Ultra-Sus Slug Run WIN | FTL - Faster Than Light

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we're doing a slug run today in ftl as the man of war this is layout a of the slug ship i've been trying to go through and unlock all of the ships but uh we're an appreciable way through the game uh let me go back to type a i don't think that this will be easy we have oh i know i have to rename them our names we have slurm and we have slurp slurm and slurp which just seemed like slightly scammy uh and it's what the slugs are known for they're just shady scammy people no one really enjoys being scammed so i want to get this one done with uh asap we have the anti-bio beam we're probably just gonna be shooting up the enemy crew with the this trying to take down their shields a little bit and then um yeah we'll go for the achievements they excel in the nebulae uh with the disintegration ray hopefully we can get maybe even another anti-biobeam would be crazy but i think we'll just be going for a lot of lasers or anything to take down the shields and then just shooting them up with an anti-anti-biobeam and perhaps boarding because that seems to be the other achievement uh again we're going through the game on easy just to unlock everything we're getting a little bit better with these runs but it always just disappoints me when i don't win it's still ridiculously difficult this game and i'm going into the unknown and i think i have a lot of beginner's luck i've had good rng but um you know i i i maybe that's not giving myself enough credit um so we're actually going to head straight into nebulae this time nebulae like the first declension uh nominative plural of nebula latin scholars of the world um why am i why am i saying this uh because there's a lot of space words that have to do with latin okay we've got a pirate ship not really like your standard captain hook pirate ship well i've tried a couple of these things though i really haven't done too many of these weapons on this slug ship so i i guess i'm in for a treat but uh maybe it will also be horrible this ship does not look too too too too too threatening but i i am a little scared and jenny shakes thank you very much for the two months again we're streaming this so i'm gonna uh uh oh wait a minute no i don't like that all right go for their weapons go for their weapons our anti-biobeam is up let's go ooh this is a very long tenuous anti-biobeam but see that did basically nothing to their ship in general so i don't know to what extent this will be useful at the beginning now they haven't gone into the into the health care clinic here uh but we've got yeah see we just don't have enough time for that there we go but i mean that was supposed to be 60 damage so now their rock crew member should be the only one who's still alive he had to move over into the shield bay in order to do this again we're using mind control this is not a bad offer eight missiles yeah i'm actually gonna take that normally i wouldn't do this this early on in the game but it's doubtful that we'll get eight missiles that's pretty good that's pretty good um i ideally i would have liked to kill the crew but uh but eight missiles is something you aren't going to get anywhere uh and i tend not to use drones either we've got injured ooh oh my god we have four intruders immediately this is terrible rng um we need to go into the door room right now uh open up the rest of the ship i say this is horrible wow hey vulrath thank you for the sub much appreciated my friend uh let's go into doors send two men into doors or maybe the med bay yeah event we definitely got to vent the doors um [Music] uh we could fight them in the med bay when i but i want to make the doors especially difficult to get through and i want to make it so that they perish in inside of there um we are going to basically deoxygenate the entire ship right here um wow this is an insanely hard starting event okay they're all slowly taking a lot of damage we're gonna go back into the we could go into the med bay you know what i i think it'll just be difficult enough for them to get through this what a horrible way to begin the game uh we have taken damage there but we don't really have to worry about this because it's deoxygenated our slugs are still here they're at about a third 25 of their health these guys are gonna die for sure okay yeah they're dead um our doors look pretty good all right we gotta get our guys into a safer room you stay in there and just slowly expire oh no don't destroy the oxygen don't destroy the oxygen that would be bad that would be bad okay they've all died and i think we're safe close all the doors phew that was a weird way to start the game uh never really expect that type of event um we should be fine to go back out into the rest of the ship as long as the room is pink they don't die it means that it doesn't have a lot of oxygen but you know they'll live it's only slightly the vacuum of space only slightly the vacuum of space they did do a little bit of hull damage to the ship and the med bay killing wasn't great but it just goes to show that was an overwhelming fight i didn't even know if we'd just die right there but um yeah i mean just good work with doors good work with doors the other key part of that was going into the door room at the beginning of that fight just so that we could um okay slurm your wire oops i put them into oxygen there we go and slurm you are you even know who was what you know slurm you just go back in there and slurp you go in there uh let's see what else i'm gonna do that and let's go ahead and save these crew positions weird way to start but you know nebula was pretty good for us yeah just a little bit of the space vacuum nothing uh nothing too bad do slugs need oxygen uh that's lanius i think that don't need oxygen uh heavily damaged federation ships but before you have time to fade into the okay we'll try to help generally speaking that's good at this phase of the game okay i have a little bit less faith in our uh anti-bio beam at least for the beginning these are humans so they can be killed in two volleys of the anti-biobeam i'm thinking let's also do this in case if this gets powered down dual lasers should be good for just getting shields down early on in the fight maybe doing a little bit of damage to the crew in there but let's just give this breach a try because i want to see if it's any good at all i don't think it's good system damage one normal damage zero super that we can't see crew health with that and they've gotta drone these guys you know we're gonna take some damage here at the beginning but it's because we're gonna be learning um let's see they got a beam i'm gonna go for their drone system actually just because if we managed to get a little bit on this thing yeah let's do both of these on this actually just regular shot okay so we've totally taken out the drones and we've protected our own ship this is an important first step but now we'll go over to the anti-biobeam because they don't have a med bay on that ship uh and this is less wasteful with our resources let's do this whoops here we go uh not breach whoops two old lasers what i meant to do dual lasers we'll do that onto shields and then we'll go into the anti-biobeam because these guys will probably be sitting there for a while the thing that i don't like about this anti-biobean besides the fact that it takes two shots to actually kill the crew is the fact that what what if we did this actually what if we just shot the crew in there with the laser so that they could um [Music] actually kind of feeling on the fence about this let's just wait for it to charge back up ah that's interesting you know i just don't want these guys to escape that's my biggest fear [Music] what if we do this though not good all right well let's try to kill the crew with this all right we did kill one crew member because we had shot him with the laser but the truth is just that their ship can still be powering up to escape even while we've got this anti-bio beam go it's just it's kind of risky is all i'm saying let's try to keep distracting the crew with having to damn it look at that yeah that's not that good these guys are gonna escape we gotta get this other breech missile ready because these guys are right now about to get out of here they're just gonna bounce see like our ship is ready to go good all right well they aren't gonna get away we at least know that let's put a breach missile on there all right and then um i mean as much as i think that the anti-bio beam is a cool idea i just don't think that it works for this ship at the very beginning at least with our other weapons laying out as they are because look it's just so hard to get through the shields and stuff oh wait a minute well actually i don't know maybe i'll take that back their crew is not doing particularly well here but i mean half of the crew damage has been from the dual lasers keep shooting wherever they are with the dual lasers uh this isn't that good an offer and i think that we are going to kill them so let's just breach the missile them yeah i mean i just killed the whole crew that's the truth but it wasn't even with the bio beam hmm don't have ftl charging that's the giveaway uh that's fair that's fair that's fair still i mean we've performed splendidly serendipitously uh suspiciously in these places okay intruders ah these intruders are really stranger danger uh all right let's go back here we'll do all of this again we want to give them like several rooms good look what they have done buffoons there we are so although we can't see this these rooms are being deoxygenated is the is that the right word i've been using this word deoxygenated maybe i've been using it wrong though so this room is back in action but look at how deoxygenated they are these guys are parched they need to get some hydration right now look they didn't even get they didn't get anything idiots oh awesome i love that all right everyone go home go home ah you've been addicted to this game since i played it as splendid splendid i i do love this game oh we don't actually have our oxygen system online whoops i didn't notice that throughout most of the fight our crew is fine though uh this is one of the downsides of being in a nebula well we are still we are still losing some system power from being in the nebula how now brown cow how are the slugs so great in the nebula wait a second i wish to see this okay immune to mind control maybe it's just the slug ship well it does kind of repair itself so we perhaps you have yet to see its full glory hmm vernal path says feel me and mark would be good uh marta's a very nice guy i've uh i've not actually played with him mart is a very nice guy to chat with though i've um i've uh i'm in a discord with him uh and just we share a lot of good information very nice guy um you gotta time the charging the beam does he do fdl march to do some ftl you gotta time both the charging beam and laser get through the shield and laser and fire the beam rinse and repeat for the early game for this ship [Music] it's true but at the same time it's i feel as though it's riskier than the breach and you don't want to let people get away i see what you're saying though like i i definitely see what you're saying but it might be more useful on enemy crew members who are very weak like you've got to look into who's on the ship you know like you see something that you don't like and then you fire at them uh like these people are an ng and a zoltan let's see if we can take them out with it might be one volley that it requires but oh big sad big sad actually i i did this wrong damn it um yeah i should really wait on that dual lasers oof that is no that is no bueno okay well at least our ship does kind of repair itself which is great okay so we have damaged the ng in there so let's try the anti-biobeam and unfortunately that still didn't kill the ng man look at how much hull damage we've taken though that's crazy absolutely crazy um yeah again we'll wait on the dual lasers i think that this next one will take them out completely but we've just given them so many chances to shoot us i don't think that it's a bad combo i just think that our ship needs some type of like you know insurance for the times when that's happening because look we'll take them out but that's way too much hell damage for the early game in my opinion uh i'm just gonna vent these out in case if there's any type of fire in there i'm not really hearing anything so i think that we're okay uh send them both back to the med bay let's uh whoops uh go yup go back to the med bay and i meant to do this one there we go um let them charge up full and use their laser after i think that's good but it's just that look at how many opportunities they had to fire missiles at us this eventually you know this will scale better with other ships but we need better weapons is the truth slightly better weapons here laser breach the first three sectors i believe you should aim for the shields early on yeah you know we do have a lot of early missiles so maybe breach would be good breach to a dual laser and i might even just get an early other weapon system because only one more point for this seems to be worth it unless if we have um a store coming up right now because generally speaking you want to save your money for the stores yeah i think that this is totally fine so let's go ahead open up the ship's systems let's buy one tick in our weapons just that we don't take all of that hole damage i'm trying to save money i'm trying to be frugal right here to start we do a dual lasers to a breach and then we do a big anti-biobeam and that should take out one crew member and then that way we've got only one person piloting the ship maybe with the weapons and shields offline um and then we go from there i think we'll have enough room to kind of circle around all of these places uh i know harman starting a little closer hey unlucky raven thanks for coming out especially well-armed pirate ship approaches you hand over one of your crew members and the rest can go free unharmed draw straws uh i've used absolutely not going loud so we do oh you man i've had a lot of horrible rng to start here um i certainly hope that they don't do any damage to our weapons certainly uh okay we gotta do some damage control fast this drone could really quickly mess with our entire ship we gotta go in with the dual lasers onto the drones and breach their hacking that way we just shut this thing down and then i think anti-biobeam we can cross the ship while the people are trying to repair oh no there we are at least our shields should should now our shields recharge here they have good okay anti-biobeam we don't like you does it just damage all the crew in all of those rooms if it doesn't even hit them directly ah man i just hit the wrong section again you know dual lasers and breech kind of pull in their weight but everything else not so much man a miss on the i really don't like this ship at all i might have to totally re-outfit the entire thing breach missile um [Music] go for drones dual lasers i'll go for there think we have an opportunity at this oh they recharged mid beam shot ooh they are destroying our oxygen too see i don't really like this ship that's no good that's no good man yeah we're using up too many missiles too early on not particularly good in any way right take down those shields maybe we can get ready for this last anti-bio beam and then take them out did kill true two crew members uh [Music] oh we can actually get uh somebody to join our ship nice nice ham or no ham on my girls i'll have ham on my grilled cheese thank you uh my name is max hey renamus max thank you for continuing the gifts up um yeah i know like i'm kind of uh like a little bit right here on the beatings will continue until the morale improves but at the same time i'm also like eh well we did say that we were going to try for teleportation so i think mantis would be good otherwise mantis is a little bit iffy i do want to get somebody on our shields asap though and i think that an ng is very good for that uh just because they can repair fast and that's always useful i think uh i'm feeling energy and then maybe we'll go for aggressive stuff after that ng is just good to have a round on your ship in general one of them uh think i will put that ng onto the shields i've got my three stationary crew members like one guy who's uh the pilot all the time one guy is the engines all the time and one guy who's the shield that's a good way to start because it makes you very defensive uh but then after that we'll probably end up going more into like uh i don't know um probably into like a tacky with the uh with the weapons and then after that we can focus on things like forwarding uh which doesn't take quite as long to level up um hey ryden miss max hey thank you very much for uh coming out to backseat uh assuming that i would need yeah i definitely need back seating i will definitely need backseating um maybe just the cost of being a bad ship is that we take early damage i mean at least these slugs are kind of repairing their own hull so crew members can more or less just remain stationary all right stop being so negative but i am i'm not gonna lie i am pretty negative pretty negative all right there's not a bad uh fight but another one again in which the anti-bio beam is just pretty much useless we want the first thing to go for their weapons and then the second thing to go for their escape so we'll just breach with that and then go for the uh whoops ooh our shields why are our shields are offline oh because we are being ionized no okay so then everything into evasion everything into evasion this bad this bad we've been tampered with we've been tampered oh no oh no oh no come on laser well we should be fine now i mean one two there we go one two one two and through and through the vorpal uh sword went snicker snack there we are hmm good all right not not hard at all again the the dual laser is not that bad but i think it would pair better with um burst laser mark ii for this mar uh moment in the game i mean we've taken only half whole damage i'm sure we'll be fine i'm sure we'll be fine nothing to worry about nothing to worry about let's see distress because sometimes that yields a quest conveniently that rhymed all right i will lead you to your destination uh oh quest store nice all right so we could go one two three uh getting a little bit iffy if we'll have time so i'm thinking one fleet jump two three four [Music] one two three i think we'll have enough time to go one two three four five and if not uh a little worried but um okay good good another fight everyone loves fighting oops uh we gotta do the who dis wait a minute who dis uh there we are good good dual lasers okay let's just be smart here they've got a lot of powerful weapons so we got to breach them there maybe breaching the weapons then go for the shields with the laser as soon as the anti-biobeam is about ready that way we cut off immediate danger that's always the most important thing afterward we are being shot okay i'm going