An African Warlords Brutal Hotel in Rimworld

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are you stressed out losing hair does your little soldier not want to stand at attention anymore well my friend you need to relax and there's no place more relaxing than the tropical interplanetary tourist Spa our founder Baba jbin is the Premier African warlord in the galaxy and he's waging a war on stress let him nuke your anxiety away for a low low price have your every need met by our army of child soldiers in this Tropical Paradise come to Baba's tropical interplanetary tourist Spa where you have no choice but to relax welcome to my TR iCal Paradise where today we'll be playing as Baba jbin and his child soldiers well for legal reasons we'll be referring to Baba Jin's definitely not child Army as not a child we're walking a fine line with this one and I rather enjoy my personal freedoms we'll be making a hotel on the rim with a focus on rest and relaxation where people can melt away their stress there's fancy rooms gambling and the right amount of amenities to make you forget about your day-to-day worries we'll also be harvesting our guests poop and selling it back to them as an alcoholic beverage what maybe it's a German Hotel Hotel we're playing with Phoebe chillax because it just fits the theme a luxury hotel where our guests come to do just that chillax what else can you do when you drink your own excrement if it works in prison why not here now I like to imagine that Baba jini was the greatest African warlord of his time but due to International pressure he had to flee and come to this Rim world where he now has to start a new but his time floating through space made him do some thinking and he's come out of it a changed man Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was Baba jabin's human trafficking rap sheet he built that over 69 years of coldblooded African warlord type transgressions he raised the finest miniature armies to ever plunder the landscape everyone perish before his might men women children don't matter I'd even say the trans but the only trans here are his aformentioned transgressions he was pure evil but now all he wants is to maximize your comfort he's waging a war against modern-day stress with 420 mm shells full of relaxation this run will have no wizard [ __ ] no sex robots just good oldfashioned Force child service to and and afrian Justice the kind my daddy used to make eh eh Afrin good right yeah it's good afrian warlord Baba jaini God it's just so [ __ ] good before we begin let's introduce our team shall we Peta fakes retardation for the handicap pass so he can get nugs from McDonald's before you do tiddler makes fun of women on the internet for the same reason he hangs out at parks because they're easy targets Dr rugs got his medical license in Tasmania and only performs breast augmentation surgeries except each breast is filled with his own seen Fister well I think this one's pretty self-explanatory also the only girl on the team so you know whiz kid idolized AR Kelly to the point where he has murdered 16 miners by drowning them with his own urine I mean coal miners not miners you sick [ __ ] and Baba jbin he puts the b in BBC he has bad credit because he makes poor financial decisions no other reason don't be like that guys come on he's the Nigerian prince your cousin sent 5 ,000 to don't worry though she'll be living in his Palace soon enough he just has to use child labor to build it first of course but it's coming tell your 400b cousin Sally to sit tight a little longer Baba likes him big it's always whing season in Nigeria oh and Joe Biden knows what each one of them smells like except for Baba he doesn't like Baba for reasons and I've made all my characters gay no I'm just kidding I didn't do that this time this time okay I made two of them gay I recently signed a contract with Disney and the deal was that 40% of the kids not kids need to be gay they gave me fistfuls of cash and I haven't looked back since every TV show and movie needs gayness in five forms or another these days for reasons unbeknownst to me and this video is no exception so naturally we'll need to pick out the best spot for our headquarters and I like the look of this fertile soil ooh so fertile so we'll begin deforestation and slap down a rudimentary first base don't tell smokey all right our xenotype in ideology how could I forget for the definitely not kids they are fast Dwarfs with no libido I don't need that kind of smoke they're also dutiful from Baba's brainwashing and some of them have clown noses because I thought it was funny don't mind that it says baseline or some of the mods [ __ ] up and Baba actually is just a regular old baseliner he's perfect as he is a beautiful chocolate man as the great poet and self-identified Renaissance Man Tupac once said the darker the berry the sweeter the juice and Boba jabin's Berry is dark as [ __ ] Bubba talking 90% dark chocolate and yes it's banana flavor I would say eggplant but that's not a berry and yes a banana is a berry our ideology is kinesi wani waji after 30 seconds of Google translate I'm basically fluid in Swahili yes fluid not fluent I identify as a Sahan now we're loyal stoned Pirates very fitting for your African Warlords I thought we raid use drugs and don't [ __ ] again I really don't need that smoke we're really tight walking on a Razor's Edge with this video the YouTube algorithm is going to bend me over a barrel and cram its AI [ __ ] in my luscious [ __ ] well that probably did it and yes my [ __ ] is luscious as [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll send picks later we've a Marriot of f festivals you will see as we progress and other than raiding and getting baked our ideology doesn't play much of a part oh and we have dope camo uniforms here's a quick list of the other factions but you'll meet them all soon enough so we won't go over it so anyway let's get a growing zone down shall we of course we planted rice first cuz it's fast just like how my wife describes our coidus we'll begin our research journey by getting batteries pretty standard right oh and how could I forget that we started with a throwback the dark lord isn't she beautiful we'll be suckling at her teeths for the lovely milk she