Surviving Hashima Island in Project Zomboid | Longplay

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we have just spawned in as horus furman uh a very unfortunate man who has landed on hashima island which has been given insane zombie populations we have the music turned on before i begin anything else yes we do have the music turned on so we can have some uh some good ladies singing in the background now horace furman will be going on an adventure today we have on all of the brita mods and everything else i've just been wanting to explore this and see if we can exterminate all of the uh all of the vermin that inherit this island uh hey magna maniac thanks very much for the sub so again we're here with the with the twitch chat so we're going to be trying to confront these obstacles as best we can i may die if i die i'm just going to keep on going i'm just going to keep on restarting but above all else we want to just play safe this is like a very high risk high reward island really high zombie pops but also really good loot it might take us a minute to sort through it because there's so goddamn much of it but it'll be very much very much worth worthwhile now the issue has come up of whether my videos are [ __ ] posts i've i've reached the point where i don't i don't even think they're [ __ ] they're just regular posts now they're just what i believe they're for please don't call them [ __ ] posts just call them regular posts and if anyone ever uses the word [ __ ] no i take flattery because i know that you like it i know that you like things that are [ __ ] posts and you like memes you like memes and you like things that are inappropriate and that's great no but at the same time too can't we just live a a philosophical a more philosophical existence every i [ __ ] you not every day when i wake up i remind myself that stoicism practiced in everyday life means that we need to meet confrontation with greater readiness i i think i used the word confrontation about 40 times in a row in the last video that was really one of its major flaws but i really think that we need to seek more confrontation we need to seek more stress and anxiety in our lives so that we can grow accustomed to them and even harden to them perhaps and therefore that is what we will be trying to do in this zomboid run but don't you kind of feel that a little bit in gaming though at the same time what's more philosophical than spongebob references true that's true fancy pickle thank you thank you for pointing that out but at the same time spongebob sometimes also has great philosophical contributions to be made okay hang on a moment we're going to avoid running live the stoic life do you guys do that though i mean i read this blog called hormesis the guy is not horonesis that would not be appropriate um no hormesis it's a very good blog you should go look it up hang on a second we need uh we need a shotgun we need a shotgun i'm dead give me anything give me any ah crap i didn't pick it up okay uh fortunately on this island there are other options okay uh i did not you see the thing is that i never really thought about how to get zombies out of a building it's always much easier doesn't it seem to bring zombies into a building than it is to bring them out of one bringing them out of one is kind of like trying to get ants out of an ant hill you know it seems much easier to dance to run back to their ant hill than the other way all right we'll we'll be having kind of like a dualistic matchup between philosophical [ __ ] posting and playing zomboid throughout most of the stream that's what i'm gonna gonna go back and forth between so if you don't like it now you probably better go find something else to watch because that's what it's gonna be today easy games are boring yes challenging games force us to confront the stress and anxiety and this is the reason why it makes our normal everyday life more interesting or rather more livable livable i had a friend once who who told me in college that he didn't seek happiness that he just sought to live out each emotion like to its fullest like if you're feeling sad to uh maybe not quite like this but that he was not always seeking happiness and fulfillment this was i don't know whether it's really stoic i don't think that that is very stoic but i think that it's very much like accepting and it's in the same vein yeah but hormesis is a good block hang on a second okay we're going to do the other strategy where we just randomly take everything until we finally have something because that seems to be the only other way to confront an island where there are insane zombie populations at least the only one that i can really think of doing it speed running all of the emotions that's one way to put it i kind of like that way hey frazier how are you my friend thanks very much for the eight months it's a buddhist idea well buddhism and stoicism have a lot in common though but enough of that all right hang on a second before we go back into the we'll wait until we have more grind again the running at the beginning is a bit of a grind which is why i go on and on about that kind of thing but now we've reached kind of a weird lull if we lead them around here and then we go back in we might be able to get the guns we also don't want to tire ourselves out though we've got 50 bmg rounds and 45 acp 45 acp is i believe a bit more common but i think that if we just calm down and we just walk we could probably get in there oh that's rather a lot we had trouble on this island because the buildings are so tall and it's very hard to lose track of them [Music] if we make our way back in here we may be able to get more gun again hang on a second lose them around the corner cut out visibility and we have a dull moment now we didn't find any shotguns there a moment ago daewoo is pretty good that takes five five six damn it all right i got an lmg i got an lmg uh did i actually get a it does contain a magazine okay i got my first weapon ah frabjous day okay hang on a moment uh draw your weapon raise your weapon uh yes who's who's saying that raise your weapon was that a dead mouse song listening to a lot of headmasters hey you folks have been i've just been trying to better myself lately oh damn that sounds really great i really like that i try to listen to a new album every day 100 anima 100 ammo gonna take some time that's true how much do we have in here right now we have 20 okay so a box really didn't contain all that much oh well damn hang on a second we seem to be doing just dandy even without even without having really practiced this very much reloading level three we're already part of the way too that's good i am unbelievably accurate i'm also desensitized because i just start off with the right traits it was dead mouse that's right oh fantastic you know dead mouse used to stream does he still i haven't really checked him out he's an interesting guy um how should we deal with this we can go back get back to philosophy soon now we're making a lot of noise i'm surprised that this is really only as many as we're getting with the insane populations but now that we can draw quite the horde we should be able to bring them all to us and we are getting thirsty just as i guessed all right we're going to have to hang out a second we there's water everywhere now it is safe to drink water from the source um you just got to make a water drinking noise in real life and then it'll be it'll be fine police officers is when um veteran is worth points outside of specific uh police officer does it give you desensitized though that's one of the main reasons why i take veteran because if you get desensitized you get your panic down from the beginning like see i'm being surrounded by zombies right now and yet i'm not panicking because i've covered wars you know uh hang on a moment this is not too particularly good but this is how we want to sort of draw them the goal today will be to clear out the entire island and as soon as we get a little bit better at this we can take down massive hordes um it will take some time it will take some time but if we draw them away from that garage we should be able to get more five five six rounds because it's very easy to identify the box of five five six rounds it's orange and large and box like that should be okay hey crocs no sucks thank you very much very grateful for your for your kindness my friend hang on a second good he is dead uh there are no bullets left all right don't do anything stupid just stay mobile stay mobile that's the most important part nope nothing there we just want to give them a little bit of room even if we don't get everything even if we don't get everything we want i know that we just passed up some bullets but there we go another box of five five six that's what we needed okay now we have two boxes before we had only one now it's two two is one more than one all right fantastic okay we'll spend some time reloading that'll make us better at it that's how life works when you do something you get better at it i think i've got on slightly increased stat allocations or multipliers because i want the game to be more like what it is in multiplayer now loot probably won't be this common in multiplayer because everyone will get to it before me and then take it away and then shoot me with it that's how multiplayer works but i want to be ready for multiplayer few people play zomboid as the really grindy single player experience that we've been knowing for the last year just because you're awesome oh god damn hang on a moment that's quite a lot of money solas that's quite a lot of money i got i'm gonna i'm gonna take a knee for a second i'm gonna take a knee in the game ah crap ah no just gonna pause damn can you we've had quite a lot of generosity on the stream but can you can you send me a message ping me on the discord so that i can i can say say a real thank you say a real big thank to you solas that that is not merited i hope that you're not putting yourself at any financial strain though but thank you very much i'm very grateful for that very hmm wait a second wait a second we just leveled up bring out the dancing lobsters aiming level three huzzah and zooms good actually no zunes is a bad thing we're talking about shakespeare the other day do you know about zunes damn i feel like i didn't make a big the thing is that i've got to just do a bigger thank a bigger thing i i can't really there's nothing that i could do in this unless if there's something that soulless would like me to do right now otherwise i would i will have to go ahead and and thank you post-dream because i don't really feel like i can do anything to justify that and i wouldn't want to rush it along so i will just i will just have to say i'm going to thank you properly after the stream if you don't mind that but please make sure that you add me on the discord i would i would pray tell me that pray tell me that hmm i leveled up thanks to yes yes exactly that now we've used up a lot of the five six how much have we used up is it sixty pray to god no pr well pray tell isn't that just a a saying you can't can't someone when usually like when a knight comes to a princess in a medieval story they'll say like pray tell princess and then he'll say have something else to say after that uh well usually that's how it works okay now we've got another two boxes another two boxes nothing wrong with that um we want to clear out this side of the island if we can actually manage to clear out one end because like i said yesterday stealth in this game just isn't really plausible it just doesn't really happen the way that you want it to height threat thank you very much for the 103 bits what is my location again so i'll kind of go through our scenario we're trying to clear out hashima island hashima island is very small and manageable it's one of the great maps of waldron it's usually a pvp map which is why it's so high with gun spawns at loot um i really hope that it's connected to the mainland because i think it'd be cool if people could come back to kentucky like this we're gonna see if we could just exterminate all of the zombies on the island i think that's a cool goal we haven't had just to take over an entire island goal and it's very hard to take over a whole city and you never really feel like you're done because there's always more but on an island it isn't connected to anything else because that's what an island is what i consider a melee weapon for god's sake unless if i were using a melee weapon multi-hit mainly just because it tires you out see working with a gun is partly like working with leverage god damn it it's jammed again the fun part though is that since it's insane populations uh it will take quite some time for us to get to the end of this group and we also have on high hunger use zap dose on them who said use zapdos ever go down the youtube rabbit hole the other day i was going down the shorts rabbit hole i've always been i've never made any shorts because i just didn't think i wanted to it's not really the type of video i got into youtube for but there was one video that i clicked on uh it was a pokemon size comparison and i just remembered back to when i was in fifth grade uh and the teacher showed us a planet size comparison uh the whole class got in trouble because we were just too excited we got we started being very inappropriate um it was a great year in fifth grade though we had a lot of that but um ah let's see but the pokemon size comparison brought back similar feelings so i was just i don't know reflecting on that what does this have to do with anything i just thought it was a fun idea pokemon size comparison my goddamn more of these but yeah you do that though you know this isn't really something i've touched on in videos because it feels very petty but doesn't it sometimes feel like that day-to-day existence nowadays is just a fight against your addiction to social media platforms i feel like that we all kind of have that problem now how are we going to combat this in a way that's serious and not just petty because it is a serious issue of modern day society but how can we talk about it without trivializing it you know this is a problem and i think that right now we have i i like twitch because it's not so in your face in many ways you know that's one thing i like about this platform there's a lot of problems i got too but it's but it's a valid point jaden thanks very much for the prime whale lord yes i learned that whale lord is the largest pokemon but i had to get through a lot of other pokemon to get to that uh point at the end i it seemed kind of obvious at the end i was like why didn't i think of that did i really need to watch this video but it was kind of cool also to see well but see the fact that i'm going on so much about this when it was something that really didn't have anything to do with my day and i know it's just a trivial example but at the same time i'm over using the word trivial but you know what i mean it's it's a minor example but it's indicative of a greater trend it's indicative of a greater trend what's app these other ones yeah well whatsapp you know at least you use that with real people but