Apostle's Converstion - Faith for Ministry & Marriage

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welcome to the apostles conversation you have just entered the riveting room of revelation with apostle iv hilliard and his special guests get ready for an electrifying exhilarating and empowering experience that will be life-changing this will be a candid conversation like none other and now presenting apostle iv hilliard [Music] rejoice and be glad in it welcome welcome to the apostles conversation for tonight and i'm already looking at some of y'all coming in the room and as i've always said come on in the room don't peep in the room you peep in the room when you're watching and you don't comment i want you to come on in the room let me know you're in the room for if if this is your first time let me know where you're watching from you know our conversations are different from our monday night's teaching uh but yet there's teaching in it and uh i have guests that's going to be with me tonight and tonight's guest gonna be great they're gonna be good uh so uh we're gonna get right into it we're gonna hey y'all like and share come on now y'all know what i got got to tell you like and share i'm looking at you there vaughn hello uh cheryl and joyce i see you tina i see you hey y'all like and share come on in the room hey bernard all right all right come on come on in the room our numbers are going to go through the roof tonight because tonight we're going to be dealing with faith uh as a lifestyle the faith of the lifestyle then it ought to be it ought to work for me and ministry it ought to work for me and marriage it ought to work for me in every area hey brandon it'll work for me and every uh you shouldn't holler like that come on now y'all know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do hey my guest tonight my guest tonight or of course the lovely the lovely uh pastor bridget she's my guest hello apostle hey young lady how you doing i'm awesome thank you for having me on and um i saw a couple of the uh people comment that they couldn't wait to see me on because they like when i'm on with you so thank you all for the support and the encouragement i'm excited about tonight it's gonna be great y'all know she tried to take over when when i have our own so no i'm not gonna take over i can't have all much because she'll be trying to steal my thunder oh my god that's i have to have to watch you know what are we not gonna do we're not gonna take over yeah and so uh yeah look at everybody say hi hi hi very vastly look at all y'all lord it's okay ain't no problem but then we have another couple that's going to be our guest tonight that i thought would be very very unique to have them on uh spiritual children we love them dearly and that is the mckissicks from jacksonville yes hey mom hey dad how y'all doing how are you all hello oh y'all see him accuse me of trying to take over his show i saw him i saw how sweet he talked to you too how are you young lady yes he should indeed he should i mean you know i've been with him for 46 years wow the stage yeah for 46 years and then after the show i'm going to take her out to to dinner and and uh if you're over here i would take you all out so since you all are not here with us i'm gonna send you a little something to take her out with to take yourself out so y'all sweetie you hear what he's doing here how he's talking okay well you know tonight you know whether the the thing i wanted to get into tonight and i thought you all would be great to talk about is that how faith is not just something you use when you go to church but faith is something that it's a lifestyle so in that it's a lifestyle it should span to every area of your life absolutely we've had great success in faith because we have worked together in faith and what i want us the message i want to send tonight to everybody is the message of okay you know work together in faith as a family work together in faith as a couple because the same the same mechanics of faith that you use in ministry you're going to actually use them in building a home building the family and that sort of thing so that's what i really want to do and then of course um you know the teaching that i just did on faith is it's just exploding it's it the belief seminar uh the faith somehow somehow it is just exploding uh i'm getting so many responses every day from people saying how it revolutionized their lives and you know i didn't get through i didn't fit in i didn't finish i just ran out of i ran out of time i didn't run out of informational inspiration at our time so i'm gonna piggyback that and tie that in to uh the upcoming strategist conference and i know that's gonna be great yeah okay you know for us that's so true because we've only been working in ministry together what made maybe the last three or four years three years correct but next year we would we will be married 30 years uh it has taken faith in our marriage which is our first ministry before we got into this ministry and i think it is because we have exercised this faith in our marriage that it now overflows into our second ministry because for us ministry is our first marriage got you no no that's that's i i agree with that you know a lot of people think because we are ministers pastors apostles that we don't have the regular issues family issues that they have that we have to use our faith for absolutely they really they really think because they see us and we you know they say we make it look so easy and and i think i think uh i think a lot of times that they they put us on pedestals um and we praise god for the respect but i think they minimize the results they can get if they would not work if they would just you know because they won't work together in faith that's what i guess i want to say hey everybody need to share this that's what everybody need to share because because what we are about to what we're about to do and and say is it's like it's going to be breakthrough it's going to be breakthroughs for people through breakthrough so i think a lot of times uh people think when you're in ministry that you um you know you escape all of the regular things that married couples have to deal with which is what you basically just said but of course we've got we have to use our faith for things just like everybody else you know not just in our relationship but we have to use our faith for the things we want to have in our relationships the dreams we have the visions we have for our marriage and our