Maximized Prayer: Praying for God's Guidance

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well this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it all right hello shell made it in first y'all come on in the room everybody give everybody a chance to come on in amen and let me know where you're watching from columbia south carolina annette how are you kathleen good evening and uh joyce amen okay where are my people come on in everybody let's fill up the room real quick so we can get into the lesson for tonight i'm most excited about it most excited there's tampa there's rochester new york and all right oh robert kingston as uh diana from beaumont hey young lady amen all right debbie uh as lamisha my girl amen things are moving well with love city amen it looks like mine that's kind of tilted it's all right all right new york i see again new york new york is in the room los angeles [Music] is that tamika what you say my girl from katie [Laughter] oh yeah hey girl all right we're gonna have a great time tonight we're gonna learn some things about how to walk with god tonight it's going to be real good and uh it's going to be real good tonight i've been excited all day about coming on to talk to you so that i can share with you what god has put on my heart to share with you so that you will uh you know it'll help you in your spiritual growth hello uh rockamar see you there buddy all right cha cha letter hey micheletta how are you all right good good good michelle letter good to see you amen amen all right then didn't see linda yet but i'm looking for linda collins all right you know uh i hope everybody is in faith and in prayer for the upcoming women's conference women's conference is going to be good in fact we are hot and heavy now uh focusing on you know uh having a great women's conference that's what we're hiding heavy on doing it and uh we only have i think 11 days before the conference and so i am looking right now i see all the armageddon is here that let the college i see you you know i'm looking for you girl you know i am all right um but um i i'm looking uh to uh i've taken on a lot of the assignments of okay let me get the virtual audience in place that's what i want to do and so this week i'm going to be reaching out to all of my virtual audience people those who have taken my class those who have uh who are watching all the time i need you to register for the conference registration for virtual is only forty dollars and there's so much you're going to be able to get and it's going to be out there so you can feed on it hey apostle lock i see you thank you for being on with us tonight and so hey my god i have a lapak come hello god my boy hey glory to god hey legon check on the fishing guide you know uh you know check on that check on that uh so we can have a good fishing day uh should check on him and let me know okay yeah y'all somebody corrected me and says fifty dollars thank you thank you thank you uh shirley uh uh cheryl ella shell yeah high apostle uh shirley uh but listen come on we are registered i know uh i got my pastors asked my pastors to be a part of this uh women who win meets the inner circle i think it's going to be a powerful meeting whole and free and what to do how do you put the pieces of your life together when things have been fractured that is going to be powerful and of course we're going to be hearing from some powerful women including lady b and you know lady b i got to tell you i am so excited i've already kind of had a peek at what she's going to be teaching and it's going to be good all right so i want to see registration tonight i want to really see about a hundred of you all registered tonight i want to check our numbers and then after this i want to see by tomorrow morning at least 100 more of you will have registered for okay we oh ladies ladies ladies ladies men and ladies we got a discount for those oh but god they're going to give you a 10 10 discount tonight 10 discount so that means instead of it being 50 it's going to be 45. it's gonna be 45. let's do it let's do it hey apostle love you that's lady b uh i think uh boy lady b's been working so hard today i got to tell you but we are most are thrilled excited and uh we are really really focusing on making this uh the women's uh conference it's gonna be hybrid so you know pastor asked yesterday for about 300 members to to commit i asked a hundred men last night a hundred men from the light to be a part of the in person we're going to all be masked up now all that sort of thing but let's make this big our corporate voice speaks much louder than our individual voice and if ever that was a time that people need to know how to pull their lives together after 2020 now is the time we're going to give you the formulas of faith on how to do that and so i want you to go and i want you to register tonight cheryl said she's in agreement with me up for the 100 plus to register in person tonight i mean tonight so i know a lot of you wait until the last minute a lot of y'all wait for payday amen praise the lord a lot of y'all got your payday off for a little little advance but you understand me let's check i'm excited for you you know of course praise the lord i'm not in the level to get the spirit step stimulus chest check and now but i'm thinking god i'm shouting with you over the extra money you have in your hands let's be good stewards let's take part of that and invest in your self amen amen and amen so this week is going to be a powerful week of promotion for uh the women's conference and uh you know dr i has have given me an assignment boy i'm working i'm going to do them i'm going to care about my assignment lady b and i will probably have a conversation this week probably friday we might have a conversation but we this thing is in high gear we're going to see god work in an amazing way are you all ready for tonight are you all ready for tonight amen somebody said sheila says great investment that's right invest in yourself so many things have happened in our lives when we were in conferences i mean the prophetic goes forth when we're in conferences so many powerful things happen and uh i i'm looking really looking forward to hearing these dynamic speakers that uh uh dr i has lined up and dr b has lined up and i gotta tell you it's going to be interactive it's going to be powerful you want to be sure that there it is you know there it is got all these they should have put you're not used to be on the conference uh pastor lock but then you like that i used to speak shout out to andrea i used to speak but then they fired me that's all right they fired me but that's quite all right i ain't feeling no kind of way but they did fire me i used to be i used to be a speaker i did i used to be a speaker but then they fired me they did they fired me i understand i i got fired but that's not right you know i'm faithful even though y'all know i'm just joking i i am going to be there and i am going to be i'll put i'll participate in whatever role i'm praying because it's normally during those times god will give me a prophetic voice for the conference that's what i've been praying for i'm in prayer