Kenshi, But My Only Goal Is To Become A Millionaire...

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all right fine I'll tell you everything I know about big berth is Gang just let me go good I don't have all day so give me the quick story okay well [Music] we getting away with it any second oh you gotta be [ __ ] me oh I hate it when they one shot me in one in a limb that matters it's so dumb uh where the [ __ ] did I go what the what did I just glitch through the flow did I just glitch stop Jesus Christ just start from the beginning well it all started at Flats Lagoon if I was somehow able to get a hold of you and put you on a desert island somewhere random and gave you the means to play one game for the rest of your life what game would you pick obviously the first couple of games that come to mind these big Triple A masterpieces you know the type of games that get 97s or 98 some Metacritic God of War The Last of Us those types of games but to me those games would get boring after the fifth or sixth playthrough like I really want to ask this question but you're playing this game for the rest of your life and you know a lot of people will point the finger at me and be like well you play Fallout 4 all the time in Skyrim but um I'm just a little obsessed that's all but if you were to seriously ask me to play one game for the rest of my life then it would easily be some form of sandbox manager Style game you know games like satisfactory rimworld or factorio or kenshi and a lot of the people who clicked on this video including yourself probably know what type of game kenshi is and how unforgiving it is but in case anybody doesn't know in case anybody here just has never heard of Kenji before let me introduce you to my first couple of characters that tackled the challenge of becoming a millionaire in kenshi as fast as possible whoa whoa whoa whoa before we start let me just make one thing clear we are playing rock bottom and if any YouTuber or twitch streamer out there does not pick the Rock Bottom start you have my permission to dislike them as a person on a personal level because Rock Bottom is the only way to play kenshi up first we have Netflix gift card and kind of in-person joke at my twitch channel uh Netflix gift card kind of just died at the hand of some starving vagrants not that far into the playthrough they thought he had food on him killed him left him folded up like a piece of laundry and just let him die in the Sun a little bit tragic he died unfortunately Netflix gift card was never redeemed I thought I'd make myself a God you know somebody who wouldn't be able to get killed which is why I made humongous he was promptly caught stealing and was arrested where he tried to make his big Escape you have got to be [ __ ] me my God okay I'm gonna have to pick locking the scare Bano this like you're walking in for like a nice you know cold beer and you see this guy just crawling how am I not seen Ed dude we're getting away with it please guys I'm dying guys then we move on to the third character known as toothpick a channel favorite and he was pretty cool he discovered a very abandoned Little Village just right near the start of the spawning area before he got one shot by some random guy and then left to die again in the desert will they make it to a town alive don't put put me under that much stress all right excuse me okay am I dying already sorry boys we had this is the best we ever this is the first we got this guy this guy had a net worth and everything I mean at this point I was just digging for character ideas which you know we [Music] my bed Larry the Lobster if I get a chance to rename him I might call him Larry the Lobster I left the two charger died kenshi has this way of making you feel really pathetic kinda like checking your Twitter follow account just makes you feel like a sack of dirt but still we moved on and created our fifth character known as Big Bertha which is suddenly where this entire challenge actually started to work out enjoy is that what you want what are we gonna call a knife Big Bertha yeah I like that one all right Big Bertha come on surely she survives are they gonna kill that skimmer oh my God they killed the skimmer wait I got wait they're moving on wait oh is that good I don't know if that's good all this [ __ ] looks great I'm just gonna Rob him but the thing is I don't want to look like a slave trader do I I guess I'm in the slave traded area so people might just think any whatever they might think I'm friendly I guess heft is a good place to go heft rings a bell of being like a decent place hello okay they don't hit me that's good I've never seen this town before looking to trade let's trade all right I can sell this for should I just sell [ __ ] to him oh my God we're making so much money you'll take this too you'll take this we'll take this you'll take this all right well I've got 4.5 Grand so I buy myself four loaves of bread with it why not thank you you there you know where the hell did you get those clothes what do you mean no please I knew I shouldn't have wore the clothes he's like I'm unconscious at least I'm healing up okay I'm not dying oh my God I'm too big for the prison cell prisons in kenshi are quite similar to how prisons are in real life you basically have to sit there and do absolutely [ __ ] all while your character you know serves a sentence so obviously we got around to lock picking the shackles around my feet and even the door to the cage and eventually it made Big Bertha quite a prolific criminal also um that silver play button I kind of hate it I want a golden one so if you guys can go ahead and subscribe that'd be nice thanks what he's he's out you you are [ __ ] me he got out oh well I mean I mean if he can get out I should be able to right oh oh okay so the the skinny guy escapes and it's fine but the big fat lady gets out and everyone chases her down why am I so much more valuable than the other guy please just let me go okay I'm going back to the city I might as well die in the city so they can arrest me 160 assault I did not do anything along the lines of assault that is blasphemy I just want to get out of this place every day is nothing