MAN OF MEDAN - Full Game Walkthrough (BEST CHOICES)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty buster we better mosey on back to the ship whoa stop the presses what looks like Oh Charlie Charming's got a little business to attend to Nino poor DOMA yo sure can I fight hey give me a quarter why I'm gonna find out my future let's have it what's in store for me pop me 3 JCAP yo even mom uh I guess I just want to know about my son will he is he gonna grow up alright things gonna work out for him [Music] Conte Tom by God Neha Sharma it it looks like a fish meters high fool Conan lights the film Fung's yeah time sure I'm front wheel I can do with sweeter light death wait what what does that mean hey what does that mean what the hell man hey bud let me get it go at it oh yeah I think you got the stuff you know we need a polio Dada go home I sure fine sure let me another quarter I'm gonna start a tab I'll give it a whirl I know in each one it creep yeah looks like I'm the karate master now wouldn't you know sure more words I took up a just wrong wrong face [ __ ] yen hey Chuck we better get back to the ship we don't want to get stranded come on man just let me ask another question [Music] in it hey where's not where's my 50 cents 5650 said come on man boss all only pushes me around my medical opinion these men appear to be drunk off their rear ends get this one to the medical throw the other in the brig and truth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy charlie how's your time off just get me out if you're already the hell's going on up there third aircraft and gunfight me too and there was a corpse what's in the sick bay something's wrong let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] the help who's that [Music] hey Charlie hell [ __ ] yeah you said it fubar in that song [Music] go dead another stick oh damn it Buckley last time I saw him in the mess hall he was fit as a fiddle poor [ __ ] so is it just me or are you getting a real strange feeling right now you look like a mess on wheels Chuck ain't the only one great good company let's just get up on that yeah fine agree yeah hey Chuck you see that key over there no feeling all right Charlie get over here [Music] come here oh god no charlie [Music] [Music] Mayday Mayday is anyone there hello can anyone up there hear me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh won't you spare me / - no [Music] well what is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to my repository [Music] [Music] I am the curator the curator of stories stories of love and hate greed and beauty life and death stories such as this I'm here to record the story you choose to tell you see this tale is only part written and the choices you make will complete it and determine whether the lives of those with whom you are interfering continue to flourish or whether they are snuffed out [Music] you see we each make decisions according to our own moral compass and we have to live with those decisions or die by them but you shouldn't fear death it is after all inevitable it is the tax one pays for having lived and it comes eventually to everybody still none of us want for it to come too soon do we as in life the actions you take matter the choices you make will affect others I'll be keeping a close eye on your progress it's not my place to interfere that I might be persuaded to offer the occasional hint here's one for free there are pictures in this world that can show you some possible futures if you can find them and study them they may just help you to make better decisions or should I say decisions that result in the outcomes you would prefer that's all for the moment we'll talk again soon enough we'll have the opportunity to account for all the actions that you've taken mess [Music] maybe got enough if we run out we can always call for backup so uh look I've never been down there before down the water diving maybe you could show me how the pros do it are you serious yeah I mean are you serious who came out here without taking any lessons kind of yeah I wanted to I just didn't didn't have time you know I had to work outside Oh fair enough fair enough whoa careful that dive cam is like super excellent bro be cool what Julianne Conrad are you know how do I say it super [ __ ] loaded so don't sweat the little stuff man it's not cool don't make me regret letting you tag along dude you know I'm not like the best around new people whatever shut up Bret you're not on this trip cuz you're my bro I mean you're my brother but I mean like we're buddies you know um kinda just like here to [ __ ] hang cool out and kick it what the [ __ ] are you talking about let's just kick it and be legends man alright amigo Calvary is almost here whoo sorry I'm a little snappy I'm just the new medical school would be stressful you know total shocker and man the long-distance thing with Julia it's been rough yeah I got Jeff it must be tough no worries man huh yep alright I like you what Conrad doesn't think we have enough beer ah because I keep these in an undisclosed location yeah Hey so what can I get your input on something yeah what just kind of a big thing I'm trying to make a decision about about finishing med school no but it's just kind of a big life choice you know I don't know what's the right thing to do go with your gut if it's right no no hey oh sorry Connie this is Alex hey what's up man Conrad watchin sis Ladykiller right here good to finally meet you Conrad this is Brad by the way my little bro hey Bradley feel like I already know you have heard so much about you yeah likewise miss Haman want to crack colon with me every second tbh I kinda have a thing with the seasickness Brett Bradley Ray Bradbury there's only one way to get your sea legs and it comes in a can fine one that's all right on radical I like the cut of your ship it's jib don't ruin it you ever do any diving before um no actually never done it before water virgin nice hey we're gonna pop your cherry together where's the old crust bucket skipper I'd invite you to make yourselves at home but [Music] so is everybody on board and ready to go so and I'm buying [Music] [Music] that's it get it all out oh yeah yeah you uh want to go lie down yeah you know maybe I should yeah little boy what about over here that's pretty far out of the way I'm just thinking about backup targets in case we don't find anything on the dive cam listen to be honest I've never heard of this direct you're looking for usually these things are crawling with divers yeah this is different I'm just saying if it gets too late I know some nice places where you can just take you know a nice dive Brad did his homework if he says a Rex here it's here okay look you're the client