IT'S TIME TO END THIS | Welcome to the Game - Part 5

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"I did everything right...I did everything right!! I thought I did everything right." 😢💔 It legitimately broke my heart when he got killed by the Noir followers the first time in this stream.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

Glad to see he hasn’t given up

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gronbuca125 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

I watched this and in the middle of the stream someone knocked on my door... scared the crap out of me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/atomiccrouton 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

just going to put this tweet the devs retweeted the day b4 this was released.... if you've paid attention to every way mark has died in this game it boils down to him not understanding and utilizing the mechanics.

also, mark is losing subscribers at a steady rate now. let's hope he puts out an apology soon, or its going to hurt him even more.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/starrybuttboy 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I really need to know how it ends.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ColorRaccoon 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
oh hello everybody my name is markiplier hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to welcome to the game I'm saying that multiple times just in case I didn't get it right at the beginning of the game so welcome everybody we are going to get into this a few things right off the bat I now know that not only was i stupid before I mean I'm not just talking generally before I know that generally I was stupid for the past 6 years that I've been doing YouTube but it I was generally stupid in the last one because I missed over something very obvious about this games is that the code can be hidden in the text of literally any page in the game so if you hover over every single word of the page you will eventually find some links so you have to comb through each page with a fine-tooth comb not only looking for the link to the second wiki which is generally pretty obvious but there's also another deeper level of it that I wasn't doing in addition to that I now have an extensive guide on the various wi-fi's because the Wi-Fi mechanics are a bit of a mystery but there is a spreadsheet that someone made that details every single little nuance of every single little Wi-Fi network including the signal the injection max amount the injection cooldown the failed time the injection start the injection amount the track rate it's all here in plain text so there is definitely a possibility that I'm gonna be able to get to every single bit over this Wi-Fi and it just so happens when I was trying to hack it before that I got to the really really problematic one that was extremely difficult to hack but this one is not so bad so I will be getting into this and we will be getting into this and we will have lots of fun so we're gonna try this I'm gonna see what happens you ready I'm ready Oh before we get started there is something very important that I wanted to talk about that we kind of covered in the last video but it's very important to my horn I want to talk about like button abuse last time we told you to smash the like button to destroy the like button to annihilate the like button and then feel like that was wrong we're always taking the extra step to destroy the like button to hate the like button to annihilate the like button power and fists of purity if it's time why not love them why not show the like button the love that it shows you I want us all to take a moment to just gently kiss that like button just gently caress that like button give it a sassy spanking how about that something a little lighter when I'm in danger or you think I'm about to die just give that like button a little little smooch on the neck a little a little hickey III only exist through numbers if numbers are high then I'm happy and my life has meaning that's that's what I think about that like button so death definitely definitely definitely try that okay we're gonna get this I've got more and more tips and tricks I've got more strategies I've got more stuff to do I am ready and I am probably gonna die horribly but I'm ready nonetheless so let's get into it I'm probably gonna die but I am committed to trying this a little bit harder than I have in the past I think really certain I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to do this properly but I'm not 100% certain there's also a little thing here where um I've got a list of supposed ports for the WEP password so maybe I don't even need to scan the ports if those are all the same I've never noticed if those were the same before but maybe they are I'm not a hundred percent sure but we're gonna try this okay let's disconnect and shut her off let's go get the free beep VPN and let's boogie Audi come on there we go all right this is where the game gets real I need to turn up the volume for you guys so you can hear all the nuances and you can get jumpscared just as much as I do right there we go and now I can hear new new day new fun new happiness fun times all around let's do this and maybe we'll be able to get the dollmaker event this time around we haven't had the dollmaker in the first the first wiki page that we've had in a long time so and not that I want it but you know just in case it happens it would be something interesting and new that happens that we haven't seen before but if it does it does if it don't it don't and maybe it's entirely dependent on you maybe if you scream at the top of your lungs we want the doll maker then the doll maker will be there but I'm not a represent sure there's also I was reading up on the doll maker stuff just because I didn't want to be met with a complete unknown but there's apparently you have to hack this downstairs computer and that's what the Lowell P disk is for I don't know the rest of it but all I know is that the the guide said that you had to do that for that and then supposedly suppose it wouldn't be so bad become the doll I don't know if I want to become the doll I don't know if that's an ideal I don't know if that's a good idea for this you guys have had a lot of bad ideas throughout this endeavor but that one might be one of the worst ones to become the dull you want the doll maker yes scream it at the top of your lungs it's more likely to happen if you type it real hard and if you really caress soothingly smooch that like button maybe it'll be more possible to happen no I don't think you want me as the doll I don't think that's good I don't think the doll maker wants me as the doll I mean I got I got a pretty nice bod but I don't know if that'd be entirely good for me also it is a mechanic in the game where you if you use your flashlight too much the flashlight will die so you don't want to use it nearly at all you only want to use it when the power goes out I mean I use it sometimes to see in the dark corners of my apartment because I play with the lights out but it's not the best idea in the world not the best idea all right la key lock oh wait I'm going out anyway all right take this la unlock E lock let's see if there's anything over here nope no no no I'm watching the bottom right cymbal more than anything because that's more reliable than just checking the walls nope nothing here nothing here all right there's a yellow yellow yellow yellow nope let's try upstairs first whoa yes okay easy-peasy first one's easy all right now my objective is not to buy too many of those things I just want to get one motion sensor you guys I know we're screaming at the top of your lungs for two you got good too but I don't want to get too I just want one and that's all I need all right let's go zero day market let's get online let's go to tp-link now if Courtney of the guy this free Wi-Fi is actually one of the best free Wi-Fi is to get because it allows you to have the absolute most possible time on it nearly like 15 minutes on this thing without being detected and I'm pretty sure that's just because it's the first one but as soon as we get the sky break we're going to get that up and running I've got my notepad right here with all my notes I'm ready to get it I'm gonna get the motion sensor it's gonna be all great ok brutal underground that is indeed not one that's available now but it will be available burned at the stake know chosen awake no deep Journal yes it's available now ok sky break is up and running I'm gonna try WEP scan I'm gonna try something kind of cool now so I need to look at every single letter on this page I don't think I need to worry about them just yet every single letter mmm oh god there's so many words nothing nothing nothing nothing no nothing let's get this going I'm gonna try this first I I don't know if this is how this is gonna work 6 and because it says I've got a list of the supposed ports but I just want to test if it works first so crack 8 this one is 6 7 - let's try that nope ok alright so you do have to probe it alright let's actually just probe alright we're gonna probe that first then we're hopeful the best alright so this is D D v 9 709 got it ok what do we got what do we got nope alright everybody keep your ears open in case there's some sounds that I need to be aware of it makes me swell I think she saw me looking out her window and she smiled at me I almost came right then she's amazing oh yeah great oh there's a long ass website take them titties out and go to mmm beat the [ __ ] out of you man she does have [ __ ] respect yeah if there's one thing that's being being thrown around here it's respect yeah took it look in the bag in it smells like a box of her trash oh that's awful horrible hey I found it okay BRAC 6 & 9 4 w r 7 l LJ 8 6 4 1 okay the reason I'm coming through this if you missed it um it was brought to my attention that I am stupid and I need to check every single word every single letter every single possible thing in here for clickable that is what gives the things that you need and if you don't look at every single little thing then you are going to be boned forever Z X C V B and M okay all right let's go ahead and crack the other one I'm good on this free password for the moment oh boy good God look at all this [ __ ] quick peek holy [ __ ] wonderful Congrats mmm that's not good all right probe FSDB ra and qc9 one to a thousand all right watching over the past few days trying to nail down a routine I think she goes to the mall after masquerade ball four times a day I hope she misses me about that keep that [ __ ] rub one out yeah okay all right anonymous been a while since I posted thinking killing me finally saw it finally saw her again boy hope she's not mad at me yeah women are puzzles well maybe maybe if you weren't stalking this one person maybe it wouldn't be so much of a puzzle you know just that's just a thought I have but who what do I know honestly what do I know or this is I forget which one this is but I'll get it later okay man this is feel like my balls are going to explode maybe that'd be for the best maybe if your balls blue that would be that'd be just kind of the best thing that could