but pain oh they got someone new meat boys look do we go for the do we go for the Escape are we good no it was going so well run buffer Run keep running buffer you got this just keep running wait who's this attack emperor tangu attack him we can take down him ah [ __ ] God damn it man are you kidding me every time did I run into the God building of all the places I nearly actually escaped from that did I was like oh dude I might as well go attack the emperor I didn't even realize he was chilling there 328 hours there you go dude I'll let you out [Laughter] yeah dude you you'll get out one more time you're free man oh he said he's gonna watch my back because I freed him right if I run and you just watch my back go oh the killing him instead of me oh oh girl oh we're out shall we skipped we used the guy as a distraction we're out oh my God oh my God okay I need I need to get South now I need to get out of here this way quick you know I kind of feel bad for just letting this random guy die out in the desert like that but I mean that's Kenji for you right that's just the nature of the game I spent an hour and 20 minutes in jail for no reason so yeah the least I deserve is a bit of freedom and also now I'm banned from every single United cities City in the game which means I have to start heading south and I don't even know where I'm going this game sucks hello am I welcome in your humble aboard oh my God look at this big city oh my God I bought food I bought food I bought food I bought food sell you sell you sell everything I'm not gonna I'm not gonna steal a thing I've got 2.5 Grand we're good I could just mine eye and and take the long run let's just mine iron ah all right boys this is our job now [Music] can she gets right if you can obviously do a day's worth of honest work you can do what I'm doing right here mining some iron selling it off for 120 cats and yeah sure you're doing a completely legal job but at the end of the day you barely have enough money to buy a loaf of bread so obviously this whole being a good citizen and being a part of society doesn't last long because big buffer goes down a very troubled life of crime soon enough should I try this chat is this worth trying I feel like if I get caught here this is bad okay it worked oh my god it worked can I sell it back to you 10 chance yeah the the power core and the skeleton muscles are worth like good good money let's go oh my God how much did I make nine grand I can probably buy myself an arm now an 8.7 Grand it is a skeleton arm let's do it look I have two arms we're back in business it's an actual good arm it's not a bad arm I mean that's what matters more what do we do what is what's the best way to make money early so I can hire people steal some more all right well we're gonna have to go back to just working our normal job during the day well oh what a crazy fat woman outside the town just hitting a piece of rock oh she's crazy everyone take the piss out of her huh that's a point in life and then night time arrives and guess who's inside of your walls huh guess who's inside your wall stealing your raw materials and selling them off to the next person that's right Who's laughing now she's too fat to fit in my walls excuse me that is incredibly horrible language what um it's a pirate is he dying he is dying uh back to it then this is literally RuneScape but better yeah free clothes I mean I don't know where it came from you could save him and he might join you all right he's in a recovery coma oh should we go and try and steal let's see if we can break into someone's house and like steal some [ __ ] you know this is so risky I shouldn't be doing this dude how do you feel a 90 lock pick chance oh my God oh my God I can't fit it all in come on please how much time Big Bertha spent in jail you'd think she was a prolific you know criminal like I said she would be but this one random chest became the biggest issue in the game for me and I couldn't get it unlocked and at six o'clock in the morning everyone wakes up and comes downstairs for the you know coffee and egg so unfortunately I had to get the [ __ ] out of there come on that dude they've probably heard like rats in the walls for like two hours now what the [ __ ] is that noise downstairs just me trying to unlock this chest come on all right whatever the chest won but we'll be back should I buy this Shack I feel like we should probably try and buy this Shack how do I buy it all for sale four grand we should probably try and buy that right well I guess we're back to work this be my job now is this guy gonna get up he's gonna get up any second now once he gets up I'm immediately killing him by the way am I actually able to beat you up now though I'm scared of him dude yo bro he's recovered he's playing dead [Music] hit him up I forgot I can pick people up now he's done he can't get out of that now you can buy the shack now oh [ __ ] I could buy The Shack yes oh we have a home we have a home boys do you guys not understand we have a home holy [ __ ] we've actually done so much in one day on one stream I didn't think we were gonna get this far we actually managed to get ourselves a house and a research bench and we're in like a very kind of safe City this is pretty good we're doing it boys I don't have anything to research with you know this is this is great I I'm uh quite shocked that we actually managed to get quite a bit done it is time to infiltrate City from the inside out we'll break into this shop this guy this guy had a lot of food come on oh my god dude I'm so unlucky every time I never get the quick pick lock ever I don't see anything must be the wind I thought he left the life of crime behind Crime Pays man I'm sorry I got the sake all is good in this world oh my God my character looks so cool now which pill will you take Mr Neo perfect drip yeah I should probably get all this stuff uh all right change of plans we're gonna stand here and do some research for a while in my opinion there's two sides to kenshi this is the you know leveling up your character and beating everyone in a fight side of Kenji and then there's the uh settlement building side of kenshi we'll be focusing a lot more on