to cut off the oxygen for a second while i hopefully avoid that and i didn't avoid that all right okay oxygen on again uh sorry everyone for the false alarm okay well we did manage to breach their weapons and we have not taken out the one that's important i think we'll shoot another one at that we'll shoot our dual lasers at their shields yeah the shields all right good so they're busy repairing that and then we might as well just do an anti-bio beam to just mess with these guys today but again we couldn't target the entire enemy crew there so that makes it a little bit more iffy as to our escape okay that's not good at all um we will turn back on those shields whoops those were off get in there repair the oxygen please um i guess just go for shields again there we go now that man is dead completely dead just so dead uh we will go for there man we're taking a lot of damage maybe you just need to focus sheerly on damage control my fear has always been that the enemy ship will just leave run away but the one thing that i am seeing that's good is that we seem to be getting more loot when the enemy uh does not die all right i think we can destroy this ship with no i don't want them to escape no escape for you now we do see yeah like i said we do seem to be getting more scrap more loot when we're um when we don't fully destroy the enemy ship is that just me or maybe not sure feel free to make a suggestion for using the biobeam i'm still kind of figuring it out not loving it but uh it's going it's going if i combine it with the other weapons though in conjunction conjunction means when two things are happening at uh you know a convention so when we have conjunction oh stephen i forgot to heal stephen oh no stephen stephen don't die steven i forgot about you stephen i'm sorry i'll never do it again whoops i'm so focused on other things please don't kill stephen okay steven's not dead thank god false alarm thought he was dead there oh we did totally destroy their weapon systems though that's good um i will shoot the dual lasers at let's get their shields down as soon as this is ready yeah more loot when you empty out the ship okay so then this is actually a better way to fight the enemy ship hmm man i should really fight make sure um enemy ships go down intact then because that's way more powerful i mean one thing i could do is to hopefully like line up the enemy crew let's see if when i shoot this okay so they do like move look at this this guy is moving in he's like i'm here to help he's like a plumber but with a ship there we are okay what if we combine these two again in conjunction here let's have some conjunction man look at that look at that conjunction guys that is nice all right so if you go in there now i'm getting yeah i'm really harassing them now look at that okay now i'm starting to see how this anti-bio beam thing is working basically you get the crew all into one room if you can wait a second why is the ox oh because we've turned off the oxygen whoops man really need that awareness of these systems um so just holding dual laser shot and breach charge until about four seconds or so until you have the beam charge so you can drop their shields and hit them while their shield is dropped it can force crew in the med bay and slow down repairs and close yeah what i'm starting to see is that i think you need to hit this can be a very powerful one-two punch we've taken a lot of damage early on for it um but that can always be pretty easily made up for if we get like a repair arm or something um i think our achievement involves not using sensors so i'm gonna not buy sensors normally i would but i think we have to get farther into the game without these hermes and breach are about the same as what we've already got before flack one i've heard good things about shots per charge three but it is required power too so it's kind of similar to um burst laser but in my opinion just not as good as burst laser because it's random parts of the ship it is also not completely bad though and it doesn't use up um it doesn't use up missiles either i mean burst laser doesn't either but um well i said i would do crew teleporter we're really not ready for it i mean am i just going to go high risk here we have no use of drones so i don't need any of that flack would be good for ruining shields but at the same time my strategy has kind of been wrapped around not uh it's too power unfortunately it's two power um isn't it kind of weird i will repair a bit i probably won't repair all of it it's good for winning shields but the other thing though too is that my strategy has been this shoot the enemy ship in one spot and get one crew member really low on health because some of the shots get through then shoot the anti-bio beam totally killing that one guy and damaging the others enough that the next round basically it's like a one-two punch you take it you prevent them from hurting you with punch one and you take down one guy and then in your second punch you take out the rest of them uh from the inside out so i don't think that flack actually accomplishes that i think that that's going more after the ship's shields themselves and i think we'd be better off with either burst laser mark ii um or something more directed um bjorn nellis i could get one more crew member if i wanted i've been told that this is a waste of money and it very well may be but it might not be bad to invest a little bit into um shields or weapons right now but we might also just get somebody and we've had very big crews i would get no more than one cloaking might honestly be the best option maybe like a cloak and a repair or a teleporter and a repair just so that i can kind of go for those achievements um let me see what else if we could teleport to could we just shorten our attack loop better um [Music] circular type flac one is s tier tbh but it puts i i know but i i i don't i don't like it i don't like it okay so let's go ahead and do i think this you'll disagree with me on it but since i've wanted to get that achievement um [Music] where we see the entire enemy ship without um [Music] sensors i wanna i'm gonna need a crew teleporter for that uh we'll do that and we will fix a lot but let's see if there's anything else we need sensors again we're going to wait this is going to be very counter-intuitive my picks um [Music] all right let's uh let's do something fun fix one two three four five six i want to get us back up into green but i might not go all the way there let's go thinking either we're gonna pick up another crew member or we're gonna get flack because i know i said that i didn't love it but yeah if we got two flak ones that's like whole enemy shield down for four power which is pretty great zoltan could be good i don't really like zoltan's that much though just because they explode they explode [Music] yeah the crew will come that's true but i would like to get one now a little bit anxious over this pick honestly um not that not that maybe that i think gun is gun is harder to find gun is harder to find so buy a gun and salvage the right uh salvage the run oh that's actually fair that we could totally get rid of the bio weapon but on the other hand too we're it's helping us farm a lot too because we're getting more salvage from ships i don't know i feel like i kind of want to go through with it so let's go ahead and take um power i'll go for the higher risk one i will go for the zoltan i think it's good to pick up sultan's little 10 runs are always fantastic um and i'm just gonna be a little bit boring here i'm just gonna repair a lot maybe i could have used that on another crew but at this point i want to get a boarding party all right it doesn't really look good what we've got right here why is our ship so low on oxygen it's odd all right but that gives us a little bit more power so we've got a zoltan on weapons i think that's pretty nice i want my zoltan to stay put but we've already kind of got some vitamin c on these things yeah that's fine all right save crew positions good looks like we'll have uh done everything right so we did gauge it in before we laser half our own crew uh yeah we'll explore on asteroid fields man good orange we've had very lucky rng well we haven't had anything horribly stupid happen arrived at the long range beacon ftl driver's uh charge we've had good scrap and stuff i mean i'm not complaining about any of that i've done fine with that all right so we do want to go for nebulas because uh slugs do pretty well with that so let's just go for this route where we go all civilian then all nebula it's kind of a weird run in that way where i'm taking things that i would normally avoid but i think it's fine for slug uh jump we'll go to all right um we need to pick up some money from the store so we'll go over to uh there's probably like a bank of america over in this part of the uh universe uh they seem to have a lot of offer to upgrade your reactor in exchange for some scrap now how much is i wish you could see this i don't think that's a very good deal um isn't one reactor upgrade a little bit cheaper than that i'm going to go ahead and say i think no wait this is a good deal is it is it more than one reactor thing upgraded the reactor by one nah that wasn't really a good deal that wasn't really a good deal if it were later on in the game we lost four scrap essentially but i should have looked at that um oh this boy has cloaking i don't like that um yeah that was i should never i should never go with slugs all right well we've got to get rid of their cloaking because that's just slowing everything down then we'll go for this weapon uh yeah slow them down and then we'll worry about getting away my god that did two fires how the hell did that happen and what an inconvenient part of the ship in which it could happen uh we've got to get that thing stopped like now so i'm gonna go ahead actually you go in there because you repair fast you stay in there get it get in there get in there there we go okay okay come on stuff is happening all right go back go back home everyone go back home uh open that up in case if there's a fire in there man this anti-bio beam is just not helpful for this fight oh maybe that's from the sun whoops i messed that up all right uh let's breach again we want to stop that from happening and then we want to prevent them from escaping too that's pretty important okay there we go good oh jesus more fire no uh just one one man in there please one man in there all right it's fine we're we're gonna live through the rest of this but we have to get out of here fast because the sky is is falling essentially here uh you get back into the pilot room because we have to go fast don't allow that to spread don't allow that to spread shields won't protect us from fire so many threats in this game are just various awful places all right again we do want to jump out of here fast because it's not safe uh could we depressurize them depressurizing that room would have been a little bit um difficult here we've got another pirate okay more of a fight that we're kind of prepared for again we aren't going to be using uh teleporting for a while i think we just won't heal our people for now it's a little risky but well they got a flack yeah let's just focus on this i want to keep my evade up um [Music] not really anything else that we can do here yet i just don't think we'd do better with it okay so here's the idea wait until everything is ready now we shoot down we do breach on that and we do shields there now they're ready for this okay they did take out part of our weapons that's no good it's no good all right man that breach getting hit was bad okay oxygen down uh ng get in there work on their weapons i don't want to take any more damage from this fight that's no good that's no good yeah now we just lost the uh the synchronization between those two weapons though too all right let's keep shooting for their weapons just to get through that shield and shoot there we go well the good news is that we're getting a lot of loot from killing enemy crew instead of actually just destroying the ship i may use this in future runs because it is giving me way more than i would ever expect in terms of loot uh let's send everyone to the hospital everyone go to the hospital 911 call right here hello seen all your zombie stuff have i heard of humanity i think i think i saw a thing for that i haven't really examined it much there are quite a lot of games two sled crew members you can see the entire ship layout i think we're good here we gotta go to a store we're gonna run out of time before the start and then we could go into the normal nebula because actually the nebula has been not that bad to us breach we are pretty much breaking even on missiles though demand this good we've got to surrender demanded uh they're trying to okay so these guys are going to be charging up their ftl um i think breech should actually be able to get through this drone if i'm not mistaken but we'll wait until everything is fully charged before we begin we don't want to board because this would be kind of risky all right so we've got these two ready let's go straight in for their um we'll go in for their weapons and then their engine so that they can't escape just get those two things taken care of and then in the next barrage we'll do our kind of normal way of fighting them alright so breach again i i stand by the same room and then we'll do dual lasers here pew okay let's um kill the crew pew pew pew i killed your crew uh oh no okay they are probably charging up now we gotta take out at least their engines or their pilot like now go for engines good all right now we'll go for um i got to say engines again just because i don't want them to escape and that did not do as much damage as i was hoping it would uh man that just really did nothing go for engines again yeah oh it got blocked or it missed this breach i'm not really impressed by i think i'd prefer pegasus free fire beam all right nice uh that's what you get for killing the crew all right what does the fire beam do terrifying beam does no physical damage but ignites fire uh might actually pair with the anti-bio beam pretty well if we could get through a system for god's sake required power two me thinks this how now brown cow um let's go ahead and do breach to their shields and then go straight in with an anti-biobeam and a fire beam that way we just rip through their crew try that out see if that makes a difference but first off let's go to the store store because beam i mean like it's an early strategy but this won't work in the late game won't work at all backup battery is pretty great don't love drones not a huge fan of them maybe we'll do a drone run one of these days but uh not now at all uh firebeam sells for 25. interesting backup battery is a definite buy it's always a good thing and we could get uh more free spaces in the store insanely well late game really i will give it a try you know i've been getting better with the weapons that i thought were all trash um i'm thinking backup battery i'm thinking hacking because we don't really have anything to do with our drone parts and i don't like drones themselves so i usually just go straight in for hacking it just needs support yeah it's true you know i guess you could build around pretty much anything yeah i'm saying backup battery and hacking let's just make sure we don't have another store nearby because sometimes that does happen it's rare but it does happen okay cancel we'll go to the store yep backup battery yep packing um okay yolo uh distress me thinks we can do one to two to three to maybe four now i'm starting to sound like the tootsie roll pop commercial guy a one a two you remember that bye ah man we didn't even have enough to buy kirby well let's attack these people i don't like them uh here we go nani hack hack i say let's test out our hacking hey triple g how are you my friend thank you very much for the 300 bits much appreciated much appreciated my friend how are you today um if we hack into the shields yeah how many licks does it take to get into the center of a uh slug ship oh you ignoramus you're attacking me with this hang on a second oh i should have given this just another second okay now we are screwed because of this thing i would rather not ever have to fight this thing at all um ooh that was a little too early it was a little too early actually okay i'm gonna go in with the breech missile to their um you know i just want to shut down this drone so let's go ahead and try to destroy this thing you are a fantastic streamer and an even better youtuber my sub has already lasted longer than my marriage and i am happier with you anyway oh god that that was in uh sad and funny and depressing and also like very existential but also uh deep hey thank you very much for the two months pogel ah yeah you know like um uh yeah uh this is actually not the first time i've been told this is actually not the first time i've been told this um uh no not very good very good hey thank you for the sub much appreciated my friend okay we've totally shut down this drone so he's not going to be harassing our crew i knew that we wouldn't stand up to him so that was important uh if we take down their shields yes there we go okay let's go in with the anti-bio beam on maybe this boy there we go we've erased that man okay so no more drones to worry about no more drones to worry about amazing uh prevent them from shooting buoying us or even just go straight for the pilot just go straight for the pilot no go for it uh too late now whatever we could probably do a laser him and kill him prevent them from escaping at all he's dead i think from this point on we just anti-biobeam them and kill the whole crew good weapons are pretty much shut down and whoops pew pew pew and dual lasers okay that boy's on fire oh yeah breach they're gone well we're getting refunded for these things mostly because of all the stuff we're doing but i i still kind of question a lot of my own decision making [Music] crew kills are more scraps so that's always the yeah i mean it makes that mantis run that we were thinking pretty op but i do like the way of going for um the enemy ship over like you know um i like the actual i mean sorry the enemy crew over the enemy ship ah no bad people more bad people okay um no more medicine there we go though this hacking is going to seriously help us and it requires only one drone part per battle very useful very useful so attach the good we have started the siphon we've started the siphon all right in the words of uh kurt cobain um whoops come on slurve go in there go um i don't want to totally take everything out but it is my duty now to completely drain you there we are and horrible my god my that was so out of key that was so out of key um all right the rock boy is going to be a little bit harder to kill so let's get started on him right now it is my duty now to completely drain you there we are good drain you by uh nirvana okay there we are please stop killing my people my god this is ass this is just ass okay if they are going for this boy we're really screwed right