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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well well well well well well howdy hello hello how are y'all doing thank you so much for joining me on this wonderful day where we're gonna play a wonderful game that got a wonderful update called Bigfoot but before we get into this I just want to say hi thank you so much for being here thank you much so much for being wonderful people for this channel and thank you so much for eagerly awaiting this livestream that's coming at you right here and now what the hell was that oh yay a slippery videos donated 199 through super jab but again I want to say right off the bat you don't need to give me anything for super tab that is absolutely not necessary don't even worry about that nothing no don't even don't even bother with that stuff but thank you so much for being here news update I've got a lot of cool stuff in the works and getting ready for PAX West which is gonna be fun and then just I've got some other cool plans to get smaller sketch like stuff coming at you faster and faster as soon as I'm able to do that but I want to get right into the game as soon as possible I don't want to I want to be bogging it down with anything like that so we're gonna get into the game ASAP before I get started though Thank You Dale sheep Thank You Katherine hogs dad tatertot mr. bloody shadows mastered ultra for being part of the channel and thank you for joining okay so with that being said let me just make sure that's their little little it okay are you ready you're probably not ready probably not because this [ __ ] is intense maybe I don't know if you remember Bigfoot I played this a while back I played it and basically it was a game where you were trying to hunt down Bigfoot there was a game earlier maybe made by the same people we never really confirmed whether it was or was not but maybe made by the same people the the rake game the one about like hunting down the rake Thank You Miranda Creole Liam divani pop-tart King animal productions talen Wagner Scott Fox fluffy cats Ellie thank you bests magical life say Otonashi Nellie Kapler the Queen Beth thank you everybody so much for supporting the channel in whatever way you have I'm gonna get going right now thank you so much oh my gosh there's so many coming in all at the same time thank you oh jeez okay good golly that's so many notifications that I I'm find it I'll try to handle them all hey on one second we're getting to it thank you thank you thank you you don't need to give anything to soos don't don't don't give me anything don't give me anything like if anything become a member so that I can give you stuff back I've been giving stuff pretty regularly to members and it's been super fun to be able to interact with people like that if you want a lot of perks like that you don't need to give me money through super chat just become a member and that will give you access to a lot of really cool things okay so enough of that enough that we're gonna get into the game here all right Thank You Ltd Kylie and Fei McGee all right so this one is Bigfoot the updated version now in this game let me just go ahead and delete that one I was just testing it to see about getting in here this one we're gonna call um blump blump fur give is plumper dink okay doesn't really matter so you get to pick which character you want to be I think like the other one or maybe you just randomly joined in as any of them I don't even know so we're gonna join in as this guy here and you can now only go to Glacier Bay so this is different from the other one because you're not in the forest anymore you're in a forest where you are snow and that's important Thank You Kylie's [ __ ] subscriber fat gap thank you so much for that oh hi bye see ya I'll be here alone in the woods he's no one around me um okay I didn't exceed I hear footstep mind I hear footsteps when I loaded up this game before there weren't footsteps so I didn't go anywhere but I did bust out my trusty rifle which I need to load up and the flare gun which I need to load up as well now this game is probably supposed to be played with more than one people and if you guys want I'll gather the guys and we'll get a game going together with the four of us trying to play this Thank You wolfy babe thank you so much for that thank you Trin Rexy teal tubby Bailey green Clorox bleach bar Thomas gin Colby cats kawaii [ __ ] Wolfie gaming Thank You chrono shadow master Paula ninety-eight lady lupa Cassandra cardi Kayla Valentin Amanda whis and everybody else that has supported the channel alright we're gonna get into this so the other dynamic in this one that I noticed at the bottom left you've actually got a temperature gauge and the bottom right you've got a body temperature gauge as you can see I'm getting colder and colder which I can only assume means that I need to get some warmth in me and it's also the sun's going down so they also give you a much better map here that shows specific locations wait a minute okay no it's not the same I thought this maybe was the same as the other one for a second there but I'm assuming it's not so I'm gonna head towards this abandoned research base and officially we've gotten into the area where I don't know what we're doing oh I thought I saw the Yeti over there okay and it's instead of Bigfoot it's now the Yeti I mean I guess technically it's the same thing right ones just winter ones just in the woods not winter yeah either way we're gonna go find him we're gonna go hunting down and I'm probably not gonna survive but I won't know that until I try right because if I remember last time it took like the coordinated efforts of all of us trapping him bugging him out above the the place there oh okay flashlight and then whaling on him with every single bullet that we ever had which probably isn't the best way to go about things but that's a way that we're gonna go things you think that running would give my body temperature up but apparently not alright hello should be near it should be able to see it at least hello I like the way the sun's getting all blood-red when it's going down the horizon like that so the other part about this game is that it requires quite a bit of patience you know you know in all other games usually I'm not the most patient type of this one I'm gonna try to be I should be right on top of his base where oh there it is okay so I think this is where I'm gonna get all my supplies Oh door Oh door with big window that seems like a very very bad thing flare gun bullet they're gonna bullet some kind of spoon totally fine absolutely fine oh okay traps is what I need when he traps tents oh hell yeah I can actually go tent out in the woods ooh a bat if that log good that bats gonna do me okay cameras so I need to put down cameras because he what's wrong what's wrong I keep thinking I'm hearing things out there okay so if I was a big bubble blowing [ __ ] baby I wouldn't go out into the woods at night but I'm I'm not that so I'm gonna go out into the woods at night I'm gonna try to get this under way so I don't know all the buttons either so I don't know how to access anything see VF is flashlight Q ah there we go okay night-vision camera one tablet none maybe I can't even use the drone till I get a tablet oh I love the Rumbo tombola Bumby it's a lot of firewood here could make a fire over here big fire mister footy big Billy show your big old feet over here there's a lot of people on the internet it wants to see him okay so let me try the drone I don't know if he's gonna work okay hmm droning no worky okay I don't think I have the tablet so I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that I don't think that was a tablet in here oh that's probably fine hey that's probably fine that's probably hundred percent fine probably nothing weird about that in any way shape or form rifle bullet box and an axe no tablet that I can see another trap down there it sure sounds like there's something moving on the woods over there okay so I'm gonna be a big brave boy and I'm gonna go out into the woods we're gonna try to make a camp somewhere it's like every shadow is probably the Yeti okay so the lakes probably frozen over boo okay that's a bush that's a Boosh so it's probably not the best idea to go over there and liking the other one there's probably a lot of secret areas that need to be seen all over the place oh thank you Tyson TNT a [ __ ] each an Bend the hero red Lac Kay Rudy thank you so much for becoming members of the channel go check out the community page if you want to see some cool stuff that you have access to all of a sudden Keira Robbins thanks so much fine see the chances of me running into the Yeti are very low cuz of just the size of the map but that doesn't make me any happier about it let me let me they must have just programmed in random noises to happen at any any moment cuz otherwise this would be very bad okay here's a big opening so I could put a camera right here in the opening oh wait this is the lake it's like a lake or something okay this is a lake I don't really necessarily need to see the lake but it is kind of an opening it's kind of nice maybe I would see something maybe kind of pointed this way at least this just got some visibility to it so maybe I mean I'm not the best at camera placement for this stuff so I don't really know anything all right let's put a camera here put one ride donk today there we go hold it down okay camera cool I still don't have a tablet but that's just gonna be what it is can you stop doing that all right let's go try to find another landmark of some kind cuz I know there's got to be there was other bases that were abandoned in the other place he's got to be certain some places with some useful tools cuz that I know that thirty bullets isn't gonna be enough to be able to get through all this but it'll be enough for now okay I'm assuming that's all fine again it's not this it's not my favorite assumption to make but it's the only assumption I can make at this point where I'm surrounded by death literally avalanches of death coming careening down in front of my face okay this looks like a good vantage point I'm gonna put another camera right right here good good vantage point good good vantage but your work right here I can't put it on a rock really no I can't put it on a rock Wow okay I'll put it right here then not as good a vantage point but whatever okay that'll do moving on okay this is higher up the mountain I doubt that he'd ever come up here okay Oh what the hell what did i do my jaw got it my habit of just jumping randomly and sporadically isn't gonna work out over here so I guess I can do that man there could be something right in front of my face and I wouldn't ever be able to see it maybe going out in the middle of the night wasn't the best idea I've ever had but then again what else am I gonna do okay maybe this would be a good now I've got too many cameras right next to each other I got to really go out a distance I kind of want to see the perimeter of the entire map before I start going inwards again I'm gonna comb it all serpentine style but before I can do anything I got a got to get a lay of land okay I mean there's a lot of land that I can traverse I mean this map is really huge kind of advantageous to have more than one paper per pair per person more than one people with you out here in