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randy stare was a youtuber turned crazed mass murderer and he had one of the most unusual motives ever for committing his crimes he was trying to go to an afterlife that was full of cartoons today we're going to be talking about the danny phantom fanboy killer the warning signs were always there they were there from the beginning so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about one of the most unique cases most unusual cases i've ever come across in my entire life which is saying a lot because i have come across some corkers in this job and this truly is one of the most interesting fascinating cases i've ever looked at this boy's motives are unlike any other motives i've ever seen for committing a mass murder so i'm interested for you guys to see this one i'm interested to read your comments but before we get into this video i do just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible mimestone mindstone is an online learning platform where users can create courses on subjects that they're particularly knowledgeable in and share those courses for other users to learn from i actually created my own course on mindstone along with one of my researchers and we put together this course on how we research our true crime cases that we cover on this channel this course takes you through our whole process from start to finish from when we first get the case that we're going to be researching and how we fact check everything how we analyze every piece of information mind stone courses combine loads of different online sources so articles videos maybe podcast episodes on the subject so that you can compile it all into one place the course author can write little annotations and notes to give you some deeper insight into these articles when we were creating our mindstone course we used the harald shipman case as an example so we were pulling together like different articles on that and comparing them creating the course on mindstone was so much fun and it was so easy as well you'll be surprised literally anyone can make a mind stone course it's as easy as logging on clicking create a course and then you're aware with it all you have to do is know what you want to teach your course on mindstone is a great way to learn new things because it helps to connect all your learning which over time compounds it so that you can learn quicker ultimately so if you do want to go and check out my course on mindstone the link to do so will be below in the description of this video thanks again to mind stone for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video i have a couple of content warnings before we get into this one because this case covers a lot of different really deep and dark topics so if any of the following themes are things that you don't want to listen to right now please please click out of this video and look after yourself the themes we're going to be touching on include disordered eating declining mental health suicide and gender dysphoria so please click out now if any of that is something that you don't want to hear about but with all that being said let's just jump straight into the case so this case takes place in pennsylvania in the united states in 2017 but let's take it back 24 years before then to when randy was first born randy robert stare was born on september 17th 1992 to robert and laurie anster then two years later his parents had another son named jeremy so randy had a younger brother now and overall they were just a very normal family although randy was quite a shy kid he was not social at all in fact he didn't like socializing he intentionally kept his head down everywhere he went didn't make eye contact with people because he didn't want to socially interact social interaction made him uncomfortable it wasn't like he was anxious he just didn't enjoy it and because he was so reluctant to socialize that meant that randy never really made any friends but again that's not something he really cared about because he didn't like social interaction so he wouldn't even like having friends even if he got them he did say that he felt like a nobody a lot of the time as he was growing up like going through school and stuff but it wasn't necessarily something that he wanted to change about himself it was just something that he'd observed about himself that he was a nobody and he was okay with that all his life randy had had a very pessimistic very dark way of thinking about things and this got even worse as he got into his teenage years and he started going through like quite a an edgelord phase and i think a lot of teenagers have these kind of phases where they're suddenly into like loads of dark stuff they're always watching like horror films and they're reading stories about like like creepypastas and stuff i went through that phase and clearly i never came out of it now i have a true crime channel but a lot of kids as soon as they find out about these like darker things in life like murder and and knives and guns and stuff they do get a little bit fascinated with it not in an unhealthy way but just because it's so new and it's so different and randy was like that when he started learning about you know all those kind of things and while all the other kids eventually ended up growing out of these edge lord phases where they're just saying and doing and watching things just for shock factor randy never grew out of that phase and so like even like in school in his creative writing lessons all the other kids would be writing stories about like romance and adventures and superheroes and stuff whilst randy is writing about all his characters murdering each other some of them committing suicide like his world was always very clearly different to that of everyone else and interestingly enough i don't think randy's school ever contacted his parents to say that he was writing about all this kind of stuff which i think is unfortunate that they never did that maybe they didn't see it as a red flag at the time because a lot of kids go through phases like this but i definitely think his parents should have been made aware that he was talking about that kind of thing at such an intense level as well in 2008 when randy was 16 years old he decided to create a youtube channel we've all been there his channel was named pioneer productions and randy himself would go by the name andrew blairs because randy had always absolutely hated his birth name he hated being randy stare and so he always wanted to legally change his name but of course as a teenager you can't do that yourself but he always said that as soon as he could legally change his name he would change it to andrew blair's he'd always called himself andrew blaze all his life and he'd come up with this name in elementary school it comes from two different places so the andrew actually comes from the 1992 hurricane andrew and blair's just comes from the fact that he liked the word blaze he likes fire so overall a very wholesome stage name for him to have natural disasters and fire randy uploaded his first youtube video in november of 2009 and it was a short comedy sketch that was his kind of like that was his content style that was youtube in general at that time short comedy sketches was pretty much all they really had so randy was doing these short comedy sketches that revolved around three characters one character was randy himself and then he had two other characters named whale and froggy i don't care i'm setting you straight even if it kills me and sets the house on fire i've got to do it you have got to be kidding me i'm a [ __ ] frog you want me to get educated i've had it up to here with your attitude your manners your whale was a stuffed um a whale a stuffed whale um that he won in a claw machine on a trip with his family one time i think and the character that he gave this small stuffed whale was that of a sexual predator this whale was his pedo character you mean you still haven't told them about us what what no there is