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who's making this lobby come on oh hobby name will be uh booty now you know what i'm just gonna call it step pro password stuck oh and huawei's setting that up for those of you watching this hello by the way oh yeah that's right they can see this part yeah if you didn't know the developers of this game were i mean are however you want to say based in ukraine and uh actually just saw an update that they managed to move all their stuff out of ukraine which if you weren't aware there's still a war going on so uh support these developers because i had no idea about that and i can't imagine what they went through to continue working on this game it's kind of crazy to think about uh what character you guys be in i'm jessica i'm william rick looks kind of like how i feel i would be kind of like a grizzly idiot so i'm gonna go with rick oh no he looks kind of badass too i guess there's something about the beard at first i thought he was kind of silly but now he looks kind of tough i need someone who looks like an idiot i need where's me yet it's fine you gotta you gotta relate to your character if you're gonna play yeah really if i'm gonna get into this uh bigfoot rp i really need to get in bigfoot yeah this is an rp server right are we going to help me connect to that i'm stuck [Laughter] you guys ready yeah welcome back to bigfoot everybody wait why did i unready ready don't you ever unread me again wait so we're all ready how does this start then i click begin wait i was ready it just says not ready to click we're beginning are you okay man you all right it always feels like you're you're like kind of on the verge of like a break or something recent reports show the three popular influencers the distractible crew video blogger daniel and his model girlfriend alexa and their photographer friend ethan oh no no ethan oh no fans of the famous couple have been arranging millions of online broadcasts asking for help none of them actually went to the park ethan just had to do this show didn't he isn't that what would happen though yeah you know i think something tragic would happen and everyone would be like do streams don't go over there though i'm not i can't oh wait i think this game's capturing it like a butthole frame rate i need to i might need to adjust some settings here let me just make sure wait a minute you plebians and your non-dual pc setups i know you're silly why am i already on fire why are you literally walked through the fire oh why did we spawn around a fire all right i got my brother bigfoot yeah yeah murderer gentlemen don't forget your tablets that we left out here under this tent oh no ethan drake he's gone why does the gps sensor look like a harpoon why are you looking because i'm bald maybe it just looks like a harpoon to you maybe you're just not a smart enough guy you need to figure it out dubs on the entire series called drunk minecraft and none of us know how drunk people oh [ __ ] we can stab him with a gps harpoon who wants to have the digital honor on that that's why they look like harper hey i solved your mystery win aren't they supposed to be gun can i have guns i literally said i have dib on gun yeah look yeah there's like a pistol and a rifle and like a shotgun there was a pistol i have a pistol i grabbed the gps sensor good job man good good good you're going to stab bigger you know how to pull it out i don't know what it's bound to but i've got it so this is like a big valley situation with some sperm rivers uh which sperm do we want to visit first i don't know man you lead whoa moose [Music] why it's a moose that's not why we're whoa i just vaulted over the fence real cool that's not why we're here i kill the moose are you gonna butcher it you know it baby delicious meats you just cut one tiny little slice off of it and it okay and then i just cut my wrist i think here uh how do we find hi oh okay thanks i gave marco flair i gave you my meat thanks why thanks because i had the option to give i was listening you're just like you focus on the harpooning aspect hey what happened to my knife who did i just hit not me did i hit you buddy no i swung this sensor and hit mark and it made a slashing noise oh well i swung my knife but i saw my knife over here i didn't i'm gonna censor it don't censor it no no no don't don't waste that we need that i assume all right oh we have at least one well i thought how how do we find the bigfoot where does he live a lot of noise maybe he'll find us yeah i think we should go north all right boss hey look there's a camera floating in the air here oh it's because it's a scratchy scratchy yeah take a picture uh i don't does anyone have the photo camera i didn't pick it up when i did not i didn't see it where is it i'll go grab it yeah go get that go do your lifeless arm jog and get it for us would you yeah yeah i want it do you know where it was he's in the inside on the table in the camper yeah all right i'll have night vision no it's night vision is night vision camera the right one no phone camera hey guys it was