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so today's video is going to be my longest video I've ever created in my life today we're going to be talking about the most requested case of my channel we're gonna be talking about the Moors Murders which were carried out by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last video it's literally been like three weeks based on the length of this video you can tell I haven't just been stuck around doing nothing I have been working on this the whole time hello I'm sorry to interrupt basically I look really stupid now I was in the beginning in this video like this is my longest video ever and it is trust me I originally planned to do this full video is one big whopper video and I knew it was gonna be my longest one however I have just sat down and edited this and it's come out at three hours long so I have made the executive decision to split this video into three parts today is the first part and then you're gonna get the other two parts every other day from now sorry you're not getting it all at once but realistically who would want to sit and watch three hours of me all at once by the way make sure you've got my notifications on so you know when part two and part three come out but yeah this is part one look forward to part two and three and back to past me so yeah in case you don't know what the Mars matters are you probably do if you're from England or the whole of the UK for that matter the Mars matters are one of the most famous murder serial killer cases in England and it's been way over 60 years since these took place and people still talk about them so regularly so yeah today's the day that I'm finally covering this case but quickly before we get into this video I just want to thank Nod VPN for sponsoring this video normy PN is a Virtual Private Network service that helps protect your device from potential hacking unsecured Wi-Fi networks people trying to access your information if you use public Wi-Fi a lot like libraries or coffee shops a VPN is super important because you don't know how secure that Wi-Fi network is that you're on so people could be trying to access your information through that a VPN works by giving you a different IP address making it seem like you are somewhere else in the world than where you actually are and this acts like a barrier between you and your information and people trying to access it or hack it non VPN also allows you to access content from 60 different countries so I use it to access the American Netflix but I know a lot of you guys in America use it to access the UK Netflix which is mad to me a lot of people use it on YouTube videos because YouTube videos get blocked in certain countries I know a few of my old videos are blocked in different countries for copyright reasons a non VPN a very kindly offered to you guys two months free as well as 70% off of your subscription making it just three dollars 49 a month but you can only get that deal if you go through my link not VPN comm forward slash L&R and use the code L&R at checkout the link will be down below in the description make sure you go through that if you want to get that discount thanks again to Nod VPN for sponsoring this video and let's get into it but before we do I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video I did all that at once and well so we're gonna start this video off kind of weirdly we're gonna set the scene and I'm also just gonna straight-up introduce you to the murderers because there's no other way for me to really do this video so the models murders took place in Manchester in the north of England between 1963 and 1965 and then nicknamed the Moors Murders because most of the killings took place on some Moors named with more at the time of the murders in the early 1960s settlement mall was actually categorized as West Yorkshire which is something that not a lot of people know I'm from West Yorkshire so that's fun and then like 10 years after the murders took place it was decided that Saddleworth Moor was actually going to be lumped into Manchester rather than West Yorkshire anyway we're just gonna say that the murders took place in Manchester to not confuse it I don't know why I had to do that and like I said they were carried out by two very infamous people everyone in England knows these two names a man named Ian Brady and a woman named Myra Hindley so we'll start with Myra Hindley who has since been labelled the most evil woman in Britain Myra Hindley was born in Manchester on July 23rd 1942 into a very working-class family it didn't stand out was particularly poor or particularly wealthy they were just in the middle average and that seemed to be the sim for every aspect of Myra Hindley's life she wasn't spectacular at anything she didn't have amazing grids or anything like that but she also didn't have bad grades she was a very average girl her father bob was in the Army when Myra was a toddler he was fighting in the First World War actually and he came back when she was around four or five so she didn't miss much of having a father figure you don't really know much of what's going on when you were a toddler anywhere so up until about the age of four or five when her father returned from war Hindley was raised mostly by her mother Nellie and her grandmother Ellen and while bob was at war Nellie moved in with Ellen so Myra lived with her mother and her grandmother all in one house and when Bob returned from the war he and Nellie decided to get their own house and start their family properly now that bob was gonna be back for good so they got their own house just down the road from Mira's grandmother Ellen and they were still very very close with her and once they settled down and everything Nellie and Bob decided that they wanted a second child they wanted to expand the family and so they had another baby girl named Maureen but after Bob returned home from the war he was a completely different man to the one that had left he had become an alcoholic because during the First World War they literally only drunk alcohol to keep them warm and I don't know for what other reason but they all pretty much became alcoholics when they went away and when he returned he began occasionally abusing Mira's mother Nellie now Nellie was quite a strong woman and she wasn't just gonna take it she would fight back which meant that Mayra and eventually her younger sister Maureen as they were growing up they saw quite a bit of violence in the home and this violence would get so bad sometimes that my Reb would take her baby sister Maureen when she was like 1 2 years old and she would walk her to their grandmother's house so that they didn't have to see their mother and father fighting like that and it eventually got to the point where the grandmother Ellen decided that she was just gonna adopt these two girls pretty much like unofficially adopt them and she decided to move them into her house so they didn't have to see that every day and the whole family was in an agreement about this it wasn't like the grandmother took them and was like weren't you staying with me they came up with a bit of a plan because no one wanted the girls to go without having a mother and father figure in their lives and so they came up with the plan that the girls would sleep at the grandmother's house but they would make sure to go to the mother and father's house every single day for all three meals a day this meant that they would still see their parents and they would see them at bed good points and then they would go back to the grandmas just when their father started drinking too much and getting too violent and this worked for everyone involved it wasn't like it was an unhappy childhood even though it was quite unconventional everyone was happy with the situation and Ellen the grandmother absolutely spoiled the two girls like she gave them anything they wanted never they wanted a well as Mayra got a little bit older her father's drinking was just getting worse and worse throughout her whole childhood and then eventually not only was he being abusive towards his wife Nellie but he also became abusive to Mayra and Maureen now we don't know exactly how abusive he was towards his own daughters because Mayra has told a multitude of different stories she's never stuck to one version of events her story would vary from he rarely beat them he only did it when he absolutely had to when they just weren't listening that was when he would beat them so she would say that but then sometimes she would say like he would beat them within an inch of their life and they nearly died and he beat them so hard that they were knocked out and they were unconscious like she's told so many