provides all hail the true dark lord Dark Lord's mummy milkies we've got the basic base set up minus a bathroom if we were to salvage poops to make poop wine for our guests we got to start collecting that Ambrosia stat and look here the tiddler is going to tidd or uh wash his hands and of course the one thing I was trying to prevent this video Baba jumps on within the first few minutes this is why they're not thematically child soldiers they're just midgets with big red noses really I mean Rim World considers a 13-year-old an adult right or 14 I don't know either way I ain't playing that [ __ ] now one one thing you need to do early on in any new campaign is grow cotton what I'm not being racist it's an actual game mechanic you snowflake we'll also get some coffee down to uh loosen up those pipes if you know what I'm saying and then we'll start on our first base expansion and look see another reason why I just made the midgets they're not supposed to be doing this hell I gave them no libido and our ideal Legion prohibits this [ __ ] well whatever Bob and his [ __ ] Army it's Canon now we get a visit from the UN peacekeepers they brought along their petronis I wasn't expect doen a petronis but he's got a very appropriate hat so I guess it's all right huh who gets that joke [ __ ] ner batteries are done and we'll go into biofuel we got to get some power rocking in this [ __ ] it's already 69° nice and being in the tropics we'll need that cooling pretty quickly oh and the dark lord tried to flee to start up her own cult-like faction so we strapped her to a pole don't worry she'll be frolicking on bound soon enough we set up some bedrooms for our cats yes I could have made them all separate rooms but that's not thematically correct Baba has to have his own bedroom because well obvious reasons we can't have him sleeping with the munchkins he's already shown that he can't be trusted and then visitors from Al Qaeda wanted to come stay with us I had to turn them away because we're just not open for business yet their stress will have to compound for a while until we're fully functional I just hope that it doesn't cause them to explode hell we don't even have much poop yet but we set up a dooo spot for future prep oh and Baba gets his hands on those dark little nips sustenance provided by her majesty thank you dark one even in Rim world you provide for us all hail and if you'll please excuse my voice I've been sick for a while now and it's I'm still a little nasally but anyway let's move on our guys have burned through our smoke Leaf already so we plant a field that's bigger than lizo got to keep those little drug addicts fed or they'll get a case of the frowns another way to get the frowns is being attacked by a rabid monkey I got to say I made some bad weapon choices too I think yeah I [ __ ] up the micro what do you want from me the monkey [ __ ] us up but perhaps we can harness the power of the monkey to use it for our own gains H well that'll come later but for now let's just see how tiddler and Fister Break The Rules by becoming lovers though I couldn't think think of a funnier pair to form a relationship that red nose must really do it for the ladies look at him smoking up like a pimp damn Bubba that's big dick energy respect so since it looks like we'll be staying here a while we'll give ourselves a name our faction Baba's boy combatants or BBC and you already know our Colony name tropical interplanetary tourist Spa it's a pretty tits name huh then the ATF comes walting through we hostile with the ATF obviously I mean who isn't and would you look at that I knew the ATF were scaly lizard people just like the clintons but we give them a wide birth and they [ __ ] right off come back with a warrant you bastards oh and for those of you who don't know bunk beds satisfy the lovers sleeping together need but it prevents any Nookie you can also do this with two single beds pressed together like the Mormons just with less soaking all the benefits but with no spunk Funk ah spunk Funk now that's a good name for only fans and now our first raid the stereotypical Somalian pirates Baba's main African Rivals from the old days it's just one dude so we quickly destroy the poor boy and and then finish him off take that liberal to celebrate our first win we'll set our ideology roles Bob is now the warlord as he should be it's so beautiful so inspirational the Stars the trumpets wow it's overflowing with Moxy kid you too can have Moxy by liking this video just one like and I'll shower you with my foamy Moxy spew tempting isn't it oh I know everyone loves Moxy tiddler and Fister want to get married which I'm just not going to do anything with and now our first Power a Woodfire generator being in the the jungle we have an immense amount of trees and green energy is gay so we're not doing it but let it be known that Baba jaini cares about the environment he holds in his farts so as to not leave a carbon footprint Bob has been holding tight those broken spokes for 30 years cuz as we all know farts kill polar bears a faction bombardment has taken place nearby and it's too damn juicy to pass up so we send off Baba and Fister to scope it out it's the European turist in the ATF my PC really doesn't like this by the way but the European tourists would rather fight each other they must be Italian they then begin their bombardment and it's something straight out of a Michael Bay film The Carnage The explosions it's just so beautiful the ATF retreat in shame like the cowards they are and Bubba just look at all that loot babba goes in to steal some swag and I got to say this was very profitable part of what we got was a mortar and shells which we'll store in a separate location of course their personalities are too explosive to mix with the rest of our loot they just wouldn't get along too volatile but God damn that's some good upgrades meow and it's time we get beer brewing to get working on that poop wine then we take a quest to make the UN like us a little more and watch after this nerd I accept it with baba but we'll never actually do any of his rank ceremonies because that's not what we're here for then Nature's perfect killing machine comes for homie's blood the Sphinx cat thanks to our recent upgrades it was Child's Play well