Fighting Communism with Necromancy in Rimworld

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our Rim World way of life isn't it Grand thanks to the necrosoft corps paration you can enjoy the Limitless Pleasures in your day-to-day life such as copious amounts of space drugs beautiful overflowing oil fields raw sewage and of course endless paperwork what's better yet is now you can become gainfully employed by necrosoft that's right Jim act now and you too could be employed by the leader in corporate hellhole establishment here at necrosoft you'll be entitled to 24-Hour work schedules 7 days a week Canadian levels of Health Care mandatory corporate Funtime and of course copious amounts of space drugs isn't that just swell you sure don't want to miss this golden opportunity and you sure don't want to miss our casual Fridays the necrosoft corpse paration where your life ends our profits begin welcome to my corporate dystopia I want you to sit down kick your shoes off put those feet up and let your papa Rim you wait no no no no this is Nikki romancer her friends call her Nick she's here with a handy little book in three boxes containing the bodies of her former co-workers I like to imagine that she was part of the Empire's R&D Department tasked with creating the perfect employee the empire being [ __ ] didn't like her methods and booted her so here she is now exiled pissed and ready to profit oh the book well it allows her to raise the dead to become her mindless unfeeling servants so 1 2 and three finally awake ah the perfect employees no pay no sick days no reports to HR just non-stop work progression beautiful like any business location is key we've got a beautiful map ready for exploitation We Begin by heavily deforesting the future site of our company's HQ and of course Nick here being our CEO that's corpse erection officer by the way well she needs comfort and lavish so we'll set her up with what accommodations we can it's not much now but don't worry she'll be lounging in human leather Royal armchairs in no time but this should keep her happy for now so long as we get enough human flesh to quench her insatiable Epstein levels of hunger now a good CEO bust their ass alongside their employees through sweat and Blood and Tears and through Nick's leadership we've created our first Innovation a thing to propel us like a rocket to the top of the fortune 420 list a latrine it's it's for poops in this dangerous world full of otter eating the heads of hedgehogs fledgling corporations need to protect themselves and what better way to protect one's interests than with knowledge research as Nick blasts away on Innovative Technologies her employees prepare the land for future infrastructure they don't mind hell they don't even have a mind anymore before we get too far along let's go over our ideology and xenotype we worship ghoul nice right that's a good pun a group of single-minded money hungry cannibals who worship their God Emperor and CEO oh and we dress very snazzy it's a word don't look it up for Nick xenotype I want you to imagine an ugly corporate Undead nerd weak body with frail hands from lack of physical activity great at shooting from all those FPS games they're smart from knowing Json and great at Social from all the time spent on Discord and in Call of Duty lobbies they have haale skin from lack of UV light exposure extremely filthy cuz duh they have weak tummies brought on from a lifetime of living off Mountain Dew and pizza rolls which cause them to vomit bile a typical gamer staying indoors never touching grass she is physically inferior to her male counterparts but insists on competing against them in Necromancer Sports she's coming last every time but God damn it she keeps trying inspirational she does however make up for that with increased cunning and vity typical woman my wife's going to hit me for that joke was it worth worth it you're godamn right it was oh and they're all bisexual females cuz self-investigation is the only way these nerds will ever get any [ __ ] tldd R she's a cannibal lesbian who eats immense amounts of ass I don't know why I make all my rim World colonists gay maybe it's because I'm a secret closet case little gay Papa heard it here first folks Papa cheddar is a lesbian that's right I admit it I love [ __ ] and tits and butle and I'm not sorry I don't care who knows it oh God wait don't tell my wife she's still still thinks I love her massive day our first electricity is produced unfortunately through green energy don't worry friends we'll Scar the Earth before too long but at least we make up for it slightly with our continued deforestation efforts but before we can continue that we need to make Nick's role official a ceremony to dub her the CEO or corpse erection officer God that's just so good we also have the roles of inhumane resource specialist and beheader of sales you know I think I may be too good at this I'm also very humble and handsome but it's quickly back to work these profits won't make themselves ah see that our employees love their work ooh Bubba she may be an ugly Undead corpse ridden monster but I'd slide into that necro musy hell just look at how her employees s for her homeboy loving unclogging that doodoo pipe tastier than e girl bath water even with our humble beginnings we need a name for ourselves an identity I was going to name the faction black corpse as a pun for Black Rock you know one of the few mom and popop shops who run the world from the Shadows hitting us all against each other yeah them small indie company right but then I realized the potential racial undertones and decided against it so now we'll be necrosoft and our Colony name is bone HQ that's business operations and necropile everything no wait necromance everything sorry got a little uh Frey in there and we may as well Dole out our other company positions it's good for morale not that these brain dead idiot or valuable employees need it okay our THS basically have Down syndrome they love everything what do you want from me so anyway our initial constructions are mapped out just as a horde of fearsome Welsh terriers attacks who have thought that tiny rat dogs would be no match for a zombie and power armor with a Charged sniper rifle oh and check this out [ __ ] dope right I actually forgot all about this right after using it unfortunately the grappling hook was never heard from again his family still holds out hope that he will return home safely to them someday but while they wait we'll continue our work and mine into the local mountain and with some encouraging words from our CEO we can lay the footprints for our first real industry we'll be shooting into the Pharmaceuticals industry we're about to make fizer look like that small timer Pablo Escobar even as Necromancer cannibals we're still not as evil though even I won't stoop as low as fizer and yes I know everyone does this but don't worry we're going to strike other business deals cocaine and cocaine accessories is just a quick and easy way to get our feet off the ground and our head in the clouds for that matter and maybe our nose in the snow but for that we'll of course need a little more research drug production the Storyteller who is Randy random by the way tries to slam the brakes on our profits with a psych drone but to you I say good luck with that we'll get a Quest from communism oh