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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about a serial killer named to the man in black but before I even say anything else some of you might have noticed that on the last video I uploaded I started replying to a bunch of comments and talking to you all in the comment section and I really enjoyed doing that I don't know why I don't do that more so from now on I'm gonna start doing that on every single video as soon as the video goes live I'm gonna be down in the comments section replying to all your comments and heart in all your comments so for today's video I want a little bit of like a Q&A going on in the comment section so if you have any questions for me or any questions about this case or any questions about any other case that I might have covered put them down in the comments below and we'll have a bit more of a chat than we normally do I always read the comments and I always heart a bunch of comments every time I upload a video but I just never really sit and talk and reply to comments and I need to start doing that more that's really bad that I don't do that so good wasn't been down in the comments below now now so I'm gonna be on the video now but yeah before we get into this case I just want to thank our sponsors not VPN for sponsoring this video not VPN is of course a VPN service that allows you to stay protected while browsing the internet I personally use a VPN and I have done for many many years now because I in my personal life and in my work life I access a lot of dodgy websites that sounds bad but some of the websites that I go on to find out things about these crimes can't be trusted to VPN basically stops hackers from being able to view and access your information by giving you a different IP address and that VPN basically acts like a barrier between hackers and people trying to access your information and you I really do recommend using a VPN if you use public Wi-Fi a lot so like libraries hotels coffee shops McDonald's whatever you never know on that Wi-Fi network and you never know how secure it is VPNs are also super useful to access content from outside of your country so like sometimes when you're on YouTube and a video is blocked in your country you can use an IP address from a different country and access that video I use it a lot for Netflix so the UK Netflix is kind of rubbish whereas the u.s. Netflix has everything you guys are so lucky I always use a VPN in America somewhere to go on Netflix and then you get access to all the American Netflix shows like the office us personal favorite of mine but not VPN have been kind enough to give you guys one month free and not only that 70 percent off of your subscription making it just three dollars 49 a month if you go through my link not VPN com /lm are and use the code L&R at checkout that is an insane amount of money 3 dollars 49 a month that is the price of one coffee and if that means that your information is protected online to me that's priceless but yeah thanks again to Nod VPN for sponsoring this video if you do want that in Sandy I'll make sure you going through the link not VPN comm /l mr and using the code Eleonora check out this the only way you will get that deal now like I said at the beginning today we are going to be talking about UK serial killer nicknamed the man in black but before we do I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to talk about is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so this case begins in September of 1995 in Anglesey which is a little island just off the north coast of Wales Henry Roberts was a 56 year old retired railway worker and he didn't really have many friends he didn't have any family left and he only really spent his time either at home alone or at the pub his mother passed away when he was in his late forties and up until that point it has literally just been Henry and his in this house all his life and so suddenly in his late forties his only friend an only remaining family member has passed away and he is left to learn in this house there were a lot of changes going on in his life and while I can't really comment on his mental health and his mental state since I don't know him it really did seem to take a toll on him and he seemed to begin spiraling he retired from his job early he stopped looking after the house the house was so rundown and broken whenever anything would break or need a touch-up or fix up or anything he just wouldn't and so he was living in a very ramshackled cottage he started going to the pub every single day just for some social interaction some human contact and that in turn turned him into an alcoholic because he would drink every single time he went to the pub so nights when he was in the pub he would spend in excess of 100 pounds on just alcohol and he really was deteriorating in front of everyone's eyes no one in the pub really knew him that well but you know they would talk to him when he was in there but they just didn't really care to make friends with him outside of that and even though he was like a loner and a drunk in the 90s those kind of people would have been looked down upon a lot of people wouldn't want to have interacted with them but Henry was quite well well respected still because I think people understood his situation they knew that it wasn't like he'd been an alcoholic all his life he'd never even tried to get a job like he had been a very hard-working man at one point in his life but they knew that he'd been through a lot with losing his mother losing his only friend and that had sent him into this kind of alcoholic spiral but yeah like I said he didn't really do much with his life at all it was part of his daily routine to just wake up sit around the house probably watch some TV or whatever and then go to the pub every evening he would walk to and from the pub it was only like a quarter of a mile away and that was his exercise for the day but in late September of 1995 the regulars at the pub noticed that Henry Roberts hadn't come in for three days which was very very unlike him like I said this was a daily routine every single evening he'd never gone even one day without coming in the pub for the last few years so a couple of the men from the pub decided to go to Henry Roberts his house and just make sure that everything was okay they knew that he was an older guy he lived alone he was an alcoholic maybe he'd fallen or injured himself and wasn't able to get up maybe he needed someone to go and check on it and so these men went to his house but what they found was we're worse than what they were worried about in the first place they walked through the gate and out into the yard close to where the cottage was but before they even got there they saw Henry Roberts his dead body Layton just meters away from his front door covered in blood the men called the police who came down to assess the situation and immediately of course this was not a natural death this was obviously murder in his autopsy it was found that Henry Roberts was stabbed a total of 47 times however an interesting thing that pathologist found was that a lot of these stab wounds were superficial many of them were shallow and in parts of the body that would not cause death like it's morbid to say but if you're gonna stab someone to try and kill them you're probably gonna go for the chest area or the neck are like you know organs you know you know what I mean however a lot of the stab wounds on Roberts his body were carbs and thighs and arms his buttocks as well like in fleshy parts of his body whoever was doing this was training to prolong the murder and cause pain tell Henry Roberts rather than kill him straight away the murderer wasn't doing this to kill they were doing it to cause Pitt killing was