the middle of nothing alas I fear that I may die scared it alone never having enjoyed all the other better right okay how about this I don't want to go see the Yeti just yet so I'm not gonna go towards that noise of no no no no no no no come back no come back okay all right I will what would happen if I went out of bounds was this a call how come why there's such a tiny fall wasn't a little baby fall oh no an old old old old a little okay so I can't go that way huh so this is kind of [ __ ] okay so the map may not be as big as I think it is but that doesn't mean that I ain't gonna die a horrible horrible horrible death in fact it may be more likely than come back no no no no no okay I will do okay so the lay of the land is really funneling me into a narrow zone in between here that's okay cuz now I'm in a different segment I'm in the peninsula this is kind of an open area but just not very very visible but if I if I point this inwards I might be able to see something here so I'm gonna put another camera right here right here right there okay pseudo I can see those but you know I got him at least once I find whatever the hell I'm looking for maybe I'll have a better shot at this moon can you go down cuz I know that's how day and night works from Minecraft I know my intense gamer skills tell me that it's true I just got like this heart attack that there was other footprints besides mine in the snow yeah thank you death Hawks Tiffany Stevens Hunter lamb Marley pop Joby Michael Cruise Christopher Gantt try sir Dark Prince Wren Didion yeah so much for being members of the channel check out slash mark blessed community for all the perks Oh what I heard a biggle I heard a big ol thumpy thump and it looks just like blood spilling out from the trees but I think that's the Sun coming up I heard a distinct really heavy thumpy thump not just a little thumpy thump with a map even the map shows where the light is that's cool that's really cool okay I heard the distinct heavy footfalls of a Bigfoot Oh like that but least day is coming and I'll be able to see something if I missed like a base or anything because I couldn't see it at night I'm gonna be very upset I mean not that upset it ah no more upset than I am at myself for just falling I think I did that in the other game too the one where you're fun not in the middle of the winter I could just broke every bone in my body thank you hey dude hey Mark I love you dude thank you dude thanks dude thank you I'm in the middle of a pickle but thank you thank you for that I'm gonna put another one up on the top of this hill here should be able to get a good vantage point around the area Yeah right about here it's a good spot donk okay what's over the crest of this Ridge here anything worth looking for no it's gotta be something of the Tippie of this Peninsula right I mean the cabin even if it was marked on my map was hard to find but I gotta imagine there's gonna be something over here oh god I'm gonna die just from my own stupidity god that's never happened before in the history of me playing video games has it never in the history of ever how's the game going I'm just getting started we're just getting into it we're getting into the nitty-gritty of this and by that I mean we're just planning cameras and pretending like it's actually doing something making me feel better at least at least I don't have any stamin or anything my body temperature is getting kind of low that's probably a problem I should probably address that it's making my bones awfully brittle yeah someone sneezed on my leg and his shoes shattered the bone nothing over here nothing up here Oh God so the sheer drop oh that's probably death I probably spells a lot of death and nothing of it then maybe maybe if this is like a real thing here maybe maybe the map can kind of showcase some of the landscape that I should see okay this is all just mountain here so I bet there's probably only one thing that's hidden deep in there but I'd never find it there's got to be something up here because this seems more like the plains right here so I'm gonna I'm gonna head away from climbing up these mountains like an idiot because I know that it'll only lead to me falling down like an even bigger idiot and I don't think I have any I have some meat so I could lay a trap down but again I don't know what the good that'll do when I've got a got about 2,000 pounds of Bigfoot barreling down my way maybe there's like a cave system I know the other one I have like a cave thing going on this game update came out maybe like a couple weeks ago for anyone wondering so I don't know whoa hey hey hey hey I don't know how many secrets have been found maybe some maybe not a lot maybe a lot okay well there's a bridge here I don't like to look at the bridge but I'm gonna go on the bridge why would somebody put a bridge up here when you could just go around it as easily as I did but that leads to a valley somewhere so that might be something yeah this is the only sign of civilization here but I have a funny feeling that's not actually gonna lead to anything nothing just a big nothing it's just a big nothing Oh even if there is a Bigfoot up here that's got to be like the juxtaposition of all this you don't know if there's a Yeti in these woods but yet when you find it you know you're gonna tell anybody my mind my legs are being used to to clean out my ears like cotton swabs anybody down there worth going probably not okay I'm down that lesson half health because I'm just dumb put a camera on the bridge if it might be a good idea but then again I don't even know if I'd be able to put it in the ground here because it seems to be a requirement that it needs to not go and rock I don't even know if I could make it on the bridge before I do anything else let me just find out let me get a lay of the land I'm still getting a lay in the land everybody's so eager and I got to get a lay of the land first and then I'm gonna lay a trap near my base because if I can't find any more ammo I'm just gonna be screwed but I can't find anything else then well this is gonna be mono e mono me and the man the Yeti I mean the Yeti don't get along too well so it's just gonna be mono e mono of us screaming at each other as I run away and it screams oh you shot whoo dear I need you I need you for me can I meet you up hey come on hey don't be shy I'm just a crazed hunter looking for some feet you got any feet no oh we're to go really bolt that didn't it well come on let me up here up top there we go no nope um no people nobody nope damn it I could've used a meat alright next time I shouldn't barrel so haphazardly through the woods maybe I should be a bit more cognizant of what's in my surrounding area before I go slamming my way through the underbrush oh part whoa run the heart got it alright thank you cool Oh oh my god oh very just died terribly skid that is just the this is a weirdest thing I've ever seen okay Hackett II oh alright I'm missing but uh and it's gone I'm very efficient very efficient nothing goes to waste when I'm hunting I thought I was gonna hurt my legs again okay well that's good I got some more meat how much more one more meat really an entire deer broke down - one more meat all right whatever okay the least we're Megan's progress cuz with that meat we're gonna be able to lay more traps and I don't want to lay any traps I mean you can trap him as many times as you want or her I don't know but he or she will only be attracted to the trap if you put meat in it so gotta give me some meat I'm getting cold I'm gonna try to make my way back to the home base and then from there I'm gonna plan my next maneuver I'm not sure if I want to trap him right near the base oh god that's such an idiot I don't know if I want to trap him right near the base or if I want to trap him a little bit of ways there's been something that says there was one of these tips that was like Bigfoot's smart Bigfoot no fall for same trick twice Bigfoot gotta be like not go to trap in same location so I don't know if that means I got to move to a different location once I trap them but I'm not try yeah nothing no Bigfoots yet no big feat here no big fit no Bigfoot no Bigfoot I do love the graphics so this place is awfully nice sure does embrace the feeling of loneliness that's coursing through my body makes me feel like I truly have no friends no matter which way I look no matter what I do maybe I came out here to run away from my problems and yet all that surrounds me now with my problems at least I have a good idea that there's no Bigfoot just barreling towards me right away thank you to busy Sylvia Thank You Rosie Tinsley Thank You Jessi cat thank you what to do Joanna Guzman Thiago Mori Sean Smith jr. where was that something's going down Suns getting real low buddy sounds getting real low oh I'm getting real cold ooh ouch ooch ouchies whoo hey ouch oh boo ah there's a crap oh no oh boy well if I die maybe I've got no health we've got no health I've got no health this is the most harrowing thing what do I know I'll get in the door going the wrong way stupid or be by this Lantern this is really gonna warm me up real feel 21 degrees okay good at least that's something okay so I've gotten the layout sticks why would I need sticks medicine here we go Madison let me put some medicine in me that seemed like a suppository that really that really seemed like a very tubular shaped thing meant for making it easier to shove up my own a noose why why was that like that that that seemed that seemed absolutely unnecessary I'm not a hundred percent sure why that was that all right whatever I I guess okay sure Thank You T or ravening okay so what am I do is I'm gonna go out in the middle of the night and I'm gonna plant a trap I'm gonna plant Oh Thank You Junko Enoshima I love your vids mark well thank you so much I'm gonna place a trap down Kurt chunk I'm not gonna walk into my own trap I'm gonna put meat on the trap then I'm gonna wait right here in the warmth of my own home or I can see it and wait for a Bigfoot to stop on by any minute now there's going to be a Bigfoot and that's gonna be good get the axe for the sticks I couldn't get the axe though he acts wouldn't why can't see I can't see if there was a Bigfoot there that's too dark Damon I should have put a light or something out there oh wait I see it okay I think I'd see a Bigfoot I'm pretty sure oh man the dynamic lighting of the clouds and the moons pretty cool but I think I'd see a Bigfoot if there was a Bigfoot Prichard pushes somewhere someway might see a Bigfoot thank you Alicia Thank You Xander Tod maybe not maybe no no Bigfoot huh okay so I've gone out this way I made this big loop before I found a bridge and nothing else so next time I'm gonna go out no it's still there it's still there okay it's still there I think it's hard to tell it's still there definitely still there okay but I'm gonna go out this way and try to make a loop around here maybe go around this mountain if it'll let me go that distance if Bigfoot doesn't show up tonight which he might he might still you never know what this thing you know never know he might I still don't know how to look up only oh well oh I do have a tablet you can use a fire or a room to keep warm if necessary to mask the trap - Bigfoot Bigfoot doesn't notice press the interaction button Oh Bigfoot reacts to both beep oh how do I get out get out there we go still