Masters of Arena 6 Finals | Slam vs DauT

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and maybe you guys could test this but if you go to right now i think it redirects to the twitch page unless uh unless we lost it i don't know uh but welcome everyone and if you bear with me here i'm just gonna quickly put the info that way you guys kind of know the deal um this is the moa6 grand final and it is a best of seven and we have two teammates and two very popular players here from the gamer legion team we have slam who's in the red playing as the chinese and then in the blue we've got doubt doubt is playing as the vietnamese and uh pretty solid even civ match to start off the day here um i think we've seen slam win with chinese before in this tournament and we've seen doubt do the same now for doubt him getting here is um it's i think a little more well no no they're both interesting story lines but in particular doubt has just been the most dominant getting to the finals he's beaten big names but dowd hasn't lost a single game and in present-day age of empires when when the level's normally so close that is uncommon so i get that maybe a few players out there people would have wanted to see in this tournament like maybe viper or hera but um granted they didn't sign up they didn't participate doubt did and everyone he ran into he just slaughtered and he just had such sound decision making so we'll see if that's consistent here and then slam on the other side slam is a player who i think guys and we're going to whisper this we don't want to make a too big of a deal out of this because if it becomes a thing it might have the opposite effect okay so keep this between us i think slams mental kind of needs this a little bit like he's built up this reputation of being a great player but choking in events okay and this isn't necessarily the most prestigious event right it's not like uh one of the big s tier tournaments with all the open maps and craziness that that might suit him but getting through a tournament which is pretty much down to how you see the game how you make decisions and making it to the final even if he doesn't win here today i think a really big thing for slam um and again it's gonna have an effect i feel on how he goes into other events because um he has he has struggled to perform at his level when it comes to tournament time for i don't know like five or six years but either way he's made it to the final here he was really pumped about it yesterday and he was told that if doubt won yesterday or sorry one today that the final would be played immediately after and slam said to me that he hoped the doubt would win 4-3 and it'd be a very long semi-final that way doubt would be tired and well it was a very fast semi-final so doubts should be pretty rested as far as the sieves go thank you sheep goes squak as far as the um the civs go i i actually think that chinese are more well-rounded however vietnamese potentially are the better civ when it comes to the best 50 military one could make um or let's say 60 or 70. do you think about chinese it's they never do one thing much better than other sieves it's just that they can go arbalest if they want to with full upgrades they can go cavalier and camel and light cap if they want to with full upgrades they can go see dram they can go onager their eco is insane they're just really good all around but vietnamese if they were to get to bombard cannon which chinese don't get rats and archers which chinese don't don't get maybe halps maybe imps i feel like maybe the peak is better for vietnamese if this was arabia i'd prefer chinese easily because of their options but arena's not necessarily about having options depending on how that game plays out so um i said 4-2 for doubt i do think doubt is going to recognize in every game what to go for and break down that civ matchup better in his mind slam however got past tattoo who's a really good player especially on arena to get here he got past madrid yesterday in a best of seven so uh should be a good final well i i i feel like i'm not at full speed so i'm just gonna yeah see i sensed it okay there we go we should be caught up to real time here in a moment we're not really missing much because it's arena uh t90 would you like to see a high-level all-tech tournament uh not really i think that the interesting shape gold it's either an h or an i um no i i i think that having all techs enabled just makes the um what makes age of empires interesting with all the sieves is all the differences between the civilizations and i think that that would remove that so it would just make it less interesting for me it's a helicopter it's the area where the helicopters land okay or it's where you build your igloo if it gets cold it depends on the direction you tilt your head i'm actually tilting my head right now i'm getting dizzy i gotta stop that okay oh man okay scout fight now if they were to actually commit to this fight i don't know what i would say oh slam's gonna be good oh my god slam doubt's in trouble slam chase it slam will have the much faster up time and because of that he's gonna get the extra attack and he's gonna get the extra speed now a lot of players won't run in i think slam should okay oh boy it was things just got interesting doubts running home slam will probably not run into the tc yep and now dallas doesn't have looms so now suddenly he's gonna have to wall in his villagers and slam can also see well doubt's making a barrack so that's an approach that he will try and deal with slam actually has gone up really quickly he could only go up this quick even with chinese i think if you're gonna go for a boom build which is what he's doing he actually sold wood he's not even taking gold so i doubt we'll see any monks from him as he goes in after a villager there and oh maybe a little too greedy there from slam well actually it's not it's now 19 to 19. so i think the better move for slam you either get a bill and you commit to one that's on its own or what you do oh is you just try and annoy doubt a little more than he just did there well what slam needs to do is kill this scalp because doubt's gonna make another one and then there's no way slam survives so i actually think doubt should not move out from underneath his tc unless he's gonna leave his base which i guess he's doing smart move from him and slam and he's got one lumber camp as opposed to two [Music] he sold wood as opposed to mining golds i think he's gonna just drop three town centers and boom this one out so in the end it is better for doubt that slam got in here because there's no way doubt will lose a ville and that will have all of his scouts remaining where will he drop his town centers here his forward gold is really bad actually especially if you give up map control doubt might go for siege push but i kind of doubt it i think a tc here would be good that tc hero would be good but he's not sending bills there yet so maybe a tc here is on in order i think the tc here would be better there's less farm space but it's better for your wood efficiency but i'll probably place it here yeah okay that's fine and here okay i like those tc's um i think i missed it slam lost his scout yeah he lost the scout to the new scout from doubt kind of expected same maybe went back here for the weak villager and didn't get it so no doubt still 50 seconds away from the next age but doubt's gonna be able to take relics and i had a conversation with slam yesterday and i i told you guys this as well in some civ matchups i feel like getting relics is overrated and maybe here slam feels like if he just gets a better boom he can kill vietnamese before they end up being very strong but the rest of this game is just going to be about that and doubt will probably get all the relics and will have nothing to really contest him and i think what will happen is as doubt hits castle age i mean that's a 1455 castle age slam's castle time was just nuts it's not like doubt is slow but uh that's gonna have to play defensive early imp and just try and hold on as long as possible what's the statue in the tc um i don't know what that's supposed to be of to be honest i think it's one of the events um every time there's a new update with this game all the mods that i disable get enabled again and it's one of the one of the nice little easter eggs they added to the game oh it's a costelli air gotcha yeah they they pretty much uh i mean it's not the biggest deal right but i think i had removed that and it's it's back it looks pretty good though it's from one of the events they did i really like how i really do appreciate and like all the little easter eggs they add to the game um i just wish that uh they wouldn't come back like if i choose to remove one i wish that i wouldn't have to go into my mod center all the time and remove and add things but uh could be worse i suppose right so here comes this the monks and there is an option for doubt to go for the siege push i do not think it is the correct move until after you have three tcs because you have to assume that slam's going to have a better eco than you and slam already has 10 bills and slam has the wooden farm upgrade not too bad i think it's very difficult to do what slam did and get those upgrades if you're not chinese because text being cheaper is a huge huge help okay uh t90 is there an optimal number of bills to make a town center yeah it's like three or four does kind of depend one second guys pat's ripping stuff off the wall we lasted a couple hours with him in here one moment okay we've got some we've got uh these noise canceling things on the walls which are kind of made of foam and the kitten loves it so if you look at every single corner of my office there's just little black specks of foam every time she comes in here so she's really not a bad cat it's just i can't i can't let her in here there's too many wires occasionally she'll nap and you know in the cat cam area and it works out but i just when she wants attention she knows how to get it as doubt will go for tc's now interesting that will go for tc's and he clearly realizes that he does not really need to worry about slam coming out of his base anytime soon now look at slam maybe a little paranoid added an outpost he doesn't see anything out there slam getting hands cart even now his economy is looking really good the doubt also has two relics soon three relics working for him june 4 and then five relics bringing in gold for him you've gotta think dallas gonna catch up with the ville count however he'll have the later imperial age so this is where doubt should send four to stone wait for it wait for it we're gonna see four to stone not necessarily for that's just kind of my preference but i think he's going to start mining stone soon so he could think about having a castle come on doubt border stone border stone t90 hey tristan is slams mentality pc on stone what the what in the okay apparently it's 2005 and my calendar is wrong this is very common back in the day but to see five tcs now is very very rare nowadays um volpe is asking if islam's mentality that bad i mean in this tournament he's he's made really good decisions but if you're asking if if slam's reputation of choking in big moments is is accurate or overblown i'd say it's pretty accurate based on his skill um he's had he's had some oopsies over the years but his tournaments looked really really good and in particular you know reena maybe it's just more relaxed you know slam can't psych himself out with with the open maps um yeah in particular his decision making has been good as he's going for a ram and he's going to go rams and arboles here so as we predicted slam would be faster to the imperial age but he's now put himself in a position where he needs to push and kill that's not going to be so easy as doubts being super annoying with this monk here i think what slam will do is he's going to push out with crossbows he's going to go into orbs he's going to try and ram down's base and then he's going to drop his castle in the front now the concern i have with this type of a push and it's going to be beginning shortly is just the fact that by the time your castle's up and you're making trips i think doubt will already be an imp either with his own castle or he's going to have chemistry completed to make bomber cannons which chinese don't get so this push is gonna have to be really strong for slam for now though he really only needs crossbow and bod canero to be able to push the scouts he's just not he's a little late to those upgrades hmm okay okay how many bills are five relics worth of income i think one relic is like 1.2 villagers on gold um of course it depends on gold mining upgrades but the number it's not like exactly one relic per one ville the thing you gotta remember is that's on top of your eco and then that eventually you will run out of gold unless you have relics okay well i think slam can i sorry i think dal can see some of this he saw the flags on the ranges so now he knows and here comes slam again i think that unless this castle's forward i mean it could be advantaged out regardless but i think slam will lose this game if his castle isn't forward and i don't see the timing on it being great either way right if he's building the castle now he still doesn't have the castle to be able to make traps so this is more about captaram and arbless than it is anything else right now doubt is going for like calf opening and an elephant is he gonna commit to elephants no also he misclicked here he set the castle and he tried to go command q to command them to go to gold after they build the castle but he didn't he didn't realize as he now realizes that he misclicked that i hate it when that happens i do that sometimes i think he just added one elephant as something to help against the rams slam getting chemistry does not have arbolese yet he's adding ranges he's coming forward and he's gonna he's gonna pressure doubt yo if he takes out the university dal has to add a new one for chemistry now what would happen to me is i would try and research chemistry here anyways and then i wouldn't work and then i'd add it later and it'd be a panicky thing maybe doubt we'll add the university but that is a pretty big deal cause you're gonna see slam go in there now maybe i'm wrong but i think you should probably try and take out the university if you're trying to tread push a player who's going to go for chemistry but he takes out the tc first i don't know if he can take out the castle so i think this is slime overextending as he still doesn't have arbalest which is so weird he has the resources for it or i guess it's just been real close now he's going for sidram and trying to save the rams which i think is a good move and he's backed up with this castle which i think is also good yeah ballistics now on the way for del we'll see if he even completes that and if you're thinking vietnamese you're thinking archers you're not thinking elephants granted some people love those elephants and elephants are underrated in some situations but ballistics denied now that's what i would do like i said yeah i wouldn't add the university at the back because i was doing everything else slam will have arbalest and thumb ring i think you could push i mean if he had eight rams that castle's down i think so with if you want to go in with four weak rams i'm not too sure but here he comes here he comes and now he's leaving he's giving the castle a lot of free hits doubt hoping to make rats and archers so he's going to want that castle if only slam had a few trebs to back this up right now that would be ideal there's rams though tanking so much doubt tasking the castle to shoot the arbs though so i'm a little hesitant now and maybe this is fine because you're keeping doubt off the gold but um you are going to want to