no us he then had the third character which was froggy now froggy was a little plastic frog that he'd found one time in the bottom of a trolley at the supermarket it was clearly left there on purpose by someone someone clearly just did not want this little rubber frog thing randy said it was dirty it smelt like cigarettes like someone was trying to get rid of this but randy saw it and he saw potential so he took it home cleaned it got the smell out and then turned this plastic frog into froggy in his youtube videos so he was making those videos for a while and then in 2010 randy got his first ever job when he was 18 years old he got a job working at mcdonald's and his parents were super super proud of him for you know taking initiative going out there getting a job making his own money but within four hours of his first shift randy arrived back at home telling his parents that he'd quit he'd been three hours in that job and left i don't know why i wish i knew why i really wish i knew why he quit that job within three hours i think maybe it's just because he didn't like being told what to do i think he just didn't like the idea of having a job he'd never had one before so then i think as soon as he got into this one at mcdonald's he was like whoa this is what a job is i don't want this and as soon as he came home his parents were just so disappointed especially his father his father was actually quite furious that his son had just given up so easily just because something wasn't handed to him he didn't want it and his father was worried about randy's future like if he couldn't even hold down his first ever job for three hours then how is he ever gonna operate for the rest of his life but randy himself didn't really seem to care that he'd lost his first ever job he didn't want one he didn't see himself ever having one and to be fair he didn't need the money that bad either because he didn't ever do anything he didn't ever leave his house so he didn't ever need to pay for anything later that same year randy enrolled in community college where he was going to study mass communications and this whole time his dad was still badgering him about getting a job he really wanted to make sure that randy could pay for himself and like actually like do something with his life but randy just didn't want a job and he was telling his father no no no until one day his father was like please if i can get you a job where i work will you please just take it if i can get get it handed to you will you please just show up and work there and randy was like fine if you can get me the job i'll do it his father worked as a manager at weiss supermarket and they were looking to hire on some new people and so he got randy the job and randy actually kept his side of the promise he was turning up to shifts he actually made an effort with his co-workers he was making friends getting to know people in 2011 randy stare was over the moon when he was accepted into the youtube partner program which if you were watching youtube back then in like 2011 kind of time you'll know that the partner program was a huge deal my lifelong dream for youtube has come true i am officially a youtube partner and that is fantastic this was basically before you could make money on youtube youtubers weren't a thing youtube wasn't a job no one knew that you could make any kind of money through this and this was the way that youtube introduced it to their creators with the partner program basically you had to be invited by youtube themselves to be a part of the program to be able to earn money from your videos and randy was invited by youtube themselves they only invited like people that were doing well people that were getting views people that were growing people that were you know actually creating on the on the platform and so for randy to be chosen by youtube themselves to be in the partner program that was that was big he was doing well his channel slowly started to gain traction a few of his videos started doing well like they would kind of go semi-viral here and there and then in 2011 one of randy's videos was actually featured in a rare william johnson video all right a couple of interesting things about this one the kid who originally posted this actually vlogs regularly on youtube which usually isn't the case for people who post these videos and good for him you know which in 2011 again if you're watching youtube in 2011 you'll know rare william johnson was was he the biggest youtuber at the time i don't know he was massive though but the channel was just never successful enough for randy he hadn't achieved everything he wanted to achieve he wanted more subscribers he wanted more views he wanted more everything attention anything so he started brainstorming some ideas on how he can get more views more followers he could change his content he could become a gaming channel he could do vlogs he could start a second channel all of which he tried and none of which he stuck with ultimately his main passion here was the short comedy videos and that was all he really enjoyed doing even though they weren't getting that many views anymore he didn't want to do a gaming channel he didn't want to vlog none of it was giving him the same excitement as the sketches so ultimately that is what he stuck with and he kept making these froggy and whale videos for years but then in 2013 when randy was 21 years old he went through a series of very tragic events that completely changed him the first incident was when his younger brother's best friend died in a car accident and although it wasn't randy's best friend he didn't know this boy that well he was still very much affected by his death in fact i think this was randy's first ever proper experience with death like someone close to him losing their lives and this was someone around his age as well so that will affect him so much more and then just a month or two after losing this friend randy himself was then in a car crash which i can't imagine how traumatizing that must have been when he's still dealing with how he lost this friend who was in a car crash and now he's in one himself and then later that year another one of randy's friends passed away this time it was one of his college friends named matt and it was at this stage in his life following these three very tragic events that randy stare fell into quite a serious depression and he started having suicidal thoughts he became even more of a recluse than he already was and then outside of that he also seemed to be developing a fascination with death he started to obsess over what happens when you die what does it feel like to die what do you see when you die where do you go when you die he was very much looking into like the spiritual afterlife kind of aspects of death it was all he ever wanted to talk about all he ever thought about he said that he would think about it think about death as a concept literally like every 10 minutes around this time when he was really struggling with his mental health randy would often turn to tv as like an escape and one of his favorite tv shows to watch was danny phantom on nickelodeon danny phantom was a cartoon about a 14 year old boy who had like ghost powers and he always had to go out and like save the world randy had always liked this show all his life but now that he was 21 and he was going through all this and he was using tv as an escape he really connected with danny phantom but he found himself connecting more intensely with one particular character and that was a girl named ember maclean ember was also a ghost girl and she was very rebellious like she didn't like to follow rules or authority and randy always loved that about her he loved how adventurous she was and he always said that she was his first ever crush he wrote in his journal about her she just got it she understood me and i understood her we had feelings for each other and it was way more than a simple connection it was life-changing and it was at this time that randy started to get very interested in