there ok so I do have a tablet you zoom in camera mode ok so let me look at my camera's oh whoa ah okay I see this is really terrible camera placement because I can't see [ __ ] there so camera 2 is a bust camera 3 nothing camera 4 okay was that just because wait was that was that [ __ ] because on camera for did you hear him is that what that was is that here are in real life okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go put the drone out we're gonna go take the drone for a spin I'm gonna put the drone right here plenty of space okay plenty of space right here the drone right there okay so there's the drone I'm gonna take the drone for a spin some good old night flying that's what I like to do all right tablet drone control whoa whoa whoa whoa oh this awesome it's so cool oh this is awesome whoa okay doesn't really help me but it would help me during the day to be able to find Bigfoot and maybe if you had four people playing you could have one guy on the drone keeping track of them like just getting a general idea while everyone else kind of goes around oh I can also just kind of spy where there might be things that I need to go visit this is cool yeah check the perimeter ooh what is that it's not a Bigfoot no it's a stick no it's a trunk it's a tree this was letters tree corpse nah but there's something out here oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] signals getting bad Oh what is that what's that that's nothing snow literally snow it's a clearing I can't see [ __ ] just because it is dark out huh okay but I'm gonna try this again when it gets day so I'm gonna set her down try to avoid losing some power set her down probably like right over here this isn't really matter where I said it right I don't think Bigfoot's gonna be curious enough to just deal with this right okay yeah okay cool no Bigfoot still no Bigfoot almost a no Bigfoot well what the hell what the hell footy big man why is it not good enough for you oh maybe because I don't have leaves or something can I get leaves no those aren't leaves is spindle ease well where can I get some leaves I'm not gonna be able to get leaves I'm not gonna be able to hide it I know I need to hide it oh well oh well that's not what I wanted okay put a trap down maybe cover it cover it no I just picks it up dammit how do I cover it it's it it's it any instructions how to do it and figure itself mask press the interact button okay interact button know if that picks it up how does that do anything do anything give me some leaves give me some goddamn leaves but what am I gonna do to get some goddamn leaves just let me put some leaves on this bad boy please please let me put some leaves on this bad boy anybody and whatever fine oh wait do I need to go get leaves sticks no okay never mind I have no idea what I need to do I'm just gonna leave this meat right there that's gonna be that okay can't be long until day now and no sign of the big foot thick foot no sign of thick foot I don't think how are you doing whatever you say man whatever you say thank you cylinder guy 56 happy birthday to Sara Mortimer well happy birthday Sarah Mortimer the only other thing that I can think that I could do right now would be to try to fly the drone some more but again I don't know if I'm gonna be able to see anything I guess I just got to get real low then that's gonna be the case I'm flying this way gotta do some like super awesome very radical tree dodging of some sort no no hello hello eyes danger eyes a bad idea hello anybody here hello hello hello hello and they body whoa crevasse that lead to anything cool no it's a bridge a bridge thing I think this is where the force awakens was filmed anything over here hello oh it's like I'm on Endor yeah oh okay ow it's fine yeah it's fine real dark stupid night making it all dark and [ __ ] what the hell it's so dark now also I hit something was it so dark tones like this dense forest is blocking out all the light what is [ __ ] oh it's just some [ __ ] I can't see anything what's even the point [Music] nope nope can't see [ __ ] but at least the moon's almost down right maybe I don't know I don't know I can't see anything all right well it's so dark I cannot see Oh moon come back what the hell Moon Moon what the hell I can't see [ __ ] it's it's like pitch-black now moon moving what the hell oh I'm just gonna go down whoo I hit something what did I hit whoa go down down and a landing it counts I guess oh I'm right by where I needed to be okay well that's nice well that's nice okay so we weren't very successful in terms of finding big um okay I thought I could've sworn I heard him and some steppy Stumpy's but apparently not so that's good okay alright anyway there's my drone and now the sun's coming up so I can take the drone out again without crashing and hopefully without crashing it and I can try to scout out some good locations but first I want to see just just how did how damn handsome am i oh my god I'm gonna chop my head off here oh look at me you can't even tell hello hello hello okay whatever alright so we're gonna take this thing out oh whoa whoa I take this thing out where we going this way okay let's see if we can find something now we should be able to find something I would imagine anyway cuz there's got to be more stuff here and I can definitely cover more ground with this thing that I can on foot no no no it's a rock more rock more rock I mean I could just look up online see where the map is if someone's made a map of all the interesting locations here it's fine everything's fine it didn't hurt no oh cave no waterfall what's at the top of the waterfall anything nothing nothing up here nice little crisscross a little tree thing going on at the end I mean that's nice and all but why nothing what is that oh never mind that's not where I'm supposed to be I'm sure that's like the the barrier of being like don't go that far don't go there don't go it's bad for you that's real bad [ __ ] I [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it and I [ __ ] it look look look guys hey whoa easy up there it's fine it's totally fine I meant to do that it's all good don't worry about it it's fine I'm fine totally intentional I'm gonna look up um I'm gonna look up see if anybody else has made like a map of it cuz I'm not above cheating but you never know okay full map here we go ah here we go okay so someone's made a full map of the various different things on here okay that's good okay so there's apparently one right here so if I go directly north and go this way there's apparently something right there some kind of a a cabin or whatever have you straight up here almost like a bullet straight north of where I was I bet if I go swimming around in the row and the river it's gonna be very bad for me body temp wise right Yeah right right it should be dead in front of me I think anyway hello this is where it says it should be oh wait a little east of here hey hey hey there we go not what I was expecting oh well that's awfully noisy for me finding this at least you got more bullets alright found that what's next okay there's some kind of a camp an old camp like right about here so let's go towards that one all right making progress play the old making some serious progress progress making some progress don't break my legs okay thank you right about right about up this way some kind of campfire probably but probably nothing good there but it's the closest landmark after that one and then there's a cave up north and everybody knows that caves are super fun this so why not right yeah why not I should be dead ahead don't I'll leap of faith' yeah no I got it I know what I'm doing I'm pretty good at this game I'm pretty skilled at pretty much everything I do I'm pretty much the best all right so it should be right around here somewhere like right in front of me there's something here right around here you're dead ahead I don't know how I'd be able to find this without this guide and you Joe here man you would just have to stumble across that oh holy crap tourist camp you whose touristing out here who is this like the Russian pass incident what was the name of that that thing where the the people just ran out of their tents on inexplicably and they just couldn't stop super bizarre there's another trap okay did I get everything I needed I got more traps that's good all right but it didn't help me in terms of heat okay so I'm gonna go up to this cave was apparently a cave up north here right about where my drone started losing signal that's where I gotta go all right something up north right at the head of that river so I got to go to the river and then I got to follow it north and hopefully I can find a way to get myself warmed up because otherwise I'm gonna be trapped out in the wilderness it's only getting colder and colder and I'm gonna die this storm it's actually kind of cool that there's a weather system implemented Omega one way to go yeah the dill atop a sin Siddhant yeah that one if you've never heard of that one that one's a fascinating story there's been a number of podcasts that have done stories about it that do it in really dramatic fashion and I think it can only be told in really dramatic fashion because the whole incident is just so bizarre and inexplicable that the only way that you can talk about is with people that just have no idea what's going on but ideas of what happened because this is such a bizarre thing these campers were out there experienced skiers I thought that was an animal experience skiers and whatnot that just were camping up a storm rolled in and then they all fled their camps they liked or their way out of their tents it made no sense no sense at all and there's like different explanations like Yeti aliens this weird sound tornado thing that somebody was talking about like it's it's so bizarre whoo oh so there is a cave at the end of this right oh yeah yeah this is some weird like land formation here I don't know what's going on here this is where the Yeti makes its home this is where the Yeti makes his babies Yeti babies oh there we go oh this would have been tucked away here Oh a nice rib cage oh no is this where Luke Skywalker was taken oh all right oh boy oh boy okay did I get that okay well good news that's not a human skull so that that's good that's that looks more like a Bigfoot skull rifle Lantern here we go lantern I don't think it's gonna make me any warmer and oh it's like Captain him that's Captain America's shield why I mean it makes sense it was Thor's hammer and the other one but here's Captain America's shield are you suggesting that this is Captain America oh yeah is that what you're suggesting here the Captain America or maybe Captain America was here and he had to eat a Yeti to try to survive and I think that's the only explanation here but Captain America okay all right makes sense to me again okay so what I'm gonna do yeah I'm gonna head back out I don't have much time there's another cave right near here maybe it's got more supplies maybe something with which to heat me up I don't know now we're gonna be trapped out of the night okay good thing I didn't fall in the river okay it's way up these mountains okay I think it's way way way up these mountains it's amazing that I've been playing this game for as long as I have already and no sign of mr. Yeti man where's the yet come on where's the yet where's the world where's the