different stories that no one really knows what to believe when it comes to her father and his abuse Mayra also said that her mother would sometimes join in with the abuse hitting Mayra and her sister Maureen and then other times she said that her mother never laid a finger on them so no one knows what to believe from Myra Hindley already and this led to Myra Hindley developing a very hard outer shell so she wouldn't go out looking for fights or anything but if a kid picked on her in the playground she could hold her own and she was very good at arguments she had a very sharp thumb she was a cancer by the way only just a cancer she was almost a Leo but if anyone cares about astrology she was a cancer she was kind of like a half good kid half bad kid in school like I said her grades were nothing remarkable but she was really good at English that was the only one that she kind of excelled in and her work was often used as examples for the rest of the class she was good at sports she had a lot of friends however like I said she was constantly in arguments she never really showed up for school either her attendance was really bad for some reason I don't know what the reason was because I don't know she was like out with her friends or if she just couldn't be bothered going to school and would just stay on she was generally very well liked by her peers and other people in the school but like I said kids knew not to pick on Myra Hindley because she knew how to hold her own her father did a lot of boxing when he was in the army and when he came home he taught Myra a lot of that one time when Myra was very young she'd been out playing on the street with some boys when one of them started picking on her and it got to the point where she was so upset that she ran home and she was in tears and everything and her father looked at her and thought no one is ever gonna treat my baby like that ever again and so he took Myra out into the garden and he taught her some basic boxing moves so that if anyone ever treated her like that ever again she could knock them out if she wanted to and there's some reports that said that a couple of days after this after he taught the moves and everything Myra was playing out on the street again with that same group of boys and that boy tried bullying her again and she used those moves on him and it scared him away and these reports said that that was the proudest her father had ever been of her he was way more proud with her in that moment than he ever was with any school work or any sports results or anything like that and as I'm sure you can imagine a young child gets praised by a parent for doing a certain behavior it makes them want to do it again because it makes them feel good that their parent is proud of them however when that behavior is violent behavior that reinforces violence is a good thing in her brain in her mid-teens Myra and her best friend Pat would often pick up odd little babysitting jobs in the town and she was known to be very good at babysitting she had a where with kids which is very eerie when you find out what she did let her run in her life they stage in her life Myra seemed to really like kids and she got on with the kids that she babysat however later on in life Myra could not care less about children she didn't want a road she didn't want anyone else's around her she didn't even care for her own niece but at this point she seemed to like children she had very average aspirations for her life as many other children teenagers did at that point everyone was expected to follow in the footsteps of their parents and if your parents had a very average life that's the kind of life that you're probably gonna have pretty much every teenage girls aspirations at that point were to leave school go to a factory get a job fall in love get married have babies be a housewife and you know die that's all they did with their lives and that's all they wanted to do with their lives kids were expected to live very cookiecutter lives like parents didn't ever expect too much from their kids they never really encouraged them to do different things but it wasn't as boring as I'm puttin it like Myra and all the other girls her age wanted to go to a factory fall in love you know get married have kids like they wanted to live that life even though to us these days it sounds very boring because there's so many opportunities and women are given so many opportunities these days but then they were all just they wanted to have very mundane lives when Myra Hindley was 14 years old a huge event took place in her life that would change her I'm her whole world forever one day when Myra was at school she noticed this little boy getting bullied and she didn't do this often but like I said Myra could hold her own in a fight and she felt sorry for this boy and so she went and she fought this bully and defended this little boy even though she didn't know it and he thanked her and they kind of parted ways after that and they didn't really speak and then a few days later she spotted the same kid being bullied by the same bully and again she defended him she was like I've told you once leave this kid alone and the boy was still again very thankful and this happened a couple more times until my rat and this boy eventually like had a conversation and they had more conversations and then they became quite close they became best friends they began spending time with each other outside of schools they would play on the streets they would go to each other's houses for tea they particularly really liked to go into the local reservoir to go swimming when it was warm outside and on this particular day this little boy asked Myra to go to the reservoir with him and go swimming and this was one of the very few days that Myra turned him down because she had other plans with other friends and so the boy decided to go a lot later that day Myra overheard a group of kids talking about an accident that happened at the reservoir and immediately her heart sank she knew that her best friend was swimming at that reservoir that day and so she panicked and she ran all the way there and when she got there she witnessed a lot of police a lot of firemen a lot of you know worried people crowding around this reservoir and so she pushed there all these people and she got to the front and she witnessed police pulling a little boys body from the reservoir it was her best friend's body and this absolutely broke tough girl Myra Hindley she was a mess she blamed herself because if she didn't go out with her friends that day and if she'd have gone with him to that reservoir she could have saved him and she blamed herself she never forgave herself for that all the way through a life and shortly after that Myra decided to leave school and just go on to get a job and start that part of her life early and so she went to like a mechanic like a car sales place and decided to get an entry-level job there and to start off with Myra was pretty well liked by her colleagues and they all got on really well that was until her reputation began declining when she started lying to her colleagues so on one particular dare she'd gotten paired I believe they got paid weekly at this job and it was just a little white envelope with their name on with a load cash inside there was no like bank transfer or anything like that so my rare sets off home with her little envelope of cash and about an hour later her colleagues recall naira bursts even back through the door floods of tears down a face and she says that she had lost the envelope of money as she was walking home now out of the goodness of their own hearts because anyone would be absolutely screwed if this happened to them losing the whole paycheck for the week is just not something that anyone could deal with and so out of the goodness of their hearts all of her colleagues under together and give a little bit of each of their own to make up Myra's again now this this whole incident as far as we know was genuine and she actually did lose her paycheck on the way home however a couple of weeks later the same thing seemed to happen again as she was walking home she seemed to have lost her paycheck again and this time her colleagues didn't believe her it seemed too convenient it was too close to the last time and none of them put any money forward and as of that point they all had a bad taste in their mouths about Myra Hindley and it was around this time in her late teens that Myra Hindley let one of her friends when co-workers at this kind of car place died her hair for the first time now Myra Hindley is known infamously for her bleach blonde hair but she was naturally brown haired and so she had to keep up with bleach in her