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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case I thought I said that wrong for a second and before we get into it it's really an outside and it's really bloody loud on the window like it's raining like hell so I'm gonna try and avoid talking when it's really loud but if you can hear it through the video I'm so sorry this is the only time I can really film this video to get it up this weekend so sorry about that the today's case is a little bit different and I know I say that a lot but today we're gonna be talking about the Hungerford massacre and I don't think I've ever talked about a massacre on my channel before as far as I can remember not as bad as this one anyway the Hungerford massacre was the worst one-man massacre in modern England hello this again sorry to interrupt regular scheduled programming however I've just gone and done that thing where I finish a full video and then I realize it's too long and then I have to come in afterwards and separate it but yeah I just finished filming this video and I realized how bloody long it is so I'm gonna split it into two parts the first part is this and the second half will be out in the next couple of days so that's why it stops halfway through so before we get into that I just want to thank non VPN for sponsoring this video you guys know I love non VPN I've used them for a long long time to protect my information online and keep it safe from people trying to access it not VPN basically gives you another IP address to make it seem like you're operating from somewhere else in the world and this IP address acts as a barrier between you know these horrible people are trying to get your information and you earn all of your stuff and this IP address that they give you you get to choose where the IP address is from and there's over 60 different countries to choose from and this means that you can access content from those countries that you might not otherwise be able to access where you live so like videos that are blocked in your country on YouTube you can access different countries Netflix and see different shows that they might not have on your countries I'd really recommend using Nod VPN if you work in public spaces a lot if you use public Wi-Fi like bus Wi-Fi train Wi-Fi coffee shops libraries you can't always guarantee that they are secure so I would recommend using a VPN I'm right now not VPN I've run it a special holiday deal where you can get 81 percent off of your subscription plus 4 months free added on to the three-year plan all you have to do to get that discount is go through my link not VPN dot-com /l na and put in the good L&R at checkout but yeah thank you so much to not VPN for sponsor in this video now I would like to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talked about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Hungerford is a countryside town in Berkshire in the south of England and it's known to be very pretty just very cute very cozy very nice it's got the little high street of little independent shops well at least it did at this time I don't know what Hungerford is like now but this case took place in the 1980s so it had all the little independent shops it had the rivers it had the little cafes it had you know it was just a really nice place to live and everyone was very proud of home with it everyone that lived there if you from the UK probably very familiar with the kind of vibe I'm describing typical little English countryside town it was nice to live in it had a nice little community feel to it it was very very safe the crime rates were very low in Hungerford but this case doesn't actually start in Hungerford it starts seven miles away in Wiltshire in a forest named Savannah forest it was August 19 1987 and 35 year old mother Susan Godfrey was taken her two children four-year-old Hannah and two-year-old James to the forest for a picnic it was the summer holidays even though Hannah and James were probably too young for school anywhere but it was the summer holidays so there were a lot of people go into this forest and you know other Park places a lot of people just out with kids enjoying the Sun it was a very warm day and family were making the most of this really nice day and so they traveled 50 miles from where they lived in reading all the way to Wiltshire to go to this specific forest I don't know if they had some kind of connection to the forest to Susan and the children pulled into the kind of forest car parking area and she started getting the kids out of the car getting things out of the boot you know the food that they'd brought when another car came into the carpark and a man got out of this car and just went round to the boot the boot by the way is the trunk of the car I get a lot of American people in my videos confused so the boot of the car is just like that storage bit at the back so anyway Susan and the children around the back of the car getting all the things out getting this picnic blanket getting the food and everything and then she looks up and she sees the man that just got out of that car walking to Walter with a pistol in his hand he pointed the pistol at Susan and told her to put her children back in the car and she did with very little protest at this point all she could think about was her children all she wanted to do was make sure that there were safe he then led Susan away to some bushes without saying much at all if he did say anything to him we don't