big ole yet man now I can't go up this sheer cliff here I gotta go around a little bit find a way up whoa all right okay nothing there yeah it's way way way up there and I just got to find my way up gonna be hard to do when I can't see [ __ ] no I'm not that way maybe that way oh yeah that way okay Oh what what was that everybody saw that right I'm not crazy it's all light out of the corner of my eye okay Hey well it's so dark why the moon gotta be goin moon are you gonna be gone okay it's that's hard to tell but I think it's still North but pretty much where I'm headed I can't climb that nope break my ankles oh I'm fine I'm fine shrug it off I thought I was dead I thought I was dead a hundred percent Oh apparently not yeah shrine Ava's fine whatever a few broken ankles was new I just get a new one it's all good so goddamn tough so [ __ ] amazingly tough nothing can hurt me sneeze it away this blow my nose this Bo's much pain you caused me yeah all right anyway not do that again come on please please pretty please I know I can get up here come on oh you're right there oh come on you're right there right there oh come on come on please oh [ __ ] okay shoot jerk okay that's no organ there's gotta be another way up right here we go here we go here we go no oh come on mice it's got to be so hard what cause secret would be up here maybe there's like an actual easy way to go up here and I'm just taking the stupidly difficult way I didn't work okay let me go around one more maybe there's another path or something why did that hurt I didn't even go down I wasn't even headed downwards I didn't even jump oh okay ah okay here we go everywhere how's it better okay up a little more where am I in terms of Oh goddamnit I'm wait I'm still nowhere near I just gotta keep going up oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh okay maybe not that way come on come on go yes there we go I feel like I'm climbing mountains in Skyrim I alwa why didn't even fall oh and they're armed dead okay what the hell oh oh well maybe another time well screw you maybe another time what the hell all right well you use you sack of [ __ ] I'm going back in same old slump or dink same ol me same old slump or dank you get you no no it's fine no it's no big deal it's nothing at all no nothing to nobody where am I now why am i over here oh we didn't even save the other cave Oh screw that [ __ ] down I'm gonna go over this way I'm gonna go this other one there's something over here on top of this mountain well that's a bunch of ball sack [ __ ] five or so on that's so dumb I'm not dead mrs. same old me I'm fine look at me you see you see a problem here no I'm fine everything's fine especially me what's a stupid bull that's what that is okay I'm gonna put a camera here come on get down to business here too busy dealing with crap I shouldn't deal with trap there I'll put some meat on that trap there we go that good got my gun go go find this other thing a slump or dink a relative of mum Fleur functor dink I'd like to think so I'd like to think it after going to west of loathing you know going through the old Wild West decided to go hunt some Bigfoot but you know a few generations down a few marriages you know last name kind of changed a few times right is that Sun going down is that Sun coming up I bet it's going down on my luck and knowing where the save last should be on it sits on top of another mountain would what whoa whoa whoa whoa hey whoa whoa hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Wow okay mr. Thunder toots decided to pay me a visit all right well that was our first encounter didn't expect that to happen but uh happened it did so happen it did all right listen listen man I'm just trying to get by don't mean you no harm I just want your sweet delicious delectable feet ah oh that didn't hurt me for some reason why why can't I get up this mine come on I was in the invisible wall how it is huh it's stupid stupid stupid all right how do I get up here then okay there's got to be an easy way to get up these mountains but I'm not finding it cuz I don't know I'm dumb I guess well maybe I found it maybe this is it maybe the path that doesn't look like it's going straight up at a 90-degree angle is the way that I'm supposed to go oh well that doesn't make no sense I don't believe that for a single minute no way no and why do I keep going back to the meat all right it should be up here more to the south little Southie here okay okay and Sun just went bye-bye in two chunks son go bye-bye but it should be it south of here I don't like the way the light flickers when he's nearby too cuz if I couldn't tell by the thunderous feet falls I guess you know maybe I should upgrade my observational skills okay should be right here she'll be right here or maybe I pad up is that it ah there it is there it is okay and the tower three found good uh what is that just a flare is that really it really a flare one flare that's all I get well that's stupid well that's dumb well that's so dumb where's dead stupid alright whatever I'm gonna put a camera here I guess yeah it's gonna be my last camera try to put it like the top of the crest of something or other right here put another trap right chair and meet it up okay I don't know how to get any leaves because these trees don't look like they have leaves okay so there's a few other places over in the other woo what did I just hid over in the other area oh my head towards those try to get the last of the supplies and then it's gonna be al why that wasn't even far it wasn't even a far drop his games a little inconsistent on his fall damage here well [ __ ] if you ask me alright so it should be down this way look that would have been bad that would have been bad good thing I didn't do that oh good thing I'm trying to fall down a sheer cliff but this is gonna end badly fine it's fine we're fine everything's fine everything's fine you know I've not died to the Yeti I've only died to my own stupidity how many times have I said I was gonna do that yeah that's pretty much all it is okay we're fine ah here yeah this away right right towards ya this way okay straight this way will be the next thing straight this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo you sticks for fire I don't even know where to get sticks so I just pick him up by Wacom WAP them with my knife how do I get sticks I don't even know how how to get six oh they're some sticks on the ground or stick sticks ah ah the vast majority of sticks are actually sticks I gotcha oh I see well I'm gonna need that because I'm gonna get Coulier pretty soon that it's gonna be another it's gonna be another kind of like thing up ahead I think it's a hunting Tower I'm not a hard Accenture but I think it's a haunting tower and hopefully oh wait I got medicine let me let me shove this on my ass real quick there we go I feel a lot better okay I got that and when we go find one I need to find tower right should be bro uh okay everything's fine right over here right I should be looking right at it it should be right here right here right here baby it's right here here's where I am here's where it should be I don't know it find me up here here's where it should be hello no no I it's here aw no it's alright just here yeah over here should be right here is it under me it might be underneath this like over look here but no it's just no right here no nothing in here no tell it says I'm right on top of no behind me now okay well this is inconsistent in weird okay so right it should be right here it says it's right here right here somewhere it's supposed to be right here I swear waita lion-o Dalai oh there it is oh god I must have been right on did you guys see it oh you guys saw it oh you guys saw it oh alright well god it's not giving me anything besides his hunting materials so I guess it's just time to go mano a mano with the the Bigfoot I guess yeah alright let's see if we can take this this footy man down Oh 40 man forty man put him in put him in put him in put him in the trap put him in come at me come at me foot man oh where are you where are you get tripped I put a trap I put a trap I put a trap foot man put me on footie footy man man man of foot I put a trap down what the hell foot man oh jeez stupid a hole I'll take my trap back big old douche waiting you oh I just don't like the way you sail off a mountain sometimes points sometimes all right what a foot man okay actually there's one more thing there's a medicine and then there's something that looks different than all the other places so I'm gonna head towards that I'm gonna need to set up a camp eventually here but foot man's probably in the vicinity and foot man's is waiting for me to make a mistake thank you fun with Christina T dizzle Samuel does vlogs Mercedes raghu's Katie Atkinson dong gooks little [ __ ] roadkill stolen gold Natalie Hoffman bola gravy thank you guys so much for supporting the channel yeah yeah whatever you can mask the traps by holding E oh that makes sense oh that makes a lot of sense okay holding E right of course okay holding a write of course why wouldn't it just make it automatic why do I do it what would I have to do that why do I have to go the extra step please just just sort out the people that are stupid like me oh here's the moon hidden away behind a mountain oh that's dumb oh god I'm an idiot I knew it was something to do with E but hold down E so it should be somewhere here tucked inside these mountains here I don't know where Thank You animal lover 500 I don't know where it is somewhere down here up in here in the nooks and crannies of this right in the crevice of this place okay getting real close but I don't know if it's gonna be high up or what I guess the only way to go forward is up so this must be like generally where it's gonna be geez no this is spells death for me the temp oh no come on oh come on climb that it's snow come on oh you've got to be kidding me better not get me stuck down here oh you bet all u s-- piece of [ __ ] do not okay there we go huh all right where are we going we're close we're very close we're very close I think I don't know man whoa Oh mystic stones that's what I came here for I gotta make a 10 now okay tent it up get quick get in the tent I'm trying where's the entrance to okay there it is okay how do I crouch how do i how do I crouch how do i how do I get in the I don't know don't tell you just tear the tendon F no open the tent damn it open up there we go I'm gonna get into how do okay I'm too tall I've never run into this problem I'm too tall what the hell I'm too tall guys what campfire there we go all right there we go ah that's nice all right now we're in the mystic stones I guess I guess we are what do we do with the mystic stones here what are the mystic stones all about oh there we go okay all right mystic stones mystic bones mystic bones mystic stones what am i doing but hey you want some of this huh what yeah baby boy want some huh huh baby boy baby boy big boy bigfooty boy wants to wants to dance huh well I got Wow well I'll get shot get Chuck BAM oh not today not ow oh you sack of tit Oh get your Oh missed well I think it's clear who won that battle huh where you going we're going footing it boink yeah you better run away from me when you think you can get me huh you give me foot man huh that's what I thought that's what I thought that's what I suspected all along bigfooty footy