god's going to give me a prophetic voice for the conference and so uh uh that's it now let's talk about let's talk about today let's talk about now if you're with us for the first time here's what we normally do now i need everybody to share it everybody quickly share it with somebody everybody quickly share it share it everybody quickly share it with somebody what we will normally do i got gives me something [Laughter] i will uh to share with you i will share biblical principle with you and then we pray that principle and we stand in faith and we stand in faith and so that's what we're going to do all right it's all good that you're still the teacher like no other thank you y'all know i'm just playing now let's get in let's get into this i i've been all excited all day about this praying for god's guidance praying for god's guidance do you need god to guide you in any area of your life that answer is absolutely yes we all want god's guidance we all need god to help us navigate the pathways of life we do but how do you do it and that's the key you know my father in the faith uh dr price uh my uh he shared with me something years ago and he said now it's one thing to talk about god but it's another thing to show people how to activate that godly principle in in their lives in other words you say it's one thing to tell a person that dallas texas exists it's another thing to tell them how to get from where they are to dallas texas and that's the how to's and that's what really kind of sets our ministry apart and i am so godly proud that i see my daughter picking up that same uh that same baton in telling people this is how you get it to work now so how how do you get god let's look at scripture first there in psalm 16 it says that will show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand are pleasures for ever more so we see here that the psalmist has said god i can count on you to direct me and show me the path that i ought to be walking in now let's look at another passage in proverbs chapter 3 because this is one i'm sure you've heard many times trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path or he'll guide me so it tells me that if i put myself in the right frame of mind in the right spiritual position trusting god i can count on him directing my past so how is that going to happen i am glad that you asked me i've had several experiences with god y'all know i got to put my little raggedy building up there because i'd have several spirits with god when god began to show me so many things i've had so many god what i call god guidance episodes when i was in that little raggedy building where god taught me what i'm teaching you today because the revelation of god's guidance is really a step by step effort all right this and it's a learning as you go it's a learning as you go as we're going to see this in scripture but but one of the things i might got so many testimonies i could give you on this um but i'm just going to give you several uh of them uh partial testimonies i remember we're in the little brackety building and we're praying for a bus we're praying for god to uh we needed what we needed a better bus for the bus ministry and we are praying seeking god for a bus for the bus ministry and so in the midst of this being guided by god i am driving down the street airline drive in houston texas i'm driving down the street and i hear god say go into this bank and ask for the president well i wasn't dressed for banking you're for a bank visit you know i'm in my casual clothes like i'm gonna rush home and turn around and you know come on back to the bank gosh no i passed the bank he said go back and go now it's okay so i go to the bank you know i'm uncomfortable because i'm not dressed in my suit and tie and i asked for the president i said listen i said i said i'd like to see the president you know and she said they said the president is on vacation would you like to see the person who is taking his calls well okay i mean i know i know what god told me to do but now i got to take the next step so i got a piece yes i'll see him so i sit down and i'm talking to this guy and i'm explaining to him how we need a church bus now we're talking about a six or six passenger bus and so as i'm talking to him the guy starts smiling and so you know in my mind i'm thinking well i just got grinning i'm trying to lay out to him my plan you know listen we don't even have an account at the bank i've never been in the bank really and so uh he's smiling and i'm in my mind why is this guy smiling and grinning and you know so after i finished he starts he says listen i am the bus i am the bus captain at my church i'm the captain i'm over the bus ministry at my church i went whoa you got it he says and i know what you're talking about and i know what kind of bus you need and let's see what god can do isn't that amazing but i'm being guided by god being guided by god and our credit wasn't great at all but he didn't want bother with that he because god had guided me to the right person he had the right person in the right place at the right time now i want you to hold on to that story now because i'm gonna close with it so now i'm out searching for a bus and i got already the okay from the bank i find the bus and i'm gonna hold it right there and then i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm trying to get back to it now so then let's hit point number one is the scripture establishes the lord's commitment to guide us the scripture establishes god's commitment to guide us so when we want to understand anything about god we go to the scripture the bible teaches us that all scripture is given by inspiration of god profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works back it up there i want to just i want to just break that open let's unpack that all scripture is given by inspiration of god and it's profitable for doctrine doctrine is the order of god when i understand the order of god i go to scripture that's why i'm going to talk to you about scripture for reproof reproof has to uh comes with the dismantling of error the dismantling of error because normally by the time i started reading the bible i have picked up a lot of erroneous thinking along the way and then for correction correction then it has to do with watch this it is the exposure to truth the suppose of the truth and for instruction and right systematic application of truth so now let's look at this because we only want to understand how to be guided by the lord so look scripture in psalms 31 says yes you are my rock my fortress therefore for your name's sake lead me and guide me so now here is the psalmist asking for guidance so when we begin to pray for guidance tonight it is what the bible clearly says is okay because what god does for one in principle he will do for another all right now look at this the faint this is a one that everybody knows psalms 23 the lord is my shepherd watch this to feed and guide and shield me now that's the amplified version and and i shall not lack he makes me to lie down in fresh tender green pastures he leads me there he was talking about being led by god talking about being