Bikini Wax Salon Workers Share Dirtiest Stories (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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people that work or have worked in bikini waxing salons what is the worst disturbing experience you have come across while giving someone a bikini wax nsfw not my story but had a friend who did waxing for a while she had a guy come in and request a waxing for his taint ass area when she did the guy orgasmed on release it was obviously awkward the guy apologized profusely and it was a no harm no foul but don't do it again situation well of course he returned after some time and he came again they banned him from returning i always feel so self-conscious before going for a bikini wax and i always tell myself they've seen worse thanks for confirming that my friend is aesthetician she has sent ladies to the gym for growths roma's etc she says it's about once a month that she has to have that awkward talk with a client the worst one she ever told me about was a sweet older lady with a labial abscess poor woman it must have hurt like hell she had it treated and came back to say thank you not a waxer but a spray tanner for well-endowed women of the bust or butt the policy is arms overhead or turn around and bend over only if absolutely necessary do you lift with the back of the hand and spray underneath on this lovely day i had a particularly hefty woman come in and she don't want no tan lines it was time to turn around and bend over lift the button what looked like a weak old sopping brown tampon comes slurping out bounces off the back of my hand and splats on the floor at one point in my aesthetics career i did a lot of waxing like 12 brazilians a day so i have seen smelt some horrifying it the most memorable wtf moment was while waxing a well-groomed sorority girl she was utterly oblivious to the rancoda emanating from her junk there was discharge i pulled a strip from her lower labia near her veal opening and what i can most accurately describe as the contents of a large cadbury cream egg stuck to the edge of the strip and splattered on the wall behind me she remained blissfully ignorant of the bacterial projectile i've had a few brazilians done and i asked my waxer what her worst experiences were and she said there are so many people who come straight from the gym or their afternoon jog or their strenuous workplace without showering or anything how can you have that little self-awareness a worm fell out of someone's butthole when i was waxing it a tiny little maggot while looking worm i think the toughest thing i've ever seen through as a waxer was a miner getting a brazilian yes her parent knew and signed a consent form who didn't clean herself properly looked like she had diarrhea and wiped back to front with super thick hair and i got stuck pulling a labia strip it was my fault i didn't cleanse and poke around throughly enough before i started but i almost went to go get a co-worker bc i thought i was going to need help pulling it off client was a champ though bore with me throughout the whole process definitely the toughest experience i've had even beyond the 400 plus lb ladies i see i've been a body waxer for five years now and we are a special breed it's almost like nursing when it comes to putting on the professional face when we're confronted with something gross but ebh it's really not that bad of a profession smells yes some excretions yes blood yes even poop sometimes yes but you're there to do a job and if you're good enough at it you push through it these people are opening up an incredibly vulnerable part of their body to a complete stranger the last thing i want to do is scar them for life by making a face or a rude comment so shake some extra powder on there and keep laying those strips it'll be over soon enough colon edit wow thanks for the gold i'm so honored and thank you for all the positive comments too i really do enjoy my job and i appreciate the love i'm here to spread positivity for an area that has historically been reviled and treated terribly and is only now experiencing a removal of the stigma i got a full brazilian as a dude female esthetician works on me my gf is waiting in the lobby after she's about halfway through the front she asks if she can ask a slightly unprofessional question i say sure she says she's never seen a circumcised bee before but didn't ask me any actual question just made the comment the worst part was that the walls were thin so pretty much the whole lobby heard the conversation oh esthetician student here i plan on going into brazilians manzillions bikini waxing and full body after graduation the number of people who come in during their monthly cycle only wearing a pad question mark come on now sperm bubbles women didn't always wash up after six and they'd come and for a wax sometimes the semen would form a bubble while you were waxing and then it would pop and leave you with an awful rancid sperm smell i used to be an aesthetician and i'll never forget the first brazilian i ever gave a girl i was inexperienced so to get the butt area i made her go on all fours after i powdered up her butt i was holding her cheeks open and closely examining the direction of a hair growth so i'd know which direction to spread the wax as i was trained to do in all of a sudden i see her butthole opening and closing and opening and closing and then bam she fully farted in my face she was super embarrassed and said it was an air bubble didn't smell like one though not me or disturbing but my instructor in cosmetology school told me about a time when they had to practice anal waxing and the way she was supposed to do it involved her putting talcum powder on the butthole area so she powders the person up and as she's grabbing something else from her work table the person lets out an airy toot and a little fluff cloud of powder came with