probably the end goal considering they did go far enough to kill Henry Roberts they weren't planning on leaving him alive but that's not the only replate the murder is not the only reason they were doing it police also determined that this murder was probably sexually motivated because Henry's body was found laying face down on the ground with his pants pulled down halfway down his legs and like I said his buttocks was stabbed I don't know if that's the only reason that they think it was sexually motivated I don't know if they found anything at the scene like semen or anything like that however police didn't make it public knowledge that they thought that this was a sexually motivated crime all the reports just said murder like a vicious murder they talked about every other part of the murder apart from the police thought it was sexually motivated because they didn't want to scare anyone obviously a murder a very brutal vicious murder is scary enough as it is however sexually motivated killers said very likely to kill again because sexual gratification is something that comes and it goes so they get sexual gratification from killing this person however a couple of days later they want to do it again it's not an urge that is ever completely fulfilled it's something that will come back and so police report this was sexually motivated people are gonna get really scared thinking that this person is going to strike again and because they didn't tell the public that this was sexually motivated I think that's why I can't find why they think you were sexually motivated because I don't know if Henry Roberts or his body after death was actually sexually assaulted or if it was just a sexually motivated crime because with sexually motivated murders there's normally like three categories that you can put the murder in category number one being that the murder was sexually motivated the person killed the other person but once that person was dead they no longer had the sexual urges it was sexual to begin with but then once the person dies they the murderer doesn't want to go through with the sexual acts category number two is when a sexually motivated murder occurs person air kills person B and again once person B is dead person eed doesn't want to go through the sexual acts with this person but they are still sexually aroused and so they take care of themselves you see that quite a bit with sexually motivated murders that were probably planned to be a rip and murder however the person got killed before the murderer had chance to rape them however they still want sexual gratification and so they just do it to themselves after and category three is of course full-blown necrophilia where the person will kill the person and then have sex with the body those three categories by the way and not like binary like there's hundreds of thousands of outcomes from a sexually motivated murder but those three and meant three that you see when someone kills someone but that sexual need has not been met what does the murderer do afterwards to fulfill that sexual urge do they give up do they do to themselves or do they you know commit necrophilia anyway a huge huge tangent but I was basically trying to say that I don't know which of those three happened in this murder with Henry Roberts I don't know if it was category aired B or C and category a B and C are not technical terms by the way that's just how I put it in this video to make it easier to explain so anyway looking for leads and potential murderers absolutely nothing was left at this crime scene which meant that this was going to be a very very hard case to solve there was no murder weapon the I didn't drop anything they didn't leave any clues there was absolutely nothing and so police decided to obviously put this case on the news and ask people to come forward if they had any information and they only really got one useful lead they got tons of leads but they all kind of fizzled out eventually but this one lead was from a guy that said he walked past Henry's house a couple of days before the murder and seen and found in his driveway now Henry Roberts didn't drive he didn't have a van he didn't have any vehicles and like I said he didn't have any friends or family so whose van was this in his house so police began following this van lead but again there's no cameras in the area so that was gonna be really hard to track down but they were trying their best they spoke to everyone in the pub that Henry usually went in but no one knew of anyone that might want to do this to Henry however he was known to collect Nazi memorabilia although I don't know if that was like a generally known fact about Henry among the town or if it was only like his Nazi friends that knew that so police also kind of looked into that however two months after Henry Roberts's murder that investigation was interrupted when a second equally as brutal murder happened five miles away Keith Randle's was a 49 year old Traffic Manager living out of a caravan on a construction site so I believe this was like a traveling job he was just like a Traffic Manager to help with traffic flow on the construction site and he would basically live wherever this job needed him to be on site you know I mean so I don't know if he had any family but at the time of his murder he was living alone in a caravan on the construction site and one morning when the construction workers came to the construction site to stop their work for the day they walked in and found Keith Randle's body stopped to death and covered in blood just again a few meters away from his front door just like Henry Roberts his co-workers called police who came down to the scene and once again straightaway knew that this was a murder and quite a brutal one as well it seemed that they'd been a struggle there was a lot of like misplaced gravel on the ground as if they'd been like a fight and there was blood trailing all over the place mud evidence showed that the attack had started in the doorway of the caravan so police immediately theorized that someone the murderer had come and knocked on Keith's door he'd open the door and immediately the attack began the blood eventually led out into a gravel area in front of Keith's Caravan and like I said gravel was displaced and everything there was blood on so many different parts of this gravel area so the fight had like moved around keith was rarely fighting for his life until eventually it seemed as the Keith had collapsed to the ground and the murderer had left in there to die unfortunately once again there was little to no evidence that police could collect from the crime scene no weapon nothing left by the murderer no clues absolutely nothing and so there began investigating this one by trying to figure out Keith's movements from the night before they found that Keith had actually been out at the pub that night a local pub and had walked home by himself that night he stopped along the way to get some chips and then went back to his Caravan on the construction site and it seemed as though shortly after arriving home this murderer had knocked on the door police spoke with Randall's friends family co-workers people in the pub and again no one could think of anyone that might want to do this to Keith Randle's he was generally very well-liked very well-liked actually he was really quite popular he was known for doing a lot of charity work everyone loved Keith Randle's he would do fundraisers and stew with his friends when they do stupid stuff to like raise money for charities they'd like dress up and I don't know I don't know the different things that they would do but it was all for Laughs and to raise money at the same time Keith and his friends would tick the elderly people from the nursing homes out on courts trips to like the seaside