Markiplier Plays Raft W/Friends (FULL VOD) PART 1

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello hi you you will find the raft oh oh it's been a while oh yeah I don't even remember how it's done I guess see it see you guys third Wade oh damn wait there's a shark no he's attacking you oh okay wait where's this from you in here and I can I snatch you know I don't jump right up there and got you it's all right I use the barrel okay oh my god so more have you played before yeah played rap before my rap pro right expert good we both missed it alright fair fair ever need that leaf how did I get none of that I got some of that so I guess hammers good hammers good alright so I feel like feel like we're put this cart before the horse we we don't even know why we're here we haven't established the who we are and our relationship to each other I mean I thought I was here by myself and you guys really popped out of the woods what are you talking about brother laughs mark we're here on the brother raft I think that you are the best raft tier in the world ah that's mighty kind of you brother husband sure was strange for our sister er why husband to make it here with us sister husband we well that's me sister husband waiting I'm glad to be here I just like building wood so when you guys told me you're gonna get lost in the middle of nowhere with nothing I was like man can I build some wood and no the rest is history I think I think I think this might be the cringes bit we've ever had I'm gonna die husband look you gotta eat I think I'm otherwise eating yeah whoo you know why I don't know why they don't make that shark like three times its size like really beefed up this scares that sure it's a shrimpy baby shark I wanna oh no beefy shark if I'm gonna be scared of something it's got to be big and beefy all right so what do we wait what do we need - we need more platform I've got a hammer so I can build the raft for now if you guys want to waste resource on the hammer what's gonna be important in food and water food and more don't wait how do we get food going I don't think we got a choice I think we're gonna no we're gonna have to fly by it we don't have any paddles or something we need like an anchor could we build anchor right away doubtful throw ball anchor we need for rope for stone six point something I don't have any stone man this music is good and depressing I need one more palm leaf and I can build us up dudes all right zero well that could have got thanks for your help mark you're welcome I will I was about to say I'm gonna go yeah now you get it wait how are we driving over to the island are you doing that no if we just are looking into it this time but it's not gonna stay we're gonna bounce off of it as we don't have an anchor I think well you better get an anchor okay he's fine he's just doing stuff how do we build an anchor wait oh it is under the sail Fiat tab like the second to last thing throwable anchor we need stowing one stone and one rope so far I have no stone under the water we'll have to actually swim and look for stone which is scary with a shark on us I don't see any we got to stab the shark right yeah there's a spear you can make under the weapons alright I got some stuff from up here where are you going oh geez don't leave me we have no control over this you guys were gonna leave me all right you guys were you guys are gonna love me because I picked up some watermelons dude nice so I'm pretty sure we can plant those all right keep the shark away from me I keep the shark away from me make sure he doesn't yeah I need more plastic this one right here I think all right we have a bunch of barrels coming up okay how do I fill this [ __ ] well how do you even bring up the inventory tab we need to nevermind craft an empty cup I've got a cup we're all gonna want to come for plastic Jesus oh you better get some get up get back get him gets barrels talk about that I just got another plastic I'm about to get this barrel over here feel free to help mark I'm looking at the inventory crafting I'm looking at you're not getting my watermelon I don't want your watermelon I want weights Waterman wish you had my watermelons that's the most I can do for a while cuz now I need to craft the cup and some other things in this place I'm really good at catching plastic don't worry I got a spear apparently not all right all right can make another cup already Oh mark I made you a cup thank you thank you you can throw it on the ground okay hey with the shark I don't see it anymore [Laughter] found it hey i justed my hook is like you cracked it I can't see my tool health cuz my stupid hold on me cuz you're 4k monitor that you play on for some reason hey I got a stone is that good there's two stones good sure did you go underwater no I came out of that barrel I just snagged though okay gotta get those sweet barrels bro do these barrels are sweet brother wife sister cousin Marcus your cousin that's mister sister cousin yeah mister sister cousin mark behind planks and at one plank and two plastic the hooks pretty cheap okay gonna be alright fine fair fair fair's fair fair's fair I have a lot of rope do you want applause or something why did you want us to like acknowledge that in any way because I didn't feel like it can't stand the sound of you talking okay that's a fair interpretation of that offer I guess someone put something in the purifier perfer someone actually I'll just drink my water and then put it in the perfer the perfer I need to make a hammer I don't have stone it's coming yeah now we need to repair this I threw my own oh my hooks here Oh what where's my hook what what's happening my hook is in the bot and the infinite into the [Laughter] okay let's get that plastic I guess oh okay I suck too I just nope dang it is there a way we could make a paddle to get over to that Island we could make a paddle yes we need six plastic and two ropes that's nice I have enough planks I don't have enough plastics or ropes much plastic how many ropes do you need to make a paddle I can make two rows one rope too late chumps is too more jump right new mom rowing we're going to the island baby maybe not this really slow yeah it's not you're really you won't get us away from all this good loot I was trying to okay well too late oh sorry do you want to get it no no it's just some paddle away sister brother I will I'm real good at paddling oh it's nice and dark it's dark good or not good oh they're zombies or something in the darkness to make a normal anchor I need one more rope and two more stone and I can anchor our jam I've got one rope and one stone sadly so there's oh hell yeah I can make I have everything now I'm making a throw blanket [ __ ] sweet nice nice nice that is nice max we can cut down those trees for even more wood there should be underwater maybe access to stuff we can know who I'm seeing stones right right below us I think they look like stones they're Rakesh yeah that's our anchor boys most wiggle and stuff the computer there all right hit that anchor I'm not sure how but drop it yeah hey there's stuff down here Father's love is enough oh good there's still a shark there attack me in the island would he they them them they know of course neigh prithee no we make a grill yeah we can you can make a basic simple grill isn't this a grill everything I need except for two ropes to make that we had a ropes I thought that was a grill that's a water purifier you're a water / fire bolt Osram that shark is so fast alright I'm gonna make a simple grill here okay I'm gonna need to make another I need to make a fishing rod or something I've got a fishing rod you do do you know right there doing a fish mark yeah I'm sure I'll say no no no when I played for the Warcraft I was always about the fishing I didn't efficient professionally I don't know how to fish in this game though why I never mind I figured it out I got a rod to La Belle Isle prop salafi we're eatin tilapias or not o waves oh [ __ ] kind of stormy guys I'm gonna go under and just do doobie resources [ __ ] all right you got it watch out for the shirt how do we keep forgetting Oh somebody drank the water oh no I needed some of that don't worry we're eating de Lappe than that this potato takes way too long to cook how'd you get a potato starvation so that doesn't even make any sense that you had a potato the parables I guess fair enough all right I've got started potato farm how do I open this grill all right lap you boys black my god guys there's a shark in the island it's a Land Shark no don't lie it's cuz the waves our mouths washing up on the island Jesus Christ that's not good you can probably been hittin this guy a decent amount right we could probably kill it oh sure maybe not short old flowers this flower is helpful I got flowers too then just turn the seeds oh boy oh how do I tell if there's all pineapple pineapple you want some slack did we get a big enough stones to make an axe yeah I don't know new this shark is out of the water this is more of a land shark he's back kind of a land is shirk oh that hurt a lot I was going to try to UM dammit yeah it might be a good idea hey actually I actually draw it over maybe I could hit it some more oh the grift is driftin this way that's nice the grift is driftin yeah the grift is driftin alright I'm gonna hop out of the water yeah but if I draw it over I can stab me oh I'm in the water I am risking my buns for us and I don't know why I don't make fun of me when I'm [Music] destroyed you saved mine because I was in the world tilapia that I was cooking that I caught I literally just announced I stole your tool also helping I grabbed it floppy you need it real cruel man's real cruel holy [ __ ] the shark just jumped through the wrath to try and get your ass mark Jesus Christ did it get close my pro did just ass the stuff that's below us but the same time right there get moving again supplies we need these stones though oh but the grift is drifting I got I got it don't even worry about that I'll get the stones the shark won't out where is it me I don't spit me in the mist you guys were I just fighted the f spears we could just know you're the only one with the spear all right I'm gonna fight it I'm gonna fight it here we go this is it oh my God look you would sure wish I had my tilapia oh my god I just picked up a giant clam look out Bob Oh incapacitated oh no I got you meat gets me deeply need to bed maybe you need a bed do we have a bed ah bed bed bed I need nails out of nails I don't need it's the second one it's other oh god okay pick up the anchor we gotta go help help help Oh we'll help you are we need to get a bed we need to get nails just lift anchor anchor up I can't surrender I think you have to literally jump in and get weighed go get that whoa what was that is that anchor one-time-use Oh maybe bankers go no it's one-time use I either that or else I [ __ ] it in the hell picking it up it said to remove all right I'm going through these barrels you picked it up wait is it in your inventory it sure is not no we did not get these barrels I'm paddling us towards these barrels these barrels look likely have the nails what happens if I surrender and respawn is that bad we'll save you you can't respond that's cheating you missed the barrel Wade it's right here got it yeah I know I'm got it so you got it uh-huh right in my way it's not as course he's still alive he's gonna make it stop that all right we stopped it all right time to put a Pompeii on that Oh what happens if I eat this row raw Bobby okay no no bad we need nails wearing our nails sweets scrap metal pulling up enough for one night have so much scrap metal in my inventory go oh drop some I'm dead I can't I almost got a capacitance I was so close ah my hook died it was a good hook I made another one so mark yes I can make two nails okay you have any scrap no I don't everything I would have told you if I had any scrap we were just talking about that three nails / never I got plenty nails oh so I need four palm leaves do have four palm leaves ah yes here I'll drop them there did you honestly doubt that we're trying to make a bed for you what a good friend you are you know what a good friend you're a good friend oh that was fast all I need it was like five seconds of you you were complaining about your grants too hard Oh God you can now research antenna Oh what is that to receiver you used to locate nearby radio signals what do I do with that I did new ability we can learn it I don't think we can craft stuff like that till we have more sophisticated things on this boat sophisticated yeah yeah I used it yep you did sorry our conversations are really good starting to lose it on the ocean seize her is listen it's been a long life at sea I need to make the building hammering so I need all right so there we go I extended this a little bit around the bed we could probably another linebacker I don't know why you're mocking him that was a totally legitimate thing for him to say out loud there's a cookie palm pray if you won't do I got no water I need this we need to start boiling water like crazy man I've been cycling the water there should be some in there did someone take it and not refill it there's water on there fill your cup oh right oh god I drink the sea water I drink it I drink the sea water I didn't mean to I Drive with fresh water I'm gonna keep I'm food man's well no mark has the fishing pole though well it's almost dead actually it died it really died well I can't make one because it meets a trope which is unreasonable amount of rope well make rope then how in God's name do I make rope my [ __ ] with the leaves oh you do look at that I only have two palm leaves that only made me one rope well listen you could keep finding things to complain about or you keep finding solutions Bob everyone can everyone make some rope we're working on a weight we we had food eat the food I'm eating the food I have a giant clam can I cook my giant clam just pop a bad boy on the grill ride down I mean cooked I have cooked Pomfrey my inventory accidentally still need food wait I ate one of the fish I should be okay for at least a minute I didn't need some water though Marie waters ready take the water all right I took the water wow that's pretty savage mark thank you hey you know I'm pretty I'm pretty crazy in savage blow you know what I mean yeah you know I mean bro you know this is how we might be if we were stuck on the overnight it's very slightly slightly insane yeah slightly I'm going for full insane that that's my I'm not insane I'm fine I'm going for full and say not you me [Laughter] [Applause] that does it don't you where's the spear oh yeah the weapon thing you just ropes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah what you say what quick quick quick Oh fine it's kind of a major snag on my part I'm just out here trying to grind ropes storage baby I'm gonna put this towards gotta be base materials like planks plastic and palm fronds so an rocks so feel free to take I will unload and put in everything oh look at all those poem things you a-holes holding out on me complaining you got it I sure did do you still write bread don't worry I got a fishing pole all right I extended this out another way this way now I guess I'll go this way to make sure we protect the chest yeah and also make it wide so we can make those Nets you know the nets it still does damage good thing Bob's on my side work there I stole a fish again Bobby's gotta wait and then you click and then oh isn't it really obvious what I'm supposed to click yeah it is okay oh it says left mouse button look at your dude sure do it sure do clay click quick clay I mean all this plastic plastic plastic wrap this clamp there's plenty of plastic in the cooler okay that is good to know well okay there's plastic in the food wait I'm good right now I know like half okay I'm gonna eat cuz I'm about to start starving oh my god there's so much I'm being a good man and I'm glugging up the seawater you being a good man's in the storms yep I'm whoa the hell why is it so spoopy there we go extended the boat once each direction there your soup songs I'm not here it's true beat like party I'm not getting any music cuz I think I turned it off oopy-scoopy piano music well that's unfortunate are we about to die I don't know man what are you fishing over there I'm fishing Austen stuff you know oh my another head another what do the seagulls do can you [ __ ] can you hunt them