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so today's video is going to be a true-crime video and today is the start of a brand new earth themed week on my channel if you new around here every month on my channel I do a themed true-crime week so every single day for a week I will do a true-crime video every single day and they will all have a theme and this month's theme is April abductions but this kiss doesn't really fit the theme and I'm sorry about that this video was actually supposed to be up yesterday because my regular schedule is Wednesdays and Sundays for true-crime videos however I didn't manage to get this video finished in time for yesterday so it's going up to day instead so technically my themed week starts tomorrow and it will run until Monday so normally it would run Monday to Sunday but this time it's Tuesday to the following Monday however you get in a video today so it's technically like eight days of true-crime videos this week so I'm making up for it a little bit but yeah make sure you subscribe to my channel if that sounds like something that you want to be involved in make sure you've got my notifications obviously never miss a video and also I just want to say that I would recommend following me on Twitter it'll be on the screen right now you don't have to that's not me trying to say like follow me on Twitter but if there's ever any problems during this week if ever I'm gonna blood later than usual or if for some reason there's no video which I'm hoping will not happen but if that does have to happen then that will be where I'll let you guys know I will tweet out about it so if you do want updates make sure you follow me on Twitter that being said today's video is a very very requested kiss on my channel I get requests to do this kiss on every single video I ever uploaded for a fact that this one is one that you guys have wanted to see for a long time so today we are going to be talking about the so ax murders here the murders of Holly and Jessica before I get into this video I just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this is all just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so Jessica Aimee Chapman was born on the 1st of September 1991 and memory wells was born on the 4th of October 1991 and both girls were 10 years old and they were from Cambridgeshire in England the two girls were best friends they went to the same school they did everything together they lived really close to each other in a town called soem in Cambridgeshire which is why these murders are also known as the solar murders both girls were huge Manchester United fans Manchester United Football Club and they both actually had match in Manchester United team shirts which they just so happened to be wearing on the day when they went missing the day the girls went missing was Sunday the 4th 2002 they were at a family barbecue at Halle Wales's house and it was just a normal kind of summer day around 6:15 p.m. that day the girls decided that they were gonna walk to the local shop and buy some sweets but they never actually told Holly's parents or anyone for that matter where they were going or that they would even leave in and they would never return home around 8:30 p.m. Holly's parents realized that they hadn't seen or heard from the girls for a while and so they decided to go up to Holly's bedroom just to check on them see what was going on and when they got there they went in Holly's room so they searched the house wondering where the girls where and that was when they realized that they were missing after searching the kind of local area like parks playgrounds places where they might have gone they couldn't find them anywhere and so Holly's parents phone the police at 9:45 that night to report the girls as missing so police responded right away and the next mornin the story was already on the news where the girls were being described as white four foot six ish and slim and the photo that was used of both girls was one taken that day at the family barbecue where they were both wearing those matching Manchester United shirts so am the town where the girls lived was a very tiny town but it also had like a huge sense of community everyone knew each other and so most people knew these girls that had gone missing or at least knew their parents and so when the news broke that these two little girls from Salim were missing people volunteered in their hundreds so many people wanted to help find these girls three different police units were out searching for the girls among volunteers in their hundreds it was already a huge investigation on the first year and 24 hours after the girl's disappearance the police made their first public appeal on the news their disappearance is incredibly out of character they haven't been missing before very well balanced very bright young girls as far as we can tell they're taking no change of clothing and no money so as you say it's quite out of character in soand the girls lived near a lot of kind of fields Meadows wooded area type things just big vast areas and so the police's first kind of thought was maybe they'd gone on a walk gone into one of these wooded areas on meadows and just gotten lost and not been able to find their way back police tried to track Jessica Chapman's mobile phone but it was 2002 and technology isn't like it is now and so they couldn't really trace it to a specific area they just kind of traced it to so um in general the day after the girl's disappearance both of their parents made a public appeal on the news for the girls returned Polly and Jessica's primary school st. Andrew's primary was turned into a kind of Investigation base if you will so like police