the settlement building side we need to make produce and then sell it it's just finding the right produce to sell all right big buff has got five melee attack now oh my God I'm getting into like hungry stids oh [ __ ] why um why I trespassed well I could be dead here I think I'm gonna reload saves in this playthrough now now that we have a character yeah we're gonna reload to save for that some people might be annoyed by Me by me reloading saves but um I don't I don't wanna I don't I don't want to do a new character again I don't really want to do that I'm going to be honest with you I'm looking to band up get out of town looking to join up yeah sure I'm interesting three thousand cats do we take Rin all right this is Rin let's make our own custom character I say we go for the gremlin right make a really small harder to hit Nemo after one of the previous characters all right if I fix a posture we can call a toothpick all right now we have two pith toothpick and Big Bertha okay should we just go back we have two people now I guess we just go back and uh hope we don't die in the way you know you know akenshi playthrough only really ascends once you start recruiting multiple people it's easy to recruit and manage one person but micromanaging multiple people is quite hard especially when you need them to be able to survive out there in the Wasteland toothpick is new obviously so hopefully they can survive the most dangerous of situations let's go [Music] oh oh they get hit they get swung out oh they get dropped look at that just like that and that's the end of it all right we survived that that was not that bad per toothpick forced to work in the mind without food and water oh she's fine how many slaves do I have in this run none I've dude guys I've no these people let me hire them they're not slaves prisoners with jobs I come here I'm gonna let you eat right see she got to eat for the day you guys don't understand she gets to eat for the day then it's not it's not slavery I can't believe you would attempt to frame jaw Beau like this he does not keep slaves these are highly valued hard-working and most importantly Free People exactly they are not slaves they get paid exactly in exposure no they no to the element no no that's not true I pay them good I pay them for their job for their work they don't get paid in exposure to the elements this is it boys we've started an Empire this is actually how it starts because now I can just have toothpick work in 24 seven do I want to run all the way here to the hemp farm factory is Flats Lagoon like a safe place to go I'm so scared to run the switch yes it's safe we move out wish my character look I don't enjoy fun confirmed I am look what I'm playing oh is that that is an actual dog we probably need to drop everything right now right well that was all for nothing so hopefully I'm Not Dead [Laughter] oh whoa we're halfway there whoa whoa what the [ __ ] that Jason midday what is that what is hap bro they seem very scary so I'm just gonna run here and hope that I don't die in the way this time secret drug Farm sign me up for that all I gotta do is run and steal two pieces of hemp and run out boys operation is on the way we will now break into this hashish Farm we're gonna break in steal a bit of hemp and get out you know I often find in a kenshi playthrough that you kind of find your footing when you're doing the most boring of tasks I was going around recruiting people and suddenly I came across just an abandoned drug farm for people who are unaware there are multiple forms of uh pharmaceutical Goods you can get in this game uh one of them is known as hashish which comes from the raw resource of hemp so you have to grow these hemp farms and then use power and water to convert that into hashish which you then have to sell in certain cities for a markup depending on how illegal that product is but for now we just stumbled across this random gold mine and uh yeah goddamn right we're gonna start stealing this stuff we're just gonna leave run Big Bertha get out of here dude we stole like so much how's toothpick doing dying of starvation not bad hey guys I am a hashish seller who sells for a decent price all right they didn't search me what happens if they search me oh wait did they search you oh that's not good right I don't want to get searched what's up bro flashbox what a cute name oh my God got no so now we have 22 Grand uh I could keep doing runs that sounds like a good idea to me hey Chad I like you join me you want me on team huh what these fish don't come to you nine grand you're hired hide I guess I'll be heading south I'm gonna need some dried beef for the road don't grow these muscles on thin air veggies you have now been sent on a secret mission in fact actually should I get I should probably get Chad and big buffer to go together right we're gonna do operation steal all the shish kebab it's gonna be a high risk operation we're gonna work together on this no no no is this this thing's gonna destroy us right could we take on the the the spider I don't think we can right run Chad all right Chad Chad's fine don't worry about him Chad all right well that should be fine these three all have spiders in it okay if you ever come back to steal again these free have spiders in it surely this is gonna go well right we're gonna get these dishes over nothing bad's gonna happen we're gonna sell them all off we're gonna take all the hemp back yeah we're three percent of the way there Chad but I probably could make the mill right now by just leeching off that fish um but I don't want to do that I think it's worth getting a roll um starting our own Empire you know big things God no idea was gonna happen eventually oh all right let's go as safe as we can you gotta be [ __ ] me Chad run should I just run back as fast as you can leave Bertha behind Chad oh my God Chad you have to be [ __ ] me Chad how you started a war with the robots oh I don't feel so good dude are you okay pick it up man what's what's happening to him now oh no dude you have to be this can't keep happening this is not fair dude he is dead Chad is dead he's literally being eaten alive Chad has died from blood loss this is like