women's clothes and hair and makeup and jewelry and stuff like that anything feminine he was he was very interested in he said that this was likely inspired by ember like he liked all these things because they reminded him of ember he liked eyeliner because ember wore eyeliner and eventually randy decided that he wanted to try dressing in women's clothes he wanted to see how that would feel and so he waited until the next wednesday because every wednesday his parents would go out bowling together on an evening they would leave both the boys in the house it was like their date night every week so he waited until wednesday when his parents left the house for their usual bowling trip he went into his mother's room and tried on all her clothes and he just felt so comfortable in them like he just felt like it was it just felt right it just felt natural to be wearing women's clothing and so every wednesday when his parents would leave he would go in and he would wear his mother's clothing for hours every wednesday and then as soon as he got this job at weiss supermarket he ended up spending pretty much all his own paycheck on women's clothing because he didn't really want to be wearing his mother's clothing he it wasn't a thing about his mother he wasn't like attracted to his mother or wanting to wear his mother's clothes he just wanted women's clothes and his mother was his only way of getting them until he got his own money anyway now it was around this time as well that randy started developing some disordered eating patterns he was never diagnosed with an eating disorder but he would starve himself from time to time he wouldn't eat for days at a time and he did lose a lot of weight as part of this although i just think no one really saw that he was struggling with it at the time professionals have suggested a few possible reasons why he developed this disordered eating but also at the same time i think this kind of thing doesn't always have a reason sometimes people do just develop things like this by accident and of course there's also the fact that he was just depressed so maybe he was losing his appetite or maybe it was going hand in hand with the depression maybe he was developing an eating disorder but also some professionals have suggested that maybe the reason he was doing this was to make himself look more feminine give himself a bit more of a feminine physique if he starved himself and made himself really super thin then maybe he would feel more feminine in these feminine clothes maybe he would feel more like a woman maybe he would feel more like ember ember really was the root of some huge huge changes in randy stare's life he changed the way that he dressed he changed the way that he walked and talked he changed all his interests he changed everything about himself he was just fully immersed in this obsession with her and he was starting to get really delusional about it like he thought that they were in a relationship he thought they had mutual feelings for each other he thought that she loved him the way that he loved her but how can she when she's not real but he didn't think that he thought she was real and that she was out there i'll get on to that more in a minute but randy just felt like he and ember mclean were spiritually connected he said that he felt like he'd met her in a past life like there was there was something there that was deeper than what he could explain he started creating fun art of ember mclean and posting it online at first these were just like picture edits and stuff like that and then he started animating his own like fan-made spin-off series of danny phantom this time instead of surrounding danny it surrounded ember and it was called ember's ghost squad or egs and this animation basically followed ember and the ghost squad as they went round recruiting suicidal teenagers to join the squad and even the ember mclean was randy's dream girl at this point there was another girl that was catching his eye another character that was kind of making his eyes wander and that was a girl called mackenzie in his journal randy referred to mackenzie as his soulmate and said i'd do anything to hold her even if it was just for 30 seconds i wonder what ember thinks about that but i'm this close this close to my baby [Applause] well amber was my baby she's not my baby anymore she's my queen mackenzie's my baby mackenzie baby so anyway by now randy is in his 20s and the main thing that he spends his time doing when he's not at work is creating these egs animations he's kind of forgetting to post on pioneer productions at this point you don't really like doing the comedy sketches as much as he enjoys animating these days he set up a completely separate youtube channel to post all of his egs animations on so that they could kind of live separately from all of his comedy sketches and slowly but surely he found himself not wanting to make any more comedy sketches all he ever wanted to do was spend 24 hours a day editing animating his series his little animations of ember and so that's exactly what he did he decided that his main focus was now gonna be his egs channel and that he was gonna close off his pioneer productions channel but he needed to think of a good way to leave it he wanted to leave it on a bang he didn't want to just stop posting so randy stead decided to create a five-part series and you guys said my series is annoying and this five-part series would essentially be the finale of pioneer productions and in this series he would kill off every single one of the characters and when i say kill off i mean that in the most brutal way because he didn't come up with you know like complex plots and you know understandable ways that these characters might lose their lives no instead the way that he killed off all these characters was he grabbed a knife and physically just stabbed them in a video and posted it online he's literally like stabbing these these characters that he's he's like gained a bit of a fan base for over the years you know people like these characters whale and froggy and now he's physically stabbing them to death and as he was stabbing froggy froggy says why are you doing this to me and randy says because she told me to and then he turns round and in this video randy had edited a little animation of ember standing behind him watching over him as he was stabbing froggy and she's just watching him she's just like supervising in the last part of this series on pioneer productions one of the last things that randy does is he puts the now dead bodies of whale and froggy in a cowboy box and then sets the cardboard box on fire so he's amassed an audience like a fan base for these characters and now he's forcing his audience to watch as he murders them and then burns their bodies and then that was the end of pioneer productions anyway so that was it randy said goodbye to that part of his life he moved on and so now his main focus was the animations but in the meantime he also picked up a few more shifts at the supermarket so that he could earn some more money to buy himself more women's clothing however the only shift that the supermarket would give him at this point in time were night shifts because he'd injured his hand actually while he was filming this five part series i think he stabbed himself in the hand he had a really serious injury anyway that meant he couldn't do a lot of the jobs he could only do really basic things like stacking shelves and taking inventory and stuff like that which were the night shift jobs so he was put on all the night shifts and this only made randy stare even more of a recluse than he already was he already had no social life and no friends and he did nothing other than lock himself in his room and watch tv all day but now now that he was doing night shifts he was practically nocturnal he wasn't even awake at the same time as the rest of the human race he would work all night sleep all day and then in the free time that he did have he would just spend it animating violent graphic