Slavery is OVERPOWERED in Kenshi

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what makes kenchi racist is it the slavery the 300 NPCs named Jag longer the gristle flaps or is it all the racism from the holy nation although honestly I'd argue that the Shea are far more racist but that's not what today's video is about so shut up today's video is about the holy nation and them getting a karmic dick slap for being Boomers and who's man enough or uh and who's they them enough to slap a Holy Paladin in the dick this guy uh thing keni offers many races to choose from but don't care about those Honky Tonk Wonder breed ass regular races nah player we're playing as Morp dinkle Morp now you may remember Morp from one of my previous videos and last but not least this thing his pronouns are and dinkle we'll have the adventures of oh I don't know Morp dinkle Morp just make him go around and kidnap people throw them all into his 50 Shades of Morp dungeon but maybe he only kidnaps like holy nation CIS white male incels that maybe we turn into a scorchlander too so it fits with the uh the world of kenhi where it's just pure racism but this would be like the a Oreo of racism cuz he's a scorchlander so you know people won't get pissed at me the adventures of dinkle Mo no no he's not a scorchlander but its pronouns are still and dinkle so that's pretty on brand now in morps Adventures today we have two primary goals goal one kidnap every single guarden rebirth and Chuck them into their own big bag of slavery go be where going to free every single prisoner well except for all the [ __ ] that are too chick and [ __ ] to flee or maybe they just have stocking syndrome and they now fetishize over their captors whatever the reason if they want to go we're going to give them that option and finally goal number five we're going to out racist the racists got to Fight Fire with woker Fire fam like the Communist liberals do so anyway let's begin The Adventures of dinkle Mor now at the time of recording this I hadn't played kenhi in a while so I basically needed Sherlock Holmes to find out what the buttons were and upon trying to quick save I reloaded into my previous playthrough and lost all 30 seconds of progress so attempt number two and in my Usain Bolt likee haste to get back into the game I forgot one crucial part naming my character I did not choose ulia but for some reason I remember to name the nerd we'll be dismissing as soon as we load in so third times the charm as they say all right well let's [ __ ] go already shall we the rebirth slave start in keni is possibly my favorite start in my professional opinion as a Pro Gamer it has the best RP ability and story behind it sure it's so easy a 5-year-old could do it but 5-year-olds don't play kenchi only adults with 5-year-old mentalities Like Yours Truly we start with worse skills than the one white guy NBA player or the entire WNBA and zero items except for the holy nation's preferred BDSM fluffy handcuffs the boys are kinky what can I say so to start out strong Mor slips into sneak mode but the guards quickly throw a tissy fit they don't like sneaky snakes we jump into a nearby cell as the guards swarm our boy then after a quick removal of his Sonic the Hedgehog hairo it was time to begin our daily routine labor I don't know how effective Morp will be at laboring however he resembles some kind of Horrid skelos monster when swinging the pickaxe I doubt he could pick his way through wet bread the guards must love watching people suffer because they can't take their eyes off our beautiful bestest boy but the jokes on them Morp likes it when they watch Being A Slave would be sad for most people thus making them cry but old morier well he doesn't cry he comes from his eyes don't ask why maybe he's so [ __ ] disfigured that his testicles are where his tear duct should be maybe when he [ __ ] he bust big fat nuts of sad water I don't know I ain't a whale biologist or nothing big fat nuts of sad water that's what The 40-Year-Old Virgin jerking off in his mom's basement whips up on the hourly also my new only Fan's name # patent pendy [ __ ] so don't even think about it now as a rebirth slave our lore reason to be here here is building a giant statue of the holy Lord Phoenix a giant Stone man who we can only assume is anatomically incorrect resembling some sort of disfigured Kendall it's a symbol of colonialism oppression I'm just waiting for a loud purple hair [ __ ] with red Rim glasses to show up and start tearing down this statue try and erect some noodle arm femo likeness covered in rainbow jelly wrinkles but those type of people don't exist in keni because they'd be dead due to lack of Starbucks and avocado toast as Morp gets on his grind what would happen to walk by but the most Angelic sight you'll see all video this [ __ ] guy the holy bananin a man who's not afraid to be different a man so blessed by the might of harambe this man is now go letter F we will wear his skin I mean uh we will take that banana Morp wants that banana it gives him penis envy it makes Morp want to transition to being a God damn man again but for now we must forget about the banana more P tasks at hand