it she couldn't contain herself and had to do the assignment another day a waxy lady and i talk about this all the time she said girls come in on their periods all the time she doesn't mind as long as there's a tampon in place and it's clean some ladies don't comply she's seen women who haven't properly wiped their bh after taking a dump but the weirdest thing she saw was a girl who was born without an [ __ ] i don't know who why how what where but yeah that's weird unfortunate mostly edit to clarify bh means butthole i'm not censoring i've just gotten in the habit of sometimes calling it that because i think it's funny briefly worked as a waxer after i graduated from cosmetology school quit after this dude kept coming in with larger and larger anal beads in his ass i once was the gross customer by pure accident my former girlfriend liked the idea of shaving your chest etc the less hair i got on my body the better blah blah insert story here i did bleed so heavily out of every damn pore on my chest that the lady stopped mid-session after the bleeding had stopped somewhat i helped cleaning up paid and left the bruises were visible for several weeks i did never try waxing again esthetician here my worst experience was a full brazilian wax on an extremely obese woman i was relatively new to the field and lacked the experience to deal with this type of situation i couldn't get the angles right i felt so awkward asking her to hold her stomach that blanketed over her v her legs were just too large for me to actually reach the area she was unable to bend the legs properly i think at one point i lost wax between the fold and had to pry the skin hair apart to apply the strip i remember my back hurting from the way my body was positioned frantically trying to finish on time for my next client and so much sweat both of us it was the dead middle of summer i'm sure a seasoned aesthetician may have been able to handle this better but that's my worst experience i have a story from a client of mine about a previous co-worker so i have this client coming in for a brazilian as soon as we are in the room she warns me that last time she was in she didn't like her last experience and let me know that she has her [ __ ] pierced i was like cool no probs thanks for the heads up let's try to make this better i figured she lifted or bruised so we get started and there's the piercing oh biggie well halfway through she starts talking and i was like i hope this has been a better experience for you i wouldn't want a repeat of last time and she explains that it wasn't the waxing it was the waxer apparently and she explained her piercing to the previous esthetician she pulled the towel back and patted the pierced [ __ ] without gloves saying how she has never seen one of these before under no circumstance are you to directly touch a client there the woman was not impressed and refused to return until she was sure the previous esthetician was no longer employed so it's not really my experience i just felt bad for my client my roomie had one today and said the lady doing hers went see that pillow in the corner we used to have it over here for you all to clutch onto for comfort until a lady started hitting me with it now it stays in the corner my mom's friend always like to tell this one story when she was doing his yes his [ __ ] he clenched and accidentally projectile sprayed little bits of poo all over her how many guy clients come in to get waxed asking for a friend oh i have a story i am not a waxer but one time i was getting waxed at a new place and thought things were going just fine i was making small talk with the esthetician while all spread eagled on the table she was facing away getting her supplies ready and she started sniffling and i thought she might be crying i was like okay i know it's been a while but i can't be that shocking and i asked hey are you okay and she turned around just full on ugly snot crying and explained to me that the appointment before mine was her recent ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend i used to have really bad razor bumps like a methodical after i learned to shave properly there's still a bunch of dark marks on my mound area and a little on my thigh i've always wanted to get a bikini wax but i'm embarrassed also my ass crack is dark and i know they wax that area too used to work with a girl whose second job was as a waxer she would regale us with stories of this one repeat client who would get holiday themed designs so not only would she create christmas trees and valentine's hearts for her but would also have to dye them the appropriate color i currently work at a waxing center and i have had many foul experiences i love my job but sometimes i wonder why i still do this a new client had common for a full brazilian she was no older than 17 and it was her first time doing it i was trying to make her as comfortable as possible and explain everything i was doing so we finish the front and i tell her to flip over and hold her butt cheek so i can do the butt strip i apply the wax over her butthole i guess she wasn't expecting it because she farted and blew a bubble with the wax it popped so loudly that it echoed in the room i had never seen anything happen like that before i could see she was humiliated and i was embarrassed for her i immediately turned around and started fumbling with anything i could get my hands on to pretend i didn't just see what happened i never saw that girl again finally it's my time to shine there are two that i'll never forget one the seemingly normal average 20-something-year-old girl who apparently had no idea that her v butthole needed to be cleaned a lot of women are kind of gross but this one she had her period had an insane amount of discharge and looked like she never wiped her ass when i did the strips on her butt crack there was poop on them afterwards two the