hair all the time because she liked being different she liked to be noticeable she liked the attention that this bright blonde hair would gather and she kept up this bleached blonde color forever until she eventually went to prison is that spoiler Naxos solved she started wearing a lot heavier makeup around this same time a lot of eyeliner a lot of you know dark eyes were her thing and her younger sister Maureen followed in her footsteps with that and the two of them also had just like really big hair you know like think and this sudden change in Myra Hindley's appearance sparked an interest in men towards Hindley something that she never really had before she'd never been a looker boys had never really been interested in her like in school but she never really cared she wasn't one to one attention from boys like that but now that she had it she liked it and it wasn't like she was like going after every man that came to where she just liked that men wanted her she would never really act on it but she she liked that they were there Myra had always been a Christian all her life and in her teenage years she really kind of started taking it a bit more seriously and at this point in her late teenage years a lot of these men that wanted her only really wanted like casual hookups and premarital sex and she was not about that she was saving herself for marriage eventually one day Myra Hindley is reintroduced to one of the boys that she went to school with a boy named Ronnie and just like every other man in the world he was now interested in Myra Hindley who was this blonde bombshell all of a sudden and Myra took an equal life into Ronnie and you know they got on really well and at this point they were like 17 18 years old and like I said they would settle down that like 19 20 so it seemed as though this was probably gonna be the man that she was gonna marry and she was okay with that and when I returned 18 what did Ronnie do he proposed to her and he really was gonna be the man that she was gonna spend the rest of her life with and at first Myra was really happy it seemed as though her life and her future was taken [ __ ] and everything was planned out for her and the more she thought about it the more she thought crap my life is all thought out at this point and I don't have any room to breathe or do different things that I want to do I don't have time to go traveling because engaged and then I've got to get married and then I've got to start having babies and she wasn't about that she didn't want that anymore all her life she thought she wanted that because she was told she wanted that and other girls wanted that and so she thought she wanted that she didn't she began watching all her friends get married and have babies around her and she was thinking I don't want that she wanted something different she wanted to live her life before she settled down and Myra was just very different to other girls in general she wasn't one to do what everyone else was doing she dyed her hair bleach blonde when no one else was doing that she got a job she got her first job a car sales class rather than a factory or something that was typically a woman job however at this point it was kind of a bit late for Myra to change her mind she'd already said yes to this marriage proposal and it's not like she didn't like Ronnie she did like running but she just didn't want to get married yeah I'll have babies or anything however before everything could come to a head and before she could make a final decision Myra Hindley's life was absolutely shaken and put on hold when she met a handsome stranger at work named Ian brandy Myra was made redundant from her job at the car place when she was 18 and so for the next three months she kind of bounced from job to job nothing really fit with her until she ended up at Mill woods merchandise in which I believe was like a factory I don't know and it was bad that she met her co-worker Ian Brady and this meeting the first time she ever saw Ian Brady she says that it was love at first sight she calls it a fatal attraction however it was very one-sided Ian Brady was one of the only men in that whole area that didn't care for Myra he wasn't attracted to her he didn't flirt with her he didn't give her any attention like the other men did he only really spoke to her when he had to at work he just didn't care and Myra wasn't used to that she was the blonde bombshell that unwanted but this only made her wanting more he now seemed unattainable and she was obsessed with Ian Brady however before we get into that let's talk a little bit more about Ian Brady and his upbringing up until this point in Brady was born on january 2nd 1938 in Glasgow in Scotland he was a Capricorn by the way his mother was a waitress and his father wasn't around some reports say that he died before Brady was even born but other reports say that he left Brady's mother other reports say that Ian Brady was the product of a one-night stand either way he never knew his father and his mother really struggled to look after him financially she didn't have her own house or her own flat or her own place she just rented a bedroom in someone else's house they literally just had this one little room for her in the baby and after Ian was born she really struggled to work because she couldn't find affordable childcare for him so she was stuck in this kind of catch-22 she couldn't go to work because she couldn't afford childcare but she couldn't afford childcare because she couldn't work his mother had no choice than to give up her son however she wasn't ready to like just send him off for adoption and I'll send him off to foster care or anything she wanted to still be able to see her son but she just knew that she couldn't look after it so she decided to put an advert in a shop window for anyone that wanted to unofficially adopt her son and she would pay them one pound a week to care for their son they could bring him up as theirs just as long as she could still see him and the family named the Sloan family notice this advert in the shop window and decided to take up the offer now the Sloan's weren't any better off money-wise than his own mother was but they could afford to keep and raise another child see they already had four of their own four biological children all siblings and when they wrote this advert they really felt it like they understood a mother's pain have not wanted to give up her baby to still want contact and they decided to take on this child and let the mother still see him and because Ian Brady was given up at such a young age he was only like four or five months old at this point the salon family was all he really knew and so he grew up calling them mum and dad although he was never lied to he always knew that they weren't his real mum and dad and this meant that he did always feel like the outsider there were four children who were all related and he knew that he was the odd one out he didn't feel unloved by the Sloane's at any point he had everything he needed everything he wanted but he couldn't shake that feeling that he was different to the other siblings Brady's biological mother would come and visit him every single Sunday and she would bring him gifts and everything but she never once told him that she was his mother for all he knew she was just one of his mother's friends that was just very generous and just brought him gifts all the time eventually Brady was told that this woman that would always visit him was his biological mother and this made him feel a little bit better he still felt like an outcast in the family but he had someone he had his biological family there if he needed it but then one day when Brady was still very young I don't even think he was ten years old at this point his biological mother met and married a man and the two of them relocated to England now bear in mind that ian was raised in Glasgow in Scotland and his biological mother moved to Manchester in England now this meant that it was going to be very difficult for him to see his mother and it did prove very difficult the two of them barely saw each other for most of Brady's childhood and it was at this point when his biological mother moved with Ian Brady this good kid that was always very well behaved began acting up and he began stealing things and getting into trouble every single day starting fights and Brady had a lot of friends that he got on really well with and up until this point when he started going through this like rebellious fears everything had been smooth with this group of friends however when he hit this kind of you know phase in his life he began bringing a pocket knife out to play with the boys and they never really played anything you