happen at this juncture [ __ ] Cruella something to do oh god oh no oh no no no that's that's not okay that's the opposite okay alright I don't think anyone's gonna be here yet not until I find the first key found this one so s s Wi-Fi is Willy will II will I okay let's go ahead and hop on to the first free Wi-Fi that we got here let's go to Z xev beatin him I got it cuz this page just not work or is it is it something else okay we're gonna hop we're gonna hop the Wi-Fi pretty much every 10 minutes we don't need to actually we don't need to actually worry about Wi-Fi too bad but I just want to just want to get ya outwardly angry at me so I snagged her shoe in a box what sighs looks like she's a seven it's a seven that's a so god oh no oh no no no oh boy I haven't been looking in the source code either she's gone off the deep end she looks right at me and tells me to stop staring at her it hurts so much we have a connection I don't think she sees it oh boy oh no oh no no been trying to show her how much I love her and she's acting like I'm gonna kill her oh no uh-uh no oh no that's not huh that's not hot Oh God Oh fuming haven't left my apartment want to wait oh now you want a strangler maybe her fears were justified maybe that was a thing wish I could give you a hug okay no not gonna let her go I have to see where she's going I'm going after her good luck gonna be both much I've loved I need to figure out but I can stop worrying so much finally finally get to talk to her yeah she's starting to see my ways I think okay she's gonna move in with me oh no oh oh no oh she's she's dead oh she's dead oh she's she's dead oh she's dead she's dead okay all right that's horrible that's horrible that's the worst thing I've ever seen all right do we see a website in here no I don't think there's gonna be anything good in here this is just as a venture in awfulness this is just a journey down into some horrible horrible miss oh god also I have so few daus going why do I have so few daus coin I guess it just doesn't make as much as you think it would boy no thanks alright anything here I'm gonna guess a whole lot of nope I'm guessing this was just a freaking waste oh this is just a big-ass waste of my time yep I'm almost on represent sure didn't need to know any of this didn't need to know any of this could have lived my life without knowing about this okay that was nothing there was nothing it was a whole lot nothing I combed through every little scrap of that every little nuance of that and there was absolutely dick diddly great I'm gonna switch Wi-Fi cuz it feel like it alright ss Wi-Fi we've got Willie great well how you guys doing huh if that grossed you out give that like if that was horrible hmm I'm on it I'm I'm I'm doing the thing okay on crave let's see what on crave has probably nothing good stupid slow Wi-Fi I need to get to wpa2 because wpa2 is the fastest Wi-Fi and that's that's really what we need do not break the nine I would never dream of it let me check the source code first nope nope okay so let's just check all of these little pieces of [ __ ] cuz there's bound to be there's bound to be stuff in here you just got to be mindful for it see this is what the game is all about like the game actually does just kind of drag and drag and drag just from doing these things over and over again because there's just so much like there's just so much to comb through that's why it'd probably be for the best to get the key maybe maybe eventually just I don't know go for as much money as you can through the the hack exploit and stuff like that but I don't know geez this is what I got to do nope nothing there's nothing but the end nope okay let's go to the gate nothing yet I've got no money because no one's tried to hack me okay hello lady how you do a nice eye the gate is open you have been warned at the ground is dead under our feet I don't know if that's true no nothing okay we got nothing go hold on nothing we got nothing we got nothing I can probe five to a thousand I know I can I know I can but I won't I just won't do it give me money gimme fuel gimme fire gimme that which I desire no all right that's fine I'm gonna get this one no let's go down come on so much I hate that one I hate it it's so stupid it's stupid it's stupid and I hate it it's stupid it's stupid and I hate it I hate it and it's stupid it's stupid and full of poopie and it's dumb it's dumb and I hate it [Music] nope nothing no nothing I don't know if I have to go through that if I do I'm gonna be very pissed nothing bought a bunch of bull poopy nothing but the poop iasts believe ever seen just a bunch of poopy dicks oh let's go for real photos oh boy can't wait for this yeah all right we need to switch Wi-Fi pretty soon I guess we can go back to the free one but once I get out of this I think I should be fine for a little bit longer if I'm on SS Wi-Fi oh no that's not very long let's let's go ahead and switch back to the free Wi-Fi just in case cuz I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't want to do anything because I've got a list of the supposed times for each of these two it's 376 seconds 4 SS Wi-Fi so best to hop around best to hop around alright nope that's not good okay that's not good okay not good not good not good not good not good not good not good [Music] not good not good no not good not good not good Oh No wait I see something no nope PDP block no anything in the purchase no it's taking way too long we're making no money we're getting our money stolen from us no wallet companion found access denied what about the this know doesn't my the looks of it okay I'm gonna scratch that one off list I comb through it real tight real tight I don't know okay evil collection that is a thing yes okay getting nervous now I don't know why home images links evil collection why do they do this internet browsers nobody's else's [ __ ] business this is my corner the webosphere some various things I found there me more stuff public bgp block updated a while ago images let's go for it oh I didn't check the source code again and whatever I'll go back to the home page eventually okay just my image is browse more of it I don't see anything okay creepy let's go creepy I like creepy pics creepy pics are good creepy pics are the best or let's hop Wi-Fi again actually just in case actually let's go through this one from no stop a god damn it hot Wi-Fi well [ __ ] I'm not dead how how would I be dead I haven't even gotten anything the windows not even open the police aren't here the windows not open nothing's wrong I have no money chats been taken down guess choose a color all right no no chat no links no nothing no nothing chad has been taken down oh no oh god no why could it be why could it be how could it be how could it be all right here we go mmm mmm that's that's unpleasant that's that's unpleasant oh that's that's horrifying oh that's awful oh that's unpleasant that's unpleasant that's fine that's not pleasant that's unpleasant oh there we go that guy I know that guy anything here nope okay all right then Oh let's go links we'll go back to pictures cuz there's a lot more pictures but just in case yeah oh god no I know these horrible creepy pictures all right place them is around ooh what the hell what Oh links what what is baby time baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby all right all right okay just baby time let's go to and book whatever that is all right I knew I knew I knew I was just gonna be that all right I don't know what an book is yeah something tells me it's not gonna be any better than Facebook something tells me something tells me oh god I found nothing I found a lot of nothing see I wonder if it'd just be better to try to get as much daus coin as possible you know I really do wonder if it's like that is the best strategy just try to get as much Dass coin in the beginning of the game and then go for the key finder and that way it'll be easier then you know when a key is on a page you don't waste your time because a lot of this game is just about time management right so I'm gonna try that I'm gonna try that I'm actually going to just I'm gonna flip through these various actually I'm just gonna screw this I'm going for the next Wi-Fi SS Wi-Fi is Willie and this is a good one to stay on just got here no again dad got it easy well that was easy and I had a million I had a bunch of time whatever 3.5 I've got no money I've got no money I've got like no money where's all my money give me my money that's what I want my money where's my goddamn money all right whatever I've got a global cooldown on being hacked so I'm just gonna is it better just to keep going oh no no no flame is not one hail Satan is also not one happy family is not one hidden pleasures that's one yes oh this one has so much text ah you know what I'm just gonna try to get money if I die this time around because the threats get too real then that's just this is what it is but I need the money oh wait there's something like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so there must be something there because suddenly when I went to that website things got all weird huh things got a little weird no present sure but I think things got a little weird and that website is where there must be something there right oh yeah oh yeah there must be something all right let's do this go back to there I'm ready show me the codes give me something good baby baby baby oh god this so much [ __ ] IVA VAD or the website was just or the game was just like okay you've been [ __ ] around for far too long let's let's just let's just speed this up here let's get your death out of the way how the [ __ ] oh there's so much here there's so much here is this so much oh my god I want the key finder okay [ __ ] it there's something in hidden pleasures but I'm just I want the key finder I want the key finder I want to live dangerously I'm gonna scoot by I wanna I want to really mess up my day I want to mess up my steez we're gonna go too nope not that there easy easy Peas easy peasy give me the money I've never had this low money I've never had this low amount of money when I started this oh man all right let's go back there's pretty much the worst start I've ever had to any of these any of this type of game so let me know let me move the Wi-Fi dongle let me just go ahead and do that because I think you know I don't I I don't know I think you could just hop between Wi-Fi of the same network over and over again but I'm not 100% sure what would be the best way to go about that you know what I mean because this one has two free Wi-Fi and they're relatively safe I think yeah they're relatively decent it's only got one of these whatever probe q h q QV h sy s zs yeah which one's this one PFW let's try 300 to 800 give me a little better range but I don't know if that's gonna be the right one anyway hop on the Wi-Fi free one and go might be time to get another hack going on here all right well that Wi-Fi is slow oh that Wi-Fi is slow happy family I might want to run I can't there's nowhere to run where would I run I can't run nope found it alright crack uh q h QV h sys is yes channel 12 five four three okay this one didn't work didn't work guys i'm trying to get hacked i'm trying my damnedest I'm just they don't want to hack me they