right I renamed a bunch of factions and the Empire is now known as communism so anyway we accept a Quest from communism but being a red-blooded American man I have no intention of entering into any sort of dealings with their kind if only this Kami prick knew what he was getting into if only he knew so we pit him up against the tiny aggressive hounds that were hot on his tail and like any communist he fell to his opponent communism is now hostile and I wouldn't have it any other way he also claims to be unwaveringly loyal but my dear boy once the necrosoft corpse paration has its Undead claws in you you can do nothing but serve so Nick devours his brain for a laugh temporarily boosting her own skills and seeing as how this Kami is [ __ ] at everything we won't be turning him into a thrw oh no we have other ways to make him productive see by sticking his mangled corpse into this here box we can create another form of employee a blue collar employee if you will with only one day of training you will be back in ready for gainful employment and pow would you look at that where's your crown now you commy bastard oh there it is actually looks good on him these skeletons do count as slaves but again they have no needs no desires and are ready for 24/7 productivity unlike the THS whose skills are frozen upon reincarnation these skeletons can gain skill levels it is supposed to be capped at six or seven but for some reason there was no cap on their skills this time and quite honestly I'm too [ __ ] to figure out how to change it this bad boy is going to actually get pretty damn good but more on that that later for now get to work [ __ ] yes clean for me we then had a hiring opportunity the interview went well and we were able to pick up two more valuable employees this one's a sccer but I never actually used any of her [ __ ] the other one will be skeletonized or blue Collard IED oh what these Traders must think walking into our HQ and seeing skeletons and rotting corpses working well typical day at YouTube really there were actually two Traders at the same time and we trade with them both for some initial seed money due to our IDE aigion we have to trade regular or Nick will get the frowns trading is our new campaign a campaign against poverty and look at that poop that's doooo baby and here comes the S probably going to bathe in it must be a German corpse so now we can begin our pharmaceutical production making these drugs will be the solution to our short-term income you may even say it's our final solution ah beautiful drugs the infrastructure grows like our psychoid but sunlamps tax our Power Systems heavily so we'll have to sort out the grid I tried to use a bioreactor and run off Moose Power but I honestly couldn't figure out how to get the damn moose in there so the moose was fired due to not being a team player and we had to get more wind turbines but this won't be the last we see of the me and now may I present you cocaine or flake and yo in this case I did figure out that for some reason neither the THS nor the skeletons can actually make drugs so for now Nick here will have to get her hands dirty and make all of our products it's a necessary evil for now but she will make the finest of drugs chopping the finest of lines just like the drug made from our sponsor it's gups but in this case it's not gamer sus oh no my dear boy it's Gangsta Subs get the drive you need to slap a hoe and keep that [ __ ] in line with Gangsta sus even your wonderbrad crack a honky ass can safely and comfortably say what's up my gangsta sus fuel your pimp hand what's that why not build your hydroponics in a circle building well you sound like a godamn communist here we use the smooth straight lines of Industry the sharp perfect '90s of accurate engineering the sublime order of the corporate Motif it gets my [ __ ] stiffer than these animated corpses my dear boy circles are vile hippie [ __ ] that's godamn sacrilege we were however met with a franchise opportunity with prosperous Consulting Galactic they're like the Empire but cooler and they're offering promotion credits to help out one of their managers how could we resist the furry known as jorgan joins us H just had to be a furry the furries in my Discord are probably pre-c coming from this they're joring themselves off ah well whatever he's being chased by some futuristic rejects armed with autonomous sex dolls they have pretty good stats so I smell potential new hires of course the Raiders are no match for our corporate might and quickly decide that their lives would be improved by joining Nick and working for all eternity so welcome aboard with all these extra hands our infrastructure will be set up in no time and Nick is now considered a full-time employee not really befitting of her rank as CEO for necrosoft but you know it's a franchise so it's all right we also get permits with this new title but I didn't figure out that I need to click that little swap button until way later so just forget about it for now hey I never used this mod before all right get off my back oh also six out of nine THS nice the construction is moving along nicely our Workforce was growing and now we even have a quarry set up for our mindless drones to pluck away in during their downtime not that they you know get any downtime but you know what I mean it was time to begin moving into our new base of operations and give Nick some more of the lavish life that any good CEO deserves mainly a facility for feal Acceptance in the form of a pure Jade toilet wow being CEO sure has its perks but with completed Plumbing comes well this sexy shot nice but be careful boys sometimes when you stare into the void the void stares back still less scary than staring into whoopy Goldberg's [ __ ] much less of a void too I imagine oh and we'll just dump all this dooo straight into the water system take that nature you godamn hippie the environment will be fine a little toxification of habit habitats is well worth all this luxury baby now what's a good Corporation without a boardroom a meeting room an ideal Legion room where we can Worship the Great googal in the sky God I'm wasted here gulan musk would be proud of me it's just so good along with that we shall build a defensive wall to keep all the hobos and hippies away from our intellectual property I know I said everything smooth and straight and you may say why Circle walls cuz it's for violence godamn it and violence is the language of the circular loving hippie commies with their Jagged UNS smooth edges damn violent hippies we then had a child join you may look at her and see a vampire but I look at her and see the child of Destiny or maybe she's a runaway from her abusive divorced parents daddy got a little Slappy when Mommy left with the Milkman it's okay child you're safe here amongst the rotting animated sex corpses only I can hurt you now I mean we're going to hurt you wait no damn it Freud The Raid that came after her was set upon by rabid foxes even with our destruction of it nature protects us wow really makes you think just as we were mopping up the remnants we were hit with another raid man I tell you getting new employees is easy getting good new employees isn't as easy not like I can go on corpses and find hot single corpses in my area last guy who tried that got swatted on stream but we got some human meat and even took