Making the Most OVERPOWERED Prisoner in Kenshi #1

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welcome to Joe Biden's America or wait no kenshi welcome to kenshi this game is the Premier climate change simulator today we're going to begin with what some might say is the hardest start in the game as a holy nation prisoner but with my massive experience and super long play time I think I'm more than up to the challenge and plus it sounds like fun future Papa here and yeah it's not fun it's hell now we get to make our hero for this adventure we have a few different races to pick from we have boring ass regular humans got bug people lizard people whoa God damn look at those just want to stick my head in there and motorboat them titties what we're all thinking it I just said it out loud foreign probably not great I mean it's a lizard person that lives in the middle of the bajillion degree desert can't imagine Bailey's a real common occurrence in these parts probably all dusty and dry but God damn it I'm willing to find out and I'm sure you sick twisted bastards are too and last but not least this thing his pronouns are and dinkle yeah I really want to use this guy but I won't I won't but I want to just cause it'd be funny I maybe I'll save him for laters we'll have the adventures of oh I don't know more dinklemorp the Beast of the Sands desert creature that'd be fun just make him go around and kidnap people throw them all into his 50 Shades of morph dungeon but maybe he only kidnaps like holy Nations CIS white male in cells and maybe we turn into a Scorch Lander too so it fits with the uh the world of kenshi where it's just pure racism but this would be like the uh oh Oreo of racism because he's a Scorch Lander so you know people don't get pissed at me yeah that'd be fun let me know if you want to see that video The Adventures of dinkle mop and watch me get barred from YouTube and probably lose my job anyways this will be our hero for the day yeah I think I'm gonna give him the gopnik pose just so everyone knows what the score is ain't no guards let my man in a city unchecked now he just needs a name Jimmy Neutron maybe yeah what the hell oh yeah and we do need another character ah this tale wound up being just a little tall so I broke it up into a two-part episode series I hope you cats enjoy all right here we go old Jimmy Neutron and the second character I just I just had to let me introduce you to shushy hentai yeah I'm not actually gonna use just here really give a [ __ ] about her but uh you know you needed two characters to progress I really only care about old Jimmy Neutron here so let me go ahead and just remove schissy from our Squad yeah actually you know what let's um we'll keep you see I'm I'm curious I want to see what happens we'll just let shussy kind of go on do her own thing be a good old uh good old-fashioned slave to the holy nation endure their racial lizard skin slurs and stuff like that as as we work on getting old Jimmy out of this debacle I just make a new Squad right now for there we go we got the shissy squad containing shissy hentai okay now here we go a prisoner working on a gigantic statue of okron I think now we start the game out with uh no stats whatsoever completely terrible horrid and utterly just all around bad so if we're to have any hope of escaping with old Jimmy Neutron here we're gonna need to beef this bad boy up our old gopnick friend here God look look at that mustache he just looks so good so what I think I want to do with this is uh upgrade his stealth lock picking and assassination obviously this is going to be a good way to break out of prison now we will also need strength which we can train and toughness uh fortunately the only way to improve toughness is to attack these guards oh it sounds like suicide and if I wanted to kill myself I'd move to Canada speaking of Canada this video is sponsored by the youth in Asia Foundation Asian youth helped maintain 99 of our world's math related Enterprises and contribute to 69 of all traffic fatalities the euthanasia Foundation aims to give calculators and chauffeurs to Asian youth thanks euthanasia foundation for sponsoring today's video foreign let's go let's go get this guy Let's uh we're gonna sneak up on him real slow like oh they're probably gonna see us from a mile away and uh push our [ __ ] and oh here's a guy are these guys Escape it no he's just he's just chasing after him escapee get him yeah that's me all right we gotta fight now uh attack unprovoked come on boys give him everything he got agent of Darkness why aren't you fighting Jimmy come on get in there uh oh my left arm's not looking too good shoot you can't you can't make me lose my left arm I'm an American I got the right to bear arms just knock me out please knock me out please please please knock me out already I don't want to lose a limb on my first bad okay there we go and look at that four toughness gained perfect bet hey where'd I go there I am all right they're gonna bandage me