old man who would come and for brazilian laser treatments he was pretty weird from the get-go like an older flamboyant jeffrey rush the first two times he came in he got hard while i was lasering him guys get hard during waxes sometimes you get used to it and they're more embarrassed than you are usually the third time this guy came in i was on my last few rows when all of a sudden he made a noise i looked up and he had ejaculated on his stomach i very quickly did my last three or four pops w the laser told him he was done and left the room i called my manager and told her what happened and he was never seen again he didn't even tip me colon also the amount of women that fart while you're waxing them is unbelievable they always get so embarrassed and i tell them it happens all the time you're clenching holding your knees up to your chest for part of it it's bound to happen sooner or later eater my highest voted comment is about poop in a woman's butthole and getting [ __ ] on while lasering an old guy's balls colon my friend works as a beautician and does heaps of bikini waxes on time she said she got wax stuck in around the [ __ ] of a client and had to go get the manager to help i'm not sure how accurate this is i'm gay and don't like these edit spelling not bikini but rather a brazilian wax story i once worked as a camera operator for an instructional video for estheticians learning how to do various waxing techniques the male model for the brazilian wax demonstration had extremely saggy and sensitive balls which he apologized for prior to disrobing now picture this he was in a tabletop position on his hands and knees with a well-powdered anus balls drooping halfway down his thigh the instructor was doing her talking bit after powdering said butthole during which the model casually reached down under the table grabbed a towel and molded it between his hands into as high standing of a wad of towel that he could he pushed the towel lump back along the table and through his knees upon bumping up against his testicles it pushed the saggy sack back along the line of a pendulum much like a person on a swing set pulled back about to be given their initial shove last there was no releasing the balls to the forces of gravity instead he casually reached around the back of his legs picked up the soon-to-be hairless pair and perched them on the towel mountain the instructor continued on her script talking into the camera none the wiser it was a completely mundane but extremely bizarre scene i left the camera running zoomed on his anus mind you and walked out into the hallway to collapse in laughter this is a legend of towel mountain edit subbed in the word perched as the balls were most certainly perched and not sitting on the towel mountain also i walk edm past tense not present gotta put my [ __ ] away while reading this one so i accidentally clicked on the comments here and not on the our papa's comments i was expecting on a gif with tiger brothers imagine my horror especially considering the cadbury eggs comment which was the top comment when i nearly had a stroke a woman in her 40s came in and five centimeters of her intestines were sticking out of her anus inside out she told us she had pushed so hard when she gave birth that she pushed it out poop in the butt here's a tip ladies take a shower before you come in schedule your waxing appointment around your toilet appointment i provide a cleansing wipe before the service so please use i.t but other than that most people are very clean and away this wasn't really something gross that the client did but something that the esthetician did i'm currently in school for aesthetics and one of my instructors was telling us about a former student who was scheduled her first brazilian appointment everything went well until she got to the woman's butthole and she wasn't really sure what to do with it so she scooped some hard wax up with a popsicle stick spread it across and stuck it inside her butthole like we do with nose waxes don't work in a salon but i waxed my ex at home once got duck and wax all over the top of the microwave it never came off not my story but my aunt's when she was in school to become an aesthetician the students would do cheap waxes on walk-in clients to help them learn the first time she did a brazilian she noticed long red scratch marks as she was waxing the girl initially she was worried she was doing something wrong but neglected to say anything because the girl didn't seem in pain or anything what she thought were scratches turned out to be part of a largeta tutor that covered the girl's entire vulvas it said bad kitty and featured claw marks once she finished school she limited her waxing to face only my sister is an aesthetician and when she was in training she had a woman coming for a brazilian wax she was prepping her for the waxing which involved cleansing the pubic area with an alcoholic base cleanser as she did this hundreds of crabs scattered from the woman's bush turns out the woman had no idea she had crabs and had to find out then that her husband was most likely cheating on her and passed them on to her during my first full brazilian i asked the worker if she has had any horrible disturbing experiences she replied i'm having one right now she was joking i think oh boy are you guys in for a treat i'm currently training as a beautician and work part-time in a beauty salon so i've heard plenty of horror stories but the one my teacher told me was definitely the worst she had a woman come in wanting a hollywood all hair gone but she seemed nervous about it because she said she had really dark coarse hair she thought sure no problem she's done plenty of hollywoods before there's nothing she hasn't seen or so she thought my teacher leaves the girl to get ready and when she comes back and she notices a foul smell she doesn't say anything and begins to