here so just get go away slug men no don't be in that room slug man slurp no slurp don't die slurp you were so important to the yes to the operation but it is now my duty to complete there we are good good so nothing like some nirvana to uh there we go all right we need to go with more reliable systems now and saving private slurp yeah slurp don't die slurp don't die i don't think anyone's in danger of die yet there we go a few jebus man we powered down the wrong uh weapon system no i will not accept surrender not after you did what you did to me uh you go there you go there just everybody get back to systems ooh jesus uh actually you don't want a fire spreading in the ship with the doors doing that so let's okay that's bad i just opened up the doors to that room and now we're totally screwed all right ignore all of that maybe i should have just taken the surrender when i could let's prevent them from escaping because i hate them now and then we'll do this and they are really screwed in that room though [Music] at least it's not the oxygen um kill rock boy rock boy dead there we go oh no we destroyed the ship too i will okay not a very good fight not a very good fight at all but this is a very iffy thing to do if you have oxygen cut off from the door room with the door room bad it's it's not safe do as i say not as i do but fortunately you know repair doesn't get reset when they leave the room so we're good on that okay we have a little bit of door operation going again don't die go back into the health care room there we are there we are that was weird it was like they went straight for our crew and not really even us it's always difficult when the enemy seems to have a strategy i wonder what ftl would be like though if you played it like versus you know multiplayer that would be that hey that's a game dev idea that's a game dev idea someone should steal that someone's steal that amazing idea right um [Music] good people good people not helped really by our crew all getting stunned we might need another shield i think you know we're not going to be getting another store any moment soon so maybe it would help to go ahead and you know i haven't even used my backup battery at all either let's go ahead and take out another shield just because i think it'll be worth it i think it'll be worth it one more shield is usually a pretty good way to get through the early game um yeah and then we could power down that and who needs oxygen anyway right um yeah now we'll do this we always need that shield on let's do one on here and then maybe one on here maybe we'll just get through with these other weapons for now that'd be safer all right ooh another crew member another crew member everyone say hello to bob or uh whatever his name is it's not bob fish it's his name um crew member save crewmember save thank you for saying hi to bob now we make make him feel different uh let's see there he is okay i'd like somebody in the dorm room like somebody in the dorr room we don't actually have a uh a camera system to power so he's perfectly fine in there perfectly fine you're perfectly fine in there bob fish whoever you are uh we've got another crew teleportation we do want to get that achievement and we'll see if we can get that later on just keep going to nebulae to the next nebula oh i powered down oxygen thank you yeah why did i have oxygen powered down there we go nebula was taking down my oxygen um you know what we could do is hmm okay here's what i think i think that this thing is not going fast enough the anti-biobeam so i think we gotta breach their weapons that's always the been the most reliable turn one play i think we gotta go for shields with hacking i think that's important and i think we turn on this thing we turn on this and then what if can we get this on one backup battery that would be nice that would be nice let's test it out oh no they did take down my hacker oh alas okay um [Music] can i redistribute which power is going where there we go redistribute the power there we are um unfortunately that just totally failed because they had a drone blocking that is that we go breach right away first thing there we go good totally offline then we go for shields once the anti-biobeam is ready all right that's our one-two punch you just gotta find your rhythm in this all right that's down-ish hopefully we got some of their crew in that um me thinks we go for their weapons again as soon as they're repaired or just kill this boy good good good mmm actually messed that up messed that up antibiotic shields are down let's go for the engies and this boy man that rock boy really is very thick and we're running out of lazy uh missiles too that's not good man that is one t-h-i-c rock boy why is he just standing it oh because he uh doesn't vow there we are well he must be very low on healthcare if we can anti-biobeam him right now we might just be able to whoops let's see if we can get it okay we did yes he's erased there we are it is my duty to there we are no oh bad thing i'm really mindful of this whole like kill the enemy crew thing now all right just see if we can kill that guy biobeam there we go well we are getting a lot of money for having done all of this extra stuff and we can go here and then here i think we're gonna have to do that to get out of here yeah maybe one more bio um i didn't even use my fire beam what a disappointment i've been to you i guess we could turn on the fire beam when we uh fix all of that up but it won't work against this ship wow hmm oh interesting idea with the o2 loss hey thank you very much for that randomized max and thank you for the 30 bits much appreciated i think we got a hack here i think we got a hack anti-bio beam does make a difference fire beam doesn't make a difference we got to turn up at least one shield power the other shield it's only a normal hull laser so we're not in quite as much danger we do want to turn off their drone if we can so let's turn off their actually shields and then we just go in for their other systems that way we can make stuff happen good ah i have two layers of shields for i am mandark there we are uh and drones and weapons are the only things that are of much danger good oh no your drone is still up that's not allowed that's not functional bad thing yeah really just ah that's kind of trash man that was like three volleys on that and a miss wow our guns are doo-doo man doo-doo is being flung right now can you feel the doo doo uh bouncing off of this god that's horrible i can feel the doo doo doo doo doo doo oh jesus i can feel the doo doo smacking against me yeah we'll just be patient here all right here we are shoot that boy shoot that um there we are hmm no no no no no weapons no weapons come on i want to save money the whole beginning of the game is about saving money it's about sp it's about like going to costco is what this game is about you know what i mean it's basically costco simulator like you gotta you gotta go to costco so that later on you can go to whole foods uh or something like that okay now we've got what do we have why is our engine off oh because we haven't been using the engine at all oops there we go whoops a daisy whoopsie daisy um yeah do you feel that everyone feels the doo doo right now there we are um all right you know i'm seeing this as like a valuable way to gain crew member experience because although like yes doo doo will be flung but we need to fling some voodoo if we want to get better at taking you know large swaths of doo-doo to our own faces so let's go ahead and turn on the mid bay oh wow we're just kicking the candy out of these guys we are kicking the candy out of them i love that okay great good job slurm and uh there we are fish all right i'll call you by your name now that was a splendid splendid victory good job um turn this off turn this on turn this on i really want to use this fire beam but the thing is this maybe i need to develop like more verbage around these types of weapons because what i think of these ones dual lasers and breech one these are like primary weapons dual lasers is a very nice thing if you had four dual lasers you might be able to just win the game with that because it gets through like the seamy underbelly of sorry not the semi underbelly really but more like the simi overbelly of the uh enemy ship and then things like anti-biobeam and firebeam they get through the semi-underbelly you know what i mean like one and you need to get through the overbelly to get to that nice underbelly good there the archie blows the archie blows ah you know actually i could have just done anti-bio beam with ah you know it's okay we're making mistakes now because we're learning we're learning we're learning that's what we're doing their weapons aren't completely down i want those weapons down down down there we are i think let's turn off breech and let's turn on anti-biobeam because it does stuff there we are uh at that biobeam we'll save dual lasers for this and then we can re-hack into them once this all charges back up motocross 650 thank you very much for this prime much appreciated yeah actually these people oh yeah they can't really get through our shields well unless if that's a burst laser unless if it's a burst laser of course wow two misses very sad very sad the whole country was upset about that and laser okay laser them let's get rid of he can't really ever even help himself let's just try to kill this one guy there we go he's dead very very dead let's try to kill the captain as well oh the captain's almost dead um let's ignore their screams and just continue attacking uh ignore their screams ignore their screams ignore their screams get through this because we don't ah come on don't let them escape might be able to get something going we got the captain he's down but see that was a close one though that was a close one good good good yes get this boy oh no no stop repairing that stop repairing that i will not be tampered with okay take out the take out the insect man good oh we're getting a lot of weaponry weapon rage there we are uh okay exit looks like we made it out in a decent amount of time fortunately we've got a lot of weapons that we can sell to shops and we can kind of you know put all of these together into something more reliable ion blast does only one ion blast unto itself is not a bad weapon i think of it as like i said one of those kinds of primary weapons so i haven't really had a chance to use firebeam so let's go ahead and just do this i think that's going to be safer i do i know it's more boring but the truth is that dual lasers and ion blasts don't use up uh ship missiles and they're kind of better than this although this does kill crew i just i'm not gonna have the missiles to get through the rest of the game if i do this so you know yolo yolo yeah ions not bad with the beams iam's not bad with the beams okay we do have a store we have some money let's go to this place and then we'll go to the store we have should be enough we can always sell some stuff oh i don't like the look of this place at all um all right let's go power up the right systems we've got the battery let's make sure we're using that battery make sure we put the battery power to the right types of things like this whoops not that there we go no i want that on there good you want battery power to be on like one of your engine slots because if it gives you a little bit more of aid that's fine we'll put it toward that too i guess we'll just wait with the weapon so that we can get that bio beam these man mantis are very weak yeah let's hack into their shields noon there we go there we go i waited i didn't wait long enough there we go okay this is a burst laser mark two or is it three i think it's two because of the two pips on the side let's go ahead and actually that's gonna do three shots that could potentially get through our shield so we want that boy gone um i don't know which weapon it'll take out with the ion blast but i'm thinking [Music] this can't hurt all right that was enough to avoid taking damage we've got them both in one room oh messed that up messed that up i and i is you just keep keep going for the weapons because we got a guy in there there we go no the sun oh yeah we have to finish off this battle rather fast don't we uh let's go for their shields again just because i want those down there we go okay enter oh the fire is spreading the fire is spreading we don't actually know where the fire is on aboard our ship as well so let's just try to take this guy out good no no no escape for you there we go no soup for you um we don't know where the fire is the store is next let's just get out of here and then we'll deal with the fire let's just just travel several parsecs away while we deal with the fire um i'm not really too worried about this because our ship is currently being destroyed by a fire from the inside there we go come on get out your adorable space uh fire extinguishers good job everyone imagine needing a fire extinguisher in space there we go okay uh everyone go home actually you stay in there get some get some get some tylenol get some tylenol yeah fire is pretty deadly i don't know i've just always found that havoc when it's happening on my own ship feels worse than when it's happening on the enemy ship you know what i mean ooh oxygen is not on whoops there we go silly me turned off the occident again trying to save some money trying to save some money got mind control oh mind control would be very interesting and another way to look into the enemy ship we certainly are doing a lot aboard the enemy ship but it doesn't really make a difference okay beam i hate i'm definitely selling that um you could get borders this guess would be like three other crew members this guy would be our one other border we do need one more border so i might get jewel but these crew members might be worthless too i think let's just go ham can we go ham i'm thinking we go straight in for the enemy ship like just as much havoc as we can as we can cause inside is going to be for the best hacking can be secondary mind control is good my opinion on mind control has faltered but i still don't think it's a bad thing we still need better guns though yeah mind control and joel let's just go hard in on the enemy ship i it's not the story i'd envision but it's better than nothing and i think that this anti-bio beam is not great it's more of a meme but i'm liking it but well if we combine it with mind control we could at least get all of the enemy team into one room am i prepared i don't think that selling the fire beam is really going to make that big difference right now i'm going to keep it around just in case if i want to do something really silly uh but let's start with that would be nice to have slightly more reliable power and a little bit of repair wouldn't hurt let's buy like one more reactor piece or two there we go that's not bad pretty important mind control can be on backup that can be on backup uh breach would be nice to power but it's just making the whole thing a bit more reliable and we can focus on boarding the enemy ship now do we have that other guy joel there we go joel you're pretty much going to be a permanent border and i'm just going to put uh fish in there as well all right so the plan is board the enemy ship kill kill kill uh maybe do one ion blast onto their weapons just to kind of like take out their damage early on mind control somebody and then anti-but yeah we'll just kill the whole crew fast um at this point it can't hurt to just pretty much repair the la the rest might as well all right um not great but okay i'll take it all right uh where are we gonna put our other power toward as well attack the automated ship to get to the storage catch uh this thing doesn't look that tough so i'm gonna take it out yeah that and that semi disruption actually one and two actually i have no idea let's just wait until they're charged and then i'll decide mind control worthless hacking good let's use hacking on something let's hack their shields oh i see what we could do now yeah we do this new ion blast dual lasers power that up whoops and these things all make it yeah this is worthless for this fight okay good we've taken their weapons down i don't think we're in much danger at all for this fight we should be fine just prevent them from escaping and then go this route for the rest of it that doesn't do anything now i'll leave it powered up though just as a reminder for the next fight and ooh swinging a miss prevent them from escaping ooh sad keep doing that keep doing that ion blast with the hacking is a bit redundant but it can be good for insurance just have two ways of taking stuff out later on i don't know i did that there we go iron blast there now mind you that sometimes this hacking bot can't actually get through oh no it's taking it out again i don't like that at all and those ions are so slow just strolling their way over to the enemy ship man we're getting good loot though good loot this looks like a pretty good route just finished watching zero hero zomboid series sad it was over so came here hey thanks for watching ftl blast from the past tried to convince my wife to try it last week it's a great game keep trying keep trying okay now we can get to our fun strategy now comes the fun part so let's go back up battery let's get mind control on the backup battery let's get the crew teleportation on the backup battery let's get a little bit more engine power in there let's board them in a somewhere place uh we'll take out their shields actually let's not even try to sh let's not even try to take out this ship at all no we will need to do yeah we'll need to do that so that's fine mind control more interesting let's take out their gunner and then crew goes into [Music] here to cause havoc make things go awry make things go all right oh no my people may die in there actually nope my people are good my people are very good because one of them is a little bit of a better combatant i forgot about this good okay let's use our ion blast man this is actually quite a good strategy um keep powering down their weapons slow them down dual lasers there and they'll probably take on that anti-biobeam to kill this guy all right i'm pretty sure my crew can just kill this man now yep they just pooped in his cereal all right good job crew good job yup we've got this good mantis boarding strategy going again this is nice all right this is more or less what we used in our last playthrough and yeah it's like the same thing but look at how quickly or how long the backup battery lasts backup battery is fantastic guys hey cookie halo thank you very much for the sub much appreciated um oh we don't have on the medical bay there we go just turn that on all right all right yeah you gotta remember to bring these guys back now in the last playthrough that we did we did lose our two borders in the last phase of the last fight so you need to be really careful with borders during the last couple of fights um it's it's perfectly fine to use them on normal difficulty but on on harder difficulty it can be kind of iffy because other crew members