Kenshi: Silly-Goobers-guide.

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hello my name is Daniel and I have an inquiry if you will have you just bought kenchi after seeing a video that the algorithm showed you on YouTube did you purchase and also soon after fire up the signature lackluster menu of keni navigate to the new game button create an exciting New World probably under the wonderer start make your character in The Abomination Factory that is the editor maybe spend 5 to 30 minutes figuring out how the hell to navigate then navigate yourself outside the safety of the town and then see combat [Music] firsthand I bet afterwards your thought process was something like oh good Heavens that was quite the tussle I just got my chus whooped by a band of unsavory fellows then got on YouTube searched how the hell do I play this this game and stumbled upon my video well let me tell you I did the same damn thing 3 years ago when I first started playing this amazing game myself and I promise by the end of this you're going to be whooping the took us no actually let's be real here you're going to be whooping ass and that's on aan himself [Music] baby [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] all right some house rules you should abide by starting out on this guide here if you're just getting into this game I would strongly recommend playing keni right out of the box meaning no mods you don't have to but the vanilla keni experience is something special I'd just say wait until your second play through at least to add any real gamechanging mods in other words don't be the clown that goes to the kenchi wiki and types some dumb [ __ ] like this like look at this under the igore page so I noticed if you take a female character this happened with Ash lady and speak to him you can sort of fort with him and bring him to your side I'm curious if anyone else has had this interaction no no one else has had this interaction because you started playing with so many mods and don't understand the base game well enough to tell what what's modded so you're making a fool of yourself on the wiki and potentially spreading misinformation among the poor souls trying to learn about the game imagine reading this going through all the effort of getting that monster in a cage only to figure out you need the recruit prisoners mod please don't be this person that's all I'm trying to say here mods are not bad they're an awesome part of the kenchi community but you know try to see the game as intended first Maybe before starting the game as a [ __ ] Space Marine that's all I'm saying all right before we start anything let's navigate to the option menu this is a game where you want to mess around with the key binds a little bit and definitely the options so let's gloss over the important ones and make sure you know what does what so you can be more informed and decide how you want kenchi to play a little bit better under General the only real important one here is fast Zone hopping if you have a good PC with some fat Ram turn that baby on if not keep it off what this does is keep areas rendered in with your characters in them even if you're not directly looking at them meaning if you're out exploring with one Squad and your base is running with another Squad that is working you can check on both of them much faster rather than waiting for the game to load each area each time when you switch between them but be aware of course this can bog down your computer with more areas loaded in now under gameplay this is is an important one so listening ears on for real this is a straightup difficulty setting and is easy to have your game Run badly or even crash if you don't understand what these really do Squad size multiplier this affects the amount of characters in a single Squad global population multiplier this affects the amount of squads roaming around so the important part here is if you put both of these to the max I promise your game will crash within like 30 minutes because of the amount of guys spawning gets pretty nuts so they're best left at default on the safe side some areas in the game also have naturally higher spawns sometimes more or less depending on your actions in the world as well so if 10 hungry Bandits spawn in one area in a squad and you set that to three you'll get 30 instead now if they spawn in groups of 30 naturally over in say Skinner's RAM and you set it to three well you'll have about 90 hungry grits per Squad out there that's a lot of hungry boys better feed them huh Town rate event size similar to Squad size multiplier this bad boy makes the attacks on your base larger same logic applies though if you have a default of 15 Black Dragon Ninjas per raid and then you turn it to four well now you have 60 to fight now good luck Town rate of events frequency this makes raids happen more often and that's it I found setting this too high sometimes results in many raids in a short period of time and then none ever again until you import the saves as a heads up and the town attacks frequency this one is a little special these are dictated by the natural passing of squads usually some form of Bandits if they are within a certain distance of your base SL town they will sometimes attempt to take it over meaning they will attack it with the goal of incapacitating all of your guys and then dumping them out like trash claiming that