I think you could eventually make a nest and they give you eggs or something oh yeah come lay your eggs over here so I could eat your babies well that's I mean true who's who's hungee Bobby got cooked tilapias Wow yay I'm gonna make a small storage no I'm not can someone make another small storage and I'll start filling up a food store and you took the plastic who took literally all of the plastic here there's five more in there five is not enough really out of plastic right now we are because there's our version wait used it all like a hole I was told to extend the boat on the side extended it no you sent me then let's wait and we don't have an resources to make a small box you [ __ ] [ __ ] plan I want to make it very clear Wade gave himself that job no one gave him that job here I'm making it making another small storage goodness craving for more plastic in there no I got it the swords done you rest your weary head you fool you the left storage is for food my dudes alright food like raw and cooked I'm gonna hold raw since I'm just cooking it but I'm gonna put cooked food and then raw food if I can't cook it all in well I've got some extra raw so I'm gonna start putting it'll just be one making that water okay taters and water eats first I could I could use some of that big barrel over here on my don't make fun of me no no no making fun all right yeah I'm hacking thirsty I definitely need the next water ready go for it make it this fish and then I must smack me some water mmm boom baby oh my god Wade help me on triple triple barrels okay there's also a raft straight ahead we're gonna want to go to that raft okay my paddle is almost dead so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to help on that anyway but some will have to hop up and loot that raft alright I see it I see who you're volunteering alright well there's no need to be rude I was volunteering you know I liked it better when we were at Wade's throat mark I will so be it your throat tonight I will be all over your throat you will so be it I'm gonna no I'm gonna be all up in his throat help me oh you wish you knew how in the throat that would mean yeah okay just saying Wade you better you better you better be careful that your throat so I made it fun of Wade and you're just jumping in and attacking me and I don't know why cuz I just I just hop on whatever side seems to be winning for you to have to experience that they do for me to have to experience your throat that's what I do down experience down I didn't know I won't taters won't come down I'm just cooking food a mistake or should I just cook all this [ __ ] up all this [ __ ] all this good extras that want to go explore and I'm gonna rap can be paddle there we have enough things to make another container some sort another container we need more plastic have all these flowers and seeds sure do we need flowers and seeds and things or is that literally just cluttering my I think it's decorative I think it's like yeah oh this [ __ ] that raft is sinking good from it I got some scrap metal I guess that was kind of underwhelming just like you Wade Wow and your throat I'm putting 20 rope in this chest everyone needs rope there should be plenty of it mr. alright hey nice beat oh I can make another chest do we need that oh no no no late made it okay okay made it up BAM chest anyone need water I'm good I will need food soon but there's a couple fishies in the food chest you boss me whenever so all of you know under tools there is a thing called shark bait Bob if you get a palm for Anna herring and that can distract the shark if we don't want to kill us we're looting underwater for a bit Oh interesting I've not used it all that much I think it is useful but I'm not personally craft better used it no you don't all right I'm alive surprisingly I am alive we're gonna have so much food guys in the food storage I love it I love the no idea no idea that I love how our team just works hmm I love our team just yeah yeah you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude you got to get on my level of throw game my game is insane yeah are you even to the stage where you're you're moving your body to guide where the hook is pull into I don't even think so I drink seawater I drink seawater that's gonna eat some of this food I have in my inventory nevermind I put it away did you cook to beat come here friend mine if God give to me damn you it's mine with the spear help oh [ __ ] mine aah Wade ya been fighting me for that married oh my god we would have covered that cry you couldn't you can't kill a shark so I why would you be able to kill me hey assassins alright okay yeah sure that's not funny alright boys I got fish for days now easy get this bad boys cooked up you know what I'm saying I dunno what you're saying I do know what you're saying oh wait whoops I'm stupid I put this in the wrong chest respect the organization I'm trying to but Wade's idiocy is bleeding over to me one needed to rank anyone needs a drink there's a drink free I'll get it drinks is up my bros and girl ugh and I'll replace it because unlike weed I like to keep things nice and organized look at this guy what a bro that's me a bro well I was gonna get that Abraham Lincoln you need some food are you gonna eat those potatoes no I was gonna get the no the the stuff that Wade stole from me oh my god we have four beats and four potatoes we can the store planning storage is not even gonna be big enough once I get all this stuff we yeah we should start researching how to do like a planter and stuff like that and yadda yadda because we can make a farm yeah I'm gonna make a research table I think we need that right plastic I will just cook up the fishes whoa this thing's big ah where can I put this that wouldn't be too in the way can we move that bed can we move the bed a bit not sure myself a second grill I can remove it but that might destroy it that's okay how about we do this then right at the head of the bed so we can think and sleep we can think we can work while we sleep you see we can thunk and slop at the same yeah I love a good thong and slump okay uh nice want to research place item 800 I'm researching would the would read I did it did the would research I looked at it real good research my god you can't you can't cook the catfish on those on the grill you need bigger grill oh snap alright well I got double grills going right now we're gonna be we're gonna be fed for real game is oh yeah there's a raft over there he looks like a big hunt a big shocker big honking boy over there although all my resources are in the chests so I don't I don't have anything to make anything I learned table no I wholly yeah my knowledge spread to you guys small trophy one with your knowledge sure style I can't stop it even if I want to yeah the mass nothing huh what's that like you could just wander around and fish yeah that's pretty nay I got so many palm fruits I plastic cutting so much plastic I can't make a paddle thing you want me to deal me to help you yank some plastic out of it making a paddle I took some from in here okay we need to pull windy spell big baby with me paddle baby what is this a my inventory that I have right now inventory scrap mechanic duck an old plastic duck seems to originate from the game scrap mechanic what what the f what what is this working and we actually going toward this what what is this and why do I have it it might be a daiquiri nobody healthy stone spear stone arrow dude nice nice nice knees Mel paddling over there let a real man paddle away for ya there's our real man okay my paddle broke anyone see my duck why I think it's just a little cosmetic things they put in here starve and dehydrate their food in the left one and I just drink the wire Wade you're being real pathetic hey being a real pathetic I'm cranking on the foods there's no way you should entirely ow was that a violent sneeze coming yeah stop it sorry that's ours I'm trying he's real tough huh I need plastic we need plastic repair Han now let me get these barrels hi baby more more grilled up pom-pom from grill net palm from grill them baby yum yum yum bong goo Marc what'd you do uh I I uh okay we're good we're good we're good oh there's some water up and there's lots of food going on I just can't get on the boat your age it deep can I help you in some way okay there we go that's shark what's so close to just yankin yeah sure what are you here Lowe's sure you guys do you ignore the system just eat those right off there that's fine I'm sorry Wow Wade see this is not there's not like a cooler full of food or anything over here see this is why I was gonna you know that's gonna kill him ooh collection net oh nice and he doesn't be good yeah rug okay what an aesthetic we're building an aesthetic on this raft and I appreciate that my leg as I'll uh gasps etics I like a strong is titik uh you be like a couple fish okay would you calm down with the crunching up a thousand things last a while uh-huh uh-huh waters up drink some water there you big you big ol water sugar filling it appreciate appreciate appreciate Oprah look out of the ocean rear wade you come get the barrel wonder if I could I can't because I'm fishing for which is clearly important oh hell yeah oh hell yeah gimme collection net baby they're facing the wrong way aren't they god they're good they're good they're good collection net baby yeah baby yeah baby baby shark baby hey you know I can't but I couldn't sit and throw my hook at the same time this game is literally unplayable in a brooding chair on the edge of the earth wait all the fish waited so many fish here's some more here's some beats for you buddy thanks bud roasty-toasty beats to be fair okay well what's that the palm fruits don't give you that much food they're meant to be combined and like the soup thing which we don't have which way you want me extend mark toward your thinking chair the other way uh you mark watch the space don't extend into it yeah don't get yes my thunk errs I'm sorry that's heard that's yeah yeah yeah bet go off my territory oh my dear rhetoric more space how do i repair right you need your hammer I'm dying of thirst right there should be water broke I did not refill that be careful I just did what did uh did your couple okay my cup runneth over if you know what I'm talking about Merrill I have plenty of room I think just I said good those things right now what do we what we need more of right now Oh medal for names I make another fishing pole I just I just can't cranked mine out and that's planks and ropes so cool fishing pole oh thank you Oh big fresh food papi not letting it go not let it not not letting it go down do this man it's all much better with more people it's so slow by yourself yeah I played this solo a little bit a couple times and it was so hard to make actual progress yeah nice I feel like if we're a real team it's funny because I've only ever played this was like at least three or more shark-attack try and repair the shark Wade got good news guys more collection nets oh hell yes get those get those things I am getting those things I'm in the process of getting them net gets a barrel it's all about the net baby look at that get that oh my God look at that should I not cook beets should I leave beets uncooked as well maybe maybe that might be useful for um like meals later on or sometimes I as long as I can keep getting fishing poles I think we have enough fish if I once I'm cranking out these two grills so yeah we can start doing that with the bigger girls will be really is that a research thing we got to do or how do we get the bigger girls yeah just the Fisher dude like that's usually what I do so honestly I don't know no it is a research thing I'm almost sure of it you know how far we are from that mark um let me look fer we got a few more things we learned bucket no [ __ ] way bro [ __ ] it baby we need a bolt how do we get bolts we got to make something that we can then make a bolt from the metal org right okay we have crop plots by the way in case you guys wanted crop plants photos and beets that way yes we're currently low on planks just as a FY e FY yo well the collection nets are seem to be doing pretty spicy I'm getting stuff oh look at this a surplus if we build crop plots I think we're gonna need the Scarecrow to keep the speak the seagulls off of them right that makes sense that checks out that's logical I like that I can fish while looking at my friends like later I like looking at you fish so it really works out for the both of us you're look at me fish I'll fish while I look at you we look at each other so nice catch fish and I catch your gaze you know and I'll catch your gaze yeah I'll catch your gaze so how does this work can we do we need to get a dry Brik to research the smelter uh yes so you need to put a brick in there to research that thing and that'll unlock the things that need that to then research and then you learn it you only you only need to put in one so it's not like you need to put in one for everything does anybody have clay there is no here is there clay wait let me see this did we make clay or I was trying to make a wet brick ah yeah there was what we need like one more clay there was there's sand in here I put clay in there in research clay so we need two more pieces of clay okay so we need to find an island I guess to get more clay is that where the clay is I think it's like you can go get stone you can get sand or you can get clay from like the ground plus there's like random scrap metal and stuff kill the shark cuz I don't see it anymore he's coming around still you can't kill it but he comes back even if we do yeah but they buy give us a chance to go down once we get close to an island we should try to kill him well where does a damn Island I don't know we need like I know we build like sails or something yeah yeah yeah yeah I just need another fishing pole can you give me some palm fronds wait yeah I just need three thank you and sail and where are we putting this bad boy where we put nada I figured out where I got the duck from it's the same place that I got this cat from here you go Bob fishing pole for you thank you drink this glug glug it up baby all right I'm gonna get it I need them starving in there yeah right oh my god we do just slamming out the food - you are slamming dude alright so anybody have any opinions on where to put this sale before we just go for it somewhere in the middle I don't know I don't know anything about this foosh Jesus no one can tell us we don't have a sale mid barrel hold my dog I tried to that was my hook got stuck my hook got stuck now I stuck my hook Bobby you gotta understand it was so stuck can you make like a like a like a lot like a long seeing thing what's a long sees my glass I see island to the due to the off the port side oriented properly all you do is hold our and you move your mouse and it'll move the paddle there's actually gonna take us just with the sail face I don't know she's like it's taking us toward it yeah it's getting dark out it's pretty dark spooky this shark needs some friends or something he's he I get that he wants us he wants our hot dogs but he needs to go he used to go hang out with someone or something yeah we're stood another row this way I don't know how far you want to go each way before we put collection that's on the sides and stuff it I mean do we need collection nets on the sides I concur mmm does anyone have an anchor bill why what do we have an anchor bill no one throws an anchor foolish man was that hopefully we got the things we need move that move the sail a little bit more perpendicular yeah I got you I got you this way yeah just to counteract the current yeah the current yeah that current yield current has anybody made a stone axe no no sir Stone X I need three more stubble I just I'm gonna adjust our trajectory in a moment here all right you got it navigator Bob navigator chef Bob that's me boys chef chef fisherman navigator oops you turn the thing on and off that's unfortunate nope don't do that okay here we go um how about a crop luyt well I've not been drinking that's gotta gotta eat and drink keep that strength up my dudes no way please you promised you'd stop what what what good luck the anchor cuz we're we're just about here my dad my chef Bob I've I've made you a treat a treat if you investigate the ship there's a new device yes how does this work Oh for growing what knots you gotta attach it on the deck and then you