know what Elite hacks or I am did I lock the door I did okay I'm good they know what a sweet hacker I am I did fail the first hack or maybe me failing the first hack made it so much easier the password is dick okay PW f138 is dick all right good to know passwords dick I like that that's good bass we're dick that's a good password hack me hack me bastards hack me you bastards hmm I don't know if refreshing is better than just going backwards and forwards hack me give me money give me money not it's got to be just refreshing is it refreshing or is it going backwards and forwards I'm not a Mersenne sure yeah change the Wi-Fi as much as possible oh yeah don't trust me that's exactly what I'm doing all right trying to hard mode get hacked more yeah I know I'm pretty sure maybe I don't know Lucas lives in the same building you know I wouldn't doubt it I really wouldn't doubt it whoa oh yeah no that's not what I want that's what happened last time apparently I wanted to buy that and I didn't have enough das coin which is [ __ ] cuz I did and I have no idea why it said I didn't fail in the first puzzle I did you have to fail in the first puzzle but I did but what is what are you talking about you're just saying that you're not saying why what do you mean fail in the first puzzle I did what are you talking about hmm oh I see I see what you mean the ozone wall okay I've been kind of like intermediate [Music] I failed all right okay why I be a jibe X Y max it's like some horrible Sesame Street sir - good work sir - good to a pet tips tip sir give me some sweet tips on how to play oh that's a lot of money oh hell yeah that's a lot of money all right let's buy a motion sensor then holy [ __ ] look that's a lot of money there's a lot of money guys guys there's a lot of mourning guys just a good bit of money oh yeah all right let's go get up let's go get that before it's too late it's 11 o'clock right now 11:30 is one things get bad out there we're probably gonna run into the breather anyway let's go Getti let's go Katy Audi look do this oh let's do this oh I'm kind of ready I'm not ready but that's good advice that's good advice thank you for that advice that really is great somebody somebody please clap for that person or everybody that was giving me advice like that that's good advice that's great advice nice the best advice that I could ever hope for yeah yeah I know the breathers probably gonna kick my ass I'm well aware of that fact I still haven't been able to beat the breather the the reaction times on that bad boy is just obscene I'm gonna try my best but I have no hopes for it I didn't hear anything I'm a trust myself I trust my instincts I trust my instincts I didn't hear [ __ ] I'm not gonna waste time [ __ ] you breather I'm a [ __ ] bad-ass [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out of here you think you powerful you think you mean you ain't mean you nothing you nothing you're nothing gravy boy huh you ain't nothing to me you ain't nothing to nobody you just try you just try you try you try buddy yeah you got nothing yeah he's got nothing on me okay so we just got yeah yeah yeah yeah I tried to give you advice almost every stream it's kind of hard to see this is the first time I've actually turned nightbot on and been able to fight the spam so I'm sorry if I haven't seen this is like the first stream where I've been able to actually read stuff so it's good it's good all right all right let's put no one's here let's put this bad boy I thought I ran into something on the ground there those weird all right we're gonna put this bad boy right here in the hallway right here in the hallway baby oh that's good that's a good spot right there that is a good spot I don't have a camera there if I can never access it you know that's my question all right walkies all right we're good let's do this let's kick some ass let's kick some ass let's kick some serious mass all right we're gonna go to TC a 1 which is it not great one but oh well all right let's get hot again doot-doot doot-doot and then we're gonna get emotional eart all right you guys keep an eye on that hallway motion alert you guys keep an eye on that you guys keep an eye you guys keep an eye let's go flame come on flame hack me do it I'm here hack me come on now hack me attack me there's definitely something on that that that human trafficking website there's definitely something on that just got to get there no no no no no no I'm not gonna get I'm not gonna get killed no no no I'm not gonna get killed I bought back doors I've got four back doors I've got four I've got four back doors you know what actually I'm gonna give you something that you want now you can see my daus coin now you've got it are you happy now are you happy now are you happy maybe I should just put my webcam down hear that dead probably smart I'm gonna do that for you guys you know just cuz I like you guys so much just cuz I like you I'm gonna do that for you guys you heard they nerfed Lucas they probably did but if they did that last week I don't know what the nerf exactly entails but it was only a slight nerf I don't have enough money for a sound alert I will get that don't worry I will get that don't worry your pretty little head I will get that nope not that Blanc that's not for me that's not for me that's not for me that's not for me I just hopped on this free wife and hasn't been enough I'm willing to bet money that is not for me not for me Justin K is gonna flip Wi-Fi anyway let's go - lets go - dick I guarantee that is not for me guarantee that is just random noise please get called all the time that is not for me guaranteed guarantee that guarantee not for me all right here we go memory zero T Z for easy road easy for one Q b6 j 1q b6 j el y n HZ Lin no zero Oh No Oh WD h 0o WD h 0 got it wow that's a lot of moly moly that's a lot of money that's a lot of moolah is what I think I meant to say but I'm not I wasn't sure you never know with this stuff all right we've got 98 we've got 98 DOS going we need more we need a lot more but I can by the WPA let's go straight w2 PA 2 because I now know what to do about that and I told you the police were not for me that was not for me I don't need to panic at everything [ __ ] I need to panic all right let's panic damn it's locked let's go nothing happens god damn it one of these days I'm gonna be fast that just happens it happens it happens to the best of us it happens to me that doesn't mean it's anything to worry about anybody in here hello no all right good all right let's get out of here let's get a tea all right so now we've got we should have police we should have anyway the did we get what we needed did we get what we needed yeah we got it we got a baby we got it okay so now I have a very very very good list of Wi-Fi information about this [ __ ] here so with that being said okay we're going to inject a 0-3 KN e ar e one we need okay which one is this this is KP n fawn this is the low one so we can only do five at a time on Channel seven five and the cooldown is every four seconds damn it okay the max was the max was five okay so that means I needed to do four okay so I'm gonna switch Wi-Fi I'm gonna move this Wi-Fi back over here but I'm gonna connect one of these this is gonna work you're gonna see you're gonna see okay scan we're scanning it's gonna work it's gonna work you need to keep refreshing on this oh I need to connect something refresh oh there's so many WPA twos okay let's go okay ethical hacker that's a decent one what about maxium black that's a decent one snuffbox that's nutty someone yeah that's a good one let's go let's go that one okay let's do inject g29 vy9 why b16 inject on channel one let's it says let's do 50 BAM okay cool let's keep going on this woo who's gonna work okay the cool down on that is 12 seconds so we need to wait 12 seconds every time before we're able to do that again let's buy a motion sensor alert - let's go again yeah this is gonna work this is gonna work 1 2 3 4 no not a [ __ ] I bought a motion sensor not emotional eart god dammit god dammit dammit now I have another dammit great great [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I want to get hacked again before I get down there well that's probably not a good idea if I'm just gonna guarantee the breathers gonna be down there isn't it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's offline - I didn't wait 12 seconds well whatever let's just get off of this thing no let's disconnect from that thing alright let's go get that motion alert because we have it so we might as well go get it right damn it oh wow such a piece of garbage such a piece of Garbo i'ma die to the breather now I I it's just I am I'm gonna die to the breather like it's guaranteed that I'm gonna die because I'm gonna get the breather not only am I gonna get the breather but I'm gonna die to the breather we're so boned we're boned we're boned if we're boned if you think we're boned just hover over that like button and just the gentlest little love tap on that like button just oh sweet sweet like but if you know that I'm boned - the breather which I am I've yet I'm seriously I've yet to be able to beat the breather and I know that it's gonna be the death of me I didn't want to go out here again didn't hear anything didn't hear dick didn't your dick get [ __ ] breathable yeah yeah it chode breathe man it showed breathe man ha ha ha ha ha victory is mine now I have 2 motion alerts what fat lock good that is gonna do me it's gonna do me absolutely dick diddly but hey no no no no I know how to beat the brave yeah I know how that doesn't mean I can do it the reaction times it's cuz it's so dark in there I can't actually see the door when the door handle starts to move is like really really really really quick reaction times and I'm not and I used to it enough I haven't practice you know what I mean yeah you know what I mean all right all right let's go for it we're fine we're fine suprisingly we're fine surprisingly anybody in here hello okay all right grab this let's put this in the stairwell and then we'll have to motion alerts don't know what good that's gonna do me but we're gonna put in the stairwell okay we got that I don't think it even matters where you put it in the stairwell because I think the game just registers there's movement in the stairwell there's a character in the stairwell I would love to see like a five nights at Freddy's 4 style map for it lock all right let's try this again we were let's try I think it's the same one is still there yeah we can just try that again all right and we're actually gonna wait the proper amount of time this time let's go to D this one nope come on all right cool I'm just I'm still just trying to get hacked I just want money I'm so greedy I just want money heard something I don't think it was anything though nope I'm pretty fortunate no one's been after me but I know my luck is gonna change pretty soon anyway how to Lucas good question honestly I don't know have one two three oh oh hey buddy hi well I just had to say something didn't I I just had to say something I just had to say something well you know that's just the way it goes sometimes sometimes you get good sometimes you get boned but you still there okay he's gone okay let's do it again can you please