guided by god besides still water still rests those waters he refreshes and restores my uh my life my self he leads me in the path of righteousness all right all i'm doing now is establishing in scripture that god has made a commitment to guide you god has made a commitment to guide you let's look at another passage psalms 32 and 8 i love this one it says i will instruct you instruct you and teach you in the way you should go hold on to that saints because that's mean as i've been guided by god it's going to be a learning process amen and what she says and i will counsel and watch over you oh i love that i can't work on it right now but i want you to see this he says now as you are walking this thing out and i'm guiding you i will be teaching you along the way because like what i understood now as god is teaching me way back then is it's a step-by-step progressive revelation process okay i had to follow the first step of turning around and going to the bank now once i got that step he said ask for the president okay i asked for the president and they said okay president's not here so now all right do i want to see the next person got a piece about it and now i'm in front of the person that god wanted me to meet we said well how come god didn't just tell you to go in there and ask for the president's the person that was handling the president stuff i can't tell god how to do his business i just have to learn how he does it i can't tell god my god you send me to the right person give me right i can't do that well she could but again so he's teaching me how to step by step walk through his process because now god has arranged everything all right let's go let's look at another passage here in psalms 25 he leads the humble who and what is right and the humble he teaches his way remember now we are still in a learning process when it comes to learn a god's guidance i gotta learn how god uh chooses to guide me he's going to give me revelation isaiah 58 we're looking at old testament passages i got some new testament passages in a minute he says the lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places and make strong your bones and you shall be like a water garden and like a spring of water and that that's awesome and that's awesome whose water fell not so god the bible teaches me all throughout the old testament that he'll guide me let's look at some new testament i love john chapter 16. this is going to mean a whole lot to us class john chapter 16. i know many of you have your bibles and you're taking notes and that's all good but we leave this out there so you can go back and look at this how be it when he the whole the spirit of truth talking about the holy ghost come he will guide you into all truth and he will speak he will not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear so i'm understanding from this that the holy spirit has been sent to be my god we're going to have to learn how to listen to that voice of the holy spirit on the inside of you that came into your life i'm gonna teach it's not difficult come on this is not difficult it's not spooky or anything like that but knowing how to this letting that peace register on the inside of you when it comes to making decisions all right watch this watch this and see our prayer life submits us to that peace that god i want to be guided remember what the scripture says trust in the lord with all that and hardly not that i don't understand it you got it in all thy ways acknowledge him we're going to do that we're going to put ourselves in a place where we will be able to be more sensitive to the holy spirit amen and amen and amen all right i love romans chapter 8 and verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god so we are children of god and scripture tells us with crystal clarity that we are to be led by the spirit of god now watch this in acts chapter 16 it says and it's paul acts chapter 16 and i want you to look at verse 6. it says and paul and silas passed through the territory of uh pigra and figaro and galatia having been forbidden watch this of the holy spirit to proclaim oh watch this the holy spirit stopped them and said now don't do this it's talking about i'm teaching now how you'll be guided by the holy spirit because when we are guided by the holy spirit god uses several means number one he will you he will guide us through the scripture through the word of god he will guide us through his spirit all right he will guide us through his spirit through the saints the prophetic word or mature believers he will guide us even with signs and we'll get to that a little later and then he will guide us through situations that he will put us in that we already know we should respond to now i know i said a mouthful but i'm getting ready to break it down what are the requirements of then of god's commitment to guide us what is required of me to put me to put you in a position where you will be guided by the spirit of god number one and we've seen it in the passages i've read number one is a humble spirit that means i want to be sensitive to god i want to please god other than myself number two a revelation on god's willingness to guide me i know he wants to guide me i don't have to beg i don't have to plead he's already promised that he'll be my god in fact he put the compass or the gps on the inside of me glory be to god number three i've got to be sure to re that my response is not my reaction but my responses as he's guiding me will never negate my faith now what do you mean that means i'm in faith for something god is guiding me and when i run into a roadblock i don't throw away my faith get my mouth out out of shape and you know out of space speaking negative and and getting in unforgiveness oh no i'm being guided by the lord i'm not going to do that now number five all right this is number four reputation watch this must be secondary to pleasing god oh glory to god see reputation must be secondary to pleasing god now what do you mean by that now remember with the illustration i was talking to you about the airline bank episode see i didn't want to go into the bank in my casual clothes why because i'm concerned about my reputation i'm a pastor i have to have all my tithe everything like that i've got that's what i got to do so i gotta rush home god said go now but i got to rush home and go get my tie so i can please me oh but watch this i've got to understand god said now hallelujah see but if i was counting on my reputation i ain't going all right so you have to understand that when god says it then you have to be you have to be willing to do it now so when god said do it now because i'm in such a spiritual state of communion with him i'm ready okay no problem god said do it all right it's up to him now let's look at the next point i have to have a resting resolve void of anxiety i am not going to worry about it i am not i'm resting in this because my steps are come on you know what i'm saying my steps are being ordered by god see i learned that i learned to walk that way i learned to live that way in this restful resolve what's my resolve my resolve is to be at peace and please god oh i hope you're