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well that sounds good hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games three big scary games scares big scares huge scare energy on the scares you're gonna love it because every time there's a scare you know that i care this is slide in the woods there's a lot of stories about like abandoned playgrounds or like park structures or like just buildings out in the woods and i think that there's a subreddit dedicated to kind of things like that um and i would love for it if you guys have any uh ideas or like stories of things that are just found in the woods or if you can remember what the subreddit is that kind of has these kinds of things right in the comments down below because there is like this whole world of previously built structures that have just been reclaimed by the forest or someone just decided hey we're gonna build this random building in the middle of the woods and people will come surely and then it just lies there rotten for the rest of time anyway this is about a slide in the woods oh we're already here we're not even gonna find it i found it already hey cool well it's here i might as well have some fun you know oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay we well that was fun okay that wasn't that wasn't nearly as terrifying as i thought it'd be but it was slightly more terrifying than i expected a slide to be but uh that's cool i can't go down the pole [Laughter] it's pt in slide form we i'm having so much fun going down this slide we know we where am i oh my god we oh god all right well then you know at any time i bet i could would you do that would you do that oh i found a flashlight oh a lost flashlight luckily it still has some battery left i bet i bet it do that was a bush i thought that was boots i thought it was a pair of boots okay you know a little uh little night time ain't gonna stop me from having a good time on this slide here time to go again who's watching me from the woods why is this so weird this is such like a normal thing well it's not a normal thing for me a fully grown adult to do and also this slide is just randomly in the middle of the woods did my mom drop me off here my mom just dropped whoa oh okay yeah that's a thing that you stab and just like get dropped off in the middle of a playground you know in the middle of some park somewhere and you know we just me and my brother would just play for a while yeah awk field news small town tragedy small town is mourning in matt as mass missing persons case at local park continues to go unsolved reports say both children and adults missing this slide is just too much fun a detective working on the case shed light on its peculiarity stating it's as if they disappeared into thin air he asks if anyone has any information pertaining to the case or if anyone spots one of the victims to please contact local law enforcement immediately okay well a depressing story like that isn't going to stop me from having a good time hey hey hey hey hey hey one at a time one at a time on the slide no one better be skipping the line it's my turn it's always my turn i'm the demon in the slide what if i just slide down here and there's gonna be something in the slide there's gonna be something in this line okay i'm fine we you can't have fun unless you say we on the way down okay as normal normal normal hey hey hey hey my turn you wait till i'm at the bottom you wait till i'm about to bottom and clear all right someone's really someone's really weighing doodling on that slide oh no well that's not good what is that what am i looking at what am i looking at what am i looking what am i looking at [Music] well that looked like fun no body bags getting dragged into the slide well covered with blood is gonna stop me from having a good time we listen to how much fun they're having oh no wait no hang on oh no oh no we we we i say i'm winging no wonder they sounded like they were having such a good time okay anytime there's a ba oh this doesn't feel like a slide anymore oh crawl meter what do you mean crawl meter crawl what what what what i am i am crawling oh what do you mean what is that what are you talking about oh weird i'm crawling apparently this is what crawling is oh why why oh no please not be behind me oh no something's behind sliding again oh my god oh my god oh my god screw nothing cause i'm having so much fun oh i don't know if anything's behind me but i'm not gonna look around i'm looking no we're fine nothing's fine nothing nothing's fine everything's fine so much fun oh good where am i oh oh again again again i say hip hip hooray what a lovely day ah again and again again hey well oh that is not the slide yeah just eager beavers too tempted oh oh oh oh [Music] okay oh wow okay is this the heart of the slide is this is what you're saying remove chain but why though but but why would i do that i could slide myself nah i removed it all right beating heart of the slide apparently uh you're gonna go into the slide you're gonna have a great time all right keep your arms tucked across your chest chin down and uh remember to have fun all right uh five four feed them yeah okay okay yep i'm gonna feed them apparently honestly this looks like the best slide of them all [Music] uh wait no hang on i wasn't supposed to open this oh no i can't move oh no no no i was supposed to get my reward the slide um there's something coming in here oh no oh good oh good yeah this is what