WWC | Semi Final #1

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here we are ladies and gents it has been a month of content thank you to microsoft thank you to all the viewers all the players that have prepared and practiced crazy strategies that we're probably about to see here this is the first semi-final and wandering warriors cup dowd is in the blue playing bohemians and then winchester not too far away in the red playing as the polls dave and this is a first for us we have not seen this match up yet in the in the later stages as a whole and we definitely have not seen this matchup on what game one nomad so winchester i believe the only player in the tournament to actually play polls i think and he's played them three times it's it's winchester there's something about him in this sieve and he's actually to start off this game here against the bohemians he's docked the center pond and this pond is bigger than the pond yo had yesterday but it only has three fish tristan so winchester is gonna have to figure something out or maybe move his fish at some point because that one in the middle is not gonna last very long but fortunately for him his build order with the poles i i think largely revolves around a fast castle so he'll have safe fish for a while and then he can reposition on the outside yeah it's very good point i think if he was was with italians which we won't see today but just for example obviously he'd want to compete for water we'll see what winchester does when he realizes you know you could always make a second dock on the outer ring later on uh doubt stock is pretty good though um it's a bit weird this is actually another version where we have a landlock it's a very tiny land lock over near doubt stock uh his starting dock though is still fine and of course he could always expand his fishing ships down towards the south but what do you think about the player positions because they're not right next to each other so they're far enough away where they might not even realize but i feel like they're close enough where any player who's thinking of a castle drop could benefit yeah i think the thing for me though is that the poles will likely get their castle first i believe because poles don't have to send villagers to gold they don't have to do any market shenanigans if he wants to go for an fc yeah he would just have villagers on stone and they will gather a little bit of gold while they're there he's gonna factor that into his build order and i think if winchester gets a good castle down he can maybe range doubts tc the question for me comes when winchester has the castle down what does he make to counter bohemians it's it's probably not going to be obok because bohemians seem like they have answers to that unit yeah it's a good point you know i think right now that my big takeaway is doubt is doing a really good job of scouting the shoreline and we saw in sets yesterday where i think viper was the best example of it he was able to realize pretty quickly that yo was not docked on the outer ring and instead of going for the fast feudal play into trying killing fish that was not there he went fast castle himself so i think for doubt right now the worst case scenario would be if he wouldn't realize where winchester's docked and then just go for fast fetal because going fast feudal will do nothing for him on water and that could lead to vince just walking forward as we said question marks here early for doubt is he's kind of stalled up for food he had a little bit of idle tc time hasn't pulled the boren i think he's gonna pull one of them in he could see two but one of them went back into the darkness so he should have a decent start but still spent the time pushing that deer in a little bit of idle tc and now i switch over to winchester's point of view his scouting is not so great yet but he does see another boar and he has one already under his tc so he should have a pretty good start yeah he's gonna find another one in the north as well i think both players will be okay in this regard vince surely has noticed at this point that this pond is not very big it's nothing man yeah he doesn't even know where the luckily for him the shoreline extends a little bit but from what he sees the shoreline could very well just stop right there at least he sees two fish he's gonna know not to over make fishing chips in that pond well he makes a fifth one actually just to get himself rolling at the start i guess but he's gonna have to dock the outer edge unfortunately for him uh doubt stock is the farthest away from his base possible and his turkeys are gonna have to loop a long way around to find that if he wants to go for some water pressure i think from what i've seen from winchester so far though early water pressure isn't a necessity with this build yeah it's not and i love how winchester just chose a sieve where he didn't have to try it like i feel like so many players in this tourney and i i was a good example of i was like okay i gotta fight water and so i just like tried even though i suck at it yeah i feel like he just chose a sieve and said okay i don't i'm not gonna have that focus at all and as he's looking for more fish here this is one more for him uh yeah i appreciate that from vince he is actually sending a villager towards doubt right now though and he might run into dalton's tc if he's not careful ooh winchester there might be a house there to warn him oh he stops right before it he stops right before the house if he goes a little bit to the right and then dips back into doubts tc won't see that house okay saw it there so he's gonna have a heads up on where doubt is and that's unlikely to be a house from the dock villager that's gotta be the tc and i think doubt well he saw he saw the ibex moving around and i think he might have caught sight of that one villager from winchester he's sending a villager of his own out now i think he's going to try and find the middle i think look at his scouting on the shoreline oh he can i think he's going to yeah he's going to try and get a dock up in the middle because he believes that that's where vince has his fish so this is so good from doubt he sees literally every piece of shoreline on the outer ring 10 minutes in he didn't even know the water was there yeah there's only two spots i think actually only one spot the winchester could be in the north and doubt's gonna assume he's not there because the turkey wasn't taken and he's gonna scout this medal and he's indeed gonna find winchester's dock and he's gonna be up to the feudal age in a minute here this is fantastic scouting from doubt oh my goodness also what's amazing is how he added extra fish throughout this so he's at seven i think your typical build would be like maybe four maybe five so i think what doubt's plan is is to obviously add fires in the middle that'll be a problem for vince and then also add an additional dock down towards the south he's kind of building up towards that so he can just add more fish needs a boar and unfortunately for him the only board near his base is north at the top there and he can't actually see that so he's gonna struggle a little bit for food income but fortunately i think if you have to look at the bright side here doubt is going double dock on the middle all of the fish are gone yeah yeah i was i guess doubt doesn't see a lot of this right so doubt doesn't know i mean he could put two and two together but he's focused and yeah he's gonna clear out the fish no problem here uh the sad thing is it's not like he can really win water and then just fish himself with these docks because there's there's maybe 300 food left maybe 500 actually with two shore fish tristan he doesn't see the gold to the right and he's taking that gold forward if winchester manages to get up to a castle age yeah the castle forward doubt does not see any other golds near him he's missing the one he's missing the one right to him so oh this could be really bad for him well i'm just i'm just wondering will doubt think to stonewall because if your opponent isn't fighting water and their poles if if gao realizes what this could be he can just stonewall the chokes which is something we've seen so commonly against spanish and portuguese other like drop saves even a palestine wall would work it just delays them right and then they have to drop the castle on the palisade wall or try and batter their way through and battering their way through is gonna waste so much time winchester is just ignoring the fires for now he's like i need that extra 22 fish get me the get me the food and he's gonna drop off some food to his dock and uh his resource is actually looking decent here still as villagers on barry has some on the turkeys so he should be okay to use the market a little bit and get his way up to the castle age he's even fishing the shore fish now doesn't want to contest this at all just wants to fish a little bit there and did he queue up another fishing ship where is it oh he's in the top but but dave i think this is a mistake because he knows there's a ville down there from doubt he spotted the ville a moment ago you can kind of see in his fog that doubted waldenaville so he actually cancels the fishing ship i think he's gonna con maybe think about fires and now he sees the bill and doubt notices and doubt you do not want to fight polish bills dude you do not want to fight polish villes this is something you should think twice about i don't think finches was interested in walling his ville in there and having a villager batter battle because the fire galley could come along he just wanted to wall at him for doubt but there's a galley here winchester taking that fight very confidently with poles and he's going to lose his villager anyway so doubt has cleared up the fish he's killed a villager however he's not on the way to castle age yet and winchester is making his way there and now winchester is coming forward with an outpost so he's gonna be able to see the doubts base here he'll probably spot the tc might spot the gold no he doesn't see any of that but he sees villagers around i i think doubt should outpost right in front of this outpost and if he sees a castle just prep to tower it uh but but again stonewalling this would have been the perfect move and then he'd be fine as he kills a ville he sees can't really hit anything why do tc's do no damage nowadays there we go okay good gates by doubt i mean they weren't really necessary but i like it it proves his reaction times are on point today and he goes for the barracks there and here comes winchester and this is what i was worried about without making outposts worried about making outposts you have to be able to see this doubt oh my god dude this could this is so similar to what finchester did against catwatch and remember capwatch could have denied it okay now doubt sees this so fight with some of your villes and tower with the other villes here dell and winchester should probably send more to get this castle up he's towering right there this could be a fail here for winchester he's gonna engage against a villager war against the polls normally you wouldn't want to do that but doubt is adding spearman now winchester needs to cancel this foundation dude he went for the monastery now he's getting a monk out and doubt is going to be able to stop this yeah and and vincer also pulled all of his bills off stone so if he were to delete this he wouldn't actually have the stone to be able to build a castle again so not only is the forward castle way too bold not only has this not worked he actually can't just fall back and build it defensively this is awful for vince he did lose a villager there and winchester's villagers are healing themselves and doubt is now in the castle age winchester deletes that foundation doubt was not on stone he's going for a monastery right now he's gonna expand his fishing economy a little bit and he looks to be in a really good position here winchester is gonna have to bring some more stone in and then get a castle in an undesirable location can we talk about how the monk just dropped off a relic in the monastery yeah in the forward yeah like monastery yet also vince has water control in the south uh he actually popped out of that dock and doubt has realized that so i think that will be okay but i just like how winchester didn't forget about that for me here i think it's