or the city or whatever just he was just a very kind-hearted man and everyone knew that but Keith's favorite thing in the world was his family his family meant everything to him and like I said it was around November time was his murder and he was planning to go to his daughter's house for Christmas and he was really really excited he was such a family man so now police had to separate but very similar murders to solve both were middle-aged older men that had been out drinking that night they'd walked home alone and then after they'd got home they were attacked probably in their doorway so again police appealed on the news for anyone that might know anything about this murder to come forward and they got a very similar lead to the last one on the night of Keith Randle's murder and van had been seen at the entrance to the construction site and on a night at this construction site all the vehicles were like put away they wouldn't just be at the entrance to the construction site so immediately that stuck out to police as well so police were pretty sure that the two murders were linked however they never officially stated that because again they didn't want to scare the public and they couldn't be sure at this point because they had very limited leads however it wouldn't be long until they had a third murder on the hands this time it was about 40 miles away from the previous two murders the last two were on an island called Anglesey now this one was on the coast of North Wales on Pensarn Beach the body was identified as that of 35 year old father of two Anthony Davies better known as Tony Davies it was the 19th of December so very very close to Christmas and on this particular day Tony Davies and his wife had been looking after Tony's elderly aunt somewhere being so close to Christmas Tony's aunt wanted to go to the cemetery to go and see her husband's grave and so Tony and his wife took of that day everything was well until they went to leave the graveyard and Tony's aunt actually fell and broke her leg as they were leaving and so they rushed her to hospital she was treated in everything and 20 spent the whole day in hospital with her she was let out that same day so Tony took her home and everything got a settled in bed and whatever went home to his own family for a couple of hours and then decided he wanted to go back and see his aunt just like one more time before bed to make sure she didn't need anything and so he set off she'd go and visit her about 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. meanwhile his wife puts the kids to bed back at home and she decides to wake up for a husband to return and she's waiting and she's waiting but he's not so much as cold to even let her know that he's got there and Tony's wife understood that the aunt was injured and that she would have needed to Turney and so the wife left it as long as she possibly could trying to be understanding of the situation but still very concerned because this was unlike her husband so she waited until the early hours of the morning and then she thought absolutely not like if Tony would have stayed over that for the night he would have at least called to let her know she called around all of Tony's friends and family however because it was like 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning a lot of them didn't answer because they were asleep however tourneys brother did pick up and so they all went out Tony's wife Jennifer there and I think a friend or two all went out in their cars just looking around the local area for him however they just couldn't find him when they were driving around and they were only getting more and more panicked by the second and so they decided to call the police so a couple of officers went out driving in their cars joined in the search for him and one of them drove past a car park on Pensarn Beach and noticed that this was completely empty of course at 3:00 in the morning apart from one car in the car park so this officer drives in the car park and notices that this car fits the exact description of Tony Davies car this was his car registration plate and all so the officer pulled in and went to go and have a look at this car but Tony wasn't inside however this meant that he couldn't have gone far because he now didn't have a vehicle so he must have been in this kind of immediate area so this officer starts walking around the kind of beachside shops looking in doorways to see if he's asleep looking on benches to see if he's asleep like maybe he just didn't want to go home for some reason or another but still there was no sign of Tony Davies in the area and so to get a better like wider look at the general area this officer jumped up onto the beach wall now I don't know if they have beach walls in like all the countries so let me try and explain so there's the sea and then there's the sand and then there's a beach wall right here so that when the tide comes in it can only go up to this wall like there's houses here they want to protect the houses so this officer jumped up onto the beach wall and he's looking out at the beach and on the sand very very close to the sea he sees a ship like a bundle and immediately his heart sinks so the officer jumps down off this wall and starts walking down the beach towards this bundle but as he's getting closer he realizes that it wasn't a bundle it was a person and this person seemed lifeless the head was towards the sea their feet were towards the beach and this officers like shouting to this person to like get up but they're not moving before the officer could even get halfway to this body all the cars begin pulling into the car park because of course as soon as he realized that that was Tony's car in the car park he informed everyone else so that they could all meet up at this location because it seemed as though Tony was in that area so cars begun arriving and this one particular car swerves into the car park and man jumps out of the car starts running towards the beach and the his Chinese brother and he's shouting to this officer to turn his torch on turn his torch on so that they can all see this body and when the officer did that was when he realized that they were looking at the dead body of his brother Anthony Davis and just like with the other murders it was immediately clear that this was not a natural death this was obviously murder because the tide was coming in the officers had to move the body away from the sea ideally they try not to torture body because it's a crime scene and you know evidence might be on it and stuff they try not to contaminate it however the scene would have contaminated the body more than their fingerprints would and so the officers grabbed 20 Davis by the feet and began like dragging his body upwards of the beach to get him away from the tide and when they did his jumper rode up and exposed so many stab wounds on his torso and just like with Keith Randle's it was very clear that Tony Davis had put up a fight with his murderer all the pebbles on the beach was displaced and there was blood in like quite a big area showing that this this kind of altercation had moved around a lot so normally with murders like this police will ask the family like if they know of anyone that might want to hurt the victim of course they did that with this case as well they do it with every single one because you know it could lead to a big lead however police with this one were pretty sure that this was a random attack this probably wasn't someone that knew Tony Davis or had planned to kill him anywhere the other two Henry Roberts and Keith Randle's murders could have easily been planned because they were killed while they were carrying out their daily routine Henry walked home from the pub every day and Randall's probably walked home from the pub