the worst place to be knocked out too this is so bad dude please don't cook me alive oh it's night time the laser beam doesn't come out at night all right I'm back we left we we gained Chad and we lost chat at the same time so obviously the entire point of this playthrough on Kenji was to reach a million cats as fast as I can which is the in-game currency without any prior knowledge on what the best money making techniques are and I had a lot of ideas surface around but one idea was more prominent than the others and that was to take that abandoned drug farm and then you know turn it into a legitimate business and even then my chat told me the best place to start growing that product and that was south of the United cities the cities in which I was not allowed to enter can she make it all the way across route Harlem is let's see let's get to the area where we want to build I think this is nice and flat it seems like there's Pathways here or fertility 75 that's pretty good so do you think we should just stay here uh let's build let's build a street I think this should be our big Main Street you know this is our first house it's gonna be great we're gonna start building out Empire soon we need first I'm gonna do is get a research bench though research bench level two what do I need for this iron plates 10. so iron plates ten all right somebody write this down ironplates 10 what is that what is that little symbol on the map that's a crab nest can I should I go investigate it it's completely safe I trust you oh my God those crabs why am I surprised me money you know that type of crabs all right we'll come back and we'll kill him we'll wipe them out eventually what is toothpick doing toothpick is making us money when nobody else is she's mining iron and selling it at a hundred cats each is it cats or credits I forgot what the money is in this game where's Chad burfo's melting in the rain oh my god do I need hemp to grow hemp yes you need him to make hemp I don't think I have any how much do I need to build one it's extra large small I need 10. you expected to grow it out of thin air it's fine we can just look around for his dead body or run back to the [ __ ] mom and steal it buffer oh the iconic image dude look at that no that was so cool let's see this should be enough to carry over let's transport this all the way to my Outpost please I have enough hemp to research and construct a farm and then we should exponentially grow our hemp from there I'm not gonna get arrested again that being said though I think next stream we're gonna get rid of this bounty yeah I think it's about time we did at chat we uh next stream we're just gonna immediately put her in a prison cell and just watch as uh it takes forever so here's a little cute part of the playthrough where we actually started to build and expand our little Empire we started placing down a few hemp Farms as that's the main produce we were gonna sell but as I said earlier we needed hashish and that's the final product we're trying to make and in order to get hashish or any Farm in general we need a water supply so I started putting down Wells too and then I remembered I needed to have a power supply too so big buff did a few runs down to one of the near cities and came back with a ton of products that we could use to start producing and growing our first Farm but things took a while to take off and like any farming Empire we had to expand and eventually grow we got him Chad this is the exponential [ __ ] that I was telling you about because now we can build ourselves another hemp Farm nice basically toothpick and big buff are gonna make their way to our actual like new uh you know settlement and then immediately we're gonna we're gonna use toothpick to turn in Big Brother for the Bounty and then once we've turned them in we're gonna use toothpick to recruit like five to ten other people and then Big Bertha can pay off her crimes we can have our oh you you would uh run uh toothpick's dead no we'll be fine they'll survive all right uh I completely forgot where we were TNT's just one big anime training like I swear to God if an anime came out that did this exact same thing like this is my if you took my player from and turned into an anime it would be better than one piece like the first five episodes are just random people dying in the desert and then eventually we stick to this really fat person and you're like oh dude they're gonna die instantly and then they actually survive they recruit some tiny toothpick that's like a quarter of their size all right boys this is our farm uh I'm gonna make toothpick do most of the work we're just gonna keep growing by the way acid rain [ __ ] toothpick doesn't have protection oh no I didn't get toothpick acid protection I have to wait till she's fully healed What's Happening Here there's literally nothing in here except then why no don't attack them dude we've picked you [ __ ] that's a big ass why is there a giant ass crab Mega crab if only I had a bed to put her in then we'd have no issues at all best I can build is uh campfires and now we're warm at least I mean I feel like I'm in a jet engine yeah it kind of sounds like it doesn't it what oh no to pick you [ __ ] toothpick what have you done no no are they putting Shackles on her no bro toothpick I'm going back for toothpick drop my toothpick drop toothpick now no please I have a 24 Grand Bounty now bro can you put me down please I I promise I won't do it again really you have to put me in the jail right next to it too but time remaining three hours wait it's how long until we're no longer considered a slave two hours they're gonna forget that we exist if you just walk out casually they can't expect yeah what if I just like walk out like a mean [ __ ] they can't stop me hey guys it's me I'm just um you know just it's just me I'm toothpick I'm a member of this town I am just walking out of my my job in my town I'm a normal person not a slave hey guys thank you thank you go back to the campfire spot no we're just gonna go home and just work back in our Outpost are the ruins safe are these the crab ruins [ __ ] do it I knew it was gonna be crabs the moment I opened that door I knew it