not not child's play definitely not child's play and little homie [ __ ] off they gave us some apple juice that prevents cancer this is such a Gemini move right there like OMG Becky did y'all know that every Star Sign has a hairstyle well except for cancer B Baba has cancer he he I'm sorry it's just too soon one mod I added in was the loot boxes because that's pretty goddamn Christmas so we slap one down and craft one for some silver it's not bad actually and we got some Advanced components out of it but more loot boxes later for now let's start clearing some land for our hotel and research septic tanks to stock up on the doooo baby and Fister gets the role of moto yesu and yes these are actual Swahili words Google it at 10 days in I think things are going pretty well and it's 84° in the poop house now that's some hot shits like after a Taco Bell Tuesday We Begin work on a kitchen and slap down a concrete mixer for easier building materials it's actually kind of op one chunk makes like 40 [ __ ] concrete blocks it's nuts the concrete is strong as [ __ ] too that'd be stupid not to do this now we'll research some early oil as an American I'm contractually obligated to do this I'm also obligated to raid primitive Nations for their resources so when a steel mining site popped up I mean we had to rate it Bob and Dr Ugg shall be the Vanguard though our doctor is stoned but he can still kill some primitive [ __ ] some [ __ ] yeah okay while they rush off to trample indigenous peoples we get a quest to help a counselor I should have accepted it for the glitter World medicine but I mean a loot box can be anything so how can I refuse I had to take the loot box I don't have a gambling problem shut up this cat will do basically Nothing But Smoke all our drugs this loot box better be worth it oh and the Cotton's coming in too oh come on man and wow wow our first concrete it's so Asian got that Japanese concrete better not make a car out of it cuz well you know peekaboo all right the gangs arrived let's plunder got to say I question these cats decoration choices but at least they look happy about it we quickly untied their balloon knots and crammed fistfuls of Baba's hot molten relaxation inducers right up there completely shredding those little starfish 5% of all can tuna is starfish because of Baba and we get the steel or we steal the steel ah nice job well done boys then harambe gets pissed and comes after us then we had the best shot I've ever seen it was almost a cobaine but when full coob instead just edged that Dynamite ever so rightly sorry harambe but we'll make it up to you one day and the kitchen's now done so it's time we get the plumbing Foundation set in we'll need to for the transfer of poos throughout the colony and our tobacco crop is ready oh God damn it look it acts as a laxative I have to grow it okay it's not my fault sheesh anyway we get a golden shower and start constructing our guy's luxury bathroom and then a pigman falls from the sky in this run we actually care about people's comfort so we do the right thing and we rescue the bacon back [ __ ] we finish oil wells and go into the energy production section then some factions start fighting over precious resources so how can we resist and may I say we should have resisted two enemy faction armies and mechanoids we are well out of our wheelhouse here so we hide in a corner until they kill each other and pray that no one notices us they looted the best of the stuff of course so we're left with scraps basically but we got an exoskeleton which was was probably the best loot we got so you know that's something what do you think that is on the ground H the Somalian pirates wanted another piece while Baba and tidler were away of course we almost had a blue falcon incident but it wasn't too bad we scraped by okay and came out on top Our Guest finally leaves and we get our saw after loot box let's see if it was better than the glitter World Medicine eh I mean okay I I guess we get some acid immunity genes and have Fister crammed them down her throat hole but she also turned pink so you know that's neat I guess then we begin building a really neat wall brother to keep out the you know who's and you know it's made of concrete # magga [ __ ] # yeah [ __ ] my cousin but we don't wear the same pants so we don't got to worry about no sharing jeans # okay let's move on a quest for some barbecue weather popped up I was very conflicted oh loot box though oh I don't know yeah I really wanted that loot box the gamble is just so enticing but I went with the armor it was probably a smart idea though that loot box could have been like 69 armors oh well we may never know but but as the kids say that's a Vibe Bob is looking good babe hella Vibe so Prestige wow he's wearing a skirt what oh Baba this really is a [ __ ] Disney movie Jesus Christ where's your pants so anyway the Polish came to trade and we unload some [ __ ] it becomes dangerously hot for some reason so we move the dark lord inside to cooler temps we try and kick out the pig [ __ ] cuz he's attempting to convert our peoples it backfired a little bit and now he's even more comfy in one of our top bunks We Begin researching basic Vehicles cuz it's cool as [ __ ] and then I realized the dark lord doesn't give a [ __ ] about the heat she lives in the fire she is the fire baby homeboy finally [ __ ] off then the dark lord gets sick so we move her inside anyway I guess the fire was just her fever now one thing I don't get is this guy complaining about cold showers it's hot as [ __ ] right now he should love a cold shower game mechanics am I right we Mark some more steel for Mining and Fister regains Consciousness now stronger and Pinker than ever insert fisting pink sock joke here the dark Lord overcomes the sickness and back outside you go my le good girl another good girl is all these vehicles we can now make like the Bang Bus oh you know it's going to happen how could I not I mean look at that butt baboon butt yeah smell that ass [ __ ] then we get a visit from this [ __ ] a Sheriff from Alca wonder if look at the sheriff of Al qada he's probably on roller blades oh he's Slippery When Wet what a [ __ ] it's time now we make a bunch of coffee and set our guys on a schedule to drink it coffee is pretty damn