Markiplier Plays Scrap Mechanic Survival W/Friends (FULL TWITCH VOD)

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chat told me something waiting are very true apparently the f-bomb was traced back to the 15th century and stood for fornication under consent of the king okay I choose to believe it's all true oh boy you're gonna want to crank your fov up yeah I saw it out 50 star no solid 5-0 how loud is this also wildly inaccurate okay there we go boom ah fov graphics fine good excellent just guessing I don't want this check down all right fam how do we play this together they don't have a half-asian face setting they only got full Asian I'm sorry it's a tragedy why all these faces are kind of squinty like their eyebrows are heavily furrowed this one also none of them is pale enough to be me if I'm honest hmm you gotta have that pinkish leap pale sort of complexion I think this one's pretty close I think I think I think this worst I call it being Dutch oh my god the facial hair in this game is so sick yeah in what way dude you've got to get yourself some of this 1930s era holy [ __ ] they don't have just stubble I can't do the full beard myself you gotta have the douchebag mustache or the flying high stache or the goatee stache oh it's all it's all such winners they don't have a middle-aged balding hairdo I guess let's go full bald yeah all right they don't see you wait they're not they're not out here for you they don't see you I'm sorry this is total aside but on the way to the bathroom I saw I thought about how like when I was playing World of Warcraft we would never say I'm going to the bathroom we'd say by Oh be I oh and yeah at first I thought that meant bathroom in and out but then when I asked functional exactly exactly but even that doesn't fully you would have to you still have to take that and be like Oh biological function oh it's a biological function to go to the bathroom oh I need a bio it's like it's very IO is a broader term is the thing yeah yeah it means I could getting a drink I'm getting uh you know whatever all right so I can in I can't invite you to the game oh no invites a play okay I'm invited I have a world I mean I'm inviting you to play with me okay I am looking at said invite I am pressing said invite I am loading something okay I am sending in your body yes I have never played this game is there anything I should know I have zero hours in game either so you know we're fine let's be fine it's my biology teacher bio doesn't stand for back in one no it doesn't that's what I thought I thought it was something like that like bathroom in and out or something like that because I would say it every time I need to go to the bathroom but no apparently it doesn't mean back in one it made no I only know that because I know it in the eSports context and a lot of like streamers that I watch that play game seriously use use that yeah but that's honestly I always just thought it meant biological that's I'm almost positive that's never had that if it's changed it's because I haven't used that term in years so it might have evolved like but back then when I play it in like 2004 five six seven they meant biological function then I got you to a tee that's straight up way to the weightiest thing I've ever seen thank you good moving kind of stuttery did it did bob has the crazy mustache daddy scoops Bryn they screwed daddy scoops they call me daddy scoops like the brown hair you do you kind of look like you kind of like my grandpa thank you thank you hey can you tell me if granddaddy has the scoops the granddaddy got the scoops oops are kind of lacking where's the scoops actually her you okay okay so we're gonna want to go in here yeah yeah apparently who'da thought with your mouth you you asked that with your mouth oh I'm sleeping seizures while you're trying to sleep we're sleep weird rate it looks like a dog dreaming there's a fire in the eye I also discovered something horrible wait if you try to move your camera so you look lay down look through my head you have eyes in the back of your eyes you see always eyes in the back your head that one okay out there oh this is our crash ship okay I guess there's nothing of value in this ship full of technology that's only mostly destroyed have a wood man calendar back here I mean it looks like me kinda I think it's me scoop scoop shot what kind of calendar is this with 10-day weeks this is [ __ ] microwave is usable like another planet or something right yeah oh look what I can do to the radio so that's great man that's good stuff really back and forth there on that okay sure we yeah play the game oh sure so it's the survival game so I'm assuming punch a tree right well we spawned with hammer which is convenient so maybe hammer a tree I guess and I'm hammering it oh it is oh my god you were right what's the survival game that's whoa the tree really just explodes into okay what stop rolling away from me fire then get more stuff out of the ship I'm refining a log oh yeah wait how do we it's this refine yeah I'm holding it down I got oh you got to refine it Oh interesting oh [ __ ] oh you like like turn it into link lumber you Whittle it oh my god I'm getting attacked by a little adorable thing me he's a robot guys come here what oh my god Wade's getting attacked by his adorable that's not adorable at all all right hello wait I'm refining his spine hang on let me just refine this bad boy in just something ya asked for are those fun back wait alright i refined that into blocks of what is this that'll do you guys want some bright metal once of what there sell this is a shop a shop all right this is a lot of stuff all at once yeah also why are we so short we're tiny mins hmm oh you're right it is a shop it's like crops what are we spending where are we typed by robots cut dub trees a shop we're in a beautiful place its glorious here I'm just getting some wood my dudes yeah I did automatically rehe lied lost a lot of health care in that's right yeah but food yeah probably takes probably Fila careful how do we get food and water what do you think we eat in this world probably planted probably planted kill the cow bobbum chase them toward you eat the cow kill the cow kill this guy oh we don't necessarily want to refine all the is Bob is charging you holy geez it is get the cow the cow's udder seemed to be on the top of its head that mad beasts take its this is a fastest animal I've ever seen oh I got it I hit it right in its scoops oh my god that's right what do I owe no idea what it sounds amazing confetti oh I've got two lifts do we start with toes yeah we started with those what is happening over there with an utter on its head exploded into confetti don't ask questions I am literally asking questions if you pull if you pick up the logs and then place them vertically you can refine them without gambling away like I discovered it I'm already on it where you were killing a nutter on her head separately on her head like I was actually making technological advancements over here all right all right no I accidentally just hammered the thing further for myself stupid fool yeah stupid fool wait alright so what did we do with the wood I'm assuming they'll build a house or something or I am in survival yeah yeah yeah like minecraft minecraft like Minecraft I like this mechanics so far this world seems very interactable yeah it's nice its pleasant I didn't even I didn't even change my title or anything mods to do that for it don't change the title mods but I mean what am I doing with my life oh my my stream has been called three pins in a pond the entire time anyway your string come true I don't I don't want that well it embarrassing typo mark you wanna join me the pond mm-hmm the scoops are fine ask bring those scoops over here rock down here we can hit some people are apparently having lag on my my lovely stream here got a young for bit rate mark my beautiful stream is apparently lagging I believe these are lies these are lies that your Internet's bad and you suck don't even try to believe me son me bunch of bunch of fools that's what I say anyway what's going on in this pond why apparently chopped down the world's largest tree in the pond it's not coming in the pond come in our pond nye will not come into our pond I refuse feeds in a pond you know it's what I'm learning about Korean is they they use the verb to come for everything and they don't realize what that means in English or has colloquially to be understood as so you know if they show up someplace like I came it's like I'm commerce when so much to me about you you now know Korean culture thoroughly