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Do you want to get rich? Take over a foreign power perhaps? What? In real life? That s a bit out of my paygrade buddy, but instead I m going to be doing it in Kenshi. A game as brutal as it is stupid. In today s video I will be creating an empire with some questionable exports and will spend that blood money to then hire an army of mercenaries that will be at my beckon call for which we will use to expand our empire whether the inhabitants of this world like it, or not. So, let us begin Welcome to the world of Kenshi. A game that takes place many years after a rather unknown calamity befell this world that left it, well a bit shit. Now this landmass is split up between many different groups, like religious extremists, slave traders, homeless crack addicts, aliens, robots, and the North, we don t talk about the north. Now, our character today is none other than Lug, just a regular run on the mill man but with a bit of a twist, also he is a scorch lander, which makes him much better at stealing things, I would consider this racist, but considering that almost every character in this godforsaken world will have dabbled in some larceny at some point, I think it s alright. And thus, we begin the game, in The Hub The hub is an interesting little starting city, mainly because its teeming with vagrants and convicts from the Holy Nation, and when the homeless crack addicts are the ones being nice to you at the start of the game, you know it all goes downhill from here. My first action is to go into the inn to see what s up only to get into a verbal altercation with a bar patron that soon becomes physical. Just then however, a group of dust bandits were wandering through town and chose to fight on my behalf, allowing me to pick up all their items and equipment, free of charge, fetching me a nice little sum after selling it. Realising what a great money-making opportunity this was I began waiting for conflicts to break out on the edge of The Hub so I can scrounge around the battlefield picking the corpses like a little rat. After a small time in that ahem honorable profession, I make a decent amount of change and decide to hire my first meatshield, that being Gorsome and since we were both still fleshy sacks of meat, we decide to do what everyone does on new years and buy an overpriced gym membership, to train once and then never again, and that s because we begin our journey to Squin. Squin is Shek controlled meaning of course there will be a lot of racial profiling, and for good reason as one of the first things I decide to do is commit a little bit of break and entry, and it goes about as well as you d expect. But that s okay, as once I get out (through legitimate means) we meet the next member of our party, that being {Name} who by all means is a crucial part of any playthrough. Together with my two friends now, we set off, in search of a suitable place to call home. However, I have to admit that when I say decide where to settle it s a little bit of a lie, as it s pretty much a no brainer in my eyes, so let me explain our options. For some reason in my idiot brain, I decided that the border zone, an area that s generally pretty good for all things, including having two massive cities to buy my legal substances would be too easy so with the border zone crossed off the list that leaves us with four options. If I go north, I will need to deal with the aforementioned religious zealots, harassing me into participating in prayer day, but would be for nought as the moment they saw I didn t treat minorities like shit, they d be busting down the door. If I went west then I would need to deal with the Shek, a warring country that are so doped up on their ADHD meds that whenever they aren t fighting each other, they re fighting you. To the south we can enter the swamps, a place of complete lawlessness, where the biggest threat isn t the people but instead getting there without being the victim of a variety of fauna that s out for your bussy. So that leaves us with one location. Shem Travelling in the lands of Kenshi is a very dangerous ordeal, when you don t have some starving bandit, trying to mug you for your last slim Jim, you will need to deal with some kind of patrol, or even worse, the creatures. However, through the trials and tribulations, we make our way to a suitable location that we can start our drug empire. Shem is a location that is a double edged sword of sorts, as while we won t be harassed by any form of government, the roaming bands of bandits are let loose to do as they please making the initial phases of setting up here an absolute pain, as day after day we would constantly be raided by some group seemingly for the hell of it, we would get consistently beaten and then need to spend numerous days in a coma recovering, until a point where we finally learnt how to make barricades and so we built a big beautiful wall to keep those starving bandits out. But of course, every drug kingpin requires a good mule, and I know of a certain someone who would be a great candidate. Thus, Lug begins his perilous trek to the capital of the Fog Islands to find said candidate that being beep. Now why did I go halfway across the map to find this specific character? Because it s beep. Look at this adorable sack of bones that literally has nothing good about him other than his optimism and will to survive which is like that of a child s and just like a child, the moment he gets brought back to base, he s immediately put to work in the mines. And now this hut, is starting to look a bit more like a home, but speaking of homes, I know where yours is and I am approaching it at a breakneck speed, you cannot run, but you can be saved. Like the video and subscribe to channel, and maybe then I ll only take your newborn as sacrifice. After a slight bit of base progression where we levelled up our walls and developed slightly better infrastructure. I then decide to set out and visit our