up uh I'm gonna recover in my recovery coma and then we're gonna execute phase one of my master dastardly plan oh that's right I've got a plan everybody like I told you before I'm a master at kenshi with an uncountable amount of hours in this game played no not really I've I'm pretty dang new to this game but I will say I have watched a lot of kenshi videos so I've basically gone to kenshi college at this point and I finally graduated you know I got the theory down right I wrote my uh my doctoral kenshi papers or whatever and now I'm out in the real world I'm gonna fail forward we're gonna fail fast and we're hopefully gonna fail ourselves out of this prison cell as this guy's just massaging my noodle and what's this guy doing over here with massaging his you dirty dog get ass stop that what are you doing you're not gonna look at that this is a family video well not really all right and we're back which hey I'm bald now you bastards anyway and we're back we're awake we're hungry but that's okay we're alive so phase one increasing our levels mainly in thievery these other ones will uh you know we'll work on so I have a day plan and a night plan phase one well you know I I didn't actually really coordinate these phases all too well but we're gonna work on lock pick and right now hit the old grind phase one's all about grinding baby and not the cool wow that was fast good job Jimmy but it's not the cool kind of grind and when a lot lizard is grinding on you for schmeckles this is the long arduous uh you know level up your character grinding okay they speed up the game here a little bit that'll help with the grindiness there we go absolutely beautiful all right and we've already got four levels in lock pick and not too bad all right now we're gonna hit the old sneak button and we're gonna Escape okay Jimmy Neutron my man with the plan we got boys downstairs boy downstairs anyway well yeah that's another anyway um and what we're gonna do now and so you pull this up here and get the old stealth modifier and we're just gonna we're gonna do laps gonna do laps look at that stealth level fly baby that's right this is uh this is Pete uh kenshi gameplay experience right here the grind oh I've been seeing no I haven't been seen well okay I've been seeing I've been seen um I don't want to get my [ __ ] pushed in again so we're just gonna get in the cell and homeboy is gonna leave us alone good good good good good good thanks Bud okay well I'm gonna do this uh until night time and then we can begin the rest of phase one or it might be phase two I don't know they're very Loosely organized phases we're just gonna try and break out of prison through grinding and sheer force of will and probably a little bit of a wrist brace for all the carpal tunnel that I'm getting we're gonna be getting by doing this yeah that's okay it's for Jimmy's benefit we do have some dried meat there don't mind if I do oh they're coming get in get in get in there we go no looting oh I got a plan for you oh I ate it already well I am starving well I'm malnourished so yeah that makes sense hey let me back in my thing what are you doing what nope get in ah okay he just pushed my [ __ ] in yet again where are you taking me you bastard where oh just yeah this a new house will change things heal me up why do you guys always do this you like to give your slaves a little show or something these holy nation cats I swear stinking in cells that's all right that'll just uh help boost up our toughness a little more and um you know not too bad it's just it just makes it more of a waiting game we do need toughness for the days and trials and tribulations ahead so I'm okay with that Jimmy is okay with that he's just taking a nap little nappy poo and we're up all right pick the lock Jimmy oh I'm being an obedient slave damn it that kind of puts a puts a gear into my plans but that's all right you know we uh we play the the cards were dealt um however I will we're gonna train some toughness while we're doing this so I'm going to remove those shackles and these gonna oh they think I'm escaped okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry there we go maybe I gotta do that at a different time and date location whatever um we were going to train strength we're getting a little bit of strength training primarily Athletics that's that's all right smack away Jimmy smack away you're doing great you and that beautiful mustache hmm come on yes oh this could not have worked out better night time is falling and we are now on a post outside we're not in a house this is good this works very well for my uh my nighttime plans is we're going to train up assassination tonight baby that's right stealth during the day lock picking just kind of whenever and assassination at night then you know the strength and toughness and whatnot they'll just be like yeah it's like umbrella training you know just Cascades off from the regular train and that we're doing uh Athletics can't forget Athletics that's an important one