MCU HISHE Compilation Volume Two

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Hey! Hi Scott. Holy crap! You're - you're Hank Pym! That's right Scott, and I know you're a talented engineer with amazing skills. That's why I want you to come work for me. ...okay? At first I had this elaborate plan involving your thief buddy over there. Hey! He'd get you to steal something for me and try it out. Hmm... probably would have worked. You'd get arrested and I'd break you out of jail. Dad enough already. Right? Anyway, it was way too complicated So I thought I'd just pull up here now and offer you a ton of money to come work for me on a very special project. What do you say? Wow, um, that actually sounds pretty good. Hey, man, what about me? Don't you want to, like, eat waffles in my crappy apartment and eventually give in to pursuing a life of crime? *Bad Dad 1*: Plus my daughter is pretty hot and she'll be training you. *sigh of repressed teen angst* - Luis? Uh, I got this sweet horn *'Sweet' horn* I'm in Mr. Pym. I respect your decision, follow your dreams! We will use a shrinking suit to create invisible undetectable soldiers just like this one. See figured out your secret Pym. What do you mean invisible, undetectable soldiers? You could totally see me in that old footage! Hey... he's right. Yeah, that's not invisible. We can totally see the suit right there in the case. This is a bust. What else do you have? *Nervous Villain*: Uhhh.... Well, I made this gun that shrinks people into a gooey puddle. *Wilhelm Scream* *Excited Evil Chattering* *Smart Person*: Why didn't you open with that? *Psycho*: Just think of all the undetectable killings we could get away with! *Bigger Psycho*: We'll take 1 million of those little goop guns! *Psycho*: We'll take 2 million! Oh, great! I'm gonna take care of our buyers. Hope, will you please see Hank out? Thanks, buh-bye He actually left us alone with the suit? Then let's get started. *Rampant Tank Destruction* My suit! My servers! My data! I'm ruuineed! So we took the place out, shrunk back the tank and nobody understood what the heck happened. Wow, that sounds a little too easy. *Sad Scott*: Yeah, they didn't even really need me when you think about it. Well, we were gonna have this elaborate Mission Impossible caper with ants but *these two* insisted it wasn't necessary. You had an actual *tank* in your pocket, dad. But it's Mission Impossible... with ants, have you seen Mission Impossible? It's got Tom Cruise and everything! It's a very exciting picture. We didn't need to do Mission Impossible with ants! Tom Cruise does his own stunts, you know. *Angry Teen*: Dad. This last time he hung off the side of a plane! Nobody cares, Hank. *Angry Hank*: We could have done that! *Exasperated Teen*: Dad! But with ants... *Sigh of Defeat* How do you carry that tank around anyway? *Smart Person*: If the mass stays the same shouldn't that tank weigh, like, 60 tons? Oh, science... molecules... *Done with his BS*: Convenience You understand what I'm saying? What I don't get is how fast you put on your shrinking suits. I mean I could do it, sure, *whoosh-whoosh* but I have super speed, *whoosh-whoosh* no one without superpowers could get into that suit that fast. I can. How? -Because I'm (B)A(N)TMAN!!! *Confused/Wounded Bat*: What the- *He knows what's up:* Oh... *Sad Bat*: You can't just- *Done Superman*: Oh this is... *Angry Bat*: That's my- *He's crying on the inside*: Awkward... *Bat is mad*: I say that! You say 'I'm Ant-man'? That's weird. No, I say Batman! Because I'm Batman! I'M BATMAN!!!(It’s true) *Confused Scott*: And I'm Ant-man. *Angry Angst*: Stop saying that! *Confused*: But I *AM* Ant-man! *Frustrated Bat*: And I am Batman! *Summoning Inner-teenager*: Oh my gosh... *Angry Ant*: Don't make me shrink down and run across this table and punch you right in the face. Bring it! *Shrinks* *Noises of Bafflement* *Completely Done*: *Small Angry Bat*: BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!! Yeah, here we go another guy in a spacesuit.... YOU. ARE. A. TOOYYYYYYY!!!! No, I'm Ant-Man *le gasp* *multiple thuds* *Smol Flirty Bat*: Hey, wanna know my... secret Identity? *smooches bicep* AHH-AHHH, TOO SEXY! He has a biological weapon! I'm on it! - No need, I have successfully apprehended the suspect. Vision! You're here. Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? (Plot reasons) The Avengers are dangerous. You have unlimited power and no supervision. You realize the earth was under attack, right? That footage is us saving the day. People die when you, quote, 'Save the day' Didn't you guys fire a nuke at the city when the Chitauri showed up? *Angry Agreement Noises* Yeah, what was that gonna do? Shower New York with hugs? Be serious. *Guilty Tony*: We need to be put in check guys. We? Tony, you're the one who's reckless! *Cough* You made Ultron. *Cough* Everyone else in this room.... just stopping evil. The UN doesn't see it that way. Well tell the UN Vision picked up Thor's hammer So we're pretty sure we've been doing the right thing up to this point *Adorable Vis*: I did lift the hammer. Just stopping evil.... *Bird Boy 2*: That's what I'm sayin' What happens if we don't sign it? Then consider yourselves retired *Group Laughter* *Wanda*: That's crazy! *Sam*: I'm gon' laugh about that! *Vis*: Jokes are fun Let me help you out! Here, just cross out the title and make it say the Tony Accords. And we'll all sign right now. Deal. *Hurt Tony*: Hey! When you can do the things that I can but you don't, and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you. No. That's not it. I-It's not? That's not the line. Come on, say it right. *Genuinely Confused*: What line? You know... *Confused Spider*: With great power... comes great responsibility? *Happy Tony*: There it is!! They're not stopping! All right then, web 'em up. *Cries of distress* *Wanda*: Agh, I'm so sticky! *Proud dad*: Hmm! Great job, kid. Get to the Quinjet in the hangar, Buck! *Captain A*: We're almost there! *Happy Scott*" AH-HAH! I am GI-ANT man! *heavy breath in caused by fear* *Disturbed Scott*: Something just flew in me!!! *BOOM! BOOM! EXPLOSIONS!* *Angry Cap*: Vision! Come on, man! *Another Wilhelm-like scream* *Very bad thud* *Concerned Tony*: Give me vitals! *FRIDAY*: Ah, he's dead *Sad Tony*: RHHOOOOOOOOOOODES!!!! *Angry Tony*: Don't bull crap me, Rogers! Did you know?! *Guilty Cap Cap*: ...yes. *Upset Tony*: Tank Missle! I'm sorry Tony. *Guilty Bucky*: I know what I did... I know... I hurt you, but I want you to know I'm sorry. *Angry Tony*: You don't get to be sorry! You're right! I don't deserve to live. Bucky, that's not true! What you did, it wasn't you! *Emo teen Bucky*: I can speak for myself, Steve! Gah! I did those things.... and I accept responsibility. But I am sorry. *Sigh* Get him out of there. Let's go. NOOOO!!! You were supposed to collapse from ze inside! I was lucky enough zat Stark even showed up at ze same time as you to watch zis video! And now you're totally foiling my plaaannnns!! *Angry Zemo*: Come on! *Serious Stark*: Stay down. Final warning. *Tough Cap*: I could do this all d- *Screams of death and pain* La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Not listening, not listening! Can't hear you! Not using my ears! I can't hear you! *Smug Bucky*: I'm sorry. Were you saying something? *Angry Zemo*: NOOOO!!! And so... caught Zemo found out, he was the real person who bombed the UN and we never went to Siberia. *He knows too much*: What was in Siberia? Oh, who knows? *Suspicious Bucky*: Yep! Who knows... *burning book* Well, that sounds, kind of... anti-climatic, I was kind of hoping you guys would fight each other or something, you know, the whole choose a side trend. *Sad Cap Cap*: Oh, we're still split. Tony's still assembling his team. *Smug Tony*: Oh, we've already assembled. Team Iron Man is where it's at baby! Any of you jokers want to join? We've even got our own Batman and Superman! I believe I would prefer to be on Team.... Captain America.... *gasp, the betrayal* *Shocked Tony*: What?! I thought you were all about the Accords! Nobody is about the accords, Tony. Not even you. *Angry Widow*: Yeah, you'll sneak behind their back, the second you need something without their consent! Yeah... but we've got Spider-man! Mr. Stark, I'm really excited to be here, but I gotta ask you a question. Are you gonna date my aunt? Because I don't know if I'm ready for you to be m-my dad-uncle... Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Oh, okay. My bad. *Cap Cap is done*: Is he even old enough to vote? He's old enough to steal that mighty shield and you know what that means... SSOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Unless you're a plane or a bomb or some ice or a brainwashed buddy or a Spider-maaaaaannnn. Then you don't neccesarily have tooOO yield!!!!!! *Angry Cap Cap*: Please stop for the love of God! Huh, never would've guessed. Cap hates music. What are you, Hydra or something? No, why-why would you think that? *Cap is being suspicious* Well, BP, if you're not with us, then I believe your seat is over there. This seems very childish. *Smug Tony*: Yep *Scary T'Challa*: Move, or you will be moved. Not a chance Cat-man. *Mischievous Batman*: Do you know why? Why? Because I'm Batma- *Is completely done*: Oh my gosh! He can have my seat, it's getting too crowded anyways. *Ungodly moaning and gasping* Thank God! I thought he was never gonna move. *Concerned Bat*: How long have you been there? *Deeply Disturbed Scott": I have SEEN things! Yes, I am Zemo, you're probably wondering why I've brought you here, zis is not to make you fight but to... kiiiissssss *smoochy-smoochy sounds* *Nervous Villain*: Heh-heh... That shield doesn't belong to you! You don't deserve it! My father made that shield! Well, crap. How am I gonna get home? *Scared Tony*: Cap! Like, my suits broken! Hello? Are you just gonna leave me here? Caaap? Oh, Panther! Buddy, you're here! And you've got Zima? *Angry Villain*: Zemo! Whatever. Hey, can you give me a lift? My suits kind of... busted because - *Interrupting Villain*: Captain America beat you to pieces? How did you lose to Captain America? *Distressed Tony*: He punches really hard. Okay? Look, if you don't help me I am stuck here. Don't you have a satellite that can save you? Look, I've had an extremely emotional day. I don't want to wait for Veronica, it's freezing. Can you give me a lift or nah? *decision making noises* Come on... *Even more decision making noises* Come on! Seriously? Not *one* extra seat? *Annoyed T'Challa*: Would you prefer to sit in the cargo hold? Maybe?! I didn't know you were trying to be Batman up in here. *Angry T'Challa*: I am nothing like Batman! Look, I thought you were a king. Don't you have, like, an entourage or something? I expected more from you, Panther. *Salty T'Challa*: Are you always like this after you have been beaten in a battle that you should have had no problem winning? I was outnumbered, you know. Zat is so sad for you... Was zat your first time to be outnumbered? You keep out of this Zebra! It is Zemo! Whatever! This is all your fault, you know! I know it is and it is glorious! You son of a - I'll kill you! *Zemo/Zebra*: Get away from me! *Angry Tony*: Get over here! Oh stop it! That is it! Ugh, after this I'm joining Team Captain America! *Sad Tony*: Aw, man! *Evil Villain Laughter* *Annoyed Tony*: I hate you Zelda! *Zelda the Zemo Zebra*: It's ZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Okay, snuck into Marvel's school of Kung-Fu, Witchcraft and Wizardry, now, let's go steal some unprotected books of power, shall we? Mr. Kaecilius, I've already got this sling ring going into the library. *Embarrassed Villain*: Oh I can just take the book right now. Should I grab it? Oh sure, I guess These sling rings sure are handy. Yes, they are. I mean when you think about it, we didn't even need to walk through this courtyard. *Even more embarrassed villain*: No, I guess not. Hey, and there's an infinity stone just sitting here unattended as well. Do you want that too? Holy crap!! Yes!!!! Hey Frank, what do you got for me? Oh, I've got some doozies. Are you ready? Yeah *Superfluous mouth noises* Nope. No, no, you know what? Texting and driving at high speeds on a winding road at night a really, really