murderous videos of his cartoon girlfriend ember mclean his whole entire world revolved around ember and the girl squad but at one point randy even made a lot of role-play twitter accounts for each of the different members of the ghost squad and he would like interact with himself on the roleplay account so like he would tweet on his randy account like oh i had a really naff day today and then he'd go on his ember account and reply and be like oh are you okay randy send in all my love and then he'd go back on his randy account and be like oh thanks ember it means so much to me like he was having conversations with himself and it was around this time as well that you can really see in his animations that his mental state is just deteriorating at a rapid rate like the mentions of murder and suicide and self-harm and all these dark things just increased tenfold now every single episode of egs all completely revolved around death and someone died in every single episode and they were just so morbid and dark and gruesome so like i've mentioned a few times throughout this video randy kept a journal all the way through his teenage years and this journal i would love to have been one of the police officers that read through this journal when they first found it because there were some really interesting thoughts and stuff that randy put down in this journal of course most of the things that he wrote about in here were just ember and the girl squad and stuff like that but he also wrote about his spiritual beliefs and he had very specific spiritual beliefs he believed that there was more than one reality like more than one dimension there is more to life than what we experience as a human he wrote in this journal do you really honestly believe that cartoons are drawings and nothing more so his spiritual beliefs are also very much intertwined with his cartoon obsession so the main thing that randy would write about in his journal was the concept of soul contracts now this is a very popular spiritual belief i think um i'm gonna try and explain it now if i explain any of it slightly wrong feel free to correct me in the comments this is just my understanding of what a soul contract is and that is that before you were here before you were born before you were put into human form you were just a soul out there in the universe somewhere and you knew that you were going to come to earth you knew that you were going to experience life as a human being and before you came you chose everything about your human life so as a soul you chose what gender you are you know where you live who your parents are how you died when you died all the trauma that you go through in your life all the lessons that you need to learn in your life the kind of job that you have the kind of friends that you have you chose everything as a soul and you signed a soul contract to say that you were gonna go to planet earth and become a human being and live that life that you just agreed to live and randy believed that every single soul has a purpose and that is why they're going to the earth for this human experience is to fulfill this purpose and he believed that once you fulfill that purpose that's when you die and now this is where randy's purpose comes in he believed that there was an afterlife where all of the ghost squad were without him and he believed that he was originally from that afterlife with them but somehow he had ended up on earth as a human by accident and he needed to get back there to that afterlife with his girl squad and the only way to get there was for him to die and that is what randy believed his sole purpose was was to die to get back there to get back to ember to prove to the girl squad how willing he was to be with them that he was willing to die on earth to get there another quote from his journal says i can't emphasize how much death fascinates me it's almost like an attraction oh how i desperately long to get back to the squad i don't know how much longer i can live the squad of course being ember and her friends so at this point in the case it had been a little while since randy had quit pioneer productions and gone full tunnel vision on the egs channel and these animation videos they weren't really going anywhere they weren't really getting pushed and when they did get pushed to people they wouldn't like them like he would get a lot of negative comments about how it's too morbid it's too violent it's too gruesome it's too dark but from his journal entries at the time it was very clear that at this point there was a new interest that was overtaking randy and that was the columbine massacre if you're unfamiliar the columbine massacre was a school shooting that took place in 1999 and it's very much seen as like the school shooting that started school shootings i don't think it was one of the first but it was certainly one of the biggest at the time and it received the most media coverage of pretty much any other school shooting ever the word columbine has become essentially another word for a school shooting so many other kids that went on to become school shooters have credited the columbine shooters for being their inspiration a lot of kids have tried to copycat the columbine massacre because they were so inspired by the men that committed it the two shooters were 18 year old eric harris and 17 year old dylan klebold one day the two of them grabbed their guns and decided to go into their school and shoot as many people as they possibly could they ended up killing 13 people and then later killed themselves in randy's journal he would write pages upon pages about how much he respected the columbine shooters for what they did he even referred to eric harris who was more of the mastermind behind columbine he was the more angry of the two boys and randy referred to him as his inspiration he analyzed every single detail of the columbine massacre and he found himself really identifying with dylan and eric because they were learners they didn't have any friends other than each other they were disliked they were picked on you know the popular people didn't like them they were weirdos they were losers they didn't have social lives and randy saw so much of himself in those boys and he sympathized with them so much and he really believed that the columbine victims deserved to lose their lives for what they'd done to dylan and eric now one of the quite talked about elements of the columbine massacre were the shirts well the whole outfits that the boys wore on the day that they committed the shooting they wore these big long black trench coats combat boots and then they both had a t-shirt on dylan's i think just said wrath and i don't know what i don't know what the story was behind that one but then eric made his own t-shirt that said natural selection and he was very big into this natural selection thing and like weeding out the weak ones he saw the school shooting that he was committing as natural selection and weeding out the weak ones if they couldn't outrun his bullets then they deserved to die he believed and randy stare loved that aspect of columbine so much that natural selection messaging that he actually made himself three versions of eric harris's natural selection t-shirt he made himself these diys at home and he wore them all the time unfortunately no one around randy at the time understood the reference so he was literally wearing this like school shooter merch around his family and they had no idea one thing that randy really enjoyed doing at this point in time was going on the columbine forums and scrolling and just reading about these two boys and what they did to loads of innocent kids and these columbine forums are quite lively like you wouldn't think that they are because the columbine shooting happened in 1999 when a lot of the people on these forums weren't even alive but somehow in 2017 or 2016 when randy was on them and even still now in 2021 people are still discussing the columbine massacre like a lot as well there's new threads made every single day and