Man of Medan Part 1

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Seeimonthevideo1234 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to man of madden man of me damn man of Madonn I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong which I'm sure I am but this is made by the same creators of until dawn and the start of some kind of trilogy don't play alone play alone well I don't have any friends so I guess I'm just gonna be playing by myself here so let's get started oh hi Chinese market South Sea news story save slot theatrical cut a weird theatrical cut okay cool I don't know why they're painting this to be like a horror movie I mean it's kind of like a movie like experience right until dawn was very cinematic in style it seemed to be like the creator's wanted to make a horror movie and then they decided they wanted a little bit more interactivity to it which is cool I like the concept I like a little choose your own destiny kind of feel the things is you know me but let's see if this one can cause me to make the same mistakes I've made before now the big caveat here is if I make some game-breaking mistake I don't have time to go back and play through the whole game just to save one person and then replay it in her game to do it correctly the first time because number one this is a pre-release version of the game so if there's any bugs no nothing I can do about and there's no guide so nothing can tell me how I would do wrong if I did do wrong and I'm leaving for Korea so I'm gonna be completely out of time this is the only chance I'll get to play this so let's see if we can do this right and if we can't then undo all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well this is sad and overly dramatic not sure why the music so bombastic for this you think it'd just be a tad bit more somber I'm sorry my air conditioner so it's actually cold in here hence the code okay Cheers we having a good time here everybody's probably not alrighty buster we better mosey on back to the ship alright Buster stop what looks like Oh Charlie charmings got a little business to attend to Nino or DOMA oh sure can I fight hey give me a quarter why I'm gonna find out my future let's have it what's in store for me pop III chase ya pay yo even MA huh huh tell me about my son I didn't even know I had a son till this moment how's my son doing uh I guess I just want to know about my son will he is he gonna grow up all right things gonna work out for him uh I like dragons I like I like dragons kanji job I knew kashama it's cool that I know Chinese but trying to figure out why I'm here first so hold pick up objects use to examine Donna done it's a fish looks like a fish you could have told me that though that's high fool yeah they come from any direction they sure like a mysterious wind like this may blow what happened to my son wait what wait what does that mean hey what does that mean what the hell man what what about my son hey bud let me get it go away oh yeah think you got the stuff you know beanie the polio daughter go home I sure fine sure let me another quarter I'm gonna start a tab I'll give it a whirl oh I'll give it a whirl I'm Joe I love world whoa what is that that's pretty cool you know nut back analyzed pretty cool I am take that low blow with your weird southern hands uh-huh oh yeah you think oh oh you think oh no way no how yeah okay yeah yeah lady or Dee I don't know which buttons which hey I don't know mark just say left right up I can't I can fight ooh that's what you get Oh dodge should I be playing this with a controller or something cuz I feel like oh boy I feel like I don't know these buttons as you have them written Wow yeah looks like I'm the karate master now that's Jeff that's Japanese Thank You Sean one piece shits in a Japanese we better get back to the ship we don't want to get stranded come on man just let me ask another question see how you would play this with your friends if you are both doing the challenges at the same time but me I have no friends [Music] if only we invented radios I could tell you that [ __ ] oh that's not dangerous don't drop it anyway how's the wife oh good more skulls great I don't know what we got from China I don't know why we're here oh yeah there we go hey aren't you proud of us 5650 come on Wow hey all that karate didn't help me none get this one to the medical the other and the free what's what's with these performances I just got to say I know this is a pre-release version then maybe it's not finalized but this comes out in a few days what's with those performances hood him in the brig and keep him there I don't want to make fun of it just in case it gets better but even if it does get better then that's just gonna suggest me that maybe it shouldn't oh no not the skulls Oh No if only I shouted at him well that was weird oh that's not that's what you call not good now I see why you were playing mysteriously creepy music zombies it's going to be zombies I got punched me hard yeah we don't want him to wake up from this their sedation didn't work I seem to be up Joe sickbay Joe no last name that's what they call me just Joe with a mysterious maybe dead son all right cool Joe's up and Adam let me look at this pick that up I learned this in fortune-telling school all right kid you could smile once or twice in your life too pops come back soon Wow kid you got great hand right yeah real good handwriting kid that's right impressive good job son I'm proud of you okay can I move oh I can't move okay using my key bird the controls are a little weird okay first aid yeah let's get some