relationship we have to use our faith for those as well you know i tell everybody how empower important the labor day weekend it was for us because 37 years ago we made the bold step we stepped out uh and and dreamed to do something that had not been done right and we did not have anybody anybody uh that was uh that agreed with us anybody that said it would work and they said the church would fail in 30 days but because we understood how to exercise agreement with each other you follow me and stand in faith together you know results have been amazing and i know many times they're couples they want things but until they learn how to pull together in faith they don't see the supernatural that they could see and i think that's one thing as couples they don't feel that they have to pull together in faith for everything but that's when the devil comes in right pull together in everything in all things and so when you're talking about in partnership that's really what it is and everything we've got to stand in faith together i can't be on one level and my husband on another level we've got to be together in faith so we can believe in what in the breakthrough that's going to come yeah dad let me ask you and mom a question because back then were there couples uh you one of the things you talk often about are mentors how you have to have mentors in the faith what before us of course it's been our parents you know uh uh kim and her baby how long were your mom and dad married before he before he went to glory it was 26 years my parents will be married 60 years next year wow and then when it came to ministry you all became our mentors for ministry partnership did you all have mentors because of the shift that you all were taking ministry-wise and if not how important was your faith in your marriage to stick together during that season that's good that's a good question um mentors yes in 84. we didn't meet we didn't even meet uh apostle price until what had been 83 latter part of 83 bridge well you actually met him before i did you met him in 83 and then i i didn't meet them until 85. okay okay okay so but you know we had gone and and and most people don't know this uh but we had gone to uh lakewood and had watched the old stings yes and had met them up close most people don't know that they uh and and i would say in a sense for as the new direction we were taking they were model mentors to us absolutely uh but john was was was very open would sit down and talk with me and that sort of thing and and and and that and that's really the model that we had we saw them work together in ministry before we saw dr bryce and and dr betty work together right in fact we started modeling it and and uh we saw we saw others across the country began to model uh husband and wife working together in ministry something so funny [Laughter] uh um yeah something's some some uh we uh i think uh when we first started out we put our picture together on the billboard and uh a pastor called and said have you heard about the pastor putting him him and his wife on the billboard and i thought we were supposed to be lifting up jesus and they lifted up themselves they're calling me and he's calling me he just heard about it he didn't know who he was but he called me to complain about it well bishop what apostle what did you say what did you say he said i said uh well after i let him go on and you know we supposed to be lifting up jesus and he got his wife up there it's on with i said well you know who that is don't you he said no who i say it's me what oh hey i said no they don't all hear that i said see that's how messy is um because you don't even know who it is right you come talking to me about it i said now what's wrong i said now let's talk about the billboard i said uh uh when the the news media they've got their anchors on the billboard i said nobody throws the rocks at them i said when there's a movie coming out they put you know the stars up there nobody throws a rock at them but i did that and now i i'm sure my wife is my partner you're gonna throw a rock at it i said but you know you just keep watching you just keep watching but that was so funny uh that when we started and we started working together and i believe it's so important that a lot of people break out of the mold of not working together you know uh and we start working together and we start seeing amazing results amazing results and and and uh we were helping each other grow in faith right because you know controlling your mouth is the key thing one of the key things and uh i see the shaq said well hey hey sister maryland uh i shocked for you know that's our children there you know uh and i shouldn't holla at them because i got the holiday everybody [Music] in agreement and saying no no no you don't say don't say it because we wanted to bring ourselves to the place where we would believe everything we said would come to pass wow now that's the key see it's you have to get to the point where you believe what you say wow from the past and so it's not just mimicking something but you discipline yourself to the point where you really believe what you say come to pass it is then that you have what you say right so yes saying it it's believing in what you're saying come to practice also can you dive more into that talk about the language that we should be talking to one another so we come into this agreement and be in faith what's the language that couples ought to have that's good so you know apostle i can jump in on that because i remember i remember so well how when we first started in in the faith uh and helping each other in faith one of the things that we use apostle would say all the time was i can't afford that i can't afford that so so we had to redirect our thoughts and say it in a different way and by by us getting into the word of god and finding out god supplies all of our needs so we started saying it's not wisdom at this time and so that was the way that we changed the approach of us saying uh that i can't afford it it's not wisdom at this time i like that yeah that that was that was it and and that that's how we we're able to help each other yeah and i think you're saying that it's so powerful uh because if if i really believe our faith together is going to make something happen right that means i've got to respect my mate as my partner in faith yes so if i'm going to respect my mate as my partner in faith then there's there's there's some things i'm going to pull the rug from the depth pull the rug out from the devil