a couple nights a week someone could have easily stopped the other two men worked out their patterns and then you know figured out a good time to kill them however with Tony Davies he wasn't supposed to be walking along the beach that night as Tony's aunt not got injured that day and not broken her leg that day he wouldn't have been walking along the beach because he wouldn't have gone to see her that evening it seemed as the attorney Davies was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and someone was looking to kill someone on the beach that night and it just happened to be turning it's a mystery still to this day why Tony Davies was on the beach because the beach wasn't on the way to his aunt's house he didn't have like for some reason he parked his car in the car park and then went and walked on this beach none of his family know why he did that no one knows why he did that maybe he was just stressed and wanted to go for a walk or something however this isn't entirely shocking to hear of an attack on Pensarn Beach they'd actually been several in the years before this very similar attacks on that particular part of beach the beach itself but also more specifically the public toilets on the beachfront because these public toilets specifically the men's ones were a very well-known gay hook-up place meeting place men would go to the toilets meet other men in the toilets and they would hook up there however in the past couple of years they'd been quite a few attacks in those toilets on gay men and there were rumors among all these young men about who was committing these attacks the most popular of which was that it was the man in black which is what they called him the man in black was a very tall white man who wore all black of course black t-shirt on grey t-shirt black tie and normally a black leather jacket and police did know about several attacks that took place on the beach and in those public toilets however they were very aware that there were probably even more attacks that just hadn't been reported because like I said these attacks were taking place in a gay meetup spot and many young men in the 1990s in a very small town in Wales did not feel comfortable or safe coming out and so if they were attacked while hooking up with a member of the same sex they were too scared to go to police and report that in case the family found out that they would get and so police were very aware that there were probably more attacks than what they knew about and don't take this as me accusing Tony Davies of going to cheat on his wife that night that's absolutely not what I'm saying like I said no one knows why he was at the beach that night and there was obviously no one else there considering there was only one car in the car park so it seems unlikely to me that he was going to meet a man so I don't know to me it seems as though he was just going for a walk and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time not only that there but if the Keith Randle's murder was connected to the Tony Davies murder Keith also wasn't believed to have been gay at the time of course he could have been closeted but I really don't think he was however Henry Roberts the first murder was rumored to have been gay although he never came out he was never officially out so of course we don't know but a lot of people in the town did think that he was which makes a lot of people think that maybe Henry Roberts was the first murder on purpose like maybe the murderer knew Henry Roberts from a previous hooker and knew that his daily routine was walking home from the pub every night and so the murderer was thinking about committing murder for the first time and knew that Henry would have been an easy target anyway going off on a tangent there I was talking about the attacks on the beach and in the toilets now this man in black that would commit these attacks left survivors of course he left these men still living he didn't use any weapons it was all just him with his bare hands however they were sexually motivated because after he would attack these people he would masturbate over them and leave semen at the scene at least three of these victims from the attacks were so brutally beaten that they were looking to survive one of them was even left with lasting brain damage that put him in a nursing home for the rest of his life from like his young adulthood police couldn't work out whether this attacker this man in black was attacking people because they were gay because that didn't seem to be a definite pattern or if he was just attacking men that were easy to get Tony Davies was on the beach alone Keith Randle's had just gotten into his Caravan on a construction site alone Henry Roberts had returned home drunk and alone maybe the attacks on the men in the toilets weren't strictly because they were gay but maybe because they were closeted and they probably wouldn't tell anyone if they went to hook up with a man but instead that man attacked them they wouldn't want to admit that they were going to meet a man for that reason in the first place perhaps the man in black was geared himself and he was a part of this community and so he knew the men that weren't out and so you would target those ones specifically because he knew that they wouldn't go to the police but yeah like I've said a million times police believe that there were way more attacks than what they actually knew about and that they had officially you know reported and so to try and get around that and to try and get a little bit more information on this man in black police decided to set up an anonymous call line so that these gay men could call this phone number give any information that they might have on this man in black but police didn't have to know who they were so they could tell these stories about hookups and things like that without having to come out and suddenly as soon as that phone line was set up they had so many more men come forward and said that they'd been attacked by the man in black one man in particular told police that he had been on Pensarn Beach one day he was approached by the man in black and they were flirting for a while and then this man asks the young man if he wants to come back to his house and this young man says yes this story might get a little bit confusing so I'm gonna call the caller young man and the murder of the man in black so the young man and the man in black get in this bound together and they go back to the man in blacks house and as soon as they get there the man in black attacks the young man the young man luckily manages to escape and he was quite frankly very plus to lose in his life he was so brutally beaten however he never ended up going to police about this because he wasn't out to his family but now finally in this anonymous call he was able to give police a description of the van of the house that he was taken to a description of the man in black himself so police follow this young man's directions to this house and they arrived a huge white house named Darlington house and immediately as soon as they got there the officers knew that they were on the right track these police officers recognized Darlington house as belonging to a local business owner named Peter ma and Peter MA very much fit the description of the man in black he was tall he was white he was gay he always wore black black shirts black ties black leather jackets but he wasn't an intimidating man in fact he was a very popular very well-liked man he was like I said a business owner he owned four different old cinemas in the whole of North Wales and these old cinemas were ones that ran on film and that kind of industry that old cinema industry was dying out in the 90s and pizza ma was the one to kind of resurrect that industry in the north of Wales and everyone