you know when you click on things on facebook on twitter my god it's getting to be rather a lot of them hey super nintendo 64. thanks very much for the prime i got a second uh if we can clear this one fast enough five five six this is not five five six i think i just missed some five five six right over there uh at least we got it sorted by category i was not doing that before and am i dead am i dead am i dead i'm not dead i am not dead okay clearly there are a lot of them around here i'm getting a little bit this is this is the test though is like can i can i withstand these numbers i found amusement about people using stats inside to prove that ash ketchum is strong to an ungodly op degree but this is kind of like what our what our existence is composed of when we spend so much time online you know that's why i'm trying to get down to trying to get down to the good stuff in the videos trying to get down to the philosophical bits you know your day my day filling the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run so to speak why don't i pause when i'm looting oh wait a second pertex that might be the smartest thing i've ever heard pertex suggested that i paused the game while looting i have never thought of that you are smart hang on a second yeah to make it kind of like multiplayer i suppose but at the same time i've never thought of just doing this and now we can look through the loot as much as we want in note jesus christ hang on a second i might have to i might have to send you my squidward that is really smart and the 223 i've never thought of this this might be the greatest exploit since the walk 2 exploit what influenced me to make commentary that's so phyllis i don't really think of it as philosophical commentary though i just think of it as commentary like i i don't find it interesting when things are just on the surface i hope that that doesn't just ignore the question um this yeah i know i feel like my brain was just unsmoothed hang on a second we're going to put this we're going to take sam fisher's night vision goggles because they're kind of badass uh what else are we going to take also 2 two three is good but damn i'd never thought of doing this i got a moment whoa whoa whoa he did that way faster than i expected too this pertex rum bottom thank you for giving the gifting the sub to pertex pertex you have just been promoted to general damn this might be the smartest thing anyone has ever told me i mean obviously you can't do it in multiplayer but i never thought of this wow wow i'm just thinking of all the new things i can do now with this stupid information it's amazing uh now i need some water i could even just walk up the stairs um look i mean now and the thing is that i was complaining about this the other day i was saying that you know you couldn't like it's annoying that you have to sort through all of these inventories because it's not like real life because in real life you could just see the thing on the shelf but this kind of undoes that i feel like you are gifted you are gifted well i know it's not as exciting to watch so i won't do it the entire time but i might do it a little but the thing is that it will lead to more ex i just spend so much other time running around hang on a second okay let's spend some time over here then and now we could go over to this see now we could see everything at a glance waist pouches i need those fanny pack um other night vision goggles but sam fisher's night vision goggles look cooler so we'll say we'll say no to that uh oops oops hang on a moment okay we're gonna convert all of these rounds to uh five five six are we dead are we dead no we're not dead well the other thing too is that then you don't have to keep wasting your breath because i promise i won't pause for the entire time but this might be the most next level tip i've ever been given jesus christ pausing out starting your kinder yeah it means that you know we'll spend time managing our inventory when we're paused good uh two two three round transfer to five five six we gotta do this really fast i didn't get all of them oh there we go okay now now don't insert an empty mag insert a regular mag god damn it ah there we go okay wear this with the night vision on okay i think night vision goggles might have been an unusual item to pick first but that's fine why aren't you reloading this five five six there we go we did it taneka thank you very much for the prime i've never thought of that i've been playing this game for 650 hours and i've never thought that is i can't right click ah [Music] see what the tip that i had always given to people that nobody ever thought of was this thing where you can walk like this with f1 or you can even run like that if you hold down shift uh that one took me a very long time to figure out and also that you avoid ruining your clothing when you do that in the woods but the looting i've never seen i feel like i'm gonna be a much better player now fascinating though i'm sure that there are a couple of other tips like that that i still have yet to uh to lay my hands on that means that we can search out new areas though too rather than just being confined to that one room and then circling it um this room doesn't look like it's going to contain exactly what i want yeah the more you know the more you know leon hook says that my character looks like he has a liberal arts degree stand back i'm going to use my degree in liberal arts to break open this door no literally i'm going to smash it open with my diploma oh god uh that is quite you are quite funny uh hang on a second five five six um five five six uh did i miss i skipped over some two two three as well uh um okay see dexterity from my liberal arts degree um in college uh college that'd be all it would be useful for oh god let's not get into this debate it makes it no one is ever happy whenever you fight about college you know no i i do have a liberal arts degree unfortunately um uh well let's just not talk about that though fair wind tactical belt front ironically i'll say this is that i uh i double majored in college i studied uh i studied english which everyone thought was a throwaway major ironically uh in my family everyone was an english major so there was like reverse pressure in my family you had uh pressure to major in english which was very strange because usually that scene is like oh where did we go wrong you know but oddly uh it's been the one i've probably used most at least in my youtube career hmm here we are ah good not good so don't don't scoff at that just don't scoff at those things you can keybind f1 is pause and oh f1 and wait a second oh i see what you did there though so you keybind so that pause oh that would save a lot of time hang on a second hang on a second uh i have never done this before fast forward pause if we keybind this so that fast forward yep uh sorry no key f3 wow that's pretty goddamn's crap uh hang on a second uh i did that wrong i'm just gonna keep clicking for a second yeah i could key bind it that would save me a lot of time thank you hmm i'm gonna i'm gonna stay with the five actually should we get the yeah we'll just get shotguns at this point it's probably gonna do us more good otherwise we're just gonna be wasting all of this five five six ammo well this could make my looting runs much easier two point sling 50 bm team around uh let's see if we can find a nothing wesson no inner dynamic i'll use up the last of what i have with uh 556 rounds but we'll also see if we can see got some water right now because i need water and we will wear that there we go okay i have a jacket fear me um this is what i meant when i said that the island was going to be intense uh let's put on this fanny pack there we go i mean tactical belt uh which is what they are 50 round 45 acp we don't need that okay we have gotten rid of the weight now we need water uh or i will die i have died of no water i didn't accept oh i didn't accept the options change ah thank you apply and accept so now if we do f1 we should yes we have paused the game with f1 this is genius three months let's go and be called wow hey thank you very much for the three months fake sauce appreciate it where is water on this island i think we have to go up to the second floor um do i uh oh i'm not here with you in this room there we go okay uh lying uh hang on a second why did it have to be an electrician living here and why couldn't have been a water salesman um ah crap i got to get out of here that was a close shave that was a close shave oh wow ah i made it okay we've actually had pretty success we've had pretty success on this first day now we're gonna go ahead and just open up this box of rounds thank god that i had all of those bullets there before now good let's do it like a pro yes like a pro uh transfer to five six if you don't know this you can change oh my god why does it take this long though you can change two two three rounds to five five six rounds by i don't know touching them or something like that i don't know this is are they just interchangeable in real life yes a water salesman what you've never heard of a water salesman of course everyone needs to drink can you imagine if we had water salesmen instead of just faucets good i will change all of the rounds okay now i'm feeling the risk set in if we could get them all onto this side of the island and then just eliminate them all and then hopefully keep them off i'd feel much better okay skills i don't think we can do any of that pause menu magic aha we good we have it it's crazy to me that you can't walk and do certain things at once so two two three and five five six are are pretty much the same water salesman yeah it's like there used to be a knife sharpener there'd be a guy who come came down the block and he would ring his bell and he would sharpen the knives on the block because apparently there was a time where everyone's knives were just getting really dull you never did you ever experienced this yeah we got those here usually work on the stop light industry what a water salesman all right sorry we're getting off of this topic there will be no more water selling just drink it just drink it and why did i also have to go to that faucet i have plenty of water right here now are we the normal weight to start we are 80 to start what else do we have we have desensitized i never went over my traits illiterate slow healer hard of hearing weak stomach basically everything that makes food just a nightmare but as long as we eat normally fresh i was gonna say clothing but i meant to say food don't eat clothing that would probably wind up in the hospital well you probably wind up in the hospital at some point in your life either way but my personal stuff had a job interview yesterday and i start my full-time job on thursday finally get to use the 1700 pci built last year feeling generous too happy to hear it from the other day too i remember well oh god bless happy to hear that god all that ends well it ends well please don't put yourself at any financial need for me though congratulations though ah nothing like a new pc my pc is starting to get old now very dusty but there's nothing like a dusty pc also you know i kind of enjoy don't you like getting something to run on a computer that you just found the parts at the library or something um the sound of levels i got a second let's go ahead i'm going to use this pause trick now this is very winchester now this is 12-gauge shotgun but it takes only five rounds daewoo k3 lmg don't we already have that uh let's take the winch actually we don't really want to load ourselves up let's look for some other gear while we're here let's see if we can yeah this looks kind of badass so we're gonna wear it uh oh a lady i mean a man there we go okay let's see if we can grab some other stuff so if we can't right click a we can at least bring that into our inventory what about when we unpause now i have waist pouches and um ah this is it the spaz 12. great okay that will suffice as far as shotgun shells are concerned um it could be a dwarf lady that's true it could be a dwarf lady um i hadn't thought of that those dwarf ladies always sneak up on me god damn it i didn't actually grab it oh hey royale cheese tv thank you very much for the that is very large rate thank you for the very sizable rate of 50 damn welcome in royale royale cheese re all right i mean i guess my name begs more questions than yours so i won't question it already played thanks very much for the raid appreciate it welcome in raiders uh hang on a moment um my pleasure's here what what were you playing how did your stream go thanks very much appreciate it were you playing zomboid or were you playing something else ah god damn it hang on a moment we've been trying to eliminate all of the zombies from this island we're just doing stupid challenges because they're kind of fun ah we're doing pz as well are fantastic pz pz is coming back into vogue at least in my book with the new brita armor expansion we're using the new brita armor expansion i just recently started pronouncing brita's name right i was saying brita before because i was thinking to myself that couldn't be a water this man isn't a water salesman but he must have a more upright profession no and i believe it is in fact brita i was trying to see if there was a way to support britta in any way though yesterday but i couldn't find bretta's patreon um which is unfortunate i don't know if there's any other way that we can support him so i just gave him thousands and thousands and thousands of channel points which isn't worth anything but it's still at least something how do we get back to the water so the water selling always just conveniently comes back in roy like pulp fiction so roy oh oh that makes sense pulp fiction is quite good i can ask the music is starting to make me nervous i'm going to turn off the audio i just learned about paused looting which was probably the most next level tip i've ever been given on zomboid this is going to change everything let's take the 12 gauge shotgun shells we can pause the game did you know this it's amazing i want to share this with everyone i know like you know one of those childish days where you just hear a good joke and then you tell everyone you know the joke because you think it's so funny that's where i'm at right now 12 gauge magazine uh we don't actually need the magazine for this because it's uh barrel fed am i saying that right barrel fed it's a barrel fit yeah [Music] okay five five six we'll take five five six and twelve gauge if i can help it uh spaz 12 is pretty good i don't really want to be switching out magazines too much right now i think that we're fine as is hmm tal rhea says am i an axolotl is that how you say this this minecraft monstrosity i don't know i haven't played minecraft in a while not that i would judge you i should probably get back into it because it does give me a great deal of nostalgia despite how mainstream it is you know sometimes you feel like you can't have nostalgia about things that are mainstream well that's not necessarily true ah this has a lot of 556m this is this is actually a heavy amount of ammo good okay let's put on the chest rig