Making Art With The NEW Poscas

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MELANIN_MARTINEZ 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today I'm going to be making some art with a new product that I've never used before and I'm very excited about it here they are books no it's not books these are paint markers I am currently obsessed with posca paint pens oh gosh posca's I love posca so much the only problem I have with posca's really is the limited color range this is a whole different brand of paint marker and as you can see there are a ton of colors available oh so if these work as well as poscas I will make the switch right now my loyalty goes wherever the color is I actually heard about these from Chloe her channel is Chloe Rose art and she does art she actually reached out to me because she tested them out on her Channel and noticed a bunch of people in the comments saying that I should use them how thoughtful and sweet and kind of you guys as soon as she showed me these I was like yes I'm buying them I saw the price and I said okay I'm still buying them there are a ton of markers in here if you bought this many pasta pens it wouldn't be cheap either they are called Karen markers each box has kind of a different theme I'm not overly excited about the gray box so let's get this one over with very nice box pop this open wow fancy they have this little card in here for swatching and probably won't use it but it's in there it's a nice thought in the gray box surprise we've got a lot of gray they also get quite green I would definitely not call this color gray okay that can be gray this one ah basic colors next nature colors that was a monkey for nature we'll see when all of them are combined how much of each color we have new new colors this is like a very repetitive Christmas oh lovely I know they're supposed to be for like skin tones and stuff but I see desserts next passion colors whatever that means this is what passion colors look like they look kind of random to me this is the one that I'm really looking forward to it is the pastel colors pastas definitely don't have any good pastel colors this is closer to pastel than what posca has to offer so I am excited to use these it would look much prettier if they were in Rainbow order but that's just me I have no idea what I'm gonna use these markers on I'll figure something out so let's get into doing that now welcome to my blue workspace and the markers are here that's me clapping I'm gonna go all of these out and we're left with this very beautiful very expensive packaging but unfortunately I don't really need it so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put it to the side maybe it'll find herb is over there on the side yeah next okay yeah I'm taking the markers out of the packaging which means I'm gonna be tossing all of it having all the markers separated out like this it's not gonna be conducive to my creativity and I really hate to do it look at that loving caress but throwing all these markers in one big container is just going to be way less annoying so it's a good buy my dear enjoy the rest of your life in the trash and thank you for nothing it's a box I'm over it geez I'm like a wild animal and finally here are all the markers naked and free it is now clear just how many there are here and I'm gonna go ham swatching honestly I kind of hate swatching I hate swatching as much as I hate saying the word swatching swatching swatching it's just not how I prefer to spend my time I mean look at that that's so boring but I felt like it was necessary to really lay out all of the colors and I really wanted to see the full color range oh will it ever end oh there we go it ended and ignore that little Mark it's just here to ruin my life really in with the drama now it's clear that there is in fact a pretty even balance of colors here could have used a few more Brown and tans and less gray but that's fine moving on I needed to decide what exactly to use these pens on you know how I get with decisions I tend to lose it I got so overwhelmed by the choice I ended up sitting right back down and just pulling out a piece of paper at first I was thinking I was going to customize something really cool and unique you know like a like a a a a underwear I don't know but then I thought I've never used these markers before so I just want to you know get a feel for them so I literally sketched out the first thing that came to mind I started sketching so quickly I'm not even sure my brain fully processed what I was doing what's my hand doing I don't know in my mind this was just a test run I'm just messing around here what what what am I doing I'll I'm going in with the color so I thought that these were just like pastas so I was creating somewhat of a blocky kind of cartoon style style which is what I end up doing with poscas most of the time but then while I was painting this little star I noticed that they actually do kind of blend thanks to the flexible brush tip which is actually very different from the one that's on the pasta so I started kind of you know trying that out messing around with the blending a little bit also I wanted to test out as many colors as I could so I end up making some very interesting color choices what have I done it looks like a half digested Globe yes let me attempt to explain what exactly I'm drawing here first I have to figure it out myself you know you can tell by the evolution of this mysterious earthy orb that I have no clue what I'm doing this drawing started as lollipops and popsicles very simple but then I thought you know how are they standing up on their own am I going to draw another mysteriously balanced popsicle no I decided that this is going to be a close-up of the top of a cake so then they turned into like little cake toppers I could lie and say yeah this is going perfectly and it's where working just how I wanted I'm really doing a good job but I think it's pretty obvious I was struggling a lot like a lot a lot a lot these markers definitely worked differently than I expected when I was swatching them they seemed pretty opaque but once I started using them I realized they are not trying to layer a lighter color on top of a darker color no worky the lighter the color the more transparent they are it was very difficult to get a clean color on top of another color they kind of mixed oh no even if you wait for it to dry and add another layer it does the same thing again so this was not really going according to plan not that I really even had a plan but if I did have a plan it would not be this I am still just trying to get to know this Supply and see what it does but I'm also aware that I've spent enough time on this where I need to try to get this drawing where it looks decent I just want to make it look decent and then call it done and then I can can move on to the real artwork quick break because this video is sponsored by Honey hey hey you did you say you usually love shopping online but hate spending time searching the internet for the best promo code so that you can get the best deal well honey honey that's it that's your solution honey is a free online shopping tool that takes away the stressful part of online shopping really the only stressful part of online shopping because who doesn't love it I love it probably too much honey will automatically apply the best promo codes at checkout which has saved me a lot when I'm shopping for all my supplies online paint paint gesso get honey so that you don't have to waste any more time looking for promo codes and instead