could report back there because there were so many different units from so many different kind of areas they could all report back to this school to either give information I'll receive information volunteers could go there for an update it was just it was a base so a woman from a nearby village had reported seeing the two girls walking in front of her window on the morning after their disappearance someone else also reported seeing a suspicious white van ten miles away from soem which was seized by police and searched but neither of these two leads ever really brought anything back on the 9th of August it's been five days since the girl's disappearance and they still weren't found and so a local sports center was looking through the CCTV seeing if there was anything on there and sure enough the girls had actually visited there on the day of their disappearance so in immediate police there it was maybe the girls were meeting someone there and maybe they'd plan to meet someone that they'd met in an online chat room but as quickly as this theory was made it was also ruled out local taxi driver in the Solem area also came forward to say that he had seen a green car struggling with two children and driving erratically in soem on the evening of the girl's disappearance he said that this green car had driven into an estate in a town called Newmarket and so the police believed that this was a pretty big lead and so they made it public putting it on the news and stir the night that that lead was made public a man walking his dog just outside of Newmarket alerted police to two mounds of Earth on the side of the road fearing that these two mounds of Earth could be the girls in shallow graves the police came out immediately to search these two mounds but they found that there were just bad jabiru ins and the words are absolutely no trace of the girls anywhere near meanwhile police further up in the country came up with their own theory that maybe the girl's disappearance was linked to an attempted abduction the year before in 2001 a six-year-old girl somehow managed to get away from her attacker who was threatening to abduct her threatening to kill her and this guy was driving a green car and he was never caught the same man was also believed to have been following a 12 year old girl home one day also in a green car but this was never confirmed to have been the same Mancos obviously he wasn't identified ever so you can't be sure that there was a certain man booked green car following little girls and the 15th of August after the girl's disappearance Sky News did a segment where there retraced Holly and Jessica steps on that day as part of this they interviewed the last person believed to have seen Holly and Jessica before their disappearance a man named Ian Huntley he only was a caretaker at local school not Holly and Jessica school but one very close however he lived with his girlfriend Maxine Carr who did work at Holly and Jessica's school and she was their teacher Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr lived very close to the shop where the girls were going that day to buy some sweets and Ian Huntley actually saw the girls 6:15 p.m. the timeline on that Sunday night the fourth of August puts the girls here we know they've been to the Sports Center just across the road a few minutes before to buy some sweets and were carrying on walking how do we know they were here at 6:50 well we have an eyewitness in Huntley here's a familiar figure bien Huntley had come forward right at the beginning of the investigation like as soon as he found out that these girls were missing he came forward to police to say that he'd seen them leaving that shop at 6:15 p.m. that day I stood on the front doorstep grooming my dog down she'd run away and come back a bit of a mess and they just came across an ask Thomas car was a shear citation in the st. Andrews my decision were very good a shared and got the job and the justice police tell her that were very sorry and off the walked in the direction of the the library over there and that was the last kind of definite sighting of Holly and Jessica before their supposedly left and set off back home you may as it turned out being the last person to actually chat to them before they vanished yeah that's missed things like Maxine car Ian Huntley's girlfriend and Holly and Jessica's teacher also gave a TV interview nervous if any body at the kind to everybody and I love the family is never seen which is why nobody believes that they would ever went away this is something to keep for the rest of my life living its what Holly gave me on the last day she was very upset that's kind of girl she was late the Maxie's interview finished up and she went off home and then one of the members of the crew that was interviewing Maxine noticed something weird about that interview my producer said just play that tape again I'm sure she was talking about the girls in the past tense there was very close to it all their family and that's kind of girl she was we thought that's strange and that certainly got our alarm bells ringing police then began thinking after this weird interview that maybe Maxine knew a little bit more than she was letting on this paired with her boyfriend Ian Holm plays weird almost obsession with the case he was always wanted to be interviewed both by police and like TV crews he was always at the forefront of investigations he was always out searching and it all just seemed kind of weird Ian Huntley didn't know these two girls the time that he spoke to him on their way home from the shop was the only time he'd ever spoken to these girls and so it was all just weird that he had this weird interest Maxine was