one alive For an upcoming interview truth be told I considered killing the child I'm glad I didn't but I was real close oh hang on a minute it's 2023 I forgot all about my body my choice oh god what have I done I should have killed the child great now I'm going to get cancelled well it's been nice no but anyway I took a quest to house this guy for a while he's terrible so pay him no mind he gets a slab and nothing more we place down a high-tech research bench to really dive into the corporate R&D the child put on a trone cap and looks fetch as [ __ ] that fetch itude was shortlived when we got a raid of Pigmen we lost one of our Blue Collar skeletons but the pigs had decent skills so it's not so bad of a trade and then a notable opportunity presented itself the location of a silink neuro forer along with this information came a person he's pretty good so I'll be trying to entice him to stay here after the fight one of the benefits being where a pants optional workplace though we're not a life optional workplace you have to give it to the company but hey at least you don't need to wear those pesky pants let that dangle wangle set your winky free and even more pawns good at combat showed up it's like [ __ ] Christ but while the Raiders prepare we get our first psychoid crop and our prisoner is no longer incapable of walking sucks for you my friend the fight went well but we lost another Skelly bro they are kind of weak as [ __ ] honestly but we got the Intel that will lead us to the location of the silink so it's a trade I'm willing to make goodbye little buddy you are after all very Expendable oh and our new employee well he's almost dead I I mean complete with his training ah there we go we had to fire an employee for this new hire our Manning plan just doesn't support this many THS on staff but welcome to the team little buddy you're just in time to enjoy the office party Bowl oh I should have named it the punch bowl damn it that would have been good but before an office shindig we'll send out a team to NAB those neuro forers it's for Progress we're not all bad we do have schools and drugs see we're not an evil Corporation not with proper little guys like this running around but our Caravan arrives so it's time to murder people and steal their property Nick didn't join them a good CEO Fosters their employees own intent to achieve Mission success of their own merits and ideas a good CEO is here to oversight and Coach we even let one of them leave definitely uh did not try and stop them and steal their lifeless body so anyway we got the goods and rifled through the corpses for potential new hires and the child practices future company ad campaigns can you say digital design we'll make a CEO out of you yet kid just watch out for that poop and here you go boys I know this is what you're here for a what are you sad about oh cold water probably nipping like a [ __ ] cut glass with them nips well we can fix that we can also fix our kids's dependency on blood by letting her feed on the prisoner and yes I tried to have her feet on the corpses but it wouldn't let me it would however let me sell our first Pharmaceuticals the first of many addicting the world one snort at a time nice child labor those little hands haul poop better than any other I swear we're also due for an execution our company mandates them but let's use those sinks first shall we then some rabid bunnies killed yet another skeleton I'm telling you bro these guys are weak thank God they're easy to hire it's like picking up illegal immigrants or something but then they came for the child who was running around the Wilderness unsupervised and they aren't as easy to hire so we had to intervene but let's not focus on the Grim and gruesome instead let's focus on this beautiful execution wow team building and our boardroom is coming along nicely building it took so [ __ ] long I mean I did use only the finest of ingredients but what's not the finest of ingredients are vampires especially when we lack hemogen our sweet innocent little bloodthirsty vampire girl has the blaring issue that to live she requires to regularly Go full Hillary Clinton on warm juicy bodies she needs that Scarlet Ambrosia to Su upon but look around our colony is nothing but dried up old pruny Rotting Flesh buckets we have no nptu nectar for her to slurp it'd be like sucking down a straw of dust sucking and sucking with a not a single drop of homogen to drink if we are to save her life there can be but one option we must implant our seed into the CH wait no well also yes we're implanting our genes into the child they are just so impressionable so easy to brainwash teach new ideas like sponges able to soak up the program life lessons just a short 2-day coma and the hemogen problem is solved now that's Innovative Innovative Innovative yeah you know what I mean one big issue to note is that even the sweet release of the crypt will not let you escape crippling drug addictions granted I did then rip them from that release to a frigid corporate hell but you know what it's fine we just need to shoot our employees up with some homemade Pharmaceuticals and they'll survive can you say test subjects oh how very corporate and yes he's doing drugs next to the child but hey we're making them a nice room so shut up turns out some of our employees prefer Red Bull to cocaine so we got some more R&D to do in the meantime let's look at Nick's scast we chose only the most befitting SCI power tree that would befit a CEO such as her Frost shaper cuz she's a nice cold [ __ ] Bubba no archon I made her an archon it's chalk full of productivity and brainwashing if that's not a CEO then I don't know what is oh and that one nerd we were housing finally left it was not worth it but I like to imagine that we scarred him mentally and emotionally during his stay here so it's not all bad at this point is when I actually realized that none of our employees could actually produce our Pharmaceuticals so like I said before there's only one person who can synthesize our cocaine and of course that person is Nick the child we'll have the child making our drugs perfect child labor strikes again I also renamed everyone this time instead of naming everyone after my patrons and YouTube members and making them all gay and [ __ ] each other this time I didn't do that though I wanted to it's how I get off but no I use the ever expanding name suggestions from my Discord go join it won't you we have gay furries who fill up the Channel with pictures of lactating lady boy rats I'm I'm not even joking that's the sad part but hey there fun the child is now Hannibal Lia what did she lick you ask well if you have to ask you're not ready to find out and Bob here's Jessica just for you bubba but your dear sweet Jessica is very bad and very slow at research but that's why we have Nick who has a 25% work speed bonus from being an archon that's pretty dope but it'll get better yet so boys I think it's time for a progress review our team sure needs it so they gather around the party bowl and team Bond I guess it's uh it's human flesh they're eating human flesh they just can't wait to get a knob yeah bring that hug anus down here boy put some man meat in your mouth and it was such a fun progress review that a Wanderer decided to join but before we worry about another cold body it's time for a casual Friday baby what's