soon my beloved soon as a side note this guy is the only bananen inside rebirth for this whole video so he's extra special like the Olympics I used to compe in and I swear to you boys by the end of this video that will be morps banana mark my words for now we bite our time as the obedient slave working with our fellow Freedom lacking companions under the watchful eye of this garlic Goblin nice slur am I right we got to demean the guards like they demean us prisoners [ __ ] snow rat saltin cracker piece of [ __ ] huh oh um [ __ ] well don't know really what to do here um oh man this is uh awkward pardon me sir I'm just going to yep goddamn Mayo monkey it's not racist if it's against a honky so anyway with the Sun finally setting Morp returns to the hell that is Poland and straps on to it like a broke college student who only looks good naked with the lights off and now our training can begin breaking the shackles of his oppressors he can slip into the night sneak mode [ __ ] this is Peak kenshi gameplay Bubba it's all about the grinding and not the cool kind of grinding like when you get your wife so drunk she passes out and you rub up against her ass what she signed a contract it's not rape if you sign a contract since our stealth skill is so low Mor hides behind a machine so as to not be seen and continues his training and with night coming to an end Mor returns to his pole ready to meet the rebirth alarm clock that is a holy nation Paladin yelling slurs in his face at least they respect Mor's pronouns we get a new pair of shackles and listen to the Andrew tape book on tape dude actually has a good point huh the more you know just because we labor during the day doesn't mean we aren't training we gain XP in strength and Athletics I tried to do my daily labors in stealth mode thinking I had a big wrinkly brain 200 IQ play here but I had forgotten that the holy nation doesn't like sneaky [ __ ] resembling animals and mor gets the [ __ ] kick out of him real quick it did give us a fat boost to stealth though so you know that's pretty cool luckily the guards always heal you after they beat you jokes aside I really don't think the holy nation are bad people they're probably the best faction in keni but that doesn't fit my narrative so we'll ignore that fact and move on yeah smell that ass [ __ ] we finally reached the edge of hungry and starving I like to think of it as Ethiopian edging luckily for us they put us in a house this time a house is an excellent and safe place to easily train our stealth so again we lose our shackles and mor hides the evidence incredibly well yep that's one loose shackle right there babe so our night was spent running laps around the barrels like a cat at 3:00 a.m. upon Sunrise Mor's eye caught a precious toome so we stole it for why well no reason really I mean I could say to train thievery but I don't honestly have a reason I just felt like it the guards then wake us with the usual racial profiling and we begin our day but I think the guard took a Lykan to Mor because He follows him around lambasting the [ __ ] out of him with motivation like that how can I refuse or maybe he just like staring at Mor's massive dump truck so massive you could fit a foot in it maybe that's why he'll be bleeding insert V jangle joke here oh what vaj jankle well Google it it's awesome now I don't know if there's a game mechanic that causes you to become brainwashed when you carry the holy flame around but since Morp grabbed that book he started conforming to the man's ideals this was probably just coincidence but God damn it is it auspicious and dare I say even suspicious but for argument's sake we'll just say it's part of morps Master Plan blow the guards into a fake sense of security I'm just a dude playing a dude prot T to be another dude so anyway tonight Morp gets back on the poll and here's where we'll mix up our training regime whenever we spend a night in Poland I'll be increasing our assassination skill it will be crucial for our grand scheme to be fruition and the polls make it easy to knock people out whereas the houses make it easy to sneak so we'll be giving these poor souls the headaches of their lives along with major concussions I also thought it'd be funny to take their clothes off so I could identify who I'd given the Cosby special to so yeah there will be a bunch of naked prisoners running around from now on it's not [ __ ] up you're [ __ ] up it is funny that Morp has only knocked out shecks which seems incredibly racist but Morp can't be racist Morp is a white knight Ultra virtue signaler he has friends that are sha he only does it because he has to for the skill gain unlike the holy nation who do it for schmeckles and religious ideals Morp doesn't do it for the money hell Morp will be broke this entire video I guess Morp won't be converting to Judaism anytime soon shame he's got the nose for it too all right maybe that joke was too far we're walking a racial razor's edge here but God damn it I find stereotypes funny so if you're offended tell me about it in the comment section [ __ ] n so Mort basically has as much money as a middle- class American family which is none godamn beautiful bomic