was gonna be crabs and I still did it anyways that whole plan of uh didn't really work out how's the recruiting going we haven't got anyone yet I might start should I go recruit some people now toothpick camera at 21 miles per hour you know what toothpick I want you to run all the way to Flats Lagoon off your pop and uh if if she survives we'll we're happy if she doesn't survive we get another We Got Another Toothpick simple as that she can be replaced we can't replace big buffalo too much meat what does this do so this turns wheat straw into straw flour to flour so we turn wheat straw into flour and this turns flour into bread uh can I recruit any of you guys 6 000 deal all right we got we got gin what should we call this guy what have we called him something like uh you know what about dislike that's his name just dislike I kind of like that six thousand cats done all right we got our next person should we call this person like or like dislike like comment and we just we just make our way through the list anyone else I've only got three grand now what if I hire the gods we take the guards over to our area and get them to kill the crabs you can just let them die and sell this stuff yeah that's what I'm thinking I feel like I just wanted Make them set them back home and then if they survive they survive just like if they don't make it home they don't make it home oh no toothpick okay I hide these gods for a reason they bet it are you [ __ ] me these gods are so bad like is unconscious oh my God this I should have just made them go together so did we did we win it's so hard to keep going what's going on oh my God dislike is unconscious toothpick's fine we beat them apparently toothpick I feel like everything I do just goes so wrong in this playthrough everything I do I go oh I'm just gonna go hand in someone for money goes wrong I want to recruit some people goes wrong we lost the dislike button chat so this is kind of a rough spot for me because toothpick is kind of my favorite character so I had to reload the save and then by reloading the save I had to recruit more people again because my recruits were missing and then I had this smart idea of you know recruiting some mercenaries and heading back to that abandoned drug Farm the one that we've frequented so much and then use those mercenaries to clear out the spiders so I can get access to the rest of the loot foreign what what holy [ __ ] the answer where is it gone it's right there is subscribe gonna be fine Google what happened to Google Google my balls oh my God there's just a dead gorilla what is this is that a look is that alive oh my God Jesus Christ man don't move I can't see you Jesus this game is nuts all right chill all right toothpicks doing her work perfect subscribe's job is gonna be cooking and solid snake is gonna be another farmer 11 hours in and we have four grand to our name but now we have four companions all right I think we're at the point now where Big Bertha can go you know serve her time right do we all agree looks like you caught a bounty one over reward I suppose take him all right buffer enjoy your sentence I hope it teaches you something you got 500 hours left for theft assault looting escaping prison and uniform theft there is no team player like big buffer she knew the United cities really wanted to arrest her and they wouldn't let it go so she went and served her prison sentence and for what reason you might ask well the United cities if you don't know has a very strict anti-drug policy which means that the people inside those cities they're more likely to pay a higher price for a bigger fix which means we can go in roll our product into the locals and sell it for like a absolutely ridiculous market price but before we could do all that Big Bertha unfortunately had to make some amends and serve her time in the meanwhile though I was in town just recruiting people look at this chat we have some we've went from two people to one two three four five six seven eight my boot scooting babies driving me so crazy my obsession for our Western and dance all day look at This Crew we traded in big buff for like five people it's okay she's got 494 hours left on a sentence she'll be fine I think my security guards are under attack well they're doing their job oh no no no no no why I'm reloading all right kilograms made it Chad I think we actually survived I think we did good food hemp processor it's not food I mean I guess it is three to one copper alloy plates one electrical component right toothpick get running [ __ ] right now [Music] bro please I'm so close we're gonna I think we're gonna leave lose toothpick I'm sorry too big no no no no too big they killed him no please you can't attack me oh yes you can all right I gotta do this fast all right come on holy [ __ ] so we lost toothpick that's a shame toothpick was my favorite character I think but it is what it is they delivered the goods it's all that matters all right food hemp processor I need two of these and we should just have we should just have a ton of hashish now that we can just sell this is gonna be sick uh we probably need one person just working fully on hashish production two people probably yeah the fire is starting just as I thought my look was a fugitive couldn't get any worse while you found me but I can't let you live now all right let's go boys we can win a 1v1 uh 2V1 right the block the stab the punch oh my God the left hook oh he hits him with the overhead strike we're gonna win out are we gonna win our first fight there's no way oh wait what our first fight oh my God we did it can I sell you this no why can't I sell it to him you can sell it to Shinobi forget where the shnobe's are the ones in this Tower right do I need to join the Shinobi thieves in order to sell to them I want to join the Shinobi thieves you can join for a fee that's it I don't have to compete a test ten thousand cats so I can sell it to them right oh crap oh [ __ ] this is not good oh my God what is happening hurry up and get inside oh my God bro Jesus Christ man these guys aren't dying one of them's dying I think it's kilogram yeah we need we need the wall bill and we need the things up soon thank