I'm just saying we don't have unlimited daylight I'm gonna go help Conrad and jewel you with the camera what you got feast your eyes on this brats calculations were right on the money always bet on bright kids a whiz we should thank him what we found a plane yeah that looks like world war two we are ready to dive technically we should call this in to port authorities as an unreported wreck well technically are you sure you don't want to do this the right way look for all anyone knows we were just diving and then found it who cares the right way come on what is this kindergarten I had to bring it up if we just go down and take a look who's gonna know fine as long as you're quick don't touch anything I just can't wait to be the first one down there can you imagine untouched we should be ready to get you guys in the water in a few I'll set up the tanks the boys will do the final checks take a look at the camera see if you can find anything useful right oh hey maybe you should check on your bro there's a little gap in the tail take a look Hey hi sweetie hey hey back what's up how you doing sorry that brewski got the better of me hey all part of the adventure sorry for putting a damper on things no worries dude take more than that just a script trip let's get some rest come back when you're feeling better I'm not sure Julia left anything on the mainland this only smells as good as it cost Lacey made her happy hi you know we have rules out here for a reason you guys got to respect that yeah sorry about before everybody's just a little we've been planning this whole thing for a while now I get it but there are rules and laws and customs these rules are all pretty basic stuff how much experience do you have with these kind of dives that the couple wrecks over the years I'm expert but you know experienced if this is your first unreported wreck then you should know there's a very specific protocol you have to follow for all you know this could be a war grave disturbing it would be illegal and immoral come on you see anyone else out here who's gonna know we logged our route at the Harbor if someone sees it's been disturbed ain't gonna be hard to put two and two together especially if some little souvenirs show up online you know what I can't stop you just respect the rules down there don't do anything stupid that'll get my ass in trouble okay so this is the rebreather way cooler than a regular scuba setup it takes all that co2 that you'd normally just exhale into the water and instead it gets totally reused then it reduces decompression time on your way up to a bit here okay Oh to check done whoa eager beaver you gotta check your o2 first looking good Jay I'd like to take you underwater hey that's my sister you're talking about you know it okay you little clown fishes I'm gonna go see what Bliss is up to you behave Connie [Music] you're on camera I'll take the wheel let's get a before photo all right kids good to go just remember the rules please I got the bank stick well I heard that about you ha ha you ever have to use one on a shark No [Music] oh okay more or less [Music] Chiba this is so tight chefs like we're going to ransack the plan Hey souvenir would be cool it's not like one tiny little thing would hurt anybody I won't tell if you won't not like they get scan the wreck every night at sundown there that's chic that's gotta be it whoa that is like way bigger than I thought it's pretty intact - this is a [ __ ] remarkable find let's swim around a little and find a way in howdy captain you fancy a pint with your second-in-command you are not my second-in-command third in command no freshening your cabin will still I know your well-paying dashingly handsome seafaring client it's requesting the pleasure of your company over a frosty amber liquid pass I have to stay focused on your friends down there pretty nice ride you got here where'd you get the cash it's a long story it's complicated and it's really difficult to explain well I'm a complicated guy try me well it involves at least several trips to the bank and signing of big stacks of paper who with large numbers on that dough you took out alone oh you're smarter than you look if you're interested maybe my family can make an investment in your business that's very kind of you to offer I suppose we could have that conversation you know what I better spend some time keeping the Duke of Milan shipshape aye-aye [Music] [Music] [Music] why do I keep these around how's it going knocked out by cold frosty man I feel like such a wimp hey it's your vacation you're allowed to overdo it I am officially starting a temperance Club party of one lifetime membership hope the lovebirds are having the time of their lives down there I hope they know what they're doing down there attitude matters twenty meters down Alex plays the goof but he was pretty serious about acing his diving certification are you close with your brother don't in my whole life Julia's got Alex wrapped around her little finger huh gotta get back up top check you later talk to Alex Duke to Julia hey there how's it hanging you look like you're taking full advantage of your relaxation time a man of many talents so are you beached like a whale hey I just thought why spend all my time down in the dark when I already like what I see up top I have to keep track of the dive but I'd be happy to continue this conversation later when I can give you my full attention in private private just just chatting it up you and I in the old conversational intercourse well hello there captain can I do something what's that about that is not the Coast Guard so we're not under arrest perhaps should we handle this this feels off just be quiet and don't say anything stupid okay [Music] guys you gotta keep back we've got divers in the water [Music] we can damage here you see this look at our boat we can take care of this man it's not a problem what do you think like 10 bucks cover it oh whoops my bad let's make it 20 well shoot you you think it's more like 30 I can do 30 all right you guys drive a hard bargain but I'm with you here but just throw in the whole pot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Conrad said one of the pictures showed an opening Conrad really really the rear turret oh good on ya commie but turn we can get in through there [Music] [Music] Oh careful we dangerous ladies first can I just take a second to say holy [ __ ] Alex so we did it I mean can you believe it [Music] Julia leave it you'd have to take your gear off to get in they're not worth it that pint is pretty tight what if you get stuck without your rebreather don't be such a go now I'll be fine go dad seriously am i dead what's happening live a little [Music] [Music] [Music] you do something