Kingdom Two Crowns :// Markiplier Twitch VOD

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dude join face I God I failed I failed I failed I failed I fa it's not ready I failed I failed yeah that's I failed it's not it's not time hang on yeah no I hang didn't feel good calm down don't not feel good did not feel good working on it I didn't yeah I was not uh all right I don't don't tell me about the game I know the game okay multiplayer here allow online joining open friends I'm about to join on you I'm about to invite you to join on me oh I like that I like that that's good here I go join on you pretty princess here we go oh I'm connecting oh my client's connecting oh hey I'm beautiful what's up what why are you beautiful I'm beautiful you're just a dumb old King I'm beautiful so do you know this game how how much do I need to like okay so the controls are literally just the arrow keys um shift to sprint on your horse or double tap an arrow key and hold it to Sprint and then all you do is down arrow drops coins in the top right your coin purse will show up so here like I got some coins now go get some of them coins uhhuh and then this little ghost is going to tell us so here's like our town right ah so you put a little boopity Boop you hold it and put coins in and then you recruit uh peasants in brown you recruit by do tossing him a coin you have all the rest of the coins so like please there you go and then make one make one of these Builder Hammers and one of the guys will grab it wow trickle down economics really works who yeah hey man we're in charge here okay wow so yeah make make one of them boys no you have to to hold it oh God what to like there you go and then come make a uh an an a bow and arrow and one of the other guy will become an Archer wow wow and then yeah that's that's the whole thing man I'm into it I'm honestly I'm not even joking I'm into this this is cool it's it's fantastic so it's just Resource Management so what we really want to do we should probably put up level one walls so you see this little right here yeah if I put a coin in there the Builder will come over here and build the wall should I put it on the other side oh yeah yeah yeah oh this is so cool yeah so and the so everyone's autonomous so we don't control anything directly other than the coins so you got to be careful like at night time there are little monsters that come and attack our town called greed so the greed comes and they if they hit you you'll drop your coins and they'll steal them but like if you're in trouble and you're running from the greed you can drop a coin and if they grab a coin they'll just leave you alone they'll just run away I can put a coin in this tree so that'll chop down the tree so we do actually want to chop these down I'm going to chop it down because uh so one of the one of the ways our archers make money is they kill rabbits right and if you chop down trees grasslands will spawn in that area which is where rabbits spawn that's so cool so you got to make some grasslands to get a little rabbit farm going on this is awesome yeah I this game's [ __ ] amazing dude you you're going to there's so much to it too I'm used to playing with people who are more knowledgeable than me because I so we might like that we might struggle cuz I'm I'm dumb but uh it's chill have a coin peasant yeah have a another coin look at these peasants so we should have oh did you find some more peasants oh yes yes good having having a peasant camp that close is good so don't chop down those trees around the peasant camp would never I'm out of gold anyway so it's good here hey you want some gold my man you want gold wow where did you get such Bountiful riches can you actually make another uh Archer of oh Archer of course and over here on the right the greed are coming hey so I can't charge I can't trample them right we we can't do anything there are mounts later that do do have special abilities oh please archers uh we want to stand back there you go I got it's mine I won it's all mine well thanks you're welcome so anyway so the basic economy is we want to build people up right now right so we want the oh [ __ ] drop a coin flee what okay he took one of our one of our bow and arrows he stole it from the Archer so we're good oh well that's stupid why why if we had multiple archers did you guys not protect okay I'm going to make another Archer here did you upgrade your fence to level two cuz it seems seemed bigger I just I don't know no I want to be they're both the same no yours wrapped around like yours was wider mine wasn't as wide that's that's just aesthetic yours does that no it it's not no yours is way wider nuh yours is so much wider look look how big yours is so big all right I'm going to go do stuff so during the day dur so during the day we need to go out and explore um so I'm going to go to the right and I you can go to the left there are going to be like chests of coins and and stuff out there oh I'm going to go to the left find any yeah go left oh oh no sticky keys why is sticky keys still on [ __ ] this uh anyway but so what you're saying is like even if so I should shouldn't so everything's hey look there's a big [ __ ] sign that says Kingdom wow that's oh it's this sign is crumbly what the hell why why are sticky keys on no wa that was awesome no no oh it's getting stick Keys should I get back um it gets dark when you get into the woods oh okay it's probably not night time oh it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine there's a bell but yeah don't don't go too far well how far is too far how do I know what too far is uh if you feel like you're pretty far away you may be too far okay I found a chest I think yeah when you walk past it it should just why are sticky keys on I'm going to kill somebody dude I found so many coins diamonds what the freak are Diamonds oh gems gems are useful I don't have gems why windows I I've already changed the setting in Windows why okay the mountain portal is to the right um so they're taking my things ow my butt oh no are you are you getting are you getting I'm real far dude I'm real far come home come home come oh I'm coming home but my horse is a little CH drop coins my horse is a little Tucker if you if you find any grass patches uh if your horse eats some grass they get some more stamina but only like bright green grass not like Mossy grass so horse is kind of picky I might I think I'm okay I dropped a coin they seem to have gone away yeah if they get a coin they they give up on you my horse does refuses to run anymore I uh I may not make it home to tonight Bob you're good you're good just come on back I went really far o a coin dude my my sack is so full of coins I found two chests I found two chests uh should I make more archers or should I upgrade the camp we're good I actually just archered us up do the here we go boom um okay yeah careful with that cuz sometimes that makes the walls go away cuzz the walls automatically upgrade with some levels but we're good we're good oh okay all right we're good what is this rock so you can build a little Archer stand on that it's not super necessary but if you want to like experience that for fies yeah I'm doing I've got so many coins dude I probably got gamebreaking amount of coins right now bro dude dude yeah you could like invest your coins in this game there's like an investment banker and stuff and I don't think we have too many coins I don't think that's an issue yet I've I've got too many coins I don't think so I didn't know you know I don't think so you come across a game where you're just like a proy at it automatically and you think to yourself like holy [ __ ] I found my calling and that's kind of what I did so you know just let you know 's another Builder oh this got one I already got I already got I already got one I already got another Builder already did that I told you I have literally so many coins dude so many coins dude you don't even understand how it's such a good feel it's like I this is must be what that Robert guy when he was playing chess that one time and he found out he was really good at chess I think that's what I think this must be what he feels come come with me my king I'm out of I need to shove grass in my horse oh just okay no it's really tired I got to I got to eat grass it's just I have to come come hang out if you get a chance no what do the dirt piles do please those are new places where you can build walls so you can expand your [Laughter] just to let you know are you going to come see what I'm talking about I'm coming I had to I had to get grass I told you all right so the the way the way you progress in this game is this is a ship right here you see the coin thing you have to pay to like get the frame up and then invest money in it to have it built but before we can do that we need to like solidify our camp a little more but so you actually go to a new land you go to a new island when you build the ship and you load up with Builders and archers and you get on it and you get your Knights get on it we have a long way to go but there's there's there this is only the first world of like seven six I could I could invest in that I've got my sack n n my sack is n n dude my sack dude keep keep your big sack bro oh you what did you the bunny spawns okay well you you bud what did I do you built the wall way the [ __ ] out here what do you mean what do you mean I I don't know it makes it makes the grassland spawn go away I think what we'll see we'll see you want you want to keep you want to keep your bun Farms oh oh can you do that excuse me Mr your money bags coming through thank you oh don't mind me I'm just the third P what oh what is up my peen you were dead I am yeah we keep telling Chad about how you drowned because your house sank oh I've been shreding water