it just works which is a great segue to today's video sponsor are you living comfortably do you work one job but still manage to provide for your family do you live in an 1800 ft house and drive a nice car to work well my friend sounds like like you need biomics now with biomics your kids will be starving and not wearing shoes you want a Thanksgiving feast well say goodbye to the family dog because you'll be having Chinese food instead of turkey with biomics you'll work four jobs and barely be able to afford a studio apartment ionomics when a slave in a video game is richer than you by this time our skills are looking pretty damn good and it's only the eve of day four enslavement speedrun maybe our next few days carried on in the same fashion laboring by day and knocking out shs by night and stealing their pants of course then on the eve of day seven it was time to see if our stats were high enough to set our plans in motion we only had a low percent chance to knock these guys out but God damn it I like those odds dude can you imagine this thing sneaking up on your bed in the middle of the night [ __ ] me I'm prairie dogging just thinking about it Morp will be these [ __ ] worst nightmare by the time we're through so Morp strikes and God damn it he gets one and into slavery you go take that you bleach demon we get lucky on the second one and now have two guards down with oh so many to go holy [ __ ] boys there are actually a ton of guards there's more guards than slaves I [ __ ] you not but with these two firmly locked up Morp can train a little bit easier with them we train until we can't and then watch these two get their Just Desserts ha your credit's not so good now is it boy looks like we're filming the remake of media goes to prison but in this case media is Mania they only drink gender fluid in prison or something [ __ ] I don't know all right that was a fail of a joke I'll admit it also I love the fact that these paladins don't give a [ __ ] if they've had dinner together the night before they wake up and see Steve in a cage and just go Steve's a slave now oh well with no question it's really something it's uh it's quite funny to me anyway off to work you go [ __ ] good job Morp but no one comes to let Morp out for the day so we let ourselves out turns out during the day Mor's translucent skin lights him up like the 4th of July and the guards quickly push his [ __ ] in and Chuck him back into chains and God damn is he bendy folded like like a sandwich me ow but fortunately they throw Morp in a house upstairs so we continue our training it was rudely interrupted by a passer by but with a quick hop in a cage we were able to continue unmolested just the way Morp doesn't like it and would you look at this we're finally Naruto running [ __ ] we basically just beat the game but there's a lot more paladins to pluck so we'll continue we start the night with knocking out another guard and since there's no free cages I got to release a prisoner well the guard woke up during the breakout and mor had to bounce back in but with the freed Sheek acting as a distraction we were able to get out yet again and go for another try with the guard on the stairs dealt with I wanted to free our homie again as a thanks for the help when the previous guard who's now naked cuz Mor's into that [ __ ] ran past Morp to rebind our friend so I mean you know what we did caught another one boys into the 50 Shades of Morp dungeon you go and our newly freed friend scampers off into the Night godp speed my friend God speed but the night isn't over for Morp oh no we've got work to do Morp went from house to house knocking out the guards residing inside each time getting better at assassination whenever he failed which was often he'd slip into a cage just to try again moments later the only explanation I can see for the guards allowing this trend to continue is morps privilege qu privilege so we took full advantage of morps white privilege it's like virginity if you don't use it you lose it I mean if you jerk off enough times eventually you're basically not a virgin anymore right but like what's what's the amount of times like if I jerk off 5,000 times can I say I get mad [ __ ] I think so anyway did I ever tell you guys about all the Mad [ __ ] I get I'd say we had a very successful night look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] just out here splooging it up for everyone have you no shame sir walking around in BDSM attire good thing the holy Nations Supply exuberant amounts of Plan B into rebirth it's a satirical name really cuz nothing is being birthed here let alone for a second time all right that joke was a stretch anyway she's got that body by Ethiopia and Bubba I'm in then after a failed attempt at being ballsy during the daytime we worked alongside a holy Sentinel isn't just as sweet though it's so hot here you could say it's just water eh eh yeah okay I wanted to see what would happen if I broke out an enslaved Sentinel so here you go he tries to flee beautiful ain't it so then instead of our labors I just [ __ ] around during the daytime being caught repeatedly only to break out over and over again going to gloat at all