talking like this it was all just kind of suspicious it's a common place from now for the police to take an intense interest in bystanders and on lookers at crime scenes it's true an arson mystery murder that I always look at who volunteers to search for a body often the perpetrator is among the searches because they want to admire their own handiwork on top of that if that wasn't weird enough he just was the last person to have ever seen them so we were starting to think wow these two people really could be involved in something to do with these girls they're close enough to it they've clearly aroused police suspicions at this day so on the 16th of August 12 days after the girl's disappearance Ian Huntley and Maxine car were taken to separate police stations for questioning in that question in the two of them said that they would just hum together that night that they were just having a normal night and somehow that was a good enough alibi to let them both go after seven hours of questioning like the sky news reporter had found out that the two of them were in for questioning and so when they got out he called Maxine for an update what happened how are you sir we're fine I can't tell you anything about it but it's all alright hundley then grab the phone offer and I guess wanted to end the conversation quick please the police of let us go nothing going on thanks a lot thanks ring bye so before we get much further into the story I just want to give you a little bit of background on Ian Huntley and Maxine car Ian Huntley was born in Grimsby in England just a little bit north of soem in 1974 making him 28 at the time he had a pretty rough childhood he was relentlessly bullied by children all the way through school and he never really had any friends so I think this created a bit of a sense of shame in Ian Hanley something that is often at the root of a lot of men like in in terms of what they go on to do so he started off as as somebody who was always the kid that was a bit odd the odd one out that the one who's a bit of a loner in December of 1994 he met an eighteen-year-old girl called Claire Evans and they had what can only be described as a whirlwind romance and the two of them were married within two weeks of meeting each other his wife players quickly found that he had a terrible temper she later claimed that she feared for her life and that he would often put his hands around her neck Claire quickly fell out of love with Ian and began seeing his younger brother win however Ian refused to get a divorce from Claire until 1999 keeping her locked in for five years because he felt that if he stayed married to her then this might prevent her relationship with his younger brother even though he didn't actually like love her back anymore he just didn't like the idea of her leaving him for his younger brother he'd always fight incredibly threatened by his younger brother he took the attention away from him he came into that family and because of Huntley's narcissistic tendencies he's always gonna feel he's being outdone quite by his brother in 1998 while still married to Claire like I said he was kind of over Claire he just didn't want a divorce in 1998 he met a fifteen-year-old girl named Katie and got a pregnant which will actually come back to a bit later I think what we've had to say that Huntley demonstrated throughout his adolescence and early manhood that he had a unhealthy appetite in younger and younger women well during his 20s in huntly preyed on a lot of young girls underage girls and and the police thought that there were possibly up to 60 in 1998 a 25 year old Ian Huntley was charged with burglary and rape of an 18 year old girl which really damaged his reputation in the Lincolnshire area this among many other sexual assault allegations I could find over five online however that one with the 18 year old girl was the only one he was ever charged with but if I can find five online easily with a quick google search you can imagine that there's possibly more like either women that just never went to the police or ones that just never made it online and you can imagine that there's a lot one of which included an 11-year old girl that the anomaly admitted to sexually assault in an 11 year old girl so all of this all these allegations and now an actual charge was really damaging to his reputation in 1999 Ian's met 22 year old Maxine Carr and within just four weeks of seeing each other Maxine moved into his flat here later the two of them moved to Scunthorpe together and it's believed that they did this to escape Ian's really bad reputation as a sexual predator in the area Maximillian were lovely couple Maxine was any 25 26 year old girl bubbly giggling talking about wanted to have children she wants to work in a nursery and get a job and everything she was but it wasn't long before yen Huntley's sexual predator reputation followed him to Scunthorpe there I've finished work 8 o'clock at nines per moment next week there was a police van outside in the bank next day I saw Maxine I says are you alright it's a family ok don't be nice nowhere Ian's been accused of raping Grimsby he says but the dates they've got we will live in next door he is before long marisa noticed that the two of them never really left the house and she also noticed that ian had some kind of very controlling behaviour I went round to see Maxine he was at work basically I had a cup coffee I put it on the table and it's been it was taken off the table bleach cleaned and put in the cupboard and then she told me now Ian doesn't like to know that anybody's been in the house so she was a bit scared of what was happening I was not allowed to tell him that I've been in the house