and then we're going to start to load this thing up um [Music] i think that isn't finished being spelled wear this we're just trying to look slightly more badass that's what i'm in the business of good okay uh we have all these pouches on us for god knows what reason fair wind tactical belt on the front what is this weight reduction 80 what what are our waist pouches at uh 70 okay so then these wage pouches are garbage and we'll wear the tactical belt and said sorry i've got to do a lot of mental gymnastics to get through this is wait is an axolotl a real creature various things that i read in chat are going to get me very confused about real animals and not real animals probably because i just know an abysmal amount about animals heroin tactical belt front okay so this is fine um now how do i unencumber myself self unencumber i think i did it wrong accidentally dropped the right thing damn it and there's a guy right behind me too okay uh let's just reload we'll just use up the ammo that's how we'll lighten it up from ourselves yes that's fine yeah getting a backpack would be good we gotta go back to one of those other buildings and find a real backpack okay so there's a lot of people saying that axolotls are real animals people have them as pets you know i've been wanting to save up for this expensive amphibian that's been my that's been my patreon goal from the beginning that it's literally the last patreon goal is that if i if i reach the final goal i will buy a large needlessly expensive rep that no i don't want to do that please don't make me do that now let them live in the wild in fact i have lots of new pets that i didn't know that i had now that i uh live in florida um it is i i there's a lot of that here i told i told everyone my uh my insect story the other day no one was happy with that so i'm gonna ah just end that one no i'm just gonna kill that one in the crib so this big doesn't that seem like a very dark expression kill it in the crib yeah a turtle turtle turtle is sort of like an amphibian it's kind of like i know it's not an amphibian i'm not i'm not stupid i know science no it is a reptile very good yes turtles are reptiles now let's uh get on with our lives we can get more water from here i pretty much meant for much of this to just be shooting i suppose that the only way to really up the ante here would be to um turtles that oh no you could have a turtle and have it be happy i didn't mean to judge you that way i just know that i do a very bad job caring for animals when i'm completely on my own so that's why i don't have one that's why i don't have one i would like if i were gonna get the pad i might get a cat i'm gonna be nice have a cat rubbing up against my leg yeah that'd be nice [Music] building has food sometimes oh and why have we not turned on our night vision let's see if we have a bit a battery um battery food my god this entire building is an enormous is an enormous wow wow wow katana very nice very nice i will use that i will wear this hunting this is the kind of loot that we want more of in zomboid can we have hashima island everywhere bars gorka jacket i believe i have this on right yeah i don't i don't think i need that uh yeah i have bars gorka jacket this is quite badass [Music] get reptiles i suppose it would be thematic for the channel if i if i had a pet frog but there have just been so many pet frog memes that i've enjoyed but i could take pictures of him and create new memes and i think i would i think i would love this animal i might you might not have any more of it the main reason is that no i i would take very good care of it but you might not get videos anymore if i if i had a pet animal because i might spend too much time with that animal and not with you anymore i went and i got some warhammer this week i haven't had any warhammer since i was like uh 12. and let me tell you it was very exciting i was very glad to have warhammer back in my life weight reduction 90 capacity 8 wait is this one better than this one uh they're about wait this one is slightly lighter than this there are all of these subtle differences between these wow okay i'm gonna just throw this on the ground i know it has wd-40 in it but there's tons and tons of wd-40 everywhere around here i will i think we'll be okay this is like quite objectively good gear um and it and it looks cool there's a lot of gear in this game that is good but doesn't look cool so it kind of like hits that trio or whatever i want to say [Music] but yeah no so i've spent less time making videos and more time assembling warhammer that is to say i've spent a lot of time making videos but uh but i don't know i just found it very relaxing to play warhammer again not really even play it just like do all of the modeling and assembling it just kind of brings me back to my childhood and anything that brings you back to the nostalgia of your childhood is usually good where is food i think we made food uncommon when we created this island so there is that challenge to be had there um sam fishes okay so we can turn this on now what is this this is night vision uh we discovered it yesterday and we just have been using it badly i'm gonna go ahead and just leave it on full power we'll see if we can find a screwdriver in the night with the remaining night vision we have a hand torch okay that could be useful uh if we can find a valuetech radio this is good we just need a screwdriver now come on screwdriver might end up using that pause thing for more just because we don't want to wear down our exhaustion and all of this not a screwdriver not a screwdriver not a screwdriver not a screwdriver i don't really want to go to the deeper boxes but i'm just a quick glance shows no screwdriver okay drink out of that yes i trust that stagnant water in the warehouse that seems fine hey blackout4171 thank you very much for the prime this building appears to be under construction [Music] can you imagine like a pvp only like there's no zombies in it zomboid zomboid could be so easily made into a game just like tarkov or something like that you know you spawn in well not like tarkov in all of its systems tarkov is a different animal entirely but imagine just getting rid of all the zombies making the map smaller it's neat what is this is this a supermarket and why am i using my gun probably attracting more there be little food on this island there do be little food being kind of careless with this but i don't really have to be careful about ammo anymore we just have so goddamn much of it oops jammed maybe i should have gotten that wd-40 again hey cool friend billy thanks very much for the 100 bits [Music] yeah escape from zombar something like why are oh they're all right next to me what about you but just having night vision in the game makes it like five times more badass i i don't know why this wasn't included but the next thing that i would ask for would be thermal vision i wonder if that can exist it seems like that would be much harder to implement though because it seems like night vision is just like one adjustment layer over the entire screen you know what i mean like all of the lights turn to greens and all of the darks get lighter it decreases the contrast in the colors but i feel like that if you had thermal vision that would be harder to implement right do zombies still have body heat this would be kind of an existential question if they did have that mod i think they don't according to max brooks's survival guide or zombie survival guide but i suppose that they would have a little bit more heat than the area around them because they've been moving around these are the big questions we get into but yeah i think that would be pretty neat if they did have that in there or if somebody tried to make this mod i mean i'm excited all of the mods work together pretty well it's it's very much like rimworld in its modding system in that things can be added and deleted like lego blocks chocolate okay just my luck uh crap not a great time to get the junk gun jammed should probably have a whoo okay ooh that was kind of close didn't really count on having the gun jam what i need is a decent sidearm if i could keep my katana on my side belt that would be ideal but as it stands right now i couldn't hmm ah nice okay see if we can take out this area because clearly we did find a housing complex which has some more food in it okay another jam man we're really gonna need some wd-40 for this did we actually manage to pick up that we did not pick up the uh what is it the shotgun before we have to go back and get that there's a spaz 12 back there with my name on it waiting how much time do we have left in this night as well we're gonna need it's funny we found night vision goggles but no watch i should probably check a corpse sometimes you can actually spot one with a watch on it and then take that watch do you have a watch do you how many people have i murdered to get a watch oh god my name dude my night vision is now out again but still we haven't gotten tired we haven't gotten exhausted was that even due to one of our traits we don't actually even have those traits on but our aiming and reloading has really gone up i think this might even be a bit too high for the multiplayer multiplayer servers are on a multiplier usually but maybe not by quite this much all right there was another one but yet no panic is set in at all desensitized is great ooh jesus after watching most of my videos probably tinny timmy turner's dad thank you very much tennis hill i i can't remember any memorable lines of timmy turns down a lot of people say dexter's dad or people will just compare my voice to various things here we go i don't really remember what dexter's dad sounded like to be honest with you um none of this uh daewoo ah here we go uh needs a magazine though ah that's kind of grimy though we don't we don't want that default to a2 laser device man this is starting to remind me of like it seems like getting into a gun hobby is almost as worse in terms of all the different designations that you need to learn as like buying a guitar i've been looking for a new guitar lately because there's some stuff that i just can't really play and i want to play um what was i saying but anyway yeah um so the guitars what are your thoughts on jackson's and schecters that's what i've been looking at i'd like a shector but i've been trying to i mean anytime that i'm not making a video i just try to go out to either target or you know guitar center just just like weird hobbies weird hobbies i've been looking at anyway i wanted to consult you on that ever consider reading books for audible no but i like reading we gotta get we gotta make an a a book club or something that'll be the other channel just book reviews book reviews something something to avoid gaming you know do something different every now and then lots of good authors though lots of good authors out there okay i think we've pretty much cleared out this building i wonder if my noise radius is limited to this we gotta be careful this close to the door uh good 33 this is probably making a lot of noise oh this is making even more noise than i had given it credit for we can't oh we can remove the battery from this great okay even without uh whatever it is the spatula we don't even need a spatula to get that out of there sam fisher's night vision goggles remove battery and is the battery with nothing this one has no juice so is a battery a juiceless battery is that is that useless to me can we as far as i know there isn't any way to recharge that good battery we also need a way of turning on the night vision goggles without right clicking them that would be very nice in fact is there a way to do it key bindings maybe there is and i just don't know it book reviews with it wait is this uh hang on a second dried battery hotkeys hot bar equipped turn on off lights uh wait a minute that's for the normal game hmm rack firearm maybe this is from the combat orange to reduce the battery push to talk let's try f that's normally for a flashlight but it no it does not change for this that stinks okay i am saying it'd be nice if you had another uh hot bar button so that you could turn on or off your night vision i don't know why more folks haven't discovered this night vision yet i think it was i wasn't even the first person to cover it i just haven't seen it in so many things it seems really cool though practically makes it into a whole different game now we are going to need to whoops i rebound my all my controls drink we do need to find somewhere to sleep tonight because if we don't sleep we'll be very upset but we do have coffee as well we could be an unhappy instead of sleeping yep there comes the tiredness fortunately i can just dr uh eat an entire thing of coffee uh i could find a cup too no i think i'd rather just eat the coffee yeah that'll work just as well i love you back thank you very much for the uh thank you very much for the three months volk has it been only three months probably double a bad alas yeah i mean irl i'm not charging back up my batteries even if there is some kind of like satanic ritual i can use to recharge the batteries oh god isn't that what there's no way i i have no idea what i'm i'm just being stupid uh damn it i don't know why i'm looking for a car really but just the more things i have the better for right now open ah good you just need to tell the car doors to open and then they'll open unfortunately this car is nothing man i feel like we should have better hmm better what is it to be abhorred that is the mark of the mutant to be revived the mark of the mutant he thinks triple g that this is like a 40k quote that is the fate of the mutants to be cleansed for that is the fate that's either wow that was so much that tts actually cut off you uh you have my uh you have my applause congratulations um what is that is that a men in black quote yeah i feel like that's a it's either men in black or it's something that they make the space marines recite i don't know just the fact that i've been getting oh uh digital watch there we go okay nice got a digital watch i got a badass hat watch out am i able to keep on my headset at the same time did i even have a headset okay well we'll wear the double holster that's kind of badass um 12k actually we have three holsters i don't know why we don't get that visible because right now there's no point i have on a don't have a tactical maybe i don't i stand corrected okay um oh we are running out of ammo that is bad i got a moment let's go get more ammo i was actually the reason why i took latin when i was in high school i uh i wanted to read the things that were in the space marines codex and they were all in latin and i was just like well i think i'll take a language for that i got no other reason to learn a language so it was a very geeky reason to learn a language that led to four years of suffering which is what latin is um but latin is also it is very interesting language um and by that i mean dead language now but uh folks always come in wondering like where did all the quotes come from and everything like that and it's like well when i was a boy i made the mistake of taking latin but if