know required a pocket knife and he began like putting the other boys against each other so every single time they would go out he would pick one of the boys in the group that would be the victim for the day and he would turn all the other boys against him and get them to bully him he was very clearly the dominant one in the friend group all the other boys looked up to Ian Brady they wanted to be him they wanted to impress him and they would do anything he said Ian Brady was particularly very interested in Nazis and he would read a lot of books about Nazis and he became obsessed with them and he would tell all the boys at school about them because obviously this was something that parents you know it's not like it was easy to shelter children from this because World War two had literally just happened like five years prior but all the parents weren't giving their children books on Nazis and stuff so children knew what it was and what was going on but they didn't know in detail but Ian Brady did and he researched it and he would go into school and he would tell the boys all about the Nazis and then they would reenact battles and pretend to shoot and kill each other in the playground and this dynamic between Brody and the other boys him being really powerful and the boys just doing whatever he said this dynamic just built and built and built in until one day it came to a head and one of the most alarming things I've ever heard about a killers childhood happened on this one particular day all the boys were out playing and as usual Brady had chosen one of the boys to be singled out for the day and all the other boys were to bully him and Brady kept givin the other boys orders to do to this guy and none of them were too bad that was until Brady ordered all of the other boys to grab him and tie him to a pole so they do they do whatever he and Brady says so this boy is now tied to a pole and Brady orders the other boys to go and get some newspaper and lay it at his feet so they do exactly that and then Brady says wrap it around his body and so they do that as well and then Brady begins making comments about how he's gonna light the newspaper on fire and about how he's gonna set this by on fire and watch him burn alive and all the boys thought that he was joking because you know you would you wouldn't want to think that one of your friends has been serious about that no matter what that tone was your brain would immediately think that they were joking you would never think that you were hearing that seriously that was until Brady got out a match lit it and threw it at the newspaper at this boy's feet and it all set on fire luckily all the boys kind of snapped back into their normal mindset and realized that they had to save this boy so they untied him they kind of put out the fire rescued him and Ian Brady was fuming he was really mad however we don't know if that story is true because Brady has denied it all his life and you'll find something later on the Brady doesn't deny much like he's quite open about what he's done he did deny things for a long time but then it got to a point where he just kind of owned up to everything and to me this seems as though something Ian Brady would be proud of he would be proud that he did that such a young and the fact that he doesn't claim that makes me doubt that it's true and the only person that has ever told this story was the victim the other boys never said anything sir so I don't know take that with a pinch of salt because there's only one account that says it's true and the same goes for the next fact as well so he will here with a lot of serial killers that people say that they're harmed and sometimes killed animals when they were younger and that is a very kind of stereotypical serial killer childhood warning sign and years after the murders came out and everything one girl went to the newspapers and claimed to be Ian Brody's next-door neighbor when he was young now that can be confirmed she was his next door neighbor but she told the newspaper that she once witnessed Ian Brady carry one of the neighborhood cats to the top of the building and throw it off hoping that it died it didn't die but he hoped it did however Brady denies with every fiber of his being that he ever harmed an animal that is something that he strongly prides himself on that he never harmed an animal he actually really liked animals and you'll see that a little bit later on he loved animals and I don't like to sit here and like doubt witness testimonies however I don't know sometimes in cases like this people like to feel involved they like to feel like they've got exclusive information against a serial killer or a murderer they like to feel like they saw the warning signs they saw this killer in the making and I don't know sometimes this leads people to exaggerate or lie and again I don't want to accuse this witness of lying it's up to you whether you believe witness accounts from childhood I tend to only really believe them if there are multiple accounts of the same thing or evidence of course but yeah like I said Brady was none too absolutely adore animals the stories of him like helping horses out of barbed wire when s there was one time he was at the zoo and he started a fight with another boy that was angering an animal that was in a cage he was like poking it or something and he embraer went up to this boy and knocked him out but one thing that we can be sure of of Ian Brody's childhood is that he did steal a lot of things he really liked to commit little petty crimes and he was caught multiple times by his parents by the people he was stealing off he was caught by police and he didn't care like he just kept going he didn't care about the consequences of his actions and it did cause a few problems for him at home with his kind of foster family this learns because none of their biological children did things like this they were all very well behaved just how Ian Brody once was they never stole anything they never you know vandalized anything they never got into fights but Ian Brady was completely different and that made him feel even more alienated from the whole family he felt different but even though this learns absolutely hated that Brady was so badly behaved that he stole things that he got into fires they never once threatened to kick him out or send him back to his mother or anything like that and that's the kind of parents that this learns worth it was very caring very nurturing and really said he always respected them for that that they never kind of gave up on him while he was still quite young Brady got his first ever girlfriend and this is when we first start to see his kind of violent sexual fantasies surface he said that he would sometimes kiss this girl so hard that their mouths would leave and then by the time he got his second girlfriend he was in his early teens and that was around the time that everyone was having sex for the first time however Brady even though he wanted her he stopped himself he didn't do it the girlfriend that he was with at the time when everyone else was having X he saw her as the epitome of innocence and purity and he wanted to keep her pure he didn't want her to lose her virginity so even though he wanted to lose his to her he didn't want her to lose her his desire for her to stay a virgin outward his desire to have sex so they didn't have sex and then on to the third girlfriend the third girlfriend was the complete opposite of the second one this was kind of a sexual experimental relationship for Brady and they would do all sorts together stuff that I don't want to talk about on the channel because my mom watches my videos but they I don't know they explore their sexuality a lot as well they would bring in other people into their relationship and it was just a complete like 180 from the last relationship that he was in and the reason I say all this because Brady's relationships don't really add much to this kiss but I think it's really interesting that he can value women so differently in his brain I don't know to Ian Brady other people exist solely to fulfill his desires no matter what those desires are whether it's to have a perfect pure virgin girlfriend or you know and just like Myra Hindley did Ian Brady also had a death in his early teens that completely shook up his whole world so like I said Brady absolutely adored animals and his family this learns actually got their own dog when Brady was still very very young so he'd grown up with this dog it was called Sheila he'd had it from a puppy all the way until she was dying and when Brady hit his early teenage years Sheila was getting old and sick and the family were kind of preparing for her to pass away it