home please controlling behaviour before long led to violent behaviour towards Maxine my sitting-room goes you could see straight into their kitchen and he was showering icon all the names a son you did your told you do what I tell you to do you see her crouching in the corner where he was hitting her you listen to me you do what I say you don't listen to nobody else 2001 the couple then moved again to soem we're never meant until this whole thing happened and Maxine got a job a primary school Holly and Jessica's primary school and Ian Huntley got a job at a local college as a caretaker so anyway back to the timeline Maxine and Ian have been in for questioning and they have been released after seven hours but something in Ian's questioning must have seemed a little bit off because this sparked a police investigation of both his house and his workplace on the 17th of August almost two weeks after the girl's disappearance the police found some pretty incriminating evidence against Ian Huntley at the school that he worked at inside one of the bins the police found the burnt remains of the girls football shirts tracksuit bottoms shoes and underwear which were all easily identified as theirs one of the crucial items in this particular case was the tops that the little girls were last seen in these were unusual and this helped us tremendously to build up a picture of the types of fibers that would be easy for us to find so now the clothes had to be linked to Ian Huntley specifically because even though they were found in the bins at the school that it worked it didn't necessarily meant that he'd done it during the examination of the items from the bin I found five human head hairs these head hairs were compared with Holly's hair and Jessica's hair they didn't match either of those two but they did match Ian's Huntley's hair the next was evidence enough for police to arrest Ian Huntley and Maxine car on suspicion of murder finally in Maxine's second questioning she admitted to lyin in her first questioning about where she was on the day of the girl's disappearance she previously said that her in Ian's were Haan together that night they were having a normal night but now she said that she was actually a hundred and ten miles north of soem in Grimsby which could actually be confirmed so she was 110 miles away at the time of the girl's disappearance but this now left Ian without an alibi in the last few hours the 28 year old man and a 25 year old woman have been arrested the 28 year old man has been arrested for the murder and abduction of Holly Wales and Jessica Chapman later that same day 13 days after the girl's disappearance some burnt human remains were found over 30 miles from soem in Suffolk the next year the police took to the news to update the public the public that had spent the last two weeks so emotionally invested in this case like even if they hadn't been doing the volunteering and raising money for the searches and stuff people were just so emotionally involved that these two young 10 year old girls had gone missing it is with great sadness that I have to tell you the following news it may be some days yet before we are able to positively identify the two bodies found at common drove we are certain as we possibly can be tonight that they are those of Holly and Jessica so immediately forensic experts were called in to recover the bodies and to kind of search the area that they were found a team of experts including me went to the ditch and we found that it was the bodies of two little girls there were a few items alongside the bodies that could pretty much identify them as Holly and Jessica before the kind of forensic searches even needed to be done we found part of the pocket of the tracksuit bottoms that one of them was wearing part of the little plastic logo off the side of the tracksuit bottoms and also a piece of jewelry which belonged to one of the two girls the girls bodies were in such a state when they found them that they weren't gonna really offer up much information as to how they died when they died stuff like that but the place that they were found coulda professional botanists were called in by police to try and help make sense of the crime scene it was obvious to me because then a lot of the nettles had gone through corrective growth they'd been flattened but they've grown up and corrected themselves and so I said to the police wasn't here it is police investigated this kind of pathway of nettles and they found a strand of Jessica's hair attached to a twig so now they knew the exact kind of wear that Ian Huntley had accessed the ditch they could search for evidence in that area a lot more accurately easier quicker so now police had to somehow prove that it was Huntley but taken the girls to this ditch and so again they enlisted the help of botanical experts when I looked at the Boone closing it masses of evidence that matched the vegetation in the ditch all sorts of things embedded in the clothing that were from that ditch and it showed that the girls were closed when he put them in the ditch so he must have taken the clothes off while they were in the ditch and obviously it pins it on Huntley father girls clothing to them be found thirty miles away at his workplace meanwhile police continued the search of Huntley's home and they found that recently his house and his car had been meticulously cleaned officers that interviewed Huntley in the days after the girl's disappearance had reported smelling a lemony cleaning product coming from the house not only did we examine the carpets upholstery and items within the house but we were also given the contents of vacuum cleaners that mr. Huntley had access to so when you