op I'd say it makes them learn faster and other [ __ ] that I don't remember but it's pretty good though it does have some downsides which we'll see later with some solid progress on our # wall [ __ ] the heat wave comes to an end I did notice that we have iced coffee and I couldn't figure out why turns out when you keep coffee in a freezer it turns into iced coffee who knew makes too much sense for a video game got to say I'm impressed though I'm not impressed with our power grid that that's basically on life support so more Woodfire generators it is until we can get that oil flowing this will'll have to do and finally some hot showers for our guys though again I got to say in this heat give me cold Bubba so hot here fires just kind of happen I don't know how these happen but it's a good thing we built that wall I've been somewhat struggling thus far to satisfy my guy's High need yeah that's a hell of a [ __ ] bogey kid that's instant cancer but Machining is done now so I can get some work improving tools another trade Caravan and another wall section completed so it's time to lay the foundation for a new workshop area don't mind the mass Graves those are just the people who wouldn't relax Boba jaini doesn't like when you're tense so let's smoke some doobies don't want to get Baba mad you know I feel like we would have progressed faster if my guys weren't stoned all the time but hey it's it is what it is you know the dark lord then summons a Blood Moon which looks pretty [ __ ] dope and we progress research to gun turrets to get some defensive options of which we currently have none some child Beggars arrive asking for medicine and because we're good guys we give it to them it's a rough world world out there ATF runs rampant and then there's the gum disease gingivitis so we help just like Osama Bin Laden Boba jabin is really not a bad guy he's got a pure heart just just don't pay attention to the evil he does and he's like Mother Teresa who is actually kind of a [ __ ] yeah the more you know the workshop is just about done and I see a potential flaw in its design but what's the worst that could happen I mean other than a catastrophic explosion but it's fine and we get a resource console down it's almost oil time [ __ ] we're coming along Fister and tiddler then and get married even though I never put down a marriage spot so this really is turning into a Disney movie God damn it well I mean they're both in their 20s so it's fine we already said they're definitely not child soldiers so then Fister and Peter got into a social fight now normally nothing gets me harder than domestic violence but this is not the [ __ ] time coolia tits thank you was that so hard hard like my dick oh you couldn't ask for better than this look at that oil it's finally time boys we'll fool the guests into thinking everything is ran with green energy gaslighting them with environmental love but behind the scenes the Black Gold flows crude rude and briming with dudes baby wait no well sure okay give me them dudes covered in Black Gold Bubba would that count as black face I mean probably I'll just ensure to be rough when I [ __ ] him to teach him a lesson and if you don't like that joke tell me all about it in the comment section got him wow look at the [ __ ] gutters on this guy oh Baba God damn I'd let my tongue slide right down them [ __ ] guts past the penis Peak and just let that wet tongue settle ride in guc valley maybe build a nice little home a place I can raise a family maybe plant a garden and grow Supple little avocados spread them on toast even maybe use the avocado oil in my skin care routine and maybe just maybe I'll rub a little bit of that oil right on them [ __ ] goodies and then I'd um so Rim world right we plan out the hotel to finally get that rocking and Bam oil [ __ ] so I'm going to pull Fister off hotel construction to drill for oil I feel it's a little more important then we we get a quest to host six people you know I was conflicted about taking this Quest but then we said what would Jesus do well definitely not this so what would Baba do and he'd take them so that's what we did but we take advantage of the extra help while we got them and honestly they helped out a lot even though most of them are pretty trash more hands on the construction of the hotel is dope and we lay down some rudimentary defenses now is this the optimal way to defend your Colony no of course not it's not even kind of not even a little bit but is it badass to see a [ __ ] Manning a machine gun mowing down agents of government overreach and mass well yes it is at least our guests enjoy a smoke sesh they fit right in no who doesn't fit in the ATF who decided to walk by again I'm really happy we made these walls we ignore them but they get attacked by man-hunting bunnies which is awesome so we get some free swag and this snake comes to get some free swag for itself he's having fun now this is pretty dope too they're dueling each other I love it makes them happy too we plant some chem root cuz I really need chem Fuel and this [ __ ] gets mad and wants to destroy technology the technology she's destroying is sandbags not the sharpest cookie in the toolbox is she you need to change your pronouns to f/ Jesus because you [ __ ] up babe even Spider-Man can't save that ass we finally upgrade some of our guys' defensive gear and begin building a stockpile Zone only thing Baba hates more than stress is disorder we need to unfuck ourselves for Baba then our guests leave they did help out quite a bit so I was kind of sad to see him go but you know no matter it's now been 39 days and we haven't got our hotel up yet but we're almost there and all our guys are pretty happy so you know it ain't bad really I mean Bob is making art like other Warlords of antiquity he's a deep Soul that's why he makes a good manager or a good they themer his Soul's as deep as this oil well which is finally done being dug up so naturally we expand the power plant to support the new form of energy and now our guys start to become addicted to coffee I mean I guess I should have seen this one coming but nothing bad will come from it right right but anyway we get a high-tech research bench so now things are getting serious as serious as clim clate change and Drug addictions