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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lets see if the gang (mark,bob and wade) can hunt big foot this time. ..oh who am i kidding its going to be hilarious anyways 🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HyperionCosplay91 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
do we want winter park or redwood park let's use the new one i it's not so much that the park's new let's do redwood but it's like the entire game has been remade yeah he's got a pumpkin on his head now so that's pretty cool well i think there's also a way where you can play as bigfoot but i think they're like i didn't set that one up no no no i don't want that oh my god is there rick and shane no rick jessica thomas and william who gonna be whom uh i'll be william i'm going to be rick then all right do people ask me is this like bigfoot this is bigfoot it's a lot like that's your question it's very similar so much like bigfoot that you could say it's exactly bigfoot i seem to remember sucking a big one at this game before yeah we did we were terrible no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a week ago oh you can do it go ahead no that's fine you can go ahead i did it i read the part i wanted to read after you all right a week ago go ahead tragedy okay go ahead mark struck in redwood the bodies of four people were found a middle-aged woman and free college students mutilated by some [ __ ] come on man we're doing a thing this is our best bit we've ever done that's the funniest thing i've ever heard [Laughter] god damn it all right all right time to get down to business boys wow look at all the buttons i love that wow i'm gonna remember all of these buttons okay g's activate explosives how can we forget g is activate explosive that's very odd g for go boom got him and good job holy mouse sensitivity batman oh my god all right i think i remember that oh yeah that's special i'm just setting for that one all right tablet okay ow wow i walked through the fire fire burns well it's hard to be upset about that that seems like my fault all right i got one trap i got one it's hard to heal you know eel can i get one coffee one laptop no but one pumpkin nope okay one med kit there's one gun here i i don't like that there's a there's a there's a long range gun and a pistol in here uh-huh you guys go ahead i don't need a gun to fight bigfoot well i get extra uh weapon uh melee damage and gun damage so i guess i'm the fighter okay i'm gonna take the long range done i'll leave the pistol for one of you players i'll flare okay i'll do i'll sit on my ass and do nothing mark there's literally a pistol right there whoa there's a pistol here come on kiddo grab your gun all right paul i got it damn it you're the kid yeah oh so we're here to find bigfoot and we won't leave until we get his ass i took the drone but how do i do it one through four something like that it's like not appearing did i not take it i for inventory i have the drone there's nothing i can do with it what it doesn't show up on my item wheel well we'll figure it out later i'm sure it's fine it's fine shall we mosey oh yeah what do we do here well we hunt the bigfoot we hunt to bigfoot yeah what else does this [ __ ] do william you're obviously the most experienced hunter so you'll be our leader yeah you go first you know all right thanks i think we gotta go uh this and wait shelter two yeah we don't want that we want the grant grove village okay i think anyway uh you would know best our very uh experienced colleague thank you for recognizing my skill and ability of course everything sounds and feels right about being out here i like it the best way to find bigfoot is to not tell any of your family members that you're gonna go out into the middle of the woods and also buy no health insurance and leave no will it's the only way to get them you can't leave yourself william sure reason this oh hey look like a totem or something i can take it i got it now it's mine oh okay well i was gonna sort of inspect it or whatever but that's fine oh no it's fine i gotta you can use this tone to revive your friend with stonehenge what stonehenge where is the eye and that's what it says aren't we in redwood forest like yeah we're in forest england obviously we're just a a hop skip and a jump from the sphinx uh everybody knows the classic setting of stonehenge the great redwood forest uh-huh yeah i remember robin hood trapsing through a red one did you give me the drone and the drone battery do you guys hearing the slam any slammities i guess you did yes i did did you put the drone battery in the drone i don't even know how you would do that i don't know either all right let's i don't even know how you had to do that guys look at the windsock it's windy how windy you might ask very oh campfire guitar i knew you'd say it i knew