they are now the new owners until you take it back and dismemberment you know those arms and legs you're born with well they can get chopped off if you fight something mean enough that is but that means they can also be replaced with something better strongest characters in this game that you can make often rely on highend robotic limbs they're that good I'd highly recommend leaving this to frequent if you want more interesting gameplay in general I'll leave the graphics up to you these are what mine look like but I would just say don't turn anything to the max are to the lowest with these sliders the game really doesn't like it even with high-end cards are CPUs audio's up to you if you're deaf in Reading captions or something you will be happy to read that you do not need to suffer the loudest sound ever corpse flies buzzing at a strong 30 depl despite leaving the corpses in another part of the map already easily the most important mod to be made for this game overwhelmingly positive number one mod for kenhi [Music] HML last part is controls these are highly optional but these are some buttons I want to bring to your attention that might make things easier quick save and quickload aka the training wheels no shame in abusing this starting out it's not an easy game even if you are well informed a lot of learning is trial and error and the alternative is often losing hours of progress my personal favorite is accidentally clicking a locked door in town which defaults your character to breaking and entering nten with a Swift and generous beating from some Town guards find them far apart from one another and use them well rotate camera by far the most important button in this game and the one you will be likely using the most I put mine on my side mouse key I feel it flows well with the mouse turning itself and if you don't have a mouse with side buttons then I'm really sorry to hear that other buttons you want to observe are the character stats and toggle map you'll be looking at the map a lot in this game it's how you travel long distances assuming the pathing doesn't break halfway through that is for character stats if you like watching your skills go up in real time you'll be using it a lot like I like to do if you have the same kind of autism that likes to watch the numbers go up well we have something in common that wraps up the option awareness and now it's time to get cracking watch this new game boom Wanderer start first one there but what's that down below oh hell Advanced options yeah you thought we were done but there's options within the options they're like options but more advanced or so I'm told boom click them what's all this Barnacles well I'll tell you hunger time don't touch that one chance of death don't touch that either Global damage multiplier you best leave that alone production speed research speed building speed uh I'll put it like this if you want a slow game you leave those at one if you want a normal game you go ahead and bring them bad boys up to two number of Nest ignore that Bandit loot player leave it checked easy prospecting I don't like the word easy leaving it off now we are ready to begin almost go ahead and make your character if you have not seen the screen then you're in for a goddamn treat race and gender don't matter for this guide but make no mistake it does matter in game different genders and races get treated differently by different characters I won't spoil anything so pick whatever you want and what sounds the best the race ual stat bonuses are at the bottom left if you want to make an informed decision with that take your time I'll be making my character let's see what I can come up [Music] [Music] with [Music] now this just in police officers in Lancaster Pennsylvania were asking people to be on the lookout for a man who robbed a store and I think yeah I think we do we do have his descript can we take that let's take his description okay I made snip snop and we will be showing you how to get things rolling in this game or maybe learn something new if you're here to see the video despite being well informed yourself also this will be a true and honest guide while there are many ways to break this game wide open and more effective ways to do what I'm going to show you I respect this game immensely so I'm going to show you the best way and the most comprehensive and rewarding way to play that will do more than just show you how to get your stats high but will also show you enough to get the gears turning after you're done watching hopefully I'm not here to give you diamond armor I'm here to point you with a diamond spawn so here we are the Hub and not the one that shows up when you type P in the search bar this is where most runs begin and is where ours will as well if I go a little fast it's because I've played this game a ton it takes a while to get used to the controls because kenhi is a very unique game but I'm sure you'll get there too I'm also sure you're excited to actually learn something in game almost 13 minutes into a video guide anyway first off if you hold down the alt button it will highlight everything you can pick up off the ground it also illuminates all shop signs so you can find places of business easily when entering New Towns first place we're going to is this unassuming small shack one of three non- ruined buildings in the entire Hub it's kind of in the middle