wasn't gonna be a sudden surprise death they were all kind of expect and then one day Brady comes home from school and finds his mother crying in the kitchen and he knew immediately why she was crying she didn't even have to say anything but he knew he ran around the whole house trying to find his dog Sheila he was calling her he was going in every single room but she wasn't there she had passed away that day while he was in school Brady recalls storming out of the house sobbing and he was just gonna walk and walk and walk until he cleared his head he wasn't gonna go back home until he's calmed down and it was on that walk that Ian Brady had this realization about what death really is that death is inevitable and inescapable when you're a child you think that everything will last forever because you've never really experienced loss so it's a foreign concept here you can understand it people can explain it to you that you know your parents aren't gonna be around forever dogs not gonna be around forever but until you actually experience that you don't know what it feels like and he describes this feeling as an awakening he realized that death is inescapable everyone is gonna die one day so what really matters nothing nothing really matters I'm Brady recalls being on this walk and suddenly something comes over him and he suddenly feels really heavy and he likened it to symptoms of a stroke although he also felt really lightheaded and dizzy at the same time and breathless it was just a sensation that he'd never felt before and so he went into like a shock doorway and leaned on the side and tried to like bring himself back round and he was looking at his feet and it was then that he looked up and saw what he describes as the face of death it was like a green and black figure in front of him and this figure didn't say anything they didn't have an interaction they didn't talk or anything but Brady says that he just knew that that was the face of death anyway after his dogs passing life continued for Brady as it always had he was still the dog one in his friend group he was still a bully as were his friends with everyone else in the school and one day Brady was in the playground when a boy approached him and this boy said that another boy had turned Brady in for stealing of course Brady was fuming and so he tracked this boy down figured out where he was in the school and went to beat him up and brady remembers again this is a very vivid image in his brand even up until like he was an adult he remembered this he remembered storm him from one end of the room all the way to the other he could see this boy and as soon as the boy locked eyes with Brady there was fear in his eyes and it was unlike any expression Brady had ever seen and he loved that he could invoke that kind of fear in another human being it made Brady feel powerful and in control and that's all Brady ever wanted you will see this throughout this case he if he doesn't have the power he loses his mind but it's very rare that he doesn't have the power because he's very good at manipulating people and getting people to do what he wants he always has the power Brady continued this stealing habit into his teens and I say habit because Brady had a job and he had a family that put him up in that house and whatever he didn't steal for the money he stole because it was like an addiction at this point and his work quickly caught on to the fact that Brady was stealing from them and stealing in general and they got the police involved now at this point police had already been involved with Brady and his stealing habits multiple times because this had been a huge problem ever since he was young and every single time he'd been given a warning or you know community service or anything like that very weak punishments that obviously weren't doing it so police thought well nothing is working with this boy so we're gonna have to up the punishment and so Ian Brady was taken to court and he was given two options he can either do prison time for his stealin ah he could be sent away from Scotland and sent to Manchester in England to live with his biological mother so of course 17-year old Ian Brady chose to move in with his mother of a potential prison time and that's exactly what he did he settled into Manchester life quite easily he got on with his mother's husband pretty well he even ended up taking on his last name Brady he was somewhat better behaved in Manchester if he was stealing it was going more under the radar there he was very respectful he was known by the neighbors as kind of quiet he didn't really talk to them that much and in Manchester he would kind of bounce between jobs none of them really kept his interest and he was just kind of trying to find one that stuck and like I said he was still into stealing but most of the time it was like flying under the radar that was until at one point he worked on a fruit market and he helped one of the delivery drivers steal some parts anywhere this delivery driver got caught stealing these parts and selling them on and he actually implicated Brady in the theft he said that Brady was involved and Sir Ian Brady at 17 years old ended up serving two years at a borstal so if you don't know what a borstal is they don't exist anymore but there used to be like a juvenile prison in the UK but it wasn't really like a prison there was no cells or anything it was more Reformation reformed Reformation don't I say that word they basically took these petty criminals in that it would only be for petty crimes if anyone committed anything serious they would be sent to a proper prison and they would try and like you know put these boys to work and make them do manual labor make them like learn from their crimes and turn them into like proper citizens and when Brady was released from this borstal it seemed to have worked he went back to work he got a new job even but really Brady was just biding his time and we could get back into that life of crime he never intended on stayed away from it he never intended on being a functioning member of society for the rest of his life he always knew that he was gonna get back into theft and everything like that he just didn't want to be suspected again so soon if he came straight out and committed theft around those areas of course he would have been suspected but yeah like I said Brady was released from this borstal when he was 19 years old he went back to live with his mother and her husband and again he was bouncing between jobs he wasn't finding anything that stuck that was until he got a job at mill woods merchandising in 1959 which would eventually be the workplace where he met Myra Hindley and like I said before Hindley was so obsessed with Ian Brady but he just didn't care and it wasn't anything personal to Hindley it wasn't like she was annoying it wasn't like he thought she was ugly or anything he just didn't care to make personal relationships at this point in his life he didn't want to be friends with his coworkers he was there to work not make friends on his break time at work he would just sit there in the break room and read and be kind of unsociable but not all the time Brady was an incredibly smart human being and I know I said that about serial killers a lot because they do tend to be smart but Ian Brady was so good at social manipulation so you could tell that all he ever wanted to do was read his book I'm be alone and have no one bothering in an ideal world he would have done that every single break time but he didn't want to come across as the weird loner there's been all their breaks alone because as soon as anything happened they would all look at the weird law and I'd expect that break salud you know what I mean people always suspect the weird words so occasionally he would socialize with his coworkers even though I really didn't care and he really didn't want to talk to them he would make sure he joined in just enough so that they wouldn't think he was insane but something you'll notice more as we're going along as well I know I keep saying that but you know you will see that here ha as we get on to the crimes he had everyone on strings at any one point he had this god complex he knew he was intelligent and he knew he was doing everything so well so Mira's obsession with Brady began like I said on first sight as soon as she saw this man she knew she had to have him and so that night after her first shift she gathered all her girlfriends and they went to a local bar where Mayra put a plan in place to get this man she talked about him all night that night and then when she went home she got a diary and began keeping this diary specifically about Ian Brady she wouldn't write about anything else