know what he said and these bushes were only 30 yards away from the car where the children were so they could probably still see what was going on and he turned her around in these bushes and shot her 13 times in the back he used the whole magazine of his pistol and killed her almost instantly the children this four-year-old girl and this two-year-old little boy watched as this man then walked back over to his car put the gun in the boot of his car and just drive away again like nothing had happened and there were obviously terrified luckily they were so young that they didn't fully understand what was going on they were scared obviously because this big man and just come over and take and their mommy away and you know hurt but I don't think they understood the severity of it being only four and two so the two of them these two toddlers sat in the car for like ten minutes until they saw an elderly woman walk past and so four year old Hannah helped her 2 year old little brother out of the car she shut the door behind them and then they walked to this elderly woman who was now sat on a bench reading a book the woman's name was my reviewers and she remembers exactly what the children said to her that day Hannah said I'm Hannah and this is my little brother James he's 2 and I'm far a man in black who's just killed our mommy and we're going home now I know where we live it's the house with the blue dog and Mayra didn't know what to do of course what what do you do in that situation when a child comes and says something like that yeah she assumed that maybe they were playing again with their mommy like hide-and-seek or something and this child had just come out with the most wild thing but Mayra realized that that was a very very dark thing for a four year old girl to come out with just randomly from her imagination as she's playing again IRA knew that there had to be some truth behind that and so Mayra knew that she was not letting these children out of her grip she took one child in each hand and they walked until they found another family that was picnicking in 7ik forest they stayed with this family and they went and found a pay phone and called police and the two children thankfully were safe in this situation but little did police know when they got that call this wasn't an isolated attack and the perpetrator was already on his way to the next location to continue his seven hour thirty-one victim massacre now I'm just gonna tell you who the perpetrator was now I feel like that's the easiest way for me to do this I'm sorry that there's no mystery after this point but it's still a very very interesting case so the perpetrator was 27 year old Michael Robert Ryan he was born on May 18th 1960 in Marlborough in Wiltshire which is right by Hungerford that's where Sam anak forest was he was an only child born to Alfred and Dorothy Ryan although his father passed away when he was aged 25 so just two years before the massacre all the psychologists have since said that they don't think his father's death was linked to the massacre at all because he wasn't very close with his father as you'll see as I'm talking about him MA he was way more of a mummy's boy although Michael did seek help for depression after his father's passing however it's believed that he had depression before his father actually passed away I don't know if he was still ongoing with his therapy and his treatment at the time of the massacre I don't know if it concluded because his father did pass away two years prior I don't know if he spent that full two years in therapy Michael lived with his mother Dorothy Ryan he never left the family home at any point and they lived with a little Labrador named Blackie on a house on Southview that was the name of their road and that is gonna be very important in this case and Southview was in Hungerford while Dorothea worked as a dinner lady at the local primary school pretty much all Michael's life she'd had that same job he wasn't so good at keeping a job he went from job to job he had unemployed patches in his life he mainly did like labor jobs handyman type jobs throughout school Michael Ryan was always the odd one out he was quite a loner he didn't have too many friends and I think that was more because he was just bad at social interaction he didn't have very good social skills his mother had babied him and sheltered him so much through his childhood that he didn't really know how to interact with other children because he didn't have much experience and so they didn't really want to hang out with him his mother isolated him so much that he just never really fit in with any crowd all the way through his like childhood and then adolescence and adulthood he just never fit in with anyone that wasn't his mother I don't think it really affected him that much I don't think he really wanted to fit in with the other kids for the most part because he had his mom why would you need to when you've got your best friend at her and she babied him she did everything for him bought him everything he wanted and like I said this meant that Michael pull off making a real life for himself he didn't go out and buy his own first home he didn't go out and get a girlfriend and get engaged and start his own family and have children he didn't work on keeping a job because he knew that his mother could always provide that kind of thing for him Michael left school when he was 16 years old he got his like basic qualifications and then went into the real world he got a