stupid down here that's it one chance you get that hello I'm fine see no problemo this says it was a rescue plan launched from a US base they were on their way to help out a ship [Music] [Music] bullet holes all down the fuselage Brad's gonna flip when he sees this [Music] check it out they reconfigured the bomb wrap to hold lifeboats interesting one of the rescue boats is missing I think they were using it let's see what else we can find good God oh he's holding something Wow what the hell happened here look things they knew they were goners you hear that let's check it out [Music] whoa I think I wet my wetsuit life gives you lemons pilot and co-pilot gotta be playing crash not high on my list wasted perish [Music] you know this that's been down here a long time yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] shucks oh there's a shark come at me song it's a great week shark not interested in us let's go hold on okay oh this is the right time but then didn't know what if it was the right time but I guess no times right time I don't yes oh I know you can't tell cuz we're underwater but about my knees right now uh-huh Julia will you bury me [Music] you're [ __ ] me right what there's a hidden camera down here or something uh okay come on guys Julia I'm serious oh wow what a goddamn story how's it end yes yes a little [ __ ] out of you all right handsome hero you want to get on with our escape from the crumbling deathtrap flip this is Julia we're coming back up over [Music] wait Julia we got a decompress here whoa damn what the [ __ ] we gotta get up there we we have to decompress yeah okay do you compress right oh my god it's taking too long this is torture just a few more seconds okay now go hey what the hell happened it's cool man everything's all right now there was a little mishap with the barbecue Jesus looked like the whole boat was lit up what's up with that other boat these fishing guys came by and ran into the dive line whatever who cares right what I want to know is what'd you guys find well we found the plate and it's huge full of cool stuff oh my god you guys can you all just shut up for like one second hopefully [ __ ] dude broken crap nicely done come up and let's celebrate you're getting to know these intrepid adventurers then Alex and his little brother Brad trying to swim with the big fish both seem out of their depth and Julia the love of Alex's life and he the love of hers what about Conrad a bold fellow you might say or maybe you'd say arrogant and then there's captain flesh strong forthright stubborn do I detect a spark between her and Conrad let me reassure you you helped them to make some decisions they'll value later on you're doing well [Music] so we're like 10 seconds out of the jaws of certain death well certainly I mean that's relevant in this meatball meatball this meatball pulls a ring out of god-knows-where yeah where did you hide the ring a lady never tells Oh needless to say this lady was impressed well-played hermano wasn't comrade gonna get us some more beers after he helped Flis maybe he decided hey I'll drink some and then he got drunk and since he was drunk he forgot to bring it to us and he just kept on drinking and he drank all of it it sounds like you've had some experience with this kind of phenomenon yeah I've been studying it for you I'll go look for him oh we found a bullet lodged in the plane huh I left it below deck if you want to check it out so how does it feel to soon be known as be mrs. Julia Smith honestly I wasn't sure how it would feel but now that I hear it it does have a nice ring so I guess we should talk about wedding plans eventually [Music] now you're speaking my language I'm taking lessons yeah I can't wait for us to plan everything together I was so worried you might say no of course I was gonna say yes you dimwit I'm happy you did the second you said yes I could see our whole future rolling out ahead of us [Music] I love you Alex where did everyone go there was much celebration to be had I'll go find them you just relax hey you seen my brother or Flis no I got distracted let's go get him sure so sorry to interrupt your seven seconds in heaven oh yeah the beers oh just get him now [Music] all right now that everybody's here let's take a look at the navigators pad we found maybe we can figure out why the plane was out here where'd you put it it's in your case okay I'll go get it Hey so how's it feel to be a man post proposal relieving honestly carrying that around for a while I have to hand it to you popping the question on the bottom of the ocean like that is a pretty romantic never thought you were the settling type proud of you bro I couldn't have done it without such a good bro bro bro wait what do you mean he told me to follow my heart 1 I'm not that sappy the two I was talking about med school still ya see right here you'll get no resistance there all right everyone check it out Manchurian Gold who wants to find some sunken treasure so what do you think Adam coordinates those are coordinates all right maybe the planes destination you think we could get there by tomorrow it takes a couple hours if the weather stays steady Wow you find anything else there was a flight plan on board that seemed to indicate it was a rescue plane yeah that makes sense after the war they turned long-range bombers into rescue planes and then this plane must have been shot down because it was riddled with bullet holes I found one lodged in the fuselage huh and it was full of life rafts and have gotten shot down before they could deliver all the rafts there was only one missing wreckless all of you excuse me I told you to leave everything down there alone oh come on we've been through this already I'm not talking about the law no hey they were respectful no you did whatever you wanted whatever you took it was too much you're right we should have been more careful That's not me I'm sorry okay maybe I don't know you should have never gone down to that claim in the first place it's bad luck do you think you can scavenge down there and it makes no difference but every single thing you bring back has an essence it's like a ghost you invite to the surface there we go huh I never thought about it like that you never think about much of anything well maybe I never heard about such cool ghost stories they're not cool ghost stories not like for fun people drown in these waters and you have to respect their resting place damn straight Brett you got a fun ghost story right yeah I heard a story happened right around here - let's hear it we could all use a good show let's hear it I bet you can spin a good yarn it's kind of messed up actually scare away a little bro okay here goes this story is true and it happened - right near here in an old lighthouse classic setup wait true story where'd you hear this if you need to know it's ripped right from the rotting pages of the terrifying ancient in-flight magazine I was perusing on our way here the lighthouse stood atop an atoll isolated from the rest of the world of lone beacon in the night a sailor's respite the lighthouse keeper would hear the waves pounding the rocky shore one misty morning he comes upon a woman covered in blood she's stumbling down the beach he hurries to her aid and she falls into his arms sobbing as he hurries her back to the lighthouse he asks where she's from he doesn't waste any time smooth he of the one-track mind the woman answers I live here in the lighthouse my parents are upstairs right now twist of course the lighthouse keeper says that isn't so of course he's a live there alone for years and the woman becomes hysterical and assists her parents are upstairs so they go to the top of the lighthouse and they're splayed out on the floor is a man and a woman brutally murdered with an axe always an axe I mean do people even use exes anymore okay fine then it was a meat hook they were slashed with a meat hook and hung from the rafters so gross okay so who did it so the woman she's still hysterical says her husband did it and he's still here in the closet huh the husband a so is this a warning 12 future brides hey no back seats you're locked in so the lighthouse keeper creeps over to the closet opens the door and sure enough there's a man inside but he sliced out his own insights with a meat hook horrified he looks closer to see the dead man's face in the dark closer closer and he sees it's his own face and then its eyes bulge out and screams super twin nice nice one Squire you have me going pretty cool hit me on the cheese there corndog okay you've all had your fun we should all turn in there's some weather hitting are we uh huh no no no cuz according to standard vessel regulation we're all required one more beer before hitting a well regulations are these its standard issue regulatory institutional protocol subdivision 1099 uh-huh where'd you read bed the Internet oh so you found a website that tells you to drink beer under every circumstance I just following orders man I'm into this website good buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh okay I think so Hey Hey [Music] almost free Hey so uh good news bad news bad news now selfies could get any worse bad news is these are kind of maybe the fishermen I pissed off earlier oh god damn it Conrad is rage just great and the canoes I recognized how was that good news I thought you were gonna ask the good news first are such an idiot Jesus hey Alex are they gonna do to us get out of here I'm not a teacher [Music] [Music] you're gonna regret this you piece of [ __ ] you're gonna run in a Cell [Music] ah [ __ ] out I'll be back for you later nobody knows they're out here little lady you're all alone with us now let's make the most of it you can go [ __ ] yourself you piece of [ __ ] you're the little lady [Music] [Music] oh yeah you know how to treat a lady right stop please just stop slow down you finish reading later be on your best behavior little man [Music] yeah oh Jesus Conrad dipstick shut the [ __ ] up I don't think they're gonna hit her they have an influence flusher seems to be getting buddy-buddy with him she's my brother yeah he's hiding he's okay alright Tara don't let me see your hands once we get Julia back maybe we could take in my surprise okay they're coming [ __ ] with [ __ ] hey hey okay what'd they do to you I'm fine they didn't touch me they asked about her parents but how much money they have I'm so sorry what does it it took my ring Julia it's okay it's okay now we just have to wait and see what they want to do with us eight seconds storms eight miles away they came here on a boat maybe we can take it yeah yeah it's a speedboat guy he's got a gun well at least one of us can get on their boat get some help [Music] these [ __ ] need to pay we gotta take him down they can try to fight back but if we had the gun they'd be forced to surrender seven seconds I can get out through the window we gotta break these off first did you loud they'll hear it we're gonna break them during the Thunder good call I'll climb out the window climb around the side and hit them from there we'll take them from the other side don't leave us here okay right let's do it two three four five six what are you thinking guys Konrad the other side will come together [Music] don't [ __ ] yourself now [Music] drop it buster [Music] Konrad easy Fliss I got this let me handle it careful don't make this worse think about what you're doing boy boom just get to the boat keep trying to kill me or sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] and downstairs take this use it in Hereafter sit down over there you right here sit no I hate a portico similar to stop firm la gusta memoir okay Olson come here [Music] which one of you is gonna tell me about this Manchurian do [ __ ] blower best shot we could have gotten the boat back and you blew it yeah I get it all right shut the [ __ ] up there is no harm in just talking you want to talk keep the volume down I'm just gonna say it bliss has got to be in on this she these guys they travel in the same waters she's the captain and they barely laid a hand on her I bet you told him about the Manchurian goal they're in cahoots I can't believe what I'm hearing I just lost everything I have and this is what you think you're all in this together this is a trap and you set aside a soul what a cork in it [Music] since 200 yeah you come with me hey leave her alone find out how long the storm is gonna last you try anything anything fishy and maybe consequence [Music] Duke of Milan requesting weather update over we read you everything okay hey just for busting any information about this storm you can give us it's a little bit hairy out here over big storm coming in from the east gotta hit you pretty hard it should pass through your corners within an hour sound little stress to the Miyagi assistance not used to a little weather freaking you out yeah okay eh okay out here we can have a couple puffs and drops of rain thanks for the info we'll see you for drinks back on shore in a couple of days everything's better when we have each other how'd you get that don't you wait okay yeah just cut it all [Music] Hey right now [Music] thanks again anyone know about Brad is he hiding somewhere Brad is under the bunk bed okay keep a lid on it it could be our ticket out Braddock stays hidden better off down there than would be psychos oh yeah great you could get killed down there brats a big boy they'll be okay and it's probably