winchester's food economy uh because if he wants to expand if he wants to boom a little bit once this castle is up or if he wants to make any units he's gonna have a problem he's running out of berries now he's only got one turkey under the tc he'll need to invest in the war galley if he wants to continue to fight on the water that's gonna cost food and yeah he's selling stone now so he's not going for that castle right away he's going for extra tcs hmm doubt actually adding scouts now because he's thinking a lot of monks might come but that's probably feeling good about this as the monk brings in another relic such a weird move and yeah vince is just he's not even walled behind the monastery but he's faked out out and so he's just gonna boom and this makes me think back to what vince did against capwatch but remember winchester actually completed the bold castle and then he kind of stopped production of military and then he boomed so i i feel like just trying to snag relics and add tc's right now is just asking for trouble in most cases i think it's it's just pure adaptation right now because he couldn't get that castle down and he realizes like what's the use of a castle within the range of my own base i'm probably not going to be going to oba production right away i don't have the food economy for that so i'm just going to boom up a little bit try and add some sneaky fish north of my town center which i think is a great move yeah that's going to have to loop around there and uh try and get the villager lead he's even getting heavy plow had to probably buy food for that but uh with the poles with heavy plow once he starts dropping farms he will get food right away which will let him boom up this is where i think you've you've got to consider that castle i like the three tc's i think that you know doing this is a bit sneaky but the second doubt starts coming forward with monks and military you've got to think you have nothing except a couple spearmen in a monk so you've got to drop that castle soon uh and also as you mentioned get the farms around the full work which is the whole focus of the polls okay spearman being converted here big plays from both players converting the weakest feudal age unit let's go it's not the army comp i thought we would see when i saw this matchup and there is the castle that i think this castle goes up it's you know but it will be awkward yeah it's it's a pretty good position like it protects the gold it kind of protects the push into this economy from winchester and he's got a monk himself to and if he gets a scout then he can take out the monks from doubt so that's got to be careful about that doubt cannot deny this yeah but this is really good work from dowdy chasing back the monk running around with his scouts the scouts now on the villagers and remember doubt is 14 on food and doubts on the second tc behind this so doubt has transitioned his eco much better than vince and i think like if finches are gets that castle down if he just backs it up a little bit that was not 100 prepared i think it would have changed the whole game and look he's even planning on making farms behind this he does have another forward castle does complete and doubt doesn't get out of there with his monks that was a little sloppy yeah doubt did get two bills so it's basically two extra villager kills which will expand his lead a little bit 44 bills to 39 doubts adding a third tc i think winchester now should probably just commit to the boom add another tc look at the amount of food he has in the bank now he went from zero to 400 just because of polls and and he's on three tc's so expect his eco number to spike compared to doubts as he just adds his third tc a doubt is adding another dock towards the south i'd like to see him do that more on the right side as well i think that's a really smart move and i like the uh gill nets tech i think it's important still hasn't found the dock from uh winchester he's got a fire ship waiting by the wall over there but yeah he hasn't found the extra fish still three fish not that much compared to the farmers and the farms that winchester keeps dropping doubt's economy though will continue to be ahead and like you said doubt will have access to those fish and he's stone walling on the right side too so delt wants to take this late game late game compositions between these two you favor the bohemians i was thinking about that honestly i feel like they complement each other really well because if polls go for knights you then have bohemians with their uh extra bonus damage spearmen but then if bohemians go for spearmint the poles have the obook but then i circle back to bohemians having gunpowder yeah and after you say bohemians have amazing gunpowder poles don't have a really big thing that like stands out to me so yeah i would say i favor the bohemians and i also think i favor the bohemians when it comes to the type of game this is likely going to be what is doubt doing with his scouts right now um but this is going to be a chokepoint game dave and if this is a chokepoint fight with castle drops and trebs and whatnot you definitely bohemians yeah and he doubts going for the first castle now he's walled to the right of that he's going for a castle there he's gonna have control over the pond in the center as well so he can maybe go for water control lately and he's already expanding out to the left side i want to see doubts scouting oh my god look at his map exploration sees everything two scouts paying off he actually converts a ville and will now dock the north which is actually huge if he can get fishing up there could be good and he's going to try and run away with this monk i don't think the monk will make no way yeah there's no way he's burning he's burning well conversion there from vince saves the monk too saves the monk so it's a good recovery from winchester the economy i mean if there's one thing with poles tristan like an unintentional byproduct of them you never get tinani farms because you're always paying attention to exactly where you're placing the farms which makes your economy very efficient did you did you have to describe it in that way everyone knows what a t90 for all right all right it's fair you can't get away from it so this seems like a really weird way to to separate the players but finchester clicked in behind a whole villager and doubted not that's the difference right now that's the 30-second difference uh obviously doubt has the eco but he hasn't gone for chemistry yet you can research chemistry in castle age i'd like to see doubt research chemistry we can get that out of the way that way opening bombard cannons is an option for him i would love to see winchester has a monastery further back with two relics and he's got two relics forward done a fantastic job uh gathering the relics so far i would love to see him transport this back i think he will exactly what he's gonna do right now very smart play from winchester he goes for a siege workshop of his own he gets hand cart as well second siege workshop on the way with a stable i think the only thing right now winchester needs to do is uh control that right or left side of the map and he's trying to do it with a castle right now yep because i'm looking at the gold spots and there's three golds available over there and a stone which is basically gold for the poles i think dowd needs to wall that as i said i don't think expanding is really what doubt wants in this matchup so i think stonewalling as he's now going to be attacked by spearmen so this is a a sign of things to come though it probably won't be spearman just wall this up delt wall it up and forget about it so you can push up the gut and now doubt's getting chemistry already which is great with bohemians you can get chemistry before you get to imperial age which means just immediate bombard cannons yep um or a hand cannon ears just like the turks and he's gonna have a push right when he hits there immediately cues up hand cannons goes for a treb he has still 24 fishing ships and winchester i guess the question would be what is the response from him he went siege workshops but he's never going to be able to really fight siege for siege against bohemians well he's gonna try he has he has monk upgrades coming in so maybe thinking he can convert enemy bumbler cannons and then he also is getting chemistry so a doubt might actually and this would be good for winchester that might actually push the castle on the left first though because he sees that and is clearly worried about that now he's sending a trap on a wild mission maybe oh okay good i thought he like set the waypoint over to the left and the trip was going all the way around he's actually pushing that castle and this could be a hard defense here for winchester this is a weird place to fight the thing that's good for the possibilities here for finch all come down to his economy and how cheap his cab is but i haven't seen the sriracha privilege upgrade research yet and i'd haven't seen cavalier be the option for him so kind of looks like he wants to go winged hussar and you know doubt just needs a couple barracks to mix in spears he's not doing it yet but bohemian spearmen are no joke we talk a lot about opie things with bohemians but getting additional bonus damage on spearmint which already have insane bonus damage uh is pretty strong here i feel like winchester is using these castles to just buy himself enough time to get all the techs that he needs yeah because like texts have been flying in from him his economy is looking decent he's got 96 villagers but he definitely needs time del already with a bombard cannon there already with three traps second bomber cannon on the way and hand cannon ears oh my goodness doubt is playing amazing and doubt he's just pushing the castle on the left yeah doubt just needs to make sure that if the monks start wallowing he sacrifices hand cannons and not bomber cannons you know if you don't lose your bomber cannons here actually you could and you still have your trebs but yeah just running hand cannons here even if you lose a couple of those that's fine it's here for winchester though good fights he's got bomber cannons of his own too tucked into chemistry immediately as garrisoning the monks kills a few more hand cannons with the castle really great stuff here from vince and he's still pushing the bomber cannons back with his own bomber kenneth gets a big shot on the cannons from doubt but doubt splits away from that somehow i thought they would all die still the castle for winchester is down on the left side yeah and throughout the right bench is only making vince's only making bomber cannons as he's going to lose one and potentially lose the second vince wasn't making anything else dave he's got all the food he hasn't been able to spend it and doubts pressure has gotten to winchester here i think manchester's in big trouble here yeah he almost questioned whether winchester should have been tucking into something like uh winged hazard or something behind that just some sort of unit to spam with all that food he goes for another castle in the north being pushed back here the siege army from doubt is going to destroy all of these buildings and winchester is badly housed and he's going to continue to get housed the full work and the tc will be taken down yeah loose is a bombard cannon and yeah i love the approach from doubt over the last couple minutes he's lost a lot of hand cannons the kd's not pretty in that regard but he doesn't care because he has more in queue and he just knows he needs to protect his siege and push up the middle that's exactly what he's doing and i think finchester just doesn't really know what to do now as we see crossbow yeah that market tells you everything for finch that tells you the state of the game right there and the fact he's building his archery range is up against the edge of the map he did manage to kill both trebs on the left side with a bombard cannon um and he's got some villagers over there but he needs to do something about this main army here he's selling food now they get access to gold and he's placing another tc over to the left it's not buying himself enough time the castle that he just built goes down all the relics he collected obviously will be lost now can take those and this is also giving doubt time to tech switch into whatever he needs to to deal