can get to the rooms where you want to send them but i think some of these fights are going to get easy now well we don't want to use up too much more hacking i think we can just use up mind control now let's do that on the pilot because it'll distract the other guy we'll turn on boarding instead and back up battery uh i don't even know what to do here i'm not gonna use that okay now i have too much power too much power is better than not enough power uh dual lasers ion blast we'll save those for a bit don't think they're gonna get through this but we'll just put everything onto their weapons and board board board just really hurt this one man there we go while the other guy is mind controlled so we can at least gang up on him and good their weapons are down they can't hurt us oops uh everybody going here why did this guy leave this room come on there's people on board your ship man don't be trying to repair stuff when we're trying to kill you that's not allowed that's not a very fair fight good look at all that scrap look at all that scrap that's great i think boarding is super op in this game never realized it till now but you know now that we've been uh playing it so much and streaming it so much more starting to get it starting to get it i like and dislike the backup battery since the recharge period takes so long but at the same time it's really nice in a pinch yeah i've always found that like in ftl it's like i said it's one of those games where you need a burst of power and then after you get that burst of power like you're fine like you're fine that's all you need uh then you can kind of lay low for a bit then you can lay low hail them ooh blue event blue event we got dangler dangler we didn't even really need you dangler uh we couldn't put you here as backup this is a good reason why we didn't actually need to buy so much crew we have so much crew early on but you know they can do only good things now we've got great combat great combat this is going to carry us pretty much through the rest of the game dangler is here um we want to train other people in combat but we'll make sure we always have one guy who's very good at combat and another guy who's like an apprentice like joel is very good and fish is the apprentice dengler is just kind of bad at everything right now we got another store we do have some money in our pocket i'm gonna make my way over to that store transmission from a nearby planet censors clone bay i dislike clone bay don't try to change my mind on that fire suppression fire suppression might not be bad for this ship only because we've had so much long-range scanners would honestly be way better than anything else um only because it's an early game we're still in what are we in sector two right now are we in sector which sector are we in what sector is the sector three it's still not that far along let's go ahead and yeah buy them they're only 30. they're great yeah backup dna bank um don't i'm not going to be using that fire suppression automatically put out fires throughout the ship i think there's better stuff so i'm going to go ahead and say no and i think it's something that you can easily just do yourself sensors i already told you why i'm not doing this for the achievement i don't think anything else is particularly good here we have plenty of fuel and we're kind of saving up on other stuff we could buy these things but i think they'll just naturally come along in the game um yeah let's see if we get another store that would be better right long range scanner scanners going to good work here okay we have pirates pirates we're fighting um captain jack sparrow this time uh here we go do this and this and mind control i love beginning with some mind control uh we will do this guy because i think he's gonna get attacked by the other two guys and maybe actually die uh here we go they have a big ion and they have a big laser yeah but i'm going for shields again okay take out um this boy and then we'll go over here let's mind control you good both of them are going for him yes yes okay having a rock and a mantis attacking you may actually lead to death hey one sacko boy thank you very much for the three three months space space okay get in there my people uh actually in a second wait just like one more second look they're going to stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself there we go good uh ion blast their weapons and then we'll dual lasers their weapons and then we're going to teleport on board whereabouts is it okay they've killed their own crew member oh sad so sad there we go uh good fight this man fight this man uh actually ooh don't don't shoot in this room don't shoot this remote we already shot something in there let's do this and let's anti-bio-beam this guy okay can we go in for the can we go in for the kill yes we did it that was an amazing that was an amazing fight come back come back my people okay uh oops heel heel there we go there we go yeah these we're clapping them we're clapping them hacking and whacking and smacking cookie hey listen how often do i stream try to stream on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays um been not as good as that lately uh but getting a little bit better at it again gotta get back into my rhythm so it was it was a wild holiday season it was a wild holiday season not really gonna i just spent a lot of time with my family uh i hope you guys had some good family time over the holidays this january through march uh you're not like you know when you're in school january through march isn't very much fun but even for everyone else january through march is just never really a great time in months i do like march though march is one of those nice months uh at least in the northern hemisphere for me and march has always been good for good to me hmm heck hack the rooms of this facility are only two in size i don't even think we need to do anything just take out their weapons that's it there we go get on there get on there good job people great man look at this look at how good this is we are just clapping them man our thing hasn't even recharged yet that we are near like we are near the ion sun come on give me my stuff back there we are good okay go get a rest go drink some water boys you earned it you earned it well done i'm liking this crew are we at our max size yet i think we can take on one more crew member i believe it's eight good make sure that these are saved and one thing i'm going to want to do next is once one of these guys gets to uh the next level of combat i'm going to go ahead and get dangler into that fight too because you want to make sure that the guy aboard your own ship is also good at combat and you don't want to hit a ceiling too early on um we've got habitation on this planet yeah ftl is kind of a pausing simulator uh we'll fight fight [Music] yep ion blast anti-biobeam well i mean if you didn't pause at the beginning of the fight kind of be screwed but yeah i i dare you to play it without pausing that's wild you'd be out of your mind to try to play this game without pausing let's do this anti-biobeam backup battery that uh don't even have anything for this yeah we're fine mind control mind control time ion blast yeah i'm just so confident in our crew now it's crazy um actually ion blast there's two no pause run when low oh god yeah when i get significantly better at this actually you know me thinks i'm being kind of an idiot here i i am going to need to do some hacking here do a lazies we'll just take out their drones if if possible oh how did that happen to my crew no that's bad i didn't mean to do that at all okay hack into that good this thing is on and i'm coordinating this all wrong but i think that this fight is just going very well so i'm not too particularly worried about these people all right their weapons are all down their drones are all down so we're fine yeah pooping on them pooping on them nice nice oh and i heard a ding i heard someone ding your genius is showing your genius is showing there we go okay get back get some get some health care again get some health care hey real real uh realm master 99 and what are birds thank you very much for the sub and and for the five gift subs to realm master 99 real master 99 thank you very very much uh much appreciated my friend hope uh hope the videos help you enjoy whatever you've well whatever you found or whatever you enjoy more thank you very much love the streams keep it up thank you very much 304 we have a lot of moolah now guys get a lot of moolah what should we spend that mulan on i think we should just keep going on we'll keep on going on to further nebulae further nebulae we could jump yeah let's see if we can get a decent storm still these weapons are not like these are like very b-class weapons uh people need missiles we also kind of could use them but it's not part of our main thing generally speaking these are pretty good uh oh jesus i take that back sometimes they're good i think okay fuel for scrap actually no we've got a lot of fuel i'm gonna ignore that one wow that was a terrible way to start this uh galaxy which looked better let's keep going to events which are not fights because maybe they will have curiosities at them can hire a crew member i don't think that we're going to need to hire a crew member but this guy is good with shields uh and he costs only 32 for a rock that's a very good deal for a rock especially with the double shield thing um [Music] tell you what we do need somebody else on our crew and this is not a bad deal and this is like very much we've won the early game if we get this guy yeah i'll take that man i'll take that man and she get off of those shields steven or whoever you are now we have pretty much a third border at this point like we have a second wave of borders ready to go um i'm trying to see what is like the next most essential system i want to say that oxygen is the next most essential system atreyu is see how much better a tray you is with shields though that's just going to give us so much better recharging time uh what is what does that actually give us in particular 30 percent faster recharge quite overpowered which is why i like it um it will keep going [Music] yeah another zoltan would be a little bit better but i think just uh anything that's going to reliably get me through this much of the game 20 this is not bad no i'm pretty confident in our ship but this is not a bad bribe i'm actually going to take it all right let's go to more nebulae nebulae dangle into the cop if enemies poured it uh he can defend my pilot that is true actually hmm i think i'm i want to leave him there only because oxygen deprivation just can just be so distracting on your ship otherwise yes otherwise yes now we need more like over belly weapons like i was talking about before i don't i've had enough of this steamy underbelly see me under belly weapons are very fun but they're not as good as they could be this hacking is fantastic against this thing ion blast we'll do here and then we'll wait on that let's mind control you just to slow this whole process down and i'm gonna go ahead and try to board and then i'm gonna try to get ready to send in another boarding party because it's super op and we're just about ready here this should be a good fight just about ready now and mess that up okay get out of here i'm gonna fire up this room there we go i've fired at the room go back into the room now that i've fired at the room oh no no no my people are my people stunned crap um we've got another boarding party ready if we need it okay you might need to get some healthcare in a second uh well we can always just teleport them back right now yeah come back even though that i had a guy in the room that's good that they did teleport back i messed that up all right just uh go in for the kill oops i messed that up turn on the turn on the blood ion blast whoops that was shields for some reason there we go and let's also power this system back up oh we've got the recharge going on there that wasn't too smart of me turn off one of these turn on this turn that on die no no but i okay there we are this dual lasers him down ooh it is on fire in there yeah you get in there you get in there unfortunately these blasters should hopefully keep this thing uh offline for now or from going there we go good kill this man someone kill this man mind control him to destroy himself it's too bad that you can't just mind control them to hurt themselves but that might be kind of opie get in there oh no i for whoops i should not have mind-controlled you there i didn't mean to do any of that uh all right this is actually making this take longer there we go okay get back on our ship phew it's it's funny how like the subtle timing of things if you slightly mess it up it can really mess with mess ever the entire entire operation up but such is life in the universe um [Music] there we go okay for some reason my backup battery is getting destroyed did we have another fire there oh no another fire there get back on our ship and get ready to jump i think we'll just jump along with this ooh a store and we have a lot of money now hopefully we'll get something good okay automated oh this is not a bad thing you know i had a pretty good experience with this it was not quite the same as weapon pre-igniter but i think it did help us more in the final battle do you have enough uh room for these things might not we yeah we've reached system limit okay alas alas i'm gonna go ahead and say automated reloader is not that bad there are better things out there but it's not bad we could sell if we want to i'm going to go ahead and sell the combat drone because again i just don't think it's any good anti-drone i don't think anti-drone is that good better off being aggressive breach fire beam still gonna hang in there with it yeah i think we just spend this money on ship systems i gotta get my mid bay back online a lot of people need health care right here a lot of people do hmm everyone go get some health care go get some health care you deserve it you deserve it absolutely uh oh biggins say thanks for coming out to the stream ah the organ remember i love the oregon riverald series can mind control your own crew if they are mind controlled to the enemy oh yes that is very useful in the last battle okay everyone's good now let's go ahead and just spend some money on our own ship because even if you don't find the things that you want in the store which i have oh there's another store right there uh better off going to a store early than late just to find out i mean assuming that you have the money so let's go in here uh wow and you ah snow dog tv tw hey thank you very much for the uh for the one year god bless thank you snow dog yeah that health care machine health care machine god damn health care machine well this is an equally awful uh store shield charge booster fire suppression ftl jammer can only hold three augmentations i don't really like any of these things either though again we'll get these things naturally over time but let's go ahead and just upgrade our ship um i think the first thing we can do is just generally get more power so let's get like another two of those we could go for a third shield but i think we're better off going for the engines we want to avoid autopilot disasters uh doors we could upgrade but we've just got so many crew i don't think we'll ever have somebody off of that mind control upgrades would be interesting though because i've said that we're gonna go pretty far down this tree teleportation yeah maybe just go super hard into that well let's focus on defense for now let's get another two shields another two of those this is a lot on defense but we really didn't get what i was expecting here and i want to make sure we take out some security okay i'm feeling very safe aboard this ship now aren't you feeling safe of course you're feeling safe uh of course of course you are [Music] hmm okay this one is dangerous so we shouldn't go to these like hazard line ones let's just stay at these here we go lasers right so power up everything just everything good good backup battery this this mind control okay that's pretty nice that's pretty nice see the mind control will last only as long as the backup battery lasts too most likely so i feel justified in this we will hack their shields and then send aboard our crew just something about taking out an enemy really fast it just feels great in this game we'll go in here that way these guys are trapped in here with me see they can't break through their own doors but i can just walk out of their doors when i've hacked the system i love this about hacking and boarding it's amazing it's taking him forever to get over here and look for their ship is already practically destroyed thing that i am finding though is that the anti-bio beam is not working out too particularly well with the um with the boarding unless if you have a lot of crew on an enemy ship ooh fish you're not doing too good oh you're fine now you'll be fine our ship automatically repairing itself is also amazing i kind of underestimated how important that would be but it's just taken my mind off of so many other things but that is only whole breaches i still think it could be better so if we find some i don't know like a weapon pre-igniter again for example i think that would be better oh no slurp is hurt no slurp go get some go get some health care slurp there we go [Music] if you want a board with two party parties upgraded teleporter might be beneficial um i think it's going to am i mistaken about this does it just keep it in the same room but it just decreases the amount of oh yes i see what you're saying i stand corrected um yeah you know might be better than the anti-biobeam at this point in time quite honestly um do this and this there we go um i wish you could save power allocations because that is quite a useful thing if it existed uh i think we'll be able to get through one more of these if we jump to one place and then back so let's just do this because these are hazardous events and we might have something good happen if we get good rng here uh we'll aid a civilian ship sure i think hack into their ships i'm not even sure i might be just wasting drone parts let's try to do a fight without hacking at all let's just try to do sheer boarding and ion blast on their weapons ion blast and uh we kind of have to do this really the only thing that there's any point doing here is ion blasting it oh it could get through a layer she's okay i'll just fire those two autonomously let's do this mind control mind control all mind control the mantis and then we will board uh we'll have them fight each other good so they fight and then we'll board as soon as they're done fighting um there we are okay good good good the weapons are offline almost um my people go in right about now right about now nope i want a two i want as many two v ones as we can let's make this as unfair as possible for them okay so you have decided to go in there you man uh let's go here let's fire the dual lasers up there because i don't want to hurt my people and we'll fire