okay so we're gonna pick the lock now yeah yeah yeah yeah come on baby we're just constantly failing this but that's okay because every failure is another step forward we're failing forward babe failing our way to Freedom as is the kenshi way the real kenshi experience is just pretty much you know countless hours of failure getting your [ __ ] pushed in verge of death being hungry you know it's it's fun the whole family so if we don't uh you know lock pick ourselves out of here soon we might have to do our nighttime operations ah Perfect all right so phase two uh kind of you know it's phase whatever the hell um kind of thing sneak and we're gonna Escape all right now we're gonna come over here we're just gonna knock out our fellow prisoners bam yeah that's right we're training our assassination by taking it out on these poor other prisoners is this chassis no that's Inu I thought maybe we were beating up Chelsea for a second where is Old schussie okay she's just he's doing good she's in here she's a good laborer she's got three toughness she must have got yeah she got beat up somewhere along the line oh shissy I'm sorry you're too too good for this world you end those B oh what did you guys do to her sweet juice that's absolutely deplorable I hit that slider so hard that it almost crashed the game oh you're too good for this world Jesse too good for this world okay let's uh let's keep trying to knock out old homeboy here for this playthrough the real reward isn't Freedom it's the atrocities we commit along the way uh can you imagine being these other prisoners just seeing another a slave just coming you know knocking out every person in uh in tandem kind of thing like this guy right here he's just watching well Jimmy here just come one by one knocking out his fellow prisoners oh what a time to be alive you gotta look out for each other in in prison oh right now it's his turn he's watched us work our way up to him the poor bastard and it's finally your time okay well that's all these guys knocked out um I guess we'll just go back here they're probably awake by now yeah it looks like he's awake now we'll just go back and uh keep doing it our assassination's already up to level 21. I don't know what it needs to be to knock out guards but I'm guessing it's going to be higher than 21. all these slaves are gonna have such bad headaches tomorrow uh poor bastards okay well it got to the point of training where I'm just basically one tapping all these guys okay there's one here we go we got a little okay well that was a two tap but yeah so uh after night one we're already almost at level 31 assassination which is not stinking bad is it 31 yeah oh no okay well we're 99 we're about to get 31 right here so not bad for a first night of a debauchery there's 31. but yeah very uh very successful first night if I do say so myself just beating up these poor saps over and over and over again ah 25 all right let's try and knock this guy out come on do it do it Jimmy oh okay now we're fighting oh don't break my leg oh God okay we got it we gotta get on we gotta run no is my late I'm not gonna lose my leg no oh no Jimmy Jimmy God damn it Jimmy oh help me help my leg please help my leg if I lose a leg I'm kind of [ __ ] and I'm not gonna be able to do anything here oh I think it's what if it gets to negative a hundred come on you gotta bandage my leg boys please I know I'm a slave and I kind of tried to knock you out please oh come on get the link get the link get the leg you guys aren't bandaging my [ __ ] leg here a little bit it'd be nice please oh thank God thank okron you know maybe you guys aren't so bad after all now that's deep you know they they're giving me Medical Aid and attention and feeding me well kind of feeding me and feed me a little bit just enough to where I am like hovering on the verge of death um but yeah maybe they're not as bad as we thought they were they're people too they're people too though I really would have rather stayed inside of that cell um but that's okay that's uh that's all right we got plenty of time plenty of time for everything for kinshi is nothing if not to grind and you really just have to kind of Lose Yourself and indulge in the grindiness of kenshi you know it's all about the uh the journey the travels that you're taking the adversity and the triumphing over it it's a beautiful story of a man with a limping almost you know really [ __ ] up leg who can't decide what he wants to do as a slave are you mining are you working a machine or you know you're just going to walk back and forth between a couple of different Minds I don't know only Jimmy knows that is a man on a mission he is determined look at the fury in those eyes let me slow down look at that Furious gaze this is a man who lost the will to live he is backed into a corner like a rat or some sort of desert honey badger with a glorious mustache and if Nature's taught us one thing you don't mess with a honey badger you definitely don't back it into a corner because his