THE NEMESIS RETURNS | Resident Evil 3 - Part 1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to resident evil 3 now it seems like just yesterday that Resident Evil 7 came out and changed the game of Resident Evil forever and then Resident Evil 2 the remake came out and it reintroduce everyone to the wonderful world of Raccoon City now we're going my mom is calling oh I I just sat down to record a video so I can't unfortunately can't study Korean right now I literally just started a long gameplay after I get this done we'll go study Korean okay yeah that's okay ah let me do it sorry about that Yatta Yatta Yatta let's just get into the game this pandemic a spread faster than any disease in modern history through rider Berkeley declare the CDC is quarantined the lower Midwestern commitment honesty integrity these are the core values that create the foundation for umbrella topical [Music] it's this foundation that will continue to build a brighter future for all of us [Music] fascinating quite topical for the time that we're in right now not sure of tasteful but this is the story I like the live-action - I think that's an interesting touch it reminds me of like Red Alert and stuff like that very cool mixture obviously there's CG in here who would you say is the umbrella core of today of this serie of this universe if this does take place in an alternate universe I would like to know who that is wakey-wakey zombies in biggy hello hi where's Big E can I find him is he here weird I don't feel so good Oh God the field of view is very narrow interesting oh well so his first person the demo I played was in third person I'm guessing that's that's intentional hi something's wrong with the tivan go I wanna oh oh I want to bills Ami's getting in that way well mama seems like someone might be a little bit obsessed with something some kind of crime organization hmm seems like some company's been naughty naughty seems like that's an ominous looking light coming from there seems like someone hasn't been cleaning up very well in my studio apartment hello ah there I am hello it's me wouldn't you know it a game with an actual mirror that actually works actually gone hello oh I don't like it oh I don't like it much at all okay well I'm gorgeous but I already knew that I don't remember leaving that on oh oh that's not a good thing oh that's not a good sign oh that's not good oh you hate to see it oh now you hate to see it oh wow this just a dreamer is this for realsies sure seems for realsies Oh No oh hi how's this dream just a dream well the infection yeah probably oh I'm still first Percy I would leave now too I would leave now okay I'm guessing the long scratches or when I wasn't even able to come home on those weekends oh look at the puppy look at the letters alright okay still my up hottie still my place of residence still bad stuff going on outside alright button button okay hello investigation notes pharmaceuticals company industry leader in market share focuses on military weapons development while maintaining cover as a pharmaceutical company also secretly developing bio weapons T virus outbreak at Arklay mountains research facility predicted the mansion incident conspiring with Raccoon City leadership large donations to major mayor Warren's office effectively controls the city always good always good when the corporations are controlling cities jill's report September 26 1998 it's already been two months since the mess with umbrella thanks to the suspension investigations haven't progressed exactly as I'd hoped perhaps is written record of what I found will prove to be by final duty as a stars officer I can only hope that it helps lead to the truth the t-virus those infected with this virus seemed to be comin literal zombies it appears to be communicable via several different avenues outlined below bite from an infected individual allowing the mixing of bodily fluids contact with crows which have eaten infected carrion due to the strength of the virus airborne infection cannot be discounted it should be noted that those who survived the incident have not yet developed symptoms it's unclear whether the is because the virus has a long incubation period or because we just happen to be resistant to the infection we ought to remain vigilant even after this investigation period ends as for me aside from my minor difficulties sleeping I seem to be in fine shape still I shouldn't get too hopeful after all this could just be an extended incubation no interesting also topical also that's interesting because there is kind of like the question of like in these games these stars officers are getting bit all the time maybe it is that they are infected or at least carriers like the left for dead characters message from a colleague Jill battlin time hey hotshot how you holding up I still can't believe Irons suspended you it's such [ __ ] he ought to put a pin he ought to pin a medal on you for making it out of that hellhole back in July of course you're going to poke around and ask questions about it I hope you're not mad at me for keeping my head down everything's been happening so fast SARS was the pride of the force when the chief disbanded us now nowhere I thought for sure I was gonna lose my job where it hasn't you're planning to leave Raccoon City I figured he wouldn't take the suspension lying down just promise to watch your back umbrella won't be sitting by while you tried to dismantle their business take care of Jill Brad Vickers stars Alpha Team now and forever yes had to slip this message to the pizza guy to avoid detection enjoy it a lot extra large mega meat supreme it's on me and the boys what uh pizza mega meat Sabrina looks like I should probably do some dishes doughnuts that's pretty good I don't like me some doughnuts this is the water okay sure yes sure woohoo it's dork I don't like it donkeys doing kiss this is ominous hello hey beautiful how am i doing it beautiful as always me glories me yeah I don't think no infection is gonna come exploding out of your skin anytime soon oh now we're third Percy okay cool taboo Sookie oh hello who the hell