you're of that age or if you are going into college or you're in college or of that you know uh area in life you might as well take it if you are have no other reason to learn a language it's very interesting um uh here we go whoops shotgun chills there we go nice this is looking quite badass again i'm looking kind of like uh you guys watch sheriff eli ever sheriff he lies a very he he probably has the coolest voice i've ever heard just like the man sounds like a character in a movie it's it's amazing it is amazing i'd probably be a great doc i'll be a good doctor now oh yeah because you can identify everything with what is it uh uh that's that is true like all of the different anatomical parts you can do in in in latin lateral yeah you could break down root word roots pretty well did it help me on the sat when i was a kid no because i couldn't think that fast um which was problematic if you wanted to do well on the s.a.t i'm forced to learn latin and catholic school not to oh well if you're forced to learn well the thing that was funny was that when i was a kid i went to uh it was like an all-boys high school so we were just all suffering in latin class um it kind of became this game of like who's gonna get screwed the most today because our teacher was kind of like it always felt like he was out to get us which kind of made it more fun and like a dangerous feeling you know you ever have a class like that in when you were in i think high school is an impression a particularly impressionable time of life for that type of thing uh hang on a second oh this is very good ui here actually they did show me more visibly that the alarm is engaged uh hang on a second no alarm that's good that won't sneak up on me anymore is my night vision getting worse or is it just me seems like it's getting kind of distracting oh well nonetheless we will continue with this ah and pants been looking for pants autumn camo summer camo wait a second let's oh let's see what they both look like it's getting to be daylight soon uh let's turn off sam fisher's night vision goggles okay yeah i would prefer those to jeans try this summer camo it's a little bit too much though don't you think let's try both autumn camos matching yeah pog very matching to be honest with you i kind of like the jeans a little bit better but let's try it just for the sake of doing more of rita's armor stuff um download and play pc on this actually pse on that topic pz is a game that i hope can still run on run well on low res computers because one of the reasons why i picked it for my channel was because it could run on a macbook air does it still run decently on a macbook air if anybody has like a i don't know like a like a mac for knowledge or something like that that they use that was what i would do i would come home from work and i would play uh don't starve neo scavenger and tomboy trying to get back in touch with those games that kind of drove me at the beginning of the indie boon the indie boon baby we want this still uh we're gonna have to eat this coffee unfortunately i'd rather be unhappy than be tired tired is never a good thing we're just gonna have to find a book i think it'll be easier to find a book and some water than it will be to find a bed okay there are books upstairs i look like you know the ranger for the forest ranger bear kind of looking like that my god this is not actually books up here but in fact it's ammunition it might be really difficult to find books on this island to make myself less unhappy but i also shouldn't get so much unhappiness because i'm running around outside and just being very active in general right now which should combat the unhappiness whoops i switch around some of my controls okay here we go agua what are they called the problem with latin is that since you never use it you forget the word for everything i i literally forget the word for water right now i remember the word for like philosophy but i don't remember the word for water i can remember farmer all of the concepts that you learn are very like high and philosophical but you don't learn everyday words like i don't know how to say banana i'm not even sure that they had a word for banana do they have bananas back in they must have had them if they had philosophy right yeah lots of problems lots of problems i believe that the pope is still officially allowed to make words something like that aqua agua agua's spanish is it's it's usually similar though but it does make learning romance languages easier if you want to uh quite a lot easier actually i want to have a satchel uh misto thank you very much for the prize appreciate it my friend i think we're gonna get through all of the zombies on this island well before we oh why am i sick oh probably because i had a weak stomach i'm not sure if that made downing that entire thing of coffee harder is this going to be the kind of sickness that gets worse and worse in which case we should get over the medical ward which thankfully there is one on this island we will head over there now because otherwise they may be dead open sesame hey thank you very much infern dragon for the for the four months that's quite a lot of time not in europe uh how scuffed is my character oh he's he's pretty much like somebody out of stalker except for the ranger hat i feel like we need a good gas mask to do that uh let's see are you still alive why am i seeing your the silhouette of your corpse there well regardless this fog should be decent to move around in are we getting any better we haven't really done any sneaking not that we've needed to let's see what's in these medical medical crates uh i don't really want to take you out like this so let's just we're going to uma thurman yeah good no no no wait maybe there's really no medicine on this island that would be quite upsetting unless if i break down the door with a katana uh before we do that did she have a house key on her she did okay everything is called a house key in this game i don't care what it is it's a house but apparently it was not this house that she lived in uh for god's sake please tell me that a katana will work with this believe a katana can why did it take me two swings damn it katana is pretty strong i'm not sure if it has better bashing or something like that could i purge the yes that's what we're doing we're trying to purge the island right now kind of badass i still haven't found those pants though the ones that i like this backpack is quite badass it even has the what is it like the molle pack straps or that mali system or alice pack or whatever it is i don't know whatever they call them yes i was just about to give up too uh let's see bandages i believe we need hospital gown and surgical gloves i'm not even sure i've seen this oh what do we need antibiotics fights infections can uh what do we need when you're sick don't you just take antibiotics so rarely do i have this condition because i usually just avoid it oh i'm not even i'm not even sick anymore well we'll take one is it antibiotics hmm that bits and i can't fake uh yes violet thank you very much take out the key from the i the key in my backpack i got a moment that was pretty stupid of me be nice if your character just did some of those things automatically like uh there's another example um what is that other example tweezers i'll also take thor twizzy do tweezers even do they even anymore suture needle unfortunately we have access to all of this now if we need it um dampness unpleasantly hot let's see if we can secure for ourselves a place to sleep i'll try to get through the rest of this building with only the katana and not make a lot of noise maybe i'll even pile up beds on the bottom floor could always sleep in one of these safe hospital beds but aren't there any doors on this entire island why is it that in like every remaining area of soviet russia it's i mean that's what this place looks like what is that why is it that there are no doors like someone just bashed in all of the doors disrespectful it appears as if this place is completely vacant now drink water yeah well oh lemongrass lemongrass sleeping it off yeah i just feel like that i so rarely deal with the sick condition it's usually either get away from dead bodies that you can die from being sick which is quite sad i mean in real life and in the game hopefully you won't i mean eventually you'll die somehow but it's worse to die from being sick you know rather just die of old rather just die of old now this is actually quite a nice area it's like they renovated it or something oh look at all of this crap that is kind of nice oh lunch box all right this might be my home wow so many homey objects to remind me of yes home uh oh this has nice stuff too i didn't even need to take down that door i know this for multiple this is kind of an important map to know for multiplayer because this is usually a pvp area and it is quite well equipped too excuse me all right this will be the chair in which i sleep uh actually the bed quality is bad so i'll go down a floor can i sleep in one yes i can sleep in one of those things is this a good quality bed yeah this is a good quality bed that's nice oh damn i got the litter when do we get to hear meows on stream plus might help with your crawly issue i uh i i do appreciate that yes i said i know i have seen only one i have seen only one cockroach since i moved into this short-term apartment but thank you thank you very much violet moon i i do appreciate the 2000 bits when you get here meows again oh no my cat is uh my cat is uh he's back in new york so um he's not with me anymore though i would like a cat i i did have a chance to stay with my friend who had a cat he and his wife uh had a cat they were over in north carolina so it did remind me of home to remind me of home metal working is essential for this map metal working we rarely grind up the metal working that is a very generous donation also thank you very much violet moon project for the 2000 bits i do i am very grateful for that but as far as that goes you know folks told me that whenever you see a roach it's it means that there are a lot more i have been blessed that i've seen only one in two and a half weeks um i do fear for my life but i'm getting out of here in about 10 days so my internet connection will be back to normal huzzah uh actually the bit rate on this stream is a bit lower than usual because i've had to kind of squish it down just to meet cable requirements but the next place i'll be moving to is much better oh police how were they all just content to be in there god i just kicked a hornet's nest i can't believe i slept right next to all of that stuff that was a lot of stuff yeah that place was literally full of [ __ ] um very why am i doing this all immediately next to my current house well all of my meads needs are met needs are net are there any the problem with this map is the way that the cutaways work though too oh god look at this it's so very climactic they're all falling down from the ceiling or uh balconies whatever the those things are damn it they're gonna be at the hospital now though too let's just meet them here hold the line the good part about this thing is you can always just load in more shells when you're not shooting becomes like this continuous god my my word these are this is the kind of map that i live for though look at all of the verticality it's so very satisfying oh god yeah i don't like this though multiple streams coming in is our aim at least improving when you get good enough aim you can kill like five with one single shotgun attack i mean level six all right the thing is that usually stats like i said are buffed in their multipliers in multiplayer but it's usually kind of hard to find this much loot i mean most servers have on loot respawn if they don't have on any loot respawn then they probably gonna be resetting the server like once a week i'll also say this it's gonna be interesting what happens when multiplayer is eventually released i used to run a server uh i did it through a website that will not be named um some of them are good some of them are bad because some of them i suspect aren't very straightforward with you with how much memory they allocate so my best bet was finding a dedicated i don't even really remember what they call these things it's been so long i was very good with it but it was like getting a degree in i.t to run one of these things major headache but i'm hoping that there will be enough room for players on all the servers under our servers but there's bound to be other folks who will want to set up their own as well because it's very exciting um not getting what i mean okay i need to go back and find more weapons and ammo uh we may need to go up to that second floor but i just kind of kicked a hornet's nest fortunately i think this entire side of the island is pretty much done all right but we will uh let's head back in here and get some more books which is what these are four gauge shotguns so rarely do i see those shells anywhere hmm uh it is getting kind of unsafe to be in here i'm going to leave may need to switch over to another weapon in a couple of seconds yeah i don't think that we're going to find what we need anymore um we've also been looking for a screwdriver if one of those would appear miraculously in the next few minutes but i i do not think that that is meant to be yes these books are very metallic and round dedicated yes a dedicated server thank you that was what i was looking for anyway having a dedicated server is much better than i mean at least in my opinion then do it's more expensive but it's also just much more reliable than anything that you do through though granted there are certain sites that are better than others i don't really know i tried out a couple but i i just overall had a pretty terrible experience unfortunately a lot of folks have asked and i will just kind of say this again to keep putting this out there a lot of folks if have asked if i'll ever launch one um i have no plans to ever launch one again i did run one a few years ago for a while um and not because i hate it or anything like that but just because i can't do the moderation and it also becomes like kind of a full-time job and a lot of people will just complain all the time not really a lot of people but just a few really vocal people that i can't really take the headache from because there are some just very mean people out there who kind of ruin it for everyone but that is all to say that the people who do run the zomboid servers like there are certain dedicated ones red boyd uh red void is the only one that really comes to mind because it just has such a distinctive name um there are other ones though but they god bless them they are very good people we have 308 box magazine do we have anything that takes 308 please tell me the way through it is we do have a dragon of uh m240b machine gun i was gonna say i didn't think that a sniper rifle would take on a hundred rounds yeah that would be kind of ridiculous um there's just so many weapon parts in this and we are way over encumbered uh don't throw down the m240b let's put this bandage in my backpack let's put the wd-40 in my backpack let's put