of the whole area it's got that hidden starter money we want so go ahead and head over there we are going to take and sell everything out of this house pretty much even the chest here can be locked picked without consequence also there are some lower Pages you can read if you care as well in here there are various notes and books you can find they got that kind of dark Souls L dump Strat going on kind of after pillaging this fine Abode like a crackhead hunting for copper wire we will head over to the pond shop aka the bar across the street and sell all of this stuff we just got also don't spend any of this money please it's vital for later this will give us a fine upstart on Capital are cats and no not the animal you see the monetary unit used in kenchi is known as cats it's widely believed to be named after an old ruler of the second Empire but no one who is organic really remembers the Second Empire or the ruler himself but imagine having money named after you that would be badass so that's cats it buys food hires mercenaries building supplies and most importantly lets you hire more people to expand your squad hopefully you will get over 3,000 from this if not that's just fine we can make do I only got 2,800 is on this run so if you got less or more well praise or blame it on R in Jesus after this there's not much to do in this town so we need to seek city lights and make our fortune in the more established city of you guessed it squin the only other place marked on your map as of right now first off go ahead and quick save before we run over there it's not far and am I testing out of the 10 runs I did I only almost got caught by Bandits once even then I made it to the gates and was still just fine but you never know to get over there the easiest way go ahead and open your map you should see good old squin on there so literally just click over there and watch this is how you will travel most of the time when your destination is not on [Music] screen hanging on the tomorrow that from the work to yesterday soon if everything goes smoothly for you you should be at the lovely town of squin a kind and welcoming people with a special slur for each race of people that are not them assuming they are not Allied but you are not Allied so be prepared to be called your slur of choice here and there other than that these guys are kind of the most welcoming faction in game but barely I won't get into it that would be a whole another video itself while we are here in town we want to find a bar remember you can hold the alt button to make it easier to find after you get inside we want to talk about something important today's subject slavery we need to use our money to make money or better yet our Daniels to make Daniels I've thought about it and from now on I will refer to cats as Daniels or dance for short what we are going to do next depends entirely on your Current financial situation if you currently have at least 3K Dans in the bank then you're in the green if not we're going to try and circumvent this issue by finding a unique recruit called Ruka she looks like this can't miss her she will join you for free straight up the catch is there's a chance that she might not spawn here in squint there are two bars in the town for us to check to see if we got lucky or not so we got three options here pretty much option A the ideal one you have 3K you get Ruka by choosing the right dialogue options of course I'll leave you to figure those out and you have money to spare afterwards option b you have 3K but Ruka didn't spawn here but you can still hire any of the guys who want at least 3K to join you and you might have a small amount left after option three no Ruka under 3K Daniels kind of got the short end of the stick here ain't looking too hot if this is your case and you are unable to hire anyone we have to do something kind of beneath us we have to mine some copper ourselves I'm sorry I know I know it really sucks but we have to do it don't worry soon soon we will have people to do that sort of thing for us but right now we got to do it or we won't ever get there all right so on this side of town there is a copper node outside kind of right here from the gate go tear that [ __ ] up get like four or five copies go sell that that [ __ ] get some Dan and pick your Laborer of choice but now that you have your worker we can get the Daniels flowing well almost flowing that is see we need to set something important up that will help us the whole game and more importantly you I'm not going to have you manually mine copper and iron for 2 hours for nothing actually by the end of this this will all be automated with like eight or nine workers underemployment constantly getting you that money while you focused on the finer Pursuits of kenhi so I promise this will be worth it it just takes a little time to get the ball rolling and to show for it you'll have a strong Foundation to start from also keep in mind food is needed especially for workers even more so because laborous tasks in this game drain a character's food faster and even more more so because she naturally need more food just to exist this is why when you build in their territory they want food from you and nothing else so make sure your worker has some dried meat in their inventory they will need it soon after food is taken care of it's time to head over to the tower after food is taken