job as a handyman and it was around this time that he really started to share his own interests and hobbies because up until this point he'd pretty much been a product of his mother because she kind of pushed herself on him so much he was like a mini version of her and he was finally getting his own interests and hobbies and one thing he really was drawn to her guns and firearms when he was 16 years old Dorothy bought him his first air rifle now I don't know whether she surprised him with it and that is how he got this hobby or if he'd actually you know asked for it but anyway she bought him his first air rifle and he loved it he was so proud of it he kept it on display and quickly after that and into his 20s he amassed a huge collection of different firearms psychologists have since looked at this fascination with guns on a much deeper level like maybe he didn't like the guns themselves as much as he loved what they represented you know violence and power and masculinity toughness all the things that he'd grown up without they think that guns was Michael's by him subconsciously separating himself from his mother because up until now she shaped him she chipped the whole personality the whole belief system that he had and guns was his thing that was just his and it wasn't his mother's as he got older and he adult he joined two different gun clubs he began going to the Wiltshire shooting range more and more he began going to seven AK forest and he would like pretend he was in the military and he would do all these different like you know roles and stuff in the forest to pretend he was aiming at things and she air rifles he would never take out his proper gun guns unless they were at the shooting range he would take his air rifle out to seven at forest occasionally and shoot it you know different targets he started reading good magazines like you know the actual paper magazine stock magazine for a good but he would read up on guns new models like you know he had a license to own every single one of his guns as well by the way he was deemed safe by the police and given his license and approved every single gun that he had regularly because he didn't seem to be a danger he had no previous criminal record there were no one in signs his mental health history was pretty you know apart from his depression he didn't have anything you know worryin in his mental health history or his family's mental health history he passed every single check the police signed every single you know approval form for him to have his license and to keep these guns he even installed a steel cabinet in their house because that was part of the law if you wanted to own a gun and keep it at your house you had to keep it in a steel cabinet so that it couldn't you know accidentally go off and if it did the steel would be more protective and the last time that Michael was checked and approved by the police because they had to have like regular ones it wasn't enough to have one at the beginning and then you set for life like they had regular ones his last one before the massacre was just two weeks before in his adulthood Michael Ryan began lying to his mother about very serious things he would say that he was engaged and he was planning a wedding with this woman that his mother never met he would say he was best friends with a colonel he would say he had a business where he would like renovate properties and then he also added on to that lion said that business had gone bankrupt I assume because he wasn't getting any money and and his mother started noticing I think maybe he just felt you know embarrassed that he didn't have friends and he didn't have a girlfriend and he didn't have a life outside of his mother and his shooting hobby his gun hobby so he wanted to make things up he didn't want to disappoint his mother but yeah like I said he wasn't known to the police and he wasn't really known to anyone in Hungerford because he didn't have friends he was quite quiet he was to himself no one really knew him and especially in the wake of this massacre when his name was known in the town everyone was like asking each other if it knew him and no one seemed to have any memories of Michael Ryan he didn't participate in anything wasn't part of any clubs apart from the gun clubs he never did football or you know rugby or anything like that in school no one knew Miss Mann he seemed to be a silent member of the community that no one knew until this so anyway back to the timeline Michael Ryan has just shot and killed his first victim of the day susan Godfrey as soon as he did that he ran back to his car put his pistol back in the boot and drove away as quickly as he could so then by the time police got there he was far away from the scene he set off back to Hungerford but stopped on the way for petrol at a petrol station and as he pulled in in his box all astray he and only another motorist a biker were the only ones in the petrol station so he got out of his car and he went round to the boot where his guns were however he looked up and looked at this biker and he seemed as though he was getting ready to leave he was putting like his gloves on his helmet whatever and so Michael Ryan thought he would just wait as he waited he just bailed like three or four jerry cans full of petrol and the biker looked up nodded at him kind of greeted him said hello Michael said hello back and they both carried on doing what they were doing it was a normal greeting and then when the biker had finish put in all