the katana also in there which i can't put down because i'm fat uh 12-gauge carrier okay we are back down to a more acceptable weight now and let's put the i don't want to drop the spaz 12 so let's just throw that in my backpack and good is it in there i think i'm good attach that to my back and now put the tweezers into this is very delicate we have that other one on me too as fast 12 day uh let's throw down the lmg just because i don't put it down here so oh god for god's sake throw down the lmg let's get some distance there we go much better this is the safe of the island we're actually on hashima island now so we're trying out i'm imagining that hashima island might be one of the next challenges we did uh king's mouth island which was a very good island mind you but i i'm always kind of on to the next project as soon as i finish the last video i'm i'm on to whatever's next um but complaining yes complaining is a lot of fun what was i complaining about again is just very nice now i did have an issue recently that made me just wild wild we don't we won't touch on that though hey mark thank you very much appreciate it ah this is very accurate except when it's not hitting the one right there we go still not quite as good as the shotgun but if it has 100 rounds in a magazine i'm willing to oh there was one on me that happens you get carried away i was having such a good time are there any around you should always do that that's why it's always good to have friends with you in the game but i haven't been allowed to have friends in two years since they came out with a multiplayer just enjoying this now let's be belligerent for god's sake yeah that was almost an f moment do i script my videos or do i come up with all the quotes sometimes i'll write it out but a lot of the times it's kind of in the moment it's a combination of stuff i kind of wanted to feel like a reflective essay on something i just did you know that's kind of the feel that i'm going for with the videos so i i suppose that the fact that you don't know whether it's scripted or done in the moment is actually a good thing you know i i don't want you to know sometimes i will uh well i don't really want to break the illusion i'll keep this little bit of it from me a secret what was wrong with that gentleman's face hang on a second someone someone is trying to sell me something i'm much better how much do we have we have six rounds left uh why did i use all of them just kind of for the satisfaction of using all of them 308 box magazine all right so now we just need more 308 but having a magazine that takes a hundred rounds is fairly overpowered am i at the corner of the map or is that a oh the entire map is pretty much just like one one small island yeah it's usually that's true it's not usually the horde's anything that you can see it's always some stupid thing that kills you in this game though i hate how stupid most of my deaths are like not looking for one second and i die 308 win this is it yep take some of that and like groceries now that's right it's like groceries a 308 win 308 win what does wins stand for what does win stand for winchester thank you i forgot about that one okay there we go more 308 winchester oh that was a lot of them [Music] no no no hmm okay five boxes how many are okay perfect that's enough for one more entirely full box mac my god these box mags are just so good they at least make the drum mag slightly less powerful because the drum mags were way out of proportion though the fact that you can get a 40 round shotgun magazine means you probably kill about 200 zombies with that amount but you could still kind of do it with this you know assuming that you get decent bullet penetration how many have we killed so far here and i believe it all has been with with this right i've killed 613 that's quite good timing remember back to that 10 000 zombies stream i tried to do a while back if you don't know about this i tried to kill 10 000 zombies in a stream a while back it didn't work i think i got about what was it 500 500 in like five hours but it was entirely vanilla which was quite good for the amount of time you might be able to do with this mod it will try to go for that record again seven six two down there what two hundred four oh yeah i could go back to the seven six two oh wait a second five five six seven right i could walk out of my house dodge the gators and find one oh yeah no what i've really been looking for now that i've uh now that i've moved to florida is a good piece of key lime pie but this is seems somewhat blaringly obvious now um supposedly you need to go to the keys to find key lime pie i just assumed that it was just a lime thing but apparently they needed to be key lime so that was a little upsetting because i'm not quite near the keys the keys are quite far away from everything else but i'm going to need to get down there at some point it's almost like going to another country to go all the way down there hang on give me one second i have to just check something really quick i'm just going to pause the game phone stop stop phone okay good right good thing good things happened take the shotgun ammo across the point of the absurd what i can get in america regarding guns oh no i mean i just learned all about guns when i visited my buddies uh my buddy's uh an army guy so he took me out to the gun range i had never been shooting before um and i learned just all about the um what was it gonna say the laws apparently in north carolina you can have suppressors on your weapons i don't really know like why do people for practical reasons i think that they're i'll say this i think that guns as a hobby are very like neat and cool um i don't know why anyone would want to pay for them i really don't understand that and i also think that it's too easy to get your hands on again like if you wanted a gun there's relatively little scrutiny that you need to do um to to be given one like i could have been a crazy person when i walked in i am not um but i i do kind of i do kind of find that crazy um no those would be my two things but also you could get really into it because it's kind of like it's kind of like a like a fun hobby like dolls or something like that you know or like warhammer but especially dolls it's impressive but why i'm curious though if there is a practical reason because there's a lot of things that aren't obvious to me is that a practical reason suppressors aren't that quiet that's true that's true noise oh just for the for the noise literally because they don't want to hear the noise i mean i can't imagine there's a lot of people who need to be quiet for like if somebody breaks into your house you know some people use them for home defense that makes sense um but why do you need to do it quietly i suppose why dolls because everything is kind of like dolls you know warhammer is kind of like dolls when i look at my warhammer collection i'm like they're dolls just so that i kind of i'm down to earth when i think about it you know i don't ever want to become too much of a neckbeard about my uh about my warhammer hobby ah damn it i i was a bit of a neckbeard when i was like 14. i got really into i lost friends over it don't do that if you're 14 don't do don't don't get so into your hobbies i was kind of a know-it-all kid hold up but um yeah it's just it's just not something i'm very proud of what army do i play you know this has been my main question i've been just agonizing but i wanted to agonize over which space marine chapter i wanted to play as uh because yeah it's kind of a commitment i legitimately want to paint some ultramarines because there's so many guides to them but i just feel it feels like such a non-answer to people from marines you know what are they the uh the imperial fists the yellow ones yeah uh it's just a nice hobby to get back into anytime yeah but at the same time i don't know maybe i just didn't have an upbringing and some of that stuff uh what did my father had my father had like um davy crockett when he was a kid my father is actually a pretty old guy but uh yeah you know i suppose some people inherit it from their parents so a lot of the stuff that i'm saying sounds kind of uh ignorant because i just haven't lived however other folks have lived this is kind of a cop-out answer though see if we can find something else interesting barrett m82 50 still want to try out some of the other things i wasn't all that impressed with the crossbows i wish i had liked them but i really just didn't uh they weren't they weren't very good at all see if we can find it like uh what is it nope really only one thing of wd-40 that is depressed they're action figures action figures wait a second is this a drake and josh line this almost reminded me of that line of hanks from breaking bad you know no they're not rocks marie they're minerals minerals which is just a great line in general but also begs the question did breaking bad take a line from drake and josh this is a legit question hey andrew's here mr baldhead how are you my friend lpc uh dc veer veredin why can't i say that verodin lord thank you very much for the i thought it said lapd i was like fbi open up uh thank you very much for the prime all right josh and josh oh yeah now that the thing happened with uh drake bell that was bad to hear about god i can't imagine what it's like being a child not to you know like excuse it in any way but i can uh i i i feel bad for people who had so much attention when they were young you know i don't really know anything about the story though i'm just an idiot i don't read guys i don't read i just hear rumors probably enough on that for now jake farm from state thanks very much for the sub appreciate it made me remember i made you remember yeah well some of them you know some of them have careers afterward or they launch into like uh who is it miley cyrus watched into that big twerking career that she had um um you know music music of course of course of course ah god damn it here we go but yes that was uh that was the thing that we knew that we knew that she had changed via uh [Music] there we go oh god damn it why is that guy ignoring me hate that oh we are out of ammo again will we ever be done with the island is the question and i wonder also too are they respawning at a faster rate because there should be some respawn but i don't think it's very significant a lot of musicians make their break off of tick-tock oh god tick-tock has really come up in the world it was wild you know i was um back when i was working there was uh a kid um what was i gonna say uh she had like all of these followers on tic tac it was like almost as many as i and since i don't really talk to anybody about my channel it was wild to me just to like meet another person with this i couldn't imagine having it be not anonymous though on the channel i don't think i would like to have my face out there it just doesn't seem uh it just doesn't seem very palatable you know you'd walk down the street try to buy some salami and then somebody would be like hey you were the one who's talking about the selling water i don't like that and then i'd have all these new enemies or something like that or if i ever cut somebody off on the highway because i really had to go somewhere then you know i'd get messed with the profile i don't want to live that life though i want to live that life or i'd be known for playing with dolls worse for god's sake uh okay we don't need this camouflage what are we what are we leveling in now um face cam oh yeah i did use i did used to i did used to we don't talk about that anymore gamer boy bath one oh god um m240b let's just throw this down every now and then we just gotta get rid of all of our old guns and begin anew because we ran out mainly because we ran out of ammo of that type it's wild how quickly we're going through this this past level keep because the shotgun is just in general a good thing to have around let's move back over to this katana we're gonna go uma thurman yeah kill bill kill uh uh bill when i was a kid i always thought that kill bill was something about bill clinton did it have anything to do with bill clinton why would they kill bill clinton he's such a great guy i mean depending upon which of his things we're talking about uh that he did sure it was great for the economy all right we'll just uh we'll leave the discussion of bill i'm not ready for a discussion of bill clinton today i apologize ah here we go now i look like full metal jacket wait is this actually the full metal this actually is the uh well it's got marlboros and an ace of spades on it that's kind of badass anybody read that thing about i think it was marlboro that said like smoking is terrible for you and we want to stop making cigarettes like i've never seen i've never seen a company just so like outright just reject what they did be like the nba saying we don't want there to be any more basketball well that doesn't really make sense basketball isn't really hurting anyone football it would be more like the nfl because many of those guys leave the nfl with just horrible like brain injuries and stuff like that uh what else do we need let's try this thing this looks neat the bts or like bts rejecting mcdonald's you know something like that they have the bill clinton meal from mcdonald's [Laughter] oh jesus what do we need out nine by 19 millimeter let's collect some of that we have we haven't been through that ammunition type yet have we okay here we go let's let's see if we can find a lot of this we're also going to need more stuff i'm just testing out more guns the thing is that they've there were already like 50 or 60 guns in the game they added way more and now i think these are is this a full auto gun let's just see uh fire go back to this thing fire mode uh single wha well what fire mode are we on right now full auto wow okay wow we uh do we have uh what do we have uh we need a magazine nine by 19 millimeter double stack that shouldn't be too hard to find this is kind of badass the vaping industry is getting a lot of [ __ ] right now yeah i never really vaped what is it like all the other stuff that they put into vape is supposed to be bad for you this is probably better for the than you first than smoking though right why am i stuttering you ever find yourself just stuttering but you don't really have anything to be like nervous about see i just did it again right there maybe it's just like a sign of a guilty conscience or something what did i what did i do what did i do maybe it's partly from being catholic like you know like we're always supposed to feel guilty about something pretty this is pretty much part of pretty much part of catholic like education uh it just it it is wild some of the things that some of the things that you learn there's a lot there's a lot of good things but uh um i'm not i'm by no means am i one of those people who's just like against religion i think religion has a lot of good uses i'm just glazing over a lot of like really hot territory right now mainly i just find value in the community but uh but it is just something that i find quite funny like the whole the whole kind of uh neurosis neurosis of it you know what i