hack me I need lots of [Music] how the freaky no there we go oh my goodness gravy yes please and there and okay screw you buddy screw you buddy screw you screw you buddy screw you Oh screw you buddy screw you screw you buddy screw you oh boy screw you buddy oh man I'm getting better at that though surprisingly I am getting better at that all my complaining about it finally paid off oh no motion alerts no motion alerts we got nothing let's buy an audio there we go audio motion alert it's installing baby we're gonna be safe ish we're gonna we're gonna be safe right this is what safety means right probably okay this one needs about six hundred and forty two to get in there but once we get in there it's gonna be a fast lovely Wi-Fi it's gonna be fast it's gonna be beautiful and it's gonna be nice all right all right let's get another backdoor hack almost got the motion alert it is now officially 11:30 I think Lucas should probably be coming around the corner pretty soon here somewhere around here Lucas is around here somewhere no no okay I own a motion alert I own a motion alert I own inaudible motion alert inaudible motion alert I have that I own it I bought it with my money that are technically I think I stole from people but I bought it anyway I have that that's mine that is mine all right after this I'm gonna hop over the different Wi-Fi I'm pretty close to getting this pretty close anyway Oh scoop alright let's hop over a different Wi-Fi let's go back to the free working on hacks working on hacks just working on hacks right now thought I heard something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know okay there it is oh jeez god damn it every time every time every time for sure okay I'm good at the stack butcher that's a good amount of money that's good money right there that's good money okay it's gonna be another 70 seconds before I can get the next one motion alerts still are fine haven't heard anything I'm assuming I'm gonna heard you're something I'm assuming assume I hear something okay I need to wait 12 seconds in between these it's my be it this might get me there oh there we go okay crack g29 vy9 yb9 6 and channel is 1 okay we're cracking that let's go ahead and change Wi-Fi this is Oh Tucker all right so snuffbox snuff is Tucker let's go ahead and connect to that one I don't want to wait around there it is okay Tucker got it all right let's scan we should be good on that one for a good at least like 30 minutes at least 30 minutes right at least 30 minutes okay so let's keep going we should be able to get hacked pretty soon why did you order this water that's a good one yeah let's do that one yeah channel 7 and it says 65 is what we can do that's work if you guys hearing weird you guys hearing weird sounds you guys hearing weird sounds I think you're hearing weird sounds I'm hearing weird sounds okay the cooldown is six seconds in between that so that's that's really good okay oh that's fast oh that's speedy baby oh that speedy baby haw that speedy alright yeah oh yeah this one's gonna be easy to hack this is gonna be real easy so speedy on that so speedy [Music] don't break me yeah no oh my god okay flying [ __ ] come on okay I think I got it amazingly I think I got it gave me almost too much time for that it's getting really hard these puzzles are getting way tough 103 103 that's so much money I've got 237 I need 375 to be able to get this NE 375 more backdoor hacks alright we're gonna go we probably need one more backdoor hack maybe two to be able to do this so then once we have that we should be able to avoid intentionally triggering hacks and then we should be good to go still nothing on the motion alerts boy that was fast that wasn't a 70 second cooldown was it got it that was easy at least I went over a relatively linear path I don't know if these [ __ ] can come get me when I'm being hacked that is something that I don't know I'm not a hundred percent fast I'm not 100 percent sure about that okay whoa 153 that might yes that's enough okay that's enough we can buy the key q okay we're buying the key Q we're hacking into this thing we've got a long way to go on this Wi-Fi but so far so good so far so good I think that's all we need to do for that so we can go into these other websites as soon as we get the key key which is gonna take [ __ ] forever apparently okay all right all right I'm getting more and more nervous just because now I'm getting to the point where I actually have steaks here I've gotten to where I need to go and I've got the key queue on the way and that should be like the last thing that you need to do besides just focusing on getting those Wi-Fi is in order once I have these two Wi-Fi I should be able to just flop between these wi-fi's and I should be okay not on represent sure but should be okay yeah I've just hazarded okay I think we're fine I'm not I heard a footstep is what I heard I thought I heard a footstep but I don't know what that was I didn't see any motion alert I didn't hear a motion alert go off and then the power went off which was super weird oh god yeah which was super weird so I'm not a hundred percent sure what the [ __ ] just happened luck I really I'm really uncertain as to what just happened okay I'm just gonna hop to it or actually I'm pretty close to this Wi-Fi probably I just need to I don't know man I really don't know I honestly I have no idea what happened okay where am I jeez I really don't know what happened there I'm just confused more than anything Lucas can come from both sides of the hallway I mean it doesn't say it just says floor 8 hallways so I think it doesn't matter where you put it I'm pretty sure anyway no not no no no not skin [ __ ] you okay okay it kept the progress okay good good good good good good good good good good okay kept the progress totally fine mmm I thought that was gonna be bad for a second there so that was gonna be bad okay did we get the key thing installed okay key Q is owned let's go to hidden pleasures and let's see what the key Q is gonna say doesn't see you Q didn't do anything does that mean there's nothing here or does that mean it's just not in this surface web page okay that's nothing does it give an audio cue notify them the right of a NN if there's a key on this website okay well I don't see anything so it must not be here right if it doesn't say it's on the website then it must not be there right that's my thought process don't know if that's sure okay I am here yeah no it's not available right now okay that's fine keepsake should be worn okay bottom right oh there's a key on this website okay there is a key okay oh there it is what the [ __ ] was that what was that sound like a breath but I don't know of the breather ever coming up here so I don't think that was anything I don't think that was anything just my paranoia god damn it oh there's a key here but I don't remember where [ __ ] I'm getting so paranoid I'm getting unbelievably paranoid right now I'm getting like a ridiculously paranoid I don't know that one honk one honk not two honks one honk did my okay I have the motion blur where would it be goddamn it's on here where is it oh my god money one money one money one where's my god where's my Oh where's my pen where's my pen oh [ __ ] where's my pen where the [ __ ] is my pen where my pen go weird where the [ __ ] is my pen well where the [ __ ] did my pen just go where's my pannier where the [ __ ] did that go what the [ __ ] there it is Jesus Christ Oh getting super paranoid okay I can't lose my cool okay this is why did why did is money one let's just go over to money one why did let's go to money was the closest one I've had uh yeah okay I don't need any more anything really um there was nothing there yeah wait no sorry I've totally flustered I have no idea what I'm doing remind me to change Wi-Fi in there what the hell what I tried to click on that a million times okay three nine three zero B 7 6 3 D - f5 okay alright that's one that's the first one that's good now that doesn't mean that that was the first one we've encountered I'm gonna go back to the other websites that I've been to already and I'm gonna just look at him just in case just in case okay anything here no there's nothing on this website I was right about this one I did comb through these pretty thoroughly okay let's try on crave anything on this website no nothing okay good I wasn't wrong about this one wasn't wrong about that one uh evidence Locker nope nothing on this website nope nothing on this white I wasn't wrong about that that's good that's good I just changed wife I literally just did a evil collection nothing on this website good okay so this means that was the first one that we've encountered so far I am here should be available right now nothing on this website okay but maybe wait hang on let me go back to that maybe there's something in the source code I do have to look at the source code still just because I need to look for the one for the second wiki nothing okay good man that would be a pain in the ass to look for something there our Legion not one Legion is not not one little front nothing little friends no not now milk supply that's one right I think that's one okay there's no key here let me check the source code this is the best progress I've had so far so even if I don't make it on this one I will be pretty proud of myself because I I've gotten pretty far pretty far on this gun pretty far alright umm mutilation I think that's yeah that's definitely one that's like the twitch website for mutilation but there's nothing on this page no until I until I'm gonna get through everything first I'm not gonna dive deep into these websites looking for the the second wiki page until I find that all the keys on this passports are Russ that is not one roses destruction that's not one share your genitals three l8e cx-3 l8 ECX oh no zero a two V L C Z zero a 2l oh [ __ ] me are W X K s J 1 RW x k SJ 1 oh my god f a J or X E one F AJR XE 1 3 4 H X I Y 3 4 H X I Y oh oh okay all right 144 darn that does nothing for me I have so much money now why do I have so much money I've got so much money and nothing to spend it on I'm not going outside that's just I'm not doing it ok share your genitals think that's one huh alright nothing on this one anything in the source code come on just oh Jesus hate that no nothing there oh hello hi okay [Music] changing Wi-Fi just in case I don't think I need to but I'm doing it anyway going back to Tucker home I should probably I should probably scan one more of these just in case just in case because I don't want to be left out in the lurch with not the right ones let's come on let's go we need to go okay tango Down that is not one fan of two notes that is one but not available now eights in not one the dollmaker no I don't want to I don't want to go with the dollmaker I don't want to do that I really just I don't want to go the dole makers website okay there's nothing here it says I just don't want I just don't want to do it right I don't want to handle something I've got a potential to win something and I'm like man I don't want to I don't do the let's do maxium black max okay oh we're gonna inject nah no a FG a ICQ yjk channel one we're going 25 this one shouldn't be much effort at all the cooldown is 10 seconds okay ah I know