What's Your Dirtiest High School Story? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what is the most NSFW thing you've seen happen in a school environment many many years ago but in swim class one girls swim costume went almost totally see-through one wet fifteen-year-old me was quite transfixed this is kind of a weird one but in seventh grade I was friends with a girl who had a very serious porn addiction this was before smartphones but she would carry around folded up pictures custom magazines - mostly women but some men in her bag to look at and I assume try to get off - anytime she was alone which was usually in the bathroom stall it was the same way when I was at her house except she would just take breaks every now and then to literally just walk into the closet and shut the door it was very bizarre in retrospect but in seventh grade you don't really have a baseline for well-adjusted behavior so honestly I didn't think anything about it nor the typical NSFW but messed up all the same this kid who used to sit with us at lunch Josh was a self-proclaimed Satanist and was all about blood violence death et Cie a friggin weirdo in a how one day there is a fight at the table next to us some kid gets punched in the nose bleeding everywhere teachers shuffle both kids off to the principal before the janitor can come and clean off the blood that had dripped on the table and seats Josh dipped his finger into the blood pop tits in his mouth and licked it all off did it two or three more times before he stopped and looked at me with the biggest at eating grin it was pretty mental one of my friends during our junior year of high school whipped out his d' under his desk to show his then so for some ungodly reason she screamed for a split second which prompted the teacher to come over he looked like he was about to duck in freak when he finally mustered out one word no sent him and his so to the office one kid caught a glimpse of offense from there on out his name was needled Enoch edit r.i.p inbox and no i am not needled enoch trading pokemon cards for a [ __ ] girl busts out of a room storms through the room we were gathered in spits in another girl's face and says that's your boyfriend's load jaws hit the floor and the other girl cried I'm 40 and still tell this story high school at lunch one day everyone was standing around in the halls waiting for the bell there was a commotion near the boys bathroom at the line forming it literally looked like an organized thing where people were going and single-file then coming out freaking out laughing et Cie so I waited in line and went in the only way I can describe it is that someone it out a two liter bottle sized it and it was literally sticking up past the toilet seat in the barrel someone must have died that day we had a teacher who was NSFW he was an 80 year old ethics teacher still at least six feet tall despite serious hunching he would curse fart and scratch his balls to the horror of the nerdy girls who sat in the front row when it was time for roll call he would just throw his folder at a girl and tell her to do the roll call for him emphasis on throw he also made all sorts of weird jokes like when teaching us about norms he was joking well normally as a prostitute I met in a Zeppelin works a little better in Spanish every week in junior school he would have an assembly and one class would have to put it on it was our turn and we had an autistic boy in our class I forget what he was supposed to do since this was the second grade he walked up to the microphone with a big smile on his face and was about to speak to the entire school teachers some parents and every student there instead of talking he immediately drops his pants and started spanking it everyone was pretty stoned but when his special-needs educator tried to take him off stage he resisted like crazy all was still choking the chicken I don't think anything else in my school career tops that here is a story for you great ten history class the last day before winter break since it's the last day we were just watching movies as a class some Bugs Bunny World War two propaganda films or something the teacher is just sitting at her desk not really doing anything our desks are sort of arranged in a you and I'm sitting on one of the there is a very skinny white boy named Rudolph obviously not his real name and a fat sassy black girl named Asha also not real name right next to him Rudolph had a lot of problems in his home life and came to school plastered a few times and was generally weird and I don't think these two got on very well Rudolph decided that they should play the are you nervous game for those who don't know that's when you slide your hand up someone's thigh until that person gets nervous and losses so Rudolph goes first and I'm kinda half watching half watching the movie and Dasher stops before he gets too close to her v then - aghh arrows and Rudolph kinda whispers you literally going to have to touch my balls before I say it I expected the game to end there a calling him a perv or something but no she unzips his pants while like nervously looking at the teacher I immediately text my friends in class to look at is it and now four of us are watching she then very evidently starts giving Rudolph Emanuel meat massage for like two minutes before pulling her hand out and wiping it on his pants nobody ever said anything they never really talked again nada once during a class meeting one kid ripped out some of his pubes to prove to another kid that he did in fact have pube 'yes i went to an all-boys Catholic school one night my senior year when all of us dorks were working late on the yearbook I walked into the bathroom to see two boys a year below me wrestling on the ground one still in his boxers and the other with his boxers at his ankles they never saw me but one of the