he ain't going to make me get in and we get angry with my spouse and then throw away my faith right wow because in anger i'm gonna i'll try to say something to hurt my mate on a faith project that we're believing for for instance let's say we believe him for a house and let's say uh uh the uh the the the mail is the driving force for the new house we're gonna get it out and but now when they get in the argument then she said i don't care if we never get a house right i ain't getting that in faith and now you throw it away don't do that so when you talk about the language what that what lady b just said and what i'm saying is that um we gotta reach the place where this mouth makes our world right and and when that happens and you know how it works man it's it's it sets a whole nother atmosphere in the home you know damn i think for many men let me speak personally for years i was the minister kim was the believer and that may sound shocking to a lot of people i was the minister but she was the believer and she would always challenge me by saying to me where is your faith and and my pride would always get in the way that my wife had the nerve to check and challenge me when i'm the preacher and i'm the man and it wasn't until i knew i had to get on the level of her faith coming in agreement with her and i think many men sometimes don't understand the partnership and the spirit of pride gets in the way and we don't allow our wives to minister to us in faith to bring us up sometime to their level and it can be vice versa as well but for me that was the challenge that i'm the minister don't don't tell me where is my faith i'm supposed to be leading you who you think you are leading me and that's the beauty of partnership you you and i think a lot of times when we shift our mindset that it's not a matter of a person trying to lead one or the other that us getting on one accord and being in agreement with each other yes and it calls for that person to humble themselves to see that the person is not putting me down it's basically us walking out our faith process wow you know lady b and i would would go together we would go to uh uh places to hear the word of god we used to follow dr price all over the country and we would go to crenshaw uh we would go as i said to lakewood we would go together because we would both hear it differently and then we would cause back then everybody took notes i don't know folks taking notes now are they texting people when they're on these well you smell like my but in those days you know you had your paper bible out and you know you take in your notes and then we get back together and compare notes wow you followed me because she'd hear one thing i'd hear another but then together we would we would move uh and then of course we began to teach our children how to live by faith yes and not just go to church but how to live by faith and in this season i'm looking at folk just going to church wow and not knowing how to live by faith now i know that that's probably because that's my assignment wow he spoke how to live by faith so i see what others don't see i see a lot of folks in church making a lot of noise but not getting a lot of faith results wow wow and and there's just satisfaction with i'm going to church wow but the point is are you making application so you can improve your situation and and that is you know the strategist conference is coming up in october and i'm looking for the strategist conference to be better and bigger than even the um revolutionary faith conference oh absolutely uh because i'm gonna teach basically a part two on that but i'm looking for that and i'm looking for couples even though now i know my preachers are coming and preachers the registration is up you can go on and register yeah yeah yeah it's up and it's ready it's called retooling for revival wow but but you know i call it a collaboration because we get an idea here an idea from here and i know god doesn't give it to one person so years ago god told me to call it a collaboration but now watch this because i want them to come thirsty because when i do that apostles institute you know apostles institute god moves in that thing god moves in that thing and i'm thinking i want to see couples come together people coming and here to hear from god like never before in an area of how do i apply faith so that i move to new levels in my life i need to take new territory yeah yeah and i think it's for for couples i just heard the lord say when you i saw that flyer dad mom that there are some couples who need revival in their marriage yes because they've gotten satisfied with where they are not realizing god has much more just yesterday i said to kim and i meant it i said to her girl we're supposed to be multi-millionaires by now and it's on the way and let's but that had nothing to do with ministry that had everything to do with our marriage and i believe there are couples who need a revival in their marriage not that their marriage has gone bad or sour but they've just gotten satisfied where they are thinking because it's good when god is the lord of abundance and apostle teaches us faith so that we can believe in believing and know that marriages get greater and they go higher and uh strategies mom and dad i was looking earlier this is how important for everybody watching you can't see all the way back to 2016 are my notes from strategies wow in one place all the way back to 2016 and i refer to them all the time so every couple that is listening and every person that is listening you can get a reservoir and it will ignite your faith for your marriage for your ministry and for yourself when you come to strategies well you know i have watched how pastors have gone back invigorated you know you know on fire yes and um and boy i mean i was saying you know i was looking i said why can't couples do that same thing yes like why couples can't do that same thing now i know you know you know i got my single people out there don't leave us out no no no nobody's leaving you out no no no no and and to that marriage person whose husband or whose wife don't want to come you need to invest your invest in yourself and at this and boy when you just said that i wrote it down i wrote it down i wrote it down revi revival in there they need to re-two for revival in their marriage yes and i gotta tell you that is powerful yeah i see the edmonton's are out there and they say yes we speak revival coming from marriages and believers and the washington say that they'll be there