we need to research moisture pumps because a lot of the ground near us isn't buildable due to being too moist must have seen Baba's [ __ ] gutties and Juice I get it bro I get it I'm moist too talking swass for days due to our ideology we need to raid or we get mad so I'm going to send Bob out for a quickie with a stranger they it on Raiders time to pillage that booty Bubba it was trivial and we got the chocolate we killed two people for some chocolate well I guess the Polish come a trading and we buy some construction jeans then cram it down Peter's throat hole we got a lot of building to do for our future guests and we need all hands on dick I I mean deck well that too and Bam turning that oil into chem fuel [ __ ] we're almost there energy Independence but we need components rather badly so it'll have to wait we'll open up the hotel soon anyway so that's a plus then a transport pod crashes from Al qaa so you know We rescued them Al qaa are our closest and dearest friends it's not weird you're weird hey at least it's not the ATF those guys are the real [ __ ] then I realized we still had some components we could mine on the map so we did just that but we send Boba out to another faction defense for the hope of any Salvage so right now pretty much everyone is incapacitated except whiz kid and Baba is away I was looking at a quest and uh well just take a look Oops I did not mean to do that oh I did not mean to do that oh [ __ ] yes I [ __ ] up and now I have to micro between two maps dope got to say though when Al qaa attacks It is Well quite something take take a look what is this Baba kites around a few of them and leaves the majority to these clowns then he goes door to door looking for swag oh the other map well let's take a look a few dudes showed up and we were too far away to make it in time so well Quest failed we won but the quest bugged out cuz homeboy wouldn't leave so it counts as a failure it's not my fault though oh and then Baba brought back pretty much only food from that so you know time will spent so back to busying ourselves with our labor and throwing down our first oil fueled power plant baby oh yeah am [ __ ] ooh woo Senpai but we'll Circle back to that I'm happy to Circle back but I'll have to Circle back in the meantime we get a raid which is itself raided by wargs and then they fight our bugged homie who actually [ __ ] them up pretty good as for the remnants well in the utmost afrian fashion we nurture our Fields with the blood of our enemies and maybe a bit of our own [ __ ] though if it's African does that mean like did did we just give our crops Aid M AIDS tobacco to bads AIDS EO then in the most American fashion we had an oil spill overflowing with some form of ambiguous gender fluid so you're into pronouns huh well let me she them titties I'm going to let y'all in on a little secret compared to other YouTube channels my size I make way less from ad Revenue than they do and I just don't understand why ah that joke bombed so badly you could drop it on Palestine and turn it into a field of glass in a matter of seconds also I could find no way to clean up the oil spill other than to ignite it which I'm just not going to do intentionally anyway so now it's a feature of the oil field and will stay there forever it's integral to its operational status that's right we made oil spills work for us they said it couldn't be done and we made Mexico pay for it anyway with our first guest beds we're open for [ __ ] business it's about goddamn time and our coffee is taken by blight that can't have any negative consequences right but boom our first guess Easy Money Bubba the first of many god dude she's going to be so relaxed I'm just so happy for her and now boys it's time to start making our poop wine get the feal incubator and haul that doooo it's party time or parp time yeah yeah yeah okay and by the way we made a dope ideology room that Baba decided to throw a disco in so let's get [ __ ] funky baby [Music] yeah we're diely in need of Steel so we'll start the Deep drill research I mean it had to be done Peter makes the poop and our energy production is better than ever M you love to see it then visitors from Al qaa are just in time for our first Baba's Mary yesu celebration wow so Christmas so yesu so [ __ ] good and our new research room is looking quite snazzy already God damn I'm good at Rim world huh yeah I know I know almost as good as our very first batch of poop wine M yummy now we just got to set up shop and sell it to our honored guests also I discovered where all my components were running off to remember those tools I was making yeah they take components a lot of components so naturally I shut that [ __ ] down I kind of need them for other [ __ ] right now silly me then a high ranking guest showed up and shilled out 30 silver for a lavish bed this hotel is wonderful I can just feel how relaxed they are relaxed pigs make for tender bacon M so now we stock our new hotel gift shop with all the poop inducing items we produce I'm talking coffee cigarettes poop wine doobies enough stuff to loosen even the most premium balloon knots then a chist ceas we were now out of coffee I should also mention that by this point every single person was addicted to coffee so uh yeah that kind of sucks we went through six coffees per oil drum we measure coffee consumption in oil drums per hour what as an American I'll do everything possible to not use the metric system so I panic sew some more coffee beans naturally and cross the fingies and Toes but even with our crippling drug addictions we must Focus the visitors keep coming and we need to relieve their stress and not worry about our own Baba is a selfless man after all and just like that thanks to Al qaa our first sale then our second and this guy bought [ __ ] poop wine it worked boys it actually worked we can end it here we just beat the game this is awesome you know Al qaa I feel would be the ones to drink poop wine yeah then the guy who's drunk on poop wine started working our resource console I don't know if that's some form of German mind control [ __ ] but God damn it I'm in we're making money honey and I couldn't be happier almost as happy as Baba when I set him off to write a play I don't know whatever came of this but I thought