God we got out of that huh that could have been so bad where was Stone I wasn't paying attention he's in a big thing's stomach no he's not was he being eaten alive I would like to join the snowy thieves sign me up all right they should be enough to start building our walls and should be enough to start selling his Shish over to these guys and that should be us and that that is the the hardest part of this entire challenge run over and done with and now we start selling stuff and we start buying more people and we exponentially grow we increase the size of our chief um and before you know it we're Pablo Escobar but instead of getting caught red-handed we have to cross the desert every day and eventually dive starfish just like I don't know okay he will buy my for 960 pets each oh my God we made it we just have to go to Every Shinobi Trader in the entire realm that's just easy money you look like somebody who can appreciate a good wall you're talking about walls I love him I can't stop thinking about them Town walls building walls walls and chests walls of rock Shield walls cell walls invisible walls walls between people walls around our hearts walls between my spouse and I walls walls or everywhere it's a good engineer I take it I am and you can hire me for just 5 000 cats Advance after all my services behind a paywall welcome to wall our newest member of the crew uh what about this guy what should we call him Goku you know what join the crew Goku should we just hire all the prisoners hey this guy's 2.8 Grand all right broski some more skimmers to Lou free money oh my God what is like a skimmer nuke oh my God we just got enough building material to build the wall that was just enough right now the crabs can't get in perfect I think we should remove subscribed legs I think we need to do it Chad no offense to subscribe but he needs to get his legs removed how fast do bulls walk 25 miles an hour by are they worth it's worth it 100 all right what should we name him that's a Snuffles that is 100 Snuffles we can all agree uh that means he's uh doomed you have nine money yes but I'm I'm look look at look look what we've done we have we now have a trading Caravan and we have a wall and we now have uh we're moving all of our construction over here so everything's going great can you not rename star starving vagrant I don't know if I can I don't think I can because uh this guy is um we bought him but not like in a good way we we like he was in Chains he's just starving vagrant how long has Big Bertha got left 47 hours oh chat less than two days left all right we just hide a new guy you guys want me to call my character giggle water fine you know what I'm gonna I'm just gonna let you run for it and if you make it home all of power to you buddy and if you don't make it home then rip run giggle water run please you can make it bro giggle water you could make it it was little diddy new that giggle water could not survive the harsh environment of the desert no matter what he did no matter how fast he ran he was as good as dead [Music] oh boys it's a big day bro she's out she's out of prison dude she's out of prison okay we have a right leg which needs a left leg now I just want Big Bertha to be converted into a gigantic robotic Mech that can just rip people apart is that too much to ask where am I I'm at the ruins please oh no oh no oh my God protect Master we must protect myself error okay what sad kneel we just got him you know the rules if you're able to make it home said Neil then you get to join the crew please just have the Scout left leg oh it's that chat right Big Bertha time to go remove our legs now you just want my I just I just want my thick big legs in the water because then if we fast forward time my legs should have rode twice as fast as everything else which means when my legs fall off which they will we can instantly replace them any second wow oh my God oh my God help her someone help her oh my God she runs at 35 miles per hour look at the speed put the pants back on Ellie oh my God she looks so cool look whoa flashbang did sad Neil make it home oh my God he did sad Neil is home and he's kind of sat here all sad like and I kind of don't like him you know what I've got an idea chat I've kind of had enough of this there's two characters in this in this place that I don't like and I'm sick of pretending that I like them so we're gonna we're gonna do ourselves a little uh good fashion duel you have a highly trained robot with strong capabilities legs that could crush a human in one snap of his finger versus giggle water a useless human being that has nothing going on for him and we don't like him and we want to get rid of him who do you put your money on goes in for the swing but sad deals got the moves he's got the moves oh but one of them lands sand deal is hit in the chest it's gonna be a long fight oh my God they're doing like no damage to each other this is kind of pathetic giggle water could be losing his left arm any second now for some reason it just keeps getting hit in his left arm it's kind of sad this is so what is that he's got him in the car he literally has him in the corner it's over right okay the guys are kind of bored and like we kind of stopped production you know what everyone else just go back to work top fights greater than Street Fighter six oh chat you know what time it is that's right okay he's the wrong move look at the wall that's your punishment you have to stare at that wall for the rest of your life what is this the reavers I don't know if that's gonna work out Snuffles run like I'll happily lose all of this for this entire like look how much snowballs has on him look this is all about drugs this is everything sad Neil Mount the crossbow there you hide in your bubble of bliss where they're not just gonna destroy the okay emergency evacuation everybody we have to leave emergency oh no no this is so tragic he's gonna hold the sad Neil is gonna hold the kid you can escape that deal no no no hide guys you gotta hide he was such a perfect robot God damn it they're taking everything these best and so ruining my whole I want to sell he's got 13 Grand see this this is all sold for like nearly like