is got it got it got it i'm your example the bible said you follow those who who through faith and patience inherit the promises you follow me but preservation you got to stick with this everybody say stick with it now it doesn't take long you can really transform any situation in 52 days in 52 days you can bring transformation if you will do this i'm telling you 52 days later after saturation you will walk differently talk differently you will be totally different in your thinking now and your thinking will help you deal with the situation that you got to deal with but first we got to work on you and once we got you together you'll be like jeremiah and the bible says god came to jail i said jeremiah i want you to do this and jim was oh god but you know i can't do this anymore god says yeah shut up now we say it all the time we say i can do i can do see you say that but do you believe it to the degree you believe it you begin to act like it and so the bible says god told jeremiah shut up and then the bible says god put his words in his mouth my god and that changed him and jeremiah knew that god saw more in him than he saw in himself and that's what uh everybody we come to realize when we look at god's word that god doesn't look at my past and all the mistakes that i've made he sees more in me now than i could ever see in myself so jeremiah goes to the palace house and the pot is working on the clay and the clay becomes marred in the potter's hand but the potter does not quit working we have all along the course of life made mistakes we have become marred in the potter's hands but god keeps working because he still sees something in us better than what we are today heads about and eyes are closed while heads about and eyes are closed believers are praying say pastor i'm not a christian but i want to be i'm not right with god but i want to be right with god i don't know if i died i i'd go to heaven but i want to know for true i want to know for sure if i died i go to heaven pastor pray for me i want to pray for you right where you're seated
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 631
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Id: wJ1TV7VwHa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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