it was funny that an afin warlord wrote a play kind of like those other guys then finally fabrication was completed the component getting was handled like the Vietnam War which is not at all we still need steel to make them but at least we can make them and just as things were going well we were getting guests to relax selling them their own poop which I find funny as [ __ ] and our guys were beginning their caffeine withdrawal the game started stuttering worse than hell and Keller if she had brain damage I'm no whiz kid but using my masterful smooth brain juice and some top secret CIA software I was able to deduce the problem the hospitality mod that lets you sell [ __ ] is busted and it busted my game so be gone thought I had to remove the mod and now we can't sell any more [ __ ] slurp to our unsuspecting guests kind of a bummer braah but no matter Baba is nothing if not adaptable well and a piece of [ __ ] then when I thought my game was fixed brother nature showed up in Power Ranger lar attire some of Elon musk's AI showed up to prove metal is better than meat but to everyone's surprise the meat bags won in the end they were no longer red and I took out my bottled up frustration on their naked bodies nice we captured one and sent him to Baba's Playhouse to endure what can only be described as your rape then our boys finally got their sweet coffee fix ah look at them go Merk in as [ __ ] Bubba Black Gold [ __ ] then since I could no longer sell [ __ ] wine to patrons well I'll sell [ __ ] people to brother nature a ransom scheme took hold of the colony not only will we provide rest and relaxation to the weary traveler we shall now offer the lives of those who would do us evil well to those who would do us evil and get an neat little profit off it may I add got to make money somehow and kidnapping and Ransom is right up an African warlord's sleeve I'd say so anyway let's make a garage cuz cars go bur as the kids say which requires more steel we don't have so Baba goes to our neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar only this time it's not a cup of sugar it's a cup of their blood and all their belongings meanwhile back at the hotel guests were coming raids were popping and prisoners were ransoming I'm going to have to cut out a ton from this so bear with me it's like 40 hours of footage crammed into this so I hope everything makes sense our first car goes down I don't know about y'all but I'm ready to [ __ ] roll but before we get too crazy let's calm down gather up and get everybody stoned as [ __ ] with a good oldfashioned smoke sash or in our case a bangy SES Bubba or buba and tidler had to get a wooden hand don't ask where the last one went with a name like tiddler I'm sure you can figure it out I mean his wife is named Fister after all but these nerds wanted to [ __ ] around so let's make him find out it's not a kill box it's a kill funnel a funnel of fun a funnel eh eh all right I'm sorry but it's time we expand this [ __ ] and get even fancier I'm talking private rooms where our guests can be in peace we got to expand just look how popular we are like that one girl at your high school who had herpes you know the one and poor old tiddler succumbs to a bout of confusion which is weird cuz he's so [ __ ] happy right now maybe he's confused why he's happy or maybe he's watched too many Disney movies I don't know it just works and now it's finally time we harness the power of monkey and tame a goddamn gorilla the best hotels have gorillas and goats named the dark lord who carries around to shiv that's right [ __ ] the Dark Lord's packing we [ __ ] got the gorilla and we'll give him a gun what could go wrong this is awesome good job Baba go relax now you've earned it I shall name you Bobo y'all thought I was going to do harambe huh rip [ __ ] later on Bobo will become my spirit animal sorry dark lord all right actually toxic masculinity is my spirit animal but we'll pretend for Bobo's sake and check out this new Swanky room fit for a pre tour not that any of them visit us but they could and our first vehicle is ready I shall name you high AF man cuz it's Highwaymen and we're stoned like all the time get it yeah it's not a good joke but I couldn't think of anything else so shut up oh God this thing's gay it's [ __ ] awesome but pretty gay oh that's better it screams afri can warlord meow B oh yeah this thing's badass buba and if that wasn't good enough we're all maxed out on oil George Washington is coming in his grave as we speak you guys want to see the dark lord Beaver God not not that you sick [ __ ] she named her shiv the beaver God what's wrong with you [ __ ] degenerates got to build this wall to keep y'all out te dog was right all along wasn't he huh the more you know need this wall to protect Al qaa they're like our best friends now it's uh it's something all right tits and it's far overdue that we slap down a hospital I have a feeling shit's going to pop off soon so we better check out our latest loot box we got a silink neuro forer that I'm just not going to use nothing but smooth brains for our Colony then the Somalian pirates came for our Lush his booty so it's time to test out our new toy and in typical ATF fashion they raided us too because guns are bad they care about our weapons a lot but they didn't care When Baba raped a man from the Poor Side of Town rough style [ __ ] [ __ ] get them boys turns out this thing wasn't meant to drive around the jungle and we get clapped pretty well so we abandon it and get information Bobo Bobo's here [ __ ] yeah dude Bobo then our brave Bobo Sigma Chad grinder pops out from behind cover and starts [ __ ] blasting I started blasting our hero took some hits Lord knows why but we quickly patch up our hero he saved the goddamn day dude [ __ ] Bobo dude he's got Moxy so you know the drill by meow capture and Ransom easy money also turns out that whiz kid shot Bobo that little [ __ ] dude we're going to make him suck the polish off Bobo's toes to make up for it though to avoid this in the future we'll add some more Fel walls ehh H yeah okay whatever I I just don't want Boba to get hurt anymore now we'll build a ground penetrating scanner that I won't actually use so I basically just wasted the resources we don't have to build it dope