a grand each that's our first lot sold off and I feel like every single vendor in here should be enough to probably do a full trade that's close enough we passed 100K we did each run mix is about 50k that's actually not that bad yeah this sounds quite a lot holy [ __ ] we're already 218 Grand can I have some tea it's oh yeah that's my water I need to go get myself some guys for defense so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna walk up to all these towns we're gonna buy everyone available and we're gonna just make them all walk here and if they don't survive they don't survive this is one gonna call this the grand Journey Through Fire and I'm gonna recruit them all at the same time and not let them move until until I say so [Music] chat would you try to fight this if you saw us in the desk in the desert to me in the desert I would genuinely be scared look at this it's a unit oh my God I'd be terrified that's what we're gonna do we're gonna name him after everyone in chat dizzy plays Sam beefheart you have now joined the Krusty crew valvery congratulations congratulations on being hired who's we we oh my God is this is this just a random slave I I bought we got we these guys are all gathered we have three people here at this gate they are really close and osafi with no food The Outpost too and they're off I wonder how many of them are actually gonna survive oh we got a new person that joined Nam Tran is alvaree is going through beak territory right now I think he might be fine though I feel like somebody's came and killed all the big things that were here now because they they're no longer spawning in oh no no our first loss of this entire event come on Sam beef come on come on no I'm trying no no oh he's playing dead he's actually fine I think we've just lost one person actually wait nope wait a Safi Safi could very much die out in the Wasteland he is not home oh my God he's in critical condition I can't help him dude you're lit bro you're literally right there are you actually kidding me trying why no Safi died is giggle water still on the cross yes you think about what you did oh [ __ ] run run Snuffles are we gonna survive this oh no Snuffles it's over no they hit him I mean Snuffles might it might be Snuffles times the time to die I'm not gonna lie chat Snuffles was great but we didn't really need them either way big things Snuffles is dead he's gone it's over you should go bulk and sell a lagoon it's 100 there but there's lots of shops what it's 400 there are you trying to tell me me and Snuffles gonna run ran to Flats Lagoon the entire time it's far away yeah but it doesn't matter because I can carry the entire I can carry oh my God I'm gonna get another Snuffles that's a bank I've noticed that the bank has no one in here I can interact with Leviathan Pearl and two grand this is worth 20 grand right um when we made it to half a mill through doing illegal stuff that I said I would never do in this game the town's currency back in the day was just is this like a sperm bank is that what the pearls are all right should we get the bond dog oh should we get the garu you know what let's get both the bone dog is gonna be called Rhett and then we're also gonna have garu Snuffles two anyways uh I might rob that bank later and still sell off those uh Leviathan pearls that could be a good way to make a bit of cash cash dollar dollar on the side all right so you said Flats Lagoon they all should buy the hashish right they should all buy it this is what I've been told you do buy a remark of holy [ __ ] this is actually wait wait this is actually a good way we should have done this this entire time at this point it's just a waiting game by the way we're just waiting for Sheet production and we're waiting for uh the next death look at all the look at all this I'm waiting till this was full and we're gonna walk all the way to Flats Lagoon and sell it for 400 cats each oh this guy's a lot of money so now we should probably get about 20K per Vendo we just have like so much legal pharmaceutical Goods so much legally produced and obtained pharmaceutical Goods that are not of the illegal kind oh we're nearly at 800 Grand I hundred grand boys we did it we're so close we're nearly there if you rob the bank now you win where was the bank I can't remember would I would I when if I rob the bank oh my God bro why like we have all oh my God oh my God we have so much 265 Ashish waiting for us we have 265. if that doesn't get us over the million Mark I don't know what will we're gonna transport this guy over here we've moved him we've allocated him to the center of town wait wait I've got an idea we're gonna cook this guy alive [Laughter] we're gonna eat them how dare you enter our society and take advantage of the the Commodities that we give you chat I think we can steal the Leviathan eggs for the finale we'll see if it works I might become a criminal law but it's worth it we're gonna here's my plan we're gonna sneak in and wait till these guys go to bed oh my God they propaganda holy [ __ ] oh my God they're like crazy guarding they've got four samurais outside right let's go over here and start sealing all this oh god oh [ __ ] please it was honest mistake please you have to help me I'm dying I don't think I can survive till 6am no please oh no I think I'm dead I think it's over boys we got so close we're like right in the we're so close Okay business is opening time open up the business open up the business help me arrest me arrest me no you can't leave me like this do you know who I am oh minus 97. really right Solid Snake it's your time to shine buddy Snuffles is starving Snuffles can die that doesn't matter to me anymore if Snuffles dies we can still grab drag our cops all the way over we're just gonna get to this one city and sell the rest of our goods and then go get big buffers so we can give her proper crucifixion because birth is dead over here we have to go get a body before we leave I can't just leave it there dead hello I would like to sell you some Goods of an illegal kind oh we're so close chat was so close 967 Grand that is mad hear the music no because uh this is not how we're gonna earn our final bit of