and so we're excited it's going to be awesome attack on marriages and so we want to make sure that the revival goes on at uh as strategies this year as we retool yes so we can build our faith to be believers for breakthrough yes most definitely you know we have and most people don't know they they look at lady bmi they have no idea of faith fights that we have i'm not talking about us fighting each other no but faith fights together and uh in other words we know how to put our faith together to overcome yes and after you get into the swing of it so to speak i mean it's just amazing you follow me it is amazing what begins to happen but i'm getting ready to speak to somebody now because see we had to use our faith in back there in the in the beginning we had to use our faith to keep our marriage right we didn't know nothing about marriage man we just got married you know you don't know mother there's no manual you just get you know nobody nobody takes you we just got married and we loved each other but didn't like each other and uh you know um you know uh it was just it was hard it was tough talk about that some more bishop because that happened oh i mean that's that's the reality of it yeah i tell everybody you get married you get married but you that the one you live with ain't the one you caught it right right seeing a whole nother side of folk right yeah because you know marriage is two imperfect people coming together that become one and so you've got imperfections on both sides that have to have to jail and have to learn how to live with each other yeah but you don't see your imperfections all you do is focus on the imperfection of a person oh absolutely and uh and so you know the lord lord had to talk to me yeah tell me he said no no no son you got to use your ma you got to use your faith on your relationship and um because uh you know we had cut up so much and then bridgette left and and um in those days it was it was tough y'all see him a little raggedy building oh man a little raggedy building i mean i have no members and i'm i'm living by faith um bridget don't understand at first she don't understand um how folks don't understand my folk that's little church that's my church and i'm a full-time pastor i do not look like a successful person everybody say he lazy they was throwing rock all kind of persecution our pastor gets up on a sunday morning and tells everybody i'm off and i got bridget caught up in this mess with my mama sitting there her mother and father sitting there i mean everything is trying to pull this relationship apart you got it and so i don't remember what the blowout blow up was but then bridget did leave and uh she left and i got mad don't believe in me because you know back then they called me wonder boy preacher you understand when i was a boy growing up you don't leave wonder boy you don't leave wonder boy because see we knew how to front it we knew how to front before folk so don't look like you got problems hmm but now she leave it's out mm-hmm if it's out now and now i'm mad i'm mad you don't leave wonder boy well okay you only won the boy that's all right wonderboy's gonna get him another wife ah you got it i was still good looking i can still pull it i can say shoes wonderboy i'm giving him another one and then this time i'm gonna give me a wife that can help me i'm getting a wife that can sing wife that can play the piano or something well how did that work out for you where the lord interrupted me and he told me no son you go get your wife and i can hear god i heard him you go get your wife and he said even if you have to beg her back oh no no no no not bad i can't go there i can't go i can't go i can't go to the bed i can't beg for that song too proud to be yeah you came back i can't do that that's breaking the man law i can't bear it can't be well i would i would have loved to have seen that uh so i i uh i i made in a i i i told okay i need to take your lunch because she got her little job and everything and her mama and daddy ready to pay for divorce pay for her lawyer my mama let me handle money my mama didn't like her no way oh god my mother at that time didn't like bridgette no way because she did he thought bridget was a hindrance to me getting my college education that's all she wanted was me to get a college education and she figured that bridget was a hindrance now so you know so they pulling on one side her folks pulling on the other side god telling me go get your wife okay all right i set up an appointment we had a lunch at a chinese restaurant yeah yeah you know it had to be god because i don't even know chinese food and watch this and so there i talked to i cried tears run down my face jesus right here made it under my chin formed a pool of tears on the table oh sir oh god they're getting my girl to come back with me we are not our own we can't do what we want to do we don't belong to each other we belong to god that's right we're going to glorify god there's some things we got to put behind us things we've got to learn but we've got to do this thing together i'm about to shout up in here right now i'm about to shout in here right now and we used our faith to turn that relationship around and here we are going on what 47 years 46 46 years 46 years eight minutes is it 46. that's 47. it's 47. yeah we already been married 46. but you know apostle this is so good because you said early on people see us on the stage and think that we don't have the same struggles they i mean because we have a similar testimony i mean in the first 10 years or so of our marriage i sacrificed my marriage on the altar of selfishness it was about me and i was so in love with me that i wasn't even in love with the lord which means i couldn't really love my wife and and we we were splitting no we declared we didn't love each other anymore we went to one therapy session and kim said i ain't doing this no more i don't need therapy i don't want to be in this marriage and deservedly so and i i remember we met at applebee's she brought a stack of apartments she had gone to look at she was moving out and i heard god say to me say nothing and let me handle this and it was then and i think this is important i made a choice to change because even though i know it was the will of god for us to be married you teach us the will of god is not automatic i had to start making different choices and because i made choices to change got in faith fell in love with the lord fell in love with my wife and now 30 years later our marriage is better than