man's coward 30-foot man's a big old coward can't take me on in a proper fight yeah well there's got to be running hit-and-run style I don't play by that rule I'm gonna die from a fall damage I don't play by those rules I play by my rules my big strong manly rules unlike a certain footy man where's it there's a cave somewhere right here not ours I'm sure but it should be like right in front of me is it underneath me what's the deal here it's supposed to be supposed to be dead ahead of here on Harper sent sure no that's where I fell in before where's this cave it says it's supposed to be a cave here where's this goddamn cave is it actually actually nothing I'm looking at it looks like it's right where I set my trap okay that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] and it's [ __ ] I'm going back in we're getting rid of slump for dink we're bringing in the the the 40-foot a fetish feisty foot feisty footy fetish man that's me oh yeah me oh that's me you know who's feisty fetish foot man William oh yeah you know he is oh yeah oh we're coming for you big-time well I'm coming for you big-time cuz I now I know how to play this game even though I probably should have realized I knew how to play this game before from the last time I played this game before I was up there but now I really know how to play this game whoo I'm gonna get my drone back whoo I'm gonna I'm gonna be all up in those feet oh I'm gonna just be sucking on each one of those Tootsie's you can't hide them from me no no no you think you can but you cannot oh no there's no hiding those sweet succulent Tootsie's from me whoo I'm gonna get you good and you think you you think that you're not gonna be God but I'm gonna get you so good mmm yeah you you you it's like it's not me trapped on this island with you it's you trapped in this island with me and whoo oh boy I am the Thunder and you are gonna get a whirlwind to hurt once I find you and chop off your touch see what season whoa I'm gonna go I'm gonna go ring around the rosies all over your toesies you know what I mean yeah I'm coming for you I'm coming for you hot heavy and hard oh you don't even want to rue the day that you thought that you could deal with bumper dink when you got me up in here mr. footy fetish man well if I Steve foot I'm good you [Music] I get you boink raccoon oh yeah oh yeah yeah choppity choppity chop got some meat mmm not really good for the touchies but good for the meat the trap you de Tootsie's you want to know why we only got bear traps cuz they're traps those sweet succulent OG would seize all in a sweet grab you're never gonna get that foot back you have to chew it off alright ok it's fine we're gonna get back into this it's gonna be fine everything's happy everything's good everything's fine then turn on cameras got ok got those got this got this flare guns good gonna bat okay good got the trap good that's the drone got the rifle bullets got these got that got a tent we're good to go another Lantern turn it on double light it wasn't lanterns here before were they I guess items are randomly generated but it doesn't matter cuz tonight's night I got a date alright so I'm gonna lay a trap right out here well well well well down you go can I swim apparently apparently I can swim real good my body temperature don't even go down oh I'm a badass look at me I'm coming for you dear Thank You Jonathan Potter and loved the channel can't wait to oh why did it say I miss it and went by so quick I'll get it in just a second thank you so much you still screaming you screaming I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream okay whatever okay so that's actually that's actually not a bad idea I'm gonna put a I'm gonna put a trap out here on the other side yeah that's what that whoa apparently not okay never mind then okay never mind then I'm put it over on the shoreline over here I guess can't put it on the ice for some stupid reason okay but I'm gonna put it right here on the shoreline right here where I can see it holdy ahaha no no no no one will ever know put the trap bait the trap okay go over to the other side and wait wait oh so succulently with a gun right hey hey can I climb this no I cannot okay am I stuck did I just kill myself somehow can I get back up please can I get up ELISA up ELISA please can i up ELISA thank you okay so where do the whys don't jump in the water okay where's that trap I think it's right over there right that's where it be right did not put it there Oh where'd I put the trap I don't even know anymore I think it's over there I think oh god damn it oh I'm such an idiot oh such an idiot I didn't even remember where I'm gonna put that it's gotta be it's right there I know it's right there why is an icon not showing up for it okay whatever if a Bigfoot e woody comes over that way I'm gonna get him her okay that's just one of many traps that I have okay so I need to put another trap let me write across this river like right here yeah yeah yeah yeah this is good trap right here plunky dunk and then we're gonna put that there and then meet it up nobody knows nobody knows oh yeah oh yeah I know where is he alright I'm gonna go inside for a second just to warm up what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make I'm gonna plant a camera right here so that I can always come back and I can always see this is like the home base camera that I can always know what's going on in my home base but doesn't look like he's being too friendly on the first night his mistake not my mistake his mistake but I I'm gonna go to the first hunting tower what was that oh did you get caught huh what was that huh yeah yeah I'm coming for you here you better be scared before you can I closed myself in here no huh I'm coming for you yeah oh I'm coming for you oh I'm coming for you oh you think you can run away from me no yes there is no it's just no I got your number I got your number now oh I got your number I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you so good you're never gonna know that you got got cuz in the amount of kidding I'm gonna get to you your days are done piggy footy boy there's a done foot man Oh your days are done cuz markiplier is in the woods with you and you don't know where I am cuz I've rubbed dirt and poop all over my face no one can see me or smell me no no I'm just making up on you I got I'm going to the old hunting Tower you know the hunting tower one where you almost got got before by someone who wasn't nearly as scaled or poop covers me I'm coming to you oh yeah another trap yes please yes you please oh yes please II yes squeezie Polizzi get you get you don't rub poop on my face what are you talking about how am I supposed to mask my smell ah alright fell but I needed that just to wake me up it's like my morning coffee falling and snapping my shins like twigs I'll get you I'll get you pretty footy man oh you foot man you ain't going see nothing that's going to be 42 me oh you got trapped Oh Oh mr. funny man got got Oh No Oh stupid footy man Oh Oh No you still there you better still be there well I'm coming for you well I'm coming for you where you go where you go oh yeah BAM oh you think you got got huh you ain't got got enough hey BAM alright whoa hey whoa whoa oh yeah that's right that's right oh you kid no ow ow ow oh wow but I got you oh I got him oh yeah I did a number to him he did a number to me but most of that me was done by myself to me okay good okay but I got to take more advantage of the traps okay so we won't be trapped there again so I gotta I gotta I gotta think of something else I think of something else for that someone traveling over here I bet if I go over here Oh footy man ain't no and no nothing to me for the man ain't no nothing I'm 40 man so stupid 40 man think that I'm stupid footing man stupid funny man big stupid 40 man never never seen a stupid as big as I'm I'm not I'm not stupid why I never be stupid you know what else I'm gonna do for 40 man when he comes barreling after me after I find him he's gonna he's going run straight into this one he's gonna run him one after another mono he boom boom boom done he's gonna be done you never gonna see me sweet succulent feet those sweet savory succulent feet are gonna be all over me like a necklace okay so he could go to either these actually I guess that's you could go to a okay I think it's fine shoot him in the deck I'm drunk I'm gonna try I'm gonna try i'ma try welcome Jessica Smith thank you so much welcome phantom River I don't feel wishbone Elizabeth lover us he could go to the other one across the pond but I don't want to risk missing out on this cuz he's ran off this way so maybe this is too close to the other one okay I'm gonna look at my camera zoom it across the pond right there --is-- all right I'm gonna leave these be I'm gonna go find another one I'm gonna try to go far away I'm gonna go towards another hunting cabin maybe up on this mountain I'm all place a trap up there I got one more trap in one more meet hopefully I can find more deer and to get more meat from and hopefully I can find more trap and more bullets to because I'm definitely gonna need that guys ever good god damn it now it's gonna be another oh no it's gonna be another one of these situations where I can't find it up into this thing stupid mountains why don't they make stairs on these things I've also got to put traps maybe maybe it would be a good idea to put a trap on the bridge maybe that'd be a good place to wait for him like on one side of the bridge while he he gets a trap on the other you know what I mean then I can shoot from him I can shoot him across the way I can put a trap right on one either side I'm stuck okay maybe that's a good idea that's that's a really good idea of course it's a good idea I came up with the idea therefore it's a good idea I'm just a goddamn genius come over here I'm practically practically watching Rick and Morty I'm so smart over here IQs over 3,000 okay somewhere up here there's got to be a goddamn way up dear god damn another scared away a deer oh never mind did not oh you moved what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you deer bastard oh come on right as I go to shoot right as I shoot right as I shoot right as I shoot ass stupid that's dumb what's dumb that's a whole lot of dumb god damn it that's dumb that's stupid and dumb alright it's fine I'm just trying to get to this goddamn hunt no no no no no no okay goddamn it I'm just trying to get to his goddamn hunting cabin I had to go all the way down to the south edge of the freaking map somewhere up here okay I want another piece of meat and I want another trap I want to to catch him on the bridge all so I can just kill a deer and leave it there and that's gonna that's gonna draw his attention to because he's also attracted to just like normal carcasses or she you know still don't know which okay should be right right over this it's right around here right around here flares flares flares I don't need flares many bullets many traps flares first ah goddamnit okay well might as well flares so stupid alright I gotta go find more stuff that's gotta whoa okay almost died there mama get him I'm gonna get him alright oh I am gonna get him get him so good I'm gonna go find the the camp cuz there I can start a campfire anyway and just get this stuff that was part of that cuz I think there was a trap there last time I'm not sure if there