these people that are on these columbine forums that consider themselves fans of the columbine shooters call themselves columbiners like jake paula's but for school shooters and on these forums all these columbiners just share things like fan fiction that they've written about school shooters like being with school shooters there's a very overarching theme of like teenage girls thinking that they can fix these boys and like yeah these are really horrible boys but like for them they're soft and sweet darling that was never gonna happen there was one time i actually saw a picture of dylan klebold with a flower crown edited onto his head there's people that dress up as dylan and eric like cosplay as them and then post pictures of them in their trench cut and their combat boots and the natural selection t-shirt and randy became a very active member of these forums he would always discuss with other columbiners like what was i saying what was going on but what was going on what was going on in that fandom when nothing's happening but one of the main things that randy was really interested in when it came to columbine were the basement tips if you haven't heard of the basement tips i think it's about eight videos is it and they're all like an hour long each that dylan and eric recorded before they committed the murders and in these eight videos they talk about everything why they're doing it what inspired them to do it where they're getting the guns from they show them target practicing they they talk about like who they're gonna aim for who they're gonna try and kill they just talk about all their different plans for it and these basement tips have been locked away by the government i believe there's no way to get hold of them online but these columbiners have been trying on these forums for years months and randy was desperate to get hold of these basement tips and watch them he wanted to hear more about why dylan and eric did this because he really identified with those boys he really liked them in february of 2017 randy was 24 years old now and his mental health was reaching an all-time low he was starting to write in his journal about how it gets harder and harder to live every day and he knew that he didn't want to do it much longer and so randy stare in his journal starts planning his own death he knew that he was gonna take his life but he was gonna do it in a very methodical way first things first he needed to set himself a death date he wanted to know the day that he was gonna die and he wanted to plan and prepare for that dare so randy worked himself out his soon-to-be death date and of course he did it with the help of ember mclaren he used the abbreviation egs ember's ghost squad the animation series that he had on that channel and with egs he used each letter to find himself a number based on where it is in the alphabet so e is the fifth letter of the alphabet so it's five g is the seventh so it's seven and s is nineteen i think so with this method that gave him the death date of may 7th 2019 but 2019 was two years away at this point it was 2017 at this point in the case and that was just way too long for randy to wait he didn't want to wait two years to die he just kind of wanted to get this plan going he wanted to be getting back to ember and the girl squad as quickly as possible so he i don't know how he came up with this new date but he decided to move it to september 7th 2017. and at the time when he worked this out that new death date in september was six months away so now randy had given himself six months left to live and in that six months he wanted to make sure that he could finalize his egs ember's ghost squad series on a good ending note he wanted to put out an amazing final episode but this final episode proved to be one of the most stressful projects randy stare had ever embarked on the name of the final ever episode of ember's gir squad was going to be the westborough high massacre and this episode was inspired by columbine as he was making this episode randy tried to get the help of over 20 different animators voice actors editors you know different artists graphic artists people to help him make this episode the best thing he's ever created in his entire life but none of these people that he reached out to any of these 20-something animators voice actors none of them wanted to work on it with him and that was all down to the horrifically morbid nature of well specifically this episode but the whole series in general every single episode had some sort of murder or suicide or death or blood or fight or something and now this episode was based on a school shooting no animator or editor wanted to work on this piece which left randy working on this whole episode all by himself and he'd only given himself six months to complete this before his death date he was super super stressed about the whole thing and he wrote in his journal over and over again about how he just had no motivation for this anymore not only did he have no motivation for the egs animation but he had no motivation for anything he didn't want to get out of bed on a morning randy just could not pull himself to finish the final episode of egs properly at least he warned his fan base that the final episode was going to be very unfinished because no one would help him and he couldn't do it all himself in fact he ended up putting this end card in the video that expresses his anger towards all the people that didn't help him and that left him with this unfinished video he seems really really angry in this so anyway he is working away at his final episode of egs he's making all these preparations for his upcoming death date and that was when randy decided that he was gonna make a collection of suicide tips his own basement tips if you will and all in all in these suicide tips there is 17 hours of footage of randy stare literally just talking about anything anything and everything that's on his mind he talks about from like nacho cheese to how much he hates his dad to the traffic in the like oh my god anything and everything it's quite torturous to watch it all and i did watch a decent amount of it for this video it's the honest to goddess truth you heard me right i said goddess i didn't say god i said goddess i don't believe in god i believe in a goddess which is ember all that was on my mind anymore were girls and girls and girls and girls i could not get girls off my mind and the whole cartoon channel is girls dead girls and in the squad like myself there are people who were guys on earth that become girls in the ghost squad which is where i'm going but it's all girls dad can drop [ __ ] dead i'm your [ __ ] kid and you don't know anything about me you don't know how i truly feel about anything and i can't tell you that stuff and then all he didn't seem to care about was like me getting a full-time job and making money and then trying to move out of the [ __ ] house i was still making money you [ __ ] but from time to time throughout these videos you can really see how much he is struggling with his mental health and well with everything like he hates his father he hates his job he hits this and that like he seems like such a sad and angry person i just became this evil dark ghoul the warning signs were always there they were there from the beginning he said in these suicide tips that he planned to purse them just before he took his own life so that the world could hear what he had to say in april of 2017 a month after randy decided that he was going to end his own life his mother bought him his very first shotgun a mossberg shotgun which is the same kind of gun that was used by the columbine shooters at the time of course his mother had no idea that randy was suicidal that he was homicidal that he was a dangerous person she had no idea because randy didn't really speak to anyone he didn't share anything that was going on inside his head with other people so no one knew what was going on that night randy wrote in his diary you were a fool to trust me with that