could that be a one sealed envelope you can wait I got a letter to read they got me pinned down at home guys across here watching me irons bent umbrellas I know what they're trying to do they won't wear me down I'm going crazy I feel like The Living Dead but I won't let the man win I have to get out of the city and find a way to make them accountable Phil send someone to silence me I hear that I've been killed if you hear that I've been killed or whatever it is they do to people like me you must pick up the investigation I'll be moving out tonight five days at Freddy's all right let's answer this phone yeah daddy hello hi are you doing you're here early okay oh man my ribs there they go crush to powder whoo that really didn't do a whole lot BAM it's a good thing my ribs are atoms at the moment also good thing - that guy's slower than he is stupid little metal doors it didst Bend like that all right well I guess I got a runaway from the monster hey buddy whose apartment in this all right what am i doing is there anything to grab should I get supplies is there more bullets gonna shoot more I don't even have my gun anymore do I oh boy all right see you around nemesis there's nothing oh god oh god oh you still where oh hey bud whoa oh oh it's happening oh it's going down uh I can't help you ah man wish I could wish you could can't do it got a problem of my own got a nemesis on my ass oh hello what big hands you have okay I thought I was gonna have like a dead space moment and fight away from the tentacle monster a nice gratuitous ass shot all right this way I guess why is everything always have to be in fun fire and zombie or where did I go my ribs again pulverized to smitheroons cool okay Wow my brain sure don't crush my skull thank you oh there you go and we're down here now oh that's not a good thing it's a tank oh oh sure yeah of course oh the most effective weapon he could possibly ever grab he's gonna pause get out of here oh look at what you did dumbass you buried yourself in the rubble well I guess we first escaped Yipes we're gonna get out of here I've never seen a monster worse than that ones Oh oh hi Brad hey are you doing hey sup No ok alright why do your arms look so stumpy for some reason I think it's the jacket I remember what our clay is the mansion the mansion wolf hold up my ribs are kind of you know smitheroons Brad don't be a dumbass Oh No yeah there's so many yeah okay i'ma go i'ma go i'ma go see you around i'ma go i'ma go the great job Brad really smooth move oh that's not good are we still gene always rad I could go back Brad y'all right in there I mean I've been bit a whole bunch and I seem to be okay you all right Brad what if you Oh joint can you do any sorry bud then I got a bus to pull it in your bro hey hey hey where's Brad you're not Brad you're you're you're not Brad at all oh you're not rad either oh you you all aren't Brad uh I'm not assuming Brad is dead until I use Brad ranch mad that's gonna help we say get out of here Brad oh the wheels on the bus go I'm out of bullets oh oh oh wow a helicopter actually saw me Wow kaboom okay gentlest can be Brad or what you'll run you're so fast okay now sir how would that help why not both why not you starve and then at your weakest moment you get eaten that's an option all right fine but whatever you say but you got it bud Dario Dario going down oh yeah hey bud you uh you left your you left your sweet delicious you go to one baby you left your sweet delicious bullets out here nerd what an idiot all right Oh Papa I'm not gonna waste any bullets on you because I don't need to puppy puppy puppy Duffy puppy bubble squeeze by here there's guy named Dario right back there you LOV look huge a lot of meat on him well marbled hi - you too all right cool good hey are you doing hey good I left my ticket in my car I'll be right back good good it's good to talk with you you look familiar where are you from Resident Evil 2 well I can't kill you huh silly Billy it was that helping me aim my terrible terrible aim while asking Barsky alright that's good enough whoa he was not dead alright well bing-bong I was expecting there to be more uh take a boot Mitch I don't know I could talk a little better but I don't think they could understand me anyway how's those ribs doing hey at least she's acknowledging I'm acknowledging that my ribs are pulverized to smitheroons the one you're spotlighting I will I'm going to that's my one desire Lani Pilar sure of an Emma saw my ribs my ribs have been split in Twain Oh Oh all right time to Ram this son of a [ __ ] well I guess I'll do this then would do it that who had felt yes yes oh I didn't know that you all hold okay hold what am i holding exactly the gas pedal that's what I'm holding my rims my poor achy breaky ribs ouch yow cheese is what I say now don't be grumpy now listen to reason here you and me we could be friends we could be fast friends Oh God oh it's a game lagging a bit the game is lagging a bit oh look at your face oh I should crawl I'm crawling away hey ho listen buddy what was shot at you oh why didn't you catch that one no no your biggie if I ever saw biggie hey bud how are you doing names Jill you're single hair anyway clear so we've been bringing survivors here you're aware my guys have converted some subway cars into a shelter your trigger discipline sucks it's safe I'm fine personal space okay I get it let's go listen we can't like it's called social distancing sorry we're gonna have to go around that's okay piggy love your hair nothing I never seen anything like it but it's no zombie it knows what it wants it won't stop till it gets it don't you like that in a man have you been I promise you're in good hands I'm with the Umbrella biohazard countermeasure service maybe cs4 shorty are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me you guys are the ones who caused all whoa whoa what are you talking about you don't have to trust me but I'm going to the shelter yeah I'll be there you don't need a wave of me I'm literally rad I know bites so tasty they might go extinct that seems that doesn't seem nice that doesn't seem great at all