will be again but maybe there'll be the other benefit of my other game that I was playing where I was slightly more stupid than I am here that was an animal that was an animal I was like a raccoon sound where is it got okay but take this meat I don't know if it's big enough for it to the guy Devils come for okay so I got meat that's good wonder if there's a way that I could like cook meat what about birds I hear these birds all the time but I don't know if they're actually real I haven't ever seen one hmm worry about later hey I hear another raccoon the dog who's that oh it's a fox okay cool I hear a raccoon as well there is a raccoon here there I saw that man I'm gonna run out of bullets I'm gonna have to go I would have to knife the Yeti to death at this rate where'd it go well I thought thought I saw it did I see it no I wasn't mistaken and I think it's long gone bird bird real you real bird probably not okay whatever what I hear it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa haha how about no no dog God dog god damn it alright fine dad are you gonna be trying to chase down a goddamn raccoon you're gonna come cheap shot me like that you stupid stupid I hate you all right I'm just gonna go find a stupid thing I'm running low on traps so I gotta just use if I if I find another trap up here I'm just gonna use the I'm gonna use the carcasses from the animals to try to draw its attention after that that's all I'm gonna do okay so it's somewhere way WAY farther north okay get in there get in there get in there yeah it's gets terrifying when that Yeti comes barreling out of nowhere let me let me take my medicine when that Yeti comes barreling out of nowhere that's it's goddamn terrifying because so sudden this is so out of nowhere it's so it's so out of nowhere somewhere should be dead ahead what God should be here there it is okay please have a trap please have a trap yes trap thank you okay I'm gonna use this on the bridge I'm gonna make another campfire there right there okay warm me up okay anything else here of value no nothing really nothing anything in here nothing I can't crouch in here anyway so what does it matter nothing yeah nothing okay I guess this is gonna be mono e mono so I gotta go find the bridge but the bridge was all the way over here so that's a long way away so what I got to do maybe I can find an animal out here and hopefully get some kind of carcass trap going on otherwise he's just gonna come for me cuz he ever wanted to do that lately after I first started wounding him seems like he wants to come to me but I don't have enough I don't have enough I don't have enough bullets is the problem since when did they add guns they've always had guns in this game yeah how else were you gonna kill Bigfoot howls are you gonna kill him gotta get him somehow we can't promise that these guns are actually gonna kill him but I mean I need more bullets so badly okay I'm gonna go up to the since I'm near here I'm gonna go up to that cave cuz I think that had some good stuff lots of bullets up there I'm gonna go up to the cave by the mouth of the river that'll be at least something keep me in the game long enough that I'll actually stay alive also next time he comes barreling at me I might just try to I just try to run away play increase my chances of survival you gon get him he been got bro oh I know he been got look I know he been got I'm an expert at this I'm an expert at getting getting them and I'm gonna get them good when I find him I'm gonna get him I'm gonna squeeze him with my hands I'm gonna get him definitely gonna get him I'm definitely not not gonna get him I'm gonna get him good and he's gonna get got he's gonna be like no don't got me in to be like too late I got I get I'd you've been get too late and then he's got easy peasy miss is somewhere in here hopefully there's bullets maybe even another trap if I'm lucky I also I'm gonna pick up the ones by my base because I have a funny feeling that that's too close quote unquote to the previous one we've got a lantern and bullets and medicine that's helpful a flare that's unhelpful because I got no one here to stand beside me okay at least we got some more bullets so with V I heard that I heard that yeah I'm gonna go pick up the ones that were near where he was before and I'm gonna take those and use him again because I think I think I think a thunk oh I'm funcle' in that this may look Hey I'm Duncan I'm Duncan real good I'm thunk going then maybe maybe it's too close to where he got got and he doesn't want to get got there so I'm gonna use the bridge strategy I want to sweep those up I'm gonna go go to the bridge it's gonna be good I'm hearing a lot of noises around me whoa no no no no no or are you just messing with mirrors is real right now I'm I'm very confused but I knew it I know it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I'm running I'm running come at me could you think of me do you think you can give me huh no yes no where are you oh babe I got you in the dick I try you in the dick don't think I didn't oh okay what the hell ow what the [ __ ] what a follow-up shad one cheap [ __ ] oh it's stupid oh god I knew it that's so dumb it's so dumb what's so dumb it probably was prolonged falter fall damage from me being hit off the mountain was probably just delayed like that yeah whatever it's fine okay I haven't done nearly as much damage as I want to but it's all because of prep I got the prep so I got what I need so I'm gonna go pick up what I what I left behind I'm gonna use that I'm gonna get them good I'm gonna get them good guys if you believe that I'll get them good uh tickle the Tootsie's of the like button I guess whatever the flares might scare them away that's a good point that month that actually I think I remember that being a thing let me pop in here real quick why did my light go flicker real quick why did my light flicker my light flickered Oh rifle box I forgot about that okay more bullets good my leg definitely flickered there for a second so that's a thing okay whatever I'm gonna go get my other thing I'm gonna go the bridge oh wait did the meet how did he eat the meat off of it how did he eat the meat off of it but not get trapped oh that's so dumb the meats gone Oh doh doh all right fine whatever it's okay I'm gonna do the bridge thing I think well maybe if I even stand in the middle of the bridge that might be a good idea probably not actually now that I say that it's probably not a good idea but I think there might be a good idea if I to stay in the middle of it it'll be all good yeah what could go wrong then if he comes from either thought other either side he'll he'll come after me after he's going and then it'll be all good yeah good idea yeah I think it's a good idea yeah yeah probably no no no where was the entrance to this I know is at the top of this I think it was wasn't it bridging between these two different things wasn't it am I crazy Thank You yogi please tell me if you come to Canada in a French countries love you well thank you very much I don't think I'm going to Canada anytime soon but if I ever do I will definitely let people know that I'm going to Canada I like Canada got nothing against Canada nothing I have no idea where I'm going could sworn it was around here wasn't it the bridge it was bridging these two mountains together wasn't it well maybe I'm just going out of my mind which is very likely I've got a lot of very strange Bigfoot related venereal diseases that I don't want to talk about and I don't want to discuss in a public forum this is I've been out here a long time and very lonely so you know things get weird when you ah ha here we go I can finally stop talking all right cool so what I'm gonna do yet is I'm gonna lay a trap on one side cover it cover it put some meat on it jump over it go to the other side and then suddenly I've got both of these covered and then I'm in the middle of the bridge and he can't get nothing and I can just run the other way and jump over the other one to try to escape him right makes sense no come on come on oh you gotta be joking me is this not good enough for you really there we go god damn it okay sure meat there no trap it put that there okay now I've got both cover if he comes from one way I've got him there if he comes from another way I've got him here he can't sneak up on me cuz I'm on a bridge so I've got a number guys number oh I can't even see both of the icons oh yeah Oh your numbers been got buddy oh oh I'm so unbelievably smart I am beyond intelligent something about my brain is just on a completely other level from everywhere else no one else can even compare to the magnitude of thought that my brain can [ __ ] out he's gonna get gone he's gonna get got and then he's gonna get get and then I'm gonna take those sweet succulent twits II would cease oh and I'm gonna rub them all over my nip knobs well you can't stop me because you'll be oops oh sorry went off a little prematurely there got too excited anyway whoo ha ha boy anyway it's cold up on this bridge so maybe that maybe this guy should hurry up turn off my light maybe I might help Biggi funny funny big big big big footy foot be big big foot foot of the big big for it 40 big man big 40 foot foot bigfooty foot foot foot man biggie biggie for the big man Fuli big me on 40 big man 40 foot big big 40 40 40 big man big foot ha I spilled my drink don't come down on now don't go now big foot don't go now I spilled my drink it's not that bad Bigfoot footie big man big 40min [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] whoa what the [ __ ] hey hey my god I'd rip my back for one second let me jump over ah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what but they teabagging my corpse what the hell happened what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened hey it'd be legit Deepa oh good we're here but what what the hell he like dough so weird he just appeared on the bridge that's that's unlogical that stitch him unpossible ditz how did he do that that's just not know you can oh okay alright that see that that's where I have a problem oh listen Bigfoot you are an [ __ ] and I hate you and I'm gonna shoot you a van okay I don't know oh look Bigfoot tracks I can follow him never mind he's gone now that's impossible right right guys that's that should be that should be very impossible that I feel like I feel like it's both unfair and impossible huh okay let's just close up shop here because obviously that didn't work let's take some medicine take this very suppository like medicine can't even see yep that is very suppository ask shove it up okay we're good I guess I thought I had him I thought my genius level was too high for this world yeah Here I am Here I am I just don't get why didn't he go for the trap I don't get that oh I found the mystics tool I found the mystic stones I guess I'll play a trap arrow why not I don't know okay here's the mystic stones right next to the mystic bones I'm gonna I guess I'll put a camera here maybe I don't know yeah I don't even know what to do I probably need to help with this but I don't even know what to do cuz that didn't make any safe he's okay see this okay he's okay well I can't get dere okay so there's he's that's there I mean I could look at the camera the camera 1 camera 2 looking right at it we're gonna right at it right there point it right at it it seems important right