i want i'm not going to stick around and look i'm looking oh what are you what are you what are you what are you i'm looking at you what oh i'm not looking oh my god i look too long one at a time on the slide one at a time one at a time oh no anything but this current experience no why is the slide suck ass oh this is the worst slide nothing like a clog on the goddamn slot oh no oh no this is what you don't want this is what you don't want okay all right i'm not looking back oh we you know they're just having a good time there's oh god damn it oh my god oh my god i shouldn't look back i should not look back i'm looking back oh i'm not looking oh my god i've stopped completely oh my god that was a dumb idea why would i do that why would i do that okay oh my god please a little faster oh my god a little more a little more a little more really get the speed ah this isn't the speed i'm stuck oh my god okay i really got that hill up yeah i know i know i know it's super fun definitely the fun this is ramping up and we i bet this is the last one i bet that's the last one god damn it of course it's not the last one why would it be the last one oh my god no no come on come on there we go perfect this has got to be the last one that's it yeah you get away you get away you get away oh oh uh am i blinking or is my flashlight dying okay we i can finally have fun on my slide should i look behind me or something no okay oh why oh oh yay oh yay oh lovely day well let's go ahead oh mom oh it's gone mom i went on the wrong slide mom i love that i loved that that was so imaginative that was so cool that was so cool legitimately that was just so cool it was creative it was interesting it was just plain old cool i loved that it was different like it did the repeating mechanic but also it expanded upon it like took you to some other place that was super cool i liked that that was fantastic good stuff i love that great okay cool good stuff man well done love that love that moving on this one looked weird in a good way i think it's hard to tell sometimes but this one did seem like it was gonna be very disturbing and very odd and also it's getting dark so that's even better for the moon [Music] oh hi hi oh yeah i'm done working i feel good about my day that i just did i feel like i'm a girl i don't like my office and in what world would anyone set up their office so that there's just an open gaping dark doorway right behind you i'm sorry hmm well i don't want to go down that way so i'm going to go through the vent which is a strange preferable choice having trouble oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no how did you get in here go through the door closest to the desk okay how about i go through the weird void please don't go in the vent again go through the door behind you i'm gonna go through the vent again i don't know why but my stanley parable instincts tell me hey can i go through this thank you yeah the stanley parable instincts tell me to disobey you at every turn i don't like following the orders of voices through cameras please don't go through the door close to the desk i'm begging you it would be so bad if you went through that door well is this reverse psychology i'm gonna guess that's reverse psychology and i'm gonna go to this one here this door does not want to be effed oh you didn't go through the door closest to the desk how is that even possible you're not programmed to spot lies oh i am very good at that i'm very good at that very good okay i don't know what's going on well i don't know what's happening it's a little strange i'm a little uncomfortable not gonna lie little uncomfy also you said i was programmed am i some kind of a robot why are you even trying to escape you know it's not possible why would i even make it possible i don't know why would you why would you make it possible what happens if i go back would anything happen probably not i'm gonna go through this door again oh hey wow okay hi steve you all right there buddy oh my god you don't look so good look what you've done now he's completely broken who who's broken why is he broken i didn't mean i didn't that was not me man not me definitely not me definitely not me all right later uh steve have a good day see you tomorrow working hard or hardly working uh hey can you uh tell me how to get out of here that'd be great what do you even expect to happen do you seriously think i would just put in an exit so that you could escape i don't know who you are mr slow talker i just know that i woke up in front of a random computer hi what's up no then for you anymore i removed it and now there's nothing for you to do other than work later nerd you can't escape you can only work uh-huh sure i'm very persistent i hope you know that you can't escape you can only work um about that like i said very persistent you can't escape you can only work what else we got going on here no vent for you anymore i removed it and now there is nothing for you to do other din work well i guess i can only work huh all right i'll work fine oh what what what what what [Music] is that what i get for disobeying is that what i get for being an that's probably what i get that is probably what i get hmm all right let's try that again can you please just get back to work i'm tired of having to find replacements yeah so tired you're so slow at talking hmm oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what what i don't understand i don't understand but i'm going