you can spend your precious time thinking about what you're going to paint on next because that's what everyone spends their time thinking about right if you already have honey on your computer you can add it to your iPhone as well so that you can use honey on the go saving money wherever you are add honey to your computer and your iPhone today it's free go to Mariah and thank you to honey for sponsoring this video now the reason I love using paint pens is they're just easy to use you can get clean details crisp lines easy layering but I actually found these pens difficult to use they didn't feel like posca's at all really in fact they felt a lot more like watercolor but dry I don't I don't get it I don't know but I just wanted to go with it so I just kind of stopped comparing them to posca's at all and just try to use them as they are I want to love you for you and not because you're similar to posca because honestly sweetie I don't think you really compare things are getting quite weird in this drawing I'm not using any sort of reference obviously what am I doing my colors have all gone completely whack obviously I kind of hate it but I'm continuing to sink more and more time into it which is making me think that I really need to salvage this this is going to be a big part of the video now I'm gonna really have to hustle when I get to the real artwork maybe it's because they're just floating here with no background I'm gonna add a nice little set it'll be good for them so I started working on creating the top of the cake I'm attempting to draw frosting here with a very dried out gray marker that doesn't really work it looks more like snow so it's looking very much like a winter scene from a Candy Land on planet naphalophagus tell me you know all about planet nophilof what did I say novelophagus yeah you know it's that planet where giant chaotic orbs of candy rainbows and stars grow out of the ground some of them wearing bow ties some of them dripping also it snows I'm still under the impression that I'm making a cake this is cake so I went ahead and put sprinkles on the cake that's what I thought I was doing in reality I was adding space rocks on nuffaluffagus I guess I'll do the sprinkle song though still maybe some sort of alien remix [Music] yeah that was weird Okay so this does not look how I was envisioning in any way at all but some strange part of me the really strange part of me actually liked this I'm almost embarrassed to say but I think I really just need to take it to the next level go crazy I'm several hours in at this point and it's becoming clear that I've chosen this the real artwork that I've been waiting to do doesn't exist this is the real artwork are you disappointed me too I might as well make it good because it's clear that this is all I'm gonna have time for so I'm gonna try to do something cool for the background and just hope and pray that this all ends up okay and we can get out of this nightmare eventually and this is just a very quick reminder about my character yearbook I introduced this and explained all about it in my art room tour part two for those of you who already know all about this I just want to remind you that the 28th of March is the last day to order it which is only a couple days from now so just just wanted to remind you this is where we becomes very clear that these markers are not great for large areas I don't know if I got a bad batch or something but a lot of them were very dry to the point where I could not even really get the color to flow I mean I shook them up I gave them a rest to see if that helps I did all of it they were just barely working just enough for me to lay down a very patchy color it was mainly the lighter colors it was very similar to working with like a five-year-old Crayola marker that you dug out of the bottom of your junk drawer which is somewhat disappointing considering these markers are three hundred dollars I feel like it's either that I got a bad batch or it's just me maybe I have toxic fingers obviously Chloe was doing just fine with these she didn't seem to be having any problem look at that juicy pen really but of course I'm here just struggling my eyes out why am I having problems I'm out here making art that literally makes no sense creating this background was a lot of layering and blending because I was combining like five different pens that had no ink in them and then the top was like very dark colors that were really hard to blend together so I spent several hours just on this oh that's so embarrassing you know I should probably start playing it cool and not telling you that these things take so long you know just be like no I barely even took any time at all just whipped it up real quick I wasn't even trying definitely was not like sweating bullets trying to make something good I just pooped this out basically but no that's not the truth this is what my effort looks like you know what this was my first time using these I'm gonna chalk it up to inexperience I am going to continue to try to use them and see if I can get better and maybe I just need to get used to them clearly I'm going for some sort of galaxy look here since we have the stars and weird planity things it all looks very alien anyway so why not I will say I really did like the Precision of the brush tip because sometimes the chunkiness of the pasta tip you know it just doesn't give you that delicate touch that you want once I finish with the background I was left with a giant mess just everywhere so I went through and tried to refine everything a little bit more even though I'm completely lost and I have no clue what I'm drawing at this point I kind of just want to make it look like I do know what I'm drawing and somehow after hours of fumbling my way through this art I have made something kind of cool right no I don't know maybe I've been staring at this for too long finally I went back and added a bunch of stars to the Galaxy which is the best part of making the Galaxy in my opinion I did use the white Karen markers for this which actually did surprisingly well definitely still didn't turn out a super strong white but I was fine with that I did bring out my pasta for the extra bright highlights where I really want the white to pop now I'm acting like this is just the strangest drawing ever because I really feel that it is but I showed Jordan a picture of it while I was editing and I asked him what is this he said without hesitation it's Candyland and I'm like okay that's simple huh you just see it you know exactly what that is he didn't seem the least bit confused about it finally I did sign the thing shocking that I was willing to put my name on this this is the finished artwork to me this does look very confusing sincerely I feel dumb for admitting it but I actually kind of like this it's very different but it's kind of cool I'm not sure how you're gonna feel about it I'm sorry if you hate it but unfortunately my time was up for this video I spent way too much time on this also I do have some very large projects coming up soon and I really need to be careful with my time for the next couple of weeks in order to save enough extra time for those big projects you'll see what I mean soon enough because it's going to be literally large until then thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next week bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 3,022,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9oSCNT7oB2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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