paint I was just looking for quarters quarters found me no I missed I was going for the quarters what is this garbo what is this one of those TI's all right whatever whatever you say now back for the quarters okay hey you get any more quarters in you something tells me I should be playing this out of control there because I feel like the keyboard not particularly set up for that okay well enough nothing to say about that just a regular old dead body no no opinions one way or another I can't move w I you know I am trusting W and yet W seems to not be working I will make the executive decision to switch to a control R oops never mind it's frozen back to the body and away from the body can I move now oh I can move okay let's see if I can up there we go I think this will be a much more pleasant experience with the controller okay well I'm certainly in no hurry all right easy as pie I mean now that I haven't done the tutorial I'm sure this is gonna go very good for me loved it I gotta say it looks great I just need to find out how to walk the controls are just a tad bit clunkier than they may seem to show you know it's not me being too terribly stupid but I'm a little dumb loud 2d he'll cut see I can hardly tell the daddy Charlie how's your time off just get me out of here already dead by your crap the dead God might be too and there was a corpse what's in the sick bay something's wrong let's get out of here all right whatever you say man okay just clip through my shoulder like that are you guys doing good in here in that private Charles Anderson on leave from duty to display intoxication and the man are not becoming up a member of the US Army private Anderson was engaging with another soldier in a drunken argument it is the opinion of the arresting officer that this would lead to a public brawl and the steps were taken to ensure the both men were returned to their ship all right cool thank you well glad that the paperwork was done in triplicate for that I'm glad that we are in proper order for all this hey can I take a piss or something I don't seem to be in too much of a hurry about this whole dead body situation but you know what is in the ever ooh I see a sailboat all right nothing to say man I've got no opinions all right what if we get here mon-monday Arthur petty theft small items belonging to senior officer found in Miller's locker items recovered and returned to owner found off limits in cargo hold 3a with no reason to be their flagrant disregard for orders found drunk and acting inappropriately from US Army personnel while on shore leave I'm drunk and acting inappropriately for US Army watch shore leave I guess they were too dumb whoever those mysterious guys were not me for sure what are the odds well not open funny about that oh oh boy here for my friend to arrive Oh friend ha all right let's go don't waggle your left joystick at me Oh God they walk like zombies already if these guys don't Keep Calm we're saying it's a rhythm game good thing all that guitar hero got me there here we go oh I don't got hold it easy easy Easy's hi Sarge we can help you Sarge Sarge you really gotta learn you gotta work on your turning left ability yeah boy that sergeant loves to shout it bass fry no he could have been saying hi to his neighbor who knows it just likes to shout oh yeah buddy I'm on doorway hang on gonna check something you know me always love checking corridors it's obvious they put so much work into this game and it looks really nice but my god do they look like idiots when they're walking around oh oh they walk like upper room for nothing I guess just my imagination just that weird wind blowing through here boy ah see shiny thing i'ma go look for shiny hey Charlie help Charlie look so dumb I don't know I feel bad Oh Nick and me what I'm just gonna hold the button down I hate button mashing that's the stupidest thing in the world that's not a challenge I could do it on my mouse button I would be able to do that um okay Han let's go try that again because I'm pretty sure that I can do this now that I've got my newfound powers and abilities he's gonna be a walk in the cake for that face oh all right okay I'm there all right let's see if it'll work hold him down okay good great good blue bar then Oh found a nice box to die on looks like he's been shot but why okay but what about that other door then wait was there another rules oh I can't go really how am I supposed to know which doors the secret door and which door is not the secret door well I get there goes my hundred percent oh wow Charlie standing there all creepy-like huh how am I supposed to know last time I saw him in the mess hall he was a poor [ __ ] I mean fiddles don't usually move either so I guess this is all the same here don't know why Saul rigor mortis already but whatever I guess weird okay let me hang on a second here I changed my mind Harley you wait there definitely make sure you get enough air through your mouth don't forget to breathe nope nothing just simply might've maybe looked like there was something but turns out there was not anyway Charlie I'm following you I'm following you bleed I follow hold left bumper to walk faster put one foot more forward than other foot and you go farther in less time it's just true science Charlie Charlie you swings wrong your arms when you walk a little more you go bigger on the distance your distance go bigger so yeah oh hey Chuck you see that no feeling all right no no no not uh no no I'm not apparently I'm seeing a child you think that we would be less calm about this good thing our training goddess cool as cucumbers