Oh skull stalker Wow all right he'll squid cool tyrant of the deep hmm they weren't extinct only sleeping oh hey I remember this hi you got like a rib fixer it's fine young lady could use our house on pointman maybe for my ribs she is an elite operative of I repeat these special tactics and Rescue Service her name is something Valentine its Jill nice to meet you Jill I am UBC as platoon leader mikhail victor my team was sent here to rescue serving mm-hmm right how's that going for you this city is completely cut off isolated most of the hundred thousand civilians will wind up that correction undead my platoon has suffered serious losses just keeping them alive is more than I can manage well you can think your corporate overlords for that yes well we are doing all we can if we can get this subway train moving we can have a queue ate some survivors mm-hmm but we need help my men cannot do this alone all right I'm in I'm in baby not merciful hey that's cool we don't want the same thing Thank You Jill Thank You mr. whatever your name was here you go stay in contact in gundeck Tuesday you'll find supplies there mm-hmm okay all right all righty rue all righty-roo okay obviously we've seen this before if you watch me play the demo well what do we have here oh yeah mo crafting gift from kids you didn't know just slam some gunpowder together all right either way let's get topside and let's see what the dealio is with everyone at this city are these the supplies tabloid front-page the cannibal murders someone ate someone in your stomach will royal alright so uh what I'm going to do is there's a lot of lore here that I'm going to skip a little ahead of let's do this so unbelievably fast and this time let's not mix my herbs right away because that was a little a little silly of me to do I didn't what did I just do oh yeah I can gosh I forgot that that's a thing I in this new game also ooh the yellow things I don't think I actually was able to get some of that Oh get it now I know now I know I know hmm combined point look at that basic chemistry can't combine that any further because the don't need to it's a puzzle ah the good old train station puzzle yeah as our forefathers intended these [ __ ] who made the goddamn train was like if they're not smart enough to figure out the puzzle then they would never ever ever need anything more all right cool good great great even actually herbs we know herbs all right let's get into this I know the ways to go unless they changed a few things in the well hello yeah get it you're the only smart one do we do do yes noticed me oh yeah oh yeah whoa you you think you think oh I've only got one bullet that's not good well wasted it all right hey hey no no no no quick step let me look at the map real quick I didn't get anything everything in that subway station there was something else oh those were the two things that I could have gotten but I didn't get because I didn't need to all right goodbye I'll see you around blood all right see you well thank you there we go Vlada whoo whoa I dodged you I am the greatest you feel awful because you suck oh yes yes my god my aim is not doing too hot you have like no skull left okay goodbye I gotta go see round husky all right so what I need to definitely do is remember that they're alive a lot of items that I need to be observe enough okay maybe boats how you doing draba don't stab this barrel hey you got it I should probably combine some of these damn y'all biggie I'm on the big Street big alley then figure out how to do this no biggie you got it you know what I'm no worry we're getting here they're gonna break up and then I shoot the barrel and then I do thing I know thank you by the way thank you for opening that really appreciate it don't be so worried Jill so come on don't be so worried it's just a few some ponies some wrongs I like it zom barbecue Cabo all right see round dudes around Oh assist some Zombo Neos some more like zombozo's am i right I actually missed the item here no cuz there's just I'll come back for it it's not important right now my goodness there's many of you is that something I could whoa so the important thing is look for the red items for environmental stuff I didn't know that before but I do now this is a safe room fancy box guys look at my fancy bow look how fancy it is it's so fancy this is the fanciest box I've ever seen on the story I don't know what it's for yet so it's gonna store that and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna take damage cuz I'm amazing so I'm gonna store this yeah that's the good stuff save because I'm amazing I'm playing on standard difficulty by the way in case anyone was curious I figured that I might as well take this one nice and easy and try to actually have a decently quality time as opposed to desperately flailing and then failing over and over again I'm gonna keep the Gunpowder on me whoa hey buds yeah I did that was that excuse me oh god did I pick that up did I actually get it oh god did I get it I did okay I'm good I thought I dodged man that doesn't feel good is what I gotta say about that all right oh sweet dodge whoo I'm gonna blow you all all you gonna get blown every one of you and one two step thanks buds thank you don't even try it don't even don't even bother don't even bother don't even bother don't even bother oh yeah this is where the chain I need to cut is so that's good to know there sure are a lot of environmental exploding things this city is not safe alright handgun ammo that was less than here so we're good there or so let me just go up to this thing because it's glowing and I'm no fool hello I will shoot you in your ass I will turn you into grass I will give your ass a blast nap black there we go no you're done so forever never going to get up war never will get up nothing except this weird message we have the doughnuts whoa hey bud oh now it's actually important to get you huh I don't know if I've already missed one I probably already have and I don't remember what the bonus is for getting them maybe are well you're still alive aren't you oh no you're not I probably should look