ever i wanted to travel with me she wouldn't go with me last night but that's a whole other story i wanted to go everywhere with me i want to be i don't like being without her and i think that that's a revival of marriage and somebody's listening a pastor and a wife are listening and their marriage is not what the front says it is and they need to be in faith that god can turn it around make it what god intended it to be if you make the choice to change right right and even though you know we have the uh family conference even though the strategy is is not a family conference it does teach how to work together in ministry yes and it's worth the investment and i keep talking about the investment i mean i think we lowered the uh we lowered the registration from what were from what it was last year and it's going to be hybrid both in person as well as those who will be able to just watch it virtually but i'm really pushing for folk to be in the house i really am i'm really pushing for people to be in the house and and i don't really i really don't want my single people to feel left out yeah we got more calm we got more conversations that we're going to have but right now we're just focusing on and i really uh have seen it that husband and wives who come to strategies learn how to flow together and then ministry absolutely learn how to flow together in ministry you're going to say something say bridge you know one of the things that you teach in believing and believing is the exposure and so when they're exposed to see something different uh in ministry seeing us work together in ministry then it gives them hope that they can work together in ministry and also it gives them hope that you know if things are not perfect they can they can be transformed right and and when when the pastor sees unless they pastor let's see when that male sees that his partner is more than an appendage wow more than it's powerful and that the bible says we are heirs together yes the grace of life yes sir we are heirs together that means the prosperity check requires two signatures right yeah god have mercy one person can't cancel it but can't can't cash your check by themselves and you realize that you understand i got to make a change because i i got one signature but i don't control it this this inheritance that i have requires two signatures now let me give it make it real practical when we were when we were moving from jensen from the jensen building to the crown park building god told me in genester uh can you y'all have because jefferson building uh could you put it up there if you could because in the jensen building i almost stopped i thought i'd made it but god told me then okay no no no son got much more and then that's when we begin to tell not have the multiple locations and that sort of thing and we first played the bridge and now we rode in the north we rode in the south i didn't get a witness at all and we passed this uh warehouse complex and bridgette said the lord said that's the place i said girl ain't nobody gonna come to church in no warehouse he said ira the lord said that's the place now she knew not to try to cram it down my throat because she's not she gonna let the lord talk to me and the lord did lord spoke to him and said now that is the place i say okay god now now now watch this now she had it first it minimized that it she had it first you got it because she's my partner now so now now move okay what's the next move the next move now is to go so we go together in faith and we have no money we have no money but god says it's time but see it didn't bother her that we didn't have any money it didn't bother me that i'd had no money we heard from god you got it got it she heard god i heard the echo ah but that's okay sir so we go that together in faith the man tells me it's gonna take a quarter of a million dollars for him to remodel the space he asked for first month last month and uh uh uh uh deposit i don't know what it came out to be what twenty five thousand dollars on something like that bridge i think it was like twenty five thousand i told her right to check she wrote the check i hold one end of the check the other man the man the landlord robert birchfield he got the other end and i tell him sir this check is no good because you go as far as favor and integrity will take you jesus and at that point i explained to him i'll try to make it good in this many days if i can't i'll call you and tell you to hold on to it i'll make it good and so many other days if that won't work i gave him three dates this man got to spend a quarter million dollars to get me in this place and i got a hot check um but the favor of god was there why because we were in agreement who am i talking to tonight jesus who am i talking to tonight jesus because we were in agreement we saw the favor of god the man says you got a deal preacher took the check started to work on the building right away and the rest is history got it but the whole point is that's how that partnership worked together that's how you work it together and so i'm saying i i know there are there are people who are watching who are in business um you know they they're entrepreneurs but they're not together see they're not they're not believing together wow he may have his business she got her business but they're not believing together they're not sowing together they're not confessing together they're not standing together you follow me and so and me oh i'm hearing it and they many they're in competition with each other and at heart believing the other business won't succeed so they can say i told you so that's it you know i don't go yeah yeah yeah but that's a professor i read somebody's mail right there you had somebody's name so dad talk to us about you just said this how do you learn to trust the voice of faith in your partner so good that's a good question that's a great question you know i have got stuff everything yes uh i'm i'm over a guy's house one day and uh we're talking the outside of his house and all sudden he stops starts looking word a word look on his face i said what's the matter he says i hear my son corey crying hmm oh then we look down the street and there uh was cory come here falling off his bike bursting his lips he's bloody and he's looking toward us and i'm going wow and then the lord said use that as a teaching moment he says the reason he heard it and you didn't was because that's not the first time he heard his son cry huh oh my goodness can i drop the mic can i drop the mic i