continue this pressure if your slam as i see pikeman's being added but i actually think the fact that pikeman's been at it is really good for doubt because dowd wants to go with rats and archers and rats and archers counts are pikemen and they counter arms so you've got to be really worried when you're up against vietnamese and you have to push them faster than this the slam is just opening more of a gap here as he goes in to kill villagers slam has the villain but he doesn't have relics and doubt now popping out with light cav that's a lot of light calf and the elephants are also pretty tanky and slam has to back away at a time he made militia no slam we all know the chinese struggle with man at arm builds dude oh wait it's the imperial age okay well that's a problem and if these were militia maybe he would have done a better job taking out the leica oh no that is such a big mistake there they made four of them so it's the creation time it's the resources and then the fact that that could have been for pikeman as he upgrades to habit here he lost the treb there and now suddenly doubts like well guess what i've got all the relics i've got my castles and now i think slam's gonna struggle the time window has all but closed for slam and i think it all comes down to if dal can get the rats on upgrades was able to get ballistics did anyone see if he got chemistry looks like he didn't get chemistry yet maybe he forgot about that one it's a lead rating archer that really separates these things from the pack regular rats and archers still have high pierced armor but elite rats and archers have 10 pierce armor he got chemistry no he didn't i don't think he did he would have six plus four if he got chemistry i don't think he did unless i'm missing something i don't think he has it maybe he clicked it and lost it i don't know but slam's got to push those castles and i think he's about to go in with three trebs here he's got more arms that need to be brought in he's got he's got good military numbers again elite rats and archers they're strong but doubts now getting chemistry he's now getting thumb ring he's now getting armor and there's not a whole lot of cav for doubt out out for doubt doubt for out out in this in the scout um you know you got me all right yeah so you guys look to see if the arrows are fiery for chemistry which i guess is the easy way to do it i always look at the stat of the unit and it would be six plus four if he had it so but all these ranged upgrades are a waste if he doesn't have the castles and honestly even the rat 10 numbers if he has one castle are going to be a problem for him i think if slam tech switches into light cav um that could also be great just to get some type of melee in there which he's struggling with the halves kind of felt like it was a reaction to the light cav and that's about it slam getting caved now that's going to take time to switch his doubt got some good raids in here and actually slam's got to be careful that he doesn't send units outside of this gate his units could run in doubt loses his castle though and it looks like he's going to lose his trebs as he definitely needs bombard cannons out see if the there's enough rats and archers for down look how tanky they are oh my goodness they tank so many shots but then again it's 60 military versus 20. say i'm getting the wood upgrade now that's going to help a bit getting the second cab upgrade that's going to help a lot bloodlines now that looks like the units kind of got through here but they'll be dealt with in the end i think hopefully slam will have something attacking these both of them are focusing here this is where the game will be won or lost if doubt loses the castle i think he loses the game and if he loses the castle he will lose the relics yeah it doesn't have the military slam said forget about relics forget about that nonsense i am just going to kill the vietnamese before they can get to their strength again with full rats and archer full imp skirms all those things that could be so good but this pressure from slam man i think it's going to be too much as we now see the bomber cannons now will slam dive to take them out because he wants to take the castle i honestly think it's worth it to take these out you're gonna lose most of your arms but you then keep your trebs alive and then you take out the castle you do have to worry a little bit about the follow-up with your military as doubt loses that uh so hopefully his reinforcements are in that queue i'm not sure if slam sees this one yet i'll check and see here now uh he's looking he doesn't see that castle but he's using his skirmish against the rats and archers and it seems like he's got enough of them here guys sure slam's military count is much lower than it was before but the same could be said for doubt and slam is going to come in with c drams now oh big bummer cannon shot there for doubt on the skirms actually that was really good shot sam's got to be a little careful with this these skirms will go down i'm looking at his unit queue is that accurate does he have 10 arms in one range or am i missing that okay no i got it wrong sorry i okay maybe he just fixed it okay the relics now i don't think right now you start sending monks forward right now you just gotta continue to focus on the castles and we're seeing doubt stabilize but more than anything i think what we're seeing is the power of the rats on archers it takes so much to be able to push the rats on archers but he's still i mean slam also just was a little late with reinforcements just needs maybe a couple more stables a couple more production buildings in general also a couple more upgrades on the leg cap would be very good it's how it just makes a mining camp here so we can get what little gold is remaining it does have this gold to take i mean slam's got gold to take as well if slam had more farms maybe it'd be better for them but i'm thinking can you go cavalier here with the golden gum is it too risky when you don't have relics to go cavalier i wonder i mean light caps seem really strong here and it doesn't it doesn't end up costing gold so it's probably best to just use your gold on siege but i'd like to see more cav for him because that meat shield is is hugely beneficial to him and now slam knows about that castle so now doubt it seems like he's kind of got enough to hold the position but holding the position isn't going to be good enough it will lead to castle losses it will lead to building losses doubt has 145 bills so when you look at the pops it feels like doubt is on top or sorry it feels like doubts even but i think the military numbers in the end they're gonna dictate who wins this game because slam he could dominate doubt push him further and further back slams got a lot in the queue dow does not have much in the queue and if he's relying on just skirmishers the light cap that sam is sending in are going to do a really good job against that even being vietnamese skirms sam's got to be a little careful there maybe back up here slam i think would like kev on the way he realizes he's getting good hits in slam now sees the castle on the left is in jeopardy and he's gonna send the light kevin in doubt no he doesn't have the relics anymore he's gonna lose these 225 wood and gold a piece and there's three of them there for the taking and also delta production buildings are sending everything to the middle they're kind of running into their death there it's now 70 military verse 15 and it looks like the canadians gonna take game number one and he will hand doubt his first loss in the entire tournament maybe i'm calling it too soon doubt is in doubt 158 bills i know that spanish are a good arena civ but you just just fyi you're not spanish you can't fight back with bills just in case you didn't know okay um that's probably not listening to the stream so my tip's probably not going to get to him but uh yeah that's um a bit of an overboom and he's actually cueing up more probably just out of instincts because he knows he's about to lose some not sure about that one though is this castle uh it looked like it would be denied gets completed by slam im skirmish in but it doesn't matter and doubts loses what a good approach from slam now if slam ends up winning these finals we will do an interview with him and i will ask him about that but we had the conversation yesterday people who were here slam was brought in i interviewed him after his semi-final and i said there are some situations where i feel this is the case that fighting for relics might not benefit you and slam was like yeah i think you're right or slam said it was my idea first or you know it's not that i gave him the thought you know he of course recognized it and um think about what happens here if slam competes for relics let's say we give slam three relics do you think doubt gets into a stronger position in this in this situation i think the answer is yes because doubt wouldn't be pressured his castles wouldn't be pressured he would have had time to mask the rats on archers and i think that time would have been enough to push back slam even if slam had those relics so slam said screw it i just will have to kill him quickly and man oh man that was a good game really good game i think that uh the only issue the only thing i could gripe out with slam was just the lack of reinforcements one time but beyond that his uptime was disgusting i don't know if i've ever seen that with chinese because 1333 castle time guys chinese do not start with any food so that type of a castle time is is insanely strong he turned that into a beautiful boom and overall in that game i didn't have as much food as that but he had more wood gold and stone anyways so um the canadian starts off the the final with a win okay and uh we'll just have to wait for the next game the next game will just be on arena as it is masters of arena final and uh who knows what civs they'll go for neither of those civilizations were the number one picks for the players so there will be plenty more coming up all right guys um this is probably going to be a long final um when they launch into the next game i'm going to step away for just two minutes i've been attempting to hydrate a little bit more which is a tough task when i talk all the time um so yeah in dark age you guys are just going to follow somebody's scout for a little while uh george says my game has crashed in every game i tried to play today any idea if i can do anything about that oof yeah george listen i think that you're there's no way to solve that problem and so your best bet is just watching the stream all the time retire from playing and only watch the stream uh no no uh seriously though i think that um there has been an issue with crashing on this patch and that happened to me as well so hopefully they hotfix it or something bro just get a mini fridge next to your desk chest on when i said i was hydrating more i didn't mean i needed to go get water i meant i needed to go get rid of water that that's what i meant okay i i was implying it but in case you didn't know it means i've got a pee and i'm not about to pee in a mini fridge yeah okay nice save nice save nice save nice save buy a toilet chair listen if anything i just got a catheter so what do you need is one of those soda hats one of those hats or backpacks you put on that are with a straw so you don't need to to move around to get to drink and then you've got that and you've got a catheter and you're good and then um hey if the if i get popular enough i could just like i wouldn't even need to eat i could just hire a team to hook me up to an iv and inject me with nutritional fluids anyways why do i why do i even give this conversation a chance to thrive i should know better um but yeah i'll wait until they launch the next game to hop in oh and i need to get the scoreboard here uh scoreboard ones here perfect thank you sharknado and yes azure sentry and everyone else who's saying that's a bad idea i realize that's a bad idea that's why it's just an idea thank you raz would sicilians be okay on nomads since they build tc's faster yes um and i think they're higher than people might think they just haven't been tested a lot so yeah i'd say more so 1v1 nomad than team game nomad because team game nomad is more about getting to a really strong unit and sicilians don't really have a strong unit 1v1 arena is more about getting early leads and using those leads okay oh wait it doesn't apply to the first tc okay then no i forgot they changed that yeah there was a time where it applied so yes to i take it all back they've tweaked these new sieves so many times i forget what's what so uh yeah i take it all back okay uh you can enjoy watching slam scout i will be right back ethiopians versus byzantines honestly i think this is another situation where slam might just say forget the relics cause i'm not sure if competing for relics is as important as pushing down as quickly but i could be wrong he's got to be feeling good and i'll be right back oh god you are muted to the people who said i was muted while it was gone it is rather ironic that you would say that because did you have me muted before i left like i'm pretty sure i specifically said i was walking away from the computer for a minute as i i gotta change the score here sorry um i'm back now i'm no longer muted uh why won't this change ah oh wait i got it okay there we go perfect uh sorry i had the score wrong slam deserves his win so i was thinking about two things while i was uh while i was away okay first off and this is not really relevant to this game uh which i believe is sad and i want to talk about it do you guys think that siege tower should be cheaper the fact that there is a a a siege unit available that allows you to go over walls and we see a lot of walling and in this case we have arena where you start with stonewalls and it's not even a question of if it's possible the answer is just no i feel like that is a problem right i'm not saying we need to make it cheap enough where it can happen all the time but to make the siege workshop then make the siege tower and then make units to put in the siege tower is a pretty expensive thing i personally would like to see the siege tower be cheaper and even if it was cheaper i'm not even sure if you'd see it more but would be cool um don't agree that it'd be available in futile except for maybe cumin's because they get the siege workshop but i just wanted your input on that um yeah people's opinions will differ on that but i figured we'd talk about it so uh the other thing i was thinking about is this civ match-up and while the meta is to fight for relics and contest for relics i believe slam is in a position where he could go for a an insanely fast feudal time and go for a fast boom again and i think he could try and turn this into killing doubt before while doubt tries to defend um it might make sense here because i believe while ethiopians have the stronger strength with arboles bomber cannon byzantines are better overall byzantines have better cab options byzantines have cheap skirmishers cheap albs cheaper for them to go imp higher hp in their castles it's not easy to look at byzantines and say well they're going to have good fortifications let's go aggressive against them normally that's not what you want to do but if you slam knew doubt's map looked like this as well i think that would be the way to do it this is a really poor map for doubt if he gets pressured uh t90 siege tower appears at low elo bible thump well the thing is it wouldn't change that if you were to make it a little bit cheaper at high elo um like also at low elo there's a lot of things that happen that let's say someone makes six-man arms and gets armor upgrades we don't see that at a high level because people will be walled at that point right so i think balance