right on the main kitchen table in a very table in the camper yeah well i'm glad that worked out yeah me too all right don't worry i'm here no i'm not here yet but i'm almost here okay yeah do we need to put you down or something you're right probably are you turning this is your secret zombie situation or is it like a a where take a goddamn picture and let's get out of here yes once i figure out how to pull that out i'm gonna pop down a camera in there all right whoa we got one of four photos of bigfoot's karachi's on trees um also yeah was that a good sound that happened that was a good sound right yeah good sound all right northward northward there's a camp when it says bears on bears on cars in this area wow well apparently we brought a night vision camera with no batteries in it so we can't even use it so well there's probably just batteries that would fit in that camera laying around through the snow quieter sorry so loud i can't hear you over all the snow sounds here mark you have all of our a gun so have all of our bullet okay thank you i have a gun why don't you listen to me i don't think that one guys what was that sound uh us yelling at each other no there was like it sounded like some wood chopping oh maybe that's like a wicked cabin let's go fight lexie and i just turned down the game volume so don't freak out we're at average foot damn how you just gonna come at him like that yeah i'm trying to lure him out i figure he's probably real sensitive about it you know what they say about guys with average oh feet jesus christ do they say wolf about guys i'm all out of ideas where do we find him now i found it his cabin it's right here we found it i found bigfoot it's gotta be the one he just built we heard the chopping i did hear chomping you know he's right about that man this is a refined this is some refined construction work if you guys are big fans of santa don't come in here why what does that mean well look look what he he mounted one of santa's reindeer on this wall what where this is probably like uh blitzer or coffee i have no idea oh uh his name seems to be his reindeer oh celebrity reindeer the reindeers on snowboards i agreed to everything at the entrance 5 p.m ethan ethan ethan wrote this note ethan hey guys look at that who who just stole a can of gasoline and a pickaxe guys it's a picture of weasel from suicide squad it is a picture of weasel from suicide squad that's copyright hey there's something to take a picture of outside do you guys see that camera symbol in the distance there oh yeah i do all right i'll go find the photo op wait you were so hot on a gun wait come here uh literally photo no litter but whoa what's up literally hey gun you were standing next to this for a while i looked a gun for me uh yeah i i'm really good at paying attention to my surroundings we've noticed good job buddy well who needs a gun when you have gps sensor spear that's why they call you the noticer uh i picked up an axe a pickaxe and gasoline so if you guys need that [ __ ] and i die it seems a little excessive to have an axe and a pickaxe yeah but he deserves it what do you want like a picture with the sign you're gonna question the noticer are you really gonna question the notification notice sir don't you oh i say we go east oh probably not like this yeah okay group picture picture all right pull your guns right away face oh look out perfect i think we go east east it is do you ever just get a thing where like we were fine and we started recording this and now out of nowhere my nose is the itchiest part of my body that's ever when i didn't yeah dude my stream what is this my nose always gets itchy my nose is so itchy right now it hurts it hurts i guess i don't know what you guys are talking about you need some distractions from your itchy nose maybe a podcast called distractionable or something maybe distract double maybe a podcast called impressionable uh and now that would be a problem are you guys hearing like a hissy oh it's the bone yeah it's the bones i see uh wait what do we shoot it it's done great i like the way my arms shimmy it looks really silly like a oh oh production or something take a picture of those rocks all right quick quick quick they're going they're going they're going got it good good good yeah hate it when rocks just realized we see insights oh more rocks got it live action photo live action brothers live photos i love to take these bullets ooh bullets hey i got a cleaver clue guys i found a footprint fire works are you clueing so hard right now oh my god fireworks wow that's a lot of fireworks that has a lot of fireworks well now the fireworks disappeared that really seems like a one-time use sort of thing yeah you usually are moose yeah yeah that was a good shot we got evidence of your murder i'm sorry did we just set off other fireworks what's happening what is that was that fireworks falling back to the ground and then exploding on the ground i don't think so maybe some of them were like i was just being fireworks like right here weird this moose don't look so good hey can you get