pick up the bucket and go swim down and drop the bucket somewhere I mean I could just keep the sail aimed at the island it keeps kind of kind of makes you sure if he made it just go just go stick that down there and now we stuck Waiters not water's up all right thank you I thought the shark was attacking so now we should try to kill the shark and well we can wait till daylight that way we can actually see what we're gathering underneath Oh see Shmi that's yeah that's the first thing that I thought of too but I didn't anyone else oh thank you oh no we're like ash me was my wife your mom I loved her she's dead now what a body she had that's me your mom loved her that woman Oh your mom yes I know great tits god damn it I can't hit the shark to save my life come on shark come back anyway about your mother's tits great pair age didn't do nothing to those wonderful I love this you should hey you've got the force you can read my mind just look at memories great tits are in there yeah we do Oh chef Bob something is on the menu we've got some shark meat all right I'll let you cook it up chef Bob well I've got some metal ore oh really oh I'm drowning all right why Oh shark head oh it's fine so unfortunately with the shark meat we've have the bigger grill but we should be close to getting there that's not how the force works I don't know about that I'm pretty sure that's how the force works yeah yeah yeah they don't know about Shmi I know Shmi smile your smile yeah how many schmear that was exactly when we should be underwater guys I'm underwater I am good good my eyeball fell off well I'm getting sand is there clay too hopefully I got some sand oh yeah there's goodies down here my oxygen does not last yeah where's clay we need clay long yeah I guess drowning is an ideal metal ore interesting interesting interesting hold your breath better yep pansy runs a little rude that's what's wrong with you know what's wrong with you mmm I suffer from brood disease that sounds legit I believe that where's clay what does it look like it looks very similar to the sand for when I could telex I thought it was just sand mmm that's not helpful nope Oh see go get out of here uh go away how do we make a scarecrow the see girls trying to mess up my jams no gyms or spirit alike hidden so who the hell drank the fresh water and didn't refill it wait I always refill it been refilling it unless I might have forgotten once but the shark attacked or something I just forgot peculiar strange very strange don't shoot me drown probably don't do that would be my guess he doesn't listen to your advice he does not listen that guy I'm listening very hard ah then listen to my story about Shmi oh god damn it her ass Oh wouldn't quit wouldn't stop I got another play I think the clay is a little bit no that one looks just like that okay what is it what use words come on give me something looks like saying what's clay I guess that's what that's what I deserve it's what I deserve I mean oh I deserve worse now Bob why do I deserve worse oh that's pretty harsh judgment pretty harsh judgment okay I'm picked up one clay and I know how to describe it it's a slightly darker shade and it's a bit more rigid yeah rigid that's the word I was looking for I can't tell the color but it was a little bit more rigid that's true Wow I mean oh [ __ ] I should get out of the water oh hi shark he's got so much business I'm gonna make another container I'm riding low I keep catching big fishes God dang it these damn big fish here so there's a wet brick laying right here next in the research table to dry Oh all right cool good how long does it take to dry I have no idea never mess with the wet bricks before shall we sail away or are we good here another fishing pole soon and we're or our fluid supply is gonna I will get you that I got you if we get the big grill then I'm actually pretty pretty rich with food but uh cuz I got three raw salmon three catfish and four shark meats to cook up those bad boys can you harvest the sugarcane I don't know try mark white white pointing oh there you go that's why I'm just trying to make more storage because we keep running up yeah for how much space the storage takes up it doesn't actually store that much I don't know we can get later on I'm sure there's a better everything we can get later on mark your sail placement really did [ __ ] my grill placement oh I'm sorry oh I'm very sorry I did ask I did ask is there a way to wait can i oh wait oh I can move it are you moving oh I'm gonna put it by my chair so I can I can navigate without anybody getting mad at me are we good on stuff under the water now under the water whatever oh you can remove things by holding X by the way in case you all were curious guess you're not I know get out of here you see golf [ __ ] all right I'm gonna pull in this third bill of the second a light storage container here yeah there's a fishing pole over there that I made for you it didn't magically appear I made it I wasn't taking credit I just wanted to know it was there get out of here see you go get out of here those seagulls really don't like you guys I'm growing us a watermelon and a pineapple yeah I don't know if those ye are worthy but a ye hard no definitely Oh praise me like you should alright we get out of this piece yeah I'm just reorganizing some chests cuz we got some stuff alright open coconuts how do we unanchored you just gotta go and remove that kid I go go get it I looked it didn't seem like you could you can't grab ya boys alright yo he and also ha eat hot yet hoot I don't know he hope keep hope keep you up oh girls going right into the nets of goodness marques I see it I will rotate towards it three palm seeds if we want to start our own tree farms we can start using those free farm are you serious yep can we make up a farming thing and just keep a cooked food one the food and all the season crap that don't fit it was already full and it have barely had any actual edible food in it huh wait maybe if you put the wet brick on the grill would that work I don't know you placed on the raff to drive it you can fry oh it's sad place on there after dry sharkageddon comment I was here and ready for you you ain't gonna get new with me that's what I'm so ready alright let me just straighten I'm uh straighten out the sale we don't really need it but you know just just have no we could make two if we really wanted to get moving but I don't know really wanted to sail away yeah right now the the scrap spawn is a little cattywampus there's nothing really ahead of us I don't know why I'll just let it go straight for a bit and see what may this guys see what it do this is honestly really nice it's too relaxing you know that's very nice wait why is this scrap spawning either side of us do you see what I'm seeing there's like stuff on the right side and there's stuff on the left side I don't want to move the sail in case it's decides to change its spawn or so yeah we're like out of wood I can't even cook no mo here I'll just oh yeah no I think we're going towards the scraps coming into us okay we're good real quick if we already have researched the blueprints for antenna and receiver Kai just toss those the blue I picked up a drawbridge should I put it in the research table really quiet and I research to myself we learned how smelter Hey how do we make that oh it need six brick six oh boy I don't think we have that much stuff oh we didn't get enough clay no we did not my dudes clay we did not get alright now we're now we're in the business now we're in the business where are the business of getting the goods oh man we got so many cooked wolf it shows why not dude only because our resident fisherman is so good at his job fish main you better watch out and me as our resident gatherer and the best I'm great at my job too wait what's your what do a residency and apparently nothing just select have some ambition man mm-hmm in the raft I guess yeah resident hammer man resident ever man I like that what menial labor how quaint if there aren't any holes the blazes have been I feel like we're doing a bad job of encouraging wait I was trying to be encouraging it really didn't pan out no you need to encourage I learned something new every day oh hey guys I can harvest the things I got one pan apple and one watermelon for all of my troubles that well that's pretty good no I guess I guess I'm going Caillou ink got it how close are we to big big big big boys big what grill big grill all right let me let me see if I can find where the big grill is okay big grill here it is advanced grill we need a metal ingot which means means we need the smelter which so much you make yeah or we make shark bait and go down and go get it we need Rob pomfrit and raw herring we probably know it's all now we need some more fish cooked God we need some kind of a snorkel ah forget it because we need the snorkel to go down here I bet anyway yeah I would think [Music] there's another raft up ahead that could technically have clay up to the right Wow oh that's so far I'm gonna let this stuff collect so we even got a lot of goodies in front of us there's so many goodies would it help if we made more grills you know and and pretend it's bigger grills no the problem isn't the quantity of grills I can run them both myself right now it's just that I have all this stuff that I can't cook on this size a grill fun all right well I've got something else that will make you happy happy Debbie how about that my man shark attack no not the sale not the sale hurry that would have been not so good oh my god that's a bad place for a sale isn't it I've discovered a flaw in your plan yes sir well it's fine it'll never be a problem we've fixed forever you put a net in front the net wood on it you see I've heard of such knits I'll turn the sail because we're not really going toward this raft I wanted to collect all the goodies first alright we'll turn now we'll turn now that way ho where'd the where's this scooping it there no no I'm gonna make another paddle I'm gonna start just gooing towards it there's a scarecrow now yeah alright wave you're up get off the Scarecrow it kills the Scarecrow what why doesn't kill the scarecrow scarecrow get him Wade you almost at it with nothing else that good well that was useless yeah great going Wade way to go Ron why is the recipe not researchable you're dumb for fish do whenever we eventually get the thing absolutely I'll toss it behind you I don't really know how the recipe thing works but there ya know I just have to look at it or whoa I thought we had a research of like the research didn't seem to work on it oh I said plus one recipe that's just what it says when you pick stuff up so weird one egg two of each kind of fish and one barrel of flour the hell is that that sounds like an odd recipe we are fully extended with Nets full net hey I'm seeing a flashing light off this direction is anyone seeing this what where look I'm the horizon there's like a there's like a lighthouse or something oh is it the moon or I don't know that I think it's just the moon I think it must be the moon because it's lined up right with the moon right it is yeah it's the with like it was like coming and going when I first looked at it so it freaked me out a little bit it's very strange it's like the moon is a light source but it's not quite a light source out of us foods a little weird a little weird man from I drank this next cup of liquid juice oh god I have not been taking care of myself self-care man oh but there's so much fish in here it's a bonanza yeah we're wealthy with fish I think it's just like a detects a scarecrow instead of us which i think is very nice well it goes for the crops if you know how to scarecrow all this loot world we're sailing into for that Wayne thanks man that was not Bob I was not complimenting him thanks man your you are welcome but he is not thanks man nope unless you're grateful that I'm not thanking you which would be correct oh my god somebody usually grateful because your attentions usually negative attention so wave you're lovely and I love you thanks man you're welcome so kind of a win-win scenario for me right now thanks man more water make sure you're staying hydrated oh you it's I might not have refilled it did I refill it really oh no it's fine it's fine it's fine no I drink icy water giggles here tonight you know what do you sleep you a-holes hmm so other than clothes art we're back corner our ship so big we can't even get to it our huge ship is so you we need to build it like a second floor we need to stop going like out and more up okay you do that oh yeah right away and seeing that it's in the Builder it should be like if you have the Builder thing you can build it wait you're a resident builder you know I'll get to Wade the Builder Wade the Builder baby they do hey get out of here you a-hole there we go night-night not either of you sorry I wasn't assuming the thought Wade maybe hmm I guess there's nothing else we really need right now other than we gotta get clay that's just it if we don't get clay we're doomed Bob good catch [Music] someone take all the nails ah they got used for something I think Oh Nets tells me you want more than you want some of the metal back I think here no I put nails back into another one thank you the music what if what cues the music why is this so random it's very loud when it comes in yeah not that I don't like it but I just like a purpose behind it where do you go oh what direction face you got the other one what other one the further away one yeah no you won't staircase by where you guys are at right now you're the Builder man you go Bob no [ __ ] oh yeah I'm not here for that okay I just got watermelons and seeds why is this why is her ship kind of going caddywhompus towards this scrap it's like all weeds I think about our rotation has gotten fungus can I like rotate with the like the paddle if I can I turn us is that possible oh is that a thing well maybe it's cold it's cuz the sails on a corner maybe is that what's messing it up and let me see if I can scoot us at least a little you see what I felt this good news I am NOT I feel like this just pulls us that way it doesn't really turn us maybe cuz we bumped the island I bet it's cuz we bumped the island and that's what did it so maybe if I get out and I like push-ups you can spare if I'm making another floor I have four right there hmm I will turn to harvesting doodoos raised if I get out and I like if I like push against you I I can't push no there's no pushing help help help the rafts are drowning me you having some kind of trouble there friend oh it's fine it's fine find friends are you new friends again friend new window for new well we're forever turned there's got to be a little way to turn the boat gotta slam it into another island I guess it's gotta be a way to tend dude hmm can I use a streamer I'm a streamer I need a pillar catching you some planks daddy Wade so thank you oh I'm drowning mark what are you doing no I mean drowning by drowning I mean I'm dying of thirst over here with oh my goodness there's no water it's cranking this might be it for me eat some watermelon eat some watermelon is there a watermelon yeah three delicious watermelon please one for me please just just one tasty water this is what I have to show for it so expensive it's like a plain Animal Crossing hey good one thanks man dude what a what a relatable reference I made a streamer so we know which way the wind is blowing so we got that what if I turn this the way the wind is blowing if that'll blow us the way the wind would be blowing how what does it take to make a planter I want to do more planters [Music] oh yeah what an [ __ ] what an [ __ ] all right let me think let me think let me think where have there been no Islands where's Islands yeah are we not supposed to borrow should we be finding islands I feel like we're not finding Islands wait what's the deal where's the island really maybe we were supposed to spend more time there something I don't know probably kill the shark nah we're all they should have figure out how many of the bricks we needed before we well how would we know and do we got the thing it doesn't make sense weird it's all a big lie that's scary and we agree the time well don't disagree with me some of the time making myself a big planter and we're gonna have so many plants guys more Malone's I'm actually Adam alone seeds but we have eleven taters actually I have Morse now I