a casual Friday well I'm glad you asked it's an orgy fueled by religious zealot like corporate extremism that's why it's extra slippery well that and the blood on the floor left over from the cannibal Feast you think Nick is just like pushing the mung out of him if if you don't know what it is don't look it up or do hey live a little maybe they use it as lube or fill a kitty pool with it and instead of jello wrestle they mung wrestle oh I should have stopped with this joke well before I ever began okay enough nonsense Let's Get Serious oh God no the child she's staring straight at those two naked pig people corpses jiggling and gyrating [ __ ] we just ruined Peppa Pig for her kid get out of there you don't want to see this no let the girl watch so she can learn the way I learned from my father and his father before him God she's watching it like a Saturday morning cartoon well hey there kids welcome to corpse Tunes we're having a necrotic rig mortis orgy can you say orgy great I wonder if this is why they call them stiffs oh man I'm good and don't forget humble with the undead mung fueled orgy finally ending it was up to Potato Man to clean up the various fluids that remain godp speed potato man God speed and it was a very sexual Casual Friday so that's cool anyways let's move on back to that Wanderer who joined she's 72 and has an artery blockage well good news that artery won't be a problem soon and the child draws what they just witnessed that'll be a memory to suppress anyway that old lady we'll just stand here and wait for her interview to be over or we'll speed things up a tad perfect with deep drilling research completed we spent some time on employee development training the child in all things corporate like maintaining relationships and and boosting morale must be where the casual Fridays came from ooh they don't need protection though cuz they're dead but we sure do so we're building the wall finally then those smelly hippies show up and decide to raid us probably because we were building the violence Circle it calls to them they are quite easily dispatched and we get a future cook guess hippies are good for something that's something being they're rotting corpses really makes you think but we don't have enough budget for all these employees so Bob Jessica might have to go she is quite [ __ ] unlike this kid who's coming along well and is still making all of our drugs while Nick relaxes in the tub a good CEO kicks back and doesn't lift a finger living lavish is the Drone slave away but before we swap out Jessica we'll have her make some art for us she's got to provide something to the company then Richard Cheese collapses due to a lack of Red Bull intake so we'll get the child on it but almost as if a sign from American Heaven deep chem rains from the sky almost as if a beacon called out to a screaming to drill for oil so for Cannon this prompted Nick to begin diving into oil production just just just go with it okay it's thematic and it's [ __ ] beautiful almost as beautiful is this art the CEO's busting busty bust I'll let you degenerates figure that one out unfortunately it can't go in a bedroom so the boardroom will have to do I mean it was made for the boardroom but still and with that we now have a comm's console with it we can even call up communism tell them they suck or the Polish tell them they're not very sexy [ __ ] but with this we're going International [ __ ] then I had a what the hell moment and accepted a fight Ain she's weird but we'll murder her in a minute right now we got to deal with some sexy [ __ ] not so sexy anymore are you you [ __ ] okay off with your clothes time to join our cacophony of cocky corpses I know it's not very Christmas of me but it's my [ __ ] and I can do what I want you can lamb base me when I finally go on Joe Rogan tell you all about the infinite amount of [ __ ] I give so while we wait for this [ __ ] to freeze to death we unlock Red Bull and can finally fuel up Richard Cheese get him back on those rotting little Hooves he calls footies oh and sell some drugs for not much money hey I never said I was a good drug dealer but it's a start and she's dead to the cell with you or the uh cooler the the fridge the cacophony I don't really even know what that word means but it's got the word [ __ ] in it so God damn it I'm in all right kid make me my drugs and Richard got his wings just in time for this hiring event you know they say Red Bull gives you wings but I've been drinking Red Bull for years and I haven't gotten any chck thank you thank you I'll be here all week folks oh damn we cut her head clean off what are we Hamas but look at that we got ourselves a 24/7 research Department [ __ ] off Jessica you're trash actually going back on Ice sorry Bob I just have to do it but you know what just for you Bob just because she's dead doesn't mean it's the end I mean she was already dead now she's kind of like double dead but we can work with this also it's time we got rid of these pigs their manipulation is almost as bad as Nicks I mean she does have weak hands so she's not very good at Double clicking the mouse if you know what I'm saying probably why she chose to resurrect the dead and have well casual Fridays speaking of casual Fridays there you go Bob Undead Jessica just for you and yes I put this in for a target audience of one single person worth it what can I say I'm a nice guy I'm so nice in fact that I'm going to let Jessica attend her own funeral ah only in Rim World also only in Rim world will a child's gutor worms be treated by a doctor named Dreadful Jizzy toe doctor full Jizzy toe ha oh it's just it's just so good but enough nonsense it's time to plan out the next expansion in Industry well it's a storage facility but God damn it we have a lot of overhead so it's quite necessary how else will we store all of our Zin thanks Zin for sponsoring today's video no except they didn't but God damn it is in fresh Bubba but anyway now this old and busted Warehouse can [ __ ] right off to make room for yet another expansion things move quickly when your Workforce doesn't ever stop is it op well hell yes my dear boy it is this one will probably be the workshop it's going to slap fire fam literally now we DIY need plast steel so down goes the ground penetrating scanner and some Advanced deep drills we'll be using third-dimensional thinking to achieve the attainment of plast steel first and most obvious the Deep drill however we need someone with 15 mining for it which we just don't have that's Advanced deep drill by the way second penetrating the ground if we find a local deposit we can Ram our rods into that plast Dy and rip it right out and third and four foremost oil [ __ ] we've got product development like a [ __ ] I'm talking R&D baby r&d's nuts so after a terrible board meeting it's time for yes even more infrastructure if we stop expanding we'll die or at least be bought out by Lululemon think I'd rather die oh [ __ ] this is it my American senses are tingling look at all that [ __ ] oil Bubba damn little known fact American women squirt oil upon climax yeah it's true it's true and it's [ __ ] awesome so awesome awesome in fact that it makes the child a little bit braver wow and check out these [ __ ] nerds and check out this quest for our number one boss mug the perfect artifact for any true CEO and just look at how we