a pick of me in this moose i was here too i was here too all right let me get enough we got lincoln oh i have my knife let me get my gun out i like mark's like 1000 yard stare of his character he looks like he really regrets the kill he's just better and bob you have this shocked expression like my boy killed a moose hey catch me uh butchering it catch me butchering it yeah beautiful oh i got you clean let me get you with the bones there beautiful how about that yeah pretty good rent they get really dark i don't know it's night time now somebody flipped the switch oh oh the fence this is i found the fence guys mmm nice fence good nice is that good yeah we survived oh look it's alice [Music] try that again uh it's figaboot's favorite star rory rory's bori guys the ski lift where oh you guys are very far from me yeah i used my legs beep beep beep what the hell oh motion sensor on the camera over there does anybody have the tablet see if i can get it bob's controlling it right now so i'm seeing bob move it around oh are you watching this yeah oh god yeah i sure am whoa sorry all right that was an accident sorry i didn't see anything i was too busy trying to make wade motion sick dear i didn't hear the associated pig oh god geez i kind of alert you before i do it each time i know but you didn't shoot the deer time but you shot it dude yeah i shot the deer oh i didn't hear the shot that time shot silently yeah sneaky shot yes i found a campsite with a box truck parked at it that's good empty cooler shotgun shells there yeah bob do you want to get a shotgun eventually yeah come on buff you want to get a shotgun do you want a maybe shotgun at some point here you go you know you can take the ammo well he's got a sign wow oh god his photo he didn't like it oh he's mad oh god he's real mad oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh oh he spared me his healthy guys i'm taking him i'm taking him guys i'm taking it oh oh god he mad i gave one of y'all's the flare i don't have a flare did you give me a player yeah get out of here that's what we thought i used up all my ammo and i'm at half health did you use the gps thing did you get the gps though yeah who needs a med kid who needs med kit hang on wait how did you shoot through him i don't know there he goes he's running get out of here that's what we thought i'm going to set a trap you're running you're not running i'm gonna set a trap that's a good idea watch out trap there i'm putting meat on it i set one here you want to beat this trap too yeah yeah yeah yeah you got it all right stay inside the circle of traps okay who needs first aid who needs first aid i i first dated i have half health get him on the show what in the hell i just fell over you stepped out of this crap no i got absolutely mauled to death oh my god get him on track trap trap crap trap truck he trip very aggressive yeah take that take that take that oh another trap would be lovely yeah do we have any more traps oh boy yeah let me uh flare gun him i'm out of flare gun i don't have any ammo he's on the trip he ignored the trap ow oh god okay he's going he's got do we how do we reset the traps pick it up all this bro they're broken they're both broken oh they're oh okay maybe we flee now yeah we flee we flee green to the west to the where where where we're west yeah if we just hide in the camper you can't hurt us probably right probably yeah that sounds about right it sounds like a plan to me i like to dick my wounds a bit so that sounds different what a damn that's expression whenever you have like a wound you dick your wound i don't dick my wounds uh the camera is going off right by the camper that's good right hey we're hanging out pit stop these roads seem to congregate big house oh multiple big houses big campsite lots of goodies probably here coming okay yeah this looks good i bet there's something sticking my wounds but not coming okay don't come i'm close well i mean come but wait i feel like we went the wrong way i gotta be honest yeah i think we did too but if you're close and i guess we might as well come almost dude i'm close i'm here actually do you feel smart we're here i've won guys he's here get in get in the building get it in bill i'm going upstairs in this one wait okay you wouldn't come in here right ah that's the wrong button why is there an alarm going that's that door is blocked in it's okay guys it's okay a nine mil ammo i think it's for your pistol bob i'll give that to you whenever we meet back it is did you were just gonna be quiet did you or did you not get the gps thing i don't have it anymore and i attacked him bullet for you oh sweet oh but how we used it i don't know how do we track him with it i don't know man oh good yes and or did the grandfather clock get really loud for you all too no no not the clack okay uh i'm in the house and this grandfather clock just ding-donged right in [ __ ] beware the grandfather clack alexa i'm sorry i left and didn't tell you i followed bigfoot's tracks i found another they were talking to like an actual like alexa i'm real sorry so are