I don't want to go to the dollmaker I don't I will die he'll kill me I don't know I don't know how to deal with it I just don't know Brunel on the ground where is that one um can I go to that one yet I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy the VPN levels things I just don't wanna get hacked as much I know I just don't want to do it okay I can't go there yet I'm so nervous I'm so unbelievably nervous so unbelievably nervous chosen awake that's not one flame that was not one he'll Satan not one happy family not one hidden pleasures not one but which one of the the question is which one of these has the the it's got to be fanat knows for brutal underground wait I don't want to go to the dollmaker I don't want to do the dollmaker I don't I don't want to do it I'm not gonna do it you can't make me do it you can't it's impossible if you want me to do it slightly tickle that like button just mash it I don't care anymore I'm so scared I'm just scared because I don't want to lose I don't want to lose what I've made so far I've made so much progress I've made so much progress I meant so much progress [Music] no I thought I could get that out of my face get out of my face I don't want you here I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna go the dole makers website I'm not gonna go I'm not gonna go I'm just not gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I don't want to do it I'll feel like doing it oh you can't make me you can't make me like I've got I don't even know how to explain my emotions right now I don't think I can I don't think it's possible for me to explain how I feel it just feels so unbelievable I don't care not now if it was like some other time I'd be like okay yeah I could do that because what's the risk but now I actually have a chance to win this I honestly truly have a chance to win it I'm like oh man it would be really cool if I won you know it'd be really cool if I won boy howdy it'd be really cool if I won you know it'd be it'd be super all right if I won I'm very close to the next area or the next website that's available at the time for it it's just one of those time-limited things 99% hack resistance that's what I'm looking for come on come on come on they said it was gonna be quicker than this come on he said he was gonna be quicker than this no no no no no no it's not happening you're not gonna make it happen it's not gonna happen I'm not gonna let it happen there's no way it's gonna happen there's no [ __ ] way there's no absolutely no way no way and your life okay it's almost time I just need two more minutes just two more minutes and I can get to the next website and then it's gonna be another 15 minutes until I get made the next one but I'm not I'm not going outside I'm not buying anything else I'm gonna just stay right here stay right here okay oh my god well let me make sure it's LA I'm not gonna peep I'm just gonna make sure okay it is locked not gonna look through that hole no motion alert so something went wrong there whoo-hoo-hoo okay um we need to get on to some Wi-Fi I don't know let's just go home I don't know what that was about but we can go to brutal underground now Oh No okay there's no key on this website but there might be something else we didn't get a motion alert we didn't get a motion alert he came from the elevator but the elevator doesn't work but guys the elevator wait what am i doing I need to look in this not that oh yeah yeah okay I'm so so riled up I'm so unbelievably riled up right now okay um I don't think there's anything here click here to get access oh I'm not okay not okay that's not website that's nothing oh not okay this one's taking longer to get to I don't know why this one's taking longer but it's taking longer didn't hear footstep I just heard one footstep that was the only warning I had for Lucas was one footstep just one plunk okay I can crack this bad boy channel one oh my god just one step Estep one footsies is all we got as a warning for that one I need the blue whisper what is that oh I guess I guess but I I'm not getting that I I'm not going outside I'm not risking an encounter with the breather I'm just not doing it like this should be able to hear it okay maxxium is Robert let's go ahead and go over to that one now we've got three to flip through on here that should be good enough for us oh my god a load of [ __ ] load of [ __ ] biggest load of [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life alright we're over on the new Wi-Fi let's go home we can almost go to that other website fan app knows that might have the other wiki I'm actually almost positive that'll have the other wiki page okay we should be good on cracks just in case you know you don't know I'll keep it up and running all right everybody just hush down I'm gonna I'm just gonna quietly listen for a while Lucas gonna use the elevator I get that but do 75 really I don't believe that okay let's go as the NAD knows oh well there's a key all right well that's our key [Music] okay is there a shut up shut up shut up shut up I don't like you okay so we got our second key that's good I don't know if anybody heard that but we don't have the wiki page so my guess is I'm a master this is like nailing blue circles in for night I got it I'm a master that okay so I know I need the I know I need that disc I know I need that but I don't I could afford both you know what let's order those I don't want to Rosie's destruction that was not one tango down was not one ate sand Legion know that no I know I'm buying it but I'm so [ __ ] so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I know I know I know I'm not gonna go there until I need to I must have missed I must have missed it's somewhere here I just got to go it's gotta be here that's not it that's not it it's gotta be somewhere here maybe on oh one of the deeper web sites of this one wait I didn't go through all these that's right wait okay gallery that's something no no contact me yeah I don't think I've I don't think I've been through this entire knits entirety damn I thought it was gonna be easy apparently not god damn it of course okay I didn't see it here there's no key here either maybe there was a baby there was a website in hidden pleasures that I didn't quite go to maybe if I go to one of the deeper pages it might be here somewhere so I'm so not okay hi okay let me lock my door please just locking my door okay I might change Wi-Fi um well what am I on I'm not even on anything I don't remember what I was on before so I guess I'll go - why did I order this water you know what actually I've been to those I'm gonna go to one of these old free ones I'm gonna go to this one you know what no I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go to the original cuz [ __ ] that [ __ ] I was scared I'm gonna have to go to the doll maker's website it's it's just like it's forcing me to I know it is no well there it is there it is there it is found it found it found it found it found it found it that must be why the window opened when I came to this website if there wasn't a key on it you bet your ass there was a [ __ ] [ __ ] you dollmaker [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dollmaker [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dollmaker [ __ ] off you [ __ ] oh no that's not it sorry that's a that's a woman that's not a website oh I thought I don't know why did I didn't see oh god damn it I thought nope I was mistaken I was mistaken everybody I was mistaken that was not it I thought I thought I thought that was it I thought that's not it okay I don't want to go get it I don't want to go get it I don't I'm gonna die to the breather I'm gonna die to the breather there must be something on that website I don't want to go get my items I don't wanna I don't want to go get him I just don't I don't want to go get him I I don't I don't it's a can't be here it's not gonna be here nope I don't know it's gonna be on the website [ __ ] all right considering I don't think I have any choice in the matter I guess I have to go get the things so let's go ahead and do that does a hunk I don't like that yeah there is yep there [ __ ] is yep there he is I've never focused on anything more intensely than I focused on that I think he's gone I'm just waiting a little extra time just in case let's go I think he's gone just go ahead and go forth all right [ __ ] I've never concentrated on anything more than I concentrated on that now so if if it turns out I just went through that [ __ ] to then be killed by Lucas when I get back up I'm going to be so unbelievably pissed I'm just gonna be oh my god I am gonna be so pissed if Lucas is there when I get back up there I'm going to lose my mother loving mind I'm going to lose my [ __ ] if Lucas is up here if he is okay where is it where does it go where where where would it be where would that be the lo P disk do I just have it now is it just something I have well there it is okay well I have that lock the door where's the blue whisper is it just in my ear now where's the blue whisper I don't know where the blue whisper would be but but nope okay make sure it's locked definitely locked okay okay so some of your saying that the blue whisper wasn't there which might be true if I check the shipping but I'm not going back for it I'm not no way in hell am I going back for that thing if it's not there then it's not there but I have the low P disk which means that I can act god damn it I I just run that okay whatever but I have I have the I have the low P disk which means that I can do the dollmaker quests so I'm going to the dollmaker don't like it nothing here whoa boy all right please have if you don't have the second wiki page oh no I didn't need to go here it's not here I must have missed it I didn't need to do this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought I heard footsteps - but I I did everything right I did everything right I did everything right I did everything right [Music] I need everything right I thought I did everything right I thought I did everything right and in a lot of ways I did but you know sometimes sometimes life just likes to get in the way life just likes to get in the way life just likes to bend you over the barrel and get in the way life just likes to get I I don't know why I cuz I was so caught up in the fact that like I was so caught up in the fact that there wasn't something on the doll makers website that I was like oh no and then I didn't check it it's like huh of course it's like of course of course of course yes I'm gonna keep playing you know what I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do the force hack thing I'm not gonna do it I'm just gonna you know I'm just gonna we're just gonna do this okay we're going for it no we're gonna disconnect from this Wi-Fi first get off of there oh my god yeah I know come on oh jeez I'm just peeved I'm just sad I'm just sad I'm sad I'm sad I'm sad I'm sad so I'm guessing that the dollmaker must be completely optional they would not hide a key on the dollmaker they would not force you to activate that would they but then again I'm saying these same things about these game developers that make this game that's kind of completely [ __ ] so if you think that that was [ __ ] it wasn't [ __ ] I know it