son Sue once said you back a honey badger into a corner oh it's gonna [ __ ] push your [ __ ] in boys and old Jimmy's ready to do just that look at him he's on his way to do it right now it's kind of hobbling hobbling his way there very daunting formidable figure rib cage showing Dynamite areolas look at those things hmm top-notch areoli they look kind of bloody are you all right Jimmy well he's far from all right he is a skinny boy good forearms though I mean you got to stay entertained in prison somehow am I right anyway here's old shissy just living the life living the dream well whose dream I don't know probably not hers it's somebody's dream some depraved sub somewhere you know oh fellow Shack oh look they must have he just handed her a shiv she's ready to go out into genpop find the biggest dude in the yard and just stab him right in the throat shissy don't [ __ ] around not just a hentai all right boys I'm interrupting the video to tell you about an outstanding opportunity do you see this bone dog this one right here he's all alone sad and depressed poor little Pooch sure could use a good rub on the old snoot would you like to give this good boy a rub on that little snoot well now you can with a one-time low price of a like on this video we'll set this Pooch up with a forever home and who in the world needs to rub a pooch snoot the most well children of course kids in Asia specifically their poor poochless youth so now for one like on this video we'll get this dog a youth in Asia so that this bone dog will now know peace forever help end this dog's suffering like the video get this bestest boy a good youth in Asia today and if you hit the Subscribe button we'll also get him some dry Dusty shissy what the hell is going on here he's got oh oh there we go maybe they were talking smack to each other or something I don't know ah the Pathfinder in this game really is just top notch oh look at that we're we're in the same building as shissy outstanding oh hey girl all right night time day two baby let's do this can I knock out people in cages let's let's see if I can knock out people in cages no oh maybe I can knock this guy out maybe nope can't do it can't do it but I can uh pick the lock we just set that guy loose this guy doing oh is he taking his shackles off oh he just stole that dude's sword where did he get a sword from what oh this guy who is this guy streak streak's a badass dude he's got 13 attack 22 defense 15 toughness he's not bad he's not back get him streak get him I know you can you can do it boy you can do it baby yeah he stole that guy's sword that's kind of cool I like this guy yeah come on I believe in you should I maybe I should help him out I don't know or we could uh use this opportunity to there's some dried fish right there I wouldn't mind getting that there we go we'll Escape we'll come over here get some dried fish oh yeah they they got him okay they got him oh poor guy all right back to the Grind for old Jimmy it is and what a grind it is uh nothing like a little Peak kenshi gameplay experience an old streak down there you can see he's trying to pick his locks okron bless that man he's not doing very well though it's yeah I mean he's leveling up right but he is hey you oh he got one yeah that boy really wants out of here that was old boy oh boy's not doing too good that's okay we're doing just fine didn't even put my shackles back on oh now they're putting my shackles back on that's okay that'll help us uh you know we can put these shackles into our inventory get some more some more strength training experience and whatnot although I feel like ah what the [ __ ] oh no son of a [ __ ] how did that happen I don't know it just just went down there but um uh well more toughness experience I guess we're gonna spend a lot of time unconscious I feel like hey where where are you taking me oh I didn't go very far okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna spend a lot of time unconscious I think so we're building a giant statue of Akron right in the in the middle of a it was essentially a giant chasm a hole if you will and um speaking of holes like how anatomically correct are we making this statue you know like are we gonna be chiseling uh okron's butthole you know is that something we want to accomplish I like Jesse's placement right there for this conversation that's so good uh and yeah and I mean I want to know if so who drew up the blueprints for that butthole and what model did they use to make it after I mean it's the butthole of a God that's got to be one [ __ ] nice looking starfish I'm talking premium balloon knots boys you can't just pick any starfish for for all okron here it's gotta be high quality perfect no stray hairs no dangles nothing like that you know no leftover little uh spots of TP that just kind of rubbed off as you're doing your daily wipe I don't know it's the things you think about when you're just sitting here in a recovery coma the Mind tends to wander and right now apparently it's wandering