shotgun if only you realized you just signed my death warrant so like i said by now it had been about a month since he decided that he was gonna take his own life and since he calculated his death date which was in six months time so by now it's been a month so it's in five months time and still five months is way too long for randy he wrote in his journal around this same time i can't do this anymore i'm tired i'm overworked i'm dead his mental state had reached rock bottom and then some like it it was just torture for randy to keep living in the brain that he was in and so he decided to bring his death date forward now it was going to be on june 7th 2017 which was in about a month and a half time on april 25th 2017 randy stare recorded another one of his suicide tips that he was going to release before he died and in this particular one he was flipping a coin to decide how and where he was going to kill himself if the coin landed on heads then randy was going to kill himself in his room with his shotgun alone whereas if the coin landed on tails then he was going to go down to the supermarket where he worked and not only was he gonna kill himself but he was gonna try and kill as many other people as he could okay so here's the deal got a 1983 quarter right here believe in fate here's the fate test i'm gonna flip this three times or the best out of three rather and if it's hit i'll do it here if it's tails supermarket so randy did the first coin flip remember heads is alone tails is the massacre and this coin landed on tails he flipped again and this time it landed on heads so now it was all down to this third and final coin flip the lives of so many innocent people depended on how this coin landed randy threw the final coin up in the air and it landed that is the tails folks tails which means there's gonna be a loss of a human life besides my own and the decision was made randy stare was going to shoot up the supermarket and then kill himself that was his plan that was his new death date plan for june 7th 2017. that night randy went out and bought a second shotgun the exact same as the first because he didn't want to risk his gun failing or jamming and then him not being able to shoot himself he named both of these shotguns after different egs characters he named one of him rachel and one of them mackenzie and this is another thing that he took from the columbine shooters i think it was eric harris that named one of his guns after a doom character i think he named his gun arlene or something it's like randy knew about that and he just wanted to name his guns after like female cartoon characters just like his idol had so randy went home and he started writing in his journal planning the massacre that he was going to commit and he was thinking about whose lives should he take as part of this massacre which co-workers were gonna get to keep their lives and which were gonna die he quickly decided that he was gonna focus more on co-workers rather than customers if there were customers around then he might shoot them but he was more focused on the people he worked with he wrote in his diary brian number one target victoria easy target probably just wound if paths cross she deserves to suffer over the next few weeks he continued to plan his death day meticulously and over and over in this journal he just keeps talking about how he's gonna be reunited with the girl squad and he can't wait to see ember and hug ember he really thinks that he's gonna go to this afterlife full of the ghost squad when he dies he started tweeting loads of cryptic messages from the egs animations twitter account he wrote if you think your body is ready for june 7th then you're gravely mistaken and then on may 20th he tweeted 17 days is your calendar marked which is like genuinely something out of a horror movie i can't believe he's like publicly teasing a massacre that he is about to commit around this time randy started frequent in shooting ranges he was perfecting his shots he started taking loads of videos of him like shooting at bottles on a on a log and he was posting those online he also posted a video of him driving in his car listening to pumped up kicks by foster the people if you don't know that song is about school shooting it's almost like he was like leaving little breadcrumbs like he was scattering loads of clues about on the internet he was doing all this stuff on purpose he chose that song and chose to film himself singing along to that song on purpose you know what i mean he really thought about this he really believed actually that he was going to be just as notorious as the columbine shooters but have you ever heard of randy stare but i really think that's why he was putting all these different things in place because he thought that he was going to have the notoriety that all the columbiners gave to eric and dylan he thought he was going to have his own randy starers that were like fans of him on forums of him but no one does that and i hope i've helped make a difference for you and sadly i'll never know all the lives i've touched all the lives i've changed helped change rather i'll never know i won't on may 30th randy set up a camera in his car and he made like a one-hour minute vlog and i think it was another one of the suicide tips actually and these videos are i don't want this to come off as like insensitive but they're so boring like he literally just sits there and tells you what's on his mind literally just such boring everyday thoughts and then he like letters in comments about how much he hates his dad and then he's back to like you know talking about the traffic or something and he even made jokes about his own impending death here and there like once the camera fell and so he's like messing about with it trying to get it back in position and he's like oh better keep my eyes on the road i don't want to die in a crash he was like oh don't want to end my life prematurely you know before his death date i just can't get death off my mind now it's every hour every 10 minutes pretty much it's always on my mind i can't get it off and it's been on my mind for years but especially now more than ever because i have like eight days left to live so i'm just preparing myself for that randy went on to talk about his reasoning for why he was committing the massacre and why he was taking his own life and that was well one of his reasons was because he had this deep burning hatred for his father his father had always made him feel horrible just in general i really don't know much about his relationship with his father so i can't comment on that too much but then what randy went on to say was that the biggest factor as to why he wanted to take his own life was because he felt as though he was trapped in the wrong body i just can't describe that desire to go the desire to be a woman again and the desire to just get out of this body and get out of this world it is indescribable randy said that he felt as though he was a girl trapped in a 24 year old man's body and he'd felt like this for a while he'd explored the idea of getting a sex change potentially but he hadn't thought about it too long he decided that the massacre was just an easier and quicker option to just kill himself rather than to try and make life work as a different gender around that same time randy posted somewhere online i couldn't find where this was i think it was on like some sort of blog that he had he posted i'm a girl who's been trapped in a man's body for two and a half decades and i need to get the hell out i don't belong on this planet nor have i ever i need to die and i'm taking whoever i can down with me this is the first time as far as i'm aware that randy has spoken openly about being transgender online so there's limited information that i have on that part of randy's life or you know the thoughts that he was having or whatever i've used he him pronouns throughout this video just because that's what every news publication uses because randy never came out and said he wanted to go by this