bad idea. I'll call you back in like five minutes. Okay? Okay. *Sings*: Driving responsibly, 'cause I'm so smart! And I like my hands! Yeaaaah! Why are you smiling? *Angered Strange*: Do you think that's funny? What's funny... is that you've lost your sling ring. Haha! Thanks, Cloak! Looks like you guys are no match for the Cloak of Levita- WHOAA!! Cloak... too far. *Ghost Strange*: Excuse me, please. Oh Lord! Now we've got ghost doctors up in this hospital! They are going to attack the sanctum, choose your weapons wisely. *Gunshot* (Oh, he dead) Yes! Haha! Wong!!! Dormammu, I've come to bargain. *Creepy Ripple Dude*: What is your bargain? Leave earth, take your eye makeup followers with you and never come back! Okayyy! Fine. *Screams of despair* You know, they really should put the warnings at the beginning of- Psyche! Just kidding! I changed my mind. Well, you saved the earth, but there will be more dangers to come. Word of the Ancient Ones death will spread throughout the multiverse. Earth has no Sorceress Supreme to defend it. Ah yes, if only we had a device that could reverse things that are damaged. No. Yes. No! Yes! No!! So I resurrected the Ancient One. Hello~! Hey, I'm Batman. Heard you like to dabble in the Dark Dimension, you want to dabble in the.... Dark Knight dimension? Oh, you poor man. *Shot down sad bat*I-I'm not poor. So you reversed time to save the world and someone special who died. Sooo Yes. Yes I did and I also fixed London and I fixed my hands I even rescued Batman from being devoured by a high-pitched talking shar- *Cry of fear*: No! What? That didn't - never mind! I see... Yeah, this little infinity thing sure does a lot. I love turning back time to rescue others It's so convenient! And now that you've got that magic necklace, you can pretty much save everyone! You could save Quicksilver Yep. And all the people who died in Sokovia. *Strange noises*: Mmhmm You could save Vision when he gets that gem ripped out of his head. *Nervous Vision*: What did you say? Oh.... nothing With magic, you can save everything! Oh, I'm afraid there are great consequences when one messes with the fabrics of time. Like what though? THE BILL ALWAYS COMES DUE! That'll be $12.50 ...Mordo? Wha - What are you doing waiting tables? TOO MANY SORCERERS! And... obviously I had to get a job after I quit. Ugh! Not being a sorcerer sucks! Oh, don't worry. Please, let me pay for this. Ah! Whoopsies! Ha, I'm sorry. I have so much money. (Spilling money) Do you know why? *Completely done*: ...because your parents were rich. BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!! Dormammu's so fat everywhere he goes becomes the Dark Dimension! OOOOOooooooo *Salty Dormammu*: I hate you guys. The fate of the universe lies on your shoulders, so whatever you do! Don't. Push. This. Button. *Sneaky Groot*: I am Groot! Gah! He pushed it! Hey there Mr. Groot! Pushed the button, now you're through! And everyone else is dead too! (Basically IW) That's so sad!!!!! What were you thinking?! You are lucky they did not kill you! *Happy Rocket*: You're telling me! You wanna buy some batteries? Did he just say he stole our batteries? *Nervous Thief*: Uh-oh He did, I heard him! Me too! Me three! *Idiot*: Me gold! If I could just explain... MURDER HIM! Okay, we all agree Rocket got himself killed, right? Absolutely! Of course, without a doubt! I am Groot! (You too?) *Bad Dad 2*: After all these years, I found you. *Angsty Adult*: And who the heck are you? Well, I... thought my rugged good looks would have given me away, I'm your dad Peter WHAAAAAT? *Bad Dad 3*: You have a son?! This is wonderful! You should tell everyone! Peter, did you hear the news? Join him, and together you can rule the galaxy as father and son! Whoa! Hold on, that's... that's not what I'm trying to do. *Nervous Villain Laughter* Holy crap! Darth Vader is real?? (That's what you got from this?) What kinda name.... is Taser Face??! Do tasers actually come out of your face?!! As a matter of fact... THEY DO!!! Haha, it is NOT metaphorical! *Bug Lady*: Sleeepp.... *Smart Child*: You don't think it's weird