needs to be changed from the top down um and i think that if it was a little cheaper it wouldn't necessarily be hugely relevant to low elo and it might increase things at high elo okay so slam is halfway to feudal you receive plus 100 food and plus 100 golds when you arrive to the next age with ethiopians so he is going to have the resources to go up and because of that bonus he doesn't need to mine gold i i think this is the correct strategy from slam i'm not saying it'll necessarily work but trying to contest for the relics and then trying to go up to imp after that is just going to lead to byzantines being faster to the imperial age plus you don't even have a guarantee you're going to get all the relics anyways dow could outplay you so slam's just like forget that nonsense and i'm gonna make doubt play defense against me mark it and you'll see a blacksmith and then after that slam will just probably add a town center here uh maybe a town center here and boom just like the previous game only he doesn't have the i mean he has the option to go for cav with ethiopians but that'd be a mistake so he'll probably just go archers and bombard cannons save your top down design edits for aoe4 um says age of empires four don't listen people don't don't put me in a position to talk about things that i should not talk about okay i we can talk about siege towers because they're not a secret i cannot talk about other things don't try and make life awkward for me thank you very much here you have a stable and here you have a market for doubt interesting why a market so i mean he's not going to get blacksmith upgrade so this is an underrated move if you want to boom and buy extra hundred stone for town centers or your eco is out of whack and you need to sell or buy it it's not too bad is t90 working on aoe4 yes i'm the sole developer on age of empires 4. i don't know if you guys heard and um if you guys would like to have any info about the game just go ahead and ask i'll give you all the info right now i actually have all the permissions so well av4 is screwed well thank you for that amazing compliment uh i actually i often wonder if i were to send an email to microsoft and say i will not cover age of empires for content do age of empires four tournaments or do anything related to age of empires 4 and in fact i will encourage my audience to not buy age of empires 4 until we get spec chat and age of empires 2. i often wonder what they'd say like do they care that much about what i do no we're not doing it we're not doing i'm not gonna do i'm not the type of guy i'm not gonna start a boycott i'm just curious on if it would have an effect you know i kind of want to know absolute bread says clip that out of context smiley face at this point if there's a clip with me in context it it just doesn't feel like it's right so you know what go for it islam is going for the same boom he did in the previous game the thing is i i don't necessarily think age of empires 4 is going to be the best game ever i hope it is but that's going to be rather tough since age of empires 2 exists um but let's say it becomes the second best game ever i wanna i wanna play a role in age of empire four's future right i wanna i wanna play it i'm gonna cast it i think it'll be i think it'll be uh you know uh a bit of a mixed back and i think that with age of empires two definitive editions launch as an example i i do expect the first month or two to probably be a bit of a buggy mess but uh i think it will be good so all right here comes the wood upgrade for doubt boomy boomy boom boom boom he had some monastery no surprise no surprise we'll see a second tc for him as well but this is the exact same approach from slam as we saw in the previous game and doubt was not able to stop it despite getting all five relics and again i feel like this gold is going to be a big issue for him if he gets pushed by ball mark cannons and arbor list t-90 when is age of empire's four definitive edition coming out um i think you know i don't want to make these jokes i don't want to stop it i i know that microsoft's listening right now okay they listen to me in their studio and they they really do a lot of good work and if i make these jokes they feel unappreciated so stop it it's so easy to make these jokes but i i won't just like it's easy for you guys to make fun of my farms and my neutral island archer ranges and you shouldn't do it because i'm an easy target i should not do it towards them but now hopefully never because that means aoe4 is a banger so okay town center for delta is a little later than he would want but typical doubt fashion he does a really good job of easing his way into eco meaning that he doesn't add the tcs before he can produce out of them is he intentionally going to stay on two though because he could easily go for the next one i have to say this is a little weird for daddy's already 11 villes behind slam just lost his scout i kind of missed that one but i'll just rewind real quickly for you guys to act like we saw it what happened he was chasing he was chasing he was chasing he was chasing and it looks like he did not end up getting the kill nope and uh relic count is 1-0 for delt kd is 1-0 for doubt and slam is doing something which is as close to uh the previous game as possible except for the fact that he will go are blessed with bomber cannon actually he could go cdram as well cdram wouldn't be bad here yeah he could do precisely the same thing except just not switch into like kev so when is age of empires 2 definitive edition remastered happening uh hopefully never hopefully never my freaking brother man who's been like i mean he's family right and he's been on stream many times he showed up to stream the other day and he was telling me recently that he wanted to start playing more and he had to show up the stream he was like hey he's like which one is it is it the hd or the definitive i don't know i think well technically you could play either people still play the hd edition but i'm happy they renamed the hd edition at least i i feel like they should have made it so it wasn't possible to buy it truthfully because it's actually so expensive and you get so much less there's got to be some people making mistakes out there you know someone's had a few beers a few too many beers on a friday night and they just got their paycheck like oh i want to play this game i see this guy making videos they dropped like 60 bucks in total to get the base game and then three expansions and then there's still other subs they can't get and then they're yeah that would but yeah anyways they did at least make it say 2013 so i think people could kind of pick up on it they get spectacular no you there actually was no spectator on hd if i'm not mistaken it's the same problem on hd the only place you had spec chat was uh on voobly which was uh which was like which was free actually i mean you had to own the game to play on doobly but uh you know it was like a community-made platform i did for a while do community games on hd and the lobby system problems we have now are the same and there was no respect yet spectating is a little better here now um though ultimately we rely on capture age which is really freaking cool i'm so happy microsoft got on board with capture h and they um they got them involved what is the lumber camp i guess slam didn't want his villagers to get converted but oh i know what it is uh oh okay okay these villagers can they can go home after they finish their job so they just like oh we were told to cut the entire woodline and then we get paid and go home okay boop i see what you did there all right slam wants to go up to imp and slam is on the way to imp and very similar to the previous game he's adding the archery ranges only he doesn't have a siege workshop and for doubt it is cheaper for him to go imperial and doubt's been able to catch up with the ville count with his four town centers also i think that it's you kind of expect this it's just can you do anything about it i i really like doubt's position here he'll be faster to the imperial age than he was in the previous game he won't be as far behind in economy he has the relics and he he has the proper counter available in skirmisher meaning that it will be tough for slam to push out across the map i believe oh and there's the workshop i'm blind sorry aunty arena is such a diverse map that we've spent an hour watching two games and slam has done the identical strategy with differences nothing happens in the middle we just it's just a podcast until it's not but it is still strategically interesting i'm sure fire would agree fire in chat is just like you you you preach t90 you preach what's up dude all right i know that arena from a spectator's perspective might not be as exciting and some people like their fast speed but i think if you were to break down what the average player wants from age of empires they do not want to be extremely pressured and stressed correct so i think if you were to pull people who probably only play against ai what map would you want and it'd have like black forest arena and arabia 98 99 of the player base is gonna want this right here and as a caster i definitely don't mind it because guess what i have time to chill and talk and break things down and make some jokes every now and then or and then right when the jokes get awkward because i'm not really the best at making them i can just focus right back on the game it's perfect but yeah deja vu but doubt has skirms this time and slam oh oh okay he's going to place the castle here his cap rams on the way and uh the only thing he's missing right now is well he's missing a few things i think what he really needs as doubts fighting with skirms that don't have armor which is a mistake that's a big mistake i think he needs chemistry and i would even get chemistry before our blessed yeah yeah yeah there you go because it takes so long to complete and you want bombard cannons yep bomber cans as quickly as possible doubt needs to get attack and armor on his skirms to make them tanky which takes time a little different than the rats on archers in the previous game but similar in time and slams micro is beauticious and i mean doubt even had the forward gold last time too it's just slam might not be able to afford everything quite as easily because he's not chinese now okay well the skirmishers are just so cheap dealt it was four rams last time as well if it ain't broke don't fix it i guess the slams mentality going into this in terms of strats i just the thing is i think the difference here is doubt we'll get bomber cannons out because his chemistry won't be delayed his skirmishers are super cheap and slam is not going to be able to afford as much so it kind of plays into the byzantine's wheelhouse if you ask me though uh doubt's got to make more skirms the kd's not the prettiest as he needs to protect the front of his base definitely has the safe to do that uh for all the reasons we mentioned slam's gonna need his bomber cans to make a difference against the skirms especially once the skirms get full armor for now the arps can do decently well the thing about skirms is how many shots they can tank it's not necessarily their high attack but they're not he's not going to have any complaints on that either uh slam a little late with the first bomber cannon i think maybe even prioritizing that over arbor last numbers would have been important here and doubts that's not going to care too much about losing skirms as he's just going to make more and more and more and more and slam's going to try his best to take these fights 20 seconds away until doubt gets full armor and about the same until we get a bomber cannon out here i mean the kd does show you that slams had the better of the engagement so far but the military count's still pretty even and doubt's going to take oh no he doesn't take out the treb okay he was close to as we are now going to have a micro battle but a micro battle with a giant clock looming over uh slam's head it's gonna be hard to micro when you know you need to kill quickly but if you have more bomber cannons there's always potential you can push all this i love dowd's food eco i love how he just constantly sends skirmish forward i think the reason that low elo legends or mid-elo maniacs like byzantines is because you don't have to be cute with the micro micro is difficult you can do doubt's favorite thing and just patrol just just send your army to their death it doesn't really matter it's kind of like goths that your units are so cheap you don't need to stress about that and yeah slam has a 2-1 kd and yet i still would prefer dalt's position as long as he continues to make bomber cannons and is at least even with where doubts at or slams out on that sorry now the golden comes going to help with the bomber cannons but the golden comes not really going to help with anything beyond the siege so that's why it's important to remember if the siege goes down this is this is slam's game just can he keep up the production will he be able to micro also he's got to babysit these arms this has reached a point where the arms can no longer take good fights against those skirms as he's just now getting his final armor upgrade he loses a bomber cannon and he's making his own skirms but he's paying full price for skirmishers that's not i think dalton has officially held and he's only gonna get stronger from here has more military has the relics and this is like um i i hate the fact that you guys pro most of you guys probably don't know this i'm not even a huge basketball guy but there's this commercial in the states where this this former basketball player shake wags his finger he's like this massive tall athlete like and he goes no no no not today that was his thing back in the day matumbo was his name yeah i didn't really watch the guy but that commercial is hilarious and that's essentially what doubt is doing these skirmishers right now not in my house in this case doubts house is uh oh bomber cannons got traded there that was kind of fun to watch look at that siege crashed down yeah doubt's house is um everything if people call him the lord i don't know it's hard to say such a dumb commercial personally i hate it listen commercials there there's many worse commercials out there right commercials in general are pretty stupid and suck i'm not a big fan of ads but i think that commercial is actually pretty creative just cause he's got a fun personality that's all well slam does have the military lead but he's also in the worst position as he's trying now to repair his castle if there's ever a point where he's continuously defending i think the game is over but that's kind of taken some weird fights here oh no way you're kidding me look at slams micro here is he going to get got it okay he'll lose his this is really weird to me that doubts making cataphracts and sending them out before getting armor there's no way dow throws this right now palmer cannon goes down what the big mistake man not only are regular cataphracts really weak they only have 110 hp compared to elite cataract which is 150 but if you're moving out with cav you need to have armor i think doubt got overconfident here remember the relics are right here the gold's right here the castles are right here i mean this is this is a big deal you could maybe consider uh making more arms now if you're slamming you probably need some if that's going to continue to make some cav but even now with armor you can see but sam's units didn't run away they're not really the strongest unit without a lead oh and he didn't even get it oh man he didn't even get that one i can hardly believe my eyes here what what is happening no way slam out of nowhere he's got three trebuchets doubt does have plenty of stone though we have to remember that and slam could lose