right we take a quest for a loot box to host a Gala for the weakest Hive I've ever seen and I send two people incapable of firefighting to uh fight the fire they burn themselves not bad for a bug I'll take it I then realized that I can build Advanced deep drills so I did just that no need to rape the ground on on Roblox just cracked on to 85 days and God damn it I'd say we're doing pretty good then I realized for laws I had to build the Bang Bus worst thing I did in this game I I just I just well you'll see and no I don't load up the dark lord for a [ __ ] I'm not from Kentucky to keep the hotel train rolling the UN came to stay and we have course took their money Lord knows they have plenty of it and apparently they scared away the Polish so you know I guess they're good for something Disney fairy indoctrination wow beautiful I feel fruer already to make it more thematically Disney we finished the Bang Bus by is Bang Bus I of course African it the [ __ ] out no I painted it not starved it you turd burger which is actually a burger they will eat in Africa because they're starving okay so anyway alqa were the first to rent our luxury top tier room nothing but the best for my friends Alca and then they gambled even more of their money away but dude's got pocket aces so I think they're cheating well I mean they are cheating they're [ __ ] Al qaa speaking of gambling I'll take a three raid quest for some more loot boxes what's he controlling that console with anyway we get some more defense is ready and finish the wall before our raid Triad our triade all right so the first raid comes kick their ass second raid Sam's third raid you already know these Rugrats are turning this field into a real American kindergarten this is why America can't lose a fight we start trading young [ __ ] get some [ __ ] capture Ransom loot box good [ __ ] too vanometric power cell and some jeans but one in particular Baba now has regeneration and vacuum sealed yes we melted a plastic bag onto him maybe he had has an asphixiation Kink I'm not here to judge but we're not done improving Baba oh no babe it's going to be big huge some would say look at Bobo haul in milk wow and single-handedly saving tidler from a rabid lemur double wow God I just love him so much more even than our new luxury pool ooh fancy we also made like a boarding room area with bunk beds for the poor they're gross and undeserving of luxury but I'll still take their money what little they have of it anyway I mean I'm not an [ __ ] I even made them an auto bong it'll spue outout doy smoke 24 [ __ ] s keeping everyone baked as that one guy from that one movie yeah him surprise disco [Music] part nice that's a cool poo baby you know I think I care too much kiss that stress goodbye I also sent Baba to a looted vault I don't know what I was expecting with a name like looted Vault there was nothing here so I took some steel furniture to break down I mean it's something I guess we do need steel brother nature decided to [ __ ] around and Bobo stoned off his ass so luckily the cowboy larpers are here and let them find out is what I would say if they weren't friends apparently so tidler oneman armies the [ __ ] out of the ordeal tidler is also stoned as [ __ ] I needed Baba to move his Bang Bus out of the garage and his ass must also be stoned because well just just watch oh look out whoa oh Jesus oh my god wow oh God he just took out his [ __ ] leg he did a hid and run on our only doctor destroying one side of his body it's even better because it happened at the only crosswalk in the base Dr ugs got banged by the bang bus so yep glad I made this [ __ ] Bang Bus Baba's Bang Bus brother nature decided to [ __ ] a wck wait a minute I'm getting Deja Vu weird but we successfully shot our enemies and Bobo so it was a success I mean no and yes but I'll take more prisoner money got to pay for a new leg for Dr ugs since Baba well you know and the genius that is whiz kid tried to fight our injured prisoner and got his arm destroyed wow things are going so well now this is great guess whiz is actually kind of a [ __ ] but Bobo ain't so he went and [ __ ] up the very same prisoner jungle Justice [ __ ] get Bobo down and Bobo even applied jungle medicine to them wow what can't he do he's amazing and when a transport pod crashed from the sky we captured his wounded ass too I also swapped the prison around so that they'd be more more comfy remember relaxation is number one babe we're Switching gears now no more Ransom just relaxation forced relaxation it's not rape if you're relaxed Gandhi said that don't don't don't look it up ah quest for loot boxes well you know we're doing it and all we need is Bobo dude obviously easy loot box and easy present or I mean guess H speaking of guess these guys look a little too stressed I think we'll extend their stay here indefinitely is this Baba's evil art well I wouldn't say EV more like uh yeah all right he's evil again kidnapp and en force and stress relief it's beautiful when it comes down to it they will love their new forever home I promise nothing bad will happen here nope and [ __ ] the Polish anyway I'm keeping your people but I won't leave them hanging out to dry oh wait yeah I am I'm totally doing that and now they're going to be really stress-free forced stoning but not the kind the sais do when you're a woman no no the kind Colts do when they wait and now to negotiate with terrorist and piss off the UN we accepted deserter quest which was the beginning of our downfall Fister was killed by the UN they sent [ __ ] John Wick after us he also killed our recently invited deserter friend and most unfortunate of all the dark lord became sad I don't know if we'll ever emotionally recover from this spoiler alert we won't then to avoid racism we hung the pink person next to the white person see equal hangings not racist Dr ugs got a promotion to our new matoto yesu and our guests couldn't be happier which is the real goal here everyone is Expendable except for them oh and fister's husband tiddler doesn't give a flying [ __ ] hell about her death excellent relationship they had huh due to our lack of Manpower and increased responsibilities I had to get creative with how to feed our prisoners they wouldn't take food directly from the fridge