getting this children all right look at this next one number six i have the readiness to obey divine instruction now i'm going to get to that because i'm going to talk to you about this situation again but i have a readiness watch this to obey divine instructions i i listen i got i've got i got ready to say i found the bus i took the bus uh to the church everybody liked that you know the bus owner the bus owner here in houston allowed me to have the bus over the weekend took it to the church everybody looked at it everybody excited listen i paid nothing down didn't have to pay a down payment watch this and listen listen listen and so i'm sitting in the baker's office he's drawn up all of the papers i'm getting ready to sign and god says that's not the bus oh that's not the bus now i got a choice either i'm gonna follow god and push the papers away or i'm gonna trust my own reputation i don't want this man to think i'm crazy so i'm gonna sign it anyway oh no oh no i haven't learned i have learned i don't have a peace that's a stopping point so i said to him i say sir listen he because he saw me he saw me he saw me hesitate he said uh a pastor something wrong i said no no no i said listen i don't want you to think i'm flake or anything like that but i just got a witness from the lord that that's not the bus he said no problem see that see that see that see i'm i'm walking where god wants me to walk and he's got a he's got everybody in place so god must have something better see when you don't have that peace about it you don't step across that peace you let that peace guide you and i'm not in peace so i said i said sir i i i'm you know he said no pastor that's fine he said i want what you want he said you i want you to have a piece about this whole thing because the god had been over backwards you know i don't have an account there we don't have money to put in the account there i mean i mean this is this guy's and i'm but i'm gonna follow god i'm gonna follow god all right so hold on to it that's not the end of the story hold on to it hold on to it let's move on to this let's move on to the next point all right i have to rely on inspired responsive thoughts in the moment now what do i mean by that remember i just taught you in the past on proverbs 16 and 3 it says uh if i can rule my if i commit my way to the lord uh he'll cause my thoughts to become agreeable with his will and so shall my plans be established and succeed and that's what i gotta do and i'm gonna tell you about that what happened what happened was at that moment follow me i leave the bank i go back to church and i i'm waiting on god now because god said no but now i'm being led by him so i'm all right with not signing the thing i'm all right we're not signing for up the back of the bus that god said even though i like the bus i'm excited about the bus the people at the church they rode on the bus they excited about it but god said no but i'm okay i'm the problem i have made it myself come on no reputation so i'm fine i'm sitting there and the phone rings and i pick up the phone and there's this guy back in those days i'm the whole staff i'm the secretary i'm the secretary i'm the janitor i'm the bus driver i'm the sunder school teacher back then i'm everybody i'm the i'm the yard man i'm everybody all right watch this so listen i answered the phone and this guy says he was so-and-so from a bus company in buda texas who buddha who i ain't never heard of buddha texas and he said uh uh you know i met you at this some some exposition i was at and he said and you gave me your card well obvious i had to because he had my number and he said um listen i'm in buda texas and i said well where's that he says right outside of austin he says and i got a bus i got a i got a bus what this guy's calling me right after i have obeyed god and he calls me i got a bus it's a beautiful it's a six or six passenger bus he says i'll paint it for you and if you buy this one i'll give you another bus you better hear me child i'm talking when you're being guided by god my lord so i said well i tell you what i will take a plane to but i will call i would catch a plane to austin can you pick me up at the airport he says yes i'll pick you up and uh and i'll take you to the barnyard to the bus yard he did it was a beautiful bus much better than the one i was about to buy it less expensive than the one that i was about to sign the note on i'm telling you and he was giving me a bus almost comparable to the bus that i found in houston are you listening to me and so i called the banker from uh i called the banker from buda texas i called and said i said you won't believe this he said what i said i'm in buda texas he said buddha who i didn't move to texas i met a i'm at a i'm at a uh uh a bus company here and i got a bus and listen he's gonna paint the bus put our church name on it and all of that for less money and he's gonna give me another bus of 54 he's going to give me another bus i think his bus was a 54 passenger bus but it was a better bus and i said he said what he said put him on the phone they got to talking on the phone he told the man sight unseen i will give you drafting instructions he made the deal i'm telling you i learned how to rely on inspired responsive thoughts when the man called me i could have easily said well you know i already got a deal on the bus but no i understand how god leads me now let's look at some scriptural examples we're about to pray this thing y'all oh lord yes we have to the bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord that's what the bible tells though he falls and that means even when you miss it god says you don't want to be utterly cast down because he's going to keep you so that's why you don't be don't be afraid to make these steps don't be afraid to do this because scripture god is saying even if you miss it i'm gonna hold you i'm gonna catch you amen praise the lord so now we look in the bible you see the same type of guidance well i call it progressive guidance from the lord so i see it uh in david david was guided by the lord when he asked lord should it ziggler shall we pursue overtake and recover all god said yes but god didn't tell him how it was going to happen he had to by faith began the journey and then he ran into a slave that had been left on the side of the road by the enemy and the slave gave him intel on the situation again god guided israel from egypt to the promised land pill of cloud pill of fire the pill he did that step by step he guided nehemiah when nehemiah goes to rebuild the wall he gives him a step-by-step plan what i want you to understand is you got to be bold enough to trust god and take those steps and you got to cultivate the peace of anybody getting blessed out of this besides me you got to cultivate the peace of god in your heart you don't let anything bother that peace that's your compass that's your compass you don't let anything bother that watch this watch this he got it paul paul was told to go to macedonia he goes to macedonia to establish the church all he did is following god and then the of course you know he cast the devil out of the girl and then they