we like winning at this sir whoa uh he's got less health than he did yeah how do we get more traps i feel like we need traps yeah i haven't found one i picked up one new one i think yeah this place wouldn't actually be bad to make a stand we could like run him around quite a bit here i think or at least place a series of traps like upstairs if we do find him like upper stairs leading to the upper floor of this bigger building huh we just need to go find him if we could get some traps do we have any uh i haven't won i have a zero i'm gonna go run around and see if i can find in the nearby another like camp bigfoot bigfoot is here bigfoot is here where we where are we piling he's southeast of us he's running around okay coming to us he was coming over towards where you were when you were on your own and then he turned and ran away to the southeast okay southeast okay oh like the way i'm looking he ran that way do you wanna go upstairs yet he's not coming to us at night he will i guarantee but uh while we still have some time i'm gonna run down real quick if i get killed i have enough health and a first aid kit i should be okay i am just exploring yeah i'm exploring south west ish we'll meet back up at that place i think that's our best bet okay found stonehenge i don't know why oh there's a mystical rune in here and probably some magic [ __ ] going on i got another gps sensor and some more shotgun ammos very helpful i have nothing to defend myself bob be careful then this will be fine oh god where's [ __ ] where is that that might be not by me i think wade i think that was pretty close to me yep okay uh good luck i'm heading your way bud i don't know how much help i'm gonna be but anybody got him on gps no i don't even know how we see that i have no idea either oh there was a computer back at the i'll run to the camera and see if i see him on the computer maybe maybe oh maybe what oh my god you okay oh yeah there's apparently apparently bigfoot can set traps what what i just got slung up into a tree i'm coming okay i got myself out yeah i i was just walking along the road and then i stepped apparently in a rope hole that pulled me up into a tree trap good i guess i'm going to try and get back to the camper where weight is oh what is all the grandfather clock oh jesus oh you feel my pain nice oh um i'm coming to the camper don't worry okay but that means he's not where i am so i'm okay you all right oh i've never felt worse all right well use your flare next time yeah i just you know i was looking at the computer and then the window broke and there was a hand grabbing me by the dick i see that was your problem oh it's real quiet out here you having fun mark yeah i'm good man just enjoying the peacefulness of the night got another trap in the meat are you the trapper am i the truth trapping oh oh wait what dad wait oh my god we're not safe in here at all again uh go to the campsite it's probably safer on the second floor it's not we're stuck we're down mark oh my god both of you are down i have 10 health i don't know what i'm down or something i'm down here i have nine health okay oh god i i can't make it there in time i'm coming but if he's oh oh my god that's a bear that's not bigfoot it's a bit like being mauled to death by a beast what is he doing right now why this bigfoot is such a dick oh my god it's a freaking baby it's i'm being attacked by a bear i'm going to die from this bear it's not even bigfoot that's a problem it's a freaking bear oh bigfoot's a problem i'm coming i believe in you buddy it's just peek-a-boo in these windows man i found a uh oh i'm a bob i'm hoping it's not it doesn't i have five health i'm doing good on guys i had a bear issue okay about to go to five yeah mark you're eating really far away damn what am i supposed to do i don't know man oh hey you found a building nice marker thanks okay got that i got a new flare i'll bring it to the beach [ __ ] right off he's not leaving ah wade roger that dying confirmed oh oh there you go okay where is he yeah the camper oh oh thanks god he really just doesn't give a [ __ ] about these flares does he doesn't oh oh oh god oh now he goes all right well he ran away all right revive us okay cool on the way my dudes thanks bud and i'm here wow how's it going hey that's me i don't know what you're that's my corpse thank you very much [Music] no i can't take that i hope he comes back and smacks the [ __ ] out of you you'll see i'll take it hey look he's coming back attack combo on you where did he go hey i'm still standing yeah i know just keep looting that's fine what's the worst that could happen oh hey mark he's coming back no no he's not coming back i think i might actually be able to resurrect you guys if i'm not mistaken oh do i have to like bring your body oh oh no that sounds right actually yeah i think yeah it does sound kind of familiar yeah oh my god can i carry both of you he's the medic please just file our court oh my god you carry him like a baby uh i can only get but oh i'm so slow there's no way don't worry about that i don't cry cradle me so