want to grow potatoes let's see what happens all right all right you got it you got it okay oh do you need more wood wait cuz I got lots of wood yes you're all uh there's more watermelon seeds in the rightmost thing more planks per pillar before pillar three down there if I keep extending like this it happens you really I really don't want to fall in when the shark is literally waiting to catch you yeah that's not good I put in [Music] we've got a little bit of a disorganization problem going on here I'm dropping on the ground no food and water I should probably take a moment no we got plenty don't you don't you let yourself go hungry this is harder work harder work harder work harder Oh how do how did we make a raised foundation how do heck I don't know isn't the weight the Builder why are you doing weights job wooden floor and it's the wood we want the wooden floor not the foundation okay I mean I just wanted to know what it was like why you trying to steal away stain hey whoa guy floor is for cuz it's like a halfway between I don't know we'd use that for [ __ ] Sunland land oh good we're headed right for it yes nice nice nice nice okay murder shark it's taken quite a bit of damage since the last time and then hopefully Wade Bob what a miss I was gonna get patience patience was going to get me there miss all I saw was a swing and I miss yell at me wait what didn't what an assumption Wow and what an assumption way to go ed Oh like that way to assume half wouldn't look I know mmm I guess this can kind of go right there it's not really blocking anything Frick frack this streamer doesn't exactly give me any information that I can utilize it just says the winds blowing do left of the ship why is it important information the sails this goes wherever you pointed out doesn't really well maybe I guess it goes faster if you point it into the wind but the wind doesn't seem to change - I can't put a pillar here so we can't have floors above the Scarecrow right now cuz all the skulls kind of blocking where the pillars go mean do you really need to put a floor right above my plan really yeah what's the deal Wade what's the all right anybody able to make a Angkor Oh maybe where's that me I need yeah if we have ropes and stones which I know we do I can make it you know we do you know that we do we need more ropes though hang on I can make ropes I got this boom and now I can make a thread the line quatre isn't in the way of your sailrite mark this floor I can always move the sail I can move anything but yes i blank out starting to be a thing I want to put this over on the Saline corner boom I get your Spears at the ready we got a shark the murder the [ __ ] out us anchor away do we want a Wang into the island or now that's fine well perfect opportunity to kill oh alright for sure for real shark attack agree come back you [ __ ] I'm back ye [ __ ] where'd you at ye [ __ ] it's coming for me o nerds I didn't get a hit he sucks a lot yeah I see him smiling over there miss me oh you're going nuts coz he weren't going for me I see you missed me by like a mile weren't even close oh so are we in combat mode are we trying to find attractive yes I can't get a good I got one hit there we go come here [ __ ] alright alright alright I need some oxygen come on I'll get another hit cuckoo I think that's clay right below the ship rich oh you got me once oh my god alright we might as well get more than 12 just because it's gonna be Oh Frick I need to take a breather Oh God pain tag me in tag me in Fran pain lots of pain I don't see him wait where's he coming right at me how long does it take to heal up shouldn't I think you start to heal when your food and stuff is full here - I accidentally drank seawater so I am not I'm not got him oh all righty that means all right I'm les I'm going for it I'm going for I see there stone I think this is clay I picked up his flesh nice cook it up I can't oh this is copper copper you know what choppers for ya this is clay I got clay well I mean I'm assuming you smelt it successful streamer because of this company here stupid what's up when you're in the menu attempting to build something if you don't have one of the components and you can craft it if you click on it it will just craft it if you're capable of it that is handy hey I got two bolts out of a chest that was underwater hey wait you you did put one of the bolts into the research thing because we need that for like a lot of recipes lotta recipes kneadable three bolts Oh clay though Dolan clay yes save whatever we need for this melter but then definitely research this oh my god guys we're gonna be so wealthy with potatoes oh hell yeah NATO harvests for two more potatoes it's infinite potatoes it's infinity well yeah you got it infinite potatoes I am dying a food hang on oh mama I'm super dying a food I'm good I've three or I five clay so far five clay we need to how do we make glass wait I have a shark head in my inventory is that for something where that killed one yeah nice we still need the metal ingot we have to research the metal ingot to get the grille I see yeah so we're snow we're almost there were almost there how much how much clay you got I don't have any right now cuz I cracked him over the bolts Bob he was being lazy you see that water my potatoes where did I do that it's raining oh snap well the Queen's we're good on stone right I don't know I'm getting stone I'm down here so grab just in case it look like it's looks exactly like Santa except a slightly darker and the edges are a little more defined neat I fished up the area around the raft so there might not be much over there I'm just gathering anything that's down here I'm getting scrapping I'm getting subnautica vibes around the edges here well you start to drown it gets really bad don't drown guys I'm going out for these barrels I don't know why always back off [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm way out at sea I'm like shark bait right we throw some stuff in the shark bait right now or whatever it's all cooked you fool you were cooking up a storm and you didn't even think about the future I didn't even think about the future you're right you're absolutely right right now all right umm alright I've got a lot of clad not sure how much alright I'm back I've got eight clay and twelve sand here's that and that won't play oh you want me to make it yeah that's fine alright what bridge research to hinge oK we've got five we need one more - we need two more clay okay I research the hinge as well so we can now do the hinge we can learn a whole bunch of recipes we can learn these yeah yeah yeah just go ahead and learn they're free Oh big storage oh yeah large reply what better look better axe yeah oh good a research boy oh now we'll know clock things ooh metal bitching rod oh we need bolts for all these though okay so we still need the furnace we need one more cloak brick we need two more clay anybody got clay are we getting sloshed around right now we totally are boys story Lily all right we go we got to go down and get more clay I am almost died of thirst empty water bottle whoa sweep net what the hell is sweep net oh damn son where'd you find that catching bug that's what the hell flippers flippers where's the giant clam we need to research the giant clam oh that's it something yes got it Oh should I brave the depths and go get dad oh well done oh nice should I brave the depths and find these last two clay I think I should unless you guys got shark bait I don't have a fishing rod anymore so no more shark bait okay you guys want to help me kill it yeah give me one second we're learning more [ __ ] here I'm here for him all right sounds good a jar for a beach there's so many things here I've never messed with before yeah alright did you go in Bob oh we didn't even loot the island there's like watermelons and [ __ ] on the island we don't even get well yeah oh I get stabbed [ __ ] did you find the shark man sure did sure did sure did I'm fighting them given I come back or I'll fight him in the shadow showers yep oh by the boat yeah clips stand through things too easy yeah if you get on the shallows you can move quickly over the the shallow sand ridge here you might be able to dodge them got a hit nice definitely like a raid boss yeah got a hit there know it okay my stave is almost broken my durability is low whose they're coming at I don't even see him yeah you me quick what's your health at I'm okay I'm I need to take a break here let me take some it's I'm good health third so I'm gonna go up yeah that's okay I can take a mono e mono do we have word for place because we don't have stuff cooking it'll Bob let me take this suit off I got drumsticks from killing that burden with us on here come on where are you from hell's heart I stab at me where is he go ready to go come on where are you you [ __ ] you coward is it gone or something go farm if it's gone I think it might be gone oh you shouldn't have just left ah yes that GERD it away got you another recipe Bob we have fish stew and now simple fish stew nice fish stew he's eating the boat oh that's why you went away yeah I would yeah weights I think we run super low blanks when we're in I can cut down these trees that one gets two more I managed to get one clay uh it's also really hard to [ __ ] see at night in this game it's okay I'm sorry good night I've done this oh that's so scary come here you aah oh my spear broke god I gotta come back up do you want my spear no that's fine I'll make another one Hey alright alright come at me [ __ ] come at me come at me come at me come at me for the trees where our food supply is I we're worse we're starting to reach enough planters and things that I'm actually the potatoes and the watermelons are gonna be self-sustaining and I'm gonna start cooking more of the potatoes that we have where are you what are you doing [ __ ] come on try me it's getting confused as disorient it must be woozy from blood loss feed in almost it's gotta be he's got to be low in the middle this guy's hard to see but that's fine he's like in the island right now oh he's over by Wade why see was they just come on I love your battle cry so just attack what do we need giant clams still researched and I don't know what the research for gave us I just got another one I don't know yeah we'll find the resolution Frick oh come on I'm so close to stabbing you oppor ingot and the vine gooo help us get circuit boards I got cobbler I'll come back for that I need to get back to the ship come on so close you gotta be gog come on just die I really am trying to kill this thing you really got them blood in your eyes well I want to get one more all I need is one more clay I don't under the other side of the island I'm gonna get this clay screw this noise oh you know the hell's heart stab being technique oh wow I thought I was God look it's goddamn good murder team fam excellent murder it's family will mourn its loss excellent murder sand come on where's the clay there we go we got we got food come out our buttholes boys hided clay baby alright we got it that's the last one for ya that's the last one for the brick all right made that brick Santos and - I've got I don't I put things in the research I mean we oh you just drag it up into the little box up the top and you hit the research button when it's something that's at the top of the research table once you a on the research table there's like a little box on top ye doesn't seem to do anything if it's already been researched what are you trying to research I got a big clam yeah oh there's only one yeah you only need to get one we've learned the recipes that are associated with it here let me put the copper in so no capture copper cannot be researched well we've got feathers were using these feathers for anything cuz I think I took them out of your research table I didn't research all of them so now you can take them out I was just trying to research it and quickly come back to help you guys how do you get vine goo I don't know we have some how much you need for well not really owning it it says we have one I think it comes from seaweed maybe hmm hmm I thought we had one somewhere I don't know that's okay but not more clear sand yet that's the six stone nice yeah nice oh my host bro so large crop Lots how do you big trees on those how do you make a hanging a hang a hang you're gonna have to explain what a hang use a hinge my dude first a hinge so we should be able to craft them now they're probably metal ingots where I don't even see where those exist is it in the smelter or something mm maybe yes it says hinge but then it doesn't say anywhere in the crafting where we make a hinge yeah get out of here you scarecrow [ __ ] ah may I may I eat a watermelon either way my dudes thank you these potatoes grow like like potatoes tell you what I don't know how fast potatoes grow they grow incredibly fast according to this video game I won't use this yet wait till we get the big grill but once there's a big grill all right Christmas time your bird well I can't pick that up what is that it's a better fishing rod oh cool fancy fish Pole yeah well yeah we have lots of stuff for the big grill so all we need to do is get that we're almost there this this last thing we need nails also for the I think we might need to get out of here because we are not getting wood and we're like tapped out of planks yeah well I need to me I want to make another potato growing pod and I want to and I want to yeah we need wood boys yeah I think I think it's about it I'm putting I'm putting our mascots upstairs don't worry okay that's nice this direction okay I'm gonna have the kitty cat watching the front waving hello at all of our new friends there's the happy kitty cat I'm starting to lose it use me pretty kitty oh yeah who is it okay alright well good to know you guys have officially lost your marbles why don't you just calm the hell down judge emic Jason hi my name is now Jason that is my brother why don't you calm down malicious sleep judgmental mark there that's more freely oh I need a drink I will be back to make sure I don't die oh I thought you meant in the game I was like I you just get it from the thing mark what are you doing he's he's actually gone hmm yeah we're totally out of planks I can't even cook any more food at this point I think we gotta go yeah that should be fine I think he said we got enough play and hopefully we got enough I think so yeah wait for him to come back before we call it maybe just don't gonna see there's any last-minute stuff but I mean he ow I'm thank you for distracting the shark Oh mark did you say we're good on clay are we good to get out of here yeah we are good because as soon as this last brick dries I'm gonna make this furnace then we're gonna be smelting up a storm a storm like you wouldn't even believe I think it's time to go my dudes here we go god damn it get out of here you scarecrow [ __ ] well this Gary's not the [ __ ] I just have the the sail pointed directly in the where it says the wind is blowing so that's where we're gonna go oh this is that brick just dried mark yeah all right here we go smelter it is baby where do we want and point me at it I'll plop her down I would like the spot I'm standing in for more planters so I guess maybe second floor's melty second melty floor secondly I can do second-story planters do you want to do smelting on the main floor stupid oh yeah then you know you could have and you could have the whole upstairs to yourself and then I'm I'm trapped here with Wade unfortunately it would be the end result I'm actually I'm gonna move all my stuff upstairs I think that's the new plan all right fair enough smelter right there for now we can always move it yep stairs till we get a [ __ ] ton more wood yeah no the upstairs is like fine for me to just use as it is right now and you can you don't have to expand it we could maybe put another water purifier down here do we have the mats for that ah yeah we can make a better water purifier saying a bigger one we just need to start making glass which I assume is doing something with sand can we smelt sand yeah I would it's doom yeah I don't see why not that is how you make glass so my assumption that who knows would be Mike scientific deduction Tom calm down buggin nerd calm down no he's a nerd calm down everybody he's nerd hey there's another boat waiting just sure as a boat down way down that way we can we can hit and then hopefully straighten