with the next option for bench i don't even think arbolest with polls is really good at all um you know it's certainly not their best option so i don't think that would be worried there but dow could go for barracks if he feels like he needs to help he could always mix in his unique unit which i think is pretty good against arbs fortified wall what the did that has to be but he's got one gate dude he's got literally one gate to upgrade with that dude he thinks it's like the re he thinks it's red bull walla it's like i'll just play the time limit i wonder that must be a misclick or a hotkey issue i don't know but as as you have polished villagers this bombard cannon here does he actually get at six hp they're doing one damage per three hp left oh she's oh the bomber cannon survives she can't quite get it and winchester calls the gg and that was really well played from doubt i think the thing that enabled all of that was the amazing scouting at the beginning with his hurtables finding the dock in the middle wiping up the fish and he never looked back yes but remember how questionable it was from doubt to not wall or outpost that area like it with that choke point where the gates are now if winchester doesn't try and build the castle in doubt's face if he builds it with one side up against the trees and makes two houses the castle's up then doubts under pressure doubt wasn't on stone at that time it's a very different game so well played from dow to adapt to the situation he denied a castle and was on the other side of that for once but also finchester at this point has got to be kicking himself like ah why why did i try and build a castle right next to his tc like that what a game though dave that was a really good game and we kind of got to see why we prefer the bohemians in this matchup if the polls don't take a stronger lead it's like but the thing with winchester the thing that i'm not super fond of with the pulse here with this strat is if you don't get the castle in a good location on your opponent's tc you can't really put it back in your base and you saw him go for tc's instead yeah and then the castle later because the unique unit doesn't really isn't really something you want to make in early castle age yeah you're not going to be able to range anything like the hussite wagon would you're not going to be able to really raid the economy you're just going to run into the tc fire and it's going to be very awkward right so if that fails you have to fall back on that boom and your opponent's gonna have a better boom because they won water that is why civ drafts are so important because i doubt winchester ever expected to see bohemians here we've seen bohemians on inundation and other maps he never got to see doubt play bohemians on previous maps so winchester was probably hoping for something like poles vs japanese again or or some matchup where maybe the old book makes sense but the old book does not make sense in this situation and again well played doubt and let's go to the sift draft now and see what vince might have in store for us um winchester has grapple dave and he's got golden hill and in terms of grapple civilizations he's got some good ones he's got byzantines which we've seen a lot and i i haven't seen burgundians yet but i kind of feel like for gundians have a an opportunity there because we've seen players get to 150 villagers on that map a lot um and then if he goes golden hill well we've seen portuguese pick their frequently ironically also byzantines and then maybe malay could be an option for him there not too sure on that what do you what do you think about deltas well dot sieves we see celts there which you used on graupel can you believe are a good sieve there also aztecs i don't know where he's gonna use those the aztec game yesterday from uh cap watch maybe not the best example yeah uh matched up against a really rough civilization in byzantine so i'm not sure koreans are great for golden hill if you stick to your win conditions which doubt is really good at doing and then of course indians for graupel are also fantastic and then he has mayans and i guess the only question for me is is compass if doug gets there yeah what is he gonna use on that that's a good point maybe he goes celts there honestly maybe yeah because his sieves look good he just won with bohemians yeah i'm liking how doubt drafted so heavily towards his opponent's home maps though this is not the first time he's done this when he played miguel and i forget it with velez to be honest but with miguel i know for certain his first two sib picks were for his opponent's home maps which was fascinating so he went indians which is probably gropple and then he went koreans which is probably golden hills so interesting outlook on drafting and again a situation where if a gl player is in the right position on the draft it will always ban chinese we've never we've not seen a gl player in two straight rounds or maybe even three at this point uh play against chinese because they're either banning them or picking them first which is crazy i think this is one of the only drafts where i haven't seen mongols anywhere on the board true granted the maps here don't really enable good play with the mongols but still it's it's an interesting note because they've been very prevalent throughout this tournament good point dave uh i'm ready game two then when you are we'll get this started and this is a match-up if this tournament word would go on for another couple weeks that we would see more and more of i feel especially koreans man we've seen koreans like every single golden hill game this weekend yeah and it's it's clear that some players can really play to their strengths and other ones just kind of struggle with the strategy right and the time i'm ready to go though at 10 seconds if you want to do the countdown all right three two one and go here we are a doubt looking to get another win like i know we've seen them a lot on this map and and there's always going to be people that get tired of civs and whatever but it's so nice to see koreans be in a tier civilization in tournament settings you know yeah yeah because for many years they were just a meme if someone picked them yeah they've always been somewhat decent on nomad but it feels like they've really come into their own with these maps yeah and i truthfully i think it comes down to the to the sieve settings too right because in the earlier rounds we saw persians picked a lot malians picked a lot here so no persians no malians no italians and then what was the other one what am i missing no spanish spanish yeah i mean just just that alone you cross off a few sieves and then suddenly you get to see a bit more of a mix and players have to be more creative speaking of can winchester take that shorefish if it's covered by a reed well he can chop the reed and put a palisade over it right yeah as long as he can then he'll be good there that that would be really unfortunate if he wasn't able to do that he's got his dock up and then doubt of course going for his dock and he did the same thing yesterday i think with his dock in the middle so tc spots here doubts tc obviously fantastic it's on the berries it's on the wood line he's going to love that one winchester's tc pretty good on two woodlines and he has the deer there yeah so he's really fortunate to have the deer there he's gonna go have to go out exploring though probably find a couple pigs or sheep sorry nearby and then use those to find the boars and the boars aren't actually that far away this tuber is quite close to the north yeah uh he just has to make sure to find them and then we look at doubts island he's got a board to the north there and he's got some boars over to the south as well but they're quite far away still he has korean so he should be able to find them yeah and we've seen some pretty unlucky gens for players even yesterday in the quarters and players were able to bring in their boards you just have to do the nomad thing and you have to stop collecting resources with a ville and go out and and look and this tourney has been a lot about adapting not necessarily in the game but sometimes before the game if you don't get a sieve you want and i think the players will be fine here but what do you think about portuguese dave i i mentioned that we've seen them before i think it was leary who maybe went for them but they definitely haven't been seen as frequently here as the koreans how well do caraval do against turtle ship startle ships have a lot of armor well i haven't been totally convinced with turtles so far i feel like just going into fires can kill them um but to answer your question i think caravelle's do really bad against turtles okay i i think and also isn't kind of the whole point of a caravel to like pass through one ship and hit another and so i think that if that's the case you're never going to see more than two turtles yeah turtles are pretty chunky yeah and doubt's gonna find the sport so doubt is gonna have a really good start here he was already on berries there only seven seconds of idle tc time winchester racking up a little bit idle tc time right now trying to get that food in but uh doubt is gonna have a great start what did he go for again yesterday he did he didn't play koreans here did he trying to remember i remember leary sat back with portuguese and no i think doubt had koreans yeah and i think he went no he it was a doubt that had indians oh my god they're all running together we did four best of fives yesterday what happened yesterday okay no no no it was winchester who won on this map with indiana i've had koreans on nomad that's right how could i ever forget that true trust on his opponent yeah process of elimination we're doing this but anyways winchester had indians here and i remember he just outplayed his opponent and that was pretty much it uh but but to answer your question on what you do with koreans i think regardless of how you approach this whether it's fast castle or fast feudal in the water you have to have some vision on the middle so when he goes out for gold i would like to see him take the gold in the middle have an outpost out there and on the flip side i think finches should do the same thing so we could see some real craziness in the middle here with four or five villagers in feudal age then chester finding those sheep now he's gonna start exploring i think winchester a lot of your strategy on this map depends if you're going for a faster rush or whatever it depends on whether you have food access yeah and look at him even taking those shore fish he knows like i just need food income i know it's gonna be terribly inefficient for my villagers to walk all the way back from those but he keeps sending villagers out there he's got sheep exploring and he sees the boar so he's gonna be able to bring that in good little bit of adaptation from vince um here to you know sacrifice the walking time there just to get the food economy rolling yeah doubt with a bit more food in the bank does have four fishing ships right now we actually got more than that for revenge finch is on five also vince's dark spot is way better who knows if he'll stay here forever but the three d fish there's looking real good for him had his deer brought in the deer this would be a really bad time to accidentally shoot the board with you see i was thinking the same thing yeah yeah but he's going to be okay that's 300 food that comes in still has the deer there remaining but doubt with a crazy up time i mean we've seen some fast up times but with koreans having no food bonuses or anything this is a lightning fast up time for him i think it was just it was a good spot and it was a good build right he found the boars pretty quickly he had the tc on the berries so he was able to take some of that early and um he had the fishing ships out fast so great stuff there from doubt he's going to be up significantly faster than winchester and i think with an uptime like this you can fully justify the galley play from the koreans he's going to add a dock here and you know what dave i'm liking gali with koreans more and more because if you go into fires and a fire b fire battle you don't have demos so you just you're just like kind of behind in that type of a battle so yeah opening galleys is always well not always but it has seemed to be strong if you're fast or futile and uh