for 48 days that's weird biblical but cool oh yeah oh yes the locusts are pouring out of my anus at this point well it's about to be uh night time my good dude bro well we're playing that game that you hate uh like uh o Farm no no no don't do that what I don't need a farmer until you can have you actually have a farm we don't have a farm well I didn't know I was just like all right waade listen now we have to build a farm now we have to BU F okay whatever waade you wouldn't criticize me like this I hate is that Kingdom two crowns yeah it's Kingdom two crowns Kingdom two P listen waade Bob's being real mean he's saying I can't do things with all my money I'm saying you shouldn't do things just because you have money that doesn't make sense if I have money I should do it I've got a good use for everyone's money I'll send you a picture of my ceiling real quick uhhuh okay dang you're in your office where everything's fine and don't worry about I think he's calling on his phone yeah I'm actually on my iPad in my in my living room waiting for them to fix my house I should it's fun having strangers in your house cutting holes and things and slamming stings together you know yeah yeah this this plumber actually found the pipe in the basement with only one hole so now there's only seven useless holes wow dude that guy I need some of him in my life yeah he knows how to find the hole he knows how to yeah no you're on the right track don't give up yeah yeah man all right well I didn't mean to interrupt your guys' fun two pens in a podcast it's really fun man yeah with yeah hey I already recruited all the peasants over here sorry you know I want to make sure you didn't miss any anyway wait we're going to have fun you just uh you go you go uh take a bath I guess just go on have fun great too soon but okay calm calm down man why you got to why you going to be like that why you going to ruin our fun here why whoa portal what the hell I I'm going in yeah Don't Go Near That Don't Go Near that I went near it oh jeez don't do it don't run Flee for Your Life oh God oh God hang on eat horse eat okay I'm good yeah wait anyway wait I I I I'll take the hint yeah listen listen we just don't want to talk to you I know it's not personal no actually it's personal it's very personal yeah very personal it's because of your person it's because of who you are that's what it is that's that's fair um I'm just going to I'm going I'm going to go yeah okay cool so we're all on the same pitch yeah well it was nice being friends briefly yeah yeah yeah it it was not too brief enough if you know what I'm saying yeah anyway ow I've been I'm being goofed Mark uh they took a coin uh well as long as they only took one coin if they get your crown off your head that is you die because your crown is what gives you life do I come back no well yeah but no wait a minute it's not the same you know what do you mean what it's not the same you know what are you what are you what are you saying what are you what are you talking about Wade are you gone yet oh Wade's gone good thank God I mean honestly that sucks I'm so glad that I'm not going to say that out loud I'm so glad that my life is hard and difficult and I have plenty of suffering thanks universe uh what what what happens if I go all the way left uh there will be so since the mountain is to the right that like portal that you saw yeah to the left there will be a dock with a portal on it um that you'll run into eventually it's about to be night time though you might to not too I thought no it's just morning oh [ __ ] you're right no it's not no God it's see it's night time now oh God I thought it was morning I thought the morning came I'm fleeing I'm fleeing I'm fleeing I'm fleeing as hard as I can can flee anyway any who any so these big statues in the background can we talk about them uh no okay never mind then why what what do you what what concerns you about the giant statues in the background I'm just like I've always been concerned by giant statues like who made them where they came from why they stay up you know those kind of questions are those us they're made of stone well yeah no they're not us I I still even Stone has like shearing forces and I feel like those arms just are not capable of holding that immense weight that no well just feel like that would crumble in an instant you know I think it's probably fine all right just judging by the sense of scale here those seem to be like at least if they're that far away and that big those are like probably a couple miles in height which also leaves me to believe like how were they made you know what I mean with stone oh yeah no see when you really think about it it's simpler it's simpler than you're making it okay don't overthink it they carve down a whole mountain or where there two mountains that perfectly jutted out like that or did they it's it's one big mountain so was a taller mountain and then they carved that out of it yeah yeah I see I I see I see I see okay I'm going to go all the way left okay I'm going see what happens over I'm going keep doing like normal stuff I'm want to recruit people and and you I mean exploring is good I'm not I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong good yeah it is I know it's good I'm saying it is with you telling you you were doing a good job I'm agreeing with myself I feel like I feel like I feel like attacked right now I feel kind of attacked you know you should cuz I'm attacking you for being stupid nice well I mean well that seems unnecessary maybe you should be less dumb and I'd be nicer to you on the right side over here I enjoy that our archers are walking around killing a bunch of rabbits and there are homeless peasants who are like food food or water and our guys are just like hey I'm busy man [ __ ] all I work I work for living why don't you get a job hey there's a peasant out here what do you have this lonely peasant oh I did they are really happy man what something just fell from the sky it's breathing oh is it the is it a um is it a is it like an angel thing yeah kind of I'm walking away from it that's fine that's fine that's fine from that won't that won't hurt you you're perfectly safe God damn I almost made it do a chest and these [ __ ] still come get me I don't have enough coins H that's not good but there was a chest right there a I mean I was going to have enough coins but now I don't I upgraded our town again well you know I got two new dudes what did you do what you do I got four new dudes whatever there aren't that many dudes over nud dudes they're naked they're naked are they really I don't know I just don't talk good they like seriously though this game is amazing right yeah no I love this this is so fun like everything about it is just cool like it I love the city-builder things and just like that aspect of it really appeals to me it's pretty cool hey bud hey there's a enemies on the way oh I got you oh there's a lot of themy I would be careful take my coins take my coins or something I don't know be we're good I got rid of them I mean I we probably would have been fine you didn't have to get rid of them no I saved you and you're welcome no I was pretty far to I saved you and you're welcome I don't accept your welcome so suck these archers gave me a lot goodbye your mic cut out and it sound like you said these archers gate I don't think that's what you meant I don't think that's what you meant at [Laughter] all look how cool look how to cool Our Town Hall hey pay this guy so he leaves huh huh this guy what does he do uh this Merchant with the donkey he oh he didn't oh you can't pay him right now get get out of the way thanks for giving me all the coins no stop going if he doesn't if the little thing doesn't pop up over him go he's looking at he looked at it all pay him right now there go I did I did I did he he's a merchant when you pay him he leaves and then he comes back and gives us more coins you're a merchant oh hey this is the banker Mark come say hi to our investment banker I don't want to investment bankers no they're B this guy look at this guy in the silly green hat what what is this here watch scoot scooch away scooch away watch what happens when I give him 10 coins suck it under his skirt no he fills up look at in the bottom of our town hall there's some gold the gold piles up in the town hall if you invest with the investment banker and then he'll give you gold back later because he's investing it what do in what stocks bonds how's he divers is he just sitting in a savings account like is it at least a high yield like you got to give him you didn't you got to give him some more where's the I don't have anymore I gave him all I could no I don't have any more either hang on I'll get some more where where do you keep keep getting more I want to get more if you The Archers pick up the coins when they kill the rabbits so if you need coins just go chill by The Archers and they'll drop Co hey [ __ ] there we go hey [ __ ] there we go okay all right all right I filled him up he's investing look look how the gold piles up no I'm I'm going to fill them up fill you there he goes well that you have to he only does it he only invests if you give him 10 so now he's just going to take our money and stand there like an [ __ ] wait but what did he just steal my money what do you mean no he keeps it he keeps it he's just not going to invest it oh I got a bunch of Ms over here hang on I'll top them off I'll top them off we're I've been trying to get Ms this whole time I don't I'm not going to explain to you I it's the fing Works you're adult the farming it's the farming isn't it yeah I'm not stupid no the farmer doesn't do anything because we don't have a farm why don't we have a farm literally just hangs out all right you want to build a farm yeah I want to