control nature this is just a flex I never actually use this damn thing but I'll use the [ __ ] out of this damn thing on a minor note we did a quick raid for some Intel that I never actually used so it's hardly worth mentioning but we did get a new potential employee with 20 [ __ ] crafting oh God I love corpses wait no no not not like that well not like Nick now because no one can actually make drugs other than a 10-year-old child I added another mod partway through that I'll mention now it adds some Factory machines that can make drugs for us wow the process Improvement the intelligent management the Forward Thinking and dope ass Factory floors [ __ ] business Bubba and like any good business we need to standardize to show our strength and unity our life for the company one team one fight accomplishing the mission except for for this pig [ __ ] you fired well a pig man not that he [ __ ] Pig well anyway you you know what I mean I need room for my secret weapon corpses in the fridge unmoving Guardians of the cold stiff and hard Frozen War sickles corpse sickles penis so standardization which of course starts with a chem fuel power plant baby no it doesn't but it should but isn't she something and after a raid of adorable kitty cats well more like a massacre Nick had a life-changing moment from her bout with the flu and became Wonder lust she's Lusty in many ways now just like that Argonian maid am I right ooh that turn you on maybe if you're a German you sick [ __ ] oh but check this out archon is super dope we can give every single employee a 25% work bonus for 5 days now if that doesn't tickle your jimmies Bubba I don't know what will and that's five full days no breaks here at necrosoft we work hard for you the customer but these stinky pters aren't our customers so we give them the good old fashioned fashion hostile takeover maneuver ah humongous I wonder if he's related to huge ass all right standardization it's important so we finally begin setting up a strict uniform policy for our Workforce and what's more standard than more drugs nothing with some Factory research cracking on we need plas steel now more than ever but this calls for a sales Expo which was so good the Discord mod sent us a trade Caravan but they sucked just like real Discord mods standardization isn't he magnificent so safe so visible so OSHA approved luxurious room upgrades are also pretty visible now that's extremely impressive probably all from that human leather bear rug which probably isn't OSHA approved I I don't even know how that works but God damn it I'm not going to question it turns out I need mechanoid components for these factories which we just don't have so we have to continue to rely on child labor for our pharmaceutical production it's all right they have Nimble fingers they do a good job it works for the Chinese right enjoy your iPhone you godamn hypocrite we then go out to crack on with our artifact Quest but right as the boys leave they're ambushed it's those [ __ ] nerds again it's just one cat so you know it goes pretty quick what doesn't go quick is the hacking turns out reanimated corpses can't hack terminals who could have guessed that a Mindless Undead thraw would be incapable of advanced intellectual tasks not this guy so we have to send the CEO herself to save the day yeah and we might as well kill the locals while we wait there we go and in no time at all we're done I plan out some future expansions for the company HQ and progress the research towards making our own plasti but let's Blitz through some stuff to shorten this video shall we potato man here digs to try and get 15 mining the kid makes drugs our new Chef looks [ __ ] dope see standardization Bubba skeletons and hard hats drilling for oil we get another number one boss mug quest which ends up being convenient as [ __ ] the homeless try and stop us but are no match for our corpse sprit Security Forces who have been getting some armor upgrades by the way we finish the hack murder more homeless get visited by a vampire kidnap a vampire murder a pack of furry wet dreams and then murder the vampire via public execution quickly have a board meeting to summon more space rocks successfully summon a space Rock in the form of an elex meteor and drip out our new security forces don't they look sweet standardization Bubba thanks to our beautifully hideous CEO we can now make syn thread from chem fuel that's one step closer to plast steel baby but enough research talk for now it's time to get close to that number one boss mug we'll take Nick with us this time because she's the only person who can hack stuff well I mean the kid probably can but we need her to make our drugs by the way I thought it'd be important to note that we share the same pipe for our baths as for our toilets a German bathtub anyone now that's a phrase that belongs on Urban Dictionary well go on you degenerate heathens go post German bathtub on Urban Dictionary try and make it as [ __ ] but on brand as possible H do I have this kind of power well I guess we'll find out please do it God that'd be so funny then post a link in my Discord whoever makes the best one maybe I'll give you a German bathtub but anyway we're at the an maber so let's get serious the cyberpunk 2069 rejects show up along with drop pods full of psychoid I don't think we need any more psychoid ours is for sure higher quality two things got a little spicy but it's nothing our Corp Spirit drones Can't Handle by the time we took care of them and finished hacking the terminal a stinky pter showed up but we got out of there unscathed if you haven't figured out by now that we're [ __ ] Unstoppable then I don't know what we're all doing here we did manage to solve our short-term plastal needs with an orbital Trader we still got to make our security forces standardized armor after all and Bam just like that Bubba standardization to celebrate we'll execute our vampiric prisoner I mean we'll give her a new higher interview totally different an interview is controlled cruelty we'll quickly jet out to another number one boss mug Quest this one even comes with VIP shuttle escort service it's basically a flying limo nothing but the bougiest for our CEO so in we go and off we go and now here we go this one kind of sucks cuz we had to bring nine people so we brought our chef and our child of course nothing says dangerous Mission like a chef and a child it'd probably be more dangerous if it was a priest and a child so we'll probably be fine this time around painkillers dropped in but being the mighty pharmaceutical company of necrosoft we don't play with that generic [ __ ] bubba this sleeping mechanoid might though homies turned her faded or both can you give them mechanoid drugs if not someone should make that a mod a Scyther high as [ __ ] on Red Bull now wouldn't that be something after another successful hacking we sneak past a fluffy guerillo and xfill the [ __ ] up out this [ __ ] soon Bubba soon we'll be drinking stale day old coffee like a boss should and now finally we get the autoclave research that's the plast steel right there babe in the meantime we upgrade our infrastructure some more you can never have enough infrastructure we're building back better except we're actually doing it this time more than I can say for some my lady oh du oh bod really living up to your namesake aren't you there you