think you did i am in tuned with the holy ghost and i'm hearing the voice of god through his word you follow me then when i hear his voice through a vessel i'm okay with it let's go wow see the whole reason i just wrote down uh retooling for revival in marriage is because that was from god you just use you as the vessel to speak it through but that's a god thing yes i'm telling you i'm about to build a whole nother promotion for the strategist just on that wow you got it wow but that ain't the first time i've heard god speak yes you follow me yeah and so when i'm in that's why i'm standing that word together i'm talking to somebody standing that word together getting that word together growing together in faith follow me dreaming together in faith rejoicing together that is there is no substitute for that and then when my mate has a word but i remember boy i didn't i you know you know lady b is you know is is just a jewel she's just really a jew and um i was and i was believing for my roles and boy i got so much persecution and man i tell you i just say well forget it i don't want the road i just i do i just you know and that's i'm young in faith back then you understand don't throw a rock at me out so why were you preaching richard i was in this i was preaching somewhere uh south carolina i think so uh she was preaching there and uh while she's preaching i heard god speak to me through her that you don't throw away your dream because of persecution you got it and and and that i was i was i was uh i was engineered to handle the persecution that was going to come when i got the rules wow and i got back in faith for the roles and i don't know how many couple of months people got together and gave me one wow [Music] now can i ask mom i want to ask you and and kim how do you develop the confidence as a partner to speak knowing that your partner trusts your voice i think the same as almost the same answers dad gave when you when they know that you're dependent on the holy spirit and they know that you're that you're you're speaking to them is not to get them off track but to get them on track i think that that's the that's the um because you're not speaking necessarily from your own personal flesh but you're speaking it from the holy spirit and they can trust you because you your words have come to pass before yeah you said has happened before wow and we are one and so it's for the betterment of the partnership right so when you when you love someone and it's for the betterment of the partnership you will speak up right you know that's the will of the lord and so to me is detriment when i don't speak up right we do we do them i do the marriage i do the relationship i do the partnership harm when i don't speak up right i don't say anything and so i i think there needs to be more of that not in an antagonistic way not to cause a disagreement but this is hey this is where we are and i want to bring this to you being transparent and open right you know i i i believe can i say this you didn't ask the question but i i want to piggyback on that i trust the spirit of god the fear of god that's in my wife yeah ah i like that that okay she's not going to say god said to manipulate me right yes i believe she got too much god in her yes yes shenanigans like that right and in the same way i don't do it either my kids have grown up and tell you if dad say god said he said it uh because i don't use that as leverage to get my way right right now in the same light i think people need to trust their pastors in this way that's good that's what the pastor says the lord said i gotta have enough respect for my pastor's fear of the god that's got it and respect for god that that pastor is not going to use that as leverage for me liberate me because and i think the day i the day i lose that is the day i really need to find another voice or i need my own heart wow you know i you know i've had the situations where i've told people i've called you know if the i think were you on here when when we were i had uh jamal uh uh dr jamal on here and he's talked about when he first met me that i walked up to him and said young man this is what god said and it really challenged him you got it and uh and i don't do that unless the lord said so yeah but uh you know i've talked to people and said listen this is what the lord said to me and uh i remember one kid and i called him kids because you know after i'm 69 i'm called and i told him not to have a certain meeting at his church it was he was dealing with multi-level stuff and gotten all off base and i said young man don't do that i said what told me to tell you wow oh no no i got this dad i got this together and i said son listen listen listen when have i ever just called you out of the clear blue just said the lord told me not to tell you well he had the meeting anyway he did not know the feds the federal authorities was watching this particular multi-level scheme and they came in and arrested him he was on the 10 o'clock news in handcuffs it totally destroyed his ministry because he did not trust the fear i have of god i would just call him and tell him you know the lord said so you know i think that when i respect what a say i got to respect you got enough fear of god in you right and you say the lord said that you really believe it got it now if you miss it okay i can i can appreciate that you really believe the lord said that you weren't trying to manipulate right right right because i told one pastor the other day everything the lord tells you you ain't supposed to tell everybody right yeah you ponder some stuff in your heart ponding in your heart and god is maybe raising you up as an intercessor yeah so you don't have to come and tell everybody everything god's told you about a situation some things god just want you to pray about so he'll have a justifiable reason to get involved right hallelujah if i piggyback like you did kim's the same way if kim comes to me and says the lord said to me i i believe it because i have been an eyewitness to her devotion to god and because i've been an eyewitness to her prayer life and eyewitness to her love for the word of god it it it's it's a terrible partnership when you've never witnessed your partner's relationship with god right right because i have witnessed kim's at 4 30 in the morning i'll wake up sometime and she's in prayer and because i have witnessed her devotion to god and god's word i know when she says to me the lord said this i know it's because i've seen her intimate interaction with