themselves so I had to just periodically dump it on the floor yeah I mean it works it's not ideal but it works I'm just uh I'm just so busy now to keep up with the spirit of the Season let's open our presents ah there we go good job Baba Merry Christmas you [ __ ] degenerates the most notable gifts we got was a Titan frame Jean and what was in Pandora's Box what could be inside of it I don't know let's find out together it was a faction assault don't know how they fit that inside a tiny box but hey you know I'll take it I mean I can't return it I didn't keep the receipts I was hoping for a dick in a box but you know whatever it was neat to watch I guess and I think the gos rifles are bugged cuz those ain't going away and whiz kid is a [ __ ] by the way he [ __ ] up our tank we just lost so many resources we don't [ __ ] have whiz you a [ __ ] but now let's be even less racist we're doing anti-gentrification so the black guy gets the spot in the tree [ __ ] is is this still racist but it's anti-gentrification the pink [ __ ] gentrify on the tree but now he's in the tree so it's not gentri oh [ __ ] man I I don't know which way is up am I a good person or is this [ __ ] up [ __ ] I need Jesus at least the mayonnaise ghost face craa is still in the tree too so equal rights equal trees anyway let's have baba cram that Titan frame down his whole oh yeah babe Mondo Baba now just imagine how gigantic that BBC is now like a BBB BC bigger than the Bang Bus Baba Bang Bus I just thought this would be funny is why I did it as all big ass Baba ooh big old [ __ ] goodies too wow you could tobogan down them gutties ghost spunking in that Cavern too you know the one and a Christmas miracle was now born the dark lord summoned her minions I think maybe she was just lonely I say that because shortly after she became pregnant dark lord trying to smash that Gussy cuz M just like my cousin used to do rough style [ __ ] you know maybe we are in Kentucky it's now been 122 days and we're slowly slipping into the gutter more and more no not those gutters it's about time to wrap things up here if you've stayed this long thank you I hope you've been enjoying it this video is way too [ __ ] long but what the hell right I make movies now I guess move over Quinton Toronto so anyway I love how small Baba's hands are now he's kind of like that Whopper guy am I right yeah I'm right I [ __ ] love I did this by the way so we finally made the tank and named it the bhog nice right I gave it that African Motif the dark lord was so happy she had more sex she's already pregnant but hey whatever reminds me of a joke I was tickling my son's feet the other day and my wife was yelling stop it stop it wait till he's born oh yeah let's try out that tank yes Baba fits inside somehow maybe Chrisco I don't know don't don't [ __ ] question it it's pretty [ __ ] sick dude well there goes that sandwich I made should have used the Martha stward instead of the Anarchist Cookbook it did claim to explode with flavor I should have read between the lines that's what I get for buying a cookbook from Al qaa and now to finalize our storytelling here the world has caught on to Baba and his gang of midgets we just wanted to help them relax but they call it kidnapping and torture and evil [ __ ] it's called a spa day or in this case a spa life it's a lifestyle so do these [ __ ] go and do you ask well just watch this it's like Waco all over again Peta spin up The Kill Dozer Bob's going in they sent their armies crashing upon us like waves upon a rock I'd call it hectic but that doesn't even begin to describe it they fell into my big gay trap you triggered my trap car now this is what I call a target-rich environment Bubba one by one our team fell overcome by Stress and Anxiety we just wanted a place to relax and to share that relaxation we may have turned this Tropical Paradise into a blood covered hell on Earth but it's still not as bad as an American kindergarten shouldn't have taken away my [ __ ] slurping Pace Mrs Margaret you [ __ ] don't worry though I called the homies and told them not to come to class today I'm for the boys after all and then Baba in typical warlord fashion made for a daring Escape solo of course his peons had to hold them off he flees for the Bang Bus Baba's Bang Bus Brave Peta held the line long enough for Baba in his tiny little hands to escape as the bullhog runs out of ammo Peter grabs a nearby grenade launcher off of a local corpse overtaken by Blood lust and having had enough brainwashing to give his life for Babas he charges the enemy just to fall to their Taco Bell aftermath oh Peter you brave brave soul he's got [ __ ] Moxy that's for sure and then he repeated stevenh Hawkins Famous Last Words Baba jini demands your comfort and who's more comfortable than the dead so boys here dies Baba's dream of ridding the world of stress but I'd say he did pretty damn well he touched countless lives in many ways I just hope his mission lives on in all of you relax don't stress it just doesn't matter because after all one day you're going to die and then it won't matter anyway because you'll be dead so enjoy life while you can my friends for it like Baba is fleeting Merry Christmas you nerds It's Been a Good Year I appreciate all of your support and look forward to the next one tell me in the comments what you want for Christmas so that way I know you made it this far I'll talk to Santa for you I love you all and a special thanks to the members of the cheesemonger society who have a reserved room at Baba's tropical interplanetary tourist Spa so with that said come stay at Baba jabin's where you will have fun you will have [Music] fun
Channel: Papa Cheddar
Views: 21,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld tips, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld ep 1, rimworld story, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, combat extended, let's play rimworld, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld challenge, rimworld part 1, rimworld trutorial, rimworld tricks, rimworld funny, modded, mod, cannibal rimworld, warcrimes, warcrime, rimworld warcrime, war crime, undead, zombie, rjw
Id: oexQpJYKkPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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