loved him for it it kept like a little bit of classic charm to the area he was known as a local celebrity he was very kind he was friendly he was easygoing Pizza even set up like a kids club every Saturday morning at the cinema he would screen like a cartoon film like a kid's film and parents could bring their children they'd get free snacks as part of the like kids club deal and all the kids loved him they used to call him uncle Pete he was a very well respected man in the town and it seemed unlikely that he would even commit one attack never mind several attacks and three murders however as the police were sat outside in their car looking at Darlington house they began to piece together all the very obvious pieces of evidence that have been in front of their face the whole time not only did he fit the description of a tall white man that wore all black clothing and a black leather jacket he was also rumored to be gay he also drove a van if you remember a bomb had been spotted at the first two murder scenes however police had been unable to track this van or its driver until now so a few days before Christmas in 1995 police set out to go an arrest Peter more based on this kind of circumstantial evidence that they had he seemed like the most likely suspect and so police went out to try and find him and they were going in groups rather than alone or in twos they were going as full groups of officers because they were scared because Peter Moore was a potentially very dangerous man that had attacked multiple times eventually they found him driving down a road in his van and so they pulled him over and arrested him and surprisingly enough Peter just went with it he never even asked why he was being arrested he didn't put up any kind of fight he just let them take him so while police were taking him to the station for questioning they also got out other teams of police officers to go and search both his house and his van on the side of the road and one of the first things they found in his van was like a big gym bag on the passenger seat and when they looked through this bag they found a knife but it doesn't even end there this knife wasn't just any knife the knife still had blood on it but that was just the beginning of the case against Peter Moore as police began searching his home and looking into him and everything they found piles upon piles of evidence but before we get into that I just want to give a little bit of a background on Peter Moore and his childhood I'm sorry for that cliffhanger but it kind of had to be done so Pizza Howard Moore was born on September 14 1946 to Ernie and Edith Moore the family lived in Swansea until Pizza was around ten years old and then they moved to the north coast of Wales specifically a place called Kenmore bed finally ended up building their own house and it was a huge gorgeous white house the biggest in the area at that time and they named it Darlington house and that is where Peter would live for the rest of his life he never moved out of Darlington house Peter MA always had a passion for film and cinema and you know just making movies just that make sense he would always be filming his family doing very like mundane things like cooking or gardening or whatever he just loved to like film things and create a film so it makes sense that he would eventually grow up to resurrect the cinema industry in North Wales he came from a very wealthy family the Moors were very wealthy very highly respected in that area like I said they built their own house and it was the biggest house or at least one of the biggest houses in that area in North Wales and psychologists have since said that this gave Pizza marv very early on a sense of superiority a false sense of superiority he thought that he was better than every other child at his school because he was richer he had a bigger house and he thought it was too good to be friends with the poorer children and for that exact reason he never really had many friends growing up he was quite a loner although he didn't seem too upset about it because like I said he had this superiority complex he thought it was too good for other people from a very early age Peter Maher was quite effeminate and when he was a child he probably didn't even know his own sexuality yet so no one else knew his sexuality yeah his father assumed that he was gay not only was this in a very homophobic time it was like the 50s and 60s but it was also still illegal at that point to be gay in Britain and so there was even a lot of internalized homophobia within the gay community itself gay men didn't like or the gay men they liked refused to be gay even though they were and Peter's father assumed that his son was gear from a very very early age Peter himself probably didn't even know what his sexuality was at this point but his father was convinced that he was gay and he hated Peter for a he was very homophobic towards him and there were a lot of rumors of abuse and violence behind closed doors you have to remember that this was a very respectable family so they never let that kind of leak into into that image they had to steer the respectable Moore family on the outside but then on the inside it was rumored that that was going on and possibly due to this or maybe even just due to hormones in general he was a teenage boy Peter ma had occasional violent outbursts and notice I said the word occasional because I actually don't know how often these were I don't know if it was an unusually high amount of violent outbursts that would have been worrying that would have been an early warning sign or if he just had like a normal amount of violent outbursts normal is not the right word to use but I don't know how to win this teenage boys and you know two teenagers in general I'm known for violent outbursts because they don't know how to deal with anger yeah so there's all these hormones going on and they're getting angry about real things for the first time and teenagers are known said like punch walls or throw things or start fights because they don't know how to deal with that anger inside just yet so join me that was Peter Moore and it was kind of just you know growing up and Hartman's and every other boy in the 60s would have been doing that same kind of thing oh if it was a genuine red flag that people missed that he was showing signs of being a genuinely violent person as Peter grew up he got more and more into filmmaking he was really passionate about making these little movies at home by himself and the star of these films quickly became his mother he absolutely adored his mother naturally he was more of a mummy's boy because he didn't get on with his father at all and his mother really was the complete opposite of his father she absolutely adored Peter she thought that she couldn't have children because she'd been trying for a long long time and it just wasn't happening so then finally when she was pregnant with Peter she called him her miracle child her miracle baby but she wasn't soft on him by any means she was still quite strict she was still she was quite a good mother from what I have been able to tell in my research she was just a nice mixture of loving and affectionate and you know actually being a mother and being quite strict and teaching him things it was very much kind of like Norman Bates from psycho kind of vibes because he was an absolute mommy boy would have done absolutely anything for his mother and she was quite not controlling of him but she definitely could get what she wanted from him if she wanted it you know what I mean like she could easily manipulate her son because he was so obsessed with her mom's parents like I said were quite wealthy and they earned this money from running a hardware shop on the ground floor of Darlington House they converted the whole