mean have some people created apparently some people have created a religion of warhammer 40k i mean that's pretty much going to your local game store right to practice your religion yeah i'm gonna wear a robe you know i was trying to do this there's a local game store near me and i'm gonna go there to play some 40k but i think i'm gonna wear a robe the first day just to [ __ ] with everyone or maybe not maybe not the 40k day but maybe i'll do it on like the magic day i kind of like magic as a card game though just as like a casual player but i'm gonna wear a rope just because just because it'd be great the thing is i don't i'm not even really making fun of people i just think the stereotype is funny because some people oh my god there's everybody's out of the window some people will hear these things that i say in the videos and then take them seriously like man you don't really mean that and i'm like nah it's funny it's just funny or an actual space marine armor oh god sometimes you uh stutter words when you have too many thoughts coming out once yeah i think that happens with me a little bit you have more thoughts than you can actually express at once you know maybe it's just because i talk for a living in a sense in a sense uh we're getting a lot of jams on this thing do we need to spray this down with some whipped cream uh hang on a second repair uh unjam [Music] i know i could just press x but can we we have wd-40 right can we spray that [ __ ] on come on unjam ah here we go wd-40 since the sound effects aren't in the game i'm just gonna provide them now let's see what this full auto actually does not that i would recommend using it i need that gun cleaning kit yeah well the thing was that i mean i never finished this story if you hadn't if you didn't hear the first weapon that i ever shot when i went to the gun range was my friend took out an ak-47 so to this day the only weapon i've ever shot was an ak-47 this is kind of a a funny thing to be like to be all amped up about anyway this weapon really needed some wd-40 because it was just so so messed up um have i told this story before i probably have i'll just finish off i i left the gun range because i cut myself so i just came out bleeding just like be careful in there man i was like you're really gonna let me go back in there despite the fact that i'm this stupid the safety on the ak-47 though is just a pain in the ass to undo all of the modern safeties are so much more manageable maybe we just got a bad ak-47 though what was the country of origin oh i don't know all i knew was that was what it was yeah felt uh felt kind of badass though felt kind of badass [Music] all right not getting anything over let's see explore this next god damn it let's explore this next building and see if we can find anything inside or can we even get inside of it what a lovely garden but will there be any maybe there isn't even an indoors to this well uh hang on a second everyone just come down we could probably get them to bash down this oh what is behind this door hang on a second uh okay you know what i'm going to do i'm going to plunk this into their skulls sitting here cleaning my 70 her wd-40 and i guess that wd-40 what does wd even stand for why 40 were there like 39 other sorts of wds that they tried before that like we finally got it this time guys this is the one yeah you could use this just spray this on your gun oh it'll be fine uh western digital western digital 40. all the ever anytime i ask a serious question there's always a bunch of folks who've just got it sort of confuse me water displacement that's quite a clever answer water displacement recipe what are there 30 other not 39 other recipes that they used these ones are for your spoons in case if you can't get the spoon out of your mouth you just spray some wd-39 on there come on guys put some back into it you'll be out of there in no time i should probably stand back more because it's always a shock whenever they come in uh ah good okay why am i doing well i don't want to attract any more to the location ah damn it no i meant to go to the other guy not you all right danny if you have a house key on you god damn it no they don't all right what we need to do is get inside of there and plunk the house key off of one of them [Music] very danger very danger this is a lot of really good stuff and uh the main thing that i'm uh plussed about you can be non-plussed about something can you be plussed about something whatever what i'm jolly about right now is the fact that i actually have a closed door that i can use uh but i'm also getting kind of sick i need to get rid of all of these dead bodies around me hello ah damn it that didn't make any physical sense uh they have two formulas purge from is just really wd-4 i got to go shopping on amazon or something to get all of the other wds wd40 wd39 3837. ah this is i look like a nerd now though real four eyes and when mitchell camouflaged tell me that this is not the helmet from full metal jack and i'm gonna go need to watch that again private pile uh wait a minute hang on just a minute now unlocked door no no this can't be uh yeah it isn't yeah this is the right one well if we can get into that other room we could at least block them off what i really need is a tall glass of water let's also throw down some of this other garbage uh 9x19 millimeter let's take all 35 of those shells and just stick them in there what else uh you know this katana doesn't really need the katana anymore there we go okay attach that to my back i'm liking this weapon at least they've made automatic weapons a little bit more doable you know what i mean okay this is actually quite cozy up here uh water there really isn't enough water on this island though i mean all i need is like a glass of grape drink right to quote dave chappelle pause when it yes pause when well we'll be good now the thing is we aren't really in any danger now but otherwise yes we could pause while looting pausing while looting might be a good practice to take up on now though simply because i've been bit and killed many times when i've been looting and it might not hurt me to do that i'm a youtube vod frog but it's awesome to be able to catch a stream hey thanks for coming out jetty bandit yeah i've been putting up so many vods lately just because it's been taking me forever to like actually produce them so it's taking longer and longer and i it the whole process takes several hours it's kind of a pain i just haven't been doing it as much until my internet gets better but thanks for coming out my god this thing is a nightmare jesus water wait is it is it actually water displacement i still have to find out what it is because i didn't believe anyone oh sorry i don't trust anyone i can look it up now i'm just fascinated by wd-40 now what does it contain i think it's just butter what does it actually have in it like it's probably the same stuff that they use to like batter up the pan for pancakes i'm pretty sure that's it you guys don't know what you're talking about do you want a bullet or some pancakes oil oh just crude oil no it's got to be butter i get it from a cow well if you if you don't think that then you're kidding yourself damn it this thing sucks this wd-40 sucks i was like we need more we need more maybe i didn't succeed the last time oh wait a second its condition is ass oh i gotta go get that gun cleaning kit from back there that's why this thing has been so ass ah i understand now but that is just so listen to that oh so good i've always been a fan of the gun sounds in this game um slightly thirsty well it is thursday wait is today thursday no today is sunday you can still be thirsty on sunday ball balls ball tactical all right how what does that sound ah sura [Music] suras it heal the mist uh surah suras heal chemist thank you for the sub appreciate that um hang on a second um um suppressor oh we've had a rifle suppressor [Music] great all right we've been looking for that uh well not really oh incendiary rounds if we managed to find a grenade launcher we could actually use that i am i am very glad about this news frabjous day hang on a moment um kalu clay good potentially repairs i'm liking this weapon let's just stay stay with this my god this thing is still managing to just be pure ass even after all of these repairs after everything i've done for you you still why aren't you contributing to the war effort all right well it's fine it's fine i suppose is there another one come on give me an item no it is not meant to be my god how many different eye things does he have on it once this is bananas is wd-40 a good replacement for deodorant hell yeah just spray some of it on there in the morning nobody can ask any questions um really no one will approach you through most of the day because you'll smell like a gun if you know dude i am lying i'm being completely jocular do not wear wd-40 instead of deodorant you'll probably get you'll probably get arrested or just a lot of weird looks in fact though i don't think necessarily that they could arrest you for that but i wouldn't uh depends on what kind of i mean if you're going into like a mechanics shop or something everyone will smell like wd-40 but if you're going to like your school prom or something you probably don't want to spray on a lot of wd-40 i like that though like you just see a bunch of degree for men and wd-40 ah wd-40 jokes it's always a good it's always a good stream when you can just jam do a few of those hey uh since ken's is it a hard c or a soft c kensford thanks very much for the uh for this up appreciate that all right let's get back over to that hospital i think we've cleared out almost the entire island i will also let's go over here ah damn it i switch out my controls here we go there's something magical about the rain in this game you folks ever think about which games have the best weather in them i was thinking about um zomboid i really don't think that rimworld compares in terms of rain i don't think that it's because there's so many things that i lawed rimworld at doing really well and i think as far as a game is constructed um i do think that rimworld is like applicable to more scenarios and settings and whatnot uh so overall i think that it is a game that appeals to a wider audience we're in world then zomboid and maybe i may be wrong about that though but whatever um but i don't think that its weather is as good as zomboids and i think that zomboid excels in it but i have always sought other games with great weather systems and i i struggled to to uh to discover them um inspiration that is very ambitious wall of text about wd-40 yes do not don't eat it why would you eat it that would just be dumb i ran out of ran out of butter to spray some duffy jesus christ oh god i hope no one actually gets this is always like one out of a hundred thousand people i think i'm gonna try that ah jesus oh god gorka i found another gorka bars for gorka i may as well try this thing right what do i have bars for gorka with autumn camo what does it just look like plain gorkha what is that russian is it russian it sounds kind of russian doesn't it sound russian we gotta head back to the hospital valheim has good rain i gotta try valim you know i've i've not played it at all because i thought that the game was over hyped now it's kind of died out a good bit after its hype and now i'm like i could play valheim you know hmm have i played the star sector what for telling people to eat wd-40 that would be how it would all end a lot of their games what other games have good uh star sector but star sector can't really have weather in it because it's about space unless if you count space weather hmm what other games have good weather [Music] what other games have good weather heavy rain heavy rain because it had heavy rain in the title you knew it had to have good rain well what else stalker adam is you know i still have yet to play stalker we're gonna sit down with stalker and you and me are gonna hash it out for a while cdda i wish they had better weather effects but it does have dynamic weather systems into the in the game which is kind of neat i i think zomboid might have minecraft too minecraft also has very beautiful weather animal crossing also has good weather xenoblade i've not played xenoplate mafia series i mean i suppose other games with like uh open worlds open world rpgs that are kind of like zomboid zomboid you could just get under the hood with everything and it's great though but it's not all great now these things suck in terms of just how many bullets are in them do we have any double stacks with twice the ammo nine by 39 millimeter not quite what i was looking for no no no no not quite terraria is nice terraria's nice terraria probably is good weather too yeah but a lot of these i don't know i've just always looked for that other game that's like you know hidden beneath the uh trees that's like zomboid because there's other stuff out there there's other stuff out there uh we need a hammer to break this open do we have a hammer does anyone have a hammer there we go hammer take that what else do we need oh sledgehammer one size fits all answer to everything good uh let's attach that to whoops switch up those controls again and let's just destroy everything ah fantastic take all of this out of here and all of this out of here i could sleep behind some boxes tonight might end up doing that good okay uh uh destroy this good good and good okay good i feel safer behind the boxes you ever make yourself a box fort because you didn't feel safe and you wanted to feel safe that's a good feeling you know i heard that was what the legend of bumbo was based on because uh edmund used to build himself a cardboard box house sometimes i think there's there's something like nice about that feeling about just being surrounded by boxes which are very predictable does that can we relate on this i'd enjoy dark wood yeah yeah ah god i love saying things that everyone agrees to that we all uh yeah we all just immediately lawed as being the perfect ways of living our lives no but i kind of miss that as a child you know like blanket forts stuff like that ah that seems really nice maybe i'll go ahead and make a blanket for it just to get back in touch with childhood i still think that sleeping on the ground should be always an option i i don't know why it happens only when you get ridiculously tired i should be able to sleep on the ground at any point in time it's my life my choices indy stone why are you trying to limit me i'll never trust you i'll never trust you fully now what is this hobo fall like a hobo fire everybody is it giving off any heat no it's not giving it it's just an animation goddamn animation is there anywhere else we could use that sledgehammer we could have used it before in that other building to get into that but i would rather just wait for them to destroy that let's see if we can get back to the hospital f some stuff up come back here i am optimistic but now we need to find food we need food again don't homeless people live in box forts well i mean that's a different kind of box fort though um telling me is what i get yeah the man keeps telling me what to sleep