build a farm you see that little waterfall there you got any coins one two three there we go yeah hang on there we are so come come over here this little waterfall is a farm build build a farm it's not a farm it will be a farm but it's not inside our walls I'll make more walls I don't have any I don't have anything I got that okay Fleet of Builders do your thing uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh Wang Wang jamble it together wait so this is a farm no no the the waterfalls are farms that's the only thing Farms a waterfall is not a farm cuz you need the water for farming you know you you just why why are you challenging the game I'm not challenging the game I'm challenging you the game has Integrity no the game's fine I just challenge I'm just telling you how the game works waterfalls are not Farms waterfalls make farm Farms because you need irrigation to farm and water irrigates that's how water does that's how mafia works all right your your logic is sound okay you're all right that makes sense all right I'll watch this side even though I have no coins make it more fun see what's going on on the other side farmer Farmer farmer Farmer made another farmer my dude my dude archers please for God's sakes okay my dude woo my dude made another Farm left side's clear you made another Farm can have another Farm made another farmer sorry farmer okay farmer Farmer we got to recruit some beses we don't have any beses where are we going to get beses to the right there's beses I'm going recruit some beses I'm going here we go recruited recruited dude a recruited bring bring him home I'm bringing them dude I'm bringing him watch this it's s it's 7 o' the banker just gave me a bunch of coins bro but I invested too where's my return well you just got to go stand near him and he'll vomit some coins it's cool it's totally cool literally if you just like stand on him he'll he'll I don't want him to throw up on me what about these deer why don't we kill and eat these deer and turn them into gold so they if you can kill them they do turn into gold but uh they're hard to like Chase there is a there is a way to get the deer that's pretty cool but I don't want to ruin the the the surprise for you you're H yeah I wouldn't want that either it's fun right you're fun thanks dude you're welcome that felt like an insult but I feel like I know that I am fun you are fun you're oh yeah you're fun I just feel like my original strategy of going left was has been thwarted and now you're getting all the treasure you can go left I'm I'm not doing anything you're do I'm we're sharing we're both in this together you're doing something two crowns two crowns but it seems like both crowns coal branches of government okay it's like that Office episode the episodes where they had the co-managers right yeah and then so much got done cuz there was two people doing it yeah right yeah it's just like that it's good all right you have lots of money right no do you yeah wait do you how much money do you have uh no not not a lot you know normal amount this guy's not investing this guy promised me it was a sure thing hey you know man sometimes a sure thing is not you know no that's what they that's what stock that's how stock market works s that's what they say hey my farm upgraded itself I I may have done that no man wow no your farm you built your farm so good that It upgraded itself bro did it was my Farmers all the farmers that I got they were really into it you're killing it I am I'm killing them right now well they're dead that's not nice all de well that that's rude everybody's dead I'm not dead am I dead everybody that matters when are these Farmers going to give me some goddamn money I'm sorry what huh what happened uh you said everybody that matters is dead but I'm not dead oh you know Mr Builder you could come help with the ship situation where are you are you back in Camp I built the ship oh no I'm to the left I built the ship okay I was about to say cuz I didn't think you passed me oh [ __ ] oh boy Builders Flee for your lives okay you good never mind fixed it I had to pay him off but it's fine okay so long as you're good that's all that matters to me well if I die will I be important is that how that works yeah yeah yeah that's how it is and give me all your money first I just want to be well you know you know I don't have very much money I don't know why that's your that's what you're basing it on why don't you have enough money because I'm not a billionaire playboy YouTuber Markiplier septic guy that's me that's I know how your life is you know you know the glamour that I have I was in Forbes you know I saw that I seen that apparently mhm all right the ship's built what you ship bu why are you still out there isn't it dangerous oh my God this is so much gold oh did he just explode gold at you yeah he sure did wow that's a lot it's fun right it's fun right he just keeps shooting it well if you keep standing near Banker he will continue to give you yeah he'll continue to do that why that's his job man dude that's he invested he real how does he do the thing where he turns money into more money that's incredible I mean there's like a set return on investment so dude you only get so much but you should rein you should at least reinvest once with them once you once you've withd all of it all of it all of it all of it all of it in all of it all all of it in all of it in take all of it wow oh my God I just tried to recruit two peasants and one of them took both gold coins like such a dick well I mean if you just threw it on the ground and tell him to go go for it I'm pretty sure they're just going to scramble for it fight for it I want one of you to die dude this Farm isn't exactly productive it'll it it'll it comes and goes just they only gave me one coin so I feel like well that was that was a bunny that got killed near them that wasn't the farm the farm puts out more than one coin you'll be fine I think they just gave me one Wade's not streaming cuz he died in a flood yeah it was real sad we had a big old about it whoa sorry sorry I oh God what' you do oh the boat's leaving no you're fine you're fine you just got you just got it in the water you're fine fine I did I thought it was I thought I really thought you just sent the boat away yeah like it needed two coins cuz I was like what does this need two that's not much ah okay oh boy should I keep cutting down trees uh you can doesn't there's not a lot of purpose in that direction cuz we have plenty of bunny farming going on so we're pretty good dude I'm cutting down all these trees I think what we need to do now is uh get ready to go for a boat ride you're you're a boat ride which involves saving up a bunch of money making sure we have lots of archers o look how full the to Hol is with money holy [ __ ] balls I told you I reinvested everything dud you're killing it right now dude I'm killing it I'm killing these people I'm killing all of us cuz I spend my money on things I don't need I'm destroying our livelihood um the economy is broken yeah what he does is he just goes in there he prints more money it's really smart way to keep money going you put money in it's pretty cool it funnels the money machine it prints more money yeah that's how that's how economies work yeah you don't need you you know what you're talking about I know what I'm talking about look at how much grown how much stuff grew on the farm that's impressive does that do anything eventually they'll Harvest that and that'll be valuable why do we got to wait it's well it has to be done growing Farming Farming sucks it's fine there's walls I forgot the walls existed excuse me I'm just going to eat by you we never talk anymore are you wife whoa what whoa why are you outside the wall no Mark what what's happening what' you just like phased outside the wall on my screen and then got hurt by the greed no what the [ __ ] I think it was lag that weird I don't even see any greed you you are outside the wall on my screen no are you are we desyncing are we are we de interneting ourselves right now God I hope so getting getting desync from The Matrix oh wow there it is okay yeah that that wow okay it's morning you you should have seen what happened on mine that was messed up man that was messed up that was real messed up all right any who are you stealing from the investment guy no I'm just going to go recruit some more peasants since it's morning oh yeah I'm going to get I'm going to get you can you can you can be you can be our invest man give me mother [ __ ] I'm just going to put it all back back in oh yeah I'm just going to put it right back in yeah it's going to be taken out and then I'm going to put it right back in yeah I don't feel comfortable with the way he's going to take it out and I'm going to put it in right out the doors and then right in the doors and he's going to take it out I'm going to put it in I'm going to put it in I'm going to take it out and put it in where is he there he is oh clip clop down the street he goes oh yeah you have to find him you shouldn't be putting it in him come here oh yeah oh God oh yeah all right watch this I'm going to put it in yeah put it all in put it all in there we go it wasn't nearly as much today as it was yesterday it wasn't as there was more yesterday I feel like that was I feel like he's holding out on you see how you see how it's like filling up though inside yeah I saw yeah but it didn't I feel like I put out like yesterday he he he pulled out a lot yeah and today are you saying you're jealous of how much see there you go there your farm yielded look at that yeah yeah yeah a farm yeah yeah but see Farms are worth it I just feel like the investment banker is holding out on me all right you want to go to a second room realm uh we can go to the next Island