it i knew you'd say all right buddy look at my muscles give me all the attention i bring the guitar so i can [ __ ] your wife whoa whoa uh bob there's plenty of animal for you here in this one uh mark there's a phone here for you it's red ah thank you here i'll close the curtain so you can make your call in privacy thank you thank you i don't want anyone seeing you make those phone calls appreciate it [Music] uh you're right i touched a megaphone that apparently was just waiting to make some noise yeah good i'm just gonna it could it could be bad i'm just going to close these curtains on these busted out windows real quick i'm going to close all the curt i like privacy yeah tons of ammo go get it there we go you guys don't like the camera i'm just gonna i'm just taking care of myself yeah all right oh come to papa all [Music] guys axe big bob i need to give you something is it a big axe no no hey you're wasting your flashlight battery down here here here wait wait for it and your waste your flashlight battery axe big wait can i throw this oh yes guys doing trick shots and [ __ ] do it again yep that someone stand by the can i get a volunteer to stand in front of the tree imagine there's an apple yep [Laughter] he's unharmed all right do me do me oh dude that's not the right thing hang on i know what the tools i'm getting there we go yeah all right no don't crowd chop it down like that i need to aim carefully all right this one is going to go right past your elbow stand very very still [Laughter] all right bob now i you i you okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] hey no don't pull it out that's bad oh is that bad do i have health because i don't seem to have lost any health anywhere what was that uh what what is happening are we under attack what the hell um mr foot mister sir mister or mrs big big that's a dead body all right creator crowbar looks like there isn't much left i went deep into the forest please don't look for me wait i need time alone thank you love you all tell my family john coleman i thought you were just talking i didn't know you're reading a letter there's a note on his there's a note in his separate hand no he's not very drawn together you just want to try over something are you sir are you all right are you he's not he's not listening to me he's not paying attention hey john oh god oh geez that's kind of messed up they're going to try to click on them see if maybe that'll cheer him up i already did hey you guys want to see me throw an axe between his neck and his head and his body yeah nailed it [Music] are you hearing something nah nah are you getting wood wooden woodlands madness are you okay bigfoot i'm fine i just could have sworn i heard things rustling closer i think you're finally just losing it all right okay um did we explore the whole village did we actually get everything what are you guys hearing that you hearing that where that seems like something it's over here fellers all right let's find out what it is mr foot sir watch out bob you're getting a little far ahead don't don't keep all the foot to yourself i actually you know what i did just hear russell like in that area oh i disturbed the crows the horde's coming wrong game wrong game okay is that a gas station what's that down there uh i could go oh yeah bean burritos all right let's go stop hate that things oh is this the way out of the park because it's like the the probably barred off exit welcome to jurassic park you okay you're right i'm just just testing it oh that's what the thumping is someone else was down here beating the third oh oh oh hey you there's like some rocks sliding yeah i saw that probably fine more rocks there's a totem here there's glowies no this is just fireflies oh there's uh some more buildings up there i think that might be the village though oh no excessive noise or loud music that's why i can't fire guitar guys dead whoa noises what was yours did i do that i don't know that was not how guns sound i wonder what voice chat's like in this game hello hello not kind of quiet how'd you do that hello hello i mean it kind of sounds proximity yeah it kind of does oh it is probably it is proximity it's delayed it's great is it delayed yeah a little that's fine we're good here crystal blue not like we'll ever get split up and need to use it anyway we would always be close enough you're right okay we'd never leave your side hey where's bob i'm i there's your name's glow in the dark i'm never gonna lie no it's trying to be dramatic oh um is that good i'm gonna hide behind this tree i will stand out in the open well it came from this way yeah well what do we do is go adam i think so yeah we got the guns here yeah basically invincible yeah where's that shotgun i had in the loading screen i have it in my arms i thought did anyone did anyone take the pistol from the rv i did yeah marked it okay good i