god amen amen you gonna say something bridge no i just said amen well you know i've i stated that we all marriages become strong when we are willing to give others the overflow of our relationship with god right that's good and that's that's it in a nutshell that my mate is to get the overflow of my relationship with god and if that is the case then even when my mate is not lovely it doesn't change my behavior because i'm not loving them because of their behavior i'm loving them because i've got a charge from god and they are going to get the overflow of my relationship with god and god will perfect all that concerns me absolutely amen now can i ask you all the one thing we haven't talked about is faith for your children all of your children are are there in ministry our children are now jocelyn is full-time at the church now josh works at the church janae is in grad school but now she's working in her church there and and being in faith and in agreement for your children and the things your children have to deal with amen amen well i think you know we we got revelation on on that years ago and we began to speak the word over them back then and then we would not get off of that word when they acted crazy you follow me right uh because remember i'm gonna make it with my mouth right so the devil works to try to change my confession over my children got it and that's the difficult part because you get to the point where you want to tell them off absolutely you got it but but when you understand the power of your words you got to be able to say it in such a way because once you have said i but once you have established in your heart i believe what i say comes to pass you become another creature so now you can't just say crazy things um you can't because you believe what you say come to pass so you can't say you stupid fool you can't do that right got it you you have to be in discipline you know dr eyes now pastor church but man doctor i said i can't wait to get out your house i'm gonna go i'm going to school i'm going to be a i'm going to be a i'm going to be a a i'm going to work for mother and the i want with a little sass itself you understand i ain't bite debate i invite that i've already spoke we got it already spoken and so that is the thing you have to protect them from the persecution of others because they are favored you got it and uh i see a lot of pastors who don't protect their children from the persecution of others because they're favored they try to make them they almost penalize them and no man you know you can't do that it is your role because god god moves in families yes you got it jesus jesus's brother passes the first church yes moses and aaron and miriam family family god uses family so you don't have to worry about all the world says this nepotism that's that word i ain't got no anger i can't deal with that i ain't trying to i'm not going to let you outside of the body of christ tell me in the body of christ what to do yes so i ain't going to let you do that so yeah so in using my faith they have to see me demonstrate faith they got to walk they ought to become more is caught than talk yes sir watch us walk it out yeah got it and then we have to intentionally speak the word of god over them lady b can talk about how she pray for yeah absolutely and and the thing of it is is when you believe that the seed of the righteous is delivered the seed of the righteous is delivered so and that's what you've got to stand on yeah wow well this has been good i hope listen i don't want anybody to leave now desk i want you to run the general commercial you run the general yes run that general commercial uh spot and uh and uh it's gonna be and then then we're gonna start wrapping everything up but this has been real good my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church must not be left behind and must retool for revival and to flourish in the coming days now for the past 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in ministry to be excellent and effective now this year the strategist conference october 18th 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in the virtual audience now the three powerful days of retooling for revival with workshops and times of intense ministry and dialogue interaction music spiritual motivation that would be like novella now i sincerely believe that god has a retooling faith strategy for your ministry that will enhance your staff and your church cause it to have greater productivity now i've made the registration costs most affordable and you and your staff have a choice to either be here in houston and experience it in person or be in the virtual audience now go to strategy on screen strategiesnoc.com for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to strategiesnlc.com hi and i want you to be with us it's time to re-two for about wow awesome we're ready we're ready i'm excited yeah that's going to be amazing well you know we're going to be pushing it for the next several weeks uh because early registration ends at the end of this month and at the end of this month and i want people to go on and get registered i want to see a lot of people in the physical audience and i've seen a lot of pastors said okay they want to be here but i'm making that appeal for my lay people and the registration for general registration i think early general registration is only 40 dollars and that's for three days wow all my partners that's for three days wow hey of course and then i think registration for uh wow ifo ministry is i think it's a fifth it's 150 but that's what it was last year back that's what it was last year and we kind of kept everything real good real you know kept it economically uh uh feasible so people could be a part of this but i believe this is going to be like none other yes because of how we're going to look at this we talk about retooling by retooling your mind first of all i cannot go into new seasons with an old mindset so uh i believe the lord's gonna speak to us concerning that and uh i just wanna thank y'all for being a part of tonight uh it's always good to have you here we've had real good people a real good good responses uh from uh our people who've been watching uh so uh you know uh uh bishop rudy we we've you and i have done it before but tonight's inviting our wives to be a part and i think it has been good for having us it was great i enjoyed it i was honored to be on here tonight and i i just want to say i think the investment is worth it uh after the conversation