we should try and fill up our money bags I think we should wait like one more day and fill them up so I got to squeeze the investment banker is what you're saying did you already recruit people today uh yeah first thing this morning I went off to the right and then you're off to the left to go take my job I'll just sit in Camp and watch the kids and I wish I would stop having so much money that I was dropping it out of my bag can you do that you know that feeling my bag's almost full my bag's pretty full uh is this the Archer up ra I don't remember no maybe I don't remember I mean the green is coming my bag's pretty full we could go oh the greed is coming I need to get back safe inside you don't need that you just want that I do I truly do no you you hope for that I do want that no no no Archer get those coins and come the [ __ ] back inside don't leave the coins he left the coins he left the coins dude he left the coins yeah it's real dark out yeah so dark yeah my bag's pretty full well when uh in the morning we can we can top up with the whatever the investment guy gives us and then we can go check out that boat situation okay all right well man these guys really throw themselves at the walls yeah it's not SM I've ever SE they're trying how you going to how you going to hate on somebody giving 100% effort you know you're right you know that's just bad sportsmanship all around hey you seem to be doing some really important things and I'm not doing I'm just making sure see how we these guys wandering around that don't have bows or or hammers I'm just making sure they've got bows and Hammers and stuff I was going to do that but then you took my goal I got it no I got it I'm on top of it don't worry I already did it cuz I know better than you well okay yeah well sure yeah you know I think this is why our marriage is falling part you know I think I just want to say this is why the crowns are split in Twain you know give so right our Crown's Ren in Twain just like that statue in the background that's our love right now and the crown is like our kid and we're tearing him in half give give money I he's not giv he's not giving money hey see that's what I'm saying I think he's holding out on us it's like it's like he might be embezzling some of our yeah no it's it's like that scheme the Bernie made off scheme the Poncho scream yeah the Poncho the Poncho scream pones Lake Poncho train py stream look let's just go okay let's just he's not gonna well that's a different kind of movie oh let's go to the boat my friend let's boat it up the the wolf of the wolf scheme the The Wolf of financial schemes yeah the puss of Wall Street I think that was it that not be an outof character name for that movie all right what do we do here what are we doing uh so we got to both stand in oh wait what does this do it's Bell it's a bell man oh it loads the ship up look at that [ __ ] oh wow all right let's get it get her in all right so let's both go stand I guess in the ship then my bag's real full yeah it's fine we're I think we're pretty full so if we both stand here and then one of us pays the man oh I got to pay why hey all right whatever you know what ooh wait do we not get Builders with us uh there's no builders on the ship did I do this wrong uh nope apparently here we go y this game is so cool you have to pick you have to pick the next Island I think in like the map or whatever and then we'll sail over there gotcha this game is so cool I love this I'm pretty sure we did everything 100% correctly yeah we we we usually do that when it's us playing together when we don't have other people distracting us we pretty much knock it out of the when we don't have certain [ __ ] causing a ruckus yeah we didn't wait long enough for the builders to get onto the boat I thought something was missing whatever who needs them yeah Builders are Builders are [ __ ] wow that guy nailed thatchers holy [ __ ] I have to select okay uh I guess I could have been selecting this whole time there we go well I like going around killing all the deers for nothing with all just going to sail slowly off into the sunset that's a ghost why is there a ghost the ghost the ghost tells us us which way I'm going the wrong way follow the ghost it's fine oh we crashed here why did we crash we we don't know how to sale we we're royalty what's that statue sales salesman look at that statue you call that yeah yeah yeah yeah salesman hey pick up the gold yeah I'm here all right so don't build any walls go hey [ __ ] hey how's it going suddenly you're here where who are you I don't see don't I'm here at I'm here at Camp God hi how's it going so don't build any walls cuz if you upgrade your Camp enough you will uh the ball the walls will build automatically all right let's just be clear about one thing left is my territory you stay away from my territory okay okay bud I can't die I'm lagging real good it's fine everything's fine see how the walls are building automatically automatically oh I see yeah I see all right so I'll go to the right yeah you go to the left yeah you will yeah and I will and then we will and then that that's it good it's real dark in these Woods it is kind of fog fog elicious hey this chest looks Co definition I got rubies they can't fit in God I have too many coins guy God damn it I we're going to have to spend some some do I got to go back and I got to spend do and get those coins real quick cuz otherwise is going to get those right yeah well and we don't want to lose gems that's bad news that's bad so I got to get my horse is out of stamina I got to upgrade the camp and uh do it do it quick I'm just dropping coins in Camp that's I'll spend them I'll spend yeah you I seem to be lagging a bit anyway so good I'm going to go get them greed probably smelled them out but here I go I got him okay we're good we're good I got rubies what do I do with rubies uh we have an investment guy now so extra Ms is not a problem rubies are like special currency they buy they buy special thingies right you know how it is oh you don't need to tell me uh but also they take up space in your pouch so now you can carry less coins well you know I didn't want to but it's cool cuz you got some Rubes what do I man I am I'm just going to dump money okay I've got rubies oh [ __ ] oh don't don't don't okay I got the Ruby it's all good okay you want the Ruby I'm going to leave you in charge of the rubies you just okay you're a ruby man I see okay it's night time okay good all right be careful I'm going get ready okay we're definitely everything's top-notch perfect no problems oh yeah oh yeah these walls are just as beefy as the last Camp's walls oh yeah no adequate I would that's what I would say is adequate adequate yeah that's what everyone says about me adequate pretty much what pretty yeah pretty much anything yeah 100% adequate all all right greed are coming shoot boys I see them please archers there you go yeah yeah ah mhm adequate what an adequate defense that's pretty [Music] good what's the end objective in this game so what you're supposed to do on each island is destroy the portals oh uh but we we need to right now our our current M like large goal big big picture goal is we need to unlock like the Stone Age so we can't upgrade our town hall or our walls past wood because we don't have wood but somewhere on this island there should be like a stone uh thing Hut where we spend some money I think it is spent some coins and unlock Stones um and what what would be helpful for you to do is if you could no Builders no if you could go um to the left and or to the right whichever way you want really I found the stone oh good can you unlock it I don't have any gold all right is it left oh yeah I'm going to come get that [ __ ] I'm going to go farther left to see if there's like a chest or something there's a chest to the right actually very close to Camp to late it's too late I'm left oh there's something that needs a ruby over here what is it I it's a Hut or something I don't know oh this looks like a Stone thing let's do it yeah do the [Music] stone go oh the builders have to come build things oh boy oh no this is um is it this waterfall that needs a ruby yeah uh you want to see some [ __ ] Mark oh always but you want to be you want to be the Big Man on Campus you [ __ ] I found a chest so I'm just getting that and then I'm going to come back okay there we go come come my oh that's a portal that just activated ooh that's scary stand over there that's I standed by it and something came out yeah that's that's pretty much what happens funny how that happened oh well whatever all right I'm almost there hang on I'm Galloping as fast as I can Gallop which oddly enough isn't very fast well it's about to get a lot Gallop here all right you ready for this [ __ ] I'm so ready what is this I'm going spend the spend the gem what what is that say hello to dear Jesus pay him the money I actually him the money and then we got to go run oh what really you are now dear Jesus wait you didn't want this I've been dear Jesus I wanted to I wanted you to have the experience you know this is so nice thank you so the other thing about dear Jesus is if you stand near a deer like if you literally just stand still near a deer yeah it will if you stand there for long enough it will fall in love with you and follow you wherever you go and then and then if you bring them towards our archers our archers will kill them and turn your love interest into Dollars wow no [ __ ] I don't get to like I don't get to like [ __ ] the deer I mean you can kind of roleplay a little if you're interested in that but it's more for killing purposes than anything else right right right you are are right is it is it night is it night is it night yeah it's night time okay I'll get back I'll get back a little bit but