his helmet and stuff on he set off towards the exit of the petrol station and he was just about to turn onto the road when he heard a loud noise behind him and so he stopped and turned back and saw Michael Ryan standing with a semi-automatic gun shooting at the petrol station now this biker assumed that it was an armed robbery and so he thought that the best thing to do rather than turn round and risk his life was to carry on driving and drive to the nearest pay phone and call the police so that's exactly what I did meanwhile Michael had made his way inside the petrol station and he walked straight to the cashier pointed the gun in her face and shot sir but it didn't work Michael didn't realize that the magazine on his gun had fallen off outside and so there were no bullets there was nothing to shoot he was trying but nothing was coming out of this gun and so luckily this woman that worked in the petrol station her life was spared that day he realized that his gun wasn't working and that he was wasting time inside his petrol station and so he ran back out to his car put the gun back in the boot and drove off back to Hungerford of course the girl in the petrol station as soon as Michael Ryan left she called the police as well so now they had three calls from three different people talking about a gunman but this is something you'll see throughout this case is that communication among the police force was so poor it was just terrible and I don't think it was police's fault either remember that this case was in the 1980s so technology just wasn't as good as it was now the police didn't have mobile phones they had radios so it's not like they could just easily bring it to the Rope they had to report on the radio and they had to be close to their radio to be able to hear other people it's not like they could walk out with their foot so of course because Michael rein was a lone shooter he was walking around he was constantly moving locations he was on the move police found it very very hard to track him so the first one of course was 7ik Forest which was four miles away from the petrol station so that was already being treated as an select incident and then they have the biker who called up and reported an armed robbery because that's what he thought it was that's what it looked like to him so why would he report it as anything else sir of course police connected the two at the petrol station but the one at Savannah chorused wasn't connected to Michael Ryan for a while what I'm trying to say is that even though they have three phone calls reports in a gun man they had no reason to suspect that this was the start of a massacre to police it looked like an isolated murder and an armed robbery they couldn't possibly have predicted how much worse this was gonna get they couldn't possibly have predicted that he was gonna go on to shoot more people so they weren't prepared they weren't sending police out to protect people they were sending police out to deal with these isolated incident if they knew a massacre was going on they would have acted a lot differently meanwhile Michael Ryan has made his way back to Hungerford and he heads straight to south view which is where he lived with his mother Dorothy who was actually away at a job interview that day in the town just as he was pulling on to south view a woman one of his neighbors from South Union Julie Jackson was stood at the bottom of the road on the corner talking to her friend when they noticed Michael Ryan's speeding up in their direction they didn't think much of it he was a relatively young man young men sometimes drive recklessly so they had again no reason to suspect that this man was probably in a psychotic rage he drove up south view got out of his car went to the boot and picked up all those jerry cans of petrol that he just filled up he went inside his house and he began pouring them on everything on furniture curtains carpets everything he went and grabbed all of his guns all of his ammunition and ran out to the car with them and put them all in the boot and then one last time went back inside his house and lit it on fire so then he went back out to the car to continue his murder spree he got in and put the key in the ignition but for some reason the car wouldn't start and he's trying and he's trying and it's not starting and cause this is only making him angrier and more frustrated he gets out with the car runs around to the back gets one of his guns out and just starts shooting at his own car at the tires and the windows he's just taking out this anger on anyone and anything he can find after a while he kind of comes himself down not fully but he realizes that if he wants to continue this Massacre it's gonna have to be on foot and so he goes round to the boot of the car grabs three guns two semi automatics and a pistol he straps the semi automatics to himself and sets off down south view before he left his house he went round to his back garden and shot and killed his dog and then while he was in his backyard and he heard talking from two houses down in their back garden so he decided that there would be his next victims he walked round to this neighbor's house walked into the garden and there was an elderly couple named Sheila and Roland Mason they were just having a normal day in summer just enjoying the Sun in their back garden talking to each other and that was when Michael Ryan shot and killed both of them Roland six times and Sheila just once in the head at this point if you