pronoun or this name or he wanted people to refer to him this way so i've just kind of done it as all the court documents and stuff are but anyway randy filmed his final video on june 3rd 2017 four days before the massacre and this one was addressed directly to his co-workers he said four more nights your whole lives are going to be turned upside down because of me i'm going to [ __ ] your life up and i can't wait he continues on in this video saying that he can't believe that it was all because of a cartoon character that this suicide massacre plan even exists whoever would have thought that a cartoon character would cause this to happen yeah it's it's all thanks to amber amber changed everything all goes back to her she's more than just a cartoon let me tell you i'm gonna be dead before next week ends i'll be dead legit dead all right this is andrew blaze signing off for the last time i'll see some of you soon andrew out randy mentioned in the video that he doesn't think he's a psychopath but he does think that all of this that he did and everything that happened to him was meant to happen he also mentioned in this video and this is this is one of the maddest quotes you're ever going to hear me say in a true crime video he said that when he died there was going to be wars between the different dimensions and when this happened he said that he will be laughing my white ghost female ass off randy's last ever journal entry was on june 5th 2017. he wrote i'm so ready to die two more full nights and that's it the girl in me is clawing to get out 62 more hours i've officially accepted that wednesday night will be the death of me it's time for me to go thank you i'll always remember you farewell on june 6th the day before his death date randy stare had his last ever normal shift at work of course he was the only person that knew that it would be his last ever normal shift at work all his co-workers were saying hi to him and speaking to him as normal they had no idea that he was planning to murder them the next day before he left work that night randy walked around the supermarket with his phone out and recorded every single point of exit or entry from the whole supermarket so that he could be sure to have them all covered tomorrow then came june 7th 2017 randy stare arrived at weiss supermarket and started his night shift as normal at 11 19 p.m while he was in work randy uploaded the final ever episode of ember's girth squad the westboro high massacre he was very unhappy that he had to post it quite unfinished it had a lot of issues with it because obviously he couldn't get the help but he had no more time to waste so it went up unfinished and it was disturbing from start to finish i mean it was a cartoon about school shooting and then at the end of this video randy had actually put a tribute to himself knowing that by the time viewers watched this video he would probably already be dead once he posted this video randy then walked around the supermarket and started blocking each of the entry and exit points one by one he was barricading the doors he was locking every door that he had a key for he was pushing big pallets up against the doors so that people couldn't get to them and slide them up and but interestingly though as he was going around doing this at every single door in the supermarket none of his co-workers noticed so he was able to barricade every single door without them realizing anything was going on and then he got back on with his normal jobs for a while he was stuck in shelves cleaning up he wanted to give his viewers at home time to watch the final video he wanted to read more comments on his video before he went through with his plan and then just after midnight randy posted a tweet and this tweet had loads of different links links to the suicide tips links to his journal entries links to all the egs videos links to his columbine stuff this was like an archive of all of the deep dark things in randy stare's brain over the last few years once he tweeted these links randy then went out into the parking lot jumped in his car and then drove it round to the front of my supermarket and blocked the final couple of doors with his car so now nobody could get out of that supermarket but before he went back inside the store randy took off his t-shirt to reveal another t-shirt underneath that he'd made earlier and he'd written on it it's our time to rise literally everything about this case is a complete copy of columbine and you can see how much this boy was influenced by what he'd read online about the the other two shooters i just think it's so interesting how everything is the exact same he even made his own diy t-shirt with some kind of like edge lord slogan on it for as he committed the massacre i just everything he then went round to the back of his car and grabbed the two shotguns from his trunk he then walked inside the star locked the final remaining automatic door and it was time it was time for the massacre to begin months and months of planning had all come down to this very moment and randy stare was ready the first co-worker that randy saw as soon as he entered the star was 25 year old victoria brong now if you remember from when i said he was writing in his journal about all the different co-workers he wanted to target he'd written that victoria deserved to suffer victoria was a young mother she was still with her high school sweetheart she was now married to him and they just had a son literally not long before this massacre took place that night victoria had been stuck in shelves on her night shift when she'd run out of labels and so she decided to go to the front of the store and get some more but just as she did that was when randy entered the star with his gun raised he looked straight at victoria and just opened fire he shot her four times twice in the left hip once in her chest and then once in the back of her head as she tried to run away from him victoria dropped to the ground and randy knew that he'd just committed murder and he was ready to do it again and that was when randy looked up and saw another co-worker but this co-worker had her back to him she had no idea that randy was standing at the end of the aisle and had just murdered someone this other co-worker was a woman named kristen newell her and victoria had just been stacking shelves on that aisle together that night but because they both had their earphones in they were both listening to music kristen hadn't heard any of this murder taking place and she had no idea that randy was standing at the end of the aisle right now randy walked up to the aisle and stood still just staring at kristen newell for about five seconds and then he walked away it seems as though randy decided to spare her her life that night but within minutes kristen finally heard something she took her earphones out and that was when she realized that there were gunshots going off around her and she had no idea what was going on she had a look around but she just couldn't see anyone so kristen just started running she didn't know where she was going but she knew that she either had to escape or she had to hide so she was just running and that was when she saw the collapsed body of her friend victoria brong in a pool of her own blood and kristen was terrified she managed to lock herself in a stalkerboard and call 9-1-1 and the whole time she could just hear these gunshots going off outside she could hear people dying meanwhile randy had continued to walk around the store until he found his next victim 47 year old brian hares brian was a very intelligent family man with a wife and kids he was known to be very easy going very helpful very willing to help anyone and everyone randy turned down this particular aisle in the supermarket and as soon as he saw brian his he started shooting brian was shot four times in turtle once in his head once in his chest his groin and then his left arm and once brian's body dropped to the floor randy just kept walking he was on to the next and that was when randy