handful even they're doing like the things you can say to your dog but for the sledgehammer wait come here wait come here wait come here look at look at look at Bob from this angle what what am i doing come on man sauce in my rib here come on oh so you're just sauce in something why oh come on really put that wood to work all right anyway sorry come on very mature so I'm like half thirsty can we drive guys we're just steeping in over there or what I don't think it has anything to do with you you're right it does we should we should start that's not that's not funny all right is there like a crafting menu uh I see backpack scrap wood block okay I can place this is much smaller than I thought this is all right wait but did anyone try drinking the juice from the juice pond there's a bucket over here is that good I have a bucket now you know I can now throw water on you oh wait we can we can put the fire out in the ship I bet okay let's do it and what good would that do dump me of like a person I haven't met I met across yes Hey look at that gonna need some more master battery to proceed though it's in doing what is L okay in the bottom right it says inventory something and something what does H and what is L H is how to play oh there's like a tool oh there's we need that so bad desperately need oh all right Oh camera in out that really jumps from how to shift to sprint how to build a vehicle Oh Oh No yeah is this conflict oh you know it's complicated Oh No No no no my creation fell over this requires power it says oh oh you can pick up almost anything what did I do okay wheel okay here's the thing yes I get there's a tiny box Tim everybody licks you'd make that tiny box Tim Wow okay all right we got I think we got to go to that building in the distance and take stuff from there I don't think we make that you know like wheels and stuff I think we got to go get that I'm picking I'm picking up okay so there's a battery slot in here if we put the battery in the ship something good happens or something okay so we got to go get a battery I think I just stole a bunch of parts from the ship I now have like what is this a switch a headlight toilet paper short pipe I think potatoes potatoes or food Oh all Bob we're heading to the house I'm coming house you guys have a house this is my place I claim this therefore it's also our we souped together I made soup with you and you would betray me like this I got a carrot a circuit board yeah new trying to really quickly put your left down to a place required bearings wheels driver's seat in gas engine okay bucket if you hold the right click on things you can pick stuff up connect it all go use the connect tool on this structure but did you see the other structure yeah that's your structure that's yours this one's mine this one's mine don't go near mine go to yours I stole a bucket from you did my bucket yeah I think your bucket this looks like you can only be good for me to go to ah I'm started well probably cuz our ship didn't blast through it Sun carrot seeds we can play our own carrots now well yeah I drink this that's the best thing you want to hear from did you drink it food gave me thirst didn't the robot Nation attacked alright very enough everything changed when the robot Nation attacked hmm I still have never watched Airbender or I haven't either I just know that's like a meme or something yeah the history of a horrible massacre the hands of the Fire Nation what a meme I have a circuit the board you got a dumb that's what you get you got wait that's another robot guy over here alright I'm about to do I'm about to do something for the sake of all of us I'm about to discover if there's fall damage no there's no fall damage guys oh well that's reassuring yeah good there's nothing it didn't hurt at all did you feel your guy wait are you dead you were finding an arm yep the petty come back that you couldn't think yeah man yeah alright I have 10 potatoes great what happens if I put them on the ground I've got lots of seeds I've got lots of soil whoa that's a scary one oh you got it wait you got it I've kind of become a did you just take the ludos nice just for finding an arm mm-hmm that I found just over here he's just unarmed what I found outside whenever I got weird that you would keep be still be talking weird that shut up to build a staircase this guy stupid man you seem to be on the 3rd or oh there is Fault damage I'm no no there no no no sorry I'm so I'm in need of so much liquid in my life right now I got a liquid you want liquid it was called but it was good you want liquid I got liquid for you yeah consumable like why do I do it's it's looks like a paint bucket I swear it's not I swear it's not a paint bucket left mouse button eat I trust you game oh oh that was pretty look oh that was great liquid that feel my hunger - you're welcome dude oh you're welcome bro so assuming we need to get vehicles I guess yeah I got one wheel out of whoa you didn't tell me that was wrong as well do weave does anyone that way so what all we should maybe do an inventory I have a component kit how do I do that used to upgrade interactive parts unlock circuit board I got I got switches I got headlight I have one wheel I made it I guess I guess we need like I would say maybe at least three wheels yeah I've got one wheel as well I have a bearing we need that for the UM what for the like for the things let's get all this [ __ ] I've done trying I can't just I got it I got I got some gas from up here there's some metal arms I'm gonna refine but that's it for up here there's nothing else besides that I guess we're just gathering I guess we just need to get things from things ya know and then do things with it yeah yeah and then defend ourselves from robots I think I wait why is there a timer in the top left oh it's a it's the time of day says 136 looks okay I was like oh no yeah I thought for a second the Blood Moon just pointed out alright it's fine it's fine my dudes it's fine my dudes dude my dude dude it's Tuesday my dudes why didn't I make that joke last week I think so yes I think so good I like I like repeating jokes then everyone remembers how funny I am every time dude that's a big-ass tree yeah the streets absolutely just I wonder if it's too big for our sledgehammers looked I found how is that we shook Hill for no apparent reason oh yeah mark these things blow up into confetti when they died I don't sew a tattoo it son shake on them I think that means ism company oh it does have laughter's on its head lying on you my dude oh I bet we can can we like milk horrible oh my god guys if you destroy the corn it explodes into No are you guys harvesting the brain juice or what I'm not a problem I want some of your Jew what if I hold a bucket up to you can I fill this will fill fill my bucket fill me it's moving in my face mmm I really don't oh don't show me that that's not what I want I really don't like you you look gross and concerning I got like some flowers that's nice better than a head milk pigment flowers oh I bet that's for painting or something I have corns yeah yeah baby if anybody gets hungies I got corn oh you weren't kidding these corns are huge yeah you smack them and they just give you the give you sir kind of friction and buoyancy wait there's a robo man over there hello whaling around coming coming this way how how these guys kind of sucked these robos where are they coming from I so I know what the description on the store page said basically so this planet was populated by automated farming robots and for some reason these robots that are supposed to be farming the land for us so that we can come like colonize are going rogue and and attacking us and we're intended we need to defend ourselves and use their scrappy bits for hilarious building construction purposes these fun pieces they didn't hurt I thought yeah I hit an I hit a a hive and it just bees everywhere I thought I was gonna die oh let's get a Wang on it a little bit see what happens wait you're muted by the way I don't fear no not meaning to do that all of us hilarious jokes that we just missed out on I know well I do hate when we miss his jokes I do too anyways he still muted maybe he died though magician rang true it's got a little gold dot in the bottom left what a little dots in the bottom left indicate dots rarity maybe yeah I was thinking I look at yours different things you've got like the horn is a little at the bottom left oh yeah I would imagine that's like rarity or something like marks thing he's got an orange dot so they're rare bearing or well it's green blue green blue purple orange right usually