use a vacuum yes it sucks everything up but sometimes little tiny particles can sometimes come back out and so when you're using a vacuum over a big area it kind of distributes fibers and stuff in the whole area where the vacuum is used and so there wasn't just one particular location in which we found the fibers from the girls clothing they were found downstairs upstairs and in the bathroom as well but he hadn't just cleaned his house he'd also meticulously cleaned his car and changed the tires what he forgot was that the chassis had picked up soil the chunks of soil had the same profile as where he'd put the girls in April of 2003 Ian Huntley pled not guilty to his murder charges which meant that another court date had to be scheduled for November that year to do like a full trial since he wasn't gonna admit to it beer Ian Huntley was charged with the murders of Jessica Chapman and Holley Wells and Maxine cow was charged with perverting the course of justice for her original fake alibi and also Farr assisting an offender because it was believed at this point that she had actually helped with the cleanup efforts all of which like all the charges both of them play not guilty - Ian mentioned that he had absolutely nothing to do with these girls murders on deaths in general the whole time up until a month before his hearing he was now admitting that yes the girls did die in his house that day but it wasn't murder and he just kind of panicked and hid the bodies because he was scared in his hearing he went into further detail saying that the girls were walking back from the shop and holly was having a nurse bleed and so he let them come into his house while they were starting out Holly's nose bleed so the three of them were in Ian's Huntley's bathroom they were sorting out Holly's nosebleed and then accidentally Ian Huntley knocked Holly Wells into the bath and she drowned he then went on to say that Jessica Chapman having just witnessed her best friend drown in the bath she started screaming and so he didn't want Jessica to alert the neighbors to what had just happened and so he put his hand over her mouth to try and hammer down and subsequently suffocated her by accident it came out in the trial that just before the girl's murders Ian Huntley had actually had an argument on the phone with Maxine car because he believed that she was cheating on him it's theorized that after this phone call Ian put the phone down he was very angry and then he saw these two ten-year-old girls walking home from the shop and so he lured them into his house and took out his anger on these girls killing them although all of this is theory and still to this day no one truly knows how or why those girls had to die and Ian is still sticking to this accident narrative in December of 2003 Maxine Carr admitted in court to Lyon in her original question in with police saying that she was at home with me and that dear when in fact she was 110 miles away in Grimsby it's easy to prove that even if these murders were an accident which is what Ian says but people don't believe that like the majority of people that hear this case John believe it was an accident but even if they were an accident it's easy to prove that Ian knew that it was wrong and he tried to cover it up and he tried to dump the bodies and burn them and just his name from that instead of just admitting to it calling the police saying these two girls have just accidentally died in my house we had a large number of transfers of fibers we had fibers transferred from mr. Huntley's clothing and his home to the tracksuit bottoms we had hairs from mr. Huntley transferred to the items of clothing of the girls and in total we had a hundred and fifty-four transfers finally on December 17th of 2003 the courts found in huntly guilty of both counts of murder he was given two life sentences and his minimum was set to 40 years in prison all the people believe that Ian Huntley is never gonna get out of prison it was revealed after Ian's sentencing that during the trial he actually faked a mental illness to try and hopefully get a lower sentence he would dribble out of his mouth as he was talking he would answer questions weirdly just talk kind of weirdly in the hopes that people might think he was mentally ill and he was actually sectioned under the Mental Health Act while he was sectioned he was obviously tested for all these mental illnesses and the hospital found absolutely no evidence that Ian Huntley was mentally ill at all the police actually got in touch with one of his ex-girlfriend's who confirmed that he's actually done this before when he was accused of the sexual assault allegations all those years ago he again tried to fake having a mental illness which is why he supposedly did it and both times police just didn't believe it so Maxine car was found guilty of perverting the course of justice but not guilty of assisting an offender Jerry believed that she was not aware of the murders she didn't know that Ian had committed these murders she just lied to protect him because police were obviously very interested in him but she believed that he was innocent so she gave him this fake alibi just to get police off his back I think she's a victim as well because I think if she said anything he would have probably killed her as well and that's probably why she kept kept quiet because she was scared of her own life she was sentenced to three and a half years but was released after a year in nine months and she was also given a brand-new identity I believe the has only happened on two other occasions like a brand new full identity we talked about in my shadow Matthews video where Karen Matthews was given a new partial