wow that is still haven't found a camp to recruit people from which is kind of a problem isn't that camp to the left a camp oh I didn't actually get I didn't see it I guess we more recruits there's another Ruby enabled Camp farther to the left but you know it's what it is whatever no there that's not that's not how that works yeah yeah yeah yeah it was whatever yeah Ruby things aren't camps camps are just tents that spawn like peasants okay all right I saw a house I saw a house it had a ruby could that's like a Hermit Hut hey look we got stone walls for free wow see what I did there wow see that [ __ ] wow that's what I'm talking about I'm really impressed man that's the kind of [ __ ] I'm talking about dude you are impressive you see that if there's one thing that can be said about you is that you are impressive I know baby I am impressed I think this marriage is back on track I think you and I are going to reind Camp to the right I'm just an idiot wow all right I'm going to go to Left remember the left is my side my territory My Kingdom right right side don't forget to to fall in love with all the deer okay I will make all of them I'll spray my pheromones all over the trees fall love with me there we go one one love I've got one love one love one love let's murder dears so they become gold coins okay that's what Love's all about yeah pretty much oh there's a there's a gem chest over here bro bro I mean bro there were three gems over here bro wife husband who are you to me who are we to each other brosend brosend right of course I got some more gems hband Brama what is the shrine know what the shrine is uh no but I found another peasant chat tell me I don't remember what the shrines mean this one's not Fighters is is this there's some weird globby it's like some glob farmer all right I'm coming back with a bunch of deer good murder just run run right yeah run right past the archers so the deer run right into them it's going to be awesome get like the meat grinder ready make sure the meat grinder is there it's actually pretty cool in this universe deer explode directly into money when you kill them it's amazing wow just like like in real life yeah just like in real life where you can build these great big oh I'm going to can I try this hermit HOV what does it do uh it's probably the stable hermit yeah you can get her that's worthwhile okay so I think it will she's on my she's on my yeah so bring her bring her back to Camp bring her back to Camp why is she on my great big deer she she rides with you right okay H all right my deer are coming in the train has arrived get ready for the destruction and Devastation oh I'm ready they're here they're in Camp they are in Camp archers attack not enough apparently we are a little thirsty for Archers right now we could use like 10 more there we go they're doing it they're doing it oh they don't explode they whoa whoa what happened my bag's full my bag is also full it's night time oh the walls aren't built it's night time and the walls aren't built uhoh uh guard guard the right side we might need to Chuck some coins over here okay there seem to be a lot of coins just shooting out of everywhere Builders can you hurry I I paid them off there were only three greed over here we're good okay all right well my bad that's uh that's on me that's on me yeah it is on you why is it on you but I believe it entirely I may have built the walls at a very inopportune moment like a dumb what do we do with this lady again I have no idea looks like we can give her something but I don't know why I'd want to so the way the way she works is uh she will allows us to turn a farm into a stable uhhuh uh oh actually is she still on your horse or she no she's in Camp she's in Camp yeah yeah so and then you know how you gave up your horsey to become dear Jesus yeah if you uh if you make a stable all of your mounts will show up in the STA you can switch between regular horse dear Jesus horse there are also other mounts that exist ah what what wait oh yeah we have like a castle thing now what is this so now we can have no no stop okay well oh I'm sorry look I'm sorry I mean it doesn't really matter those will become knights we need to recruit more people oh to become Knights but now they'll come and take that shield and they'll become a knight okay there was some people to the left I'm going to go left I'm going to go hit the guys on the right there's a camp not too far nice neat robust rotund I love it we we seem to be having a rare problem of too much gold which I didn't think would be a problem but that happens a lot in the early game of this you need to like part of the thing is you need to spend efficiently so you're not constantly just spilling Gold Everywhere right right right right you know how it is right I know can't hold all the money have you know how it is with me over here in La you're aware of it of California person don't you all float around on clouds gold it's really hard to take a shower every morning with L Croy and perryer like sometimes it just begins to be a burden all right I got two more guys coming in I have two guys coming in Ashwell so we really do need some more archers but we's survive we may not want grind in those recruits be all right also the knights get their own Squad of archers when they when they become Knights wow so they steal they rob from our normal archers oh no it's pretty cool you know oh H how how long does it take to respawn people at these camps ow ow ow how long wait Bob how long does it take to respawn people at the camps uh I think they spawn once a dayish oh okay okay never mind then all right takes a little while all right okay man my horse really looks longingly at me he's a sexy beast you know yeah well not sexy enough apparently where's the farm uh we don't have a very well-placed Farm in this uh current Arrangement can I expand the walls no not right now not right now right now why not why not why not are you sending our Builders outside because at night time the greed come and if our Builders are outside the wall they die yeah you're sending our Builders out to die okay you don't know that cuz we can we can protect them I saved them it's all good maybe that's maybe that's your job you ever think about that you maybe maybe that's your maybe that's your job it certainly seems like my job yeah that's what I'm saying no archers come on there you go boys really does seem like your job it does I know hey wait there's just a peasant here Mark keeps recruiting guys behind the portal and they just die oh no oh oh no Chad is telling on you wait what uh apparently you have a recruit Camp a peasant Camp behind the portals and they die when they walk past the portal when a greed attacks a peasant if they have a tool they take that from them and then if they don't have a tool they take their coin and they become a a peasant again so they're like wandering aimlessly all right let's go get him again that seems right like I believe that I believe that that would be the case of what's happening but that that is not going to stop stop me from aimlessly over and over trying yeah I mean that's what we're here for hey one's making it hey two's making it to made it perfect see chat's telling on you for [ __ ] that ain't even things it's funny you know chat normally doesn't do that so I'm really actually surprised by that so I'm surprised at you chat we're both surprised at you I have never been more surprised actually uh well to the right all there is is a portal and then the mountain portal so that's cool H funny about that did you know that already no I did yes yes I did yeah this is the Mark Mark's first time playing this game Chad that's why he does he's learning I am doing fine and I know exactly what I'm doing it's obiously going I mean we're not dead nothing bad has happened so exactly oh Mark destroyed the merchants Camp well that's not know what mer you got to not destroy too many if there's trees next to a camp or a building if you destroy the tree the tree the camp despawns I didn't do that uh I don't I'm going to I'm going to trust you I'm going to trust you Mark I don't think he did that no why would I do that I'm trusting you I would know the difference being confrontational I would know I already know actually in fact I know too much well that's impressive I'm not you're not the only one burdened with knowledge can I keep cutting down trees I mean you do you do what lights your heart on fire do you do what sparks Joy you know all right cool I'm doing it know it is doing it hope this doesn't cause problems I think it'll be fine it's only by our Stone thing and you said that if it was by a building it would destroy it but m we already know the secrets of stone so it should be fine right uh Archer quick give me the thing yeah I don't think you can lose Stone and if we can whoops we if we can whoopsies that's what I'm saying all right well we got a knight here that's cool yeah so we got one one Knight over there nice don't worry Builders I'll protect you all right all right why this guy recruit all the build out there what the F this Knight really needs three archers by himself they get they get their own archers man that's the deal that doesn't seem fair that's the deal it's a bad deal the uh the things are coming yeah why I don't know I don't know if they can touch you but they might touch you they're not going to touch me they would never touch me you're so prancy thank you prance like a big beautiful man that's what people say about me are there any bigger greed are there like bigger variants of greed oh yeah there's uh there's ones that fly there's ones that are real big there's a there's like Siege greed you a we we can go into one of the portals why and you ain't even seen [ __ ] yet cuz we have to destroy it from within how so we