i like it for doubt here though we'll see what he chooses to do yeah winchester now on the way up and winchester already going for the gold in the middle so we saw that from other players some players choose to put a mining camp on their gold on their own base like doubt has right now yeah and others decide to go to the middle right away it is a risk because if you get involved with a tower war in the middle there you will not have villagers on gold to produce the ships that you need and doubt is indeed opening with galley series going for that third dock winchester now going for a dock closer to uh to doubts but i think with this up time and with these stock positions doubt should be able to win water here with some good micro and production now without build order yes he's faster to gallies but the only four he's had on food has been those fishing ships that's it revenge he was still finishing up the boar he's still got some deer coming in and we might even see vince consider as a lot of players do making a mill on shore fish so you really do have to think about you know the is it worth it conversation as dowd has four fish and chips against six right now and he's probably going to get some kills but he has to make sure that he could also have a good castle each time behind all this and it's going to see the villagers on the middle from winchester doubts actually sending he doesn't care he's sending the ville past that maybe wants another dock here he's going to make a really good tower it it's going to be a very annoying tower because it can it can range to the gold out of the range of winchester's tower and it can also kind of help you a little bit on water too if you pull back to it so and vince doesn't see it dave he doesn't even know what's going up i mean he can always make a new mining camp on another gold but that preemptive tower for winchester is looking pretty bad right now yeah winchester does have enough wood to make a new mining camp but doubt ooh doubts got himself in a little bit of a rough position here with these galleys kind of wedged in between but good micro from him winchester pulls back the ship and we'll repair it i have to say building up his cali numbers right here really impressive start from the lord i i really like finch's position he brought in boar number two he's got villagers on shore fish his food income should be good maybe just bracing himself for the fact that it's very possible he'll lose water soon good rapport the tower needed to be one tile closer look at that winchester just taking it completely unconcerned but still the galleys being attacked by the the fire galleys but dealt with good micro you know what what's concerning for vince actually is that he now has three on stone thinking he needs more towers and only two on gold so he actually can't produce out of all of his docks just checking actually is he only on two docks oh i'm sorry i thought he was on three and he's actually pressuring gout's fish right now so uh take it back winchester was really good adapting and the galleys have yet to pay off i like the fact that he's making a few demo rafts i think he's gonna keep him garrison in the docks and then if doubt gets all clumped up yeah nearby and these choke points he's gonna un-garrison them i think he had one cued earlier that didn't do anything but i love the fact he's looping around with the fire galleys and i love the fact that his food eco is set up nicely like you said doubts fish are the only things he's had for the beginning of feudal age he's added a few more on food um on the berries but his food count right now is not looking conducive to a faster castle each time no and vince is almost finished with all of his fish and he also is pressuring doubtsfish as we speak with a few fire galleys so avenge has a tower in the middle like we said he's got some stone and gold access and i the only thing that the galley play typically does dave is it stops the opponent from taking the middle but winchester's already in the middle so i think advantage vince yeah and doubt just loses two galleys there but he's still got this main group winchester if he drops the market he can go up if he wants to oh he has a market already if he wants to sell his stone he could buy his way up but i think he's interested in keeping that for the time being and he's still sending bills across every time the galleys leave and and like look at this so down has to re-dock for 270 food when he is six in the bank so he went all in on water it's just will it pay off in the long run obviously he could upgrade this right even if he's later decathlete she could upgrade his navy he will have his docks with the potential to make turtles he could always with water control walk into the middle at any point in time but there goes vince i think doubt needs to start taking out the docks from winchester winchester going from for another dock forward in the spot doubt would least expect doubt is now trying to deal with the fire galleys on the right side but winchester gets two kills on the galleys and winchester can actually take back water with this faster castle age time because doubt's lost his numbers and winchester is going for a third dock he still has some units garrison in the dock in the center and he's got another fire galley coming out in the north pros and cons day pros and cons we talk about it so much fast feudal time yes but how smooth this is going to be the castle age awful for doubt it was late to the food he has the our numbers but the numbers didn't matter in the early stages and we he's got three docs now winchester let's say he loses one he will still be able to completely win water with fire ships this is a problem for dow i think doubt needs to use his market he's placing one now just buy some food and try and keep your numbers high for when you get to castle age i like how dope has this one villager in the middle just forming a ring of buildings like it's traveled all the way around like three times now dude that's good exactly what vince is up to here i'm pretty sure that villager built the dock at the start no it's built everything here it's literally built an empire on the on the center it looks like boundary brawl now that villager has lived a completely different life from every other villager [Laughter] well good job from doubt the pressure the fire is here from vince dad actually made fires i think because they do a better job of taking out the docks and vince is going to run away and wait for those upgrades he's got a couple of his docks under fire right now but he will be able to pop out just important that doubt has the numbers yeah koreans without demo rafts is going to feel real bad in this situation because you're going to have to make fire galleys you're going to have to have good micro with your galleys but against the upgraded ships from winchester one wrong move and you could lose all of those galleys in a second and doubt is losing the fishing ships now he did buy his way up to castle it's gonna be two minutes until he gets there but i guess the question is like what's his situation gonna look like as winchester pops out with his fires and doubt needs to run away with his galleys in the north you know what's so beautiful about this game look at the amount on food for vince now so vince benefited from taking all that food earlier but now he's kind of low and doubt's got all that food income so you know if dow can keep his galleys masked and he's got 90 seconds to do so maybe just maybe he can still remain competitive on water day but i think it's going to be tough finchester with a sandwich oh doubt there's a demo no doubt oh nice dodge there from two dodges from winchester dough is trying to micro that demo down winchester trying to get close with it he manages to get the fire galley so good micro from doubt there to take it down but there's still five galleys against three fire ships from winchester so doubt will likely lose this navy or will have to be running around forever and bin chester now with a castle in the middle that villager will run away from doubt but uh what's the game plan here is winchester goes for a second tc and he's already pretty much won the water at this point is it just gonna be turtle ships i i still think you can try and come back on water with this many docks he's got like four in the middle so i think you can go for the war galley upgrade upgrade your fire ships and go fire ships and a turtle or two but the doubt's gonna go siege workshop at home i think this is actually in defense he might be worried organ guns will come out of that castle and he's adding a tc and another tc yeah so he's just going to boom up a lot here yep resources not too much gold in the bank and of course he's on a timer for his goal not really coming to play yet though he still has two piles there hasn't gotten the war galley upgrade hasn't queued up any turtle ships he's just going for a mangano honestly dow could get a pretty decent ville lead here because winchester's food eco is not looking too hot um i like the stonewalling here from doubt but i'd like to see and maybe it's too ambitious but i would have liked to have seen him try and transport when he had the time and just get a couple bills over to the other side because yeah just do it style it man just just make something happen and who knows maybe you're lucky maybe you find some stone or find some gold or find some relics over there but it's probably too late for him to do that now demo on the shoreline the manganal is looking for hits maybe it could get an engagement against that one oregon gun only and a couple more queued from winchester so he's interested in a more economy focused game not the yolo one tc push with oregon guns yep like you said dope might gain a little bit of a lead as he goes for his first turtle ship one thing i love about winchester he's made so many mills he's got three on the right side getting the short face she's got one in the north as well he tc'ed on that shore fish he's got another mill on the berries like he's really keeping in mind the fact that he needs food to produce from his uh town centers he's just not producing for some reason right now okay cues up a few more you know how we always have those doubt moments where it's like only doubt would do or not do this i would consider walling to the tc and not finishing it when you have the stone a doubt moment yeah i think he probably wants to place a castle there later on but what's to stop working guns from walking right underneath that i mean absolutely nothing there's one villager there on a farm there's absolutely you can't even garrison that tc but i guess maybe since he had the siege there he feels like the enemy has to respect it or something i don't know is winchester going up he just bought food looks like he might dave he doesn't have any farms right now so he's not investing into any long-term food eco i think finch might go fast imp into some victoria's here actually yeah maybe if you have middle control and fetorius like that's pretty sick imagine insult to injury just add faetorius on the middle instead yeah dowd has lost so many houses he's using all the houses oh he's doing a good job remaking them though in his eco yeah that's right that's something there doubt never gets housed it's insane even if he's gonna lose houses like that you'd think that he'd get housed but nope he's making an outpost on the shoreline in the north which kind of tells me he might be thinking about re-docking there too but uh he sees the fire ship patrolling he's gonna move back there winchester with fire ships all over the place is doing a great job even patrolling that right side too patrolling the middle making sure doubt doesn't re-dock anywhere he can stall that out and winchester is on the way to imperial age only nine villagers behind too so in a really really good position i love this strap from vince look he's prepping the houses he's got he's definitely going victorious so i was wondering if we would have seen this from leery yesterday against al and leary just kind of i don't know if potatoed is the respectful word but he just didn't know what to do with portuguese to be honest and granted it was a different situation but portuguese the only sieve in the game that can make the feytoria it's 250 stone and gold and then it takes up 20 pop space but gives you a trickle