just the interactions that she would have with Brady and this diary would document things like if he smiled at her that day if he ignored one of her questions that day and Brady never gave hindley anything whether it was on purpose or not whether he was trying to do this just to like keep her obsessed with him but he would never like let her think that she had it he would ignore her for weeks at a time literally like she would ask him a question and he would just look at her and then look away but then other weeks he would smile at her and ask her for a favor like could she go and do this work task for him I don't know I'd say he was very hot and cold with her but he wasn't he was never hot he was like lukewarm and cold with that like he would be so frosty and then he would just give her a little bit of something just to keep her there just to keep her lips up just to get her excited enough and then he would just drop her again I have a little quote from Myra Hindley's diary it reads I hope he loves me and will marry me someday but this man was paying her dust and remember at this point Hindley was still engaged to Rani and she was losing interest in running up a very alarming rate for the next year of her life Myra Hindley her best to get this man's attention she would spend extra time in front of the mirror on the morning making sure she looked beautiful as beautiful as she could to try and catch his eye she wrote about Brodie in her diary every single day and their interactions she would try to get close to him at work she would try to ask him questions at work and nothing worked somehow at work Hindley managed to get ahold of Ian Brady's home address the place that he lived and she used this to stalk him she would go to his Street and just hang about on the street and just like walk up in the other road hoping to like bump into him on his way to or from the shops and it never worked he very rarely left his house like I said he was very to himself a lot of the time he was probably just in the house reading books the whole time that Myra was like parading up and down the street she would gather her group of friends and instead of going to their local bar they would go to Ian Brady's local pub and hope to catch him in there but again Ian Brady wasn't really the type to go to the pub on a weekend as time went on Hindley was just getting so disheartened by the whole thing she felt that this man was unattainable he was intelligent he was mysterious he was cultured he read books he was well put together well-groomed he wasn't an alcoholic like a lot of other men were at the time this man was special to her he was different he was different to anything she'd ever seen and by this point like I said it had been a year and absolutely nothing had worked she hadn't even so much as got his attention and so Hindley decided to approach this differently but she had been stalking him really so much at this point just watching him every single day at work that she had figured out who his favorite authors were and so she goes to the library and she checks out a book by one of his favorite authors and then the next day at work goes into the break room positions herself in his eyesight in his view and reads this book now every single day for the past year over a year she would socialize on her bird times but this one day she sits and reads a book and you know what it worked Brady walks up to Hindley where she sat reading her book and he strikes up a conversation about this book that she's reading and hiddenly kind of struggles to keep up with the conversation but she knows very little about this book just enough to have a conversation about it and then Brady walks off and work carries on as normal and he doesn't acknowledge her again all day but as I'm sure you can imagine just that one little interaction that first conversation that they had Hindley was ecstatic she finally found a strategy that worked and sir she quickly finished this book and went to the library and checked out another book by the same author she couldn't risk checking out a book that Ian Brady wasn't interested in otherwise he wouldn't strike up a conversation with her about it and then you know and again the next time she was in the break room this time with a new book Brady talks her about this book and as at that point the conversations about non-work-related things became kind of regular and then this relationship between Hindley and Brady steps up at the work Christmas party Brady approaches Hindley and asks her to dance and so the two of them dance and then they go on a walk after that and it was on this walk that Brady then asked Hindley to go for drinks with him that night and she says yes so they go out for drinks and actually have their first kiss that night and then Brady asks him if he can go back to hers to stay over that night however Hindley had to turn him down because she actually still lived with her grandmother and she didn't want her grandmother to wake up or meet him ah you know it was a bit too soon to introduce him to the a few weeks later Brady and Hindley planned their first proper date so the other one was kind of a deer but this one was planned and they went to see a movie now this movie had very strong themes of religion and Christianity and Myra Hindley being Christian she loved it however Brady was an atheist and he had a lot of strong opinions on this movie he saw it from a very analytical point of view and when they went for drinks after they watched this movie Brady sat and dissected the logic of this film to Hindley and him bleed didn't like it but as Brady got more and more into his thoughts on religion and Christianity and you know the world as a whole Hindley found herself like siding with him starting to believe him he was very persuasive like I said Brady was a very intelligent person and Hindley put him on this pedestal right from the moment she met him and so whenever he had beliefs of views that challenged hers she always second-guess herself and always thought well he's more intelligent than me he's this he's that he must be right and you know in general when you like someone you tend to subconsciously take on their beliefs just because you want them to like you and you want to be more like them and eventually this led to Hindley almost completely losing her Christian fare shortly into the two of them dating Myra Hindley loses her virginity to Ian Brady now this was something that she was serving for marriage like I said ages ago she'd even had a fiance at one point and still not lost her virginity however within a couple of weeks two months of dating Ian Brady handily said that the sex was very violent although she didn't really know what to expect she thought that was kind of normal because she'd never done it before however like you know as she got older and more experienced and understood sex more she realized that it was like very BDSM he soon after she lost her virginity to him Hindley introduced Brady to her mother Nelly and Nelly was far from excited about Ian Brady and Mayra couldn't understand why because to her this was her dream man however her mom seemed to be really unsupportive of the whole thing Benelli saw a lot of the same behaviors in Ian Brady that she saw in her own husband her husband that was the abusive alcoholic he was controlling and he was manipulative and now he told Myra her concerns about Brady but at this point Mayra didn't really care this man was all she wanted for the past two years and she finally had him there were no real big warning signs about what this relationship would soon become they were a very normal couple they did normal things they worked together they would go on normal days they would go to the movies they would go for drinks although their ideas of marriage and their ideas of what a relationship should be were a lot different to other people's especially other people's their age obviously marriage is a religious concept and Brady denounced religion he was an atheist and Myra was quickly losing her Christianity the longer she was with Brady he didn't want to get married he didn't see the point in it and even though Myra did once want to get married she wrote in her diary about how she wished Brady would marry her one day she had that bit of a freak out when she was engaged to Ronnie she realized that she didn't want that for herself and again it seems the more time that she spent with Brady the more her old views took a backseat and Brady's news became her new views he only said that this relationship with Brady awakened a different side of her that she didn't even know existed she'd never had someone this intelligent and deep and unconventional in her life before to challenge