something like that you got a legendary so we need more like wheels and whatnot we need to be finding the vehicle yeah who's at what we gotta go to the buildings the buildings has most of the boxes the building over here or what is this oh there's a concerning thing over here it's a saw it's a billboard okay it was just really for blur oh there's robots yeah well this seems to be some boxes out in the wild but I don't know how many verses in buildings it's like it's like pop G you got going to building salute you got to go up inside stuff yeah you gotta go inside the things you found take a look you so what happens if I eat this corn I cannot eat this corn you can I can place it on the ground whoa the building I got a tote bot nice I don't know what this means I got another component kit I don't know what there's like a full ocean with clams and stuff in it oh can we all we can make boats and stuff too I bet I suppose we can make anything cuz we just put it together that's why everything we can make a boat out of corn we can make a corn boat boat I bet we can make a corn boat because if corns got enough points oh I'm ready to get air oh no I'm not I'm not over there well this is a delightful place but I really wanted to be racing around on a zum-zum by now this robots really going after this cow whoa oh oh wait no edibility yeah like I can see how buoyant everything I get is but I can't see what I can eat oh my god this underwater is is subnautica esque scary it's vast and terrifying these things horrible dad II need a Mitch stop hitting the cows motor I just pick up I just picked up crude oil off of underwater oil geysers you just happen to pick up a bottle and now I got some oil is that what the oil rush was like back in the day people to pick up bottles of it minted gold bars jugs of oil just like wow man back at me today was a great time what you're not Bob where are you Wade you win so are you sway the hell out of here I'm I don't have any I have things that seem like they would be food but aren't food uh-huh like corn well I have something called a walks take a walk steak WOC walk steak I can place it but I cannot eat it don't see okay yeah I'm in the hell out oh he's fine he's fine he's got no problems do you got problem wait hey there's a bucket over here no food no water no hope I got a bucket for one of you to weebs dude waste over here oh did I just go in a big circle I found the big tree again but now I realize that I might have just gone in a huge circle unless this is a different big tree component can consume things you just put it in your hand and then like left like to eat it basically yeah naturally existing water it seems delightful no yeah I'm not dying of thirst I'm in shrubs you need them one another shake if you have some yeah I do where are you you're real far away I'm coming I'm over by where weight is now I got a bucket of water just in case you know just in case someday you might be able to drink it and then I exploded them mark I'm dying okay yeah come towards you hi you're dying died I'm losing one health per second because of shoes okay okay okay I'm parched oh yeah so food is an issue I guess how do we process this into things right okay I've made circuit I've got circuit boards I've got components what the hell the if you can't make the components into something else like a like a desalinator or something or what do you do with it all bananas all bananas just says whoa you can put yourself in third person can you cow hitting C puts you in third I don't like it okay how do I put it back I'm just going to farther out now don't like it it says up and down how do I interact with you I heard something maybe I should look at the tooltips for food lift adjusting left arrow keys okay controller no food food food food food shop have no idea I doubt we'll ever see a shop like that again head back I don't even know how we would get there just this way keep the ocean to your right and run uh-huh and good luck you could get lost we weld tool sledge hammer lift connect tool actually I guess waiting for the fire there's got to be like a fire right right I found a ploy yeah no I mean like I mean to find this [ __ ] let's fire just so you could see it yeah I got a pretty good nose for finding ships I can smell a burning ship from a mile away it's uncanny very strange got from a Pappy underwater stuff you can grab yeah Bob did for a second he said it was true yeah I got some crude oil and whatnots yeah pretty nice deconstruct it no I'm okay I might die oh Jesus do you have any more of those shakes or we know I'm low on food okay no we can't sustain ourselves on shakes alone well I know but how do I get more juice out of the cow brain don't know bash it in its go you managed to juice a cow no I never killed a cow that that's just the things that mark has that I've been eating are called the thing that's tattooed on the ass of the cow that thing's got some cake that's a cakey cow does MooMoo got the scoops scoops doesn't play anywhere how to make food and it says all this other complicated [ __ ] but all I want is food in my life yeah I've got so much corn what do I do with the corn do I turn it into ethanol for fuel why can't I eat it I told you man you're real far away your ambitions for getting back to the ship were stupid oh oh oh oh this doesn't even get up there good for you you've left us up here to die see my name uh-uh my plan when I was married next to you yeah well didn't mean that I was gonna follow you when I found a building over here that I'm trying to get in dude so we can get supplies so we can have more staff the building does seem important but also death yay we died here mmm good to be home [Music] criminy krob oh that's so many of those dudes do you have carrots wait cuz apparently yeah you won't air it my problems thirst more than food that filled a little bit of hunger and a little bit of thirst for me eating the carrot that bought me a second or two geez I drink these chemicals not desperate are you in pretty desperate you got to go in buildings to find food or maybe put seeds in the ground so that you can actually beets give a decent amount of water red beet yeah beets will do that beets are good look look I'm gonna do my best to nurse you guys back to health with all of my findings but you know it's just uh yeah though I'm not gonna find a lot I found what did I find Oh give it to the cow or something because II I got paint ammo all right they're eating grass bro they don't need I don't need nothing what do I do with paint ammo this usually use it in a paint gun obviously I know but how do I get a paint gun well that's a fair question the more paint ammo gasps anything is there a crafting bench that we don't know about is there like possibly is it ship something do we need the loot no I placed my lift and it didn't it nothing of consequence seemed to happen I'm not sure yeah lifters are just on walks age age is like the tooltip thing I've got a lot of soil here blasted those up what did that do Oh hidden in the grass I see I see or the hey interesting so if I cool cool what school you learn in stuff you're doing stuff nothing useful all right good this gotta be there's gotta be like a crafty thing or I'm finding a lot of seeds I got a lot of beet seeds so if I can find a way to plant some seeds for beets we will be in pretty good shape I've made it to the top of the building wait look oh that's something huh yeah is there really nothing at the top of this building are they serious good tonight my dude I don't think this is right Bob I try to make something I mean we could easily look up this information but I feel like it should be in the game so some components put these potatoes in the fire oh yeah interesting idea then nothing all right why why why what if I put this meat in the fire yeah do you got meat I got meat steaks baby see the cow Halsey you go test their theory how's eat corn do they shoot milk out of their heads when they get a corn in them they milk at you violently if you feed them corn all right let's try this it does not take oh maybe you put the car down and bait the cow and then you milk the cow you supple suckle at it's yeah well it's eating the corn it's not do oh it shot it out oh my god you feed it corn and you get get cow juice out of the cows load it out of its head wait we got to find some cows like right yesterday mark where's your cows dude I'm in the middle of a forest I found a forest cow you keep going further away yes keep going further away a little pasture alright as a way that I was going I ran into cows I swear I ran into like three