go bod that's better go play with your crayons go on oh it's crazy to think we've been here for 99 days already which is a number close to my heart huh camo nut hugger boy enjoy that wild turkey do you there's another joke no one will understand except for one person well maybe too we've come a long way I think no doubt thanks to our 24/7 no- break having corporate THS I mean oh thanks to the leadership of our God Emperor CEO Nick romancer and another Manhunter pack you know I swear we've had nothing but animal attacks nature really must be pissed or our Storyteller kind of sucks I haven't even shown you guys every single animal attack we've had either okay into the kill Circle it's not a kill box those are for [ __ ] we get the autoclave done and find plast Steel by roughly and forcefully penetrating the ground with our massive scanners I think it's time for a new Factory installment my American [ __ ] is tingling turning oil into Ultra hard manufacturing material that can create ultimate weapons of war oh [ __ ] it's just so [ __ ] good oh no we dug too deep damn my hubris hey get out of there boys get them boys nice we'll do a little lowrisk Monument Quest erect it like a married man's [ __ ] and then forget about it like a married man's wife boom plastal research [ __ ] two out of three of our process Improvement Concepts have come to fruition soon we'll be drowning in plast usy you I don't know why but I really love at an usy onto words it just tickles me right in my Stussy before the new Factory though I'm going to finally build a hospital we haven't really needed one seen as how our colony is mostly Immortal unkillable animated corpses but eh it's about time and potato man is being hunted by a mega Wolverine see what I mean about these [ __ ] animals bro but potato man is kind of badass by this point and can solo the big bastard Mega potato now get back to [ __ ] work you Expendable ingrate yeah so here I change things up away from ry's animal fur 11 ass and swap over to Cassandra classic I mean enough is enough give me some hiring potential damn it so anyway while we wait and see what Cassandra's sexy ass sends our way we finish up the hospital we don't really need and Can Begin work on the next Factory but a bunch of pigs drop right into our HQ perimeter it's still technically an animal but it's like a Manimal so that's at least a little better I'm not going to hire any more [ __ ] pigs but we can take their juicy pork bits all the same and so much for going green godamn bacon back [ __ ] and wow that new hospital is already paying off huh there you go Bob don't worry I'll take good care of Undead Jessica see she's smiling wow I'm amazing you're welcome for my service and it's time for the child to prove herself 1 V one a wild and feral rat come on child well she doesn't really get anything done here even with her [ __ ] 13 shooting maybe a hunting rifle is just a little bit too much power for that little lady to handle on a happier note there it is our first sylene from our new Factory with this and even more chem fuel we can build our own plast steel [ __ ] what a time to be alive well most of them aren't alive but you know what I mean oh just look at them go uncured plas steel right into the autoclave for curing we'll return to the amazing manufacturing of plas steel after a word from the Crips I mean a raid from the Crips actually old Papa here used to be a [ __ ] I'm hard as [ __ ] cuz that's right my it's okay I've been drinking gups I can say that we quickly show the neighborhood Crips that necrosoft runs this block and then a random bunny gets drunk on their sipps I mean I've heard of hair of the dog but this is ridiculous and now back to your regularly scheduled plas deal wow there it is you [ __ ] go potato man it's a whole new world now boys my precom is literally soaking through my jeans right now and my chonies that's two layers of thick heavy duty cloth you know how much precom it takes to soak through two rigid High thread count layers bra a lot and Hannibal Ela became an adult and is now approved yeah that's probably for the best though we can't have her attending casual Fridays at 13 now I just need to make her a high-powered CEO suit and she'll be ready to join the workforce as upper management oh and the bunny is now blackout drunk nice personal limo anyone we'll use it now to attack a communist stronghold look at our security forces go like [ __ ] Black Ops bro with this Quest we get the mechanoid components we need to automate our drug production and we get to stick it to those communist bastards which is truly the real prize here [ __ ] communism Hannibal is now old enough and properly fitted with CEO type drip to become our new beheader of sales a title befitting our little Mongrel bam promotion and I made a mistake of putting our pharmaceutical technology in this building seen as how we bridged over a bunch of water to make it you can't place these machines on anything but Factory floors and Factory floors can't go on Bridges so you see my quandry it'll do for now but it won't live here long the smelly hippies show up probably drawn in by our fabulous circle of violence and with them is a potential new employee with 15 Mining and yes that's enough to run the Deep drill for plast steel good thing Nick here can be very persuasive when Desiring a new employee they enter my hippie murder Circle and get drilled from both sides oh and I finalized the standard uniforms for our people which I really quite like especially our Blue Collar Force they look badass OSHA approved unlike our hiring practices but now with our newest employee they will be drilling for plast steel forever now at this point we have the basics of what a global corporate Powerhouse needs it's time to become hostile militarize military industrial complexi tize even but while we make new weapons and armor my boss called and said we can get promoted if we watch after their pet kangaroo for a while a dangerous kangaroo Okay it's not really dangerous I just like saying that and did I just call him my boss Nick is the boss remember that but hey you know I'll take an increase in our franchise's notoriety so bring on the dangerous kangaroo yes I watch Bluey we'll just keep it in the hospital and forget about it automated pharmaceutical manufacturing if that doesn't get your [ __ ] throbbing boy I don't know what will it's dreadfully slow though but it is constant I mean the child made faster drugs and then the random drunk bunny returns to eat my [ __ ] flowers get that bunny no one puts my [ __ ] in their mouth wait can I take that back okay well the bunny is dead fix that dick damn it so now we continue on the war path and queue up new charge Weaponry I also mov the drug production to the new Warehouse with its stable floors ooh look at how stable that is last thing I want is for my drugs to fall into the water drugs and water just don't mix well unless of course you're a junkie and you're melting them down to inject into yourself but what you do with my quality products isn't any of my concern I only care about profits human life be damned see I make a pretty good CEO as a reward for being such a good CEO we'll give Nick a joywire I didn't realize at the time that Joy wies reduce Consciousness by 20% but honestly I think that's pretty fitting for a mega Corp CEO High move and low brain