delicately mark god i've got you oh no no ignore that sound that's not a problem box of cheez-its and have a snack while uh waiting for my resurrection you look absolutely terrified i gotta say don't worry it's gonna be fine i look pretty pissed i was pretty unhappy anyway you want to tell me a story once upon a time there was a brave young man let's call him flark [Music] needed to rescue his his friends who were morons and flarks bravery knew no bounds he was brave beyond all reason almost insane you could say how brave he was embarked upon a journey to rescue his first friend by walking awkwardly for a long time luckily flark's biceps and shoulders are literally the strongest thing in the universe he's able to carry say a dead body out in front of him like it's a dirty diaper wow doesn't want it to touch anything but needs to carry it very carefully so as not to spill any of the poopies and or dead bodies hearts well cool clark's quest seems to be going to a rather successful end unless he's an idiot too and doesn't know how this works how do i drop you hey like equip something else just like hit like an oh there we go oh don't pull your gun at me so there's i had totems right and i got i grabbed one i can use this totem to revive your friend at stone edge okay how do i do that use the totem uh i can't exactly put the totem in my equip it can't you can okay where are your on your wheels it should be in one of the thingies it's like bottom left you might just scroll wheel over one thing okay uh do i put it on the skull thing maybe okay maybe that seems like it's something bob you feel more alive oh something's happening whoa one totem short oh come on do i have to get four oh i have to get that's unfortunate okay i'll be back oh was the bravest of them all but boy was he stupid all right don't worry i'll uh a wade can you go scout me a totem i can only view you right now you sure haven't found one yet you're not here a totem yet mark i can tell you i can confirm wade scouting you can kind of hear the whisperies can't you i mean we did when we got close to the one yeah i already searched these days oh you didn't okay all right that's all good man four totems for one rez do you need four more to res another person i'm willing to bet yes oh boy well i don't think they accounted for both of the other players to be in the rv of death it seems safe we learned real quick the rv is not the place to be there is not a single safe place to be in that rv oh god there's nothing here cool well uh how does the how does the story of flark end uh found a totem and ran expeditiously back to stonehenge rather proud of himself i'm proud of ignoring the fact that he had completely [ __ ] up the first time and giving himself credit for doing it right even though it took more than one try moral could be never give up on your friends that you're trying to resurrect uh flark never did give up he ran jauntily back to stonehenge not moving his arms at all tall [Music] too much muscle door open of the rv and i'm pretty sure there's a raccoon chewing on my ankle all right all right clark paid no mind to whatever friend he may have forgotten nobody asked for a checking on the glade all right well i'll just keep here guarding the uh rv with my rotting body and i am willing to bet that the moment the skull goes down some sort of magic yes you should definitely flark should definitely stand in that circle [Applause] hey yeah look at that here let me know all these poles are gone here take why don't you take this give that a give this a wubb i am all right so wade we just gotta find four words oh [ __ ] oh god and just in time glade we're gonna be we're fine we're good we're good we're fine it's fine heard a he's just yelling don't worry i'm gonna trap him up glade believe in us give us your power from the beyond uh there you go i feel powerful uh so how do we attract him over here uh do you want to do that yeah i don't know maybe we should focus on saving glade is that a car bed let's carb i don't know what to do with a car battery but hook it up to his nipples see if he likes it maybe i shoot it when he goes over it or something i'm gonna go get the corpse okay go get the crew i mean our friend yeah i guess i could look for totems or something is there even more totems i don't know it's getting very dark oh good well i've learned that being in the rv in the night time when the yeti comes is really a great place guys you die in the rv again i'm so mad well at least once you get my body it's a quick run back yeah i know i'm just gonna run the corpse in the evening time over to the safety of stonehenge mark i feel unsafe i have to be honest you probably are should i go look for totems is stonehenge where you are on the map where i am wow you're really mangled yeah the raccoons did some work after bigfoot and then a wolf came in and then a deer came in and just kind of shat on me all right i had a bad time i left the trap there with the meat so i'm hoping that he's going to go for that and not us that sounds like it'll work it'll definitely be a reasonable