wasn't [ __ ] but if you think it was [ __ ] why don't you give that like button just stuff just give this sweet smooch just give a sweet smooch just a little tender on that like bud and that's what really really I mean come on guys when's the last time you gave that like button some real love come on guys wait if I if I don't look yeah [Music] if you don't click on the market and I [Laughter] didn't get my free VPN so I wasted my time you gotta click on this and then he calls you in that so when you do that all right disconnect we're going again guys we're going again here we go with meteor to get this okay we don't want to leave without a flinch okay off we go fun playing this game we're gonna have a problem with it are we no no come on now give me my magical device there you are haha boy yes special delivery here we go alright I'm good I just needed to get that out of my system I just needed to get that out of my system I don't even know why I bother going for this thing it's not like I need it whatever it's totally fine it's 100 percent fine just like everything in life not a problem I'm gonna play this game super legit now I'll play it super legit I'm only gonna be looking for the second wiki key by the way I'm gonna start this off by only looking for the second one yeah I'm not gonna worry about keys and let's there straight in front of my eyes but not gonna worry about any of that let's lock the door all right and turn on this and we're good all right let's good and this one just cuz I feel like it that easy peasy hop on the Wi-Fi get this going zero day market shadow market and hop on the Wi-Fi and we're good sky break and backdoor hack we are good do you go let's roll oh wait no we're not good to go because I forgot to place the damn thing it's not even worth placing it's not even worth it's not worth placing it's legitimately this is not worth placing this is not worth wasting my time running around trying to find this place please fine well it's funny you guys you guys are funny you guys are real funny okay it's like it's like it's like when you're on a road trip and you only have so many songs to listen to while you're out there you know the lock jokes get real dull they get old and then they circle back around it like suddenly I remember why I like these and what makes me laugh is lock my peewee okay alright okay lock my mind it's too late my mind is out my mind is outie my mind has left my mind is gone but thankfully thankfully very thankfully I actually do have all the tools necessary with which to beat this game this is gonna be a dick isn't it it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna make me hunt for the green spot isn't it no it's gonna make me hunt for it oh it's gonna make me hunt for it of course it is but it doesn't matter like this this early phase anyway the first 20 minutes like nothing can be done anyway so why even bother I mean why even bother it's it's just gonna be like it's just gonna be waiting around the first 20 minutes no matter what I do so I want him I want to try to go to the websites that I can't access otherwise I wasn't looking so probably missed it but that's gonna be nothing yellow yellow yellow yellow anything hmm well this is unfortunate this is really unfortunate you know I said it wouldn't matter but now I'm like this is trying to mess with me yellow yellow yellow yellow Wow okay okay all right I guess we're still going down oh there we go whoop not there come on right I just saw it it was what what okay this dam is broken this game is broken this game is just broken we're all playing a broken game we're all praying a broken game to play in a game that wants to waste your time it just wants to waste your time it just wants to waste your time whatever [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you alright let's do this we're doing it we're gonna do this it's gonna be awesome and we're gonna make it we're gonna do this right and it's gonna be awesome we don't need that big of a website we need just dis much right there alright get these in order or get this up alright let's go wet let's scan let's start the adventure okay never mind need to connect to a Wi-Fi don't I I get if you back to our hacks alright let's probe into Akzo TPB 3 ft 1 mm please why am I not connecting to the homepage i lamina hurry up please hurry hurry hurry hurry alright Chozen awake let's look for is I am here here no how about Barra my daughter deep Journal no don't waste it no you there is you there there ok so this is a there's gonna be an interesting one so we don't have anything that's accessible from the very beginning ok but that's good that way we won't miss any ok let's go from the top chose it away this should be one are you woke I'm as woke as I can be breath d5 9 no.9 gonna be and then also get that says Wi-Fi while I'm here nope why is that not chosen awoke oh I didn't check the other one oh no god I'm stupid that's that's not one I'm dumb all right okay let's hope we get haxed let's hope we get a Dido is not one drone spy that is definitely one I know that is one alright we're gonna look we're gonna comb we're gonna comb through these aha crack a kzl TPB 3fd on Channel eight 701 please all right we're gonna comb through this bad boy I'm just looking for the second wiki code that's all I'm looking for right now like I know there could be something in here worth clicking on but I don't see any password is hello okay password is hello let's go scan once I get to this let me let me just finish looking through this website okay wallet that's a wallet s t90 boots Rex I hate that I why why why why is it like that wallet code no I don't see I don't see anything god I hate the way this works like this game is the windows don't work if I click on this I want it to be on top of this but it doesn't work that's the weirdest thing about this it just doesn't work get cracked st 9z ru u TR x channel 894 alright let's go ahead and actually one more one more thing let's go spy for me lock the door did i not lock the door did I not do that did I not do that I did I did do that you guys are crazy okay drones bye nothing here on here source code no that's an email that is not there okay so we got this Harley alright let's go to as soon as we get back home alright let's go to this one this one is hello connect refresh I guess we can get out of this now all right perfect alright family drug shop that's not one to forgive me that is one I know that's one coming up on 30 minutes obviously in 57 not their numbers station not their your data I don't think that was there either brutal underground the red triangle alright nothing there forgive me secretly submit your confession my confession is any minute now No no no no [ __ ] I call BS on that's too early it's too early there's no way [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and [ __ ] that that's I you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you want it you were gonna try to mess with me ain't no freakin way ain't no flip-flapping way it's a big ol no.2 you know they don't know not doing that hmm um nothing here I'm still playing this stupid game submit how about my colon can you cleanse my colon for me that'd be that'd be real nice gonna be really nice the motion alerts did nothing for me by the way the motion alerts did absolutely nothing why did they do absolutely nothing okay it's almost 30 I need brutal on the ground or red triangle red triangle is here so I'll go to that as soon as I can hack as fryer is no happy family no heirloom that is one it's not a fun one but it is one as anything PGP key having been hacked yet but it's getting close to time anything here in the PGP key no not that I can see anyway I'm gonna expand this is made a little easier to read I said I'm gonna expand this make it a little easier to read nope yeah I don't see I think quality I didn't go all the way through the homepage and whatever it doesn't matter Oh God ah the worse the worst ah oh god it's the worst that's the worst I gotta go back to the homepage ah you got the you got the motion sensors and it didn't work because you're being haunted by ghosts you know I might actually believe that I would actually believe that i 100% believe that actually nothing they're containers I can't see anything here that would didn't seem to be anything clickable on that page haven't been hacked yet I want to be hacked give me money give me money give me money give me money now give me money now that's what's appreciated I need to get to a different Wi-Fi soon no nope nothing here no that's an email I gotta go through the homepage once I'm done with this I'll flip Wi-Fi basically like at the end of every website that I get to I'll flip Wi-Fi that seems like a safe bet alright I just gotta get through here then get to the bye screen no Oh how's the body thing alright let's go to the bye and then that's the last one I think I know why why does this why why just why just that's all I want to know is why is awful oh why are the people in the why the people who made this game have to do this oh why Aurora was that one was that the one d5 nine yeah okay that's right I forgot D 955 nine 709 has the shortest window of time I forgot d5 nine 709 only as a window of ten minutes I forgot yeah I only I only flip to that Wi-Fi ten minutes ago but D D five nine seven oh nine only as a window of five minutes it is the shortest window of any Wi-Fi I forgot to look at my Wi-Fi Chi Chi I forgot to look I forgot to look you know what I'm not even gonna bother getting the weps because they're all [ __ ] I'm not even gonna bother all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna I'm gonna force hacks I'm not even gonna go get no I have to cuz otherwise is there a single thing that I need to is there a single thing that I need to purchase I don't think so oh [ __ ] off is there a single thing that I need to purchase like honestly is there the VPNs don't do [ __ ] for me and I mean he's gonna give me this garbage no matter what I do like is there a single reason that I would need to do that I don't think so let me try this up here maybe that'd be better for you guys you're I like that and then we'll get the source code viewer right like actually will do the source code viewer right up big right here we'll do these down here we're gonna do this real nice slack we're gonna do this real nice we're just gonna bounce around on the free Wi-Fi until we can get something we need okay I guess we can't expand this why okay sure yeah that's good enough okay alright I am here is that here no it's not borrow my daughter that's here deep Journal that's here as well don't waste it is not here you there that's not here either lol okay so we need to go to borrow my daughter first I'm just just upset actually no let's just force some goddamn let's just force some goddamn coins I don't even know if we can force it this early can we force it this early probably not probably not hey let's see I mean there's no other way to test it no other no other no other way to test it no other way right there's no way to test it right so this is let's just go and we'll see if we can force hack will change Wi-Fi in ten minutes it'll be great I'll have a good time it'll be super chill way fresh it'll be hipping and happening it'll be