tonight you all can see you are sowing on good ground um to come to this retooling for revival so your investment you we invest in what we expect and so when you invest in something that means you're putting your money on the line you're putting your faith on the line so we need you all to believe for believing and come to the return for revival conference it'll bless your life it'll change your outlook but it'll also upload your faith that girl got the holy ghost [Laughter] yes it's it's gonna be good i'm excited you know normally we receive an offering but uh tonight that's what i want y'all to do instead of you know if you have not invested in believe in believing that series of lit lessons yeah i want you to go to bkihbh and i want you to download it you know i there's a pastor who was entering a building program and lord told me to sow it into his life and i did and boy he called me back after listening at the first couple lessons and uh he just was uh my first lesson at first but first lesson he was just totally amazed and just said how it really helped him so if you're not invested in that i think it's only 30 thirty dollars uh and uh go and invest in that tonight and if you say well you know i already have it uh but let me be a blessing to somebody else and i would just want you to just sow a seed tonight you saw us eat tonight and uh you know because you know as the lord leads i just bless people with this word because this word will revolutionize your thinking revolutionize your life and you will get amazing results so if you have not done so please do so if you are in business of any kind whether it's a you know whether it's your hair stylist or whether your sales person you need to get this because it is understanding how to tap the dynamics of the kingdom of god through believing that it's going to make the difference that is going to make the difference all right it's been good dad and all those principles are portable in every area so you're gonna have revival for your mind your ministry and your marriage amen amen amen and amen thank you once again for being a part of this tonight and uh i think we'll have one i think i'm i think i'm gonna almost have one almost every every friday uh up until the conference and then the week before the conference i got a countdown wow i think count now gonna be i don't know what countdown i just heard countdown and uh so when i was putting together promo plan i i got it but i don't really know what's going to make up countdown but uh but a countdown is going to be good it's going to be great i want you to participate so please uh i want you to go out and and uh and and register for uh the conference i'll be pushing it more and more and that's all for tonight so uh lady b if you ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready so uh we we're gonna we're gonna send the mckissicks a little something so they can go out and eat tonight but uh we're gonna go and uh it would be good listen to me now for you all who are watching to become rope holders what's a rope holder a roll is a person who chooses to bless somebody else yes you've watched this it's been a blessing to you why don't you tell somebody else they can go back out on facebook and watch it and uh it will probably it will possibly probably if it has the great potential of strengthening their relationship let's hear the testimonies that we have given tonight and the transparency that we have exhibited tonight it'll be a blessing so they may not have watched it live but tell them go out there and see it and uh let's be world holders for others all right we're through i want to thank our producer for uh for uh being uh for really helping us now as we close out i want you to play the uh the one for the pastors and pastors get ready pastors uh check your emails because i'm sending you uh some information on how you can take advantage of early registration and i want you to do it right away so she's gonna close out with that one but i see everybody on i think sunday evening i have the maxim i have the uh uh intentional man yeah intentional manhood and i'm gonna be teaching on a man and his spiritual maintenance how to maintain yourself spiritually three basic things you have to do to keep your spiritual strength up and so i'll be teaching on that on sunday evening at six and then uh monday night monday night maximize prayer moment all right god bless bless you love you bless you love you all all right the apostles amen all right there's close us out with that final one well hello this is apostle i trust all is well my my my times have changed and everyone has to make adjustments to be successful it's happening in every area it's happening in business in education and industry everyone is retooling to remain on the cutting edge now we the church we must not be left behind and therefore we must retrieve for revival and to flourish in the coming days for the past 25 years i've hosted 25 years i've hosted the strategies conference in houston equipping and empowering people in uh for ministry to be excellent and to be effective this year the strategist conference october the 18th through the 21st will be a hybrid experience people both in person and in a virtual audience pastors evangelists and other firefolk ministry leaders uh will be here and i want you to come let me show you how to improve your staff to help you accomplish more i'll be covering topics like retooling your staff and your workers retooling evangelism strategies for expansion retooling financial strategies for increase retooling church for revival retooling social media for greater impact and much more i've made the registration most affordable for you and your staff now you have a choice you can either be here and experience it in person and that's going to be that's going to be epic or you can be in the virtual audience there will be both day and night events which will be on demand online as well or register so you can view them at your convenience but you've got to be registered go to strategistnlc.com for early registration and more information registration has begun i'm saving a seat for you go to strategiesnlc.com it's time to retool ministry for revival meet me and lady b in this hybrid 2021 strategist conference it will be an experience like none you
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 458
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1OuLEzYRdQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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