the ions up there okay we've got a fire in this room as well that's not safe are you gonna board our ship because yours is so very unsafe we do have hermes here we want to make sure these guys get off of that ship and they're safe good good job [Music] yeah you are already dead you are already dead man that's such fast boarding when they don't have a zoltan shield there's not much that they can do against it this thing is going to blow up too if we wait long enough because there is a fire spreading aboard it but we won't be around to see that because we'll be far off somewhere else in space jump again oh look we did have uh enough time there unfortunately we can't explore anywhere new but we've just had a lot of fuel throughout this entire run go to the exit yeah i feel like we have got a lot better since the last turn you look like a military vessel we're not trying we're trying to get back to our homes a lot of engineers your rooftop uh no my reactor is not that important i mean we've already already done a lot with it i don't see the point slug controlled or slug home i guess slug home sounds a little more inviting so let's go there could do the achievement with this ship uh maybe if we get through enough nebulas sorry nebulae i almost forgot my uh i almost forgot my manners there uh communication right you overhear their conversation learn they're planning to raid an infamous and likely wealthily uh pirate raid oh pirate raid pirate raid let's go slug home i always know when i'm at slug home [Music] let's go for the pirate take out the threat first all right we've got some evil evil right here uh we've got some evil doodoo we want to take down this uh zoltan shield asap we can't get the hacking thing through it we can't get mind control through it we can't even teleport through it amazing very sad um i doubt that the anti-biobeam is going to do anything here i don't think it will we'll use another breech missile for this one uh just one missile that should be enough and power that up might as well and unfortunately none of that really worked oh you know i don't think that the breach missile is doing any damage because it's supposed to like teleport sort of so that is sad all right but now we can board them so we're fine uh since they have had a chance to kind of get at us uh we're gonna go ahead and just hack into there let's hack their weapons because i don't want to leave this hanging for too long because it is kind of dangerous we will board them here nah yeah board them in the weapons that way we can create a 2v1 fight we will mind control this guy to slow down the shields back up battery anti-biobeam back online i think we're good oh no i forgot to hack before okay alas um well at least we're uh they're trapped in there with us what happens if we mind control one of their guys in the hacked room that didn't work out quite like i thought it would but it was still not bad certainly not bad we will take some time to take out the weapon system here though uh because i want that thing offline right they are very much near dead oh i thought we almost had that take out their weapons take out their weapons man one good boarding crew is all you really need let's go in here let's just board again go for that go for things that aren't going to get us killed man boarding is so op boarding is so op oh ion blast okay let's ion blast their med bay iron blast the med by no get in there uh you get back i can blast that med bay now i i'm not being smart here i'm not being smart uh mind control mind control as still offline for a couple more seconds you go in and take out the i know they've already got the pilot down ah damn it should never have let them get this med bay okay um yo it is giving us more experience i don't think they're gonna die [Music] mind control mind control oh damn i did this all wrong i did this totally wrong i nearly lost a crew member there no just stop firing stop firing i don't want to lose my entire crew uh don't stop destroying the enemy ship actually stop that everyone get off of the enemy ship everyone get off of the enemy ship just in case if something goes awry uh i hope it doesn't get destroyed can you start repairing that ship by any chance or is there oh there is fire in there okay this is bad uh get off of that there we go okay that was way too close what do you have one each literally one hp left oh so far nothing is bad uh nothing bad has happened to me at all i'm just wearing a halo around my head homes yeah home sweet home home sweet home oh right by the skin of the teeth yeah i should have played that should have played that another way um it was all worth it it was you know it's worth it for the memories we made for the friends we made along the way you know the friends we lost along the way okay more pirates uh nothing like attacking some pirates at home but that's how my uh much assault handshield can really scramble everything so again i'm thinking if we mind control the ng crew member he's definitely gonna get killed but if we get this guy he's very strong and we at least take up some health so let's do that um we'll teleport after they're done fighting again i think go straight for weapons yeah we need one hack per fight but i think that we can afford that good now we can see what's going on inside there we go good good good stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself you know maybe i should have done it in the four crew room oh well um going over yonder that way we can limit the fight to 2v2 and keep kind of shooting this boy there we go good nice nice nice all right uh stop shooting the there here we go let's go in with this guy yeah it's just it's proving so much faster to destroy the enemy crew than to actually kill the enemy ship it's rare that i've ever had this type of situation but our combatants are just so what can i say pugnacious that that's just sometimes the way that it is good job fish good job joel all right let's get you back to your place you know maybe we should just lower that crew teleportation time let's see if there's any store nearby oh there is a store okay so then we'll do that but if i can't find anything you know i'm gonna go all the way in on this uh crew teleportation thing uh crew gets fully healed by teleportation maybe not that bad but i mean they're gonna get healed in a second if they get it so it doesn't make much sense scrap recovery arm it's a little late repair arm i think we're well defended enough at this point in time so it's just not really worth it um drone control cloaking sensors again we said we'd do it without cloaking let's just go ahead and start boarding the enemy ship like crazy not with drones though i will buy a couple of these parts just so that i don't get totally screwed here but not much we need only one per fight in an emergency hermes i don't think is that great might be better than breach though but so much power so much power not worth it um fire beam i'll keep around although i don't think i'm going to use it automated reloader is good yeah let's just start upgrading our ship let's see is there another store nope no store all right um never did this before but yeah let's try to get three or more crew members on the enemy ship it's weird but let's get um all of these things three i think i'll go for three there this is a weird ship but i like it it's kind of interesting it's it's not like any of the other ships that i usually play so it's it's interesting in that regard okay that uh i've kind of screwed myself here in terms of bathing let's just go this way um i could afford to power up all weapons that's true but i don't think it's really pack the station yeah blue events are always great good we've prevented an alert bio beam breach and we're good all right but here is an example of a situation in which the bio beam will not be helpful at all um breach their shields and then go for the other stuff uh he actually hacked the shields hack the shields and then asap go for those no crew telly that's it stuff is just about ready come on get through those layers of shields good we've taken down the weapons no not our oxygen we drink that i could time these slightly better but come on yes there we go man who's they've got like a plumber on this ship uh whoops didn't need to do that but too late man that breach does uh recharge very quickly but i think that's partly just because we are getting better at it now one thing you can do is if you find yourself in an encounter like this where you're just fighting like infinitely forever um there we go you can kind of farm it just to improve your gun systems and help yourself get carried throughout the rest of the game for a long time it can be very nice i don't think i'm going to do it though it just seems to be naturally happening here um engines engines engines don't let them escape don't let them escape yes good good uh and it looks like the fleet pursuit did not really happen much faster but i don't think we were in much danger for that hmm yeah it does feel bad if hermes misses you know like if you put all of your it's really putting all of your eggs into one basket maybe if you had like gunner accuracy improved by that all right we've countered the hacking uh we have slug men boarding our ship why would you board our ship with slugs they're kind of they're kind of doo-doo you know i'm gonna ah i can't mind-control them alas and they've disabled our hacking all right well we are much stronger than them so i'm going to go in here and uh remove their healthcare there we are let's go ahead and do this ooh that is a big boy missile it's a big boy missile um we don't really have much else that we can do right here either so are we a little bit screwed let's get anti-bio beam up just wait for all of these to be ready and then fire them all in conjunction there we go in conjunction again i wonder if these slug boys are really ready for combat now they might also re-teleport back onto their own ship so this is a a point of great fear okay i mean we've pretty much just knocked him out let's go into their weapon room and just take that out we're being fought by an inanimate ship oh no they're almost killed me i'm gonna take them out though first yep we won that oh that was a big important miss good come back people heal um [Music] yeah you're healing you're good phew that was uh actually not that hard i thought that those slugs would be more of a pain but their their ship just had no strategy to speak of so they they died and that's what they deserve they deserve to die when you don't when you don't have a strategy you deserve to die so that's um unfortunately unfortunately that's the truth um yeah they had no med bay i'm surprised now that i've really looked into it how few ships in this game have med bays i i was under the assumption that more of them did because it always proves extremely problematic in your plan when they when they do because if they walk into their med bay they can just live forever you could be stabbing them repeatedly in the chest and they would still survive even with their med bay um yeah they're just like it's okay i have health care i can't die but i can't possibly die um yeah ship uh ship without um ship without a med bay is like the united states of america or we don't have uh universal health care which is just uh you know it's you're on your own you're on your own okay i think we can just walk in here and just poop on them i don't even think we need to do anything we can just do this just teleport in teleporting go for it people yeah that's it we just beat them up we just this is like uh this is like the bully on the school bus this isn't even this is no contest now wow holy cow all right let's go let's go ahead and see something can we get the uh can we get the achievement if we no oh no we actually we just got off of the enemy ship what i should have done though because these ships have only six rooms i want to see if we can get all of the rooms seen with no cameras on our ship as a system that's the other thing we're trying for in this playthrough and then if we manage to get that then we can go buy sensors at a store i'll see if i can get that done where am i from i'm from uh new york uh in the us eldon rings has been kicking my i've been playing elden ring my buddy played l was said he has been playing elden ring i feel like i didn't go see the fireworks show you know i i haven't played elden ring yet is it amazing maybe i know what we're doing for the next week on stream now maybe i'll check it out when some of the hype dies down a bit feels uh not really quite like that cyberpunk level of hype you know like cyberpunk had all of that hype but uh wow really nothing happening in these ones well we have plenty of time um one two three i'm not sure if we'll be able to make it three i think we actually gotta go back after we gotta go one if we go one yeah we'll run out of time i'm very wary of uh getting overrun by the fleet because if the fleet does attack you it's not the end the world but if you have to be like in the main part of the fleet you're pretty much dead you don't have much of a choice yeah i i think we we definitely would have been in it if we did it on store uh might need more money for a store so let's just go ahead and see if there's anything any money to be had here attack the pirate good see these ships we can just walk through the uh the security it's it's like there's nothing there for us to fight i mean hacking can get through three layers of shields it's insane this ant no thank you anti bio beam i'll take mind control uh who would be a good person to control his mind let's go ahead and do the zoltan i got one two three four five six seven eight nine rooms on this ship so we can't possibly get the achievement we'll just go in and do this um just poop in this guy's cereal let's do this um yeah don't even have a use for that backup battery do this well hack um honestly i think we're gonna hack their weapons because shields i'm just i'm not even gonna do anything with shields actually yeah we'll do the shields because that way the weapons can get through oh why didn't you send yeah there we go you sent in two people okay now seems like a good time to jump in here um [Music] turn on the hacking maybe you could explode your own zoltan too no don't try to get in there to fight come on fight your own man fight your own men what are you a coward you don't want to hurt your own people for me well look at all that i did for you oh we haven't gotten their weapons offline fast enough though oh no no rocky no rocky hmm i am non-plussed by this all right you know i might have to double board their ship oh no they do have a mid bay they do have a med bay alas um oh but your med bay is full and we can't do anything ha all right uh all right you take down the shields from the inside i'm sending in the a team in here get in there get in there and be somebody go go go boys if we just keep their med bay full destroy their med bay too that way they can't heal in it turn on the hacking good nice no more healthcare for you welcome to the united states um that's what they say at ellis island um you know have you ever read the famous black uh here we go you get in there because you're in danger how is this zoltan still oh maybe he had clone oh that zoltan exploded okay i didn't lose i haven't lost any crew members wow okay you know what joel come back get this guy he's the last one phew oh our oxygen is i was not even looking at my own ship the entire time fortunately i can just recall these people and they will be fine go in there oh that's not good you go in there too uh you go in there are you going there no oxygen we love our oxygen can't get enough of it yeah they they can't trade their ship for some aspirin so that's why it's so problematic when they have the uh med bay uh i'm trying to figure out how the anti-biobeam fits into this whole thing i'm sure it does in some way but the other thing though is that you gotta you gotta say breach missiles are just such a trump card like they work no matter what else you've got on the ship they're so good all right good job people good job now i'm thinking i'm gonna go ahead and buy like one more level of um probably med bay and oxygen partly just so that they can be partially hit um let's go ahead and just send everybody atreyu you go back in there and slurp slurp you go back in there too get some healthcare um breach bombs and breach missiles are blocked by zoltan shields by the way yes yes yes so you know zoltan shields are really problematic for us but i can't think of anyone who would really do welly zoltan shields are one of the most amazing things in this game and if you have a ship with one it's it's great that's why i went back with the zoltan ship because they're just so uh they're so amazing um okay we do have that store though we actually have a second store we can go store one distress thing store two i love long range beacons all right um man really not getting any of the items that i all of the guns that we've seen on these places have just been due to uh flack flank is not that bad but you need a strategy that revolves around it maybe i'll do it one of these days i'm not going to do it now though pike beam i don't like instantly heals our friend not good at least as far as i've seen it yeah everything's kind of doo-doo yeah we got another store maybe we'll find what we need there hey i imagine not use well if you had four flat cannons that would be totally um totally amazing hmm okay this guy is better at fighting but a an ng who's good at fighting is kind of an oxymoron uh hmm it's a rare 20 more crew damage but they really don't do that i mean combat damage inflicted i never depend on these guys for their ability to fight anyway he's just better off as a repairer i think we just got to say no to this event that's the one downside of getting a lot of crew early on is that you know you just waste them later yeah so it's not a very good uh not a very good dude if you were like better at repair or something i'd probably take him okay another zoltan shield speak of the devil um let's turn down turn down our mind control for what there we are reach okay now we can turn back up the this backup battery put that on there one and two good okay me thinks um i've never tried to teleport a crew into his ultan chill do they just wind up in the vacuum of space that would be quite sad the breech bomb is not going to do anything either here we just have to brute force it with this zoltan shield um and then we can go in with all of our other fun toys here we go amazing amazing what do i feel like when i try to sound coy like that why do i feel like pegasus from yu-gi-oh you remember pegasus from yu-gi-oh of course you do everyone remembers pegasus from yugioh um man these weapons are recharging really fast this is good mind control uh who is the weakest crew member we've got this uh human you know if we do the rock then that's like uh uh the incredible hulk essentially there we'll do that good and then we will board let's just assess the situation aboard their ship man i would not want to be them