encountered 63 year old terry lee sterling he was one of the more higher up workers in the supermarket he was a bit more strict he had quite a quite a tough work ethic now terry had actually heard randy approaching the aisle and he turned to have a look where the noise was coming from and by the time randy got there the men were face to face because terry was already looking so terry turned as quickly as he could and tried to run away he saw that one of his employees was standing there with a massive gun in his hand so he tried to turn and run away but randy was too quick he lifted the gun and shot terry lee sterling to death his third murder victim of the evening by now police were on their way because kristen had managed to lock herself in a storeroom and call them and she could still hear all these gunshots going on outside and she was terrified she knew that there was still an active shooter out there and she needed to try and escape the supermarket all together it wasn't good enough to just be locked in a star cupboard he could easily get to her in a stalker but if he wanted to she didn't know that randy had intentionally spared her life she didn't know that randy had debated killing her and then just walked away so for all she knew he could be trying to find her right now he could be looking for her thinking that he'd let her get away so kristen managed to burst out of this storeroom and run all the way to the automatic doors at the front of the store and she tries to get out of them but randy had already thought to this point he'd already locked them with the key and then pushed a pallet in front of them so this was going to be so hard for kristen to be able to escape through meanwhile she could still hear all these gunshots that were going off in the supermarket so she manages to reach over this palette and somehow unlocks the door but she can't slide the door open at all it just won't budge and so she desperately starts banging on this door she's slamming her shoulder into it trying to smash the glass or anything and then it slides open she manages to push it all the way open and runs as far out of this supermarket as she could possibly get but randy stare was still inside and he was still making his way around the supermarket although now he had no one left to shoot there were no other co-workers that were in that night he'd either killed them all or they'd escaped and so now he had nothing left to do really so instead he decided that he was going to cause the most chaos that he possibly could before he turned the gun on himself he ran around shooting at product on the shelves he found some propane tanks that he tried to shoot at he thought it would explode it didn't and then he walked over to the deli counter which was where all of this would come to an end when randy arrived he lifted the gun put it inside his mouth and shot himself to death it wasn't long after that until the police arrived and on a look around the star they were able to conclude that 59 bullets were fired that night in turtle and they all came from just one of randy's two guns he never actually even needed to use the second one it was very clear to the police that randy was the only perpetrator that they were looking for they weren't looking for any other active shooters and it was clear that the danger here had taken itself out but police wanted to know why what led to this young man turning on his co-workers and then killing himself so in order to find out they went and spoke with his parents they went and searched his bedroom and in his bedroom is where they found heaps and heaps and heaps of evidence the suicide tips the journal entries all of his egs animations his youtube channel all of his columbine forum posts in the hours after the massacre took place police received about four or five phone calls actually from randy's friends saying that they'd received a very concerning email from him around midnight that night none of these friends had actually read the email until the following morning which was why police didn't get the phone calls until the next morning and these emails were literally just randy telling his friends everything all of his plans that he was gonna go to the supermarket kill all his co-workers then kill himself like he told them everything but unfortunately none of these friends read the email in time to make any kind of difference it was too late but let's talk about randy stare's autopsy for a second shall we because there's some quite interesting things to note here so of course his official uh cause of death was the one singular gunshot wound to the head his autopsy found that at the time of the massacre and at the time of his death randy was wearing makeup which was something that we hadn't really seen from him before like he'd experimented with it here and there but he'd never left the house in makeup he never took pictures or videos in it or anything i think it was very much something that he'd only experimented with a few times in private so for him to be wearing makeup when he commits such an act i really want to know why like i really want to know the symbolism behind that i know he had a reason he wore eyeliner and i think some kind of lipstick as well and that has led people to theorize that maybe he was trying to do his makeup like ember for when he eventually was reunited with the ghost squad in the afterlife maybe that's why he was doing his makeup and underneath his um diy it's our time to rise t-shirt that he made he was also wearing women's underwear like he was wearing a bra and an underwear in his toxicology report pathologists actually found that randy stare had a dangerously high level of benadryl in his system when he died so much so that it could have actually killed him if he hadn't have shot himself it seemed that he'd intentionally overdosed himself on benadryl that night but why was this like a backup suicide plan that like if he didn't manage to shoot himself and the police got there then maybe the benadryl would kill him while he was in police custody but i don't know surely being on that much benadryl would just make your plan harder for you to carry out you'd just be like super drowsy and tired as the news of the massacre broke the following morning people were so shocked that something like this could happen so close to home candlelit vigils were held prayer groups were held and then after a six-month immense cleaning operation why supermarket eventually reopened later that year kristen newell the only survivor of this shooting has since said that no one could have ever predicted that randy would do anything like this she said that he was just always very well liked at the star he was just nice and helpful and kind and no one could have even guessed that he had this in him but how could any of them know who randy stare truly was and the heinous things that he was capable of thanks again to mindstone for sponsoring this video remember the link to check out my course is down below in the description so make sure you're checking it out a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link to do so in the description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below you can subscribe using this link right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel you can click this link right here or if you want to watch another true crime video there'll be a pl there'll be another playlist on screen right now okay here they go
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,662,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, storytime, interview, danny phantom, danny, phantom, egs, ember's ghost squad, ember, andrew blaze, blaze, randy, stair, randy stair, youtuber, youtuber murderer, pioneers productions, weis supermarket, eaton township, 2021, true crime daily, cartoon, weis, supermarket, ember mclain
Id: l4yJp2SxsAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 18sec (4218 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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