belief and then i'm going to go hunt for more uh totems all right we just need four totems i've found none well i've got none also hey i found a cabin though up here did you take the one off of me yeah i didn't think mark did yeah all right what if there's exactly four totems and you just locked into the only four that exist well then you're not going to come back to life i don't know why you're saying it menacingly to me oh i'm stuck on a tree oh boy there's a trap somewhere around there be careful i'm not near the trap at all that would be really helpful um i missed the trap oh you're so fast he is he's fair oh bob he knocked you down yeah he did though oh shoot hey mark yeah what oh no um oh oh guys how many totems do you have i think we're gonna need about eight you're gonna land in total potentially guys just just guessing spitballing you know all right okay good let me uh let me think about it you know let me contemplate uh contemplate okay let me calculate tabulate a things extra loot man it made a lot we few easier to beat big i was trying to jump off a mountain i went on a yeah were you just trying to jump off and kill yourself and you just went on a super fun looking zipline [Music] oh hey right between the eyes find the dick shoot him in the nips he'll never get me oh he's got me come here you why does he not want to kill me and only ever kill you guys kill me oh hey there he is take this and that's that does four damage per hit out of his like 13 100 health excellent come back and kill me you coward five damage per hit you count what are we supposed to do to deal 1300 damage to him well the trap did a lot of damage but he destroyed the traps the one time he stepped in it and you like shoot him in the head or something he come back here the monster toyed with flock knowing that all he wanted was to be put out of his misery and refusing to give him the only thing he truly desired flark shot his stupid gun fruitlessly at the monster repeatedly i think loading more shells and firing them knowing in his heart of hearts the absolute and utter futility of his actions what i don't understand is how did you guys die i don't know man he killed us in like two punches oh he got me clark stepped into a spiky tree trap uh this is what i i'm still his alive sustained him clark was nigh unkillable and an asset here to fourth considered a good thing by most humans but in florida's quest to end his suffering his unkillable nature was really most frustrating he almost could feel himself healing as he wandered aimlessly through the woods here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go got it guys mine said repeatedly please end this go come on troll said not today all right all right take a nap for a while there am i not yeah now you really have to bleed out well someone's probably going to save you that's what happened to me so god how are you doing down there margaret i don't know man i don't know i think i'm dying oh boy oh maybe he'll come finish you off like he did us what if he just experienced taunted flock knowing he couldn't even move maybe he'll raise you as his own maybe daddy bigfoot how are babies made he's not even out yet at this point no not even remotely then i guess people just have to listen to distractible to get that joke have you heard of the ship of theseus flark's dying thoughts wandered as they often did to the ship of theseus was he even still flark how do you decide who a person is maybe he was just a stranger he never met dying alone in the woods maybe you should listen to distractible maybe i'll bleed out eventually how much health you got oh thank god we got plenty yeah we can wait for this i've been waiting all day to watch this i just don't get how did you guys die he did so much damage to us i don't know man we were in that camper and he just [ __ ] us up as [ __ ] sank into the why is it me what it's me oh it's your own character i i see that makes sense and he was really picking at the end trails there it took me a long time to get eaten out in this game but at least i got there it says that bigfoot survived come on so 178 damage 16 bullets two med kits for me 55 damage 30 bullets one med kit for you but you had to use a pistol bob mark did 256 boards with five med kits wow that's how you lived [ __ ] yeah maybe that's why we died well i mean i still had two med kits left so i i only saw one med kit the whole game i offered them to you but you i know you offered buddy we realized you had a thousand med kids we learned a valuable lesson on this day we suck yeah and flark were living in for me you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,722,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, bigfoot, bigfoot game, bigfoot gameplay, bigfoot yeti, abominable snowman, scary games, scary bigfoot game, scare reactions, multiplayer horror, online horror, multiplayer scary games, markiplier scary games, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade
Id: lPpsyBxQtro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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