of all resources so you don't really need to plan on farming eco if you're gonna have enough food from the faetorius and yeah look there's houses everywhere for then she's definitely gonna go for this oh my god and i think if doubt wanted to counter this he needed a villager on uh winchester's island yeah and it's going to be really tough winchester is just controlling the water winchester can add caravels he can add other navy to hold that and he should be able to hold the center against koreans as doubt is running out of gold already and i'd love to see dough even like early on in imperial age as he clicks up here start selling food and and wood if he realizes what's going on yeah and just try and get as much gold in the bank as possible because you're going to need it look at look at doubt's castle in comparison to leary's castle yesterday against out when leary was in this position leary went right up against the shoreline and got trepped from the middle doubt is going to force those trebs to come pretty far forward if they want to take out this castle and one final thing dave is you need a university right now if you're winchester you cannot forget about chemistry here because you want to go for like trebs bomber cannons in the middle and even cannon galleons so i think doubt will get chemistry he's got a university and there's a chance here for doubt if winchester forgets that or doesn't have the food for it double fertoria immediately from winchester i wonder how much he builds at the end of the day he's going for the university right now only with one villager though pretoria's will be up and uh the question marks here oh doubt made a dock in the north and the south yeah i see that i'm sorry east and west i should say trying to get back on water yeah winchester has done a really good job he realizes that he's gonna stall himself out with these vittorias uh in early imperial age and he's gonna need to deny all the dogs from doubt but this is really smart from dell going for towers there instead of uh instead of a castle like we saw from leery yesterday also got a conversion and he's gonna add a turtle ship yeah and dave it's just so cool to be able to watch and say like doubt has corrected some aspects uh we're not correct in some aspects of his game but he clearly sees what to do with these situations a little better than some of the other players but still it's not like doubt's going to win water anytime soon and he needs a big push to push up the middle well winchester is investing he's he he's investing so much in these victorias like look he's got four of them four of them and he's already bought he's already popped at 160. he needs to add some more houses and that's pop he can't use his military so doubt has the opportunity to get uh more military on the field and push him back this is a long-term strategy from winchester and we just have to wonder if it's going to pay off as he also brings in the second relic too oh my god the thing is so korean towers out range bomber cannons okay so if dal can go for a tower here and get his ranged upgrades how do you deal with that if you're winchester doubt just got over there with the transport yeah and i we've talked about victoria's quite a few times but i think as he's gonna try light cap that four fetorius is too much you already have the stone and gold i think you need to be thinking about the pop space yep and and making units with the stone and gold winchester is going for a barracks here he's gonna go into a castle at home but he needs to he needs to start thinking about units and unit compositions that are pop efficient yeah and i think one of the big ones for portuguese is getting bomber tower if you have all these faetorius set up and if you have all this uh stone in the center here i think a few bomber towers in defense would go a long way yeah no castle well dropping right now i think the castle is the correct move yeah get the castle down because you're you're going to have so much stone right so just prevent doubt from raiding and he's going to go for monks as well i mean he's still got the middle he's a bummer in the middle now doubt doesn't have water doubts hoping that the side distraction is going to be enough so he can maybe go in the middle with his trebs dave he used four wonderfully against leary yesterday that's always the magic number for me but also the light cap the korean leg cap could go in and snipe that bomber cannon and the monks and dow could actually start to push so this is so tricky and doubt is not trickle-trapping doubt is waiting until he has enough and he's waiting out until he has no farming i think he realizes that he really has one push one push yeah and you gotta be you gotta have everything behind that push to make it work you can't go in a couple units at a time this is good from the light cap going forward they killed the bomber cannon took out a monk but still winchester look at the resources from him on the right folks he's got zero on food but he's still gaining it i think farms here i think doubt needs to try the right before you ever go to the middle you need to see if finches on the right and try and transport there too because that's actually the spot you've got some open spaces there but it's tricky because if you kill gold units from portuguese here you think just because of how the game normally plays out like oh that's great i just killed gold units but winchester has infinite gold units because of the fertorius doubt is adding more stables and he's already he's already up five trips tristan doubt knows exactly what's going on here he's getting one shot one opportunity also he he just saved a batch of villagers that were in a transport ship in the north he's got him chopping a tree now come on down try try a little bit of transporting on the right i would actually prefer to see him transport like three bills seven hussars because then you could deny any buildings and we actually see a perfect castle for finch and actually wouldn't mind seeing that closer to the shoreline but still a really good castle spot just in case that happens okay doubt pushing the bomber cannons back a little bit from winchester winchester with two castles in the middle one castle on each side of his island so i think the potential to do damage and land on winchester's island is kind of stalled out here yeah and it's just all about this push down the middle if doubt can take the middle he will have a chance against vittoria i think he needs more than this though well vince does too vince is pop capped pretty much so like six oregon guns four bomber cannons and a few monks dies to the worst hustlers in the game if you're winchester like that this is really bad this is why for victoria's could be a problem and dallas just looks right across what is this god and he's got five trebuchets following up behind this he goes for the castle can't believe he would place that foundation that early but he's got three bomber cannons hitting the castle from winchester two and this is what we were talking about with pop efficiency doubt could make this push work with korean hussar he's gonna do it dave and he knows it too he'll snipe the monks the castle goes down and he will have access to gold once again what a an incredible play from dallas here come the fire ships here come the fire ships doubt needs to run with the traps and he'll get away in time meanwhile behind this winchester still has gold at home but he really doesn't have a lot of resources the problem with victoria's is the resources they bring in is slow compared to eco wow it's gonna have tons of gold access man he played that so well so many other other players would have just gone forward with two trebs or one treb right away not much army behind it and then kind of fizzled out right but amazing patience there to wait for the exact amount of army and then push up and now he's got full control of this he's going to take the two relics in the middle too winchester will have a lot of resources he'll have victoria's behind this he'll have castles to produce but winchester was only at 86 villagers and his food eco is not looking great either so things are gonna be rough yeah and i think at this point if doubt just adds docks and wins water i think he wins the game all the faetorius can be ranged he just doesn't want the fire ships to be able to disrupt his units as they run across like think about this dave doubt didn't use a single korean bonus to get that push forward he's literally fighting with the worst hustlers in the game like that that makes that all the more impressive that he was able to make it happen big bomber finish out there i think it was one vittorio too many maybe for him save the res and uh maybe get some food eco rolling behind it don't count on holding the middle for that long yeah he's gonna snipe a bombard cannon so that's okay i guess but he's struggling to even afford stuff like bloodlines to afford more cavaliers he's got some pikemen in the queue one bombard cannon still hasn't gotten bombard tower research so can't drop any of those and wow what a turnaround here it was looking so good for vinch doubt managed to get the position dough is now in firm control of the middle and dough can start adding towers here too and he's already he's already started doubt has shown us how wondering warriors cup is meant to be played like we've seen so many amazing games from him on all the maps from meyer to game one nomad to now golden hill i can't be upset with this man i mean i'm a little perturbed at winchester because i feel like at this point you should know or as we see heated shot from dow uh four fetorias is a little much yeah but can he hold on dave this is actually where portuguese should shine where they don't have access to the middle suddenly got some resources in the bank right he's got some stone he's got some army there going to cavalieri's got trebs behind it i think maybe instead of that fertoria the fourth one he should have added some more navy to prevent doubt from pushing across he's trading dave there's a trade cart coming across the middle from vince oh my god yeah i don't know why it's there he probably misclicked it when he went to the market oh my goodness now it's getting his tower upgrades dave so if he gets bracer he will and his unique tech he will then be able to arrange the bomber cannons and the turtle ships are doing work too doubt's added in a couple of those they can do decent damage to the trebs here hussar is still pushing in not the best fight for doubt there his trebs are exposed somehow doesn't lose one but winchester's shrubs are exposed and doubt has more units on the way now do you feel like you have to kill right now if you're down or do you can you can you actually sit back and just kind of wait until you continue you can play this methodically i think you just keep getting your towers up keep getting villagers on the middle to collect more stone and just one step at a time keep pushing bench back because the fertoria are not too far away from that shoreline if you get within range of them you can start sniping them with the treads yeah i think he realized that too he was about to run in and then he just calmly backed away he sees all four of them yeah he knows exactly where they are that's another thing too i mean there's not a lot of space near the edge of the map but i guess if you're gonna make them you probably just in case you want to make them near the sides but vince never thought he'd lose the middle dave he never thought he'd be here and so he's just trying to figure things out the cavalier is actually one of the best things you can make with faytoria eco because you get full cavalier upgrades with portuguese but he doesn't have the upgrades and hal feels he needs very weird foodie yeah he needs some villagers on food he's got seven on food right now you can't just rely on faetorius he he had no farms in this game he is because he's going for a fifth one over to the right side he's committed now i want to see elite turtle ship here from doubt if he gets elite turtle ship it's gonna be so tough for winchester to push back across can you tell me the stat difference is it does it go up to 100 attack or something it's 75 i believe that makes more sense 60. i want to see i think it goes up to like 300 hp or 350 hp 75 attack yeah i want to see uh and maybe he researched it