neighbours in the swamp. Now, like I said earlier, the swamp is a very dangerous place as around the corner there always seems to be something trying to kill you, very similar to Australia, and like Australia, this ever-looming danger leads to a breakdown of civilised society. However, this works in my benefit as many of the villages have shops that just sell crack right out in the open. Now why am I telling you all this? It s because I am broke, and need some quick cash, and if I can t make my own cocaine to sell yet, then I guess I m just going to steal someone else s. And so, I pick my poor target. Who has a store chock full of illicit substances. After pinching from him the first time, he understandably isn t too fond of me and attempts to put a stop to my tomfoolery, however it was too late, as I already made off like a bandit with all his drugs. However, probably high on something himself, he then proceeds to chase me through the jungle like a madman to get his merchandise back, but he is too slow for Lug. I then travel to the neighbouring area of flats lagoon, by passing through, whatever the hell this is. And we will find many traders willing to buy our drugs at a massive 400% markup. And thus a new ecosystem formed, where I would buy more recruits and resources for our drug den, and when I started running low, I d just go and rob this poor trader trying to make a living in this shithole of all his drugs and sell them at massive profit. But some of you at this point might be wondering why make any of my funky exports at all, if I can just keep stealing and selling for massive profits and that s because most of my travel time involves going through this shitty Louisiana bayou cosplay to come to this backwater in the middle of nowhere to steal from this poor trader. Why risk the bolt in my ass when I can make it all from the safety of my glorious walls and another reason is because I don t want our entire empire to be built up from the struggle of this one guy and his seemingly infinite supply of sus dust. But before we continue allow me to talk about my travels, in search of new connections and potential buyers I send lug out to explore the surrounding areas after handing off my merchandise I head south to Mourn. The first thing I notice about mourn is this ominous looking structure in the middle that s currently locked off to the public, now that piques my interest. So, after employing my first robot companion, we both break into the structure revealing the reason it was locked that being the big fucking gorilla just chilling inside. I apparently was supposed to hear this from some of the npcs in town, however listening isn t really my strong suit. And thus, lug and Ilamc just stand idly by while the entire town fights this one gorilla. After causing seemingly the most devastating incident in recent memory for this town I am then praised and given some grog for my efforts. Later in our game as we were trying to progress the tech tree, we ran out of research items, oh no. So, lug in his infinite wisdom decided to confide in the Kenshi wiki where he found out that a place north of the base known as the scrapyard provides everything the base will need, so he decided to pay a visit. What he did not check however was the weather forecast as he would ve noticed that there was a very high chance of acid rain and by very high chance, I mean 100% of the time. The only races immune to acid rain and robots and hivers for which lug is neither so he has a very fun time on his journey. Once lug gets there, he was greeted by a robot trader selling almost everything I could think of, including weapons and armour which will be very handy later on. Speaking of later on It s now later on, yeah, I did a little mining off camera, it wasn t that interesting I swear, but let me catch you up to speed. I researched, I researched so hard in fact that I learnt more about drugs than a retirement home chemist, that meaning I didn t actually learn shit and just threw a bunch of ingredients in and hoped for the best. And I ended up with a rather steady supply of cocaine and methamphetamine Oh dear how did those end up there these would be ferried over to Flats Lagoon and sold at a staggering price to the point where demand couldn t at all keep up with supply but you best believe I didn t lower my prices one cent, in fact with these new found riches my boys became equipped with the best gear around, a fitting posse for a fitting drug lord. But there s one thing I haven t done yet, and it s something that s very important and essential for any up-and-coming big dealer, and that is territorial expansion. And here s the deal, I like the hub, it s a very central location and a key spot for me expanding my supply routes, but what I really don t like is all the stinky homeless people who don t pay taxes and the weaboos that protect the place. So, I m going to kill them, both. Well, that was remarkably easy but its not over yet, as I have another target in mind, someone who hates drugs so much that they completely outlawed them in the entire nation, not good for business, but something else about him is that he really hates minorities, and that s just not on. We might be a band of extremely violent and bloodthirsty drug peddlers but at least we re not racist. So we go and kick his ass, then we haul him all the way back home, and chuck him in a cell. Think you can cage ME, the LORD INCARNATE, heretic? The children of Okran will come for me and you will be smited for your wicked ways Heh
Channel: Ham Destroyer
Views: 145,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi 100 Days, Kenshi Drugs, Taking over in Kenshi, Base Building, Gaming, Funny, Scripted, Ham Destroyer, Conquer, Strategy, Kenshi Gameplay, Smuggling, Kenshi Guide, Kenshi Game, Kenshi 1, Kenshi lets play, Kenshi 2023, Kenshi Pc, Kenshi Mods, Kenshi Torso
Id: jVK25fZhBlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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