to get invited onto a ship and they immediately go take a nap? You are all in grave danger! This fool is evil, you got to get out of here!! WHAAAAAT???! *Blue Dad*: Oh... nuts... *Bad Thud* Great shot, Frank! Hey, thanks! You know, at first I thought I should shout 'down there' really obvious like giving away my position and whatnot. But then I thought, 'nah, just shoot him now', you know? Yeah, good call! He probably would have killed all of us, on account of that mutiny and all. I know! Boy, that would have stunk! Sure would, for us! *Dumb Person*: Luckily, I'm really, really smar-*Get’s shot by a lil raccoon * *Angsty Screaming* Wait, Peter, hold on a second! Hey there, little wooden child! What you doing with that bomb there near my brain *Scared Child*: I AM GROOOOOO- *Very bad explosion* *Really bad dad*: So then I won the fight, and my expansion idea was able to take off and now I'm currently taking over the entire universe! *Villains laugh* *Joker*: That is fantastic! *Voldemort*: Amazing! So... you guys might want to get going. *Confused Dark Lord*: ...what? *Salty Raisin/Bad Dad*: I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS! *Kraglin*: Uh... Cap? *Still Kraglin*: Remember that Ayesha chick? *Confused Blue Dad*: Aw, crap! We're in a tight spot, boy! *Screams of fear* Yeah, if only we had an insanely accurate weapon that could take on multiple targets at once! *Angry Son*: And goes through metal! *Idiot Father*: What? You mean like a bunch of lasers? I mean your freakin' arrow, dude! *Realization smacks him*: Ohh yeah, sure, pshhh, I knew that. *Lying Dad*: I-I just wanted to know if y-you'd think of that! Shut your blue face and throw the arrow! Alright, alright, I'm going! *Whistle of impending doom* *Dissapointed Rocket*: Well that was... easier than I expected. *Confused Child*: I am Groot! Just what do you think you're doing? *Bug Lady*: Sleeep! And so we blow up my father you see he was evil and insane and Also a planet and that helped and also survived. Hey, what's up? I'm Batman You want to know my secret? So you've killed your own father That's crazy. No, he was crazy and besides he may have been my father But he wasn't my daddy. Sounds less manly when you say yeah, I realized that now sorry Dad, well, we ain't there yet boy Well, hooray for everyone in there dance, you know, some of us never had a fight like the talking puppy I too never knew my father. I knew my father extremely Well, he was a Love Machine and would tell us stories about it regular Oh my gosh, we all know your dad was a hornball we get it. Everybody has some kind of dad drama My father's probably gonna kill everyone on this planet not a fireman saying about it jinks Anyways, I had two dads as well. And if I could I would have tried to save them Fuck you little punk. You enjoy in a tornado dude. I thought you were asleep It was but it was also still listening because of Batman I'm Batman What Mary Poppins y'all know My name holy crap Mary Poppins is real. What? Mary Poppins is a woman High Priestess they met in the cafe again typical so predictable When they see what I've created here, they're precious cafe. We'll be ruined I Think I shall call him Martha Look like we're done You sure we got all the alien tech. Yeah this probably the last of it. Here's a bright idea Why don't you make sure it's the last of it before you? Accidentally lose a truckload of alien technology to a potential supervillain just because you were too lazy to safely run this department of damage control extraterrestrial salvage operation You don't understand I have a daughter that makes it okay for me to break the law The idea configuration for this scenario, so why is that even a feature 15 Jaren what's going on up there? The Chitauri core has detonated and caused structural damage to the elevator. My friends aren't there Don't worry, man. I got this I'm just gonna climb up to the side and hope there's weight at the top or you could just go in the entrance and catch Them from the bottom. Oh, yeah. Sure. That'd be way easier You're really smart. You sound just like Peter Parker