identity so she would use karen Matthews her original identity like in legal official things but in public situations and when she's meeting new people she'll use a new identity and that's what they do a lot of the time with things like this they really felt that Maxine cars safety was at risk so they gave her a brand new identity and like I said up until then I believe this had only happened twice before felt three times was once with Mary Bell who was a child killer and once with Jim's bulges killers which have actually done a video on if you want to see I'll link it up there but those were two ten-year-old boys that killed a bear bear and so they're only really given to like killers like really bad people whereas Maxine Carr was only in prison for perverting the course of justice they really felt that her safety was gonna be at risk because everyone hated Ian Huntley for this I didn't you can't blame him butch Maxine car didn't do it but they still gave her a brand new identity I just thought that was kind of interesting on April the 3rd 2004 the house where the girls were killed in Sir Ian hunt Lee's house was completely demolished and all of the kind of materials were disposed in secret locations so after all this happened a lot of investigation was done into the police work surrounding Ian Huntley so like for example how he had over five different sexual assault allegations some of which he admitted to but he just was never charged he was only ever charged with one they also looked into how it took police two whole weeks after the disappearance of two ten-year-old girls to find out that a man with this many allegations was living so close to them when young children go missing they always check like if sex offenders live in the nearby area because those are immediate kind of suspects and so for one man to have so many allegations and live so close to two missing ten-year-old girls like that needed a lot of investigator because that was really bad police work and it turned out that it was the case as well it was Ian Huntley and another investigation was done into how a man with so many allegations could work in a school setting with a load of children and yes like I said I understand that allegations are just allegations and obviously he'd only been charged with one although he had admitted to a second one with that 11 year old girl and for that many different women to have allegations against one man in particular from all over the country as well in all these different places that had moved there's got to be some level of truth to them so like I said Maxine Carr served just over a year and a half of her three and a half year sentence and when she was released she was going to the lifelong anonymity which cost anywhere between 1 million pounds and 50 million pounds since Maxine's release at least a dozen women have reported getting attacked by people just like strangers believing that they are Maxine car Maxine car now has a husband who has no idea who she is and they also had a child together in 2011 which I have some strong opinions about I don't like it I don't like it all that she was allowed to marry someone and have a child with them without them really truly knowing who she is without them knowing her true identity in her past and for all we know he could nor she might have told him in confidence and he might know and have not told anyone but the fact that he has had a child with someone I just can't imagine having a child with someone I said this in the James Bulger video but imagine going on to get married to someone and having a child with them and then finding out that they are Jon Venables or Robert Thompson and they've killed a child I know it's not the same with Maxine I know she didn't kill anyone but I just don't like the idea of not knowing who the person that you are having a child with is anyway moving on Ian Huntley remains in prison to this dear his life in prison is eventful to say the least in September of 2005 a fellow inmate called Mac Hobson who was serving time for quadruple murder he murdered four people through while in water over Ian Huntley scolding him because he believed that Ian Huntley's crimes were disgusting and that says a lot for a quadruple murderer to think that your crimes are disgusting like child murderers and child molesters are always right at the bottom of the kind of pyramid in prison and for a quadruple murderer to want to hurt you because of your crimes that shows how hated Ian Huntley was in prison Ian Huntley was actually rewarded 2500 pounds as compensation for this incident because it was found that it could have actually been prevented by prison guards which a man in September of 2006 Ian Huntley was found unconscious in his cell after taking his second reported urbe dose he was taken to hospital for a few days to recover and he was fine and everything but while he was there the police kind of searched his cell to find like how he'd got this medication what else he might have and in there they found a chip with a recording on it on this tip there was a queen song at the beginning and a meatloaf song at the end and in the middle in between these two songs was a kind of confession as to what he did to the girls and how he did it in this confession he sticks to his original claim that a lot of people don't believe that Holly had a nosebleed and she fell in the bath and drowned and Jessica screamed seeing this and so he put his hand over her mouth and she suffocated subsequently a link the full article down below that's got kind of snippets from the transcript it was a very long tip so nowhere has like the full everything that Ian said but I'll link down below an article that's got a