or four cows over here in this field yeah we're fine Julian goes why can't you guys can I guess oh we got some cows here baby dude I'm swimming in milk oh god I'm rubbing milk all over me oh god just wait for it you'll see you'll see the glorious moment when the milk is born good milk yeah here I'm putting all my corns down come [ __ ] this good stuff is good thank you oh my god so much milk is just oh my god I've got three milks oh it's so good it's good stuff is good stuff if you have three milks stop picking them up you a-hole I thought you've gotten a few hold up one milk in my head have you been drinking it though I'm like fully I'm topped up baby what drinks on you idiot you're dying I'm dying but I didn't drink any milk yet why bless you corn seeds I have 20 more corn in my inventory yeah I think you just find the corn I don't think there's seats before cool wait what do I have what is this I have carrot seeds carrot seeds and I've got a I've got swell bag carrot seeds and tomato seeds and a big thing of potatoes I I've got soil bags have got carrot seeds I've got red beet see I've got beet seeds which are good for a nice stuff nice nice nice whatever you turn the milk into cheese or something nice nice nice but we got him doing a gallon challenge all right I got live milks now so I'm I'm stumped stashed up there's to work out of here that have not been getting corn that I whatever we're surviving hey wait look over this way come here and look over to the left of this like stone stuff do you see shimmers in the distance oh yeah this way is there a compass in this game I would love a compass let's go check out the [ __ ] would just straight-up love a compass or something right here what is this I wish I knew what you guys were talking about oh we have hot bars oh boy you have multiple hot bars if you hit f1 f2 and f3 apparently you can have multiple hot bars set full of stuff oh well you know I'm harvesting up this corn baby now that we know the C world horn don't cha know I'm harvesting up these corn don't you know what that was I'm making fun of you because that's what it kind of sounded like that I definitely said that you're I did that count of funfetti earlier I told you whatever we were just experimenting but then you did get meat so you got it like milk them for all their liquid once they're out of liquid then you get your meat what's what's that cow making no more to eat all right well now I feel good that we're not gonna just die I don't feel like we're worse crap mechanicing anything yet no no there were some ones I think we must have been mark hit a beehive and got bee wax yeah I got that why you need it you need be wet oh it's for these wires can you try to figure out the soil stuff yeah I may head back to the ship is the ship in your base of operations or we building something nope we can make like beacons or something from you guys maybe we should go towards mark and mark should maybe go towards us I'm going towards you I mean so we can go along the coast here Wade we're we worked our way back to the water well I am going along the coast toward mark the different parts of the ship screw this you need you need to stop latching onto the ship and start grabbing onto dreams that are waiting for you out in the woods I didn't get a chance to clear my internet browser history and it's on the ship you need to go fly out of the nest yeah but the first thing I delete my browser history pathetic priorities man pathetic what what could you possibly have been looking up that we would be shocked by I uncle Scoob uncle uncle scoops scoops only comm three scoops net oh man we can find a woman with three scoops the mythical triple scoop this is the building I went by no what are these shimmery things in the distance what is this so far from what I could tell it's where someone was harvesting something didn't pick it all up maybe yeah I think it's just like you can see like luta bowls boxes stuff like that way in the distance and arms especially I think they glow cows are you ready to feast your feast yourselves mmm hello friends hello hello friends hello hello use the lift for something what do you use it for I need to get up oh you can lift yourself well that makes a lot of sense of course I'm trying to get max juice out of these cows here yeah wait lift please I need okay so I'm gonna look at this playbook okay so one okay so there's build a base from blocks on the lift place or acquired bearings wheels driver seats okay we don't have bearings we don't have wheels we don't have driver bearing one wheel I don't have a driver seat but I do have one bearing one I listen man calm down how do you make them calm down how can you how can one turn this into that I'm getting milk rich over here I hope it doesn't spoil cuz I got like 20 milks coming my way good good good weed good but how we do this is use the connect tool I don't where is the connect tool okay there's a there's an L by Mary are you seeing this on the bottom right there's a great output wait we must need to make something must it's probably on this no its logbook that's not helpful helpful no no no [Music] is that a different burning fire guys that migrates and sense of direction might not work in the night so we don't have we don't have an engine of any sort do we we don't have an engine we don't have we may go get boards the components it's gonna be that it's gotta be that right okay I'm gonna I'm gonna K to win this [ __ ] I'm the caveman I'm gonna put a circuit board on the ground my god damn is T posing and I'm gonna take a component Kannamma put it on there and I might hit with a hammer did I do it yeah yeah yeah did I I didn't lift it it's the problem I didn't put it on a lift oh yeah then you put this on that and you'll hit it with a hammer [Laughter] Oh what if with it okay what if I put a lift on the lift I cannot it's just impossible really it seems like no you cannot you cannot oh well that's disappointing what if you put two lifts side by side and then you and then I get on the lift oh all right I'm going back to the ship I'm going back to the ship I'm going to battery battery we can take where would you find a battery the ship Oh interesting okay so mayhaps if you take that battery but I believe it's pronounced battery Oh battery sorry me me on a or battery so Canada we put it in the ship then the ship will put it to automatic fire suppression system out and then we will be able to use the ship to be able to make the things that we need to make medida when it's so convenient that those cows are bred to just shoot milk in jars out of themselves what what are you doing wait what are you doing every battery appeared what oh I thought you already got it look at you had a good walk don't put water on the battery no it's the thing oh I saw your icy ice yeah good I got good news I got bad what did you do you need more water water didn't work once water didn't work oh I got the battery didn't need water it's not the right clink ah it was just sitting right there in the fire okay all right then let's go wait please don't jump off of this wait no there's no fall damage I tested you know call the image there's no fall damage come on would I lie would I would I lie ask yourself that would I lie no no no big pop scoops thank you thank you thank you thank you what's happening sheesh it's it's popper school it's the come on is gonna be ridiculous all right wait let's see this happen let's see what we should have done the first for two minutes all right over here all right so master battery oh oh I see yeah there's a diagram telling us what we should do I see second sonic connect tool I'm crafting my own connect to well you get only one of us can use it at a time oh man all that time we could have been doing that you guys can you leave me all of your like you want the ammo or here's chemicals that's probably useful yeah like your parts tab and just tuck everything that's parts and all I make with a Hawking and here's some gas to pocket my dude Oh over you you need hang on it's wait it's not those it's I have some seeds there you do something about those I tossed the topsoil in there Bob somewhere it's a glue clamp clam glue I don't need that stuff I'll take the Gators all right smart so smart boss mert easier I can can I just connect anything to anything how does this connect to all work it is it is funny that all of the things that apparently we needed to get started were right by the yeah now we have now we have lots of goodies and I can just craft everything we need right oh no problem we got that going for us no problem oh no Tsz more you know