these traps so uh let's let's hold the phone for a moment the relics will eject for doubt that i know but that will probably prompt out to move them further back into his base which might end up being a good thing otherwise he would have just left them there um thanks for what you do i thought doubt had the production building thank you bed of roses uh for complimenting my my mods um they deserve it and slam is just rocking these skirmishers from doubt i think he should have focused on 200 population with skirms and bomber cannons and maybe rams and nothing else but uh you know as doubt's a little distracted slam's going to lose his castle and probably try and take out doubts here at the same time what is happening man he has the archery ranges they're not all cued up so weird to me too because he has more on food i feel i feel like he should be able to afford it but what it is i think is that he's sending them in one by one and slim see he sees he has a taste of blood and he wants to finish this off now unfortunate for slam okay now he sees it he could push that castle as well there's so many castles he needs to take out and then here doubt is just using his own trebs to take out slam straps and he's bringing in a bombard cannon this has got to be so frustrating for slam it's so hard to kill byzantines i hear doubts going after the bomber cannons but he also is repairing in a lot of different areas oh wait if they both get volleys okay dal's castle will stay up there if they both got volleys it wouldn't have uh still might not no it will a treb does about 450 damage per hit and doubt's still somehow holding on and that is going to up oh we saved it and if that loses his bomber cannon okay it's going to go down now i think that's on he's unpacking his trebs again doubts moving the relics back into his base now doubt will lose his trebs good job from slam man this is stressful stuff also you've got the main fight to worry about and you've got to protect all your bomber cannons good micro from slam without realizing a little too late dowd's shooting up through so much stone i mean imagine how many castles he could build with this stone instead he's repairing them and losing them anyways sick job from slam here in the south he'll take out the traps he'll take out the castle he lands massive shots on the skirms i know it's a little slower here this arena map but it does feel like slam is just able to manage all the tiny micro movements so much better than doubts that will have four relics in the back of his base but he's completely out popped with the bombard cannons which we knew would be essential here this castle will drop for doubt i just don't see how he saves this one and slams like oh your skirms are cheap that's cute you know what's not cheap is bomber cannons and as he loses oh god he just lost two of them that's so bad anyways what the joke i was gonna make is he's like i can afford this and i'm gonna kill your skirmishers but now i think he's almost out of gold so oh no he's good he's good he's good it's fine curse of the commentator classic stop it slit okay lost another one and doubt now has 67 skirms why is it that the second after i compliment slam on being able to make bomber cannon oh my god he just lost two more doubt has a 180 pop doubt has five relics he just took out a trip slam's now thinking of tech switching into cab which is an awful thing hey switching in the cab with ethiopians is like switching into uh skirmishers with burmese you get a lead skirm and you think okay i get bracer that'll work but then you realize you don't get any of the armor upgrades it's really not a good sign if you're there um slam will probably lose this bomber cannon now because i complimented him and doubt who has two castles somehow is making the decision to click elite cataract which is a big surprise to me and could be a mistake that said there's not much except skirmishers for slamming as we established pre prior elite cataphracts are sick um i mean elite cataphract will complete it looks like he's got enough to make an impact with 20 of them and he also has more in the queue okay but now he loses the castle i mean it's not like he could really spend his resources on anything else uh maybe a mix of arboles with skirms would have been good i don't know but we'll see if it makes an impact slam needs to make sure he has a considerable amount of arms in his group otherwise if it's skirm v skirm and cataphract he's going to struggle and he's going to pull back now and doubt he deletes the walls he's like let's go let's go slam boy and and doubt's going to think about halvadir which again is you know not a sign that this is going to go well for him as you can see the light cav just died so um it looks good for slam doubt has somehow held on and you could argue maybe because of how wasteful slam was with the bomber cannons you should have seven right now and if slam is tech switching on all these things which i think are going to be quite ineffective i think that you could say even now advantaged out despite the fact he can't comfortably take this stone despite the fact he can't comfortably take that gold oh big bomber cannon shots though islam is definitely stalled out now if this was arabia i like like have a little more because you can run into someone's base but you can't really do that here i think slam is gonna try and ram that down eventually it's in the back of his mind but this castle is just such a good thing for slam right now he can always fall back to it just will doubt commit to a fight underneath the castle and will he have siege to back it up if he does and here comes the siege who's going to try his best here this is a crazy crazy fight a crazy series a league cata fact in they're making all the difference here and if doubt has the skirmisher reinforcements and if the castle goes down which means he has to take out the bomber cannons this could be what doubt needed to get back into this game look at slam he's trying to repair the bomber cannons he needs those to take out the traps to keep the position he won't do it and i think dowd is going to push it all back right here i think delt's going to have the units slam no longer has anything going for him and dowd is going to win this game it looks like doubt was out and now i just guys i just don't see it with ethiopians your time windows passed you don't have relics anymore byzantines can just lose so many units and still end up being okay cataphracts were exactly what he needed i i think dell will look back at this and say he was a little lucky and slam will look back at this and say he was maybe a little unfortunate or just frustrated with himself i really think slam should have pushed all the castles if he had the bombard cannons um the fact that he started detect switch was because he was no longer pushing like he he was before slam loses more and more and more everything slams making is counted by skirm bikeman countered by skerm like half counter by skirm you just can't make anything against full scrum with ethiopians besides siege this is over this will be one one i mean it was just an amazing game though this is what you want to see in in games that you don't sometimes see on this map it's it's back and forth action i think slams treb sniped that treb from doubt i'm kind of looking for the culprit yeah i think so yeah like cav are countered by skirms if you don't get the last armor and don't kill bloodlines 100 as we now see logistica i'm not saying if someone starts making like have to make skirms i'm just saying if you're making skirms and they make like have don't be too upset as you can see it is a slight meat shield but even that i think you're going to end up being okay yeah league cater facts and logistica and the cataracts themselves and the armor upgrades are really expensive but if you get there combined with the skirms which i think that would be already be okay with you're gonna win the game and slam's going to have to call it here the score is going to flip maybe the reason slam was continuing to play was because he thought doubt didn't have as much pop as him because of the score the score was in slam's favor because of all the kills he had in this game and even that's evening out and doubt will have gold and food for days for more cataracts more skirmishers more trebs more bomber cannons um as he will even trap this down slam didn't really get to make an attempted with a raid if he were to try that now it would be snuffed out by the cataphracts so yeah this one's over i think a little wasteful from doubt and a little wasteful from slam it just shows that these great players are indeed human um and this will get cleared everything will get cleared slam has picked up his fingers off the keyboard to type gg and there it is 53 minute game on the dot and a good game at that so that is one where i don't think slam's approach was wrong there are times where you lose games and the approach is wrong and i do not think the approach was wrong i think the approach was right and correct from both of them it was just which approach was going to work out ended up working out for doubt it's now 1-1 um [Music] i really wish that we could do saves at various points to replay situations like right before i complimented or right after i complimented slam he suddenly started to lose all of his bomber cannons i'm not sure why it's immediately after i complimented him but it happened and i think that i would like to see the game replayed from that point if he didn't lose his bomber cannons what would have happened do i think what would have happened is is uh doubt wouldn't have been able to keep this castle up and doubt would have lost these ranges and then that could have actually one slam the game because doubt wouldn't have had ranges to make more skirms um it's of course hard to say exactly but uh man that was such a turning point in that game slam had more gold collected despite doubt having five thousand relic gold same had more gold collected and he had more wood collected it's just that he lost so much gold and so much wood with the arbalest and the bomber cannons that game and delt's cheap cheap units eventually was able to push through um you can see the apm there if that's of any interest to you it was actually fairly close kd of course was showing in game army high was close that was a good game yeah doubt created 574 military units in that game slam created 414 what a stat like the fights were not pretty for doubt and i think his logic was uh it doesn't matter if i lose them i'll make more but actually almost lost in the game he probably should have babysat his units a little bit more okay score one one uh we'll i'll show you the sieves that they have remaining thank you to raging red and ep for uh the resubs ep thank you for four years bud um ghostface krilla forsaken dingy lingy snap snap appreciate it step step i'm not muted um i went to go to the civ draft and i went to instead because that's on one of these tabs to remove that and okay here we go um would showtills have been good no especially horrible since someone can make cataphracts uh you would probably need a leech hotel a lot of castles and a lot of gold for it slam was doing everything right it's just that he lost the bomber cannons which lost in the game so slam loses doubt wins uh you could make arguments that doubt civ pick was a little higher so maybe that just evens out the series and those are the sims they have available i'm gonna go by feel and i think doubt goes cummins next and i think slam goes spanish next now this is just a wild guess i've not seen anything but that's what i'd like to see um i'd like to see uh conquistadors and kip checks and paladins and halberdiers and rams and uh i don't know uh there's not much i can really base things off of truthfully it's the same map uh as we get closer to the end i'll be able to get more of a grasp on what they might prefer address says italians and khmer okay maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe has anyone else been underwhelmed with khmer in this tournament though i mean slams made them work i'm sure others have but i don't know man the fact they lack bombard cannon seems to be such a big deal no one really you guys all just chilling out listening to my opinions and not not disputing i think they've been pretty whelming okay so not underwhelming not overwhelming but whelming fair uh segfault this is the best of seven best of seven children bro you the pro okay thank you thank you yeah i mean my opinion is that they're a little underwhelming maybe picked a little too high in the draft but they still do have their moments keep talking t90 official i'm trying to go to sleep pt90 lucca here oh hello lurker through some tough mental times with the hc4 casting and others smile me and my family used to play o2 land games and this weekend we're gonna play what you and your family used to play aoe2 land games and this weekend you're gonna play a game after how many years yo i'm looking for content i i don't know what my plan is this weekend just saying if you want me to do some low elo legends uh family games maybe we'll do that no i i probably won't do that i'll let you guys have your fun but that's awesome to hear yeah i um you know uh been thinking a lot about the progress of the channel and kind of how this all came out of nowhere for me many years ago so it's cool to to cast age and bring age back to the forefront but uh italians comer there's no way you guessed this who was it how far they must be a couple minutes into this what that person actually guessed it oh my god anyways um listen the bigger thing i stream for and make content for is because everyone after a rough day or going through rough times needs something i needed it many times in my life and still do um so i it's it's an honor to be that person you know um to chill out to also i know a lot of people struggle with insomnia and that uh seeing doctors is very expensive depending on where you live so i figured we'll kill two birds with one phone we'll kill two birds with one phone no we'll kill two birds with one stone and if you struggle with sleeping you just prescribe t90 content and if you're you know going through some rough times you could watch some t90 content as well all right so doubt is khmer slam is italians and i think this is going to be the first game we see both contests for relics well you could make arguments that either civilization could just boom and um both civilizations could just forget about the middle and try and go faster imp they're both pretty good at it italians it's cheaper and khmer you don't need your required buildings so i think that ends up leading to a rather even situation with imp times and you probably don't want to give someone a relics if you think it's going to be even does that make sense uh i still do think camaro the weaker sieve of the two because they lack bombard cannons so i think doubt's at a slight disadvantage but uh of course if doubt gets all the relics and uh maybe doubt will go for a push with scorpions or something they're really close who knows there's a lot on the cards that they could do but if i were to guess right now i think the correct play is fast castling of course with a stable and making a lot of light calf and i think doubt is is better at that than slam he the thing is doubt will make a lot more like than the average arena player they'll make on average two or three more than most people so that can oftentimes be the difference as doubt's gonna bring in all of his deer and his bores plenty of food underneath the town center duco says i legit napped through most of last game well it is rena so um as much as i'd love to excite you guys at this stage of the game there's really not much that i can excite you with um oh my god the efficiency of the lumber