our newly acquired trophies even the naked prisoners oh baby but then we played carple tunnel simulator until night fell I wonder what all the prisoners think just a horrid crunched over monstrosity running around in circles pretending to be a Naruto airplane probably think he's retired time for Morp to go to work finishing off the guards in this row of houses and arping as a guard for a moment by wearing their skin it was time to assault the main tower with so many guards in there I decided to clear the outside cages for a closer vestule to contain some of the guards but when I released this [ __ ] she decided to follow me which backfired greatly she wasn't near nearly as sneaky as Mor and blew our cover so she got [ __ ] up and we got moved to a house I guess we'll work on the tower later time to go full SWAT on these houses and clear them out killing every dog inside in true SWAT fashion Mor's so sneaky these guys just walk past him while he's hauling around their no bones toy with Daybreak once again upon us it's time to try and blend in with the local racist population ha must be at the DNC Dawning a guard's armor I wanted to see if we could Walt around in plain sight nothing to see here boys it didn't work probably because our slave timer hasn't yet run its course but for whatever reason they let me continue to walk around in the armor even after a rigorous line of questioning they just didn't seem to care I should mention that doing all this kidnapping kind of breaks the game a little bit but you'll see more of that later for now we'll sneak off and hide in a corner to wait for the timer but then I realized that Morp has no holy nation standard Ugg boots so I went to get some got to complete the drip then to try out the disguise again for some reason first I had to clear this cage in case things went South which I guess the slaves are buttered now because she slipped right out of old morps midies same gal as before she just can't catch a break and it's actually going to get a lot worse for her too but more on that later the tower was too good an opportunity to pass up so Morp ditched the armor to rid himself of the sneak debuff we got two of them before being discovered in broad daylight oh and check out this round eyes beautiful mustache nice I was a little bored at this point and [ __ ] around with this guard I kept removing my shackles only to have him instantly put them back on again his damn good lockpicking grinding break up quite the colle of shackles too but anyway under the cover of Darkness we were able to easily well sort of clear out the rest of the tower we almost have all of the Interior guards dealt with to Lavish in his victory of tower acquisition Morp spent the day training on the holy nation training dummies for no real reason getting his attack skill up to the dummy Max of five wow dude's just so strong [ __ ] Adonis dude our shech friend Leica continues to join us she will actually be instrumental in our future plans but for now we'll just bask in the ghost town that is rebirth no one is letting out any of the prisoners anymore excuse me and there's only a couple guards walking around God damn it I can taste victory but the hard part is yet to come my friends then Morp takes out the final two roaming interior guards and in the same single night kidnaps all the guards inside of another Tower these guards have the sleeping habits of a San Franciscan native which is all the time they're sleepy because they're junkies now I feel kind of bad for the slaves cuz no one is coming to feed them luckily keni doesn't work like that so I think our car is good for meow we try and use our she friend to bait the guards from this gate our cover is blown in the process and she gets her [ __ ] pushed in again and this takes me back dry Dusty shy oh Bubba making me moist or dry or both this hits every single one of my fetishes all inone climactic moment what I mean to say is I have an erection and uh I'll be right back ah also it's funny that the only prisoner actually works working right now is a former holy nation Sentinel I just love that so much but this guy's a [ __ ] snitch and in prison snitches get stitches but we'll get to that for now it turns out not every single interior guard was captured I guess they woke up from their heroin induced sters so let's do this boring segment streamer style activate the foot cam welcome to my tweet stream boys ooo we've taken out every Garden all the houses and Towers so now we're wrapping up the rest of the rors oh man Jelly Belly thanks for the bits of all that's left now is the gates and what I'll refer to is the Eagle's Nest so now let's assault the gate house look at my tote titty balls don't forget to sub to my only feet oo woo all right sorry about that turns out the gates are retardedly easy at least the ones where they face away from you which is four out of the five so the first gate fell faster than Joe Biden's leg hairs when the Sun hits them the next two gates fell equally as easy basically a trivial Affair for our now expert Sneaky Snake dinkle Mor a look he's rping as George Floyd you're doing a great job too you go girl you are all over that pea [ __ ] wo I believe him I'm immersed all that was left now was the Eagle's Nest the final Bastion of rebirth but it would not be so easy when Morp approached the guards quickly gave Chase it's time to get godamn creative I thought maybe if I could train strength I'd be able to maintain High stealth while carrying the guard's bodies upon looking around for a training aid I saw our old friend Leica was still alive so I decided she'd make a good training weight but you guys remember that snitch from earlier well he's a jive ass turkey pardon my French homie thought he was still a guard even though he's in Chains and working I mean I respect the man's fire but godamn it now is not the time because Morp is as strong as a male feminist I had to drop everything and run he then moved me to another cage which I broke out of and clapped him before he knew which way was up and into a cage he goes now finally there's no one else on the interior of rebirth who is not in a cage or stuck in the hellscape of of Poland I promise so back to what we were doing strength training it was so damn fun strength training I thought I'd see how a nighttime sneak would go and successfully slip past the guards after taking a look around to see how the 1% lives I found him our best boy our magnum opus the singular banana Den this caused a renewed Vigor to arise in Morp a holy fire of Wait no that's the enemy [ __ ] um well a gender neutral fire boiled Mor's blood he would save this one for last then a spark of autistic genius our friend Leica had regained Consciousness and was still set to follow our protagonist or antagonist I'm I'm not sure which one he really qualifies as but with her [ __ ] stealth skill she drew the ey of the guards this is how we will attack the Eagle's Nest by launching freedom-seeking prisoner missiles at them coincidentally Freedom seeking prisoner missiles is the nickname of every North Korean or the average Canadian they would run right into the guards thus forcing them to leave their post to toss them back in a cage and that is one we'll strike so boom one down but my dear Leica you're going to get beat up like a lot but God damn it it's for Freedom so it's [ __ ] worth it she won't be alone though I released this guy and launched him right at the gate another success this method wasn't as accurate if Leica is a smart homing missile these other prisoners would be like a Chinese made smart homing missile where they just kind of go wherever and it's luck of the draw luckily this one worked out though God damn it I of freedom I don't know about y'all but this is edging me oh so rightly about to hop off that edge and dip the tip baby come on meow and this is something I've never seen in kenchi before I launched a homie at them again and well just watch he fell off the goddamn Cliff it worked out for us but I think we need a new Armament [ __ ] is this bad that I'm viewing the she's tools it's like dehumanizing them or desizing them man this race game is so confusing oh well let's get back to a Choy sometimes the tools like to stay with you which is fine it's just more americanmade missiles [ __ ] let's take the fight to these cousins sucking trailer water trash employable honky incels then the longest Jag Walt by and the guards didn't give a [ __ ] this game is breaking at the seams boys but anyway we launch another nighttime attack with one success and one well broken ass path finding Sentinel he was just running back and forth with my weapon on his shoulder but I mean it kind of worked out because now there's only two of them so it was easy to knock them both out and haul them off that's gate four Bubba we're almost there I tried to save my Sheck but the alarm was raised and we had to retreat into a cage and Leica isn't doing so well right now she's got one hell of a chin on her though but I went around assembling more sheeks to the team which I didn't pick she on purpose it's just how this all worked out the majority of slaves were Sheek and no one else wanted to be free all right the guard who previously carried my buddy was back on post so after a missile launch the game wigged out and my homie fell off the bridge only to hobble away I mean it just works but in the confusion we are able to get a few more guards then we came across our old friend [ __ ] go already [ __ ] let's bust our boy out girl boy girl nah that's totally a dude hey it's 2023 dog it's hard to tell the difference or [ __ ] I it's 2024 now it's even harder to tell the difference all right well be free my they be be be free all right well turns out they is a [ __ ] so we're just going to [ __ ] go already then the tower it was obviously trivial these Ghostface Junkies offered zero resistance hardly worth even mentioning but one thing well worth mentioning is this toilet placement can you imagine pooping up here I mean my God the view talk about pooping and luxury Morp has a weird pooping stance but I won't judge I mean I stand up to wipe my ass so eh it's casual but before we assault banana dude's pad we work on the final gate and I made a discovery when I would close the game to take a break and then log back in guards would spawn near a caged guard and just