I'm saying I've already said what you were saying so I know the craft bought hums a delightful tomb while his crafting and it's kind of awesome your bucket he's all what did we do crafting the thing for you I've tossed more stuff on the ground for you Bob could I borrow your bucket yeah I've got a bucket for you yeah hang on hang on oh oh you didn't mean to buy these you just pick them up they're not purchase mortgage it's that's how many there are the number is how many there is oh we're so dumb guys were so dumb could have picked them up at any moment they had a wheel why do I still only have one wheel the wheel ahead oh I have a crap wheel and someone had a good wheel I see I see I see what a scrap wheel close call yeah yeah yeah I have to okay I have to scrap wheels I just only have one bearing got it guys we have a lot of gasoline no worries hi there's more than 11 there I thought I'd been done I thought I put down tons down there oh I have a stack play I've we have 31 gasoline's ye ye ye look like you can't see it dude right now but I'm doing the renegade and out of excitement I know what that is renegade renegade one of these this seem to be absolutely smooshed alright so these will be the carrots boom pow boom right uh all right there was some gasoline sitting in fire thank God the plastic container was in didn't melt so it could combust or fine guys everything's fine oh I'm putting extra milk in this cabinet here so in the in the in the cabinet in the dorm room there's some extra milk if you guys get in a hyung goes coming on alright sounds good sounds good all right I have a scrap engine I have a driver seat I need three bearings and then I can wait make it an authorized farming depended what what what did I do an authorized Fargo an authorized farming farming what did I do I didn't pay for the DLC I got this farm off a torrent for me alarm alarm wire that's called is it I think it but maybe I got too many maybe I planned too much cuz it only happened after I planned so many yeah you could have gotten away with two rows but Sergey went to four you greedy [ __ ] I can't believe you thought you could farm on this very inhabited planet Oh God no robots robots angee the robots are Rangi that's not good I forgot you don't want angry robots that's right that's the whole thing of this thing right grope robots angey the robots don't like the farming that's right we just have to survive how do we defend what's one of these things is an engine what the hell wait wait did you take my bucket yeah I needed to water the crops oh you had a bucket you had a bucket buckets why do you have four buckets we have 10 hours in game until robots come kill us give me a goddamn bucket well we have one we of what 10 hours 10 hours until robots come kill us how do you know that there's a timer on my plants it says yes here I tell you man look this game got a lot more stressful la quickly when the crops are ready to be harvested timer popped up I correlate between the two that that's what that means okay so you're guessing this time run the crops is for the robot murder and not the crops Pig harvestable you're laughing no one else is laughing Wade because yes that is exactly what it is guys we almost have like a vehicle here can we just keep can we just focus on what matters what does matter what what doesn't matter what is what what what the matter I'm not sure I can't put out this fire why this is gonna be the worst proportion vehicle you know I'm working on it I'm working on we're more of a more of a bicycle than a car is that where we're dealing with over here no it's baking pan look I'm learning okay all right had some issues I ran into some production at kerfuffles look you guys are all I'm so glad you guys are having a haha fun time I'm staring it in big red letters eight hours left until like the police come to kill me fairly certain we're gonna be absolutely fine what what what evidence do you have to that what I want evidence because I just said I'm fairly certain we're gonna be absolutely follow I don't even need another wheel what am i doing listen you guys want to go for an inaugural car ride can't I put out this fire up here yeah yeah I do I'll go to the car I'm making some seats and then we're gonna have a fully-fledged device that we can all go for like a little family ride in we all need to sit or we stand in with our hammers oh hang on I'm making seats what does making seats mean to you what does that sound like I'm doing mark with this horrifying farming yes I'm making seats for Mark's farm scenes like you could break down the steep for more seeds or something look because we're a family there's gonna be a front seat in the back seat okay and someone's gonna have to someone's gonna have to take the El I got the inaugural mug thank you I show the wheel off this wheel barrel I've got another wheel all right we're good on wheels together extra wheels well here all right all right hang on so all I got to do is guess this bad boy up oh my god you can take anything wait you can take anything what oh the engine power no I don't want to do that okay there we go I put gas in the engine hey wait you want to go pick mark up do it oh wait hang on I got a I got a pick up the lift so that we can drive this bad boy you can it's not how what are the hang on hang on there what are the what are the controls here may have goofed cuz you don't know you know what I did that's stupid okay I have to change the connection type oh that's not a thing I want to do how do I break that connection okay do you need to lift it back up maybe that doesn't need to be a thing oh wait I don't have actual steering things on this that's the problem what mark calm down take anything mark what are there nine hours turn to five I need to look I need to look at the thing one more time place the lift build a base from blocks on the lift is shown place the lift on the ground Oh place required bearings wheels driver's seat and gas engine connect all together using the connect tool okay you want to put the bearings on the oh do I maybe need to okay wait I may have made a goof in the way that I place these hang on hang on hang on hang on just go ahead and lift that baby lift lift this bad boy up a little bit hang on it okay and then just pop these off here and then I might need to create little this is gonna be a be coolest ah like this up coolest yeah yeah and then put that down there and put that down there and boom and bam oh yes and then you use the connect tool to just slap that bad boy together did I not put a did I not put a bearing on this I didn't put a bearing on this hang on I'm a special kind of idiot there we go ooh there we go now you just slap that on there how's that looking the bowels gonna be a little perfect it was a way to test maybe I need to turn the I'm going to turn the engine power up to max cuz whatever okay the lift might stop us yeah I'm gonna pick up the lift oh yeah I have oh the wheels are turning in opposite directions just a moment just a moment just a moment okay so the connection tool that one's going that way that one's going that way okay the wheels were working against each other got it guys three hours okay the world don't worry mark we're really getting we're really getting this sorted out I think oh my god oh you know what wait I think I think I might need to sort a couple more things out hang on let me just let me just get these off of here and maybe I need to just put on a little yeah take those there mark run our way okay any second now okay you guys we are about to start just cruising out I like how you're just sitting in the seat way I'm just ready to go you know just excited for this trip it's coming just just you wait there are enough seats for all of us right there are enough there are there are good good good good good guys you can pie got you I got you dude you could pick up anything heard I heard that somewhere yeah I'm really scared though two minutes with those crops are ready or I mean when the robots attacked we're gonna be in a lot of trouble we'll be fine I'll be fine wait do you seriously doubt my intuition that these robots are gonna come kill us you don't think you don't think you don't think all right Wade you ready for this yes let there be the front wheels aren't turning yeah the front wheels aren't turning this is a true this is true guys I'm stranded out here at the farm mark we're coming why is this life why is it like this need more fairings oh my god you coming you coming are you going okay I need more bearings am i doing this wrong how many bearings he put on this has four bearings