camp is slightly better for doubt than it is for slam no it's not really even the case so i i mean i the dark age is the dark age and uh you know you guys maybe had a long day i don't know t90 official how many phones does a victoria give per minute uh six and a half i believe but i haven't seen the lefty versus controller dave i'm not sure i believe they have not um made any changes to that recently i just got back from the range so it's been a fun day nice the shooting range that's cool i um this probably is not something that everyone has done in their life but uh i grew up in a hick town right and uh so when i was at camp with my family well actually it was just my brother and i and my girlfriend which is in the middle of nowhere back in pennsylvania it was part of what i did when i went home to see family we have like a little family camp in it in the redneck land in the woods you know and we just shoot our guns and drink our beer and we just relax you know what i mean yeah that's my that that's you have to talk like that when you're there okay um and so we were just shooting some guns man it was a good time you darn tootin sure we gonna be shooting some guns while we that's actually pretty good i i don't practice voices i'm actually pretty impressed with that yeah that how did i how is that my best accent it's really not good says bring me biscuits all right well sorry i tried but yeah um anyways what i was saying is it was actually a really good time you know um and i i'd done that growing up but i hadn't done that since being an adult in quite a bit of time we used to do this thing at our family camp called mancation back when i lived in pa and basically um we go to this camp and we do a lot of like dumb homemade competitions like log throwing competitions and things like that which is many things i'd say very dangerous for people who are intoxicated but everyone survived so i do kind of miss those days but everyone kind of grew up got old got families and don't do that too much anymore so slam's going to be faster to the next h which might balance out the fact that doubt is going to go immediately through feudal into castle age because typically what happens is with any sieve you arrive to feudal it takes you the time it takes to produce two villagers to produce the buildings you need this flame is going to make a stable and a blacksmith dow doesn't have to do that with khmer so doubt's gonna arrive to feudal and immediately click castle so they're both gonna have 26 vills and i think their castle time is going to be borderline identical i doubt's going to be behind by one or two seconds i think let's see if we get this right i actually forget quite like i forget the exact numbers how many seconds it takes to create a view it's like 25 or 30 seconds i should know the exact times you know i've been doing this long enough but i think it's 25 or 26. okay people were saying 25 okay so let's just see let's compare here well doubt should be up a little faster than that then okay slam second ville stable blacksmith notice the ville count oh watch this oh it's the same oh no it's not it's one second yeah that's what i had said i believe like a minute ago kind of 27 oh two seconds okay so yeah now uh they both get their eco upgrades but you know it ends up being a similar thing that's just really good play from slam because typically commerce is going to be faster but because slams build order is very very crisp and very clean he's able to remove that bonus in a sense from the khmer um now the difference is that doubt's going to make the stable without having to make a barracks because that's a commer bonus but that can kind of hurt you because if you don't have the barracks then you can't make spearmint not like we're gonna see pikeman or anything from slam but uh you know this will all play a role and so yeah i'm not looking for a pat in the back or anything here but i've pretty much been able to call what they're gonna do every game um and i i think that that is a testament to their knowledge of what to do in the situations very easy to sit back when you're kept oh my god dow can't make spearman you're kidding me dow can't make spears he can't make spears to deal with this so if slam comes forward with a spear this is just a scout war but slam has spearmen and will always be ahead in the scout war that's hoping to scare this away but now the spearman's here oh my word this is going to be so annoying for doubt and if it you were expecting this you would like prep houses next to your woodlines and farms and whatnot you don't really have that here on the bright side though for doubt if he clears this and doubt doesn't have loom right a slam should be as patient as possible because he can't get reinforcements in now but if doubt clears this and he doesn't lose many units he could end up having more in the middle but it's so annoying yep no loom yet but slam knows that he's about to be outnumbered this might end up working out for doubt this is why players oftentimes don't run in i think slam should commit to the villagers now right surely no okay maybe not maybe so after doubt gets like half i think he can clear this oh fails with the house while gets the house wall slam forcing fights down into the house great job from doubt honestly but also the patience from slam means that he has time in the middle to get relics for now and um he's booming at home so second tc it's not really a big boom yet but uh it does help but yeah i don't think that spearman matters too much now uh you could make arguments that maybe slam should have engaged against villagers since they weren't looms but the reason he didn't do that is because he wanted to make sure that he bought himself as much time as possible but ends up being pretty even and just a really awkward moment as doubt's even going to try and convert the spearmen now if sam gets that monk i think he'll go in for it yeah i mean that was pretty easy that's also 100 gold down for doubt and he'll just fight now yeah he'll just fight i want to clear this he'll get the clear ends up not being as bad as he could be but advantage slam as oh doubt snipe oh check this out that's actually i was never expecting doubt to be doing this at the same time dowd sent a light calf forward slam was focused here and dow was able to snipe that monk so slam at live time should be working on relic number two and already have it back at his base but because he lost that one monk there he's only working on relic number one a shout out to capture age pro for being able to rewind which is freaking sick uh but yeah that was sick play from doubt to really deal with a stressful situation that is one thing that all the top players are quite good at is uh damage control so it's cheaper for the italians to go to the imperial age but slam hasn't added his third tc yet i think he'll do so shortly and doubt's already on three so i i mean we'll see what happens with the relics i'll toggle to that page at the bottom left now but i think dowd is going to be in the better position better position in terms of economy but then it's cheaper for italian so i don't know it's it's going to end up being super close i do still think the italian options are slightly better than khmer and uh oh doubt oh that's a big mistake he's gonna lose one and i think slam would have spotted the next one oh man oh okay slam's doubling back he didn't notice it and now he it depends on if he's looking at the mini map because you see the relic disappear okay it looks to me like doubt's gonna get away with that so it's not too bad in the end slam was looking there the whole time he would have spotted a glimpse of it but i guess he was looking away yep and now he knows he's looking for it and he realizes well shoot looks like he got that one a lot of like having spears here so i think it's gonna be pretty well not easy for slam but it's to be easier for slam to bring in the next one uh but daltico looking good five villager lead you don't really need to prioritize wheelbarrow with timer because you don't have to walk to your town centers and mills to drop off food from your farms but it is worth noting that slam has that upgrade and slam says debated just kidding and uh doubt should know that's gone now is to decide on if he wants to go get that monk i think it's gonna be tough should be three to two well that monk will go down oh run back run forward delt's going in that's a weak one though i don't think there's any way he gets that monk and then ah he goes back in with the other ones blocking and okay well that's killed a lot of monks slam will have to make another one doubt does have two if he gets two spear conversions you never know i think he'll lose both monks though one two uh pretty close fight and slam just snags it okay so kind of funny to watch those monk wars very even game in a very even series guys i think this is going to seven games the only thing that that's going to separate it in my mind just tell gold for five tc's what that's so great that's so doubt man that's so doubt um the only thing that's gonna separate the series in my mind is just the sif matchups which you don't really know until you get into each game game one uh was fairly even slam went for a strat it worked out um game two i think the doubtsiv was slightly preferred but not heavily preferred ended up getting the win almost lost it too this game i think it's pretty even but i'd slightly prefer italian so let's say slam wins this one and then the next game may be doubts slightly preferred since the sieves matter so much on arena and if both draft evenly and both have even skill it should always go to seven games okay so this is why i think dad doubt sorry this is why i think doubt has added five tcs or gone to five tcs okay um i think it's because if he tries to go three tcm against italians italians are always going to be stronger there so in his mind he doesn't want to play into the italian strengths so instead he's going to try this crazy over boom and um you know slam's going to drop his castle soon slam's going to think about him soon slam's going to maybe be there a little faster but think about what doubt's economy is going to look like because it's now 82 villagers versus 70 and one of those tc's for slam is going to be idling as it's researching imp that's going to have a crazy bill count and if you're able to get to maybe scorpions hussars and rams maybe it is tough for italians t90 i had no idea doubt was your dad that's crazy yep i said that i don't know why i guess they're pretty similar i think it's because i was saying add for add tcs and i was saying doubt and my brain combined an ad and turned it into dad so sorry anyways the outstanding ranges so maybe skerms maybe arbs but um you know are blessed with this sieve are just worse uh they do not get thumb ring plus italians get pavice and with pavise you have extra armor interesting same doesn't even have a range yet he's just adding a siege workshop that is really weird he has the university so is he just gonna open with bombard cannons and call it a day oh slam with the moves and that poor light cap needs to decide if he wants to live or if he wants to switch sides and well the decision was easy he's a coward [Laughter] the reason his friends died is because they actually wanted to fight he always just wanted to run he was afraid and bod can arrow now for slam who i think wants to drop a castle right here next to all this stone interesting doubts making ram so dal wants to go capped ram arbalest expecting slam to do something similar he's made a few genoese crossbow but wait i think he's expecting doubt to go full hussar or something so he wants to commit to genoese which have a bonus against cav but now he sees the range and now he sees the workshop so he should know this is going to be ram and arbolest or skirm and he's doing the proper move in making a magnol if someone's going to ram push you and you have two or three magnols behind your your uh castle you're good the nice thing is you don't even need to upgrade to onager you can pretty much hold against cap ram with just a few magnets cdram is kind of a different story and doubt's got an insane eco 113 bills against 86 so he should be able to afford everything uh oh and i don't know exactly how much the winner of this tournament gets but if you use the moa 6 command you can just look on liquipedia i think i think the total prize pool's around three thousand dollars the winner gets like a grand or something 1200 yeah gotcha it's a pretty penny that's for sure i know there's been a lot of really big tournaments with much bigger prize pools over the past two years but that's like that's a massive amount man all right our ballest is in slam will have magnels behind the castle so what does doubt do does dell know he's been spotted he actually doesn't know about this castle so that that's the first thing he doesn't know the castle's there so he's gonna go this way now that's where all the relics are for slam it always ends up looking really silly when people lose the relics when the monasteries are in the front of their base but it simply just doesn't normally work out to move the relics right now so they just have to defend that with military um without going for the kill here and crazy technologies i mean cdram shouldn't be too far off and i don't know if slam has enough magnets to deal with siege ram the over boom for doubt is paying off here i think doubt will click seadram soon plenty of production from those ranges both skirmishers and arbalest he'll go in after the monastery take out those relics slam only has 20 on food he pulled farmers to make the castles i think slam expected this to be similar to what he had seen previously and he thought it would be like hussars from khmer but he guessed and he guessed incorrectly genoese crossbowmen are not that special when they're not a lead and they're not utilizing their bonuses right now are they slam's getting good upgrades on them though which is nice uh just missing elite and it looks like the arb army for doubt will go down as with the rams so it's still fine for slam but doubts up to 140 villagers and what down has working for him right now is he has the momentum he's forcing reactions from slam so if he clicks cdram which i think he believed he clicked but he missed it is it in queue i don't know he needs cdram if he were to just switch over here with siege rams there's not a whole lot that slam can do against that um i'm not sure where the food just went maybe it's in like cav but i expect out to get it at some point so keep an eye on it genoese crossbowmen are just so easily countered by skerm you need to produce them out of castles which is only justifiable if the unit is really really strong in most situations and i think italians just have other things in their tech tree they should be working with this is the first time that i can heavily criticize slam's performance or sorry not performance his his decisions you've committed to going for a unique unit it's the completely it's the wrong unique unit for the situation and i mean i the list goes on of how wrong this is for slam and how this is going to be problematic for slam and i really don't see how doubt can let this lead slip of course slam is going to get the relics again that's great but if doubt just mixes in hussar now and click seadram i swear where's this food it must just be queuing up skirms all the time that's what it is hussar skirm siegram and slam has nothing except a few magnels that really do well against that yeah eco approach with khmer might make a lot more sense here i mean it certainly makes sense when it plays out like this so i think it's a mix of doubt strategy catching slime off guard and slam maybe just not scouting and reacting properly to it like he was committed to genoese even