remember I was talking about Julie Jackson earlier who was on the corner of the road as Michael was driving up now at this point Julie was walking back up to her house which was actually past where Michael was now so she was gonna have to walk past him on the street and as she was walking up she heard all of these gunshots that killed her neighbors the Masons however she just assumed that it was from an air rifle why would she think that it was from a semi-automatic she knew that Michael Ryan liked guns he went to the gun club and stuff so she just assumed that he was target practicin in his garden at this point Michael had come out from the Masons house and I think he was back by his house like sorting out his guns in the boot of his car or something and as Julie walked past him his house hadn't actually caught fire dramatically at this point it was still kind of contained inside so she didn't notice anything was off immediately but she did notice that as she walked past him he was staring at her the whole time like as soon as he saw her to the minute she was out of his eyeline like he was staring her Michael Ryan then decided to follow Julie Jackson up the road he was about ten yards behind her and he began shooting at the ground by her feet and she of course still didn't assume that it was a semi-automatic she thought that he was just taunting her shooting this air rifle at her feet just to scare us and this is one of the only points in this whole case that Michael Ryan doesn't shoot someone immediately he doesn't seem to you know mess about with it or tone people or you know scare people he just shoots them straight up so this is a very one-off for anyway Michael is shooting at her feet she doesn't quite realize the severity of the situation but she speeds up regardless because she's scared and he's you know intimidating her so she speeds up and she walks into a house and locks the door behind her and everything and as soon as she gets in she realizes there's a really bad burning pin in the bottom of her back and then she realized she'd been shot fortunately this shot was infertile for Julie Jackson she was just very badly injured she was able to get to the phone and call police and she was the fourth call to police about a gunman that day meanwhile Michael had moved on he was going up and down south just shooting at people's windows in the houses whenever he saw anyone through a window saw a shadow any kind of movement it's not like he had specific targets no specific kind of grudges he wasn't aiming for anyone in particular it was just anyone he walked around the back of another house and saw two girls sat in a conservatory and he shot at both of them one of them was able to get away and like run into the house away from the gunshots but the other one wasn't so lucky and she was shot in the leg 16 year old Lisa Mildenhall was shot four times in the thigh and this could have potentially been fatal for her if she lost too much blood luckily they'd been a little boy in the area that the seen or heard this happen and he knew that his mum could help his mother who lived just a couple of houses down was named Sylvia Pascoe and she worked for the ambulance and so this boy ran and got his mum he was frantic he would say mom come on you've got to come and help this girl she's been shot and Sylvia was shocked she'd never worked with a shooting before she'd never had to deal with this before so Sylvia and another woman in the neighborhood ran round to this girl's house where they bandaged up her leg they were applying pressure they lifted it they have it like resting on a bars they had towels just wrapped around her leg just to play in pressure to this wound so that she lost as little blood as possible the foreign ambulance got that so like I said Michael still at this point is just parading up and down South view looking in windows shooting in windows waiting for any kind of movement that he could air Matt and that's when he walked back past Julie Jackson's house and he saw movement in the window once again so he knew that the woman that he had shot her outside hadn't died hadn't even collapsed on the floor yet she was moving around in her house and so he shot again through her window this time trying to kill her luckily she was able to duck and crawl to her phone she didn't sustain any further injuries and there she called her husband Ivor she was scared that maybe this was the last chance she would get to talk to him she explained the situation to him and she said that she'd herself been shot and she was in a lot of pain she couldn't really move at this point it really sunk in and her husband Ivor said right okay I'm coming now wait there we'll call you an ambulance like it's gonna be okay now at this point police were beginning to respond of course police had already responded to the southern ak4 astute in and the petrol station armed robbery and now they had multiple neighbors from South view all calling about this mad gunman that's shooting in their windows so police were making their way to South view to go and see what was going on but bear in mind the police weren't armed in the 1980s they had special armed police squads like firearms squads but normal police officers did carry guns they only carried like I don't know basic weapons that couldn't do too much damage basically protective weapons when someone tries to like fight them they can like hit them off but they didn't carry guns but what was really unfortunate in this case was that on