with four wheels should work go away there's the bearing block there possibly it's time really really getting low mark don't worry don't worry I need to craft some more stuff we'll be there in a minute uh-huh two minutes tops hang on I'm just gonna teleport this over here real quick whew nice and then hang on don't worry don't worry don't worry don't I'm out of Matt's I'm Matt's right um indubitably Jubilee I need more metal mats do we have metal wait you have any metal I gave you all the metal I have other than the lift and the sledgehammer um Morgan if you have any metal no oh wait so so what Chad is saying is I need to break those connections and then this will this will work I just won't be able to steer okay listen I'm gonna just I'm gonna line up you're gonna line us up that's not what I want to do come on come on we're just gonna wrap this around and then put it in reverse there we go there we go that's the direction don't worry mark we're gonna help we're gone the way I'm just here mark look look at look at how good my car is mark [Laughter] [Laughter] thanks thank you thank you control yeah you know it was cargo space that's why I had to be so big you know what I'm just gonna bring this bad boy back to the ship mark to God when I saw you coming horizon I knew my life was saved you saw a material coming to rest yeah sure did I sure did we got there you know we got there man we got all the way there it's fine I am lucky to have you guys to call my friend I'm lucky we your back my dude you called it I didn't trust you but you called it yeah yeah I understand what I did now just be clear because one of those problems you couldn't have known before actually trying me that's the thing this is what engineering is about yeah absolutely yeah sliding you hear me yeah yeah yeah funny but I was pouring out tears I was less oh oh good good good I enjoyed my creation so thoroughly me too me too me too yeah yeah as well as when I was fashioned all of those robots away from my plants I was like I bet this is gonna be great it's gonna be so good when I see this it's gonna be worth it am i right it did it made it here's day and you made it you do this don't like this farming thing they don't like it at all like a nun all right let me just let me just hop in and give it a little test wiggle that's promising yeah that way okay okay we're gonna you know what wait we're just gonna we're gonna do it live oh this is better you got something well it's not yes yes mark we are coming in hot ever boy oh man we really need some way over the back tires they're drifting it drifting baby the power Wow speed ha ha look at us hang on I'm refining I don't I hope it don't miss it when you come flying in that's so great easy thank you thank you it's good to hear you acknowledge it I didn't know the human body could sustain such speeds you actually ran me over in your face but I think we can all see what I've accomplished here I can see it we can all see it we are adjustments just so it's a little bit more stable it's yeah I know I know anybody want the three beats I managed to salvage my creation and show our carrots I got four carrots I got three beats and four carrots oh hey Mark here got something for you mm-hmm don't spend it all in one place ah thanks thank you got your back bud Oh Bob I like what you're doing here right right now it's like a now it's like a hot rod now we go let's go sidecar yeah yeah so now Matt and then we connect these bad boys archived on the right man just yeah this what you two made it one block planned any of this get in there Oh perfect on fire I have made the steering slightly backward I'm inverted controls it's starting all right the engines are out of gas you got gas in there oh it's it's out its out of guess what have you put two engines on this bad boy hmm you know what I kind of want to do that [ __ ] miss sinner to illustrate how clunky these tires are they're just like you're not impressed yeah how did you how did you withstand the brute force of his genius heading here occipital lobe why is this fired why is that where would be put out why are you have you that all you've been doing try to put out a fire all the fires get supplies well of course I was the fire was in his way Oh was it Bob is that what that what um you know what I'll give it sure yeah buddy look black that we wanted so this fire to spread and burn down Bob's creations been getting out or something you know check the vehicle I think we all know what our precious resources here I mean it is called scrap mechanics so I'm assuming the you know that makes sense I have like a good wheel yes you put that on well it's not really good though is it no why what the g-forces my viewer my sweet person all right cool alright but no more laughing this is a serious matter yeah when do you need us to drive over there give me like 10 seconds okay hey you guys I take back my compliment you [ __ ] ass wouldn't it up I don't know if a fence is gonna help at all but like the problem is my knee-high fence didn't exactly you know the top right over that bad boy in two seconds I forgot I built a grave for myself just bury me how are you crafting all the farm stuff I don't I'm curious oh no no honestly it's all just like plop it on the ground and water it like there's nothing you need to build I just built the fence like by placing it I don't do anything interesting yeah don't be don't don't think I'm actually talented yeah definitely not but but alright engine is being crafted kids twice the speed I don't know if anyone's gonna be able to live with that can I connect both of them to both wheels or should I connect one of them to each wheel that's front front drive and real wheel real real real Drive calls it it's it's it's tough time on the farm it's real tough on the farm just gonna tell you that stuff oh yeah no more fires ground level boys Wow not to brag but to do it was me good good job good job buddy good job buddy thank you thank you alright got the final fire what engines here kind of like our detector where we get back all right what happened to me help thankfully God finally smote wait it stopped what do you mean I'm hopeful all right we got a four-wheel-drive vehicle now my friends with I mean oh hell yeah yeah yeah I thought so yeah hang on I'm coming back I want to see this oh I should probably set both of the engine powers to the same she'll this I'm gonna feel it I'll leave it on the lift so you can admire as you oh wow and hey evened it out oh no you didn't you want it you got it you got it buddy thanks man thank you thank you for those bad boys on there put my thing there hang on it's coming together just give me a second I got it where's my wheel there's my wheel no that's not where that goes uh there it is and then I just gotta connect I gotta make sure I connect the right ones which which which wait how did I do this why is that how this is connected hang on there may be some goofs happening here no no it's fine it's fine I'm going back to my farm don't worry we'll be there little pick you up all right pick me up it's fine yeah we're ready we're done mr. impatient you ready for a ride in the machine yes fantastic machine how fantastical we talking here I think you saw how fantastical it is I haven't seen how fantastical it could be all right I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming we can put a trunk up we can put a storage container on here and it's like it's like a traverse pick up the slightest bump Wade's chairs gonna fire it up it's perfect hang on one of the wheels this be in a real a-hole oh yeah I can see that oh it's you okay I got it okay we're fine oh they're turning into each other never seen more jank wheels in my life look at the speed dude Lewton monster this is nice that fence anyway it's all good yeah brother all right where are we taking this bad boy this is definitely faster than running yeah this is definitely taking out both of my fences I didn't want those fences they are garbage right you're right you're right okay you kept your fence nine destroyed mine hang on just give me a sec good it's fine yeah sure yeah of course it's fine yeah yeah you got it Oh baby good promise I think everyone will agree is unmatched yes absolutely crews look at clearance I like to feel the road there what was that when fires on this path anymore they're so hot spicy moves why aren't you going forward to vehicle I think it's a little fuel inefficient just know we've only used up like six units of gas oh okay so it's little anymore so it's like six units to a mile is that what it is great thank you no I will acknowledge