better for us if he stays put for now everyone's still alive things could have been quite different [Music] kind-hearted creature I am I'd like to offer you some forewarning of what's to come tempted [Music] you're going it alone independent admirable possibly foolish we'll learn soon enough anyway now that you've reached a point of significant distress I presume you're eager to get back to your story but here's a thing everything may not be entirely as it seems probably shouldn't have said that [Music] the boss never be apart Junior what you are go [Music] the only order Jesus nope no thanks [Music] moving [Music] except don't walk see how juicy jail [Music] all right over there this whole place as a floating deathtrap I did not sign up through our trip to creep out something about this place making my hair stick up so far it's gonna jump out of my neck but no more this but the hell did these [ __ ] want with us [Music] awesome you're going to see okay all of you into the room hey it's fish blocking here give us away Thanks the hell is this [ __ ] place dude even those meatheads seem spooked you think this ship is the Manchurian Gold we are in the vicinity of those coordinates we can't just sit around need a plan we're not exactly in the best position to be making any moves second they let their guard down we got to take advantage of it and get off the ship yeah man this whole rust buckets one tetanus shot from the bottom of the ocean we already tried to escape it didn't exactly work out we got to get back to the boat and find Brad they swiped our distributor cap gonna be difficult to get anywhere without it so okay what exactly is a distributor cap I'll pretend you're talking to someone who doesn't know anything about boats it makes the engine work no wait the Duke is - dead in the water without it while those guys are out panning for Manchurian gold or whatever they think they're gonna find on this floating coffin we got to take advantage and look around for a way out of here flis I just wanted to say that I might have gotten things kind of wrong back there excuse me I may have kinda pretty much really come to the conclusion that maybe you know you're working some kind of side deal with these guys or whatever but I I mean obviously that's not true they're being just as bad to you as they are to us oh yeah allow me to translate he's saying that he's sorry well I hmm well your apology is kinda accepted cool cool I wonder why this is ripped off what do you think this ship was so when we told you this would be a quick little adventure was that something in the small print should we expect an itemized bill great of all the places yeah kidnapping 750 a.m. extra time 350 an hour listening to your stupid bickering I'll get back to you on that one real real creepy [Music] Zoe Zoe Zoe Hart Alicia resume isn't it fair yeah you see parties accepted why bizarre person what whistle mournfully they don't sort of consists of so much of melted together they only depends on a poker it's something to be happy zone [Music] what's going on just enjoying the perks of our all-inclusive cruise I found a letter by the way some guy was writing to his little lady back home about all the ghosts and crap on the ship ghosts yeah I mean there aren't really ghosts here right let's hope we don't run across any ghosts we got our hands full already okay we got one guy complaining about another guy pretending to be sick so he could get out of guarding one of the holes and I guess he was kind of a repeat offender it sounds like nobody liked it very much down there so I guess the moral of the story is stay the [ __ ] away from the haunted cargo holds haunted maybe they just didn't like working there yeah or maybe there are super ghosts that's what ghosts but like 16 min yeah I don't know what you're saying super ghosts right we just need to stay calm and focus on getting out of here I just wish I knew what the fishermen were planning look those meatballs are probably just looking for some get-rich-quick men cheering Gold which may not even exist I mean what if they don't find anything then we're [ __ ] so what do we do way I see it we got two options we sneak out or we stay here in fight simple as that sneaking out is a better option but I just don't know how we're gonna do it okay well we're not gonna do anything from in here we need to keep looking around and try to find a way out all right yeah catch you later what happened here Alex I'm really scared [Music] Hey look what I found over here [Music] get it off take a look any luck I can't get it open Hey maybe we can bend it open and get out of here we don't know where event like this would go wherever it leads it can't be worse than here I'm gonna just smash through this wall oh yeah sure big man on campus someone should create a distraction this is gonna be loud yeah okay Conrad you do it [Music] Hey yeah you Long John Silver and [ __ ] but what are you guys doing out there pieces of eight and shiver me timbers you one-legged [ __ ] faces you I'm gonna rip your pirate shoulders stop them in the rainbow College dude I'm warning you I am an American citizen you really want my president coming out each and every one of you personally hey can you hear me I'm talking to you [Music] every job [Music] he's safe now it's calling me that I love what they've done the place come on there's gotta be some stairs around here [Music] and there's the mystery of the smelly socks bunch of briefs [Music] I just want to know where the hell they all went there should have been dozens of people on board hundreds how could they all just vanish and leave all of their stuff behind [Music] where's the you are here arrow [Music] spooky I just can't believe this is happening what the hell happened to Brad he's still on the Duke you guess this is good mind what is this place engine well is there anything we can use down here we're gonna need the distributor cap back before I we're gonna get out of here hello [Music] Engineers law we totally [ __ ] oh this is nice maybe everyone's hiding in the hold for a big surprise party [Music] I didn't I see something moving down there Shh everyone quiet look it's the distributor cap on the Duke you sure yeah I'm sure [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go get it we gotta be careful could be a trap we gotta take the chance keep an eye out oh crap [Music] goddammit - taking place [ __ ] all right okay yes I don't want Espace you should keep mom that girl she was up well sorta sorta what are we doing I thought we were following them gotta keep our distance this way we can get ahead of them let's hope it's faster I got this [Applause] what's with the makeshift chapel oh good god why do I need to see