didn't know he already had a shotgun i don't know without a weapon i've only got a flare oh here let me give you let me give you let me give you here here you can take uh you can take you can take the shotgun oh i took it very kind of you i feel like there's a lot what uh ammo for your big gun oh thanks uh-huh oh hey guys he's got a sock why he's got a sign throw your axe do your trick and he's following us he whacked me oh guys oh i'm not dead oh why would i say that oh i'm not dead big fan if he wants to go toe toe-to-toe i'll go toe-to-toe i'll tell him oh he's towing me his toes did i get him off okay okay that went really well he's almost dead look at that we did one of his health i don't like that gray part of the bar that seems to suggest he could heal what we just did that's true hey he's back he's back guys guys guys he got a stick he got a shovel guys come in the house he probably can't go inside houses yeah no way i'm in i mean oh hey oh close the car i think it's going well huh i closed the curtains ah guys i think i killed him you did definitely he's gone forever uh unrelated unrelated there might be another bigfoot it's like aftershocks from an earthquake it's nothing it's nothing a guy i put a trap down right now nice big foot set a trap and i walked right into it oh i smelled meat and i went right for it i gotta okay here's the first thing i'm gonna i'm gonna stay can you get me off the ground no i can't good job there pal that's a really good trap it worked really well i decided to test it make sure oh [ __ ] all right i guess we'll uh oh oh boy i had a trap down do not walk into this trap where's the trap at don't you dare oh here it is there's a big symbol marking where it is yeah there is wow crazy that's weird come on i'm going to look for bigfoot next to the marble fort caves don't go there be careful ruby bray hey there's something in the middle of the road looks like meat you should check it out all right well we've made it to one location and i think our first fight with bigfoot was very successful but i have a funny feeling that we'll need to get more ammo so we best move to uh i got one shotgun shell left i found a drone battery guys oh you want a drone to go with it i'd give you a drone uh i'll look for monica in the tree house i need to find her ruby look around the waterfall peter is this you yeah assault rifle just pick it up and we'll get it later he's not close he's not close how do you know because i'm looking and he's not close i'm close baby ooh i can take a picture of this nice why belongs oh evidence okay i took a picture of uh some claw marks just in case we didn't have enough proof oh i should take a picture of him next time he comes oh yeah dude get his pick snap a pic i will i'm moseying away from you guys for a moment there's a okay oh i found more ammo there's a lot of ammo in the drawers that we missed uh yeah that makes sense we probably uh probably need that yeah okay i would grab all the ammo it turns out the house that we were a bigfoot attack uh peter can't find you i found ruby's diary read it didn't take it tell you tonight he fought a waterfall waterfall i'm by water waterfall yeah head for the water i'm at the waterfall me too something there nope not that i see you under the water is it in the water no i checked that was the first place it looked oh game's literally unplayable there's nothing behind that that's terrible yeah what the hell i'm playing i'm fine we really suck every house i've gone into there's just been ammo lying out in the open listen man i found a dead body oh okay oh cool ruby bray didn't you read her note by ruby yeah yeah that was her note uh she's not looking good bigfoot over here she wanted to meet up with peter i hate her yeah yeah oh no yeah wow she really has got to be more careful with her walking sticks oh a camp oh general sherman oh my gosh look how big this camp is and archery oh that's fun five five six ammo what i'm carrying a gas bottle but it looks like a big old metal kerosene tank oh there's some there's a lot of bones in this one oh i got a big foot here yeah you can handle it no way i very much do come on go run or something oh hey look there's a fake pair in here that's terrifying turns out that uh that megaphone really works at calling him that's great man that's great anyway when you get done playing around come join us i can't help but notice that the health bar of the bigfoot is going up yeah i think you're right oh [ __ ] [Music] that doesn't sound very good [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,512,557
Rating: 4.9805083 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, bigfoot, bigfoot game, multiplayer, online, collab, mark bob wade, muyskerm, lordminion777, hunting bigfoot, the rake
Id: _wtKe9Fq-eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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