but the yipseong tech which gives the towers extra range uh he hasn't gotten it yet yeah i think he needs to get that but you know i think this game ends very shortly there's no way these halves can address the siege there's no way at least i don't believe so and dow can just trap down all these castles and faetorias and vince can't afford to rebuild them and having them hasn't even done enough for him as it stands doubt has done such a good job of keeping these traps together and when he starts a push the buildings just melt yeah just completely melt he's lost bomber cannons this game but he has not lost to trebuchet yet he's repairing that one in the front he's got towers up in front of this he's going to be able to take down the fertoria and i think winchester just got about five minutes too far ahead of himself yeah he did the fight victoria play well it's so easy to get baited into that you just think oh okay i have the golden stone in the middle and i'm the only civ that has a building that gives me more of those resources obviously i'm gonna win koreans have bad hussars so i'll be fine and he was not fine doubts patience man perhaps the best example of not trickle trebbing we've seen and that's what two feytori is down now and winchester calls the gg what a comeback from doubt that was the best game from him in this tourney i feel that was really impressive it didn't really feel like he did anything wrong that game he played his build in the galleys he won the water early and then when he realized his opponent had taken the middle and had feytorius and was in a fantastic position for portuguese he displayed the patience and he knew exactly what his win condition would be which is taking back the middle so he directed all of his attention towards that wow impressive stuff from doubt and vince is going to need to pull something out here because it's 2-0 for doubt not the score line i would have expected he vince needed that game dude he needed that game i liked the imp but relying only on the shore fish to get up to imp and then relying heavily on faetorius it's just not the play i think if you go for a more boomy approach where you have at least like 10 to 15 farms you have a bit more natural income with resources you're completely fine there hussar never works you can go for help you can mix in arbs you keep your castles up a bit longer but we said it dave like that was not a game where doubt was going to have more than one shot in one shot one opportunity his his palms were sweaty and he did it and it was so so clutch to see that like i'm really wondering and i'd have to go back we don't have the time now how much gold doubt had when he started to come across the middle because i would guess that maybe he was completely out at that point yeah maybe i know he was banking it really well um on the way up to imperial age he had like 1200 when he reached imperial so yeah he was he was thinking about that the landing didn't work in the north and uh winchester you just have to ask some questions like should he have gone into more navy to hold the crossing should he have made towers in the middle or more castles in the middle uh to hold that should he have gone for that fourth victoria i don't know these are questions he's going to be asking himself because he i mean from that position you should probably never lose there you go you go back to yesterday in the doubt leary series and leary he won convincingly two games over doubt right more convincingly than doubt has won over winchester let's say in this semi-final so far and then doubt came back to win 3-2 now i know we're using as an example maybe the wrong time but it is possible and we have seen reverse sweeps before so if inches wants to start the ball rolling the next game has to be the one i think it's doable for him uh to to you know take it one win at a time here dave and then you can ask those questions win or lose later on we ask that that's our job but winchester should forget about game two and go to his final home app which will be on graupel ralph and i'm ready well i'm getting into the game right now so i should be ready in a couple seconds here we're gonna switch winchester to the red again and it looks like winchester has gone for the byzantines okay has gone for the indians now indians were an early favorite from this for this map but the more i see byzantines the more i love them here yeah i think you do have to play them a certain way but this this map's perfect for them so three two one go game number three let's see if winchester can turn it around i mean to quote doubt when talking about him right now who is this player man who is the sick player through miguel through velez reverse sweep against leary and now two up against finch in the semis right now this is amazing these are the settings that he thrives on right where he has to use his creativity use his ingenuity uh to come up with strats and his adaptation as a player is incredible winchester is kind of the same way but he's struggling right now fortunately for him he has byzantines here up against the indians and i think the byzantines are pretty good counter um to most of the things the indians can do yeah also both players with some really good tc's i prefer winchesters he's got the wood and he's got the gold there plus a boar right next to this so that's actually insane uh doubts got wood he's got gold cool spy shore fish and boar as well uh but yeah dave i'm kind of with you i think if this game goes on really long even with byzantines having cataphracts that maybe indians have the better units with cav archers elephant archers hussars and all that but um overall i think since this will probably turn into a little bit of a water battle at least you know advantage byzantines and they can do a lot with a faster imperial age against indians one thing i love on this map a lot of it is about scouting right you gotta scout where the resources are but you also need to scout if your opponent is coming for a sneak and byzantines it's easier for them they get free town watch free town patrol and their vision by the end in the late game from what we've seen is basically like having spies a lot of the time true on this map it's actually insane plus they can do a lot to counter the um the camel push from the indians or even if indians go into cav archers or anything indians really do yeah i would say the weakness of byzantines well first off there's there's two things uh the first one is probably their mobility not normally a civilization where you see them switching side to side they normally like forward production buildings forward castles and pushing in that type of a game so that could be a weakness because they are quite literally as far apart as they maybe could be except if maybe if it was corner to corner to technically be further um so that that's an advantage for doubt i guess the other thing i'm curious about and i'm surprised to say we haven't had this conversation uh this weekend yet is the way indians are typically played on graupel and it is to kind of give up the water and just go for shore fish and add tons of villagers with tcs and i'm worried that maybe vince will prioritize water in this crazy way and doubt might not even care yeah winchester isn't the type of player though to really go too heavy on early water yeah he usually tries to get up to castle age a little bit faster i'm looking at the scouting from both players winchester has scouted his bottom corner there doubt is just picking up sheep right now with his transport ship stole a few from vince and he's going to use them to scout his own area but doesn't really know much else about the map he does know where vince's dock is which usually indicates the tc is going to be nearby and he will know that he has a ton of room uh to work with because vince is so far away yeah really good dock spots i like how doubt's able to take the fish with the fishing ship and also his ville yeah but this is gonna be completely gone yeah it's true [Laughter] i wouldn't have this villager over here i don't know yeah that's a good point winchester actually has two fish so it is better for the fish and ship efficiency and then there's more fish out there so if we see a few late aggression on water typically we'll see a transport and a re-dock which i i really like dave i like that that little touch of having to use the transport ship to dock we see a little bit on compass but more so here because i think the second dark spots are almost always going to be better if you dock the middle i just like the idea of like putting a man on this this iceberg in the middle and saying like all right build us a harbor since build is a dock where's my wood you don't have any they do and as they as the transport ship leaves they'll be like see you in a month he's like okay so you guys and then like three months later he's out there freezing there's fires everywhere somebody get me a shirt [Laughter] or he's like i need i need to be warm and he sees a fire ship he's like oh this will be nice and then he dies someone can make a little someone can make a little movie about that but vince sees the doc now for doubt doubt sees the doc for vinch similar times here uh dealt with one more ville um and that's like that's actually a fishing ship right now one more fishing ship for him doubt is trying to lane the fishing ships from winchester again we saw it on compass he did it he tried to do it to leary just went to the wrong side of the dock there as the fish come back but doubt is just gonna sit there and uh winchester badly houses really bad goodness bye villagers making that house and that guys if you get a house like that 29 seconds of tc idle time you're minus one bill it is it is that big of a deal and we stress a lot on vil kills and fishing ship kills for a reason but he's gone to shore fish dave so that tells me that vince is going fast castle here he's got a decent shorefish uh set up too sometimes they're awkward but he's got six villagers taking them pretty close yeah so he's gonna get that food income in fast out is already going to the feudal age and uh doubt has not gone under shore fish yet and it looks like he's sending out a second villager to make another dock so doubt is gonna prioritize water control against the byzantines with the indians yeah this is the this is the opposite of what we expected here we thought the byzantine player would try and push home their fire ship advantage which i still feel like should in theory be the way you play it but doubt's going to start off with docs and it'll be about 50 seconds faster winchester's actually switched up his build is he taking gold he's taking wood again so i don't think vince is going to give up on water yeah and with byzantines even if you're later up there's always a possibility right he is a minute later than dope but all it takes is one good demo or a couple good fire engagements or repairing a ship at the right time and he should be right back in it he's actually loading up a villager the man is going on an adventure to the iceberg likely maybe now where's he go though because if he goes to the middle if he goes here yeah if he goes closer to doubt stock and of course he doesn't know it's there it's actually an advantage for dell gotta build that thing and he should complete that but doubt already oh doubts making galleys dave instead of fire ships so he just wants to snipe the fish yeah winchester but this could be this is always a risk right because if the fish are running in the other direction and you don't manage to snipe them suddenly there's fire galleys there your galleys go down very fast especially against byzantines yo it was tracking the fish with his transport so he's looking for those and winchester is gonna be able to find the dock from doubt and go okay nope we're going back this way yeah you'll see the galleys right away too also this is so reminiscent of how doubt won the final game against lear yesterday he opens up with something strong on water so this this forces the opponent to react and look at the blue dot to the north of winchester's base dave we're gonna see a switch from doubt look at the red dot oh true there's a sheep there doubts like i'm not gonna find the sheep did you see that he saw the sheep and then he decided against finding it oh man doubt is adding two more galleys he's continuing with the galleys