stairwells in my high school was notoriously used for we banned six cuz no cameras and a door leading outside I didn't know this and walked in on a couple going all out in there in college a not much most there was walking up a staircase and some girl ahead of me wearing a skirt no underwear she noticed I was looking exhibitionism is great a guy at my school put her eight inch dildo up his ass for an entire day of school as penance for cheating on his girlfriend she did not ask him to do this they were a weird couple Poorna monster fight a Hohner monster was a condom filled with just enough water that its fall but doesn't stretch then you draw face on it suddenly the classroom was a war zone when two kids had filled their desks with holy monsters and started throwing them at everyone during our history class edit i am pretty proud that my top post is about hama monsters in swim class one of the cheerleaders dove into the pool and came up with her to loose school issued one-piece swimsuits top half pulled down off to her waist from the rush of water hey could she leave the boobs in the pool only a few of us saw it I saw it from poolside because I refused to swim it was a good day to be a fifteen-year-old who likes breasts friend of mine used to finger his girlfriend in class basically every day got the occasional handy they were sitting right in front of me one time and I gave her a look and she says don't look if you don't want to see it they were between me and the blackboard what was I supposed to do my friend put a condom on our teachers water bottle while she wasn't looking she only noticed as we were leaving at school my first year of high school actually some guys am senior year decided it would be fun to leave a banana peel in the microwave for a whole hour in full power as soon as lunch break was over they left the banana getting irradiated and left skip about 30 minutes I'm having class and the school director knocks on the classroom door and says in an angry tone everyone out into the hallway there has been a serious problem we go out and sit on the hallway hitting our pants in fear as more and more people from other classes arrive and sit with us once every student of the high school is on the hallway the director says ok I assume no one will give names but WH o put the banana peel in the microwave the microwave caught fire and melted a pile of chairs not surprisingly everyone was struggling hard to keep their it together as a microwave had been ignited with a banana peel the surprising part was that as soon as he asked who did it a guy stood up and went like I did it the rector asked did you do it alone to which another four students stood up and said nope we were with him they all got suspended and we couldn't use the dining room for about two days since the smell of burnt plastic wouldn't go away luckily the place didn't catch on fire edit grandma my old English teacher wrote and published a Rotter cut under a pen name through further digging my class found her active BDSM blog and podcasts which we would try to quote in class whenever possible back in high school there were these two band kids that were constantly flirting and everyone told them to get a room apparently that translated to go Duck in the special ed room during practice they got caught after the janitor had to come clean up afterwards apparently it wasn't a very clean ordeal they were both suspended the next day and she had a pregnancy scare a couple weeks later a girl had to foursomes in one day with two different sets of guys no it wasn't rumor I knew the girl who confirmed it honestly she was just a really happy home I will say that I am oblivious to signals from women so there was a girl in my 11th grade science class that sat next to me and we used to talk all the time she even came over to get help with schoolwork and was touchy-feely and I was always like what is wrong with you again very oblivious and dirty self-esteem one day during winter in class she and I were talking and she said she got her [ __ ] pierced I was like no the duck you didn't why do you lie so much she then proceeded to unbutton and unzip her pants and shove my very cold hands down her pants but she pierced it but she also screamed and stood up with my hands down her pants the whole class saw and I was bright red i was super-embarrassed in got sent to the principal's office but I felt a [ __ ] so win a substitute teacher get far for taking pictures of kids in one of my classes I had him as a sub for a few days and I remember the first day he taught us he made each of us get up and stand with our back facing the door of the room he'd take the picture and we sit back down I didn't think about this till years later someone that I went to school with brought it up and I asked my mom if she remembered and she did she told me she had got to call and letter from the school asking if I had said anything to her about that Sabah was interested in talking to the police a tree branch broke off from a tree smashing right into a girl's head cracking her skull nearly killing her there was so much blood running down her face high school ski trip group of guys were trying to convince a group of girls to flash them in the woods girls only agreed to do it if the guys flashed their peens first well it was cold out the guys were worried about shrinkage so cut to a shot of six or seven high school balls furiously whacking off in the snow while a group of bored girls stood and watched one time as I was leaving my classroom between bells in high school I saw this girl with rather large breasts come bounding down the hallway frantically fumbling with the button s on her shirt jiggling all over the place barely a second later while I'm admiring the scene some dude came breathlessly sprinting after her shouting wait girl's name come back do that again before