like yo yo yo we'll have lots of fun it'll be great it's gonna be great I don't think you can force it this early I'm pretty sure you can't force it maybe I don't know maybe I guess I need to buy this anyway no matter what sorry I mean I'm grumbled I know I'm grumbled I know I didn't lock my door that's right I don't even want to go get the [ __ ] but if I don't get hacked in the next like five minutes I'm gonna I'm just gonna assume that I can't get hacked until ten twenty because I've heard that ten twenty is the first time that you can start getting hacked and if that's the only thing then that's the only thing yeah you can't start getting act until 10:20 okay that makes sense all right I I believe that I believe that I believe that so let's just go get the thing let's go put the thing where it needs to go oh let's grab the flashlight actually I don't think we'll need it but you never know this is dude thing let's start this over whole style we don't go to D 5 9 709 we'll do this normally well this is like like the way I should do it I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be an [ __ ] about this I'm gonna do this way I should do it I'm gonna approach it logically and we're gonna be good maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe yeah change your internet now I'm not in my computer room you're behind a little bit buy a new lock that one's a dud yeah no one is a dud let's do this [ __ ] this game once you understand the mechanics it's just like playing like any other game especially when it comes to like these scary games it seems intimidating it seems daunting but once you break down the mechanics of it you can get through it with no problem like I've beaten the mechanics of a lot of these things I know how to do this it takes a lot of focus and concentration a lot of understanding but it can be beat and I will beat it it can be beaten then I will beat it it can be beaten and I will beat it it can be being then I will beat it everyone just believe that it can be beaten and I will beat it it can be beaten and I will beat it but I am gonna force acts cuz I don't care if it gets harder I know that the enemies are gonna come after you sooner but to be perfectly honest I don't really care about that because so long as I'm listening and I'm checking they shouldn't be able to get me because with the police being the like the threat of just changing Wi-Fi that's not a hard thing to counter and then everything else is just a matter of listening and looking and that's it then the game is won because once you have that underway the game is won right there's really nothing else to it okay I can beat you I can beat you you damned game yeah cuz now we've officially discerned that the motion alert is complete Garbo and absolutely unnecessary and nobody wants it anyway all right what do we got do I even want to put this in any green do I want to waste time putting this in green spot why not got a lot of yellow yellow yellow yellow red okay we're gonna be jokesters are we we're gonna be jokesters we're not gonna give me anything oh we're gonna be a big little sack of poopy are we okay all right then we're gonna have nothing yellow there's yellow yellow yellow and nothing else okay yellow yellow Carol I do need to touch it to the wall to really get a better inclination because this wasn't yellow on the way up so I guess I do need to touch it to the wall yep I'm I'll be left chasin yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow red red red nice red red red all green okay all right why so serious this game this game you guys see how this game is but we're gonna get this it's the last thing I do if it's the last thing I do we're gonna get this all right so we're gonna change Wi-Fi cuz I don't even care we're gonna go over there hop on the freebie we're gonna go here we're gonna open up the code breaker we're gonna put the code breaker it down there right down here and then this back up here and then we're good to go let's go weapon let's scan and let's start this train are rolling still not early enough to be hacked so might as well go somewhere else all right probe Y 575 JK ba 1s1 all right um it's still 16 so I can still go to deep journal I want to go to that before the time gets out the deep journal and that's it okay deep Journal oh it's the stalker thread okay that's not good oh my windows open already Oh fascinating oh hello welcome welcome welcome all right deep Journal let's look for this first I really just want to look for see if I can find the next area I don't know if it like spawns in specific places or certain websites I just want to do that I can always come back for a code later I seriously can always come back for a code later but I'm not gonna go for that now page 2 I'm gonna change Wi-Fi in like super short time all right source code OOP back why 575 JK ba 1s channel 12 602 all right this is I don't know what this is pwf yeah pwf there's a p WF p WF has a about a six minute changeover or ten minute changeover sorry all right did I see anything in here up there we go I can't read that that's great okay can't read it okay hate that 6-9 6-9 alright let's go ahead and hop to the other free Wi-Fi check check check check six six six six six eleven okay that was the only wept to here so it is now almost exactly oh no wait oh I've popped that's right I need to get this before before time runs out cuz I am gonna run out of time on this particular website I mean I'll just have to wait until the next hour but I do we need to get this in the next 10 minutes or so okay did I get through all this I think I did yep I did okay so page three I'm not gonna bother clicking on anything and I don't want to look at that picture to be perfectly honest all right I think we can close that huh okay is this page three okay let's look through this let me know if you guys see anything because I'm gonna rely on you I don't care if it's a delay I want to know do you see something that's not an email you think it's something good okay I didn't see anything here I know that's not a very thorough answer I know it's not very thorough answer but it is now officially time to start being hacked so I'm gonna just go for we're gonna try this bathroom cams website over and over until we can get hooked and once we get hooked you know I'm gonna win you know I'm gonna win cuz I want the money okay gimme some good easy xxx oh yeah xxx xxx xxx I like xxx xxx is good okay changing Wi-Fi changing to the suite PF we've got about ten minutes on this one Kinect no Kinect okay we got that all right where are we let's keep refreshing this let's keep going on this I want I want to be hacked hook me HECO me I'm gonna get the wpa2 hack me hack me breath I just saved Wi-Fi that's not for me I just changed Wi-Fi that's not for me you can't fool me you can't fool me I know it's good I know what's good breath I know it's good and that ain't for me I just changed you cannot fool me I am unfold all you cannot whoops you cannot fool me you can't fool me I know I know you're about that's not for me thinks it can trick me not today I'm too smart for you I'm to my brains too big I got this big old brain in my head I know that's not for me I know that's a fake I don't know so fake you think it's a big old fakey fake biggest fake that ever faked it's fine it's fine come on give me something good I wanna be hacked to be hacked I wanna be hacked I wanna be hacked to pieces wanna be hacked I wanna be hacked I wanna be hacked oh one of it could be see yeah I wanna be hacked it's not for me it's not for me you guys are out of your gourds stop being out of your gourds come on hack me come on hack me damn it somebody please somebody please act me somebody please please I'm begging you somebody want to hack me we're just gonna get a hack come on hack me I'm here or I want you to do it come on please I'm begging you no the FBI is not here but I'm gonna need to change Wi-Fi pretty soon no matter what I do oh goodness gravy all right let's cycle back to another Wi-Fi is cuz I don't want to wait for it I don't like to be left waiting but we're not gonna need to crack another one before we do this okay let's hope I have enough time and whatever free Wi-Fi this is I don't even need to be on the free duty duty yeah dude he's good dude he's got about 10 minutes so let's open up the crack again let's move this down so I can see it up okay WEP scan here so let me I make that noise sometimes I make weird noises and I don't even realize it okay let's keep going hack me okay probe x0 p 8d p hell yeah 6 FP 0 1 do with us what the hell not prob robe okay come on back me they do not want to hack me they really don't want to hack me it's [ __ ] come on I'm gonna wait so long for this the cooldown 70 seconds it's supposed to initiate a hack right away or pretty soon anyway they didn't remove this bout that buddy about time bout time buddy back got it I think I got that she got that look how much time I had on that god I'm getting so good at that one ain't nobody gonna be able to be me on that one why say [ __ ] it up somehow that's good I'm gonna get my wpa2 library okay now that I got that let me switch wait oh no I haven't even gotten into this one I should be fine to get into this one I'm gonna get into this one cuz floater that's not very long that's not very long yeah it's not long that's not much time oh hey buddy oh hi okay well okay he's gone do-do-do-do-do t that's why we look so much ok crack x0 what am i typing this again that was outside me house that saw my office that was not here I think ok 9 5 7 go what oh god damn it oh god damn it go okay we should have more time we should have plenty of time I'm just doing what I thought I saw something I'm just doing that again so that I can get that password really quick I don't even remember which one that was for that's for filter filter that's fine and then we're gonna go back to the other one okay look Carter Nick Carter we're going straight to it cuz I'm not whoa not that one we're going to Carter okay we're on okay we're on okay let's scan for WPA let's get out of this we need to get out of that when you drop that note we need to drop that uh oh wait I put it down there that's right okay wpa2 scan it's probably gonna take too long for us to be in this one maybe we should now we should be fine we've got about less than 10 minutes to do this and it shouldn't take that long okay inject fat cloud versus fat cloud that should be fine tell my wife I I love her yeah let's do fat cloud okay we're gonna go yeah we're gonna do fat cloud okay yes 8v d TW 473 and 60 let's try to get hacked again okay we're gonna wait that's a cool-down of seven seconds in between each one so not very long not very long at all next up would be something else I know no we're just trying to get enough money to be able to get the key finder because once we have the key finder then we comb through everything that we don't need anything else then it's just threats inside the apartment okay now I'm getting into the swing of this I don't know when Lucas is gonna show up but I have a funny feeling he's gonna show up when we don't want him to but that's fine I hope we have enough time on this particular Wi-Fi but I don't know if we will it's gonna be close I don't like it I like it oh no