this one particular day of all days in the year this one specific day the armed police unit for that general area was away on a training course over 40 miles away it would take them way over an hour to get to Hungerford the firing squad was normally not that far away so if this had happened on any other day they would have been able to get there within ten minutes twenty minutes but today it was gonna take over an hour and it wasn't as easy as just the local police officers going and getting a gun to go and face Michael Ryan because they couldn't the local police officers didn't have access to firearms they had to be authorized the guns had to be unlocked because of course they were kept locked anyone could have just broken into a police station and got the guns if they weren't they were kept in a particular location that the public didn't know about and you know it just wasn't that easy like I said earlier this whole case was just a series of very unfortunate circumstances for the police that men it took way longer to catch the perpetrator than it should've for example the police helicopter for Hungerford for that area was actually in repair that day of all the days that it could have been repaired which meant that they couldn't go up in this helicopter to have a better view of Michael Ryan and to be able to keep track of him because once he left South view and started going elsewhere with this Massacre he was very hard to track because people would call the police and say he's on my Road now but then by the time police would get to their Road responding to that call he'd have moved on so he was very very hard to track all day and if they had the police helicopter that would have been so much easier they would have been able to get to him so much quicker and potentially saved so many lives and on top of that the police station in Hungerford was actually going through renovations at the time that meant that they didn't even have a proper workspace police didn't have a proper place to kind of lay out all the information get everyone all in one room brief them to update them tell them what was going on because they didn't even have a proper base and none of these are the fault of any one person the police helicopter being in for repair is no one's fault but the police in this case did the absolute best that they could with the circumstances that they had they were trying to get the armed squad there as quick as they could they were trying to get the helicopter fixed as quick as they could meanwhile Michael Ryan has pretty much gotten everything he can from Southview all the neighbors are hiding in their houses look they've locked their doors and everything of course so no one else is moving in the windows he's got nothing else to shoot at so he decides to move up he heads down a path at the end of his street it was a footpath he can't go on it in a car and this path led to Hungerford common now Hungerford common was pretty much just a huge patch of land communal patch of land it was like a park type thing but it didn't have much in it at all it was just a communal space for people to go kids to play out people to have picnics whatever and there were quite a few people on it would it be in the summer holidays it was a warm day so Michael heads down this path but he wasn't the only one walking down it at that time come in the other way was a man named Kenneth Clements and his family so Michael Ryan is heading that way Kenneth Clements and his family are heading that way they walk in towards each other and Kenneth had actually been stopped before this path by a neighbor and warning him that there was a man loose with a gun in one foot however Kenneth just assumed that of course there had to be an innocent explanation things like this didn't happen in Hungerford they didn't happen in England really there wasn't men loose with guns going crazy shooting people so he thought well maybe it was just an air rifle like it's okay they're nearly home anyways they'll just get home and a lot of the doors or whatever but within minutes of that interaction Kenneth Clements was first with Michael Ryan on this footpath as soon as the family saw Michael Ryan the children began Brennan back up the footpath and to safety while Kenneth's did exactly where he was he put his hands up in surrender and kind of gave himself up over his children he let his children run away he didn't run with them he didn't risk them losing their lives as well I think a lot of it was probably shock as well he just stood there with his hands up he didn't know what to do we didn't know what to say but Michael Ryan didn't care that he was surrendering and he shot him just once in the chest killing him instantly and making Kenneth Clements his fourth victim of the day it's unknown what Michael Ryan did after that whether he went on to the common or whether he just went straight back onto South view because of course if there's no eyewitnesses we don't know what he's doing for different parts of the of this story however he didn't shoot anyone else for a while and eventually ended up going back to south view and by now the police were coming in there was one police car just coming into the street as Michael Ryan stepped back onto South view PC Roger Brereton he was on his police radio the whole time talking to the police station or to someone else at the time and as soon as he drove onto the road he told them that he spotted the suspect he was stood at the end of the road dressed in all