who went missing earlier. What who's Peter? I don't know who that is Thanks for the advice. I'll see you later How we doing Karen great job Peter you are Don't mess with me kid I'll kill you and everybody, you know, I love Liz Does that mean you're gonna kill your daughter? You win this round spider-man I'll kill you and everybody ready armed. Hey. Hey, do you like super strength? Because I do the goal me it appears that you don't I mean, that's too bad. Yes, that must be really embarrassing for you I said Don't mess with me kid why because I'm back Okay, we got all this super valuable Avengers gear packed up and ready to fly now, let's just hit the autopilot mode and trust It's gonna make it to the new base without any problems. Here's a bright idea Why don't you make sure someone keeps an eye on all of that gear instead of assuming nobody would want to hijack and steal everything? on this ridiculously expensive cargo plane Okay, fine I Was wrong about you I think with a little more mentoring you'll be a real asset to the team To team. Yeah to the team So when you're ready, why don't you try that on and I'll introduce the world to the newest official member of the Avengers? I've always wanted So now I'm gonna venture can you believe it it's so awesome Isn't it awesome Tony? This kid hasn't even graduated. Yeah, dropping out of school to fight crime. You can't just live with the Avengers Kenny sure he can I gave him a suit and said he's part of the team so he's part of the team Yeah, gave a teenager a weaponized super suit. Am I the only one that thinks this is weird You didn't even like talk to Aunt May about it. Peter is a minor this feels like kidnapping I'm I'm gonna have to take you in Tony Iron Man be Superman now, that's a billion-dollar idea But I wouldn't want to publicly destroy you so I politely decline you can't you you couldn't destroy me Do you think I don't have kryptonite tank missiles up my sleeve. Do you? Friday put kryptonite missiles on my to-do list, please guys. Listen, he deserves this. He's coming home This is his home and I'm a great father figure for him You are luring a minor to the Avengers and making a replacement Iron Man. Yeah, he's got the iron suit and everything No one is replacing anyway. Oh, really? How come you put a parachute in the new kids suit, but not my suit that's actually meant to fly, huh? What's up with that? That was a design flaw. It didn't occur to me until Spiderman. Do you have a parachute in your suit? You're pacing me aren't you Oh Dan Oh, mr. Stark. I don't want to replace anyone. You know, that would just suck Yeah, it does suck being replaced sucks a whole lot. Now, you know how I feel Guys, I'm really sorry. I I guess I just feel so lucky You know, it's been all these reboots and do-overs, but I made it I'm finally home now and Now I know they'll never replace me. Yeah, don't be too sure about that What are you doing here you're not a superhero I like to sketch people in crisis, it's you Oops not that one this one you so mean I'm just a janitor. You look like a smart boy. How'd you like a job? Sure Excellent, then you could start by grabbing that sword right away kind of the key to this whole thing So I want to leave it behind to get stolen Oh No Don't worry everyone. This is just a minor setback All we need to do is extricate ourselves free from this ginormous fear here and then we can get back to escaping. Let's go hard I'll know the ship is perished. Looks like we all gonna die here. So everyone the revolution has ended Come on It's over brother you're lightning and Led Zepplin have failed You can't defeat me oh my god, but you can I said, but he can So novel ice giant So I left them all and got the heck out of there And then I defeated all of them I'll take that. Thanks No Let's get this party started Hey, are you doing someone's looking? Hella fine? You can't defeat me no I can't but she can Smell possible darling you have no idea. What's oh No, I was just like a Hey, you guys were supposed to leave promptly. But instead I'm detecting even more interdimensional activity. Who is she