in and out of though there is unfortunately a law against sleeping in a paper bag i don't think that that's allowed which is kind of like but what if you don't have a house and you don't have any money like where do you sleep is everywhere against the law it's like a law against vagrancy but there's nothing that says that you can't pretend all of that in your own house okay slap i slap good good let's go upstairs ah very comfortable very comfortable sleep now today we need food but i think we've mostly cleared out the island i feel like we've fulfilled our goal this is kind of what i want to head in the direction of i think that today we can pretty much finish this place off by going over to the uh western shore in the moody rain oh very nice the moody rain make our way back out there and will we even need food do we even food though i think we could do this without food my god this thing is great it's almost like every weapon becomes some kind of long-range heat-seeking missile when you get good enough at aiming though doesn't that feel like you lose it like you lose a bit of the immersion it'd be nice if you could at least make the view range longer with things like snipers i wonder if that'll ever be implemented by a mod or anything yeah this thing really this thing could really use an extended mac i can't believe only 15 bullets in there for automatic but jesus christ it's good very worth this is not a i would not recommend doing any of this oh for god's sake okay there there they come is this to be the nope this is not to be the end oh this entire side of the island has been in slumber for the last couple of days but this is this might be a great place to die i would really like to die like this you know rather than just being in a bed at the end no this is a very action filled death it might be worthwhile to just savor this for a moment even if i don't die no i don't believe any of that if i take eagle-eyed while building my character it helps a little bit oh that's true does it actually allow you to see farther if you take eagle-eyed i never thought of that like can you zoom out from your character more what does eagle light even do for you or does it just improve your view radius would you die or get turned into a zombie true true probably get turned into a zomb that bothers me i should be able to select the one though i feel like all of my complaints from the last time were answered more or less this time i still don't think that we're really that far over to the other side of the island though what i learned in this i feel like that all of the guns that they added to this mod just make for an overall more balanced british experience because before i would immediately seek out the uh the drum mag and now i feel like i could live without the drum mag like these other weapons might be worth the while and it's not all that bad to upgrade your aiming and reloading i mean in only a few hours here i've nearly maxed out my levels albeit i did have an um improved rate of experience but not by that much fairly way to live in zomboid when they add airway lubricant from placing airways in oh i'll be excited when they add in uh what is it helicopters again or uh not again but when that mod with the helicopters gets finished because can you imagine somebody just helicoptering by i don't know the what is the right verbiage for helicopter flies by in a helicopter that seems like too many words but yeah does that and you're just living your life on the ground like an ant make you feel all inadequate and everything i'm looking forward to that feeling of inadequacy from standing on the ground and just being amazed by whoever's in the helicopter yeah but i hope that i hope that the uh servers that that do get used to use a lot of mods but i always found that they used a very tasteful number of mods for the for the servers that they had probably things like brita will work really just as long as it has brit i'll play it brilliant has been so good man this is a lot that came over from this other end of the island ultimately i'd really like for somebody to just be able to feed me ammo into some kind of long belt don't we have that already like mini guns belt fed ammo so that you could just keep firing forever hmm yes it would be neat to have a clan i don't think i could actually have a clan though because people would find it out too quickly now if i did i would have to do it in secret do it in secret and then tell you about it later like uh change my name to something like uh what is my name horus furman change my name in real life do something like horus furman join the clan go back make a video on having changed my name i think that would make a good enough of a video in and of itself and then come back it would be worth it for the cinematography the helicopter is already over ah so it already is a verb so someone could helicopter buy could i transitively use it and helicopter someone else i helicoptered what is furman geez um my brain is turning into mush now i feel like i've been streaming for my cut just the endless tides are somewhat crazy though jesus i'm surprised though that this is insane horde levels and probably do a couple more but then i'm just gonna run out of ammo i might continue it another time but i've been wanting to uh give this a shot i'm not sure if this is really going to then lend itself to narrative though just because i feel like it's a lot of zombie killing and i don't really feel like that zombie killing necessarily makes for the best narrative it's more about the adventures that we had along the way you know what i mean like i could make i could make eating of eating a banana and drinking a glass of milk interesting in zomboid with the right script and storytelling of course you need to have some kind of accomplishment but what would be the goal if this were to be the playthrough because i'm considering doing this as the next big play through with a lot of like uh either that or living on a boat i think living on a boat might be more interesting though maybe we'll try that one soon um nothing to do with uh yeah like a cleanup mission but i'm trying to think of how i would uh frame it as a video yeah i always like there to be a really good reason to get invested in a place or if i'm not invested in something it's not even worth it so i usually work out the type of challenge i'm doing even before i start making a video because if it's not worth clicking on it then it's not worth making the video you know what i mean like i need something that i would have more fun hearing myself narrate and watch myself play than it might even be to play it myself or i mean i want you to feel like after you're done watching a video i want to go out and try that myself that's to me that's a success so what would it be here taking back the island i feel like it'd be neat if i had it with my friends if we did this on multiplayer and i had a bunch of other good players come out not that i'm good at multiplayer there's some people who are really good at pvp uh i'm good at pve almost everybody's good at pve but you need to be really patient and uh for lack of a better term just kind of boring if you want to be good at pvp that's why i bought some but hey happy to hear that yeah i feel like the boat life might be interesting if you just went from island to island or if you tried to survive on one one road i think you could frame the boat way in different interesting ways too yeah maybe living on a boat you'd find a cool boat too like a dinghy or something root beer floats are delicious and you suggest that i have one well thank you multigrain man i assume that's because your name is multi-grain man and you're trying to promote grains uh regardless though i did i did drink a lot of root beer folks the uh why did i say floats like that you ever have a word come out of your mouth that you just said the wrong way but you didn't really correct yourself or have a time to distance yourself from what you were saying so it just kind of sounds like you have a like there's something wrong with the way that you talk that happens to me sometimes and it's pretty bad because of i mean what i do i make videos so you know you never see me so you don't see that there's anything going on with my mouth so you think well that's just the way that he says floats and then i'm embarrassed and that's why i try to avoid saying anything the wrong way and that's what uh keeps me awake at night hmm no well simon saimon thanks very much for the prime appreciate it yeah i gotta commit to saying the word i'm just gonna willfully say something wrong and then stay stay with that just to make a point anybody who says otherwise is wrong ella jacket what is this oh this looks kind of bad except none of our stuff matches i mean is there a whole set of some kind of item that they all match and then it it makes sense and you feel complete when you're wearing all of them yeah the struggles of streaming you know it's really stupid things but it comes up in other careers and professions throughout life you know like a job and i'd say job interviews in particular because any time that somebody says something to you during the job interview your response is supposed to sound like the best version of yourself which of course i've had some terrible job but it's great to have badge on them they just make for such great stories a bad job interview nobody ever wants to hear about your successful job interviews they want to hear about the bad ones it gives you more stories my god this is really bothering me how my helmet clips through the oh god i can't [Music] jesus whatever i say no please don't do that question question um a8 well this was made for me a a shotgun yeah aa shotgun there we go shotgun suppressor okay here we go hey who's you get out of here i don't feel like a gangster with this weapon it's kind of like an uzi or something um 12-gauge shotgun shells aa-12 let's see if we can attach that to our back let's use the aa12 this is the uh oh this is the what's his face the fps russia gun if b is russia that was a pretty terrible uh all right everybody leave now that was a bad fps russia fps russia was not russian though either throw these on the ground okay now we're dedicated over to shotgun shells because it's going to be the best well item for clearing out the entire place [Music] 12-gauge shotgun shells there we go okay the ammo strap yeah all right i'll wear that where good that means someone just lie on yeah no one would ever lie on the internet what are you talking about laser laser ghostering i believe we need or is good [Music] now all we need is that goddamn i'm surprised that there's no screwdrivers on this island all right let's load this thing up do we have a uh we have a magazine for this his magazine to operate well i know where there is a magazine oh wow we might find the yes found it good uh let's upgrade yes good ghost ring and a suppressor ah this is a very badass weapon [Music] aa12 good upgrade with the ghost ring because it says ghost in it so you know that it's scary uh nevel naval plus j90 thanks very much for the prime appreciate it [Music] oh yeah on the internet no one knows that you aren't russian i could be rationed for all you know that's true that is fair fair and well fair and well well-met now all we need is that drum mag i'll bring this sledgehammer with me because it could be useful is this how is this backpack though g3 phantom something better than the this thing actually is is it better than the i'm trying to figure out if it's better than the big hiking bag ela pants now they aren't as good as my current pants which bothers me because my current jacket is very nice [Music] why am i wearing suddenly i'm wearing leggings very beautiful leggings i think that these don't look as good but they're better so i'm gonna keep them okay uh let's see weapon part weapon part where are magazines are they as listed as weapon part yeah these are like apple bottom jeans these are the boots with the all i need now is the boots with the fur what is the best site [Music] got some of these are probably better i just have no idea on sites five six uh stan ag [Music] so this if you wanna learn about guns go ahead and add this to the game it's very interesting rifle butt pad one point sling now we still need that we still need that shotgun drum mag show me that shotgun drum mag i know where to find one if i can't find one in this last bit all right we know where we're going next to the roof with apparently with a great thirst i have my thirst is great for a uh yeah what am i looking for again um a shot uh uh 12-gauge magazine that is my thirst what is this mod called i've got a mod list uh just go ahead and type exclamation point mod list and it'll bring up all the mods there's a bunch of them on i'm thirsty for some wd-40 yes heavy load i've got a heavy load it's such a funny sentence uh oops uh sledgehammer oh we shouldn't have all these nine millimeter rounds on us i'm just gonna throw those on the ground uh 12-gauge carrier we could also equip this to our weapon too god this is like re-educating myself on this entire mod 12-gauge carrier good that takes up slight bit of weight good bring that back into my hand box of shells now we're down to 10.71 well the main thing is that we just haven't eaten in a while we'll go get some food stuffs um good m1014 is my favorite shotgun but it's expensive as hell in the game i've not found it i'm having really you know i haven't gone through all the stats and i gandered through all of that garbage but yeah i could take a gander through it gun mag avon protection is this better than what i've got who even knows who even knows really but i swear to god i remember that there was a drum mag up here there was there was believe me please believe me you remember it too don't you there was a drum bag oh the 40 millimeter clip of 40 millimeter rounds just a whole lot of explosives in one place would be fun if we continue this uh vertical grip wow you can see that ah there it is oh is it 4580p okay there we go 12 gauge drum magazine haha i was right i am not wrong uh aa12 okay so what we need to do here is ch um use drum mag with aa12 there's one way that we could totally mess this up good i didn't mess it up this is one of the most powerful things that you can get in the game but let's see if we can just take this and plunk it on it there we go oops there we go and destroy ah this is gonna be kind of awkward let's just do it because i'm gonna get so encumbered from this thing it's gonna i'm gonna get bit in a second if i don't do this right gun cleaning kit we'll put in there we really have anything else that's that heavy oh the katana yeah but i kind of want to keep that on me maybe this is the sum of all the stuff that i'm wearing i need some food you can find any food is there any food nope no food nope no food again all right time to go to the residences put that back on there and attach that to my back and suddenly i'm not over encumbered anymore get some food we're going to come back for this guy and then we're going to kill him ah great hmm well i feel like there was another question i had though [Music] man so many questions