her views and because everyone around her had the same views she just kind of adopted them she didn't have anyone to introduce her to new ways of looking at things like Bradley did something that the couple would do a lot was girl up on to saddle with more in Manchester at the time in West Yorkshire and Brady had I believe a couple of dogs and they would take these dogs out up onto the Mars let them off the lead and just let them go run in and the two of them would lay out a blanket bring a bottle of wine and they would just sit there and talk for hours and drink wine on Mars and this kind of became their thing they did it regularly and the topics of conversation that they would get into on these Mars got deeper and deeper as the two of them got closer and closer they would talk about religion they would talk about life and marriage and eventually darker things like crime and death Brady expressed his love for animals to Myra and while in itself that is not a dark concept that led to him expressing his hatred of people that hurt animals and his desire to get revenge on those people and hurt that conversation topic eventually led into crime in general and robberies and burglaries really expressed to Myra Hindley that he wanted to commit crimes with her he felt like they were a really good pair and he felt that she had qualities that he needed and he had qualities that she needed and when they came together there would be an invincible path the two of them began committing smaller crimes together like vandalisms theft you know little things but Ian would always talk about wanting to commit the perfect crime and this perfect crime would be a crime so well thought out that they would never get caught they would think about every single little detail that would leave no clues no evidence he believed he was smarter than any police officer any active any you know crime-scene equipment he believed he could outsmart anyone and everyone he had this god complex and he said the reason he hadn't committed this perfect crime yet was because he needed an accomplice he needed someone with qualities and traits that he didn't have and here was this girl Myra Hindley she was absolutely infatuated with everybody she would do anything and everything that man told her to do she was the perfect accomplice so they began planning bigger crimes that they could commit together robberies bank robberies stall robberies however a running theme with all of these things is that you need a getaway car to commit such crimes however neither of them drove and I believe due to his criminal record Ian Brady couldn't drive he couldn't learn to drive and so it was up to Mara Hindley to take lessons and learn to drive for the sake of committing crimes and this was a long and expensive process because she had to do all the lessons and she actually failed her tests like three times in a row which set the time back even further from when she would be able to drive but I mean she wanted to do it it wasn't like she was forced to do anything at any point in this she always wanted to do what would make him happy and what would impress Ian so if he wanted her to drive she'd learned to drive if that made him happy and this was a constant theme in Hindley and Bradys whole relationship not even just with the crime stuff even with like little mundane things like paying for bus tickets and going and buying cigarettes when they both wanted cigarettes Myra Hindley would do everything and anything for this man and these little mundane tasks that Brady would ask Hindley to carry out began building and building as the relationship went on and they went from will you buy the bus fare to will you join a gun club and learn how to shoot and buy some guns for us Myra Hindley did all of am Brady's dirty work and she was willing the whole time she wanted to do it she wanted to make him happy and then one day this talk of committing the perfect crime stepped up when Ian Brady lent Myra Hindley a book named compulsion and he would lend her a lot of books however this one was special this was Brady's inspiration for the perfect crime that they would commit the plot of this book is basically two older men that go out and abduct and murder a young schoolboy and they do it almost perfectly the two men in this book a very representative of Ian Brady the motive the reason they wanted to kill this young boy was because they wanted to commit the perfect crime they wanted to prove to themselves and the world that they could get away with murder they had all the same traits that Ian Brady had they were very intelligent they had this superiority complex they thought they were better than the police and detectives but in the end of the book the men slip up on a very stupid detail and one of them leaves their glasses at the murder scene everything else was so carefully looked after once Hindley had finished reading this book Brady sat and dissected it to her and pointed out all the things that the men did wrong and all the things that he would do differently and then Ian Brady turns to Myra Hindley and asks her to commit the perfect crime with him he wanted to abduct and murder a small child and Myra Hindley says okay and so the preparations begin Myra and Ian both get into Myra's van one day and they go driving around the local schools and they're watching all the children and they're trying to pick out what kind of victim they would want do they want boy do they want a girl do they want them older younger smaller taller and Brady even took photos of these children in the school ground so that he could take them home and use these pictures for reference they continued going up onto subtle with MA however it was no longer to go and sit and drink wine and play with the dogs it was now to find the perfect spot to bring a child and then the day finally came the day that the two of them would commit the perfect crime July 12 1963 the two of them both finished work at Mill Woods merchandise and they met up at Haley's grandmother's house to plan now Brady did a lot of preparations at this house he made sure that the two of them had as little belongings on them as they possibly could just to ensure that they didn't leave anything anyway just like the men in the book had left their glasses he made sure that they didn't have anything loose on them that they could just put down and forget he checked all of the buttons on his and Mira's clothing to make sure that none of them were loose he counted every single one so that he could count them again before they left the murder site to make sure that none of them had like popped off and once Ian Brady was confident that they were ready to commit this perfect crime they left Hindley's grandmother's house they set off out into the town Maira driving in her van and Brady driving on his motorbike very shortly behind this plan was very well thought out Ian Brady knew that he needed an accomplice and he knew he needed a female accomplice because no child is gonna get in a van with a random man when parents educate their children about not going off with strangers it's always a man that they talk about this always don't get in a car with a random monk don't talk to random men on the street it's never don't get in a van with a woman but with a woman it's different children trust them easier they see them as very mature and nurturing children would just instinctively trust Myra more than they would en she had a softer presence a kind of presence so she would be the one to let these children into the van however Ian Brady still wanted the control he wanted to choose the victim he needed the control of this situation but he couldn't be in the van because he might scare the children away so instead he would drive behind on his motorbike and when they would drive past a child the Ian Brady thought would be a good victim he would flush his headlight on his motorbike Myra would see that in the mirror and she would pull over and offer the child a lift meanwhile 16 year old Pauline Reade is getting ready at home to head out and good dancing with it being a Friday night Pauline worked in her father's bakery and she was generally very shy at school although she did have her close friends and she and these close friends would always go dancing on the weekends however on this particular night none of Pauline's friends were allowed to go to the dance because their family their parents found out that there would be alcohol at this dance and of course they were all only 16 Pauline tried to convince her friend's parents to let them go she promised that they wouldn't drink any of the alcohol even if it was there however none of the parents would let their children go and normally if