they both bolted outside with him still giving chase edit I should add this was in a more secluded part of the school near the back not as much foot traffic few adults friends brother was caught ducking his GF in the female bathroom they were both suspended on different days to make sure they weld duck on suspended days la mayo there was the boys dorm and there was the girls dorm there were windows one night a particularly [ __ ] girl stripped for the boys it was a pretty good night the high school I went to was a five building campus I remember hearing about a girl giving a dude head in one of the stairwells and how a teacher courtroom later that day I heard rumors that it was a girl I knew who was also very girl-next-door straight-a student type but I didn't believe it I just came right out and told her what people were saying and she got red in the face and kind of laughed it off that's when I realized that I had actually seen them in that stairwell it wasn't a highly populated portion of the building it was in on that same day probably right before she started to go down on him they were literally going at it in between the times that classes changed over I wasn't there for it but at my high school there was a very infamous senior prank that happened basically a student hit a deer or founded their deer somewhere out on the road or something three to four more students took that dead deer into the school cafeteria on the weekend while a school play was happening and put it in the ceiling above the cafeteria a few days later a teacher felt something dripping on them and I guess saw the blood dripping from the dead beer school was closed down for three days I think by the CDC to clean up the mess in middle school this kid took my phone we were in the band room and began running away with it I subconsciously grabbed a mallet soft young covered hip for xylophone and threw it like a knife all the way across the room and hit him in the face his entire face just sorta exploded and as he ran to the nurse he left a huge trail of blood across the school everyone just sorta stared at me being the relatively well mannered quiet kid a female student being taken from behind by another of our classmates in a hall at school he'd used a tato crisp shits few Americans packet in place of a condom all those sharp edges and the salt and vinegar remnants made it seem very unsafe for all involved the usual hand jobs [ __ ] drug dealing but those aren't that bad we were hanging out in the gym before classes started and in walked a kid who recently dropped out when his sister was killed they said hey and he kept walking like no one else was there he walked over to a well-known [ __ ] and shoves a hidden blade into his gut and wrenches up till his ribcage stopped the steel he tossed the knife into a nearby trash can and walked out the knife of got caught and the NIF he lived apparently the naffy had been making fun of than my first dead sister Knifer heard about it and came in to stab manaphy a couple years ago as a senior prank a kid jacked off into one of the communal tubs of ranch a couple years before that a teacher was arrested for offering girls good grades in exchange for [ __ ] but it changed from mayonnaise to ranch after numerous complaints from the primary school next door to my college high school the principal gave us an assembly stressing the point don't slip a finger behind the library kids can see that it so it at home you horny Duggars hilarious assembly we were pissing ourselves in the back of the hole because we know exactly who he was talking to they went red as a tomato and looked at each other in the end no more complaints from the primary school seems like they went home and did it we had a bathroom in our high school that didn't have any cameras pointing at it so plenty of students went there to smoke cigs in pot but there was this one girl who took advantage in other ways Here I am minding my business trying to smoke a joint in peace while she comes into the bathroom and so does a couple of guys and she just starts blowing all of them and it leads to the ducking and at this point I was down to the roach I just flushed it and left there was said to be a video that floated around and I hoped I wasn't just this weird guy in the background smoking a joint while this girl has a train ran on her the school caught wind about the whole incident in the bathroom was closed down saddest day of my life a teacher assigned summer homework for the kids that were gonna be in his class the following school year once I saw the girls ankle how I'm going to hell my wrestling locker room just everything we had a game called galaxy in the showers we had a long hallway of slippery tile before the entrance we would pour a ton of soap down the hallway and run down it and slide like a slip and slide the swells and bubbles made it look like a galaxy also not as NSFW but sleep trains were a huge thing I miss those for those who didn't read my comment below about sleep trains a large group of us lay down on the mat head on top of belly head on top of belly head on top of belly in no particular order or line just a weave of guys using each other as a pillow one of the earliest memories so early can't remember if it happened or not in like kindergarten or maybe my first year of school I was watching a classmate spinning around in a tire swing one of the three chains and I can remember parts of his skull showing it was cracked in three places like a tea I remember the ambulance picking him up in grade seven one of the most popular girls turns around after class and licks her finger while looking at me then asks do you want a bj and laughed and said no still haven't slept edit my highest-rated comment is my lowest point in my life love it take it from someone who had similar experiences you were being Punk'd she