Neal? Soluble sister. She broke my hammer. She's going to destroy us God and who knows what else? Okay. Well, we can't have that game I said kneel before your voice She's going to be falling for a really really long time. Okay, now you guys need to leave The cafe okay fine, so The doctor fixed my hammer how sister is falling in eternal at this I'm gonna be the king of Asgard and everyone is happy and good Isn't that right, brother? Yes. Everyone is happy and Good Hmm, this is weird. Yeah, I'm not comfortable with this. What's wrong Batman? Don't you trust that I'm a good guy now nobody in their right mind should trust you. Why because I'm bad oh, sorry force of habit, I mean because you're Loki My dear Batman do you think I'm going to get people's hopes up and then ultimately let them down when the time comes Yes, what do I look like the Justice League? Very me permission to punch your brother in the face Oh Denied I'm joking. It's a friendly joke you like Jokers, right? This is all wrong. He's not supposed to be here. Yeah, can I just turn back time and make things back to normal? What do you mean everything is back to normal brother and I are together again. I have my hammer. I have my hair I don't have a girlfriend. All right, that's not even a problem for me. Everything is back to normal except What except father except pork is still missing well, I forgot I'm not sad I wonder where he is There ain't one. Ah, yes you are I Just can't get enough of this maybe it's because I'm so force T4 that further are you there soon? My name is to China I am the new king of Wakanda and the black panther. I'm looking for my father and the ancestor. Oh Sorry, this is the large section. The position is right over there We are shooting at us luckily, our car is bulletproof. Yes. Now I climb out into the open to attack you're going to what Price getting away. I will begin another catches Alexis don't be silly brother you as the car disabling devices you dummy all rights. I forgot we have us This black panther Exactly just poisoned. Haha looks like you did not check what you put in your body What is going on here Captain America, we are having a disagreement What are you doing here? I was just coming by to see how Bucky's Jesus costume was going We are a little busy at the moment Do you need any help? Okay guys now is apparently not a good time let's just come back later Oh No You have saved my life, but also killed your brother who was a treasure to Wakanda. Yes We will speak nothing of this. What about the boy? We should leave him, I don't think that's a good idea we should take him with us Yeah, I think if I grew up here I turned out a whole lot different We would not let the mistakes of our fathers define who we are together We will make things right. What do you mean I start a violent revolution No cousin. I did not mean NATO trip. I'm just play Let's start by giving people the tools to better their lives. Yes, we can build a school right over there We can provide medical and technological advancements over there educate the masses improve our way of life and get these to a Cafe. Oh Thank god. Oh my gosh, you can afford a cafe. You know, this cafe is nice It's like nothing ever happened Yeah, apparently vibranium just fixes everything. Yes. It does. It is really quite convenient and seemingly give up on a fixing anything Would you like sir? No, thank you. Jack man. I'm good because I'm bad Besides something tells me you're gonna need a vibrator with us. Why is that? Yeah me and rejoice Murthy is upon you Just a feeling Is there anyone else here who wishes to challenge for the truth Time for the day Walker to take back his day Elect higher games, huh? They're gonna love these
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 7,804,230
Rating: 4.893908 out of 5
Keywords: Infinity War, HISHE, Marvel, MCU, How It Should Have Ended, Compilation, Antman, Spider-man, Ironman, Captain america, animation, cartoon, parody, entertainment, comic books
Id: lPn2wIu_TRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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