that up because that seems important let me just lug this giant fire hose oh yeah I remember why I wanted to get in here I remember very intensely why I wanted to get in here I'm not gonna waste this this time definitely not gonna waste that definitely not gonna waste that that is something that is not gonna be wasted not this time Oh God yeah I forgot who I don't have that yet oh boy oh yeah so my employees memo cut the chain well I forgot I don't have that move Phil you all right fine then I'll just be on my way gotta go get some chain cutters bolt cutters even now that car's red does that mean if I shoot it once it would explode in a fiery blast that would level the country said probably you peeing over there you are now Yi oh no no no no no no no no no ah damn it you did anyway stop thank you seems like the knives actually did do something in that department they don't usually but that time it kind of did also I'm in the caution zone probably because I took two hits that I wasn't supposed to oh now I'm really hurting okay okay yeah curtain first yeah I can't just use that by itself that'd be foolish of me oh boy gunpowder all right I got to remember the code here okay nine one nine one eight that's it nine one eight nine one eight nine one eight nine one eight nine one eight man your heads don't explode as much as I remember them exploding I remember you know your heads would like pop like grapes way more often than they're doing now so if you could just set off the bombs inside of your brains and be greatly appreciated like oh good yeah I'm in danger I should probably go get my herbs it's a damn shame damn waste of time my speedruns ruined my speedruns runed also I got to look out for the Charlie's as apparently they're called Charlie Charlie Charlie ba ba ba baby doo doo doo doo gunpowder let's go ahead and combine yes store you for now cuz I don't need it just yet let's use you move you here move you here Tori space is gonna be so desperate that I need to do that alright there we have it yeah we have it I'm just doing my best to look out for the Charley's I don't know if it's absolutely essential I know it's gonna be for like special items you get at the rewards for like perks and stuff and like bonus items for making replayability but to be honest like I really loved Resident Evil 2 for replayability I played through it a couple times just to make sure I got all the items but this time I don't know if I might do that just depends enough on the game is right now it's pretty fun so maybe god I remember you from before but for some reason you got me again yes please thank you okay dodge squawk alright OOP does wrong way 9 1 8 oh my god that like broke my game what now some now is some that was some safe all right there we go now it worked I forgot that that's what was in there thank you just gonna slam that in there that's nice okay gonna combine you with that listen nice oh that's nice anybody wanted me to use this on them I suspect there might be someone getting back up oh no mistake oh mistake getting back up Oh for you all right anybody found a bolt-cutter over here anybody got Cuddy bolts Cuddy bolts bolt cuts called cut the bolts the hell do you think you the hell who they flying hell do you think you are I'll be back for you who's who's munching no one's a lot of munch yes please did I have a green I do not have a green on me well that's unfortunate but Oh we'll hopefully this helped I remember laughing at you remember how before you did the same thing a week we laughed and we laughed and we laughed and I was laughing and you were laughing and we were all laughing oh such good times what am I missing here gunpowder all right knows the only thing here all right well sure uh yeah why not I I'm gonna have to do that a lot like I shouldn't worry about saving gunpowder especially considering this isn't like the hardest hardest difficulty level why don't I get back here I didn't even get the thing that I needed where's the thing that I needed were but wait a minute hold the phone everybody hold on now wait a minute now was it was it in simple luck drill that how did I have the fire hose but where is it it was the I mean I get I guess I got the fire hose so I might as well do this right I got put this out wait but oh it's different oh I see they've changed it a bit from okay we've officially reached different there's the bolt cutting into the Sun tea into the sting very very interesting I'm gonna store this cuz I don't want to use it just yet very very interesting fanciful beautiful even no not there all God is horrible let me delete that how do I didn't know I can't I'll just save over it next time why are we doing this what is happening words why are you doing that what do you do he wants to it just gets out of the game okay are you are you alright are you okay there let's do a borderless window that's probably good okay good [Music] who's there hold the hell there's a mistake is me who the hell do you think you are huh who the hell who's there oh hi come on don't look at me like that all right what the [ __ ] was infected he might have been infected Oh stars this soft killing your own people he would have turned there's your sense of self-preservation you're back to the subway station you don't need a bleeding heart like you getting in the way okay hi also hello my name Jill my name is Jill nice to meet you I'm Jill uh I gotta go back a see round vows what an intro anyway lovely to meet you I hope you have a good day and I will see you in around stories yellow but I doubt I could get through there oh but I can't get through here so whoever that is lovely individual definitely a team player as you could fancy box wait what's in the fancy box in was I supposed to open the fancy box was I supposed to I bet I was for the subway puzzle I'm imagining I'm imagining that's for the subway bomb probably if I had to guess that price because for the subway puzzle I was just imagine the case is there Charlie in here I was really good about finding the Charlie's before for some reason I feel like I haven't been good here not fine to know Charlie's