told him in prison all of this being led by god but now he starts the church in the jailer's house glory to god step by step somebody need to document that philip was being guided by the god to meet the ethiopian i mean god told him to go a certain way he goes there and god arranges the rendezvous so let's evaluate this now class as we are about to wrap this up god's guidance is number one listen to me now it's universally offered through the scripture everybody can be guided by god because his word y'all know what i'm gonna say is a lamp under my feet and a light unto my path so the universal guidance of god is in here about how i should order my life i should order my steps but now there is the unique guidance then that's what i'm stressing with you tonight that is this unique guidance is offered through the spirit of god through the spirit of god you talking and communing with the spirit and following that peace that you had listen here's his here's the key years ago asked god how did i explain this to people he tell them remember the peace they had when they finally trusted me for salvation when they finally knew that when i die i'm going to heaven that is the reference for the peace that i'm talking about that thing that when you finally settle it god when you you may have said it you may have prayed the prayer of salvation years ago but you never will settle with but once that you once you got stuck with it that's the reference piece that he's talking about and so like this uh the bible says as it is written i have not seen no he heard me that entered the heart of man the things has got to prepare for them that love him hearts there watch this but god has revealed them things unto us by his spirit see i've been guided because the spirit of god knows the deep things of god but i'm going to be guided to them guided in the things by the spirit of god the spirit of god is this what gives me this peace on the inside or the troubling on the inside not to do something you follow me so you know because i'm getting ready to sign the note and i get this troubling it's not for me you got it all right so i get i've got to understand this the spirit of god the bible says he now is i love this last part of this it says now we've received not the spirit of the world by the spirit of god then we might know the things freely given to us of god so now let's wrap it up let's seek enlightenment through god's guidance what do you mean the believers who prayed for a guidance all through the bible david prayed that near my prayer the wise men prayed oh man so many people prayed so we are in our justifiable right as we pray for wisdom for your situation wisdom for your guidance i like that joyce she says that an uneasiness that's it that's that's that when you got that uneasiness it's best to wait until you get the peace and that's why if you you know let's say you're buying a car or something and they trying to rush you into it and this deal is only for the day and you don't have a piece about it let them go let it go i'm not doing it that's what you got to do i've done that so many people i'm not doing it not going to rush not going to rush all right watch this so here's what i'm gonna do the bible teaches me uh here's the believing prayerfulness for god's guidance this is it this is it i've got ten things to share with you and uh these gonna help you now you may have to come back and listen to this again and again and that's why we put everything out there on the screen you can have your own personal bible study later on this week all right here's the thing number one are the bible hebrews hebrews 10 35 cast now we're there for your confidence with that great representation of the lord you have need of patience that after you've done the will of god you might receive the promise all right so i gotta understand as i'm doing the way i can be doing the will of god and still it has not manifested but i'm gonna stay with the will of god stay walking in this thing until it fully manifests i don't want you to go away because i'm going to give you the testimony on how we bought that east campus and it was because we respected these same principles same principles god taught me back there in 1980 i'm gonna tell you i'll show you how we used it to get the east campus all right all right it says acknowledge the preeminence of god god yes god you're over all i'm trusting you i don't lean to my own understanding number two i must affirm to god my dependence on him for guidance what's that doing i'm i'm i'm going right back to the scripture god you said you would guide me you said you would teach me i'm affirming it i'm saying it out of my mouth number three align yourself with the scriptures governing your issue in other words whatever i am believing for if there are if there's scripture for it and it probably is then i'm going to saturate myself with that if it's only increased i'm going to saturate myself with prosperity if it's on you know a relationship i'm going to saturate myself with that all right i'm going to saturate myself with the word of god concerning my issue number four i'm about i'm already praying i'm gonna ask god for my next step my next step and respect the order of god i'm gonna ask god now god what do i need to do how do i get a sense of relationship god how do i get this relationship together how do i get it back on track or what do i need to do well bible teaches us if a relationship is off track it says first go to your brother i already got what i need to do i got already got it why the word of god has already given me the first step the natural order is first the natural order is first god i'm praying for a job well you're not you don't you can't be sleeping until two o'clock in the afternoon talking about you want to get a job the natural order is first so what you ought to do is watch this i'm going to follow the natural plan of getting the job believing god's going to order my steps are y'all getting this all right now number number four number number five allow the peace of god to be your confirming witness allow the peace of god to be your confirming witness i got a story i'm gonna tell now about uh a couple in our church i didn't get their names i didn't i know their names but i didn't get there i didn't get permission to use that name but anyway they were uh years ago they were thinking they weren't the person one one of the persons on our staff and years ago they were thinking about leaving the church because they were getting had a job offer in another city and so you know they came to me for advice and i told them list the pros and the cons about it and they list all the pros all the cons and the pros for leaving outnumbered staying but what you know what they said they said we don't have a piece of god about going they did not and and uh right i'm telling you stayed on staff and there's a real blessing to the kingdom of god and i'm telling you but they said okay we can see all this but we are not you know we're not leaning on our understanding why the peace of god is governing this in jesus name watch this now appropriate the grace for the difficult moments along the journey