few different quotes from it and I'll just read you off a few now it was believed that I disposed of Holly and Jessica on Sunday evening the night that they died but that wasn't the case it was actually Monday morning about 8:30 in the morning that I took them to Lakenheath they spent the night in the boot of my car Holly fell into the bath that was when Jessica started to cause a bit of commercial she tried to and this is where it varies from my testimony and cart she tried to use her mobile phone I grabbed it from her and turned it off as she was constantly saying I'd pushed Holly so now I'm gonna paraphrase because this bits quite long but like I said I'll link it down below so you can read further on it if you want to Iain claims that he took Jessica downstairs and tried to explain to her that he didn't push Holly that Holly just fell in the bath and drowned but she didn't believe him and anyway he turned around during this kind of conversation they were having and when he turned around Jessica tried to get up and head towards the door to leave so that was when he grabbed her so that she couldn't leave out of the house she again started screaming because a man has just grabbed her won't let her leave the house and that was when he covered her mouth and suffocated her meanwhile Holly was still upstairs in the bath and at this point she wasn't actually dead she was just in the bath from when she'd fallen and by the time he'd managed to get back up to her by the time ian had finished suffocating Jessica and gone back up to Holly it was too late to save Holly as well and both of the girls were dead he also claims on this tip that there was absolutely no sexual aspect to this crime which was highly speculated at the time and although you can't believe anything that he and Huntley says really because he's got a past of lying he's got a past of sexual assault allegations some of which with an 11 year old girl that he did admixture and so I don't really know how much you can believe that in 2010 Ian got into an altercation with another inmate who actually slashed Ian's throat but he was taken straight to hospital and his injuries were not life-threatening they weren't that bad the admit that did it was identified as armed robber damien Fox who actually went on to kill another convicted child killer after his attempt at a in Huntley so if you remember like we're way at the beginning of the video I told you that Ian Huntley was in his 20s he had a relationship with a 15 year old girl called ke atte when Katy was 16 years old she actually fell pregnant by a much older Ian Huntley and she actually had a girl meaning that double murderer Ian Huntley has a daughter his behavior started changing fairly quickly didn't it towards you you you you suffered terribly at the hands of Ian Huntley yes what did he do to you and he beat me physically and emotionally and sexually abused me even during Katie's pregnancy ian was abusive to her he would try to push her down the stairs he would punch her in the stomach just really all falster Katie's daughter is now in her 20s I believe she's actually 20 years old she's called Sammy and she didn't actually know who her real dad was until she was 11 years old Sammy actually found out that Ian Huntley was her father by accident and by herself while she was at school and it wasn't the actual story that I was research and it was the crime rates in my area and when I put that into Google the first thing that come up was the story so I went on to that no idea who he was or anything and the first thing that caught was a picture of my mom and me all her life Katie had told her daughter Sammy that her real dad was a bad man who did some awful things and that's why they don't talk to him anymore and some he just kind of accepted that but when she saw this that day at school everything just kind of fell in place in her head and that was when she realized who her dad really was yeah that completes this case thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed it make sure you leave a big thumbs up on the video subscribe down below if you want to be a part of the rest of this week and videos every single day until Monday and make sure you follow me on Twitter just in case like anything ever goes wrong hopefully nothing will hopefully this week will go smoothly but it's me I mean it's it's me it's Eleanor Niall oh yeah make sure you subscribed if that is something that wanna see make sure common notifications turned on so you never miss a video and yeah let me know what you think of this case down below I normally put my own kind of little thoughts in at the end but this one I don't want to I don't wanna ever kind of put my own thoughts and opinions in the end of videos about children I just think it's inappropriate and unnecessary and although I have put in my own little opinions about Ian and Maxine as we've been going and so yeah let me know what you think down below so yeah let me know what you think and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,724,229
Rating: 4.9330287 out of 5
Keywords: makeup, tutorial, review, fashion, style, ginger, redhead, pale, fair, 2018, vlog, mystery, unsolved, solved, solved mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved disappearance, found, murder, murderer, killer, killed, serial killer, documentary, soham murders, ian huntley, holly and jessica, holly wells, jessica chapman, soham, true crime, crime, kendall rae, eleanor neale, maxine carr, loose women, 2017, now, uk, crime watch daily, rob dyke, abduction, shannon matthews, interview, daughter, soham killer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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