out again hold some ship last time we did it say yeah I'm dying oh you sound like I know I sound like a foo did you get made you so grumpy mr. grumpy McBride and thirsty mister maliciously judgey pants say such a thing about someone else look at all this space I just opened up for you boys look at all these goods that are floating in towards our ship that's the good stuff oh no disassembled the Scarecrow though I'm dying of hunger no please chef Bob I'm sorry I insulted thee might I have a potate take that my dude well thank you thee most gracious Lord how in God's name do I make a scarecrow where where's that where free where was I need more planks in palms and whatnot I'm getting blank surface uh not at the moment we're bypassing the ship it's actually due left it's so far in the distance though is it worth it I don't know let me work it I was gonna go into net whatever I know it's over no one was watching [Laughter] hey we got a metal ingot oh it's raining a hell yeah your crops are gonna grow that's for my crops and stuff do we need to research this metal ingot I think yes yeah yeah do it yeah oh wow Oh metal arrow metal spear baby whoa I don't even what this is shear advanced grille baby oh we have so much stuff this oh this is beautiful cooking pot Bob you love me don't you hints you wanna hinge you get a net launcher oh my god bull oh my god and anchor dude you love me you know me you love to know me you know you love me okay come you love that you know me there might be a shark attack or something happening what we're never mind he's just chillin get out of here you see go back we are missing a spot I think we might have been attacked no no I got it mr. bilder s'en not all of us cannot build just Brown yeah well maybe maybe you should maybe that's a good way I guess maybe if you did we buy the boat might be lighter and our food supply would be less strained I guess I can't argue your back yeah well you know you Gabby cold nard to succeed in life sometimes you should be cold and you gotta be pop you gotta be hard I'm gonna try putting some table without breaking it I put sand in the thing so we're gonna glass we can research that and then is that do you guys know if we can move this with what Wow why would you ask me if I know I don't know I don't know anything yeah yeah we move it good job Bob I saw those good one on don't don't move it we might not need to I didn't have nails that might be the problem okay I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish but I have to build these horrible things or else my family will be murdered okay yeah it's my lot in life all right man that's rough that was Green 4 I don't know what's going on with Wade he's going through some stuff I'm just gonna leave him be Oh potato economy here friends if we get any scrap I would like to make another planter uh just talking that out there hookin it out there it's just but now then you know what I'm gonna [ __ ] your way Bob I have a gift for you a gift for gift for you I'm gonna put it on the ground I will let you determine where said gift goes it's up here on the second floor on the ground right there cuts you pro my god a large crop yes man this man's here that's what I do ba that's what I do my man's right he's I am honking thing oh is it honking is it honking is it hi I'm watching I'm waiting where do I even where do I even right here we're about to miss up boo barrel hey come look in a second I bet it's great look at this big old honker I bet it's great let me see whoa oh we can put a tree in that that's what that is oh do we have any tree yeah we do we do we have coconuts don't we didn't we yeah coconut second from the right inventory thing okay laid the palm seeds here bung do you do you want palm seeds more than coconuts block palm seeds giving you the coconuts come here no no our coconut tree is palm seeds or palm trees well no wait I don't know try to put a coconut in I bet it I bet that's what it is evening all right well I planted one well baby you know you love me advance purifier baby nice nice oh we got we got we're wealthy and potatoes you don't check the future Oh dark and scary hey you want a light I could make you a light bin was four am i dying it's okay or alright he's fine now is what I'm saying I need an how much what do I need for fancy-ass purifier probably glass for glass I have everything I need except for for glass okay how long is poor glass gonna take probably like it probably 15 minutes we coming along on that or is in there right now we can make another negative there make myself a regular purifier for my farming purposes to anyone no no just planks palm in plastic so it's not anything super valuable honestly I wonder why we don't have multiple water purifiers yeah well that's what I've been saying and then someone was like no we'll just good another one and I was like okay but then we didn't get another one that doesn't sound like what I would say so I think whoever said that is just out of their gourd out of their gourd that's what I was gonna say out of their gourd yeah we're simpatico same things same thoughts scary sometimes patek oh they're not Spanish for yeah maybe means we really like each other we do synthetic oh it was like a popular song from 26:10 and then not refill this my crazy is their land to the do lefty it's very it's very hard to see good if you want to start doing sand yeah yeah yeah yeah I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you sand anybody else see you in that all right am I crazy I'm gonna point towards it there's an island over that way I believe there's an island on the right - there's two islands Wow which one do we go to it looks like the one to the right is bigger do we want the bigger island sure all right oh but Dad that one's pretty big though - no I think this one's better how's the fishing potatoes look at it I'm on I'm on potato land baby all right I'm also rowing towards it cuz I'm just a team player far are we away from making the big grill well I really could use that as well I was going for the purifier we need glass for that but we need metal for the grill all right do the purifier first cuz I think that will help yeah yeah constant water we're going towards the island if we get enough clay here at this island we can make another furnace man this battle sucks breaks into second seagull he's just chomping away at the stupid decoy like an idiot feel like an it yeah it is lugging it it yeah you right Bob you right sweep net is useful for catching bugs but that'll mean bugs for those come from where would even bugs even come from well we got the recipe oh we all have an Ed just the recipe oh I'm drowning oh that's a bad thing to do don't know that's it don't don't do that that is a handy technique of just being able to build the thing you need right in them and the other one nice that's a nice switch that inventories would do that for like many many a year and this is one of the fears I've ever seen that does that very handy I don't think we were very good about getting scrap metal before no we're sort of boned on scraps oh we don't have a anchor that's okay I'll just point it towards the island it should be fine well I can stay on the ship and work on em I'll make sure we stay on the island I can make one stationary anchor nope I gotta do a little prep friends it's done nice work done we've been anchored nice bro nice thank you sure yep God still problem where is he will kill him from how me he knows about the hell's heart technique Oh scary he wanted your bones he really did maybe he's angry because we keep killing his family yeah probably but like eventually they're gonna run out a family all right yeah magically they can't breathe that fast on the endangered species list a brutally a parental sick thanks was brutal man thank you tooting gnarly ooh there's a crate up here bolts in the Korean goods yeah free ingots you say yeah sweet bolts for long stuff like I don't know every time Bob needs a new fishing pole let's forget the big grill you need a bolt for that I mean that'll be good for it nothing else keeping food a bowl you say you see spear broke you say why does this happening right now mmm I like how you can swim in the water but your cup doesn't fill with saltwater hey Bob kind of light a present for him yeah I dropped it there for you okay my very own storage don't be like a butt I'll be like it so much this will be the food storage yeah I take care of my people take care of my people want food from here on out you got to come up here that's the rules all right sharks still coming I thought the shirt was dead no no turns out is alive and God bit my ass all right friends food storage is officially upstairs it's like a restaurant right yeah yes Oh get some my dudes actually I do need some food I am very hungry yeah I'm actually also all this bleeding I've been doing really dark Oh dying no oh okay better how's this doors looking ooh oh it's big storage yeah Bob that's some special that's really nice or the same glass not sure which ah that's a new glass let me put another in there we've got two of four needed for the purifier which we're gonna put upstairs for Bob I'm gonna have another gift worm no it's run by the Sun we gotta get it up there culturing the [ __ ] I'm not going to give it to whit I'm not gonna give it away I don't deserve it I've been a bad boy I agree so can we chop down the trees on the island or anything if we have like an axe or whatever metal acts I think gives you more back and lasts longer is the shark dead alive what's the status of the shark alive oh that's a problem are you just like wandering around yep well I'm crazy a hole yeah crazy holes I'm just there I'm just kidding I just need clay I just want clay all right sharks coming at me right now boy good keep it over there and not towards me new boys oh I'm gonna meet the UH the first thing he's done I got glass okay if they're standing around pops and in there we need one more Sharky [ __ ] yeah you keep him busy you keep busy I'm on the way I'm gonna help you he did he peed he went underground what he's in he went underground oh my he's quick here really quick whew are you because he went through the island dude I'm on the other side of thing because I was hoping that capable therefore yes he did yes he did that's wild that's just wild times that's not so I'm out of wood planks my dudes dudes yeah I need him if you drop them I'll come get them go away Scarecrow me on floor right behind you this oh no not the net did it get the net saved it oh you're a hero wait you really did it wait you're a hero oh my god this it's so deep what's so deep looking die it's still alive oh god it's over here come here you come on try me try me try me try wow it really wants you yeah I'm let's take a little wee break and I'll come in I'll get it first guard looks it looks very gnarly is there a way for me to repair the Scarecrow or do I just wow uh don't know he seems to be broken I'm gonna remove them and I guess try and build them again yeah I don't know if you can repair it I could have tried with the hammer I guess before you did that I tried it didn't happen that's unfortunate do we have any nails anywhere Oh scrap metals an issue yeah give you some scrapes I got nails here Nails Nails Nails Nails look for you Bob anything up to three but there you go one nail there you go thank you you got it anything for you is the shark still alive you sure is cool I mean no actually no wait it's not go for it Bob more potatoes cuz yeah do it do it don't do it I'm out here cranking out the food for my Bros you know that's what I'm that's what I'm looking for right now here another glass yeah hell yeah how do you get a seaweed up do you need an axe I just grabbed it there's just like a you're right you're right you're right there isn't okay Wow Bob so smart whiz I know so many things guys you do seagull I have a hunger I guess I should get to fishing but I don't want to use my good fish Pole game of what wait you didn't ever game up this whole time fov so like the field of view they went up oh yeah I maxed out my fov before we started I run it cool 70 the whole time know what the nineties that what you all want that's not immersive though no it's weird-looking this is what you wanted yeah uh how about we go to the other Island any objections to that one yeah I don't find any more clay well we need all the scrap metal you got all the scrap metal because that's like the thing we were lowest on uh scrap metal I mean yeah we're totally boned on scrap metal at the moment hey Bob can you chuck me that other piece of glass I have two pieces of glass good thing glass isn't breakable you know because it is oh we have no wood you need I need eight pieces for this purifier there's nine pieces right there my dude we share because we care all the scrap metal hook harvests things so much faster oh yeah weird it's nice please put it back oh you guys [ __ ] suck I told you you can never listen to the people look never happy about anything you will never succeed this is what you all deserve it's what you all get a bob here I'll let you decide where this goes Oh do you want to take the other one downstairs since I already got one or do I get all the purifiers you know all the beer revoir you're gonna need a lot of them hey Joe what the f what do I do with that I think you fill it with liquid let me let me see what's going on here how do I right now I'm not complaining but you can get water from up here mark because you have the longest arms in the history of arms oh wow oh wow what you can't oh you can really fill this thing oh my god this is gonna be like a basin of fresh water it's topped off all right let me just dump this salt water out anywhere neato Oh jerk I spotted you from a mile away Ukranian ironies [ __ ] the chef it's dead I did this I did this I did this I did this Oh bird god damn it get out of here I killed a shark I'm not afraid of you this is excellent this is excellent that's the right timing okay coming together I'm finding a lot of scrap metal over here so I'm grabbing it all guys we get so much water from this frickin thing holy jeez yeah if you get I um if we get the bottle it can hold like three drinks worth but we need the vine goo which means we need to get the seaweed I believe well yeah you put the seaweed in the smelter and it turns into goo I'm just gonna see how long it takes hey have you tapped everything have you tapped this island out no I'm on the opposite side I'm still finding a lot of metal I don't know if any more clams no grabbing the clams to grab the clams grab these clams yeah what's that what is that grab my lambs what are your clams new purifier is the Jimmy James I tell you what is it it is sounds pretty sweet bro goddamn dimmadome up in here clams are balls thanks Chet all right cool good you know clams are balls man clams are balls bro dude your clams are boobs [Laughter] Bob might die spare some food come to the restaurant sir I'd put some sharks in there for you thank you yeah I need like a bunch more planters but otherwise we're rockin and rollin I need more scrap metal that's the thing I need for Blanche's okay I've got some not a ton if I get three scraps I can make another planter we're just out of planks we need wood I think we need to I got I got wood I can spare you like to more wood none for my planters otherwise yeah we're kind of limited you know wait wait here just take my scrap metal here here Oh drop me daddy Oh oh my god you at eight scrap yeah of course six six crap I mean dude I'm always sitting on the scrap Marx all your scrapping it up just keeping it to himself dude I love keeping scrab to myself I'm gonna plant some beets and just see what happens because I mean shall we anchors up I'm good on wood as yet I am still wealthy with wood good sir actually I just ran out but that's fine okay we'll get more once we're back on the open seas any rope need some wrote me some wood I'll take some wood but otherwise let's just let's just get out of here I will continue growing things like the absolute boss that I am oh sorry there's point in the wrong direction there we go what are you driving us into the it's all hard to say quantifiably I don't think what I felt in the shirt back right as I fell it's all good it's all good baby alive until it [ __ ] look do you need to calm down man yeah wait you're gonna have an aneurysm yeah come on button three today mm-hmm all right we really need that