camouflage gear with what he could see to be two guns in his hand but before he could say anything else Michael Ryan began shooting at the police car and hit Roger Brereton four times and as Roger sat there bleeding out dying he must have been in so much pain he made one last call on his police radio letting them know that he'd been shocked and then shortly after he passed away after that Michael Ryan walked up to the police car and just began shooting at it again he fired a total of 23 rounds at the car sure in the windows shooting the tires he wasn't shooting at P rajab wrote and I think he knew that he was dead at this point and so he was just probably making a step and trashing this car and as Michael stood there real urging his guns calculating his next move thinking about where he was gonna go next he didn't have to think too long because another car turned up on to south view right into his range it was 16 year old Alison Chapman and her mother they were going to South view to go and check on their horse which was in a field close by Alison had been on her way home from work that morning when she heard the gunshots however she didn't think that there were gunshots at the time she believed it was probably scaffolders in the area just like dropping pipes or something because it was loud bangs but of course she'd never heard a gunshot in real life before so she just assumed that it was scaffold as dropping pipes and she knew that the loud noises would be scaring the horse and so she asked her mother if on the way back to work they could stop off at South you and just check on the horse and as they pulled onto the road they saw this police car just all smashed up the windows all blown out and Michael Ryan stood there in head-to-toe camouflage with huge guns strapped to it he heard the car come up the street and so he turned round and within seconds he was already aiming at the car and shooting directly at Alison in the passenger seat he shot several times and one of the bullets actually hit Alison in the leg and then he turned on her mother shooting her several times as well her mother was injured in several places she was just covered in blood she had gashes all over her her shoulder her leg one of the bullets that he did that Alison actually bounced off like the floor of the car and went in her back as well so she was injured in two places he quickly ran out of bullets and as he was reloading somehow Alison's mom was able to put the car in reverse and back off off the street pretty quickly and get away thankfully neither Alison's nor her mother's injuries were fair told they were very very serious still get me wrong and they needed a lot of stitches but they survived her mother had to drive to the hospital I believe it was over a mile away with all these injuries on her and her daughter Allison said that she was in so much shock that she just couldn't move the whole car journey she was just still and she could feel the blood running down her leg and into her sock and she remembered just looking down at her hand and there was just a lump of flesh on like just sat on her hand that obviously burned from one of their wounds just a chunk and one of their flesh and she couldn't move it she was in so much shock that she couldn't even move her hand to knock it off they got to the hospital and literally just ditched the car outside right outside the A&E door and nurses and doctors ran out to the car and help them limp in and like I said they got there quick enough and they were treated for their injuries I believe Allison's mother's were more severe than Allison's however once she had her leg stitched up and the police came in to talk to her and like take her statement and everything as she was speaking with this police officer she noticed his fierce girl ghost why he went really pale and when she looked down at her leg she realized that all her stitches had opened up and her leg was once again just pouring with blood so she had to get that Reese ditched up and thankfully the two of them were fine so by now other police officers were arriving at the scene and because a lot of people on Southview a lot of the neighbors that were like watching this happen outside their window they had been calling police and updating them on what Michael was doing because obviously they couldn't see for themselves so these neighbors once Michael had gone onto Hungerford common obviously a lot of them had called and said he's on Hungerford common so police decided to go and kind of get him from the other side as well as on Southview so they were on both ends of that little footpath so one officer pulled up on the other side of the footpath at this point he didn't know that PC Roger Brereton was dead on the other side had been shot to death on Southview he thought that they were kind of getting him from both sides he thought that Brereton was and he was fine this officer walks to the end of the path and looks down to south view and there he sees on the path Keith Clements body and his son just crouching next to him and before this officer could even make his way down this path he looked even further than that and saw Michael Ryan shooting at PC Brereton's police car I don't know whether it was to make a statement or whether it was to avoid PC Burton calling for backup which he'd already gone after he'd emptied out two of his guns he's paused and reloaded the guns when he looked back up this footpath and saw the officer looking at him from the other side and in that