care of it's time to head over to the travel shop it's this Tower at the end of town the same end where the or deposits are outside the gate if the shop is closed you'll have to wait until daytime for it to open this is around 6 a.m. is afterwards you want to buy at least one basic first aid kit it's the tiny guy right here the cheapest one I like to buy a few to be safe and not have to worry about it for a while until much later on they're cheap as hell anyway and take up almost no inventory space that is unless you have a skeleton in your party the robot guys then you need to buy a skeleton repair kit they also cost a lot but they will last you a while and they work the same way as medkits do after this it's time to teach you the job system almost everything in this game can be automated to some extent through your characters even vital tasks make sure you have your workers selected then next hold down the shift key and click the big ass button that says medic afterwards you should notice that they now have a job to do and it's one that should always be on top of the list no matter what no matter what they're doing I must emphasize set this on every single character you get from now on and make sure they have medical supplies on them always next up time to get to work finally make sure you have your workers selected find that copper node but do the same thing we did with the medic thing hold shift and click now we are mining copper Forever Until It's Full that is but it's pretty badass huh but not really we can speed this up with more workers so our goal right now is to get more danss and hire more workers whoever you can find in the town for now will be okay more workers means faster Daniels while they're doing the hard work of mining ore you you can carry the ore and sell it to the shops I strongly recommend getting a backpack for this for your main character they sell backpacks in that same shop you got the first a kits from look for the Trader backpack it looks like this it's the best one you can get right now so just keep trying until you can get one it helps a ton so right now you should have a worker Mining and your main guy selling it as they mine it that's [ __ ] teamwork now the only thing you have to watch out for is Bandit attacks it might not happen today or tonight or tomorrow maybe but it will happen when you least expect it these [ __ ] will roll up and beat the [ __ ] out of your workers and possibly steal their food just keep an eye out and run to the gate guards when their character portrait turns red that'll indicate they're getting attacked after you run to the gate guards they'll beat up the bandits and take care of them for you worst case you might have to put them in a bed at a bar to heal for like a day so it's not the end of the world even if you're too late to run them to the gate with that I'm going to do a bit of a jump and let you make some money I'll be doing the same I'm going to shoot for eight workers or less for Max efficiency depending on how the bars look and to stockpile at least 15K Daniels and then we will jump there and continue on while you wait to stockpile a strong Workforce and money I recommend listening to Something in the background to break up the monotony if you get bored May suggest the Chris Chan a comprehensive history by Gino Samuel on YouTube it's more than 2 days long at this [Music] point all right I did some off camera Mining and got super lucky guys oh my God this is so freaking H please like And subscribe for more fortnite skin compilations no but for real though we're looking pretty good I've got all the or deposits around here fully stuck with workers everyone is pretty much fed and has meds on them we're a little bit above the 15K Mark for the Daniels we needed by now you should have something similar to this too assuming you've stockpiled money and have a good Workforce under your belt we can start getting out of the whole homeless situation yeah you heard me we're on our way to becoming real homeowners this is truly a fantasy game Sorry in the market for a house huh I know just the one for you bro it's a real nice pad trust me it's really classy you're going to love it no no not that one further down further down you don't want that dump what that trash Heep trust me bro this is going to blow your mind just a little farther no no not that one either keep going keep going come on come on let's get serious oh oh oh oh oh stop stop stop yeah right there there it is that's that's one what I tell you huh it even has flooring in it still and you want to know the best part listen here click on it look at the bottom left 7,200 Daniels that's a [ __ ] steal it's right next to the gate a few steps away from those or deposits the the general goods store is right next door I mean it doesn't get any better than that what do you think yeah joking aside we're going to buy this rundown decrepit pile of ruines and turn it into something special the main reason for buying this one is that it's close enough to the or deposits as to not [ __ ] up the AI pathing later on so of course now we will buy this lovely Abode click on the building and select the buy option located at the bottom left dance well spent but you will notice there is some work to do we need building materials a lot of them thankfully there are a few places to buy them from nearby most notably next door to our