it could be better well yeah up in space oh my god this is a really reaching the full potential of this game I could I could have been building up a fence to my farm you know so we don't starve but this was drop me off you know drop me off we gonna yeah oh you know what this might have not been the best path hang on this is not the vehicle these moves these moves oh my my camera died okay I gotta go get a new camera battery I'll be liar I'll be back it's okay we're gonna be there in no time by the time you get back we'll definitely be at the place we're going yes oh yes action that's four wheel drive machine is an absolute Ripper oh yes boom and we are here perfect what an absolute unit we have here oh I'm dying I don't so I've been so busy being a genius engineer that I forgot I have to eat and drink things be careful pop I'm fine oh here's a deafening mark drop for you Oh made you drop ten minutes ha goodbye wait can I put these on here oh I totally can that doesn't do anything but I can they're like my they're like my fenders you know yeah yeah oh yeah we're gonna put some headlights on those puppies I have one headlight is that good oh yeah yeah yeah where's my headlight I thought I had a headlight maybe I don't have a headlight beeswax paint ammo glow stick mmm I thought I had a headlight did I not did I get rid of my oh here it is oh yeah there's there's no grub or gonna have one dead center headlight oh yeah boom that way no headlight action hey just like around little metal pieces on the ground everywhere like Mark was saying that you can grab everything he was referring to ark I made it better hey look at that look at the front yeah Oh counterweight there we go no way oh no look at the very front look at the tip if you will oh god you guys haven't done anything to help my crops he's gonna build a better fence just so you know they can't get to him the fence if you look at it okay what a minute yeah I saw the counterweights is good that's so great that's great man that's just what you were thinking yeah I was thinking like something like that just to know I just need enough for them not to be able to jump over it right away that's a listen what's the dimmer on this thing actually do oh it doesn't get brighter okay yeah it makes it the dimmer so silly I don't like it anyway you can stuff up in a line to just refine down the wood and stuff yeah it's nice it's nice it's nice nice it is nice it's a lot of work to get 10 wood things out of it considering how small they are but I'll take it I guess yeah we have like a gate in mind are we just gonna wall it all up but now see I back up so you might as well wallet in completely right I mean yeah actually that makes sense wait do you know you can place more than one down at a time hold left click you can like spanned it out feeling on right well the odds are gonna be flying robots back your concern is them hip-hopping they're way over they can't hip hop that they'll never be able to hit my bad robot I can't handle vehicle yeah what if we run them over what if Bob you're running them over whoa yeah Bob what if you're running him around good are they gonna attack me if I'm in the vehicle how could they you're so fast they'll never be able to get to you upgrade the you need some more green yeah what do I do you met up green if you look at it with your hammer parts on the car say upgrade but I don't understand how to do that weird down on either well - bizarre oh I could've made it like fence style but I didn't have to do that oh well yeah we could just cut out you want to just do one wide or too wide what's your I don't know I haven't figured out my vision I'm so stressed you're all in my business it's marking a play time I don't just gonna do it the way I want to do it do it whatever well the pretty just want a peekaboo window on my you can't get through oh you can get over oh they're coming they're coming alright where are they coming from I'm in the vehicle I'm ready looks clear I'll go coming in hot yeah yeah oh you gotta mind it oh it's coming for ow ow God alright don't worry guys you gotta you gotta refine down their arms you gotta get these arms these are over here by the light they're literally in the light what about the ones that you killed that works boys don't have arms oh they just got heads here guys I'm gonna make some steps alright right yeah take some tomatoes you guys want mater's oh hell yeah haters chomp on those yeah they give a good amount of uh here take some of these that goes well that was for Bob because he didn't get any Wow step your way right on in here suddenly unless you're a robot then don't you do it yeah you know ya know you know you keep the be stopped up here I'm gonna refuel my baby cakes maybe I need a wheelie bar maybe that's the problem I think I need a wheelie bar oh that's smart yeah I'm gonna just go ahead and want to do like this we throw your water thanks man I don't like the way you said that but okay well that one made it in how do you know if it's watered or not oh it turns darker I see oh well alright so what's the what's the logical endgame step after this is the question that's it baby that's it we've done it we done did it we done dit we dumb idea Philly bar my dudes now I ain't going backwards no ways no how oh hell yeah you pop a wheel on that wheelie bar I ain't going nowhere actually I don't have another bearing do I damn it I do have a wheel though yeah you just need a wheel it doesn't need to do anything dude need a wheel let's put it like that now it looks like it's supposed to be there yeah well I found that now that I see it I kind of hate that hang on hang on I can we can who can do better you know mark if there's anything I've proved it's that my engineer genius oh no bounds no bounds whatsoever sir no bounds oh yeah that's why they call you no bounds Bob look at how that looks I just want everyone to marvel that's brilliant that does look good that does look good think of braces cross braces are for nerds there's no physics in this universe Bob is just a habit of yours to make everything one unit off-center why oh this it's not my fault how wide your [ __ ] is you did this now you put the stairs not centered fine you want me to fix it I'll fix it I don't want you to touch nothing I'm your engineering genius I mean fixing it fair that didn't that fix it at all hang on yeah and then you just build one of those and then you get rid of that now it's symmetrical about that fair's fair's fair no I don't I don't like it thank you what if imagine that spirit if we would have made it one thinner instead of one thicker we could have been mad all of them things around the whole perimeter of the thing be exactly to gap in the fence you see what I mean you see you see you see that out now I don't like you I'm out of what am I done there we go you're not even complaining about the fact that my top stair is only one you're not even complaining about the worst thing I do [Laughter] all you've done is made a ramp for the robots to get into my crumbs you know when they get here you just be all big up where'd I do plane I want to get rid of wait a minute there we go it's fine the robots home you just be all we got what the [ __ ] was that go I just it just made a place sound but where did it go oh that's a great stuff here about a great stuff Bob okay all right what yep those clothes for me I can't go in yep can't go in good robots can't jump we know this farm yep yeah that's if you get mark are using the miracle girl I used it all up I'm taking the Beast Oh give me a ride do you want a ride baby seconds before you gotta be back you better stick around uh you know what I kind of over farm and I don't feel like it anymore hey this actually does handle a bit better a little bit more weighted doesn't quite slap itself around as much yeah and that wheelie bar that really helps it's doing something probably yeah all right I say we take this to the corners of the earth and we're gonna maybe need more gas never mind then we go I'll go back to the farm let me see how much gas we got okay so I got crude oil figure out something to do with with crude oil yet is there like recipes that we need to get for more things to make or it's unclear to me you know what to be honest that's unclear to me right good panels what's this yellow panel that says views that we don't seem to be able to use is there more stuff in the ship that we're missing yeah what is it what does anything about I have some circuit boards do you need them for something I was gonna try to make a connect tool just uh also have a tool Oh probably craft you one