bottom of it into like a hardware store where they'd sell like gardening tools and drills and you know hardware things and eventually as Peter Moore got older he started working this in the shop as well however it was mainly pizzas father that ran the whole shop he was really quite good at running this shop and so he would barely see his family unless they were working with him because he'd be in that shop for however many hours a dear he was like the driving force behind the whole thing not only was his relationship with his son horrendous but he also wasn't that affectionate with his wife either Peter's mother and it wasn't that much of a family Peter and his mother shared a bond but it didn't seem as though Peter's father shared a bond with either Peter or his mother it was like the father was the master of the house and he earned his wife and his son but he didn't really have any connection to either of them and it was only made worse when his father would drink and it anymore would drink a lot he used to be in the military so that compared with drinking a lot like he was he was quite a tough man quite a scary man and he would get rather intimidating when he was drinking when the tomorr was in his forties his father passed away leaving him and his mother to live in Darlington house alone and bring this hardware shop and like I said Ernie was the driving force behind this hardware shop and without him people recall it just falling apart pizza just didn't have what it took to run this shop he couldn't keep on top of stock he wasn't a good salesperson he wasn't able to sell as many units as his father could and sir in a desperate attempt to be able to sell more things he diversified the stock so whereas before it used to be a hardware store where they sold particular things Pizza decided to get in a bunch of different things in hopes of someone coming in the shop and at least finding one thing that they needed so pizza got in like kettles and hats and shirts and stickers however the hardware store in Darlington House didn't seem as though it could support but more family anymore and so Peter began setting up different business ventures he decided to convert one of the upstairs rooms into a disco and they would have a disco night every week however that didn't last too long because the neighbors complained about the noise he set up like a gas delivery service for people that would run out of gas he would like take it to them however that didn't last too long either older in his spare time Peter was still really really passionate about filmmaking and cinema and stuff and so to try and get out of the house a little bit and maybe make friends for the first time in his life he decided to join a club and they would go there every week and discuss and watch films particularly horror films and there he met a man that on a local cinema and back then cinemas were quite like old it was very typical like film cinema so they were literally they tape the film and like put it in a thing and project it onto a wall and this man was saying to pizza like yeah I own this cinema but I don't think it's gonna last much longer like this industries day now all these bigger ones are coming up and stuff and you know he just didn't expect the business to stay afloat for much longer and Peter at this point didn't have anything else to lose he was desperately looking for another business venture and that mixed with his passion for filmmaking he couldn't bear to see this cinema you know die go under go bankrupt or whatever and so Peter mob bought this cinema from this man and refurbished the whole thing put new seats in got new up-to-date fresh films in and everything and within a matter of weeks this cinema had regular customers again it was a brand new thing and everyone in the town was really excited and this led to Peter invest in in three more cinemas in the area eventually bringing in 1,200 customers per week into these tiny little independent cinemas which is huge for the 90s it wasn't a huge money-making industry of course it cost quite a lot of money to operate these cinemas and to buy all these new films in and stuff like that but Peter didn't mind it wasn't a money-making thing for him just as long as he could make enough money to live and to keep Darlington house and to support his mother he was just happy you know working in the cinema however behind the scenes of all of this the film screenings the children's clubs everything like that pizza mall was becoming very lonely he was a gay man but he was too scared to come out and he didn't want to lose his mother's love because that was the only really good thing that he still had in his life and he was scared that if his mother found out that he was gay she would stop loving him and so he kept that to himself but because he was keeping that to himself he couldn't get a boyfriend and he couldn't bring men round to the house and he couldn't you know start a relationship and start a family and whatever and all of this kind of frustration about really want in a relationship not being able to have one led to him join in other sorts of film groups if you know what I mean he really got into x-rated films and BDSM films and things like that however the BDSM thing was something that he really struggled to fulfill in his life so like think of it this way this soon as this many gay men in the north of Wales this many of them were out of the closet and even less of that will have been into the same kind of sexual things that Peter Moore was into so he really struggled to find someone in real life that had the same kind of interest as him to fulfill this urge he did manage to find people every now and again and when he did he would bring them back to Darlington house when his mother was in bed or when his mother was you know doing something his mother couldn't know and there they would make their own kind of x-rated films however he didn't find men very often that we're into the same things as him and so this frustration only built and built and it was an urge that he just couldn't fulfill and so he began thinking that if no one was willing to give it to him he would have to go and take it without consent and one day one evening Peter Moll was walking down the road when he walked past a man who was on his way home from the pub he was very very drunk he was stumbling around the place and something just came over Peter and he attacked this man he started beating him Pizza ma knocked this man out so he was like collapsed on the floor he was unconscious and then Peter masturbated over his body and that kind of satisfied beverage for a violent sex life just for that amount of time and he finally realized that he could go out and satisfy this urge alone he didn't have to wait to find a man that was also interested in that kind of thing and so he started doing this more and more he would go out to pants on beach and there's public toilets on Pensarn Beach an attack men and then in 1994 a year before the murders Peter Mars mother Edith passes we're and while he is of course devastated that's his only friend his only family member the only real sort of social contact that he has she is gone but that also means that he can now live his life authentically he can be a gay man he could finally bring men back to the house and do whatever he wanted in the house he didn't have to hide this anymore and he was finally living life on his own terms in his 50s for along with this kind of increased sexual freedom he was now becoming himself the violence was also increasing on top of that he still had that same issue that he couldn't find a partner that was interested in the same things as him just because he was out of the closet now didn't mean that everyone else was so if he still struggled to find someone to do these