new home go ahead and head inside and go buy all the building materials for sale and take them to our new home and get to building you can also select all your workers to come over and help if you want to speed this up this most likely won't finish our house with what we've bought so let's get ready to travel for some more building materials nearby there's a way station with another General good shop located inside that usually sells tons of building materials and it's not that far at all it is located right here on the map [Music] can you feel your life changle you once you get there head inside and buy all the building materials you can now we run back I put you right back where you came with the building materials in hand we can now turn this fixer upper into a uh uh a fixed and upped a fixed and uppish a fixed and upping uh a house we did it boys we're living like people with human rights almost now now it's time to get learn and do very intelligence due to the apocalyptic setting public education is not necessarily a mainstream thing yet but they do sell books for you to get learned and smart from they actually sell them across the street and you guessed it once again we need to go to the travel shop for Vital resources we need some books preferably as many as you can buy as soon as you walk in the door buy all of them and now we needed somewhere to put these mysterious worded papers and siphon their secrets using a specialized machine known as the research bench the small small one to be exact to access it look deep inside it's hidden deep within you you need to open your mind you need to manifest it to the corporeal realm you need to press the B button on your keyboard this will open the building menu you see it's been with us the whole time there isn't much for us to make right now so choose the one that says Tech and choose the small research bench place it somewhere in in your new crib and use or get three more building materials Also may I bring to your attention the building commands located at the bottom right if you want to get crazy and turn it or [Music] something now we can put our books into it and whatever other stuff you can't be bothered to carry on your person also since it's full of books now we can get very very smart so the idea here is we need to research storage technology right now so we can automate this [ __ ] right now because I'm sure you're sick and tired of walking around collecting The Ore over and over again but it's about to get really really easy get ready to have your mind blown out your ass cheeks at the bench select show research go down to the industry Tab and select the or storage shake your hands at the bench until it's [Music] done now when you open up the building menu you will notice that you can create something called copper and ore storage these need iron plates to make but don't worry they sell them next door at the general Goods shop and they don't cost that much either we want to put these storages the copper and the ore one at the left side of the house this it will blow your mind later there is a reason for this placement speaking of placement it can be a pain in the ass but try to leave some room between them so your dudes don't get stuck kind of like how I have them arranged right here after these are built check your squad Tab and click right here go over to the AI section up top oh no oh no there's even more options in this game in the game yeah you thought we were done but no you see the one that says ditch items I don't know if that's checked by default but make sure it is checked now with the storage system you built your guys will straight up take the ore there for you and fill them automatically dead ass you don't even have to carry it over they will do most of the work for you you just have to sell it and make fat stacks of dance but it doesn't stop there though let's head over to the general supply store next door so as long as someone's in your house keeping the interior rendered in you can straight up sell the ore from the [ __ ] boxes you don't even need to carry it over to the store how badass is that so we have one last isssue what about food let's head back over to the research bench we can fix that you bet your ass we can fix that under core unlock the one that says item storage real quick now shake your hands at the bench and now you have something you can build called the food storage build it make sure to keep it full and now everyone will come and eat automatically without having to go through each of their inventories to make sure they don't starve to death while mining enjoy your infinite money generator you just have to check over here and sell the stuff whenever you're ready the money will be waiting for [Music] you now that we have a serious operation going on we are basically balling hard as hell right now but if you get caught lacking outside the town you're money is not going to save you from getting your ass beaten then enslaved and then hold off to a birth to mine for someone else which is not good so I'm sure you're very excited to start learning how to whoop some serious ass you see the Arts of balling and whooping ass go hand in hand not many know that you can be balling even balling hard as hell but never whoop a single inch of ass but if you're balling and get your ass whooped well hey you're still balling if you you know what I mean