money Chad I need to be able to build the crucify the crucifixes all right God we need to buy the crucifixes oh oh [ __ ] all right I think Snuffles got hit a few times but you could be fine he's fine he's just starving the death it's fine it's fine don't worry about him and he's like sometimes we get hungry it's pot oh my God guy nearly got rusted alive they've moved her body what they moved her body those bastards oh my God he's dying no he's dying why is everyone dying in the home stretch ah I can't tell you buddy finish the selling no you can't comprehend what I'm aiming for with the end of this run it's a cinematic Masterpiece I'm gonna put kenshi on the map what excuse me excuse me excuse me I do not think so I will unlock these shackles I will break out of this jail and I will leave this place you guys will not stop me oh I'll be slaughtered without will I watch this no I'm not gonna be your slave I didn't deserve this I was just patrolling around town and you chucked me in one of these cells okay run pick up Snuffles wait did they put a Shackles on me again they keep putting Shackles on me this is [ __ ] they put them back on me again how are they able to just put them on me like that you know this says a lot about Society like when someone's like literally dying in the middle of the street and people just like Walk On By like it's nothing snake all right unconscious recovery coma great my chest is still going down circus Solid Snake I'll I'll live on your legacy you know what yeah take him this is what you've done I hope you're happy about it take them hey see that see that dead person on the ground that's you guys that's my luck thinking one hey guys it wasn't there 1806 string of cats 18 go oh subscribe did it oh my God subscribe just randomly subscribe did what Big Bertha couldn't do we did it boys a million cats by robbing the main bank in hang we're supposed to steal Leviathan eggs but I'll take it he's got mine he's got free health he's actually gonna die if his hunger hits zero does he die yeah surely he'll be he'll be fine right he's gonna die help me please help he's dying feed him please help me Snuffles it's okay buddy I was crying no snow falls excuse me excuse me excuse me can you not stand on my dead oh my God the wait what wait wait wait wait wait why is kilograms dying can one of you guys get out here and save him we can't lose kilograms too what happened to him while he was up there no don't leave him at least first Adam and then leave wait wait I know I got a good idea what we can do we can set up the uh crucifixions we're gonna put everyone at the top of this hill chat you don't even understand it's gonna be overlooking the town why attack the target kill the crab bro there's no way we all lose to a crab oh my God we killed it right um [ __ ] everyone's dying dude all of my friends dead do you guys not understand how tragic this is these people mean so much to me and they're all dead look look the RAS Grizz do you guys remember Goku subscribe's dead oh my God they killed Cracker Jack and Staffing remember stopping vagrant we couldn't even change his name someone's leg just fell off oh my God what is happening this is like a roller coaster ride at like a theme park where they like hang you over an edge honestly if that's the way you get crucified that's kind of fun actually no no dude these at these crabs man these crabs are just the worst thing that's ever happened to me oh it's over it's over we're all dead kilogram thumbs kilograms oh my god the guy from the hill he's alive he's alive he's alive oh my God we got saved by kilograms okay [ __ ] quick quick get up here dude oh my God the hours that kilograms worked to make sure that everyone was remembered he worked hard every day tirelessly all of his friends were dead Chad if you guys had uh kilograms down as the main character Jesus Christ I wouldn't have expected that huh right there's two more spots go kilograms chat it's time to move our final Compadre it's been a long run chat a million cats in just under 26 hours it wasn't that bad we did pretty good honestly I'm pretty proud of this run but unfortunately like most good things it must come to an end and right now we're at the final cusp of this entire Challenge and unfortunately with Big Bertha gone and Solid Snake murdered really leadership kind of just went away run kilograms no no oh please please stop it man it was so close oh my God is he sizzling eat this guy's cooking all right it turns out you can't get yourself out of a a crucifix so you know what I didn't want an extra one anyways so there it is boys these men will sit and watch as you know over time people move in take over their settlement and these men at top of this hill will sit and watch as all of their life all their hard work Fades away what was once an illegal production of pharmaceutical Goods will become a normal town like everything else it's underbelly will diminish and they will become a normal civilized City and here lies the 10 surviving members of the original big bertho gang rat has died from starvation so yeah that's where the entire challenge ends suddenly we're left with a million beautiful cats but all the people that serve me dead and crucified at the top of the hill thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate as always that you guys enjoy this type of content it's kind of hard making non-fallout videos on this channel so I'm hoping this Kenji video does well if it does do well I have a few other videos planned not only for Kenji but for some other videos of a very similar kind sorry for the Gap in uploads it's been three weeks since I've last uploaded but you know I had this whole vacation and everything that I was doing so thank you guys for sticking by and as always there's more content to come real soon and thank you guys for watching see you next time
Channel: ItsJabo
Views: 487,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, gameplay, funny, itsjabo, clips, kenshi money, kenshi millionaire, kenshi glitch, kenshi money making, kenshi exploits, kenshi facts
Id: B38A9ulVgFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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