this now what was that your that maybe not funny [Music] with this place wait a minute we've been here before I don't think so I swear we've been here before Alex have you been leading us in circles come on guys we gotta keep soup du jour Mademoiselle as if you know your way around a kitchen hey babe once we settle down I will be your personal chef de cuisine [Music] Jesus God Alex what is it see for yourself hey according to this today's beef cats rule hmm yummy it says if everything just ground to a halt on this one day the whole ship just stopped functioning hey easy with that we shouldn't be screwing around right now nice blade could make a nice severance package for my silence if you catch my drift I guess you never know we might have to use it all right now what is this place I'm thinking we got to go through here what was that [Music] this isn't right what what there's something in here with us didn't you I mean did you hear anything all right we should keep moving I know I saw something he was moving in the shadows rats probably just rats that's all it was don't [ __ ] laugh at me all right we've been here before I'm sure we're going around in circles what what do you want to do turn around we've seen all this before cool it Jake we don't have a lot of options it's gotta be this way okay no this isn't working for me what grows caskets and crappy chapels not my scene you know you're right it's gross and it's crappy gotta get out of your to tweet and we got to find Fliss okay so can we just get the [ __ ] out then what is this [Music] look at this it's insane is it even human I mean what's it effort human it's the deal with this place that is some bad mojo dude okay leave now leave Leave leave hey we got a name on this guy and what are they even doing here I don't think stuck on a ghost ship for all eternity sounds like a good plan eh who cares where they're from or where they're going they're dead and we're not so let's keep it that way look at this one look for a kid or something I don't want to know let's get out of here yes maybe that's little baby Dracula right there I know there's parents and they're lying in the dirt from their native country and they all jump on Conrad and eat off his face the end got some serious LOX in these caskets why would they be chained and locked well that's one way to handle relationship what's the matter Shh what is it look what seriously are you trying to freak me out [Music] can we just get out of here boy please hurry he's done sightseeing Roger that we got a kickflip no time pal is making that sound what sound oh my social spick-and-span any medicine we find in here is going to be old way out of date still might have some kick four years of med school and prescribe me an 80 year old ass Breanna called me in the morning that's not gonna make him sick is it Clark hey this is no time to be [ __ ] around I'm serious I can't take it get the [ __ ] don't touch it why did you touch it where the hell is Conrad Conrad maybe just give him some air [Music] what the hell looks like he died afraid you can't see that [Music] okay so this guy had appendicitis which is pretty routine and then he died of a massive heart attack which is not routine at all hashtag No Connie Connie karni where the [ __ ] are you where is Conrad must have gone on ahead a Conrad where the hell did he go where are you taking me now why would I tell you tell me where we're going damn it [Music] hey back off leave that alone you don't even know what you're doing you just do whatever he tells you don't you [Music] it's done all right come up sure [Music] did I make [Music] these [ __ ] places first [Music] look at this what was that noise what are you talking about I don't want to hear anything from you [Music] please you don't have to do this ginger oh Christ oh Christ that guy that guy's probably still right here with us I mean you die on a ship your post stays on the ship if no idea what you're talking about [Music] where did all your friends go I don't know what the [ __ ] this is all about but we got to keep moving and find Olson now oh [ __ ] now yes could you fail the question bore down [Music] the hell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's anyone there that can't be a good sign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus what I've been down here [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] alright alright let's go buck up buck up me [ __ ] c'mon come on [Music] better be holy [ __ ] [Music] ah was there just can't be good this is Julius they were here okay they were here [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] shamrock what happened here great perfect [ __ ] this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but gotta be boy buck up [Music] what am i hearing they're closed this looks maybe they're through here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Alex Juliet hello [Music] presenter who's there get away [Music] [Music] no I'm not hearing this I'm not hearing this skeletons skeletons skeletons there's this sort of altercation [Music] [Music] you're not supposed to be out here I'm not supposed to see this [Music] [Music] Alex Juliet what's going on here [Music] [Music] God's name is dis this places not right but he's going on here [Music] [Music] let's keep your head on straight [Music] this is too weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Brad hey Brad you hey what's wrong what are you doing [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] what you okay Thanks I could have drowned we got to get away he's still around that guy let's go but you wanted to surprise me with the whole pirate adventure thing and I gotta say it's a good idea no it was I mean it's funny I think it's funny but I think the guys you hired are taking it a little too far maybe and don't be cheap you do feel like paying top dollar and you get to get these guys that are not cream of the crop they're taking it a little too far you know you get my drift so if you want to feel free to pull the old plug get rid of these guys I'm with you I mean these guys are [ __ ] crazy they're chasing it's about the ship eat something something's [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dook [Music] so that's not possible [Music] [Music] [Music] I just this is [ __ ] with me hits it I gotta find everybody whatever this is it's [ __ ] with [Music] [Music] not even probably not much of a practice when you preach kind of guy if anybody knew what the hell was going on in this place it would have been a captain yeah I should really take a look behind this door shouldn't should what should I yeah I should what alright so how do i pry this individual it's got some half the best nothing door [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] look at me [Music] scared the hell outta me I uh Wow does it dance that's one way to put it [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] he's here what's matter true both don't come to me anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's going on hey sis what's a whoa come on we got to get somewhere safe [Music] we good here we're good I think oh hello things appear to have taken a turn towards the spiritual wouldn't you say [Music] have you figured out what's going on how to stop it how to save the lives of your poor unfortunate to stowaways you will i hope although it seems the ships previous occupants never managed to quite a lot of deaths that night let me help you out give you a little hint no hint perhaps you think you can piece things together from the clues you found yourself good luck with that perhaps you've started to realize something that everything and everyone may not be quite what they appear to be I hope that helps well aren't you excited to find out what your poor unfortunates are making of all this and how you might avoid any more unnecessary tragedy go on back to it speak soon [Music] what the hell is wrong with you back there Brad you lost your [ __ ] like big time you almost killed me why don't we talk come on no no come on that's ridiculous what the [ __ ] is going on with this ship because I gotta be honest it feels like there's some like like evil like literal evil going on down there let's just stay calm and relatively sane about this okay this stuff I saw it's like there were these old soldiers there were bodies they were death but then they came alive and that doesn't sound that crazy right about now I saw something this old lady I mean she was batshit crazy like dinosaur old not that that's a bad thing but she just like up and vanished on Alex wasn't the only Alex what are you talking about there were things walking around with his face on them Alex's face it was horrifying Julia I'd never hurt you you know that ray no I know it's just let's time up okay this place is too [ __ ] up to just be [ __ ] up here I'm saying I mean like something is going on here so what do we know for sure but we can all agree am I crazy or are we on a ghost ship like ghost ships are real and this is one and we're totally on it and oh holy [ __ ] we're so totally [ __ ] I was gonna say the same thing I know we're not the first people to see weird [ __ ] here apparently the guards were super freaked out by something they saw in the cargo holds we found a note that said a bunch of guys tried to get out of guard duty because they were really freaked out by something what do you think actually happened to this place the goddamn mystery box is what it is look like a newspaper was from 1947 I found a log book belonging to one of the crew sounds like the ship went through a real rager for storm this whole place reeks of weird dirty stinky weird and I don't like it it's like this place is stuck in a perpetual bad feeling machine what happened to everybody on this ship where did they all go I can't shake the feeling we're in one big floating coffin so what's with the bodies they come with the ship they actually look like they've been scared to death we know more than we did before that's something at least we're wasting time whatever we do we have to do it now time to get off the ship we're not going anywhere without the distributor cap the Duke needs it to run hold on this ships gotta have a radio if we can find it and use it that's great but do you think it still works just need to find a way up there [Music] we got to get off the stamp ship no [ __ ] I think we're speaking clinically totally effed I know it sounds crazy but maybe it was these guns that took down the plane from our dive [Music] great could he use these if they weren't Swiss cheese [Music] find a way up sadly no but I'll keep my eyes open [Music] [Music] [Music] ha us have been moving some pretty dangerous cargo [Music] Hey a little help over here I think this is our way up give me a lift hmm I'll pull you up this is this is where I chase Conrad before I thought it looked familiar over here gotta wait through here [Music] [Music] [Music] find a radio yet no but there's gotta be a radio on this [ __ ] there there has to be ship was blown off of course cloud cover was bad they couldn't establish a position something's wrong here if you were headed to San Francisco you'd be crazy to take this route it's almost like they didn't want anyone to know they were coming like I didn't seek out in the ocean yeah that's gross looks like this poor sucker bit it right in the middle of his message hmm it sounds pretty desperate take a look no freakin way this thing actually still works well radio science hasn't changed much in seven years as long as there's power I'll give it a whirl [Music] [Music] military bamboo assassin to help hey hey is anyone out there hearing this hello if you can hear us we're on a ship an old freighter our coordinates are approximately 12 degrees 30 minutes south 151 degrees 20 minutes west please get here now we need help Briella freighter abandoned huge and old hello hello is anyone out there please come in yo guys check it out this has got to lead somewhere maybe we can find a way to get the power back we need to get that radio working I think someone should wait here in case a message comes through I gotta be honest I don't think I'm gonna make it down there in my shape I'll go obviously I can do this I should be the one to go a little bro what's up I'm thinking you might deserve a promotion how's medium bro sale yeah what do you when you're talking about have stepped up to the plate put yourself right in the line of fire you're kind of mixing metaphors they're not if the pictures of machine-gun I'm impressed seriously so what do you think hey if you're sure you're up for it I believe you got it bro I'm coming too hey what Julian no you're not always gonna be there to protect big guy I can handle this trust me whoa whoa if Julia says she can handle it she can handle it case closed okay Julie it's you and I broken bones everything's still work everyone okay we're okay what are we gonna do we're gonna have to find the generator if we can get it started we can power up the radio okay well what'd you hear by the radio here Hey after you getting these are the lower levels of the ship huh because there was a guy named Joe in sick bay some sort of altercation 10 days in the break Wow must have really blown his lid to get that kind of time wish I could actually you know enjoy this how are you talking about any other circumstance you know this place would be the coolest place towards bloomer thank never