keep upgrading keep expanding at some point a bomb Workshop will appear and you can task the builders to build a giant explosive and then we have to use our Knights to roll that explosive to the mountain side and then we roll the explosive into the mountain portal and then we have to do some stuff in there and try and destroy it oh that easy huh yeah that's it oh all right then well okay right all right this is just simple family game really yeah yeah yeah destroy the families from within that's Bob's objective terrifying destruction huh it's quite a relaxing game too I it is it's kind of deceptive because you kind of need to like keep doing stuff but like it's real chill uh-huh I mean you don't need to keep doing stuff we could literally just live on this island forever and just fortify and recruit people and have a bajillion [ __ ] ton of archers and I don't really have to like do anything oh okay not fine with me I mean I can imagine me just playing this game casually like in my spare time just endlessly don't don't take that okay the the first ones that are single player are also super chill yeah oh yeah yeah I'd never heard of this game before you guys mentioned it let alone the first one yeah they're actually this is actually the third one cuz there was Kingdom and then Kingdom new lands which is sort of like an expansion I think or you know but is a separate title and then this is the third one okay I got two peasants they are probably going to die we got this uh no it's fine we got okay all right well I wasn't worried about a [ __ ] going to town on these trees over here Jesus Christ dud I it's the one thing I can do this is like this is like scorched Earth Warfare on the left side of our current territory look man I just it's the only thing I can really accomplish and I feel like I'm doing something I mean it's all good mostly what we need to do right now is recruit people just get people oh flee I have been been recruiting people yeah I think the greed got here guys to the left over here but I'll go I'll go bring him I think it was only cuz you were looking at him I think it was only CU you were looking otherwise it would have been fine I have to take my my there more I have to take my government mandated break so I'm just going to park in town you take care of everything there's so much more greed keep it all nice and even I'll see you in 3 minutes I'll see you I could really use some help I'll see you in three bye I think it'll be fine I'm back oh hey what' you say about la piece of [ __ ] I was berading a peasant for being a lazy piece of [ __ ] ah why is it night or morning is it almost night or almost morning it's more I think the Sun is setting right okay all right what should I do I've got some money can you upgrade the town hall a little uh no we need iron we would need iron to do that uh what we really need is just to recruit we need more archers so I recruited another guy from the left um we need to make sure we have uh bow and arrows um snat roone and then in the next after the next day starts we got to go to the right and recruit the camp that's to the right uh-huh why cuz it's much closer than the camp that's to the left well I've been doing fine on that camp to the left that's like the only thing I've been doing these days and oh no he's dead ah I'm dead who's dead dead are the p no go back run away they're coming okay all right man worry War I was trying to I was trying to go save the peasant and I as I got to him from the edge of the screen a bunch of green jumped his ass I think that's only because you looked at him otherwise he would have made it just fine I feel like you're ascribing a lot of things directly to me that that just don't that aren't the that can't that that can't you know me thinks thou does protest too much buddy here's another coin wow see it's fine I'm going to go preemptively go for the camp way over Yonder way look at all this grass look at all this grass it's a lot of grass it's a lot of grass it's cuz I've been chopping trees that is true I'm actually going to expand us out to the left over here yeah you are yeah you would yeah I am yeah you would bet over here uh yeah this is fine I'm going to expand this to right here yeah yeah yeah I know you would I know I know it I knew I would I know you I knew you would we we know each other we know I know you you know I HEI we do know yeah yeah that's it that's all I got to say that's all oh yeah two peasants boink boink easy peasy oh I'm out of coins oh dear all right well I built one level one wall and that's all I can afford that's all you need right that's all anybody needs that's probably sufficient I'm going to cut down more trees and then uh what's our next step after this what do we actually need to do cuz I have not been paying attention so we can either try and kill the uh portals on this one yeah get the get built up uh we need another Knight on the right side and then we can push to the right and try and actually if we're going to do that we need the bomb I guess but we so we can I'm I'm expanding right now and then we'll see how we'll try and get the bomb um thing to spawn bomb workshop and then we can build a bomb all right and then we can we can push out we're probably going to want some more archers so we need to keep recruiting people but uh that's basically it amass our army and then get ready ready to give the right portal our big army dick our big army dick okay all right it's a little crude but I'll take it I don't like that the the knights take all the archers they they need a man why did why did we put up three night things that was my bad I was going to say I remember why that happened but I'm not going to I'm not going to I can't ask me I don't know why I'm yawning so much jez when you're by the wall the outermost wall where the Knight is you'll see a little flag that has four coins over it yeah if you invest in that the Knight will push he'll like push out towards the end with his with his boys with his boys and stuff yeah so like don't do that unless you mean to do that you know what I'm saying oh I know what you're saying I know what you're saying I feel you I've I'm feeling you yeah I feel you yeah do you feel me though yeah yeah I feel you hey this isn't nearly as much investment as I would hope for dude this guy really sucks hey he's doing his best the markets are what they are man what do you want this guy really oh wait oh if you stand by him do you withdraw from the thing I believe so oh so last time it wasn't invest that he gave me I just withdrew everything from the coffers and then I put it all back in well so there is when you give him full Stacks there's like a there's like a low percentage rate of investment right so you do gain money on that but when you reinvest you you know you got like your 2% return and then you reinvest it or whatever right it's like money stuff you know how money stuff is Right Banks and stuff or whatever yeah I don't know what you're talking about I'm real hey you know about Banks bud I'm real bad with my money I just I kind of just I kind of bake it smoke it I kind of just like I don't know are we talking about the same thing are talking yeah yeah yeah I cook with it like I'm not good with my money my green if you know what I'm talking about um well you'll get better okay cool yeah so what are we doing today are we charging we charging the portal uh we need the bomb we need the bomb how do we get the bomb where's the bomb uh I think we might need to expand to the right a little bit cut down some trees is that what you're saying uh that that that's a that's a start yeah that's part of it I'm going to do that cut cut down trees till your heart's content my man hell yeah that's what I've been looking for it's the only authorization I've been hoping for this whole time that's the full that's the full maximum go go ahead you can't get the bomb Oh we can't get the bomb huh why can't we get the bomb need to invest for the winter what the winter I know winter is coming I me it's real it's real it's real Game of Thrones up in here but why can't we get the bomb we need the next tech level for the bomb [ __ ] do we need to go to the next Island for the bomb uh I believe yeah that we need to get iron Tech then to get the bom this catapults let's go baby let's go let's move the bomb Workshop is this catapult chat are you lying on me I think they're lying on you man I if you're off to the left I've been off to the left 10,000 times I have not seen any bomb workshops no nothing you know what I mean you know what I mean two islands away from you oh it's so this is the Catapult okay all I'll get the boat ready then I'll get the boat ready I'll get the boat ready yeah let's do the boat then boat's good we'll actually wait for the builders to to get here which would be nice yeah we'll take some Builders with us that'll be dope that would be pretty dope I like dope things hey what's up how's the boat coming pretty good pretty good can you just bring any any peasants or do you have to I guess I won't what do you mean can you bring like normal other archers or your Knights what do they do you you oh yeah when we have the boat up if you if you pay for your knight to attack they will go get on the boat and they'll bring their archers so bringing the knights is a huge Advantage Jesus how many coins does that take to build this thing a lot Jesus Jesus I'm out of Co apparently you can zoom out are you how do you zoom out zoomed in if you hit escape and go to options you can zoom all the way out to 4X I'm at 4X what are they trying to tell me trying to tell you but they don't even know yeah they don't even know the stupid idiots see this is what I do all the time I call chat out on it them being stupid fools which they are and then they love me for it like they