more dead bodies [Music] funny charlie they look like us when you were walking in standed but they're not moving sorry had to load charlie Oh got these [ __ ] look look he's just walking like a goddamn zombie there better be a plot whistling they're already infected here something that's weird come here that's not very funny oh god no charlie oh hey kid Oh looking as healthy as ever they well I don't know how to boom okay all right well then you know [Music] [Music] Oh Charlie I forgot to breathe oh and I warned you about breathing it was so hard forget for one minute dude why are they Morse coding with [Music] [Music] okay I'm just [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and say it you know until dawn had a lot of [Music] [Music] why don't you spare me / - no haha is this the man of me Dan oh I take back everything I was about to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I love prog-rock this is him isn't it it's the man of mythic hello hi and welcome to my repulsive thank you I like it I like repositories never been in one myself okay never mind I guess that was weird okay hello I am the curator the curator of stories choices of love mr. Hayes keep doing that greed and beauty life and death stories such as this I'm here to record the story you choose to tell you see this tale is only part written and the choices you make will complete it and determine whether the lives of those with whom you are interfering continue to flourish or whether they are snuffed out you see we each make decisions according to our own moral compass and we have to live with those decisions or die by them but you shouldn't fear death it is after all inevitable it is the tax one pays for having lived and it comes eventually to everybody still none of us want for it to come to sue do know as in life the actions you take matter okay the choices you make will affect others I'll be keeping a close eye on your progress it's not my place to interfere but I might be persuaded to offer the occasional hint here's one for free there are pictures in this world that can show you some possible futures if you can find them and study them they may just help you to make better decisions or should I say decisions that result in the outcomes you would prefer oh okay there for the moment we'll talk again soon enough we'll have the opportunity to account for all the actions that you've taken uh-huh all right I love the way you punctuate every sentence with a musical cue it's really nice methinks the game has a few bugs here and there but I will forgive that for I have this game early slap slap slap all right where am I now brat witty Brad Alex's brother innocent okay Brad no one has blast names here Brad what's up hey Brad Alex motivated Brad's brother Julia's boyfriend insecure he looks it Brad I'm so insecure oh I don't know if I can hold that beer I don't know if we ran out we can always call for backup maybe I don't like talking on the phone I've never been down there before down the water diving maybe you could show me how the pros do it are you serious yeah I mean are you serious who came out here without taking any lessons kind of yeah but oh no I'm not insecure I'm not insecure at all it's embarrassed what does that mean oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's what it's embarassing taking them by yourself it's embarrassing you came all the way out here expecting me to hold your hand would bro whoa careful row that dive cam is like super excellent bro be cool what Julianne Conrad are you know how do I say super [ __ ] loaded so so don't sweat the wolf stuff man it's not cool don't make me regret letting you tag along what I was invited I think I was invited uh tag along seriously I thought it was invited Julia wanted you to come along for real Julia yeah man she wanted you to come I wanted her to see how cool you are which you're not so be cool capisce all right amigo Calvary is almost here whoo sorry I'm a little snappy I'm just a new medical school would be stressful you know total shocker and man the long-distance thing with Julia it's been rough I'm pathetic yeah I got you it must be tough I guess I was in the keyboard now huh yep right I like you what Conrad doesn't think we have enough beer ah because I keep these and an undisclosed location yeah relationship updated ooh oh this is very untold on helpouts prepare for his trip eager anxious innocent secret secrets never tell the good secrets go to hell anyway sorry I don't know what came over me our beef trades update I don't care hey what were you saying brother what kind of a big thing I'm trying to make a decision about don't get married about finishing med school no but it's just kind of a big life Joe no I don't know what's the right thing to do go with your gut go goddamn go with your golf player look you're good if it's right you'll know that's what I always say never think about decisions always act jump into it Hockley excited I can tell reckless Conrad Dooley brother foolhardy relaxed these are interesting traits sorry Connie this is Alex hey what's up man Conrad watch it sis Ladykiller right here good to finally meet you kyrat it's Brad by the way a little bro hey Bradley feel like I already know you have heard so much about you yeah likewise amen want a crack : with me want some crack yeah yeah yeah uh uh beer that beer is lit it's fire you could say words now right on radical I like the cut of your ship it's Jim you ever do any diving before yeah buh doo buh dude all the time totally all the time totally I'm so tight when I dive stick me with a noob uh-huh