because it may get be difficult say they may throw some roadblocks he may do that i'm not listen the last thing the devil wants you to do is to learn these steps i'm giving you because oh my god it takes all of the stress out of how you will live for god and how you will learn from god from this day forward so he don't want you to get so he'll throw roadblocks but i'm going to appropriate the grace i'm going to obey obey god under pressure all right here's the next one i accept the wisdom of god along the journey because remember he teaches us that's the key that many times it may be a learning god may take you to one door but it's for you to learn something so that you'll be ready when the right door opens mm-hmm mm-hmm all right i'm gonna give you a testimony at the end so you can't you can you can't cut it off all right watch this now apply your faith without compromise get that apply my faith i'm not going to get out of faith i'm going to apply my faith as i'm being guided by god without compromise now what does that mean i'm gonna control my thoughts i'm gonna control my tongue i'm gonna control my temperament my attitude my temperament i'm gonna do that without fail all right here's the next one i gotta avoid strife oh lord jesus a draw and negative others who attempt to talk you out of faith i gotta avoid strife that's the pitfall the devil will put you in when he sees you in a winning position because mark chapter 11 uh verse 22 23 24 25 or 24 24 talks about the protocols of faith but 25 talks about what can ruin all of it and that's unforgiveness and strife and that's finally watch this applaud the workings of god even in small manifestations amen amen applaud he's working even when you got small manifestations isn't that amazing but i hope you got those points i i can't go back over them because i'll be out of my time but i'm going to leave it out here so you can go back and we go over it again these this is what god taught me so god spoken and said i want you to buy the east campus from uh for my lakewood church my god listen god i i that that that's not even on my plan and he said no and i heard god there were god so i called him up first we went to the grand opening and i found out it was beautiful the grand opening and we've always had a relationship with the old students always had a relationship with them and uh we sat down and talked with uh we well well uh we went to the opening and then i made a call and then you know their agent and came out to talk with us uh no we went to them to talk with them and uh to that place and boy we had worked everything out and then uh you know they made that agent now i'm not talking about the old stains so please don't miss come screw this please don't because like i said mother dodie joe i got and all of the other stink family most people don't know we have been close you know for a long time i learned a lot from them okay now watch this when brother john was alive so so uh they have that we made several they made several promises and then we wrote up the earnest money contract they reneged on it they didn't leave they left all that out and i said hold on no no no no this is not what you said this and i gave them the letter of that we had and that and of understanding they didn't put it out they just rewrote it and they still didn't put it in there and so i said we passed and my attorney said wait a minute but i thought you said god said dude i said yes god did tell me to buy it but god does not intend for me to violate principle in doing so i don't have a peace well i'm following the same principle god taught me years ago i'm following that same principle so i say i pass i pass and so it went on for several months uh what maybe a month or so and then um i had a call i got a call from from one of their persons and said listen from the agent really i'm telling the short version of this and uh he said uh the family said we needed to meet with you i said well really i you know you all pull the bait and switch on me you promised me one thing and then you didn't do it you didn't put it in writing so i'm telling you i've moved on no no no no the family said we need to meet with you and we need to make it right and so we met and i'll tell you and they put the key on the table and said that family said this is your building and you tell us what you want to pay for you tell us what you want to pay for and it's your building you can go into it right now we'll pay everything all expenses until you're closing i say well okay i got a piece about that i prayed about it and then god gave me a figure and i went guilt and that figure was much less than the original figure we was going to pay for my attorney said why don't you offer less i said no i heard what god said go away the gun and watch this and after i went back and told him i said do you need to talk to the family said no the family said whatever you said that's what it's going to be and they consider you to be a man of integrity and uprightness so the earnest money contract i know y'all they gonna believe is the earnest money contract for one dollar what one dollar that was the earnest one dollar all of that building oh because god had led me the right way to do it i'm telling you so i'm saying to you today when you learn how to be guided by the spirit of god i'm telling you listen and i gotta tell you the holstein family was happy that we had it uh that that that we could get it you know they said just want you to close on a certain date we were able to close on that date we kept our word with them we kept our word with them i'm telling you it's been an amazing thing because god wanted us to put love city there that's a whole nother story but god wanted us to put love city there that is why i don't care what anybody says we know our steps are being ordered concerning love city we know it amen you know some people say well how in the world y'all can have a building like that and let it sit because we're waiting on god [Laughter] no problem paying for it hey glory to god no problem doing anything why because i still i'm about to shout now our steps are being ordered by god i say to somebody tonight if you'll hear this man of god all of the stress strain and struggle is going to leave your life and you'll understand how to take step by step by step with god father let's pray y'all father in jesus name thank you for this word and we believe father our steps are ordered by you and father in the name of jesus father we just want to thank you you said that we should offer our prayers our supplication with thanksgiving so we are thanking you father for the promises you've already made in your word so we thank you for guidance in jesus name guidance and giving us revelation out of your word taking us to the right scriptures and taking us to the right voices in the kingdom to hear thank you lord for guidance concerning ministry matters i'm praying for those pastors i'm praying for those directors i'm praying for those leaders who are saying we need god to guide us guide you for our right building and guide you for the right yes the right yes lending institutions i'm thanking you lord that steps are