kind of stand there racistly this happened multiple times that I noticed I mean they didn't do anything except just stand there menacingly it had no effect on our mission so I ended up just bonking them and chucking them in cages too I don't know it's extra credit I guess I don't know and with the final guard given a good booping the path was clear Morp and Co could Waltz out of rebirth free but Morp has a mission a calling he wants that banana he needs that banana so God damn it we're going in for it there can be no peace until the banana is free from the rebirth to the banana our Morp will be free or something that rhymes so we wait until Nightfall as is tradition and I mean stealth is op as [ __ ] base game keni mors at 100 stealth but still he can just walk right in front of these nerds and bop them carrying away their friends right under their luscious banana noses it is what it is but I mean op as [ __ ] dude this big dick right here and see what I mean about gamebreaking they just [ __ ] appear maybe it's shame their shells of their former selves shame that a creepy scoliosis monster could topple their grandest slave colony I don't know it is funny though so anyway it was night time once again and like giving birth it's time for the final push Deuce included so grab your ankles boys for hell grab your V ankles boys we're going in the last regular cat taken care of and we're running out of cages fast also Mor's hair grew back which is pretty fitting seen as how we're about to take out the final dude and Conquer rebirth Sonic style Bubba speedrun and there he is our prize Mor begins to salivate at the thought of holding that banana in his hands oh God it's just so [ __ ] good so we strike and down he goes I like to imagine that Morp gave his final victim the old water balloon what's the water balloon you say well I'm glad you asked it's when you pinch your foreskin and start peeing thus filling up your foreskin with piss so it swells and swells like a water balloon being filled with water but instead of a water balloon being filled with water it's your foreskin being filled with your own warm piss then you stand over that hooker you murdered and let it all out of one massive Spritz cating her mangled corpse in your own warm piss all right I may have uh gone too far there anyway and rebirth is ours in only 18 days a Monumental task that only our friend dinkle Morp could undertake with the help of his Shea team and his gender fluid wits he is success and now the main prize the banana finally Morp could grasp it firmly in his mangled midies and Dawn the armor of his once oppressors morps the banana now [ __ ] banana didn't know oh the banana sword [ __ ] sucks hardcore ass by the way it's not even kind of worth it but it is funny so at least there's that the only thing left to do now goal number whatever the [ __ ] it was free all the prisoners some ran for the hills some pissed themselves and stayed even with no overlords and some decided to join Mor on his potassium fueled Crusade I didn't try and release the paladins though [ __ ] those snow roaches it's a new dawn a new day a day of Freedom free of racism and bigotry it's godamn beautiful all at the hands of Morp and Sheek team wow stunning and brave but Victory isn't always as it seems in keni there's always another stick to cram in your cogs always someone trying to bend you over and [ __ ] you in the ass God I love this game Mor got the paladins a Christmas gift he covered his midies in wrapping paper so the paladins can unwrap these hands Morp and she team having gone through the Flaming Inferno that is Poland won't stand widely by and be pushed over though oh no they're ready to take on any challenges that face them be they involving murder or otherwise the world can try and stop Morp claiming that he's an assaulter a terrorist an escape and a kidnapper all of which are true but I mean come on it's our boy Morp but the world can't stop Morp Morp is an idea an idea that we're all brothers and sisters fighting tooth and nail against the real evil of this world yes that's right government overreach they will try try and divide us and enslave our minds with a coordinated lack of potassium but together just like Morp and the shecks we can cram our bananas down their godamn throats and babe that makes me rock [ __ ] hard so I hope you cats enjoy this video a special thanks to the members of the cheese Monger Society who I hope to one day Boop and lock in my 50 Shades of Morp dungeon I'll catch you cats on the flippity Flop and as always I Love You by
Channel: Papa Cheddar
Views: 12,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi guide, kenshi funny, kenshi playthrough, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi review, kenshi solo, kenshi 256 squad, kenshi pc, kenshi modded, kenshi mods, kenshi gameplay part 1, rts, rpg game, survival game, kenshi overpowered, kenshi 2023 gameplay, kenshi 2022, kenshi 2023, lets play kenshi, kenshi prisoner, kenshi prison escape, kenshi playthrough 2023, kenshi tutorial, tutorial, guide, tips, tricks, slave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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