none of her friends were going out Pauline wouldn't go our well for some reason on this one night Pauline decided that she would go alone and even Pauline's mother was very reluctant to let her go but she knew that Pauline was very sensible and that she could trust her that night Pauline wore a pink dress a blue coat and some new white shoes and before she left Pauline's mother came out of her bedroom and put one of her lockers around her daughter's neck all ready for the dance Pauline sets off walking just after 8:00 p.m. and that would be the last time that her parents ever saw her earlier in the evening when Pauline had been begging her friends to come to the dance and they said no she said well fine I'll go alone but her friends didn't believe her because she was so painfully shy they didn't believe that Pauline would ever do anything alone and so all of her friends that lived on the route that Pauline would have walked that night decided that they would cheer her on and so these girls were like running out into their gardens run into their windows and wave into Pauline as she walked past and then at one point two of the friends decided that they were gonna surprise Pauline and they were gonna take a shortcut and meet her another point in the room where she wasn't going to expect them so these two girls run along this shortcut and wait for Pauline and they're waiting and they're waiting and they're waited but Pauline doesn't come the two girls assumed that maybe Pauline had gotten too nervous and turned round and gone back home and decided not to go to the dance and so the two girls just went home meanwhile Myra Hindley and Ian Brady are out driving the streets looking for Ian Brody's perfect victim they passed an eight-year-old girl walking down the side of the road and Brady saw her and thought that she was the perfect first victim and so he flushed his headlights at Henley to pull over but she just kept driving eventually after this child had passed them Myra pulled the van over and Brady pulled over behind her to ask her what was going on why she didn't pull over when he told her and my rat explained that she recognized that eight-year-old girl that was walking down the road it was actually a neighbor of her grandmother's so it was a little girl that she lived close to her and she just felt that it was way too risky she thought that it was too risky for a couple of reasons first of all this girl lived near her so she could have easily been a suspect and second of all this girl was eight years old and Myra Hindley felt that there would be a lot more of an outcry over the disappearance of a young girl you know if a teenager goes missing sometimes they suspect that they ran away but an 8 year old girl is very unlikely to over and aware so immediately that search party would be intense either way they decided that this 8 year old girl was too much of a risk to be the first victim and so they continued driving they drove for a few more minutes until just after 8 p.m. when Brady spotted a girl walking along the side of the road in a Bluecoat walking away from them and this girl seemed a little bit taller than the last a little bit older than the last but he still felt that he could overpower her she wasn't too big that she could fight back and so he signaled to Hindley to pull over Henley looked at this girl on the side of the road and recognize her as Pauline Reed Pauline was actually a friend of my regime her sister Maureen and Mayra had actually worked with Pauline's mother in the past but despite all of this she still pulled over and offered Pauline Reade a lift to the dance and Pauline recognized Hindley as her friend Maureen's older sister she was a friendly face and so Pauline gets in the van so they drove towards the social club where the dance was going on for a little bit and then Hindley turned to Pauline and said you know what I lost one of my gloves up on the moors the other day and it's a really important glove it's sentimental it means a lot to me and would you mind coming up to the Mars and helping me find it Henley said that she would drop Pauline off at the social club after they'd found the glove and Henley must have been acting very strange in this car ride because Pauline actually asked if she was okay at one point so Henley seemed nervous when they got up on her saddle with Ma Hindley and Pauline got out of the van and that was when Hindley introduced her to Brady who had followed them all the way up on the motorbike she said oh this is my boyfriend he's come to help look for the glove as well and from this point on Hindley and Brady's version of events differ a lot from each of them Myra says she watched as Ian Brady and Pauline walk off onto the moors and eventually they went down a hill and she couldn't see them anymore and so Myra went and sat in the van and just waited and she was there for like a good half an hour three-quarters of an hour and then Brady knocked on the window Hindley said that she could tell by Pauline's clothes they were in complete disarray she could tell that he and brandy had sexually assaulted Pauline however Ian Brady claims that Myra Hindley had been there the whole time she never once went back to the van in fact she not only witnessed but took part in the whole abduction the whole torture the whole sexual assault and eventually the murder of 16 year old Pauline Reade Brady even says that Hindley got even more vicious and depraved than him at points he even had to slap her to calm her down and to get her out of this rage that she was in Brady claims that Hindley ripped the locket from Pauline Reed's neck the one that her mother had lent her and put on her before she left the house Hindley ripped this locket from a neck and said you wouldn't need this anymore of course because the accounts are so different from each other we don't know exactly what happened but what we do know is that physical evidence doesn't lie and we can tell what injuries Pauline Reade sustained but we can't tell who gave for them Pauline Reed's throat had been cut twice and it was cut so deeply that it almost decapitated her she had been sexually assaulted and the collar of her blue cut had been purposefully pushed into one of her wounds she was very clearly tortured as she lay dying bread even picked up a spare that he had brought out onto the moors in advance and began digging a hole as Myra Hindley stared look out he dug this hole and they put Pauline reeds body in the hole and filled it back over there and buried her I'm saddled with more Myra Hindley then went out onto the moors and began pulling up grass from its roots so then they could put it on top of the hole that they just dug didn't look like it was like fresh turn mud Brady and Hindley then went back to the van where Brady wrapped up the speared under knife in newspaper and plastic to make sure that it didn't touch the interior of the van and didn't contaminate any of it with evidence they then lowered a plank of wood out of the back of the van to make kind of a ramp so that they could run iam Reddy's motorbike up there so they can put them onto bike in the back of the van and just drive off and that is where I have decided to end part 1 but yeah I will see you in two days for part two again a huge thank you to nod vpm for sponsoring this video don't forget to take advantage of that amazing deal you get two months free and 70% off of your order making it just 349 a month if you go through my link not VPN com forward slash Eleanor and you could Eleanor at checkout but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more from me make sure you've got your notifications on so that you don't miss part 2 & 3 a huge thank you to all my channel members all of their names are on the screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link in the description I'll click the join button if you're on a desktop there's two tiers to choose from everyone on tiers 1 & 2 will get access to a community page where you can suggest cases and get your requests 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,896,405
Rating: 4.9413962 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, myra hindley, ian brady, moors murders, murder, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, crime watch daily, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, saddleworth moor, see no evil, missing, disappearance, uk, england, manchester, case, kendall rae, keith bennett, myra, hindley, ian, brady, lesley ann downey, john kilbride, david smith, edward evans, pauline reade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 3sec (4563 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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