maybe yeah I got all that stuff it's crafting to you that I can't seemingly do anything with it wait button what what can I put the button on anything wait there was something ride book about a button I have I can make a button I have a switch can I place the switch on anything I wish there was a slightly faster way to get wood blocks cuz this is nice too lining it up but it is time-consuming it is oh wait there's a microwave what if I put potatoes in the microwave or something oh that's that yeah I've got the potatoes on me you guys want potatoes I picked up the microwave I did not mean to do this because I set the microwave down on its ass why why are you like this cue rotates things well you probably knew that I threw the microwave on the ground right it rotates things but not in the way that I need it to hit it multiple times it's only spinning it but it's setting it down at a weird-ass orientation ooh I'm so confused there must be a way to rotate it there was a tooltip about this yes help me hi many tooltips about things that we don't fully understand here probably probably probably barring lift connect tool driver's seat engine thruster thruster oh boy a thruster that's what we need and threat can you make a thruster huh [Music] oh I don't think so I can open this panel here can you try it already I don't have a button I have a switch but that's why was I can craft a button so wait there's a you've got your tool right all right I'm crafting a button we'll see if the button can do something are there any huge graphics anywhere that are telling us what to do and we're just ignoring no but why do I hear a brand member benamber the guy the guy who craft stuff oh yeah have a button I mean this game first came out in like 2016 so there's gotta be lots of stuff to do right oh yeah oh wait oh I can connect the button to things but there's nothing in here to connect you I don't know I don't know what the deal is with this panel I put the microwave back thank you how'd you switch it around the right way what have you I press Q - you did sure you did Bob show you all the things you did and are able to do I see it Wow yeah extra thing it's confusing right sure is I think we have to cuz the only other way the thing we can do is go out and find stuff right I guess dude let's do it let's go should we go the other way yeah maybe a different direction yeah we're gonna go the ship ship nose way all right cool raps Adam what I said [ __ ] you to the cross oh yeah we harvest those big rocks yeah rocks Oh bing bang backfires I didn't hear good thing Bob some more bees you know I feel like another engine would oh really I really got this thing going I don't think we could have handled that amount of engine an hour hey well she's trying to casually run down this a-hole oh well oh there's music I didn't know there was music in this game in bong music what a nerd huh the robot behind us oh is he chasing oh what a silly nerd well that's four than you suck it I'm gonna tear just want to see something oh don't do that come on now come on not like this but this is in style as a stylish stylish oh there's some Moo cows kill them yeah seems mean apparently yeah yeah there's gotta be something to get a better sledgehammer to get a better engine to get better wheels like there's gotta be recipes or something it's gotta be we just needed to check more buildings that's all we really had we would see some tall buildings I guess I shouldn't have gone down oh there's a tall building hmm I think that's the one that's by the base yeah I think yeah I don't think that's [ __ ] wait there's a clock tower to the left wait there's something it's like a yellow if you go straight left straight left straight left see nestled in there well that looks different that's not yeah that's all around there's a way up damn that light really blasts it I know right so we're gonna see everything except tonight it doesn't do [ __ ] you don't know oh it's a rock I think we got to climb it hang on all right hang on let's just give it a chance you know oh yeah there is a path down there I think to the left fair enough uh-huh yeah and close my eyes I trust you can I move okay there we go close your eyes oh they're closed they're closed this thing's got some pep what is this ah our cue the Beast out here and oh there's bad guy in here are you trying to a douche out Frick you wanna die oh cool you drop the circuit board and there's a couple arms up here if I get in there some arms right here eat ah I can't quite make that I could probably build something out to go get to it oh yeah that's right I got two more beets beets for ya all right can we have a large it I can just build things holy [ __ ] buildings Oh sometimes it was a box under the hay bales how's it huh Frick the jumping timing is you want to you want to see mark yeah always always must be what an engineer does solve the problem oh yeah that's all the what's all the wood I have unfortunately hang on I can solve this problem with never mind I can solve this never mind I'm up there was nothing up here it was worthless there might be something at the tippy top of this but I don't know where'd that go I need those two blocks them well they're gone forever okay hmm oh this the gas situation is suboptimal ah there was nothing up here as it says it turns actually the guys situation is not so bad yeah as it turns out uh our ability to hunt things is uh not great all right are we moving on where's Wade I don't know where we turned down the power on the beast here yeah yeah yeah yeah too wild I passed out a few times back there jump it right off here yep there we go [Applause] the gentle landing ride of cours of growers of course this way yeah how the hell do you harvest the big stone is there like a wiki there a Wikipedia we can look up I'm driving some Wade get it you know Wikipedia scrap mechanic I see a building maybe in the distance oh yeah yeah I see a tower oh do you the windows Swedish games doing publisher acts a lot games Dutch Walmart oh yeah very good very good very good Thank You Terry that'll be a pig that would be some kind of building way the hell in the distance yeah I see that I see that oh oh so the survival mode is brand-new ah survival mode only came out in last Thursday it's kind of angry at us buddy you can't do anything it's a slight noise oh how do you like them apples oh no new components oh I can't turn the engine off cuz the good drivers seat I can't I move my new wheel movie how about you move the chair over to the it's not a driver's chair oh okay I think I can get the engines off now inventory all my inventory is full can you guys pick up the stuff so as it turns out that's kind of dangerous day holy pick up the engines and the bearings Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry I got the wheels got the bearings got him got him got components in the wheel oh that wasn't well alright good stuff want to make a flips on the back oh my god was on it hmm all right good stuff good stuff holy [ __ ] what was that my hammer one time oh really goes hey there's like a floating fairy in the distance literally a shimmering fairy oh it's a robot never mind I'm an idiot it's got along Sparky tail it was a fairy okay well that was an actual travesty yeah that didn't go so good and also I hate to say it but I am outta time but we barely experience the glory of the game I know I know guys I know three tiers like the left please I know I know but I'm sorry what is this a shimmering fairy oh this don't we murder robot mock me don't you mock me you mock me oh [ __ ] marine food don't mock me are you guys gonna keep streaming uh I'm definitely gonna keep streaming yeah yeah something I'm gonna keep doing something for a bit all right then all right then I don't know no well everybody I can't raid Bob but he's over at slash my scream I will raise Wade but remember to go watch Bob - he's over there they're gonna keel stir
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Views: 3,936,701
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Keywords: markiplier, markiplier vod, 3 Peens In A Podcast, markiplier clips, markiplier livestream, markiplier full livestream, markiplier highlights, markiplier reacts, markiplier plays, markiplier gameplay, markiplier twitch, markiplier vods, markiplier with friends, best of markiplier, gameplay, uno gameplay, twitch, twitch vod, full livestream, vod, stream, Scrap Mechanic
Id: oCUiWgwuUrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 43sec (6883 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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