ordered by you and we're praying god for guidance in restorations of relationships we're thanking you lord in advance you are god telling us what to do telling us who to call raising up the right intercessor raising up the right mediator in the name of jesus come on y'all praying with me on this tonight come on come on pray with me on this night lord we thank you for guidance in our careers did our steps are being ordered by you you're opening the right doors father i thank you you revealed to us our purpose and i thank you lord doors are opening in jesus name and so father we thank you in the name of jesus amen amen thank you in the name of jesus that our careers will blossom all because we are being guided by you in jesus name and lord i thank you you give up yeah yes yes yes lord i thank you when it's time to move and time to take the next step that your cause that that witness in our hearts to let us know in jesus name and lord we thank you that you guide us concerning health matters and lord i thank you you would give your people a peace about the vaccine and in the name of jesus the deception of the devil will not wipe a young generation out in jesus name and lord i thank you that you would get give guidance in jesus name to the right doctors and i thank you lord the right medication and everything in jesus name lord we thank you for guidance in financial matters and lord i thank you that you give plans for increase in the name of jesus father that you will lead us to the way uh the way and guide us to debt freedom in jesus name and lord that we'll be good stewards over what you put in our hands in jesus name and i thank you holy spirit stand up big in us in jesus name letting us when it's time to take a step when it's time to be still in jesus name thine is the kingdom all glory and the power and the glory forever and ever amen and a man and a man and a man amen amen i hope you got it tonight now listen i'm telling you many of you got to go back and go over those things but that's it that's it i'm trying to listen listen i can't i can teach a whole series on this thing and i might go back and do that amen i just don't want to keep you too long y'all know what time it is it's our friend i'm getting too loud in here it's offering time it's offering time i don't know what we're gonna name the seed tonight you know i always leave that up to you all but let's name this seed tonight i don't know y'all give me some names y'all know how we so you know how many of you are already getting rid of the so you come to so i ha some of y'all soon before we even go on the air but listen let's sow a seed tonight and uh uh it can be what a guidance seat god guide me seed a god guidance seed and we're not buying blessings from the lord we're doing this to honor god with as the source and sustainer of our lives so what we always do we always sow our seed get back online and encourage others to sow what are you gonna sow tonight you may sow a hundred dollar seed god i thank you for guide us in jesus name and you know i mean i purposely didn't go down that line because you that's in order when people needed guidance they did so see and so i'm thanking god uh for you that you're gonna be sensitive enough to understand that principle so watch this now so i'm thanking god for guidance and i thank you and so we're sowing a seed because i'm honoring him as the source and sustainer of my life i'm not buying a blessing but i'm doing that to honor him in all my ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path all right how much you're gonna sow i need those of you who can sow a hundred dollars tonight he said what am i sowing for where you're sewing to demonstrate watch this and you when you saw it you're sowing for the kingdom of attorney to advance the work of the work of god that's what it is what you sow it into my life with you so into the church bottom line it goes for the furtherance of the work of god you can use the cash app new life church cash app or you can sort in my life apostle uh i heal your cash out you can do that or you can use giblify all right let's put it up it is uh online uh but all the platforms come up there or you can do it new light at seven one seven one four four one new light church you can give it through givealife new light church in fellowship or paypal sale or whatever they'll mail it or drop it by the office amen and amen amen i see charlotte says she's on the scene or you know you can you what's the cash out you see it yeah uh somebody's asked for it uh see song double 52c for guidance uh 204 song darren okay praise the lord that's so i see it and encourages others all right let's so i say thank god for guidance it's a guidance seed sown amen call it my girl amen amen all right praise the lord let's do that let's show our seed and uh and then go back over this lesson amen go back over it's gonna stay out there go back over this lesson until you get those 10 points i gave you at the end and then be bold enough to take a step and watch god work i'm telling you i've used this in the small matter with the bus and i use it with the multi-million dollar purchase of the east campus same principle watch god work and i got to tell you if you learn how to do this your life totally changes because it's one thing for me to say i see people are sowing amen thank you all for sowing amen god my seed for the for the north this sunday this uh okay yeah all right uh god of seed song praise the lord juan and uh yes yeah amen yes praise the lord a hundred dollars somebody said hundred dollar seats on and amen praise the lord let's do that uh you can call it a wisdom seed if you want to my wisdom for is guidance but name your seed put your seed in the ground and the scripture declares oh i love it the scripture says class and god is able to make all grace abound toward you that you're always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work and that's what the kingdom says that favor is going to bound toward you and as you could see when i gave the testimonies in every situation we ran into the favor of god and that's what's on your life as you are being guided by the spirit of god establish that relationship understand that spirit of god is on the inside of you cultivate it talk to the holy spirit what do you mean touch the top yeah talk to the holy spirit acknowledge his presence and that peace all will be more and more recognized and then you're going to be able you're going to be amazed you will thank me for this lesson i'm telling you you will thank me for this lesson when i learn how to follow the witness of the holy spirit and he's gonna make you look so smart oh god he's gonna make you look so smart but you keep yourself in a way where you remain humble in jesus name now y'all know i just don't normally do this but i in my heart and my spirit and my spirit i hear the spirit of god that somebody who's supposed to sow a three hundred dollar seed it's in your heart already what i'm saying is just bearing witness with what's already in your heart what not that's not you that ain't talking to you but it's talking to somebody in their hearts as a three hundred dollar seed that