are really grateful that I'm willing to call out their own dumbness that's what really keeps people coming to my Channel all the time is because they are dumb but they don't know their dumb so I let them know that they're dumb and then they're like thank you for letting me know you're I'm dumb here have my money that's what they do I know that life I know those feel so hard hey what are these Spears for dude there's Spears over here yeah you can get uh Pikeman they don't do a lot but they do catch fishes if you want one you can get one hey don't steal my coin douchebag I don't know if we have enough peasants what's this what's this Workshop here a stable so that we can build catapults in that whoa why don't we have those look how many archers this [ __ ] has stolen those aren't all well it's two nights but yeah look look at I really [ __ ] up by getting those kns you really should have warned me I tried I tried to say stuff you really should have warned me about this having them well and the other thing is the knights only come on the boat if they're on the side that the boat's on so two on the left is really like complete loss pretty [Laughter] much wow I really that that seems like a very arbitrary fine fine that's a super arbitrary thing look peasants don't don't know how to think for themselves that's why they need us to tell them what to do that's really arbiture oh well whatever let's finish this boat give me some muns you got any Ms I'm putting Ms in the boat oh God our investment guys out of M heyy the boat's the boat's in the water a nice should I ring the bell uh I don't have any money so got it okay we just won't get in it right but everyone else will people get on it so if the greed attack I think that's bad no there's enough people in there to there's people in there to throw off a greed uh we'll see oh hey the knight's coming cool dude it's fine dude dude man get in there get in that boat get he's not getting in the boat he's not getting in the boat all right well let's see if other people come get on the they're really taking their sweet time here I R he rang the bell hey yeah you all right dude oh there's Builders okay there's some Builders that's good that's good all right oh oh they got to push it oh that's right oh yeah they got to push it oh okay whoa what holy [ __ ] all the KN come oh hell yeah get in the boat dude should we go should we go I don't have any months but who needs money I well you have a point do you have mons I got enough to get us to go but we need to build a thing when we get to the other we should make a decision cuz night let's go let's go quickly here we go oh [ __ ] wait I don't have enough oh boy God Dam [Laughter] it oh well I hope all those people don't die well they got enough archers they should be fine it'll be you got any money friend n you ain't got no money well um all right so I don't know how we got to this situation me why me cuz you had more than me I think I had two more two more from zero well that's good that's some all right well there is no one defending the left side of the wall because the knights and all the archers are in the boat no um I'll Chuck money atam maybe no one will attack us tonight maybe it'll be fine um oh no oh no oh hey there's some guys oh wait there's four five six how much gold you got not that much okay well can't Chuck it at him um no let's no retreat don't give them gold yet don't give them gold okay they may have let let them [ __ ] with that wall for a while huh and uh we that's our that's our we'll be fine we'll be fine we'll be fine fine it is it is fine I'm going to go see what's up with the boat no one seems to have attacked from this direction they're probably killing them all by the boat I would imagine no boat's good boat's happy boat's good yeah boat's toasty hey you guys got you guys got any gold or something you guys guys all right please kill this bunny please I desperately need this one coin thank you hey invested guy are we [ __ ] your coffers are Embassy you idiot actually they didn't even they didn't even breach the wall wow they just give up when it becomes morning they're like n well well that's their lost how much here if I give you this no no no [ __ ] ah take that how many gold you have now I've got five that's not enough we got a Spearman though he's probably going to be good look at him with his spear all right I got two more we need we need like one more to get on the boat it's 10 right or is it eight I think it's eight or 10 I don't know I think it's 10 I'm going to watch this Archer I got another I'm looking at the Spearman he's really going to spear himself one of those gosh darn rabbits oh wait no I'll go recruit I'm going to go recruit the deer I'll bring the deer in oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bring the deer bring there's so many bunnies on this side of the thing there's so many bunnies it's because somebody cut down all the trees so there's a thousand bun why aren't our goddamn archers doing some about this the boat waiting to go to [ __ ] Neverland well it's not my fault here would you just would you just get a harm of deer and bring them over by the boat so they Mur the [ __ ] out getting it you kinky [ __ ] with your deer harms we only need two right a there's three here I'm going to get three going get three that should be enough yeah it should be better be should you and your insatiable lust it'll be enough my insatiable lust yeah what does that mean just you know you you have a legendary libido that's all it's a compliment it's a compliment I feel like that's widely known to be not known you're you've got an you're uncontrollably addicted to sex yeah I guess I got enough gold we can go all right hang on the deers are still coming want to scrape up their corpses into my money bag so we can have some yeah archers attack good [ __ ] attack archers attack the other one please attack archers attack yes okay I several gold let's go let's go please go sir bail on this doomed town we need to go quickly cuz I think the greed are coming please do it quickly go oh the greed are coming go go go okay oh I dropped a coin I got scared I pooped out a fear [Laughter] coin godamn it all right good job way to go only took 21 days all right way to go it's fine but on this next one we got a lot of dudes yeah look at how many dudes we got oh wow we're going to be like set up for life on this bad boy maybe hey is this the guy we the bomb guy uh no that's another hermit that one looks like maybe the baker or the weapon Smith okay I have one gold they do they do things that are way beyond our level of comprehension I have one gold oh saying I shouldn't have done that um here Town ha and one for this peasant perfect I go I I'm on the way to fetch me some riches from the woods oh there's a peasant Camp right next to uh right next to the camp good I'm going to chop down some trees to the right and try and get some more buns spawns yeah you would yeah there's some kind of thing here for a gem but I don't know I'm going to bring some deer in Town whatever deer I find I'm bringing them in for the slaughter if only I had known that we needed to do that continually I would have done it I I guess I sort of figured you would figure that one out for yourself figure something out for myself and my name don't go together do your name have to do with it is your name what makes you intelligent yes of course you stupid fool how else does it work I guess I don't know you know no you don't I got some more gems that's cool I've got a total of four right now I have a bunch whoa another chest neat all right my my bag is full good cuz I'm out of muns okay you guys kill any bunnies over here no there are bunnies right next to you please kill them there's like some kind of skeleton next to a rock with a sword sword in it I don't know what that's about I don't know what that means I think that maybe is a Mount there's a cave to the left the mountain Mark come home we really need your money at home bro okay I'm coming okay oh you just want me for my money please come we don't have walls please God okay Mr we have Knights that's enough no it's not though why not why not why not why isn't it enough why is it not enough please why do you need m Mone why do you need my money why do you need my money I'm coming I'm coming back you big baby I'm coming here I come going to build level one walls Builders do your thing dude I've got deer and gold on the way money out the Wazoo two peasants on Route on Route and then two more will be on the way as well you know cuz that's how I do for you that's how I do for you it's night time please hurry I am almost here you just hold on here I am dear on the way Camp upgrading boink more maybe Camp upgrade no don't don't don't it's not doing it anyway the deer come inside you psychopath all right the deer are here archers deer are here o greed archers why are none of the Archer shooting at the deer Archer shoot the deer okay there you go you just have to scream at him aggressively enough that seems right oh hell yeah look at that yeah that's how I do archers dude that's that's how I do that's how I do right you know it hell yeah look at all those archers that's how I do God damn oh it's amazing that's how I do that's how I do night archers don't Target animals it's fine I'm G to go see what that thing is to the left for the gem for not targeting the deer they sure killed the [ __ ] out of the deer I think probably cuz they were just shooting at the greed and then the deer walked in the middle of their arrows yeah all right I am out of what the I'm out of gold I have four gems what do I do with it uh hold them and don't lose them okay I will not do that thing I don't I don't see they said there was a gem thing to the left somewhere there was a requirement for a gem far