right now i mean yeah we i mean we got a board we got a board get this guy uh i'm a little scared i'm gonna destroy this ship with my crew on board be careful crew be careful crew man that really upsets them when i use the rock like that all right stop firing at this ship me thinks no danger here this could be a disadvantage of mind control that is this good because we actually need him to stop being mind controlled right about now all right so long as they can't repair these weapons we should be fine and our two ooh you're not doing too good uh oh yeah they've got on this cloning bay whoops let's go ion blast and do this to the cloning bay [Music] um oh i forgot about this okay get get back on our ship boys all right you know um yeah i kind of regret some of this pack that again get out there clone bay and then we'll try that again you know let's just destroy the ship the old-fashioned way i didn't see the clone bay there this ship had a lot on it the ship had a lot a lot keep destroying this thing there we go clone bay don't let them don't let them clone themselves don't let them clone themselves won't have any of that okay turn off that might actually end up using the anti-bio beam here anti-biobeam go go no no no escape no escape very bad mind control you no more uh piloting for you think we can anti-bio-beam them to take them out i do want to get the extra loot if possible but uh oh that's a very good offer okay i'll take that for seven missiles your ship's probably gonna blow up anyway slums [Music] charge laser charge two times giving an additional projectile no this is not that good burst laser mark ii is better eye bomb explosive replicator missile-based weapons have a 50 chance of not using a missile that's not that bad if you had that with like pegasus you could just use pegasus all the time backup batteries charge time emergency respirators you know what do we have on our ship automated ah the slug repair gel is not that good you know the long-range scanners are gonna become more and more useless now so i'm gonna get rid of those and you know i'll buy this only because at this point on in the game missiles just become so useful and a 50 chance is essentially 50 more missiles so i'll take it i'll take it um good on that all right uh still not exactly the store i had envisioned but you know um [Music] sometimes love comes in unexpected packages uh and don't quote me on that but yeah i i think that you get it hey ruth baine thank you you've enjoyed the vods much appreciated my friend happy you've enjoyed them we're happy they've helped you enjoy whatever you uh whatever you're doing with them i don't know what you're doing with them um that sounded a little weird yeah it was a little weird that's okay it was a little weird yeah fuel oh fuel oh i forgot fuel that's fine we can get fuel somewhere else from someone else yeah we'll be fine we'll be fine now this long mind control i'm liking if we can get this one guy mind controlled in this one room look all those people going after him they're very upset that his mind has been controlled they'd prefer that it not be that way but yet it has been that way okay we will do this noom goodbye we will hack into your healthcare you cannot have that it is not yours to have ahahaha we've taken away your universal healthcare oh no uh crap uh i didn't mean any of that i didn't mean any of that let's ion beam that while we have a chance uh don't laser it though don't laser it no oh no hacking hacking i should have given more time to hacking that was bad um you're going into repair hour mid bay i should have done that before man that was the fastest repair i've ever seen of that thing that was crazy okay you know just get out of there let's get out of there i don't want to risk your lives you know we've been taking some damage too um uh you know get in there help ng boy let's get use our breach missile more i mean we might as well get some bang for our buck with this thing we've been doing let's take down their weapons put down their weapons now there was no point in hacking that thing the problem is that the hack is so short and it doesn't really do that much to this thing this is not that good this is not that good this is not that good let's take down their weapons feeling kind of a stupid oh here i hacked the wrong system you know just mind control stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself good okay yes this is how it ends and nice everyone dies okay uh horrible horrible ending for them but you know sometimes that's just how it ends that's just how it ends unfortunately our mantis mantis have gotten better at a lot of skills they've had opportunities to repair they'll be much more well-oiled machine by the time that we get to the final fight the issue is that we can't get through shields um yeah i think the only system we should ever hack is their shields that's that's the only one that makes sense yeah door engine repair door engine uh yeah actually you might be more important to have repair you can kind of slow that down just get more grind for skills but uh next time next time everybody go back home go back home man do i miss slug home now slug home was such a great home drone isn't looking for you uh no bad drone bad drone didn't want this but that breach 50 refund thing is quite good these systems are useless for this fight do that um hack into shields yeah yeah okay turn those off because we're just about ready with the other systems and then ion blast there let's ion blast their cloaking okay dual lasers firing out man that you know i might need to upgrade this hacking thing i didn't do this before but it might be more necessary at this point in time like just because imagine if we could have taken down yet even more shields with that that would have been crazy crazy yeah just having all these kind of we're reliant on these secondary systems and i don't love that but it's you might just have to do it i just have to do it because that hacking didn't last long enough that didn't even get through all three layers of shields having hacked that that's what hacking is supposed to do that's what hacking hacking is love hacking is life come on good on missiles though good on missiles good on missiles good on you missiles that is a lot of what is that a burst laser mark iii mark iv does that even exist in this game but now we just have so much unnecessary power sitting around that we can't really do anything with this is troublesome this is troublesome yeah look zero missile oh very nice to use up zero missile check in there is there any fire is there any fire nope we're good we're good we're safe weapons offline man these weapons are tough on this ship ah whenever that thing cloaks that's very very good i do miss having a cloak maybe i'm getting a little too offensive with my ship yeah just keep going for the breach lucky charges this is such a long delay though oh actually what i'm starting to see is breach doesn't actually do that much damage it's kind of crazy yeah breach is not that good hopefully we can get pegasus before the end of this all right low on fuel low on a lot of things uh yeah i haven't been that smart well let's get well ahead of the fleet in case if we do have to beg for uh fuel that was not too particularly great okay this is not that good either oh but we did get the home sweet home achievement that's nice how are we gonna deal with defense drones yeah that's one uh that we had uh don't ask that question um yeah we haven't really gotten any of the stories i'll say this we've had great rng this run but the stores we've gotten have just been not good um and it's starting to get harder okay this one doesn't have cloaking i think we'll go all three in on that oh not the system i was hoping it would be not the system i was hoping it would be we might have to jump here this bad yeah we can't get that thing off okay i should have upgraded my hacking system this is i mean the worst thing you can have happen to you in the final battle in this game though is that you get the wrong system hacked wait till this thing comes okay let's now drain their shields train their shields this is not too good this is not too good yeah everything's offline this is a very good drone ship jesus uh when our crew is so fixed around the idea of boarding and we go against one of these automated ships though we just don't really have any answer to it um let's try to teleport a missile in there all right now let's just fire them together i'm being a little reckless here okay um no chance that we're gonna get anything else let's try to breach the shield we did we got it okay ion blast off and everything out of this if even one of them misses that's the issue is that you need you need some security in these things try to go for this again do that and uh ours got hacked at the same time it's all right i still think that we can slowly and steadily take this guy out without taking any more hull damage ooh they just did their other thing uh i'm not gonna risk it am i gonna risk it no but i i gotta be able to upgrade before the next thing i we're hacking we have to be able to take off more from that reach there man our breach keeps missing no at least you got better at avoiding stuff this is irking me ah i know this is sort of like the final ship battle this situation that we're stuck in right now um okay this we should just jump in the final ship battle the worst thing that you can have happen good we got a guy whom we don't need unfortunately and slurm is already good now our rng has gotten really bad yeah it's it's really changed it's really worsened uh broad drone ships to reeve having can serve crew survive with level two teleporter yeah um yeah we could um i guess we could have boarded it with our crew gone that route i just worry about them with the oxygen let's go ahead and get more hacking power because i just don't have anywhere else to spend my money and i have a lot of it but ironically our ship is in is in great danger uh i'll buy one more of those yeah we just need a store we need a store man let's head for the exit let's head for the exit yeah okay good actual people to fight fortunately drones are not the main enemy in this game usually it's it's real live human people um yes that's right real live human people okay again hack shields mind control let's mine control the ng because that way we but with two of these guys if we do the big room that should be fine take that down now let's see how many layers of shields this gets past three two one and go let's do that hoping that more of them go after him okay they do have a med bay here so we got to be careful let's look ahead this time around um okay if he a little bit iffy if we take out the med bay and then board this could be a clear signal let's see if it works okay we did take out a crew member and their med bay is totally down let's go board now and i'm thinking let's just keep eye on blasting it that way we keep it disabled good they won't have a chance to repair it you're under mind control um you can keep on just destroying your own guns let's do lasers on that ah that's all right it is what it is slurp oh no slurp no don't die slurp hang on a second uh i'll get you some some urgent care here we go powering down shields a bit uh no i shouldn't have done that let's do uh let's do this i don't need that one no i'll be fine okay um you go in there you go in there we don't need you in there and you people go in there because we've pretty much got them taken out now yeah we just ripped through these enemy crew members nice a lot of stuff a lot of stuff a little more damage but that's more how i picture battles going in this rather than like uh well the things that were happening a few minutes ago slurm dangler atrey you took some damage there too go back there slurm get some care good good job good job might want to go for like pretty high evasion here you want to play very defensive if you're going to be focused on boarding so we could do that let's just go ahead and see um looks like everybody's healed up you know if you could get to like 50 60 of asian that might be enough to avoid any type of missile at any time how does the hacker cost drone components it costs i believe one i think once you lock it on um then it doesn't take any more uh zended sorry i missed that before and alan cezar hey thanks very much for the subs um looks like no store so let's go ahead and do this i want to make sure that my ship doesn't take any more damage so we're right now at 35 percent of haitian let's take that up to 45 percent oh i think we can go even higher with that right now we get to 48 at this point it doesn't become worth it to get any more evasion really uh you're just better off going seven months nobody expects hey thank you for the seven months tennessee much appreciated [Music] hacking 10 seconds 10 seconds seems like an awfully long time be enough time to cause some genuine chaos in their ship this is not worth it going for the next one this isn't really worth it either yeah i think we just we haven't had any good weapons we've been starved of good weapons this run which is why i'm a little bit uh uh worried about this ship because we've had a lot of chances we've had a lot of stores but nothing has had any of the stuff that i've wanted in it um oh whoops did i accidentally stay hidden i didn't mean to do that all right no matter we got to keep moving on somehow uh prevent an alert uh am i ready for more encounters yeah we gotta fight him i don't think it's gonna make a difference with the jumping though let's just go attack just attack directly i don't care if the thing uh takes longer to get to us um you know i'm gonna go ahead and just teleport my crew in there because i think we can take it out faster than they can do anything else to us uh go in and just destroy their weapons completely we will hack their their hacking uh is that really even worth i don't i don't know i don't know um do this uh want to try to avoid using up missiles we're just running low on like everything definitely want that powered up um good enough for me i don't think we're ever really going to have a chance at getting through these shields i just our weapons have been just so so trash for this run uh that doesn't make a difference yeah hacking their hacking is never worthwhile i have decided okay am i going to lose my people are my people going to die can you get them down to red weapons [Music] promise to bring you back how low are their weapons man they have to be really low i'm surprised that they aren't okay get out of there get out of there i don't want to lose you um that was a waste take that out or just that if we can get something through there i played this all wrong yep there we go all right that's a little bit better we can get a breach missile in uh breach missile breach missile man our crew really can't do that much them you know i'm gonna jump just because i know i'm gonna take more damage in this fight and i feel like uh like an uh an idiot but the truth is just that the way that we're dealing damage our crew can't do that much else or our crew can't really do that much direct damage to the enemy ship which is not good not good at all yeah you know the play-through started out really good we had good rng but it's kind of devolved into what i thought it would do and that we didn't get any of the weapons that i thought we were looking for um and we're just a little bit screwed right now if we don't uh if we don't find a store with decent stuff in it we'll go to another uh another slug controlled place love a good slug controlled place i know we have one fuel now we're out of fuel uh this is bad uh not a bad place to get fuel let's turn on our distress beacon and fortunately we're not right by the edge we did get three fuel okay that's nice some not that much to write home about we'll try to get farther away from whatever is coming this way uh we do have a blue event good okay yes slugs uh can't use our mind control we can't use our hacking either yeah i gotta go ahead and say like weapons are just kind of the be-all and end-all in this game and if you don't uh if you don't have weapons like you're pretty much screwed you need weapons in some form or another um so yeah that we've been doing pretty horribly on that front like one burst laser is really all i ask for i don't think there's anything else i need here we power up our weapons more i mean we're gonna kind of kick the uh like i like i say you know kick the candy out of these people do they have any weapons that can do anything to our ship this is a really weird ship layout uh man come on let's get this yeah i don't think that these guys are capable of dealing any damage to us this might be a not so bad place to just train our crew up no more breach missiles we don't we can't afford it we can't afford it we simply can't anti-bio beam go back to the med bay there we are the sign optimus thank you very much for the prime yeah these guys can't do anything to us look all they have is a fire laser and a uh like a pike beam or whatever it is albert hacking their hacking these guys don't even have hacking can they escape though that is the question can they escape can they escape if i antibio beam you here and then i teleport onto your ship i'm pretty sure i could take you out there we go yep all right uh teleport and yolo see if we can get at least one guy in the infirmary there we go nice so much scrap to be had get out of there okay joel go in for some care joel go in for some care we have leveled up in our combat pretty well i'm just gonna leave these guys as is because i don't want to risk too much here still no store still no store this is not looking too good not looking too good no store wow okay well we need to get to uh wherever we can as far away from this fleet as possible with uh no fuel on our uh oh god really not the fight i would want again um [Music] yeah this is a pretty weak looking ship though we might as well take whatever we can get from it [Music] nope uh okay i'll take it 15 fuel or 15 scrap for that not bad all right just expose as many new places to me as you can game tell me about what what are my options what are my options game oh no this is my first ftl run that has really gone kind of like not so good at least at this point okay uh waiting for a customer to assess uh no i don't want to see anything that a slug has yeah working with the slugs is generally very scammy just one store god please oh no we don't have any fuel we don't have anything we have nothing what happened to our ship's power jesus these guys have like extra power sapping or something um mind control is going to be worthless let's just go straight in for a board straight in for a board uh hoof gonna seem a little counter-intuitive here but i'm gonna go ahead and yeah let's just go straight for the pinata um i have one of these okay i'm gonna hack into this thing and i'm gonna board hard boarding is it's just like such a one-sided strategy i'm starting to feel man look at how good these guys are in combat though and then once they try to get some health care then we hack