big grill I have so much shark meat and shits [ __ ] what do you need what do you need work grill big grill is planck's metal ingot to two ropes and six nails do you have the planks and half the nails already show you to mentally we're about to love me your mark bro this is this okay wait yeah oh you all you are about to love me you're about to love me you will love me you will love my god and will love me I all I need is two ropes and we have palm fronds somewhere you will be loving me oh my god are you guys I'm ready I'm ready yes boom that is nice that is what you go nice how did you just put them in there Oh boys I'm about to absolutely chef you out of your mind who's chef my whole my whole I can cook three big hunks of meat at the scene oh my god how is your mind hole feeling dude we are on a whole other level this is awesome guys this is nice teamwork really does make the dream work really they really does like the Dave Matthews Band has said teamwork like the Dave Matthews Band has said you know yeah yeah yeah because he's a bad singer oh really cause he's a bad I think do you ever see the Star Wars robot chicken or Palpatine's like doing that your momma fight is like because because night David fewer fewer calories mama's so fat she's got a lightsaber and fewer calories like and lastly like explains like cuz cuz cuz it's late so it has less calories [Laughter] damn get em Palpatine we have so much plastic right now do we need to expand anywhere on the main floor I don't think so we're doing pretty good my food Empire is just utterly beyond compare right now no one would have thought you would have been top-tier world top ten food Empire of raft s tier n a raft gameplay happening right now live on stream yeah we have any more planks I'm plumb out of flanks my dudes working on it at the moment [Music] how's that super purifier doing up there dude it is an absolute dream of mine even a night come to fruition Lola's [ __ ] I don't like it's just fully painful 24/7 dude this is spanked out of my mind out of its mind Juicin beyond belief and what's amazing is you can just fill it as you clogged it you don't need to compromise look how honkin this one salmon is I'm grilling up a salmon [ __ ] thing holding you're holding it like a bazooka well here look this is the shark steaks these are oh my god it's like a third of your hunger bar you got one of those for the restaurant just got upgraded to the restaurant was amazing your restaurant is best restaurant top tier restaurant Oh hop food thing oh god I might miss this barrel oh it's gonna be close I drank me water because I'm a [ __ ] it's fine under under treat [ __ ] tree shark attack I was I've sleeping on the job I stabbed him and then I stabbed him the only unfortunate thing about the purifier being up here is refilling it's gonna be no no no no no you can get water from the top do you have arms like a god yeah all you must do is outstretch them what my mind is what arms failed did you blow your mind too hard i blew too hard like you said all right mind blown too hard you nailed it I have one metal ingot for a boat yes there been an entire cooked salmon when you got cook salmon funny about this I really need some planks my dudes come playing playing slippery criminal acts where's you where's you here at the bottom of the stairs I'm on it I'm self-sufficient all right well I was gonna throw you some but now I don't find this tree up here ready to be harvested it's trying to be close I don't know I don't know if it is for sure no I don't know how to tell wait you can wait I'll see this this do got the shoe oh you got that I caught that on my fishing my fishing expeditions over here you can plant something in the shoe oh you can use the shoe as a planter a beat for the beat in the shoe adorable [ __ ] I've ever heard all right put a beat in the shoe oh my god guys we are utterly wealthy with potatoes I cannot overstate this to you I mean you could try we have so many potatoes that we could literally build a bridge from here to the moon out of potatoes and we would still have several potatoes damn that's a lot of potatoes otter late well who knows I really want to get these aggro cycles synched up I don't know what happened but somehow my potato grow cycles got all wonked not s tier anymore only a tier God Turtles troubles have befallen me my friends what troubles extolled my troubles to you dude you gotta listen in open your ears sometimes my ears were shut what you what you're doing to my catfish okay the restaurant in your cow it's fine that's fine I have many more to cook that's fine I give you some more planks today you said you needed planks I appreciate that richly wooded and I guess I'm freshly fed oh the scrap hook is way better oh yeah oh this thing lightning speed does it have more distance nope what it's what it's what a time to be alive what what is what is life right now you know dude who needs a land I don't even know what I love raft and I am here for raft these land I stand raft so hard dude I stand raft so hard what did I need goo for I need to do for something or something something like that I can't remember probably Oh wah bah bobble Dookie bottles been flying do for what what if we're gonna make a cooking pot for Maalik cooking pool all right I can next next thing I'll cook up some net cute you need num ingots we should make metal Spears we can kill the shark a little bit faster yeah yeah yes that's three men and gets basically per oh that's a lot oh it is a lot it's expensive damn we need more storage to God actually like a whole other row of storage it's pretty good yeah but it takes a metal ingot I'm not gonna waste it once we get a couple more islands and get a lot more metal you should be a fine to do that come on daddy needs a new pair of slippers baby yeah oh no did he get the net oh well you your big boy you can make more nets problems yeah I'm a mortgage that's the spirit well you make more Nets I got the other one it took oh you got them both well no you're free you're very impressive Wade very impressive what'd you do yeah you lined it up really well you nailed it good job proud of you hey you friends got any planks yes in this leftmost one I'm putting plank small oh yeah just the basic basic stuff I'm gonna keep in that one oh you got whole stacks of things you just stacks on stacks big stacks on racks on stacks on stacks have you seen the pile q-and-a get break for my routine style crank out of Shawshank or a Green Mile right mm-hmm yep what was that epic rap battle been Edgar Allen Poe would Stephen King who just pinned fat stacks made me think oh my god guys one cooked salmon basically D hungers you I don't even chew it I shove it it never hungry gonna oh my god this is the most satisfied I've been in a long time that's very nice I'm so pleased satisfied I feel as water purifier is [ __ ] and dole did you got like the best setup I've seen oh your and your goos done to mark I see water I drank sue I've really doing it ruins it cuz I just drank some of the fresh water that he has nothing I'm fine I have nothing to call my own I guys hey your shoe B guys look at look at me and tell me if I'm okay by the way I thought we were going towards another Island but apparently there's no other Ellen side I'm up here agricultural myself till my heart's content this seems like it's ready it's pretty big and honkin if you know what I mean you expected it to be like coconuts dangling they'll see ya can I think so ready alright well here we go let's do it you got to chop it I think so yeah yeah we're just three planet I was in water that bad boy bird bird I'll drink the water in front of the tree just to make it feel bad about itself wow that's really that's the most savage [ __ ] I've ever done to a tree I walked up to him with a delicious cup of water it was all some people tree lovers some people tree haters some trees are just [ __ ] yeah you've seen all this food action we got going on wid wait do we have a clam we have clams in with a check yo where's clam can we claim plan okay I'm about to solve them I'm about to solve our troubles Bob what troubles seagull nest where do you want it can you put it it needs to be far away from people because it people scared we don't want to scare it away when it's on the nest yeah I used this whole top area can you put it on one of the counters down there where yeah done it's done baby ha ha for me yeah never [ __ ] [Music] you know what I can see why the seagull may not have trusted us to begin with but that's a nice little corner all right that's nice I like that I like that wait that way planned this way oh I see you're right I do not stay aware oh oh oh yeah yeah Steagall are you eat [ __ ] you get out of here you eat [ __ ] battling an entire universe shovel dude whoops real Topsy 30 I was gonna break for we get that do we move the sale we did okay good I did is there any way to get like a permanent a toaster oh that's a good listen is there a way to get a permanent problem solving to the shark or is that always just gonna be an issue it's always an issue but the metal spear definitely deals more damage a thing all right well we can Bob catches the smaller fish now we can make shark bait I don't know how that works when we're moving around maybe it does I mean there are so many barrels right now so water damage just missed it well this Islands tiny it's the stuff under the water we need I didn't know we were going for a bitch-ass Island yeah well I mean Island Wade pointed it out oh yeah maybe as good I may be your maybe your eyes are good maybe you got good eyes you get out of here you spear crop one of the better anchors now do we have that we don't need a better anchor oh we have it but it costs a lot of things it's ten flank six rope three ingots and one hinge who would do that permanently so it saves us resources in the long run Oh maybe liars why didn't I try this you can cook shark meat on a little grill you absolute scoundrels I didn't say anything about it I never tried it you see monsters told me doing nothing about it I'm never getting you a present again if you're gonna have that attitude about it and I'm not ungrateful I'm just saying we could have had so much more delicious Charlie gave you so much to appreciate it bit by bit I appreciate you bid I did when I eat you alive that's inserting own reasons but okay sharks alive yeah I don't think anyone thought the shark was not alive yeah pretty sure we all knew why was I making goo by the way why was why was that making goo I can't remember the water bottle and in the something else huh why didn't seem right the water bottle all right a bottle I've got a bottle the other thing cooking pot look at you buy because we actually can get meals I mean I made the water bottle instead I'm an idiot good I'll research the water bottle researched oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] binoculars oh oh [ __ ] an oxygen bottle boom oxygen bottle holy course right divorce damn Oh leather belt anybody get that nice reference tell me I'm nice reference tell me nice spot thank you I need to kill the shark he hurts some food and then yeah may I have food some food there's so much oh my god why not there you bastard get away you know wait get away this guy sucks oh I am good and I'm happy to be playing but how late did you guys want to go today I'm still long we've been going oh my god we've been playing this for two and a half hours turns out it's just really fun oops so I figured I'd check want to mess up a shark I mean eventually I'll have to stop but oh [ __ ] we died that would be we played well we died in real life that that no how about no what alright so scary gets to you to be that good video gets TOS to die on stream yeah I'm pretty sure yeah that sounds about right no no channel pants why are we getting our Channel and what is happening because Wade wants to die on dream I don't think so I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die he's gonna give you a Mary oh there we go there we go I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine a vitamin huh all bless you in your beautiful shark meat I know look at all this stuff I got for you guys if you leave it I'll just cook it that's fine all right if there are any uncooked beets and potatoes and whatnots let me know I'll cook those for this chest away from you that's where that we've been putting them might I have some more shocked sir get it yourself some my bros thank you I accidentally took three I apologized didn't mean that putting barely have all of them what do I do with coconuts anyone know cook them eat them a little bit of food and water but I don't really probably know can't cook them eat him drink him hit him with a hammer it seems like you can eat them but they don't seem super valuable or anything hmm we're just absolutely mwah all right once I get the seaweed you're gonna get a cooking pot Bob you're gonna get a cooking pot there should be some seaweed up in this piece oh no I got it I got a guy I got it we got a planks already is that possible oh here I can give you 20 I seem to have how are you how are you getting going through so many planks I don't know one stack of 20 like 10 minutes ago and just use it to stoke my flames I swear I've been putting down plank after plank you go through a lot whenever you're cooking especially with the big grill and all the other [ __ ] oh why does this take so much to make weird all right at some point here I'm gonna I'm gonna call it good on the foots oh just you wait until you get a cooking but my friend well yeah do you want to make some soups and whatnots unfortunately I need planks to make an axe to cope well I need planks actually I only need planks I need six place there are way too yeah right Oh chef right click or something like that Wow I'm coming out middle middle mouse click middle mouse click oh ok I got one hit on him cut away seagull hey Bob I don't know if you need this but here's some oh hell yeah I can't pick this up yeah I can't pick these things up what does something just happen what wait can you come up yeah I'm here I'm put me a chest that might be safer yeah all right so sticks mangoes a beat and planks for mark right Diggy yeah that leaves zero plank I'm almost out of uncooked food right now oh just you wait hey Bob I've got a present for you a present for me have you had a brother for you I built a special platform for it there you go you're gonna need it here pick it up right there if you can't pick it up well it's a little weird Oh Bob come pick this up before it goes away to pick up I can't pick it up anymore mark I made oh my god oh my god oh my god hang on oh wait I need one more plank there's more plank down there there's more plank and I'll get it I don't like can I use the hammer to get rid of things how do you deconstruct plank on the ground I don't know all right I got I got the I got what I need you wouldn't break this wall hitting with an axe I put this here I think I need I think I need a post oh my God look at that so maybe the recipes you can post them up on the board I don't how that way do you need me to move this sale so you can put one maybe in between these and kills another all right got recipes all right so you move the sale so can I now can I now can I just make a floor in here oh I totally can waha that's a deal well you totally totally input the recipes up on the wall that's adorable guys come look at my recipes coming that's so good oh that's oh that's adorable I love that that's so cool fish do I need what is that bucket of it looks like a bucket of cheese maybe water I am NOT prod juice but the problem is all of our characters are male new potatoes - beets and then - - so I need fishes hmm oh you know what it might be might be milk we can actually on some of the islands will eventually go to the animals we can make the net we can catch them and share them and milk them what oh goodness you can kiss yeah Bob Rubin said oh [ __ ] I love the present I love it okay go here huh I said I love the president that's not your fault oh well I mean technically it's my fault Oh if fault is like just as a reason of doing a thing and that I'm doing this is nice is there an end game to this game that's that's my question they've added some stuff yes I've not done all of it but yeah I don't know have completed any of it no I'm thinking about it yeah there is an end game or at least there's stuff added to the end because eventually