away no it was just a single gem thing I don't know oh you mean gem chest no something that required a gem yeah something you buy with a gem yeah it's was just one gem I don't remember what it was though I can't be bothered to remember these things I'll just wander off to the right don't mind me just uh just recruit some guys you know get some stuff he wait so this other hermit thing we definitely don't want that this isn't like a metal smelting thing this is definitely not a good thing uh it's not worth it yet oh what is this chat what is this chat hurry up get back to me that's the war horse oh he's not particularly [Music] valuable well the war hor sounds pretty cool he's kind of cool but he's not super valuable all right oh another gem chest oh my God we have so many gems well I now have seven gems don't forget to bring deer back I'm recruiting my bag is full of gems so if you need if if gold happens oh Gold's about to happen dude I've got so many riches I'm like empty so if you could fill my soul up with love I would appreciate that oh God another gem chest okay there's so many gem chests the Portal's active flee oh no no no no no I'm losing a gem no no uh oh by active do you mean if I run by it I'm going to be in trouble yes okay well yes I shouldn't have done this I'm going to run out of stamina any second and then stop it uhoh that doesn't sound good I need an I just need to outrun The Peasant please horsey I'll run the peasant peasant die for your king peasant kill the greed kill the greed by dying all right thank God okay I didn't lose the gem Jesus Christ thank you archers oh well that could have gone better oh they didn't kill those deer here take all of my money you want my money here uh you could upgrade okay you do it for me all right no my gems well I don't okay I can't carry those get the Gem oh god oh sweet Jesus I've got six gems you have one more wait there we go that's nice big old slamy Jam Town Hall going on over here yeah it's real nice wow that's pretty cool man pretty cool right yeah that's pretty cool all right one more of those and we'll get upgraded to stone walls I believe okay uh uh yeah we're doing good I think everything's fine I think everything's really well in hand I got to spend these gems yeah I we need to keep exploring to find the place where we need to spend the gems I'm not 100% sure on that I'm telling you it's right to the right there it's got to be right I'm sure that dude will teach us the secrets of iron smelting right I mean you could go get him I'm going go get him I'm going to go get him I'm going to go get him whatever that means me I may have missed something to the left I'm sure you you did it does sound like something I would do blam hey hermit oh no you don't need a gem you need a gold he's on my horse I'm bringing him home and by horse I mean deer dear Jesus he wait he's not getting off my what does he need I don't know what this guy needs so when you bring him back to the campfire if you literally just uh wiggle like ad ad ad he'll fall off and sit by the campfire oh there he is okay got him I don't know how I did that last time but apparently I did that I'm yeah I'm surprised that that happened usually they just hang out with you for a while dude I'm real good at this game like I told you earlier I am a [ __ ] pro at this game it was Destiny when I loaded it up and I found that I am the best it's a burden in a way to know that you are the greatest at a game but it's a burden I wear very well sounds like a burden because of how good I am at the game that's yeah that's the reason why is this deer not loving me fine whatever screw you sometimes you got to dance a little ah this game's got good wiggle controls I get it it does yeah it's all about the wigs mhm but the little wig wig whams so are we looking for like are we looking for uh did you just get more gems yeah I did why cuz I heard it and I'm surprised at how many gems we have told you oh is this the bomb thing it's a statue what's a statue mean uh what is it a statue of does it look like a guy who should be holding a bow and arrow yeah that will make our archers more accurate get that okie dokie you got it oh it needs gold as well uh I have gold okay it's far off to the right where are you implying I should be able to find a gem spend crib a gem spem crib oh portal see you ah he spawned man you have bad luck with those I'm currently chasing a greed in towards our compound I don't know how I feel about this perfect is this backwards or are you going to like bait me and then turn on me and jump when I get too close yeah okay agreed they can't move backwards only forward pretty much I'm like 5T behind behind this dude and he's like got to go find him got to go find him he turned around there's a lot of them oh wait greed turned around just killed one of my oh God my gem my gem my gems help my crown I'm dead oh I'm not dead wait what the [ __ ] okay I'm in trouble wait oh God There Goes My Crown I I oh my God my game is like lagging really this got my crown I this guy's got my I'm dead that's a not that's a not are you dead no well I just don't have a crown I somehow got here Behind Enemy Lines like you did but uh I don't have a crown anymore so I guess maybe people bad people probably won't recognize me as the king I suppose there's um there's some greed between us oh there you go hello hi I have no Crown uh just no Crown here oh bring bring those sweet sweet deer I did I did now that I'm not distracted I'm going to check out what K was talking about all right apparently there's there's gem Ben somewhere here that I missed I have no Crown what that means I don't do [ __ ] if I'm walking past it tell me I don't understand oh it's this [ __ ] what is this you need more gems I'm out of them because they were stolen from me I should have just stay yeah I should have just stayed out because I would have been fine I didn't even know it was got new I got a new horsey I don't know what he does yeah is it good is this the stamina Horse He seems cool seems cool yeah bet it's cool sounds cool actually sounds it seems cool that's a stocky horse I know right look how chunky I am a chunk LK yeah so oh boy you got any coins bro oh maybe yeah actually I do yeah yeah oh [ __ ] Baker go away I need those okay oh thank God stone stone walls it's happening it's all happening all right I mean the walls I'm not so worried about everything else is just a little bit a little bit delerious nah we're good we good we good okay good yo we good all right all right well if you say so I don't have a crown so I I don't know what to do about that I mean you're still the same man I fell in love with s of years ago to the day yeah well love seems to have fallen out a little bit so I don't know if the crown was the only thing holding the relationship together but you know I'd like to believe that buy the crown for Mark I don't know what that means Chad I've never lost my crown like this buy me a new Crown honey please I I don't know how to do that please please I'm begging you ah no please don't spawn no [ __ ] you I got how did I how did I do that why did I do that I don't know you do a lot of things that I question but I don't question does this thing have infinite stamina holy [ __ ] this horse is amazing it's a very sturdy boy he's a thick thick healthy boy yeah all right so you oh he doesn't have infinite stamina he just has a [ __ ] ton of stamina ah I only have three gold shut up I've got gold I tried to go spend money on the Statue but I ran out of money because I don't have a lot of money I'll get it tomorrow by the way it's almost tomorrow um so I'm out here I guess I'm past the portal so maybe I'm safe maybe I should just stay out here for the night yeah I just stay out there because it didn't go so well for me when I tried to run through them all kind of lost my CR kind of lost everything ah they're coming this way oh I'm so [ __ ] you might [ __ ] [ __ ] dead I will come and help I think maybe all the greed are coming towards me it doesn't even make sense H yeah there's no greed on this side so yeah I think they're only only coming for you I think I might be dead yeah for real zies though uh oh I have well and I'm going to lose like all my gems so I just oh this is the end though oh boy I need to survive until sunr eyes oh [ __ ] you're very close probably [ __ ] no [ __ ] oh I'm so dead I'm dead oh don't steal that I need that hang on no Sunrise please please Sunrise no God all my gems are gone but I'm alive which is really what matters isn't it honey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ah [ __ ] all right well that didn't go so well um that's um that's not what I was hoping to accomplish that's not what you want to see that's definitely not what you want to see no it's not well I think I'm good for now I think I think it's a good enough stopping you got you got a full taste to this game I got good taste I I I'd like to play it again at some point is it only two player or three player uh two player yeah that's dumb okay that's really dumb that's pretty dumb but no this is a good game I would love to play this casually on my own too yeah it's better if you have a partner who you can't explain more when it's your first time playing it oh you explained it I feel like I got us to the third island it's all good you did great you did great you did great you did great we don't need gems to finish the game I'm just saying right exactly that's what I are kind of for [ __ ] that's like easy mode you know exactly anyway I'm going to head out I got other stuff to do today but thanks for joining me
Channel: Markiplier Clips
Views: 58,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R9LAla0D67w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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