nope not new not new I know nurse ear underwater at this point with the tank so here I belong a couple three times you know here and there family trips [Laughter] where's the old crust bucket skipper any other Flis impatient captain of the Duke of Milan courageous all right I'd invite you to make yourselves at home but so is everybody on board and ready to go [Music] you think they would have met this captain before they just heard slapping their beer all over [Music] what a courageous leader type what a boss I like it man I gotta say no I can't say yeah because we're still alive in the movie excuse me just fishing well get it all in more like I open my mouth just follow the bottle like them yeah you know maybe I should maybe I should maybe what about over here that's pretty far out of the way I'm just thinking about backup targets in case we don't find anything on the dive cam listen to be honest I've never heard of this direct you're looking for usually these things are crawling with divers yeah this is different I'm just saying if it gets too late I know some nice places where you can just take you know a nice dive look I'm optimistic Brad did his homework did his homework if he says the wrecks here it's here okay you're the client I'm just saying we don't have unlimited daylight I'm gonna go help Conrad and jewel you with the camera feast your eyes on this whoa mama lesions were right on the money always bet on bright kids a whiz we should thank him what we found a plane yeah yeah looks like world war two we are ready to dive technically we should call this in to port authorities as an unreported wreck well technically are you sure you don't want to do this the right way uh can we can't dive wait are you saying we shouldn't dive the right way come on what is this kindergarten I had to bring it up if we just go down and take a look who's gonna know fine as long as you're quick don't touch anything what's the point of dying first one down there can you imagine I'm touched do we touch it touch touched it with my touch you guys in the water in a few boys I'll do the final checks take a look at the camera see if you can find anything useful all right right oh maybe you should check on your bro nothing else to say about that okay my tires oh I'm touching now okay all right dude dude enough dive right in no what's this oh gonna take a look e leu what so calming so to be this funny here we go now I can walk maybe hmm thought I saw a dead body nope okay I will look alright those less aggressive than I thought it'd be yeah I don't know what it is about this game what some things are just really steep I mean until dawn it had its oakiness but it was like a the acting was a bit more fluid in like the interactions were a bit more fluid I don't know what happened I like pictures as lag pictures there's just like a fundamental disconnect that makes it seem like these people are just like aliens in human bodies trying to cool with each other and try to be like yes me and human me dive me emotion missing commotions me maybe boo but maybe you and like the other characters seem to have like more not distinctive because these ones have distinctive bro I'm just looping they're the same because these ones have distinctive personalities but also more like more engaging personalities I'd say hey hey hey hi alright what did you say sorry I'm sorry yeah sorry about before alright everybody just a little we've been planning this whole thing for a while now I get it but there are rules and laws and customs these rules are all pretty basic stuff how much experience do you have with these kind of dives self-assured dived a couple wrecks over the years I'm expert but you know experienced if this is your first unreported wreck then you should know there's a very specific protocol you have to follow for all you know this could be a war grave disturbing it would be illegal and immoral let's see who's gonna know belligerent or pompous you know what I can't stop guys thank Jessie respect the rules down thanks a lot don't do anything stupid that'll get my ass in trouble walked right through that threaded the needle I saw the opportunity and I swam right through it that was that little hello you know your brother can't handle his drink just a little seasick I'm impressed you found this wreck really well yeah thanks done with that I guess I'm done okay so I'm done okay boop-boop-boop by booty bye okay so this is the rebreather way cooler than a regular scuba setup it takes all that co2 that you'd normally just exhale into the water and instead it gets totally reused then it reduces decompression time on your way up stay tuned here Oh to check done wait no but I was gonna I need to talk to my brother wait no I'm not ready to go I gotta check out my brother what I'm good Jay good Jay that like stake you underwater Hey what no that's my sis you're talking about this is not what Kay you little clown fishes what gonna go see what bliss is up to wait no what wait but I need to talk them wait go back what brother okay ha oh we will I thought that mayhaps I had been screwed okay I guess this is it ton or a camera I like Amara's you're on camera I'll take the wheels let's get it before photo all right kids good to go wait no I guess I'll take this this seems important was this stun rod oh yeah I got the bang stick heard about you ha ha you ever have to use one yeah on a shark nope Oh guess we're done talking then hey I wanted I wanted to go talk to my brother guys this is not my fault I wanted to go talk to my brother I had no idea that talking to Julia would just be like [Music] freaky bread puddings who needs a brother not me here we go then I guess that's problem that's what you call a problem so tight plane Hey souvenir would be cool it's not like one tiny little thing would hurt anybody I won't tell if you all not like they get to scan the wreck every night at sundown yeah that's cheap that's gotta be it's pretty good time to watch your mouth howdy captain you fancy a pint with your second-in-command you are not my second-in-command third in command no fresh in your cabin will Atilla know your well-paying dashingly handsome seafaring client it's requesting the pleasure of your company over a frosty amber liquid oh definitely no then pass I need to focus I mean if I was her I would definitely do that I need to focus Pass I have to stay focused on your friends down there good call good call that was not smooth where'd you get the cash don't ask the lady about her money no it's not polite to ask a lady about her money fair enough I was just thinking about buying a boat myself and I thought maybe I'd like to point me in the right direction it would be my pleasure not really sorry I have got enough on my plate for the moment see so beep boop boop boo boo boo boo spend some time keeping the Duke of Milan shipshape hi if I don't push these buttons in right beep ooh border the whole ship bruised yeah here we go beep oh beep looks clear yeah well they're good getting mighty crowded out here little blip what you doing all the way out here well I guess I'm done beeping no more beeping no more open so if you click on the back button the whole thing just locks up interesting interesting interesting interesting but if you press the button to go back if you move it if you go people okay there I go here I all right well don't know where I'm going I bukey I pick him again oh don't think about maybe not here we go see mrs. du Bois this letter is a formal notification that you are default of your application to make regular payments on your personal loan the loan hogs a remainder of twenty four thousand seven other netted three dollars within some of 3481 payable by first of August 2019 yes I'm late this amount has been over - since that date and you appear to have ignored lots of all requests for payments already discussed do reconsolidate your day unless they are standing out the amount of three thousand four hundred and eighty one dollars is received about the 30th of august she owned in nineteen we will have no choice but to begin the foreclosure process against your collateral namely de marine vessel they do chameleon accordingly yours shall sauron señoras can't manage ah well that's a sad depressing letter I have to repeat at the same time every day during exposition hey Pookie I bukey begin yeah I guess your brother doesn't like you oh this is the toilet dry guys a favorite painting this always relaxes me why do I keep these around good question cut and run what so is that don't cut and run so don't cut and run I'm not getting it I mean I'm gonna be shot if I'm gonna take that as if I cut and run I will be shot good know what about this nothing fifty Shades of Shroud of innocence okay that was going for the book but de Parfum is good dear never mind it's not as good as I once suspected now a must read for anyone with an interest in the sale I'm sorry I apologize this is not the time for silliness where is that sleeping brother rather how's it going knocked out by cold frosty man I feel like such a wimp hey it's your vacation you're allowed to overdo it maybe I am officially starting a temperance Club party of one lifetime membership asked well I'm talking about oh I guess we're done talking hey Flis look there's a boat a premonition we're about to be boarded that is not the Coast Guard so we're not under arrest perhaps should we handle this this feels off this feels off just be quiet and don't say anything stupid okay [Music] guys you gotta keep back we've got divers in the water [Music] hey we got damage here you see this look at our boat we can take care of this man it's not a problem what do you think like 10 bucks cover it oh whoops my bad let's make it 20 well shoot you you think it's more like 30 I can do 30 hey guys drive a hard bargain but I'm with you here but just throwing the whole pot right why why you be that way that you are what why bot why do ye what what what what what what Oh weird amateur bar here I'm an [ __ ] I'm a douchebag Oh a dickweed take the whole pot okay oh that's not good anyway all right saddest man um a damn Conrad said one of the pictures showed an opening Conrad really really the rear turret economy but turn we can get in through there all right cool good glad this is riveting III hey three dangerous ladies first hold on just one second that was not my fault that was not my fault because my hand was not on the keyboard beat ku as I was so flabbergasted at Conrad's personality I couldn't bother that was not my fault didn't know I was gonna have to play [Laughter] what premonition oh hey devil in the deep okay no no no no okay I don't remember it all - until dawn if they show the things that you're supposed to do or not supposed to do I don't remember if they're like do this thing or maybe don't do this thing you know what I mean okay so don't do that but does that mean to do do the other thing I am comfy it's exploring go go go whoa hole I found a hole why we wanna leave it you'd have to take your gear off to get in there not worth it that place is pretty tight what if you get stuck without your rebreather don't be such a gonad I'll be fine go dad seriously am i dead what's