kind of things conceptually with him but at least when he did find them on a rare occasion he didn't have to hide that and it just so happened that when his mother passed away Pizza started having several other problems all at the same time everything began piling on top of them he was having financial issues he almost had to sell one of the cinemas he had to convert one of them into like a general merchandise shop just to kind of keep money coming in and to stay afloat he now also had to get used to living in this huge house alone for the past 50 years he'd been living with his mother looking after her he had someone that looked him there 24/7 but now it must have felt so empty and so lonely he didn't have any social contact anymore and please believe that in order to distract himself from his financial issues and from his loneliness and in order to give himself some control over his life again Peter mob began his killing spree he began dressing in all black he would wear a shirt and a black tie and a black leather jacket that was when that begun and he began attacking men in different places as well on pens on beach in the toilets he would attack random men that he will on nights out a lot of them were drunk and they were walking home from the pull bar whatever because they were easy targets they weren't gonna fight him back and up until this point all of Peters attacks had been just with his bands he hadn't ever used a weapon but then in September of 1995 on his birthday he decided to go out and buy himself a hunting knife and within days of buying this hunting knife Peter Markham it's his first murder however police now have pizza Mart in custody they've arrested him they found the knife in his car he seems very suspicious he fits the description of the man in black yeah he's denying any involvement with these three murders but during a search of his home police found plenty of information to connect him with the murders of Tony Davies Henry Roberts and Keith Randle's they found Tony Davies caught hanging up on a hook downstairs in Peters house just in the open they also found a lot of camera footage from the construction site where Keith Randle's lived and was murdered pizza also had a swastika flag in his house that he'd taken from the scene of Henry Roberts's murder and this was a general theme with Peter MA he liked to take trophies from his murders and from his attacks even when he would just attack these men on the side of the road he would like take their wallet or their watch or something like that and it wasn't even for like monetary gain he wasn't he didn't steal the money out of the wallet he would take genuine like possessions from these people so that he could keep them around and look at them and like relive the attack in his head when he owned the cinemas he would often go up to his employees and be like oh look what I found when I was cleaning up the cinema and these employees would be really like annoyed because the amount of times that they've cleaned the cinema and they've never found a watch they've never found a wallet his employees just thought it was really looking for coming across these watches on the floor when they never had but it turns out that they weren't watches that he'd found on the floor of the cinema there were the things that he was stealing from his Vic and he was taking them to the cinema and showing them to his employees so police found a lot of like genuine evidence to connect him to these crimes but alongside that they also just found a lot of general BDSM gear x-rated films they also found a lot of like German costume gear he was very clearly a Nazi another thing that police noticed as they were searching this house was that there were a lot of blood spatters on the walls of the bedroom and now at first this really concerned them because it seemed as though this was the scene of a murder but there wasn't enough blood for it to be the scene of a murder so as they continued looking around his house they noticed as part of his like BDSM gear he had a lot of whips and these whips had blood on them so it seemed as the the people that had been using them on had bled because used them to round and then alongside all of this alongside always like you know violin gear swastikas everywhere there was also just a lot of like cuddly toys and blankets and stuff it seemed like such a weird house to live in and on top of all of that his mother had been passed away for about five years at this point his mother's bedroom was still intact it hadn't been touched it hadn't been moved the bed was still made anywhere back at the police station police presented all of the evidence that they had to P Tamar they had Tony Gabi's cup they had Henry Roberts swastika some camera footage from Keith Randle's a--'s Caravan and they just presented it all and they said look like we've got you you might as well confess but P Tamar still denied having any connection to the murders but then a few days later in the early hours of the morning in an unexpected turn of events Pizza Moore requested to have a meeting with police so he sits down with police at like 3:00 in the morning and there he confesses to a bunch of attacks the three murders that they were accusing him of but also another they hadn't even connected to him yet but before we talk about this fourth murder I just want to give you the other three that we know about from Peter Mars point of view because up until now they've just been found in a body they didn't know like the sequence of events that led up to that so this is what Peter MA has said about those now a lot of people theorized that Peter MA actually knew Henry robbers prior to the murder that was the first murder that he committed and this isn't confirmed Peter hasn't confirmed it but a lot of people think would see kind of Nazi memorabilia and they were both gay men a lot of people think that maybe Peter knew Henry knew that he lived alone knew that he was an alcoholic knew that he walked home from the pub everyday and so if Peter did know Henry it seemed as though Henry would have been an easy target for a first murder when the Peter knew Henry or not is a mystery I'm not gonna like spend too much time on that however what Peter did tell police now this bit is confirmed Peter said that in the days running up to Henry Roberts as murder he had been stalking Roberts he'd been following him home from the pub every single night just to make sure that he was going home alone and that he lived alone and that he was drunk every single night when he was walking home just making sure that when he finally did decide to attack him he'd be able to plan and that was when this witness had seen the van in Henry Roberts his driveway that was Peter Mars van and Peter was probably parked there just watching him go into his house and making sure that he didn't leave afterwards just getting his routine down and then on one particular night Peter more dressed in all black as he normally did got in his van and stalked Henry Roberts home from the pub one last time he parked in the driveway and watched Henry Roberts go down his yard and into his house and he waited until Henry was in there and he was probably settled and then Peter came and knocked on the door when Henry opened the door Peter didn't even say or do anything he just began stabbing him Henry Roberts probably put up the least amount of a fight out of all of the murder victims because he was very very drunk next was the murder of Keith Randle's Peter Maher again had stalked him home from the pub watched him go and buy his chips and watched him walk back to the construction site waited until he got into his Caravan and then Marv went and knocked on the door this time however he started stabbing him he didn't say anything to him and Keith Randle's was