after seeing the range and the siege workshop from doubt which i think you've got to switch out of at that point but he probably just didn't have the economy adele so he couldn't he he was committed in his eyes i bet you doubt and slam uh could count on one hand how many times they've made genoese crossbow one and one with italians it's not like this is a common thing and i as doubt doubt skirmishes go down it's not common for a reason i would say the doubt also has been pretty wasteful the last couple minutes i keep waiting for siege ram to just storm storm this area i keep waiting for him to to get hussar spam going i made a hand cannon now i mean is expecting the farm to go above 48 honestly he's got 40 on gold maybe that's why his food count isn't high it just just a little um maybe a little indecisive for doubt or maybe he's just prepping for the killer blow that's probably it here he goes in after that castle slam his bomber cannons have already pulled over here to deal with skirms oh my god and deal with them they do that is such a doubt thing he's like well just make more all right just make more of them um you know hopefully for his sake he's gonna be able to take this castle out otherwise the loss on the other side won't be worth it but i think he's gonna be fine slam will run out of stone he's also made so many castles so i can't even repair these and now hustar swoops in so this is this is the moment general east crossbow and do your thing oh wait hustlers can just run away i think genovese crossbowmen are one of the most situational unique units and because they're so slow high-level players just run away from those situations that end up being bad for them so it's like it just looks so pathetic oh man okay i'm gonna make a real world comparison and hopefully this isn't too real for you guys i know times are tough right now believe me this applied to me many moments of my life but being a genoese crossbowman is kind of like being a someone with a with a degree or someone who's well trained with a lot of skills who can't find a job it's like if they could just find the job they do well they they're trained they're practiced for it but the problem is it just eludes them they can't find the situation they can't use their their degree and then all their castles go down and then they're living in mom's basement and you know is do real i'm sorry i know it's a very relatable thing for many people out there i've got a lot of friends struggling but those friends also watch the stream and i like to take any moment i can to make jokes as duh i mean doubts kd is awful here two to one kd but uh hello uh the mcgrath thank you for two years yeah this is just over great decision making from doubt to add to five tcs not so great decision making from slam who's desperately trying to hold on and he will actually hold on for now as i believe he's gonna be able to take out those traps and uh the genoese crossbowman will try and defend the bomber cannons and they might just do so but it's still a worthwhile trip for doubt if he takes out one and he gets one yep the skirms come in here taking out more of those genoese another castle for doubt that's got four castles right now you now can combine your joke making abilities and mock yourself with the dad joke not sure what you mean by that but thank you more upgrades for doubt i actually think doubt is too much on gold right now i think it's the number one thing that's holding him back from clearing out this game still doesn't have cdram um i think you need to have a little bit more in the way of food it's still fine he sees he sees the position he's in tonight i think he's actually surprised that the uh the score is what it is right now i like this getting the hustlers back into slams eco there's nothing to stop him from doing that further and slam kill still can't take this gold they have 42 on gold for slam or sorry for doubt with 3 000 gold sick so he he can afford to throw away trebs slam can't really afford to throw away bomber cannons too much longer uh good question these skirms do not get additional armor from the italian unique technology so uh pavice would only apply to genoese crossbowmen and arbor list but does not really affect your trash units endowed with a really good fight here slam will lose the castle and i it felt inevitable for a bit but i think slam's just gonna have to as hustlers run into his eco except that this is the end uh he will continue to lose map position he even if genoe's crossbowman wore the unit going forward for whatever reason if something would have changed he can't make them anymore so he's stuck and oh my god the traps just sniped that bomber cannon on the farm and i don't even think they were going after them it almost happened again look at this i'm fairly certain the trebs were attacking the farm let's rewatch this let's see so it's on fire right so okay trebs are there it's attacking it hits the center of the farm and ends up hitting the bombard cannon and then the next one would have done the same but yeah the game's over that was all over the place and that is just again the first time i think we can question slam's decision making here and it at the very least we could say that doubts decision making was better but the genoese crossbowman accomplished so little and i i can't remember the last time genoe's crossbowmen have really made an impact in 1v1s anyways certainly on arena slam might live to kick himself for that one because the series has been super close right in a close series you throw a game like that or you feel like you could have outperformed what you were able to put in the table and then that might be what makes the difference um yeah i do think italians are slightly preferred but it's very very close 2-1 all right it's funny we have genoese crossbowman a user named jenny's crossbowman in the chat hello i i didn't just to clarify i don't mean you're bad okay um i don't know too much about you but you as a person are very good thank you for being here all right so let's look at this draft now now we've narrowed this down a little more we have more of an idea of how things are shaping up for the rest of the series um especially with where things were picked that was slam's second pick second pick and that was doubts where was it comer okay third whatever right it's technically the second round for the oh no yeah it's the second round for both of them anyways uh with when they picked it so um we are going into game four so we're halfway through sort of kinda um or no that was game four wait was it what no we're going into it yes we're going into game four sorry brain fart malay cumins portuguese lithuanian sicilians turks saracens viking spanish burmese man i actually think this is pretty close i think what it comes down to for slam to have a chance is that he would ideally have his worst sieve against malay because i think malay are very hard to stop um so i don't know what you consider your worship here against the other civs because they all kind of have an opportunity but if slam values turks highly even while turks do have a chance against malay maybe you don't want turks against malay because i think malay are just real tough real real tough to deal with when will releasing my signature i know what you're referring to never yeah so that's kind of my overall outlook but it does kind of depend um and this is assuming that the players all played the sieves to the best of their ability which has not happened every single game so uh t90 will you cast empire wars 202 uh maybe some of it i i don't think i'll be focusing on all of it it's too soon after another empire wars event and i have a really busy month so we'll have to see uh i haven't really looked at the exact timetable for that a lot will depend on what's going on in my life as i try and sort out a move so uh dynasty uh in this case a it shows the order of when civilizations were picked and i have to update that scoreboard but if you want to understand this drafting system each player's username has a color and then it shows the order in which the global bands and the picks came in see this so uh to simplify it it does go back and forth in a way slam getting the first global ban doubt getting two global bans same getting the next same getting a back back back and forth so uh every draft can be a little different but when you're looking at it that sorts out how it works and the order um okay score now two one for doubt let me just update that here t90 is 2v2 world cup happening this year possibly uh i think my answer for everything you guys asked me over the next few weeks is let me move first um let me move first and see what happens because that's got to be priority number one right now which sieve do you think doubt will play on arenas as caruso i think he might be trolling but if i were to guess what he plays for the next game i think he saves malay i think malay is kind of his not a sure win in his eyes but i think it's his strongest sieve i think he goes cummins and maybe they started i'll be able to verify that i think we see cumins for spanish there's just something about that matchup uh joe ferg i'm moving to a place within the same city um when i moved to this area uh i wanted to get a feel for the area and i didn't really know like what was where you know just general specifics of when you're looking for or when you're living somewhere and my landlord is also looking to sell the house we're in and he offered the house to me and we don't want to buy it so uh landlord looking to put the house on the market and we're going to be looking for a place but still within the same city still within the same city so it's not like before uh like i moved from pennsylvania all the way down to florida a couple years back that was a very long move and then i moved within florida from the west coast of florida to the east coast of florida so i won't be doing that it's going to be in the same town so that's good now i have more the problem is guys there's a there's been a girl in the house for a year which means i actually look like i live here like we have artwork on the walls every room has like you know it looks like it's lived in when i lived alone like i didn't care about art because the only thing i the only person i needed to please was myself yes my my girlfriend i know it's radical it's like i'm just so lazy i never wanted to go shopping for art i don't know if you guys can relate and this is not saying that all guys are like me but my god dude i'm very thankful it actually looks like a house now looks like a place i live who's your girlfriend um you might know her she goes by the name of shakira oh oh sorry no no no that's not that's not public information yeah it's just it's just lorena sorry i had this wonderful idea at some point uh we're gonna have my girlfriend come on stream and she is going to cast a game and i'm just going to sit here next to her and try not to laugh because she doesn't really understand the game and so i told her my idea for this content and she thought it was funny and then i told her i was going to introduce like this is my girlfriend and i was going to show a picture of shakira on the screen instead of her by mistake and i thought this was so funny i thought it was so creative i thought she would laugh and she didn't really like she kind of laughed like okay i gotta love this guy so i'm just gonna giggle so he doesn't think i hate him but she he didn't think it was as funny which is slightly disappointing so it's fine what i'm not showing off what is this poll guys this is this is dumb i wasn't trying i was telling the story this was not okay well the next game needs to start now right before this gets out of hand here uh thanks for waiting and they have started uh it will be turks against cumins i got the cumins right let's go oh this could be good for doubt in well some ways okay yeah let me talk about this [Music] all right well thanks for the support everyone today i i've missed a few names but for the most part because it's been chill in arena i've been able to thank every sub thanks thank every sub and just see your lovely faces in chat uh this because the series has been so close is a game that slam must win in my eyes to win the finals here and also if you want to add an extra spin on it he's playing with his very first civilization that he picked doubt is picking is playing with the stiff that he picked later on in the draft so according to their prioritization turks are stronger here okay so turks get light cat for free thank you gauntlet wizard you're the best uh they get amazing cav archers they get chemistry for free these are all the the three things that make them a powerhouse on arena but in the back of your mind knowing all of that you're gonna know what doubt siv can do and cumins can make a second tc in feudal age and that gives them a guaranteed eco lead and that might worry you if you're slamming i think there's there's gonna be a thought to castle drop cummins which is just so exciting to watch by the way uh you know this person is going to be stuck in feudal age longer than you why not walk out across the map drop a castle on his face and pressure with janissaries and magnets right i think they could be fun to watch but i think it's i think it's a trap um and i know that slam he's gonna be thinking about these possibilities right i i think it would be a mistake against cumins because cumins get capped ramen castle age and they would just hopefully defend make a few nights and then ram that castle down so um if i were to guess what they do here uh we're definitely going to see that boom from dowdy he's going to go fast feudal for slam i think he's going to go fast castle i think he should just play this somewhat standard but go into three tc boom um yesterday and not contest relics as much i'm renewing your prime sub i will thank you for a year got a gold badge from power who else hit gold badge today um a couple people hit two years today i don't know if there's many people ep hit four years what the thanks ep so yeah um you know there are other possibilities but as doubt is pushing the deer the wrong direction and now he's just leaving it there come on doubt come on man i don't have anything else to talk about okay here we go um pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing nice all right he's got it it's going to run this way now watching doubt push dear is like it never changes he ends up getting the job done anyways it's just amazing to me how if you were to look at doubt in a series on arena there's always always these like i feel like everyone else in the top 30 kills the deer deer there but he misclicked on garrison and then he pushed it further away i mean it's not the biggest deal but all that is just so doubt anyways he's gonna drop off food a little late to dropping off food hello yeah he was a whole villager late to dropping off food but whatever whatever we're nitpicking and he's gonna add the town center slam i think if he goes to stone we get the most interesting game but also decreases his chances of winning i don't think we're going to see that i think slam is just going to go fast castle now what's tough is if someone can go 2t season feudal the best way to even it out to even the ville count out is get to castle faster with a fast castle and go three tc's immediately okay this is important because that's if you want even eco with bills but if you want even eco with bills you then are not making light calf to contest the middle and dow could switch into that and you might not be able to do it as easily so you kind of have to decide do you want to have even eco or do you want to have weaker eco but have relative control and i think oh it's so difficult against cumin's because they're able to pull off some funky fast imp shenanigans because of how many