function we couldn't be more on brand it's like getting herpes from eirl bathwater it's [ __ ] worth it now watch this battle between a random faction and the Crips wow so many grenades and the Crips get their [ __ ] pushed in shameful and you call yourselves Crips back in my day we'd have rode on they asses cuz [ __ ] Millennial Crips am I right they must have forgot how to hold their Gat sideways that's the kill shot Bubba I should mention that this whole time Nick and Hannibal have basically been eating nothing but human flesh kangaroos even Dangerous Ones do not Feast upon human flesh so it's starving I expanded out its area so it can leave the hospital and forage there you go little buddy put my dick in your mouth there that's better good boy isn't that nice little buddy yeah that's nice our weapon production was booming and Nick's archon Powers were growing then Tyrell renamed his weapon to Jalapeno's mother yeah not a name I'd have chosen but hey to each their own and since Nick is our CEO Hannibal needs a shtick too so let's slap an array on her face and Go destroy an ancient machine shall we okay first rule of business never do yourself what you can delegate to others there we go that's better oh [ __ ] oh no it's fine it's fine we're fine so now we can decrypt this [ __ ] clap some mechanoid cheeks delegate a skull removal and jam unknown space tools into our brains with that Hannibal can now control machines machines who decided to drop HT in through the hospital roof I might have to put that [ __ ] in the fridge another raid turns up I think the swap from from Randy to Cassandra was a good move of course the Raiders get clapped but I didn't notice Hugh Janis was stuck outside she handled her own though respect I mean if you're going to expand your anus like that you'd better know how to handle yourself quickly this was followed up by Peppa Pig riding a pig the only thing of significance was they beat up my lifter bot I guess that's karma for destroying my Hospital roof you little [ __ ] so anyway let's have a sales Expo it was so good that three count them three Traders showed up to Hawk their goodies we managed to trade with two of them but for some reason the third left early Hannibal was too slow to catch them or maybe I should say too Stone to catch them yeah that one and just like our first Innovation we reach our Peak the highest level of corporate power a Golden Throne fit for the cheeks of the number one boss a golden poopa just like a turd when you flush it comes full circle swirling towards Elegance always swirling as a good turd should that turd also basically contains nothing but human flesh so that's pretty corporate what else is pretty corporate is the new office space being constructed fit for our number one boss a gorgeous space with no outside light there is no hope in the corporate world give your life to the company but I digress weapons good crafting good let's get some robot helper infrastructure set up basic Mech Tech is done and we can get these boys some juice and now we can make even more Mindless drones to work for us 24/7 oh it's beautiful not as beautiful as this golden bathroom though and of course this whole time we've been keeping our security forces slamming Red Bull and cocaine it ramps up their aggressiveness to keep the hippie out I mean it's quality assurance testing yeah that and if they stop feeding their addictions they'll die again and I don't know what it is with everyone in jalapeno but they're all naming their weapons after him we now have Jalapeno's Jackal and Jalapeno's brother well whatever popular guy oh God run Tyrell run the Raiders are coming and we emancipate them from their lives with no one worth interviewing shame what's not a shame though is how our company's wealth has been increasing these profits will please the board for sure beautiful all thanks to oil and drugs and the crippling addictions we feed oh and check this out a Masterwork antimaterial rifle with 70 damage I'd name this after jalapeno 2 and check out our now militarized CEO that just screams power and we finished the monument in dangerous kangaroo Quest getting Nick the position of supervisor and I finally figure out that the little button to get the permits from our franchise so that's pretty dope we call in our salary of 250 silver this pittance is insulting for a CEO of her C [ __ ] franchises am I right that's almost as much [ __ ] as this yep and now the last quest for our number one boss mug we land in the center because big dick energy reasons if history has taught us anything it's that money grubbing corporations excel at displacing indigenous peoples and this time is no exception the tribals are obviously no match for us and we quickly make our xfill it's not personal but it is profitable one more baby one more a little RNR and we're ready time to ascend the heights of the corporate ladder we land directly on a local moose try and shoot a sleeping mechanoid but again hit nothing but a local moose sorry me so I turned off fire at will so we could sneak in unnoticed and there it is the fabled number one boss mug we get ready for the fight and Nick Begins the extraction if you're wondering why no one is shooting well it's because I forgot to turn back on fire at will oopsies I was just so blinded by the number one boss Mug's magnificence I couldn't think straight not killing the ones outside was even more crooked thinking they attacked my godamn limo but we scratched it out and got the number one boss mug to its right home who's just a supervisor now [ __ ] let's call up communism and tell them they're punk ass trifling [ __ ] well just pretend okay I forgot to add that mod in this pack but maybe we'll just go pay communism a visit cram the girthy [ __ ] of capitalism down their tight little throats and teach them another lesson how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man now unfortunately W bush who's been with us from the start isn't the best yes he's in a war casket and wields a mighty Cloud Strife sword but I'm sorry after your latest progress review we've DEC decided to let you go one day we'll reconsider and you can continue on the good work you've done for us nah I'm [ __ ] with you you're fired if you can't work then you can't work here we offer no health care we only offer profits to our corporate Overlord you peasants are expendable never forget it injured today replaced tomorrow you cretans are but a number to management so enjoy your retirement oh but we do give a severance sever your head from your shoulders that is and with our corporate wizard [ __ ] we hire the new guy who's much better at combat we then continue increas in our military-industrial applications and promote the most popular employee jalapeno to the inhumane resource specialist dude these puns are so [ __ ] good right now yeah they're good it's now been 145 days since we founded necrosoft and since Nick is militarized out we'll pick up this Phoenix armor for Hannibal it matches her murderous ambition and will research some skin hardening agents to further improve our invincibility and just look at this Jalapeno's mother Jalapeno's mother Jalapeno's jackal jalap 's brother oh Tyrell Williams brother I'm sensing a theme here but here we go the final Rose of the [ __ ] flowers how symbolic as it Wilt so too shall communism Wilt just like a [ __ ] Rose