wanted you to say yes so she could tell her friends how hilarious it was that he went red and said yes and thought you had a chance your denial was the only correct move two guys in my class were jacking off to gay porn in class together they didn't give two ducks that people could see neither of them go to my school anymore because they got expelled for getting into a fight weirdly they didn't get in trouble for the porn incident go my friend was in a Catholic boarding school in Ireland last year where a boy rammed another boy hockey stick up his ass he got expelled and it made the tittle page of the local newspaper also there was a lot of ducting going in in the music classroom I've overheard two students having sex in the bathroom stalls I was 14 and shocked so at lunchtime in the courtyard at my high school see girls would show up every day to scavenge some kids would throw them food too well this one kid used to like to scare them off and throw stuff at them never intended to really hit them then one day he did he chucked a gatorade bottle that still had about one stroke four of the liquid still in it it clocked a seagull in the head and knocked one of its eyes out of its socket it was bleeding profusely this kid nearly got his ass beat by about 30 people took like five teachers to break up the situation he got expelled in the end seagull died I think they called animal control or something but I think too much damage was done to save the poor thing in a nightie class some kid managed to get onto best Gore and for about an hour my 15 year old self who barely even watched porn was witnessing executions headings people being gutted raped tortured and every vile you can think of there was a group of about five of us three of which were seniors all watching this we later got into things like felony fights and worlds too but that day I saw hundreds of people die 10th grade one girl would wear no panties with a kilt and flash the class her [ __ ] every now and then bend over a desk and wiggle her hips and everything not sure how NSFW this is but I work in analemma tree school district and we have a code word for the most disgusting thing I've ever seen we call Islamic coping all the lab computers have headsets for kids to listen to lessons or whatever and they all have the wired Mik attached to them the kids like to suck on the mics for whatever reason just like a lollipop hence the name I've watched one class come in suck on the mics for 45 minutes leave them soaking wet they'll even the next class comes in and does the same damn thing kid pops a wet Mick in his mouth and sucks on it all class period almost made me puke kid used to snort lines of coke in the middle of college algebra one time I went to the bathroom and found her red used condom in the middle of an empty hallway I was in eighth grade and looked at a couple of seniors passing by whether you see in the sit face they looked at me like I had three heads for freaking out over a condom a guy now at class once grabbed scissors by the handle not the blades and started running around with them that wasn't safe at all I found my teachers porn stash while he was standing right behind me I clicked a shortcut without asking and all these porn videos popped up I immediately turned off the monitor and saw the terror on his face reflected back at me to me it wasn't a big deal at all because I was a teenager that looked at porn and I just told him directly that it was cool I honestly didn't care from my very fast glimpse they appeared to be high budget video files nothing perverse all with students makes sense now why he would always stand behind us when we used his PC I can't imagine the amount of stress that gave him why even have it there in the first place a girl came to school completely wrapped in saran wrap wearing nothing else underneath for Halloween she was sent home promptly but all the guys had seen what they needed her older sister was sleeping with a teacher who committed suicide by gassing himself in his car when his wife found out there is now a scholarship with his name the sisters dad is a well-known pastor around town my high school had a safe and sober grad night some kids thought it would be a great idea to take homemade edibles made by some kids older brother flash-forward a couple hours and kids stopped to get violently sick like changing color and puking on the floor sick about four hours into what should have been a whole night it was called off as we no longer can guarantee that this night is either safe or sober all this after members of the administration had just finished praising us for being one of the best classes in recent memory no pregnancies relatively few scandalous parties alter we were the reason opaque water bottles were banned the incident was hush-hush too safe said older brothers college baseball scholarship my entire high school was outside sitting in the bleachers of our football stadium because of a bomb threat while we were out there for quite some time so naturally high schoolers found some way to entertain themselves some kids decided they were going to make condom balloons I was sat on the opposite side of the stadium so I didn't know what was going on at first but eventually everyone saw it and began cheering all of the teachers were outside with us and their reactions were priceless some were laugh-in hysterically some had to walk away to try and contain themselves others tried to ignore it perhaps the best part was one of our Dean's who had a reputation for being a bit of a hard-ass was struggling to keep it together you could tell she wanted to remain stone-cold but couldn't help but laugh at the sight of a stretched condom floating gracefully through the air didn't see it happen but heard about it back when Punk'd was still on TV this group of guys who were completely stereotypical