moment he decided that that officer was going to be his next target and so he turns and opens fire in that general direction thankfully every single bullet missed the officer and he was able to run and get back in his car he said that the bullets were so close to hitting him that he could literally hear them flying past him so when this officer gets back to his car he calls for backup on the radio but still the armed police for some miles away it's gonna take them a long long time to get there now the officer knew that he had to get away from that area he knew that Michael Ryan would potentially be coming up that path to come and get him again and so he decides to drive just straight on to the common he doesn't even go back up the road he just drives onto this open field he knew with it being a warm sunny day in the middle of the school holidays that there was potentially other people on Hungerford common that needed warning that needed telling to get out of the area and so he drove around the whole common just trying to find different people picnicking I'll play in telling them to get out other officers had began blocking off all the entrances to Hungerford comments or obviously normal people could get into Michael Ryan's line of fire without knowing however there were still some entrances to south view that hadn't been blocked like little back lanes and stuff they'd blocked all the obvious ones but unless you lived on Southview you wouldn't know every single route there which meant that people were still getting Southview and getting into michael rounds line of fire of course ambulances had been dispatched as well because there's plenty of injured people on Southview however as soon as they drive onto the road they also become targets the first ambulance crew at the scene was shot at and a few of them sustained pretty serious injuries they managed to get back off the road and thankfully they're in an ambulance so they've got bandages and things to treat their wounds and they called back to the ambulance base and said don't let the other ambulances go up on that road it's not safe yet luckily all the crew members that were shot did survive and were able to bandage up their injuries and eventually after the scene was safe go and help other people after that so I know this is a lot to take in all at once so I just want to kind of pause the timeline and round everything up so far because it's easy to forget things that happen in stories like this are so intense all the way through so I just want to break it up here and just paint a picture of what Southview looks like right now so far Michael Ryan had claimed five lives and injured a further five or six more he'd killed his dog he'd set his house on fire which by now was billowing smoke out of the top that could be seen from all over Hungerford so even if people didn't know that there was a gunman on Southview they knew that something was wrong over there and this fire not at this point but over the next couple of hours it ended up catching on to the other houses surrounding it and there was about three or four houses that were pretty much completely burnt down by the end of it there were smashed glass all over the street from windows from the police car there was PC brereton smashed up police car with his body still in it police and ambulances are trained to stop in there trying to help the injured there's injured people locked in their houses bleeding out but no one can get onto that Street because Michael Ryan could shoot them down the second they tried and would it be in the 1980s life I keep saying community was terrible you couldn't connect to your loved ones in those houses unless you had your own house born like if people were out for the day they had no communication the police were finding it very hard to contact each other and contact the base and contact neighbors that could see what was going on like I said it was such a fast-paced incident that Michael was constantly moving on so by the time police got one call saying that he was at one place they'd pass that on to the police officers police would get to that place and by then Michael had moved on and that is where I'm gonna leave the first half of this video thank you so so much for watching it means a lot to me if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see the second half make sure you put my notification bell on so you don't miss my tie-up load that thanks again to not be p.m. for sponsoring this video if you want to snatch up that amazing holiday deal for 81% off of your subscription and for extra free months added onto the three year plan make sure you go into not VPN com forward slash L&R and using the could L&R at check out the link for that will be down below in the description if you just want to go straight that a huge thank you to all my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link in the 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,254,781
Rating: 4.9561605 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, true crime podcast, serial killer, michael ryan, hungerford, hungerford massacre, massacre, england, case, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, missing, disappearance, itv, bbc, dateline, crime watch daily, michael robert ryan, moors murders, stories, story, podcast, uk, nordvpn, vpn, rob gavagan, creepypasta, serial killer documentary, murder
Id: R184uUg9WJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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