Charlie Charlie [Applause] Wow you're not charlie boink you're not charlie long longest blow blow office envelope I wish I could hit your goddamn head there we go well that was awful but we're not judging me that's what we've all agreed on before we started this whole endeavor we were not going to judge me I know this to be true I know it I'll leave that there then I'm gonna just real quick real real real quick real quick Jeremie broken Oh No and I'm back I couldn't find any more Charlie's but I could've sworn there were but then again they might be in different places so I'm not a hundred percent sure either way I've got the bolt cutters that thing seems to have recharged thankfully you didn't know that it'd just be charged oh look they're just bumping oh whoops oh well a little too well there's the head splosions thank you for helping me out with that go down please you're dancing it's dead okay all right I'll get a little closer then there we go that's what I was hoping for that's the magic of the hour that's the goodnight kiss all right huggy so what I need to do is I need to check my storage real quick this take that out I mean it was you examine you and then you read I like that I like that that's real good okay you're gonna store I'm gonna grab I'm going to combine I'm going to take out because I'm going to need it because I'm about to go get the shotgun I'm going to save even though I'm saving too much but I'm an excessive saver it's what I do and then and then and then I'll tell you I'll tell you just wait be patient and then I'm gonna go down here first let's play a little peekaboo let's see what's going on down here there's bound to be a little something down here I remember there being a little something down here before might not have been worth it but I'm gonna play a little peekaboo peekaboo Oh peekaboo oh no you don't you were gonna cut me off before I was able to actually blast the goddamn thing can you fall over please thank you space key oh oh oh it's I know it's one of those things you're gonna Grenada oh it's not locked oh steel boy thank you thank you okay so those combine in 20s so that's good to know I'm going to have plenty of shout goon man I wish in resident evil 2 there was this many environmental things going on that would have been awfully nice hello you could blow anybody here alive or undead I guess is more the concerning question right can I do anything with this apparently not cuz probably cuz there's no power can't do anything with that either probably because I'm stupid I can and I will get the shotgun please yes thank you oh my goodness gravy yes I like a shotgun the ultimate zombie survival tool the shotgun all right so there's still stuff in here that I need to come back for but I don't need to get it just yet so I'm not going to worry about it now and I will try to press on to whatever hi you're here to test my shotgun I really appreciate that oh there you go it wasn't the best shot not not the good first shot that I was hoping for we go to I guess the place that I need to go now would be the area where that lovely gentleman went off to so I go into new territory there there's nothing I need to drop off right discarding key items oh why would I do that sense sentimental value put it in storage keep it forever cherish it for all time become a hoarder it sounds like me you go in there you go in there and you go there perfect my backpack is so tiny and didn't have time to run out on us being attacked by nemesis all right off I go in the wild blue yonder better hope there's not nemesis crushing down here ah but don't worry you don't need to worry about me pretty old me you don't need to do a thing but I need to worry about mr. Russian man food likes to shoot his fellow teammates quato ski well that wasn't amigo there Doris isn't nearly as Kabu ski as I would like them to be is that the dude hey did you get your just desserts maybe who knows you becs suicide note September 28th the Middle East Eastern Europe East Africa I thought I knew what hell was figured I'd never crack no matter what was thrown at me at this job this one was supposed to be easy a quick wage I'd earned it it all happened at once there were 30 guys in our squad all armed with state-of-the-art assault rifles and yet we were wiped out in less than 48 hours I've been through enough [ __ ] to know it only ever gets worse and if that was just the beginning maybe I'm a coward I don't care this is the only way out I have left I just told my body doesn't get back up after I pull the trigger move rough stuff but I don't understand how I'm able to survive through this with a nemesis on my ass you had 30 dudes electricians notice public use generators provided by Raccoon City electricians guild dude ongoing power outages the guild has decided to provisionally place a number of electric generators throughout the city remember everyone is welcome to use them but remember these generators are running high-voltage currents if wonder were to be struck or impacted gunfire anyone standing nearby could get electrocuted ah specifically gunfire Raccoon City is not a safe place is it no you got that if you see a generator spitting sparks don't go near it don't do anything stupid like shooting guns you know how you raccoon city people a bang bang everyday safety first as the saying goes if we make it through this mess you'll have plenty of busted generators for sale at bargain prices boo-ki well then consider me informed wah wah wah boink Oh No wow you did not freeze no no no no no I don't like you I don't like you poochie's and I usually like all poochie's but I definitely don't like you hey bud say how we doing hey are you doing a nice but Isaiah Adams in there now all right where am I going oh the radio tower I forgot that was my hold that was the whole point that was the whole everything that was why I came out here I remember now tick tick uh I'll need some bullets soon try to use my pistol as much as I can and then switch the shout gun only when necessary wait a minute let me make sure okay we're good okay got it all right hello where did that dude go do I