he's going after the villager winchester can hop in the transport hop out complete the dock wait for the fire ships repair the transport i know we joked earlier but now the sheep found the sheep found the barracks the sheep found the barracks from the other side i genuinely feel bad for this villager now she's lived a rough life and i wonder if doubt will change something here or winchester will show us that he's noticed his sheep scouted that because well that's something that you do want to scout for it's very hard to pay attention to that yeah yeah a little blue dot in the north there it's kind of difficult to get your mind on that while you're focusing on taking down the fish and the galleys from doubt he is taking out some of the fish only four galleys on the water here from doubt so i think winchester should win water yeah in this situation doubt is not adding anything more winchester still thinking about bringing that villager across to finish that dock maybe to repair the transport ship first but you know think about the amount of fishing ships that have been working here doubt's got two working it's been zero working for winchester right so his two have been sitting on the side so it's it's more investment from vince into the water and less reward if you think about it and then you've got a land switch now from doubt and if you look at dalton landico he's also on shore fish so this is really good transitional work from doubt yeah dad's going to show up with that archer doesn't have fletching yet though and he shows up he sees the villager says hello and then walks away before attacking he's also got another archery range on the way winchester hasn't really noticed that barracks up there yet no he's just going to the shore fish completely unconcerned trying to win the water he will have control over water which is great still needs to worry about those two galleys running around oh my god should be able to deal with those this is vince is in big trouble dude this is this is really bad didn't notice it didn't even have an opportunity to sense it right he didn't sense a lack of investment from dow on water that's one veil down he's going to have to make a tower on his yeah doesn't have access to those short fish either luckily he does have fishing ships but he's already lost two bills he'll lose three here might even lose four oh my goodness and then what a great deal so good micro the timing fletching was in dave he hit it hurt he could actually come back on water if he wants but from here i think just keeping your opponent off of shore fish while you have access to it's the big deal and i just go up to castle age if i was doubt well winchester is adding fishing ships he's got eight now and i think he's gonna deal with this final galley on this side and winchester has gone for an outpost on the right so he'll be able to see the mill now from winchester or from doubt and maybe he can do something about that he's like guys can i join your team yeah i really i really don't like my team i heard people are dying over there i think vince should go and wall the right side of his base right now so he has access to that stone dude vince got housed at least four times in feudal he got housed again so he researched wheelbarrow which wheelbarrow doesn't even really he can't even finish the house but like wheelbarrow doesn't really even help you on this type of a map right wheelbarrow benefits farms more than anything so winchester's in big trouble man i mean he does have food he does have what he does have gold but there goes dow on the way up to castle h already well good thing for winchester he's clearing up the docks from doubt so dough if he wants to get back on the water and kill all this fish he's gonna need to re-dock in the middle which is unlikely he'll probably go for some land pressure so if winchester can survive long enough then the fish will take effect here that's his only advantage over doubt currently look at doubt he's going to position these archers well poorly i wonder if they're still they're not within range once fletching comes in i think that one will be at least yeah he's just going to sit them there and stand ground so he doesn't make the same mistake and a skirm there from vince who still needs to click up byzantines do have cheap skirms i'm curious though but doubt wants to do because dow could do a lot of things he could go for siege if he wants to it looks like he's got a stable i could also just go for a straight up boom here with the cheap indian villagers yep skirms need to clear these archers up at the back and then i think vince vince needs to wall yeah uh between those two wood lines there and secure that stone because a castle could defend you in castle age and you have that villager forward too so if he gets some knights out or something and doubt doesn't have anything at home he could do a lot of damage but he just needs to survive the push somehow from dow in the middle dave the preparation has just shown without gameplay every single series it's so good he's been the fastest to these types of switches we've seen so many players try sneaks as doubt loses the scout that kind of hurts so many players have tried this sneak and then it we've so many reasons why it shouldn't work but when dowd does it it always seems to be at the proper time he's going crazy siege push it looks like on this side mixing in the camel probably just to loop it around for any skirms that are out there vince you need to wall there you can't just throw skirms out there okay winchester is finally on the way to castle age uses the market a little bit but doubt is gonna have these crossbows on the other side he's got a camel looping around now and he's gonna have to abandon that stone pretty soon also crossbows on the other side manganell coming out winchester has to back away from that finchester like just needs to secure a woodline and the stone he's going for a tower in between the two dave it's we've never i don't think i've ever seen a player head this far back on this map especially when they're this far apart like that has not happened before and winchester doesn't know what to do here he's won water and that's what his build order was was about but the land situation is awful for him as he does complete the tower thankfully so i think hopefully for vince his tower can range the crossbow he should be able to get out of here okay good good work from winchester today good micro yeah but he's gonna have to be worried about the uh the manganal now he's a minute away from hitting castle age he has had the fish behind this and he's going for a cavalry upgrade the armor yeah this is this is rough revenge vince needs doubt to focus i mean it's gonna be bad for finch if this happens but hopefully for winchester doubt's gonna be looking at his tc's a bit more because there's the second tc and then maybe there will be a mistake for doubt in the front i'd love to see a stable from vince with this villager up front obviously you want to use your uh you know resources to defend and you need to use them to defend but i think that stable over there would provide great distraction just one night in on the fish dal really hoping to take this tower out it is now a castle age tower so it has more hp but doubt doesn't seem to care about sending units under here it almost reminds me of the hand cannons and the bomber cannons at the end of game one happily running underneath the castle or tower fire and there he goes that don't kill your own units doubt okay he does he now runs into the team this is a lot of crossbows though oh my goodness i mean that's we've seen doubt and now we've also seen del that was a little sloppy but the pressure's still paying off here david and there's no way for winchester 2 to clear up that siege at the moment what is going on in the right corner here don't notice that villager finally winchester will be running away from that dokos for tc second tc in the bottom from winchester that's the first like safe eco he's gonna have and winchester has camels out here and the crossbows are pretty weak so the camels will be able to take out a few of them there's reinforcements there though camels will loop back to the manganese and winchester might be able to survive if he takes out these manganese it's gonna be so close this repair villager though we talked about the dock villagers earlier but we should be talking about the repair villager she's been underneath towers now she's being shot but she'll actually survive here wow what what great work from doubt with the repair is he's on three tc's behind us and vince is running with everything he's abandoning his main tc yeah abandons all there oh boy villager count 54 for doubt 31 for winchester he does have 12 fishing ships but he's about to run out of food in the middle he's forced to make fish traps and that's wood that he wants to spend on something else yeah dude winchester only has the score league guys as it switches right now because of water water gives you a lot of score yeah uh i know a lot of people obviously winchester's gonna be focused on this game but i bet you as he's running to the south in his mind he's not thinking about this game he's thinking victorious victorious yeah victorious why did i make four areas no cause you know this is where that that game really starts to hurt right if you lose this one after winning game two it's completely fine you've still got opportunities to fight back you've got home maps but and doubt has made this look so easy dave he's transitioned his farming eco away from shorefish so well look at the mills and farms everywhere such a good balance he's got such great value from this crossbow mangano attack now he's going on a stone so doubt is thinking about a castle of his own and winchester is not on stone because it's still cut off by the manganese i love that house there from dough look at that right in front of the manganol units can't come in there as easily tc will automatically fire at it she's a beast thinking man yeah that villager is still there still waiting for her there's an opportunity to lose his entire army to one manganell he's booming on three tc's now and notice the first one i mean telling you man doubt it feels like he's just been getting better ever since game three of his set against leery yesterday good shot there from winchester though see if he can get another one there's potential here against the and the crossbows and he's got cavalry behind this too many crossbows though needs to avoid engaging against that i think he picked off some of the reinforcements from doubt so he's managed to stabilize a little bit it's 70 villagers for doubt 41 for winchester although winchester has had 12 fishing ships and now he's going for more fish traps man i i'm i i understand right now it's looking really bad for winchester and i never as a caster want to see a 3-0 in a semi however when when you when i wake up in the morning i want to see great execution and we're seeing that from doubt right now he could do so much with this he's not getting pop capped he's having the houses at the proper time outpost on the middle thinking of a redox might see the relics come in might see so many different things he's literally doing everything that he needs to do right now there's not one tiny little detail except for maybe wheelbarrow that he's forgetting you know dope fans watching this right now are going tristan don't jinx it don't juice it yeah larry fans hated us after yesterday oh jeez like a really rough time to get gill nets you know like for 33 minutes winchester trying to catch up oh god he's getting gill nuts and here comes doubt back on the water such a sneaky play from dow but he knows that the fishing ships have got to be out there on fish traps and now winchester has to he has to invest against this yeah he's sending a counter raid over to the right side finally but uh doubt will have double tc's there and it's only a couple skirmishers and a spearman so not really that much of a threat doubt even splits away from the manganal shot still loses a decent amount of crossbows but has that pressure finchester needs to uh be careful of and i guess the question for me is can vince hold on long enough where the byzantine advantages come into play in the late game he's got three tc's now he's got 56 bills but doubt is like 30 plus villagers ahead yeah well this