so that should be good right probably not maybe he's like enticed to go towards ones that are watched by a camera to forget mechanic reasons I don't know how logical a be I'm trying not to fall in the same crevasse I did before okay yep damage no I just want the sweet succulent Tootsie's I just want the sweet succulent Tootsie would cease that's all I want that's all I want carrot oh no not from cam throat no nothing okay don't break my ankles I can't help but break my ankles my ankles are all that's getting broke my ankles are the only thing that's been borked my ankles are there they're just plain old broken all right I'm uh yeah oh I thought I was gonna okay I'm gonna set up and set up fire real quick I'm gonna set up a fire right there I'm gonna set up my tent let's set it right right there okay I'm in my tent tons closed I'm any or apparently this is me in the tent I guess whatever it's fine did not close enough to the so not tear it up tent right that good dere and real feel is good okay good okay so I'm gonna look up something real quick I'm gonna look up some oh and just see check the freaking cake I know I'm near the cave but it's too dangerous I could fall I could fall and damage my my my tuchus I could hurt my tokus real blade I gonna hurt my tuchus in it just you know I don't don't want to risk it you know what I mean oh I thought no no no but I'm loved my tent I don't owe my tent my dad where's Wheaton's my sweet dent okay I'm just gonna go back to looking and hope I die I guess so hard and it's just it's a lot and it just makes me feel like nobody cares makes me feel like everything's against me you know it just feels like everyone's trying to kill me and that's not fair that's not fair I think it's not fair uh hey God I'll be right I'm not come here I'm not not gone anywhere I'm just hang on okay geez what's second I got a hair ago okay okay that's not right what the [ __ ] what that's not right hang on one second no that's why is it doing that there's money for a new tent that's real nice but hang on I'm that's not right what the hell there we go hang on I'm trying to look up stuff and fix stuff and do things at the same time just a god huh some sweet music while I work on this and hopefully I die [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] okay there we go now I've got that working a little better there we go okay now I've got that and I've got a guide up here that basically echoes exactly what I've been saying it um basically this guy he will show up every once in a while he'll show up every once in a while but only in specific areas every one so whenever I go into a new area see when I was here he didn't attack me none after the first attack and my goddamn tent yeah my tent gotten thank you very much but it's not that if the tent was gotten it's the tent was you know there it's not my fault it's not my fault not my fault at all I got it you can't hear me what know you can hear me maybe I don't know lag yeah whatever I got it hang on just you wait wait I got it okay all right there we go everything should be up and running whoa where hello I heard him just as soon as I spawned in I mean I'm gonna die I expect to die any minute now Rosie he's being a real prick right now oh no he hit my oh that's what it was he hit my he finally hit the other the trap there ah ah okay wait does that mean I can go back and get that trap because that would be good because I saw it on the ground there maybe I just need to go pick it up again maybe yeah oh is that Oh cuz that would mean that the traps can be used unlimited number of times ah that's good to know that's good to know I'm gonna go get that trap cuz I want it back and then that also means that I need to go get the other trap again yeah okay alright okay now I got it now I got it now I'm getting it now I've got it now I'm getting it now I've got it now get it now I'm gonna get it I got it I'll get it okay is there a leg no I'm not CNA dropped frames it must be over on YouTube side if there's anything on the encoding going wrong over there because I'm uploading hot and heavy with full full girth of the bandwidth uh I almost fell what I'm finding alright it'll be is it all that must be just on that must be just on youtubes end is it good yeah well let me know if it gets good if it's bad then now I don't even know what to do I'm sorry I know I'm phrasing I know I'm phrasing I know but maybe I won't be yeah can I use it I can I can totally use it again it just doesn't show up on my map ah well that's handy dandy god yeah every time yeah if you're having trouble watching the stream just reload the page apparently god damn it it better not load me back up with to health because if it does I'm gonna be real pissed oh here really wait what it's gonna load me here that's so weird wait by it why all the way back here hang on I'm getting my I got my trap again wait what that's so weird why would you dump me back here and if that's the case then Bigfoot is gonna barrel down on me real soon which I'm not ready for but now that I kind of got an idea of what I'm doing here Oh yep there is there she blows come on you want some flare oh why oh he's up on the bridge wait I just saw him on the bridge oh [ __ ] he's a-comin but he's so far away wait what if I okay I'm makin I'm laying down a couple cuz he's coming all right whoa there is where is it where well what the [ __ ] no no no no no no no yes no what what is going on does it make any sense I don't get it I don't get it he wants my tootsies I want his cutsies I wanted his cutsies why why do what does he want my tootsies listen woman Tutsis boy I wanted to tease Thank You Philippa all right I'm headed I'm headed back trying to there's some hunting cabins up north of here let me see if I can find it again yeah it's it's near the base but I think if I if I put something down right where I am here that'll be an area that I'm probably not going to return to look why don't God why why it's completely illogical the amount of damage you take from fall damage it's totally inconsistent all right putting that there that's gonna be there I'm gonna watch it like a hawk just hammer it up right here there we go okay so I'm watching that one Dalbey go go for the but I don't know if that's good advice when it comes down to Bigfoot but I'm gonna try my best just to make sure that he doesn't go from my butt cuz I'm pretty sure that of the between the two of us mine is much more succulent than his William likes feet I cannot confirm or deny whether that is or is not true I have no recollection one way or another and I feel I'm gonna use my I'm going to just use I'm gonna plead the fifth on that one where is it I know I'm close to one this is the one that was struggling to find before some about cryptids Mothman I don't know about Mothman I've never really looked up much about Mothman to be perfectly honest she'll be right around here somewhere get them footsies I'm trying look does he's being real protective of his tits boink ah [ __ ] god damn it dammit it's gone well what happened movement Oh get it my tortures oh he's a he's all he's a probably pretty pissed huh he's probably pretty pissed but you know maybe he deserved it maybe he deserved it the stream keeps freezing uh I'm literally on my end I've got zero dropped frames my bitrate has been perfectly strong so if you're having issues to strive refreshing I think it's on youtubes end there it is there it is okay can I go up a god damn ledge alright fairway oh good another trap more bullet lots more bullets to okay if he comes my way I'm gonna flare them cuz I don't want to deal with that I'm gonna try to exclusively keep them at a distance okay I think up here would probably another good place to put down a trap I wish I could have gotten that Fox but I can't so whatever it's all good we love you mark also love you well that's too much love I can't handle all that love No bye-bye this Boosh okay so I'm gonna go I'm gonna collect the other one I think it's just a game of attrition right I just got to keep peppering him as much as I can in between the times that I can trap him and run away and if I get more flares and they do really scare him away then that's good then I can shoot him while he's running away while he's running towards me all of the above well where well he's a common where I don't see him OOP there he is come on okay another hit it can't let me go this flare what oh yeah yeah yeah running a big baby huh you big baby huh all right and your noggin right in your noggin oh oh oh did you fall down you fell down oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's coming again I need to reload my rifle and my flare gun oh boy flare gun flare gun flare gun flare gun please hurry hurry hurry hurry hope there we go oh I got your number now oh [ __ ] helps the fight you actually hit him come on oh he's so fast what the [ __ ] don't so fast was he coming again oh yeah is oh yeah is oh reload reload no no no no not that it's not the rifle the flare the flare the flare the flare the flange or the flange of the fire how should the beardy where am i what him wow he wants my bow Hangul ago lows he does he doesn't need you want some bad okay I'm gonna I'm gonna thank my lucky stars but also curse my inability to reload my goddamn flare not my bong hyung Giga who's not my bongos of gong goes don't die thank you great advice if ever I heard good advice that is the goodest advice that ever did cross my mind all right so I'm gonna pick up my old trap here little a date let that let it though here we go okay it's point their trap oh that trap is broked okay so sometimes they don't break sometimes they break I guess what I'm going to take my camera can I take my camera there we go thank you some of the boys you may need to help a bobbin wave yeah I might do that if I can't get him this time which I may but I may not i might summon the boys the good ol boys the good boys get him got to get good merck employer I don't know Mirko Flores but me I can't get more good than I already am because I am already at a level so far beyond anything you've ever seen or heard of in terms of goodness how do you get to the markiplier is this like a how many licks does it take question because honestly nobody really knows ok so that's their will you ever finish layers of fear maybe I don't know kind of forgot about the game forget about a lot of games I make a lot of big promises I'm gonna play game then I completely forget about it that's usually how it goes it's not out of maliciousness it's just out of me having too many things on my mind couldn't send just four dollars so here's the rest oh thank you thank you very much but no need for that press f to pay respects well you're so far delayed on that one cuz or early you might be early because the Yeti hasn't died yet but he's at Ghana he's a gonna I'm gonna claim those Tutsis I'm gonna claim them for my own I'll be mark you about the great Conda thank you I will maybe I don't know honestly who knows anything anymore I'm gonna go out of here I'm gonna lay another trap with some food put another camera near it I'm just trying to get far enough away that it doesn't count me in the same area as before whatever that means here's a big clearing as a work see just wants a piece of the market move yeah who doesn't what can I really blame him for seems about right all right yeah one there with camera Darrin