about okron's butthole I'm sure it's a great butthole It's gotta be he's okron right at least I think that's who the statue is with that dry dry oh oh okay Maybe ocasi oh kussy oh Chrissy yeah oh crucy there it is let's go look at that oh Chrissy baby come out come on give me that oh Christy oh yeah we're awake and you know what time it is pretty soon we're gonna be a Naruto running our way out of this uh this hell hole I still gotta kind of come up with a plan plan of Escape either you know we can um you know Break Free a bunch of prisoners kind of start a riot and use the confusion as a distraction to snake our way out of here either that or I was watching uh shoot what was it simu Simo I think another YouTube cat and he basically disguised himself as one of the okron guards and just walked out on his own volition they thought he was an okron guard or whatever or a holy nation guard and uh prison guard for that matter whatever you know what I'm saying and just walked his way out of there I think that kind of sounds like a lot of fun to be honest and I mean our assassination skill is getting up there we just need to spend maybe one to two more nights out by the old uh the prisoner Stakes or whatever you want to call them the poles the strip club as I like to refer to it you know The Knockout party I don't know we'll uh we'll play it by ear you know we'll see how everything goes I really should be getting my my health up my chest nothing good left leg oh not great if that left leg goes well we're kind of screwed I don't know we'll play it by ear one thing's for sure though once we break out I do want to Traverse along this pathway right here this winding wavy Little Road make ourselves to the lone Shack because that's the only other thing I can see on this map right now so um that feels like a good a good jumping off point maybe take ourselves North or something into these flood lands or whatnot whereas I do have a a measurable amount of play time in this game um I still don't really know the map all too well so we'll uh we'll see what happens Upon Our daring Great Escape but for now Peak can she experience and carpal tunnel oh God all right night time day three and all the other slaves have returned up here so I'm pretty sure that the more people are in your vicinity than the um you know the more sneak experience you get so I'm gonna forgo the old Poland today Poland nobody wants to go to Poland you just get knocked out and your shit's stolen when you go to Poland but anyway country Jokes Aside I'm pretty sure you get faster XP so yeah we're just gonna get our stealth up turn into Naruto and then um you know once stealth is up to a much higher level then we'll begrudgingly return to Poland alright so at this point of the recording I lost power at my house because of a little icy rain snow storm whatever the heck kind of thing and everything you just watched was corrupted footage that's right I had to spend several hours and uh quite a little bit of troubleshooting to get it back to where we're going and I lost just a hair of game progress so I did what any good YouTuber would do and I played kenshi again to regain that progress and in the course of doing that I was able to steal a couple of very very great things like this almost fully used basic first aid kit and a combat Cleaver hmm yeah they locked me in a cell that was adjacent to the guards beds so while they were sleeping I was just you know extending my arm three times its size and rubbing Jean through their pockets over and over again and uh yeah got a nice combat Cleaver you don't want to know where I'm keeping that combat Cleaver right yeah I gotta walk a little slower right now but anywho as I was going about my my unrecorded time I came across something that I just had to start recording again and it is this right here oh would you look at that just look at it an outhouse now I don't know about you cats I didn't know these existed in kenshi and uh you see those Gear wheels that means I can use it and which means I gotta use it I mean I basically have no choice so there's no guards around me we're just gonna go into little sneaky snake mode right here oh yeah oh there's a Patrol coming there's a Patrol coming we gotta we gotta use this Outhouse quick okay use that Outhouse Jimmy use that Outhouse come on get the poops out I had a boy yeah let's see what's he doing he's operating machine ah does this do any do I get like stat multipliers for this or anything I don't know either way it's funny I like it okay let's uh Retreat over here before these guards come by and oh do they they saw us oh God they saw us okay ah don't kill me please ouch okay it's just my stomach getting caved in that's all right that's okay I can I mean how bad do we really need a stomach they don't even feed us so yeah we'll probably survive oh God the boys are the gang's all here huh everyone needs a little piece of this action you ever heard of Human Rights uh oh my kid I don't think they have okay well the