is where not being next to doubt really helps you as vince gets a really efficient counter rate in with the knight in camels um honestly not a spot where you may be stonewall the sides i know you can't fully stonewall it but if you can hold water if your venge and he is i think gonna hold water just stonewalled to the water on each side and the ville difference might not make that big of a deal and he's actually hit a big shot against doubt it's finally the multitasking is etching up with him yep i mean the last few minutes have been pretty good for winchester it has managed to stall out the push he's getting a counter rate in now with the camels and the knights he's going to kill a few villagers he got war galley the gill nets have really kicked in here that demolition ship could be really spicy for doubt with all those fires stacked up but it's not going to be enough to retake water and winchester is at 63 bills doubt is still at 94 so it's kind of steadied the gap at 30 villagers and he's kept the fishing ships alive i doubt somehow i think he got a one for one with the siege so he loops in with the crossbows he's on his way to him but again here you've got stone if your vinch i think you should stonewall the right kind of where he's sending feels to make a house and then just camp that area with your navy forced out if he's gonna take you back to at least take water instead of land doubt just lost uh his remaining crossbows i think is the manganese shot comes in and that's the pressure there from doubt completely cleared up he adds another stable on that side so he's sending more villagers forward that village winchester notices the castle but winchester only with fires can't really deny this i'm curious on what the hp and the castle is going to be not that it matters but i feel like it'll be at 4 000 hp or something because it's lost a lot on the way up here he can sit under that castle with the future both players on the way to imperial age vince has stabilized so well and dope fans once again saying tristan why did you change i'm sorry well you know what i keep thinking of right now remember that game that wasn't looking so good for viper against licks game one and then suddenly out of nowhere he had a hundred military because byzantine things yeah you know you don't necessarily need to have a hundred twenty hundred thirty villagers with byzantines you can make a lot of army with them so now comes over with three crossbows let's see if vince is paying attention to this attack round okay [Laughter] yeah well he's on to bigger and better things now he's thinking about light cav he's sending some bills over to join the forward villager in the corner this is a great game we have here this is a really good one i'd love to see winchester get more on stone though i think i think he needs a castle just even to secure the left side because there's going to be crazy pressure coming there from doubt and i'm not sure just a couple camels is going to be enough to deal with that and of course eventually he'll need a castle on the right side as well as doubt sends in more units doubt is trying to get back on the water that's his opening here in imperial age okay wants to get access to that winchester is up to 88 villagers he hits him and vince notices he's known for a while ever since seeing that castle that doubt is opening back on the water so i think finch can actually hold there um if you think of all the best grapple games all the most successful strategies it always stems to holding three corners for long enough the game can go on for a long time because there's a lot of resources but if you have three of the four corners you're kind of preventing the opponent from expanding so that is i think what doubt has shifted into i don't think he really wants to go for a finishing blow that's a good tech camel from the byzantines cheaper camels for them so it's great even though the indians are known for their camels and uh dow goes for a castle on the left-hand side there skirmisher camel for him over there ballistics on the way from winchester he's adding in more war galleys and uh still only three on stone so it's not gonna have a castle anytime soon i think this is this tells vince buy a castle or go to stone right now if he sees that because that's too close castle potentially house walls that one villager in does winchester have any range coming do you have any range at all i don't think it's the same bro that's the same bill that started all of this the 60's actually a troublemaker oh my goodness well come on winchester you need a response here i don't think chemistry was in so bomber cannons aren't on the menu for him he actually went for bracer and a lot of range deck dave but he doesn't even have our ballest yet just crossbow as doubt makes an elephant archer to defend from that which is not even a meme people that's actually the unit you want to tank from smarters hey rams are now pushing from doubt only battering rams though hasn't got the cap ram upgrade yet hand cart on the way from winchester and he's got heavy camel but they all just died in one of the worst fights i've ever seen trying to loop around that tree a little bit confused there winchester still only three on stone he's pop cap now or housed at 155 goes for the second armor upgrade needs something else yeah it's he's really struggling he needs upgrades on his camels he needs numbers of camels he has to hold down on water he has to hold down on land doubts pressure has all caught up with winchester now and dowd actually has the better camels so if he just goes for his own camels and he has better upgrades on them right now he should win the fight and with winning this fight i mean i don't know if you want to call it just yet if you're winchester because this could be your final game but you you've got no control of your vinch so i i just i'm struggling to see enough from him that tells me he can push this back right now well he's got some crossbows on the right and he managed to kill the navy from doubt true true that's something he just can't deal with the stuff on the left he's got more camels coming in okay so he's gonna be able to kill these heavy camels but he's lost access to the stone over there to his starting tc he's gonna have to fall further and further back into this corner still only at 574 stone and he can't have any housing problems too because doubt is ramming down all his houses he's fixing that dave he does actually have stone so it's next to a stable he probably just hasn't noticed it and doubt just continues to push on the left and i think this is going to stem into doubt either taking water or taking the right next i'd just like to see doubt follow up every single uh every time he gains a position i'd just love to see him castle it just continue doing what you're doing there's no reason to change that you can't even argue that that's an over extension if the castle fails at this point because you already have the corners should win this fight here yeah good fight for winchester he's getting the final armor upgrade he does have iron casting doubt only has forging so winchester is going to be able to kill some of these rams push back those camels for the time being yeah and goes for a fourth tc on the stone there but a castle forward on the right side from doubt he sends the skirmishers now and winchester still without a castle it's so frustrating to to be in vince's shoes because any time you go to address an army dow can just fall back to a castle and wait till he pops up you can't push it and you would need trebs i mean you would need conscription dave just that upgrade alone out of a castle so you could produce units as fast as that would be helpful here now goes for that castle and doubt now has galleons on the uh water here so winchester at risk of losing his fishing ships manchester now selling without buying and doubt getting imperial camel oh my goodness maybe not the unit you would have expected here because we know how good byzantines are encountering that with hal but it's not that type of game the winchester can't really tech switch in anything else right now what he needs he probably needs a good engagement against the heavy camels of doubt before their imperial camel that won't even need siege dude i mean he's making it but imp camels shred buildings so dog could just patrol in as he's doing keep taking out the buildings with imperial camel and then he holds the front with the galleons manchester trying to go into some fires to push him back but that's just too many galleons one bombard cannon over on the left side from winchester but his resource is looking a little bit stretched and the map control is being taken away as doubt goes for another castle on the right side and he's going to patrol into the fight on the left dave winchester would probably lose this fight but he will definitely lose this fight once and camel comes in every hit he gets before m camel is helpful and here it is big stat difference 160 hp versus 120 hp here the attack's different and the numbers are there for doubt and i think vince is just kind of he knows now he doesn't want to accept that he's been swept here he made it to the semis he played so well to get here but he's probably just as taken back by many as many of the viewers are here but how clinical doubt has been every single game clinical and doubt moves on to the finals here what is this if you're going to tell me this is a 3-0 series i would say it's 3-0 for winchester not doubt coming into this one but doubt is playing on another level right now the lord is into the finals folks it's been a year since red bull wall alone three right it's been almost a year tristan i don't i honestly don't know it could have been three at this point i think it was january or february last year i believe and uh that was the last time we saw him in a final and here we go again and it will be a gl final we know that for a fact doubts in the finals and then i think we've seen the gl preparation that whole team has just been playing so well i know slam didn't make it as far as he wanted but he was so close to moving on and then the next semi is the viper versus tattoo so i think the semi-final the players are kind of gonna gonna know each other and know what the strats are gonna be and then the final later on we'll see the same but uh i'm still a little disappointed for winchester i think game two specifically he could have won that game this could have at least gone to a fourth game he could have extended the series but that was still an incredible comeback from doubt in game two and this game he just destroyed vince it wasn't even close he sniped the fishing ships he expanded everywhere the sneak villager who's probably still alive over there did work a doubt left no doubt in in our minds that he can win the finals at this point he's beaten leary velez winchester and miguel on his road to get here it's just insane yeah it's a really good run from doubt and he's gonna be super happy with himself i think the prize cut is like 2 000 more for getting to the to getting second place as well over third and fourth so good little jump there for doubt and uh we can look through the stats here dealt with just the better boom the better army there early and uh winchester just couldn't handle the push a couple things could have gone right there for winchester if he noticed the barracks maybe a little bit earlier he could have prepared something was really caught off guard by the archers yeah and then the big thing for me and once he got to imperial age he didn't have a castle so he couldn't just fall back on one side and focus on the other one yeah he had to have military on both sides and that really really hurt him now onto the finals finchester still can hold his head up high the most recent s tier tournament before this king of the desert he was second place here he ends up losing the semis i think finches are showing more and more that he deserves to be in the top five conversation possibly but uh anyways you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 22,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, WWC, vs, best, final, finals, daut, doubt, semi, semifinal, semifinals, #1, one, vinch, vinchester, vin, chester, nomad, sf
Id: W8bf9sVbofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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