Blanco okay so that's watching that and see how the camera and the other ones doing three still there five two three and two okay at three and two got it let's see love your beds big ooh well hope we got movement bo3 yeah get it oh you stupid oh you stupid oh my torture Oh again again with this [ __ ] Oh keys are coming ok so we use a common to me but that's ok because I am gonna lay down some real intelligent traps right here come at me bro ever come at me you think that you won't get got true late ok question is which way is he coming from also the question is is he actually coming all the way over here maybe not maybe not maybe not he just loves me I know that who doesn't okay apparently huh whatever you do trust your but I've never trust anything more than I trust my own but I'd like to think there are other people who think similarly well I know there's just some crazy doubters out there don't know what they're talking about you're gonna watch it like me huh I guess he's not okay so he's not coming over here whatever oh yeah that's not good okay campfire quick thank you well now he might be coming to me he sees his campfire I want to try to get him on just a normal trap right here I know if it's gonna work why do you hate Mormons who said I hate Mormons I hate Mormons what have I got against Mormons and I don't see anything can I say out of your boyfriend Ryan no and shadows weird try harder I took enough from the peanut gallery I'm doing my damnedest here and I'm fine I'm doing just fine thank you very much huh please say if you support autism awareness of course I do why wouldn't I oh boy were you at work come on come on hurry back for you buddy I heard you where you at we're good yeah yeah I got you yeah yeah yeah and get get one of what I cleared oh he's running yeah yeah yeah Oh little [ __ ] baby Oh little [ __ ] baby all right he may be coming back for another pass but I don't plan to be here when he does okay I've actually almost got him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where oh [ __ ] now boink [ __ ] come on there's a sensitivity change in between like when he's um I can't lay here goddamn it of course I can nice nice there's a sensitivity change for some reason okay you coming back it's getting close scream stream keeps freezing cuz it's cold and I don't know about that we hunting or surviving both we're both and we're both in it up oh no god damn it I thought it was farther ahead what the [ __ ] I hit my own that god damn it oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of shitty how the Frick it was farther it was dead ahead of me I swear I'm not an idiot I'm not an idiot well I love your videos been a fan for years thank you good whatever whoa Oh what oh that was that yeah Oh stupid idiot stupid idiots to talk not a guard how could I be so dumb again oh I'm a fool all right so he's coming this way I've only got one trap left so I just can't hit it myself I don't have any medicine I only got a few sticks I'm gonna go inside my house I'm a pray that I don't die and I have this tent thought I had but I didn't have a tent okay can you get me in here can it get me in here cuz I can only survive one more I can't even survive another hit that oh medicine yes take that yes okay I can now survive another hit alright so I've got one trap left that one's broken that's not there there's another hunting cabin where's that there's another hunting cabin just a little west of here that might have another trap and that might be my best bet towards staying alive and this one I've got 2 more flares I'm gonna take this with me not step on it let's go to that let's go to that other hunting cabin see if we can make it up everyone every right we got incoming there you get hit yeah oh you got hit Oh stupid idiot are you going oh yeah he's vanished how did you vanish like that ah [ __ ] okay I didn't even have to flare him he just went well that's good he's almost dead okay so I need to get one more trap I can go to this hunting cabin or the hunting Tower but also I can hit him with a flare and take a few potshots so hopefully hmm hopefully that'll work if that do work that that will work it should be just just around here probably dead ahead of this locale I don't know why I missed it before mark do you suck toes I don't know William I cannot confirm nor deny his suck ability on Tootsie would cease that I cannot confirm or deny there we go there's the other one get the toots to say hey the toots the toots the twos there is there's medicine two medicines got it where is he I heard him oh I can't I move where is he he's around here I got to get to an opening where's yet who's yet come on go come on log where's ya where's e come where's a freaking opening it's just all dents foot boat there is it's all dents forced where are you where are you I heard that where are you mom where are you huh you chicken huh oh yeah you chicken ain't you oh you chicken huh you too much of a [ __ ] baby to finish this fight huh huh huh I'm right here I'm right here baby I'm right here it's just you and me you and me buddy you mean the freezin cold there's a stick give me a stick he wants about YouTube channel Oh No Oh No well I got this I know I got this don't worry I know I got this I know I know I got this I'm gonna make a campfire because that's probably gonna draw him in I'll lay this down I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get him with this but I just want it there just to make me feel better okay you're so disappointed her not not yet you're not you just you wait cuz you wait it's it's disappointment is a common who can't step on my trap I almost stepped on my trap what and if they say about big feet big old honker I don't have any food left so I can't exactly exactly do anything about it I think it might be because this area I've already encountered him in so I'm gonna I'm gonna go to a different area I'm gonna go across the lake down to the south kind of like the southeastern area I don't think I've encountered him there yet thank you demon J thank you let me get it hua hua am I saying that right hooah hooah hooah hooah I'll do it I do it wah wah wah right you can make an animation of me don't make it up the loo don't do that that's that'd be a cursed animation it would never leave your computer but if anyone wants to make an animation of me you're more than welcome to I'm always happy to see animations of that sort of stuff and I'm honored that you would but also if you want to make animations of more worthwhile subjects feel free to do that to call in an airstrike you know I don't know if we need to call Danger Close on this one just yet I think that there's still a chance that you know can take care of this mono e mono mono e footy but uh you know I'll let you know when I'm ready for that I'm way you know you're the true Yeti you'll never kill me you know okay well you're pretty close to death here not gonna lie very close very very very close to be perfectly honest where's chica I don't know okay I don't think I don't think I've been out here and I think this is gonna be as good a place as I need to try to face off yeah and the sun's just coming up this looks pretty good I like the sound of this oh yeah this looks like a good place I'm gonna lay this trap it's on Oh the blood-red dawn Oh bring it on buddy Oh bring it on maybe he's not coming to me because I don't have any more meat on me anymore maybe change oh maybe it's not coming to me because my pants are full of bees instead of beavers I was just trying to hide shorten I hear something shakin get him a dude I don't like this I like this he won't go in the water trap and shoot market blur he won't yeah well oh well that's gotta be here somewhere come on too bad Bigfoot can't fall ass first into the trap yeah I want his feet to be intact with the ass I couldn't care less about I need to find like another meat I I think that's what I got to do I got to go find take this with me I'm gonna go find a carcass that's gonna be like he's need like a raccoon or something now I'm so close I'm so close but he's probably gonna be cautious don't get got by the slender Yeti and that would be terrifying now it's turned into a hunting hunting game a real hunting in need to find me a deer a raccoon or a fox or anything really how cold is it out there very cold very cold what heard that I'm here in animals but I'm not seeing animals yeah one second change something I just need one deer one raccoon one Fox transducing interplay dead I don't know if stripping naked here is a good idea but I could I could but whoa whoa whoa honk there you go oh yeah whoa wait where you going huh you can't run you can't run you can't run you can't run you can try to run but you can't run some coming for you coming for you baby yeah oh what's that no no no don't reload the rifle reload the flare gun okay all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah stop hitting trees stop injuries yeah point Gary oh okay this is this is the one this is the one this is the fun and done this is the run and done this is the one done run and done and get you mama get you was he coming back you're gonna come back you better where'd you go if he's coming back I need to put this down it's the only thing I have left yeah he's coming back okay where you at buddy where you at come here right towards me come on give me some yeah I see you oh I see you I missed you come on come right at me right at me right at me fall over oh oh I got him good oh I got him good there oh I got him good oh [ __ ] I got him well what's happening Oh hey whoa I guess what an anti climactic way to end that but yeah I got him yeah I got him good I got him good okay that was super fun that was really like as far as like comparing that to the last one that was really well made that was shockingly well made honestly and truly that was very very well made I am surprised by it like I didn't think I would be but I'm kind of surprised by it just because it you know it's it's uh it comes from that like the original rake it just seemed like the rake was gonna be this really silly one but it turned out really nice it turned out really really nice and I like that I like that a lot I think that's really cool okay so with that I think we're gonna wrap it up here thank you everybody so much that has been watching with me thank you everybody there's been cheering me on thank you everybody that's put up with any of the the stream problems that there were but we did it we killed the Yeti and if you guys want to see me kill the Yeti with other people friends of mine in a collab setting then let me know about that as well thank you everybody so much for watching take care of yourself take care of each other thank you everybody that became a member of the channel thank you everybody the game super chat and hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful evening thank you so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye bye bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,099,791
Rating: 4.9334841 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, bigfoot, yeti, hunting bigfoot, the rake, bigfoot game, bigfoot gameplay, bigfoot markiplier, bigfoot update, update, gameplay
Id: k44lvbBURIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 59sec (8939 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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