that was too long you know what I I didn't like it anyway I'm not gonna go to that one because I I just have a bad feeling about that one so I'm gonna go back to the original because the original free Wi-Fi actually has the longest duration of time it's almost 15 minutes that you can stay on the the first free Wi-Fi and I believe that it has a ton of WPA twos so if we keep doing that that should be better for us okay yes it does let's do the one we did last time which was sniff Bewkes inject one D na 6 3 var 3 channel 1 let's do 60 waiting 12 seconds in between each one come on why are these hacks taking so long the hacks are taking forever and I don't know why I really don't know there we go Oh every time every time every time come on [ __ ] hell only 22 only $22 well that's hardly any money at all that's not any money give me more money please hack me please I need more money I need a lot more money I need a lot more money I need a lot more money now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve this one's smooth all right Acme Acme Acme yeah I think I think now that I'm getting into the game like it's just like this part that's gonna be tedious just like getting this over and over again getting hacked in the beginning not yet not yet not just getting hacked in the beginning and just like keeping an eye out for everything listening for Lucas cuz if I have no motion detector I just gotta do by sound which is fine cuz that's what I've been doing anyway it's not like that's a challenge for me I can just happen literally I've never heard Lucas from emotion alert I've never noticed Lucas from emotion alert it's always been just me hearing him so it must not be that bad I've only I've only not heard him once so I'm willing to risk that meanwhile I've died to the breather every other time except for last time there we go I was just about to say I was just about to say I will ever say this is probably the last time I'm gonna try tonight oh my god 99 baby Oh 99 yes please okay please give me into this when I don't have a lot of time for this Wi-Fi I need to get off of it I need to get this I need to get into this one before it's too late it is gonna be too late I'm gonna get I'm gonna get swatted oh god if I don't get this I'm gonna get swatted why didn't I get this goddamn I'm gonna get swatted I'm gonna get swatted I'm gonna get swatted I'm gonna gets wounded I'm gonna get swiggity swooty ah god damn it not this okay I'm gonna get swatted I'm so swatted I'm so gonna be SWAT I'm still gonna be my guess what I have enabled on that other one so shouldn't be much longer though it really shouldn't be much longer but god damn it of course it's gonna be a [ __ ] to me so now offline god damn it off [ __ ] it anyway alright well we'll just move back to a different one then thank you for this goddamn [ __ ] I guess I could still hack it if I was off the Wi-Fi but god damn it of course I [ __ ] that up [ __ ] okay alright scan so [ __ ] I'm so pissed all right let's do this again with only one here son of a [ __ ] in Jax XF no XF SZ d 8j h97 channel 7 what do we have for this one this is KP n well this one's the small one so we can only do this one for God I just [ __ ] put that in you [ __ ] [ __ ] the clicking in the and the interface is just such [ __ ] here for this one's only gonna be four at a time with a cool-down of four seconds oh hi okay hello that's peculiar I'm peeved I'm bead I'm peeved KPN hello 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 oh my god I really bones that up why are you do that wait wait what just happened what I bones it up but I didn't run out of time wait wait i bones dip but I didn't bones it that badly I couldn't have bones did that badly 1 2 3 4 5 1 through 3 I clicked the bomb I'll accidentally Emma's been excellently whoops okay that makes sense that makes sense I believe that I would believe that I believe that I believe it I believe it come on come on come on no no no come on no no no no no no no this game doesn't want me to win I mean that's entirely my fault but scam doesn't want me to win the game doesn't want me to win game doesn't want me to win the game doesn't want me to win game just doesn't want me to win I can't win how can I win how can I win ah I just want to get into this free wife this Wi-Fi let me into the Wi-Fi Wi-Fi I gotta get a little Wi-Fi I just got guys fine it's fine guys it's fine it's fine let's go get another wife and I get into the Wi-Fi later we're fine I get into the Wi-Fi everything will be forgiven okay I thought I heard something I get I'm out of back doors I see that I'm out of back doors good call good call good catch good catch good catch you saved me some pain all right let's back on our Wi-Fi oh do we have PFW we do don't we buy back there's good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call good call door locks good call good call no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh here we go crack okay we're gonna connect to a WPA I keep hearing I keep hearing a single footstep it's messing with me getting so paranoid okay muffin ma Finn okay we're gonna connect to KPN oh the long honk I don't like it I don't like it you know I don't like it at all man if I hadn't lost those two hacks I would have been there already I would have been starting on the key train whatever fine what can you do I suppose you can do this real fast that's nice come on hack me hack me damn it yeah how long I can be on kpn I can only be on kpn for a little over 10 minutes to be perfectly honest I shouldn't stay on here very long but I can hop back over to the main one soon come on hack me Jesus hack me I feel like I feel like a piece of [ __ ] doing this strategy why not just do the normal one then I'd get it when I get it why not just play the game the way the big game is never mind [Music] okay don't click on the death of doing any of this I have to change wise again and so I'm such I'm such a mangry boy I'm angry Oh God let's try this again yeah okay it's the same one boy I've got nothing left to my name I did it wrong from the very GetGo of this [ __ ] maybe I should just go out on my balcony and wish for death maybe that's what I should do maybe I should wish for death huh maybe I should just hope hope and pray hope and pray that death claims me it's the only thing I have going for me anymore oh I hope and wish I wish for death I wish I wish for death I crave it I crave death someone please grant me a merciful death I'm struggling yes I am struggling I'm struggling real hard cuz I feel like I would be better off if I was just playing the game and not doing this too bad cuz I would still be hacked I would still be hacked regularly and because I would be hacked about as much as I would be hacked right now and yet I would get more money because like I'm not being gonna be stupid about it I don't know you know I don't know I don't know anymore I don't know anything I don't know who I am where I am I'm lost that's different that looks weird I hate life I hate life Lukas kill me kill me Lucas just kill me kill me straight-up kill me Lucas I'm gonna hide in the closet next time Lucas come I'm just gonna hide in the closet that's all I'm gonna do Lucas kill me kill me please kill me kill me now [Music] I didn't even want to play this game this style because oh god here we go again whoops where what oh oh oh oh oh no I bugged it i bugged it told you this game was broken god damn it then I get a hundred and one then I get a hundred oh hey how's it going there a friend it's fine the police are gonna get me I know the police are gonna give me okay the police are gonna get me get me I know they are they're gonna come get me maybe I want him too maybe I want him too now you know what maybe I want it maybe I'm asking for it I did this all wrong I should have had I should have had the two [Music] well now it's dark you know what I'm gonna go I'm just gonna I'm just gonna sit on my balcony just I'm just gonna sit on my balcony I'm gonna think about what I've done I'm gonna just go guy here I'm just gonna go over here go up here sometimes I just stare out at this beautiful city when I just remember that I'm an [ __ ] I remember I distinctly remember how much of a douche I Hey look I'm now the skull guy look I'm oh this guy was smart he put [ __ ] in front of his window oh yeah well what a smarty hey neighbor you got any murderers murderers next to you you got any murderers murderers head of right burners I've never heard of the word murderers before hmm can I go all the way wait how far can I go - oh only this far down what's the point of this - what is the point of being able to go out on the balcony like there's got to be a mechanic that does something right Oh a bottle of wine a you know I see how you are I'm peeping peeping I'm hoping for an Easter egg or something of what is that a giant baseball bat a rug I'm just in despair that's all I am it's my apartment oh no I'm just in despair I'm just in pure despair just somebody kill me somebody end my torment I locked it who's gonna who's gonna kill me kill me somebody kill me somebody do it I'm gonna go out into the alley I'm gonna go out in the alley gonna go out in the alley I'm gonna hope for the breather to come kill me I just want this to end I just want the suffering to end he's one of the suffering to end and be done with this cuz I started this off really badly because I didn't get the WEP I should have gotten the WEP or I had the WEP I should have cracked the codes in the beginning of the thing I should have done that I don't even need to go outside for any particular reason I know how to beat this game and none of it involves you don't need to buy a single thing all you need is software to be able to beat this game I almost on 2% guarantee you only need a software because I oh we're yet we're yet buddy we're yet oh not here Oh what why why come on come on don't be shy bbbbbb okay I didn't even want to win on that one like I think I got it but unfortunately I'm out of time for today I was I was out of time I had to end it I had to end it there because I was out of time and I did it stupidly but next time next time I do know how to beat this game I bet I bet in the next time I can beat this game because I know how to beat all the threats I know how to do it I know how to crack the Wi-Fi I got unlucky with the Noir there it would have been fine but I didn't if I just play it normally I'll get hot enough we got any time to agenda you know what you mean guys you know I mean okay I'm Audi I'm Audi I gotta get going but thank you everybody so much for being here smashed give us smooch that like if you think that I can do it next time I don't know oh I just don't know but thank you everybody so much for watching I appreciate you all of your help and living through my desperation but I'll get through this next step so thanks again and as always I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,338,005
Rating: 4.9345741 out of 5
Keywords: welcome to the game 2, welcome to the game markiplier, markiplier, scary games, jumpscares, welcome to the game ending, ending
Id: aZODQyWpc1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 4sec (10264 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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