even want to know do I even care the answer is no hi they're really forgiving on those headshots because I am definitely missing hey stop stop in the name of the law whoa whoa hey yeah just double-checking everything cuz there's a couple lockers here hang on okay got gonpa all right hey hold on let me mix some stuff hold on god okaywell doesn't help me save ammo on headshots if I miss oh really Oh Oh Mike oh really oh my god oh my god this is the work that that that was officially the worst shooting I've ever done in my life ever are you back up get down no you get down thank you you get down thank you I didn't really need a shooter I don't really need to shoot everybody I need to keep that in mind because if I shoot everybody I'm gonna run out of ammo real quick you want to run that by me again oh it's the one Locker that's that's fine I'll come get it once I get whatever tool I need to be able to do that peekaboo anybody in here anybody under hip out yes please please yes yes yeah I'm not really that excited about it it's it's it's okay it's adequate but even on being a youtuber I always try to like amp up the energy you know how it is I was really like yeah you know you know how it is but yeah whatever what can you do I'm gonna start having this out on me because I have a funny feeling that I'm gonna start to get an Emma Seuss up my butt and if I do then I'm probably gonna need to Grenada me instead of trying to shoot him because that's just not gonna work so I'm gonna just focus on not dying hello fax from substation chief to all employees in response to the violent outbreaks across the city we have implemented an intentional power outage once the situation has been brought under control please activate the four breakers ASAP once that's done turn on the main power switch in the control room to reactivate the power grid you got it boss you got mouse you can trust me four main breaker whoa what what what should I put on a hat it's what what oh wait what when did how why did green herbs they work starter look like Chad was never gonna make it come back from his ground so I poked my head in there and [ __ ] me next thing I know I've got some maggots squirming down my throat I was gagging and heaving but those little bastards didn't seem to mind none they just wouldn't come up I was staggering around like a madman then I saw it a green herb my grandma once told me the green herbs are a natural bug deterrent so I grabbed one shoved it down my gob and swallowed him what do you know the little things didn't want to be there anymore I've never been so happy to throw up I'm gonna head back out there to look for Chad if anyone else see this remember each agrees gross and great-great and gross that's great gross gross greatest greatest nice fancy box let me take that off your hands don't jump do not jump scare me I swear to God I will punch you in your dick if you jump scare me something's inside whoo-hoo oh Alok oh okay interesting I'm gonna combine this interesting very very interesting excuse me I just needed to dodge away from the horrible monstrosity that was that wall thank you real ood you gonna give up I don't think you can considering you don't have intestines anymore but I don't know how depending it zombies or on into stands I'm gonna go put away my stuff in the box this is horrible substation memo the kita voltage areas gone missing the earliest we'll be able to you okay I need to find a lock Vic I get it that's what that notes all about you guys lose every goddamn thing you have I am disappointed in every single one of you forever because you all suck no this is why I'm here dropping this stuff off store it store it floor it or it alright let's go oh wait no I can go back I can get the thing whatever was in the lock thing down here even though probably doesn't matter I'll get back down there but I'm curious now I want to I want a lockpick and I don't want it to be the door that actually makes progress for some reason because I'm weird who's down here weird all the zombies go they're all gone that's disconcerting I'm an expert at this slack thank you it's perfect I was hoping for bullets good let's see if I get to use them I don't imagine that Chad inside the power substation would be of any concern to me probably not all right this is actually a maze layout I should probably take a look at this okay so far and far-end okay got it memorized I know exactly where they are I am good with maps I'm not actually joking about that I do know where they are now I know some of you are like doubting me like oh yeah sure but but if you know me that's my one Talent I don't have Malley I don't have many talents I mean I'm an inherently incredible individual yeah [Music] look up dammit the squid okay that's where I've seen Oh Oh horrible horrible horrible what the Frick what the [ __ ] was that Oh God I don't have the green herbs on I literally put him away i litter i'll iterally just put them away that you've gone are they gonna burst out of my chest Brule well yeah okay yeah I got it green herbs eat your greens I get it I'm just gonna take them out cuz I imagine that's probably gonna happen again catch catch me unsuspecting very gross very gross anyway oh you guys do you guys eating good should always eat your greens very important anyone eating a salad right now great this is good stuff glad that thing did that really fun finally I had taken the warning the route that it was a really big warning very obvious oh god what am i oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no you missed missed me missed me baby okay I know exactly where they are three of them are on one side but - Wow nope miss me oh okay maybe the shotgun would be better play for this I think just one hit and done is one of them I know this because I've seen it in my dreams here we go baby here we go easy okay I do know that that's the only one over here but what is this what am I looking at here why am I going up why am I going up well that's fine boy oh wow Wow how's my inventory looking pretty okay okay combine that there okay so that was the ones here one is here one is