um the grind continues uh sometimes it's almost just too easy to uh level things up in this game through uh through cheesy tactics like this one I'm just repeatedly dropping stuff and then stealing it again and it's really skyrocketing our thievery look at that 28 wow we're gonna be Oceans 11 12 and 13 was by the time I'm done here with this boy I tell you what I'll tell you what is it cheesy and underhanded yes I won't sugarcoat it but you know what I'm a prisoner right now guys all right I don't have a lot of options if I want to make it out of here live by a government I gotta I gotta you know resort to Dyer dire measures because I'm in dire straits keep this up I might turn into a dire wolf or something you know it's dire I'm trying to say is that what I'm trying to say and thievery is a skill that's going to help us out later okay thievery 40. I think that's uh I think that's pretty Rock Solid let's get this sword back in the old inventory Jordan yeah you know where that's going all right now at this point our stats were starting to look real good getting to just the points where we needed them to execute phase C for phase three I honestly forgot if I was numbering or lettering my faces anyway are we in phase two I don't know anyway we're getting out of this [ __ ] right so our stats are almost up to snuff but we do have a limiting factor because once we get out of here well we're gonna need some food because we are starving and every time we break out of our regular job uh you know prisoner process kind of thing well our uh our food it continues to deteriorate they they stop wanting to keep us just on the verge of starvation which is not great it's not good especially when we bust out of here we're going to need food so we got to start keeping an eye out for food going through each one of these little houses finding some snacks and setting up for the inevitable Prison Break which I think I got I know what I want to do now I got a plan see so you cancel just have to wait and see hello Jimmy Neutron here makes a break for Freedom there we go we when we need a little snack break you know we just we just sit in prison and uh oh yeah we just we just sit in prison and uh raised uncontrollably whoa hey wow what do you what if what the hell are you doing ah what the hell was that is it because I was uh sneaking I don't know either way dick move guys dick move oh Jimmy just can't catch a break you want to heal me pleat thank you thank you there's all she'll see in the background hey shush how you doing yeah yeah doing she's doing she's definitely doing hard labor that is ah we're not simping today boys no sir oh there was bread in there I saw bread okay Mark that house there's bread in there you know the only problem is as soon as we get it into our lovely little inventory old Jimmy here he's gonna he's gonna mow on that bad boy he's gonna start eating it and we can't we just can't do that we need to hover on the verge of starvation and death look at me just [ __ ] walking straight through the pen here dude what's up anyway yeah he's gonna eat it so we gotta maybe stash it in one of those chests or something come back for it later dried fish dried meat okay okay looks like we're uh we're coming into the proper house here boys and a ration pack nice all right now we just wait until darkness and let's get this grub maybe we store it in one of these barrels or something what are you doing son ain't you sleepy it's 23.46 baby you got to get to bed he's just sitting here staying home he's a homebody I can respect that you look like a homebody wow you got good stats though there we go okay plan time to plan set an action plan where was that ration pack there it is baby and we instantly started eating it okay that's fine throw it in there babe get this dried fish there we go there we go we got some food come back up here Jimmy oh oh okay uh gotta stash the goods really quick I'm just gonna go ahead and throw everything in this barrel and what house are we in okay we're third house on the left I'm gonna forget where this house is I think the bread the bread was here we're now here okay help me remember this house this is our Barrel right here babe get in really quick stop sneaking there we go yeah see no prob stop who huh yeah there's no problem we're all good dog we're all good how did he see me dude's got robot ears I swear [Music]
Channel: Papa Cheddar
Views: 140,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi guide, kenshi funny, kenshi playthrough, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi review, kenshi solo, kenshi 256 squad, kenshi pc, kenshi modded, kenshi mods, kenshi gameplay part 1, rts, rpg game, survival game, kenshi overpowered, kenshi 2023 gameplay, kenshi 2022, kenshi 2023, lets play kenshi, kenshi prisoner, kenshi prison escape, kenshi playthrough 2023, kenshi tutorial, tutorial, guide, tricks, kenshi 2
Id: Es9Dm3Z4edk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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