farms they get in feudal they can get to castle drop drop a castle forward and go imp and tribute down it's really tricky for me to know which decision is best for slam but he is gonna excuse me hiccups um looks like he knows what he wants to do and he as he adds the barracks but yeah i think the yeah sun shift i know that he can go for the easy light calf switch but my point is he will be behind in bills and i'll show you what i mean in like 10 minutes um but yeah well we'll see sam needs to make a house though this is this is a big mistake here and he realizes that i hope slammy need a house okay there we go there's a tc for doubt he's building it with nine villagers eight or nine villagers is the recommended number he will not want to take any gold with these villagers you want to chop wood as quickly as possible with them so you can get more farms out and keep these tc's working he's not gonna add the barracks or stable now but i do kind of expect that from doubt he'll just do it much later and he will gain a bill lead but yeah they have done an interesting job balancing cumins i still think humans are kind of a i'm not a fan of the sieve design it either works really well or doesn't really work well with them which i don't know it's just not quite my favorite civ in the world but it is interesting how if someone goes 2tc boom with humans now against someone who goes immediate 3tc how the ville counts always even so close there's normally not even a villa or 2 in it it's just on the dot one player having wheel one not having wheel or something but yeah cumins were worse at some stages uh and they were better at some stages but uh i think the original cumins were probably the most opciv in the game like in history i know there were some crazy sieves back in the day like tootin death star tc's blah blah blah but uh those cumin lancers man old kip checks old lancers the tc building faster there was just not much you could do against that sieve ridiculous all right so my point is can slam pull off a monastery and also three tcs i think the answer is no not if he wants good eco so he can go monastery second tc that tells me that he better get some relics because if he doesn't he's gonna be behind in bills what do you think about the og lithuanians that had five stack relic on hussarline yeah that was pretty crazy as well does anyone remember uh hidden cup three if lithuanians got attack on hussars then because they did get all the extra attack on cav and they still got plus 150 food at the start but nobody picked them because no one had figured out lithuanians yet i just don't remember if the hussars benefited from that yeah i wouldn't say lithuanians were viewed as bad it's just people didn't want to take many risks and slam's gonna pressure interesting wow okay so he's gonna come forward and i figured he would just make this a boom game but slam is gonna go against the grain and go for some manganese which truthfully is really good against cumins but there is a slight risk if doubt is able to defend from it because slam's not booming now so he's 15 bills behind he has to do damage you almost always need to take out a town center and a few villagers to feel okay with this all right monastery and siege workshop here's doubt the screen he can see the siege workshop good scouting he's using the market to click up he should click up with the back tc which he does so he can still produce bills out of this one we're not going to see a ram for slam it should be a magnum which is going to take some oh we are going to see a ram for slam okay actually slam needs to put his spearman inside the ram it will attack faster then so he's even gonna start attacking that wall piece with villagers first you know what it's futile age guys utilize walls only have 900 hp so the villagers alone would get through there quickly and if he follows us up with a magnel oh yeah he's even going with a knight now he's adding monks oh we could see a down castle we could see a down castle here where is down gonna place it uh oh okay uh well you know what the more i look at this the more i mean it's certainly a more entertaining game than um than i thought this would be but i think there's also greater risk in slam playing it this way high risk high reward do you want to do that with your number one sieve maybe but then again that's always what happens when cumins are involved it either works really well and you dominate or you get stomped slam decides it's a good idea to damage his ram which he paid a lot of resources for slam is hopefully going to realize that because i'm going to be very upset slam don't you dare you played this game for a decade oh my god not against oh my god oh no he realized it but it like path back for a second and a little crumble a little pebble from not even the main force took out his ram slam you have to attack round the middle of the market there that that's that's what the kids are doing nowadays and now he's got to look he doesn't actually know well no i think he should assume that this was stone he doesn't actually know the castle is going up back there this is what i mean he's now 15 villagers behind and he's not booming the ram would have helped the ram would have been working on the tc already so i i think that's a big misstep from slam and he does not see the castles going up so maybe he doesn't know what to expect coming out of here uh probably expecting a night or two honestly cause he's seen the barracks yep now he sees the castle and now he's like great enemy's gonna make kick checks and kip checks are a really good unit to go to here but also that's eco's not the best he does have a lot more well no it's the best he's got 52 i take it all back he's got 52 freaking villagers of course ezekiel is the best i was just pointing out he's probably gonna lose a town center and uh you know he is under pressure whereas slam is not and slam setting a second dc do you guys remember the early games where doubt was trying to micro skirmishers against bombard cannons do you remember that i used the word micro a little loosely because um it wasn't too good his strategy was just throw units away because it's cheap basically and the thing about kip checks is they only have 40 hp so you have to be really careful with them and you have to micro them really well here he is with the kip checks loses one oh no i think he lost the scout there to a light cav as we have a magnel war and good work from both players so far there is a chance that slam just holds here for a bit and gets his eco rolling but that's what kiptex can do they do have really fast attack rate and good micro again from from doubt and from slam oh boy so he's the lost villagers uh doubt misclicked doubt misclicked and now his units are stacked but yeah uh slam has lost his bills he's 20 bills behind i don't like this strat from slam easy to say now but i think he should have done what i said granted i'm just a caster what do i know but um this is the thing with cumins no one ranks them number one but everyone is always afraid of them no one likes to play with them and no one likes to play against them that's the way to say it the slam gets a much needed conversion and he kills the kip check with his conversion that's nice slam will convert a spearman on the left side of your screen and doubt i'm rather surprised he hasn't added a tc again honestly because it feels like he's kind of out of the woods and slams out in a third town center uh but he's still in the better position right now but slam is catching up also do you guys think humans get better or worse as the game goes on i'd say most units especially ranged units especially unique units get better as the game goes on like as you get more upgrades i think as a whole on scale hip checks are one of the few units that actually get worse as the game goes on you know how conquistadors are really strong early castle age but they're still tanky and imp oh man big shot there i don't think hip checks are the same oh oh my god dowd is playing with fire right now oh i i would have lost all of those i don't know how those shots didn't do more damage to him there okay just now adding another tc is down so he's on two slam is on three slam might end up being okay and actually if you look at the kd you look at the rel account you'll see that slam only has one relic so i guess that will go out to get those soon hmm scorpion shot away from a few kip checks going down but i just don't know what else you do except hope you can get kick check shots and i think doubt should probably just add a few scouts or nights and then did i say kip check shots i meant to say scorpion shots but um yeah you don't have to worry about the monks too much so you could take out the siege no problem this is where delt has an invitation to do something that could change this game he also has a reputation for it let's see if he's going to do it as the stone for another castle has all the map control i mean this is the perfect castle spot the ville difference is smaller than i expected as well civ base simply because that was a little late to these town centers i think he could have uh i think he could have gone for those a little faster here but he was so focused on his micro it makes sense okay slam what's his what's his fallback to defend from this it's probably going to be his own castle which is going to place very safely and now it's all about imp i think if doubt sees this he might oh man it's tough it's very common for cumins because they're not spending food on kip checks to drop a castle forward and go fast in but he just committed to three tc's so it feels like you have to produce out of them six months t-90 90 and you also have to be a little careful against turks because if turks go in faster than you they get chemistry for free so they can get bomber cannons here comes doubt as i said it'll take care of the scorpions okay if slam sees this which he will what does he do do you stop producing bills i feel like if you stop producing bills though then you're even further behind but also you might think that doubt is up imp probably gives you the most potential to breathe yeah i guess you gotta idle idol your town centers and then dalt's castle looks a little a little awkward once bomber cannons come out let's see if doubt sells wood and buys food see if he wants to play that game here against turks if you're placing a forward castle these are the two things you should do either you deny a resource they need right now or you're placing a forward castle to make trips if you're not doing either of those things you could fall into a rough position and you can make arguments that doubt's not doing either of those things as slam decides to get a horse collar ugh but he was focused he was focused and he's still focused and still worried if these kept checks break through a house which i feel is very reasonable for doubt to do um ms slam's gonna make a few more houses i mean slam has no defense for that i mean slam can afford much he needs to make a siege workshop for the bombard cannons oh man i think slam should have stonewalled here it's not to take doubt too long to break through houses slam so now doubt as he's going for capped ram and could push the castle slam's going to add a town center i think a very important thing if you want your economy to be strong is to make sure people want to work for you and let me tell you slam there's no way no one no one is going to want to work here they're all just going to hide inside the town center that's not good but i guess it will complete doubt has ran through here with a knight which is super cheeky slam probably never expected that and neither did doubt because he hesitated okay town center goes up slam adding the siege workshop but yeah guys slam is just under so much pressure i don't think bomber cannons change his position because he can't even really poke his head out without the kip checks diving underneath his castle he's adding another tc what in the yeah man game number three i questioned slams decision making and here in game number four i feel like it's in some ways gotten worse another he's trolling what is this is he wait oh he's tur i'm sorry i thought he was sicilians i got confused i thought he was gonna go for a sergeant or something uh i don't understand why you'd invest resources into the town centers again the initial strategy i think was too high risk high reward against cumins i think you have to do well go back and listen to what i said instead he ends up in this position doubts overall strategy better his execution's strong as he's denying these resources and slam calls the gg he took out his own ram when he needed to pressure asap he wasn't able to kill villagers and deny the castle what did i say you need to take out a town center and kill villagers to be alright with that type of a push dow has won three straight now and he just won against turks which was slam's number one sieve pick on the draft in theory doubt's in the driver's seat to be the masters of arena champion but slam still has some opportunities to fight back i hope you guys remember what i said and it's easy for me to say it would have been more successful but i really think the fact that cumins are so tricky got in slam's head and he didn't just think with a sound mind and say let's just add three town centers let's let him do his thing let's not take any risks against cumins because cumins are not a sieve that anyone picks high up on the draft when you're playing as cumins you want people to make mistakes we've seen it before we're players against cumins they don't know what to do they like they change their good strategy into something wacky just because they're scared of that bill count and i'm not saying there's legitimate concerns i think there are legitimate concerns but certainly what slam did there did not play towards his strengths god had more wood more food more gold more stone because slam didn't boom slam went all in flame didn't do enough i i don't think you're ever gonna do enough in that situation on arena with turks against most high-level players okay uh let's go [Laughter] let's go so game five coming up slam amy needs to regroup mentally a little bit what's up sneakiness sneakiness i don't care why you're here i'm just happy you're here thank you thank you pangolin for the six months thank you the doc's marriage counselor for the seven months and power again i think i thanked you already this was 20 minutes ago but thank you for the year these are the sieves remaining remember dowd actually played his semi-final earlier today um so he's been playing a lot more today and he seems to only be getting better look at that sieve one two and three slam got a win with chinese and then lost with his first three sib picks that's unprecedented that is very uncommon and now dal is malay which is his number one pick and many people think is the best arena civ or at least top three portuguese lithuanians and sicilians the only sieve that i'd be worried about if i was malay would be vikings so i think i would not use malay until vikings is utilized um i don't rate portuguese lithuanian sicilians that highly compared to viking saracen spanish so there's this is doable for slam to maybe take it further but yeah i don't think doubt tries to win it here with malay i think he goes for another sieve because he's got wiggle room right if he doesn't win it's whatever uh whereas slam is on the brink slam on a game in this tourney with huns yeah i know i cast it right here on this channel i think you were here too maybe maybe i missed you i don't know i never know when people are here or not so i think i'm going to make a video granted people have made videos on this before um but considering i reference arena so frequently on malay and people say why are malay they're so strong on arena