here and one is here this ladder leads to this area it was still an item in this long hallway but this all connects there so I think there's good because that was probably the best way that I could have gone oh I hear them I hear them what's with the butthole oh this crap has a ball oh no no no no no no you don't ah okay that definitely worked nicely where'd you go Wow no not this time you're above right I scream at her to look up and then I don't look up like an idiot but they give a nice shot up behind me so I can see what's going on haha oh it's blocked off you well it's not blocked off anymore okay so their underside seems to be a weak point all I gotta do is shoot their sensitive underbelly hey come back here what are you doing what are you doing and they're hard to hear No shoot the sensitive underbelly Wow why would you do this oh my god am i dead no I refuse to believe that I refuse I refuse to believe it okay always with the buttholes but that's okay hey so Roy where are you oh you're above oh god you're above yes scoot my caboose over this way they'll never know shoot him okay good good well done well done well done mama woohoo tini where you on are you on the dudes you afraid you scared you're scared about handsome I am you afraid you might fall in love hey you guys ain't so bad you guys ain't so bad at all easy peasy I found the other herb well they came out of the mud hole turns out the butt hole was correct oh god damn it they are hard to dodge can we used one of these cuz my inventory is full any no don't examine don't look at it just eat it gotcha okay this is the last one technically that's the matter if I want to get the items don't come out of that bot holy I will be traumatized time to get the I did it did the thing I'm traumatized Oh that's above me bonk oh really that didn't get it I know more emerging from any but holes I'm just taking a stance against it ah alright okay good aha this might be they're all really oh really oh really so is hurt okay no that's it okay we're good got here almost used up all my shotguns good thing they didn't shove anything else down my throat punching dillweeds bunch of dingleberries yeah that was good glad I went through that flick-flick flick-flick for quickly quickly quickly I don't know clever wait up like you don't eat some volt you're no champ here comes the amp I don't know that's all I got okay store I'm gonna need to use at least one of those I've got plenty of bullets I'll use that I guess much alright good I'm feeling fresh and feeling fine I would I would be worried a lot more about having you know parasites literally injected into my gullet I'd be worried about the long-term effect and I don't think that just shoving a plant right I think I know the building no are we partners not partners not yet you got a woo me come here you got a roomie come on woo me a little yeah hey ain't that easy come on you got woo you know how to woo you ever woo before ever just whoa you know you know what I mean yeah you know what I mean you know what I mean you know biggie okay you know what you heard wow I dodged that I did I'm very nimble I hope you know I'm incredibly nimble and outrageously humble an incredibly beautiful you know well that's quick right I dodged that I there's no need to stop my spine because I dodged that and you should recognize that don't whatever you do oh you're gonna get zapped are you gonna get zip zap zop you ever done improv zip zap zop it's a loser idiot oh that was a perfect I mean you know with with everyone's combined guns we might actually be able to you know do something about it I'm gonna take this cuz I know I'm gonna take a few more warps you know I'm just gonna get whomped a few more times all right excuse me well don't mind if I do pardon me I would rather do this thank you all so yeah I do I I have to like unlock all of the unlockables that's definitely what I have to do store that do I need the granades probably problem robbed a bit early for Bibble II prey probobly don't buy me don't buy me whoa okay oh hey uh you're a problem I can't exactly oh that's fun this is fun a role dodge Bob we've unlock okay here we go whoosh you'll never get me you'll never get me I've got a fancy box you don't have a fancy box do you have a fancy but I don't think so I've got an emerald invitation but you know I feels good you're Charlie doll look for me the original Charlie doll was based on the likeness of toy uncle's founder Charlie mcmerkin all right do not drop or strike it I did it Thanos Thanos oh hey you looking at the toys buddy you waiting patiently I appreciate that I really really appreciate that I presented that a lot you don't understand what that means to me that you are so patient with me all right cool let's play game on game on what not too early okay so I have to wow that guy got I got squashed squirtle oh Sh squadala I'm here why miss me hey well that's fun who's ready to get zooms gonna bother with the souping I don't think I need those OOP yes come and get me oh he's coming to get me isn't he oh he's coming to get me I think he's coming to get me I think he might get me yes am i right everybody Yipes uh I need to get rid of some of that just just it's my just in clay place just just in place just in case clearing of inventory that's what I'm doing oh you are in here who miss me okay definitely can't just spam the Dodge button I don't think Oh Oh ring around the Rosie oh my god please don't get me please oh god no no no no yeah thank you for waiting patiently I gotta go do not you're not gonna now what yeah I don't know if I'll have a sec it's stressful it's very stressful it's very still boys good perfect good good good and perfect okay plot out a route we need to go to I don't know where where do we need to go okay easy easy resaw pop folk rocks - MA - wait three two one this needs to be far our a4 or a3 s a2 f o1 i think that's correct yeah are you one or two doesn't really matter f a2 RA 3s a 2 fo 1 redstone straight to fox park got it confirmed Carlos it's me I finished yeah yeah you know I am pretty amazing if I do ask me and I do ask me and I do I