to leave that one there because i don't know any other alternative okay well not bad very confusing a little unsettling but not terribly scary as i would call it but not bad this is down beneath down beneath what i don't know where down beneath i don't know that either i don't know anything i know nothing my head is completely empty i'm gonna start a new game why did i try to sit i'm sitting on the floor right now by the way and i don't know exactly how to be comfortable i'm literally sitting on a dog bed and my back rest is up it's it's it's a nightstand so yeah hopefully i'm in frame still and if i'm not ah no i'm definitely not now hi hello hi hello everything's fine don't worry about anything everything's completely fine everything's fine always has been oh we will be let's go down beneath oh gosh hi okay interact a box of syringe yep okay the door is locked this is some kind of an escape room hi grandma oh i don't like that well i got my tub of jello let me okay i found a key dug my hand right into that that don't bother me none neither does the poop all over the toilet guess i'll just mosey on out of here you unlocked the door i sure did ha no no ah yes no yes goopy okay all right i'm gonna assume you guys are all alive is this a dead body i assumed wrong continuing on my journey now very goopy very goopy what am i hearing hello it's too dark you're goddamn right it's too dark maybe you could brighten things up a little bit and not make it an ominous red light oh better thank you ask a knee shall receive is that a flashlight is that a flashy light in this weird room that's an offshoot of this weird goop hell oh cousin how you doing well that's good found flashlight nice very bright very very bright i can now go down that dark hallway that i definitely i'm gonna get you i'm a monster now what if i'm scary what if you're the little baby if you're the screamy little baby what if i'm okay i i might be the screamy little baby i might be i might be the screamy baby okay i'm gonna back away and i'm gonna go down the hallway this is gonna be good this is gonna work out perfectly for me this is gonna work out wonderfully hey am i going around to meet that guy no apparently not oh door i like door i love door i love stairs i love stairs and door uh okay good great great oh i love back rooms i love the back rooms did anything ever come out come out of the back rooms did any project actually materialize for the back rooms or was that just like this kind of weird rumor that everyone talked about oh good hey button you don't need to ask me twice oh yeah push the button no push that button i see a big red button i push it immediately no questions asked what did i just do the blue indicates an open gate while the red indicates a closed gate great i want to open that gate but first i'm going to see what's down this gate that i just opened oh well i like door and i like stairs but this door seems to be unusable the door is blocked i could i i could tell that from a distance i didn't need to go up to it but i'm glad i did anyway okay let's open the bloody door why not why not why not i shout to the heavens push the button okay bloody door i love the blood door i don't really like blood i'm not gonna say i love blood but no i'm not gonna say i love blood there's no butt to that am i gonna try to get a krober oh great oh good um it's very dark oh it is wonderful hi well i hate this reminds me of a game that i beat a long time ago that i definitely didn't abandon oh what was the name of that wonderful game that i beat for once and for all and no one will ever bother me about ever again oh well it's slipped my mind as i'm sure it slipped everyone else's just looking for some tunnels on the ground to crawl through for no particular reason hi hi i don't like this didn't mean to turn out my light there didn't mean come on let's go let's go all right good yeah okay obviously this room is occupied i will leave you to it you have a good day now you have a good day i'll try this door blocked from the other side someone wanted some privacy in there but that other person did clearly clearly did not kachuncus there's no power i wonder where i could get power let me ask the neighbor hey you know where i could get any power hey dude no do you know where i could get some no okay all right later all right hey hey [Applause] what's with your toes all right whatever i'll just be in here don't mind me yeah i'll pull it mind if i pull this lever yeah you did yeah you did okay looks like some sort of map yeah it do um but uh but uh okay are they the same yeah they're the same yeah okay so straight all right i'm gonna try to remember this i'm gonna try to remember this because i have a funny feeling i'm gonna be running away from something as i try to remember this i think i mean it seems pretty easy this is pretty straightforward that map's not hard hey neighbor maybe neighbor where'd you go buddy where'd you go pal all right anyway i'll just i'll just act like nothing's wrong hold the lever you betcha well that sounds good you would you would you would you oh is this oh this is the uh this is the uh thing isn't it this is the map is it oh well got it wrong from the get-go so i'm kind of stupid so i'm kind of stupid i just didn't know which way i was coming into this thing that's that was my problem that was my problem okay all right well uh let's uh let's uh let's mosey round the posies one more time shall we uh let's uh let's push up