disposal so god spoke it but then you're choking on it but don't do that come on obey god i see my new home will be a place of peace proclaim i agree with you sandy on that uh seed song for god guided stephen i agree with you on that amen all right there's somebody put my putting my cash up up there that's good he makes me look smart every day amen he really does because when people see what god has done in my life they try to give me credit i don't take that i throw everything right back to god i can throw it right back to him because uh he's the source and sustainer of my life here what is give life giblify is a uh is a uh a giving platform and um so uh dez if you could put that back up there i think um uh of course i'm not really all that sharp on that but uh i think it uh is it i don't know i don't know it's an app it's an app giveaway yeah uh but anyway uh why don't you google it and that sort of thing but it's the app i don't i don't i can say i ate all that sharp on it praise the lord all right amen amen all right have you been blessed tonight have you really been blessed tonight boy i couldn't hardly wait to share this with you all today see many times and see if see i love this setting because this is like me sitting down talking to you you follow me this is like me sitting down talking to you walking you through it because like i said many of you you have to go back and everybody saying seed song thank you thank you thank you thank you let's show our seed amen a lot of people saw in the 52 seed y'all know i love that amen and then and then that many of you said i don't have that much pastor what can i do don't ever be ashamed of the seed yourself never discount and discredit your seed what's a sacrifice to you may not be a sacrifice to somebody else god knows and i gotta tell you every time i see somebody selling maybe a seven dollar seed a five dollar seed twelve dollar seed i get just excited as i get when i see somebody showing 300 400 why because i know it's their sacrifice it's what they could do in the moment i got a son uh jonathan briggs in uh charleston south carolina when he learned the principle he used to sow five dollars with a money order five dollars with a money order because he didn't have a checking account when he got the principal press bless god today he sold way much more churches doing well i'm telling you don't don't discount your seed and i know some of you you know you sit there and really many of you you you are you you you get blessed every week you meet us every week here but you're kind of like a shoplifter because you never give come on don't let that be your don't that no no no don't do that come on you can do it good ground let's sew in you see all the people saying how they how they are sowing and so thank you so much amen and amen let me get out of here but hey put the screen back up there for women who win meets inner circle women who win meets in a circle uh and if you have not registered for that i want you to register i am believing for 100 registrations between now and tomorrow 100 registrations on our virtual platform and if you'll use the discount code uh yes use the discount code is that yeah mpm10 use that discount code and you'll get 10 off all right you can't i give god thank you nicole that's very good amen i need you i need y'all to register i'm looking to i'm really looking to see uh a whole lot more registrations on the virtual platform the virtual platform is going to really be amazing you won't be able to get everything i'm telling you unless you get the virtual platform i want you to get it many of you are bold enough to meet us in the house amen and so some of you already bought your bought your plane ticket but you haven't registered now what kind of sense that made come on get your plane ticket and register let us know because we are holding it we only have spaces for so many and when that's up it's going to be up because you know pastor is real strict with the with our guidelines our church is safe you follow me we've been having in-person worship worship for a while everything is safe nobody has caught covert from coming to our church that's not gonna happen so we're gonna have a wonderful time there's nothing like experiencing the anointing in the house so listen let me just say she's going to be in person so maybe maybe watch this maybe there may be a yeah yeah amen amen that's it dinos from my financial matters sandra i'm in agreement with you all right yes yes yes oh glory to god so let's do that this is going to be a great week for us like i said i'll be back the pastor has given me an assignment to and so i'm going to be doing all i can to motivate you to either be in the house or be in the virtual audience everything i can this week to make it happen praise the lord all right god bless hey i'm out of here uh it's been real good tonight boy i have enjoyed tonight amen now if you haven't sewn your seed do so i'm really looking for that person that's gonna sow that 300 seed just obey god come on tell them obey god obey god you say why do you push that because see if bridget hadn't pushed me one day i know i would have choked i would have missed god all right here's your link today your link today is the bounding grace through hearing and obeying god it's a freely even whether you whether you give or not i want you to go download that listen to that that's going to fine-tune uh your spirit it's going to fine-tune your spirit so that you will be able to recognize the voice of god and the ways that god will speak to you all scripture and i trust that you will turn aside just to start feeding yourself the word of god like this and you are you will be amazed see you're a believer you're supposed to have life at another level that's right you are supposed boy when i learned that years ago that i could have life at another level because that was kingdom principles that i had not operated in dr i closed with a story yesterday of a man walking on the railroad track and he comes he's walking on the railroad he's got his luggage and everything he walks along the railroad track and he meets a working crew well when he which make meeks a working crew they ask him and he says i got a right to be on this track i got the right to be on this track and they said calm down calm down come down and he pulled out his ticket well the foreman looked at his ticket and said wow man you got a first class ticket to be in the executive car and you're walking see he never read the ticket and that's where a lot of people are they never read the ticket and they're living far below what god has for them and my job is to help you read the ticket what ticket what this word says because you'll be amazed at how god will work in your life i'm out love y'all hey let's watch god work why you have to holla because i want to amen [Laughter] i'll see y'all later god bless
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 350
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8hSR8uTnUMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 40sec (4060 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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