antiel Williams Buddy Jesus Christ what's going on around here I'll tell you what's going on around here the beginning of true corporate profit capabilities the mightiest of all production but first let's install skin implants to boost our security forces fighting capabilities communism may be weak in mind but they are strong they may be even better at brainwashing than Nick here it's rather frightening as frightening as the third Jalapeno's mother what the [ __ ] and now Jalapeno's violator all right do they like him or hate him I'm just so confused and now our final surgery performed on our doctor by none other than potato man with a 70% success chance he'd better not [ __ ] this up and potato man has done it he really is quite a badass in his own right even for a blue collar scumbag so because we are soon to take our entire force out to defeat communism the hippie circle of Cruelty is improved you can't be too safe with company proprietary information the same information we will now develop in our new office building oh the profits we will have soon my beloved soon and since our limos can only carry four we of course need to increase the size of our company's Fleet thank you Potato Man and almost as if a sign from the mighty gulan musk himself a quest for the venerated deal breaker and the business we call this full shadowing and this one has 84 [ __ ] damage no that's a lot of damage and now finally the profits you've all been waiting for paperwork the most corporate thing of all oh God look at them go they love doing mindless menial paperwork filled out only to be quickly shredded and stashed away oh [ __ ] I think I'm going to come just don't come on that paperwork can't have the pages sticking together and you don't want any paper cuts oh God wouldn't that suck and what's an office without motivational posters here we have the emotional stability of jalapeno as jalapeno wipes sweat from her brow hundreds of terrorists are carefully arranged now that's good but this one's better the origins of Nick closing her eyes with a tranquil smile a group of dragons are a struck a careful arrangement of eight Cowboys the erotic style clashes with the depiction of the background God damn am I motivated and just as things were going so good an infestation in our [ __ ] office probably because [ __ ] Janice didn't clean up the crumbs from her pumpkin bre but no matter luckily we've been preparing for war with Communism these bugs stand no chance against my mindless THS and bluecollar boys they did about as much damage as any Casual Friday and don't worry boys the paperwork was unharmed but the room was left covered in slime the bug blood of a mega sper and dirt just like any Casual Friday so here we go boys the military industrial complex is ready to bring the light of capitalism to the autistic evil of Communism what a sight to behold your life for the company now then should we land in the center it would be a huge Flex N I should land at the edge or the center nah n we'll be smart we'll do the edge then again the center okay no The Edge Center yeah I did the edge I'm [ __ ] not [ __ ] and just look at how sorry State the HQ of Communism is almost like it's a poor and idiotic ideology weird the battle lines are drawn Tyrell moves in with Jalapeno's mother to bait the commies out here they come and wow are there a lot of them like [ __ ] Kami rats wait never mind I don't want to insult rats like that we begin exchanging fire our Blue Collar fighters on the Vanguard have their cover destroyed and need to pull back communism's fire is Relentless but it's no match for the mighty corporate power of capitalism a shrapnel strike rains down upon them a milor squad Rams them from the rear does that make them sex toys I mean a machine entering your rear who knew milor are anal vibrators huh the more you know we end up being Victorious over the evil communism but it came at a price we lost three of our Blue Collar Boys all that remained was Undead Jessica see Bob I took care of her we finish off the survivors and Jessica crams a dude in her pocket at least I assume it's her pocket sorry Bob but anyway let's get home you've all done enough and the world is finally safe from communism sure it came at the cost of many lives leaving a trail of corpses brought upon by the hands of many corpses too in fact corpses created by the taken of many lives but maybe the real corpses were the friends we made along the way because they're all dead like they actual corpses and with that Nick takes another bath making that necro girl bathat who wants a pint huh yeah I watched and recorded her doing this a lot what it's my world and I'll do what I goddamn want it's not weird you're weird and now that I have you distracted looking at this sexily hideous necro girl throw a like on the video Let's show the YouTube commies who the real CEOs are but I'll stop there I don't want to break the YouTube terms of service so how about another orgy instead I mean Casual Friday of course wow just look at them flock to it they're so excited I'm getting a little Rigamortis just watching it myself and the prude Hannibal can't be bothered she probably thinks it Unbecoming of a CEO to be gang [ __ ] by their corpse ridden Workforce [ __ ] prude and it was awkward now well so there was a lot going on with this video we dove into the industries of pharmaceuticals the military industrial complex oil I mean I am American and the highly lucrative world of never-ending mindless paperwork we spent 153 days building up this Corporation from a ruin building in the woods to the smooth and shiny Beacon of Industry it has now become the most beautiful industry you've ever seen the godamn most American industry you've ever seen brother it's the [ __ ] oil just look at how smooth everything is almost as smooth as my balls thanks to today's sponsor manscaped okay I'm done maybe this is where the story ends with Nick being the number one boss and hanal being a quiet side piece not really doing much or maybe just maybe Hannibal's secret Ambitions grow her hate of Nick blossoms into a fiery rage maybe she wants to be the number one boss maybe she thinks Nick is a [ __ ] CEO the prude Hannibal is disgusted by the orgy or uh casual Fridays and the untold lavish luxuries enjoyed by Nick who just sits on her plastal throne surrounded by wealth all day maybe Hannibal plots against her to see herself One Day become the number one boss maybe it's time to break the deal only only time will tell my friends only time will tell so I hope you guys enjoyed this video a special thanks to the members of the cheese Monger Society whose balls I wish to someday make smooth with the help of manscape I'll catch you cats on the flippity Flop and as always I love you [Music] bye
Channel: Papa Cheddar
Views: 40,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld tips, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld ep 1, rimworld story, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, combat extended, let's play rimworld, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld challenge, rimworld part 1, rimworld trutorial, rimworld tricks, rimworld funny, modded, mod, cannibal rimworld, warcrimes, warcrime, rimworld warcrime, war crime, undead, zombie, rjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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