the daisies a little bit harder this time why don't we okay which way was the bad way was this the bad way was that the bad way oh yeah oh oh god damn it i did the thing again all right this way and then this yeah i got it now i got it now don't worry about a thing i know exactly where i'm going then i ring around the rosie my posies you know you know about my posies everyone knows about my posies all right and then a straight shot to the victory circle definitely not creeping up behind me i have plenty of room to run oh this is my favorite room so far what's down there nothing okay good i'm gonna go in this door maybe i shouldn't have even tried that's what you get for being so goddamn dull can't even fit through a vent idiot uh graham graham i don't know grandpa ooh krober perfect that's exactly what i needed and i know exactly where to use it hey i remember that from the beginning grover i removed the planks with the cribber well time to run away i'm glad i went down the door with the blood in it this was just delightful always a good decision when blood leads you away always a good decision okay hey my keen sense of direction led me right where i needed to be and then i'm gonna go is it so dark that you can barely see me i hope so i hope it's that dark i hope so i literally don't have any light in here i have to go get light eventually but i'm so lazy all right let's so let's all push the button god i don't need to go that way okay button has been pushed now we got the door that we actually need to go through which is great i love that and then voila i removed the planks and i'm sure i'm about to go right home i'm about to go ride home ooh dark i love stairs i love door is that a door up there is that a door you happen to god damn it okay well i can remove these good glad to wonder i did that oh great yay ah oh good oh good good good yeah let's see what happens oh boys why oh god activate all four levels no no no no no okay all right sick oh well that looks like something there okay well the left opened okay and then i saw a lever up tippy top of the left yeah okay we got this uh oh that doesn't sound good that sounds distinctly bad uh pull the lever yeah you sure why not okay all right hey let's ring around the rosie my dude okay are we ringing around the rosie we rosy ringing we're rosying he okay i don't exactly know what to do about the rest of the the this of the rest of the all of this i don't know what to do about the rest of the all of this you know what i mean i don't really the doors are kind of locked the doors are kind of locked my dude you're quick i'm alive i don't know what to do about any of that i think i gotta go back and i think i gotta open the door but i gotta ring around rosie listen can you forget that i ever existed that would be dope as hell that would be super dope i have to how am i gonna i don't know here i go i did the thing maybe it'll forget i'm here if i close the door can i you'll never know you'll never know okay so it did open that one up there okay that's good so i just gotta ring around the rosie up there throw that lever and then be on my way okay i see you come on come on yeah come on yeah come on yeah slowpoke come on come on yeah yeah yeah okay and then ring around the rosie and then up top in this room off to the left there is a ring around the rosy spot i don't know who built the security in this place but it's really stupid i'm just gonna go ahead and say it's real dumb it's it's real dumb like real dumb oh god it's top level dumb it's like 99 highest iq levels of dumb big dumb dumb okay all right just gotta do one more ring around the rosie and then i'm clear kind of easy peasy a little easy a little peasy little easy little peasy hey come on hey come on easy peasy i'm right here come get me come and get me come get me you can't even get me you couldn't even get me if you tried and you just did you loser you loser what a loser loser all right pull the lever you know it baby all right come and get me try me try to get me try to get me you cannot you cannot you're incapable of getting me and then i just go hey bud hey pal hey neighbor can you stop the the dude you fight that dude can you are you gonna fight that dude oh yeah you keep him at bay all right cool later man i'm blind the end i win it is very dark in here you can't really see anything it could be anyone here could be anyone oh good you can see me now i like that it was pretty standard fare for uh like when it comes to horror games but it was very intricate you know there was a lot of like interactivity there was a lot of moving around it had a monster which you know not not all horror games these games do these these days do have monsters um and i liked it i thought it was pretty cool it had some polish to it the the the mechanics of like the escape were enough to keep it engaging and honestly i thought it was pretty good not bad at all i don't know if there was any story to it at all but pretty good horror game and that's all you can ask for so that was three scary games thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed it i know i did i know i did and i know you did i know you did
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,825,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games 74, indie horror games, scariest, jumpscares, creepy, dark, spooky, haunted
Id: vw153rXg_qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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