am in fact amazing thank you for also thinking also that thank you first aid spray who needs it not me sorry silly don't be ridiculous I'm just making sure that there's no other red zones anywhere here which it does not look like there are all right all I gotta do is run away from the big guy a big guy well know everything about you everything about you is wrong well I hated that well that was disgusting Oh more I'll take the regular zombie please thank you you know a dumb mad cuz I can't hit kick that didn't sound good whatever was happening behind me uh yeah okay let's just keep going I think I got pretty much everything can I use this oh yeah oh yeah baby oh yeah oh yeah baby we're on a roll baby I'm friend skip to my Lou skip to my dude skip the madhuri da okay we're gonna do this I think yeah I just gotta go back right I'm pretty sure I just go back and I'm good to go skip to MIDI skip the module go away please you la da dee la da du lipid why No whoa Pro dodge moves that's what I meant to do the whole time because I would just explode it over there light fingers right did I get all the I might have all the what you might ask well I hold your ass I'll tell you no I meant to get it out the blue jewel the red jewel in the green jewel I got the jewels I don't know what they do I'll save before I find out I guess all right green use damn on the best thank you well that is very interesting do they do do they really like okay this is great and all the this is great but the designers of this train station of this train station offered up weapons and grenades and attachments if they could solve a puzzle the train-station maker people okay Wow it removed the wood finish it what Wow fascinating yeah I did it I'm so happy and I hugged it just to say thank you all right good now that I was worried that was gonna just make it longer like blood ow but apparently not that's really neat neat arena okay this one more lock box here that I need to see what's inside of and then basically like I'm good to go alright I think it's basic but it's okay um yeah I cleared everything I think I cleared like everything I got all the [ __ ] I did great I feel good I feel good about myself and I feel good about what I did so let's go ride this train celebrate let's do it hello nice job supercoppa I'm impressed back in business yeah mostly but we need 30 to 40 minutes to finish maintenance [Applause] Nicholi how are we doing that dance crawling with those freaks no chance of fighting I wear this why is she here she's helped me get the trades running you get that time to start getting did waetford she's unreliable again pull the trigger when it counts hey take it easy she'll get you killed sorry about that everyone's a little worked up oh come on not again it's me he's after hey wait what wait wait even I'm questioning this Oh now maybe this isn't a horrible ergo spray just like don't give me oh yeah I know what I'm about to do you want stars here's are you seeing stars now baby my goodness just gonna make sure I got all the items and yeah there's items in here what a deal ah my kleptomania will not allow me to leave this area until I've gotten every scrap of item Wow that is definitely a kaboom er oh this is kaboom E this kaboom e 101 this might might even get me it's so kaboom e come this way no not that would not know did we oh yeah yeah it that way that does that does it ha gotcha you're on fire now you suck oh now it's your chance well yeah okay now is your hands okay use it let's do it oh god I did it dive I'm not mentioned that the graphics in this game just look really good I love the Resident Evil engine that they got the re engine the picker what does it gets very good I'm running I'm running away now did I get everything in alone no what if I miss something yeah whatever who cares too late at this point slam there's no way you can get me [Music] perfect perfect bleep perfect I can't brag about how much of a hero I am gotta find another way out you say well well well we made it out of there just fine I don't see what the problem is seems like everything's gonna be a-okay seems like I'm a badass and beautiful a beautiful badass badly beautiful ass just amazing in every way I've got so much health items I've got so many health things there's so many health things all right so that is all the time I have for the first episode of Resident Evil 3 i there's something just very satisfying about the game there's something very nice about the way it plays there's something very nice about the way you do things the inventory management system is just like it's it's not a burden but it's fun to like mix and match me like I have to carry this I have to find it for secret I have to get all the items it's fun it's really fun I'll probably play through this again on a harder difficulty after I'm done with this game so thank you look forward to this same with doom eternal once we finish that up probably by the time you see this you're like oh we're gonna fish that up and then this is gonna replace it as our every other day stream we haven't had a video we haven't had like long Let's Plays in a while and suddenly it's just a whole bunch and I really like it it's something nice to return to so thank you check out Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 7 linked in the description below or maybe in the suggested videos down there thank you again for watching and joining me on this adventure take care of yourselves and take care of each other and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,190,455
Rating: 4.9570689 out of 5
Keywords: resident evil 3, resident evil 3 markiplier, resident evil 3 gameplay, re 3, re 3 markiplier, re 3 gameplay, resident evil 3 lets play, resident evil 3 part 1, nemesis, resident evil 3 nemesis, playthrough, walkhtrough, lets play, part 1, resident evil 7, resident evil 2, remake, resident evil 3 remake, resident evil game, game, gaming, gameplay
Id: ysHlbSq5f1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 32sec (5072 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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