if not one day I hope you'll understand and spread these teachings to others the same way I have to you and our time spent together in this video what I mean is we're going to fix the major issue in your stat screen most notably your attack stat defense stat and also your toughness stat sweet Aran we got some work to do you see we won't be able to achieve anything in this game if you can't chase off Bandits at the very least let alone fight against one of the major powers in this game but before we deal with any of that you need at least one fairly competent fighter and I'm going to show you how to achieve that fairly fast and naturally without abusing the socks off this game now we are going to quickly create one strong and capable fighter from the ground up and get you used to the combat our watching combat that is rather than train a bunch of useless meat Shields slowly into slightly capable but still useless meat Shields we want at least one strong fighter to start with so first off take your favorite character so far or the one you want to be combat oriented and then take another to act as side medic for emergencies we will use two guys for this also if you want more Squad members I would just like some variety at this point that way station we went to for the building supplies nearby they have a bar with a ton of guys to hire if you want something other than check to get started we want some field supplies because we are heading out to fight so let's get our shopping done I'll show you what we need armor the difference between taking 50 damage to the head and getting put in a coma for 5 minutes and bleeding out to death and taking 20 damage and only getting knocked out for 70 seconds waking up and healing yourself so we want to make sure we can take a few hits at least and wearing armor is the best solution in town here there is a convenient shop that sells armor so let's stop there the shop looks like this for reference explaining armor mechanics is a whole another video to explain properly so here's a crash course let's see at the top here uh the quality of the armor very important standard or higher is what we're shooting for right now then there is resistance how good the protection it offers against damage then there is coverage how much of a chance the attack will actually get reduced by the armor on that specific spot 100 means it will always reduce that damage and 50 means there is half a chance your armor does anything when struck there with that I recommend buying the best quality Samurai cloth pants and Samurai armor for the protection they provide the boots helmet shirt are up to you pick whatever looks cool this setup should be light enough for us to run fast enough in and also the heavy armor penalties from the Samurai armor armor is good for us so handicapping ourselves is a good strategy so let's use this to our advantage to level up faster next up how about we go get a weapon now this might sound a bit counterproductive like before with the armor but we want the worst one we can find either in the shop next door or even from one of our workers if you kept one of their rusted junk weapons for some reason which would be useful try and get one the easiest way for us to get one is to hire another nobody at the bar just to take their weapon rusted junk is the worst grade of weapon and that's what we're aiming for why well the more we have to a hit an opponent to murder them the more experience we'll get from fights speeding up the training [Music] process are you [ __ ] serious now that the gear is sorted we need some supplies make sure your wingman has a few medkits on them they'll be standing on the side watching your ass get beat and coming to heal you if you get knocked out hardcore also we need a bed roll for faster healing uh they sell them at you know where they sell them they [ __ ] sell them at the travel shop by now you should be plated in good armor have a laughably bad weapon and also have your wingman with some medical supplies on them I think we're ready to go our first real Adventure awaits us we're heading to a nice little place called Skinner's room now this is an area that's pretty safe to fight and there's an abundance of low-level crackheads to battle before we head over there let's learn something new that'll help us with traveling you see the image of the uh guy running down here it's important select both of your characters and cycle to the one where it has the red and black ones running this will mean they will travel at the same speed when they are both given a travel order at the same time very convenient to get over over there it's right here on the map it's kind of tinted a strong orange color and it's a pretty large area overall so go ahead and click over there and now our Journey Begins we are traveling big time now here are some travel tips since it can be hella sketchy sometimes sometimes you make it no issue sometimes you look away for a second and your guys are fighting the entire world so your strongest weapon is your eyes keep them peeled this lets you choose your battles and be aware of future [Music] ones for now let's hope that we are faster than our pursuers leave them in the dust if not try and go around them or wait for them to pass there are many ways to navigate an issue after all and this holds true even in kenchi well I'll see you at Skinner's [Music] room [Music] now here we are Skinner's room you see that big ass group of hungry Bandits behind me that's the reason we're here it's a lot of XP but before we [ __ ] with them let's set up our camp so we can do this right that sleeping bag we brought needs to be placed using that building menu the same as the research bench and all that it's under the camp section find a nice place to put it I like putting mine near these weird ruined houses but it doesn't really matter where you put it you can even add a little campfire too doesn't actually cost anything look at how cozy that looks you think this game has big bugs that crawl on you when you sleep on the ground I hope not we have a place of rest now let me teach you something else useful before we begin to harass the homeless you see where it says block hold passive and all that you probably guess that those are useful and they are for our fighter we want them on taunt this draws aggro a little bit better and we want our medic guy on passive and hold so he doesn't get himself into trouble as easy just make sure to keep him far away from the fighting and he should be fine also I should mention if you have brought any food with you Now's the Time to hide it just give it to the medic for safekeeping for now once they knock you out these guys are actually starving so they will steal and eat your food in a heartbeat they're as hungry as they get out here in Skinner's room but yeah that's pretty much all we need to do I'd say it's time to get ourselves into trouble I'll show you how this works but I'll tell you right now we are not going to win this fight we are not going to win the next 10 fights we might not even knock any of them down until about 12 fights in but we can do this all day and each time we do we get close closer and closer to becoming an ass whooping machine that turns regular ass into finally whooped ass now it's time to send your man into battle and [Music] watch oh we just got [ __ ] up for real I didn't see snip snop land a single solitary hit against one of those guys but that's all right I want to show you something crazy the real reason we're out here harassing the large group of unwashed starving Bandits here with that armor on you should have only gotten lightly knocked out and not put into a coma and we can get up whenever we want to and when we want to get up is the first possible second that the game lets us while the bandits are still nearby as fast as possible but before that let's take a look at our toughness stat it went up a little bit with that scuffle not too bad but watch [Music] this aha [Music] [Applause] [Music] H that's pretty nuts right it went skyrocketing when your character gets up near any large amount of enemies after being knocked out be they weak or strong you can get some real toughness experience as long as they're close enough to you when you get up you see the toughness stat allows you to take less damage you die slower it becomes harder for you to get put into a coma it's the most important stat on any character it's going to allow us to stay in fights longer and get more experience until you eventually start winning them it is easy to overdo it and get put into a coma like I did here or Worse lose a limb well that's why we have a medic with us so let's put him in that camp bed to use it accelerates the healing so we can get back into the action faster and keep getting stronger and stronger at this point it's about grinding out those stats the toughness one which can go up by 20 levels if you're lucky enough to be able to take a lot of hits and get up over and over while they're still near you in which it only gets easier to level up after a few fights you might even see your guy start Landing hits blocking more attacks and after a few more after that you might knock out an opponent or two and and before you know it you'll be whooping some real cheeks and be ready to pick fights with more dangerous opponents like dust Bandits farther and farther down the line until you see yourself approaching the top of the food chain there's a lot more I could show you how to operate a base set it up efficiently hunt for artifacts for better buildings and research weaken faction leaders are even Ally with them tons more even but I think you're ready to go after it on your own you have a good source of income the knowledge to make strong Warriors and the whole map out there to explore I could show you how to do a lot of things easier and better than you will most likely know at your first try but this is where I feel I must leave you it may be abrupt but it is intended you still have a lot to figure out and I have just only begun to open the door for you but I believe it's your job to open it the rest of the way to learn as I did through trial and curiosity and sometimes misery to enjoy this game as it was meant to I hope this has been a good Gateway into the tidde loock Moon that is kenchi and its strange and exciting apocalyptic world I hope it is just as cruel and enticing to you as it was to [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] sh
Channel: Martyr Dumb
Views: 22,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martyr, Dumb, martyrdumb, Martyr Dumb, Kenshi, Kenshi beginners Guide, Kenshi 2, Kenshi shek mommy
Id: q64U2Ks2s3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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