about 40k yeah i don't know i feel like my thoughts are just kind of consumed by 40 warhammer 40k and uh guitars i don't know those are my other hobbies like in real life uh was piano a couple weeks ago i've just been playing a lot of piano stuff it's weird though you know like it's there's something strange about having my hobby be my job now like it's i i don't think of it as just gaming because if i were a streamer it would be more just gaming but there's also commentary that has value in it you know and i enjoy watching a lot of folks that i um really more that i feel more nostalgia about streaming and making videos and stuff like that but at the same time it's kind of like i found myself over the last week not enjoying the editing process as much because i always need to refresh my eyes whenever i'm viewing anything that i created so it becomes somewhat tedious in many ways and i like it but it's just that i do it a lot so i found myself like literally assembling miniatures to take a break from it but it was weird it was like i felt strangely unproductive and yet you know what i mean like isn't that a weird thing that anything that you do repeatedly becomes work whatever it is work creating and editing is it's not really like it's kind of like writing a story like remember how you used to write essays for school when you were a kid or maybe if you were fortunate enough to have a teacher who gave you a lot of uh choices when you were when you got older you chose to write about something that you enjoyed more and it's kind of like writing a bunch of essays on things that i really enjoy but at the same time i feel like when i do it too much it does become like it starts to feel like work yeah commissioning a video or doing an editor i don't know it wouldn't really be the same though i like i do enjoy editing it's not really the route i want to take though it's like um yeah i wouldn't mind it to have one or two but more more what i was just kind of thinking along the lines of is that there's other things that i enjoy doing and i don't it's kind of like a weird thing where i feel like i i have a bug that i always want to be productive in some way and that's not really a very good quality about me um but it's also like i think it's kind of a natural thing when you do this for work that you feel like whenever you're not doing anything that's work that you feel like you're falling behind like you know it kind of it makes you feel like you finished your worker early at school when you're a kid you don't have anything else to do it's a little uncomfortable which is why i'm like uh i i feel like that a lot of the other things that i do like music uh i was a huge musician when i was in college just kind of like is there anything i can create of value to the world with that youtube is interesting like that you know yeah you never realized all the different talents and things that you could uh create value for other people with them i don't know that sounds like very corporate the way i'm saying it but that's kind of what it is in many ways doom peg thank you very much for the uh not doom peg doom pig thank you very much for the sub i played a lot of guitar when i was uh started actually kind of late when i was 19 but i got so into it i got ridiculously into it much throughout the rest of my time at school then i got into piano just because i got more piano is like the teacher's instrument in music putting minis together is pretty fun oh no i some things though you gotta have just as like a hobby but it's also kind of weird how you know during a week you'll just do everything that you can to find balance but i kind of like the way that my days and life are structured now i've found like an inner peace welcome to a capitalist mentality yeah pretty much that pretty much that i don't really know i mean it's not hurting anyone it's not taking anything away from anyone it is contributing to society in some way so i v i view it as uh okay in that regard if i were like you know if i were scamming people or something like that that would be an issue because there are people who are like professional scammers out there some of whom i've i've spoken about a little bit recently on this channel uh behind the scenes behind the scenes just adorable things happen to me in my personal life but yeah at least it's not hurting anyone it's kind of my thought on it here we go good good good i think we might actually be able to finish off this island but if i don't in the next couple minutes i'll probably uh pick this up stop hitting myself with my piano my hands are too small to play piano oh no there was plenty of people with small hands and great pianos i they just played small pianos my favorite miniature i've built oh no i did the uh what was it the warhammer 40k god i just i find myself thinking about 40k but i also think that that's the right mindset to be in because like my target audience for my videos are like i kind of want to make videos for like a younger version of myself which is kind of like well the older i get the better i will be at it and i enjoy it it's like telling a story i used to write a lot of poetry in college too got some things published and actually won the prize uh it was like for several hundred dollars which in college was a lot of money trying to pay off your loans and everything like that um but i remember i got out into the real world and then i tried submitting it to a magazine and the the issue with publishing poetry is that uh there's always some aesthetic that the place that you submitted to is looking for and i don't think i really hit that aesthetic because they did not accept it supposedly you should submit to a lot of places though but yeah it's always good to pursue something a little bit higher though something higher than gaming or to challenge yourself in many ways throughout this whole journey of creating videos and whatnot kind of changing their format and whatever and finding something that worked for me this is getting boring well if it is then go away or do something else um what am i saying but you know it's good to challenge yourself and do other things i really even mean it in regards to like the whole youtube meta thing when i think about the whole youtube meta thing it just kind of tires me out and i the the better off i am is or i'm in a better place when i just think of myself as a as a younger child living in a box fort you know that's usually the best way to live your life or to understand yourself when you're living in a box fort underneath a blanket or something like that that's when you can ask the real questions that's when the good questions come out have i watched the astartes series from 40k on youtube i did did i had the fortune of seeing austerities astartes is crazy talented i have never seen someone ever be that good at animation was that the work of one man or was it like a couple of people astartes's 40k work was incredible i believe it's now i think it got bought by games workshop right didn't they pay him to didn't they hire him it was it was that good that they had one crazy swedish person is he are you kidding me it was one guy who made all of that some people are just incredible incredible as far as people that i watch and enjoy just trying to think of other people that i like they're because it becomes harder for me to watch and enjoy a video now but my friend trooping i don't know if you guys know troupe and you should go hit him up i legitimately really enjoy watching these videos they're just so like extremely satisfying to watch why am i going into a dark room alone in the night i got a moment uh oh are there there could be more of them back there trying to sell me something let's go get some electronics shall we we need more batteries um do you have no no battery in there battery in here oh an m1 helmet i don't know what that is okay never mind helmet visor what does that replace does that wow very wow hang on a moment that oh that replaced nothing that was just there was nothing there the fan animators for the website oh yeah there's all kinds of controversy that surrounds the games workshop thing i don't know i just kind of mean purely in praise of uh what's his name oh jesus way too close i got too close to that door and i am not happy about it what if all the zombies are just trying to sell me an extended car warranty i'm not having that see that would be that seems like it would be a scam i don't need an extended car warranty when my car is just gonna give out 10 days after the warranty my god no this is it this is the end though i probably have on so much armor i would be fine uh that was actually somewhat scary did my gun jam that's the scary part about having only one gun having only one car warranty what do i have on i think i have an abundant loot but i i did turn on low for food and everything else what is this springfield xd4 what even is this whenever you just see a big ass revolver and you're like hey that wasn't even whatever it was handgun i think it was just a handgun yeah because there was nothing revolving in it revolver there actually has to be all right stupidity aside um i wanted to call it a revolver because it was big enough and badass to be one but it just wasn't it was just inaccurate sad much sad even shows me in big red letters i know i wish that it showed jam in the middle of the screen though so that i couldn't ignore it ah peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter uh a maze great oh ice cream ice cream ice cream everybody ice cream ice cream you scream we all scream fry scream yeah now eat it good tastes good doesn't it yeah all right two drum mags uh pretty much a full set of gear this is looking very daisy you know there's a good amount of variety one concern with the paul low loot paul low loot is a great mod by the way i don't want to give you the wrong idea but my one concern with all of those armors in the last mods that we were checking out was that it seemed like they all kind of converged on one armor set it seems like there's a good amount of variation in this so that when you have multiplayer and you have different players together everyone could look cool have good gear and then yet still be wearing varied gear which is a nice thought hmm i use mini gun when i have one gun that do the trick in case if one jams which my god it does seem like that they jam a lot i mean i don't shoot guns often i've done it once but do people who shoot guns often do they jam this often or is this just a crazy amount in the in the mod i'm like there's an absurd amount of jamming but maybe maybe that's just the reality maybe that's just the reality in my face this island is pretty much are we feeling set okay sadness is a bit harder to get get rid of absolutely yeah so maybe this is an excessive amount of jamming maybe we should turn down the jamming amount i feel justified in this now gun jam frequency firearm jam frequency let's do 50 rare yeah i don't think i buy this i don't think i buy this very poorly maintained weapon yeah something like that game balance thing i suppose that that makes sense like you got to spend time maintaining your weapon i kind of like that but it just seems like it gives out so often where are we here now i wish my night vision had a little bit more battery can we find any ah here we go dismantle the radio can we get some batteries in here yeah i'm all about that uh battery good uh hang on a moment you get out of here okay let's uh just turn it let's have one more night vision session i like how they called it sam fisher's night vision goggles we should really play chaos theory here one day chaos theory is one of my favorite games uh turn on there we go unless if they made a are the other future tom clancy games better i presume that they are but chaos theory just holds such a special place in my heart where is this oh this is a stairway i can't wear this thing inside it makes me even more confusion no yeah but if we could get that outline color change that would be amazing that would be my one suggestion if that's an option we could you know you could change the color of things that you highlight with your inventory i'm not sure if this already exists in the game but if we could change the color of enemies highlighted from green to either blue or red or something like that that would make these night vision sessions a lot easier with the mod it seems like that's pretty apparent twitch integration to project zomboid i think there is somebody actually working on that mod well how far has our character come we are who are we horus furman we've killed 1061 zombies and we've survived for days two days and 16 hours so three days just about here i'm assuming they will make it to four so we'll call it in around three days and this has been damn good i still think that this weapon set is extremely overpowered the aa-12 so i'm probably going to continue going with this at least for clearing out hordes you'd need something longer range for players you always want to skulk in the shadows and hide from far away but i'm feeling more multiplayer ready and considering how much how or how far these mods have come just in the last couple of months it's amazing i hope we get to see them all in multiplayer let's just kill get one more one more group god damn it one more group can you can i please have this satisfaction um where are my there we go shotgun chills open these two boxes okay yeah all right i'm i'm finishing up good reload reload do i have any plans for when multiplayer drops oh just a bunch of things that i want to do with friends does this modless work with 41.52 i'm not sure if the entire mod list works together perfectly it's mostly just a list of mods that i've enjoyed using um i'm not sure if i've used all of them together but i just i don't want to create five different mod lists i just want to kind of have it all in one place um so that folks can see it and just mods that are generally good but i'll try to keep them updated i think it does assuming that's what we're in right now so then probably yes i think that's pretty much the rest of the island the rest we could probably take out with just the shotgun shells but i think it would be entirely plausible to clear out this island it took us long enough but that one tip about pausing when you uh loop just kind of changed my entire fortune here there's so many maps where you just you find yourself running at breakneck speeds and it's such a pain to loot because you can never stand still sit next to something for long enough i can't believe i never knew that so thank you for that this was damn good rack that give me the satisfaction there we go nice all right well i think we are going to call it there it's been uh yeah my brain's kind of turning to mush
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 296,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid longplay, project zomboid game, ambiguousamphibian project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge
Id: JkzhCfjgPMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 37sec (9037 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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