which is a legitimate question i think that uh maybe i should make a video on that and just break it down that way people know but i'd like to break it down when i actually see it in a game and we'll it'll be pretty clear why is the donation of cornish undefined i actually don't know that must be a bug it does say undefined there did he like get a refund for his donor or something i i don't know i didn't realize that until you mentioned it to be honest so come back it's next to impossible malay will sweep nearly any team slam should have either chosen malay or should have won with turks yeah i mean i agree that it's going to be tough for slam i also agree i would have chosen malay over turks but you've got to see the games play out right you've got to see the games play out okay shuku new tsunami says do any of you know the feeling that when you go online and think please be online please be online please be online and then t90s online i don't know if people think that i don't know how many of you guys are doing other things on twitch and then you're just like oh okay i guess t90 is gonna be my guy today um [Music] i don't i don't know exactly some people try and follow the schedule when i post it typo one in chat okay hold on let's wait because you guys are typing once type a smiley face in chat if you came to twitch uh specifically for age of empires or specifically for uh for this channel just just curious um because you know there was a time where i had like 10 people here so okay okay okay cool cool cool all right good to know good to know good to know sweet stuff well thank you thank you uh let me fast forward into the game i'm sure you can hear some noises but we do have the game up behind the oh gosh that almost went to the webcam whoa might not have a shirt on people might not have a shirt on the that's so dangerous having the webcam scene right next to the cast scene uh okay glad there's no t90 titties on stream right now and we've got slam playing saracens and doubt playing sicilians so sicilians build their town centers faster sicilians have more food on their farms doubt has a really interesting sicilian build which i will talk to you about um saracens can kind of do it all on arena they have the ability to well their late game is insanely underrated arboles bombard cannon siege ram champions hussar heavy camel mammalous full upgrades in their arms and skirms and also their calf though they don't get cavalier um i actually have one of the most diverse tech trees if you think of their water tech tree as well they're navy saracens gotta be like top six or seven in terms of options uh but yeah i keep circling back to sicilians and i for doubt it's going to be eco but i just don't think their tech tree is all that strong i think you're supposed to make sergeants with them that's kind of what the devs want i also think elite sergeants are really strong but i'm just not sure if they're strong enough to fight an arb lesson so we'll see now this is what death tries to take advantage of with sicilians and honestly well i think it's really fun and i appreciate the fact he does this i'm not even sure if it's worth it because i haven't compared he likes to make zero farms in dark age with sicilians because they get extra food on their farms after their farm upgrades so he goes fast castle with zero farms and then he buys the food that you would need um as kind of to make up for the fact he doesn't have the farms he clicks up to castle and after he clicks up to castle age he gets a farm upgrade and then he makes farms that makes sense now my balance suggestion for sicilians i will still hates a strong word but it's a necessary word i will still hate the sieve design if this happens but in terms of a buff which the sieve needs i think i'd like it for all their farms to have a percentage of extra food that way the dark age farms would last longer and you wouldn't have to be as creative as doubt's about to be um would probably suit them as well because they would probably just they'd be more prone to just skip dark age and maybe wall up and boom or something so notice the difference with the deer slam is pushed in all of his deer down is still working on his deer okay but i think he's going to end up taking it i always look at doc doubt's face in dark age for that reason okay uh he does know his pigs are back here so he's gonna look for those now the doubt just takes his time and slam is uh his eco looks a whole lot more a whole lot cleaner um he's gonna finish off the board underneath the tc no problem i think slam boom's here your options are better right if they both go arbales sarasota bliss get them ring and final armor do sicilians get bombard cannon chat and also i don't know if they even get cdram i know they get c johnather i believe they don't get bomber cannon and they don't get cdram but i just want to make sure i'm right on that they lack both correct yeah so like you basically gotta kill saracens before they make things that are stronger than what you make oh they do get cdram okay all right so they do get cdram but they only get like cav whereas the opponent gets hussar um and their archer lines worse as well also infantry isn't particularly exciting against a sieve that can make arborless so i don't even know if sicilians get get hand cannons the problem is anytime i play with or against sicilians the sicilian player always dies before we get to figure out what's what could come out of the tech tree um and it's pretty much the same when i watch sicilians as well unless it's one player who's way better than the other so that's kind of been my experience why is talk with post-imp always about sieger when we rarely see it in 1v1s i think yogi because it means a lot to people that they have it like people were very quick to remind me that they received it as a buff but i'm with you uh we've seen see john under we didn't see c john jur at all in the semis and also the final which is weird to me we're not weird it's just interesting because five years ago in masters of arena three see john anderson's got the seed injure now players are just pressure pressure pressure but this was the build i talked about del doesn't want to make any farms it's almost like he feels wrong making farms that don't benefit from any of his bonuses and he's going to use the market and just buy the food that he'll need what oh oh okay i think he's gonna go stable and he's gonna go market instead of stable blacksmith can you explain why you think sicilians are weaker civ or did you already uh their eco is not that great and they don't have great options and their unique unit is kind of underwhelming so yeah i did already but that's kind of where they're at now saracens have the market abuse on their side which they can help in a lot of different ways but you know i don't think slam's really going for anything that doesn't rely on good economy anyways so technically sicilians have the better economy because of the farm bonus and we'll see what doubt can do with his boom with faster building tc's doubt is probably the only player in the tournament that would have drafted sicilians i have a video without uh doing this build order right here it was actually a sicilian war it was dungeons and sergeants don jones and sergeants excuse me doubt misclicked he didn't he's not building his market doubt out there there we go there we go all right he's gonna make the market now that's a pretty big deal because it does delay his castle time again he's gonna buy 200 food here i think 100 to get to castle age and then 100 so we can get horse collar and then he's gonna place farms but i don't think you have to be this stingy on it really like there he goes okay he's bought the food he's clicked up he's gonna get a horse collar after he buys more food this is just so inefficient make three dark age farms and just all your future farms are gonna be good i just don't know if this is really worth it i like to com compare and contrast but i think that this is common in age where players just don't want to do certain things until they're making use of their bonuses like a lot of people don't want to make any farms until after horse collar with a normal sieve without he knows that he gets even more food after horse collar so yeah i think that the execution was lacking here i agree compared to semi-final hey t90 was off for some time real life stuff but nevertheless back for now nice hope you and chat are fine gray from jer t90 go t90 hype greetings from jer jer juror where what what audience do i have from juror um jur it can't be a big country with a lot of people who watch my stream sure um um nigeria um oh oh oh oh germany gotcha gotcha okay just being dumb listen you might think t90 you shouldn't make a dumb joke about it [Music] okay i'm really proud of myself for this one but a lot of people are going to hate me you might say t90 why would you make a joke about a country where a lot of your viewers come from that's silly you're going to get these people to stop watching the stream and my response to that is don't worry germans appreciate rather bland humor i'm kidding that's a joke don't get upset okay don't get upset i love you guys i have many german friends but it just came to mind and i have too much power when you're all here so it's not like i'm uh really contributing too much anyways with my humor these days so wow okay so i think this is a mistake from slam he is expecting these spearmen to do something but the bonus we didn't bring up too much about sicilians and this is why they have a bland tech tree is the uh oh god how do i word this they receive 50 less bonus damage i believe that's the way to say it so spearmen do less damage against scouts and so now doubt has all this control and watch how doubt does this as well i'm really curious on how long he waits for the second tc because you build that tc faster you can actually invest into a few more farms before you add the second tc which means more food income and you can afford things like light calf so um it's just not the thing about sicilians i still think people haven't tested them i still think people haven't figured them out and i also think it's just not something that excites you um you know it's not a sieve that makes you say wow that's sick that's so cool look at that unit no one says well they did a little less damage to me but it does make an impact and it can be strong with your content but mostly watch on youtube nice keep up the great work well hey i will keep it up and thanks for the support here regardless the goal is to get the relics and watch how fast this tc builds oh never mind it's already up these ccs build super fast so yeah i mean the spears make it they play an impact but actually it'd be funny for doubt to convert the spear if doubt converts the spearmint and uses it against the saracen suddenly it's a whole lot more effective all right well uh we're going to see conversions come in shortly i think or monks are going to die that was weird from doubt maybe got too excited greetings from jerk what's up overlay guy uh here's the rel account for those keeping an eye on it i will keep it there for now two to one you know i never i guess i didn't have an online presence at all which would make sense why i never encountered this but ever since i've started streaming people are like hello from this country greetings from this country here appreciate you from this country and it's actually super cool i feel like i would really miss that if people didn't do that there's so many different people watching from around the world and okay that's a lot of spearmen there so the monk goes down slam is probably not happy with how this game has developed so far for him but i think that's enough spearman where you've got to think twice about engaging if you're dealt greetings from this country god you guys are just you guys are the best that's what i meant to say three tc's for doubt now in the back your mind you've got to be thinking map control with sicilians sorry no just in general appreciate you from this country thank you for appreciating me from this country protonite you're the best um but yeah map control matters so much in lake castle age and i noticed doubt now is mining some stone so it is possible oh my god i didn't even realize that slam had stone banked what that is really really weird and that is a great way to just lose the series what he's been one tc this uh oh my i think slam's gonna lose the series here i mean either way you look at it he's way behind an eco he didn't add any tc's i guess he just wanted to maybe he's lost some confidence or maybe he feels like this is a legitimate way to win but will this castle drop work for him again there's spearmen in there but the spearmen are doing less damage the monk is healing now for doubt before spearman's still in there more like have on the way one of the spearman's going to get converted dow is the champion of masters of arena 6 after losing one game in the entire tournament that was in this series that was to slam and i think slam just kind of i don't know if gave up is the right word but i think he realized that there's no way he could win four straight against out so he wanted to go for something wacky i don't think he needed to do this i think he could have fought back he's got some good sieves available but this there's no way this castle goes up right there's no way doubt now don't don't let this go up okay here comes what the like have here come slam with more villagers wait a second more villagers are gonna die of course castles at 69 it's it's very fitting if doubt wins a tournament after denying a castle and slam miss clicks yeah this is this is definitely over we've seen people try this twice today against out and it was always when that was one win away it's like people just give up and they say well you know what i don't think i can do that anymore slam send them all come on you know you're dead send every bill to try and complete this yolo it come on come on for the people slam for the people well this just in slam doesn't care about the people would he have been able to complete that it's at 84 if he sends 34 vills and it's not walt i'm pretty sure he completes it but it didn't matter he knew it didn't matter he probably said gigi and congrats to doubt in doubt on his birthday wins masters of arena six this guy had to play the semi-final earlier and then with no break for very little break because he actually played ranked games in the lead up just you know casually wins the finals so uh congratulations to him it's a little bit of a bummer as far as the series is concerned though i think slam could have won the ethiopians and byzantines game which was game number two i think slam didn't have the best strategies in the game where he played italians and then when we got here i think that he'd pretty much decided there's no way i come back throughout the series so let's go for something crazy um which in my eyes is a shame because you always want to see more of a fighting spirit there's plenty of potential here for saracens it's just he didn't really play towards it but hey that's that's just how it goes and i think that he was correct in assuming that doubt would dominate at least in one of the next potential four games so uh doubt just won four to one
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 85,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definite, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE, AoE2DE, DE, elo, wow, skill, rate, rating, rated, 1v1, high, highest, highskill, grand, finale, finales, final, arena, masters, master, arenas, six, moa, MoA, MoA6, MoA 6
Id: frfheYiVEJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 25sec (8665 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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