happening this seems like a bad idea but okay I guess I'm doing it now the ability to like make decisions and seem to be very different from what it was before also I there's very little actual yeah okay maybe this was a bad idea Oh [Music] cam ready to 8 oops really I don't know you did something stupid down here that's it one chance you get that chill out I'm fine see no problemo no problemo and I got a letter ooh searched area one area to area this was worth getting this was very worth a plane was on the way to help out a ship it's a traits updated generous cunning selfish courageous compassion whoa what Alex took the bank stick on the dive proposal Brad told Alex to follow his gut I see okay all right here I go Oh what's this give me give me that's a bullet fuselage Brad's gonna flip when he sees this bread loves bullets I don't know Fred hates bullets I don't know if flipping is a good thing your lingo is I think they were using it let's see what else we can find I'm not sure how much of a secret these secrets are Oh yes sir touch touch it's touched I'm doing doing doing you've doing okay and looky loo and looky loo in looky loo Wow a precious keepsake oh I wonder if she knows well would that never mind look things they knew they were goners how do you know that what what how did you know how would you know that bad bang stick father call a bang stick bang oh you got a bang stick too I see oh I might think it's hard to tell sometimes I think what does that when life gives you lemons when you piss your pants what what are you gonna do with my lemonade and co-pilot what are you gonna do a limited oh okay this is happening now now we'll go up then it's open now let's go I'll kill you kill you shark hold on this is the right time but I really really didn't know if it was the right time really really no times great time really now yes really now I know you can't tell these are underwater but about my knees right now uh-huh now baby ah astounded we almost thought yeah it's [ __ ] stunned ah crap Julia I'm serious damn sure wow what a goddamn story how's it end oh man this is gonna be with death trap yeah this is Julia we're coming back up over here we go goodbye wait Julia we got a decompress here Wow damn what the [ __ ] we gotta get up there we we have to decompress no you've got the know we we've got the special suits no you have this special this crazy just got wait a few seconds you got this god it's taking too long this is torture just a few more seconds okay now go go what the hell happened it's cool man everything's all right now oh nothing your brother just took it upon himself to blow up my grill Conrad what is wrong with you why are you paying me oh [ __ ] so why are you paying the ocean a group of fishermen came by and damaged their boat they got caught on the dive line Oh that's what happened yeah so then ambassador Conrad figured the best movies to show him he'd rather throw away his money than give it to them you're an [ __ ] whatever Oh what I want to know is what you guys find no plane and it's huge full of cool stuff oh my god you guys can you all just shut up for like one second hopefully [ __ ] dude bro crap nicely done come up and let's celebrate this is weird but this is weird this is not how humans interact this is not how humans human this is weird hi Hey sorry Hey how you doing mr. Madden you're getting to know these intrepid adventurers then Alex and his little brother Brad trying to swim with the big fish both seem out of their debt yeah and Julia the love of Alex's life and he the love of her yep what about Conrad a bold fellow you might say or maybe you'd say arrogant and then there's captain Flitz strong forthright stubborn she appears somewhat immune to Conrad's charms so far at least let me reassure you you help them to make some decisions they'll value later on you're doing well yay yeah I'm not did well I'm good this game is Han we're gonna pause here this game is a little ridiculous in a way very different from how until dawn was very very different but I am enjoying myself that is at the end of the day that is what matters I am in fact enjoying myself in this game I'm laughing probably a lot more than I should be laughing but I'm having a blast play it is just it's so weird because the acting is very stiff there's no denying that the action is very stiff I am NOT playing this game much though the only thing I've done is move around and miss a few QuickTime events so frankly I'm apparently doing pretty good I didn't get to talk to my brother before I left but apparently that didn't mean jack doodlee so I will pick this up next thank you everybody so much for watching let me know you thought down in the comments below and let me know how you think I'm doing because frankly apparently I'm doing good but I don't know don't feel like it but if you haven't seen until dawn I'll put a playlist in the description below so you can see that one it is a lot of fun it is very interesting and it is a quite a surreal experience but thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,352,538
Rating: 4.8830471 out of 5
Keywords: man of medan, man of medan part 1, man of medan markiplier, man of medan playthrough, man of medan scary, man of medan review, man of medan lets play, man of medan walkthrough, man of meda guide, gameplay, gaming, guide, review, scary moments, jump scares, markiplier, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, part 1, until dawn, until dawn markiplier
Id: mtcVMycC1q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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