into it yeah yeah all right here we go uh you get in there ah no they've ionized it either that or it's recharging i can't quite ooh or we could prevent them from getting into the room look at this look at them go look at them go oh no unfortunately they're fighting the wrong ones okay everybody get in there too go in go go go go go people go go [Music] walk out of there walk out of there um man you can really be limber with this when you get fully upgraded okay deactivate and nice phew i think we figured out how to hack the enemy systems uh medical bay that that one went quite a lot better we did get one fuel from that as well so that is nice to see now all i need is that store i need that store yeah we need to stop at a gas station for some chocolate milk and that was a lot of power to get drained jesus how many power was that one two three four it's like eight power what is nine eight somewhere between eight and ten i'm not counting it i'm not counting it oh hour o two there we go man so few resources so fury resources you know what it reminds me of is uh rise to ruins i don't know if you guys ever played rise to ruins that's another fantastic game um ah store i'll buy everything at this store have you ever just walked into a gas station and be like i will buy everything and then run out um i'm pretty sure that's when you rob a store reverse ion field it protects your ship from ion damage this could be good ion damage is ion damage can be kind of debilitating uh missiles up to 50 i still feel like the more missiles is better though slug repair gel that can be good for when you're really in trouble well first off fix all buy all that fuel you know i have so much money that i'm just going to spend it on these things uh sensors again i said why i'm not going through with sensors because i kind of want to get that achievement but who knows if i will end up getting it at this point um still holding out for hope holding out for hope uh you know actually i have no hope i'm just gonna buy him because it's it's better than nothing i'll get the achievement some other time reconstructive teleport um cell do we think that explosive replicator would be not as good as ion now you know if we get this missile count up to a higher more respectable number then we could start using breach more again uh and let's go ahead and let's buy one more slot for weapons and that might be enough let's go ahead and see if we need to upgrade our reactor at all um one two three one uh yeah let's go and upgrade that reactor all right there we go we've got two of our weapon slots upgraded let's go ahead and leave our backup battery entirely for the evade so now the backup battery starts to make a bit more sense we'll try to use that anti-bio beam again and go from there lose automated reloader for the reconstruct [Music] i feel like that the automated reload the automated reloader is working quietly in the background i feel like that's how i'm feeling about it in general this is a really good deal so i'm gonna take it i know we're low on fuel but we just haven't really played i'm not gonna lie we had horrible stuart luck in terms of getting weapons i i probably could have done flack but it wasn't what i want to do for like the achievement there are a number of privately owned ship construction platforms in the area you find one choir about their specialty uh we don't even have that much scrap right now this is not too good uh yeah we gotta go on to the next sector okay yeah i think we're completely screwed we're probably going to lose the game but uh hold out for uh hold out for the possibility that good we get the fuel we get the fuel um we can repair we could just kind of do the heck out of our other systems and then hope that we could um uh board the enemy ship a lot of times we're gonna have some crazy fights here though i will try hard it because why wouldn't i um why wouldn't i of course and we'll try to get that last weapon system upgraded as well as maybe the hacking um this is not that great we will get a good replenishment of supplies but let's see if we can get this uh you know i think we had a lot of drone fights in this run it's not such a bad system to get hacked what kind of weapons do these people have they don't have missiles so let's go for another shield one two three yeah i'm gonna need this reach um getting a little bit better assessing the situation over here okay uh let's go in and just take out their weapons again if we can i think that was pretty successful the last time um breach will send over to their shields and then we'll wait on the ion blast in the dual lasers hacking uh are we gonna hack anything i'm thinking probably but let's see if we can go without it um yeah if the breach manages to get it that would be much better okay we got one down and they're at above half health so i'm gonna assume that maybe they'll be able to get that for the last bits breach going again [Music] and i don't think they're gonna get it okay come back come back there's a little ballsy of me okay i'm gonna go ahead and hack now hack shields and breach shields if possible oh that was a bad miss there we go fortunately the hat king does not seem to be able to miss like that just can't i haven't seen that happen okay we've got everything down let's go for these ones iron blast on yeah this ion blast i wish were just kind of like another laser that would have been better ah i forgot the i thought i fired it breach take out those shields so many misses man the problem is that we aren't like we need if this were a burst laser mark 3 we might actually be able to do something but as it stands we're just using up tons and tons of missiles to do any damage breach also seems to have a limit to how much it can do stuff too like it i haven't seen it get anything down to red a lot of the time let's go for shields i i think our ship is pretty safe at this point in time uh we might have to board them again this is awkward though it's a little awkward you see what i mean yeah like that didn't fully take out their weapons again it's annoying yeah with all these misses taking way too long they might even be able to just run away from us in time good okay ah shields still in orange still in orange i'm surprised at that despite all the damage that we've done to their shields these shields will there we go shields have gone to red so now we can focus on just preventing them from getting away let's keep going for this stuff there we go okay you won't get away you and your meddling dog uh actually ion blast this save some breach missiles because we're gonna need a lot for the final fight gonna have to be patient here yeah i don't know like we might be screwed since we don't have any more shops um in the final battle we're gonna need to do some pretty crazy boarding mechanics so it'll be like an interesting final battle i've never done something quite like this before with this amount of raiding or ship rating i didn't think we'd niche quite this hard into it but uh we did so yeah we're screwed but we'll see you know i actually did look this up after the last uh stream whether it's pronounced niche or niche turns out that niche is the old french way of saying it and niche is the americanized version but it's optional in america which one you want to say uh but yeah niche is the uh is the right way it would be like saying mantises or at least the french way but that's kind of like saying speak in another language in your own language so i i do have uh my fair share of objections to it but uh just putting that out there for good information um [Music] don't know if this is really gonna be that much more useful to us anymore but it is a free thing i mean it's a cheap thing i'll take it i'll take more hacking or at this point i'm like should i just get full dodge because we're going to be really slow in this fight um would have been faster med bay lead to a better raid um could i i find that they actually we'll get one of these i think let's just sketch some of this out i mean if we do this it's just so expensive i think that this is going to be more useful but i'm not sure that this hacking is even going to be useful to us at all that's what i'm worried about tentatively going with this because i think we have a lot of power but it also requires a lot of power to run this ship um [Music] and we'll have to kind of move things around as we go two on system is great for a redundant backup but yeah in case if something gets hit just having two in there even if you don't actually use the second one it can be kind of important yeah we pretty much just got to run in here uh we do fortunately have 15 missiles for this and the eight drones should be helpful no okay uh um i mean the irony is this is a perfectly fine ship for us to fight we fought so many drones and so many other weird situations that the final ship is at least a little bit more predictable for us um i'll go with this they they do they have a lot of horrifying missiles here um i'll power this on i will do that one second i thought i heard an alarm uh i was like did i leave the stove on um mind control you sir news sarah will be mind controlled um hack shields always hack shields always hack shields we'll worry about the breach in a second and then i'm thinking we bored oh they have no med bay they have no health care okay inward inward we go you sir you take those things down our hacking is so good now uh breach their weapons oh man breach you are very unreliable why are you so unreliable breach yeah i would greatly have preferred a burst laser to this thing okay yeah try to take down the shields you might as well or just go into this guy oh yeah see if we can get up that uh let's fight them in the clone bay that way we could take out the clone bay instead reach that and wow another amazing miss wow horrible can they clone in the clone bay if we're in the clone bay no no they don't need to be wow we're just taking them out so fast though that they can't even possibly uh that's good that's good okay there we go weapons are pretty much offline and oh no but they're all dead though they're all dead aren't they oh no they're being cloned as we speak oh it's dystopian and awful um yeah automatic fire on everything except turn off that breach missile because i'm gonna need some for the final fight no oh it's awful if we could just take down this goddamn cloning bay jesus okay ion blast that and then do we win no but i don't want to take it off of this thing either try it out try it out just take out that stupid cloning bay there we go come on come on baby win one for old mr crab [Music] this is absurd this is an absurd fight [Music] okay now that their cloning is offline can we at least get something oh crap i forgot to heal these guys never mind uh get out of that room get out of that room jesus uh this wasn't what i needed before the boss fight okay um you get in there and you get in there not what i needed not what i needed [Music] okay now take him out i still think even with our low health we could take this man out nope we can't never mind get back mmm hack i just gotta coordinate the times on these things better all right one more missile oh no don't move rooms while i'm changing your target uh oh this one man this one man get back into health care you're on fire mr krabs okay thank god thank god that's over we got a combat drone which we didn't need it was a horrible fight that was a horrible fight leave me to my misery somehow i feel like that the fact that i'm overestimating the final fight all the time is going to make me more safe for it because otherwise i generally think that i am i am in uh i i think that's the one fight that i i'm always fearful of here we go nice the double med bay is actually quite nice if you want to heal quick though well i'll do more pausing then i'll do more pausing or what what i really need to do is just line up these weapons shots which i haven't done as much as i should retax yeah breech has horrible accuracy i really don't like this teleportation bomb it's horrible you know i mean even like something as simple as hermes would have been better than that i think we've got the base over here i don't know if we actually get anything at the base i'm not sure if i even want to have another combat though let's go ahead and spend some money on oh we do have enough for the anti-bio beam not that i think we'll be using it but i think we are going to need a bit more power for the last fight uh so i'm gonna go with that because i think all of our other systems are pretty much at full uh full usage i want something a bit more reliable let's get more on here and that way we can or we want it to be reliably on this that way we can get the anti-bio beam ready because the last ship is big enough that we could board it and have an anti-bio beam going at the same time and that would be perfectly fine we've also got rooms where crew are isolated so the anti-bio beam might be fantastic in those rooms if we get the shields down if we do all of that other garbage and go on from there um is there any system in which i don't really need that much power uh i think once we go over we aren't really gonna need to get back that fast so let's put that on evade and then we'll power that up with our secondary okay um well yolo response problem is that it attacks once which means it's more likely to miss since it only rolls once it's accurate yeah like the other missiles sometimes you get a barrage or something like that well we'll at least get another chance in case if we do get the wrong system hacked i think we're good on missiles and drone parts for this would like a few more missiles but the drone parts is at the very least good okay um he's going to cloak right away so there's nothing that we can do let's just check out and see where they're going to um hack us okay it's going to be our engine moderately bad um honestly not one that we can't fight but if we can take out their guns fast we might have a chance um let's see i'm gonna go ahead and put some more power into that and i'm gonna wait on the other one so what does this mean our our dodge is down to zero for the moment being so i should have waited for that photo well i'm going to turn up the mind control okay mind control who do you whose mind do you want to control is the question really um well where is it going to make a difference i think in general you want to slow down their gunfire but we're probably just going to kill one of these people out right in here so let's go ahead and do we don't want them to have evade too maybe we do this we mind control you so that you can't evade we breach bomb the heck out of this place we coordinate our uh yeah we gotta take this guy out like asap but actually you know we could just board that so that'll be fine too so let's board in here to make sure that they don't do that that's one good thing mind control to decrease their evade let's go ahead and hack into the shields and then once the shields are mostly down then we can do these two things [Music] let's do all that and see what happens good it's in it's in we're just about ready to fire stuff we're just about ready to fire man this is gonna be a really nice fast um teleport there we go um let's get these things offline that's i should have double powered that okay well whatever oh no they got off one barrage that was not good that was not good do we have any evade we do have 38 percent of aid we do have 38 of aid shields going down three okay only one went through only one went through go in there go in there help help i think once we get down to fewer shields now we can figure the rest of this out so we've got the anti-biobeam ready we want to make as much happen with the anti-biobeam as we can so let's go for dual lasers or first off we'll go into ion blast then dual lasers into breech and biobeam and maybe we can take this one guy out fast ion blast is out dual lasers are out breach is out and then we'll see what happens okay we got the anti-biobeam ready good we got him yes and fire i love fire okay that was very lucky because this uh fight is otherwise not going too particularly well um [Music] send another boarding party yeah i know we sh i should have turned more power into the boarding i should turn more power into the boarding that's going to delay this but it will take them a long time to get this stuff out and we get down the two main weapon systems so i'm feeling justified in that okay you go back in there um our ship you need some help too rocky's not very good at repairing rocky's not very good at repairing come on get this out before they get another missile barrage in there we've taken out their lasers and their missiles good you're safe come back oh no it doesn't actually work if the whole thing is offline okay good um there we go we need to be very careful with that if we're getting ready for the next fight all right um they almost can't do any more damage to us anymore that's the good news here uh oh i forgot to power it again i didn't know that it had to recharge there too all right um let's hack antibiotic might actually be the key to victory here we can mind control someone else for fun let's mind-control you uh we will let's just fire everything at this one poor man uh he just got his job here there we go we've taken out another system and now they have only one system which can do quite literally nothing to us all right we are com we are officially safe they are pretty much all offline in terms of weapons i don't really want to send him our crew over there but we could just go ahead and kill the rest of their crew now this is actually not that bad at phase one yeah if you do kill the whole crew you can run into some weird issues where like um automated systems take over and stuff like that but um let's have to watch out for that you know i think upgrading hacking to level three was a pretty good idea because it just takes out the whole shield i mean that's as good as a bigger burst laser oh no not what i wanted now they've recharged their shield uh that timing is all off all right okay i guess you can go in here and just take out their last weapon i might as well i might as well now they have no crew on no guns so can they i don't actually know what happens at this point in the in the run if they just can't do anything to me with any of their weapons uh so sad so sad we just focus on the rest of the crew now we i feel no danger we could level up the rest of our crew in the middle of the boss fight i've timed that all wrong yeah we gotta wait until like right after they're done cloaking okay come on back in people yeah i would like to just bio-beam the rest of the crew yeah they pretty much just heal in here it's like we're giving them free combat experience i don't know if that really carries on this game is it's actually it's over 10 years old now wow that makes me feel that makes me feel old to me this is still like a new ah come on cloak give out stop being cloaked that is the longest cloak all right uh send crew to [Music] all right you know what i i'm pretty confident in my crew i think if we uh since we've got this room hacked