putting up way more of a fight than Henry Roberts and more started to panic a little bit and this time Peter Mark told police that Randall's was pleading for his life he was saying like why are you doing this to me and Peter was saying to him because I can't as for the third murder of Tony Davies like I said before I think Tony was just in the wrong place at the wrong time he was just walking along the beach when Peter MA happened to be there maybe he was waiting to kill someone on the beach or at the toilets that day he spotted turning alone and acted now as for the fourth murder this one actually took place between Henry Roberts and Keith Randle's so this was actually the second murder that Peter Ma ever committed Peter told police to get him a map and when they did he pointed to a specific place a specific woods where he had taken this man stabbed him to death and then buried him in a shallow grave this time it was 28-year old Edward Cathy a man that Peter MA had met at a gay bar some miles away from his house like quite a way away Peter said that it was Edward that approached him first and they were talking and flirting and dancing all night until Peter asked him to come back to his house Darlington house so they got in Peters van and they started driving back to Darlington house but like I said it was some miles away this was a long journey and Edward Kathy actually fell asleep in the van and at this point P Tamar was thinking there's no point in taking him all the way up to Darlington house just to then try and dispose of the body so he decided to pull over in warm woods on the way home and just kill him that but this time Peter was playing a lot more mind games with his victims then the other ones that he'd committed like I said Edward was asleep in the bath and so Peter locked the doors on the van and then woke up Edward Cathy and Edward was trying to get out of the van but cast the dogs were locked and so he was panicking because he couldn't get out Peter then got out the knife from his like side pocket on his car door and began playing with this knife and telling any wood Cathy that he was going to kill him and the whole time Edward couldn't get out of the dog eventually Peter dragged Edward Cathy out of the van and just like with the other murders he began stabbing him but not in the most efficient places to kill him he wanted to prolong this murder just like with the other ones he would stab him on the arms and on the legs and in the stomach but never like up by the heart where it would kill him straight away he then decided to bury Edward Cathy's body just in the woods somewhere in a shallow grave he then got back in his van drove back to Darlington house and carried on like nothing had happened and had Peter Moore not confessed to that fourth murder of Edward Cathy his body would have probably never been found and that murder would have never been solved he would have still been an unsolved disappearance to this death and I think pizza Mar liked having that power he liked that he was the one to tell them police weren't the one to catch him for that murder at least he was the one to give himself up he kept the control everything was about power with Peter more probably because he felt so powerless growing up with his father a lot of people have theorized that he attacked men because they symbolized his father and also because his father was homophobic towards him that made Peter himself internally homophobic and it him here gear men as well and so a lot of people believe that is why you targeted men Peter Maher just liked being infamous he liked being a brutal serial killer and he would often like read articles on himself and if these journalists ever got anything wrong in the articles or if they were using the same pictures over and over again Peter would write to them and say oh you've got this bit wrong let me correct you he is a more up-to-date picture for you and when the trial began when Peter was being escorted like from the prison to the car and then from the car to the courthouse he was loving the media attention and all the cameras and all the reporters he would smile in the pictures make like scary faces he would hold up his hands in the handcuffs as if it was like a trophy so now police had a lot of evidence a confession a very promising suspect it seemed as though this was going to be a super super easy trial but nothing could be that straightforward for PETA MA nothing could be that straightforward in a true crime if ever canon Peter MA decided to call a second meeting with police again in the early hours of the morning which was empower technique for him as well he wasn't going to do things on police his time he was going to do things when he wanted so he called the second meeting with police and he sat there and he retracted his confession he said that he never committed any of those four murders and the person that actually did it was his accomplice named Jason of course police had to look into this by law because if he was telling the truth there was an uncaught murderer out there one cop it was a murderer out there that was on the loose so police had to look into it but they didn't believe him at all they knew that he'd done this there was plenty of evidence to say that he'd done this but they had to look for this Jason however of course they didn't find a single connection to any Jason like they couldn't even find a connection between Peter and any person called Jason never mind the murders and a person called Jason it was a desperate clutch at straws from he de ma to just kind of prolong his trial and I try and excite the media again he liked being in control but police believe that Jason was actually inspired by one of Peter Mars favorite horror films Friday the 13th where the main character or at least the killer in those films is Jason it wasn't even a good attempt trying to throw a police off his trail like if you're going to invent a different serial killer that has supposedly committed your medes make it realistic don't nearly after a fictional serial killer from a really popular movie anyway the court trial apart from whatever that was that he just tried to do the court trial went very smoothly and it went exactly as expectant Peter Moll was found guilty of all four counts of murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole he will be in prison for the rest of his life and one rather interesting fact about Peter Moore in prison he actually made a friend but not just any friend a serial killer friend have you heard of Harold Shipman the serial killer let me know if you want to see a video on Harold Shipman he was actually nicknamed dr. death or the angel of death because he was a doctor that was a serial killer and killed a lot of patients and Harold Shipman's victim tall is believed to be anywhere up to 250 victims so let me know if you want to see that well yeah that completes this kiss thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up down below and subscribe if you want to see some more like this I do to crime videos like this all the time again thank you so so 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,481,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale 2, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, peter moore, the man in black, serial killer, nordvpn, vpn, bbc, itv, podcast, crime watch daily, dateline, killer, missing, disappearance, criminally listed, creepypasta, top 10, buzzfeed, henry roberts, keith randles, edward carthy, tony davies, men in black, man in black, serial killer documentary, true crime podcast, case, peter, moore, moor
Id: QTnFSsGe6qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 50sec (3950 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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