jackasses brought a camcorder to school and were doing jackass type stunts and punking people then they convinced two girls to make out and go down on each other in a stairwell somehow a teacher found out and obviously the camcorder had the evidence they all got suspended for like a month during middle school it was the absolute peak of Jack house popularity many of my friends took it upon ourselves to do whatever we thought the guys on Jack house would do this meant table topping each other one guy gets down behind an unsuspecting victim and then another guy would push him over him dog piles at least 30 guys I nut shots via hand foot objects jumping off her alleges ducking with the lunchroom and classrooms in any way possible but the worst is when we got into table topping and then tea bagging guys halo and mountain dew were our after-school hobbies naturally it was all good and fun until one guy took my Dare a little too seriously and pulled his pants down and he bagged one of our buddies with his bare nutsack middle school was magical guy didn't play our games much after that but at least he never snitched we had a pool in my old high school girl didn't have a swimsuit so she compensated with a white tank top and some gym shorts no one noticed until she got out of the pool Mayo don't know why the gym teachers didn't stop her we had a female gym teacher there as well awkward boners everywhere in the men's dressing room afterwards also towards the end of the year in ninth grade I was walking down the hallway and a girl who had a short shirt on that didn't cover her belly and some short shorts on had her Bush growing out of the top of her shorts that was pretty cool to edit last one in ninth grade we had a fairly attractive Italian teacher and she was pretty cool so she didn't assign us books she just handed them out during class well one day some funny guy drew a picture of him and my Italian teacher ducking on her desk pretty good illustration I must say and the teacher saw it she got super upset and left the room and we had a sub for the rest the day once she came back she never spoke of it in the book was thrown out huge [ __ ] of a professor in a 100 level course with stadium seating tons of people mostly looking for a blow off course and this guy is so ducking hardcore and yelling for minutes straight if he thinks he's caught one of the hundred plus students not engrossed finals day comes mid exam from down at the bottom of the room for dudes bursts in naked and are jumping around waving their decent causing the best kind of ruckus haven't been so happy to see flailing decent Circe's walk of shame anyway the plan was clearly to roam around and run up the staircase tiles to thw top and out those doors burns out hard ask an prof was kinda baddest I hadn't noticed how rip this Ducker was till that moment he Sprint's up an aisle and tackles one of the cocker pun intended laggards this was a full-on NFL form tackle on stairs he then pinned this kid down and basically got in a dominant doggy style pose on him and said something like I got you ya little dark and when security comes you'll rat out the others then he looks over his shoulder and scans the room he looks ducking astonished that people are watching the scene unfold instead of diligently taking the exam what are you all doing get back to it no extra time from a friend he was a sports trainer in high school and was routinely in the locker rooms helping people out with stuff this one time he's putting raps on and sees this guy walking around with a plate of pizza since this was after a game the guy takes a slice of pie in Chuck's it into the showers and hits this guy right on his back the pizza makes a comedic splat and sticks and the kid I got hit just yells duck where do I start my high school made national news because we had a male teacher fresh out of college duck some kid in exchange for a case of beer my middle school wrestling coach got fired for spanking boys after class I was actually on the team he was a creepy mathur de coeur he liked to spar with certain team mates a lot made sense after the firing back to high school our football team famously got a bunch of their players suspended by hazing a freshman with a broomstick up the ass there were a lot of funny jokes about that one faculty generally did their best to hide broomsticks because people used them as reenactment props quite often one of the women in the class broke down crying as everyone was gathering up their stuff to leave there was red on her chair and pans and at first those of us who were around to help thought she might have had some sort of sudden period but most of us realized that even that shouldn't produce so much blood right out of nowhere then those of us who were acquainted with the process of childbirth realized that she had just miscarried while sitting there voting away her books she had been in the early stages of pregnancy when it happened so most of us didn't know she was expecting it was a rattlin heartbreaking experience I'm still in touch with her today and she and her husband now have two adorable and healthy sons senior year a guy supposedly got a [ __ ] from a girl during an assembly although he claimed the reason she was under the jacket and his lap was because of a B grain that was made worse by the bright lights in the gymnasium and later found out I was only a few feet away when it happened because someone took a picture and I was in it [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Avengers
Views: 240,153
Rating: 4.9244385 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, best posts, reddit funny, sub, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, sir reddit, planet reddit, high school, student
Id: KObmpmpRKD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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