we want to antennae like the radio receiver or whatever and it'll kind of like guide us somewhere and then apparently there's even more to do after that now weird I think we still have quite a lot of content oh I I don't think we're anywhere near the end just curious in general oh yeah okay right here and get salt waters you have to walk around way across ah there we go all the stuff we can get and get out of here something get more wood you know we always run out of wood I don't know why it seems like we always have a plethora of wooden then suddenly nothing yeah well maybe if this wasn't such a [ __ ] baby island that's tree good again tree might be good again how quick does it grow it looks like it's full hmm all right morning time for the shark to die okay I guess we're doing this why are we murdering a shark and we need to get more stuff from the ground what no it's coming back I keep thinking I'm stabbing it but I don't see a puff of blood so I'm not sure if it's actually working yeah good bullets good bloods good blood man good bless I didn't get it nice nice coming back coming back off missed I got one come back got it yeah more sharp we did good murder meat all right clay quickly getting clay where's the goddamn grab grab everything you can find other than stone I think anymore stone but yeah we have plenty of stuff rocks here you go Bob thank you harvesting mm-hmm it's more Matt how are we still plank for what is this I don't know cuz you get blanks when you get like Thanks are those large crop planners just have tons of trees planted I think yeah I can do a little tree farm expansion up here whoa it was a crate down here it had wood in it weirdly enough not great for good for us right now yeah oxygen that's problem yeah I'm like straight out of planks that can no longer cook things no I know oh that's where our planks go I was wondering how they were being consumed it's fine he's that many I use like no I'm not blaming you I'm just saying I was just curious of where they was all going I didn't know okay I use a lot of planes I know I know I know I know I know use a lot of blanks yes it's true I do oh hi wait youyou didn't go like a different direction around the island what this here do it the same one you went the same way island went the same way as I did I see how it is following the trail of unharvested metal ore and scrap metal uh-huh you keep telling yourself that I know you keep telling yourself the clips will tell the truth alright the class breeze I don't see for you I'm just mumbling to myself I don't even care you'll need to know what my character is now you're kind of an it pronounced I Gor of course of course of course yes I was a combination of the the donkey from way to poo and oh I thought you minute like his accent I was leaving he or does not sound like that guy come on go away you burnt a hole why is there a cricket on our on our on our barge our raft I guess oh are you telling me this this log on the ground isn't something gather Abul let's do what do you people have an axe yeah thanks oh yeah I think I'm tree ready to harvest I'll come get it no actually Bob I got another present for you Oh Presi here since you need it I think uh hacks I think we got everything in the island I'm pretty sure we've okay we can we can land ho I just sneezed so hard that my butt hurts is that good yeah perfectly natural occurrence actually okay it's concerning to me but as long as do you guys think it's okay then I believe you it is okay it is we're getting back all right soon I'll be able to make another thing or another furnace today you think you know i Gor when I go or ask you something may ask you something you think that's funny but it's not that's real funny sir no ma'am if he thinks it's not me but you do Lori Lynn her name remember what was that look Lori was it Lori as her name wasn't I can't read it's been so long since that bit I literally can't even remember what it was about like I honestly have no clue anymore Shane slept with Rick's wife Lori right was it Lori named Lori Lori Carl Carly guys I'm gonna make a potato beats to okay Maya I don't know what I'm doing but I just put two beats and two potatoes into a stew and I'm freakin doing it okay I'm God dang doing it hacking Frick you know me freaking freaking hacking for a guy oh you you know that I know you I know you know me tacks of plastic Jesus can we melt plastic and just create some fumes and hail them and didn't die that's exactly what I was thinking come back instead of ending in death raft that way I'm aiming the thing to the thing of it that way oh god bless you Bob in your food infinite supply of food you're welcome god bless you Bob god bless you look at the cooking pot is Jim Chunkin away what you makin I'm making the potato beats dude it turns out you could just put any four things in here you want tell it to start cooking it makes something it'll give you it'll be like shits to go really well together okay so no well that's not that's it didn't put the fish in so I just wanted to see what would happen all right it'll make something I saw more like Cheech more in the Igor I don't know what you're saying achievement complete a more complex concoction oh well done wait how do I get it out of here do we need a bowl or something to get it out of here yeah clay bowl I've got one clay no you need to clay the engine from Crash Bandicoot it looks like potato and beets to guys it looks delicious is it delicious I don't know cuz I can't eat it apparently unless I specifically have a clay bowl there's no other way to eat this stuff yeah we got a bolt and a recipe for real simple fish stew again okay whoa is that are you seeing what I'm seeing big island I think I see big island oh my god dude we just hit island bonanza my eyes are so tuned into this game do you have those binoculars mm no way baby these are all-natural that's it no now you do so we don't but anymore oh here Bob this is all I got clay I need literally two if we have any I've got one more here sure keep coming circuit going jerking I cut him in the past I can't do that I'm gonna make me some clay bowls and see what the deal is with this stuff sounds good sounds good sounds like soup dudes Wow wait look look at my steaming vegetable soup Wow hey Tandy you know I am hungry I could use some yes take some I'm gonna throw it on your feet apparently oh boy perfect tell me how much that fills you up dude let's see oh it gives me a little green bonus on the top of my health bar bro guess who's making all the vegetable soup from now on dude Oh decent oh my god that fish wait you just hold the fish like a gun don't give me any trouble grandpa business all right doing good almost there this is a big island Madhu's this Islands gonna be cool all right I'm definitely making another fish - that's no I don't eat it well that's not what you want to see you deserve some fish too - no I ain't a raw beet like a dog that's not what you want yeah all right almost gonna anchor I'm about to anchor Oh anchor anchoring oh I think you're - it anchored Oh God it's not something we can grab that's unfortunate no that really does look like it now we're kind of on the wrong end of the island but whatever oh I remember what I was gonna make a long time ago I was gonna make flippers Oh for Flip's oh but ladies and gentlemen we're about to have to smelters oh are we we are about to okay what the cave what right the bite right below me there's like a cave under the water we need to breathe through or something what oh I've not moved in so long my ass [Music] maybe you should move your ass part of it hey you got one plank you can spare Bob I am no planks wake you chop down those trees get you one you need a plank bro I got you they make hooks for that oh my god Bob no it's worth it you need this plank thank you bro bro totally worth it bro bro bro I can't pick it up bro bro bro have you bro I can't back up like bro wait out for that thing was it chomping on my stuff oh god I got a guy is the bird it was the who's the bird okay we're fine I'm fine double smelter baby doubles military dual smelter you got some planks thank you thank you I got a vegetable soup in the in the in the food storage dudes hot stuff I sitting in there thank cool Knopf thank you thank you thank you dude we're so food rich right now I'm gonna stop making food forever yeah dude take a break you you've done enough you've done enough well back up to five planks and three nuts three nuts you say yeah I feel like we've gotten into a cycle where we always come to an island when it's night and I feel like this is gonna be here we can't see [ __ ] should I brave the ocean try to kill this bad boy I'll come with you where are we going my spirit I guess is almost dead actually we have anything to make another spear perchance how we need planes for that but we don't know bro okay well if we get some planks I got the rope with me I'll just crash one on the fly to mark you lead the way let's go murder this a-hole this murder the old Murli Oh hail murderer I'm gonna stab it right up as a whole how do we get up this island just Spanish oh you write you write also a Bob you have an axe right you've axe yeah yeah okay cool good good good good yeah I want to get some more more seeds we can make another big-ass planter and start start our tree takeover yeah we just need some wood hey there's a crate hi there's a crate hey there's a crate over there recipe vegetables ooh why would I be down here on purpose to chop down this tree their fall damage Oh God I'm on the way oh no oh our Empire oh it got 100 did actually get what about one [ __ ] guy I think cuz our scarecrow is scared on the throw is puked scarecrow got an exclusive alright hey stupid idiot those are the useless ones come back Oh miss you up he attacked our protective defensive ones like a [ __ ] but my scrap metal scrap metal oh okay I can make another scare crew how's that I see you a scarecrow protect protect all of our stuff I need me there's a tree up there that Oh you doing all right way yeah we're all done that was you that's what you sound like exceed I sure wish I could hit this shark it's so perfect mayor you does that mean that's kind of mean yeah well I'm choosing to ignore it cut out for me so I can't even tell if it wasn't mean or not it wasn't mean if you couldn't hear it it's like if a tree falls down the woods sittin [ __ ] making noise it hits who thinks that I I guess not yeah I guess yeah hey shark man I wish I had a spear or I wish I had a spear yeah I can make you a spear bro you want a spear rope yes your uncle spear bro make you a metal one but I can make you a void I'll take a wood Spears wood Spears go come get your wood spear bro thanks bro we couldn't make a bow and arrow I can't pick it up I can't pick I can't pick it up I can't Oh God God God oh my goodness okay all right I'm gonna go try to get more stuff and kill a shark damn it haha he hurts so bad he really hurts yeah he's kind of a a-hole he is she is a a-hole oh you're right oh there is kind of like an underwater cave here I am gonna die oh no that's so scary Wow okay one more hit and I'm down I gotta get to them I can take one got we got a stoop up here boyo I will that help my Healey I don't know you some kind of bonus or something right sure sure sure sure if I put this vegetable soup recipe on your does it just like oh there we go here Bob I know you already did it but oh is that literally the recipe that I just got yeah um Lee you you did it man dude you did it i hacking did it bro look at it boom damn let's roll soup up in this piece damn alright cool peacefully oh I think our big water purifier might be slightly borked why I tried to fill it up and it would seem like it was filling up but now nothing is happening well I need you to fill it up it needs the Sun Oh does it really not work without the Sun well I mean if you think about it it seems to be a pretty far that's based on solar energy so if it's not Gary Burt oh I'm hurt I'm hurt I would so come help I would so come help but I won't okay well if you think about it we actually don't need that much more of whatever that's gonna give us because we got two furnaces that's good I think for now the next step is kind of like farm up just wood and build condense them more we need to get a big-ass wood situation going on here yeah wood seems for some reason whoa is there a decent way to get palm seeds because I feel like we don't have very many palm seeds I feel like each palm tree we cut down that's fully matured gives you one so I think they just replenish without giving you extras well like I chopped down two trees on this island didn't get any palm I say we just kind of go for it let's just see where the road takes us can we process coconuts in the palm seeds oh wait I have five palm seeds nevermind I just found five palm seeds yeah kill it get me out of here you dick good dammit how strong is this one this one seems to be extra strong we go we I you guys want to get on the road or all right yeah I got some uh I've got fourteen unmelted so I'm good I think we're good what metal ingots I'm at the scrap metal we're low on scrap metal but we can get scrap metal from barrels I think I think at this point I just want some wood alright yeah I mean to make the large thing to grow our own trees is ten planks for rope six nails and one hinge so the hinge is hard the rest of it we just need stuff that we find at sea pretty much we got lots of palm fronds where we can make lots of rope and we just need planks and whatnots yeah we'll get there we'll get there baby we'll get there someday we're gonna get there right let's see a raft I think the swords the barrel to the right oh gods for the round you're pulling me in two different directions here I can only go so many ways yeah barrel first alright really unfortunate for you would really unfortunate I'm fine sure you're that's what they all say Noddy okay now for the other rare I think rafts are the best bet because those crates have the things that we actually need they're they're full of like the recipes and like the the little advancements and I bet you know I don't know how we're gonna make a circuit board for some of the recipes we got here would you say have some pineapple and mango seeds I think we can plant those I think they go in the vegetable things I'm just gonna eat coconuts to get the space yeah I mean you can store them up here if you want we got lots of space in the food storage for random extra crap mmm alright is there any other monster besides the shark that's gonna come out after us any what other monster besides the shirt plate yeah I think supply if there is it's not until we get further than I've gotten huh which I've really only gotten through the base game mostly so it's highly possible wait look out you're singing there's a fine by Bob it's bye guys alright he's fine he's fine don't worry about him that's a good give us babies oh is it over there oh so cute we've been getting nothing where's the wood should we do a perpendicular side with um that's yes can we no matter which direction we're moving we're always catching some stuff yeah it seems like the raft now wants to go that way so we could technically speaking move all the nets to that side since it seems like we're dragging in from that side well right now it's because the sails facing that way well the winds pushing that way so you know checkmate sails facing that way which way your sails face it's not the other way that doesn't make sense how why would why would the wind obey what my sail is doing what we'll hire if Marc alright you mock me and then agreed when they I don't know knew all right I'm moving I'm moving the nets I'm doing that because I think that's I think that's play both sides how about you shut up okay let's get our game I got you I got you you cannot come at me in a debate you will lose every done I'm glad there's no tusen I'm on your side the only problem is gonna put it by that bird wait wait the bird is doing things give it a second but the nets it's doing stuff maybe it's done so if I what if I sneak yeah good thing you put all those points into stealth and dexterity yep seems fine holy [ __ ] seems okay alright seems good do it I dare you he did it he did it he attacks whoa hey why is that thing not dead yet we've hit that particular shark up boo boo in times wait a minute I dropped something into the ocean and it sank forever no no it's floating it's