we could pretty much just kill this guy because he can't get out of the doors let's go in there let's also mind control this guy just to mess with their cloaking there we go our crew are just about ready and isolate yourselves with the captain because they're about to get through that other door nice nice nice [Music] man that door blocking turns out to be amazing uh will they get will they get through there crap um okay when you when that's done get out of there okay now we can actually get a decent missile barrage and again we don't want to have our crew in there when they um when hits the fan okay go for the shields everything go for the shields i don't need to use too many more breech bombs on here but maybe i can get the anti-bio beam going um is anyone near to death probably the people running into the infirmary are about to die yeah all right we got them they've got only three crew left piloting this massive ship they can't possibly do anything now yeah we'll take our time with the rest of this how what is our gunners skill at just to see if we can upgrade our gunner throughout the fight because he can pretty much just shoot at them to get experience at this point uh nellis is currently gold in uh shooting so we don't have to think too much about that oof hmm mess with him mess with him make sure they don't take your guys because yeah if it warps with your people on board then you are in trouble okay good they've cloaked so now we can wait a second and then we um we take back their ship that was actually not that bad a system to get hacked if this were the part of the fight with the super weapon i would be a little bit more scared here but um nah this was fine this is totally fine i think we got to take out the ship though without the bio beam or let's find out what happens i've done this in a long time anyway just killed the rest of the crew yep uh i totally messed that up so this is i just got myself into a worse situation slightly um the ship is essentially turning into a drone now that i've killed all the crew i don't think it makes it particularly that much better but even if you kill the entire crew something bad takes over on the ship so i should not have done that um i should have just left them at one crew is it going to automatically repair its weapons now ooh um tbd tvd oh maybe not maybe not our weapon set was just so specific for what we were doing oh no we could probably board but at this point i'm better off just shooting a single laser at this thing but not if the room has a breach okay so yeah we should be fine and if not then we can just re-board that for a second yeah this is a pretty stupid fight uh i guess we could ion blast like they're cloaking so they can't do that probably a little bit better oh no yeah they are starting to repair this oh crap okay that's bad uh that's really bad um okay let's send in a breach bomb there that way it will take out a hole in the floor and good that thing's completely dead again still this thing can't deal any damage to us okay that breach turned out to be uh that turned out to be important and i think that the rest of the ship just repairs so slowly phew man this is the weakest ship i've ever destroyed the uh the main phase with our ship is horrible our ship is just awful i can't believe that we won this fight i'm not i'm not gonna lie this is one of the worst uh ships i've ever made in this game i think the one thing we need to do is make sure we get a full crew teleportation for the last time for the last fight uh rocky go back to the shield room i need you there there we go okay come on destroy it destroy it for pete's sake good good good and now it zooms away yeah the double mantis is amazing we i can't wait for four mantis format this will be amazing okay we do have a little bit of money so let's not be too rash our crew our are healed um we want to power that down let's put three on to that uh honestly the the triple hacking and the triple mind control and not really triple mind control triple teleporter was not as bad you know i think mind control i've been giving a bit too much credit it's not that great um i do want a bit more reliable power for the last fight but i don't want to pick the wrong thing here this is going to be worthless double battery could be good but what if it gets hacked i just want more generally in my reactor see enemy weapon charge still not that useful let's just buy one last power i think yeah um yeah the doors won't really help us that much either just a little slightly more reliable power okay over to the base unfortunately we can't really uh retreat from this fight um oh yeah i should have replaced the bio beam with fire i thought that the crew would come back to life there i actually did not know that that existed in this game um i think i just made this boss fight way harder for myself by doing that i'm not gonna lie um but if we can breach it again this might make breech bomb a little bit stronger because if it can breach the hole then that is just generally helpful we'll take down the shields again um we will go in yeah i made this fight way harder for myself um oh yeah they've got the anti-droid thank you thank you just power that down power that down um breach goes there um power that down good good good yeah i made this a lot harder for myself ooh anti-biobeam is just totally useless now fire would have been yeah fire would have been better oh well um too bad we're a little screwed let's go in and just teleport into their drone room the truth is that we can do this all with no resistance now that they've got this um so it's just really a matter of time of how quickly can we board and destroy all of their systems so we'll have no resistance whatsoever that's that's good um of course we have some resistance here um let's see we've got oxygen refueling i will send you in here although you suck at combat the other guy is great and as soon as we can let's take out the shields in fact let's do this good the drone that drone is down that's a lot of damage that's a lot of damage okay you were still alive you're still alive come on guys work faster work faster good we did breach that thing we've got another breach charge going let's breach all of their guns if possible um this thing is just a total waste of power right now can actually start to power up our hacking oh that's not good that's not good man oh yeah turn off mind control tube thank you yeah useless good um [Music] do we even have anything we can power nah um [Music] i would like to board them again but i cannot right now because i have a person in there ooh we just took out a lot man why can't you board why can't you destroy their drones faster this is really kind of crazy um ooh [Music] man we haven't even really taken out like any of their drones this is bad this is bad okay we're gonna automatically repair our hull so don't worry about that um man come on guys i need you to destroy those drones completely i need those drones gone i need those drones dead my mantis no my mantis okay try to breach shields if possible uh dual lasers and this can't possibly get through yeah man my mantis they're just not doing damage fast enough okay good more of the drones are down though now is there defense drone down no it's still not for the hacking temp okay see if we can take down this thing just to slow it down i feel like i should pause and just reassess um man i thought my drones would have put that or my guys would have put down that drone thing long ago um [Music] we could send more borders that's true but we have to go repair stuff i want to put do some damage control on my own ship save it on o2 i guess breach bomb uh shields again is still not doing it okay their thing is down we can go hack into their shields take it out breach bomb i don't know how many breech bombs is going to take good those things are down completely can we quickly get this thing offline because this is the worst for our ship i think we'll still get through this phase but i am a little nervous i am a little nervous here okay that didn't get it into the red uh we gotta take this thing down now ion at that good we got it out okay that was the big one um try to breach everything i don't know where we're going for that let's go for this you go for oxygen you go for boarding and then we'll get cameras okay all right it's a little bit better now just make sure every room is breached ooh how are they coming back online oh because we uh but it's red how is it ah this whole automated ship thing is really driving me crazy you know just stay in that room make sure that it's totally destroyed all the time man it's gonna be like without oxygen too yeah this is not good at all this is not good ooh this is very bad this is very bad hack into it again and then just slowly take the thing out that's how we're gonna have to do this take out its evasion can we breach found that maybe now we've already breached that room twice man it's really the worst when the automated systems take over i should have left the crew alive so this makes boarding so much worse than the final phase uh yeah i guess just shoot any other part of the ship or even just keep focusing on the drones ionize those drones all the time good it has no more evade i mean we want to leave oxygen on the ship so we'll keep that safe let's destroy their piloting i don't know what else to do here yeah just do that and then we got to get our people back wait don't shoot the drone room why not drone swarm is oh it's not but run by the drone room ah i think back what i said okay yeah let's keep some missiles for the final fight the final fight is important oh um yeah all right we'll just rely on hacking and our main laser for this fight so the drone swarm is just being run by something else but i don't think that the drone swarm can get through our shields though either okay um my people are good unfortunately they can't breach the hole and i don't think they can do any more hole damage yeah so pretty much this come back do that ion blast i'm not sure it's worth it to ion blast anything now i guess just keep getting drones so that they can't get more drones online and pew pew and we're just going to pew pew them into the dust now all right i think that the uh the weapon rooms are breached so they shouldn't be able to repair them yeah we just got to wait we got to play a slow game hack missile hack missile i'm honestly surprised we're going to make it through this part of the game though oh yes camera repair thank you and then we'll return our crew to their original positions there we go just like that can't disrupt system when it's destroyed oh okay well then that's fine i wonder if there's a way to just totally remove our drone now our drone stays on their ship so if we destroy the system it's just it's just a sad story all right well this ship is pretty much destroyed good good job everyone uh i would have left one crew member alive if i had known that stuff happened you're usually well off you know killing most of the crew members but maybe leave like the engine guy alive or something like that yes i will switch out the uh what is it the anti-biobeam for the fire beam that was most unexpected uh combat drone can't get any use out of that tried to sell it before but just no uh got nothing out of it right um as for all of the last of our power we're not going to be dealing with any humans so let's just get hey thanks for the 500 bits zen did much appreciated and roon thank you for the sub from before battery the backup battery we've already got tons of power i feel like uh we could just leave everything fully powered that would give us another one actually that means we could do mind control mind control is absolutely useless now though this is probably the best configuration to go for so from this standpoint what would we want to upgrade our backup battery currently has no use so we can go for a main system if we want um o2 there's not really much point in changing that i'm thinking either pilot or doors pilot or doors just because of fire spread yeah probably pilot at this point is ironically the most important one mind control um yeah actually they will mind control this a bit but i mean it's pretty easy to get it back and we don't need to do the whole shebang of it uh so let's go ahead and just remove some from oxygen let's put that toward uh mind control yeah good call good call [Music] right uh still a little bit iffy i don't know if we'll win it but um i think we will want to say that we will okay uh we could just mind control our guy back we yeah we're paused now okay um let's do well they've got a zoltan shield so we gotta break through that first so let's just do this uh these things won't do anything i'm pretty sure that the fire beam won't do anything as well or we'll just save that we can't board we can't really do anything at the beginning so we just gotta kind of grin and bear it for a minute [Music] no don't miss don't miss uh yeah do a barrel roll right oh not good not good not good okay that was super lucky did you see that oh jesus okay will the fire beam do anything and it did it this i think it did something actually to the okay no mind control for you bad no oh god we gotta get in there we gotta teleport in there like now oh no another one of these uh what am i gonna repair okay you go in there try to put up that fire then you go in there this is why we've been training people this is why we've been training no i hate this oh that was kind of lucky too okay yes yes yes baby yes um okay paul's figure out what we're going to do all right the breech missile is ready uh we want to breach these rooms so that they can't ever repair themselves uh that was incredible dodge incredible judge really good uh really good job by uh slurp on that one good job slurp we will send our crew into their [Music] probably their engine because i want to prevent them from dodging anything and i always also want to stop this annoying mind control um because they can dodge the breach missiles at times we've got five missiles left we want to do the rest of this um i think we're good to do that yeah good they didn't dodge it okay bring this online right away oh that's a lot of missiles um now try to breach the other one this isn't going to be enough but maybe we can fire beam in a moment ooh that was bad that was bad maybe we'll like be destroyed climactically as we're destroying them okay i'm gonna go in with my ion blast toward this thing because i want this thing dead right now and then fire beam um let's just try to hit a lot of rooms so that we can spread fire actually no these rooms are in the vacuum of space so that won't make a difference um yeah i was about to set a fire in a vacuum that would not have helped at all the breach and the fire will be weird the way that they kind of combine can i get this i want to leave the oxygen online so let's do that i'm not sure if i can get this full line up though i'll just take four oh that is quite effective i have not used that at all yet okay i will breach that again mind control my own people again whoops missed that sorry about not on mind controlling you um that's good that's good [Music] i think we're good power up backup battery and leave my people in there ion blast this and do this they will still have that attack no matter what we do come on breach come on breach go breach is not working very well just shoot everything at that ah we're taking a lot of damage who's low on health dangler tingler oh dingler oh no dangler on oxygen dual lasers come on take this thing out i guess more fire i don't really know what else to do with this oh whoops uh wrong wrong time to fire that whoops is not good in these fights ah crap come on everything in their ship is on fire oh we took out the main thing all right we're good we're good we're weird missiles are down missiles are down all right try breaching again try breech fortunately we should have enough missiles to do most of the rest of this fight and uh we can focus on a different room now if their ship dies with my people on board it's fine i actually think we have a better shot no no no uh good thing that they are in the health care facility why can't i use my own mind control to d mind control there we go uh ion blast ion blast is there anything else that matters now they will always still have a weapon to keep in mind [Music] i don't know if these guys can actually inflict any more hole damage though i'm pretty sure we're always going to be in danger because of how many missiles that thing fires but yeah let's just set everything else on fire so does this start to damage the whole more oh whoops i messed that up again god i've really made a lot of mistakes in this combat and still somehow survived i mean that was important come back onto our ship because i don't see any point of having you over there anymore [Music] yeah kill the med bay i'm not sure what we can do anymore at this point i want to leave the vacuum over there they've managed to repair things even with a breach in them in other spots though so that is a bit nerve-wracking let's go ahead and do this we'll just prevent them from dodging as much as possible fire beam just destroy the other systems and see if it does anything uh i'm not really impressed oh wow it brought back its zoltan shield that's not good at all we still do have a drone in there though come on come on come on baby uh come on firebeam go everything is on fire how can this ship still possibly be working this is like the most occult ship i've ever fought in this game okay yeah they gotta go if i lost this i would still have the moral victory it's the only way okay we won we won it's over it's over it's over oh jesus this was the worst ship ever i will never play as the slug again i did not like these people very scammy very scammy oh jesus you know that was that was fun thank you for all of the moral support this was a difficult the slug are awful oh i would much rather have played as the mantis but i learned a lot about the final battle in it i suppose i i made so many mistakes in that run yeah that was don't do any of the things that i did in that run either um well let's go find out about the other ships that we unlocked very fun uh let's see our stats what were our stats really this made the top three that supposedly that was better than the man than the mantis run we just did i wholeheartedly disagree um slurm has survived the most jumps though that was uh he outlived obama who was our other one um just someone who happens to be named obama um and we like the rock yes we got the rock cruiser that's right uh we didn't get type b though hey thank you very much for the for the sub b caps much appreciated much appreciated my friend um that was that was the worst run of all time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 112,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faster than light, ftl, faster than light gameplay, ftl slugs
Id: SEir5ut4vNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 19sec (11719 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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