go about the usual procedure of the wax remember i said the client had dark coarse hair well she had so much of it that my teacher never noticed that not all of it was hair she applies the wax pulls one strip and immediately feels like she's going to pass out connected to the wax strip is a big string of dark brown goo she said she disposed of the strip as quick as possible and tried to clean up the mess caused by the gunk coming from this woman's v then asked her what the hell was going on down there apparently the girl said she was too embarrassed to go to a doctor about it and thought if she just got waxed it would get it all out safe to say nobody in my class is too excited to start specialized waxing my waxing lady used to work in an actual salon but now works mobile she had a dude come into the salon who wanted his back sack and crack waxed as standard practice she told him she would leave the room for a few minutes whilst he got undressed and positioned himself on the table upon her return to the room she found the guy dressed in an adult's diaper bib frilly hat and with a dummy he asked her if she would be his mommy i think more it went down but she didn't go into detail i don't know if she quit right away but that is why she no longer works in a salon and only has clients she can trust it's funny this is nsfw even though you're all talking about work how ironic someone had come in after some personal time with their partner obviously there was no condom used or no cleanup after because my waxing bed got creamy the worst thing i've had to experience and i'm now in nursing i'm a vet and we had a client come in who did waxing at her home unfortunately her curious dog got a bit too close and tipped the whole pot of wax over itself it was a very long and not so fun day for the pup and everyone involved that stuff is super hard to get off my salon mentor told me about when she was in school they taught brazilians because they were a big deal at the time sounded like they never actually demonstrated the act really talked about how to react to an awkward situation her first client came in and was a bigger lady with a full bush who just got up on the table and spread her legs she was wearing a dress and just let it all hang out there traumatized her a little at first now it's funny to look back on when i interned at a salon last year the owner and i talked about what kind of waxing they did there brazilians were common and she pointed out that a lot of people think that you need to have quite a bit of hair to wax so naturally everyone really grows it out before coming in well we have to trim that before we can wax it otherwise the wax pulls at the end of the hair instead of it the hair follicle in her words you think it's weird letting someone see your junk imagine making smaller talk and someone having to take a small pair of scissors and trim your bush please trim beforehand my friend does this and brought us a story of the time she whacks her lady's tampon out this doesn't really answer the question but it is a weird waxing story nonetheless so a co-worker told me that getting waxed at the beauty school was great super cheap and they did the really good job she must have not gotten very many waxes i go to my appointment and get this really sweet girl so we're talking she's waxing and then she's like okay so i'm just gonna get my classmate cause i need some help so i'm like okay look at the clock it's been like 20 minutes and i look down and she has made little to no progress usually it takes 20 minutes tops so her classmate comes in and i stopped talking thinking maybe i distracted her and i'm just watching the clock it's been almost an hour now and my legs are getting sore from laying there with them spread out so i'll lie and say hey not to rush you guys but i have an appointment in 20 minutes i need to get to and they're like okay we'll get our teacher next thing i know i have three women crowded around my ducking v never went back not me but i was watching a stream and this one guest there told a story of how she used to work in a spa doing massages and waxes she had to separate women while getting their [ __ ] waxed i like one was apologetic and embarrassed and the other didn't even acknowledge it i feel like this is a bad time to be eating yogurt my waxer pulled off some of my peri area and i bleed all over the paper on her table she didn't say a word acted like nothing happened i had my husband clean it and put some ointment on it for a couple of days i stopped going to her sometime after that i am so paranoid i shower before my brazilian wax wipe myself with baby wipes back in front is that enough not completely on topic but just as gross my boss has been piercing and tattooing like 20 years and he's got some gross stories most memorable one was a woman who came in for a [ __ ] piercing and he spies a little green shoot poking out of her v like vegetation and he is like oh excuse me wtf is that and she explains she put some garlic up there as an at home remedy for something and she left it in long enough for it to start growing apparently a lot of people come in clearly fresh from six as well i once assisted another friend removing a cheek piercing that was too short and the skin had grown over on the inside she essentially had to just kind of poke a hole and push the jewelry back through and when she did a giant disgusting mouth pimple sort of popped and she had to dig out all the white hit this chick was barely wearing clothes asking if it was cool to take some coke first screaming her ass off and holding a walmart bag full of real dishes [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 342,308
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, story, stories, reddit best, funny posts, funny, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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