loading it's loading it's floating okay it's loading I'm fine I'm fine barely Q drops your things I dropped I threw my hook into the ocean it's a shark yeah yeah man you should control yourself that is oh yeah you put it in something thank you that's an annoying thing I think it's because the stupid server that stupid Wade is hosting is being stupid by the way whoops whoops Oh whoopsie doodles whoopsie gypsies oh my god the number it was you were not kidding about potatoes what about potatoes potatoes that we have yeah yeah I should have been cooking those I should have been saving those [ __ ] for vegetable soup yeah Oh Bob you know Bob you just scared away the bird thief is that good I don't even have a way to cook an egg so actually I'm gonna move the the I'm gonna move the nest over to this kind of underside beneath the thing cuz we don't go over here so this should be fine you know you nah mean architects it's ok sharks come and go but love never changes I'm gonna enjoy your delicious soup here bub oh my goodness that doesn't give any thirst soup you know you just gets in your teeth and you can't really get any yeah it's good stuff that's what I'm saying is good stuff just good stuff very good stuff man really good stuff I'm cranking out the soups now my voice we're not only thank you cooked food right we're super rich I love that about you or Campbell's rich if you know what I mean all socho hype you get I I had his soup chunky I was thirsty after I had the soup it was crazy it actually sucked the moisture out of me who was so chunky chunky is actually less accurate than crunchy it was crunchy was also new Oh No who's these noobs who can't hit [ __ ] with their hooks way did I just crisscross like a couple of idiots look it's been a while since we've done some hookin you know almost oppressive yeah there's [ __ ] planted what the the bird just came over and was like you got some stuff for me and I don't I just harvested everything there's nothing uh does it he can suck one does anyone need ooh is it raining maybe yeah does anyone need uh something that requires metal because we've got a surplus of metal new hooks in so I'll need one bolt changes for tree plots if we want to do those alright alright ok wait in the in this in this Yin with the flowers I'm going to put one two three ingots for you and then bob up here in your cooking I will put one two sorry and I will take a bowl of supers payment now I would take steak steak please dude I I'm just cranking out the soups right now boom BAM soups up in here this is good stuff like it makes me think that this wasn't like a horrible accident where we added we like a capsized ship or something I think this was a voluntary and coming never mind we chose this we chose this life because this is a life for us it's impossible sorry I just I was very protective don't mock me I will not stand for it there's anything broken over go repair looks good old that bird has not come back yet mm-hmm hey don't don't don't get he's [ __ ] on my scarecrow right now that's why he's not back he's [ __ ] on you're scary you know he's being a real dill weed if you know what I mean I do know what you mean I dunno I dunno rain do we have any plum case yes actually I ended up with panel I saw that I saw that Bob that's no good no oh no you hate to see how and he's in the drink oh I'm dying now no that's no good there's no good listen oh I actually am curious I've won oh I wonder I really so much random crap in these containers I'm I'm very curious I'm about to do something bold cobble you're about to see okay double sail B are we about to start I don't know if two sails means twice the speed and I don't know physically the where they're placed is gonna mess up but two sails you know but you're here for this and it's happening big boats during the the yeah they were stacked up against each other yes good good thing when the British attacked Australia or whatever they had the big sales yeah yeah Thank You Man right of course why wouldn't you what be remembering that correctly I've got so much metal we got to two trees growing now upgrade my dad yes and we got some serious amounts of soup happening oh I need another bowl for my soup I got I got more soup than I know what to do with out here dude I'm pretty well worth threes when the British attacked Australia and they're big sailboats yeah man I'm not gonna challenge you on that one I think you might be right I think we actually are busting it leg twice the sail speed we're just falling boss and serious ass right now dude there I've never seen bigger asses being hauled than what we're hauling right now I mean I haul around a pretty big badonkadonk never seen bigger okay tremendous strides in an [ __ ] and technology well now I got this extra space over here I don't even know what to do with ya guys I got I got I got space I got plots it's so nice up here it is really nice up here right this is this is where your food comes from my boys Wow self-sustainable whoa bowls of soup stack well Big Island do straight left oh hell yeah honk Big Island be turning trim trim them doom ah these sails are so fast the barrel subs go for they went right away out this way but I ran out of planks what how have we run out of pant place we've been doing nothing but farming planks sorry I questioned you okay this is a big island yeah seeing this I'm seeing an island that looks big yes looking at what I'm looking at it's a big island yes doing stuff I'm not I don't have time for looking okay I'm doing important things up last I am pretty sure that some of these islands are gonna have underwater caves that have like cool [ __ ] in them and even on the island some of them have caves you have to access underwater but if we make a shovel we can get dirt I think we need more dirt for either animals eventually or for Bob's crop plots if you don't need it for the crop plot see what we will need dirt later on but we don't I don't have any crop loss right now that we need dirt for animals once we start finding animals I'm bringing a sword over towards the left side because that's there's like a perfect time perfect time I'm gonna build a anchor real quick okay anchor being made then we're gonna I'm gonna go get some more under Roundy's may those sales yeah these sales are no joke okay hurry up get out there all right oh yes baby give me the clay I want another one another furnace Bob and thrown you some shark meat up here in your chest it's nice oh you know I can I can handle it oh this is thick with clay oh yes please this metal would be good too I got scrap metal to do what do you guys have been eating the soup do the bowls disappear I've had soup I don't have bowls really they go away you like Thor style slam them down on the ground ba soup oh my god this is the island of clay oh [ __ ] I'm about to die oh god I'm so far under water mark I shouldn't have had going back down no this is uh it is rich oh no oh no my hook I can make another what you sleepy Bob I know you're sleeping on all this great clay you don't even know I mean oh [ __ ] that is a cave it looks like it damn oh I've got enough clay for another furnace by myself oh my god I love this look at this man oh my god okay as soon as the Sharks back though I'm out of here this is great I've never eaten a beer what what is that did you go in the cave no did you yes no you're on your own in there these are not character can put it away I just a like nine whole potatoes I lie there's a crate here and I think diggable soil maybe ooh that sounds pretty cool lats and bolts and hey that's pretty good what Oh wha how did I open that did you say quest book I do if you yeah wait I did that at some point accidentally I forget how I'm just throwing my [ __ ] in the ground t.t opens a quest book of some sort what we've had a quest book we have quests open up my ping oh god what's ping I'm so confused but I'm getting so much good please I'm full alright I need to take quick quick a break boys don't worry I'll guard the raft okay you're right sounds good I have I not been picking up some stuff no I'm okay huh do it did we have quests did you probably I press key you can see all the notes I'm busy harvesting before the shark comes back what are you doing looking at a book watch out for sharks follow radio frequency so we got to build those radio towers basically follow radio frequencies yeah there's so much okay I'm pretty much full up on stuff I'm gonna come back soon what is this why does this little tiny dick water water is gonna have to wait oh I'm out in the middle of the ocean where am I wait help no don't no I'm out of water I'm going very slow hang on okay this is bad okay fine I'm fine okay can you get some goo can you get some seaweed while you're out and down there oh I can try don't try I need some water I've got a feeling sharks may be back like any sex I sense that you might be around oh oh yeah what makes you think that what could possibly make you think such a crazy thing wait intuition Wade's intuition doesn't sound very reliable hmm I trust it I've ever had what's that dying man what were you saying it's good okay that demon chuck some things out and can't pick them up oh god what is this bug where I can't pick up items I don't see any vines over here hey when you get back to the the thing can you hear me are you ignoring me I hear you you told me look for vines I didn't see any fine oh okay there man did you see any vines near back no okay I found a lot of clay though there's a shirt guys its back it's just me hey can you come up here and grab this um these two bricks off the ground put them in this box thanks they're still wet I know I know do you have any clay claisen did you get anything for to play Oh hand me that you only have four clay oh I can't don't hand me that put it in the box some sand and something gets and some client thank you thank you thank you thank you [ __ ] there's more copper and metal in this chest too apparently thank you thank you your um dude I can make two more furnaces two more - okay - more cool two more smelters kill two of them I got a hinge didn't Bob say you needed hinges yeah he did that's more glass keep that my guts in a glass - dude I've got us so much goodies dude we are set I wanted to eat I need to drink I need to be married with my neighbors yeah and can you chop down the trees on that one - you know I don't have an axe anymore I guess I could make an axe I can't drop it no I've got all this I've got all this metal you know I've got all this very very valuable metal maybe not yet I can and I give all I can should I though is the question should I I didn't I don't use it yet but I made 100 fair fun fresh cool well I'm in an act so I'm gonna go chop jibbety chop chop Zippity I can't climb can't climb can't climb can't climb there we go god bless you shark neat I got mangoes [Music] hey good lunch those are good a good well die I'm sorry what's up nothing all you have to sharpen job and a good job you're dropping shutting the ground is your story still yeah very full yeah yeah what's up why recommend not oh you dropping the coconuts don't do that I did anyway what are you gonna do about it be sad that's sucks for you stop being so what do we chopped it why are you even chopping why are you even chopping everything about that hurry I just emptied I can therefore hold the stuff that I'm chopped whatever whatever okay I'm no this is not climb aboard yeah raise yeah we went to the same tree boy I did not expect this game to be this fun we even got into the new stuff this is like the new stuff the animals that you can like start raising milking and shaving and other cool [ __ ] oh oh did Bob just zip around for years whoa yeah the old ocean just zipped around for me am i back yeah I think hello the whole ocean just had a whole spasm oh wow well you're gonna love this we are about to have four furnaces my dude sick my much-loved yeah if you need metal you ask me we we are rich with metal with same as we're rich with food we are rich with metal rich with metal and soup oh my God we're gonna have so much metal and so much soup do you need more seeds Bob and I put a hinge in one of the chests if you want to make more tree tree of [ __ ] tree loan I don't like that I drank the water I'm a dumb yeah I guess we I would like to make at least another tree here's one I would the ground he picked those upper 20 to put on a chest let me look I cannot pick them up all right well we have seven seeds in here okay yeah I've been I've been accumulating since I started looking hi so how many more days are we playing this game until we die is that the plan [ __ ] loving this oh this is so much more fun than I remember this game being by a wide margin so I'm playing with people alone this would be stressful and just non-stop grindy oh god yeah that's what I experienced when I played this so I was just like oh my god when is it gonna end oh we learn more stuff battery holy I do not think we can make a circuit board I'm just like stateman I don't think so are we good do uh we good to go I think so I didn't know if I fully searched the underwater of the island but I think we're good alright I'm gonna place my other smelters yeah just those four and then we're good we can we can go you ready to go Bob do it yeah I pick up that anchor I think I may have a little prematurely harvested those trees but that's I that's okay it happens me right alright I think I'm gonna man Oh hmm is this hard to default normal I guess yeah what is the other difficult to even do no I made a mistake Oh can someone come help me I'm a [ __ ] what do you do I thought I could empty the chest and pick it up and move it but it deconstructs it which I didn't know and now my inventory is full wha oh I'm an idiot they're facing the wrong way can you make it like in this corner do you have everything you need to make like the good chest oh I wrote a are okay so look right here yeah I just talked in the corners totally good you guys showed up there I was basically just trying to do this so it could have the next planter there you go thank you that's all right do you it did you pick up all the other stuff that was on the ground have you not put in there already okay so hopefully that we didn't lose anything anything so I think we're good all right we are moseying along smelters are good oh yeah oh my god I'm so happy Oh made a bottle I didn't make a bottle we need goo yeah I've got four goo do you want a bottle I think that's enough to make a bottle right here for goo in this first case oh thank you you're welcome do we don't need it for anything else before I do this I do not need damn actually that's four o'clock I want to keep going but I need to get some food and then gear for another recording session okay alright can we like save of this world yeah can this save save world just done okay cool brother damn we put that so long did not feel like it out there turn the sails that's my boy you can turn the sails you're gone you prattling against my double sales alright fine since you can't be helped like you hope baby do your job you're right you can't you can't I'm a second army to save this whole time like wait for the little [ __ ] God have you not this whole time entire time closing sales Jesus Christ we hit him hard hey they've got a they got a scarecrow out there goes yeah that's too bad alright do we have any planks anywhere how is still more alike will about to I mean no I gotta go put the planks in whatever I have I don't have any plans that was out blanks man I need planks mark come on we got to get someplace I wish I could help I wish I got my connection nah it's all bad my connections bad it's so bad I don't know what's going on guys is so weird I [Laughter] No all right yeah all right I don't want to break you if you want to log out before all right yeah put the stuff empty my inventory and whatnots I don't know I didn't like the valuables that I have in the chests I guess it's smart are you guys uh are you guys gonna keep streaming go ahead and call it
Channel: Markiplier Vods
Views: 2,733,944
Rating: 4.8009181 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, markiplier vods, markiplier twitch, markiplier twitch highlights, markiplier best moments, markiplier livestream, markiplier podcast
Id: F4giyHK91Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 55sec (12535 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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