gonna say no not at all says the girl who couldn't wait to dive a rack oh Jesus hmm I've been the son of somebody on board [Music] here come check this out look down there looks like the engine good place to find the generator right the ladders broken off here I think I can just wait are you okay yeah okay just come down [Music] what's that bad it wouldn't it was did you see it um hello okay so uh so I'm seeing things but you're not okay so follow my thinking here we know this ship was carrying them insuring Ingold but that was really some sort of hallucinogenic bio weapon developed in China during World War two and we know that it was super unstable and lead all over the ship so maybe it's still here maybe it hasn't dispersed after 70 years and is having the same effect on us you know paranoid hallucinations all this crazy [ __ ] we're seeing none of its real the crew was hallucinating we know they were scared of something and the officers thought it was just a bunch of jumpy GI is trying to get out of guard duty this isn't a ghost ship it's a floating bio weapon this couldn't have anything to do with the plane wreck we dived okay so the plane was a search and rescue they came out here because the people on this ship sent a distress signal we know that but it's at that point the fog had done its damage and for whatever reason they shot the plane down I mean who knows what the hell they were thinking or thought they saw Oh God alright let's get going [Music] [Music] look at this ship was actually anchored I wonder why [Music] [Music] you know what I miss right now dry clothes yeah hey hey I found it thank God and it's working this is it all right just throw the switch and let's get back upstairs okay let's get back upstairs it's got to be another way up we've lost power but we have it back can you hear me over we need help now there are things on this ship that are trying to hurt us over look at this the rebreather the fisherman was spotted over from the Duke of Milan you think it still works looks like it's got a little juice left maybe a couple of minutes should we bring it with us I mean it's heavy it's just gonna slow us down yeah [ __ ] it no stop Lee no still amazed and modern theft I don't know man Judy Navotas wha those controls in economy I don't filters and gentle man he could he could walk know people self-study development that girl [Music] but nothing would give instruction this is named Alwyn mature wait [Music] there's no use hiding you little sponge sharing all that cool yeah there must be plenty of that to go around more than enough and we're all in this together right trying to cut me out of the deed you can't have all the gold and I do mean let me that but I am the captain and I am the one that says who goes and you stay [Music] watch [Music] [Music] are we safe please tell me we're safe oh yeah totally I mean these doors are meant to withstand all sir stuff changing on me now okay all right not changing none of that raise your hands up no not like that I said Lord changing just put the gun down nobody has to get hurt you think I wanted to hurt anybody I didn't get a choice in this did I but again it's all gone cheating on me what what's changing stay away stay back from the mist what there's no best man don't read it don't break the mist why can't we beat the mist what does it do its life bringing things to life that shouldn't be alive it's inside now inside with us now please just calm down stop stop if you're one of us isn't it put the gun down now I wish you said it why are you telling me what to do yeah you put it in the mist it's happening I can feel it okay all right look there was something back there maybe a mist or fog maybe I told you did you breathe a demon no look we held our breath we did not breathe any Minister I know your own fancy divers but you expect me to buy that we've been down here for hours you've been holding your breath the small time holding your breath right now good to me I got the mystic meat all day it's amazing it I can feel it slowly it's changing me no no I can't see it you're the right man there's no missed stop stop lying you cannot see it in the consumer notice lying the missus inside [Music] hey man come on just put [Music] we by the radio why I'm gonna check the next level there might be some more gear down there we can use I'm not going far just wait by the radio I'm gonna hang back here as well [Music] boys come here stay by the radio you need someone to keep listening hi Ken I saw the there's a big guy here the distributor cap this must have been we just heard now what's that doesn't matter we need that distributor cap here he Hannibal come this way holy crap look at that [ __ ] various sure [Music] boy there's something here [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna make these jump Alex I'll have to find another way around [Music] [Music] [ __ ] look at that sometimes you just get lucky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey it's okay my god bliss gotcha [Music] [Music] alright let's try it [Music] [Music] a [ __ ] that airboat that was gold she wanted the gold that's how this was about manchurian gold well that turned out to be quite a bit different than we expected you know I just keep going over it over it and it does make any sense just and I know what I saw I just don't believe in whatever it was nice I saw Alek what's an Alex with what else just like Alex are you sneering at me rich kids so is anybody else feel like knocking back frosty this guy come there [Music] congratulations all your charges are still breathing and that's something I suppose things became a little intense but Alex kept his nerve well done Alex well done you it's all about decisions isn't it decisions made in a hurry in a panic made with the heart instead of the head or vice versa sometimes those decisions take a long time to have repercussions but there are repercussions there are always repercussions [Music] till we meet again maybe in little hope maybe somewhere else but be certain we will meet again it's inevitable so I don't know where this thing just sent out an SOS guess we got a real-life ghost ship here well what the hell is this
Channel: Shirrako
Views: 544,590
Rating: 4.8632946 out of 5
Keywords: man of medan, man of medan walkthrough, man of medan walkthrough no commentary, the dark pictures anthology man of medan walkthrough, man of medan perfect choices, man of medan all deaths, man of medan all choices, man of medan all ending, man of medan all cutscenes, man of medan best choices
Id: Ug5RxI7oNX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 52sec (13372 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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